Le Data center de la BNH obtient la certification « TIER III Design » - algerie-eco.com2025-02-28 Le Data center de la Banque nationale de l’Habitat (BNH) vient d’obtenir la certification « TIER III Design », délivrée par Uptime Institute, dont les normes sont mondialement reconnues pour la disponibilité et la performance globale des Data centers. Read full information on external site
El centro de datos del Banco Nacional de Vivienda obtiene la certificación "TIER III Design" - aps.dz2025-02-28 ARGEL- El centro de datos de la Banco Nacional de la Vivienda (BNH) ha obtenido la certificación "TIER III Design", otorgada por el Uptime Institute, cuyas normas son reconocidas mundialmente por la disponibilidad y el rendimiento global de los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Secretario del CNI, ministro de inversiones realiza visita a Data Center Tier III de Tigo Business - latribuna2025-02-27 Este día, el ministro de inversiones y secretario ejecutivo del Consejo Nacional de Inversiones (CNI), Miguel Medina, realizó una importante visita de campo al único Data Center comercializable tipo Tier III en Honduras, Evolution de Tigo Business. Read full information on external site
Dhiraagu launches Hulhumalé data center in the Maldives - datacenterdynamics.com2025-02-27 Nation's first Tier IV certified data center Read full information on external site
Secretario del CNI, ministro de inversiones realiza visita a Data Center Tier III de Tigo Business - contextohn.com2025-02-27 El centro de datos es parte de la red de 10 centros de Millicom en América Latina, interconectados por fibra óptica. Read full information on external site
Dhiraagu opens Maldives first tier-4 data centre - edition2025-02-26 Tier 4 certification is the highest standard for data center reliability, awarded by the Uptime Institute, which recognizes the world’s most reliable and high-quality data centers. Read full information on external site
New data centre planned by Turksat - developingtelecoms.com2025-02-26 A large-scale data centre is being planned by Turkey's satellite operator Turksat. It will be constructed in the Gölbaşı district, 20 kilometres south of the capital Ankara, according to Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloğlu. Read full information on external site
2024: O ano em que o DCIM (UIIM) abraçou a IA e a sustentabilidade - datacenterdynamics.com/br2025-02-26 Revisitando as previsões de Jeff Safovich para o gerenciamento de infraestrutura de data center em 2024 e como elas se materializaram. Read full information on external site
LCL powers up three wind turbines to support carbon neutrality goals - datacenterdynamics.com2025-02-26 Will have a combined capacity of 6.9MW. Read full information on external site
Red Flags In Your Vendor’s Business Continuity Plan - jdsupra.com2025-02-25 Ensure your vendors are crisis-ready by recognizing these key indicators of weak continuity planning. Read full information on external site
O papel crítico da gestão da infraestrutura de data centers na manutenção da segurança de rede - docmanagement.com2025-02-25 Por Luis Cuevas, diretor de Secure Power e Negócios de Data Centers da Schneider Electric no Brasil. Read full information on external site
3 strategies for carbon-free data centers - networkworld.com2025-02-25 Procuring power for a carbon-free or low-carbon data center is a complex endeavor. Read full information on external site
New giant data center planned for Türkiye's satellite provider Türksat - dailysabah.com2025-02-24 Large-scale data center is in the pipeline of Türkiye's satellite operator Türksat and is set to be established in Ankara's Gölbaşı district, a top official said on Monday, noting it is expected to go live in the first half of 2027. Read full information on external site
El gasto en centros de datos superará el billón de dólares en 2029 - computerworld.es2025-02-24 La IA es la impulsora de una transformación sin precedentes en los centros de datos. Tanto es así, que se prevé que el gasto global en capital de los centros de datos se duplique con creces, pasando de 430.000 millones de dólares en 2024 a 1,1 billones de dólares en 2029. Read full information on external site
Centre milestone - gdnonline.com2025-02-24 The Interior Ministry’s Data and Integrated Solutions Centre of the Information Technology and Electronic Systems Directorate, under the assistant under-secretary for planning and organisation Shaikha Mashael bint Khalifa Al Khalifa, has obtained the Tier III certification from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
The First Word: Data centre investments reveal talent gap - chiefofstaff.asia2025-02-24 Jason Low, Director of Sales for APAC at Iceotope Technologies, highlights the tech talent gap in the data centre industry that demands innovative solutions to sustain its digital transformation and growth potential. Read full information on external site
Bahrain’s first government data centre receives Tier III accreditation from Uptime Institute - bna2025-02-23 The Data and Integrated Solutions Centre at the Information Technology and Electronic Systems Directorate, under the Assistant Undersecretary for Planning and Organisation office, has received Tier III accreditation from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Bahrain’s First Government Data Centre Achieves Tier III Accreditation from Uptime Institute - bahrainnewsgazette.com2025-02-23 The Data and Integrated Solutions Centre at the Information Technology and Electronic Systems Directorate, operating under the Assistant Undersecretary for Planning and Organisation office, has achieved Tier III accreditation from Uptime Institute. This marks the centre as the first government data facility in the Kingdom of Bahrain to receive this certification. Read full information on external site
El gasto en centros de datos superará el billón de dólares en 2029 impulsado por la IA - laecuaciondigital.com2025-02-21 El gasto en centros de datos alcanzará 1,1 billones de dólares en 2029, impulsado por la IA y la infraestructura avanzada. Read full information on external site
Les budgets pour les infrastructures explosent avec l'IA - distributique.com2025-02-21 À l'origine d'une transformation sans précédent des centres de données, les dépenses d'investissement dans l'IA devraient plus que doubler, passant de 430 milliards de dollars en 2024 à 1,1 billion (mille milliards) de dollars d'ici à 2029. Read full information on external site
Cloud spending projected to grow 19% this year on back of strong 2024 - itpro.com2025-02-21 Global cloud spending is rising again – and AI is a key factor in this latest surge. Read full information on external site
Rechenzentren - Kostenfalle oder Effizienzmotor? - computerworld2025-02-21 Unternehmen investieren Milliarden in ihre IT-Infrastruktur, doch die Frage nach den tatsächlichen Kosten und dem wirtschaftlichen Nutzen bleibt oft unbeantwortet. Read full information on external site
Euro cloud biz trials 'server blades in a cold box' system - theregister.com2025-02-20 Hot air or a 50% energy saving? Exoscale datacenter runs proof-of-concept to test veracity of Digger's claims. Read full information on external site
In Focus: Data Center Cooling Solutions - achrnews.com2025-02-20 Over the last ten years, the data center industry has seen huge growth, powered by exponential growth in demand for cloud-based services and the increasing use of web-enabled devices. Read full information on external site
Yotta Empaneled in India AI Mission to Accelerate AI Adoption with Advanced GPU & AI Cloud Services - cioaxis.com2025-02-20 Yotta Data Services has been officially empaneled under the India AI Mission, a Government of India initiative aimed at establishing the country as a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI). Read full information on external site
Computação Edge e data centers na era da IA - datacenterdynamics.com2025-02-19 Hype em torno da inteligência artificial (IA) não tem fim à vista. Read full information on external site
AT&T’s Connectivity Guarantee - truthinadvertising.org2025-02-18 Is it still a guarantee if it has strings attached? Read full information on external site
Yotta Empaneled in India AI Mission to Accelerate AI Adoption with Advanced GPU & AI Cloud Services - themasthead2025-02-18 Yotta Data Services has been officially empaneled under the India AI Mission, a Government of India initiative aimed at establishing the country as a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI). Read full information on external site
Evento em Brasília destaca evolução dos data centers e apresenta estatísticas e impactos de interrupções - patisegnoticias.com2025-02-18 CommScope, Uptime e Fox Engenharia abordam as mudanças no setor e apresentam pesquisas que mostram que o número de incidentes triplicou nos últimos anos. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Announces Education Collaboration with Custommedia Academy as Exclusive Partner in Malaysia - newscorebulacan2025-02-18 As Malaysia rises as a premier data center hub, Custommedia Academy has been appointed the exclusive local partner for Uptime Institute’s globally recognized Uptime Education training programs. Read full information on external site
Yotta Empaneled in India AI Mission to Drive AI Innovation with Advanced GPUs - digitalterminal2025-02-18 Yotta Data Services has been officially empaneled under the India AI Mission, a Government of India initiative aimed at establishing the country as a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI). Read full information on external site
Yotta joins India AI mission to boost AI adoption - cio.economictimes2025-02-18 Yotta Data Services has been officially empaneled under the India AI Mission, a Government of India initiative aimed at establishing the country as a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI). Read full information on external site
[COLUMNIST] Malaysia’s emerging data centre boom: Seizing opportunities and powering a sustainable future - astroawani.com2025-02-16 Data centre expansion must be integrated into a broader strategy that views tech infrastructure as a lever for sustainable growth. Read full information on external site
Hoe geloofwaardig is de vraag naar datacentercapaciteit in Londen? - datacenterworks2025-02-13 Berichten in de Britse pers gaan over een ongekend grote vraag naar nieuwe datacentercapaciteit in Londen en over de wachtrijen die er zijn. Read full information on external site
Intelligenza artificiale e sostenibilità: ridurre i consumi - drinnovabilierisparmio2025-02-12 Cullen Bash, vicepresidente di ricerca e sviluppo, Hewlett Packard Labs esamina le problematiche relative all’intelligenza artificiale e alla sostenibilità. Read full information on external site
AI e sostenibilità: nuove strategie per ridurre il consumo energetico nell’era digitale - energia-plus2025-02-12 L'appetito per l'AI generativa (GenAI) ha generato un'impennata nella domanda di sistemi di elaborazione sempre più potenti. Read full information on external site
IA generativa y sostenibilidad: nuevos desafíos para el consumo de energía - eimpactotic.co2025-02-11 La IA Generativa está creciendo en tamaño y complejidad, lo que lleva a un aumento en el consumo de energía. Read full information on external site
Liquid Cooling in the Data Center Is a Good Thing - datacenterfrontier.com2025-02-11 Much has changed in the liquid cooling since the last Data Center Frontier Special Report was published. Learn why liquid immersion cooling may save the data center. Read full information on external site
BCP & IT/DR: Why Your Business Continuity Strategy Needs Both - jdsupra.com2025-02-10 Balancing Business Continuity and IT Disaster Recovery is crucial for robust organizational resilience. So, how does your organization integrate both strategies for maximum impact? Read full information on external site
South Africa’s data centres have adapted well to the ‘Energy Crisis’ – Cummins - cbn.com2025-02-10 SOUTH Africa’s data centres’ extensive backup power redundancy has meant they were not significantly impacted by load shedding, according to Cummins, a global provider of backup power solutions for the data centre industry. Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du ministère de l'Économie et des Finances certifié "Tier III Facility" - menara.ma2025-02-07 Le ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (MEF) a annoncé, vendredi, son obtention de la prestigieuse certification "Tier III Facility" pour son DataCenter principal hébergeant l'essentiel des systèmes d'information. Read full information on external site
Certification «Tier III Facility» pour le Datacenter du ministère des Finances - maghress.com2025-02-07 Le ministère de l'Economie et des Finances a annoncé l'obtention de la prestigieuse certification « Tier III Facility » pour son Datacenter principal. Une distinction délivrée par l'Uptime Institute qui atteste de la fiabilité et de la résilience de ses infrastructures numériques. Read full information on external site
Ministère de l'économie et des finances: Datacenter certifié "Tier III Facility" - laquotidienne2025-02-07 Le ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (MEF) a annoncé, vendredi, son obtention de la prestigieuse certification "Tier III Facility" pour son DataCenter principal hébergeant l'essentiel des systèmes d'information. Read full information on external site
Certification «Tier III Facility» pour le Datacenter du ministère des Finances - lavieeco.com2025-02-07 Le ministère de l’Économie et des Finances a annoncé l’obtention de la prestigieuse certification « Tier III Facility » pour son Datacenter principal. Une distinction délivrée par l’Uptime Institute qui atteste de la fiabilité et de la résilience de ses infrastructures numériques. Read full information on external site
The path to reliable data centre networks - intelligentdatacentres.com2025-02-07 Roland Mestric, Head of Marketing for IP Network Automation, Nokia, tells us how achieving reliable data centre networks demands a new approach to building and managing networks. Read full information on external site
AI generativa e sostenibilità: nuove sfide per il consumo energetico - esg360.it2025-02-07 L’Intelligenza Artificiale generativa cresce in dimensioni e complessità, portando a un aumento del consumo energetico. Strategie innovative e sostenibili sono ora necessarie per gestire l’impatto ambientale. Read full information on external site
Planning A New Data Center? Don’t Neglect Perimeter Protection - bisnow.com2025-02-07 Processing density, energy usage and power reliability are frequently cited as top concerns for data centers operators, but they are taking a costly risk if perimeter security is not also among their priorities. Read full information on external site
Réduire de 30% la consommation énergétique du datacenter en 30 lignes de code - dcmag.fr2025-02-06 L’Université de Waterloo, au Canada, a démontré qu’il suffit de modifier 30 lignes de code dans la pile réseau du noyau Linux pour réduire jusqu’à 30% la consommation énergétique du data center. La balle est dans le camp de la DSI ! Read full information on external site
Why Liquid Cooling is Essential to the Future of Data Centers - datacenterknowledge.com2025-02-06 As AI drives soaring data center power demands, liquid cooling is emerging as the key to efficiency, reliability, and scalability, writes Rob Campbell. Read full information on external site
New Data Center Developments: February 2025s - datacenterknowledge.com2025-02-06 We look at some of the latest data center developments announced over the past month. Read full information on external site
AI e Sostenibilità: nuove strategie per ridurre il consumo energetico nell’era digitale - comunicati-stampa.net2025-02-06 L’appetito per l’AI generativa (GenAI) ha generato un’impennata nella domanda di sistemi di elaborazione sempre più potenti. Di conseguenza, il consumo energetico ed i relativi costi sono aumentati e continueranno a crescere. Read full information on external site
AI e Sostenibilità: nuove strategie per ridurre il consumo energetico nell’era digitale - 01net2025-02-06 L’appetito per l’AI generativa (GenAI) ha generato un’impennata nella domanda di sistemi di elaborazione sempre più potenti. Di conseguenza, il consumo energetico ed i relativi costi sono aumentati e continueranno a crescere. Read full information on external site
AI e Sostenibilità: nuove strategie per ridurre il consumo energetico nell’era digitale - informazione.it2025-02-05 L’appetito per l’AI generativa (GenAI) ha generato un’impennata nella domanda di sistemi di elaborazione sempre più potenti. Di conseguenza, il consumo energetico ed i relativi costi sono aumentati e continueranno a crescere. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group achieves Uptime Institute Tier III Certification for data centre in DRC - digitalisationworld.com2025-02-05 Raxio Group's 1.5MW data centre in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has successfully achieved the Tier Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Molnet i all ära – företagens datacenter lever vidare - computersweden2025-02-05 Trots förutsägelser om dess bortgång lever företagets datacenter i allra högsta grad, eftersom strategiska användningsområden finns kvar och datacentertekniken moderniseras. Read full information on external site
Quantum datacentre deployments: How they are supporting evolving compute projects | Computer Weekly - worldofsoftware.org2025-02-04 Put lots of qubits together and you have quantum computing, requiring datacentres that can support it. Read full information on external site
Simple Code Changes Could Cut Data Centre Energy Use by 30%, Study Finds - energyupdate.com2025-02-04 Researchers at the University of Waterloo, Canada, have discovered that data centres could slash energy consumption by up to 30% with a minor tweak—rewriting just 30 lines of code in the Linux kernel’s network stack. Read full information on external site
Quantum datacentre deployments: How they are supporting evolving compute projects - cybernoz.com2025-02-04 Put lots of qubits together and you have quantum computing, requiring datacentres that can support it. Read full information on external site
Quantum datacentre deployments: How they are supporting evolving compute projects - computerweekly.com2025-02-04 Put lots of qubits together and you have quantum computing, requiring datacentres that can support it. Read full information on external site
Data Centres Can Cut Energy Use By Up To 30% With Just About 30 Lines of Code, Research Shows - techrepublic.com2025-02-03 New research has found that data centres can reduce their energy usage by up to 30% simply by altering around 30 lines of code in the Linux kernel’s network stack. Read full information on external site
Leadership conference on data centre landscape 2025: Pioneering the future of data infrastructure - expresscomputer2025-02-03 The Leadership Conference on Data Centre Landscape 2025, held in collaboration with Labotek Technologies, Vertiv, and Uptime Institute, successfully brought together industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to discuss the evolving landscape of data centre infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Tigo atualiza datacenter Titanium em Bogotá - bnamericas.com2025-02-03 A empresa de telecomunicações colombiana Tigo modernizou as instalações e a estrutura operacional de um dos seus principais datacenters no país, o Titanium, localizado na região metropolitana de Bogotá. Read full information on external site
AI, Data Centers, and the Looming E-Waste Crisis - archyde.com2025-02-03 The Double-Edged Sword: AI’s Impact on Data Centers. Read full information on external site
January 2025
Screwed by the cloud: Hardware vendors looking for that raison d'refresh - theregister.com2025-01-02 40% of world's servers are 6 years +, drink 66% of DC energy, provide 7% of compute. Please refresh, says HPE Read full information on external site
Screwed by the cloud: Hardware vendors looking for that raison d'refresh - msn.com2025-01-02 40% of world's servers are 6 years +, drink 66% of DC energy, provide 7% of compute. Please refresh, says HPE Read full information on external site
Channel Brief: WWT to Acquire Softchoice for $1.25 Billion - channele2e.com2025-01-02 WWT and Softchoice end 2024 with a huge deal, new details of the Chrome extension compromise and more. Read full information on external site
Looming energy crunch makes future uncertain for datacenters - theregister.com2025-01-06 But investors still betting big on bit barns thanks to AI and cloud demand Read full information on external site
Looming energy crunch makes future uncertain for datacenters - msn.com2025-01-06 But investors still betting big on bit barns thanks to AI and cloud demand Read full information on external site
Edge computing and data centers in the age of AI - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-06 The hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) has no end in sight Read full information on external site
Edge Computing y centros de datos en la era de la IA - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-09 El entusiasmo en torno a la inteligencia artificial (IA) no parece tener fin Read full information on external site
Primeros pasos en la industria - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-10 Impresiones de tres jóvenes que comienzan en la industria de los centros de datos Read full information on external site
50 años de Transformación Digital de México - milenio.com2025-01-10 Estuvo a punto de cerrar sus puertas debido a los malos manejos Read full information on external site
Edge Computing y centros de datos en la era de la IA - channelnewsperu.com2025-01-10 A medida que los grandes modelos de lenguaje (LLM) como ChatGPT y el aprendizaje automático (ML) generan un revuelo aparentemente interminable en los medios y la industria en torno a la promesa de la IA generativa, el crecimiento de estas tecnologías trae consigo una enorme cantidad de desafíos para el sector de los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Hoe Digital Realty duurzaamheid op schaal realiseert - techzine.nl/2025-01-12 Digital Realty laat zien dat datacenters juist duurzaamheid kunnen aandrijven, en niet zomaar de slurpers van stroom zijn. Read full information on external site
Designing Resilient Systems: Leveraging Global Failure Insights to Prevent Downtime - cioinfluence.com2025-01-13 Building resilient systems is to learn from global failure insights. These insights are derived from analyzing failures across industries, regions, and technologies. Read full information on external site
Visibility and Maximizing the Efficiency of Data Center Power Consumption - cdotrends.com2025-01-14 The case for flexible power management grows stronger as data center-related emissions grow fast. Read full information on external site
La trasformazione dei data center, tra AI e sostenibilità - techfromthenet.it2025-01-14 L’impiego sempre più diffuso dell’intelligenza artificiale spinge la crescita dei data center, sia come numero e dimensioni sia come consumo di energia. Read full information on external site
Understanding AI deployment methods and locations - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-14 Enterprises have various options on how and where to deploy their AI training and inference workloads Read full information on external site
Nearly Half of Businesses Weaken Sustainability Goals Due to Generative AI Demands, Capgemini Report Reveals - techrepublic.com2025-01-14 Google has stated that its goal to reach net-zero emissions across all its operations and value chain by 2030 is now “extremely ambitious” thanks to its data centre usage. Read full information on external site
Cloud Gets Lean: FinOps Makes Every Dollar Work Harder - deloitte.wsj.com2025-01-15 As cloud spending grows, FinOps strategies can help enterprises save money, boost value, and build cross-functional cohesion Read full information on external site
AI datacenters putting zero emissions promises out of reach - theregister.com2025-01-16 Plus: Bit barns' demand for water, land, and power could breed 'growing opposition' from residents Read full information on external site
Cad&Lan presenta 6 desafíos tecnológicos para data centers en 2025 - revistaclevel.com2025-01-16 Los nuevos modelos operativos y los objetivos de sostenibilidad exigen infraestructuras más robustas y eficientes, capaces de adaptarse a las crecientes demandas del mercado. Read full information on external site
How liquid cooling impacts uptime thinking - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-16 A dive into the murky waters of resilience and redundancy of liquid cooling Read full information on external site
The Digital-Age of Data Center Has An ‘Edgy’ Future - timestech.in2025-01-17 The future of data centers, servers, and the data world is bright with innovation, but challenges remain. Read full information on external site
KKR and Dubai’s Gulf Data Hub to invest more than $5bn to grow region’s data centre capacity - thenationalnews.com2025-01-17 US private equity firm will also acquire stake in GDH Read full information on external site
Los desafíos tecnológicos que marcarán la evolución de los data centers en 2025 - revistacloud.com2025-01-17 En los últimos años, los data centers están experimentando una gran evolución, provocada en gran medida, por la llegad de nuevas tecnologías como es la computación de alto rendimiento o la inteligencia artificial. Read full information on external site
AI Datacenters Risking Sustainability - datacenterplanet.com2025-01-17 The increasing adoption of AI technologies is setting up the data center industry for a rocky 2025, with growth anticipated to surpass sustainability goals and potentially ignite public unrest against new developments. Read full information on external site
Redundancia de energía en centros de datos: qué es y cómo calcular las necesidades energéticas - revistacloud.com2025-01-20 Los centros de datos son la columna vertebral del mundo digital. Cualquier fallo en su suministro eléctrico puede resultar en pérdidas económicas significativas, interrupciones críticas y daños a la reputación. Read full information on external site
Optimización de la Redundancia Energética en Centros de Datos: Guía para Calcular y Satisfacer las Demandas Energéticas - noticias.madrid2025-01-20 Los centros de datos se erigen como el núcleo del mundo digital contemporáneo, donde cualquier interrupción eléctrica puede desencadenar pérdidas económicas, fallas críticas y un daño irreversible a la reputación de las empresas. Read full information on external site
Sustainability, grid demands, AI workloads will challenge data center growth in 2025 - networkworld.com2025-01-21 Uptime Institute predicts the data center industry in 2025 will face pressure over resource consumption, grid integration challenges, and AI infrastructure requirements. Read full information on external site
Desafíos tecnológicos que marcarán la evolución de los data centers en 2025 - ituser.es2025-01-21 La industria de los data centers está experimentando una evolucionando vertiginosa impulsada por la irrupción de la computación de alto rendimiento y la inteligencia artificial. Read full information on external site
Cinco tendencias que transformarán los centros de datos en 2025 - datacentermarket.es2025-01-21 La transformación impulsada por la inteligencia artificial traerá oportunidades y retos, incluyendo sostenibilidad, electrificación, diversificación de hardware y el predominio de la nube en modelos de entrenamiento Read full information on external site
Data centers de IA comprometem promessas de emissões zero - itforum.com.br2025-01-21 Demanda por água, terra e energia pode gerar oposição aos data centers Read full information on external site
Sustainability, grid demands, AI workloads will challenge data center growth in 2025 - unifiedguru.com2025-01-21 Uptime believes that most AI models will be trained in the cloud rather than on dedicated enterprise infrastructure, as cloud services provide a more cost-effective way to fine-tune foundation models for specific use cases. Read full information on external site
De toekomst van datacenters volgens Uptime in 5 voorspellingen - datacenterworks.nl/2025-01-22 Datacenter managers en professionals staan voor stevige uitdagingen die zowel technologisch als operationeel van aard zijn, stelt Uptime Institute in ‘Five Data Center Predictions for 2025’. Read full information on external site
Real datacenter emissions are a dirty secret - theregister.com2025-01-22 Amazon doesn't break out figures, but then again neither do Microsoft nor Google Read full information on external site
Analysts say real datacenter emissions are a dirty secret - coingenius.news2025-01-22 As more businesses shift an ever greater number of workloads to the cloud, hyperscalers aren’t doing enough to help CIOs or tech buyers, who are already under legislative pressure, to be more transparent about their own corporation’s carbon footprint regarding compute services. Read full information on external site
Real datacenter emissions are a dirty secret - msn.com2025-01-22 Amazon doesn't break out figures, but then again neither do Microsoft nor Google Read full information on external site
2024: El año en que DCIM (UIIM) adoptó la IA y la sostenibilidad - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-23 Revisitando las predicciones de Jeff Safovich para la gestión de la infraestructura del centro de datos en 2024 y cómo se han materializado Read full information on external site
Durabilité et IA façonnent l’évolution des centres de données - itsocial.fr2025-01-23 L’industrie des centres de données est confrontée à des choix complexes : elle doit s’adapter à des contraintes technologiques, énergétiques et environnementales croissantes tout en répondant aux exigences computationnelles de l’IA. Read full information on external site
2024: El año en que DCIM (UIIM) adoptó la IA y la sostenibilidad - channelnewsperu.com2025-01-23 A medida que nos adentramos en 2025, queda claro que el panorama de la gestión de la infraestructura de los centros de datos ha experimentado un cambio pronunciado. Read full information on external site
Darshan Hiranandani’s Vision for Yotta: Revolutionizing India’s Data Center Industry - vocal.media2025-01-24 Building India’s Digital Backbone: Darshan Hiranandani’s Strategic Leadership in the Data Center Industry Read full information on external site
Data Center, in Italia investimenti di oltre 10 milioni di euro. Come funzionano e perché sono cruciali per il futuro digitale - digital4.biz2025-01-27 Negli ultimi anni, i Data Center hanno subito un’evoluzione alimentata dalla crescita esponenziale della domanda di servizi digitali Read full information on external site
Quanta capacidade existe em data centers antigos? - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-28 Data centers superdimensionados e as instalações legadas continuam a operar em grande número e as tendências do mercado se tornam mais difíceis de ler Read full information on external site
Wie lässt sich die Sicherheit von Object Storage verbessern? - computerweekly.com2025-01-28 Die Object Storage wird oft als Datenspeicher genutzt, daher ist Sicherheit entscheidend. Zugriff ist neben Disaster-Recovery-Planung oder Verschlüsselung ein wichtiger Faktor. Read full information on external site
Cara, eu encontrei meu rack de alta densidade - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-29 Se a revolução da alta densidade está aqui, por que não estamos prontos para abraçá-la totalmente? Onde está o problema? Read full information on external site
Cooling high-density data centers with coolant distribution units - techradar.com2025-01-30 Cooling high-density data centers Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt: the global digital infrastructure accelerator - capacitymedia.com2025-01-30 As we enter 2025, Telecom Egypt’s CEO outlines how the company is set up to meet future demands Read full information on external site
Navigating AI threats: Best practices for data center cybersecurity - blog.se.com2025-01-30 Learn how colocation providers and hyperscalers can mitigate the cybersecurity risks that come with growing Gen AI applications. Read full information on external site
Cómo afecta la refrigeración líquida al tiempo de actividad - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-31 Una inmersión en las turbias aguas de la resiliencia y la redundancia de la refrigeración líquida Read full information on external site
Y Combinator looks for startups trying to remove humans from data center development and operation - datacenterdynamics.com2025-01-31 Not just lights out data centers, lights out site selection? Read full information on external site
December 2024
¿Cuánta capacidad tienen los centros de datos antiguos? - datacenterdynamics.com/es2024-12-30 A medida que la nueva capacidad se concentra en centros de datos de gran tamaño y las instalaciones tradicionales continúan operando en grandes cantidades. Read full information on external site
¿Cuánta capacidad tienen los centros de datos antiguos? - channelnewsperu.com2024-12-30 La demanda masiva de capacidad continúa impulsando la construcción de instalaciones de centros de datos de muchos megavatios en todo el mundo, en previsión de un fuerte crecimiento de las cargas de trabajo de TI impulsadas por modelos de IA generativa. Read full information on external site
Pictorial: 2024 Tech-en in Photos - pctechmag.com2024-12-27 The following pictorial (editor’s pick: over 50+ photos) showcase highlights some of the most important moments and innovations that have characterized Uganda’s and Africa’s technological journey in 2024. Read full information on external site
Top 10 Data Center Security Stories of 2024 - datacenterknowledge.com2024-12-26 Here's a look at our top data center security stories from 2024, covering traditional cybersecurity, physical security and other key security-related considerations. Read full information on external site
El Banco Europeo de Inversiones financiará con 43 millones de euros dos centros de datos en Azerbaiyán - datacenterdynamics.com2024-12-26 Los centros de datos serán propiedad de AzInTelecom. Read full information on external site
Visibility and Maximising the Efficiency of Data Centre Power Consumption - datastorageasia.com2024-12-26 Powering the future: Explore how data centers tackle soaring energy demands and sustainability challenges with smarter, adaptive energy management solutions. Read full information on external site
Understanding Uptime Institute’s Tier III Standard: A Guide to Data Center Electrical System Design - yahoo.com2024-12-26 The Uptime Institute’s Tier standard is a globally recognized framework that classifies data centers into four tiers based on their infrastructure’s reliability, redundancy, and fault tolerance. Read full information on external site
'Uptime Institute' ve Tuwaiq Academy, Uzman Veri Merkezi Yönetimi Boot Camp'leri için Ortaklık Kurdu - ksa.com2024-12-23 Suudi Arabistan'da teknoloji profesyonellerinin bir sonraki neslini güçlendirmeye adanmış önde gelen bir kurum olan Tuwaiq Academy, dünya çapında tanınan Uptime Institute ile heyecan verici bir yeni ortaklık duyurdu. Read full information on external site
New boot camps focus on data center training - arabnews.com2024-12-23 Riyadh: Tuwaiq Academy has partnered with the Uptime Institute to offer six-month professional boot camps at its headquarters in Riyadh. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Awards Prestigious Certification to Raxio Facilities - techinafrica.com2024-12-22 Raxio Group has reached a significant milestone in African digital infrastructure development as its data centres in Mozambique and Ethiopia receive the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF). Read full information on external site
Tuwaiq Academy Launches Partnership with 'Uptime Institute' for Professional Boot Camps in Data Centre Management - spa.gov.sa2024-12-22 Tuwaiq Academy announced the launch of its partnership with the "Uptime Institute" to offer six-month professional boot camps at the academy's headquarters in Riyadh. Read full information on external site
European Investment Bank to provide €43m for two data centers in Azerbaijan - datacenterdynamics.com2024-12-20 Data centers will be for AzInTelecom. Read full information on external site
Data center, budget in crescita nel 2025: trainano i costi di energia e IT - corrierecomunicazioni.it2024-12-20 Le previsioni di Uptime Institute per l’anno che sta per iniziare: spesa in aumento sia per aziende e operatori, sia per i fornitori di servizi in colocation. Read full information on external site
Understanding Uptime Institute’s Tier III Standard: A Guide to Data Center Electrical System Design - powermag.com2024-12-20 The Uptime Institute’s Tier standard is a globally recognized framework that classifies data centers into four tiers based on their infrastructure’s reliability, redundancy, and fault tolerance. Read full information on external site
RTDS' AceCloud launches AI cloud region in Noida, India - datacenterdynamics.com2024-12-19 Will be hosted in a Tier IV data center. Read full information on external site
Johnson Controls facilita la continuidad de operaciones en el data center - datacentermarket.es2024-12-18 La compañía ofrece soluciones integradas para incrementar el tiempo de actividad, la gestión térmica, la seguridad y la protección de los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group Obtains ‘Tier Three Installation Certification’ From the Uptime Institute - 360mozambique.com2024-12-18 Raxio Group, a provider of certified data centres, announced this Monday, December 17, that its facilities in Mozambique and Ethiopia have obtained the Uptime Institute’s ‘Tier three (3) Built Facilities Certification (TCCF)’. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia de las infraestructuras digitales y los ‘data centers’ (los grandes olvidados) - redseguridad.com2024-12-18 Dice el Reglamento UE 2022/2054 de Resiliencia Operativa Digital del sector financiero (más conocido por todas como «DORA») que su objetivo es que este tipo de entidades puedan hacer frente, responder y recuperarse de cualquier perturbación o amenaza que implique tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Read full information on external site
Top 10 datacentre stories of 2024 - computerweekly.com2024-12-17 Here are Computer Weekly’s top 10 datacentre stories of 2024. Read full information on external site
A strategic approach to AI sustainability in South Africa - lifestyleandtech.co2024-12-17 With the AI race in full swing, many organisations now find themselves hoarding data in the hopes they will soon find a way to derive. Read full information on external site
A strategic approach to AI sustainability in South Africa - businesstechafrica.co.za2024-12-17 With the AI race in full swing, many organisations now find themselves hoarding data in the hopes they will soon find a way to derive. Read full information on external site
Data centre certifications are still worth it. Here’s why. - techwireasia.com2024-12-16 The data centre industry is evolving, driven by AI and sustainability. Certifications remain important for career advancement. Read full information on external site
Meta, Exxon Pour Fuel On Natural Gas Data Center Pipeline Despite Climate Concerns - bisnow.com2024-12-15 Social media behemoth Meta on Dec. 4 announced plans to build its largest-ever data center campus in Richland Parish, Louisiana, an agricultural region in the northeast part of the state. Read full information on external site
Un nouveau datacenter en Egypte pour Raya Data Center - dcmag.fr2024-12-13 Raya Data Center (RDC), opérateur de datacenter égyptien, souhaite renforcer sa présence en Egypte, et pour cela va construire un troisième datacenter. Read full information on external site
Getting your foot on the ladder - datacenterdynamics.com2024-12-13 Impressions from three young people entering the data center industry. Read full information on external site
Erneuerbare Energie für Industrie-Rechenzentren - ind-ai.net2024-12-12 Der Weg zu nachhaltiger Recheninfrastruktur. Read full information on external site
Datacloud trends to watch in 2025: What's next in the digital landscape - capacitymedia.com2024-12-12 As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the data centre, cloud, and wider connectivity sectors are gearing up for a transformative year ahead. Read full information on external site
Estamos investindo o suficiente em novos talentos? - datacenterdynamics.com2024-12-12 Antigo aprendiz de engenharia explora por que novos investimentos do Governo em habilidades e estágios são vitais para conter a escassez de talentos. Read full information on external site
Cooling for WA desert - climatecontrolnews.com2024-12-12 Vertiv has helped NEXTDC unlock new digital opportunities for Australia’s Pilbara region, delivering robust power and cooling infrastructure to its Port Hedland data centre. Read full information on external site
Data center certifications target newcomers, experts, and sustainability pros - unifiedguru.com2024-12-09 Enterprise sustainability initiatives and regulatory pressures are converging with rising energy costs and the massive power demands of AI workloads to make energy and sustainability certifications some of the fastest-growing credentials in the industry. Read full information on external site
Data center certifications target newcomers, experts, and sustainability pros - networkworld.com2024-12-09 Data center certifications remain valuable for IT career advancement even as the industry transforms, with programs adapting to cover everything from traditional infrastructure to AI, sustainability, and security. Read full information on external site
Dude, I found my high-density rack - datacenterdynamics.com2024-12-07 If the high-density revolution is here – why aren’t we ready to embrace it fully? Where’s the Issue? Read full information on external site
SAMA Data Center Facility Receives Triple Sustainability Certificates - alriyadhdaily.com2024-12-06 The Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) Data Center Facility in King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD) was certified as “TIER IV Gold” by the Uptime Institute, together with being awarded its design, construction, and operational sustainability certifications. Read full information on external site
How much capacity is in aging data centers? - datacenterdynamics.com2024-12-06 As new capacity is concentrated in super-sized data centers and legacy facilities continue to operate in large numbers, market trends become more difficult to read. Read full information on external site
SAMA Data Center Facility Receives Triple Sustainability Certificates - spa.gov.sa2024-12-05 The Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) Data Center Facility in King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD) was certified as “TIER IV Gold” by the Uptime Institute, together with being awarded its design, construction, and operational sustainability certifications. Read full information on external site
El-hungriga datacenter skriker efter kärnkraft - computersweden.se2024-12-05 I takt med att efterfrågan på ren el för att driva datacenter ökar tittar operatörerna allt mer på att använda kärnkraft. Men vägen dit är lång och snårig. Read full information on external site
Adapting to Regulatory Changes in Data Center Operation: Bridging the Skills Gap - datacenterpost.com2024-12-04 With new compliance standards emerging and existing ones evolving in an increasingly complex regulatory environment, data centers must adapt quickly to maintain their competitive edge and ensure the security of their operations. Read full information on external site
Saeed Al Tayer reviews 2nd phase expansion of Moro Hub green data center - gccbusinessnews.com2024-12-03 HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has reviewed progress on the expansion of the second phase of the Green Data Center of Data Hub Integrated Solutions (Moro Hub), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of DEWA. Read full information on external site
DLC não virá em socorro da sustentabilidade do Data Center - datacenterdynamics.com/br2024-12-03 Benefícios de custo e eficiência da placa fria e do resfriamento por imersão não trarão o avanço no desempenho energético de que a indústria precisa. Read full information on external site
DEWA CEO reviews expansion progress at World’s Largest Solar-Powered Data Center - emiratitimes.com2024-12-02 The green data center combines cutting-edge technology with solar power to drive Dubai’s vision for a carbon-neutral future. Read full information on external site
Data centers go nuclear for power-hungry AI workloads - networkworld.com2024-12-02 As demand for clean electricity to run data centers increases, operators are considering nuclear energy. But the path to power has a few roadblocks. Read full information on external site
Data Center Regulation Trends to Watch in 2025 - aibusiness.com2024-12-02 Discover how upcoming regulations impact data center operators, from new compliance rules to key takeaways from the EU’s challenges with the Energy Efficiency Directive. Read full information on external site
Australian Government’s review into AI focuses on data centre sustainability - w.media2024-12-01 The Senate Select Committee Report on Adopting Artificial Intelligence. Read full information on external site
3 New Duos Edge AI Data Centers Launch Amid Exploding AI Infrastructure Demand - eweek.com2024-12-01 AI demand is driving an increased need for data center capacity that is already outstripping the supply. Read full information on external site
November 2024
Portugal com enorme potencial para acolher data centres de hiperescala - diarioimobiliario.pt2024-11-29 A localização estratégica do país, as suas características geográficas e climáticas, custos de instalação, infraestruturas de conectividade e capacidade de produção de energia verde abrem excelentes oportunidades para a instalação dos centros de dados de maior dimensão, diz a JLL. Read full information on external site
Portus expands underground facility in Luxembourg - datacentrereview.com2024-11-27 Portus Data Centers has announced that its facility in Luxemburg will expand with a further 1.350 sqm of white space and a power increase project which will bring the total IT load capacity to 3.4 MW. Read full information on external site
Portus Data Centers expands underground Luxembourg facility - msp-channel.com2024-11-27 EDH rebranded to Portus Data Centers Luxembourg. Read full information on external site
Portus Data Centers expands underground Luxembourg facility - digitalisationworld.com2024-11-27 EDH rebranded to Portus Data Centers Luxembourg. Read full information on external site
Portus Data Centers expands underground Luxembourg facility - datacentre.solutions2024-11-27 EDH rebranded to Portus Data Centers Luxembourg. Read full information on external site
Portugal tem tudo para acolher data centres de hiperescala - magazineimobiliario.com2024-11-27 O nosso País está a posicionar-se no mapa mundial dos data centres, com potencial para se distinguir como um dos destinos preferenciais para a instalação dos centros de dados de hiperescala, nota o mais recente research desenvolvido pela consultora imobiliária JLL. Read full information on external site
Ending the industry’s reliance on generators - msp-channel.com2024-11-27 By Jamie Cameron, Associate Director, Cundall. Read full information on external site
Ending the industry’s reliance on generators - digitalisationworld.com2024-11-27 By Jamie Cameron, Associate Director, Cundall. Read full information on external site
40% de interrupciones empresariales se dan por fallas de hardware - diariolaeconomia.com2024-11-27 Situaciones imprevistas que experimentan las empresas en su día a día, la capacidad que tengan para continuar operando de manera eficiente depende de la infraestructura tecnológica que tengan. Read full information on external site
Níveis de pessoal: os Data Centers correm o risco de interrupções desnecessárias? - datacenterdynamics.com2024-11-27 Mergulho na interrupção da Microsoft em Sydney West em agosto. Read full information on external site
Die Zuverlässigkeit von Systemen vorhersagen - elektronikpraxis.de2024-11-25 Die Industrie ist zunehmend daran interessiert, drohende Ausfälle von komplexen elektrischen Schaltkreisen zu erkennen und deren aktuellen Zustand zu bewerten – und das trotz der Komplexität und der technischen Herausforderungen. Read full information on external site
NCSA Awarded Uptime Institute's Tier III Certification For Data Center Design And Implementation - menafn.com2024-11-24 Qatar's National cyber Security Agency (NCSA) has been awarded Tier III certification in both design and implementation from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Collari serracavo a protezione dei Data Center - toptrade.it2024-11-24 I collari serracavo mantengono i cavi di potenza al loro posto, senza arrecare danni al personale tecnico ed alle apparecchiature in caso di cortocircuiti. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt’s Regional Data Hub 2 awarded Tier III design certification - africabusinesscommunities.com2024-11-22 Telecom Egypt, Egypt’s market-leading telecom operator, has been awarded the Tier III Design Certification for its Regional Data Hub 2 (RDH 2) data center. Read full information on external site
Manteniendo a Emmy fresca: cómo refrigerar el superordenador de la Universidad de Göttingen - revistacloudcomputing.com2024-11-21 STULZ Modular, un proveedor de soluciones modulares para centros de datos y una subsidiaria de propiedad absoluta de STULZ GmbH, ha anunciado la finalización de una prestigiosa instalación en la Universidad de Göttingen para el superordenador Emmy, que emplea una innovadora combinación de refrigeración líquida y por aire directa al chip. Read full information on external site
France Télévisions selects Thésée Datacenter to support cloud migration - datacenterdynamics.com2024-11-20 Public Audiovisual partners also opt for Thésée Datacenter. Read full information on external site
DCCI captured the most consequential moments in the Kingdom’s digital infrastructure realm - artstodaysaudiarabia.com2024-11-20 GCC’s latest frontier for businesses, Saudi Arabia is actively pursuing digital transformation strategies to diversify its economy and be future-ready for the global arena. Read full information on external site
Del crecimiento al estancamiento: por qué las demandas de capacidad de los centros de datos e IA dependen de la adquisición de talento - datacenterdynamics.com2024-11-19 Por qué las personas son parte integral de la infraestructura de la IA. Read full information on external site
Raise investments in data centres, Galaxy Backbone tells stakeholders - punchng.com2024-11-19 Galaxy Backbone, Nigeria’s state-owned infrastructure provider, has urged stakeholders to intensify investments in data centres and fibre optic networks to accelerate the country’s digital transformation and foster economic growth. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt data centre gets Tier III design certification - itweb.africa2024-11-18 Telecom Egypt has received Tier III design certification for its Regional Data Hub 2 (RDH 2) data centre. Read full information on external site
L’audiovisuel public poursuit sa transition vers un numérique durable - alliancy.fr2024-11-18 Dans une démarche stratégique alliant innovation technologique et responsabilité environnementale, France Télévisions, Radio France, France Médias Monde et TV5 Monde ont choisi de collaborer avec Thésée Datacenter, acteur français de référence dans l’hébergement sécurisé de données. Read full information on external site
Generar confianza: trabajar con herramientas basadas en IA - datacenterdynamics.com2024-11-18 Eliminando la ansiedad por la IA. Read full information on external site
Data Center Regulation Trends to Watch in 2025 - informationweek.com2024-11-18 Discover how upcoming regulations impact data center operators, from new compliance rules to key takeaways from the EU’s challenges with the Energy Efficiency Directive. Read full information on external site
Keeping the power alive - manufacturing-update.co2024-11-14 The benefits of residual current monitoring in critical applications ~ According to the International Energy Agency, global internet traffic has increased by 15 times since 2010, meaning the demand for data centres that store, process and distribute large amounts of data has also grown significantly. Read full information on external site
A1 data center received a security certificate, increased capacity due to artificial intelligence - observatorial.com2024-11-14 A1 data center successfully underwent recertification and thus received the prestigious Tier III Facility certificate for construction and infrastructure, confirming its high level of security, reliability and business continuity. The certificate was awarded by the Uptime Institute, a world leader in data center infrastructure performance standardization. Read full information on external site
From Uptime to Sustainability: How Next-Gen Data Centres Are Raising the Bar – Partner Content - cybernoz.com2024-11-13 Traditionally, when evaluating data centre reliability, organisations have referred to the Uptime Institute's Tier 4 Certification as the 'gold standard'. Tier 4 data centres are designed for high fault tolerance and availability, typically achieving 99.995% uptime, which translates to less than 26 minutes of downtime annually. Read full information on external site
TM Global expands data centres in Cyberjaya and Johor to strengthen nation’s digital transformation - digitalnewsasia.com2024-11-11 TM Global, TM’s wholesale business arm, will expand its Klang Valley Data Centre (KVDC) in Cyberjaya and Iskandar Puteri Data Centre (IPDC) in Johor to meet the growing demand for domestic and international data hosting services. Read full information on external site
TM Global expands data centres in Cyberjaya and Johor to strengthen nation’s digital transformation - headtopics.com2024-11-11 TM Global, TM’s wholesale business arm, will expand its Klang Valley Data Centre (KVDC) in Cyberjaya and Iskandar Puteri Data Centre (IPDC) in Johor to meet the growing demand for domestic and international data hosting services. Read full information on external site
Setting the Stage for Innovation: AfricaCom 2024 Preview - techafricanews.com2024-11-11 Just One Day Until AfricaCom 2024 Opens Its Doors! Read full information on external site
How Veterans Are Helping Solve the Data Center Talent Shortage - datacenterknowledge.com2024-11-11 As the data center talent shortage grows, veterans are stepping in, bringing essential skills that meet the industry’s demands for resilience and discipline. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - segyenewsagency.com2024-11-11 Uptime Institute today announced its newly enhanced, market-leading, and globally adopted Management & Operations (M&O) Stamp of Approval. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Enhances M&O Program for Data Center Resilience - thearabianpost.com2024-11-10 Uptime Institute has unveiled an updated version of its Management and Operations (M&O) Stamp of Approval, designed to elevate standards in data center resilience and efficiency. Read full information on external site
Behind the Curtain: Power Grid Resilience for Data Centers - cleantechnica.com2024-11-10 Without data centers, life as we know it would collapse. That may sound like hyperbole, but our entire digital economy relies on data centers. Read full information on external site
Uptime lance un label d’approbation M&O - maurice-info2024-11-09 Uptime Institute a annoncé aujourd’hui son nouveau label de qualité Management & Operations (M&O), leader sur le marché et adopté à l’échelle mondiale. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - totaluae.com2024-11-08 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime lance un label d’approbation M&O avancé afin de favoriser l’amélioration de la résilience opérationnelle des centres de données. - shams-alyaoum.com2024-11-08 Sept nouveaux domaines d'application et un outil exclusif d'évaluation du personnel permettent aux clients de renforcer l'excellence opérationnelle, de minimiser les erreurs humaines et d'améliorer les compétences du personnel. Read full information on external site
Uptime führt das erweiterte M&O-Gütesiegel ein, um die Verbesserung der Betriebsstabilität von Rechenzentren zu beschleunigen - wallstreet-online.de 2024-11-08 Das Uptime Institute gab heute sein neu verbessertes, marktführendes und weltweit anerkanntes Management & Operations (M&O) Gütesiegel bekannt. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - newswire.co2024-11-08 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
업타임, 데이터 센터 운영 복원력 개선을 가속화하기 위해 향상된 M&O 승인 스탬프 출시 - newswire.co2024-11-08 개의 새로운 범위 영역과 독점적인 직원 평가 도구는 고객이 운영 우수성을 강화하고 인적 오류를 최소화하며 인력 기술을 개선하는 데 도움이 된다 Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - dubaihospitalitynews.com2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - financialcontent.com2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - theuaedaily.com2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - financialcontent.com2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - southafricatoday.net2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - mid-east.info2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - itweb.co.za2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - thetimesofuae.com2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - dubaiiconiclady.com2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - dgngate.com2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - brandspaceonline.com2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval to Accelerate Improvements in Data Center Operational Resiliency - Bingham News Chronicle.com2024-11-07 Seven New Scope Areas and Proprietary Staff Assessment Tool Help Clients Strengthen Operational Excellence, Minimize Human Error, and Improve Workforce Skills. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval - apmdigest.com2024-11-07 Uptime Institute announced its newly enhanced Management & Operations (M&O) Stamp of Approval. Read full information on external site
Navigating the EU Batteries Regulation 2023/1542 with DCIM Software - securityboulevard.com2024-11-07 Aligned with its sustainability goals, the European Union recently enacted Regulation 2023/1542, establishing new standards for battery usage. Effective from mid-2024, this regulation is designed to mitigate the environmental impact of battery production, utilization, and disposal. It holds significant implications for industries dependent on substantial energy storage, such as data centers. Given that approximately 20% ... The post Navigating the EU Batteries Regulation 2023/1542 with DCIM Software appeared first on Hyperview. Read full information on external site
Global Trends Echoed In West Africa’s Data Centres - cioafrica.co2024-11-07 Nigeria’s information and communication technology (ICT) sector is currently experiencing robust expansion, fuelled by industries including the oil and gas sector, financial services industry and the fintech arena. Read full information on external site
Azerbaijan's National Depository Center moves to the cloud - datacenterdynamics.com2024-11-07 Azerbaijan's National Depository Center (MDM) has migrated its systems to the cloud. Read full information on external site
How the demands of AI are impacting data centers and what operators can do? - digitalinfranetwork.com2024-11-06 The growth of AI applications has revolutionized the data center industry, but it hasn’t come without challenges. One of the foremost concerns is the increased power consumption and high-power density environments that AI demands, significantly impacting the physical infrastructure requirements of data facilities. Read full information on external site
Data Center Regulation Trends to Watch in 2025 - datacenterknowledge.com2024-11-06 Discover how upcoming regulations impact data center operators, from new compliance rules to key takeaways from the EU’s challenges with the Energy Efficiency Directive. Read full information on external site
When going around in circles can be a good thing - datacenterdynamics.com2024-11-05 How reclamation and reuse of existing steel can support data center ESG goals. Read full information on external site
Getting to grips with data centre certification - datacentrereview.com2024-11-05 Chris Wellfair, Projects Director at Secure I.T. Environments, takes a whirlwind tour through data centre certification. Read full information on external site
Wiit, perfezionata l’acquisizione del 100% di Michgehl & Partner - dealflower.it2024-11-04 Wiit, tra i principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi di cloud computing per le imprese, focalizzato sulla fornitura di servizi continuativi di Hybrid e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, ha perfezionato l’acquisto del 100% di Michgehl & Partner, consolidando ulteriormente la propria presenza nel mercato tedesco. Read full information on external site
Wiit S p A : Perfezionata l’acquisizione di Michgehl & Partner in Germania - marketscreener.com2024-11-04 Facendo seguito a quanto comunicato in data 17 ottobre 2024, WIIT S.p.A. ("WIIT" o la "Società"; ISIN: IT0005440893; WIIT.MI), uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi di cloud computing per le imprese, focalizzato sulla fornitura di servizi continuativi di Hybrid e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, rende noto che in data 31 ottobre 2024, in esecuzione dell'accordo sottoscritto in data 17 ottobre 2024, si è perfezionato l'acquisto del 100% di Michgehl & Partner Gesellschaft für Datenverarbeitung und Dienstleistungen mbH. Read full information on external site
Sharon AI Expands GPU Fleet With NVIDIA H100’s Deployed At NEXTDC’s Tier IV Co-location Facilities - Binghamnewschronicle.com2024-11-04 Sharon AI, Inc (“Sharon AI”) a High-Performance Computing business focused on Artificial Intelligence, Cloud GPU Compute Infrastructure and Cloud Storage, announces that it has expanded its GPU fleet by 160 NVIDIA H100’s which are now online at NEXTDC’s Tier IV Co-location facilities. Read full information on external site
Merlin Properties e Edged Energy anunciam novo campus de IA de 180 MW em Lisboa - oinstalador.com2024-11-04 O novo campus de data centers de alta tecnologia contará com um sistema de arrefecimento sem água e operações ultra-eficientes, concebidas para responder às necessidades da IA generativa e da computação avançada. Read full information on external site
Wiit S p A : Purchase of treasury shares 28 October - 01 November 2024 - marketscreener.com2024-11-03 Milan, 4th November 2024 - WIIT S.p.A. ("WIIT" or the "Company"), one of the leading Italian players in the market of Cloud Computing services for businesses with a focus on the delivery of continuous Hybrid Cloud and Hosted Private Cloud services for critical applications, in execution of the Shareholders' Meeting' resolution of 16th May 2024, informs to have bought during the period 28 October - 1 November 2024, n. 9,500 own shares at an average price of EUR 20.8054 per share, for a total value of EUR 197,651.30. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric opens Leeds Critical Power and Cooling Hub - digitalisationworld.com2024-11-03 Designed for partners and customers, Schneider Electric’s first Critical Power and Cooling Hub in Leeds offers an extensive and customisable training experience for Schneider Electric’s diverse range of critical power and data centre solutions. Read full information on external site
A$2.9 billion New Senior Debt Facilities - listcorp.com2024-11-02 NEXTDC Limited(ASX: NXT) (“NEXTDC” or “the Company”) is pleased to advise that the Company has successfully signed A$2.9 billion senior bank debtfacilities on a newa common terms platform torefinanceits existingdebtfacilities(“New Facilities”). Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric opens new critical power and cooling hub to address data centre skills shortage - digitalinfranetwork.com2024-11-01 Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has today announced the launch of its Critical Power and Cooling Hub in Leeds, UK – a brand-new facility to help customers, channel partners and engineers gain dedicated training for its data centre, power and cooling solutions. Read full information on external site
Reconciling the contrasting narratives on the environmental impact of large language models - nature.com2024-11-01 The recent proliferation of large language models (LLMs) has led to divergent narratives about their environmental impacts. Read full information on external site
India’s Hyperscale Ambitions: GW-scale data centers “inevitable” - w.media2024-11-01 In late August, Reliance Industries Chairman and Managing Director, Mukesh Ambani, shocked India’s data center industry by announcing ambitious plans to build a 1 GW, AI-ready data center in Jamnagar, located in the western Indian state of Gujarat. Read full information on external site
October 2024
WIIT - Rinnova un contratto quinquennale da 2,6 milioni - websim.it2024-10-31 Il nuovo perimetro del contratto prevede un’estensione della collaborazione verso un modello secure cloud, in cui viene potenziata la protezione dei dati. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute announced the appointment of Jeff Wood to the position of Vice President, North America. In his new position, Wood is responsible for directing all commercial aspects of Uptime Institute market penetration and service delivery across U.S. and Canada - hostingjournalist.com2024-10-30 Wood is an industry expert with over 20 years of experience in the digital infrastructure market primarily in the hardware, power, and connection space. Read full information on external site
Cómo la simulación CFD determina el diseño de los Data Centers - datacenterdynamics.com2024-10-29 Por Nzube Igwume, Director de Simulaciones CFD en Deerns. Read full information on external site
Data Centre Expansion In Malaysia: Bridging The Gap Between Investment And Job Creation - businesstoday.com2024-10-29 Alongside the boom in consumer-level Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the blossoming of data centres, which are essential for AI development. Read full information on external site
Waterfall Security launches HERA – hardware-enforced remote access - datacenterdynamics.com2024-10-28 Revolutionizing how secure remote access is done for data center OT environments. Read full information on external site
Power System Reliability Modeling With In-Situ MTBF Calculations - eepower.com2024-10-27 This article explores how to get started with reliability modeling using a classical theory of assessing reliability for complex systems. Read full information on external site
Cutting-Edge Data Center Campus in Portugal - theportugalnews.com2024-10-27 I recently read an article about Merlin Properties that caught my attention, especially since I had met their representatives at the “Atlantic Convergence” conference earlier this month. Read full information on external site
Moteurs Baudouin New Dedicated Power Gensets for Data Centers in Europe - maritime-executive.com2024-10-27 Moteurs Baudouin, a leading manufacturer of power generation solutions, is excited to announce the launch of its innovative product line: dedicated power gensets for data centers. Read full information on external site
Uptime Continues Expansion with Key North American Hire - uk.finance.yahoo.com2024-10-24 Uptime Institute today announced the appointment of Jeff Wood to the position of Vice President, North America. In his new position, Wood is responsible for directing all commercial aspects of Uptime Institute market penetration and service delivery across U.S. and Canada. Read full information on external site
Uptime Continues Expansion with Key North American Hire - cioinfluence.com2024-10-24 Uptime Institute today announced the appointment of Jeff Wood to the position of Vice President, North America. In his new position, Wood is responsible for directing all commercial aspects of Uptime Institute market penetration and service delivery across U.S. and Canada. Read full information on external site
RETN opens PoP at DC North data center in Croatia - telecompaper.com2024-10-24 Global network services provider RETN has Croatian ICT services provider Cratis have announced the commissioning of a new Point of Presence (PoP) in Croatia's newest data centre, DC North, located in Varazdin. DC North, situated 100 km north of the Zagreb capital, is currently Croatia’s only Tier 3 certified facility by the US Uptime Institute. The new RETN POP in DC North is connected via two diverse paths to RETN’s existing node in Zagreb, provided by Cratis. Read full information on external site
RETN and CRATIS enhance connectivity to Croatia’s newest data centre - intelligentcio.com2024-10-24 RETN, a leading independent global network services provider, and CRATIS, a Croatian ICT solutions provider, have announced the commissioning of a new Point-of-Presence (PoP) in Croatia’s newest data centre, DC North, located in Varaždin. Read full information on external site
Los centros de datos 'zombis' de Amazon son una seria advertencia para toda la industria de la IA - msn.com2024-10-23 Amazon está invirtiendo mucho dinero en centros de datos que sean capaces de soportar el auge de las cargas de trabajo que genera el uso de inteligencia artificial, un fenómeno que le habría llevado a proyectar la construcción de 240 nuevas instalaciones para el año 2040, según una estimación. Read full information on external site
Gtd inaugura nuevo Data Center en Perú - confidencialnoticias.com2024-10-23 La construcción de centros de datos en América Latina ha venido creciendo en los últimos años, impulsada por la demanda de tecnologías avanzadas como el Internet de las cosas (IoT), la virtualización de la infraestructura de las compañías y la necesidad de recuperar la información ante cualquier desastre. Según Mordor Intelligence, se estima que el tamaño del mercado latinoamericano de construcción de centros de datos alcance los US$5,14 mil millones en 2024 y se espera que alcance los US$7,81 mil millones en 2029. Read full information on external site
Amazon’s AI data center dream runs into the reality of ‘zombie’ facilities, higher costs, and labor shortages - businessinsider.nl2024-10-23 Electricity and labor headwinds slow Amazon's data center buildout. Read full information on external site
Amazon’s AI data center dream runs into the reality of ‘zombie’ facilities, higher costs, and labor shortages - businessinsider.com2024-10-23 Electricity and labor headwinds slow Amazon's data center buildout. Read full information on external site
It-pomoa syytetään massiivisesta petoksesta – valehteli palvelinkeskusten luotettavuudesta - tivi.fi2024-10-23 Yhdysvaltain arvopaperi- ja pörssikomissio SEC:n mukaan it-yrittäjä valehteli palvelinkeskuksensa luotettavuudesta. Read full information on external site
WIIT - Nuovo contratto da 2,8 milioni - it.tradingview.com2024-10-22 WIIT si è aggiudicata un nuovo contratto da 2,8 milioni di euro e una durata di cinque anni. Read full information on external site
Redefining Data Centres with AI - networkcomputing.co.uk2024-10-22 AI can deliver a new dawn of efficiency and security for the data centre according to Ramzi Charif, VP Technical Operations, EMEA, VIRTUS Data Centres. Read full information on external site
From growth to gridlock: Why AI and data center capacity demands hinge on talent acquisition - datacenterdynamics.com2024-10-22 Why people are integral to the infrastructure of AI. Read full information on external site
Data Center da Claro Peru: conhecendo a primeira etapa de um investimento de mais de 50 milhões - datacenterdynamics.com2024-10-22 DCD entrevista Miguel Rojas, gerente de construção e infraestrutura da Claro Peru, para conhecer os detalhes do novo Data Center recém-inaugurado pela empresa. Read full information on external site
Baudouin launches diesel generator sets for data centers - datacenterdynamics.com2024-10-22 Will provide a fully integrated solution with outputs between 2000 kVA and 5250 kVA. Read full information on external site
WIIT - Nuovo contratto da 2,8 milioni - websim.it2024-10-22 Lo ha annunciato ieri la società specializzata nel cloud computing, dicendo che il cliente è un importante player del settore manifatturiero. Read full information on external site
WIIT, nuovo contratto quinquennale nel settore manifatturiero - risparmio.tiscali.it2024-10-21 WIIT, uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese, focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, ha firmato un nuovo contratto della durata di 5 anni per un valore complessivo di circa 2,8 milioni di Euro, con un’importante società che opera nel settore manifatturiero. Read full information on external site
WIIT, nuovo contratto quinquennale nel settore manifatturiero - teleborsa.it2024-10-21 WIIT, uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese, focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, ha firmato un nuovo contratto della durata di 5 anni per un valore complessivo di circa 2,8 milioni di Euro, con un’importante società che opera nel settore manifatturiero. Read full information on external site
WIIT, nuovo contratto quinquennale nel settore manifatturiero - qds.it2024-10-21 WIIT, uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese, focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, ha firmato un nuovo contratto della durata di 5 anni per un valore complessivo di circa 2,8 milioni di Euro, con un’importante società che opera nel settore manifatturiero. Read full information on external site
WIIT, nuovo contratto quinquennale nel settore manifatturiero - lastampa.it2024-10-21 WIIT, uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese, focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, ha firmato un nuovo contratto della durata di 5 anni per un valore complessivo di circa 2,8 milioni di Euro, con un’importante società che opera nel settore manifatturiero. Read full information on external site
WIIT, nuovo contratto quinquennale nel settore manifatturiero - ilsecoloxix.it2024-10-21 WIIT, uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese, focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, ha firmato un nuovo contratto della durata di 5 anni per un valore complessivo di circa 2,8 milioni di Euro, con un’importante società che opera nel settore manifatturiero. Read full information on external site
WIIT – Sigla contratto quinquennale da 2,8 mln per servizi ERP in Cloud - marketinsight.it2024-10-21 WIIT annuncia la firma di un nuovo contratto della durata di 5 anni per un valore complessivo di circa 2,8 milioni, con un’importante società che opera nel settore manifatturiero. Read full information on external site
Tackling operational challenges in modern data centers - datacenterdynamics.com2024-10-21 Achieving a balance of reliability, sustainability, and safety. Read full information on external site
Redefining Data Centres with AI - computingsecurity.co2024-10-21 AI can deliver a new dawn of efficiency and security for the data centre according to Ramzi Charif, VP Technical Operations, EMEA, VIRTUS Data CentresRead full information on external site
Data centers and Crypto: Adapting for the future - news4social.com2024-10-20 Data centers and Crypto: Adapting for the future The following is a guest post from Shane Neagle, Editor In Chief. Read full information on external site
Data centers and Crypto: Adapting for the future - cryptoslate.com2024-10-20 Transitioning to spine-leaf architecture ensures blockchain networks maintain reliability and security, surpassing traditional data center designs. Read full information on external site
Data centers and Crypto: Adapting for the future - cryptonews.net2024-10-20 The following is a guest post from Shane Neagle, Editor In Chief from The Tokenist. The steady Bitcoin trickle into the mainstream consciousness since 2009 mainnet launch had many cascading. Read full information on external site
Data centers and Crypto: Adapting for the future - coingenius.news2024-10-20 The following is a guest post from Shane Neagle, Editor In Chief from The Tokenist. The steady Bitcoin trickle into the mainstream consciousness since 2009 mainnet launch had many cascading. Read full information on external site
DBaudouin to launch gen-sets for data centers - powerprogress.com2024-10-20 At Data Centre World Asia 2024, Baudouin announced plans to launch a range of diesel generator sets specifically designed to meet the demands of the data center industry. Read full information on external site
WIIT - Si prende il 100% di Michgehl & Partner per 5,4 milioni - websim.it2024-10-18 L'importo provvisorio implica un multiplo sull’EBITDA stimato per quest'anno inferiore a 7 volte, prima dei vantaggi ipotizzati post-acquisizione. Read full information on external site
WIIT - Si prende il 100% di Michgehl & Partner per 5,4 milioni - tradingview.com2024-10-18 Sul piatto ci sono 5,4 milioni di euro. E' quanto previsto provvisoriamente dall'accordo per l'acquisizione del 100% di Michgehl & Partner, cloud provider tedesco specializzato negli studi legali, da parte di WIIT AG, controllata teutonica dell'omonimo gruppo italiano di cloud computing. Read full information on external site
MERLIN Properties y Edged Energy anuncian el inicio de la construcción de un nuevo campus de Data Centers en Lisboa - datacenterdynamics.com2024-10-18 El campus del centro de datos ofrecerá refrigeración sin agua y operaciones diseñadas para satisfacer las demandas de la IA generativa y la informática avanzada Read full information on external site
MERLIN Properties e Edged Energy iniciam a construção de um campus de IA de 180 MW em Lisboa - datacenterdynamics.com2024-10-18 El campus del centro de datos ofrecerá refrigeración sin agua y operaciones diseñadas para satisfacer las demandas de la IA generativa y la informática avanzada. Read full information on external site
Gtd fortalece su red de data centers en Latinoamérica con inversión de 50 millones de dólares - impactotic.co2024-10-18 La compañía chilena Gtd refuerza su presencia regional al consolidar 11 centros de datos en Chile, Colombia y Perú, sumando cerca de 25 mil metros cuadrados construidos y destacando a Colombia como un hub tecnológico clave en la región. Read full information on external site
Ensuring Seamless Data Center Operations: The Role of Critical Power Monitoring - digitalinfranetwork.com2024-10-18 In the digital age, data centers are the nerve centers of modern businesses, housing critical infrastructure that supports everything from financial transactions to customer interactions. Read full information on external site
Con una inversión de más de US$50 millones, Gtd inaugura Data Center en Perú - lanotaeconomica.com2024-10-18 Con este nuevo proyecto, la compañía consolida 11 centros de datos a nivel regional, ubicados estratégicamente en Chile, Colombia y Perú, los que en total suman alrededor de 25 mil metros cuadrados construidos. Read full information on external site
Merlin Properties e Edged Energy vão construir um novo campus de data centers de última geração - diarioimobiliario.pt2024-10-17 O campus de data centers de alta tecnologia, localizado em Vila Franca de Xira, contará com um sistema de arrefecimento sem água e operações ultra eficientes, concebidas para responder às necessidades da IA generativa e da computação avançada. Read full information on external site
Merlin arranca la construcción de su centro de datos en Lisboa tras ampliar en casi 1.000 millones su capital - cronicadecantabria.com2024-10-16 Merlin Properties, junto con el proveedor de centros de datos Edged Energy (Endeavour), ha iniciado la construcción de su nuevo centro de datos en Vila Franca de Xira, cerca de Lisboa, tras ampliar su capital en cerca de 1.000 millones de euros para afrontar su plan de inversión en data centers. Read full information on external site
Merlin arranca la construcción de su centro de datos en Lisboa tras ampliar en casi 1.000 millones su capital - cantabriaeconomica.com2024-10-16 Merlin Properties, junto con el proveedor de centros de datos Edged Energy (Endeavour), ha iniciado la construcción de su nuevo centro de datos en Vila Franca de Xira, cerca de Lisboa, tras ampliar su capital en cerca de 1.000 millones de euros para afrontar su plan de inversión en data centers. Read full information on external site
Wednesday briefing: What does Google’s move into nuclear power mean for AI – and the world? - theguardian.com2024-10-15 In today’s newsletter: Google will soon use nuclear reactors to run its AI datacentres. What are the economic, ethical and environmental implications? Read full information on external site
7x24 Exchange Fall Event Preview: Focus on Emerging Technologies for Mission-Critical Data Centers - datacenterfrontier.com2024-10-11 The event is set for Oct. 20-23 at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge resort in Phoenix, Arizona, a fitting location in the nation's 5th largest data center market. Read full information on external site
DRC Banking Industry Takes Major Leap with Sofibanque’s Move to OADC Texaf – Kinshasa - techeconomy.ng2024-10-10 Sofibanque, a leading financial institution of the DRC, has adopted colocation services at the OADC Texaf – Kinshasa Tier-III Uptime Institute certified data centre. Read full information on external site
Data center providers design for severe weather surge - techtarget.com2024-10-10 Data center providers are investing in resilient infrastructure and redundant power to prevent extreme weather-related outages that can cause serious financial loss to customers. Read full information on external site
How to Prevent Data Center Fires: Lessons from the Biggest Incidents - datacenterknowledge.com2024-10-08 Data center fires can lead to employee injuries, downtime, and loss of customer trust. Learn vital lessons from major incidents to improve safety. Read full information on external site
Dilema do tempo de inatividade: por que as organizações hesitam em mudar de fornecedor de infraestrutura de TI - datacenterdynamics.com2024-10-08 Em um mundo em que a presença online é tudo, organizações de todos os tamanhos dependem de serviços de TI. No entanto, quando se trata de mudar de fornecedor, mesmo empresas bem estabelecidas surpreendentemente costumam hesitar. Read full information on external site
Las compañías generan un gasto masivo de energía por culpa de los centros de datos a pesar de tener la solución para evitarlo - 3djuegos.com2024-10-06 Muchas compañías prefieren utilizar los procesadores a toda velocidad antes que optar por el ahorro de energía. Read full information on external site
La primera empresa en instalar fibra óptica en Sudamérica entrega uno de los Data Center más grandes del Perú - infobae.com2024-10-03 Un año después de iniciada su construcción, GTD entrega en Lurín uno de los Data Center más importantes del mercado local y la región. El desarrollo de este tipo de tecnologías es vital para optimizar la competitividad del sector. Read full information on external site
Energy dataset of Frontier supercomputer for waste heat recovery - nature.com2024-10-03 The Hewlett Packard Enterprise–Cray EX Frontier is the world’s first and fastest exascale supercomputer, hosted at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility in Tennessee, United States. Read full information on external site
Recent data centre fires highlight vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure - thetechcapital.com2024-10-02 Uptime Institute recorded 14 data centre outages due to fires or the activation of fire suppression systems since 2020. Read full information on external site
Recovery Point Systems Expands Backup Portfolio with Rubrik Backup as a Service (BaaS) With Assured Data Protection - backupreview.info2024-10-01 Recovery Point Systems, a leader in cyber and business resilience services based in Germantown, today announced the addition of Rubrik Backup as a Service (BaaS), expanding its backup and cyber resiliency capabilities to include fully managed backup and threat hunting through Assured Data Protection. Read full information on external site
Raxio a inauguré CIV1, premier datacenter Tier III neutre de Côte d’Ivoire - backupreview.info2024-10-01 L’inauguration de CIV1, son premier datacenter en Côte d’Ivoire idéalement situé à Abidjan, le Groupe Raxio marque sa volonté d’étendre ses activités en Afrique de l’Ouest. Read full information on external site
Girish Chandra to lead BPE’s DC Infra & Enterprise biz - techherald.in2024-10-01 Noida: BPE (Best Power Equipments) has announced the appointment of Girish Chandra as Director of Global DC Infrastructure Solutions and Enterprise. Read full information on external site
BPE appoints Girish Chandra as director of data center infrastructure solutions and enterprise - techcircle.in2024-10-01 Noida-headquartered power solutions provider for IT, Industrial and critical equipment, telecom, and Data Centers, Best Power Equipments Pvt. Ltd. (BPE) has appointed Girish Chandra as Director of Data Center Infrastructure Solutions and Enterprise. Read full information on external site
September 2024
No degree? No problem. Inside Blackstone's ambitious plans to internally grow talent for its data centers and other portfolio companies - Business Insider2024-9-30 Read full information on external site
Private Equity Firm Takes Majority Stake In Data Center Manager Salute - bisnow.com2024-9-30 Veteran-focused data center operations and talent specialist Salute has received a significant investment from asset manager New Mountain Capital, the firms announced Monday. Read full information on external site
FG intensifies push for e-government adoption - punchng.com2024-9-30 The Federal Government is stepping up efforts to implement e-government systems to improve productivity and provide more accessible services to citizens. Read full information on external site
Datakeskukset voisivat säästää heti 30 prosenttia sähköä – yksinkertainen säätötoimenpide kuitenkin aiheuttaa huolta - muropaketti.com2024-9-28 Datakeskukset vievät valtavasti virtaa, mutta niiden virrankulutukselle olisi ehkä tehtävissä jotain. Keino ei ainakaan kuulosta vaikealta. Read full information on external site
La IA ahora va por tu agua: ¿Por qué deberíamos preocuparnos por la instalación de centros de datos en el Sur Global? - MSN Prodigy2024-9-27 La IA no es inteligente ni artificial. Todo lo contrario. La IA existe de forma corpórea y material. Read full information on external site
Data Center Group Raises Money Boulder Crest, Scholarships - loudounnow.com2024-9-26 Data Center Group Raises Money Boulder Crest, Scholarships. Read full information on external site
Panduit realiza el Data Center Summit Perú 2024 - ctoperu.pe2024-9-26 Panduit celebró con éxito la segunda edición del Data Center Summit Perú, un evento exclusivo que reunió a expertos y líderes de la industria para explorar las últimas tendencias y avances en conectividad en la era de la inteligencia artificial. Read full information on external site
Altman reportedly asks Biden to back a slew of multi-gigawatt-scale AI datacenters - theregister.com2024-9-25 With 2.5 million Blackwell GPUs, would gobble enough energy to power millions of homes. Read full information on external site
Ivory Coast Gains Significant Boost to Digital Economy with Launch of Raxio Data Centre - quicknews-africa.net2024-9-25 Raxio Group launches 2,000m2 Tier III Uptime certified facility accelerating national digital transformation and supporting international and local connectivity. Read full information on external site
Altman reportedly asks Biden to back a slew of multi-gigawatt-scale AI datacenters - msn.com2024-9-25 With 2.5 million Blackwell GPUs, would gobble enough energy to power millions of homes. Read full information on external site
Ivory Coast Gains Significant Boost to Digital Economy with Launch of Raxio Data Centre - menews247.com2024-9-25 Raxio Group today inaugurated its state-of-the-art data centre in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Raxio Côte d’Ivoire (CIV1). Read full information on external site
Is Your Global Network Resilient? 3 Ways to Ensure Connectivity - equinix.com2024-9-25 The threats to network resilience are real, but Equinix Fabric can help you design for resiliency. Read full information on external site
Wie Sie ein Rechenzentrum entwerfen und aufbauen - computerweekly.com2024-9-25 Die Planung eines Rechenzentrums ist keine leichte Aufgabe. Prüfen Sie vor Beginn die Komponenten der Rechenzentrumsanlage und -infrastruktur sowie Standards und Vorschläge. Read full information on external site
Panduit en la era de la IA - americasistemas.com2024-9-25 Panduit celebró con éxito la segunda edición del Data Center Summit Perú, un evento exclusivo que reunió a expertos y líderes de la industria para explorar las últimas tendencias y avances en conectividad en la era de la inteligencia artificial. Read full information on external site
Digital Infrastructure: Meet Matt Gurr - aecom.com2024-9-25 In this Digital Infrastructure blog series, we’re highlighting our data center design, delivery and construction experts and how they are accelerating our clients’ digital journey in the market sector. Read full information on external site
Publi-Reportage/Côte d'Ivoire: Raxio lance son nouveau Datacenter à Grand-Bassam - abidjan.net2024-9-25 Le premier centre de gestion de données ultramoderne d’Afrique de l’Ouest, implanté en Côte d’Ivoire par le groupe Raxio a été inauguré ce mardi 24 septembre 2024 en présence du ministre de la Transition numérique et de la Digitalisation, Ibrahim Kalil Konaté. Read full information on external site
谁是智算中心安全可靠运行的幕后功臣 - sina.com2024-9-24 “到2025年,AI在全球数据中心用电量中的占比将从2%增加到10%。”来自Uptime Institute的报告,揭示出AI计算需求的急剧增长,并带来能源消耗的快速攀升。Read full information on external site
Raxio Group Launches Fifth Data Centre in Cote d’Ivoire, Strengthening its Presence in Africa - pctechmag.com2024-9-24 With the widest footprint of any data centre provider on the continent, Raxio’s strategy is to address the significant demand for high-quality data infrastructure across Africa, while contributing to closing the sub-Saharan connectivity gap. Read full information on external site
La Côte d’Ivoire donne un nouvel élan à l’économie numérique avec l’ouverture d’un centre de données Raxio - itespresso.fr2024-9-24 Le groupe Raxio a inauguré aujourd’hui son centre de données ultramoderne concentrant les technologies modernes à Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), dénommé Raxio Côte d’Ivoire (CIV1). Read full information on external site
Ivory Coast Gains Significant Boost to Digital Economy with Launch of Raxio Data Centre - itweb.co2024-9-24 Raxio Group launches 2,000m2 Tier III Uptime certified facility accelerating national digital transformation and supporting international and local connectivity. Read full information on external site
Etica Sgr: la sostenibilità dei data center sta diventando un problema da affrontare - financialounge.com2024-9-24 Uno dei temi di dialogo con le aziende nelle quali investono i fondi di Etica Sgr riguarda la gestione delle risorse idriche al fine di far adottare strategie sostenibili e responsabili basate sull’uso più efficiente delle risorse naturali. Read full information on external site
La Côte d'Ivoire donne un nouvel élan à l'économie numérique avec l'ouverture d'un centre de données Raxio - boursica.com2024-9-24 La Côte d'Ivoire donne un nouvel élan à l'économie numérique avec l'ouverture d'un centre de données Raxio. Read full information on external site
Etica Sgr: la sostenibilità dei data center sta diventando un problema da affrontare - benzinga.com2024-9-24 Uno dei temi di dialogo con le aziende nelle quali investono i fondi di Etica Sgr riguarda la gestione delle risorse idriche al fine di far adottare strategie sostenibili e responsabili basate sull’uso più efficiente delle risorse naturali. Read full information on external site
Sparkle's data center in Panama reaches 25% occupancy of first module in 8 months - convergencialatina.com2024-9-24 Panama Digital Gateway has been operational since the beginning of the year and has five modules in total. Read full information on external site
Panduit: la conectividad en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial - nteve.com2024-9-23 Panduit celebró con éxito la segunda edición del Data Center Summit Perú, un evento exclusivo que reunió a expertos y líderes de la industria para explorar las últimas tendencias y avances en conectividad en la era de la inteligencia artificial. Read full information on external site
ST Digital Expands to DRC via Partnership with OADC Texaf – Kinshasa - techeconomy.ng2024-9-23 ST Digital, a leading African cloud services provider, has announced its expansion into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) by partnering with the OADC Texaf – Kinshasa data centre. Read full information on external site
Data Center Summit Perú 2024: Panduit impulsa la conectividad en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial - revistaeconomia.com2024-9-23 El 10 % de la energía de los centros de datos se destinará a la IA para 2025, impulsando la necesidad de infraestructuras más eficientes y sostenibles. Read full information on external site
Os data centers estão a desperdiçar energia ao manter os processadores à velocidade máxima - pcguia.pt2024-9-23 Uma simples configuração nos servidores podia reduzir drasticamente o consumo de energia dos data centers. Read full information on external site
IA : un impact environnemental conséquent mais toujours difficile à mesurer - next.ink2024-9-23 Trois chercheuses de la plateforme d'hébergement de projets d'IA Hugging Face, Sasha Luccioni, Bruna Trevelin et Margaret Mitchell ont rassemblé les connaissances disponibles actuellement à propos de l'impact de l'IA sur l'environnement. Read full information on external site
Anatomy of a Data Center - jdsupra.com2024-9-23 Traditional and social media are thick with reports and predictions of the remarkable increase in size, power consumption and significance of data centers. Read full information on external site
The renewable energy compass: How to successfully pilot Europe’s data centre capacity crunch - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-9-23 Navigating the capacity limitations in Europe’s energy landscape is at the top of many data centre operators’ agendas. The need to make sure that concrete plans are in place has never been more pressing, with uncertainty still rife about meeting capacity goals while managing costs and resilience. Read full information on external site
The renewable energy compass: How to successfully pilot Europe’s data centre capacity crunch - intelligentcio.com2024-9-23 Navigating the capacity limitations in Europe’s energy landscape is at the top of many data centre operators’ agendas. The need to make sure that concrete plans are in place has never been more pressing, with uncertainty still rife about meeting capacity goals while managing costs and resilience. Read full information on external site
Os data centers estão a desperdiçar energia ao manter os processadores à velocidade máxima - imprensadehoje.com2024-9-23 O consumo de energia dos centros de dados tornou-se uma grande preocupação à medida que a procura cresce e as empresas de fornecimento de energia procuram acompanhar o ritmo. Read full information on external site
DataCloud anuncia su rebranding para convertirse en Nubax - enfasys.net2024-9-23 La empresa pionera en el mercado de nube local celebró 8 años de trayectoria y anunció su nueva denominación: Nubax. Esta transformación se debe a la evolución del concepto de nube y la incorporación de inteligencia artificial (IA) para ofrecer soluciones personalizadas a cada industria, fortaleciendo su presencia regional y estrategia de expansión en LATAM, donde el ecosistema de canales cumple un rol clave. Read full information on external site
Data Center Summit Perú 2024: Panduit impulsa la conectividad en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial - channelnewsperu.com2024-9-23 Panduit celebró con éxito la segunda edición del Data Center Summit Perú, un evento exclusivo que reunió a expertos y líderes de la industria para explorar las últimas tendencias y avances en conectividad en la era de la inteligencia artificial. Read full information on external site
Data centers are wasting energy by running processors at full speed - techspot.com2024-9-22 A simple server setting could slash data center power consumption. Read full information on external site
Data Center Summit Perú 2024: Panduit impulsa la conectividad en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial - pressperu.com2024-9-21 Panduit celebró con éxito la segunda edición del Data Center Summit Perú, un evento exclusivo que reunió a expertos y líderes de la industria para explorar las últimas tendencias y avances en conectividad en la era de la inteligencia artificial. Read full information on external site
Data Center Summit Perú 2024: Panduit y la IA impulsan la conectividad - itusers.today2024-9-21 Panduit impulsa la conectividad en el Data Center Summit Perú 2024, destacando la influencia de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). En la foto: Juan Pablo Borray, Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios para América Latina de Panduit. Read full information on external site
Η "δημιουργική λογιστική" κρύβει την πραγματική περιβαλλοντική επίπτωση των τεχνολογικών εταιρειώνd - insomnia.gr2024-9-21 Οι πραγματικές εκπομπές αερίων θερμοκηπίου από τα κέντρα δεδομένων των τεχνολογικών κολοσσών Google, Microsoft, Meta και Apple ενδέχεται να είναι έως και 7,62 φορές υψηλότερες από τις επίσημα αναφερόμενες. Read full information on external site
Data Center Summit Perú 2024: Panduit impulsa la conectividad en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial - businessempresarial.com2024-9-21 El 10 % de la energía de los centros de datos se destinará a la IA para 2025, impulsando la necesidad de infraestructuras más eficientes y sostenibles. Read full information on external site
AI是吃電怪獸!ChatGPT訓練1次 耗電量可看185年Netflix - tw.stock.yahoo.com2024-9-20 隨著人工智慧(AI)的迅猛發展,能源消耗成為科技大廠擔憂的主要瓶頸。AI技術的進步,雖然推動了科技革新和商業增長,但其高耗電的特性也引發了廣泛關注。沒有足夠的能源支持,AI的發展可能會受到制約。Read full information on external site
Datacenters bleed watts and cash – all because they're afraid to flip a switch - theregister.com2024-9-20 Activate OS-level governors and power profiles, cut energy use by '25 – 50 percent'. Read full information on external site
Datacenters bleed watts and cash – all because they're afraid to flip a switch - msn.com United States2024-9-20 Activate OS-level governors and power profiles, cut energy use by '25 – 50 percent'. Read full information on external site
Polski rynek data center potroi zasoby mocy do 2030 roku - itwiz.pls2024-9-20 Centra danych to jeden z dynamicznie rozwijających się, ale przy tym energochłonnych sektorów gospodarki. Prognozy PMR wskazują, że do 2030 roku operatorzy w Polsce będą dysponować mocą 500 MW. Główne wyzwania dla branży w kolejnych latach są związane z czynnikami regulacyjnymi, kładącymi nacisk na niski ślad węglowy, zrównoważony rozwój i konieczność szczegółowego raportowania. Ekspansja AI i rozwój rynku hurtowego wymuszą wzrost wykorzystania chłodzenia cieczą. Read full information on external site
Apple, Google, Meta and Microsoft’s Data Centre Emissions May Be 7.62 Times Higher Than Reported - impakter.com2024-9-20 An analysis by the Guardian reveals that emissions from these tech giants' data centres could be 662% higher than officially reported. Read full information on external site
AI是吃電怪獸!ChatGPT訓練1次 耗電量可看185年Netflix - ebc.net.tw2024-9-20 隨著人工智慧(AI)的迅猛發展,能源消耗成為科技大廠擔憂的主要瓶頸。AI技術的進步,雖然推動了科技革新和商業增長,但其高耗電的特性也引發了廣泛關注。沒有足夠的能源支持,AI的發展可能會受到制約。Read full information on external site
Data centres: Attracting the next generation - capacitymedia.com2024-9-20 The data centre sector is an exciting and innovative industry. But even as demand grows for the building blocks of our global digital infrastructure, getting the right people into the sector remains an industry-wide challenge. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom tiếp tục nhận giải thưởng quốc tế về Data Center - vietnamnet.vn2024-9-19 Tháng 9/2024, CMC Telecom được tạp chí công nghệ APAC CIOoutlook vinh danh là "Data Center Colocation Company of the Year in APAC 2024” (Trung tâm dữ liệu cung cấp dịch vụ Colocation xuất sắc nhất châu Á - Thái Bình Dương 2024). Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom được vinh danh giải thưởng Data Center Colocation Company of the Year in APAC 2024 - thanhnien.vn2024-9-19 CMC Telecom đã xuất sắc được tạp chí công nghệ uy tín APAC CIOoutlook vinh danh là 'Data Center Colocation Company of the Year in APAC 2024' - Data Center và dịch vụ Colocation của năm khu vực châu Á - Thái Bình Dương 2024. Read full information on external site
ST Digital Partners with DRC’s First Tier-III Data Centre to Boost Content Delivery - techafricanews.com2024-9-19 ST Digital partners with OADC Texaf in DRC, advancing digital transformation and delivering faster content services. Read full information on external site
ST Digital Expands into the DRC with OADC Texaf Partnership - samenacouncil.org2024-9-19 ST Digital, a major African cloud services provider, has announced its expansion into the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The company has partnered with the OADC Texaf – Kinshasa data centre to tap into the region’s growing digital market. Read full information on external site
How IT Leaders Can Assess and Evaluate Risk to Mitigate IT Outages - itprotoday.com2024-9-19 IT outages are inevitable, but IT leaders can implement strategies to greatly reduce their risk and recover more quickly when they occur. Read full information on external site
ST Digital Expands into the DRC with OADC Texaf Partnership - emergingbrandafrica.com2024-9-19 ST Digital, a major African cloud services provider, has announced its expansion into the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Read full information on external site
IT-Infrastruktur – das Rückgrat der digitalen Gesellschaft - e-fundresearch.com2024-9-19 Ein kürzlich durchgeführtes Software-Update des großen US-Cybersicherheitsunternehmens CrowdStrike führte zu einem Computerausfall, der weltweit Störungen verursachte. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom tiếp tục nhận giải thưởng quốc tế về Data Center - vietnamnet.vn2024-9-19 Tháng 9/2024, CMC Telecom được tạp chí công nghệ APAC CIOoutlook vinh danh là "Data Center Colocation Company of the Year in APAC 2024” (Trung tâm dữ liệu cung cấp dịch vụ Colocation xuất sắc nhất châu Á - Thái Bình Dương 2024). Read full information on external site
AI: The Next Big Power Guzzler? - dqindia.com2024-9-19 AI may be the coolest kid in the fancy tech town and new business street, but it’s not literally ‘cool’. Is that something to be worried about? Now? Read full information on external site
ST Digital enters DRC market through partnership with OADC - connectingafrica.com2024-9-19 ST Digital has partnered with OADC Texaf to enter the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) market. Read full information on external site
Impulsando la transformación digital con un nuevo Data Center en Villa el Salvador en Lima - claro.com.pe2024-9-19 En un contexto de gran demanda de servicios de almacenamiento y procesamiento de información, América Móvil continuará potenciando servicios Cloud en la región gracias a la construcción de un nuevo Data Center en Perú. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom continues to receive international awards for Data Center - baohomnay.com2024-9-19 This award is an international recognition of CMC Telecom's continuous efforts in developing safe, modern digital infrastructure and building a team of internationally-standardized human resources. Read full information on external site
Grüne Zukunft der Software-Entwicklung - techtag.de2024-9-18 Green Software Development bezeichnet die Entwicklung von Software mit einem klaren Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Energieeffizienz. Read full information on external site
How to Keep AI Trustworthy - techrepublic.com2024-9-18 Artificial intelligence may be popular in the consumer, media, and even investment world. But among IT professionals and data center operators, trust in AI is falling. Read full information on external site
ST Digital s'implante en RDC et s'associe à OADC Texaf - Kinshasa pour favoriser la diffusion de contenu - mediacongo.net2024-9-18 ST Digital, l'un des principaux fournisseurs africains de services cloud, a annoncé son expansion en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) en s'associant au centre de données OADC Texaf - Kinshasa. Read full information on external site
Why the UPS has never been more important for data centres - Kinshasa pour favoriser la diffusion de contenu - electricalreview.co.uk2024-9-18 Michael Akinla, Business Manager Central Europe North at Panduit EMEA, explores the role UPS plays in sustaining the expansion of the data centre sector amid increasing worldwide energy demands and evolving power grid infrastructures. Read full information on external site
ST Digital enters DRC market through OADC partnership - Kinshasa pour favoriser la diffusion de contenu - developingtelecoms.com2024-9-18 African cloud services provider ST Digital has announced its expansion into the Democratic Republic of Congo through a partnership with the Open Access Data Centres (OADC) Texaf – Kinshasa data centre, the Democratic Republic of Congo's first live open-access, carrier-neutral and Uptime Institute Tier-III certified data centre. Read full information on external site
Can’t Get Power for AI? Bring Your Own - Kinshasa pour favoriser la diffusion de contenu - techrepublic.com2024-9-17 An increasing number of power utilities are unable to meet current data center power demands. The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence and generative AI is compounding the issue. Power availability could thwart AI’s potential. Read full information on external site
بقدرة 187 ميجاواط.. شركات "إي سي إس" العربية و"لومينغتون" و"تشاينا موبايل" تبدأ أعمال بناء مراكز بيانات "تنين الصحراء" - sabq.org2024-9-17 أعلنت شركة أي سي أس العربية، الشركة السعودية الرائدة في مجال تصميم، بناء، وتشغيل مراكز البيانات، رسميًا عن بدء أعمال الإنشاء في مراكز بيانات Desert Dragon، التي تبلغ طاقتها الإجمالية 187 ميجاواط (MW). هذا المشروع الواعد هو نتيجة لشراكة بين شركة أي سي أس العربية ومجموعة لومينغتون (LMT)، مقرها شنغهاي، بعد توقيع مذكرة اتفاق ثلاثية الأطراف (MOA) مع شركة تشاينا موبايل إنترناشيونال (CMI) في المملكة العربية السعودية في 11 سبتمبر 2023. Read full information on external site
نافذة - بقدرة 187 ميجاواط.. شركات "أي سي أس العربية" و"لومينغتون" و"تشاينا موبايل" تبدأ أعمال بناء مراكز بيانات تنين الصحراء "Desert Dragon" - nafeza2world.co2024-9-17 شركة أي سي أس العربية، الشركة السعودية الرائدة في مجال تصميم، بناء، وتشغيل مراكز البيانات، رسميًا عن بدء أعمال الإنشاء في مراكز بيانات Desert Dragon، التي تبلغ طاقتها الإجمالية 187 ميجاواط (MW). هذا المشروع الواعد هو نتيجة لشراكة بين شركة أي سي أس العربية ومجموعة لومينغتون (LMT)، مقرها شنغهاي، بعد توقيع مذكرة اتفاق ثلاثية الأطراف (MOA) مع شركة تشاينا موبايل إنترناشيونال (CMI) في المملكة العربية السعودية في 11 سبتمبر 2023. Read full information on external site
بقدرة 187 ميجاواط.. شركات "أي سي أس العربية" و"لومينغتون" و"تشاينا موبايل" تبدأ أعمال بناء مراكز بيانات تنين الصحراء "Desert Dragon" - masralyoum.news2024-9-17 أعلنت شركة أي سي أس العربية، الشركة السعودية الرائدة في مجال تصميم، بناء، وتشغيل مراكز البيانات، رسميًا عن بدء أعمال الإنشاء في مراكز بيانات Desert Dragon، التي تبلغ طاقتها الإجمالية 187 ميجاواط (MW). هذا المشروع الواعد هو نتيجة لشراكة بين شركة أي سي أس العربية ومجموعة لومينغتون (LMT)، مقرها شنغهاي، بعد توقيع مذكرة اتفاق ثلاثية الأطراف (MOA) مع شركة تشاينا موبايل إنترناشيونال (CMI) في المملكة العربية السعودية في 11 سبتمبر 2023. Read full information on external site
بقدرة 187 ميجاواط.. شركات "إي سي إس" العربية و"لومينغتون" و"تشاينا موبايل" تبدأ أعمال بناء مراكز بيانات "تنين الصحراء" - klyoum.com2024-9-17 أعلنت شركة أي سي أس العربية، الشركة السعودية الرائدة في مجال تصميم، بناء، وتشغيل مراكز البيانات، رسميًا عن بدء أعمال الإنشاء في مراكز بيانات Desert Dragon، التي تبلغ طاقتها الإجمالية 187 ميجاواط (MW). هذا المشروع الواعد هو نتيجة لشراكة بين شركة أي سي أس العربية ومجموعة لومينغتون (LMT)، مقرها شنغهاي، بعد توقيع مذكرة اتفاق ثلاثية الأطراف (MOA) مع شركة تشاينا موبايل إنترناشيونال (CMI) في المملكة العربية السعودية في 11 سبتمبر 2023. Read full information on external site
Cybersecurity In The Aftermath: Rethinking Strategies After The Global IT Outage - forbes.com2024-9-17 It’s a heart-stopping moment. You stare in disbelief. But it’s happened. The so-called “blue screen of death” has taken over your computer. Read full information on external site
Building a More Sustainable Data Center: Challenges and Opportunities in the AI Era - datacenterknowledge.com2024-9-17 Data centers are under pressure to meet the demands of AI while improving sustainability. Discover the challenges and opportunities shaping this transformation. Read full information on external site
Computer Engineers at ORNL Pioneer Approaches to Energy Efficient Supercomputing - newswise.com2024-9-16 Newswise — As high-tech companies ramp up construction of massive data centers to meet the business boom in artificial intelligence, one component is becoming an increasingly rare commodity: electricity. Read full information on external site
Google, Microsoft, Apple & Meta's AI data centre emissions may be 662% higher than reported - firstpost.com2024-9-16 Amazon’s emissions far exceed those of Apple, which was the second-largest emitter in 2022. The growing energy demands of data centres, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), are raising concerns about escalating carbon emissions. Read full information on external site
Data centre emissions over 660% more than Meta, Microsoft, Google and Apple report - techinformed.com2024-9-16 Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Meta data centre emissions are 662% higher than they officially reported, analysis by The Guardian claims. Read full information on external site
Data centre emissions over 660% more than Meta, Microsoft, Google and Apple report - newsbytes.com2024-9-16 The actual greenhouse gas emissions, from company-owned data centers of tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Apple are approximately 662% higher than officially reported, says The Guardian. Read full information on external site
Data centre emissions over 660% more than Meta, Microsoft, Google and Apple report - msn.com2024-9-16 In recent years, major technology companies have touted their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as their energy and water consumption have skyrocketed to historic levels, driven mainly by the demand surrounding their AI products and services. Read full information on external site
Computer engineers at ORNL pioneer approaches to energy efficient supercomputing - eurekalert.org2024-9-16 As high-tech companies ramp up construction of massive data centers to meet the business boom in artificial intelligence, one component is becoming an increasingly rare commodity: electricity. Read full information on external site
Data Center Emissions Much Higher Than Reported - cleantechnica.com2024-9-16 Data center emissions are hard to get a handle on because the accounting the companies use is often deliberately misleading. Read full information on external site
Klimabilanz von Google, Microsoft und Co: CO2-Emissionen sind wohl viel höher als behauptet - chip.de2024-9-16 Eine Untersuchung zeigt auf, dass die CO2-Emissionen der führenden Technologieunternehmen weit über den offiziellen Angaben liegen; insbesondere KI-Anwendungen verursachen einen starken Anstieg des Energieverbrauchs in Datenzentren. Read full information on external site
Data center emissions probably 662% higher than big tech claims. Can it keep up the ruse? - theguardian.com2024-9-15/span> Emissions from in-house data centers of Google, Microsoft, Meta and Apple may be 7.62 times higher than official tally Read full information on external site
Data center emissions probably 662% higher than big tech claims. Can it keep up the ruse? - theguardian.com2024-9-15 Emissions from in-house data centers of Google, Microsoft, Meta and Apple may be 7.62 times higher than official tally. Read full information on external site
Data center emissions probably 662% higher than big tech claims. Can it keep up the ruse? - izmu.co.za2024-9-15 Emissions from in-house data centers of Google, Microsoft, Meta and Apple may be 7.62 times higher than official tally. Read full information on external site
Data Center Power Supplies - powerelectronicsnews.com2024-9-13 Nowadays, data centers must follow a sustainable decarbonization strategy to significantly reduce their emissions and increase their energy efficiency. Read full information on external site
AI Data Centres: The Next Wave Of Technological Transformation - intelligenthq.com2024-9-13 The global AI data centre market is expected to reach $75 billion by 2025, with the growing reliance on AI-driven infrastructure. How are advanced AI Data centres important for businesses? Read full information on external site
Computer engineers pioneer approaches to energy-efficient supercomputing - msn.com2024-9-12 As high-tech companies ramp up construction of massive data centers to meet the business boom in artificial intelligence, one component is becoming an increasingly rare commodity: electricity. Read full information on external site
Was ist Single Point of Failure–SPOF? - datacenter-insider.de2024-9-12 Ein Single Point of Failure tritt auf, wenn das Versagen einer einzelnen Komponente den Ausfall des kompletten Systems nach sich zieht. Read full information on external site
Converge eyes gold standard in new data centers - baguioheraldexpressonline.com2024-9-12 Leading fiber broadband and technology services provider Converge ICT Solutions Inc. is set to create the best-in-class data centers in the Philippines, eyeing to claim the highest certification in data center performance, complementing its redundancy with AI-ready servers, as well as promoting sustainability with its liquid cooling solution. Read full information on external site
Computer engineers pioneer approaches to energy-efficient supercomputing - techxplore.com2024-9-11 As high-tech companies ramp up construction of massive data centers to meet the business boom in artificial intelligence, one component is becoming an increasingly rare commodity: electricity. Read full information on external site
Yotta Partners with Extreme IX to Augment its Internet Peering & Interconnection Services - enterpriseitworld.com2024-9-11 Strengthens Yotta’s widespread network and connectivity infrastructure, giving enterprises seamless access to the global hyperconnected digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
The Repatriation Of Databases: A Guide To Moving Back To On-Premises From Cloud Environmentss - forbes.com2024-9-09 Data management is constantly evolving, and a new trend is emerging: cloud database repatriation. What exactly does this mean, and why is it happening. Read full information on external site
Así es como Cotel revoluciona la industria de Data Center en Colombia - forbes.co2024-9-09 Esta empresa caleña es líder en soluciones de Data Center en el país y ya está pensando en la próxima década para acompañar a que sus clientes alcancen el siguiente nivel tecnológico con innovación y sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
Nova aliada en la lluita contra el canvi climàtic - elpunta2024-9-09 La IA generativa requereix deu vegades més energia que els algorismes tradicionals. Read full information on external site
Cover Story: Powering the future - theedgemalaysia.com2024-9-08 When Singapore pulled the plug and announced a moratorium on data centres, the floodgates opened and the data powerhouses came pouring into Malaysia. Read full information on external site
الحكومة تتجه للتخلي عن التعاملات الورقية وتراهن على الذكاء الاصطناعي لتطوير الإدارات - klyoum.com2024-9-06 أعلنت وزارة الاقتصاد والمالية عن تحول جذري نحو الرقمنة والتخلي عن التعاملات الورقية، وذلك من خلال اعتماد تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي كأداة رئيسية لتعزيز فعالية وكفاءة الإدارات الحكومية. Read full information on external site
بالبلدي : التجاري الدولي (CIB) أول بنك بمصر يحصل على شهادة TierIII لمركز البيانات الرئيسي "SVDC" بالجيزة - masralyoum.news2024-9-06 أعلنت Uptime Institute عن تحقيق البنك التجاري الدولي (CIB) مصر إنجازًا جديدًا كأول بنك في مصر يحصل على شهادة TierIII لمرفق مُنشأ لمركز البيانات الرئيسي "SVDC" في الجيزة. ويُعد هذا الإنجاز تقديرًا لالتزام البنك بتوفير بنية تحتية قوية وموثوقة لمراكز البيانات، مما يعزز من قدرته على تقديم خدمات مصرفية آمنة ومستدامة. Read full information on external site
Converge eyes gold standard in new data centers - megabites.com.ph2024-9-05 Leading fiber broadband and technology services provider Converge ICT Solutions Inc. is set to create the best-in-class data centers in the Philippines, eyeing to claim the highest certification in data center performance, complementing its redundancy with AI-ready servers, as well as promoting sustainability with its liquid cooling solution. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC opens Adelaide's first Tier IV certified data centre - crn.com.au2024-9-05 ASX-listed data centre builder NEXTDC said it has launched A1, Adelaide's first Tier IV certified data centre, located within the South Australian capital's city grid. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC unveils first Tier IV data centre in Adelaide - ciosea.economictimes.indiatimes.com2024-9-05 Built as a next generation data centre, A1 Adelaide will play a critical role in. Read full information on external site
資料中心缺電 雲端廠商打小型核能主意 - pchome.com2024-9-04 "人工智慧在疫情時間及後疫情時代的需求遽增,但是阻礙雲端擴張的挑戰,除了成本預算外,能源也是相當迫切的問題。有鑑於資料中心的複雜配置,當中可能涉及網路、冷卻、配電、伺服器等不同設施,進而造成數" Read full information on external site
CLARO Empresas: todas las soluciones digitales que su empresa necesita en un solo lugar - metroecuador.com.ec2024-9-04 CLARO Empresas cuenta con un amplio portafolio de soluciones digitales que harán de su empresa más productiva y segura. Read full information on external site
AI耗電只是冰山一角!「這項設施」成最大吃電怪獸 - businessweekly.com.tw2024-9-04 國際能源總署預估,2026年資料中心、加密貨幣和AI相關領域的電力消耗需求量會翻倍。但隨氣候極端化,許多地區的電網已經變得脆弱。 (攝影者:程思迪) Read full information on external site
Cloud computing hits the nuclear button amid energy crisis - theregister.com2024-9-03 Other options considered too as the power draw on electricity grids continues unabated. Read full information on external site
WIIT-Gruppe ernennt Christoph Herrnkind zum neuen CEO der Econis AG - pressetext.com2024-9-03 Die WIIT-Gruppe – seit April 2024 Eigentümerin der Econis AG mit Hauptsitz in Dietikon in der Schweiz – ernennt Christoph Herrnkind zum neuen CEO der Econis AG. Christoph Herrnkind übernimmt die neue Position zusätzlich zu seiner aktuellen Rolle als CEO der WIIT AG in Deutschland (Business). Read full information on external site
Cloud computing hits the nuclear button amid energy crisis - msn.com2024-9-03 Other options considered too as the power draw on electricity grids continues unabated. Read full information on external site
Naitways facilite la publication des indicateurs RSE et ESG demandés aux PME et ETI - gpomag.fr2024-9-03 L’opérateur cloud et réseau français fournit automatiquement plusieurs indicateurs extra-financiers listés dans la directive européenne CSRD qui s’appliquera aux entreprises de +250 salariés ou de +50 M€ de chiffre d’affaires à compter 1er janvier 2025. Read full information on external site
Colocation data center market balloons as operators face labor woes: JLL - facilitiesdive.com2024-9-03 Increased power demand has “noticeably accelerated” colocation rent increases in the past year as vacancy rates approach 0%, according to a midyear data center report. Read full information on external site
AI耗電只是冰山一角!「這項設施」成最大吃電怪獸 - businessweekly.com.tw2024-9-03 國際能源總署預估,2026年資料中心、加密貨幣和AI相關領域的電力消耗需求量會翻倍。但隨氣候極端化,許多地區的電網已經變得脆弱。 (攝影者:程思迪) Read full information on external site
First phase of OADC Texaf Digital – Kinshasa DC goes live: DRC’s first open-access carrier-neutral facility - africanwirelesscomms.com2024-9-03 The first phase of OADC Texaf Digital - Kinshasa, a joint venture between Open Access Data Centres (OADC) and TEXAF, is now live. Read full information on external site
Dietikon - Die WIIT-Gruppe – seit April 2024 Eigentümerin der Econis AG mit Hauptsitz in Dietikon in der Schweiz – ernennt Christoph Herrnkind zum neuen CEO der Econis AG. - ad-hoc-news.de2024-9-03 WIIT-Gruppe ernennt Christoph Herrnkind zum neuen CEO der Econis AG. Christoph Herrnkind übernimmt die neue Position zusätzlich zu seiner aktuellen Rolle als CEO der WIIT AG in Deutschland. Read full information on external site
Converge eyes gold standard in new data centers - themanilapost.net2024-9-02 Leading fiber broadband and technology services provider Converge ICT Solutions Inc. is set to create the best-in-class data centers in the Philippines, eyeing to claim the highest certification in data center performance, complementing its redundancy with AI-ready servers, as well as promoting sustainability with its liquid cooling solution. Read full information on external site
MEEZA signs deal exceeding QR100m to deliver 1 megawatt data centre capacity - thepeninsulaqatar.com2024-9-02 Doha: MEEZA QSTP-LLC (Public), Qatar’s leading managed IT services and data centres provider, has reached an agreement to deliver 1 megawatt capacity in its M-VAULT4 data centre to a global hyperscalers. Read full information on external site
ميزة توقع عقدا تتجاوز قيمته 100 مليون ريال قطري لتقديم خدمات مراكز بيانات بسعة واحد ميجاواط - qna.org.qa2024-9-02 الدوحة في 02 سبتمبر /قنا/ أعلنت شركة " ميزة " كيو اس تي بي (شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة عامة )، الرائدة في تقديم حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات ومراكز البيانات في قطر، عن توقيعها عقدا مع إحدى أكبر شركات التكنولوجيا العالمية لتوفير سعة تصل إلى 1 ميجاواط في مركز بياناتها M-VAULT4، بقيمة إجمالية تبلغ أكثر من 100 مليون ريال قطري ويمتد حتى عام 2036. Read full information on external site
"ميزة" توقع عقدا تتجاوز قيمته 100 مليون ريال قطري لتقديم خدمات مراكز بيانات بسعة واحد ميجاواط - nabdn.com2024-9-02 تب العرب القطرية "ميزة" توقع عقدا تتجاوز قيمته 100 مليون ريال قطري لتقديم خدمات مراكز بيانات بسعة واحد ميجاواط ..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد علنت شركة ميزة كيو اس تي بي شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة عامة ، الرائدة في تقديم حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات ومراكز البيانات في قطر، عن توقيعها عقدا مع إحدى أكبر شركات التكنولوجيا العالمية لتوفير سعة تصل إلى 1 ميجاواط في مركز بياناتها M VAULT4، بقيمة... , نشر في الأثنين 2024/09/02 الساعة 01:09 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان . Read full information on external site
شركة ميزة توقع عقد تتجاوز قيمته 100 مليون ريال قطري لتقديم خدمات مراكز بيانات بسعة واحد ميجاواط - mubasher.info2024-9-02 دوحة، قطر – 1 سبتمبر 2024: وقعت شركة میزة كيو اس تي بي-ذ.م.م. (عامة) ، الشركة الرائدة في تقديم حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات ومراكز البيانات في قطر، عقداً لتسليم سعة 1 ميجا واط في مركز بياناتها M-VAULT4 لأحد أكبر شركات التكنولوجيا العالمية بقيمة إجمالية تبلغ أكثر من 100 مليون ريال قطري امتداداً لعام 2036 وتساهم شركة ميزة من خلال هذا المشروع في خطط الحكومة الاستراتيجية والمتمثلة في الأجندة الرقمية 2030، والتي تهدف لتعزيز التحول الرقمي واعتماد تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي في دولة قطر. Read full information on external site
Converge eyes gold standard in new data centers - manilarepublic.com2024-9-02 Leading fiber broadband and technology services provider Converge ICT Solutions Inc. is set to create the best-in-class data centers in the Philippines, eyeing to claim the highest certification in data center performance, complementing its redundancy with AI-ready servers, as well as promoting sustainability with its liquid cooling solution. Read full information on external site
Cybersecurity Risks Threaten the Physical Infrastructure of Data Centers - datacenterknowledge.com2024-9-02 Cybersecurity risks pose a growing threat to the physical infrastructure of data centers, making robust security measures essential, writes Jose Seara. Read full information on external site
Converge eyes gold standard in new data centers - cornermagazineph.com2024-9-02 Leading fiber broadband and technology services provider Converge ICT Solutions Inc. is set to create the best-in-class data centers in the Philippines, eyeing to claim the highest certification in data center performance, complementing its redundancy with AI-ready servers, as well as promoting sustainability with its liquid cooling solution. Read full information on external site
Portus Data Centers Takes Foothold in Grand Duchy - chronicle.lu2024-9-02 The European Data Hub (EDH) SA, operated by Portus Data Centers, is located at the Centre Drosbach in the Cloche d'Or suburb of Luxembourg city which was constructed in 2010 by Technopolis for the European Commission; the EDH was subsequently sold by the Wagner Group (in 2023 Q4) to the UK investment fund Arcus Infrastructure Partners. Read full information on external site
شركة ميزة توقع عقداً بقيمة 100 مليون ريال لتقديم خدمات مراكز بيانات بسعة واحد ميجاواط - argaam.com2024-9-02 وقعت شركة میزة كيو اس تي بي-ذ.م.م. (عامة) ، الشركة الرائدة في تقديم حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات ومراكز البيانات في قطر، عقداً لتسليم سعة 1 ميجا واط في مركز بياناتها M-VAULT4 لأحد أكبر شركات التكنولوجيا العالمية بقيمة إجمالية تبلغ أكثر من 100 مليون ريال قطري امتداداً لعام 2036 وتساهم شركة ميزة من خلال هذا المشروع في خطط الحكومة الاستراتيجية والمتمثلة في الأجندة الرقمية 2030، والتي تهدف لتعزيز التحول الرقمي واعتماد تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي في دولة قطر. Read full information on external site
"ميزة" توقع عقدا تتجاوز قيمته 100 مليون ريال قطري لتقديم خدمات مراكز بيانات بسعة واحد ميجاواط - alarab.qa2024-9-02 علنت شركة /ميزة/ كيو اس تي بي (شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة عامة )، الرائدة في تقديم حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات ومراكز البيانات في قطر، عن توقيعها عقدا مع إحدى أكبر شركات التكنولوجيا العالمية لتوفير سعة تصل إلى 1 ميجاواط في مركز بياناتها M-VAULT4، بقيمة إجمالية تبلغ أكثر من 100 مليون ريال قطري ويمتد حتى عام 2036. Read full information on external site
MEEZA signs over QR100 million deal to deliver 1 megawatt data centre capacity - qatar-tribune.com2024-9-01 MEEZA QSTP-LLC (Public), Qatar’s leading managed IT services and data centres provider, has reached an agreement to deliver one megawatt capacity in its M-VAULT4 data centre to a global hyperscalers. Read full information on external site
APC's 40-Year Legacy: Why UPS Technology is More Crucial Than Ever - legit.ng2024-9-01 Schneider Electric has described the future of UPS technology as critical to the future power supply. Read full information on external site
August 2024
Converge starts work on new data hubs - MSN Philippines2024-8-30 CONVERGE ICT Solutions Inc. on Thursday said it has begun the construction of two data centers in Metro Manila and Pampanga with a combined 1,500 racks. Read full information on external site
Why data centers aren’t a good use of green hydrogen - latitudemedia.com2024-8-30 Some data center operators, including Microsoft, are experimenting with green hydrogen. That’s not necessarily realistic. Read full information on external site
Converge to open two data centers by 2025 - bworldonline.com2024-8-30 CONVERGE ICT Solutions, Inc. plans to open two data centers with a combined capacity of 13 megawatts (MW) by next year, the listed company announced on Thursday. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group opens data centre with Tier III Uptime certification in DRC - intelligentcio.com2024-8-29 In a landmark move reinforcing the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s, DRC burgeoning role in Africa’s digital transformation, Raxio Group inaugurated its state-of-the-art data centre in Kinshasa, marking the country’s largest data centre, with Tier III accreditation by international industry body, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Event Internasional NeutraDC Summit 2024 Digelar, Bahas Sisi Lain AI - tribunnews.com2024-8-29 Anak perusahaan PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom), PT Telkom Data Ekosistem (NeutraDC) yang merupakan penyedia layananan ekosistem data center Indonesia yang berfokus pada inovasi dan keberlanjutan, menggelar acara bertaraf internasional, NeutraDC Summit 2024 yang berlangsung di Sofitel Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin (26/8). Read full information on external site
ERP System: UM6P and SAP strengthen their collaboration through the adoption of the “RISE with SAP” solution - time.news2024-8-29 This alliance was concluded by Hicham El Habti, President of UM6P, and Hicham Iraqi Houssaini, Managing Director of SAP Francophone Africa, during the global GITEX Africa event held in Marrakech from May 29 to 31, 2024, specifies a joint press release from the two parties. Read full information on external site
Converge building 2 new data centers to meet rising demand for heavy apps - manilastandard.net2024-8-29 Converge ICT Solutions Inc. said Thursday it is building two new data centers in Metro Manila and Pampanga to serve the growing demand for bandwidth-heavy applications among broadband subscribers. Read full information on external site
Transformación digital segura y eficiente: descubre estas soluciones integradas para las empresas - gestion.pe2024-8-29 Claro empresas potencia la transformación digital de las empresas e impulsa su crecimiento mediante Soluciones TI, soluciones de Ciberseguridad y su Data Center. Read full information on external site
Downtime: Why organisations hesitate to switch IT infrastructure providers - datacentrereview.com2024-8-29 Simon Yeoman, CEO at Fasthosts, discusses how businesses can minimise downtime risk while exploring IT infrastructure provider options. Read full information on external site
Uptime destaca una baja la confianza en la IA y poco seguimiento de métricas sostenibles - datacentermarket.es2024-8-29 Publicamos aquí las conclusiones básicas del Uptime Institute Global Data Center Survey 2024. Read full information on external site
AI to lift demand for data center services to new heights - consultancy-me.com2024-8-29 Data center services have become an increasingly important part of the world economy, and the market will continue to grow in step with the growth of artificial intelligence (AI). Read full information on external site
Claro de Carlos Slim anuncia inversión de US$30 millones en Argentina: de qué se trata - bloomberglinea.com2024-8-29 La caída de la inflación en el segundo trimestre de 2024 ha dado impulso los ingresos de la empresa de telecomunicaciones. A fines de 2023, la operación argentina había sido excluida de sus estados financieros consolidados. Read full information on external site
Telkom Gelar NeutraDC Summit di Bali, Jalin Kerja Sama dengan HPE - uzone.id2024-8-28 Telkom Indonesia melalui PT Telkom Data Ekosistem (NeutraDC) sukses menggelar acara NeutraDC Summit 2024 yang digelar di Sofitel Nusa Dua, Bali pada Senin (26/8). Read full information on external site
Lula recoloca a Telebras no jogo: ‘Não é preciso desmontar o Estado’ - ocafezinho.com2024-8-28 Presidente visita instalações que operam e monitoram o Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas (SGDC) e acompanha contrato entre estatal e Ministério do Trabalho A ideia é relativamente simples: se o Governo Federal, ou melhor, o Estado brasileiro, possui uma empresa capacitada para fornecer produtos e serviços de qualidade para o próprio Estado, por […] Read full information on external site
Huawei partners Galaxy Backbone in building Nigeria’s first dual-certified Tier IV Data Centre - tribuneonlineng.com2024-8-28 Galaxy Backbone (GBB), a digital transformation company in Nigeria, recently achieved Uptime Tier IV certification for its second data centre, making it the first data centre in Nigeria to obtain the Tier IV design and facility certifications. Read full information on external site
NeutraDC Summit 2024, bahas sisi lain AI - indotelko.com2024-8-28 Anak perusahaan PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom), PT Telkom Data Ekosistem (NeutraDC) yang merupakan penyedia layananan ekosistem data center Indonesia yang berfokus pada inovasi dan keberlanjutan, menggelar acara bertaraf internasional, NeutraDC Summit 2024 yang berlangsung di Sofitel Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin (26/8). Read full information on external site
Qué es el Deep learning y cómo funciona. Desafíos y retos - datacentermarket.es2024-8-28 El Deep learning es una herramienta de algoritmos que genera redes neuronales artificiales con muchas utilidades. Conoce cómo funciona, sus retos y desafíos. Read full information on external site
BTC’s fall from grace - businessweekly.co.bw2024-8-28 While mobile network operators Orange Botswana and Mascom Wireless are surging, the homegrown BTC Limited has been regressing since its debut on the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE). Insiders reveal that heads have already rolled due to the company's dismal performance. Read full information on external site
Meta's Geothermal Data Center Deal Marks Milestone For Emerging Green Energy Source - bisnow.com2024-8-28 Social media giant Meta has signed a deal to power data centers with geothermal energy, a step forward for a renewable energy source that could impact the data center development landscape. Read full information on external site
NeutraDC Summit 2024 Galang Kerja Sama Strategis - rmol.id2024-8-28 Anak perusahaan PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom), PT Telkom Data Ekosistem (NeutraDC) yang merupakan penyedia layananan ekosistem data center Indonesia yang berfokus pada inovasi dan keberlanjutan, menggelar acara bertaraf internasional, NeutraDC Summit 2024 yang berlangsung di Sofitel Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin (26/8). Read full information on external site
Event Internasional NeutraDC Summit 2024 Digelar, Bahas Sisi Lain AI - wartaekonomi2024-8-27 Anak perusahaan PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom), PT Telkom Data Ekosistem (NeutraDC) yang merupakan penyedia layananan ekosistem data center Indonesia yang berfokus pada inovasi dan keberlanjutan, menggelar acara bertaraf internasional, NeutraDC Summit 2024 yang berlangsung di Sofitel Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin (26/8). Read full information on external site
Lula sobre a Telebras: “Empresa brasileira a serviço do nosso conhecimento tecnológico” - tvprefeito.com2024-8-27 O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva exaltou nesta terça-feira, durante visita às instalações do Centro de Operações Espaciais Principal (COPE-P) da Telebras, a importância da estatal para o país. “Porque eu quero dar um exemplo ao Brasil. Read full information on external site
NeutraDC Summit 2024, Bahas Data Center sebagai AI-enabler - tempo.co2024-8-27 NeutraDC Summit menjadi salah satu langkah strategis dalam menghadapi masa depan data center sebagai AI-enabler, sejalan dengan komitmen Telkom Group dalam mendorong transformasi digital Indonesia berskala nasional maupun regional. Read full information on external site
Nigeria's Galaxy Backbone data centres gain 2 top certifications - technologytimes.ng2024-8-27 Galaxy Backbone (GBB), the technology services company owned by Federal Government, says it has achieved a significant milestone with its second data centre receiving Uptime Tier IV certification. Read full information on external site
Lula defende usar a Telebras para desenvolver inteligência artificial sem depender de outros países - radiopampa.com2024-8-27 O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) disse nesta terça-feira (27) que pretende usar a Telebras para desenvolver inteligência artificial no País sem depender de outras nações que “já estão na frente”. Read full information on external site
Lula defende usar a Telebras para desenvolver inteligência artificial sem depender de outros países - osul.com2024-8-27 O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) disse nesta terça-feira (27) que pretende usar a Telebras para desenvolver inteligência artificial no País sem depender de outras nações que “já estão na frente”. Read full information on external site
Komut Telkom: AI Hadirkan Tantangan Sekaligus Peluang Besar - msn.com/berita2024-8-27 Teknologi kecerdasan buatan alias artificial intelligence (AI) terus berkembang dengan pesat. Read full information on external site
Event Internasional NeutraDC Summit 2024 Digelar, Bahas Sisi Lain AI - industry.co.id2024-8-27 Anak perusahaan PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom), PT Telkom Data Ekosistem (NeutraDC) yang merupakan penyedia layananan ekosistem data center Indonesia yang berfokus pada inovasi dan keberlanjutan, menggelar acara bertaraf internasional, NeutraDC Summit 2024 yang berlangsung di Sofitel Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin (26/8). Read full information on external site
Presidente acompanha no COPE-P, em Brasília, a assinatura de contrato entre Telebras e Ministério do Trabalho para conectar 409 agências - Conselho-Planalto.gov.br2024-8-27 Centro de Operações Espaciais é um dos datacenters mais modernos do mundo, que opera e monitora o Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas. Read full information on external site
Lula sobre a Telebras: “Empresa brasileira a serviço do nosso conhecimento tecnológico” - Conselho-Planalto.gov.br2024-8-27 Presidente visita instalações que operam e monitoram o Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas (SGDC) e acompanha contrato entre estatal e Ministério do Trabalho. Read full information on external site
Lula defende usar Telebras para desenvolver inteligência artificial sem depender de outros países - cnnbrasil.com.br2024-8-27 Lula defendeu que a empresa deva ser utilizada na governança de dados e que a estatal tenha estrutura para desenvolver a I.A brasileira. Read full information on external site
NeutraDC Summit 2024 Bahas Sisi Lain Kecerdasan Buatan - cnnindonesia.com2024-8-27 Anak perusahaan PT Telkom Indonesaia (Telkom), PT Telkom Data Ekosistem (NeutraDC) menggelar acara bertaraf internasional, NeutraDC Summit 2024 di Sofitel Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin (26/8). Acara ini membahas sisi lain kecerdasan buatan atau Artificial Intelligence (AI). Read full information on external site
Vertiv Care, atención para los centros de datos - thestandardcio.com2024-8-27 Creado en 2021, Vertiv Care es el centro de atención profesional de la empresa para los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
EntertainmentGOtv’s Kid’s Content: Shaping Young Minds Through A Mix of Entertainment and Education During the Holidays - cablenews24.com2024-8-27 Children are among the most avid television viewers. Research has shown that kids spend more time in front of the television than an adult spends working. Every day, young children watch between three to five hours of television. Some even spend 20 hours of TV time per week and even more during school breaks. Read full information on external site
Lula acompanha, em Brasília, a assinatura de contrato entre Telebras e Ministério do Trabalho para conectar 409 agências - brasil247.com2024-8-27 Presidente fez uma visita oficial ao Centro de Operações Espaciais Principal (COPE-P) da Telebras nesta terça-feira (27). Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s Tier IV Accredits 2nd Data Centre For Galaxy Backbone - brandspurng.com2024-8-27 As the first facility in the nation to obtain both Tier IV design and facility certifications, Galaxy Backbone announced on Monday that it has obtained Uptime Institute’s Tier IV accreditation for its second data centre. Read full information on external site
Lula defende usar Telebras para desenvolver inteligência artificial sem depender de outros países - 96fm.com2024-8-27 O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) disse nesta terça-feira (27) que pretende usar a Telebras para desenvolver inteligência artificial no país sem depender de outras nações que “já estão na frente”. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group Launches Largest Data Centre in DRC - telecomtalk.info2024-8-26 Raxio Group has inaugurated its largest data center in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), marking a significant milestone in the country's digital transformation. Read full information on external site
Huawei Partners with Galaxy Backbone in Building Nigeria’s First Dual-Certified Tier IV Data Center - techeconomy.ng2024-8-26 Recently, Galaxy Backbone (GBB), a digital transformation company in Nigeria, achieved Uptime Tier IV certification for its second data center, making it the first data center in Nigeria to obtain the Tier IV design and facility certifications. Read full information on external site
News of On-Premises’ Death Is Greatly Exaggerated - securityboulevard.com2024-8-26 We often find ourselves making educated guesses about the future. We speculate which technologies will soar, which platforms are worth our investment, and what the landscape of our tech stacks will look like a few years down the line. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone and Huawei collaborate to develop Nigeria’s first dual-certified Tier IV data center - itedgenews.africa2024-8-26 Recently, Galaxy Backbone (GBB), a digital transformation company in Nigeria, achieved Uptime Tier IV certification for its second data center, making it the first data center in Nigeria to obtain the Tier IV design and facility certifications. This accomplishment signifies that GBB Data Center’s design and facilities meet the highest international standards, ensuring high reliability and availability. Read full information on external site
Mercado de Data Center en México: Una Mina de Oportunidades en Expansión para el Canal - esemanal.mx2024-8-26 La creciente necesidad de respaldo de energía y continuidad operativa, presentan una oportunidad para que los canales provean sistemas avanzados de UPS y soluciones de respaldo. Read full information on external site
Power Union Expertos en Diseño y Servicios para Centros de Datos con Certificaciones y Reconocimientos que lo Avalan - esemanal.mx2024-8-26 Power Union es pionero en obtener certificaciones del Uptime Institute en México, destacándose por certificar más centros de datos Tier 3 en el país. Read full information on external site
Businesses increasingly turn to biometrics for physical access and visitor management - biometricupdate.com2024-8-26 Education and transparency essential to address employee data privacy concerns. Read full information on external site
Huawei Partners Galaxy Backbone in Building Nigeria’s First Dual-Certified Tier IV Data Center - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com2024-8-26 Galaxy Backbone (GBB), a digital transformation company in Nigeria, recently achieved Uptime Tier IV certification for its second data center, making it the first data center in Nigeria to obtain the Tier IV design and facility certifications. Read full information on external site
DR Congo : Raxio Group Launches the Country Largest Data Center - wearetech.africa2024-8-24 As digital services become increasingly vital for economic activities, the availability of reliable data centres will support the growth of digital economies across Africa. This could foster a more interconnected and robust African digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
The Hidden Costs of Chasing Five 9s - thenewstack.io2024-8-24 In most cases, aiming for a lower availability target might be worthwhile to attain a better balance, offering sustainable operations and a healthier work culture. Read full information on external site
Democratic Republic of Congo’s biggest data centre goes live - mobileeurope.co.uk2024-8-23 Raxio Group spends $30 million at Kinshasa location in drive to realise the Plan National du Numérique. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre to Catalyse Digital Economy - kenyaengineer.co2024-8-23 In a landmark move reinforcing the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) burgeoning role in Africa’s digital transformation, Raxio Group today inaugurated its state-of-the-art data centre in Kinshasa, marking the country’s largest data centre, with Tier III accreditation by international industry body, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre to Catalyse Digital Economy - itweb.africa2024-8-23 In a landmark move reinforcing the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) burgeoning role in Africa’s digital transformation, Raxio Group today inaugurated its state-of-the-art data centre in Kinshasa, marking the country’s largest data centre, with Tier III accreditation by international industry body, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group opens $30m DR Congo’s Tier III data centre - itweb.africa2024-8-23 This week, Raxio Group, a carrier-neutral Tier III data center operator, opened a $30 million data center in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Read full information on external site
DRC launches its largest data centre - esi-africa.com2024-8-23 Yesterday, 23 August 2024, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) made a landmark move in accelerating its digital economy. The country welcomed the inauguration of a state-of-the-art data centre in Kinshasa. Read full information on external site
DRC inaugurates $30 million Raxio Data Centre - digitalisationworld.com2024-8-23 Raxio Group opens DRC’s largest capacity data centre with Tier III Uptime certification. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group inaugurates $30m data center in Democratic Republic of the Congo - capacitymedia.com2024-8-23 Raxio Group has inaugurated its new data centre in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), marking the country’s largest data centre, with Tier III accreditation by Uptime Institute, Known as Raxio DRC1, the facility is backed by a US$30 million investment and represents a milestone as the country looks to drive digital inclusion, foster private sector growth and transform public services through digitalisationRead full information on external site
DRC inaugurates $30m Raxio data centre - africabusinesscommunities.com2024-8-23 In a landmark move reinforcing the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) burgeoning role in Africa's digital transformation, Raxio Group today inaugurated its state-of-the-art data centre in Kinshasa, marking the country’s largest data centre, with Tier III accreditation by international industry body, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group opens $30 million data centre in DR Congo - africabusinesscommunities.com2024-8-23 In a landmark move reinforcing the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) burgeoning role in Africa's digital transformation, Raxio Group today inaugurated its state-of-the-art data centre in Kinshasa, marking the country’s largest data centre, with Tier III accreditation by international industry body, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Claro Argentina: entre la sustentabilidad medioambiental y la apertura de un nuevo data center - telesemana.com2024-8-22 Operar más y mejor, podría ser la idea fuerza que mejor resuma las últimas novedades de Claro Argentina. Read full information on external site
DRC Launches $30 Million Raxio Data Centre in Kinshaa - techbullion.com2024-8-22 Share Tweet Share Email DRC has launched a $30 million Raxio Data Centre in Kinshaa to promote the digital economy. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre to Catalyse Digital Economy - techafricanews.com2024-8-22 In a landmark move reinforcing the DRC’s burgeoning role in Africa’s digital transformation, Raxio Group today inaugurated its state-of-the-art data centre in Kinshasa, marking the country’s largest data centre, with Tier III accreditation by international industry body, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre to Catalyse Digital Economy - southafricatoday.net2024-8-22 Raxio Group opens DRC’s largest capacity data centre with Tier III Uptime certification. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre to Catalyse Digital Economy - quicknews-africa.net2024-8-22 Raxio Group opens DRC's largest capacity data centre with Tier III Uptime certification. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group Inaugurates its $30M State-of-the-art Data Centre in Kinshasa - pctechmag.com2024-8-22 Located in Limete on the southeast of Kinshasa, Raxio Data Centre spans 1,542 square meters. Its modern design can house up to 400 racks and can reliably deliver 1.5MW of IT power to customer equipment. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre to Catalyse Digital Economy - menews247.com2024-8-22 In a landmark move reinforcing the DRC’s burgeoning role in Africa’s digital transformation, Raxio Group today inaugurated its state-of-the-art data centre in Kinshasa, marking the country’s largest data centre, with Tier III accreditation by international industry body, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
August 2024 Blog: Techerati Article - madeinbritain.org2024-8-22 In this opinion piece, Andy Lewis, Design Manager at Weatherite, explores the cutting-edge HVAC technologies transforming data centre cooling. As data centres grow, efficient and sustainable solutions are crucial. This article highlights the innovations shaping the future of HVAC systems in data centres. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre to Catalyse Digital Economy - itweb.co.za2024-8-22 Raxio Group opens DRC’s largest capacity data centre with Tier III Uptime certification. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre to Catalyse Digital Economy - ghananewsonline.com2024-8-22 Raxio Group opens DRC’s largest capacity data centre with Tier III Uptime certification. Read full information on external site
针对AI优化数据中心的有效电缆管理 - fromgeek.com2024-8-22 为了了解人工智能优化数据中心中有效电缆管理的重要性和规模,我们必须首先评估当前和预测的用户需求,推动对超大规模技术和强大的布线解决方案的更大需求。Read full information on external site
Optimising Power Infrastructure for India’s Next-Generation Data Centers - financialexpress.com2024-8-22 India's data center industry is evolving with AI, ML, and IoT driving the need for higher efficiency and sustainability, making advanced power management and quality monitoring crucial to prevent costly downtime and ensure reliable operations. Read full information on external site
Overcoming data center industry staff shortages with skilled tradespeople - eschoolnews.com2024-8-22 High schools and vocational schools could implement programs to introduce students to data center industry careers--and even provide basic training to get them started. Read full information on external site
Claro sale de la hibernación: anuncia la construcción de un nuevo data center en CABA (US$ 30 millones) - infonegocios.info2024-8-22 Aunque es uno de los jugadores más relevante en el mundo de las comunicaciones, Claro estaba llamada a silencio hace años. Ahora empieza a decir “aquí estoy”. Read full information on external site
New Technologies, New Frontiers: Revolutionizing Data Center Maintenance for the Digital Age - digitalisationworld.com2024-8-22 By Anna Mazzoleni, Global Product Manager, Electrification Service, ABB. Read full information on external site
The stamp of approval - digitalisationworld.com2024-8-22 By Chris Wellfair, projects director at Secure I.T. Environments takes a look at data centre certification. Read full information on external site
Raxio inaugurates $30M DRC data center - connectingafrica.com2024-8-22 Data center operator Raxio Group has inaugurated its newest data center in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), its fourth in Africa. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre To Catalyse Digital Economy - brandspurng.com2024-8-22 Raxio Group opens DRC’s largest capacity data centre with Tier III Uptime certification. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 million Raxio data centre - africabusinesscommunities.com2024-8-22 Raxio Group today inaugurated a new data centre in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Read full information on external site
DRC Inaugurates $30 Million Raxio Data Centre to Catalyse Digital Economy - advfn.com2024-8-22 Raxio Group opens DRC’s largest capacity data centre with Tier III Uptime certification. Read full information on external site
DR Congo inaugurates $30m data centre to catalyse digital economy - theafricanews.net2024-8-21 A state-of-the-art data centre was inaugurated in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo's (DRC) on Thursday. The country's largest data centre established by Raxio Group, with Tier III accreditation by international industry body, the Uptime Institute, it is expected to reinforce the DRC's burgeoning role in Africa's digital transformation, the Associated Press reported. Read full information on external site
Claro avanza en la construcción de un nuevo Data Center en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires - itsitio.com2024-8-21 La inversión alcanzará más de 30 millones de dólares. Este centro modular mejorará la conectividad y apoyará el crecimiento de la red 5G en la región. Read full information on external site
Claro avanza en la construcción de un nuevo Data Center en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires - filo.news2024-8-21 Con una inversión estimada en esta primer etapa -entre el 2024 y el 2026- de más de 30 millones de dólares, el nuevo edificio representará un avance significativo en la infraestructura tecnológica de la Ciudad y de Argentina. Read full information on external site
ECL Shares Details of ‘World’s First’ Hydrogen-Powered Data Center - datacenterknowledge.com2024-8-21 The ambitious hydrogen-powered data center concept supports high-density GPU deployments and draws zero power from the grid. Read full information on external site
OADC launches data center in DR Congo - samenacouncil.org2024-8-20 Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has launched a new data center in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Read full information on external site
Datacenter-Betreiber sehen operativen Einsatz von KI skeptisch - datacenter-insider.de2024-8-20 Die 14. Auflage der renommierten Datacenter-Studie des Uptime Institute analysiert die Entwicklung bei Themen wie Energie-Effizienz, Gründe für Ausfälle, Einsatz von KI-Diensten in den Rechenzentren selbst sowie die Frage, wie viele Frauen die Branche eigentlich beschäftigt. Read full information on external site
RDC. Inaugurado em Kinshasa um Centro de dados para promover a economia digital - vaticannews.va2024-8-19 O primeiro Centro de dados da República Democrática do Congo (RDC) foi inaugurado na quarta-feira, 14 de agosto. Read full information on external site
CrowdStrike meltdown may shore up cyber insurance premiums - insuranceasia.com2024-8-19 Insurers are refining their policies after the global tech outage to better manage risks. Read full information on external site
Interest in two-phase cooling warms up - datacenterdynamics.com2024-8-19 Two-phase immersion was expected to revolutionize data center cooling, but proved difficult to implement. Is interest peaking again? Read full information on external site
CrowdStrike meltdown may shore up cyber insurance premiums - asianbusinessreview.com2024-8-19 Insurers are refining their policies after the global tech outage to better manage risks. Read full information on external site
Taking a hard look at data centres - mida.gov.my2024-8-18 Malaysia is aiming to become a data centre hub in the region, with a slew of investments in such facilities being announced in recent months. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom nhận trọn bộ chứng chỉ Uptime về thiết kế, xây dựng, vận hành - doanhnhansaigon.vn2024-8-17 CMC Telecom trở thành đơn vị đầu tiên tại Việt Nam có trung tâm dữ liệu sở hữu trọn bộ 3 chứng chỉ thiết kế, xây dựng và vận hành sau khi chính thức nhận Chứng chỉ Tier III về Vận hành Bền vững (TCOS) từ Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
为绿色添动力,让未来可持续【2024戴尔科技峰会预告】 - zqcn.com.cn2024-8-16 企业如何通过创新和AI布局,赋能优化运营实现降本增效,并探索新的业务增长点?8月16日戴尔科技集团邀您共赴2024戴尔科技峰会暨AI-First领导力论坛,万物向新 智者无疆AI-First技术战略已就绪,一同开启未来的数字化战略之旅驱动创新、实现增长! Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom nhận trọn bộ chứng chỉ Uptime về Thiết kế, Xây dựng, Vận hành - vneconomy.vn2024-8-16 CMC Telecom trở thành đơn vị đầu tiên tại Việt Nam có trung tâm dữ liệu sở hữu trọn bộ 3 chứng chỉ Thiết kế, Xây dựng và Vận hành sau khi chính thức nhận chứng chỉ Tier III về Vận hành Bền vững (TCOS) từ Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom nhận trọn bộ chứng chỉ Uptime về Thiết kế, Xây dựng, Vận hành - thoibaonganhang.vn2024-8-16 CMC Telecom trở thành đơn vị đầu tiên tại Việt Nam có trung tâm dữ liệu sở hữu trọn bộ 3 chứng chỉ Thiết kế, Xây dựng và Vận hành sau khi chính thức nhận chứng chỉ Tier III về Vận hành Bền vững (TCOS) từ Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Pioneering Data Center Launches In Democratic Republic Of Congo - theafrica.co.za2024-8-16 The Democratic Republic of Congo DRC has entered a new era of digital infrastructure with the launch of its first Tier-III certified, open-access, carrier-neutral data center. This groundbreaking facility, named OADC Texaf Digital, is the result of a joint venture between Open Access Data Centres OADC and TEXAF. Read full information on external site
为绿色添动力,让未来可持续【2024戴尔科技峰会预告】 - sina.com2024-8-16 企业如何通过创新和AI布局,赋能优化运营实现降本增效,并探索新的业务增长点?8月16日戴尔科技集团邀您共赴2024戴尔科技峰会暨AI-First领导力论坛,万物向新 智者无疆AI-First技术战略已就绪,一同开启未来的数字化战略之旅驱动创新、实现增长 Read full information on external site
数据中心正常运行时间的最大威胁及其应对方法 - sina.com2024-8-17 如果想提高数据中心的正常运行时间的话,就需要识别并减少最常见的故障源。这可能具有一定的挑战性,因为导致数据中心宕机的原因有很多,通常都不可能一下子解决所有的问题。数据中心运营商需要决定优先处理哪些正常运行时间的威胁。Read full information on external site
Power Issues Cause Most Data Center Outages, Followed by Cooling - fossforce.com2024-8-16 The percentage of outages caused by cooling issues is expected to rise as server density increases. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular capacita a clientes empresariales en ciberseguridad - diariosocialrd.com2024-8-16 En el marco de su modelo Banca 360°, el Banco Popular Dominicano llevó a cabo un evento enfocado en ciberseguridad para más de 200 clientes empresariales. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom received full set of Uptime certificates for Design, Construction, Operation - baohomnay.com2024-8-16 After 8 months of completing infrastructure, upgrading management processes and preparing more than 100 processes, CMC Telecom's Tan Thuan Data Center (DC) standard documents have passed 89 standards according to the global Uptime assessment framework, achieved the Sustainable Operation certificate on August 7, 2024 and was awarded the certificate from Uptime at 3:00 p.m. on August 15, 2024 at the headquarters in Hanoi. Read full information on external site
DRC’s First Tier-III Certified, Open-access, Carrier-neutral Data Centre Goes Live - techeconomy.ng2024-8-15 DRC’s First Tier-III Certified, Open-access, Carrier-neutral Data Centre Goes Live Telecoms OADC Texaf Digital - Kinshasa goes live. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular capacita a clientes empresariales en ciberseguridad - newsinamerica.com2024-8-15 República Dominicana. El Banco Popular Dominicano, en el marco de su modelo de atención a Banca 360°, realizó un encuentro para clientes empresariales sobre la aplicación de la ciberseguridad en el entorno empresarial. Read full information on external site
DRC’s first Tier-III certified data centre goes live - itweb.africa2024-8-15 The first phase of OADC Texaf Digital in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a joint venture between Open Access Data Centres (OADC) and TEXAF, is now operational. Read full information on external site
DRC launches its first Tier III certified data center in Kinshasa - innovation-village.com2024-8-15 The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has marked a significant milestone in its digital transformation journey with the launch of its first Tier III certified, carrier-neutral, open-access data center. The facility, a joint venture between Open Access Data Centres (OADC) and TEXAF, known as OADC Texaf Digital, is now operational in Kinshasa. Read full information on external site
DRC's first Tier 3 data center is live - connectingafrica.com2024-8-15 The Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC's) first open-access carrier-neutral Tier 3 data center has gone live in Kinshasa, more than a year late. Read full information on external site
RDC: mise en service de "OADC Texaf digital-Kinshasa", premier data center Tier-III - actualite.cd2024-8-15 Une nouvelle page de l'histoire numérique de la RDC vient de commencer avec l'opérationnalisation du premier data center "OADC Texaf Digital-Kinshasa". Read full information on external site
Vietnam has its first Data Center certified for Operational Sustainability by Uptime - techinsideout.co2024-8-14 On August 7, 2024, CMC Telecom's Tan Thuan Data Center officially achieved the Uptime Tier III Certification for Operational Sustainability (TCOS), became the first Data Center in Vietnam to achieve TCOS and hold the full portfolio of three certifications for Design, Construction, and Operations. Read full information on external site
OADC Texaf Digital – Kinshasa Launches DRC’s First Tier-III Certified Data Centre - techafricanews.com2024-8-14 OADC Texaf Digital – Kinshasa boosts DRC’s digital ecosystem with its first Tier-III certified data centre. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular capacita a clientes empresariales en ciberseguridad - noticiassin.com2024-8-14 En este sentido, el Popular está a la altura de las mejores prácticas internacionales, al contar con un avanzado Security Operations Center (SOC) y con un Network Operations Center (NOC), que velan por la estabilidad de los sistemas del banco. Read full information on external site
DRC’s digital future rakes shape: OADC Texaf Digital launches as first tier-III certified data centre - itedgenews.africa2024-8-14 OADC Texaf Digital – Kinshasa is the DRC’s first live Uptime Institute Tier-III certified open-access colocation data centre. Read full information on external site
Many Data Centers Not Ready for Data Center Sustainability Regulations - fossforce.com2024-8-14 Sustainability regulations now going into play have put data centers in something of a twilight zone regarding data they need to collect and analyze. Read full information on external site
First phase of DRC’s first Tier III data centre is live - developingtelecoms.com2024-8-14 The first phase of OADC Texaf Digital, a joint venture between African data centre company Open Access Data Centres (OADC) and TEXAF, a major long-term investor in the economy of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is now live in Kinshasa in the DRC. Read full information on external site
New open access data centre in DRC goes live - dcnnmagazine.com2024-8-14 The first phase of OADC Texaf Digital – Kinshasa, a joint venture between Open Access Data Centres (OADC) and TEXAF, is now live. Read full information on external site
DRC’s First Tier-III Certified Data Centre - cioafrica.co2024-8-14 Democratic Republic of Congo’s first Tier-III certified, open-access, carrier-neutral, data centre is now live. This project is as a result of a joint venture between Open Access Data Centres (OADC) and TEXAF, dubbed ‘OADC Texaf Digital’. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular capacita a clientes empresariales en ciberseguridad - aplatanaonews.com2024-8-14 Modelo Banca 360° ofrece de manera integral productos y soluciones. Read full information on external site
RDC: le data center Tier-III désormais opérationnel pour l'accélération de la numérisation dans le secteur économique - actualite.cd2024-8-14 Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), 14 août 2024. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular capacita a clientes empresariales en ciberseguridad - primicias.net2024-8-13 Modelo Banca 360° ofrece de manera integral productos y soluciones. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular capacita a clientes empresariales en ciberseguridad - elcaribe.com2024-8-13 Modelo Banca 360° ofrece de manera integral productos y soluciones. Read full information on external site
The AI boom has a metrics problem - latitudemedia.com2024-8-13 The critiques of current carbon accounting guidelines are many and varied. But the AI race may be reshaping what's needed. Read full information on external site
Why AI Isn’t Gobbling Data Center Resources the Way People Think It Is - fossforce.com2024-8-13 While word on the street is that AI workloads are sending server rack densities sky high, Uptime’s 2024 study says it ain’t so… not yet, anyway. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular capacita a clientes empresariales en ciberseguridad - ensegundos.do2024-8-13 El Banco Popular Dominicano, en el marco de su modelo de atención a Banca 360°, realizó un encuentro para clientes empresariales sobre la aplicación de la ciberseguridad en el entorno empresarial. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular capacita a clientes empresariales en ciberseguridad - elnuevodiario.com2024-8-13 Modelo Banca 360° ofrece de manera integral productos y soluciones. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular refuerza ciberseguridad para empresas con capacitación - diariodigital.com2024-8-13 Banca 360° presenta soluciones avanzadas y mejores prácticas. Read full information on external site
How to size a UPS for a modern data centre - datacentrereview.com2024-8-13 Kohler Uninterruptible Power outlines the critical factors to consider when specifying a UPS for data centres, from scalability and battery technology to cooling and modular systems. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular capacita a clientes empresariales en ciberseguridad - eldinero.com.do2024-8-13 Modelo Banca 360° ofrece de manera integral productos y soluciones. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom sở hữu 3 chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - vnexpress.net2024-8-12 Data Center Tân Thuận thuộc CMC Telecom nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III về vận hành bền vững của Uptime Institute, hôm 7/8. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: Data Center Operators Are Concerned About Costs - fossforce.com2024-8-12 When Uptime Institute asked about costs for the first time in this year’s survey, it found them to be the number one concern for data center operators. Read full information on external site
Việt Nam có Data Center sở hữu Chứng chỉ Vận hành bền vững - doanhnhansaigon.vn2024-8-12 Vào 3 giờ 23 phút, ngày 7/8/2024, Data Center Tân Thuận của CMC Telecom đã nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III về Vận hành bền vững (TCOS), trở thành Data Center đầu tiên tại Việt Nam đạt TCOS và sở hữu trọn bộ 3 chứng chỉ, gồm: Thiết kế, Xây dựng và Vận hành. Read full information on external site
Việt Nam có Data Center sở hữu Chứng chỉ Vận hành bền vững - baohomnay.com2024-8-12 Để có Chứng nhận này, đội ngũ đội ngũ kỹ sư Data Center (DC) CMC Telecom đã trải qua quá trình chuẩn bị và triển khai trong vòng 8 tháng, từ các khâu xây dựng và hoàn thiện hạ tầng, cùng hơn 100 quy trình, tài liệu quy chuẩn… DC Tân Thuận đã vượt qua 89 tiêu chuẩn khắt khe theo khung đánh giá Uptime. Read full information on external site
Data Center Tân Thuận đạt chứng chỉ Vận hành Bền vững của Uptime - vietnamnet.vn2024-8-09 Data Center Tân Thuận của CMC Telecom nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III về Vận hành Bền vững (TCOS), trở thành Data Center đi đầu ở Việt Nam đạt TCOS và sở hữu trọn bộ 3 chứng chỉ Thiết kế, Xây dựng và Vận hành. Read full information on external site
Việt Nam có Data Center đầu tiên sở hữu chứng chỉ “Vận hành Bền vững” của Uptime - vneconomy.vn2024-8-09 Ngày 7/8/2024, Data Center Tân Thuận của CMC Telecom chính thức nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III về Vận hành Bền vững (TCOS), trở thành Data Center đầu tiên tại Việt Nam đạt TCOS và sở hữu trọn bộ 3 chứng chỉ Thiết kế, Xây dựng và Vận hành... Read full information on external site
Việt Nam có Data Center đầu tiên sở hữu chứng chỉ: Vận hành bền vững của Uptime - thoibaonganhang.vn2024-8-09 Ngày 7/8/2024 vừa qua, Data Center Tân Thuận của CMC Telecom chính thức nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III về Vận hành Bền vững (TCOS), trở thành Data Center đầu tiên tại Việt Nam đạt TCOS và sở hữu trọn bộ 3 chứng chỉ Thiết kế, Xây dựng và Vận hành. Read full information on external site
Ensuring Business Continuity: Why ISPs Need to Rethink Their Approach - networkcomputing.com2024-8-09 Software Defined Internet Access (SD-IA) is emerging as an alternative to traditional failover mechanisms, and a new way to ensure continuous service. Read full information on external site
Việt Nam có Data Center đầu tiên sở hữu chứng chỉ Vận hành bền vững của Uptime - baodautu.vn2024-8-09 Ngày 07/08/2024, Data Center Tân Thuận của CMC Telecom chính thức nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III về Vận hành Bền vững (TCOS), trở thành Data Center đầu tiên tại Việt Nam đạt TCOS và sở hữu trọn bộ 3 chứng chỉ Thiết kế, Xây dựng và Vận hành. Read full information on external site
“데이터센터 핵심 도전과제는 비용·AI·인력 관리” 업타임 인스티튜트 보고서 - ciokorea.com2024-8-08 업타임 인스티튜트(Uptime Institute)의 최근 설문조사에 따르면 2024년 데이터센터 책임자가 직면하게 될 가장 큰 문제는 비용 상승, AI 문제, 인력 부족이다. 오늘날 데이터센터팀은 높아지는 랙 전력 밀도와 용량에 대한 요구 사항, 자본 투자 및 인력 제한 사이에서 균형을 맞추기 위해 노력하고 있다. Read full information on external site
[原创] IDC服务器的市场分析与未来趋势是怎么样的 - 9kd.com2024-8-08 随着全球数字化进程的加速,数据中心作为互联网和云计算的物理承载体,其市场规模与日俱增。根据Gartner的预测,全球云计算市场将在2025年达到约8320亿美元,而数据中心作为云服务的核心将直接受益。Read full information on external site
데이터센터의 3대 고민거리 "돈, AI, 사람" - zum.com2024-8-07 업타임 인스티튜트(Uptime Institute)의 최근 설문조사에 따르면 2024년 데이터센터 책임자가 직면하게 될 가장 큰 문제는 비용 상승, AI 문제, 인력 부족이다. 오늘날 데이터센터팀은 높아지는 랙 전력 밀도와 용량에 대한 요구 사항, 자본 투자 및 인력 제한 사이에서 균형을 맞추기 위해 노력하고 있다. Read full information on external site
Will Power Availability Derail the AI Revolution? - techrepublic.com2024-8-07 The potential of artificial intelligence is immense. But it could be derailed due to a lack of power. Data centers implementing AI now need so much energy that the local grid often struggles to supply it. Read full information on external site
FMS 2024: MaxLinear to Demo Panther III Storage Accelerator Solutions - storagenewsletter.com2024-8-07 Provides 12x lower flash drive cost, faster RW speeds, and increase in effective storage. Read full information on external site
J Trust Bank Tunjuk Bitera untuk Penyediaan Layanan Data Center - neraca.co2024-8-07 PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk (J Trust Bank) resmi menunjuk PT Mitra Informatika Gemilang (Bitera) sebagai mitra penyedia layanan hosting/data center. Read full information on external site
데이터센터의 3대 고민거리 "돈, AI, 사람" - itworld.co2024-8-07 업타임 인스티튜트(Uptime Institute)의 최근 설문조사에 따르면 2024년 데이터센터 책임자가 직면하게 될 가장 큰 문제는 비용 상승, AI 문제, 인력 부족이다. 오늘날 데이터센터팀은 높아지는 랙 전력 밀도와 용량에 대한 요구 사항, 자본 투자 및 인력 제한 사이에서 균형을 맞추기 위해 노력하고 있다. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos en México: ¿Dónde están, qué son y cómo funcionan? - itmastersmag.com2024-8-07 ¿Qué tienen en común Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, Uber o Google? Todos procesan cantidades masivas de información digital almacenadas en centros de datos y México es potencia global en esa industria. Read full information on external site
Ensuring uninterrupted data centre performance through critical power monitoring - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-8-07 As data centres evolve and grow in complexity, investing in advanced monitoring technologies is crucial to ensure uninterrupted service delivery and maintain a competitive edge in the digital economy. As power issues cause over half of all outage incidents, selecting a monitoring system with solutions which can adapt to modern challenges is imperative for operational efficiency. Read full information on external site
Ini Alasan J Trust Bank Tunjuk Bitera sebagai Mitra Penyedia Layanan Data Center - infobanknews.com2024-8-07 PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk (J Trust Bank) menunjuk PT Mitra Informatika Gemilang (Bitera) sebagai mitra penyedia layanan hosting atau data center. Read full information on external site
El impacto y crecimiento de los Datacenters de Antel en Uruguay - elobservador.com2024-8-07 Esta línea de negocios de Antel incluye dos datacenters propios, servicios de nube, plataformas y soluciones digitales para satisfacer a clientes nacionales y extranjeros. Read full information on external site
Cost, AI, and staffing are biggest concerns for data centers - networkworld.com2024-8-06 Data center operators are grappling with rising costs, the impact of AI on capacity requirements, and persistent staffing shortages, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
Data Center Power Management Market Poised for Significant Growth: Projected to Reach $39.9 Billion by 2033 - marketresearchblog.org2024-8-06 The global data center power management market is anticipated to expand its roots at a CAGR of 7% with a valuation of US$ 20,260.5 million in 2023. The market is slated to reach a estimation of US$ 39,978.8 million by 2033. Read full information on external site
Cost, AI, and staffing are biggest concerns for data centers - gixtools.net2024-8-06 Rising costs, AI concerns and staffing challenges are among the top issues facing data center leaders in 2024, according to Uptime Institute’s latest survey data. Data center teams are working to balance higher rack power density and future capacity needs with capital investments and staffing limitations. Read full information on external site
El impacto y crecimiento de los Datacenters de Antel en Uruguay - elobservador.com2024-8-06 Esta línea de negocios de Antel incluye dos datacenters propios, servicios de nube, plataformas y soluciones digitales para satisfacer a clientes nacionales y extranjeros. Read full information on external site
STT Cavite 1 data center gets coveted design certification - manilastandard.net2024-8-05 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres Philippines (STT GDC) announced Monday that the STT Cavite 1 data center was awarded the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents (TCDD). Read full information on external site
IBM Report: Breach Costs Continue to Rise While Consumers Foot the Bill - fossforce.com2024-8-05 One surprise in this year’s Cost of a Data Breach Report is that generative AI is being successfully used not only to prevent data breaches, but to substantially lower the cost of a breach when one happens. Read full information on external site
The downtime dilemma: Why organizations hesitate to switch IT infrastructure providers - datacenterdynamics.com2024-8-05 Breaking through the fear of change. Read full information on external site
Los centros de datos usan más energía, pero no por la IA - ctoperu.pem2024-8-05 l Uptime Institute presentó su último reporte. Read full information on external site
AI is an ‘Electricity-eating Hippopotamus’… “Concerns about Power Depletion Starting Next Year” - time.news2024-8-03 l Uptime Institute presentó su último reporte. Read full information on external site
الأخبار » أخبار اقتصادية نتائج المسح العالمي الرابع عشر لمراكز البيانات الذي أجراه Uptime تُظهر توسُّع تخطيط الصناعة للتغييرات التكنولوجية والاقتصادية والتشغيلية الكبرى - ajmannews2024-8-02 الطلب على الخدمات الرقمية يواصل النمو من حيث زيادة الحجم وكثافة الحوسبة Read full information on external site
“Azintelecom”un yeni data mərkəzlərinə “Tier 3 Design” sertifikati verilib - xeberler.az2024-8-01 Rəqəmsal İnkişaf və Nəqliyyat Nazirliyinin tabeliyindəki “AzInTelecom” MMC tərəfindən Azərbaycanda iki yeni data mərkəzinin tikintisi ilə bağlı hazırlıq işlərinə start verilib. Read full information on external site
MaxLinear to Showcase Panther III at Future of Memory and Storage 2024 Trade Show - vmblog.com2024-8-01 MaxLinear, Inc. announced it will demonstrate the advanced compression, encryption, and security performance of its storage acceleration solution, Panther III, at the Future of Memory and Storage (FMS) 2024 trade show from August 6-8, 2024. Read full information on external site
Building a digital future - meconstructionnews.com2024-8-01 Khazna Data Centres’ Bart Holsters talks about the UAE’s data centre market, Khazna’s current operations and plans for the future, and sustainably operating data centres. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Says Data Center Staffing Issues Not Getting Better or Worse - fossforce.com2024-8-01 Despite grappling with staffing shortfalls for years, one in five data centers have no women on staff. Read full information on external site
Data Center Industry Survey Highlights Cost, AI, and Sustainability Challenges - datacenterknowledge.com2024-8-01 While opportunities abound, the Uptime Institute’s latest data center survey reveals key insights into rising operational costs, AI’s impact on rack density, and sustainability gaps. Read full information on external site
The 10 Biggest Cloud Outages Of 2024 (So Far) - crn.com2024-8-01 From AT&T to Salesforce and Microsoft, these are among the biggest cloud outages this year so far. Read full information on external site
Guest opinion: Luke Mather: The hidden environmental cost of the cloud - dailycamera.com2024-8-01 As someone who would consider themself an avid Google Drive user, I have always wondered about how data storage on the cloud works. Read full information on external site
Frequency and Severity of Data Center Outages Not Improving in 2024 - apmdigest.com2024-8-01 The frequency and severity of data center outages remain mainly unchanged from 2023 or show small improvements, according to the Global Data Center Survey from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
July 2024
アップタイムが実施した第14回 グローバルデータセンター調査によると、業界は技術、経済、運営面での大規模な変革を計画 - jiji.com2024-7-31 (ビジネスワイヤ) -- アップタイム・インスティテュートは、同社の第14回 年次グローバルデータセンター調査の結果を発表しました。これによると、デジタルサービスの需要は、量的にも処理能力の面でも急増しており、多くの既存インフラで電力供給と冷却能力の課題が生じています. Read full information on external site
'Very Concerning': Data Centers Still Far Behind On Tracking Emissions - bisnow.com2024-7-31 Most data center operators still aren’t tracking carbon emissions and other key environmental data, a new report found, raising questions about the credibility of their sustainability claims. Read full information on external site
'Very Concerning': Data Centers Still Far Behind On Tracking Emissions - bisnow.com2024-7-31 Most data center operators still aren’t tracking carbon emissions and other key environmental data, a new report found, raising questions about the credibility of their sustainability claims. Read full information on external site
Uptime第14份年度全球資料中心調查結果顯示,產業正在擴大規劃,以因應重大的技術、經濟和營運變化 - etnet.com.hk2024-7-31 Uptime Institute今天發表了第14年度全球資料中心調查報告。數位服務在數量和運算強度方面不斷成長的需求對大部分現有基礎設施的供電和製冷能力提出了挑戰。為了滿足不斷成長的需求,資料中心營運商及其IT客戶正在加大對其IT服務和設施的投資和創新,並使用外部服務。這些投資的效果和影響將在未來幾年中協助塑造整個產業。Read full information on external site
Uptime第14份年度全球資料中心調查結果顯示,產業正在擴大規劃,以因應重大的技術、經濟和營運變化 - 58188.com2024-7-31 Uptime Institute今天發表了第14年度全球資料中心調查報告。數位服務在數量和運算強度方面不斷成長的需求對大部分現有基礎設施的供電和製冷能力提出了挑戰。為了滿足不斷成長的需求,資料中心營運商及其IT客戶正在加大對其IT服務和設施的投資和創新,並使用外部服務。這些投資的效果和影響將在未來幾年中協助塑造整個產業。Read full information on external site
Les résultats de la 14e enquête mondiale annuelle sur les centres de données d’Uptime montrent que l’industrie en expansion se prépare à des changements technologiques, économiques et opérationnels majeurs - boursica.com2024-7-31 Les résultats de la 14e enquête mondiale annuelle sur les centres de données d’Uptime montrent que l’industrie en expansion se prépare à des changements technologiques, économiques et opérationnels majeurs. Read full information on external site
Hot water, cold water - datacenterdynamics.com2024-7-31 What’s the right temperature for water in liquid cooled systems? Read full information on external site
Generadores de centros de datos: Una guía para sistemas de respaldo de energía más eficientes y sostenibles - impactotic.co2024-7-31 Los generadores de centros de datos, si bien se utilizan con poca frecuencia, son un componente fundamental de la continuidad empresarial de TI. Read full information on external site
Ensuring data centre efficiency in an AI-driven world - digitalisationworld.com2024-7-31 Governments around the world are increasingly investing in artificial intelligence (AI), with the UK taking a leading role. Read full information on external site
Data centre industry plan for major changes - digitalisationworld.com2024-7-31 Uptime Institute has released its 14th Annual Global Data Center survey. The increased demand for digital services with both volume and compute intensity are challenging the power and cooling capabilities of much of the existing infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Uptime’s 14th Annual Global Data Center Survey Results Show Expanding Industry Planning for Major Technological, Economic and Operational Changes - itweb.africa2024-7-30 Demand for Digital Services Continues Growth Both in Volume and Compute Intensity. Read full information on external site
Uptime’s 14th Annual Global Data Center Survey Results Show Expanding Industry Planning for Major Technological, Economic and Operational Changes - itweb.co2024-7-30 Demand for Digital Services Continues Growth Both in Volume and Compute Intensity. Read full information on external site
Uptime’s 14th Annual Global Data Center Survey Results Show Expanding Industry Planning for Major Technological, Economic and Operational Changes - quicknews-africa.net2024-7-30 Demand for Digital Services Continues Growth Both in Volume and Compute Intensity. Read full information on external site
Uptime’s 14th Annual Global Data Center Survey Results Show Expanding Industry Planning for Major Technological, Economic and Operational Changes - southafricatoday.net2024-7-30 Demand for Digital Services Continues Growth Both in Volume and Compute Intensity. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Survey Reveals Growing Power and Cooling Challenges - hostingjournalist.com2024-7-30 The Uptime Institute has unveiled its 14th Annual Global Data Center Survey, shedding light on the evolving landscape of data centers worldwide. The report highlights the mounting pressure on power and cooling infrastructures due to the surging demand for digital services, both in volume and computational intensity. Read full information on external site
SDAIA Expands Data Centers in Riyadh - techxmedia.com2024-7-30 The Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) has announced a significant expansion of data centers in Riyadh. Read full information on external site
Saudi to build more sustainable data centres as part of cloud-first strategy - mobileeurope.co2024-7-30 The Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) has not said how many will be built or their total capacity. Read full information on external site
Rising costs biggest issue for datacenter operators as demand grows - theregister.com2024-7-30 Not to mention the skills gap, AI skepticism, and the unrelenting quest for power. Read full information on external site
MaxLinear to Showcase Panther III at Future of Memory and Storage 2024 Trade Show - techpowerup.com2024-7-30 MaxLinear, Inc., a leading provider of data storage acceleration solutions for enterprise and data center applications, today announced it will demonstrate the advanced compression, encryption, and security performance of its storage acceleration solution, Panther III, at the Future of Memory and Storage (FMS) 2024 trade show from August 6-8, 2024. Read full information on external site
Demand for Digital Services Continues Growth Both in Volume and Compute Intensity - ad-hoc-news2024-7-30 Uptimes 14th Annual Global Data Center Survey Results Show Expanding Industry Planning for Major Technological, Economic and Operational Changes. Read full information on external site
BrainScan: AI i Big Data w służbie zdrowia – kolejny krok naprzód - managerplus.pl2024-7-30 BrainScan, spółka z branży med-tech, zajmująca się sprzedażą autorskiego rozwiązania opartego na sztucznej inteligencji do analizy badań tomografii komputerowej głowy, jest w trakcie pozyskania kolejnych 150 tys. badań. Read full information on external site
Saudi Arabia launches key data infrastructure projects - samenacouncil.org2024-7-29 Saudi Data and AI Authority has announced the launch of a range of technical infrastructure expansion projects as well as data centers in Riyadh. Read full information on external site
SDAIA launches groundbreaking data centers in Riyadh - decypha.com2024-7-28 Saudi Arabia’s Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) launched several digital infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh. Read full information on external site
Saudi Arabia launches key data infrastructure projects - gulfconstructiononline.com2024-7-28 Saudi Data and AI Authority has announced the launch of a range of technical infrastructure expansion projects as well as data centres in Riyadh. Read full information on external site
Data Centers: soporte internacional para empresas - elpais.com2024-7-28 Desde el año 2009, la empresa estatal de telecomunicacions se encuentra vinculada al negocio de los datacenters. Actualmente, cuenta con dos: uno en Montevideo y otro en el departamento de Canelones. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - syrianewsgazette.com2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - saudiarabianewsexpress.com2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - arabnewsexpress.com2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - emiratesnewsupdates.com2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - fujairahupdates.com2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - libyanewsgazette.com2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - saudiarabianewsexpress.com2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - alriyadhdaily.com2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - aawsat.com2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA President Launches High-Capacity Technical Projects and Data Centers - spa.gov2024-7-27 Riyadh, Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several technical infrastructure expansion projects and data centers in Riyadh today. Read full information on external site
SDAIA launches major data center expansion projects in Riyadh - saudigazette.com2024-7-27 Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) President Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi launched several pioneering technical infrastructure expansion projects and new data centers in Riyadh on Saturday. Read full information on external site
Megatrends: In den Trend Data Center investieren - e-fundresearch.com2024-7-26 Datenzentren sind aus der IT-Welt mittlerweile nicht mehr wegzudenken. Read full information on external site
IT Sustainability Think Tank: Sustainable innovation at the level of the datacentre - computerweekly.com2024-7-26 The hype around AI is increasingly being matched with discussions about how the technology's adoption will affect the environment, so what can IT leaders do to ensure they keep the companies they work for on the forefront of innovation, without compromising the environment - or their firm's own corporate sustainability agenda? Read full information on external site
ESG的領航者--技嘉科技 在邁向永續的路上,我們不曾停歇!- businesstoday.com2024-7-26 8年的時光,36趟接力賽般的徒步環島環境服務紀實,一群人一邊走、一邊彎下腰撿拾路邊的菸蒂與垃圾。他們累積走了1,119.46公里,合計撿出15,722.38公斤的垃圾量。這群人相信,只要願意付出與實踐,那怕力量微小、仍能創造無限大的改變契機。 Read full information on external site
ESG的領航者--技嘉科技 在邁向永續的路上,我們不曾停歇!- esg.businesstoday.com.tw2024-7-26 8年的時光,36趟接力賽般的徒步環島環境服務紀實,一群人一邊走、一邊彎下腰撿拾路邊的菸蒂與垃圾。他們累積走了1,119.46公里,合計撿出15,722.38公斤的垃圾量。這群人相信,只要願意付出與實踐,那怕力量微小、仍能創造無限大的改變契機。 Read full information on external site
Tech Meltdowns: 8 Epic Outages and What Went Wrong - analyticsindiamag.com2024-7-26 Outages are often caused due to network issues, including design/configuration, hardware, capacity, software, and environmental threats. Read full information on external site
CrowdStrike Outage: What Can Cloud Native Teach Us? - thenewstack2024-7-25 A look at things every team should consider from an operational perspective, then a couple of powerful architectural concepts that change the game.Read full information on external site
CrowdStrike disaster exposes a hard truth about IT - techtarget.com2024-7-25 Growing third-party dependencies mean more CrowdStrike-like disasters ahead. Preventing these requires a commitment to quality from vendors and robust backup plans from users. Read full information on external site
Rechenzentrum Ostschweiz und MTF besiegeln Zusammenarbeit - nau.ch2024-7-24 MTF Solutions AG gibt die neueste Partnerschaft mit dem Rechenzentrum Ostschweiz (RZO) bekannt. Read full information on external site
Bukele deja entrever su plan económico: agromercados y parques tecnológicos - elfaro.net2024-7-23 El plan consiste en seis fases, de las que ahora solo ha revelado dos: la de 'alimentación' y la “tecnológica”. El anuncio llega después de que Bukele amenazara a los importadores y distribuidores de alimentos con prisión si los precios de los alimentos no disminuían. Read full information on external site
Hellas Sat’s Athens Teleport receives Tier 4 Certification under WTA Certification Program - satnews.com2024-7-22 The World Teleport Association (WTA) today announced that Hellas Sat has achieved Tier 4 certification of its Athens (Greece) Teleport under WTA’s Teleport Certification Program. Read full information on external site
What the New UK Government Means for the Country’s Data Center Sector - datacenterknowledge.com2024-7-22 The UK’s new Labour government has pledged to make it easier to build data centers. Experts weigh in on what else is needed to stimulate industry growth. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric bets big on a CDP as it looks to shift messaging beyond persona to personal - mi-3.com.au2024-7-22 Giant French industrial firm Schneider Electric wants to transform its award-winning sustainability-based pitch from personas to personal, courtesy of a new Customer Data Platform (CDP) implementation that it will roll out across the world. CDPs are more typically found in B2C markets but the use cases are maturing. Read full information on external site
Pioneering innovation and sustainability in Dominican banking - worldfinance.com2024-7-22 Discover how Banco Popular Dominicano navigates the evolving economic landscape with a strategy centred on innovation, sustainability, and customer-centricity. Read full information on external site
AI时代,我们需要怎样的数据中心?【2024戴尔科技峰会预告】- sina.com2024-7-22 Gartner在2024年针对企业CIO和技术高管的一项调研显示,超过60%的中国企业计划在未来12至24个月内部署生成式人工智能。AI、模型的构建,将颠覆数据中心基础设施的建设、运维和运营。一个全新的数据中心智能化时代已经拉开序幕。 Read full information on external site
AI时代,我们需要怎样的数据中心?【2024戴尔科技峰会预告】- zqcn.com.cn2024-7-22 Gartner在2024年针对企业CIO和技术高管的一项调研显示,超过60%的中国企业计划在未来12至24个月内部署生成式人工智能。AI、模型的构建,将颠覆数据中心基础设施的建设、运维和运营。一个全新的数据中心智能化时代已经拉开序幕。Read full information on external site
Who are the contractors behind Nigerian Data Centres? - nairametrics.com2024-7-20 Over the past 5 years, we have witnessed a notable amount of investment into Data Centres in Nigeria and Africa. This interest is underpinned by the growth in the adoption of technology and the demand for digital infrastructure on the continent. Read full information on external site
Who are the contractors behind Nigerian Data Centres? - thetimes.com.ng2024-7-20 Over the past 5 years, we have witnessed a notable amount of investment into Data Centres in Nigeria and Africa. This interest is underpinned by the growth in the adoption of technology and the demand for digital infrastructure on the continent. Read full information on external site
Mint explainer: Why cyber insurance plans may need to include buggy software updates - livemint.com2024-7-20 Under normal circumstances, such a question would sound odd since one would assume that most companies would have insured themselves against data breaches, ransomware attacks, cyberattacks and other such business interruptions or even power outages. But Friday, 19 July, was not a normal day. Read full information on external site
RZO gewinnt MTF Solutions als Partner - leaderdigital.ch2024-7-19 Das Rechenzentrum Ostschweiz RZO in Gais und die Berner MTF Solutions AG wollen gemeinsam die digitale Transformation und die Cloud-Strategien ihrer Kunden auf ein neues Niveau heben. Read full information on external site
Het spanningsveld tussen AI en duurzaamheid - ecotips.org2024-7-19 Kunstmatige intelligentie (GenAI) belooft meer transformerend te zijn dan elke andere technologie uit de recente geschiedenis. Read full information on external site
Centro de datos Datatrust inicia operaciones en El Salvador - revistasumma.com2024-7-18 DataTrust ofrece servicios de colocación, nube pública y privada, almacenamiento y seguridad de datos y sistemas a instituciones de gobierno, sector financiero y empresas del sector privado gracias a su infraestructura y seguridad de clase mundial. Read full information on external site
Top Data Center Outage Trends and Strategies for Reducing Risk - datacenterknowledge.com2024-7-18 Uptime Institute’s latest report on data center outages reveals what seems to cause the most outages – and how companies can reduce their risk. Read full information on external site
Codisa data center inaugurated in El Salvador - datacenterdynamics.co2024-7-18 First commercial data center in the country. Read full information on external site
Cover Story: Taking a hard look at data centres - theedgemalaysia.com2024-7-18 Malaysia is aiming to become a data centre hub in the region, with a slew of investments in such facilities being announced in recent months. Read full information on external site
Keep cool and carry on: Mitigating the risks of retrofitting liquid cooling technologies - gateleyplc.com2024-7-17 Immersion cooling may be touted as the key to unlocking cost and energy savings for data centres and hyperscalers, but its novelty also carries a high level of risk. Read full information on external site
Extreme Heat Challenges Data Centres in India - heise.de2024-7-17 50 degrees Celsius in the shade. That threatens not only human life, but also the availability of IT services. Read full information on external site
Bukele inaugura DataTrust, el primer centro de datos con certificación en el país - elmundo.sv2024-7-16 El proyecto tuvo una inversión de $30 millones y será el segundo más grande de Centroamérica. Read full information on external site
Hosting dla internetowych platform handlowych: funkcje i wymagania - bomega.pl2024-7-16 Internetowe platformy handlowe stały się integralną częścią nowoczesnego handlu elektronicznego, zapewniając platformy dla kupujących i sprzedających na całym świecie. Read full information on external site
How can enterprises enhance object storage security? - searchstorage2024-7-15 Object storage is a popular method for storing data, so security is critical. Access is a big piece, extending across several of the eight security best practices here. Read full information on external site
Penta Infra BRU01 étend le réseau des FLAP - solutions-magazine.com2024-7-12 Implante Dans Le Green Energy Park De Zellik, Au Nord-ouest De Bruxelles, Le Centre De Données De Neuf Étages De Penta Infra Est L'un Des Plus Durables Du Pays. Read full information on external site
Benue State partners with Galaxy Backbone to launch major fibre coverage and state-owned data centre - itedgenews.africa2024-7-12 Benue State, located in North Central Nigeria, has signed a landmark agreement to achieve 80% fiber coverage across the state and establish Nigeria’s first state-owned data center, managed by Galaxy Backbone Ltd for disaster recovery. Read full information on external site
IA generativa y consumo energético global: alto, pero no tan alto - channelnewsperu.com2024-7-11 El año pasado, Uptime Intelligence recibió más preguntas sobre la IA generativa y su impacto en el sector de los centros de datos que sobre cualquier otro tema. Read full information on external site
What Are Data Centers? - splunk.com2024-7-09 Whether you’re a new business setting up its first data center (DC) or an existing organization needing to expand its DC locations, it’s valuable to understand exactly what a data center is and what your options are for DC deployment when you need to add or move a data center. Read full information on external site
Ignore Li-ion fire risks at your peril - datacenterdynamics.com2024-7-09 Li-ion batteries have many benefits but may have been adopted without sufficient risk analysis. Read full information on external site
Centra danych coraz bezpieczniejsze pomimo wzrostu zagrożeń - itreseller.com2024-7-09 Firmy stoją dziś przed wyzwaniem zapewnienia najwyższego poziomu bezpieczeństwa zasobom IT. Read full information on external site
Po co przepłacać? Oszczędzaj pieniądze dzięki Cloud VPS zamiast serwerów fizycznych - dziennikwschodni.pl2024-7-08 W dzisiejszym świecie technologii informatycznych chmura obliczeniowa jest nie tylko ważna - staje się podstawą wielu modeli biznesowych. Read full information on external site
It's time to rethink data centre power - digitalisationworld.com2024-7-08 For the past two decades, US energy consumption has remained relatively steady, with growth in demand tempered by advances in energy efficiency. Then, generative AI changed everything. Read full information on external site
Datacentres as healthcare critical systems - mechchemafrica - crown.co.za2024-7-08 Ben Selier, vice president for Secure Power in Anglophone Africa for Schneider Electric, talks about the vital role of datacentres in healthcare. Read full information on external site
Egészen meglepő területre is hatással van a mesterséges intelligencia - piacesprofit.hu2024-7-07 Az AI egyre nagyobb térnyerése miatt az adatközpontok energiaigénye és hőkibocsátása is nagyobb lesz. Mindez környezetvédelmi szempontból kihívás és egyúttal természetesen lehetőség is a vállalatoknak, ugyanakkor a fokozódó energiaigény tudatosabb szerverüzemeltetést is igényel. Read full information on external site
Erfolgsfaktoren für die optimale Nutzung der Cloud - springerprofessional2024-7-05 Von den niedrigeren Kosten über die bessere Skalierbarkeit bis hin zur optimalen Ausfallsicherheit – die Cloud-Nutzung bietet Unternehmen zahlreiche Vorteile. Um den Nutzen zu maximieren, ist es für Unternehmen wichtig, das passende Modell und den richtigen Service Provider zu finden. Read full information on external site
Az adatközpontoknak is fel kell készülniük az AI terjedésére - technokrata.hu2024-7-05 Az AI egyre nagyobb térnyerése miatt az adatközpontok energiaigénye és hőkibocsátása is nagyobb lesz. Read full information on external site
華南銀行土城5600坪資訊大樓獲國際TCDD及TCCF機房認證 - today.line.tw2024-7-04 華南銀行獲Uptime Institute Tier III TCCF設施驗證,由Uptime北亞區總經理胡嘉慶(左)頒發,華南銀行副董事長林知延(右)代表受證。(圖:華南銀提供) Read full information on external site
Os Data Centers podem reduzir o impacto ambiental - inforchannel.com2024-7-04 Os Data Centers modernos também expandem a capacidade de computação no espaço físico existente, reduzindo os requisitos de energia e resfriamento para cada ciclo de computação, consolidando, assim, cargas de trabalho existentes com as de IA, sem a necessidade de mais espaço. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone Tier IV Data Centre Achieves Uptime Institute ‘TCCF’ Certification - techeconomy.ng2024-7-04 Galaxy Backbone Limited has earned the prestigious Tier IV Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) of the Galaxy Backbone Data Centre from Uptime Institute Professional Services, marking a significant milestone in its commitment to excellence and reliability in digital infrastructure services. Read full information on external site
Az adatközpontoknak is fel kell készülniük az AI terjedésére - hirek.prim.hu2024-7-04 Az AI egyre nagyobb térnyerése miatt az adatközpontok energiaigénye és hőkibocsátása is nagyobb lesz. Mindez környezetvédelmi szempontból kihívás és egyúttal természetesen lehetőség is a vállalatoknak, ugyanakkor a fokozódó energiaigény tudatosabb szerverüzemeltetést is igényel. Tízből kilenc H1 Systems által megkérdezett magyarországi vállalatnál történt szerverleállás az elmúlt három évben. Read full information on external site
New mandatory reporting likely to attract more investors to the data centre market - savills.com2024-7-03 At the end of last year, the European Union (EU) took decisive steps to introduce comprehensive directives targeting data centres which will ultimately increase transparency and attract more investors to the sector. Read full information on external site
Navigating the perfect storm: Energy usage and staffing shortages in data centres - manufacturingtodayindia.com2024-7-03 Meeting data demands and skilled workforce needs is crucial for sustainability and operational efficiency. Read full information on external site
Framing The Problem - digitalisationworld.com2024-7-03 Could Competency Frameworks Help Address the Digital Infrastructure Industry’s Workforce Challenges? By Sarah Parks, Director of Marketing and Communications, CNet Training. Read full information on external site
Eine Dekade: Cloud-Rechenzentrum Biere in Sachsen-Anhalt feiert Geburtstag - telekom.com2024-7-03 Eines der energieeffizientesten Rechenzentren Europas feiert heute sein 10-jähriges Jubiläum. Read full information on external site
Data centres: Vital components of critical healthcare systems - bizcommunity.com2024-7-03 The adage, knowledge is king couldn’t be more applicable when it comes to the collection and utilisation of data. And at the heart of this knowledge and resultant information lies the datacentre. Read full information on external site
Industri Data Center Tumbuh Subur, Begini Proyeksinya - cnbcindonesia.com2024-7-02 Berdasarkan laporan Structure Research, nilai ekonomi digital Indonesia pada 2022 mencapai US$77 miliar dan diproyeksikan mencapai US$360 miliar. Read full information on external site
Improving Data Center Efficiency: Key Strategies and Considerations - telecomnewsroom.com2024-7-02 According to Uptime Institute’s Annual Survey, over 60% of data center operators cite IT staffing and skills gaps as primary concerns. With new technologies like cloud, AI, edge computing, and virtualization rapidly evolving, today’s already stretched teams lack the skills mix required to maximize infrastructure performance, meet SLAs, and avoid outages/compliance risks. Read full information on external site
B Drive IT y Engine Core impulsan la transformación digital de sus clientes - newsexplorer.net2024-7-02 B Drive IT y Engine Core impulsan la transformación digital de sus clientes. Read full information on external site
Apa dan Bagaimana Hadapi Ransomware? (Bagian II-Habis) - msn.com Berita2024-7-02 SEBELUM menjelaskan bagaimananya, penulis merasa perlu mencatat pernyataan Ketua Umum IDPRO (Asosiasi Data Center Indonesia) Hendra Suryakusuma yang menyatakan, dalam Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI), Pusat Data 8799, data center yang dikelola Kemenkominfo seharusnya paling tidak berada di tier-3 dengan kapasitas uptime sebesar 99,982 persen. Read full information on external site
PDNS Keok oleh Peretas, Negara Gagal Jaga Data Warga - msn.com Berita2024-7-01 Bukan rahasia lagi keamanan data di Indonesia terhitung minus. Read full information on external site
FG’s Fibre Forward Strategic Development Project, a Digital Lifeline or Potential Monopoly? - techeconomy.ng2024-7-01 On Thursday, April 27, 2024, Nigeria’s Federal Executive Council [FEC] made what could be called a daring move towards championing the third-largest terrestrial fibre-optic infrastructure in Africa. Read full information on external site
B Drive IT y Engine Core impulsan la transformación digital de sus clientes - msn.com2024-7-01 El grupo mexicano B Drive IT y Engine Core desde su fundación en 2016, ha experimentado una evolución tecnológica sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
June 2024
החשיבות והמורכבות בשמירה על דאטה סנטרים בזמן מלחמה - pc.co.il2024-6-30 חברות מבינות שצריך חוות שרתים ממוגנות עם מערכות כפולות, שיאפשרו רציפות עסקית גם בחירום ● טקטוניק קיבלה הסמכה לתקן Tier IV על תכנון המתקן שלה, שמגן מפני פגיעות של טילים ארוכי טווח. Read full information on external site
Nigeria's Galaxy Backbone data centre gets Tier IV certification - technologytimes.ng2024-6-30 The Galaxy Backbone data center has received the Tier IV Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) from Uptime Institute Professional Services, according to the government-owned technology company. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone Earns Prestigious Tier IV Certification For Data Centre - von.gov.ng2024-6-29 Nigeria’s leading digital infrastructure solutions and services organization, Galaxy Backbone Limited (GBB), has announced that it has earned the prestigious Tier IV Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) for its Data Centre from Uptime Institute Professional Services. Read full information on external site
Institute certifies GBB Data Centre for excellence, reliability - realnewsmagazine.net2024-6-29 THE Uptime Institute of Professional Services has certified Galaxy Backbone’s (GBB) Tier IV Data Centre for its excellence and reliability. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone achieves prestigious Tier IV certification for data centre from Uptime Institute - itedgenews.africa2024-6-29 Galaxy Backbone has announced that it has earned the prestigious Tier IV Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) for its Data Centre from Uptime Institute Professional Services, marking a significant milestone in its commitment to excellence and reliability in digital infrastructure services. Read full information on external site
Datacentres Form Part of Healthcare Critical Systems – Carrying the Load and so Much More - quicknews.co2024-6-28 By Ben Selier, Vice President: Secure Power, Anglophone Africa at Schneider Electric. The adage, knowledge is king couldn’t be more applicable when it comes to the collection and utilisation of data. Read full information on external site
AI尽头真的是电力?比尔・盖茨:不要“过分担心”AI用电问题,AI技术最终会“抵消”其耗电量【附人工智能行业前景预测】- qianzhan.com2024-6-28 当前,随着人工智能技术深入发展,大模型、AI芯片和AI算力等成为行业焦点。然而,人工智能所面临的能源需求是一大挑战。训练大规模的模型和运行复杂的算法需要大量的计算资源和能源支持,研发高效的AI芯片和优化算法,以降低能源消耗和提高计算效率,成为人工智能领域亟待解决的问题。Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Professional Services Management and Operations Stamp of Approval for One Angel Lane - fmbusinessdaily.com2024-6-28 NG Bailey’s Facilities Services division celebrates another significant achievement as One Angel Lane, the European headquarters for a leading investment bank in London, retains its Uptime Institute Professional Services Management & Operations (M&O) Stamp of Approval for the third time. This prestigious designation reinforces NG Bailey’s commitment to delivering exceptional, world-class service to its clients. Read full information on external site
Customer-Facing Incidents on the Rise, IT Leaders Say - thenewstack2024-6-28 Fifty-nine percent of IT leaders said they saw more incidents that affected customers than in the previous year. Even more, 69%, said their organization is not investing in reducing such incidents. Read full information on external site
Datacenter Tier IV de Liberty Networks, uno de los más seguros de Colombia - dplnews.com2024-6-28 En el marco del Datacenter and Cybersecurity Summit 2024, Liberty Networks realizó una visita a uno de los centros de datos de mayor disponibilidad y calidad en Colombia. Read full information on external site
IJM Can Showcase Ability To Execute Complex Projects In DC Job Win - businesstoday.com2024-6-28 Maybank Investment Bank (Maybank), in its Malaysia Company Update today (June 28), reported positive developments for IJM Corporation following its latest job win to construct a data centre in Iskandar Puteri, Johor. Read full information on external site
In the Middle East, data really is the new oil - sherwood.news2024-6-27 The Gulf’s data-center spending spree underscores a new effort to reshape the regional economy. Read full information on external site
IJM secures RM331.7 mil contract to build data centre for TM's unit in Iskandar Puteri - newsexplorer.net2024-6-27 KUALA LUMPUR (June 26): IJM Corp Bhd (KL:IJM) has secured a contract to design and build a data centre for a subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia Bhd (KL:TM) in Iskandar Puteri, Johor, for RM331.7 million. Read full information on external site
A Vertiv Academy Latin America treina gestores de Data Centers para lidar com os impactos da Inteligência Artificial - jornow.com2024-6-27 A Vertiv (NYSE: VRT), fornecedora global de soluções para infraestrutura digital crítica e continuidade, anunciou o início das operações da The Vertiv Academy Latin America, um centro de treinamento para profissionais de data centers. Read full information on external site
Data Center Operations In 2024 - facilityexecutive.com2024-6-27 In today’s digital age, data centers serve as the backbone of modern technology infrastructure, supporting an ever-increasing volume of data generated and consumed by businesses and individuals worldwide. Read full information on external site
Riesgos de un Data Center en 2024: principales problemas - datacentermarket.es2024-6-27 Los centros de datos o data centers son susceptibles de múltiples riesgos en la actualidad. Descubre los más importantes en 2024. Read full information on external site
Strategies for Sustainable Water Consumption in Data Centers - datacenterknowledge.com2024-6-27 A free, comprehensive guide to current best practices in data center cooling and water sustainability. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Professional Services Management and Operations Stamp of Approval for One Angel Lane - ngbailey.com2024-6-27 Our Facilities Services business provides mechanical and electrical, planned and reactive, integrated building service maintenance. Read full information on external site
IJM secures RM332mil data centre contract - thestar.com.my2024-6-26 IJM Corp Bhd’s wholly-owned subsidiary IJM Construction Sdn Bhd has clinched a RM331.7mil contract to design and construct Block 2 of the Iskandar Puteri Data Centre for TM Technology Services. Read full information on external site
IJM Corporation Wins RM 332 Million Data Centre Project In Johor - newsbeezer.com2024-6-26 The wholly owned subsidiary of IJM Construction Sdn Bhd has landed a RM331.7 million contract to design and build Block 2 of the Iskandar Puteri Data Centre for TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd. Read full information on external site
IJM secures RM331.7 mil contract to build data centre for TM's unit in Iskandar Puteri - msn.com2024-6-26 IJM Corp Bhd (KL:IJM) has secured a contract to design and build a data centre for a subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia Bhd (KL:TM) in Iskandar Puteri, Johor, for RM331.7 million. Read full information on external site
IJM secures RM332mil data centre contract - MalaysiaStock.Biz2024-6-26 IJM Corp Bhd’s wholly-owned subsidiary IJM Construction Sdn Bhd has clinched a RM331.7mil contract to design and construct Block 2 of the Iskandar Puteri Data Centre for TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd. Read full information on external site
Zrównoważony rozwój w centrach danych - computerworld.pl2024-6-26 Rosnące obciążenia centrów danych, zaostrzane przepisy dotyczące zrównoważonego rozwoju i presja związana z kosztami inwestycji to największe problemy dla operatorów, które wymuszają kompromisy między planami ekspansji a biznesową opłacalnością tworzonej infrastruktury. Read full information on external site
IJM Construction Secures RM331.7 MLN Contract from TM Technology - bernama.com2024-6-26 Unit milik penuh konglomerat IJM Corporation Bhd, IJM Construction Sdn Bhd memperoleh kontrak berjumlah RM331.7 juta daripada TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd, anak syarikat milik penuh Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM). Read full information on external site
IJM dapat kontrak bina Pusat Data Iskandar Puteri di Johor - bharian.com2024-6-26 IJM Construction Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned unit of conglomerate IJM Corporation Bhd, has been awarded an RM333.1 million contract from TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia Sdn Bhd. Read full information on external site
Data Centres: The Sleeping Beauty Problem - sustainabilityzero.com2024-6-25 Temperatures, heavy workloads, and pressure for business uptime on one hand- while dealing with underutilisation and capacity issues on the other hand- looks like data centres need more than a ‘Good Morning’ peck to wake them up to their full force. Read full information on external site
Infraestrutura digital: conheça o data center que vai gerar 700 empregos - movimentoeconomico.com2024-6-25 Saiba tudo sobre o investimento de R$ 1 bilhão em infraestrutura digital da Scala, em Fortaleza (CE), e acompanhe outros dois empreendimentos no Nordeste. Read full information on external site
El consumo de energía por IA: el desafío que se viene en el mundo - itsitio.com2024-6-24 El alza del uso de la Inteligencia Artificial derivará en enormes cantidades de consumo de energía, de acuerdo con diversos reportes. La eficiencia será una de las claves en los siguientes años. Read full information on external site
Elon Musk is Nothing Without His Fans - analyticsindiamag.com2024-6-24 Musk needs more fans for his Tesla data centres used for autonomous vehicle needs. The world can’t get enough of the fans either. Read full information on external site
如何在发生灾难时确保数据中心正常运行时间和电气安全? - idcquan.com2024-6-22 当灾难来袭时,许多关键设施可能会面临灾难性的后果,但是数据中心尤其脆弱。无论是企业内部部署数据中心、托管数据中心还是边缘数据中心,其所拥有的大量关键业务信息都无法托管到其他设施。因此在断电的情况下,其他设施都会面临重大的业务后果。Read full information on external site
无人数据中心何时到来仍需等待 - idcquan.com2024-6-22 三年前,人们听到了很多关于“熄灯”数据中心设施的信息。这样的无人数据中心将变得完全自治,并且无需人工干预即可运行。尽管有很多预测,但数据中心似乎还没有准备好摆脱人类的控制。 Read full information on external site
2020年数据中心技术发展的三个方向 - idcquan.com2024-6-22 考虑到数据中心技术发展的谨慎性(例如关键基础设施、非公开协议等保密性),如果不冒着巨大风险,就无法做出具体预测。但通过与供应商和分析师的对话和分析,人们可以了解数据中心技术的一些发展方向。Read full information on external site
Interview: AUH 6 supports Khazna’s goal to lead the market in eco-friendly data center operations - tahawultech.com2024-6-21 Abdulmajeed Harmoodi, VP Engineering and Development at Khazna Data Centers , tells Anita Joseph how AUH 6 is a cornerstone of Khazna’s Future First Strategy, focusing on innovation, sustainability, and resilience. Read full information on external site
OT protection: Is air-gapping the answer? - datacenterdynamics.com2024-6-21 Managers need to understand the nature of the threat and the defense options to protect their critical environments. Read full information on external site
Quark celebra su 15 aniversario como referencia en diseño e ingeniería de centros de datos - sener2024-6-20 Fundada en 2009 por Miguel Gallego y Ricardo Abad, Quark lidera hoy el mercado en España y es una sólida referencia en Europa, habiendo diseñado más de 60 centros de datos con los más altos estándares de innovación, calidad y eficiencia energética desde sus oficinas en Madrid, Bilbao, Barcelona, Lisboa y Fráncfort. Read full information on external site
DEWA and SAP SE discuss collaboration - logisticsgulf.com2024-6-20 HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer highlights DEWA’s forward-looking projects and programmes. Read full information on external site
HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer Discusses DEWA and SAP SE Collaboration - Dubai Government Media Office2024-6-20 HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), welcomed a high-profile delegation from SAP SE headed by Christian Klein, CEO and Executive Board member of SAP SE. Marwan Bin Haidar, Executive Vice President of Innovation and The Future at DEWA was present. Read full information on external site
Data center uptime requires substation redundancy - datacenterdynamics.com2024-6-20 Can utility providers give data center operators more information about their substations? Read full information on external site
HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer Discusses DEWA and SAP SE Collaboration - biztoday.news2024-6-20 HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), welcomed a high-profile delegation from SAP SE headed by Christian Klein, CEO and Executive Board member of SAP SE. Read full information on external site
Zawya PRESSR: HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer discusses DEWA and SAP SE collaboration - tradingview.com2024-6-19 PRESSR: HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer discusses DEWA and SAP SE collaboration. Read full information on external site
HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer discusses DEWA and SAP SE collaboration - zawya.com2024-6-19 During the meeting, Al Tayer highlighted DEWA’s forward-looking projects and programmes. Read full information on external site
OADC Texaf Kinshasa awarded Tier-III design certification by Uptime Institute - telecompaper.com2024-6-19 Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has been awarded Tier-III design certification from the Uptime Institute for its hyperscale core data centre facility in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Read full information on external site
Censo Económico arrancó enredado y sin estar totalmente listo: los problemas que tiene - portafolio.co2024-6-19 Documentos en poder de Portafolio advierten fallas en seguridad de datos y que este proceso habría arrancado sin tener listo el diseño metodológico. Read full information on external site
Open Access Data Centres awarded Tier-III design certification - dcnnmagazine.com2024-6-19 (OADC), Africa’s fastest-growing data centre company, has been awarded Tier-III design certification from the Uptime Institute for its hyperscale core data centre facility in Kinshasa, DRC. Read full information on external site
Por qué las empresas deberían considerar la infraestructura local para servicios digitales - businessempresarial.com2024-6-19 La infraestructura de los centros de datos es fundamental para ofrecer servicios digitales de calidad, priorizando la experiencia del cliente. Read full information on external site
Por qué las Empresas deberían considerar la Infraestructura Local para Servicios Digitales - serperuano.com2024-6-18 La infraestructura de los Centros de Datos es fundamental para ofrecer servicios digitales de calidad, priorizando la experiencia del cliente. Read full information on external site
Partex NV and Yotta unveil groundbreaking AI partnership to revolutionise healthcare - expresscomputer.in2024-6-18 To address the increasing need for real-time AI computing in this digital age, Partex NV, a trailblazer in AI-powered Drug Assets Management and Yotta Data Services, a leader in AI with its own sovereign AI platform, hyperscale cloud, and data center services have announced an innovative partnership aimed at revolutionizing the healthcare industry through advanced AI technology. Read full information on external site
China: Eye-Popping, Eye-Opening and Eye-Washing - directorsandboards.com2024-6-17 American boards must understand what's happening in China in terms of technological innovations, consumer behavior and political outlook. Read full information on external site
Penta Infra Acquires Nexus Sustainable-by-design Data Center in Brussels - cionews2024-6-17 The latest acquisition accelerates European footprint expansion to cover 11 cities and 5 countries with room to scale. Read full information on external site
Redes sustentáveis e adaptáveis: a chave para o sucesso na ‘Era Digital’ - empresasenegocios.com2024-6-17 Com a chamada ‘Era Digital’ em constante evolução, a ágil adaptabilidade dos recursos de TI que sustentam os negócios de empresas competitivas é fundamental para o sucesso de qualquer organização. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Academy Latin America treina gestores de data centers para lidar com os impactos das aplicações da IA - Redes, Telecom e Instalações2024-6-17 Especialistas em infraestrutura digital crítica orientam profissionais em um ambiente de testes seguro. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Academy Latin America trains data center managers to deal with the impacts of AI - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-6-17 Critical digital infrastructure experts guide professionals in a secure testing environment that replicates data center operating conditions. Read full information on external site
AI Is Accelerating The Demand For Cloud, But Which Type? - forbes.com2024-6-17 Sven Oehme, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at DDN, drives innovation across both current and future products. Read full information on external site
Penta Infra acquires Nexus campus - digitalisationworld.com2024-6-17 European core and edge colocation provider Penta Infra, and lead investor Photon Capital, have acquired the newly-built Nexus data center campus in Brussels from international real estate investor and developer Ghelamco. Read full information on external site
Marak di Batam dan Jabodetabek, Pusat Data Butuh Banyak Tenaga Kerja Terampil - kompas.id2024-6-14 Setidaknya 2,3 juta pekerja penuh waktu akan dibutuhkan untuk menjaga pusat data tetap beroperasi secara global. Read full information on external site
BBIX、True IDCとの協業契約によりネットワークサービス「OCX」をタイで展開 - cloud.watch2024-6-14 BBIX株式会社とタイのTrue Internet Data Center(以下、True IDC)は13日、BBIXとTrue IDCの合弁会社であるBBIX (Thailand) Company(以下、BBIX Thailand)を通して、ネットワークサービス「Open Connectivity eXchange(以下、OCX)」のタイでの展開における協業契約を締結すると発表した。 Read full information on external site
Elea Digital conquista recertificação para data center em SP - ansabrasil.com2024-6-14 Reconhecimento garante níveis avançados de qualidade e segurança. Read full information on external site
ITB Today 06/13: Nemzetközi tulajdonoshoz kerülhet a Foxpost - itbusiness.hu2024-6-13 Nemzetközi tulajdonoshoz kerülhet a Foxpost Nemzetközi tulajdonossal folytathatja növekedését a magyar Foxpost, miután a csomagautomata vállalatot értékesítette a Wallis Csoport és a Trueway. Read full information on external site
Labs Keep Supercomputers Alive for Ten Years as Vendors Pull Support Early - hpcwire.com2024-6-12 Laboratories are running supercomputers for much longer, beyond the typical lifespan, as vendors prematurely deprecate the hardware and stop providing support. Read full information on external site
Vertiv acaba de lançar Academy Latin America com o objetivo de preparar os gestores de Data Center a lidarem com a demanda das aplicações de IA - partnersales.com2024-6-12 Instrutor e alunos no Data Center da The Vertiv Academy no Brasil. Read full information on external site
A fenntarthatóság az adatközpontoknál is kulcsfontosságú lesz - itbusiness.hu2024-6-12 Az adatközpontok rezilienciája, rendelkezésre állása nem csak az üzemeltetőn múlik: egyre fontosabb kockázati tényezőt jelent a hálózatbiztonság és a klímaváltozása, de a leállások többsége még mindig az emberi hibára vezethető vissza, mondta Ali Moinuddin, az Uptime Institute európai elnöke és vállalati fejlesztési igazgatója, aki a H1 Systems meghívására érkezett Magyarországra a cég által rendezett meetupra. Read full information on external site
Data centar – gradivni element poslovanja - pcpress2024-6-10 Koji je zajednički imenitelj kupovine preko Amazon-a, Ali-ja ili eBay-a, čuvanja podataka u cloud-u, pretraživanja Google-a, zadavanja pitanja AI ChatBot-ovima i gledanja filmova na streaming platformama? Praktično sve što danas radimo, kao pojedinci ili kompanije, zasnovano je na data centrima ili, kako ih još zovu, centrima podataka. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Lean Into Four Strategies for Filling Labor Gap - commercialobserver.com2024-6-10 The military and the construction trades are among the ways owners and operators are scrambling to meet long-term demand. Read full information on external site
浅谈数据中心一体化电源模块创新 - jifang360.com2024-6-10 摘要:随着智算中心、超大型/大型数据中心基地化建设模式兴起,电力容量需求节节攀升,业务中断带来损失无法估算。据2023年权威机构Uptime Institute调研表明,供电故障(占比52%)是数据中心机房宕机最大原因。Read full information on external site
Eficiencia y continuidad en farma: el rol de los UPS - rhpositivo.mx2024-6-09 En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y dependiente de la tecnología, la confiabilidad de las unidades de suministro ininterrumpido de energía (UPS) en el borde de la red constituye un pilar para el funcionamiento confiable de los servicios críticos del centro de datos. Read full information on external site
Sistemas UPS en el borde de la red: pilar de la confiabilidad en centros de datos - addictware.com2024-6-06 Escrito por: Francisco Sales, director de servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Statement regarding Redcentric plc (“Redcentric”) - cision.com2024-6-06 Further to the announcement made on 28 May 2024, WIIT S.p.A. (“WIIT”), one of the leading European players in the market of Cloud Computing services for enterprises focused on the provision of continuous Hybrid Cloud and Hosted Private Cloud services for critical applications, today confirms that it does not intend to make an offer for Redcentric. Read full information on external site
Cutting through the noise and having women’s voices be heard - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-6-05 Our previous instalment of ‘Hot Topic’ sparked the attention of many women (and men) across the data centre industry, with the level of interest proving just how relevant this subject still is and how far the gender gap is standing in the way of collaboration. Read full information on external site
人工智能与能源约束的矛盾能否化解 - ailab.cn2024-6-05 导读:人工智能技术在台前展示的是比特世界的算力、算法和数据,但其轻盈的灵魂背后则是土地、能源和水等物理世界沉重的肉身。根据本文三种情境的模拟测算,未来人工智能发展需要可持续的巨量能源支撑,能源转型速度在很大程度决定人工智能的走向。人工智能与能源... Read full information on external site
Por qué las empresas deberían considerar la infraestructura local para servicios digitales - technopatas.com2024-6-04 La infraestructura de los centros de datos es fundamental para ofrecer servicios digitales de calidad, priorizando la experiencia del cliente. Read full information on external site
AI is wild card in data center energy demand, say electricity researchers - networkworld.com2024-6-04 Data center energy demand could more than double in the US by 2030 under the influence of AI. Read full information on external site
AI is wild card in data center energy demand, say electricity researchers - gixtools.net2024-6-04 Data center energy demand could more than double in the US by 2030 under the influence of AI. Read full information on external site
Incident Response: Lessons Learned from a Data Center Fire - datacenterknowledge.com2024-6-04 Industry expert James Monek explains how well-prepared teams can minimize operational disruption even in the face of major disasters. Read full information on external site
Redes sustentáveis e adaptáveis: A chave para o sucesso na ‘Era Digital’ - channel360.com2024-6-03 Fábio Novaes é Gerente de pré-vendas – Infraestrutura da Added. Read full information on external site
Datacenters et fatigue humaine, danger ! - solutions-magazine.com2024-6-03 La Fatigue Des Equipes en Charge Du Bon Fonctionnement Des Datacenters Est À Nouveau Pointée Du Doigt Par L'uptime Institute. Elle Est La Cause De Nombreuses Erreurs. Read full information on external site
Redes sustentáveis e adaptáveis: a chave para o sucesso na ‘Era Digital’ - inforchannel.com2024-6-03 Com a chamada ‘Era Digital’ em constante evolução, a ágil adaptabilidade dos recursos de TI que sustentam os negócios de empresas competitivas é fundamental para o sucesso de qualquer organização. Read full information on external site
Data centers : Epine dorsale d’une souveraineté numérique en gestation [INTÉGRAL] - lo'pinion2024-6-01 Pour atteindre notre souveraineté numérique, le premier jalon est la territorialisation des données via la mise en place d'un dense réseau de data centers. Bien que le Maroc soit leader africain dans ce domaine, plusieurs obstacles doivent encore être surmontés pour permettre une véritable émergence du secteur. Read full information on external site
May 2024
La fatigue des équipes datacenter, un risque à ne pas négliger - lemondeinformatique2024-5-31 Selon une étude menée par Uptime Institute la principale cause des pannes dans les datacenters est humaine. La fatigue des équipes en charge du bon fonctionnement des centres de données est pointée du doigt. Read full information on external site
La fatigue des équipes datacenter, un risque à ne pas négliger - lemondeinformatique2024-5-31 Selon une étude menée par Uptime Institute la principale cause des pannes dans les datacenters est humaine. La fatigue des équipes en charge du bon fonctionnement des centres de données est pointée du doigt. Read full information on external site
Greening the AI/ML Data Center - embeddedcomputing.com2024-5-31 Next-gen AECs reduce energy consumption and operating expenses while supporting faster data center performance. Read full information on external site
Data centers : gare au risque que fait peser la fatigue des équipes de gestion - distributique.com2024-5-31 Selon une étude menée par Uptime Institute la principale cause des pannes dans les datacenters est humaine. Read full information on external site
OADC achieves Tier-III certification in Johannesburg - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com2024-5-31 Open Access Data Centres (OADC), Africa’s fastest-growing data centre company, has announced the achievement of Tier-III design certification from the internationally acclaimed Uptime Institute for its hyperscale core facility in Isando, Johannesburg. Read full information on external site
智驭未来:浅谈数据中心一体化供配电系统的智能管理 - jifang360.com2024-5-30 摘要:随着智算中心、超大型/大型数据中心基地化建设模式兴起,电力容量需求节节攀升,业务中断带来损失无法估算。据2023年权威机构Uptime Institute调研表明,供电故障(占比52%)是数据中心机房宕机最大原因。 Read full information on external site
Čemu se věnuje nové vydání magazínu CIO BW 3/2024? - cio.cz2024-5-30 Hlavními tématy je zejména outsourcing, umělá inteligence, správa firemních dat a virtuální realita v podnikové sféře. Read full information on external site
Zawya PRESSR: E& Carrier & Wholesale wins ‘Edge Innovation of the Year’ at DCS Awards - tradingview.com2024-5-30 SAbu Dhabi, UAE: e& Carrier & Wholesale received the ‘Edge Innovation of the Year’ Award at the recent 2024 Data Centre Solutions (DCS) Awards ceremony held in London. Read full information on external site
Threat to data centers: Employee burnouts may increase disruptions - tivi.fi2024-5-30 The exhaustion of data center workers increases the risk of disturbances. Read full information on external site
Tech giants’ green power - savills.co.uk2024-5-30 The imperative to address sustainability within the data centre realm has never been more pressing. In spite of the impressive 'greening' improvements made by the industry over the past decade, customers, regulators and investors are increasingly demanding greater sustainability efforts. Read full information on external site
FPT Camera đạt tiêu chí về an toàn thông tin của Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông - vnexpress.net2024-5-30 FPT Camera đáp ứng các tiêu chí về an toàn thông tin được quy định bởi Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông từ tháng 5 cho camera giám sát ở Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
e&Carrier & Wholesale Wins 'Edge Innovation Of The Year' At DCS Awards - middleeastevents.com2024-5-30 e&Carrier & Wholesale received the ‘Edge Innovation of the Year’ Award at the recent 2024 Data Centre Solutions (DCS) Awards ceremony held in London. Read full information on external site
e&Carrier & Wholesale Wins 'Edge Innovation Of The Year' At DCS Awards - zawya.com2024-5-30 e&Carrier & Wholesale received the ‘Edge Innovation of the Year’ Award at the recent 2024 Data Centre Solutions (DCS) Awards ceremony held in London. Read full information on external site
e&Carrier & Wholesale Wins 'Edge Innovation Of The Year' At DCS Awards - businessnewse.com2024-5-30 e&Carrier & Wholesale received the ‘Edge Innovation of the Year’ Award at the recent 2024 Data Centre Solutions (DCS) Awards ceremony held in London. Read full information on external site
3 strategies for data centre power savings, efficiency and sustainability - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-5-30 Workload-driven energy consumption is prompting operators to consider more sustainable procedures – in terms of both environmental and longevity. Tim Hysell, CEO and Co-founder, ZincFive, highlights three crucial concepts to ensure power savings and increase the likelihood of greener profitability. Read full information on external site
Las empresas deberían considerar la infraestructura local para servicios digitales - agenciaorbita.org2024-5-29 La infraestructura de los centros de datos es fundamental para ofrecer servicios digitales de calidad, priorizando la experiencia del cliente. Read full information on external site
MozParks welcomes Raxio in BIP: Inauguration of Mozambique’s first tier III data centre - clubofmozambique.com2024-5-29 Raxio Group, a pioneer in the development, implementation, and operation of large-scale, Tier III, Carrier-Neutral Data Centers across Africa, inaugurated today Mozambique’s first Tier III data centre, Raxio Data Centre, LDA, at MozParks’ Beluluane Industrial Park. Read full information on external site
Redes sustentáveis e adaptáveis: A chave para o sucesso na ‘Era Digital’ - tibahia.com2024-5-29 Com a chamada ‘Era Digital’ em constante evolução, a ágil adaptabilidade dos recursos de TI que sustentam os negócios de empresas competitivas é fundamental para o sucesso de qualquer organização. Read full information on external site
Open Access Data Centres facility in Isando, Johannesburg, achieves top design certification from Uptime Institute - aptantech.com2024-5-29 Open Access Data Centres (OADC), Africa’s fastest-growing data centre company, has announced the award of Tier-III design certification from the globally recognised Uptime Institute for its hyperscale core facility in Isando, Johannesburg. Read full information on external site
OADC Isando Achieves Tier-III Design Certification by the Uptime Institute - techeconomy.ng2024-5-29 Open Access Data Centres (OADC), Africa’s fastest-growing data centre company, has announced the award of Tier-III design certification from the globally recognised Uptime Institute for its hyperscale core facility in Isando, Johannesburg. Read full information on external site
OADC achieves Tier-III design certification - dcnnmagazine.com2024-5-29 Open Access Data Centres (OADC), one of Africa’s fastest-growing data centre companies, has been awarded Tier-III design certification from the globally recognised Uptime Institute for its hyperscale core facility in Isando, Johannesburg. Read full information on external site
AI迎来能耗“大考” - youth.cn2024-5-28 这是国际能源署(International Energy Agency,以下简称“IEA”)日前发布的《电力2024》报告中,对2026年全球数据中心的最高总用电量作出的预测。1千瓦时就是1度电,“超过1万亿度电”,根据报告的估算,这些电量大约是整个日本全年的用电量。Read full information on external site
¿Por qué las empresas deberían considerar la infraestructura local para servicios digitales? - nteve.com2024-5-28 La infraestructura de los centros de datos es fundamental para ofrecer servicios digitales de calidad, priorizando la experiencia del cliente. Migrar de la nube pública a una infraestructura de centro de datos local, se convierte en un paso crucial en un panorama empresarial que prioriza la eficiencia y la agilidad. Read full information on external site
如何在提升智效的同时解决能耗难题?AI迎来“大考” - iqilu.com2024-5-28 数据中心、智算中心等算力基础设施是人工智能(AI)的数据中枢和算力载体。随着AI尤其是生成式人工智能(AIGC)和大模型技术的快速发展,算力需求激增,AI的能耗问题也越来越受到关注。在近段时间举行的多场国际会议上,一些科技巨头纷纷表达了对AI发展带来的能耗问题的担忧。 Read full information on external site
WIIT S.p.A - Statement regarding Redcentric plc ("Redcentric") - sharecast.com2024-5-28 WIIT S.p.A. (“WIIT”), one of the leading European players in the market of Cloud Computing services for enterprises focused on the provision of continuous Hybrid Cloud and Hosted Private Cloud services for critical applications, notes the announcement by Redcentric of 24 May 2024. Read full information on external site
WIIT S.p.A - Correction: Statement regarding Redcentric plc ("Redcentric") - sharecast.com2024-5-28 WIIT S.p.A. ("WIIT"), one of the leading European players in the market of Cloud Computing services for enterprises focused on the provision of continuous Hybrid Cloud and Hosted Private Cloud services for critical applications, notes the announcement by Redcentric of 24 May 2024. Read full information on external site
Tres categorías serán clave en la tendencia de controles para la sostenibilidad de la industria mundial de centros de datos - channelnewsperu.com2024-5-28 Las regulaciones con respecto a la operación de los centros de datos son cada vez mayores, y si bien algunas sólo están vigentes en territorios específicos más controlados como la Unión Europea, se percibe que en un corto o mediano plazo alcancen a todo el mundo en vista de que factores como la conciencia ambiental y la sostenibilidad están incorporándose como parte de la cultura y las decisiones. Read full information on external site
Raxio launches data center in Mozambique - datacenterdynamics.com2024-5-28 Pan-African operator Raxio Data Centres has opened a facility in Maputo, Mozambique. Read full information on external site
Open Access Data Centres Isando achieves Tier-III design certification by Uptime Institute - itedgenews.africa2024-5-28 Open Access Data Centres (OADC), Africa’s fastest-growing data centre company, is proud to announce the award of Tier-III design certification from the globally recognised Uptime Institute for its hyperscale core facility in Isando, Johannesburg. Read full information on external site
Open Access Data Centres achieves tier-III certification in Isando - telecompaper.com2024-5-28 Africa's Open Access Data Centres (OADC) announced the award of Tier-III design certification from the Uptime Institute for its hyperscale core facility in South Africa's Isando. Read full information on external site
Empresas consideran infraestructura local para servicios digitales - jcmagazine.com2024-5-28 La infraestructura de los centros de datos es fundamental para ofrecer servicios digitales de calidad, priorizando la experiencia del cliente. Read full information on external site
Data center staff are getting burnt out – and this could be causing more frequent outages - itpro.com2024-5-28 Data center staff are placed under significant strain working long hours in a high stakes environment Read full information on external site
Cato Networks partners with e& to establish new PoP in Fujairah - communicationstoday2024-5-28 Cato Networks, the leader in SASE, announces a strategic partnership with e& (etisalat and) during International Telecoms Week (ITW) in the United States, a significant move that will see the establishment of a new Point-of-Presence (PoP) within the global technology group's SmartHub data center in Fujairah. Read full information on external site
AI迎来能耗“大考” - tech.china.com.cn2024-5-28 这是国际能源署(International Energy Agency,以下简称“IEA”)日前发布的《电力2024》报告中,对2026年全球数据中心的最高总用电量作出的预测。1千瓦时就是1度电,“超过1万亿度电”,根据报告的估算,这些电量大约是整个日本全年的用电量。Read full information on external site
AI Innovation: Top Four Ways to Keep Data Centers Future Ready - thefastmode2024-5-28 Every day artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more interwoven into our day-to-day lives. And at the rate AI is moving, the processing requirements grow as well. Read full information on external site
如何在提升智效的同时解决能耗难题?AI迎来“大考” - chinanews.com2024-5-27 这是国际能源署(International Energy Agency,以下简称“IEA”)日前发布的《电力2024》报告中,对2026年全球数据中心的最高总用电量作出的预测。1千瓦时就是1度电,“超过1万亿度电”,根据报告的估算,这些电量大约是整个日本全年的用电量。Read full information on external site
如何在提升智效的同时解决能耗难题?AI迎来“大考” - ce.cn2024-5-27 这是国际能源署(International Energy Agency,以下简称“IEA”)日前发布的《电力2024》报告中,对2026年全球数据中心的最高总用电量作出的预测。1千瓦时就是1度电,“超过1万亿度电”,根据报告的估算,这些电量大约是整个日本全年的用电量。Read full information on external site
Powering the future: Ensuring data center uptime with robust UPS solutions - datacenterdynamics.com2024-5-25 Choosing the right UPS systems to enhance resiliency, adaptability, and cost-efficiency in the fast-paced world of data center. Read full information on external site
Wanna curb datacenter outages? Try combating burnout with shorter shifts - theregister.com2024-5-24 If hiring more people to work fewer hours isn't appealing, you could always make a robot do it. Read full information on external site
Wanna curb datacenter outages? Try combating burnout with shorter shifts - technewstube.com2024-5-24 If hiring more people to work fewer hours isn't appealing, you could always make a robot do it. Read full information on external site
Wanna curb datacenter outages? Try combating burnout with shorter shifts - klse.i3investor.com2024-5-24 If hiring more people to work fewer hours isn't appealing, you could always make a robot do it. Read full information on external site
Quais os 5 maiores data centers do mundo? - olhardigital2024-5-24 Descubra os 5 maiores data centers do mundo, desde o gigante chinês até o complexo de alta segurança nos EUA. Read full information on external site
Las mujeres transforman los centros de datos - computerweekly.com2024-5-24 Vertiv presentó tres casos de mujeres que trabajan como parte del personal de planta y operaciones en la industria de centros de datos, dominada tradicionalmente por hombres. Read full information on external site
B Drive IT y Engine Core impulsan la transformación digital de sus clientes - newsweekespanol.com2024-5-23 El grupo mexicano B Drive IT y Engine Core desde su fundación en 2016, ha experimentado una evolución tecnológica sin precedentess. Read full information on external site
B Drive IT y Engine Core impulsan la transformación digital de sus clientes - mundoejecutivo.com2024-5-23 B Drive IT y Engine Core son empresas mexicanas de clase mundial que ofrecen servicios integrados a través de la división de verticales y líneas de operación altamente especializadas y certificadas. Read full information on external site
B Drive IT y Engine Core impulsan la transformación digital de sus clientes - MSN Mexico2024-5-23 B Drive IT y Engine Core son empresas mexicanas de clase mundial que ofrecen servicios integrados a través de la división de verticales y líneas de operación altamente especializadas y certificadas. Read full information on external site
Adapting data centres for AI - datacentrereview.com2024-5-23 Data centres need to take advantage of cutting-edge technologies and strategic approaches to workforce management to support the growing demand and complexity of AI applications, says Alan Stewart-Brown, VP EMEA at Opengear. Read full information on external site
英伟达(NVDA.US)业绩不仅关乎科技股走势! 还攸关今年“狂飙”的电力股 - 360kuai.com2024-5-22 被华尔街大行高盛予以“地球最重要股票”称号的AI芯片霸主英伟达(NVDA.US),将于北京时间周四凌晨公布该公司2025财年第一财季 (截至2024年4月28日)的业绩数据以及下一财季业绩展望,并于凌晨5点左右召开业绩电话会议。英伟达这份财报无疑关乎着全球科技股投资者对于AI的信仰,其财报数据以及对于下一财季的业绩展望大概率直接决定全球科技股至少短中期内的股价势头。Read full information on external site
英伟达(NVDA.US)业绩不仅关乎科技股走势! 还攸关今年“狂飙”的电力股 - zhitongcaijing.com2024-5-22 被华尔街大行高盛予以“地球最重要股票”称号的AI芯片霸主英伟达(NVDA.US),将于北京时间周四凌晨公布该公司2025财年第一财季 (截至2024年4月28日)的业绩数据以及下一财季业绩展望,并于凌晨5点左右召开业绩电话会议。英伟达这份财报无疑关乎着全球科技股投资者对于AI的信仰,其财报数据以及对于下一财季的业绩展望大概率直接决定全球科技股至少短中期内的股价势头。Read full information on external site
英伟达(NVDA.US)业绩不仅关乎科技股走势! 还攸关今年“狂飙”的电力股 - stockstar.com2024-5-22 被华尔街大行高盛予以“地球最重要股票”称号的AI芯片霸主英伟达(NVDA.US),将于北京时间周四凌晨公布该公司2025财年第一财季 (截至2024年4月28日)的业绩数据以及下一财季业绩展望,并于凌晨5点左右召开业绩电话会议。英伟达这份财报无疑关乎着全球科技股投资者对于AI的信仰,其财报数据以及对于下一财季的业绩展望大概率直接决定全球科技股至少短中期内的股价势头。Read full information on external site
Yotta Announces Suraksha: A Comprehensive Cybersecurity Portfolio - cxotoday.com2024-5-22 Cyber-attacks and data breaches are the leading business risks for organizations globally, Suraksha Smart Cybersecurity safeguards organizations from such risks. Read full information on external site
Commissioning – מה הקשר לשרותי אחסון נתונים, או רציפות תפקודית? - bynet.co2024-5-22 בדיקות Commissioning ("הסמכה" בעברית או בקיצור CX) מהוות "אבן יסוד" בקיום רשתות אחסון ועיבוד נתונים מבוזרות בעולם, עם תקשורת שקופה, ואספקת שירותים לפעילויות עסקיות, פרטיות וציבוריות. Read full information on external site
Arsys reafirma su compromiso con la protección de datos con dos nuevas certificaciones - ituser.es2024-5-22 La compañía ha obtenido la máxima categoría del ENS para sus plataformas empresariales de infraestructura cloud y dedicada, una categoría que tienen menos de 300 empresas en España, y la acreditación ISO/IEC 27018 de protección de información personal en la nube. Read full information on external site
Priorities for data center OT security in the cloud era - betanews.com2024-5-21 The decentralized nature of the cloud provides great flexibility for users, but it also introduces great vulnerabilities for data center operators. Read full information on external site
Arsys obtiene la máxima categoría en la certificación del ENS - silicon.es2024-5-21 También logra la ISO/IEC 27018 relativa a protección de información personal en la nube. Read full information on external site
Consumul de energie în centrele de date crește rapid. Inteligența Artificială solicită resurse tot mai mari - capital.ro2024-5-20 Centrele de date din Statele Unite și Uniunea Europeană vor înregistra până în 2026 o creștere a consumului de energie electrică cu 50%. Bruxelles-ul încearcă să țină situația sub control prin noi reglementări. Read full information on external site
Centrele de date sunt obligate să își reducă factura la energie. Comisia Europeană înăsprește condițiile - evz.ro2024-5-20 Consumul de energie electrică în centrele de date înregistrează o creștere rapidă în ultimii ani. Inteligența Artificială și criptomonedele au o contribuție tot mai consistentă la valoarea facturii. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks partners with e& further expanding global SASE platform with new UAE PoP - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-5-20 Cato Networks, a leader in SASE, has announced a strategic partnership with e& (etisalat and) – a significant move that will see the establishment of a new Point-of-Presence (PoP) within the global technology group’s SmartHub data centre in Fujairah. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks partners with e& further expanding global SASE platform with new UAE PoP - intelligentcio.com2024-5-20 Cato Networks, a leader in SASE, has announced a strategic partnership with e& (etisalat and) – a significant move that will see the establishment of a new Point-of-Presence (PoP) within the global technology group’s SmartHub data centre in Fujairah. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks, e& Partner to Expand Global SASE Platform with New PoP - telecomdrive.com2024-5-17 Cato Networks, the global enabler in SASE, has announced a strategic partnership with e& (etisalat and) during International Telecoms Week (ITW) in the United States, a significant move that will see the establishment of a new Point-of-Presence (PoP) within the global technology group’s SmartHub data center in Fujairah. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks, e& Partner to Expand Global SASE Platform with New PoP - telecomtv.com2024-5-17 Cato Networks, the leader in SASE, today announces a strategic partnership with e& (etisalat and) during International Telecoms Week (ITW) in the United States, a significant move that will see the establishment of a new Point-of-Presence (PoP) within the global technology group’s SmartHub data center in Fujairah. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks and e& partner to further expand SASE presence in UAE - computerweekly.com2024-5-17 Cato Networks, the leader in SASE, today announces a strategic partnership with e& (etisalat and) during International Telecoms Week (ITW) in the United States, a significant move that will see the establishment of a new Point-of-Presence (PoP) within the global technology group’s SmartHub data center in Fujairah. Read full information on external site
Datacenters looking to renewables, nuclear, and gas, in quest for more power — is this the end of PUE? - klse.i3investor.com2024-5-17 Even before the AI revolution (or bubble) took off in 2023, datacenters already used a decent amount of electricity. And the industry's increasing appetite for machine learning will require even more power. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks Partners with e& Further Expanding Global SASE Platform with New UAE PoP - tallasseetribune.com2024-5-16 Fujairah will join Dubai as Cato's second UAE location, extending Cato SASE Cloud to enterprises across the region. Read full information on external site
Datacenters looking to renewables, nuclear, and gas, in quest for more power — is this the end of PUE? - theregister.com2024-5-16 Bit barns might end up adding to the grid's capacity. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks Partners with e& Further Expanding Global SASE Platform with New UAE PoP - alisburypost.com2024-5-16 Fujairah will join Dubai as Cato's second UAE location, extending Cato SASE Cloud to enterprises across the region. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks Partners with e& Further Expanding Global SASE Platform with New UAE PoP - profitquotes.com2024-5-16 Fujairah will join Dubai as Cato's second UAE location, extending Cato SASE Cloud to enterprises across the region. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks Partners with e& Further Expanding Global SASE Platform with New UAE PoP - theleesvilleleader.com2024-5-16 Fujairah will join Dubai as Cato's second UAE location, extending Cato SASE Cloud to enterprises across the region. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks Partners with e& Further Expanding Global SASE Platform with New UAE PoP - lelezard.com2024-5-16 Fujairah will join Dubai as Cato's second UAE location, extending Cato SASE Cloud to enterprises across the region. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks Partners with e& Further Expanding Global SASE Platform with New UAE PoP - kenbridgevictoriadispatch.com2024-5-16 Fujairah will join Dubai as Cato's second UAE location, extending Cato SASE Cloud to enterprises across the region. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks Partners with e& Further Expanding Global SASE Platform with New UAE PoP - itsecurityguru.org2024-5-16 Fujairah will join Dubai as Cato's second UAE location, extending Cato SASE Cloud to enterprises across the region. Read full information on external site
Cato Networks Partners with e& Further Expanding Global SASE Platform with New UAE PoP - clemmonscourier.net2024-5-16 Fujairah will join Dubai as Cato's second UAE location, extending Cato SASE Cloud to enterprises across the region. Read full information on external site
Nvidia thinks it’s time to start measuring data center efficiency by other metrics — is this the end of PUE? - techregister.co2024-5-15 Nvidia thinks it’s time to embrace new ways of measuring data center efficiency amidst surging energy demands and an increase of power-hungry applications at enterprises globally. Read full information on external site
抢电、圈地、对赌,深聊科技巨头的千亿美元AI能源大战 - clemmonscourier.net2024-5-15 听说,OpenAI训练GPT-6的时候,把微软电网给搞崩了?小伙伴们,你们有没有想过,生成式AI军备竞赛持续之际,AI会有多耗电吗? Read full information on external site
România este extrem de atractivă pentru investitorii în centre de date - piatafinanciara.ro2024-5-15 România este extrem de atractivă pentru investitorii în centre de date datorită costurilor reduse pentru terenuri și operare, a infrastructurii energetice și a pregătirii bune a angajaților, au concluzionat cei 22 de speakeri din cadrul DataCenter Forum 2024, singurul eveniment dedicat industriei de centre de date și cloud din România, acesta reunind cei mai importanți jucători din industrie, de la investitori și proprietari de centre de date la specialiști, proiectanți, consultanți. Cei trei factori care avantajează domeniul – puterea electrică disponibilă, costurile scăzute și nivelul de pregătire al oamenilor – sunt și principalele provocări cu care se confruntă sectorul ca urmare a creșterii prețurilor la energie și a angajaților care sunt tot mai greu de recrutat. Read full information on external site
O oră de întrerupere într-un centru de date înseamnă pierderi de 400.000 de dolari - revistabiz.ro2024-5-15 România este extrem de atractivă pentru investitorii în centre de date datorită costurilor reduse pentru terenuri și operare, a infrastructurii energetice și a pregătirii bune a angajaților. Cei trei factori care avantajează domeniul – puterea electrică disponibilă, costurile scăzute și nivelul de pregătire al oamenilor – sunt și principalele provocări cu care se confruntă sectorul ca urmare a creșterii prețurilor la energie și a angajaților care sunt tot mai greu de recrutat, consideră Mihai Manole, Managing Partner Tema Energy. Read full information on external site
Nvidia thinks it’s time to start measuring data center efficiency by other metrics — is this the end of PUE? - itpro.com2024-5-15 Nvidia says data center efficiency has moved on so much that new measures are needed to track performance. Read full information on external site
Mihai Manole, managing partner, Tema Energy, dezvoltator de centre de date: România este atractivă pentru investitorii în centre de date datorită costurilor reduse pentru terenuri şi operare - businessmagazin.ro2024-5-15 România este atractivă pentru investitorii în centre de date datorită costurilor reduse pentru terenuri şi operare, a infrastructurii energetice şi a pregătirii bune a angajaţilor, arată un comunicat transmis de reprezentanţii Tema Energy, dezvoltator de centre de date, cu afaceri de peste 12,7 mil. euro în 2022 – ultimul an pentru care există date publice. De asemenea, cei trei factori care avantajează domeniul – puterea electrică disponibilă, costurile scăzute şi nivelul de pregătire al oamenilor - sunt şi principalele provocări cu care se confruntă sectorul ca urmare a creşterii preţurilor la energie şi a angajaţilor care sunt tot mai greu de recrutat. Read full information on external site
Mihai Manole, managing partner, Tema Energy, dezvoltator de centre de date: România este atractivă pentru investitorii în centre de date datorită costurilor reduse pentru terenuri şi operare - profit.ro2024-5-15 România este atractivă pentru investitorii în centre de date datorită costurilor reduse pentru terenuri şi operare, a infrastructurii energetice şi a pregătirii bune a angajaţilor, arată un comunicat transmis de reprezentanţii Tema Energy, dezvoltator de centre de date, cu afaceri de peste 12,7 mil. euro în 2022 – ultimul an pentru care există date publice. De asemenea, cei trei factori care avantajează domeniul – puterea electrică disponibilă, costurile scăzute şi nivelul de pregătire al oamenilor - sunt şi principalele provocări cu care se confruntă sectorul ca urmare a creşterii preţurilor la energie şi a angajaţilor care sunt tot mai greu de recrutat. Read full information on external site
Inteligența artificială și machine learning dictează o creștere accentuată a centrelor de date - itmaniatv.com2024-5-15 România este extrem de atractivă pentru investitorii în centre de date datorită costurilor reduse pentru terenuri și operare, a infrastructurii energetice și a pregătirii bune a angajaților, au concluzionat cei 22 de speakeri din cadrul DataCenter Forum 2024. Read full information on external site
Czy deficyt energii i rosnące ceny prądu powstrzymają rozwój AI? - magazynprzemyslowy.pl2024-5-15 Bez inwestycji w infrastrukturę – zarówno centrodanową, jak i energetyczną – rozwój AI może wyhamować. Read full information on external site
抢电、圈地、对赌,深聊科技巨头的千亿美元AI能源大战 - jiemian.com2024-5-14 The AI boom, led by generative AI relies on GPU servers for AI training, and they consume a lot of electricity. Read full information on external site
Sustainable systems for the Age of AI - blocksandfiles.com2024-5-15 The AI boom, led by generative AI relies on GPU servers for AI training, and they consume a lot of electricity. Read full information on external site
Optimizing Data Center Efficiency: A Deep Dive into Freecooling Techniques - hackernoon.com2024-5-14 In the previous article, we discussed the rapid expansion of data center infrastructure and the increase in electricity consumption it resulted in. Read full information on external site
Nvidia: PUE is an ineffective efficiency metric for AI workloads and needs replacing - datacenterdynamics.com2024-5-14 Argues that energy should be measured in kilowatt-hours instead. Read full information on external site
Keine Cyberresilienz ohne Notfallplan - netzpalaver.de2024-5-14 In der jährlichen Umfrage des Uptime Institute geben 60 Prozent der Befragten an, dass sie in den letzten drei Jahren einen schwerwiegenden Ausfall in ihrem Unternehmen erlebt haben und dass Cyberangriffe und Ransomware eine zunehmende Ursache für die teuren Ausfälle sind. Diese Ergebnisse unterstreicht eine globale Studie von Arcserve: Sie bestätigt, dass Unternehmen geschäftskritische Daten verlieren obwohl 95 Prozent der Befragten über einen Notfallwiederherstellungsplan verfügen. Allerdings haben diesen nur 24 Prozent parat, gut dokumentiert, getestet und aktualisiert. Ein derartiger Plan ist aber zwingend notwendig, um eine schnelle Wiederherstellung und eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Reaktion auf Katastrophen zu gewährlisten. Read full information on external site
Eficiencia y sostenibilidad en los data centers. Capítulo 1 - datacentermarket.es2024-5-14 El consumo de un data center reside mayoritariamente en los equipos IT (servidores, routers, switches, etc.) a lo que hay que añadir el consumo de todos los elementos ajenos a la parte IT que son necesarios para Read full information on external site
Data centre energy efficiency – look to water quality - eibi.co.uk2024-5-14 Glenn Simpson explains why, in the search for further energy savings in data centres, water quality is a crucial factor to consider as energy and carbon reduction regulations bite harder. Read full information on external site
Cloud investment “expected to continue” indefinitely after strong start in 2024, experts suggest – look to water quality - itpro.com2024-5-14 The sector shows positive signs of growth as cloud infrastructure offerings and AI adoption projects ramp up. Read full information on external site
AI creates new operating and resourcing headaches for data centre operators according to Rana Qadir, Uptime Institute – look to water quality - w.media2024-5-14 Australia’s data centre industry stands at a pivotal point, confronting a pressing shortage of skilled workers and a notable gender disparity. Read full information on external site
Natural gas pipelines offer power solutions - compressortech2.com2024-5-13 Growing demand for data centers spurs need for creative solutions for backup energy. Read full information on external site
Los UPS en el borde de la red redefinen la continuidad y la eficiencia en el mundo digital. Por Francisco Sales, director de servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica - g5noticias2024-5-13 En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y dependiente de la tecnología, la confiabilidad de las unidades de suministro ininterrumpido de energía (UPS) en el borde de la red constituye un pilar para el funcionamiento confiable de los servicios críticos. Estos sistemas ofrecen continuidad del suministro eléctrico en ubicaciones descentralizadas, para una mayor disponibilidad y confiabilidad de los servicios críticos. Read full information on external site
Deficyt energii i rosnące ceny prądu zahamują rozwój sztucznej inteligencji? - mamstartup.pl2024-5-11 Bez inwestycji w infrastrukturę – zarówno centrodanową, jak i energetyczną – rozwój AI może wyhamować. Read full information on external site
Guest blog: The Energy Efficiency Directive – In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity - techuk.org2024-5-10 Guest blog by Venessa Moffat, Channel Partner Manager, EMEA, EkkoSense. Read full information on external site
Generative AI and global power consumption: High, but not that high - datacenterdynamics.com2024-5-10 Preliminary calculations by Uptime Intelligence suggest the initial impact of generative AI on global data center power use is low — but it will rise quickly as adoption increases. Read full information on external site
Deficyt energii i rosnące ceny prądu zahamują rozwój sztucznej inteligencji? - itreseller.com.pl2024-5-10 Bez inwestycji w infrastrukturę – zarówno centrodanową, jak i energetyczną – rozwój AI może wyhamować. Powód? Rozwiązania wykorzystujące sztuczną inteligencję przetwarzają ogromne ilości danych, co z kolei istotnie zwiększa konsumpcję energii. Read full information on external site
新しいJuniper® Paragon Automationによりインテントベースのサービスオーケストレーションを実現 - juniper.net2024-5-09 エクスペリエンスファーストネットワーキングを通じてインテントを提供するための新しいアプローチであり、必要なあらゆるものが1つにまとまっています。所要時間、作業量、エラーを削減して、耐障害性と顧客満足度を向上させます。Read full information on external site
The imperative of making a career in the data centre industry attractive - techfinitive.com2024-5-09 The data centre industry is at a crossroads, facing a talent sustainability crisis. While sustainable resources are reviewed across the board, the workforce remains overlooked. A sustainable workforce model is as crucial as the infrastructure of our data centres.。Read full information on external site
Qué es un data center y cómo funcionae - datacentermarket.es2024-5-09 Explora qué es un data center y cómo contribuye a la industria, así como sus ventajas, y los distintos tipos y beneficios. Read full information on external site
AI-Powered Networks: Transforming or Disrupting Data Centers? - networkcomputing.com2024-5-09 AI within data center networks is here and advancing fast. Read full information on external site
Intent-Based Service Orchestration Done Right with the New Juniper® Paragon Automation - juniper.net2024-5-09 It’s a fresh approach to delivering intent through experience-first networking, with everything you need in one place. Slash time and effort, eliminate errors, boost resilience and delight customers. Read full information on external site
Bringing a smart edge to data centres in the Middle East - capacitymedia.com2024-5-09 How e&’s SmartHub facilities offer low-latency community-based ecosystems for diverse players. Read full information on external site
Absichtsbasierte Service-Orchestrierung richtig gemacht mit dem neuen Juniper® Paragon Automation - juniper.net2024-5-09 Ein neuer Ansatz für die absichtsbasierte Bereitstellung durch Experience-first-Netzwerke, die von einem Punkt aus zentral gesteuert werden. Reduzieren Sie den Zeit- und Arbeitsaufwand, beseitigen Sie Fehler, erhöhen Sie die Ausfallsicherheit und begeistern Sie Ihre Kunden. Read full information on external site
Shaping the Future of Data Infrastructure: 21st Century Technologies – Tier IV Data Centre - techeconomy.ng2024-5-08 21st Century Technologies' Tier IV data centre is characterized by the exceptional levels of redundancy, fault tolerance, and uptime... Read full information on external site
Kryzys energetyczny a przyszłość sztucznej inteligencji. Czy rosnące ceny prądu to zahamowanie dla rozwoju? – Tier IV Data Centre - fxmag.pl2024-5-08 Bez inwestycji w infrastrukturę – zarówno centrodanową, jak i energetyczną – rozwój AI może wyhamować. Powód? Rozwiązania wykorzystujące sztuczną inteligencję przetwarzają ogromne ilości danych, co z kolei istotnie zwiększa konsumpcję energii. Sęk w tym, że jest ona coraz droższa i po prostu zaczyna jej brakować. Read full information on external site
Data Centers to Run Out of Power in Two Years, Says DigitalBridge CEO – Tier IV Data Centre - datacenterknowledge.com2024-5-08 'We're kind of running out of power in the next 18 to 24 months,' warned Marc Ganzi of DigitalBridge. How data center operators might address this power shortage remains unclear. Read full information on external site
Temperatura de los data center: consejos para mantener la adecuada - datacentermarket.es2024-5-07 Mantener la temperatura adecuada es uno de los factores a tener en cuenta para el buen funcionamiento de los centros de datos. Consejos para mantenerla. Read full information on external site
Drogi prąd będzie przyczyną zahamowania sztucznej inteligencji? - mojafirma2024-5-07 Wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji to duże koszty energetyczne. Czy bez inwestycji w strukturę centrodanową i energetyczną rozwój AI wyhamuje? Read full information on external site
普洛斯中国2024年一季度运营表现稳健向好,新兴产业活力回升走强 - stockstar.com2024-5-06 2024年一季度,普洛斯中国供应链、大数据、新能源基础设施运营表现稳中有进,物流园及产业基础设施以及数据中心的客户新签约,新能源项目新并网,以及数智化、零碳化运营等各方面稳步发展,从中可见其新型基础设施服务的新兴产业开年以来活力持续释放,对产业服务的需求也呈现出更高品质、更加智慧、更为绿色的新趋势。Read full information on external site
普洛斯中国2024年一季度运营表现稳健向好,新兴产业活力回升走强 - stock.cnfol.com2024-5-06 2024年一季度,普洛斯中国供应链、大数据、新能源基础设施运营表现稳中有进,物流园及产业基础设施以及数据中心的客户新签约,新能源项目新并网,以及数智化、零碳化运营等各方面稳步发展,从中可见其新型基础设施服务的新兴产业开年以来活力持续释放,对产业服务的需求也呈现出更高品质、更加智慧、更为绿色的新趋势。Read full information on external site
普洛斯中国2024年一季度运营表现稳健向好,新兴产业活力回升走强 - ifeng.com2024-5-06 2024年一季度,普洛斯中国供应链、大数据、新能源基础设施运营表现稳中有进,物流园及产业基础设施以及数据中心的客户新签约,新能源项目新并网,以及数智化、零碳化运营等各方面稳步发展,从中可见其新型基础设施服务的新兴产业开年以来活力持续释放,对产业服务的需求也呈现出更高品质、更加智慧、更为绿色的新趋势。Read full information on external site
普洛斯中国:一季度新签租面积520万平米 - pedaily.cn2024-5-06 一季度,普洛斯中国物流及产业基础设施新开工面积超16.4万平方米,新交付面积超34万平方米。在客户服务方面,一季度签订租约近2000个,新签租约面积近520万平方米。Read full information on external site
Global Prefabricated Modular Data Center Market 2024-2029, Featuring Dell, Hewlett Packard, Emerson Electric, Lightning Investors, Schneider Electric, Cannon Technologies, Eltek, Vertiv, Huawei & IBM - ResearchAndMarkets.com - lelezard.com2024-5-06 The "Global Prefabricated Modular Data Center Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. Read full information on external site
【财经分析】普洛斯中国2024年一季度运营表现稳健 向“新”发展仍为大势所趋 - cnfin.com2024-5-06 2024年一季度,普洛斯中国供应链、大数据、新能源基础设施运营表现稳中有进,物流园及产业基础设施和数据中心的客户新签约、新能源项目新并网,以及数智化、零碳化运营等各方面均实现了稳步发展。 Read full information on external site
Thế giới trong cuộc đua xây dựng các trung tâm dữ liệu - baocantho.com.vn2024-5-05 Trung tâm dữ liệu (data center) đóng vai trò ngày càng quan trọng trong thời đại bùng nổ công nghệ thông tin và kỹ thuật số. Bên cạnh sự đầu tư của nhà nước cho các trung tâm dữ liệu, các công ty công nghệ đang bước vào giai đoạn nước rút mở rộng cơ sở hạ tầng tập trung để lưu trữ, quản lý, xử lý và phân phối dữ liệu trong môi trường công nghệ và trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) phát triển nhanh chóng. Read full information on external site
DESCO MIC gets Tier 3 certification - thedailystar.net2024-5-04 The Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited's (DESCO's) Master Information Centre (MIC) has received Tier 3 certification in both design and facility from the Uptime Institute of the USA. Read full information on external site
El Boom de los data centers en Chile - mundoenlinea.cl2024-5-03 En una sociedad altamente digitalizada, los data center desempeñan un papel clave. Read full information on external site
Edged Energy plans data center in south Irving - ramblernewspapers.com2024-5-03 New York—Edged Energy announced a new state-of-the-art sustainable data center in Irving, Texas. Known as Edged Dallas, the facility will be built for high-density AI workloads and equipped with advanced waterless cooling and ultra-efficient energy systems. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute confirms: Redundancy prevents data center failures - security-insider.de2024-5-02 The Uptime Institute regularly surveys data center operators about the causes, costs and consequences of outages in their data centers. This year's conclusion is positive: Although data center infrastructures continue to grow, the frequency and severity of outages is continuously decreasing. Read full information on external site
חוות השרתים הממוגנת של טקטוניק קיבלה הסמכת Tier IV - techtime2024-5-01 החווה מוקמת באזור התעשייה ברוש בבית שמש בהשקעה של כ-140 מיליון דולר. תמשיך בפעולה סדירה גם במקרה שתיפגע ישירות על-ידי טילים ארוכי טווח Read full information on external site
Is Edge Computing Over or Just Getting Started - datacenterknowledge.com2024-5-01 The hype around edge computing has cooled as AI takes center stage. Panelists at Data Center World 2024 discussed its applications, challenges and future evolution. Read full information on external site
April 2024
TRG Datacenters appointment supports expansion plans - dcnnmagazine.com2024-4-30 TRG Datacenters, a rapidly growing data centre and colocation provider, has announced that Robert West has joined the company as Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Read full information on external site
Los UPS en el borde de la red redefinen la continuidad y la eficiencia en el mundo digital - itnews.lat2024-4-30 Por Francisco Sales, director de servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
IT Sustainability Think Tank: Calculating IT equipment capacity – the challenging path forward - computerweekly.com2024-4-30 CIOs and IT leaders must take action now to ensure they have an accurate overview of the carbon emissions, energy use and sustainability of their organisation's overall activities. But how should they go about this? Read full information on external site
IA: Cómo los Data Centers pueden reducir su impacto ambiental – the challenging path forward - sologamer.cl2024-4-30 De acuerdo con un informe del Uptime Institute, el consumo energético de los servidores está experimentando una marcada tendencia al alza, pues los datos revelan que el consumo energético en 2017 pocas veces superó los 300 W, pero aumentó a casi 800 W para 2022. Esta es una realidad que está siendo impulsada por la revolución de la IA y en la que compañías como AMD, han asumido el reto de desarrollar una completa oferta de soluciones innovadoras para centros de datos, que ayudan a las empresas a dar el siguiente paso en sostenibilidad y el cuidado del planeta mientras maximizan el impacto de su transformación digital. Read full information on external site
Emerging Trends in Data Center Talent Density: Optimizing for the Future – the challenging path forward - telecomnewsroom.com2024-4-30 In the rapidly evolving world of data centers, the concept of “talent density” has emerged as a critical factor in driving operational excellence and unlocking new levels of innovation. Read full information on external site
Os UPSs na Borda da Rede estão redefinindo a continuidade e a eficiência no mundo digital – the challenging path forward - partnersales.com2024-4-30 Francisco Sales é diretor de serviços da Vertiv América Latina. Read full information on external site
Os UPSs na Borda da Rede estão redefinindo a continuidade e a eficiência no mundo digital – the challenging path forward - inforchannel.com2024-4-29 Francisco Sales é diretor de serviços da Vertiv América Latina. Read full information on external site
Nepal’s BLC and India’s Yotta Data Services Partner to Build Nepal’s First Supercloud Data Center - cxotoday.com2024-4-29 To be built in Ramkot, near Kathmandu, the national capital, it will be the first supercloud data centre facility in the country. Read full information on external site
Los UPS en el borde de la red redefinen la continuidad y la eficiencia en el mundo digital - panama24horas.com2024-4-29 Los tiempos de respuesta de TI son críticos y los retrasos o los periodos de inactividad pueden ocasionar desde pérdidas financieras hasta una mala experiencia para los usuarios. Read full information on external site
Czy rosnące ceny prądu i deficyt energii zahamują rozwój sztucznej inteligencji? - mycompanypolska2024-4-27 Bez inwestycji w infrastrukturę – zarówno centrodanową, jak i energetyczną – rozwój AI może wyhamować. Powód? Rozwiązania wykorzystujące sztuczną inteligencję przetwarzają ogromne ilości danych, co z kolei istotnie zwiększa konsumpcję energii. Sęk w tym, że jest ona coraz droższa i po prostu zaczyna jej brakować. Read full information on external site
Three Ways to Make Your Commercial Facility More Resilient - energycentral.com2024-4-26 Commercial facilities, such as data centers, hospitals, airports, wastewater treatment plants, or universities, take the biggest financial hit from outages. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory estimates commercial companies bear 70% of the $44 billion economic loss outages cause every year. Read full information on external site
De la Inteligencia Artificial a la Energética: Cómo los Data Centers pueden reducir su impacto ambiental - zoomtecnologico.com2024-4-26 Cada vez que le hacemos una pregunta a ChatGPT o le pedimos a servicios como MidJourney que nos dibujen un unicornio gigante caminando por las calles de Santiago, estamos aumentando nuestro consumo energético: una acción simple como esta demanda el procesamiento de datos de texto e imagen, lo cual resulta en un mayor uso de electricidad a lo largo de la cadena, empezando por los centros de datos o data centers que almacenan la información y los algoritmos con los que esta tecnología hace realidad nuestros deseos más profundos. Read full information on external site
De la Inteligencia Artificial a la Energética: Cómo los Data Centers pueden reducir su impacto ambiental - lanotaeconomica.com2024-4-24 Cada vez que le hacemos una pregunta a ChatGPT o le pedimos a servicios como MidJourney que nos dibujen un unicornio gigante caminando por las calles de Santiago, estamos aumentando nuestro consumo energético: una acción simple como esta demanda el procesamiento de datos de texto e imagen, lo cual resulta en un mayor uso de electricidad a lo largo de la cadena, empezando por los centros de datos o data centers que almacenan la información y los algoritmos con los que esta tecnología hace realidad nuestros deseos más profundos. Read full information on external site
Building a pathway for early talent and apprenticeships - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-4-23 From the pillars of career development to the best approach for apprentices and graduates acquiring diverse experiences, Mark Yeeles, Vice President, Secure Power Division at Schneider Electric, UK and Ireland, outlines how Schneider Electric is empowering people to have greater opportunities and gain invaluable on-the-job experience across a number of different sectors. Read full information on external site
生成式人工智能热潮下,节能高效也成为了香饽饽 - eeworld.com2024-4-23 据《纽约客》报道,荷兰国家银行数据专家Alex de Vries估计,OpenAl旗下聊天机器 人ChatGPT每天消耗超过50万千瓦时的电力,用于处理约2亿个用户请求,相当于美国 家庭每天用电量的1.7万多倍。 Read full information on external site
Network Incident Detection and Response mit KI-Steuerung - security-insider.de2024-4-23 Cato Networks erweitert seine SASE-Cloud-Plattform um Tools für Network Incident Detection and Response: „Network Stories für Cato XDR“ könne mit KI-Unterstützung sofort registrieren, wenn in einem Kundennetzwerk Ausfälle auftreten, und unmittelbar die Ursachen analysieren. Read full information on external site
Los UPS en el borde de la red redefinen la continuidad y la eficiencia en el mundo digital - newsinamerica.com2024-4-23 En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y dependiente de la tecnología, la confiabilidad de las unidades de suministro ininterrumpido de energía (UPS) en el borde de la red constituye un pilar para el funcionamiento confiable de los servicios críticos. Read full information on external site
Los UPS en el borde de la red redefinen la continuidad y la eficiencia en el mundo digital - Periodico Digital Centroamericano y del Caribe2024-4-23 En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y dependiente de la tecnología, la confiabilidad de las unidades de suministro ininterrumpido de energía (UPS) en el borde de la red constituye un pilar para el funcionamiento confiable de los servicios críticos. Read full information on external site
L’Uptime Institute lance une évaluation de la durabilité de l’infrastructure numérique - maurice-info2024-4-23 L’Uptime Institute a annoncé le lancement de l’évaluation complète de la durabilité de l’Uptime Institute, un service d’évaluation et de remise de prix qui permet aux organisations d’évaluer clairement, de comparer et de démontrer les qualifications en matière de durabilité de leur infrastructure numérique à l’ensemble de leurs parties prenantes, que leurs applications soient déployées dans leurs propres centres de données exploités par l’entreprise, ainsi que dans des centres de données de colocation ou qu’elles soient hébergées par des tiers, tels que des hyperscalers ou des fournisseurs de services gérés. Read full information on external site
GLP Huailai Data Center Achieves Uptime Institute Accreditation for Operations Excellence - glp.com2024-4-23 GLP, a leading global business builder, owner, developer and operator of logistics real estate, digital infrastructure, renewable energy and related technologies, announced that GLP Huailai Data Center in Hebei province, China, has received the Uptime Institute’s Management and Operations (“M&O”) Stamp of Approval. Read full information on external site
Ekonomi - 2 detik yang lalu DCI Indonesia Cetak Laba Bersih Rp 514 Miliar pada 2023 - republika2024-4-23 Sejak beroperasi pada 2013, DCI pertahankan tingkat ketersediaan layanan 100 persen. Read full information on external site
De la Inteligencia Artificial a la Energética: cómo los Data Centers pueden reducir su impacto ambiental - zoomempresarial.pe2024-4-23 Cada vez que le hacemos una pregunta a ChatGPT o le pedimos a servicios como MidJourney que nos dibujen un unicornio gigante caminando por las calles de Lima, estamos aumentando nuestro consumo energético: una acción simple como esta demanda el procesamiento de datos de texto e imagen, lo cual resulta en un mayor uso de electricidad a lo largo de la cadena, empezando por los centros de datos que almacenan la información y los algoritmos con los que esta tecnología hace realidad nuestros deseos más profundos. Read full information on external site
'Inflection Point': 1 In 3 Data Centers To Use Liquid Cooling By 2026, Report Says - bisnow.com2024-4-23 The number of data centers using liquid cooling could jump significantly in the coming months. Read full information on external site
Wingu Africa becomes Ethiopia’s first certified data center - capitalethiopia.com2024-4-22 Wingu Africa Group Limited, a leading data center provider in Ethiopia, has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first in the country to meet international standards, with an investment of $50 million. Read full information on external site
Tipos de data center: todo lo que tienes que saber - datacentermarket2024-4-22 Descubre los tipos de data center que existen según su funcionalidad, su tamaño o su nivel de resiliencia. Consejos para escoger el adecuado. Read full information on external site
Melesat 40%, DCI Indonesia Cetak Laba Rp 514 Miliar di 2023 - liputan6.com2024-4-22 DCI Indonesia membukukan laba bersih sebesar Rp 514 Miliar dengan pertumbuhan 40% Year on Year dan margin laba bersih tercatat sebesar 39%. Read full information on external site
Legrand launches Starline Remote Plug-In Actuator - digitalisationworld.com2024-4-22 As the only product of its kind on the market, the Remote Plug-In Actuator enhances data center safety amid rising power densities. Read full information on external site
AI正在“吸干”全球电力?更可怕的事还在后面(组图)- sydneytoday.com近年来,人工智能(AI)的崛起引起了广泛的讨论和担忧,很多人担心 AI 会造成失业率飙升,而有些乐观的朋友则戏称“只要电费贵过馒头,AI 就永远不能完全代替人”。 2024-4-21 Read full information on external site
AI正在“吸干”全球电力?更可怕的事还在后面(组图 - qldtoday.com2024-4-21 近年来,人工智能(AI)的崛起引起了广泛的讨论和担忧,很多人担心 AI 会造成失业率飙升,而有些乐观的朋友则戏称“只要电费贵过馒头,AI 就永远不能完全代替人”。Read full information on external site
AI 正在“吸干”全球电力?更可怕的事还在后面 - 360kuai.com2024-4-20 近年来,人工智能(AI)的崛起引起了广泛的讨论和担忧,很多人担心 AI 会造成失业率飙升,而有些乐观的朋友则戏称“只要电费贵过馒头,AI 就永远不能完全代替人”。 Read full information on external site
Toward sustainable, energy-efficient 'green data centers' - msn.com2024-4-20 AS economies become increasingly digitized, the importance of a reliable digital infrastructure increases. Read full information on external site
Starline Debuts Remote Plug-In Actuator to Enhance Data Center Safety - hostingjournalist.com2024-4-20 Legrand, a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures worldwide, has debuted the Remote Plug-In Actuator, the newest creation from their brand Starline. Read full information on external site
AI的尽头真是储能?- msn.com2024-4-20 近日,英伟达CEO黄仁勋在一次公开演讲中表示,AI未来的发展将与光伏和储能紧密相连。另一位科技大佬OpenAI创始人山姆·奥特曼也提出了类似的看法,认为未来的AI取决于能源,社会需要更多的光伏与储能。Read full information on external site
AI正在“吸干”全球电力?更可怕的事还在后面 - wailaike.net2024-4-20 近年来,人工智能(AI)的崛起引起了广泛的讨论和担忧,很多人担心 AI会造成失业率飙升,而有些乐观的朋友则戏称“只要电费贵过馒头,AI 就永远不能完全代替人”。Read full information on external site
AI正在“吸干”全球电力?更可怕的事还在后面 - backchina.com2024-4-20 近年来,人工智能(AI)的崛起引起了广泛的讨论和担忧,很多人担心 AI会造成失业率飙升,而有些乐观的朋友则戏称“只要电费贵过馒头,AI 就永远不能完全代替人”。Read full information on external site
AI 正在“吸干”全球电力?更可怕的事还在后面 - zaker.com2024-4-20 近年来,人工智能(AI)的崛起引起了广泛的讨论和担忧,很多人担心 AI会造成失业率飙升,而有些乐观的朋友则戏称“只要电费贵过馒头,AI 就永远不能完全代替人”。Read full information on external site
AI Is “Sucking Up” The World's Electricity!More Terrible Things Are Yet To Come - gamingdeputy.com2024-4-20 In recent years, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has caused widespread discussion and concern. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute发布Uptime Institute数字基础设施可持续发展评估服务 - afinance.cn2024-4-19 新评估服务可帮助组织识别、记录、跟踪和报告整个IT资产的可持续发展指标和计划 纽约--(美国商业资讯)--UptimeInstitute今天宣布推出全面的UptimeInstitute可持续发展评估服务。这是一项评估和奖励服务,使组织能够清晰地评估、设定基准,并向所有利益相关者展示其数字基础设施的可持续发展资质,无 Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches sustainability assessment - missioncriticalmagazine.com2024-4-19 Helps organizations identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
El ABC de los centros de datos en México: ¿Dónde están, qué son y cómo funcionan? - itmastersmag.com2024-4-19 ¿Qué tienen en común Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, Uber o Google? Todos procesan cantidades masivas de información digital almacenadas en centros de datos y México es potencia global en esa industria. Read full information on external site
City of Irving approves new Edged Energy data center in Texas - missioncriticalmagazine.com2024-4-19 Edged Dallas will be outfitted with the ThermalWorks waterless cooling system. Read full information on external site
Cuatro beneficios que otorgan los UPS en el suministro eléctrico - agenciaorbita.org2024-4-18 En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y dependiente de la tecnología, la confiabilidad de las unidades de suministro ininterrumpido de energía (UPS) en el borde de la red constituyen un pilar para el funcionamiento confiable de los servicios críticos. Estos sistemas ofrecen continuidad del suministro eléctrico en ubicaciones descentralizadas, para una mayor disponibilidad y confiabilidad de los servicios críticos. Read full information on external site
معهد Uptime Institute يطلق تقييم استدامة Uptime Institute للبنية التحتية الرقمية - dubaiglobalnews.com2024-4-18 أعلن معهد Uptime Institute اليوم عن إطلاق تقييم الاستدامة الشامل لمعهد Uptime Institute، وهو عبارة عن خدمة تقييم وجوائز تُمكِّن المؤسسات من تقييم مؤهلات الاستدامة الخاصة ببنيتها التحتية الرقمية وقياسها وإظهارها بوضوح لجميع أصحاب المصلحة، سواء تم نشر تطبيقاتهم في مراكز البيانات التي تديرها المؤسسة الخاصة بهم، بالإضافة إلى مراكز بيانات الموقع المشترك، أو استضافتها أطرافًا ثالثة أخرى مثل المتوسعين الفائقين أو موفري الخدمات المُدارة. Read full information on external site
معهد Uptime Institute يطلق تقييم استدامة Uptime Institute للبنية التحتية الرقميةo - 3yonnews.com2024-4-18 أعلن معهد Uptime Institute اليوم عن إطلاق تقييم الاستدامة الشامل لمعهد Uptime Institute، وهو عبارة عن خدمة تقييم وجوائز تُمكِّن المؤسسات من تقييم مؤهلات الاستدامة الخاصة ببنيتها التحتية الرقمية وقياسها وإظهارها بوضوح لجميع أصحاب المصلحة، سواء تم نشر تطبيقاتهم في مراكز البيانات التي تديرها المؤسسة الخاصة بهم، بالإضافة إلى مراكز بيانات الموقع المشترك، أو استضافتها أطرافًا ثالثة أخرى مثل المتوسعين الفائقين أو موفري الخدمات المُدارة. Read full information on external site
حول معهد Uptime Institute - gulftech-news.com2024-4-18 معهد Uptime Institute هو الهيئة العالمية للبنية التحتية الرقمية. مع إصدار أكثر من 3400 جائزة في أكثر من 114 دولة حول العالم، وأكثر من 1000 مشروع نشط حاليًا في أكثر من 80 دولة، ساعدت Uptime عشرات الآلاف من الشركات على تحسين أصول تكنولوجيا المعلومات المهمة مع إدارة التكاليف والموارد والكفاءة. Read full information on external site
Wiit schließt vier Tochtergesellschaften zur Wiit AG zusammen - it-business2024-4-18 Die deutschen Gesellschaften Lansol, Global Access, MyLoc und Boreus firmieren ab sofort als Wiit AG. Bessere Koordination, effizientere Abläufe und ein stärkeres Auftreten auf dem europäischen Parkett sind das Ziel. Read full information on external site
GenAI繁花,终将发芽!- yesky.com2024-4-18 【天极网企业频道】相比去年的“人无我有”“人有我优”的技术竞技,今年的GenAI不约而同地寻找场景化落地突破,且尝试的方式也“五花八门”,不尽相同。毕竟技术需要服务于行业、服务于场景,同样地押注GenAI的厂商需要考虑投入、收益,以及投入产出比。在技术驱动下,在场景赋能下,GenAI繁花,终将发芽。 Read full information on external site
GenAI繁花,终将发芽!- chinabyte.com2024-4-18 【天极网企业频道】相比去年的“人无我有”“人有我优”的技术竞技,今年的GenAI不约而同地寻找场景化落地突破,且尝试的方式也“五花八门”,不尽相同。毕竟技术需要服务于行业、服务于场景,同样地押注GenAI的厂商需要考虑投入、收益,以及投入产出比。在技术驱动下,在场景赋能下,GenAI繁花,终将发芽。 Read full information on external site
Aggreko signposts route to mitigating Outage Analysis figures - dcnnmagazine.com2024-4-18 With a new Uptime Institute report indicating that power remains the number one root cause of data centre outages, energy solutions provider Aggreko is calling attention to how data centres can begin reducing reliance on the grid, and in turn work towards greater energy resilience. Read full information on external site
Cuatro beneficios que otorgan los UPS en el suministro eléctrico - nteve.com2024-4-17 En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y dependiente de la tecnología, la confiabilidad de las unidades de suministro ininterrumpido de energía (UPS) en el borde de la red constituyen un pilar para el funcionamiento confiable de los servicios críticos. Read full information on external site
Cuatro beneficios que otorgan los UPS en el suministro eléctrico - gadgerss.com2024-4-17 En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y dependiente de la tecnología, la confiabilidad de las unidades de suministro ininterrumpido de energía (UPS) en el borde de la red constituyen un pilar para el funcionamiento confiable de los servicios críticos. Read full information on external site
업타임 인스티튜트, 디지털 인프라에 대한 업타임 인스티튜트 지속 가능성 평가 시작 - sagunin.com2024-4-17 새로운 평가를 통해 조직들은 IT 자산 전반에 걸쳐 지속 가능성 지표 및 프로그램을 식별, 문서화, 추적 및 보고할 수 있다 Read full information on external site
업타임 인스티튜트, 디지털 인프라에 대한 업타임 인스티튜트 지속 가능성 평가 시작 - meiltoday.com2024-4-17 새로운 평가를 통해 조직들은 IT 자산 전반에 걸쳐 지속 가능성 지표 및 프로그램을 식별, 문서화, 추적 및 보고할 수 있다 Read full information on external site
Wingu Africa Becomes First Tier III Certified Data Center In Ethiopia - fanabc.com2024-4-17 The data center facility, constructed by Wingu Africa Group Limited in Ethiopia at a cost of 50 million USD, has attained certification for compliance with international standards. Read full information on external site
UptimeInstitute发布UptimeInstitute数字基础设施可持续发展评估服务 - 58188.com2024-4-17 Uptime Institute今天宣布推出全面的Uptime Institute可持续发展评估服务。这是一项评估和奖励服务,使组织能够清晰地评估、设定基准,并向所有利益相关者展示其数字基础设施的可持续发展资质,无论其应用程序是部署在自己的企业运营数据中心、主机托管数据中心,还是由其他第三方(如超大规模云服务商或托管服务提供商)托管。Read full information on external site
UptimeInstitute发布UptimeInstitute数字基础设施可持续发展评估服务 - etnet.com.hk2024-4-17 Uptime Institute今天宣布推出全面的Uptime Institute可持续发展评估服务。这是一项评估和奖励服务,使组织能够清晰地评估、设定基准,并向所有利益相关者展示其数字基础设施的可持续发展资质,无论其应用程序是部署在自己的企业运营数据中心、主机托管数据中心,还是由其他第三方(如超大规模云服务商或托管服务提供商)托管。Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - sagunin.com2024-4-17 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - meiltoday.com2024-4-17 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - itweb2024-4-17 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - digitalisationworld.com2024-4-17 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - digitalinfranetwork.com2024-4-17 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - brandspurng.com2024-4-17 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - kenyaengineer2024-4-17 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Riding the data centre storm: Balancing growing demand with new ESG regulations - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-4-17 Mark Seymour, Distinguished Engineer at Cadence, explores how data centres can achieve the demands of the new efficiency revolution with Digital Twin technology. Read full information on external site
Expansión del Data Center Liray de Claro alcanza el 70% de ocupación: analizan nueva ampliación - biobiochile.cl2024-4-17 El otro 30% se encuentra reservado y en etapa de cierre de contratos. Además, la empresa está desarrollando un anteproyecto para sumar otros 1.000 metros cuadrados adicionales. Read full information on external site
Cuatro beneficios que otorgan los UPS en el suministro eléctrico - revistaeconomia.com2024-4-17 En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y dependiente de la tecnología, la confiabilidad de las unidades de suministro ininterrumpido de energía (UPS) en el borde de la red constituyen un pilar para el funcionamiento confiable de los servicios críticos. Read full information on external site
Cuatro beneficios que otorgan los UPS en el suministro eléctrico - channelnewsperu.com2024-4-17 En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y dependiente de la tecnología, la confiabilidad de las unidades de suministro ininterrumpido de energía (UPS) en el borde de la red constituyen un pilar para el funcionamiento confiable de los servicios críticos. Read full information on external site
Lieber nicht die Wolke - treffpunkt-kommune2024-4-17 Die Windflügel am Himmel, aber die Daten am Boden: So können bei der Digitalisierung des Stromverteilnetzes Daten geschützt werden. Read full information on external site
Wingu Africa Achieves Tier III Certification for Data Center - maltanewsgazette.com2024-4-16 Die Windflügel am Himmel, aber die Daten am Boden: So können bei der Digitalisierung des Stromverteilnetzes Daten geschützt werden. Addis Ababa: Wingu Africa Group Limited, a leading data center provider in Ethiopia, has achieved Tier III certification from the Uptime Institute for its facility in the ICT Park, Addis Ababa. Read full information on external site
Wingu Africa becomes first Tier III certified Data Center in Ethiopia - ethioexplorer.com2024-4-16 Wingu Africa Group Limited said it has fulfilled all eligibility criteria required for the Tier III certification of its constructed facility, located inside the ICT Park in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Abeba. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - itweb.africa2024-4-16 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
アップタイム・インスティテュート、デジタルインフラ向け「アップタイム・インスティテュート サステナビリティ評価」を発表 - jiji.com2024-4-16 新しい評価システムにより、組織はIT環境全体におけるサステナビリティ指標とプログラムの特定、文書化、追跡、報告が可能に. Read full information on external site
Wingu Africa becomes first Tier III certified Data Center in Ethiopia - addisstandard.com2024-4-16 Wingu Africa Group Limited said it has fulfilled all eligibility criteria required for the Tier III certification of its constructed facility, located inside the ICT Park in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Abeba. Read full information on external site
Wingu Africa Achieves Tier III Certification for Data Center - ena.et2024-4-16 Die Windflügel am Himmel, aber die Daten am Boden: So können bei der Digitalisierung des Stromverteilnetzes Daten geschützt werden. Addis Ababa: Wingu Africa Group Limited, a leading data center provider in Ethiopia, has achieved Tier III certification from the Uptime Institute for its facility in the ICT Park, Addis Ababa. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Unveils Digital Infrastructure Sustainability Assessment - hostingjournalist.com2024-4-16 To enable organizations to clearly assess, benchmark, and demonstrate the sustainability credentials of their digital infrastructure to all of their stakeholders, whether their applications are deployed in enterprise-operated data centers or colocation facilities, or hosted by other third parties like hyperscalers or managed service providers (MSPs), Uptime Institute has launched its Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute startet die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung des Uptime Institute für digitale Infrastrukturen - wallstreet-online2024-4-16 Das Uptime Institute gab heute die Markteinführung des umfassenden Bewertungs- und Award-Services Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment bekannt, mit dem die Anwenderorganisationen die Nachhaltigkeit ihrer digitalen Infrastruktur eindeutig bewerten, vergleichen und gegenüber allen beteiligten Akteuren nachweisen können, und das unabhängig davon, ob ihre Anwendungen in ihren unternehmenseigenen Rechenzentren oder in Colocation-Rechenzentren betrieben oder von anderen Dritten wie Hyperscalern oder Managed-Services-Anbietern gehostet werden. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute startet die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung des Uptime Institute für digitale Infrastrukturen - channelbiz.de2024-4-16 Das Uptime Institute gab heute die Markteinführung des umfassenden Bewertungs- und Award-Services Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment bekannt, mit dem die Anwenderorganisationen die Nachhaltigkeit ihrer digitalen Infrastruktur eindeutig bewerten, vergleichen und gegenüber allen beteiligten Akteuren nachweisen können, und das unabhängig davon, ob ihre Anwendungen in ihren unternehmenseigenen Rechenzentren oder in Colocation-Rechenzentren betrieben oder von anderen Dritten wie Hyperscalern oder Managed-Services-Anbietern gehostet werden. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute startet die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung des Uptime Institute für digitale Infrastrukturen - advfn.com2024-4-16 Das Uptime Institute gab heute die Markteinführung des umfassenden Bewertungs- und Award-Services Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment bekannt, mit dem die Anwenderorganisationen die Nachhaltigkeit ihrer digitalen Infrastruktur eindeutig bewerten, vergleichen und gegenüber allen beteiligten Akteuren nachweisen können, und das unabhängig davon, ob ihre Anwendungen in ihren unternehmenseigenen Rechenzentren oder in Colocation-Rechenzentren betrieben oder von anderen Dritten wie Hyperscalern oder Managed-Services-Anbietern gehostet werden. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - southafricatoday.net2024-4-16 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - silicon.co.uk2024-4-16 Uptime Institute today announced the launch of the comprehensive Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment, an assessment and award service that empowers organizations to clearly assess, benchmark, and demonstrate the sustainability credentials of their digital infrastructure to all their stakeholders, whether their applications are deployed in their own enterprise-operated data centers, as well as colocation data centers, or hosted by other third-parties such as hyperscalers or managed service providers. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - plattevalley.newschannelnebraska.com2024-4-16 Uptime Institute launches Sustainability Assessment to allow companies to benchmark & demonstrate digital infrastructure sustainability credentials. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - morningstar.com2024-4-16 Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - maryvilleforum.com2024-4-16 Uptime Institute today announced the launch of the comprehensive Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment, an assessment and award service that empowers organizations to clearly assess, benchmark, and demonstrate the sustainability credentials of their digital infrastructure to all their stakeholders, whether their applications are deployed in their own enterprise-operated data centers, as well as colocation data centers, or hosted by other third-parties such as hyperscalers or managed service providers. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - lelezard.com2024-4-16 Uptime Institute today announced the launch of the comprehensive Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment, an assessment and award service that empowers organizations to clearly assess, benchmark, and demonstrate the sustainability credentials of their digital infrastructure to all their stakeholders, whether their applications are deployed in their own enterprise-operated data centers, as well as colocation data centers, or hosted by other third-parties such as hyperscalers or managed service providers. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - dubainewstyle.com2024-4-16 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - dubaiglobalnews.com2024-4-16 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - cxoinsightme.com2024-4-16 service that empowers organisations to clearly assess, benchmark, and demonstrate the sustainability credentials of their digital infrastructure to all their stakeholders, whether their applications are deployed in their own enterprise-operated data centres, as well as colocation data centres, or hosted by other third-parties such as hyperscalers or managed service providers. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - benzinga.com2024-4-16 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - bakersfield.com2024-4-16 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - advfn.com2024-4-16 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - 3wzfm.com2024-4-16 New Assessment enables organizations to identify, document, track, and report on sustainability metrics & programs across their IT estate. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Sustainability Assessment for Digital Infrastructure - channelpostmea.com2024-4-16 Uptime Institute today announced the launch of the comprehensive Uptime Institute Sustainability Assessment, an assessment and award service that empowers organizations to clearly assess, benchmark, and demonstrate the sustainability credentials of their digital infrastructure to all their stakeholders, whether their applications are deployed in their own enterprise-operated data centers, as well as colocation data centers, or hosted by other third-parties such as hyperscalers or managed service providers. Read full information on external site
Choosing a server rental service provider according to what criteria? - tuoitre.vn2024-4-16 Choosing the right co-location service provider is the key for businesses to benefit from it. Read full information on external site
L’Uptime Institute lance une évaluation de la durabilité de l’infrastructure numérique - itespresso.fr2024-4-16 L’Uptime Institute a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de l’évaluation complète de la durabilité de l’Uptime Institute, un service d’évaluation et de remise de prix qui permet aux organisations d’évaluer clairement, de comparer et de démontrer les qualifications en matière de durabilité de leur infrastructure numérique à l’ensemble de leurs parties prenantes, que leurs applications soient déployées dans leurs propres centres de données exploités par l’entreprise, ainsi que dans des centres de données de colocation ou qu’elles soient hébergées par des tiers, tels que des hyperscalers ou des fournisseurs de services gérés. Read full information on external site
L’Uptime Institute lance une évaluation de la durabilité de l’infrastructure numérique - lelezard.com2024-4-16 L’Uptime Institute a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de l’évaluation complète de la durabilité de l’Uptime Institute, un service d’évaluation et de remise de prix qui permet aux organisations d’évaluer clairement, de comparer et de démontrer les qualifications en matière de durabilité de leur infrastructure numérique à l’ensemble de leurs parties prenantes, que leurs applications soient déployées dans leurs propres centres de données exploités par l’entreprise, ainsi que dans des centres de données de colocation ou qu’elles soient hébergées par des tiers, tels que des hyperscalers ou des fournisseurs de services gérés. Read full information on external site
L’Uptime Institute lance une évaluation de la durabilité de l’infrastructure numérique - boursica.com2024-4-16 L’Uptime Institute a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de l’évaluation complète de la durabilité de l’Uptime Institute, un service d’évaluation et de remise de prix qui permet aux organisations d’évaluer clairement, de comparer et de démontrer les qualifications en matière de durabilité de leur infrastructure numérique à l’ensemble de leurs parties prenantes, que leurs applications soient déployées dans leurs propres centres de données exploités par l’entreprise, ainsi que dans des centres de données de colocation ou qu’elles soient hébergées par des tiers, tels que des hyperscalers ou des fournisseurs de services gérés. Read full information on external site
L’Uptime Institute lance une évaluation de la durabilité de l’infrastructure numérique - advfn.com2024-4-16 L’Uptime Institute a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de l’évaluation complète de la durabilité de l’Uptime Institute, un service d’évaluation et de remise de prix qui permet aux organisations d’évaluer clairement, de comparer et de démontrer les qualifications en matière de durabilité de leur infrastructure numérique à l’ensemble de leurs parties prenantes, que leurs applications soient déployées dans leurs propres centres de données exploités par l’entreprise, ainsi que dans des centres de données de colocation ou qu’elles soient hébergées par des tiers, tels que des hyperscalers ou des fournisseurs de services gérés. Read full information on external site
El talento, pieza clave para el futuro tecnológico español - atlantico.net2024-4-16 Contar a corto plazo con trabajadores cualificados para los centros digitales supone un desafío en el sector. Read full information on external site
Data center em Fortaleza: a peça da EVEO para atingir faturamento de R$ 100 milhões 2025 - tiinside2024-4-16 A EVEO, empresa especializada em private cloud, lança a sua quarta região de infraestrutura de nuvem em menos de um ano. Read full information on external site
Content Delivery Network (CDN) Market Poised for 20.8% CAGR Growth, Eyes US$ 155,461.3 Million Value by 2033 - fmiblog.com2024-4-16 The global content delivery networks (CDN) market is projected to achieve a valuation of US$ 155,461.3 Million by 2033, demonstrating a CAGR of 20.8%. This signifies a substantial surge compared to the anticipated worth of US$ 23,429 million in 2023. Read full information on external site
Chọn nhà cung cấp dịch vụ chỗ đặt máy chủ, khách hàng cần lưu ý gì? - tienphong.vn2024-4-16 Dịch vụ thuê chỗ đặt máy chủ (Co-location) là dịch vụ cho khách hàng thuê chỗ đặt máy chủ, tủ rack, thiết bị mạng,…để triển khai hệ thống CNTT tại các trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC). Việc lựa chọn đúng nhà cung cấp dịch vụ Co-location là chìa khoá để các doanh nghiệp thu được lợi ích từ nó. Read full information on external site
Các tiêu chí đánh giá khi lựa chọn nhà cung cấp dịch vụ chỗ đặt máy chủ - vnmedia.vn2024-4-16 Dịch vụ thuê chỗ đặt máy chủ (Co-location) là dịch vụ cho khách hàng thuê chỗ đặt máy chủ, tủ rack, thiết bị mạng… để triển khai hệ thống CNTT tại các trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC). Việc lựa chọn đúng nhà cung cấp dịch vụ Co-location là chìa khoá để các doanh nghiệp thu được lợi ích từ nó. Read full information on external site
Các tiêu chí đánh giá khi lựa chọn nhà cung cấp dịch vụ chỗ đặt máy chủ - baohomnay.com2024-4-16 Dịch vụ thuê chỗ đặt máy chủ (Co-location) là dịch vụ cho khách hàng thuê chỗ đặt máy chủ, tủ rack, thiết bị mạng… để triển khai hệ thống CNTT tại các trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC). Việc lựa chọn đúng nhà cung cấp dịch vụ Co-location là chìa khoá để các doanh nghiệp thu được lợi ích từ nó. Read full information on external site
5 tiêu chí khi chọn nhà cung cấp dịch vụ thuê chỗ đặt máy chủ - vietnamnet.vn2024-4-16 Co-location (thuê chỗ đặt máy chủ) là dịch vụ cho doanh nghiệp thuê nơi đặt máy chủ, tủ rack, thiết bị mạng… để triển khai hệ thống CNTT ở các trung tâm dữ liệu. Read full information on external site
Veri Merkezlerinin Elektrik Kullanımı: Sürdürülebilirlik Odağında Bir Tartışma - tskb.com.tr2024-4-15 İtiraf etmeliyim ki bu blog yazısını yazmama, Financial Times’ta okuduğum bir makale sebep oldu. Makalenin yazarları, özetle, ABD’deki veri merkezlerinin (data centres) olağanüstü bir elektrik talebi bulunduğunu, bu talebin sadece yenilenebilir kaynaklarından karşılanmasının mümkün olmadığı hususunun ABD’li doğal gaz üreticileri tarafından dile getirildiğini ifade ediyordu. Read full information on external site
保障IT系统稳定高效运行?提高韧性是前提 - chinabyte.com2024-4-15 在数字经济蓬勃发展的当下,企业数字化转型不仅是顺应时代潮流的战略选择,更是在激烈竞争中保持创新活力、提升核心竞争力、实现可持续发展的必然路径。而IT系统,作为数字化转型的重要基石,为企业的运营、管理、创新提供了不可或缺的技术支持与保障。Read full information on external site
Za vším hledej síť - computerworld.cz2024-4-15 Problémy se konektivitou jsou hlavní příčinou výpadků IT služeb, zjistil Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute bestätigt: Redundanz verhindert Ausfälle im Datacenter - datacenter-insider2024-4-15 Das Uptime Institute befragt die Betreiber von Datacenter regelmäßig nach den Ursachen, Kosten und Folgen von Ausfällen in ihren Rechenzentren. Das diesjährige Resümee ist positiv: Obwohl die Datacenter-Infrastrukturen weiter wachsen, nimmt die Häufigkeit und Schwere von Ausfällen kontinuierlich ab. Read full information on external site
New York’s Edged Energy To Build ‘Ultra-Efficient, AI-Ready’ Data Center in Irving - dallasinnovates.com2024-4-15 Edged Dallas will be built for high-density AI workloads and equipped with advanced waterless cooling and ultra-efficient energy systems. It's expected to open in the fall. Read full information on external site
GTD Perú anunció que el data center que construye en Lima estará activo en agosto - telesemana.com2024-4-15 La filial peruana de GTD anunció que, tras desembolsar los primeros 10 millones de dólares de una inversión total que contempla hasta 50 millones de dólares para erigir un nuevo data center en Perú, está pronta a terminar la primera de sus cinco fases de construcción. Read full information on external site
Data Center Rack Density Has Doubled. And It's Still Not Enough - datacenterknowledge.com2024-4-15 Can solutions like direct-to-chip cooling and rear-door heat exchangers bridge the gap and help data centers meet the overwhelming demands of the AI revolution? Read full information on external site
Bộ trưởng Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng: Hạ tầng số Việt Nam phải xanh, thông minh và an toàn - vtcnews2024-4-15 Bộ trưởng Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng khẳng định, hạ tầng số Việt Nam thì phải dung lượng siêu lớn, băng thông siêu rộng, phổ cập, bền vững, xanh, thông minh, mở và an toàn. Read full information on external site
AI的尽头真是储能?- iresearch.cn2024-4-15 近日,英伟达CEO黄仁勋在一次公开演讲中表示,AI未来的发展将与光伏和储能紧密相连。另一位科技大佬OpenAI创始人山姆·奥特曼也提出了类似的看法,认为未来的AI取决于能源,社会需要更多的光伏与储能 Read full information on external site
AI的尽头真是储能?- ifeng.com2024-4-15 近日,英伟达CEO黄仁勋在一次公开演讲中表示,AI未来的发展将与光伏和储能紧密相连。另一位科技大佬OpenAI创始人山姆·奥特曼也提出了类似的看法,认为未来的AI取决于能源,社会需要更多的光伏与储能 Read full information on external site
Νέο data center στην Ελλάδα σχεδιάζει η Hellas Sat - insider.gr2024-4-13 Το πρώτο data center με πιστοποίηση Tier IV από τον Διεθνή Οργανισμό Uptime Institute στην περιοχή των Βαλκανίων αναμένεται να εγκαινιάσει το προσεχές διάστημα η Hellas Sat στις υφιστάμενες υποδομές της στην Ελλάδα. Παράλληλα, όπως ανακοίνωσε ο Πρόεδρος της εταιρείας, Χριστόδουλος Πρωτοπαππάς από το 9ο Οικονομικό Φόρουμ των Δελφών, η εταιρεία προχωρά και σε νέα αντίστοιχη επένδυση η οποία θα φιλοξενηθεί σε όμορο οικόπεδο στο Κορωπί, το οποίο έχει περιέλθει στην κατοχή της. Read full information on external site
Expertos en software de toda España visitan Asac - lne.es2024-4-13 La consultora tecnológica Asac recibió ayer en sus instalaciones del Parque Tecnológico de Asturias, en Llanera, a una treintena de profesionales procedentes de empresas de desarrollo de software de toda España. Read full information on external site
从可用性到韧性,云计算祖师爷传你一套稳定秘诀 - zhiding.cn2024-4-12 “经验没有压缩算法”也是亚马逊云科技最为人耳熟能详的一句话,宝贵的经验与亚马逊云科技遍布全球的基础设施和广泛而深入的云服务相结合,正为全球云计算行业提供指引。Read full information on external site
Network Incident Detection and Response mit KI-Steuerung - ip-inside2024-4-12 Cato Networks erweitert seine SASE-Cloud-Plattform um Tools für Network Incident Detection and Response: „Network Stories für Cato XDR“ könne mit KI-Unterstützung sofort registrieren, wenn in einem Kundennetzwerk Ausfälle auftreten, und unmittelbar die Ursachen analysieren. Read full information on external site
Datacenters : des pannes moins nombreuses mais plus inquiétantes - lemondeinformatique2024-4-12 Plus de la moitié des opérateurs de datacenters ont subi une panne au cours des trois dernières années. Mais celle-ci n'était jugée sérieuse que dans un cas sur dix. Read full information on external site
Data Centres’ Lean Towards Nuclear-Powered Future to Combat Energy Needs - analyticsindiamag.com2024-4-12 As data centres' consumption are set to reach 848 TWh by 2030, nearly doubling from 460 TWh, data centres look towards SMRs. Read full information on external site
Las recomendaciones de Vertiv para abordar la creciente preocupación por la escasez de talento en los centros de datos en España - paperblog.com2024-4-11 En los últimos años, España ha crecido significativamente en infraestructuras de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Las recomendaciones de Vertiv para abordar la creciente preocupación por la escasez de talento en los centros de datos en España - elportaluco.com2024-4-11 En los últimos años, España ha crecido significativamente en infraestructuras de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Vertiv alerta sobre la falta de talento en el sector - datacentermarket.es2024-4-11 Además de atraer y retener a un equipo más diverso, la compañía considera esencial que las empresas consideren contratar de personas ajenas al sector de los centros de datos que estén familiarizadas con industrias críticas como la farmacéutica y la petroquímica. Read full information on external site
LCL Expands Brussels Data Center Presence with €30M Investment - hostingjournalist.com2024-4-11 Data center specialist LCL is further expanding LCL Brussels-North, one of the region’s most connected data center campuses. Read full information on external site
Η Hellas Sat επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της με την υλοποίηση Private Cloud Υποδομών στα δύο Data Centers της - techpress.gr2024-4-10 Η υλοποίηση των Private Cloud υποδομών για λογαριασμό της Hellas Sat βασίζεται στην τελευταία τεχνολογία της Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), με τον σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση του δικτύου κορμού να περιλαμβάνει εξοπλισμό Aruba Networking (μέλος της HPE), ακολουθώντας τις βέλτιστες πρακτικές των κατασκευαστών. Read full information on external site
LCL invests €30m in Diegem data centre - capacitymedia.com2024-4-10 Data centre specialist LCL will invest €30 million in a fifth data centre in Diegem, Belgium. Read full information on external site
LCL invests €30 million in fifth data centre in Diegem - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-4-10 Data centre specialist, LCL, is to expand one of the region’s most connected data centres, LCL Brussels-North, to continue supporting the growing digital economy. Read full information on external site
LCL invests €30 million in fifth data centre in Diegem - intelligentcio.com2024-4-10 Data centre specialist, LCL, is to expand one of the region’s most connected data centres, LCL Brussels-North, to continue supporting the growing digital economy. Read full information on external site
LCL investeert 30 miljoen euro in vijfde datacenter in Diegem - dutchitleaders2024-4-10 Datacenterspecialist LCL breidt LCL Brussels-North, het meest geconnecteerde datacentercomplex uit de regio, verder uit. Zo wil het de groeiende digitale economie blijven ondersteunen. De totale investering bedraagt 30 miljoen euro. Read full information on external site
LCL gaat datacenter van 30 miljoen euro bouwen in Diegem - techzine2024-4-10 De Belgische datacenteraanbieder wil de bestaande locatie in Diegem (LCL Brussels-North) uitbreiden met extra ruimte om bedrijven te kunnen blijven ondersteunen. Read full information on external site
LCL gaat datacenter van 30 miljoen euro bouwen in Diegem - nieuwsbreak.nl2024-4-10 De Belgische datacenteraanbieder wil de bestaande locatie in Diegem (LCL Brussels-North) uitbreiden met extra ruimte om bedrijven te kunnen blijven ondersteunen. Read full information on external site
LCL Data Centers invests €30m to expand Brussels-North data center in Belgium - datacenterdynamics.com2024-4-10 Company says racks have already been reserved. Read full information on external site
LCL bouwt vijfde datacenter in Diegemm - datanews.knack.be2024-4-10 LCL breidt haar datacentersite ten noorden van Brussel verder uit. Het investeert meer dan dertig miljoen euro in het nieuwe gebouw. Read full information on external site
Extension du LCL Brussels-North, 30 millions d’investissement - solutions-magazine.com2024-4-10 Lcl Agrandit Le Lcl Brussels-north, Aujourd'hui Le Complexe Le Plus Connecte De La Région. La Conception Du Nouveau Centre De Données Est Déjà Certifiée Tier Iii Par L'uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Die neuen Rechenzentren der WIIT AG - datacenter-insider2024-4-10 Eigentlich waren es drei Termine, drei Locations, drei Anlässe, des von WIIT genannte „Grand Opening“ am 7. März dieses Jahres: 1. Einweihung der neuen Firmenzentrale in Düsseldorf, 2. Eröffnung eines „Backup-Rechenzentrums“ in Mönchengladbach, Inberiebnahme eines Tier IV Datacenter, um genau zu sein: eine “Uptime Institute Tier IV Certification of Constructed Facility“, in Düsseldorf. Read full information on external site
Συνεργασία Performance Technologies με Hellas Sat για υποδομές Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο - dctplus2024-4-09 Η Performance Technologies ανακοινώνει τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
Συνεργασία Performance Technologies με Hellas Sat για υποδομές Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο - fortunegreece.com2024-4-09 Η Performance Technologies ανακοινώνει τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
Συνεργασία Performance Technologies και Hellas Sat για τη λειτουργία υποδομών Private Cloud - businessvoice.gr2024-4-09 Οι δύο εταιρείες προσφέρουν υπηρεσίες που ξεπερνούν τις προσδοκίες και στηρίζουν την ψηφιακή μετάβαση των επιχειρήσεων σε μια νέα εποχή. Read full information on external site
Οι επενδύσεις της Hellas Sat σε υποδομές Private Cloud - powergame.gr2024-4-09 Η Hellas Sat αναπτύσσει δύο Private cloud υποδομές σε data centers της σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
Η Hellas Sat επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της με την υλοποίηση Private Cloud Υποδομών στα δύο Data Centers της - banks.com.gr2024-4-09 Η Performance Technologies ανακοινώνει τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ Performance Technologies – Hellas Sat: Συνεργασία στις private cloud υποδομές στα δύο data centers σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο - newmoney.gr2024-4-09 Η Hellas Sat δραστηριοποιείται στον χώρο της φιλοξενίας υποδομών από το 2008 και πρόσφατα κατασκεύασε το Data Center HS-GR4 στις εγκαταστάσεις της στο Κορωπί. Read full information on external site
Επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο με την Performance Technologies - ot.gr2024-4-09 Για την υλοποίηση Private Cloud Υποδομών στα δύο Data Centers. Read full information on external site
Επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της η Performance, συνεργασία με Hellas Sat - businessdaily.gr2024-4-09 Η Hellas Sat, κορυφαίος πάροχος δορυφορικών υπηρεσιών, επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της εισερχόμενη στον τομέα των Private Cloud υπηρεσιών, παρέχοντας λύσεις για τη φιλοξενία υποδομών (Virtual machines). Read full information on external site
Επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της η Hellas Sat, συνεργασία με Performance Technologies - sofokleous102024-4-09 Η Performance Technologies ανακοινώνει τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
Επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της η Hellas Sat, συνεργασία με Performance Technologies - euro2day2024-4-09 Η Hellas Sat επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της εισερχόμενη στον τομέα των Private Cloud υπηρεσιών, παρέχοντας λύσεις για τη φιλοξενία υποδομών (Virtual machines) από τα Data Centers της Hellas Sat στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
Performance Technologies: Υλοποίηση Private Cloud Υποδομών για λογαριασμό της Hellas Sat - businessnews.gr2024-4-09 Η Performance Technologies ανακοινώνει τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
Performance Technologies: Συνεργασία με την Hellas Sat για την υλοποίηση δύο υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο - capital.gr2024-4-09 Η Performance Technologies ανακοίνωσε τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
Συνεργασία με τη Hellas Sat για δύο Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο - moneyreview.gr2024-4-09 Η Performance Technologies ανακοινώνει τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και τη λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Η Hellas Sat, κορυφαίος πάροχος δορυφορικών υπηρεσιών, επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της εισερχόμενη στον τομέα των Private Cloud υπηρεσιών, παρέχοντας λύσεις για τη φιλοξενία υποδομών (Virtual machines) από τα Data Centers της Hellas Sat στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
Performance Technologies: Συνεργασία με Hellas Sat για 2 υποδομές Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο - insider.gr2024-4-09 Τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο, ανακοίνωσε η Performance Technologies. Η Hellas Sat, κορυφαίος πάροχος δορυφορικών υπηρεσιών, επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της εισερχόμενη στον τομέα των Private Cloud υπηρεσιών, παρέχοντας λύσεις για τη φιλοξενία υποδομών (Virtual machines) από τα Data Centers της Hellas Sat στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο, σύμφωνα με την εισηγμένη. Read full information on external site
PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES A.E. - Δελτίο Τύπου 09.04.2024: Η Hellas Sat επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της με την υλοποίηση Private Cloud Υποδομών στα δύο Data Centers της σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο, σε συνεργασία με την Performance Technologies - mikrometoxos.gr2024-4-09 ΗPerformance Technologies ανακοινώνει τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Η Hellas Sat, κορυφαίος πάροχος δορυφορικών υπηρεσιών, επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της εισερχόμενη στον τομέα των Private Cloud υπηρεσιών, παρέχοντας λύσεις για τη φιλοξενία υποδομών (Virtual machines) από τα Data Centers της Hellas Sat στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES A.E. - Δελτίο Τύπου 09.04.2024: Η Hellas Sat επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της με την υλοποίηση Private Cloud Υποδομών στα δύο Data Centers της σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο, σε συνεργασία με την Performance Technologies - businessdaily.gr2024-4-09 ΗPerformance Technologies ανακοινώνει τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Η Hellas Sat, κορυφαίος πάροχος δορυφορικών υπηρεσιών, επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της εισερχόμενη στον τομέα των Private Cloud υπηρεσιών, παρέχοντας λύσεις για τη φιλοξενία υποδομών (Virtual machines) από τα Data Centers της Hellas Sat στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
Hellas Sat: Συνεργασία με την Performance Technologies για την υλοποίηση δύο υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο - newsit.gr2024-4-09 Επέκτεινε τις δραστηριότητές της η Hellas Sat, πάροχος δορυφορικών υπηρεσιών, εισερχόμενη στον τομέα των Private Cloud υπηρεσιών, με το να παρέχει λύσεις για τη φιλοξενία υποδομών (Virtual machines) από τα Data Centers της Hellas Sat στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο. Για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία των υποδομών Private Cloud θα συνεργαστεί με την Performance Technologies. Read full information on external site
Hellas Sat: Επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της – Συνεργασία με Performance Technologies - mononews.gr2024-4-09 Η Performance Technologies ανακοινώνει τη συνεργασία της με την εταιρεία Hellas Sat για τον σχεδιασμό, την υλοποίηση και την λειτουργία δύο εξαιρετικά συγχρόνων υποδομών Private Cloud σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο. Read full information on external site
«Συμμαχία» Performance- Hellas Sat στην ανάπτυξη private cloud υποδομών - reporter.gr2024-4-09 Η Hellas Sat επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητές της με την υλοποίηση Private Cloud Υποδομών στα δύο Data Centers της σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο, σε συνεργασία με την Performance Technologies. Read full information on external site
The data centre is the heart of multi-cloud and requires a new security mindset to gain resilience - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-4-08 The protection of Brazil’s digital economy is being led by the next generation of data centre security solutions. As the data explosion takes shape, these solutions support the heterogeneous environments that exist today. Read full information on external site
EVEO mira R$ 100 milhões com novo data center em Fortaleza - corrierecomunicazioni.it2024-4-08 Secondo le rilevazioni di Uptime Institute gli investimenti in nuove tecnologie hanno consentito di abbattere drasticamente le intrusioni informatiche ma si fanno strada nuovi importanti pericoli. Read full information on external site
Data center, buone notizie sul fronte cyber ma non è il caso di autocompiacersi - itforum.com2024-4-08 Secondo le rilevazioni di Uptime Institute gli investimenti in nuove tecnologie hanno consentito di abbattere drasticamente le intrusioni informatiche ma si fanno strada nuovi importanti pericoli. Read full information on external site
Data center, buone notizie sul fronte cyber ma non è il caso di autocompiacersi - corrierecomunicazioni2024-4-08 Secondo le rilevazioni di Uptime Institute gli investimenti in nuove tecnologie hanno consentito di abbattere drasticamente le intrusioni informatiche ma si fanno strada nuovi importanti pericoli. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - ensegundos.do2024-4-07 El Banco Popular Dominicano se convirtió en la única empresa del país en contar con la certificación internacional TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute Professional Services, la cual avala la correcta construcción de su centro de datos principal, alojado en el complejo Torre Popular, y que permite a la entidad bancaria ofrecer una disponibilidad del 99.98% de sus canales digitales. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional - elnacional.com.do2024-4-07 El Banco Popular Dominicano se convirtió en la única empresa del país en contar con la certificación internacional TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute Professional Services, la cual avala la correcta construcción de su centro de datos principal. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - Periodico Digital Centroamericano y del Caribe2024-4-06 República Dominicana. El Banco Popular Dominicano se convirtió en la única empresa del país en contar con la certificación internacional TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute Professional Services, la cual avala la correcta construcción de su centro de datos principal, alojado en el complejo Torre Popular, y que permite a la entidad bancaria ofrecer una disponibilidad del 99.98% de sus canales digitales. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - cdn.com.do2024-4-06 Popular, única empresa dominicana con TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - aplatanaonews.com2024-4-06 Popular, única empresa dominicana con TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - acento.com2024-4-06 Las áreas de Ingeniería y Seguridad, invirtieron un año de trabajo en la mejora de los sistemas de energía, climatización y telecomunicaciones de la entidad financiera. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - noticiassin.com2024-4-06 Se trata de un nuevo hito en la industria bancaria y de datos en la República Dominicana, que respalda el liderazgo del Banco Popular en los ámbitos de la innovación y la seguridad tecnológicas, facilitando con ello la continuidad de las operaciones en beneficio de los 1.5 millones de clientes afiliados a sus canales digitales. Read full information on external site
El Banco Popular recibe certificación por centro de datos - elcaribe.com2024-4-06 El Banco Popular Dominicano se convirtió en la única empresa del país en contar con la certificación internacional TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute Professional Services. Read full information on external site
Uptime: Frequency and severity of data center outages on the decline - datacenterdynamics.com2024-4-05 Only one in 10 outages has been categorized as severe or serious. Read full information on external site
Uptime: Częstotliwość i dotkliwość przestojów w centrach danych spada - itreseller.com.pl2024-4-05 Rocznie dochodzi średnio do 10-20 głośnych awarii IT, które powodują poważne straty finansowe, zakłócenia działalności biznesowej i obsługi klientów, utratę reputacji lub – w skrajnych przypadkach – utratę życia. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por su centro de datos - eldinero.com2024-4-05 Es la única empresa dominicana con TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - z101digital.com2024-4-05 El Banco Popular Dominicano se convirtió en la única empresa del país en contar con la certificación internacional TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute Professional Services, la cual avala la correcta construcción de su centro de datos principal, alojado en el complejo Torre Popular, y que permite a la entidad bancaria ofrecer una disponibilidad del 99.98 % de sus canales digitales. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por su centro de datos - primicias2024-4-05 Única empresa dominicana con TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - elcaribe.com2024-4-05 Única empresa dominicana con TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - noticiashoraxhora.com2024-4-05 El Banco Popular Dominicano se convirtió en la única empresa del país en contar con la certificación internacional TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute Professional Services, la cual avala la correcta construcción de su centro de datos principal, alojado en el complejo Torre Popular, y que permite a la entidad bancaria ofrecer una disponibilidad del 99.98% de sus canales digitales. Read full information on external site
Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - elnuevodiario.com.do2024-4-05 El Banco Popular Dominicano se convirtió en la única empresa del país en contar con la certificación internacional TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute Professional Services, la cual avala la correcta construcción de su centro de datos principal, alojado en el complejo Torre Popular, y que permite a la entidad bancaria ofrecer una disponibilidad del 99.98% de sus canales digitales. Read full information on external site
Los centros de datos son más resilientes en 2024 - channelnewsperu.com2024-4-05 Los centros de datos son cada vez más resilientes. Lo certifica el último «Annual Outage Analysis 2024» elaborado por el UpTime Institute, que evidencia la consolidación de la tendencia de los últimos años: se producen menos caídas en los centros de datos y cuando se producen suelen ser menos graves. Read full information on external site
El Banco Popular Dominicano obtiene certificación internacional por su centro de datos - diariosocialrd.com2024-4-05 El Banco Popular Dominicano se ha convertido en la única empresa en la República Dominicana en obtener la codiciada certificación internacional TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute Professional Services, validando la impecable construcción de su centro de datos principal, ubicado en el complejo Torre Popular. Read full information on external site
Datacentre outages are happening less often and becoming less severe - computerweekly.com2024-4-05 Uptime Institute's annual outage tracker report suggests frequency and severity of crashes are declining, but warns datacentre operators not to get complacent. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - listindiario.com2024-4-05 Para llegar a obtener la certificación de esta facilidad, el equipo de Operaciones de TI, en conjunto con las áreas de Ingeniería y Seguridad, invirtieron un año de trabajo en la mejora de los sistemas de energía, climatización, telecomunicaciones, seguridad electrónica e infraestructura civil. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular recibe certificación internacional por la construcción de su centro de datos - diariolibre.com2024-4-05 La entidad reporta que es la única empresa dominicana con TIER III Facility de Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
“IT 서비스 중단의 주요 원인은 네트워크 및 연결 문제” 업타임 인스티튜트 조사 - zum.com2024-4-05 업타임 인스티튜트(Uptime Institute)의 2024년 연례 장애 분석(Annual Outage Analysis 2024) 보고서에 따르면, 네트워크 및 연결 문제가 IT 서비스 장애의 주요 원인으로 나타났다. 특히 전력 문제가 가장 흔한 이유로 지목됐다. Read full information on external site
“IT 서비스 중단의 주요 원인은 네트워크 및 연결 문제” 업타임 인스티튜트 조사 - itworld2024-4-05 업타임 인스티튜트(Uptime Institute)의 2024년 연례 장애 분석(Annual Outage Analysis 2024) 보고서에 따르면, 네트워크 및 연결 문제가 IT 서비스 장애의 주요 원인으로 나타났다. 특히 전력 문제가 가장 흔한 이유로 지목됐다. Read full information on external site
Why major data center outages may soon be a thing of the past - itpro.com2024-4-04 Data center outages have declined significantly over the last year or so, but when downtime does happen, the financial repercussions are even more severe. Read full information on external site
The data center is the heart of multicloud and requires a new security mindset to gain resilience - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-4-04 André Kupfer, LATAM Sales Engineering Leader, Hillstone, says the Cloud Workload Protection Program (CWPP) is a fundamental achievement for Brazil. Read full information on external site
Network connectivity issues are leading cause of IT service outages - networkworld.com2024-4-04 Uptime Institute finds networking problems are the root cause of most IT service-related issues, while power is the primary source of data center downtime, and cyberattacks are becoming a significant contributor to outages. Read full information on external site
Los centros de datos son más resilientes en 2024 - muycomputerpro.com2024-4-04 Los centros de datos son cada vez más resilientes. Lo certifica el último «Annual Outage Analysis 2024» elaborado por el UpTime Institute, que evidencia la consolidación de la tendencia de los últimos años: se producen menos caídas en los centros de datos y cuando se producen suelen ser menos graves. Read full information on external site
Färre men dyrare avbrott för datacenter - IT-Nytt2024-4-04 En ny rapport från Uptime Institute visar på att datacenter nu drabbas av allt färre avbrott och allt färre allvarliga avbrott i relation till hur mycket marknaden vuxit de senaste åren. Det hela uppmärksammades först av The Register. Uptimes rapport baseras. Read full information on external site
Färre men dyrare avbrott för datacenter - computersweden2024-4-04 Ny undersökning visar på färre avbrott för datacenter, men när de väl inträffar kan de bli en kostsam historia. Read full information on external site
Datacenter-nedbrud koster dyrt - men der bliver færre og færre af dem - computerworld2024-4-04 Frekvensen af datacenternedbrud er faldende, men regningen er stadigvæk høj, når uheldet er ude, viser en ny undersøgelse. Read full information on external site
'데이터센터로 밀려드는 새 물결' 수랭식 냉각 트렌드 따라잡기 - ciokorea.com2024-4-04 AI 및 기타 전력 집약적인 워크로드 채택이 증가하고 에너지 소비를 줄어야 한다는 규제 압박으로 인해 데이터센터에서 수랭 시스템으로의 전환이 느리지만 꾸준히 이뤄지고 있다. Read full information on external site
Storingen in datacenters komen minder vaak voor, maar kosten veel geld - itdaily2024-4-03 Volgens een rapport van Uptime Institute komen grote storingen in datacenters minder vaak voor. Maar als het noodlot toeslaat, kan dat bedrijven veel geld kosten. Read full information on external site
Lucro da Dataprev cresce 14,2% e alcança R$ 598,6 milhões em 2023 - telesintese2024-4-03 Estatal obteve lucro recorde no ano passado, com alta nas receitas com instituições financeiras; EBITDA e investimentos também cresceram em ano no qual a empresa registrou R$ 116,9 milhões em superávit primário. Read full information on external site
Le cloud à l’heure du FinOps - solutions-magazine.com2024-4-03 Finops ? « De L'espoir À Ceux Qui Sont Aux Prises Avec Les Coûts Du Cloud », Résume Fort Bien John O'brien, Principal Analyst, Uptime Institute. Il Est Temps De Mettre en Œuvre Ses Principes. Prudemment. Read full information on external site
“데이터센터에 밀려드는 새로운 물결” 수랭식 냉각 트렌드 따라잡기 - itworld.co2024-4-03 AI 및 기타 전력 집약적인 워크로드 채택이 증가하고 에너지 소비를 줄어야 한다는 규제 압박으로 인해 데이터센터에서 수랭 시스템으로의 전환이 느리지만 꾸준히 이뤄지고 있다. Read full information on external site
Se reduce la frecuencia y gravedad de los cortes en el data center - datacentermarket2024-4-02 Según datos de Uptime Institute, que acaba de publicar su popular informe ‘Annual Outage Analysis 2024’ pese al aumento de ciberataques se reducen los cortes e interrupciones del servicio en los centros de datos, pero son costosos. Read full information on external site
Datacenter outages are on the decline, but when they hit, they hit hard - theregister.com2024-4-02 Power snafus take limelight in latest downtime diary from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Data centers warm up to liquid cooling - networkworld.com2024-4-01 AI, machine learning, and high-performance computing are creating cooling challenges for data center owners and operators. As rack densities increase and temperatures rise, more data centers are finding ways to add liquid cooling to their facilities. Read full information on external site
Automating Business Continuity: How MSPs Can Simplify Network Backups - Channelpro2024-4-01 Certain words of wisdom passed down to us early in life become part of our DNA. One that sticks with me is, “Don’t spit into the wind.” It may sound like just a funny saying, but it’s common-sense good practice. Read full information on external site
March 2024
減碳+基礎建設發展全球缺電成必然,儲電商機 華城 士電 中興電 台達電 碩天 - cnyes.com2024-3-31 近年生成式 AI 掀起熱潮,伴隨而來的是快速增長的 AI 密集用水、用電需求,生成式 AI 模型的耗電量,可達過去傳統 AI 工具的 100 倍,除此之外電動車的發展也必須電力的支持。Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric – noi tendințe și soluții pe zona de sustenabilitate - itchannel2024-3-31 Recent, Schneider Electric a organizat un eveniment dedicat noilor tendințe pe zona de sustenabilitate pentru centrele de date. Găzduit de Kevin Brown, Senior Vice President EcoStruxure Solutions la Schneider Electric, acest eveniment virtual a reunit liderii seniori ai companiei, inclusiv Chief Information Officer (CIO), Elizabeth Hackenson. Read full information on external site
Conoce los 3 principales errores al invertir en implementar Data Centers - andina2024-3-31 Elegir uno de gama básica impactará negativamente en el consumo de energía eléctrica. Read full information on external site
EVEO chega em Fortaleza e expande sua atuação no Nordeste - cidademarketing.com.br2024-3-29 A marca busca operações locais para garantir confiabilidade e conectividade. Read full information on external site
AI尽头是电力?英国电网负责人:未来10年数据中心耗电量料增6倍 - jifang360.com2024-3-28 摘要:英国国家电网公司(National GridPlc)负责人于当地时间周二表示,由于人工智能技术的蓬勃发展需要大幅度提高数据中心计算能力,因此预计英国数据中心的电力需求将在未来10年增长大约6倍。Read full information on external site
The World’s AI Generators: Rethinking Water Usage in Data Centers To Build a More Sustainable Future - csrwire.com2024-3-28 At NVIDIA GTC this week, the keynote address made it clear that data centers are set to grow in numbers and in terms of power consumption in order to provide AI capabilities to the world. Read full information on external site
Mujeres en los centros de datos, un esfuerzo creciente - thestandardcio.com2024-3-28 Aunque la paridad de género en tecnología todavía es un deseo las mujeres en los centros de datos ya no son una rareza. Read full information on external site
Risks Remain For Data Centers Despite Unexpectedly Lenient SEC Emissions Rules - bisnow.com2024-3-28 The commercial real estate industry breathed a collective sigh of relief this month following the publication of federal emissions disclosure rules that are significantly less stringent than many expected. Read full information on external site
Modulares Data Center oder traditionelles: Wofür entscheiden? - computerweekly.com2024-3-27 Unternehmen haben zwei Möglichkeiten für den Einsatz eines Rechenzentrums: modular oder traditionell. Read full information on external site
Front-End-Netzteile für angepasste Lösungen und Anwendungen - electronics.de2024-3-27 Architekten von Supercomputern denken zuerst an die Art und Anzahl der Prozessoren und Prozessorkerne. Read full information on external site
The DEI Illusion: Breaking Gender Bias in Data Centers - datacenterknowledge.com2024-3-27 Women want to work in data centers but are we looking at the right factors to enable their success? Read full information on external site
液冷市场步入快车道 - cnfol.com2024-3-26 作为算力的重要载体,AI服务器功率不断提升,传统风冷散热已经触及散热极限,并不能够满足AI服务器发展对散热的需求;另外,国家对数据中心PUE建设要求也越来越高,液冷技术成为替代风冷的最优选择,将进入快速发展阶段。Read full information on external site
Las nuevas tecnologías impulsan la transformación eficiente de los centros de datos en Latinoamérica - itnews.lat2024-3-26 Por César Linares Solórzano, gerente de ofertas de software y gerenciamiento térmico de Vertiv. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas tengan sus datos y aplicaciones seguras? - businessempresarial.com2024-3-25 Un plan de continuidad de negocio es fundamental para garantizar la resiliencia de una empresa y minimizar los impactos negativos en caso de interrupciones inesperadas. Read full information on external site
AI会导致能源短缺吗?AI专家:短期内不会出现“缺电”问题,提升能效比或是关键【附人工智能行业发展现状分析】- qianzhan.com2024-3-25 随着人工智能大模型迭代、参数量的扩大,以及日活人数的扩大,相关算力需求将成倍增加,AI对能源需求问题引起广泛关注。大规模的AI训练和推理需要大量的计算资源,而这些资源的供给需要大量的电能。Read full information on external site
Keeping your UPS running - engineering-update.co.uk2024-3-25 ~ How to size and maintain your UPS system to avoid failures ~ In 2023, National Grid reported that zero-carbon power sources account for 51% of Britain’s electricity mix. Read full information on external site
Optimal server rack spacing guidelines - techbullion.com2024-3-25 In today’s data-driven world, ensuring the efficient and safe operation of server rooms and data centers is paramount. Read full information on external site
AI用电量极速攀升引热议,会导致能源短缺吗?- jwview.com2024-3-24 中新网3月24日电(中新财经记者 吴涛)随着人工智能的发展,其用电量急速上升问题正在引发全球警惕,以后会发生“电荒”吗?能耗问题会不会成为AI发展的“绊脚石”? Read full information on external site
Continuidad de Negocio ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas tengan sus datos y aplicaciones seguras? - agenciaorbita.org2024-3-23 Los desastres o situaciones de peligro que amenazan las operaciones empresariales pueden ocurrir de manera imprevista.? Read full information on external site
Keeping your UPS running - factoryandhandlingsolutions2024-3-22 ~ How to size and maintain your UPS system to avoid failures ~ In 2023, National Grid reported that zero-carbon power sources account for 51% of Britain’s electricity mix. Read full information on external site
Data Center Power: Fueling the Digital Revolution - datacenterknowledge.com2024-3-22 With the average cost of downtime amounting to thousands of dollars per minute, uninterrupted data center power is crucial. Read full information on external site
La historia de 3 mujeres que desafían la desigualdad de género en los sectores de TI y centros de datos - businessinsider.mx2024-3-22 Esta es la historia de 3 mujeres que se destacan en el sector de las TI y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Estos serán los principales desafíos de los centros de datos - datacentermarket.es2024-3-21 En este artículo recopilamos algunos desafíos de los centros de datos, como continuidad del servicio, talento, IA, Edge y sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
Smarter AI for all - digitalisationworld.com2024-3-21 Next phase of NVIDIA Hybrid AI collaboration places transformational AI in the hands of every business. Read full information on external site
Keeping your UPS running: How to size and maintain your UPS system to avoid failures - pandct.com2024-3-20 In 2023, National Grid reported that zero-carbon power sources account for 51% of Britain’s electricity mix. Read full information on external site
New body aims to prioritise women in the datacentre - it-online2024-3-20 As the African datacentre sector emerges as an important global player gender diversity must undoubtedly also keep pace with this growth. Read full information on external site
International Data Centre Day: Prioritising Future-Proofing - datacentremagazine.com2024-3-20 20th March 2024 marks International Data Centre Day and so we examine how data centre businesses are elevating themselves and inspiring future workforces. Read full information on external site
【Molex】莫仕不间断电源:数据中心关键任务连续性的核心所在 - eccn.com2024-3-19 数据中心对能源的渴求量巨大,而且随着数字世界的不断扩大,这种渴求只会有增无减。好消息是不间断电源系统 (UPS) 可在断电时保持数据中心正常运行,从而确保关键应用程序在我们的互联世界中持续运行。Read full information on external site
Women In Datacentres Must Be Prioritised - africa.com2024-3-19 As the African datacentre sector emerges as an important global player gender diversity must undoubtedly also keep pace with this growth. Read full information on external site
Tsunami of data is coming – are modern data centres ready? - itweb.co2024-3-19 Improving energy performance, enhancing cooling and finding talented/skilled data centre professionals are just a few of the challenges the data centre industry faces in 2024. Read full information on external site
Nigeria’s 8 subsea cables spur new investment in hyperscale data centres - techcabal.com2024-3-19 Investors are committing more funds to building larger data centres across the country in view of the increased data storage demand that will follow the existence of eight subsea fibre optic cables in Nigeria. Read full information on external site
Cato claims first for AI-driven networking, security incident detection and response - computerweekly.com2024-3-19 Artificial intelligence option from Cato enhanced to detect and identify the root cause of networking incidents and to reduce outages from hours to minutes. Read full information on external site
Mujeres que transforman los Centros de Datos - boletin.mx2024-3-19 Más de tres cuartas partes de los operadores en Centros de Datos informan que emplean alrededor del 10 % de mujeres o menos. Read full information on external site
When digitization doesn’t have to mean disaster - datacenterdynamics.com2024-3-19 The changing landscape of disaster recovery in the data center. Read full information on external site
Air-assisted direct liquid cooling: an overlooked option - datacenterdynamics.com2024-3-19 Air-assisted direct liquid cooling systems offer trade-offs that make them attractive to operators. Read full information on external site
Tips to improve IT sustainability - computerweekly.com2024-3-18 With every business function being asked to look closely at their carbon footprint, we look at ways to achieve greener IT operations. Read full information on external site
Data centre sustainability evaluation - deeds not words matter - datacentre.solutions2024-3-18 Jo Debecker, Managing Partner and Global Head of Wipro FullStride Cloud, discusses the ways in which the sustainability agenda is shaping the data centre landscape, with cloud and AI seen as both challenges and opportunities when it comes to carbon reduction initiatives. Read full information on external site
Understanding data center tiers: From basic to enterprise-level - techedt.com2024-3-15 Discover how to choose the right data center tier for your business, balancing operational needs, growth plans, and budget constraints for optimal performance. Read full information on external site
Women in Datacentres must be Prioritised - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com2024-3-15 By Faith Waithaka, Cloud and Service Provider Segment Sales Lead: Anglophone Africa at Schneider Electric. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches Data Center Academy in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - digitalisationworld.com2024-3-14 Uptime Institute has launched the Uptime Institute Data Center Academy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in collaboration with the Tuwaiq Academy and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Read full information on external site
Women in Datacentres Must be Prioritised - techeconomy.ng2024-3-14 Writer: Faith Waithaka, Cloud and Service Provider Segment Sales Lead: Anglophone Africa at Schneider Electric. Read full information on external site
Women in Datacentres Must be Prioritised - techsmart.co2024-3-14 Writer: Faith Waithaka, Cloud and Service Provider Segment Sales Lead: Anglophone Africa at Schneider Electric. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches Data Center Academy in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - intelligentcio.com2024-3-14 Uptime Institute has announced the launch of the Uptime Institute Data Center Academy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in collaboration with the Tuwaiq Academy and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches Data Center Academy in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-3-14 Uptime Institute has announced the launch of the Uptime Institute Data Center Academy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in collaboration with the Tuwaiq Academy and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Read full information on external site
Embracing the AI revolution – What’s in it for data centres? - capacitymedia.com2024-3-14 AI stands to be transformative for data centres, Jonathan Kinsey, global and EMEA Lead for data centre solutions at JLL tells Saf Malik. Read full information on external site
Sustainability in the cloud: how data centres are trying to cut their emissions - treasurytoday.com2024-3-14 Data centre industry executives say economies of scale plugging into renewable energy sources and equipment efficiencies will increasingly drive down ballooning energy consumption in the sector. Read full information on external site
Opinion: Women In Datacentres Must Be Prioritised - cioafrica.co2024-3-14 A recent report by the Uptime Institute states that three-quarters of datacentre operators employ 10 percent or less women. Read full information on external site
Bitera ingin akselerasi penetrasi layanan data center - indotelko.com2024-3-14 Bitera siap mengakselerasi penetrasi layanan data center di Indonesia yang dinilai mash rendah. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas tengan sus datos seguros? - jcmagazine.com2024-3-13 Los desastres o situaciones de peligro que amenazan las operaciones empresariales pueden ocurrir de manera imprevista. Read full information on external site
Top 10: Accreditations - datacentremagazine.com2024-3-13 With commitments to expanding digital capabilities and becoming more sustainable, Data Centre Magazine considers some of the top data centre accreditations. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches data center academy in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - missioncriticalmagazine.com2024-3-13 The academy will support the Kingdom’s plan to employ over 5,000 in commercial data centers. Read full information on external site
Cooling the compute-intensive future - datacentrereview.com2024-3-13 Liam Jackson, Senior Director at Red Helix, explains how adopting liquid cooling solutions can drive cost and energy efficiencies. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches data center academy in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - digitalinfranetwork.com2024-3-13 The academy will support the Kingdom’s plan to employ over 5,000 in commercial data centers. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas tengan sus datos y aplicaciones seguras? - gatoencerrado.net2024-3-12 Los desastres o situaciones de peligro que amenazan las operaciones empresariales pueden ocurrir de manera imprevista. Read full information on external site
生成式AI有多耗能:谷歌耗电堪比一国电量 ChatGPT答个问题“喝水”10毫升 - hsw.cn2024-3-12 11日,据环球时报援引《纽约客》杂志报道,OpenAI的ChatGPT聊天机器人每天消耗超过50万千瓦时的电力,用于处理约2亿个用户请求,相当于美国家庭每天用电量的1.7万多倍。Read full information on external site
初心如磐 奋楫同行 | 2024年度艾特网能合作伙伴大会成功召开 - vsharing.com2024-3-12 3月4日,2024年度艾特网能合作伙伴大会在广东深圳成功召开,本次大会围绕主题“初心如磐 奋楫同行”展开,会议邀请到来自全国各地的合作伙伴,中国计算机用户协会数据中心分会专家委员会主任黄群骥先生、Uptime Institute中国区业务发展总监于登科先生等行业专家与艾特网能齐聚一堂,聚焦行业新趋势,携手共绘新篇章。Read full information on external site
生成式AI背后的能耗问题如何解决?- eet-china.com2024-3-12 尽管生成式AI未来将彻底改变价值数万亿美元的从零售到航空航天等行业的运营模式,比如新冠病毒的分子信息建模、石油勘探中的环境模拟、航空航天导航等,但无时无刻出现的算力需求都将耗费大量的电力。这势必将进一步导致更多大量温室气体的排放,加剧全球变暖的问题。Read full information on external site
推动变革:探索ESG与技术的交集 - ca168.com2024-3-12 据中心行业一直在探索高效且具有成本效益的电源和制冷解决方案,近年来,环境、社会与治理(ESG)和可持续发展关注的提升,也要求数据中心越来越注重减轻运营过程中对环境的影响。Read full information on external site
Continuidad de Negocio ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas tengan sus datos y aplicaciones seguras? - revistaeconomia.com2024-3-12 Un plan de continuidad de negocio es fundamental para garantizar la resiliencia de una empresa y minimizar los impactos negativos en caso de interrupciones inesperadas. Read full information on external site
Continuidad de Negocio ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas tengan sus datos y aplicaciones seguras? - serperuano.com2024-3-12 Un plan de continuidad de negocio es fundamental para garantizar la resiliencia de una empresa y minimizar los impactos negativos en caso de interrupciones inesperadas. Read full information on external site
日耗电超50万度,大模型“吃电”夸张,马斯克曾预言…… - Netease2024-3-11 据证券时报,据《纽约客》杂志报道,OpenAI的热门聊天机器人ChatGPT每天可能要消耗超过50万千瓦时的电力,以响应用户的约2亿个请求。相比之下,美国家庭平均每天使用约29千瓦时电力,也就是说,ChatGPT每天用电量是家庭用电量的1.7万多倍。Read full information on external site
ChatGPT日耗电超50万度 - Kejixun.com2024-3-11 根据《纽约客》杂志的报道,OpenAI的ChatGPT聊天机器人每天消耗超过50万千瓦时的电力,用于处理约2亿个用户请求,相当于美国家庭每天用电量的1.7万多倍。随着生成式人工智能的广泛应用,预计到2027年,整个人工智能行业每年将消耗85至134太瓦时的电力,这显示了AI技术对电力资源的巨大需求。Read full information on external site
ChatGPT日耗电超50万度 - myzaker.com2024-3-11 根据《纽约客》杂志的报道,OpenAI的ChatGPT聊天机器人每天消耗超过50万千瓦时的电力,用于处理约2亿个用户请求,相当于美国家庭每天用电量的1.7万多倍。随着生成式人工智能的广泛应用,预计到2027年,整个人工智能行业每年将消耗85至134太瓦时的电力,这显示了AI技术对电力资源的巨大需求。Read full information on external site
台积电,突发!台湾考虑将台积电电价上调至多30%!- stcn.com2024-3-11 据界面新闻援引外媒报道,中国台湾考虑将台积电电价上调至多30%。而据集微网上周消息,中国台湾4月将调涨电价,业界担心将冲击台积电等用电大户。Read full information on external site
电力、储能板块大涨,“AI耗电量”引发热议!- cn.investing.com2024-3-11 3月11日,电力、储能板块王者归来,截至发稿,鹏辉能源(300438.SZ)涨20%,德方纳米(300769.SZ)涨15.51%,宁德时代(300750.SZ)涨13.21%,亿纬锂能(300014.SZ)涨11.46%,德业股份(605117.SH)涨7.66%。Read full information on external site
GPT成“吃电狂魔” 日耗电量高达50万度 马斯克“电荒”预言成真?- msn.com2024-3-11 最近一段时间,公众开始注意到,当前蓬勃发展的生成式AI技术需要耗费大量的电力。 据《纽约客》当地时间9日报道,荷兰国家银行数据专家Alex de Vries估计,OpenAI旗下聊天机器人ChatGPT每天消耗超过50万千瓦时的电力,用于处理约2亿个用户请求,相当于美国家庭每天用电量的1.7万多倍。Read full information on external site
电力、储能板块大涨,“AI耗电量”引发热议!?- finet.hk2024-3-11 3月11日,电力、储能板块王者归来,截至发稿,鹏辉能源(300438.SZ)涨20%,德方纳米(300769.SZ)涨15.51%,宁德时代(300750.SZ)涨13.21%,亿纬锂能(300014.SZ)涨11.46%,德业股份(605117.SH)涨7.66%. Read full information on external site
日耗电超50万度,大模型“吃电”夸张,未来可能带来“电荒”!AI巨头股价巨震,引发市场关注,低回撤+高增长TMT潜力股出炉?- hexun.com2024-3-11 据《纽约客》杂志报道,OpenAI的热门聊天机器人(300024)ChatGPT每天可能要消耗超过50万千瓦时的电力,以响应用户的约2亿个请求。相比之下,美国家庭平均每天使用约29千瓦时电力,也就是说,ChatGPT每天用电量是家庭用电量的1.7万多倍。Read full information on external site
吃电老虎”可能面临成本飙升! 中国台湾考虑将台积电电价上调至多30%?- stockstar.com2024-3-11 据界面新闻援引外媒报道,中国台湾考虑将台积电电价上调至多30%。而据集微网上周消息,中国台湾4月将调涨电价,业界担心将冲击台积电等用电大户。Read full information on external site
EUV光刻机日耗电3万度,电费成压在台积电身上的“稻草 - netease2024-3-11 据界面新闻援引外媒报道,中国台湾考虑将台积电电价上调至多30%。而据集微网上周消息,中国台湾4月将调涨电价,业界担心将冲击台积电等用电大户。Read full information on external site
WIIT nimmt Tier-IV-Rechenzentrum in Betrieb - it-daily.net2024-3-11 Die WIIT S.p.A. hat im Rahmen seiner neuen Deutschlandzentrale am Düsseldorfer Kö-Bogen das erst vom Uptime Institute ausgezeichnete Tier-IV-Rechenzentrum in Deutschland in Betrieb genommen. Read full information on external site
生成式AI有多耗能:谷歌耗电堪比一国电量,ChatGPT答个问题“喝水”10毫升 - cqcb.com2024-3-11 11日,据环球时报援引《纽约客》杂志报道,OpenAI的ChatGPT聊天机器人每天消耗超过50万千瓦时的电力,用于处理约2亿个用户请求,相当于美国家庭每天用电量的1.7万多倍。Read full information on external site
涨30%!台积电突发!- netease2024-3-11 吃电老虎”可能面临成本飙升! 据界面新闻援引外媒报道,中国台湾考虑将台积电电价上调至多30%。而据集微网上周消息,中国台湾4月将调涨电价,业界担心将冲击台积电等用电大户。Read full information on external site
大盘“龙抬头”!上攻3100点?- jrj.com2024-3-11 今日收盘,沪指报3068.46点,涨0.74%;深成指报9581.53点,涨2.27%;创业板指报1890.41点,涨4.60%。今日两市成交额再次突破万亿,较上一交易日大幅放量1453亿元,超4400只个股上涨。今日,北上资金净流入131.09亿元、净买入102.62亿元,其中沪股通净流入53.40亿元、净买入39.87亿元;深股通净流入77.69亿元、净买入62.75亿元。沪深两市主力资金净流入64.88亿元,超大单净流入82.28亿元,大单净流出17.40亿元,中单净流出50.11亿元,小单净流出14.77亿元。Read full information on external site
AI巨头英伟达股价巨震 引发市场关注 低回撤+高增长TMT潜力股出炉?- eastmoney.com2024-3-11 上周五,英伟达股价大跌5.55%,成交额更是超过1000亿美元,较上一个交易日放大了86.7%,同时,该股也带动费城半导体指数从高点回落。Read full information on external site
大模型“吃电”夸张 未来可能带来“电荒”- stcn.com2024-3-11 据《纽约客》杂志报道,OpenAI的热门聊天机器人ChatGPT每天可能要消耗超过50万千瓦时的电力,以响应用户的约2亿个请求。相比之下,美国家庭平均每天使用约29千瓦时电力,也就是说,ChatGPT每天用电量是家庭用电量的1.7万多倍。Read full information on external site
台积电突发大消息! “吃电老虎”可能面临成本飙升 - wallstreetcn.com2024-3-10 据报道,中国台湾考虑将台积电电价上调至多30%,台积电能源消耗持续大增,2022年消耗了近2.2万GWh的能源,其中电力是最重要的能源。Read full information on external site
產業榮枯看得見 - udn.com2024-3-08 2022-2023年連續兩年的半導體去化庫存,台灣用電量連續兩年衰退,缺電議題暫時退出媒體焦點,但由於台積電預期今年營收將成長超過二成,缺電、綠電、碳排放等議題再度浮上檯面,尤其是生成式AI就有如吃電怪獸,隨著ChatGPT推進到5.0,輝達的GPU也從H100、GH200升級到B100,在北美四大CSP積極部署雲算力的背景下,台積電的三、四奈米產能被輝達訂單塞爆,根據台積電2022年永續報告書中揭露,總能源消耗高達224億度,其中電力消耗約210億度,佔2022年全國電力消費的7.5%,雙雙創下新高。Read full information on external site
Menteri Investasi: Infrastruktur Jadi Kebutuhan Utama Transformasi Digital - republika.co2024-3-08 Penetrasi data center di Indonesia adalah salah satu yang terendah di Asia Pasifik. Read full information on external site
Legrand: Die KI verändert die Rechenzentren - datacenter-insider2024-3-08 KI-Anwendungen revolutionieren die Datacenter-Branche, aber nicht ohne Herausforderungen. Die größten Probleme sind der erhöhte Stromverbrauch und die hohe Leistungsdichte, die die Künstliche Intelligenz erfordert. Read full information on external site
WIIT: certificazione Tier IV al data center della sede tedesca - lineaedp.it2024-3-08 Si trova nella nuova sede di Düsseldorf il data center di WIIT al quale è stata attribuita la certificazione per il livello di sicurezza massimo dall’Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
馬斯克:AI晶片荒後面是電力荒!台股3檔變壓器大廠可望搶單 - udn.com2024-3-08 2022-2023年連續兩年的半導體去化庫存,台灣用電量連續兩年衰退,缺電議題暫時退出媒體焦點,但由於台積電預期今年營收將成長超過二成,缺電、綠電、碳排放等議題再度浮上檯面,尤其是生成式AI就有如吃電怪獸,隨著ChatGPT推進到5.0,輝達的GPU也從H100、GH200升級到B100,在北美四大CSP積極部署雲算力的背景下,台積電的三、四奈米產能被輝達訂單塞爆,根據台積電2022年永續報告書中揭露,總能源消耗高達224億度,其中電力消耗約210億度,佔2022年全國電力消費的7.5%,雙雙創下新高。Read full information on external site
理財周刊/產業榮枯看得見 - ettoday.net2024-3-08 2022-2023年連續兩年的半導體去化庫存,台灣用電量連續兩年衰退,缺電議題暫時退出媒體焦點,但由於台積電預期今年營收將成長超過二成,缺電、綠電、碳排放等議題再度浮上檯面,尤其是生成式AI就有如吃電怪獸,隨著ChatGPT推進到5.0,輝達的GPU也從H100、GH200升級到B100,在北美四大CSP積極部署雲算力的背景下,台積電的三、四奈米產能被輝達訂單塞爆,根據台積電2022年永續報告書中揭露,總能源消耗高達224億度,其中電力消耗約210億度,佔2022年全國電力消費的7.5%,雙雙創下新高。Read full information on external site
Datacenters: duidelijke trend naar off premise - solutions-magazine.com2024-3-08 Off-premise Is De Weg Vooruit. Hef Uptme Institute Heeft Het Ovor Een Historische Verschuirving. Zullen Datacenters Voor Bedrijen Verdwijnen? Mas Smolaks, Onderzoeksanalist, Geeft Antwoord. Read full information on external site
Datacenters : clear trend towards off premise - solutions-magazine.com2024-3-08 Off-premise is the way forward. The Uptime Institute is talking about a historic shift. Will corporate datacenters disappear? Max Smlaks, Research Analyst, Answers. Read full information on external site
How Huawei became Nigeria’s biggest telecoms vendor and enterprise business - techcabal.com2024-3-08 When Huawei launched in Nigeria in 1999, two years before its telecommunications revolution, very few people could have predicted it would become the country’s biggest telecoms vendor and build one of the country’s biggest enterprise business. Read full information on external site
Profile – Project Director Joanne Kulbacki - grangerconstruction.com2024-3-08 Project Director Joanne Kulbacki began working in the construction industry in 1999 and joined Granger Construction in 2012 as a Project Manager. Read full information on external site
OVHcloud's fire, and other unanswered questions - datacenterdynamics.com2024-3-08 There are still plenty of unknowns to find out. Read full information on external site
Navégalo alcanza hito en sostenibilidad y calidad con cinco certificaciones ISO - larepublica.net2024-3-07 Áreas como calidad, seguridad y eficiencia energética son parte de los factores evaluados. Read full information on external site
UPS – let’s make it modular - networkingplus.co2024-3-07 Stuart Dealing, sales, service and project execution leader, ABB Power Protection. Read full information on external site
WIIT apre data center e sede tedesca a Düsseldorf - traderlink.it2024-3-07 WIIT S.p.A., una delle principali aziende europee nel settore dei servizi di Cloud Computing per le imprese, si è specializzata nell'erogazione di servizi continui di Hybrid e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche. Read full information on external site
Wiit S p A : inaugura il primo data center in Germania con certificazione Tier IV dell’Uptime Institute e il nuovo headquarter tedesco a Düsseldorf in Kö-Bogen - it.marketscreener.com2024-3-07 WIIT inaugura il primo data center in Germania con certificazione Tier IV dell'Uptime Institute e il nuovo headquarter tedesco a Düsseldorf in Kö-Bogen. Read full information on external site
Data centers : tendance nette à l’off premise - soluxions-magazine.com2024-3-07 L’off Premise Simpose. L’Uptime Institute Parle D’Un Basculement Historique. Les Data Centers D’Enterprises Disparaitront-ils? Max Smolaks, Research Analyst, Repond. Read full information on external site
Wiit si rafforza in Germania, primo data center “fault tolerant” - corrierecomunicazioni.it2024-3-07 L’infrastruttura è certificata Tier IV e garantisce la massima continuità operativa e sicurezza in caso di guasti. Via anche al nuovo headquarter a Düsseldorf. Read full information on external site
WIIT inaugura il primo data center in Germania con certificazione Tier IV dell’Uptime Institute e il nuovo headquarter a Düsseldorf - datamanager.it2024-3-07 WIIT S.p.A., uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, inaugura il suo primo data center Tier IV in Germania, certificato dall’Uptime Institute, e celebra l’apertura dei nuovi headquarter tedeschi a Düsseldorf, nella centralissima zona di Kö-Bogen. Read full information on external site
Bitera's state-of-the-art data center fuels Indonesia's digital economy growth - digitalnewsasia.com2024-3-06 Bitera, a state-of-the-art data center, held its launch on February 27, 2024. Read full information on external site
初心如磐 奋楫同行 | 2024年度艾特网能合作伙伴大会成功召开 - doit.com2024-3-06 3月4日,2024年度艾特网能合作伙伴大会在广东深圳成功召开,本次大会围绕主题“初心如磐 奋楫同行”展开,会议邀请到来自全国各地的合作伙伴,中国计算机用户协会数据中心分会专家委员会主任黄群骥先生、Uptime Institute中国区业务发展总监于登科先生等行业专家与艾特网能齐聚一堂,聚焦行业新趋势,携手共绘新篇章。Read full information on external site
Using AI for IT automation security - datacentrereview.com2024-3-06 Lori MacVittie, Distinguished Engineer at F5, looks at how AI will shape the future of IT automation security. Read full information on external site
El centro de atención profesional para centro de datos - tecnogus.com2024-3-06 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
Kemeu: Avoid a Meta outage repeat - dailynation2024-3-06 The outage seems to have impacted various kinds of businesses and publishers. Read full information on external site
How AI impacts data centre operations - futurecio2024-3-05 The rising popularity of artificial intelligence (AI), as led by generative AI (GenAI), should give pause to CIOs, infrastructure leaders, and data centre operators. In an Andreessen Horowitz post titled, Navigating the High Cost of AI Compute, organisations may consider using the cloud as the right place for their AI infrastructure, to take advantage of less up-front costs, the ability to scale up and down, regional availability and less distraction from building own data centre. Read full information on external site
Bridging the talent shortage in modern data centres - engineeringnews.co2024-3-05 By Carol Koech, Strategy Director, Sustainability & Thought Leadership – Schneider Electric International Operations. Read full information on external site
Bitera launches 20 MW Tier-III+ data centre in Jakarta - itnews.asia2024-3-05 The local company hopes to alleviate low availability in Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Bridging the talent shortage in modern data centres - miningweekly.com2024-3-05 By Carol Koech, Strategy Director, Sustainability & Thought Leadership – Schneider Electric International Operations. Read full information on external site
Construindo uma resposta eficaz a um desastre cibernético - difundir.com.br2024-3-05 Em sua análise anual de interrupções, o Uptime Institute detectou que 60% dos gerentes e operadores de data centers participantes do levantamento registraram ao menos uma interrupção significativa ou grave em sua organização nos últimos três anos. A pesquisa também revelou que ataques cibernéticos e de ransomware se tornaram uma causa crescente de interrupções, ou seja, geradores de tempo de inatividade. Read full information on external site
Construindo uma resposta eficaz a um desastre cibernético - segs.com.br2024-3-05 Em sua análise anual de interrupções, o Uptime Institute detectou que 60% dos gerentes e operadores de data centers participantes do levantamento registraram ao menos uma interrupção significativa ou grave em sua organização nos últimos três anos. A pesquisa também revelou que ataques cibernéticos e de ransomware se tornaram uma causa crescente de interrupções, ou seja, geradores de tempo de inatividade. Read full information on external site
Nagyon megnehezítette a szerverközpontok zölddé tételét az MI számítások energiaéhsége - uzletihirszerzes2024-3-05 A mesterséges intelligencia robbanásszerű növekedése radikálisan átalakítja az adatközpontok amúgy is forrongó piacát, és kérdéseket vet fel azzal kapcsolatban, hogy ezek a telephelyek fenntarthatóan üzemeltethetők-e. Read full information on external site
Importance of backup generator power for data centers - searchdatacenter2024-3-05 Data center generators are rarely run; however, they must go through regular testing and maintenance to ensure they work when a power outage occurs to prevent server downtime. Read full information on external site
Aluminum firm EGA breaks ground on data centers in the UAE - datacenterdynamics.com2024-3-05 Will be deployed at company's industrial sites. Read full information on external site
El Centro De Atención Profesional Para Centro De Datos - areacucuta.com2024-3-04 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
推动变革:维谛技术Vertiv探索ESG与技术的交集 - 21dianyuan.com2024-3-04 摘要:数据中心行业一直在探索高效且具有成本效益的电源和制冷解决方案,近年来,环境、社会与治理(ESG)和可持续发展关注的提升,也要求数据中心越来越注重减轻运营过程中对环境的影响。Read full information on external site
推动变革:维谛技术Vertiv探索ESG与技术的交集 - cctime.com2024-3-04 摘要:数据中心行业一直在探索高效且具有成本效益的电源和制冷解决方案,近年来,环境、社会与治理(ESG)和可持续发展关注的提升,也要求数据中心越来越注重减轻运营过程中对环境的影响。Read full information on external site
推动变革:维谛技术Vertiv探索ESG与技术的交集 - idcquan.com2024-3-04 摘要:数据中心行业一直在探索高效且具有成本效益的电源和制冷解决方案,近年来,环境、社会与治理(ESG)和可持续发展关注的提升,也要求数据中心越来越注重减轻运营过程中对环境的影响。Read full information on external site
Bridging the talent shortage in modern data centres - saprofilemagazine.co.za2024-3-04 By Carol Koech, Strategy Director, Sustainability & Thought Leadership – Schneider Electric International Operations. Read full information on external site
Bridging the talent shortage in modern data centres - sabusinessintegrator.co.za2024-3-04 By Carol Koech, Strategy Director, Sustainability & Thought Leadership – Schneider Electric International Operations. Read full information on external site
Robi invests US$13 million to open country’s first private tier-IV data centre - samenacouncil.org2024-3-04 Telecom operator Robi Axiata has launched Bangladesh's first commercial Tier-IV data centre in a move to expand its portfolio and cater to the increasing need for data storage driven by surging internet usage amid digitalisation of services. Read full information on external site
Construindo uma resposta eficaz a um desastre cibernético - jornow.com2024-3-04 Em sua análise anual de interrupções, o Uptime Institute detectou que 60% dos gerentes e operadores de data centers participantes do levantamento registraram ao menos uma interrupção significativa ou grave em sua organização nos últimos três anos. Read full information on external site
Robi invests $13m to open country’s first private tier-IV data centre - thedailystar.net2024-3-03 Telecom operator Robi Axiata has launched Bangladesh's first commercial Tier-IV data centre in a move to expand its portfolio and cater to the increasing need for data storage driven by surging internet usage amid digitalisation of services. Read full information on external site
Nagyon megnehezítette a szerverközpontok zölddé tételét az MI számítások energiaéhségee - sg.hu2024-3-03 A mesterséges intelligencia robbanásszerű növekedése radikálisan átalakítja az adatközpontok amúgy is forrongó piacát, és kérdéseket vet fel azzal kapcsolatban, hogy ezek a telephelyek fenntarthatóan üzemeltethetők-e. Read full information on external site
Ritmo ‘alucinante’ de crescimento da IA aumenta ‘energia suja’ gerada por centros de processamento - estadao.com.br2024-3-03 Quer se manter informado, ter acesso a mais de 60 colunistas e reportagens exclusivas?Assine o Estadão aqui! Read full information on external site
Ritmo ‘alucinante’ de crescimento da IA aumenta ‘energia suja’ gerada por centros de processamento - msn.com2024-3-03 Quer se manter informado, ter acesso a mais de 60 colunistas e reportagens exclusivas?Assine o Estadão aqui! Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - al-madina.com2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - majlis-news.com2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - almnatiq.net2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - sahafaty.com2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - arabianews24.net2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - ksanewsapp.com2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
EGA Breaks Ground on The Region’s First 100 Per Cent Renewable Energy Powered Industrial Data Centres - aeconline.ae2024-3-02 Emirates Global Aluminium, the largest industrial company in the United Arab Emirates outside oil and gas, today announced the groundbreaking for the region’s first 100 per cent renewable energy powered industrial data centres at its Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah sites. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - klyoum.com2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - mubasher.info2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - shafaq-e.sa2024-3-04 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - mini-news.net2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - alwathaq.com2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين في جودة الأداء - sra7h.com2024-3-02 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة TIER III FACILITY، وشهادة TIER III Design لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
"شهادتان دوليتان" لجامعة الملك خالد - Jawlatt.com2024-3-02 د Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي جمال علم الدين حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة ” TIER III FACILITY”، وشهادة TIER III Design” ” لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي. جاء ذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة … Read full information on external site
"شهادتان دوليتان" لجامعة الملك خالد - gulftech-news.com2024-3-02 د Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي جمال علم الدين حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة ” TIER III FACILITY”، وشهادة TIER III Design” ” لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي. جاء ذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة … Read full information on external site
"شهادتان دوليتان" لجامعة الملك خالد - sauress.com2024-3-02 د Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي جمال علم الدين حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة ” TIER III FACILITY”، وشهادة TIER III Design” ” لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي. جاء ذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة … Read full information on external site
"شهادتان دوليتان" لجامعة الملك خالد - kharjhome1.com2024-3-02 د Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي جمال علم الدين حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة ” TIER III FACILITY”، وشهادة TIER III Design” ” لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي. جاء ذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة … Read full information on external site
جامعة الملك خالد تحصل على شهادتين أمريكيتين في جودة الأداء والخدمات - arrajol.com2024-3-02 نجحت جامعة الملك خالد في الحصول على شهادة "TIER III FACILITY"، وشهادة "TIER III Design" لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد "Uptime Institute" الأمريكي. جاء ذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز، وكفاءته التشغيلية، والبنية التحتية، وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
"شهادتان دوليتان" لجامعة الملك خالد - makkahnewspaper.com2024-3-02 د Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي جمال علم الدين حصلت جامعة الملك خالد ممثلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية على شهادة ” TIER III FACILITY”، وشهادة TIER III Design” ” لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد Uptime Institute” ” الأمريكي. جاء ذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة … Read full information on external site
KKU Obtains Two Certificates in Quality Performance - leaders-mena.com2024-3-02 King Khalid University (KKU), obtained two certificates in Quality Performance. The certificates are TIER III FACILITY certificate, and TIER III Design certificate for the data center at the University City in Al-Fara’a. Read full information on external site
Data Center Bitera 20 MW Resmi Beroperasi di Jakarta - swa.co2024-3-01 Perusahaan data center Bitera telah resmi mengoperasikan data center terbarunya sebesar 20 MW dengan kapasitas hingga 4.000 rak. Read full information on external site
Bitera, a World-Class Data Centre, is Present to Foster the Nation's Digital Economy Growth - datastorageasean.com2024-3-01 Bitera, a world-class data center, officially held its Grand Launching on February 27, 2024. Read full information on external site
What Data Centers Will Do for Sustainability - connectedworld.com2024-3-01 We are entering a new era of work—one where AI (artificial intelligence) and the IoT (Internet of Things) will drive innovation at companies in nearly every vertical market around the globe. At the heart of all of this is the data center. Read full information on external site
EGA breaks ground on 'green' industrial data centres - samenacouncil.org2024-3-01 Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the largest industrial company in the UAE outside oil and gas, has broken ground on the region’s first 100% renewable energy powered industrial data centres at its Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah sites. Read full information on external site
What is BCDR? Business continuity and disaster recovery guide - searchdisasterrecovery2024-3-01 Business continuity and disaster recovery, also known as BCDR, is a set of closely related practices that support an organization's ability to remain operational after an adverse event. Read full information on external site
Emirates Global Aluminium Launches Renewable Energy-Powered Data Centres to Boost AI and Automation - bnnbreaking.com2024-2-29 EGA introduces the region's first industrial data centres run on renewable energy, marking a significant step in sustainable industrial innovation. Read full information on external site
Eمركز البيانات بجامعة الملك خالد يحصد شهادتين في "جودة الأداء" - sabq.org2024-2-29 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد، ممثّلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية، على شهادة "TIER III FACILITY"، وشهادة "TIER III Design" لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد "Uptime Institute" الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية، وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
Eمركز البيانات بجامعة الملك خالد يحصد شهادتين في "جودة الأداء" - klyoum.com2024-2-29 حصلت جامعة الملك خالد، ممثّلة في عمادة الخدمات الإلكترونية، على شهادة "TIER III FACILITY"، وشهادة "TIER III Design" لمركز البيانات بالمدينة الجامعية بالفرعاء من معهد "Uptime Institute" الأمريكي، وذلك بعد إجراء عمليات تدقيق على المركز وكفاءته التشغيلية والبنية التحتية، وتقييم الأفكار المقدمة والمطروحة لأفضل الممارسات والحلول المبتكرة. Read full information on external site
תרחיש עלטה? הסיכון שבאמת מלחיץ את המומחים הוא פגיעה בחוות שרתים - mako.co2024-2-29 המוכנות לתרחיש העלטה בישראל גדלה בשבועות האחרונים בשל המתיחות בצפון והמלחמה בעזה, אבל גם פגיעה של טיל בודד בחוות שרתים יכולה לשבש את החיים של הרבה מאוד אנשים. מערכות ביטחון שונות בסיכון - אבל גם תשתיות שיפסיקו לעבוד אם הדאטה סנטר שלהן ייפגע. אל"ם במיל' אבי דדון, סמנכ"ל משרד הביטחון לשעבר: "מי שחי בבית ולא בבניין צריך להחזיק באמצעי ייצור עצמי של חשמל" Read full information on external site
Data Center Bitera Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Digital Indonesia - infokomputer2024-2-29 Bitera, perusahaan data center kelas dunia, secara resmi mengadakan Grand Launching pada 27 Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
Vertiv takes Accelerate to Durban, Cape Town - itweb2024-2-29 Following a highly successful data centre infrastructure roadshow in Johannesburg last year, Vertiv, in partnership with ITWeb, will host the next legs of its Accelerate African roadshow in Cape Town and Durban in March. Read full information on external site
Emirates Global Aluminium Launches First Renewable Energy-Powered Data Centres in Middle East - bnnbreaking.com2024-2-29 Emirates Global Aluminium pioneers the Middle East's first industrial data centres powered by renewable energy, setting new standards for sustainability and technological excellence in the region. Read full information on external site
UAE’s EGA to develop 100% renewable energy-powered industrial data centres - zawya.com2024-2-29 The data centres will be built in partnership with Scientechnic in Jebel Ali and Taweelah. Read full information on external site
Bitera boosts Indonesia's digital economy with new data centre - itbrief.asia2024-2-29 Bitera, a world-class data centre, has opened in Indonesia, aiming to boost the country's digital economy and combat the current under-penetration of data centre capabilities. Read full information on external site
EGA breaks ground on the region’s first 100 per cent renewable energy powered industrial data centres in Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah - zawya.com2024-2-29 The construction is a key part of EGA’s digital roadmap, which is transforming EGA’s operations through Industry 4.0 adoption and broader digital transformation. Read full information on external site
EGA pioneers renewable power: Groundbreaking ceremony of the region’s first industrial data centres in Jebel Ali & Al Taweelah - alcircle.com2024-2-29 On February 29, 2024, Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the largest industrial company in the country outside the oil and gas sector, marked a significant milestone. Read full information on external site
EGA breaks ground on 100pc green energy data centres - gdnonline.com2024-2-29 Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the largest industrial company in the UAE outside oil and gas, has broken ground on the region’s first 100% renewable energy powered industrial data centres at its Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah sites. Read full information on external site
EGA breaks ground on 100pc green energy data centres - zawya.com2024-2-29 Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the largest industrial company in the UAE outside oil and gas, has broken ground on the region’s first 100% renewable energy powered industrial data centres at its Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah sites. Read full information on external site
EGA begins work on renewable energy-powered data centres with AI in focus - thenationalnews.com2024-2-29 The facilities at its Abu Dhabi and Dubai smelters will help increase data processing capacity by 2,300 times. Read full information on external site
RED Engineering Design to Showcase Data Centre Expertise at Data Centre World London 2024 - dca-global.org2024-2-29 RED Engineering Design, a leading global provider of engineering solutions, is proud to announce its participation in Data Centre World London 2024, scheduled for 6th – 7th March 2024. Read full information on external site
EGA Unveils Region’s First Renewable Energy Powered Data Centers - abudhabimagazine2024-2-29 Emirates Global Aluminium breaks ground for innovative, sustainable data centers in Abu Dhabi, boosting AI and reducing energy consumption. Read full information on external site
KI-Raserei erschwert Bemühungen, stromhungrige Datenstandorte umweltfreundlich zu halten - germanic.news2024-2-29 West-Texas, von den Bohrinseln im Perm-Becken bis zu den Windkraftanlagen über den High Plains, ist seit langem ein Anziehungspunkt für Unternehmen, die im Energiebereich ein Vermögen anstreben. Read full information on external site
A.I. Frenzy Complicates Efforts to Keep Power-Hungry Data Sites Green - dnyuz.com2024-2-29 West Texas, from the oil rigs of the Permian Basin to the wind turbines twirling above the High Plains, has long been a magnet for companies seeking fortunes in energy. Read full information on external site
EGA breaks ground on 'green' industrial data centres - gulfconstructiononline.com2024-2-29 Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the largest industrial company in the UAE outside oil and gas, has broken ground on the region’s first 100% renewable energy powered industrial data centres at its Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah sites. Read full information on external site
EGA to open region’s 1st renewable energy powered data centres - gulftoday2024-2-29 Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the largest industrial company in the United Arab Emirates outside oil and gas, on Thursday announced the groundbreaking for the region’s first 100 per cent renewable energy powered industrial data centres at its Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah sites. Read full information on external site
EGA breaks ground on the region’s first 100 per cent renewable energy powered industrial data centres in Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah - aluminiumtoday.com2024-2-29 Emirates Global Aluminium have announced the groundbreaking for the region’s first 100 per cent renewable energy powered industrial data centres at its Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah sites. Read full information on external site
EGA breaks ground on the region’s first 100% renewable energy powered industrial data centres in Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah - intelligentcio.com2024-2-29 Emirates Global Aluminium, the largest industrial company in the United Arab Emirates outside oil and gas, has announced the groundbreaking for the region’s first 100% renewable energy powered industrial data centres at its Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah sites. Read full information on external site
EGA breaks ground on the region’s first 100% renewable energy powered industrial data centres in Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah - techplugged.com2024-2-29 Emirates Global Aluminium, the largest industrial company in the United Arab Emirates outside oil and gas, has announced the groundbreaking for the region’s first 100% renewable energy powered industrial data centres at its Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah sites. Read full information on external site
Bitera: Fostering the growth of Indonesia’s digital economy - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-29 Bitera unveils world-class data center set to bolster the growth of Indonesia’s digital economy. Read full information on external site
A.I. Frenzy Complicates Efforts to Keep Power-Hungry Data Sites Green - nytimes2024-2-29 Artificial intelligence’s booming growth is radically reshaping an already red-hot data center market, raising questions about whether these sites can be operated sustainably. Read full information on external site
Bitera Data Center Launches to Grow Indonesian Digital Economy - telecomreviewasia.com2024-2-28 Bitera, a world-class data center, officially held its Grand Launching on February 27, 2024. Read full information on external site
Bitera Dorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Digital Indonesia - gatra.com2024-2-28 CEO Bitera, Tedy Harjanto, mengatakan, penetrasi data center di Indonesia saat ini masih di bawah 1 watt per kapita, jauh dibandingkan negara tetangga seperti Singapura yang mencapai 100 watt per kapita. Read full information on external site
Robi Axiata company Axentec launches data center in Bangladesh - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-28 Data center named "Cypher". Read full information on external site
디지털리얼티 “고집적 워크로드에 최적화된 인프라·연결성 보장” - datanet2024-2-27 기업과 데이터의 만남의 장 ‘데이터 미팅 플레이스’ 구현 랙당 최대 70kW 워크로드 지원 고밀도 코로케이션 서비스 출 Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 투자기업으로부터 투자의향서 받아 ‘눈길’ - sports.donga.com2024-2-27 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 전남도 정무부지사가 지난 25일(현지시간) 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 받았다. Read full information on external site
Genesal Energy participa en Data Centre World London - noticiasmaquinaria.com2024-2-27 Genesal Energy participa en Data Centre World London, la feria especializada en centros de datos referente en Europa. Read full information on external site
Behind the surge: Examining the extreme demand for enterprise data centres across North America - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-2-27 More than 60 years later, in the region that pioneered one of the first data centres, North America remains steadfast and unrivalled as a global tech powerhouse, dwarfing its European counterparts. Read full information on external site
Il ruolo dei data center modulari prefabbricati e la loro evoluzione - techfromthenet2024-2-27 In quest’era digitale i data center rappresentano il fulcro degli ambienti interconnessi. Forza trainante l’adozione di componenti modulari prefabbricati. Andrea Faeti, Sales Director Enterprise Accounts per l’Italia di Vertiv , spiega tutto questo e come stiano cambiano i data center. Read full information on external site
Como a nuvem pode ampliar o portfólio de serviços das revendas - channel360.com2024-2-27 Em média, 42% do processamento das empresas do Brasil já se encontra na nuvem. Read full information on external site
Construction on Rosatom data center in Moscow complete - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-27 Nuclear agency bought the partially-built facility last year. Read full information on external site
RI Bakal Jadi Raksasa Ekonomi Digital di ASEAN, Erick Thohir: Infrastruktur Digital Jadi Kunci - tribunnews.com2024-2-27 Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir menyebut, Indonesia bakal menjadi raksasa ekonomi digital di kawasan Asia Tenggara atau Asean, tepatnya pada 2030. Read full information on external site
Xu hướng nào sẽ tác động đến thị trường Data Center trong năm 2024? - kynguyenso.plo2024-2-26 Tháng 1-2023, McKinsey, công ty tư vấn quản lý toàn cầu của Mỹ dự kiến thị trường Data Center toàn cầu sẽ tăng trưởng 10% mỗi năm cho đến năm 2030, với tổng mức chi tiêu cho việc xây dựng cơ sở mới đạt 49 tỉ USD. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 투자기업으로부터 기업도시 투자의향 받아 - m-i.kr2024-2-26 매일일보 = 윤성수 기자 | 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 전남도 정무부지사가 25일 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 받았다. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 투자기업으로부터 기업도시 투자의향 받았다 - fnnews.com2024-2-26 전남도는 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 정무부지사가 25일(현지시간) 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 받았다고 밝혔다. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 기업으로부터 기업도시 투자의향 받아 - nocutnews2024-2-26 사우디아라비아를 순방하는 전남도 박창환 정무부지사가 25일(현지 시각) 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시 삼포 지구에 생성형 인공지능(AI) 클라우드에 특화된 데이터센터 구축 등의 조성을 통한 개발 및 투자에 대한 투자의향서를 받았다. 전라남도 제공 Read full information on external site
사우디 트와이크그룹 "영암 기업도시에 투자 의향" - ajunews.com2024-2-26 전라남도가 영암 삼호지구에 조성한 기업도시에 사우디아라비아 트와이크 그룹이 투자를 실행할지 관심이 모아지고 있다. Read full information on external site
사우디 트와이크그룹 "영암 기업도시에 투자 의향" - queen.co.kr2024-2-26 전남도는 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 정무부지사가 25일(현지시간) 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 받았다고 밝혔다. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 투자기업으로부터 기업도시 투자의향 받아 - dailyan.com2024-2-26 전라남도가 영암 삼호지구에 조성한 기업도시에 사우디아라비아 트와이크 그룹이 투자를 실행할지 관심이 모아지고 있다. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 투자기업으로부터 영암 기업도시 투자의향 이끌어내 - asiatoday2024-2-26 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 전남도 정무부지사가 25일(현지시간) 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 받았다. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 트와이크 그룹서 영암 기업도시 투자의향 받아내 - segye.com2024-2-26 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 전남도 정무부지사가 사우디아라비아 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 이끌어 냈다. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 트와이크 그룹서 영암 기업도시 투자의향 받아내 - nate.com2024-2-26 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 전남도 정무부지사가 사우디아라비아 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 이끌어 냈다. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 투자기업으로부터 기업도시 투자의향 받아 - newsshare.co.kr2024-2-26 [뉴스쉐어=정형림 기자] 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 전남도 정무부지사가 25일(현지시간) 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 받았다. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 투자기업으로부터 기업도시 투자의향 받아 - ddmnews.co.kr2024-2-26 [뉴스쉐어=정형림 기자] 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 전남도 정무부지사가 25일(현지시간) 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 받았다. Read full information on external site
Genesal Energy participa en Data Centre World London - interempresas2024-2-26 La empresa Genesal Energy mostrará sus últimas novedades en soluciones de grupos electrógenos para data centers e instalaciones críticas en la Data Centre World London 2024, la prestigiosa feria que entre los próximos días 6 y 7 de marzo reunirá en la capital del Reino Unido a la élite mundial del sector para intercambiar experiencias, conocer los últimos productos del mercado y mostrar las tecnologías más punteras de la industria. Read full information on external site
전남도, 사우디 투자기업으로부터 기업도시 투자의향 받아 - getnews2024-2-26 [뉴스쉐어=정형림 기자] 사우디아라비아를 순방 중인 박창환 전남도 정무부지사가 25일(현지시간) 디노믹스 컨소시엄으로부터 영암 기업도시(삼포지구)에 대한 투자의향서를 받았다. Read full information on external site
Sertifikasi Tier 4 TCDD dan TCCF Rampung, Data Center ISC Siap Beroperasi - suara.com2024-2-24 PT. Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC) yang merupakan kelompok usaha PT Cyber Network Indonesia (CNI) Group telah menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF) dari Uptime Institute pada tanggal 22 Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
ISC Bangun Data Center Bersertifikasi Tertinggi di Pusat Kota Jakarta - jpnn.com2024-2-23 PT. Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC) - kelompok usaha PT. Cyber Network Indonesia (CNI) Group, telah menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF) dari Uptime Institute pada tanggal 22 Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC dengan Fasilitas Tier IV Pertama di Pusat Jakarta Siap Beroperasi - tempo.co2024-2-23 PT Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC) yang merupakan kelompok usaha PT Cyber Network Indonesia (CNI) Group telah menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF), level klasifikasi tertinggi dalam industri data center, dari Uptime Institute, pada Kamis, 22 Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
6 machine learning applications for data center optimization - searchdatacenter2024-2-23 AI and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize data center operations. They can manage facilities more efficiently by optimizing power consumption and monitoring. Read full information on external site
It's not always hackers - msn.com2024-2-23 AT&T says that Thursday's outage that left thousands of customers without service and unable to call 911 was "not a cyber attack," the company believes. Read full information on external site
PTA clamps down on illegal SIMs with multiple raids in Pakistan - datacenterdynamics2024-2-23 Arrests have been made, while an illegal tower has been toppled. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC dengan Fasilitas Tier IV Pertama di Pusat Jakarta Siap Beroperasi - tempo.co2024-2-23 PT Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC) yang merupakan kelompok usaha PT Cyber Network Indonesia (CNI) Group telah menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF), level klasifikasi tertinggi dalam industri data center, dari Uptime Institute, pada Kamis, 22 Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC dengan Fasilitas Tier IV Pertama di Pusat Jakarta Siap Beroperasi - jpnn.com2024-2-23 PT Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC) yang merupakan kelompok usaha PT Cyber Network Indonesia (CNI) Group telah menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF), level klasifikasi tertinggi dalam industri data center, dari Uptime Institute, pada Kamis, 22 Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
Garanti BBVA Pendik Teknoloji Kampüsünü Basına Açtı - fortuneturkey2024-2-23 Son 25 yılda teknolojiye 5 milyar dolardan fazla yatırım yapan Garanti BBVA, teknoloji yönetimini ayrı bir çatı altında konumlandırmak üzere Garanti BBVA Teknoloji’yi hayata geçirdi. Read full information on external site
ISC Bikin Data Center Tier IV di Pusat Jakarta - inet.detik.com2024-2-23 Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC), bagian dari PT Cyber Network Indonesia, menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF) dari Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Realisasi Target Nasional, Data Center Baru dan Tercanggih Akan Beroperasi di Jakarta - jawapos2024-2-23 Pemerintah diketahui gencar mendukung pengembangan ekosistem data center atau pusat data di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Garanti BBVA, Bankacılığın En Büyük Teknoloji Merkezinde Bankacılığa Yön Veriyor - itnetwork.com.tr2024-2-23 Bankacılığın geleceği teknolojiyle şekillenirken, ülkemizde dijital bankacılığın öncülerinden Garanti BBVA, teknolojiye yaptığı aralıksız yatırımlarla geleceğin bankacılığını tasarlamak için çalışıyor. Read full information on external site
El centro de atención profesional para centros de datos - portalinnova.cl2024-2-23 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
5 milyar dolar teknoloji yatırımı - milliyet2024-2-23 İSMAİL ŞAHİN - Garanti BBVA Pendik Teknoloji Kampüsü ve Garanti BBVA Veri Merkezi’ni basına tanıtan Baştuğ, burayı “teknoloji fabrikası” olarak niteledi.. Read full information on external site
Garanti BBVA Genel Müdürü Recep Baştuğ: Enflasyonist ortamda nakitten kurtulmak mümkün değil - haberturk.com2024-2-23 Garanti BBVA, bankacılığın en büyük teknoloji merkezi ve "teknoloji fabrikası" olarak nitelediği merkezini yakından tanıtmak amacıyla, Pendik Teknoloji Kampüsü'nde bir basın buluşması gerçekleştirdi. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC Raih Sertifikasi Tier IV Facility, Apa Keunggulannya? - liputan6.com2024-2-23 PT Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC) yang merupakan kelompok usaha PT Cyber Network Indonesia (CNI) Group, baru saja merampungkan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF) dari Uptime Institute pada 22 Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC Raih Sertifikasi Tier IV Facility, Apa Keunggulannya? - kontan.co.id2024-2-23 PT Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC) yang merupakan kelompok usaha PT Cyber Network Indonesia (CNI) Group, baru saja merampungkan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF) dari Uptime Institute pada 22 Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
PTA clamps down on illegal SIMs with multiple raids in Pakistan - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-23 Arrests have been made, while an illegal tower has been toppled. Read full information on external site
99 Persen Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - suarantb.com2024-2-23 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99% dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Sementara itu, sisanya dilakukan secara konvensional di cabang atau unit kerja BRI. Read full information on external site
Wow! 99% Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - ipotnews2024-2-22 PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk mencatat sebesar 99% transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital selama 2023. Sementara itu, sisanya dilakukan secara konvensional di cabang atau unit kerja BRI. Read full information on external site
Wow! 99% Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - beritamanado.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC, Tier IV di Pusat Kota Siap Beroperasi Pangkas Latensi dan Delay - industry.co.id2024-2-22 Fasilitas data center makin dibutuhkan untuk bisnis dan dunia usaha di masa kini. Namun sering kali data center diletakkan di lokasi khusus yang jauh. Apalagi data center yang bersetifikasi Tier IV. Read full information on external site
El desafío de los Data Center por un consumo eficiente y responsable de energía - portalinnova.cl2024-2-22 La demanda de almacenamiento y procesamiento de datos ha impulsado la construcción de enormes centros de datos en todo el mundo. Se calcula que hay más de 8.000 a nivel global. Read full information on external site
The challenge of Data Centers for efficient and responsible energy consumption - worldnationnews.com2024-2-22 Data centers are operated 24/7, without exception. They require a lot of energy, on average 20 MW to 50 MW per year for each center, theoretically the consumption of about 35,000 houses, so it is more important to have a coherent environmental strategy. Read full information on external site
NodeShift, merkeziyetsiz bulutuyla meydan okuyacak! Türkiye detayı dikkat çekici! - techinside.com2024-2-22 Büyük bulut sağlayıcılarının fazla işlem kapasitesini indirimli olarak sunmalarına karşın, NodeShift bu konsepti genişleterek bağımsız veri merkezi operatörlerinden ve düşük maliyetli dağıtık web hizmetlerinden yararlanarak aşırı işlem, depolama ve grafik hızlandırıcılarına erişimi tek bir API ile sağlayacak. Read full information on external site
Data centers’ cooling needs are largely unmet: AFCOM - facilitiesdive.com2024-2-22 A majority of data center professionals surveyed plan to draw on renewable energy to meet their growing energy needs amid the rise of AI. Read full information on external site
Sepanjang 2023, 99 Persen Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - msn.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99 persen dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Sementara itu, sisanya dilakukan secara konvensional di cabang atau unit kerja BRI. Read full information on external site
Garanti BBVA’nın Teknoloji Merkezi Tanıtıldı! - technotoday.com2024-2-22 Garanti BBVA Teknoloji’nin yakından tanıtılması için Garanti BBVA Pendik Teknoloji Kampüsü’nde bir basın buluşması düzenlendi. Read full information on external site
Software’s Strategic Role in Addressing the Data Center Talent Shortage - datacenterknowledge.com2024-2-22 Software solutions can play a crucial role in addressing the talent shortage and ensuring the resilience and sustainability of data center operations. Read full information on external site
Türkiye’deki en büyük bankacılık teknoloji merkezi - techinside.com2024-2-22 Garanti BBVA teknoloji yönetimini Garanti BBVA Teknoloji kampüsünde TIER IV sertifikasına sahip Veri Merkezi ile gerçekleştiriyor Read full information on external site
Wow! 99% Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - jambiekspres.disway.id2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99% dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Read full information on external site
Transformasi Digital BRI Berjalan Mulus, 99% Transaksi Dilakukan Secara Digital - liputan6.com2024-2-22 Transformasi digital yang selama ini dijalankan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI telah memberikan banyak dampak positif. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99% dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Sementara itu, sisanya dilakukan secara konvensional di cabang atau unit kerja BRI. Read full information on external site
Sukses Terapkan Digitalisasi, 99 Persen Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan secara Digital - kompas.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu fondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Read full information on external site
Wow! 99% Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - analisadaily.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99% dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Read full information on external site
Wow! 99% Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - radarmalang.jawapos.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99% dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Read full information on external site
Sebanyak 99% dari Total Transaksi BRI pada Tahun Lalu Dilakukan Secara Digital - kontan.co.id2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Read full information on external site
Garanti BBVA, bankacılığın en büyük teknoloji merkezinde bankacılığa yön veriyor - psmmag.com2024-2-22 Bankacılığın geleceği teknolojiyle şekillenirken, ülkemizde dijital bankacılığın öncülerinden Garanti BBVA, teknolojiye yaptığı aralıksız yatırımlarla geleceğin bankacılığını tasarlamak için çalışıyor. Read full information on external site
Garanti BBVA, bankacılığın en büyük teknoloji merkezinde bankacılığa yön veriyor - sigortagundem.com2024-2-22 Bankacılığın geleceği teknolojiyle şekillenirken, ülkemizde dijital bankacılığın öncülerinden Garanti BBVA, teknolojiye yaptığı aralıksız yatırımlarla geleceğin bankacılığını tasarlamak için çalışıyor. Read full information on external site
Wow! 99% Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - cnbcindonesia.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99% dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Read full information on external site
Garanti BBVA, bankacılığın en büyük teknoloji merkezinde bankacılığa yön veriyor - finansgundem.com2024-2-22 Bankacılığın geleceği teknolojiyle şekillenirken, ülkemizde dijital bankacılığın öncülerinden Garanti BBVA, teknolojiye yaptığı aralıksız yatırımlarla geleceğin bankacılığını tasarlamak için çalışıyor. Read full information on external site
Wow! 99% Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - radarkediri.jawapos.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99% dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Read full information on external site
Wow! 99 Percent of Total BRI Transactions Are Done Digitally - republika.co.id2024-2-22 The BRIvolution transformation is used as a guideline for responding to digital challenges. Read full information on external site
Wow! 99% Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - radarsemarang.jawapos.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Read full information on external site
Tranformasi Digital Berjalan Mulus, 99 Persen Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - tribunnews.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99 persen dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Sementara itu, sisanya dilakukan secara konvensional di cabang atau unit kerja BRI. Read full information on external site
99% total transaksi BRI dilakukan secara digital - antaranews.com2024-2-22 PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) mencatatkan selama 2023, total 90 persen transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital, sisanya dilakukan secara konvensional di kantor cabang atau unit kerja BRI. Read full information on external site
Wow! 99 Persen Total Transaksi BRI Dilakukan Secara Digital - goriau.com2024-2-22 Digitalisasi menjadi salah satu pondasi transformasi digital yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI. Selama tahun 2023, tercatat sebesar 99% dari total transaksi BRI dilakukan melalui kanal digital. Sementara itu, sisanya dilakukan secara konvensional di cabang atau unit kerja BRI. Read full information on external site
Data Center Tier IV Facility Pertama di Pusat Kota Jakarta Siap Beroperasi - tribunnews.com2024-2-22 PT Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC) yang merupakan kelompok usaha PT Cyber Network Indonesia (CNI) Group telah menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF) dari Uptime Institute pada 22 Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
Rampungkan Sertifikasi Tier IV, Data Center ISC Siap Beroperasi - mediaindonesia.com2024-2-22 PT Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC), kelompok usaha PT Cyber Network Indonesia (CNI) Group, telah menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi Tier IV Design (TCDD) dan Tier IV Facility (TCCF) dari Uptime Institute pada Kamis (22/2). Sertifikasi Tier IV merupakan level klasifikasi tertinggi dalam industri data center. Read full information on external site
PTA inaugurates data center in Islamabad, Pakistan - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-22 Facility built to Tier III standards. Read full information on external site
NodeShift wants to challenge the hyperscalers with its decentralized cloud - sg.news.yahoo.com2024-2-21 When the large cloud providers have excess compute capacity, they tend to discount it through programs like AWS's and Azure's spot instances. Read full information on external site
NodeShift wants to challenge hyperscalers with its decentralized cloud TechCrunch - biz.crast.net2024-2-21 When large cloud providers have excess compute capacity, they discount it through programs like AWS and Azure's Spot Instances. Read full information on external site
NodeShift quiere desafiar a los hiperescaladores con su nube descentralizada - esdelatino.com2024-2-21 Cuando los grandes proveedores de nube tienen un exceso de capacidad informática, tienden a descontarlo a través de programas como las instancias puntuales de AWS y Azure. Read full information on external site
NodeShift wants to challenge the hyperscalers with its decentralized cloud - techcrunch.com2024-2-21 When the large cloud providers have excess compute capacity, they tend to discount it through programs like AWS’s and Azure’s spot instances. Read full information on external site
Yeşil veri merkezi nedir? Bu kadar yatırım nereye gidiyor? - techinside.com2024-2-21 Yeşil veri merkezleri, kurumsal veri merkezi portföylerinde giderek daha yaygın hale geliyor ve istisna değil, norm haline geliyor; hem yerinde ve bulutta hem de hibrit olarak. Read full information on external site
Dự báo các xu hướng thúc đẩy sự phát triển của thị trường Data Center trong năm 2024 - danviet.vn2024-2-21 Năm 2023 được đánh giá là một năm bùng nổ của data center tại Việt Nam với sự ra đời của những trung tâm dữ liệu lớn cùng việc áp dụng các công nghệ mới. 2024 đã tới, hãy cùng xem những xu hướng nào sẽ tác động đến thị trường data center toàn cầu, trong đó có Việt Nam.Yeşil veri merkezleri, kurumsal veri merkezi portföylerinde giderek daha yaygın hale geliyor ve istisna değil, norm haline geliyor; hem yerinde ve bulutta hem de hibrit olarak. Read full information on external site
Dự báo các xu hướng thúc đẩy sự phát triển của thị trường Data Center trong năm 2024 - biztek.vn2024-2-21 Năm 2023 được đánh giá là một năm bùng nổ của data center tại Việt Nam với sự ra đời của những trung tâm dữ liệu lớn cùng việc áp dụng các công nghệ mới. Read full information on external site
Puntare sui data center modulari prefabbricati per una crescita scalabile - ilcorrieredellasicurezza.it2024-2-21 Sostenuta dalla diffusione dell’intelligenza artificiale (AI), l’era digitale sta vivendo una nuova fase di progressi tecnologici e una conseguente domanda, senza precedenti, di elaborazione e archiviazione dati. Read full information on external site
Dự báo các xu hướng thúc đẩy sự phát triển của thị trường Data Center trong năm 2024 - vietnamnet.vn2024-2-21 Năm 2023 được đánh giá là một năm bùng nổ của data center tại Việt Nam với sự ra đời của những trung tâm dữ liệu lớn cùng việc áp dụng các công nghệ mới. Read full information on external site
Các xu hướng thúc đẩy sự phát triển của thị trường Data Center trong năm 2024 - vnmedia.vn2024-2-21 2023 is considered a booming year for data centers in Vietnam with the birth of large data centers and the application of new technologies. 2024 has arrived, let's see what trends will impact the global data center market, including Vietnam. Read full information on external site
Spanish insurance firm Mapfre sells Madrid data center in sale-leaseback deal - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-21 Buyer of 10MW facility not disclosed. Read full information on external site
The majority of enterprise IT is now off-premises - websitehost.review2024-2-21 Corporate data centers have been the backbone of enterprise IT since the 1960s and continue to play an essential role in supporting critical business and financial functions for much of the global economy. Yet, while their importance remains, their prominence as part of an enterprise’s digital infrastructure appears to be fading. Read full information on external site
Booting up better IT storage - filtsep.com2024-2-20 What more could filter manufacturers do to help data center owners reduce air pollutants and decrease computer system downtime? Read full information on external site
Expedient expands portfolio in Ohio for fifth data centre in the region - intelligentdatacentres.com2024-2-20 Continuing to expand and extend access to its portfolio of colocation and managed infrastructure services, Expedient has announced it has added the former Nationwide data centre, near Columbus, Ohio, to help meet continued market demand. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric urges PH data centers to employ smart, sustainable solutions - sunstar.com2024-2-20 Schneider Electric recently gathered leaders in the data center industry for a roundtable discussion on how data centers can accelerate energy transition and a golf match at Manila South Woods Golf and Country Club, Cavite. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric urges PH data centers to implement smart and sustainable solutions to minimize energy consumption - megabites.com2024-2-20 Schneider Electric, the leader in energy management and digital automation, underscores the importance of a green approach to data center design and operations to future-proof operations and lessen carbon emissions. Read full information on external site
MCCE / Qu’est-ce que la certification Uptime Institute ? - radioexpressfm.com2024-2-20 In questo articolo, Andrea Faeti, Sales Director Enterprise Accounts per l’Italia di Vertiv, condivide un’analisi sull’approccio dei data center modulari prefabbricati e spiega la differenza con i data center classici. Scopriamo le potenzialità di questa nuova tendenza. Read full information on external site
Data center modulari prefabbricati: perché sceglierli? - rlineaedp.it2024-2-20 Andrea Faeti di Vertiv spiega cosa sono i data center modulari prefabbricati e analizza i vantaggi di questo nuovo approccio. Read full information on external site
Powering Tech Infrastructure in 2024: The Conversation Turns to Quality - thefastmode.com2024-2-20 So many facets of daily life in 2024 (and beyond) will be touched by technology. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha cambiado la IA el centro de datos del futuro? - technopatas.com2024-2-20 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
权衡数据中心层级系统的利与弊 - jifang360.com2024-2-20 摘要:所有数据中心都在做一件相同的、基本的事情——提供托管IT基础设施的空间。那么,你怎么样才能知道一个数据中心是否比另一个数据中心“更好”呢?有一种方法,就是查看数据中心的层级。 Read full information on external site
Puntare sui data center modulari prefabbricati per una crescita scalabile - udite-udite.it2024-2-19 Uno dei vantaggi più importanti di un data center PFM è riuscire a ridurre i tempi di implementazione senza i costi aggiuntivi comunemente associati a una consegna più rapida. Read full information on external site
CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA El Gobierno designó al peronista Mariano Greco al frente de Arsat, pero prevé privatizarla - politicaymedios.com2024-2-19 CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA El Gobierno designó al peronista Mariano Greco al frente de Arsat, pero prevé privatizarla por Redacción PyM Read full information on external site
Telecomunicaciones: Mariano Greco es el nuevo presidente de la estatal Arsat - informevip.com2024-2-19 CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA El Gobierno designó al peronista Mariano Greco al frente de Arsat, pero prevé privatizarla por Redacción PyM Read full information on external site
El Gobierno designó al peronista Mariano Greco al frente de Arsat, pero prevé privatizarla - politicaymedios.com2024-2-19 El flamante titular se desempeñaba como director tecnológico. Buscan mantener la empresa operativa hasta que pase a manos privadas. Read full information on external site
What is a green data center and why are they attracting big investment? - itpro.com2024-2-19 As compute demands increase, green data centers offer a sustainable path for workload expansion. Read full information on external site
Designación: quién es el nuevo presidente de Arsat - infonews.com2024-2-19 La decisión se tomó en la reciente asamblea de accionistas. También ingresaron nuevos directores. Read full information on external site
Designación: quién es el nuevo presidente de Arsat - ilapostacomodorense.com2024-2-18 En un reciente movimiento estratégico dentro de la esfera tecnológica argentina, Mariano Greco ha sido nombrado presidente del directorio de Arsat, la empresa estatal encargada de brindar soluciones satelitales avanzadas y de infraestructura de telecomunicaciones. Este nombramiento tuvo lugar durante la asamblea de accionistas celebrada el pasado viernes, marcando un nuevo capítulo en la dirección de la compañía. Read full information on external site
Mariano Greco es el nuevo presidente de Arsat - laprensa.com2024-2-18 El exdirector de tecnología de Arsat Mariano Greco fue designado presidente del directorio de la empresa estatal de soluciones satelitales. Así se resolvió en la asamblea de accionistas realizada el viernes pasado. Read full information on external site
Mariano Greco es el nuevo presidente de Arsat - telam.com2024-2-18 El exdirector de tecnología de Arsat Mariano Greco fue designado presidente del directorio de la empresa estatal de soluciones satelitales. Así se resolvió en la asamblea de accionistas realizada el viernes pasado. Read full information on external site
Mariano Greco es el nuevo presidente de Arsat - ambito.com2024-2-18 Arsat es la empresa que sostiene la Red Federal de Fibra Óptica que como proveedor mayorista permite llevar conexión a internet de calidad a pueblos y parajes donde no llegan las redes privadas. Read full information on external site
Argentina -Mariano Greco es el nuevo presidente de Arsat - noticiargentina.com2024-2-18 En la anterior gestión, Greco se ocupaba de la tercera unidad de negocio de Arsat: el Data center, "uno de los más confiables y seguros de Latinoamérica", según define la empresa. Read full information on external site
Mariano Greco es el nuevo presidente de Arsat - laopinionaustral.com2024-2-18 Soledad Gonnet renovó su cargo como directora del organismo e ingresaron como directores Karina Dipp, Gonzalo Pascual y Germán Vigne. Read full information on external site
Mariano Greco es el nuevo presidente de Arsat - reporte24.ar2024-2-18 En la anterior gestión, Greco se ocupaba de la tercera unidad de negocio de Arsat: el Data center, "uno de los más confiables y seguros de Latinoamérica", según define la empresa. Read full information on external site
Mariano Greco es el nuevo presidente de Arsat - cba24n.com2024-2-18 Arsat es la empresa que sostiene la Red Federal de Fibra Óptica que como proveedor mayorista permite llevar conexión a internet de calidad a pueblos y parajes donde no llegan las redes privadas. Read full information on external site
权衡数据中心层级系统的利与弊 - sina.com2024-2-18 所有数据中心都在做一件相同的、基本的事情——提供托管IT基础设施的空间。那么,你怎么样才能知道一个数据中心是否比另一个数据中心“更好”呢?有一种方法,就是查看数据中心的层级。Read full information on external site
权衡数据中心层级系统的利与弊 - 51cto.com2024-2-18 所有数据中心都在做一件相同的、基本的事情——提供托管IT基础设施的空间。那么,你怎么样才能知道一个数据中心是否比另一个数据中心“更好”呢?有一种方法,就是查看数据中心的层级。Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric urges PH data centers to implement smart and sustainable solutions to minimize energy consumption - lionheartv.net2024-2-17 The company recently gathered data center industry players to discuss today’s data landscape and challenges in an event called Power Up: Fuel Your Path For Success. Read full information on external site
Edged Energy Launches Four Ultra-Efficient AI-Ready Data Centers in USA - techpowerup.com2024-2-17 Edged Energy, a subsidiary of Endeavour devoted to carbon neutral data center infrastructure, announced today the launch of its first four U.S. data centers, all designed for today's high-density AI workloads and equipped with advanced waterless cooling and ultra-efficient energy systems. Read full information on external site
Data centers urged to cut power consumption - msn.com2024-2-17 Energy management and digital automation firm Schneider Electric is urging Philippine data centers to use the “green approach” as part of smart and sustainable solutions to lessen energy consumption. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Care: el aliado estratégico para el mantenimiento del centro de datos en la era digital - itsitio.com2024-2-16 Schneider Electric, the leader in energy management and digital automation, underscores the importance of a green approach to data center design and operations to future-proof operations and lessen carbon emissions. This will make the industry more sustainable and resilient to growing demands. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Leads the Charge for Sustainable Data Centers in the Philippines - bnnbreaking.com2024-2-16 Schneider Electric, the leader in energy management and digital automation, underscores the importance of a green approach to data center design and operations to future-proof operations and lessen carbon emissions. This will make the industry more sustainable and resilient to growing demands. Read full information on external site
Data centers urged to cut power consumption - philstar.com2024-2-16 Energy management and digital automation firm Schneider Electric is urging Philippine data centers to use the “green approach” as part of smart and sustainable solutions to lessen energy consumption. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric urges PH data centers to implement smart and sustainable solutions to minimize energy consumption - orangemagazine.ph2024-2-16 Schneider Electric, the leader in energy management and digital automation, underscores the importance of a green approach to data center design and operations to future-proof operations and lessen carbon emissions. This will make the industry more sustainable and resilient to growing demands. Read full information on external site
Moteurs Baudouin: Powering Data Centers with Sustainable and Customizable Solutions - bnnbreaking.com2024-2-16 Moteurs Baudouin, the French engine powerhouse, offers customizable and sustainable power solutions for data centers. Their PowerKit Diesel and Gas engines provide versatile, eco-friendly, and efficient power options, ensuring the seamless operation of critical digital infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Baudouin's custom power solutions for data centres - communicationsafrica.com2024-2-16 Moteurs Baudouin, a French engine manufacturer, has highlighted the customisable power solutions it offers for data centres of all sizes. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric urges PH data centres to implement sustainable solutions to minimise energy consumption - eco-business.com2024-2-16 Schneider Electric, the leader in energy management and digital automation, underscores the importance of a green approach to data centre design and operations to future-proof operations and lessen carbon emissions. This will make the industry more sustainable and resilient to growing demands. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric urges PH data centers to implement smart and sustainable solutions to minimize energy consumption - punto.com.ph2024-2-16 Schneider Electric recently gathered leaders in the data center industry for a roundtable discussion on how data centers can accelerate energy transition and a golf match at Manila South Woods Golf and Country Club, Cavite. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha cambiado la IA el centro de datos del futuro? - businessempresarial.com2024-2-15 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
NNSA, LLNL Initiate Crucial Lab Communications Upgrade - miragenews.com2024-2-15 Officials with the National Nuclear Security Administration and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory broke ground Feb. 6 on the Digital Infrastructure Capability Expansion (DICE) project, a critical upgrade for LLNL's networking and communications. Read full information on external site
Chile | Data Center de Claro Empresas está a la vanguardia en el consumo responsable de energía - dplnews.com2024-2-15 La demanda de almacenamiento y procesamiento de datos ha impulsado la construcción de enormes centros de datos en todo el mundo. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha cambiado la IA el centro de datos del futuro? - pressperu.com2024-2-15 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
El centro de atención profesional para centros de datos - Periodico Digital Centroamericano y del Caribe2024-2-15 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha cambiado la IA el centro de datos del futuro? - zoomempresarial.pe2024-2-15 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha cambiado la IA el centro de datos del futuro? - gadgerss.com2024-2-14 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
El centro de atención profesional para centros de datos - itwarelatam.com2024-2-14 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
Vertiv ¿Cómo ha cambiado la IA el centro de datos del futuro? - channelnewsperu.com2024-2-14 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha cambiado la IA el centro de datos del futuro? - revistaeconomia.com2024-2-14 En los pasados tres años, las economías se han virtualizado a un ritmo sin precedentes y como resultado, las organizaciones han tenido que mejorar la competitividad para ofrecer experiencias virtuales más ágiles, rápidas, efectivas y seguras. Read full information on external site
Data centers del futuro desarrollan prestaciones para el consumo responsable de energía - elmostrador.cl2024-2-14 Los centros de datos son alimentados 24/7 y necesitan mucha energía, entre 20 MW a 50 MW al año (teóricamente el consumo de 35 mil casas) por lo que deben contar con una estrategia medioambiental coherente. Read full information on external site
Edged Energy Launches in the U.S. with Four Ultra-Efficient, AI Ready Data Centers Delivering 300+ MW and Saving 1.2 Billion Gallons of Water Each Year - theleesvilleleader.com2024-2-13 The platform is designed to meet the increasing demands of generative AI while delivering top-tier performance, waterless cooling and sustainable solutions. Read full information on external site
Edged Energy Launches in the U.S. with Four Ultra-Efficient, AI Ready Data Centers Delivering 300+ MW and Saving 1.2 Billion Gallons of Water Each Year - tryondailybulletin.com2024-2-13 The platform is designed to meet the increasing demands of generative AI while delivering top-tier performance, waterless cooling and sustainable solutions. Read full information on external site
Edged Energy Launches in the U.S. with Four Ultra-Efficient, AI Ready Data Centers Delivering 300+ MW and Saving 1.2 Billion Gallons of Water Each Year - lelezard.com2024-2-13 The platform is designed to meet the increasing demands of generative AI while delivering top-tier performance, waterless cooling and sustainable solutions. Read full information on external site
Edged Energy Launches in the U.S. with Four Ultra-Efficient, AI Ready Data Centers Delivering 300+ MW and Saving 1.2 Billion Gallons of Water Each Year - kenbridgevictoriadispatch.com2024-2-13 The platform is designed to meet the increasing demands of generative AI while delivering top-tier performance, waterless cooling and sustainable solutions. Read full information on external site
Expedient Expands Again, Adds Fifth Ohio Data Center - profitquotes.com2024-2-13 The addition affords Expedient even more capacity as one of the biggest data center and managed cloud service providers in the Midwest. Read full information on external site
El CPD principal de Arsys amplía el alcance de sus Tier III - datacentermarket.es2024-2-13 El proveedor de soluciones cloud ha renovado y ampliado las certificaciones Tier III de su centro de datos de Logroño, tras superar con éxito los procesos de certificación de Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Arsys amplía las certificaciones de su centro de datos de Logroño - silicon.es2024-2-13 Avanza en certificaciones Tier III en unas instalaciones de estructura modular que disponen de cuatro salas técnicas. Read full information on external site
Arsys amplía el alcance de las certificaciones Tier III de su principal centro de datos - arsys.es2024-2-13 El proveedor de soluciones cloud Arsys ha renovado y ampliado las certificaciones Tier III de su principal centro de datos de Logroño, tras superar con éxito los procesos de certificación de Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Bangladesh's first cloud data center starts operations - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-13 Meghna Cloud officially launches. Read full information on external site
Bitera Data Center in Jakarta Announces Operational Readiness - telecomtalk.info2024-2-12 Bitera data center in Indonesia, situated in the Kuningan area, Jakarta's central business district, and key internet exchange points, has announced its operational readiness following successful testing. Read full information on external site
Bitera segera komersialkan layanan data center - indotelko.com2024-2-11 Bitera, data center yang berlokasi di area Kuningan, Jakarta, telah mengumumkan kesiapannya untuk beroperasi. Read full information on external site
Goldman Sachs Gives Up Office Floor in Hong Kong and More Asia Real Estate Headlines - mingtiandi.com2024-2-11 US investment bank Goldman Sachs has relinquished a floor in Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay, with that story leading Mingtiandi’s headline roundup today. Read full information on external site
e& expands SmartHub data centre network to Abu Dhabi - telecomdrive.com2024-2-10 e& Carrier & Wholesale announced the expansion of its Tier III SmartHub data centre to the UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity to support the entire region’s digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
Siemens NextGen Data Centre (NGDC) Conference 2024 - datastorageasean.com2024-2-09 In response to the increasing demands for energy efficiency, space optimization and enhanced speed ffor data centres, Siemens Malaysia organized its inaugural NextGen Data Centre (NGDC) Conference in Kuala Lumpur on 30 January 2024. Read full information on external site
Data Center Bitera Siap Beroperasi di Jakarta, Super Aman dan Canggih! - infokomputer2024-2-09 Bitera, data center terkini yang berbasis di Indonesia, berlokasi di area Kuningan yang merupakan pusat Distrik Bisnis Jakarta dan pertukaran internet utama, telah mengumumkan kesiapannya untuk beroperasi. Read full information on external site
Resiliency vs low PUE: Could regulation spark innovation? - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-09 Germany’s Energy Efficiency Act, with its demands for a PUE of 1.2, has reignited a debate: can a data center be both highly available and highly efficient? Read full information on external site
Bitera: Jakarta's most secure data center is ready to operate - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-09 The facility is set to celebrate its grand launch at the end of February 2024 Read full information on external site
Hadapi Ekonomi Digital, Data Center Biter 20 MW di Jakarta Siap Beroperasi - inet.detik.com2024-2-07 Pusat data atau data center milik Bitera di Kuningan, Jakarta, dinyatakan siap beroperasi. Kehadiran pusat data ini untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi digital Indonesia di masa mendatang. Read full information on external site
Lässt sich Ausfallsicherheit von Datacenter (noch) gewährleisten? - datacenter-insider.de2024-2-07 Die Volatilität der Energieversorgung stellt laut Aggreko ein zunehmendes Risiko für den Bau und Betrieb von Rechenzentren dar. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos: se necesita una nueva ola de inversiones - datacentermarket.es2024-2-07 Un equipo de expertos de Uptime Institute revela las cinco tendencias clave para 2024, que pasan por la sostenibilidad, refrigeración líquida y conectividad. Las inversiones en sostenibilidad serán fundamentales. Read full information on external site
e& Expands SmartHub Data Centre Network To Abu Dhabi - channelpostmea.com2024-2-07 e& Carrier & Wholesale has announced the expansion of its Tier III SmartHub data centre to the UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity to support the entire region’s digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
Bitera Siapkan Data Center dengan Tingkat Keamanan Tinggi di Indonesia - bisnis.com2024-2-07 Bitera telah melayani klien pertamanya di bulan yang sama dan akan mengadakan grand launching pada akhir Februari 2024. Read full information on external site
Bitera, Jakarta's most secure data center is ready to operate - digitalnewsasia.com2024-2-07 Environmental sustainability is a key focus, with Bitera committed to implementing energy-efficient measures to reduce its carbon footprint, supporting Indonesia's agenda to achieve Net Zero Emissions by 2060. Read full information on external site
CAPS strikes key partnership with Mitsubishi - foodmag.com2024-2-07 In a strategic move that reinforces their commitment to excellence, CAPS Australia proudly announced its recent collaboration with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia (MHIES-A) as the official Australian distributor for the esteemed Mitsubishi MGS Generator Series. Read full information on external site
Grameenphone launches 'Super Core' data center in Bangladesh - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-07 12 months after construction commenced. Read full information on external site
Bitera data center in Jakarta, Indonesia, launches operations - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-07 20MW facility spans nine stories. Read full information on external site
El Buen Diseño de los servicios legales - economistjurist.es2024-2-07 En la intersección entre la eficiencia operativa y la excelencia legal, el Legal Project Management emerge como un catalizador fundamental para transformar el diseño de servicios legales en despachos de abogados y asesorías jurídicas. Existe una sólida relación entre el Legal Project Management, el diseño en los servicios legales y el ROX o retorno en la experiencia; de hecho, un enfoque interdisciplinario puede generar una convergencia estratégica para transformar la práctica legal. Read full information on external site
e& Carrier & Wholesale moves Tier III SmartHub data centre to Abu Dhabi - ec-mea.com2024-2-06 e& Carrier & Wholesale announced the expansion of its Tier III SmartHub data centre to the UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity to support the entire region’s digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute's 2023 Report: A Deep Dive into IT Service Outage Trends and Impacts - bnnbreaking.com2024-2-06 The Uptime Institute's 2023 Annual Outage Analysis report analyzes IT service outages, their causes, and impacts over the past year, highlighting the importance of status pages for transparent communication during disruptions and the need for ongoing investment in infrastructure resilience, training, and operational processes. Read full information on external site
Uptime outages in 2023: A brief overview - helsinkitimes.fi2024-2-06 On the internet, where uninterrupted website and server functionality is paramount, the Uptime Institute's Annual Outage Analysis report for 2023 offers crucial insights into IT service resiliency, emphasizing the importance of maintaining an effective status page. Read full information on external site
Addressing the Talent Shortage in The Data Center Industry Through Apprenticeships - bnnbreaking.com2024-2-06 The data center industry is facing a talent shortage, with a need for nearly 2.3 million full-time equivalents by 2025. Apprenticeships and government investment in skills education are potential solutions to bridge this gap. Read full information on external site
e& Carrier and Wholesale Expands SmartHub Data Centre to Abu Dhabi - bnnbreaking.com2024-2-06 In a major stride towards boosting regional connectivity and fostering digital growth, e& Carrier and Wholesale has unveiled plans to expand its Tier 3 SmartHub data centre to Abu Dhabi. Read full information on external site
E& Expands Data Centre Network to Abu Dhabi - telecomtalk.info2024-2-06 e& Carrier and Wholesale has announced the expansion of its Tier 3 SmartHub data centre to Abu Dhabi. Read full information on external site
Punya Keamanan Tingkat Tinggi, Bitera Data Center Siap Beroperasi - cnbcindonesia.com2024-2-06 Bitera mengumumkan data center-nya di area Kuningan Jakarta siap beroperasi. Read full information on external site
Net zero, ne vous engagez pas à la légère ! - soluxions-magazine.com2024-2-06 Le Net zero n'est toujours pas en vue, alors même que l'Uptime Institute a mis en garde a plusieurs reprises des 2018 contre la probabilite d'un renforcement de la législation et d'une pression publique accrue. Read full information on external site
e& expands SmartHub data centre network to Abu Dhabi - tahawultech.com2024-2-06 e& Carrier & Wholesale announced the expansion of its Tier III SmartHub data centre to the UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity to support the entire region’s digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
e& Carrier & Wholesale Expands Tier III SmartHub Data Centre to Abu Dhabi - techafricanews.com2024-2-06 e&’s strategic expansion enhances regional connectivity, accelerates digital adoption, and supports global trade with state-of-the-art infrastructure. Read full information on external site
e& expands SmartHub data centre network to Abu Dhabi, enhancing digital infrastructure and connectivity - samenacouncil.org2024-2-06 e& Carrier & Wholesale announced the expansion of its Tier III SmartHub data centre to the UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity to support the entire region’s digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
SmartHub Broadens Abu Dhabi Data Network - techxmedia.com2024-2-06 e& Carrier & Wholesale has unveiled the expansion of its Tier III SmartHub data center in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE. Read full information on external site
Are we investing enough in early talent? - datacenterdynamics.com2024-2-06 A former engineering apprentice explores why new government investments in skills and apprenticeships are vital to curb the talent shortage. Read full information on external site
e& expands SmartHub data centre network to Abu Dhabi, enhancing digital infrastructure and connectivity - businessnewse.com2024-2-05 SmartHub to become a new international gateway and transit zone for carriers and hyperscalers. Read full information on external site
E& expands SmartHub data centre network to Abu Dhabi, enhancing digital infrastructure and connectivity - writecaliber.com2024-2-05 Abu Dhabi, UAE: e& Carrier & Wholesale announced the expansion of its Tier III SmartHub data centre to the UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity to support the entire region’s digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
Bitera, Data Center dengan Tingkat Keamanan Tertinggi Nyatakan Siap Beroperasi - gatra.com2024-2-05 Bitera menyatakan bahwa data center dengan tingkat keamanan tertinggi siap beroperasi setelah merampungkan commissioning test tingkat 5 oleh Commissioning Agents Inc. (CAI). Read full information on external site
PRESSR: E& expands SmartHub data centre network to Abu Dhabi, enhancing digital infrastructure and connectivity - tradingview.com2024-2-05 e& Carrier & Wholesale announced the expansion of its Tier III SmartHub data centre to the UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity to support the entire region’s digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
E& expands SmartHub data centre network to Abu Dhabi, enhancing digital infrastructure and connectivity - zawya.com2024-2-05 SmartHub to become a new international gateway and transit zone for carriers and hyperscalers. Read full information on external site
Bitera Data Center Siap Beroperasi di Jakarta - swa.co.id2024-2-05 Bitera, data center yang berbasis di Indonesia, berlokasi di area Kuningan, yang merupakan pusat distrik bisnis Jakarta dan pertukaran internet utama, telah mengumumkan kesiapannya untuk beroperasi. Read full information on external site
Jakarta's Most Secure Data Center Bitera Ready to Operate - telecomreviewasia.com2024-2-05 Bitera, a state-of-the-art data center in Indonesia situated in the Kuningan area, Jakarta's central business district and key internet exchange points, has announced its operational readiness. Read full information on external site
Bitera data centre in Jakarta declares operational readiness - ecommercenews.asia2024-2-05 Bitera, a top-tier data centre located in the Kuningan area of Jakarta's main business district, has declared its operationally ready. The establishment announced that it had successfully completed Level 5 commissioning tests or Integrated Systems Testing in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Bitera data centre in Jakarta declares operational readiness - itbrief.asia2024-2-05 Bitera, a top-tier data centre located in the Kuningan area of Jakarta's main business district, has declared its operationally ready. The establishment announced that it had successfully completed Level 5 commissioning tests or Integrated Systems Testing in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Bitera data centre in Jakarta declares operational readiness - datacenternews.asia2024-2-05 Bitera, a top-tier data centre located in the Kuningan area of Jakarta's main business district, has declared its operationally ready. The establishment announced that it had successfully completed Level 5 commissioning tests or Integrated Systems Testing in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Bitera data centre in Jakarta declares operational readiness - cfotech.asia2024-2-05 Bitera, a top-tier data centre located in the Kuningan area of Jakarta's main business district, has declared its operationally ready. The establishment announced that it had successfully completed Level 5 commissioning tests or Integrated Systems Testing in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Trends and Challenges Shaping the Data Center Landscape in 2024 - thefastmode.com2024-2-05 In the heart of a well-managed data center, a combination of efficiency and technology unfolds. Rooms are meticulously organized, with rows of server racks standing tall, housing the digital backbone of countless operations. The establishment announced that it had successfully completed Level 5 commissioning tests or Integrated Systems Testing in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Beroperasi di Jakarta, Data Center Bitera Hadirkan Tingkat Keamanan Tertinggi - mediaindonesia.com2024-2-03 DATA center yang berbasis di Indonesia tepatnya di pusat Distrik Bisnis Jakarta dan pertukaran internet, Kuningan, Bitera telah mengumumkan kesiapannya untuk beroperasi. Read full information on external site
Data Center Ramah Lingkungan Berkapasitas 4.000 Rak Siap Beroperasi pada Februari 2024 di Jakarta - liputan6.com2024-2-03 Fasilitas data center Bitera yang berbasis di Indonesia, mengumumkan kesiapannya untuk beroperasi di bilangan Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan. Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 ‘AI 센터’, 디지털 리얼티 채택 - bikorea.net2024-2-02 디지털 리얼티 코리아(대표 한성민)는 지난 1일 발표를 통해, 카카오뱅크의 ‘AI 센터’ 개소식을 1월 30일 오전 서울 상암동 ICN10 데이터 센터에서 개최했다고 전했다. Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 ‘AI 센터’, AI와 고집적 워크로드에 최적화된 디지털 리얼티 데이터 센터 선택 - segye.com2024-2-02 클라우드 및 망중립 데이터 센터와 코로케이션 및 상호 연결 솔루션을 제공하는 글로벌 최대 공급업체 디지털 리얼티(Digital Realty)는 카카오뱅크 ‘AI 센터’ 개소식이 지난달 30일 서울 상암동 ICN10 데이터 센터에서 열렸다고 1일 밝혔다. Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 ‘AI 센터’, AI와 고집적 워크로드에 최적화된 디지털 리얼티 데이터 센터 선택 - zum.com2024-2-02 클라우드 및 망중립 데이터 센터와 코로케이션 및 상호 연결 솔루션을 제공하는 글로벌 최대 공급업체 디지털 리얼티(Digital Realty)는 카카오뱅크 ‘AI 센터’ 개소식이 지난달 30일 서울 상암동 ICN10 데이터 센터에서 열렸다고 1일 밝혔다. Read full information on external site
True IDC Invests Over 10 Billion Baht In The Data Center Business, Responding To Big Tech And The Emergence Of AI - insiderthailand.com2024-2-02 Bangkok, January 31, 2024, True Internet Data Center Company Limited, also known as True IDC, a leading provider of data center and cloud services in Thailand, is embarking on a substantial investment of over 10 billion baht to significantly expand its data center and cloud business capabilities. Read full information on external site
CAPS strikes key partnership with Mitsubishi - manmonthly.com2024-2-01 In a strategic move that reinforces their commitment to excellence, CAPS Australia proudly announced its recent collaboration with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia (MHIES-A) as the official Australian distributor for the esteemed Mitsubishi MGS Generator Series. Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 'AI 전용 데이터센터', 상암동 디지털 리얼티 데이터센터 입주 - nate.com2024-2-01 [디지털데일리 이상일기자] 클라우드 및 망중립 데이터 센터와 코로케이션 및 상호 연결 솔루션을 제공하는 디지털 리얼티(Digital Realty)는 카카오뱅크의 ‘AI 센터’ 개소식을 1월 30일 오전 서울 상암동 ICN10 데이터 센터에서 개최했다. Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 'AI 전용 데이터센터', 상암동 디지털 리얼티 데이터센터 입주 - zum.com2024-2-01 [디지털데일리 이상일기자] 클라우드 및 망중립 데이터 센터와 코로케이션 및 상호 연결 솔루션을 제공하는 디지털 리얼티(Digital Realty)는 카카오뱅크의 ‘AI 센터’ 개소식을 1월 30일 오전 서울 상암동 ICN10 데이터 센터에서 개최했다. Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 AI 센터, 디지털 리얼티에 개소 - koit.co.kr2024-2-01 카오뱅크는 인공지능(AI)을 기반으로 한 금융 혁신을 강화하기 위해 'AI 전용 데이터센터'를 열었다 출처 : 정보통신신문Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 ‘AI센터’, 디지털리얼티 ‘ICN10’ 데이터센터에 둥지 틀어 - datanet.co.kr2024-2-01 AI 기반 금융 혁신 위해 고집적 워크로드에 최적화된 인프라와 연결성 제공하는 디지털리얼티 선택 무중단 운영과 강력한 보안으로 금융사 '미션 크리티컬' 환경 충족 기존 데이터센터와 지연 최소화하는 지리적 장점과 망중립 연결성. Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 ‘AI 센터’, AI와 고집적 워크로드에 최적화된 디지털 리얼티 데이터 센터 선택 - dnewstap.co.kr2024-2-01 클라우드 및 망중립 데이터 센터와 코로케이션 및 상호 연결 솔루션을 제공하는 글로벌 최대 공급업체인 디지털 리얼티(Digital Realty)는 카카오뱅크의 ‘AI 센터’ 개소식을 1월 30일 오전 서울 상암동 ICN10 데이터 센터에서 개최했다. Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 AI 센터, AI와 고집적 워크로드에 최적화한 디지털 리얼티 데이터 센터 선택 - sagunin.com2024-2-01 카카오뱅크, AI 기반 금융 혁신 지원 위해 고집적 워크로드에 최적화한 인프라와 연결성을 제공하는 디지털 리얼티 선택 디지털 리얼티의 ‘ICN10’ 데이터 센터, AI와 고집적 워크로드에 최적화한 인프라와 연결성 제공, 무중단 운영과 강력한 보안으로 금융사가 요구하는 ‘미션 크리티컬’ 환경 충족 기존 데이터 센터와 레이턴시 최소화할 수 있는 지리적 장점 및 연결을 위한 망중립 연결성 제공 Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 ‘AI 센터’, 고집적 워크로드에 최적화된 디지털 리얼티 선택 - fajournal.com2024-2-01 [인더스트리뉴스 최종윤 기자] 클라우드 및 망중립 데이터 센터와 코로케이션 및 상호 연결 솔루션을 제공하는 글로벌 최대 공급업체인 디지털 리얼티(Digital Realty)가 카카오뱅크의 ‘AI 센터’ 개소식을 지난 30일 오전 서울 상암동 ICN10 데이터 센터에서 개최했다. Read full information on external site
카카오뱅크 AI 센터, AI와 고집적 워크로드에 최적화한 디지털 리얼티 데이터 센터 선택 - meiltoday.com2024-2-01 카카오뱅크, AI 기반 금융 혁신 지원 위해 고집적 워크로드에 최적화한 인프라와 연결성을 제공하는 디지털 리얼티 선택 디지털 리얼티의 ‘ICN10’ 데이터 센터, AI와 고집적 워크로드에 최적화한 인프라와 연결성 제공, 무중단 운영과 강력한 보안으로 금융사가 요구하는 ‘미션 크리티컬’ 환경 충족 기존 데이터 센터와 레이턴시 최소화할 수 있는 지리적 장점 및 연결을 위한 망중립 연결성 제공 Read full information on external site
January 2024
'비즈니스 확장과 안정성 간 균형 필요' 2024년 데이터센터 전망 5가지 - ciokorea.com2024-1-31 업타임 인스티튜트는 지속가능성 규제 강화, AI가 공급망에 미칠 영향, 다이렉트 투 칩 액체 냉각 도입 등과 같은 트렌드가 데이터센터 운영에 혁신을 촉진할 뿐 아니라 인프라의 복잡성을 증가시킨다고 지적하며, 앞으로 데이터센터가 안정성, 효율성, 새로운 기술, 비즈니스 확장 목표 사이에서 균형을 잡아야 한다고 강조했다. Read full information on external site
Content Delivery Network (CDN) Market Targets Astounding US$ 155,461.3 Million Value with 20.8% CAGR Growth by 2033 - fmiblog.com2024-1-31 The global content delivery networks (CDN) market is projected to achieve a valuation of US$ 155,461.3 Million by 2033, demonstrating a CAGR of 20.8%. This signifies a substantial surge compared to the anticipated worth of US$ 23,429 million in 2023. Read full information on external site
DCM celebra sus XI Awards 2024 y visibiliza la importancia de los centros de datos - taipricebook.es2024-1-31 Data Center Market, medio de comunicación referente del sector de los data center en España, ha celebrado en Madrid la undécima edición de los DCM Awards 2024. Read full information on external site
Data center, la Nato sceglie Sirti Digital Solutions per potenziare l’infrastruttura - corrierecomunicazioni.it2024-1-31 L’intervento della società contribuirà ad espandere l’hub del Joint Force Command di Napoli. Il managing director Luca Rubaga: “Siamo sempre più punto di riferimento nel percorso di trasformazione digitale del Paese”. Read full information on external site
Centres de données : l’IA et l’augmentation des capacités sont les moteurs principaux des investissements en 2024 - itsocial.frt2024-1-31 Les tendances actuelles suggèrent un renforcement de l’investissement dans les centres de données, motivé principalement par deux facteurs : l’augmentation continue des besoins en capacités de traitement des données et l’intégration croissante des technologies d’intelligence artificielle. Read full information on external site
DCM celebra sus Awards 2024 con récord de asistencia - canalpress.net2024-1-30 Data Center Market, medio de comunicación referente del sector de los data center en España, ha celebrado en Madrid la undécima edición de los DCM Awards 2024. Read full information on external site
What are the most effective strategies for ensuring uninterrupted mission-critical operations in a data centre, particularly in the face of unexpected disruptions? - cintelligentdatacentres.com2024-1-30 Unprecedented demand on data centres to reduce downtime has prompted contexts that require unique solutions. Although the digital infrastructure sector has advanced over the last few years, global events like climate crises, invasions and COVID-19 have accumulated uncertainty among supply chains with increased costs, as well as pressures to perform sustainably. Read full information on external site
El consumo global de electricidad de los centros de datos - ebizlatam.com2024-1-30 El desafío radica en mejorar la huella de carbono, los informes de sostenibilidad y adoptar medidas para reducir el consumo y los costos energéticos. Read full information on external site
O Papel Crucial das Certificações Profissionais na Indústria de Data Centers - jornow.com2024-1-30 A indústria de data centers passou por um crescimento expressivo devido à alta demanda por aplicações respaldadas em dados. Read full information on external site
Yotta's Cloud Data Center launched in Gujarat's GIFT City - firstindia.co.in2024-1-29 Gandhinagar (Gujarat): Modern data center facility "Yotta G1" in GIFT city, Gandhinagar, is ready for service (RFS), according to Yotta Data Services, an end-to-end supplier of digital transformation services. Read full information on external site
Gtd apuesta por innovación en Perú con Data Center de US 50 MM en Lurín - itusers.today2024-1-29 Nuevo Data Center de Gtd en Lima iniciará operaciones en agosto. Con una inversión de alrededor de US 10 MM para su primera fase, el nuevo data center de Gtd de Lurín proyecta ser uno de los más grandes y modernos del Perú. Read full information on external site
5 data center predictions: Surging demand and tighter rules squeeze operations - networkworld.com2024-1-29 Rising workloads, tougher sustainability regulations, and cost pressures will increasingly squeeze data center operators in 2024 and force tradeoffs between business expansion and infrastructure reliability. Read full information on external site
人工智能的需求如何影响数据中心?- citnews.com2024-1-29 人工智能应用的增长彻底改变了数据中心行业,但也面临着挑战。最令人担忧的问题之一是,人工智能所需的功耗增加和高功率密度环境,这极大地影响了数据设施的物理基础设施需求。Read full information on external site
Nuevo Data Center de Gtd en Lima iniciará operaciones en agosto - businessempresarial.com2024-1-29 Con una inversión de alrededor de US$ 10 millones para su primera fase, el nuevo data center de Gtd de Lurín proyecta ser uno de los más grandes y modernos del Perú. Read full information on external site
ZF Tech Day. Cristian Turcin, Orange Business: Cantitatea de date generate de businessuri creşte exponenţial, de aici şi cererea mai mare pentru centre de date la standarde înalte - zf.ro2024-1-29 Vasile Voicu, Orange Business: Centrul de date din Cluj-Napoca, primul din grupul Orange care obţine o certificare Tier III Design, este amplasat pe un teren înalt, ferit de inundaţii, şi, de asemenea, pe falia cea mai puţin expusă la cutremure. Read full information on external site
投资8亿美元!Meta计划在美国印第安纳州新建数据中心园区,专注AI技术研发应用【附数据中心市场现状分析】 - t.qianzhan.com2024-1-26 月25日,美国印第安纳州经济发展公司宣布,Meta公司计划在印第安纳州建立一个价值8亿美元以人工智能为核心的数据中心园区。Meta将在该州杰斐逊维尔建立一个近70万平方英尺的设施,将于本月开始建设,预计数据中心将于2026年投入运营. Read full information on external site
光环新网北京房山云计算中心获得M&O认证 - stcn.com2024-1-26 证券时报e公司讯,近日,光环新网北京房山云计算中心经过Uptime Institute为期半年的严格评审,凭借自身完善的运维管理体系一次性获得M&O认证。Read full information on external site
光环新网北京房山云计算中心获得M&O认证 - eastmoney.com2024-1-26 证券时报e公司讯,近日,光环新网北京房山云计算中心经过Uptime Institute为期半年的严格评审,凭借自身完善的运维管理体系一次性获得M&O认证。Read full information on external site
光环新网北京房山云计算中心获得M&O认证 - stockstar.com2024-1-26 证券时报e公司讯,近日,光环新网北京房山云计算中心经过Uptime Institute为期半年的严格评审,凭借自身完善的运维管理体系一次性获得M&O认证。Read full information on external site
DCM celebra sus Awards 2024 con récord de asistencia - datacentermarket.es2024-1-26 El medio de comunicación de referencia para el sector de los centros de datos en España celebra la consolidación de sus tradicionales Premios, con récord de asistencia, en una cita donde se galardonan proyectos innovadores que tuvieron lugar el año pasado. Read full information on external site
How the demands of AI are impacting data centers and what operators can do - techhq.com2024-1-26 The growth of AI applications has revolutionized the data center industry, but it hasn’t come without challenges. One of the foremost concerns is the increased power consumption and high-power density environments that AI demands, significantly impacting the physical infrastructure requirements of data facilities. Read full information on external site
DCM Awards 2024 - redestelecom.es2024-1-26 El medio de comunicación de referencia para el sector de los centros de datos en España celebra sus tradicionales Premios, con récord de asistencia, en una cita donde se galardonan proyectos innovadores que tuvieron lugar en 2023. Read full information on external site
DCM celebra sus Awards 2024 premiando los proyectos de centros de datos más relevantes - computing.es2024-1-26 El medio de comunicación de referencia para el sector de los centros de datos en España celebra la consolidación de sus tradicionales Premios, con récord de asistencia, en una cita donde se galardonan proyectos innovadores que tuvieron lugar el año pasado. Read full information on external site
Data center, è necessaria una nuova ondata di investimenti - corrierecomunicazioni.it2024-1-25 La forte domanda di tecnologie e sistemi IT dovrà fare il paio con il rispetto di stringenti requisiti di sostenibilità. Read full information on external site
Modular Data Centers: When They Work, and When They Don't - datacenterknowledge.com2024-1-25 While modular data centers present exciting possibilities for the industry, they aren't a one-size-fits-all solution. Explore the scenarios where they truly shine. Read full information on external site
As online threats continue to grow, cybersecurity experts say 'shoestring' efforts no longer cut it - psnews.com2024-1-25 As cyberattacks become more prevalent, what does top protection really mean for Canberrans? Read full information on external site
¿Cómo solucionar el problema de escasez de talento en el centro de datos del futuro? - elvenezolano.com2024-1-24 TEXTO: Francisco Sales/ Director de servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute predicts 2024 will see datacentre operators start row back on net-zero commitments - computerweekly.com2024-1-24 Datacentre resiliency think tank Uptime Insitute predicts 2024 will mark the start of a testing time for operators when it comes to delivering on their net-zero commitments. Read full information on external site
Weighing the Pros and Cons of Data Center Tiers - datacenterknowledge.com2024-1-24 Data center tiers can be used to distinguish different types of facilities, but it is important to understand the ranking system’s limitations. Read full information on external site
As online threats continue to grow, cybersecurity experts say 'shoestring' efforts no longer cut it - the-riotact.com2024-1-24 As cyberattacks become more prevalent, what does top protection really mean for Canberrans? Photo: Claire Bentley. Read full information on external site
Huawei publica las 10 principales tendencias de instalaciones de centros de datos para 2024 - elbolillo.net2024-1-23 Huawei organizó recientemente una conferencia dedicada a las «10 Principales Tendencias de las Instalaciones de Centros de Datos en 2024», acompañada del lanzamiento de su correspondiente Libro Blanco. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo solucionar el problema de escasez de talento en el centro de datos del futuro? - elbolillo.net2024-1-23 Huawei organizó recientemente una conferencia dedicada a las «10 Principales Tendencias de las Instalaciones de Centros de Datos en 2024», acompañada delPor: Francisco Sales se desempeña como director de servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Anunț important pentru abonații Orange. Compania renunță la acest serviciu începând cu luna iunie - fanatik.ro2024-1-23 Veste majoră pentru clienții Orange. Firma a transmis că din luna iunie unul dintre serviciile sale nu va mai fi disponibil. Read full information on external site
37 Cloud Computing Statistics, Facts & Trends for 2024 - cloudwards.net2024-1-23 Cloud computing and services continue to impact how we engage personally and professionally in our increasingly digital world. We compiled 36 of the most amazing and interesting cloud computing statistics illustrating how much the cloud is a part of our lives. Read full information on external site
2024年数据中心发展趋势:更热、更密、更智能 - voipchina.cn2024-1-23 如今的数据中心行业与十年之前颇有不同,这主要是受过去几年间诸多现实因素的影响:AI技术的大规模扩散、摩尔定律有所放缓,以及令人头痛的可持续性问题等。Read full information on external site
2024年数据中心发展趋势:更热、更密、更智能 - e-works.net2024-1-23 如今的数据中心行业与十年之前颇有不同,这主要是受过去几年间诸多现实因素的影响:AI技术的大规模扩散、摩尔定律有所放缓,以及令人头痛的可持续性问题等. Read full information on external site
Principales tendencias de instalaciones de centros de - panamaamerica.com2024-1-23 En los últimos años, se ha producido un notable aumento de los accidentes de seguridad en los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo solucionar el problema de escasez de talento en los centros de datos del futuro? - panama24horas.com2024-1-23 ¿Cómo solucionar el problema de escasez de talento en los centros de datos del futuro? Read full information on external site
A problem shared: How split system cooling can help today’s high-density data centers - datacenterdynamics.com2024-1-22 Munters SyCool provides data centers with an alternative to chilled water cooling systems. Read full information on external site
화웨이, 2024년 데이터센터 시설 10대 트렌드 발표 - sagunin.com2024-1-22 선전, 중국--(뉴스와이어)--화웨이가 올해 주목해야 할 10대 데이터 센터 트렌드에 대한 콘퍼런스를 개최하고 이와 관련된 백서를 발표했다. Read full information on external site
Huawei Releases Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility for 2024 - sagunin.com2024-1-22 Shenzhen, China--(뉴스와이어)--Huawei held a conference on the Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility in 2024 and released the corresponding White Paper. Read full information on external site
화웨이, 2024년 데이터센터 시설 10대 트렌드 발표 - meiltoday.com2024-1-22 선전, 중국--(뉴스와이어)--화웨이가 올해 주목해야 할 10대 데이터 센터 트렌드에 대한 콘퍼런스를 개최하고 이와 관련된 백서를 발표했다. Read full information on external site
Huawei Releases Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility for 2024 - meiltoday.com2024-1-22 Shenzhen, China--(뉴스와이어)--Huawei held a conference on the Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility in 2024 and released the corresponding White Paper. Read full information on external site
화웨이가 선정한 2024년 데이터센터 10대 트렌드는? - hellot.net2024-1-22 화웨이가 올해 주목해야 할 10대 데이터 센터 트렌드에 대한 컨퍼런스를 개최하고 이와 관련된 백서를 발표했다. Read full information on external site
화웨이가 선정한 2024년 데이터센터 10대 트렌드는? - greenpostkorea.co.kr2024-1-22 화웨이가 올해 주목해야 할 10대 데이터 센터 트렌드에 대한 컨퍼런스를 개최하고 이와 관련된 백서를 발표했다. Read full information on external site
화웨이, 2024년 데이터센터 시설 10대 트렌드 발표 - digitaltoday2024-1-22 [디지털투데이 최지연 기자] 화웨이는 올해 주목해야 할 10대 데이터센터 트렌드에 대한 컨퍼런스를 개최하고 이와 관련된 백서를 22일 발표했다. Read full information on external site
Emerging Trends in Data Center Evolution - ts2.pl2024-1-22 In an era when stable data processing is critical for businesses and societies alike, Huawei’s Data Center Facility Domain President, Yao Quan, has highlighted the evolution of data centers towards more reliable, efficient, and sustainable systems. Read full information on external site
화웨이가 선정한 2024년 데이터센터 10대 트렌드는? - chosun.com2024-1-22 화웨이가 올해 주목해야 할 10대 데이터 센터 트렌드에 대한 컨퍼런스를 개최하고 이와 관련된 백서를 발표했다. Read full information on external site
Top 10 trends for data centre facility in 2024 revealed - channellife.co.nz2024-1-22 Huawei conducted an online launch event on the 15th of January, releasing its Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility for 2024. Read full information on external site
Urmariti, astazi la ora 13,00 la ZF Tech Day: Premiera in grupul Orange si pe piata de telecom din Romania - un centru de date din Cluj Napoca al Orange obtine certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute - astazi.ro2024-1-22 Urmariti, astazi la ora 13,00 la ZF Tech Day: Premiera in grupul Orange si pe piata de telecom din Romania - un centru de date din Cluj Napoca al Orange obtine certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Top 10 trends for data centre facility in 2024 revealed - channellife.com.au2024-1-22 Huawei conducted an online launch event on the 15th of January, releasing its Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility for 2024. These trends reveal a future where safety and reliability are key priorities for data centres, rather than cost and efficiency. Read full information on external site
Top 10 trends for data centre facility in 2024 revealed - channellife.co.uk2024-1-22 Huawei conducted an online launch event on the 15th of January, releasing its Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility for 2024. These trends reveal a future where safety and reliability are key priorities for data centres, rather than cost and efficiency. Read full information on external site
Top 10 trends for data centre facility in 2024 revealed - datacenternews.asia2024-1-22 Huawei conducted an online launch event on the 15th of January, releasing its Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility for 2024. These trends reveal a future where safety and reliability are key priorities for data centres, rather than cost and efficiency. Read full information on external site
Urmariti, astazi la ora 13,00 la ZF Tech Day: Premiera in grupul Orange si pe piata de telecom din Romania - un centru de date din Cluj Napoca al Orange obtine certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute - zf.ro2024-1-22 Urmariti, astazi la ora 13,00 la ZF Tech Day: Premiera in grupul Orange si pe piata de telecom din Romania - un centru de date din Cluj Napoca al Orange obtine certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Top 10 trends for data centre facility in 2024 revealed - datacentrenews.uk2024-1-22 Huawei conducted an online launch event on the 15th of January, releasing its Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility for 2024. These trends reveal a future where safety and reliability are key priorities for data centres, rather than cost and efficiency. Read full information on external site
Top 10 trends for data centre facility in 2024 revealed - itbrief.co.nz2024-1-22 Huawei conducted an online launch event on the 15th of January, releasing its Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility for 2024. These trends reveal a future where safety and reliability are key priorities for data centres, rather than cost and efficiency. Read full information on external site
Top 10 trends for data centre facility in 2024 revealed - itbrief.asia2024-1-22 Huawei conducted an online launch event on the 15th of January, releasing its Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility for 2024. These trends reveal a future where safety and reliability are key priorities for data centres, rather than cost and efficiency. Read full information on external site
Expect Datacenters To Get Denser, Hotter, And Smarter - nextplatform.com2024-1-22 The datacenter industry today looks very different than it did a decade ago. Read full information on external site
Advierten que para 2030 los centros de datos demandarán el 20% de la energía global - ambito.com2024-1-21 El desafío radica en mejorar la huella de carbono, los informes de sostenibilidad y adoptar medidas para reducir el consumo y los costos energéticos. Read full information on external site
O papel crucial das certificações profissionais na Indústria de Data Centers - jornalempresasenegocios.com2024-1-21 A indústria de data centers passou por um crescimento expressivo devido à alta demanda por aplicações respaldadas em dados. Read full information on external site
Now OpenAI CEO Sam Altman wants billions for AI chip fabs - theregister.com2024-1-20 All those neural network weights aren't much without ample decent silicon. Read full information on external site
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Spearheads Ambitious Bid for Billions to Revolutionize AI Chip Production - cryptopolitan.com2024-1-20 To address the burgeoning demand for AI chips, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is actively pursuing a multi-billion-dollar investment to establish a global network of AI chip fabs. Read full information on external site
بررسی استانداردهای جهانی در پشتیبانی شبکه و اجرای اتاق سرور - hamshahrionline.ir2024-1-20 در این مقاله استانداردهای جهانی مرتبط با طراحی اتاق سرور بررسی میشوند و نکات کلیدی در این زمینه نیز مورد بررسی قرار میگیرد. Read full information on external site
Now OpenAI CEO Sam Altman wants billions for AI chip fabs - klse.i3investor.com2024-1-20 All those neural network weights aren't much without ample decent silicon. Read full information on external site
OpenAI CEO’su milyarlarca dolarlık yatırım için kaynak arıyor! - techinside.com2024-1-20 OpenAI CEO'su Sam Altman'ın yapay zeka çip fabrikalarından oluşan bir ağ oluşturmak için milyarlarca dolar sermaye aradığı bildirildi. Read full information on external site
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Seeks Billions to Establish Global AI Chip Factories - bnnbreaking.com2024-1-19 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is seeking to raise billions for a global network of AI chip factories. The project aims to address the growing demand for AI processors and potential future shortages. Read full information on external site
Huawei Releases Top 10 Trends of Data Centre Facility for 2024 - storageasean.com2024-1-19 Today, Huawei held a conference on the Top 10 Trends of Data Center Facility in 2024 and released the corresponding White Paper. Read full information on external site
(P) Orange Business obține certificarea Uptime Tier III Design pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest - protv.ro2024-1-19 Orange Business a obținut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, cea mai importantă autoritate mondială în domeniul auditării și certificării de data centere. Read full information on external site
(P) Orange Business obține certificarea Uptime Tier III Design pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest - virginradio.ro2024-1-19 Orange Business a obținut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, cea mai importantă autoritate mondială în domeniul auditării și certificării de data centere. Read full information on external site
DLC will not come to the rescue of data center sustainability - datacenterdynamics.com2024-1-19 The cost and efficiency benefits of cold plate and immersion cooling won't bring the breakthrough in energy performance the industry needs. Read full information on external site
Intesa Sanpaolo and SACE for WIIT: 10 million euro with Green Guarantee to support investments in sustainability projects - intesasanpaolo.com2024-1-18 Sustainable growth is increasingly at the heart of the development projects of WIIT S.p.A. ("WIIT" or the "Company"; ISIN IT0005440893; WIIT.MI), one of the leading European players in the enterprise cloud computing services market, focused on the provision of continuous Hybrid and Private Cloud services for critical applications. Read full information on external site
O Papel Crucial das Certificações Profissionais na Indústria de Data Centers - partnersales.com2024-1-17 Francisco Sales, diretor de Serviços da Vertiv América Latina. Read full information on external site
CAPS announces partnership with Mitsubishi - utilitymagazine.com2024-1-17 In a strategic move that reinforces the company’s commitment to excellence, CAPS Australia is proud to announce its collaboration with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia (MHIES-A) as the official Australian distributor for the esteemed Mitsubishi MGS Generator Series. Read full information on external site
Huawei releases top 10 trends for data center facilities in 2024 - datacenterdynamics.com2024-1-17 Chinese technology giant predicts the big industry trends for the year ahead. Read full information on external site
Digital Dilemma: Risk or Resilience? - insuranceasia.com2024-1-16 Making data centres and telecommunications infrastructure more resilient to a wetter, hotter climate has never been more important. Read full information on external site
CAPS strikes key partnership with Mitsubishi - australianmining.com2024-1-16 In a strategic move that reinforces its commitment to excellence, CAPS Australia announced its recent collaboration with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia (MHIES-A) as the official Australian distributor for the Mitsubishi MGS Generator Series. Read full information on external site
Lora Brill Joins Ramboll UK to Bolster Sustainability Initiatives - bnnbreaking.com2024-1-16 Lora Brill has been appointed to a new role at Ramboll UK, bringing her extensive background in ESG to help the company and its clients achieve comprehensive sustainability outcomes. Read full information on external site
Ramboll recruits sustainability managers - theconstructionindex.co.uk2024-1-16 Danish consulting engineer Ramboll has appointed Lora Brill as head of sustainability for its UK buildings business. Read full information on external site
Orange: certificare uptime TIER III pentru data centerul din Cluj - computerblog.ro2024-1-16 Orange Business a primit certificarea Uptime Tier III Design pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca. Read full information on external site
Orange Business obține certificarea Uptime Tier III Design pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest - piatafinanciara.ro2024-1-16 Orange Business a obținut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, cea mai importantă autoritate mondială în domeniul auditării și certificării de data centere. Read full information on external site
Immerso AI and Yotta announce strategic partnership for Generative Media - cxotoday.com2024-1-16 Immerso AI, part of the Eros Investments Group, a leading Generative AI company with intellectual property and licensed data, today announced their strategic partnership with Yotta at Vibrant Gujarat 2024. Read full information on external site
章丘税务:税惠服务赋能数字产业蓬勃发展 - jinan.dzwww.com2024-1-16 数字化、智能化是企业高质量发展的大势所趋,创新也成为企业茁壮成长的关键之钥。国家税务总局济南市章丘区税务局把支持数字技术创新、产业数字转型作为服务章丘高质量发展的重要内容,聚焦企业需求,为企业提供专业化、高效化、定制化的税费服务,为数字产业发展注入“税力量”。Read full information on external site
Premieră românească la nivelul Grupului Orange: centrul de date Orange Business Cluj-Napoca Vest obține certificarea Uptime Tier III Design - comunic.ro2024-1-16 Orange Business anunță că a obținut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, care se poziționează drept cea mai importantă autoritate mondială în domeniul auditării și certificării de data centere. Read full information on external site
Orange Business obține certificarea Uptime Tier III Design pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest - revistabiz.ro2024-1-16 Orange Business a obținut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, cea mai importantă autoritate mondială în domeniul auditării și certificării de data centere. Este pentru prima dată când un operator de telecomunicații din România, dar și prima dată când o filială Orange din Europa primește această certificare. Read full information on external site
Orange Business obtains the Uptime Tier III Design certification for the Cluj-Napoca West data center - outsourcing-today2024-1-16 Orange Business obtained, for the Cluj-Napoca West data center, the Tier III Design certification from the Uptime Institute, the most important world authority in the field of data center auditing and certification. It is the first time that a telecommunications operator from Romania, but also the first time that an Orange subsidiary in Europe receives this certification. Read full information on external site
Orange Business obține certificarea Uptime Tier III Design pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest - atitudinea2024-1-16 Orange Business a obținut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, cea mai importantă autoritate mondială în domeniul auditării și certificării de data centere. Read full information on external site
Orange Business obtine certificarea Uptime Tier III Design pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest - hit.ro2024-1-16 Orange Business a obtinut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, cea mai importanta autoritate mondiala in domeniul auditarii si certificarii de data centere. Read full information on external site
Ramboll appoints UK head of sustainability for buildings - scottishconstructionnow.com2024-1-16 Lora Brill has been named as the new UK head of sustainability for buildings at Ramboll. Read full information on external site
The not-so-secret guide to keeping data centres switched on - electricalreview.co.uk2024-1-16 David Atkins, Projects Director at resistor manufacturer Cressall, explores the key technologies that could prevent a data centre from going offline. Read full information on external site
Cluj-Napoca Vest, primul centru de date Orange din Europa cu certificare Uptime Tier III - mobilissimo.ro2024-1-16 Orange Business marchează un moment semnificativ în industria IT din România prin obținerea certificării Uptime Tier III Design pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest. Read full information on external site
Orange Business a obţinut o certificare de vârf pentru centrul de date din Cluj-Napoca - Uptime Tier III Design. Proiectarea, implementarea şi certificarea centrului de date, în parteneriat cu firma locală Tema Energy - zf.ro2024-1-16 Orange Business, divizie a liderul pieţei locale de telecom Orange, a obţinut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, cea mai importantă autoritate mondială în domeniul auditării şi certificării de data centere. „Este pentru prima dată când un operator de telecomunicaţii din România, dar şi prima dată când o filială Orange din Europa primeşte această certificare”, conform datelor comunicate de companie. Read full information on external site
Orange Business a obtinut o certificare de varf pentru centrul de... - Uptime Tier III Design. Proiectarea, implementarea şi certificarea centrului de date, în parteneriat cu firma locală Tema Energy - astazi.ro2024-1-16 Florin Popa, Orange Orange Business, divizie a liderul pietei locale de telecom Orange, a obtinut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, cea mai importanta autoritate mondiala in domeniul auditarii si certificarii de data centere. Read full information on external site
Protegendo seu negócio em nuvem contra imprevistos - tiinside.com2024-1-16 Estamos iniciando um novo ano, mas com as mesmas preocupações do passado. Read full information on external site
Orange Business a obţinut o certificare de vârf pentru centrul de date din Cluj-Napoca - produsinardeal2024-1-16 Orange Business, divizie a liderul pieţei locale de telecom Orange, a obţinut, pentru centrul de date Cluj-Napoca Vest, certificarea Tier III Design de la Uptime Institute, cea mai importantă autoritate mondială în domeniul auditării şi certificării de data centere. Read full information on external site
Staffing levels: are data centers at risk of unnecessary outages? - datacenterdynamics.com2024-1-16 A dive into Microsoft's August Sydney West outage. Read full information on external site
Increase number of female workers in data centres - standardmedia.co.ke2024-1-15 As the African data centre sector emerges as an important global player, gender diversity must also keep pace with this growth. Read full information on external site
O Papel Crucial das Certificações Profissionais na Indústria de Data Centers - portaleventos.com2024-1-13 Francisco Sales é diretor de serviços da Vertiv América Latina. Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)获评两项大奖,全面推进技能人才培养 - cctime.com2024-1-12 日前,深圳市人力资源与社会保障局隆重举办了“2023年度深圳市终身职业技能培训载体颁奖”活动。维谛技术(Vertiv,NYSE:VRT)凭借业内领先的专业化培训能力,获评“十佳创新课程”和“十大提质扩容入围项目”!Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)获评两项大奖,全面推进技能人才培养 - hexun.com2024-1-12 日前,深圳市人力资源与社会保障局隆重举办了“2023年度深圳市终身职业技能培训载体颁奖”活动。维谛技术(Vertiv,NYSE:VRT)凭借业内领先的专业化培训能力,获评“十佳创新课程”和“十大提质扩容入围项目”!Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)获评两项大奖,全面推进技能人才培养 - hea.china.com2024-1-12 日前,深圳市人力资源与社会保障局隆重举办了“2023年度深圳市终身职业技能培训载体颁奖”活动。维谛技术(Vertiv,NYSE:VRT)凭借业内领先的专业化培训能力,获评“十佳创新课程”和“十大提质扩容入围项目”!Read full information on external site
Yotta’s Cloud Data Center in GIFT City, Gujarat goes live - cxotoday.com2024-1-10 Yotta G1 Data centre, announced at Vibrant Gujarat, is situated at GIFT city in Gandhinagar & is the only data center facility in this strategic location that not only offers colocation but also offers the full stack of Cloud, managed IT and Cyber security services, to store and process, data and applications for a variety of use cases including AI models and enterprise applications. Read full information on external site
Securing Data Centre Power – Resistors are Key to Keeping Centres Switched On - memuknews.com2024-1-10 In Devon, a public swimming pool is being heated by an unusual source ─ a small, local data centre. Read full information on external site
Data center Claro: Contribuyendo al avance digital, la seguridad y eficacia empresarial - gestion.pe2024-1-10 Al optar por el Data Center Claro, las empresas aprovechan una infraestructura de TI robusta con tecnología de punta. Esto se traduce en mayor eficiencia, seguridad, ahorro en costos y acceso a soporte técnico disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Read full information on external site
Network as a Service Statistics: Modern Networking Technology - scoop.market.us2024-1-10 Network as a Service Statistics: Network as a Service (NaaS) revolutionizes networking by providing on-demand resource access without hefty infrastructure investments. Read full information on external site
„TIERisch“ redundant? Weniger ist mehr - datacenter-insider2024-1-09 Ein universelles Rezept für Datacenter-Redundanz gibt es nicht. Read full information on external site
Datacenters en energie - Waar zit het probleem, waar de oplossing? - trendstop2024-1-09 In 2019 voorspelde marktonderzoeker Gartner dat tegen 2025 85% van de grote ondernemingen hun traditionele datacenters zouden sluiten. Read full information on external site
La seguridad de un data center, aspectos a considerar - datacentermarket.es2024-1-09 La seguridad de un data center se regula con medidas lógicas y físicas, controlando los accesos, instalando sistemas de videovigilancia y con medidas de contención frente a agentes externos Read full information on external site
Colocation, Enterprise, Hyperscale Data Center Capacity Seen Racing Against AI, Cloud Demands - datacenterfrontier.com2024-1-08 Confirmation of such trends came in the form of EQT Infrastructure's Jan. 5 announcement of a furtherance of its investment in EdgeConneX, the better to develop data centers for global hyperscale customers. Read full information on external site
Stick to good cable-labelling practices - digitalisationworld.com2024-1-08 By Robert Vines, Country Manager for the UK, Ireland and Nordics, TSC Printronix Auto ID. Read full information on external site
The Evolution of Multi-Warehouse Fulfillment Strategies: Navigating Complexity and Embracing Innovation - rfgen.com2024-1-06 Today, more than ever, multi-warehouse fulfillment strategies are vital components for businesses aiming to expedite shipping times and cater to a globalized customer base. Read full information on external site
Securing data centre power - datacentrereview.com2024-1-05 Data centre use is ubiquitous, with virtually every business using its own, or someone else’s, data storage system. Read full information on external site
La seguridad de un data center, aspectos a considerar - datacentermarket2024-1-04 La seguridad de un data center se regula con medidas lógicas y físicas, controlando los accesos, instalando sistemas de videovigilancia y con medidas de contención frente a agentes externos. Read full information on external site
Physical security — outside of the data center, inside the white space - missioncriticalmagazine.com2024-1-03 The greatest and most underrated risk is intentional sabotage by an inside actor. Read full information on external site
Women leaders take the helm at data centre construction consultancy - dcnnmagazine.com2024-1-03 Weeks Group, a provider of consulting services in data centre construction, has announced its latest milestone – a transformative evolution to a Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) with women now commanding its highest leadership positions. Read full information on external site
ASAC duplicará la capacidad de almacenamiento de su data center - datacentermarket2024-1-02 La compañía invertirá 1,3 millones de euros para ampliar su centro de datos ubicado en Asturias, para el que se tendrán en cuenta criterios de sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
IT Sustainability Think Tank: Why 2024 is the year for IT managers to revamp their green IT plans - computerweekly.com2024-1-02 With 2023 now behind us, it is time to look ahead at what enterprise leaders should be focusing their IT sustainability efforts on next year. Read full information on external site
What is disaster recovery (DR)? - techtarget.com2024-1-02 Disaster recovery (DR) is an organization's ability to respond to and recover from an event that negatively affects business operations. Read full information on external site
December 2023
Bahrain data center market to triple in size by 2028 - communicationstoday2023-12-30 The Bahrain data center market is expected to reach a value of 305.9 million by 2028 from$166.4 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 10.68% from 2022-2028, according to Research and Markets. Read full information on external site
Asac se expande desde el Parque Tecnológico: "Aquí nacimos, crecimos y aquí pensamos seguir" - lne.es2023-12-29 La empresa, del ámbito de la ciberseguridad, finalizará a inicios de 2024 la obra para ampliar la capacidad de uno de sus centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Las infraestructuras digitales son servicios esenciales - redseguridad.com2023-12-29 Nuestros datos se manejan en gran medida, y cada vez más, en infraestructuras digitales gestionadas por cada vez menos empresas de las que una de cada cuatro ha sufrido un ciberataque el pasado año. Read full information on external site
Cloud Repatriation's Role In Enterprise IT Cost Optimization - forbes.com2023-12-27 Dave Link is CEO and Cofounder of ScienceLogic. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Creating New Coolant Market - lubesngreases.com2023-12-26 Heat management is a big challenge in the information technology industry – especially in data centers, which are proliferating. Read full information on external site
DCI Indonesia dan Grup Salim Resmikan Data Center E1 - liputan6.com2023-12-22 PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) dan Grup Salim telah meresmikan Fasilitas Pusat Data Tepi atau edge data center E1, yang berlokasi di Ariobimo Sentral, Jakarta Selatan. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute boosts global expansion with new Chief Business Officer - itbrief.asia2023-12-22 The Uptime Institute has taken a strategic move to bolster their global expansion efforts with the appointment of Mustapha Louni to the newly created role of Chief Business Officer. His responsibilities will encompass both global sales and marketing for Uptime, as well as maintaining oversight for operations in the Middle East, India, Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute boosts global expansion with new Chief Business Officer - channellife.co.nz2023-12-22 The Uptime Institute has taken a strategic move to bolster their global expansion efforts with the appointment of Mustapha Louni to the newly created role of Chief Business Officer. His responsibilities will encompass both global sales and marketing for Uptime, as well as maintaining oversight for operations in the Middle East, India, Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute boosts global expansion with new Chief Business Officer - itbrief.com.au2023-12-22 The Uptime Institute has taken a strategic move to bolster their global expansion efforts with the appointment of Mustapha Louni to the newly created role of Chief Business Officer. His responsibilities will encompass both global sales and marketing for Uptime, as well as maintaining oversight for operations in the Middle East, India, Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute boosts global expansion with new Chief Business Officer - channellife.co.uk2023-12-22 The Uptime Institute has taken a strategic move to bolster their global expansion efforts with the appointment of Mustapha Louni to the newly created role of Chief Business Officer. His responsibilities will encompass both global sales and marketing for Uptime, as well as maintaining oversight for operations in the Middle East, India, Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute boosts global expansion with new Chief Business Officer - itbrief.co.nz2023-12-22 The Uptime Institute has taken a strategic move to bolster their global expansion efforts with the appointment of Mustapha Louni to the newly created role of Chief Business Officer. His responsibilities will encompass both global sales and marketing for Uptime, as well as maintaining oversight for operations in the Middle East, India, Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute boosts global expansion with new Chief Business Officer - channellife.com.au2023-12-22 The Uptime Institute has taken a strategic move to bolster their global expansion efforts with the appointment of Mustapha Louni to the newly created role of Chief Business Officer. His responsibilities will encompass both global sales and marketing for Uptime, as well as maintaining oversight for operations in the Middle East, India, Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute boosts global expansion with new Chief Business Officer - datacenternews.asia2023-12-22 The Uptime Institute has taken a strategic move to bolster their global expansion efforts with the appointment of Mustapha Louni to the newly created role of Chief Business Officer. His responsibilities will encompass both global sales and marketing for Uptime, as well as maintaining oversight for operations in the Middle East, India, Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute boosts global expansion with new Chief Business Officer - itbrief.co.uk2023-12-22 The Uptime Institute has taken a strategic move to bolster their global expansion efforts with the appointment of Mustapha Louni to the newly created role of Chief Business Officer. His responsibilities will encompass both global sales and marketing for Uptime, as well as maintaining oversight for operations in the Middle East, India, Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute boosts global expansion with new Chief Business Officer - datacentrenews.uk2023-12-22 The Uptime Institute has taken a strategic move to bolster their global expansion efforts with the appointment of Mustapha Louni to the newly created role of Chief Business Officer. His responsibilities will encompass both global sales and marketing for Uptime, as well as maintaining oversight for operations in the Middle East, India, Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. Read full information on external site
Data Centers 'Struggle to Overcome' Ongoing Staff, Skills Shortages: Uptime Institute - datacenterfrontier.com2023-12-21 A penetrating new data center industry report from Uptime Institute observes that "poaching of employees from competitor organizations, which is currently at a high level, is failing to resolve staff shortage issues. Read full information on external site
DATATRUST busca convertir a El Salvador en un Hub Tecnológico atractivo - dinero.com.sv2023-12-20 El Salvador pronto contará con un servicio dedicado al almacenamiento en la nube, esto gracias a DataTrust, empresa cuyo origen es el resultado de unir a Aristos Inmobiliaria con el Grupo CODISA, pionero y líder en el campo de data centers y nube en Costa Rica y Centroamérica. Read full information on external site
Top 10 cloud stories of 2023 - computerweekly.com2023-12-20 Here are Computer Weekly’s top 10 cloud stories of 2023. Read full information on external site
8 Steps Toward Effective Disaster Recovery - informationweek.com2023-12-20 Disasters are increasing in frequency and costing more than ever before. When was the last time you updated your plan? Read full information on external site
Uptime Appoints Mustapha Louni Chief Business Officer - cioinfluence.com2023-12-20 Newly created role will further accelerate global organizational growth and momentum. Read full information on external site
Las 10 principales historias de centros de datos de 2023 - espanol.news2023-12-19 El ciclo de noticias sobre centros de datos ha estado dominado por una serie de temas familiares a lo largo de 2023, a medida que los operadores continúan bajo presión para adoptar la sostenibilidad, mientras hacen malabarismos con la demanda exponencial de capacidad informática y garantizan el tiempo de actividad. Read full information on external site
上证数据公司、中航信柏润联合荣获2023年度中国IDC产业数据中心“智能运营奖” - tech.ifeng.com2023-12-19 第十八届中国IDC产业年度大典”2023年12月12日在北京国家会议中心隆重举行。盛会以“算力进化、数字开物”为主题,邀请了数据中心政策主管部门、信通院、数据中心行业组织、专家、上下游企业等不同领域的嘉宾,就算力产业热点话题、政策导向、技术方案、发展趋势进行深入解读。Read full information on external site
Addressing Modern Data Centres' Talent Deficit - miragenews.com2023-12-19 In today's increasingly digitised world, data centres play a vital role in housing and managing the massive amounts of information generated by individuals, businesses, and governments. Read full information on external site
「遅いクラウド」「使えないシステム」を生んでしまう2つの大きな誤解 - techtarget.itmedia.co.jp2023-12-18 クラウドサービスで構築したシステムが期待通りにならないことは珍しくない。企業はその背景に何があるのか、原因を知っておいた方がよい。システム構築時に意識すべき2つの原則を紹介する。Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute发布2023年 数据中心人员配备报告 - wiring.net.cn2023-12-18 Uptime Institute刚刚发布了2023年数据中心人员配备调研报告,报告显示各运营商愿意在人才竞争紧张的地方增加支出以吸引和留住骨干。这些运营商在新人的培养方面投资不足,需要引入更多人才进入数据行业,从竞争对手处挖人目前日渐激烈,但并不能从根本上解决人才短缺问题。Read full information on external site
Top 10 datacentre stories of 2023 - computerweekly.com2023-12-18 Here are Computer Weekly's top 10 datacentre stories of 2023. Read full information on external site
Die 10 besten Rechenzentrumsgeschichten des Jahres 2023 - germanic.news2023-12-18 Der Nachrichtenzyklus über Rechenzentren wurde im Jahr 2023 von einer Reihe bekannter Themen dominiert, da Betreiber weiterhin unter dem Druck stehen, sich für Nachhaltigkeit einzusetzen und gleichzeitig mit der exponentiellen Nachfrage nach Rechenkapazität und der Gewährleistung der Betriebszeit zu jonglieren. Read full information on external site
Government plans to regulate to tackle datacentre threats - computerweekly.com2023-12-14 DSIT outlines a range of proposals designed to protect data storage facilities from cyber attacks, as well as physical threats and the effects of climate breakdown. Read full information on external site
Orange Botswana Launches World-class Data Centre - businessweekly.co.bw2023-12-13 Orange Botswana recently unveiled its cutting-edge Tier III Certified Data Center and said it signifies its dedication to being a leader of innovation and technology in the country. Read full information on external site
Plus gwarantuje usługi data center bezpieczne, nowoczesne i dostosowane do potrzeb biznesowych - itwiz.pl2023-12-13 Z Katarzyną Kulągowską, Senior Product Managerem operatora sieci Plus rozmawiamy o postępującej cyfryzacji; prognozach rozwoju rynku usług data center w Polsce; ich unikalności w Grupie Polsat Plus, nowoczesnym centrum danych firmy i możliwościach jego uzupełnienia poprzez usługi telekomunikacyjne oraz synergii oferty infrastruktury ICT w Grupie Polsat Plus. Read full information on external site
Emiten Toto Sugiri DCI Indonesia Terjun ke Proyek Data Center AI - liputan6.com2023-12-13 Emiten milik Toto Sugiri, PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) berkomitmen memperkuat ekosistem infrastruktur pusat data di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX to Build 750 KSF Data Center Campus in Atlanta Suburb - commercialsearch.com2023-12-13 A local dark fiber ring will link the facility to a cable landing station on the South Carolina coast. Read full information on external site
טקטוניק תקים ב-2024 דטה סנטר ממוגן טילים - techtime.co.il2023-12-13 חוות השרתים התת-קרקעית בבית שמש תספק הגנה ברמת טיר-4, הכוללת גם יכולת עמידה בפני פגיעה ישירה של טילים ורקטות. אבי דדון: "המלחמה שינתה את תפישת הרציפות העסקית בישראל" Read full information on external site
DCCI: A watershed moment for Saudi’s Datacentre & Cloud industry - financialit.net2023-12-11 For a massive congregation, including but not limited to the VPs, GMs & Heads of IT, Infrastructure, Datacentre, Cloud and Security, the venue, the JW Marriott Hotel, considered to be Riyadh’s most opulent, rightly befitted the occasion. Read full information on external site
DCCI Summit sparked new era of datacentre space in Saudi Arabia - gccbusinessnews.com2023-12-11 The debut edition of Datacentre & Cloud Infrastructure Summit (DCCI) on 29 – 30 November in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has sparked numerous vital conversations amongst industry leaders. Read full information on external site
Enel PS je sinonim za najsavremenije data centre - naslovi.net2023-12-11 Sa tradicijom od skoro 30 godina, ENEL PS ostao je sinonim za inovacije i pouzdanost u segmentu pouzdanih i energetski efikasnih data centara, njihovih sistema napajanja, hlađenja i upravljanja kritičnom infrastrukturom korisnika. Read full information on external site
Enel PS je sinonim za najsavremenije data centre - bizlife.rs2023-12-11 Sa tradicijom od skoro 30 godina, ENEL PS ostao je sinonim za inovacije i pouzdanost u segmentu pouzdanih i energetski efikasnih data centara, njihovih sistema napajanja, hlađenja i upravljanja kritičnom infrastrukturom korisnika. Read full information on external site
DCCI: A Watershed Moment for Saudi’s Datacentre and Cloud Industry - marhaba.qa2023-12-11 Expectations, the debut edition of Datacentre & Cloud Infrastructure Summit (DCCI) on 29 - 30 November in the Kingdom sparked numerous vital conversations amongst industry leaders. Read full information on external site
Cada vez más centros de datos emiten un exceso de calor para satisfacer las necesidades de calefacción, pero por ahora estos sistemas son caros y, a veces, incluso inútiles / ServerNews - espanol.news2023-12-11 Los centros de datos han sido tradicionalmente una fuente estable de calor, por lo que muchas empresas están tratando de encontrarle un uso. Read full information on external site
DCCI: A watershed moment for Saudi’s Datacentre & cloud industry - zawya.com2023-12-10 His message was well received and got a huge round of applause from the hundreds of attendees at the platform. Read full information on external site
PRESSR: DCCI: A watershed moment for Saudi’s Datacentre & cloud industry - tradingview.com2023-12-10 Riyadh: Going beyond expectations, the debut edition of Datacentre & Cloud Infrastructure Summit (DCCI) on 29 - 30 November in the Kingdom sparked numerous vital conversations amongst industry leaders. Read full information on external site
Datacenters feeling the heat to turn hot air into cool solutions - klse.i3investor.com2023-12-09 Datacenters generate lots of heat and myraid providers are trying to put this resource to use, but there are geographic and various practical limitations on re-purposing it. Read full information on external site
Paragraf 14a EnWG: Kein Grund zur Panik - kommunaldirekt.de2023-12-09 Das deutsche Stromnetz steht im Zuge der Energiewende vor zwei großen Herausforderungen: Es muss nicht nur irgendwie digitalisiert und damit automatisiert werden, sondern auch die Anforderungen des Paragrafen 14a EnWG erfüllen. Read full information on external site
克服数据中心人员短缺的6种方法 - jifang360.com2023-12-08 摘要:如今,数据中心运营商的高管和部门经理通常在工作会议上讨论经济衰退、预算削减、利率上升和劳动力市场紧张等问题。与此同时,数据中心员工短缺问题也日益严重。很少有人应聘,或者求职者似乎也无法胜任数据中心的管理工作? Read full information on external site
Was CIOs aus dem Optus-Desaster lernen können - cio.de2023-12-08 Der Totalausfall der IT beim australischen TK-Provider Optus zeigt, wie wichtig Ausfallsicherheit und Disaster Recovery sind. Wie können sich CIOs besser vorbereiten? Read full information on external site
Nur jedes dritte Rechenzentrum ist EED-ready - computerwoche.de2023-12-08 Die EU-Energieeffizienzrichtlinie erhöht den Druck auf Unternehmen, effizientere Server-, Storage- und Reporting-Lösungen im Rechenzentrum einzusetzen. Passiert ist bislang allerdings (viel zu) wenig, wie aktuelle Daten zeigen. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt Advances Data Hub Expansion with Raya IT for Enhanced Telecom Infrastructure - techafricanews.com2023-12-08 Telecom Egypt partners with Raya IT to implement the second phase of the Regional Data Hub (RDH), prioritizing scalability, sustainability, and global connectivity. Read full information on external site
How Seven Billion Smartphones Could Impact Data Center Sustainability - forbes.com2023-12-08 Kevin Brown is Senior Vice President of EcoStruxure Solutions, Secure Power Division at Schneider Electric. Read full information on external site
How might seven billion smartphones affect data center stability? - biz.crast.net2023-12-08 Kevin Brown is Senior Vice President of EcoStruxure Solutions, Secure Power Division at Schneider Electric. Read full information on external site
Datacenters feeling the heat to turn hot air into cool solutions - theregister.com2023-12-08 It's tricky to pull off, but new rules may make reuse more common. Read full information on external site
Creating a Resilient Network Architecture via Local Redundancy - equinix.com2023-12-07 How new local redundancy features in Equinix Network Edge help you design a highly resilient network. Read full information on external site
Middle East Data Center Colocation Market Report 2023-2028 - IoT & Big Data Fueling Data Center Investments, On-Premises Infrastructure - kenbridgevictoriadispatch.com2023-12-07 The Middle East data center colocation market is expected to reach a value of $2.14 billion by 2028 from $1.44 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 6.83% from 2022-2028. Read full information on external site
Middle East Data Center Colocation Market Report 2023-2028 - IoT & Big Data Fueling Data Center Investments, On-Premises Infrastructure Migrating to Colocation & Managed Services - lelezard.com2023-12-07 The Middle East data center colocation market is expected to reach a value of $2.14 billion by 2028 from $1.44 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 6.83% from 2022-2028. Read full information on external site
Middle East Data Center Colocation Market Report 2023-2028 - IoT & Big Data Fueling Data Center Investments, On-Premises Infrastructure Migrating to Colocation & Managed Services - theleesvilleleader.com2023-12-07 The Middle East data center colocation market is expected to reach a value of $2.14 billion by 2028 from $1.44 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 6.83% from 2022-2028 Read full information on external site
Data centers unprepared for new European energy efficiency regulations - networkworld.com2023-12-07 Regulatory pressure is driving IT teams to invest in more efficient servers and storage and improve their data-center reporting capabilities. Read full information on external site
BHD obtiene primera certificación regional en confiabilidad de infraestructura a su centro de datos - listindiario.com2023-12-07 El Banco BHD obtuvo la TIER Certification of Design Documents en nivel III del UpTime Institute por el desempeño, la confiabilidad y la seguridad de la infraestructura de su Centro de Datos Principal BHD. Read full information on external site
퐁당퐁당 서버 담근다··· ‘액침 냉각’ 주류화에 쏠리는 관심 - ciokorea.com2023-12-06 수랭(액체 냉각 ; Liquid cooling) 방식이 점점 더 흔해지고 있다. 일부 전문가와 관련 벤더는 액침 냉각(immersion cooling )도 그렇게 되기를 희망한다. Read full information on external site
El BHD obtiene certificación - hoy.com.do2023-12-06 Esta es la primera certificación de confiabilidad y seguridad que recibe una entidad financiera en la República Dominicana. Read full information on external site
738869-2023: Poland-Warsaw: Data network management and support services - ted.europa.eu2023-12-06 2023/S 235-738869 Contract award notice. Results of the procurement procedure Services. Read full information on external site
Content Delivery Network (CDN) Market Targets a Staggering US$ 155,461.3 Million Valuation with a 20.8% CAGR Forecast by 2033 - fmiblog.com2023-12-06 The global content delivery networks (CDN) market is projected to achieve a valuation of US$ 155,461.3 Million by 2033, demonstrating a CAGR of 20.8%. Read full information on external site
BHD obtiene primera certificación regional sobre confiabilidad de infraestructura - elnacional.com.do2023-12-06 El Banco BHD obtuvo la TIER Certification of Design Documents en nivel III del UpTime Institute por el desempeño, la confiabilidad y la seguridad de la infraestructura de su Centro de Datos Principal BHD. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt selects Raya Information Technology to implement the second phase of the Regional Data Hub - africabusinesscommunities.com2023-12-05 Telecom Egypt has selected Raya Information Technology (Raya IT), a subsidiary of Raya Holding for Financial Investments, to implement the second phase of Telecom Egypt’s Regional Data Hub (RDH). Read full information on external site
Centenary Set To Begin The Construction of its Tier 3 Green Data Centre - pctechmag.com2023-12-05 Centenary ushers in a new digital era with the groundbreaking for Uganda's first advanced green data center outside the Uganda's capital, Kampala. Read full information on external site
Singtel develops sustainable data centres to support AI adoption - businesstimes.com.sg2023-12-05 SINGTEL : Z74 +0.84% is developing a new generation of artificial intelligence (AI) data centres (DCs) with high power density and sustainable features. Read full information on external site
AI浪潮來襲!伺服器面臨高熱密度挑戰 Vertiv協助矽谷主機代管商在既有機房突破散熱瓶頸 - ezpr.com.tw2023-12-04 【台北訊,2023年12月4日】人工智慧(AI)的快速發展,帶動市場對高效能運算的需求,高熱密度伺服器的數量以及市場對資料中心機櫃的功率要求也同步提升,以市場上常見的GPU伺服器為例,普遍耗電高達1kW,而每個機櫃耗電高達30kW以上絕對是未來趨勢,因此傳統資料中心的冷卻解決方案正面臨嚴峻的散熱與節能挑戰。關鍵數位基礎架構與連續性解決方案全球供應商—Vertiv維諦(NYSE: VRT)協助美國矽谷主機代管服務領導商Colovore在既有機房空間導入Vertiv™ Liebert® DCD熱管理解決方案,提高冷卻能力及運行效率,解決AI世代所面臨的高熱密度挑戰。Read full information on external site
Orange launches Data Centre - mmegi.bw2023-12-04 Orange Botswana has launched its P150 million state-of-the-art Tier III Certified Data Centre housed at the Botswana Digital Innovation Hub and Technology Park. Read full information on external site
Vertiv協助矽谷主機代管商在既有機房突破散熱瓶頸 - digitalwall.com2023-12-04 Colovore在高熱密度伺服器導入Vertiv™ Liebert® DCD解決方案,兼顧冷卻效能、高功率及永續目標 Vertiv™ Liebert® DCD解決方案協助Colovore實現高效空間使用率的高運算服務 建立單一機櫃高達50 kW的電力和冷卻系統,PUE值從1.6降至1.1 Read full information on external site
Investasi Data Center Melonjak di Malaysia, Unggul di ASEAN - goodnewsfromindonesia.id2023-12-04 Malaysia diperkirakan telah menjadi destinasi utama di kawasan Asia Tenggara untuk investasi dalam pusat data (data center) yang menggunakan banyak pasokan listrik. Read full information on external site
Bridging the Talent Shortage in Modern Data Centres - storageasean.com2023-12-04 By Adrian Koh, Head of Secure Power Division of Schneider Electric Malaysia. Read full information on external site
AI浪潮來襲!伺服器面臨高熱密度挑戰 Vertiv協助矽谷主機代管商在既有機房突破散熱瓶頸 - compotechasia.com2023-12-04 2023年12月04日--人工智慧(AI)的快速發展,帶動市場對高效能運算的需求,高熱密度伺服器的數量以及市場對資料中心機櫃的功率要求也同步提升,以市場上常見的GPU伺服器為例,普遍耗電高達1kW,而每個機櫃耗電高達30kW以上絕對是未來趨勢,因此傳統資料中心的冷卻解決方案正面臨嚴峻的散熱與節能挑戰。關鍵數位基礎架構與連續性解決方案全球供應商—Vertiv維諦(NYSE: VRT)協助美國矽谷主機代管服務領導商Colovore在既有機房空間導入Vertiv™ Liebert® DCD熱管理解決方案,提高冷卻能力及運行效率,解決AI世代所面臨的高熱密度挑戰。Read full information on external site
Umwelt: Die Energiekosten der Digitalisierung - spektrum.de2023-12-04 Im Internet surfen, eine App nutzen, einen Film streamen, per Video chatten. All das erscheint vielen von uns selbstverständlich – doch die zunehmende Vernetzung hat drastische Folgen für die Umwelt. Read full information on external site
Bridging the Talent Shortage in Modern Data Centres - datastorageasean.com2023-12-04 By Adrian Koh, Head of Secure Power Division of Schneider Electric Malaysia. Read full information on external site
算力热潮之下的“冷”隐患 - dc.idcquan.com2023-12-04 连续制冷对数据中心至关重要,由于市电中断、制冷设备故障等原因导致数据中心制冷中断,服务器、网络设备都会因为过热而罢工,其承载的业务会中断、未保存的数都会丢失,不仅经济损失严重,还会对企业的声誉造成严重损害。Read full information on external site
Entrevista: Sustentabilidade da nuvem ainda é desafio, aponta pesquisador do Uptime - istoe.com.br2023-12-04 Com o crescimento da agenda ESG, o uso responsável de energia é uma questão cada vez mais debatida nos departamentos de TI das empresas. Read full information on external site
Hostereo revolutionizes cloud hosting with user-centric solutions, Powered by Interhost B.V. - nltimes.nl2023-12-04 In a significant leap for cloud computing, Hostereo, powered by Interhost Networks B.V., has introduced a groundbreaking cloud service that promises to redefine user experiences in the digital realm. Hostereo’s state-of-the-art cloud hosting solutions are not only fast and secure, but they also come with an unparalleled uptime of 99.99%, backed by 24/7 support. Read full information on external site
Is immersion cooling ready for mainstream? - networkworld.com2023-12-04 Liquid cooling started as a fringe technology but is becoming more common. Proponents hope the same holds true for immersion cooling. Read full information on external site
Malaysia may emerge as Asean hub - klse.i3investor.com2023-12-03 KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia stands as the top destination in Southeast Asia for electricity-guzzling data centre investment, with a raft of new and emerging investments that will hit nearly 1,000 megawatts (MW) in five years, market insiders said. Read full information on external site
Malaysia may emerge as Asean hub - nst.com.my2023-12-02 KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia stands as the top destination in Southeast Asia for electricity-guzzling data centre investment, with a raft of new and emerging investments that will hit nearly 1,000 megawatts (MW) in five years, market insiders said. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara推出Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One,為混合雲資料儲存帶來新解方 - io.com.tw2023-12-02 K透過單一資料平台簡化區塊、檔案、物件與大型主機資料的使用與管理,並以軟體或軟體定義的形式,在公有雲與本地端間靈活使用 在 CIO Taiwan 官網閱讀全文 : Hitachi Vantara推出Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One,為混合雲資料儲存帶來新解方 Read full information on external site
A crescente densidade computacional nos racks do data center: o impacto da Inteligência Artificial - difundir.com2023-12-01 Cargas de trabalho cada vez mais orientadas para dados, incluindo a inteligência artificial (IA) e outras formas de computação de alta performance, estão levando à maior densidade de capacidade de processamento e armazenamento nos racks dos data centers. Read full information on external site
Alta Disponibilidade: O Papel Estratégico Do Ups Iot - tibahia.com2023-12-01 A crescente dependência de tecnologias digitais e sistemas cloud posiciona os Data Centers no epicentro das operações de diversas empresas. Read full information on external site
November 2023
Cómo mantener tu centro de datos más eficientemente - muypymes.com2023-11-30
El Centro de Datos se ha convertido en uno de los grandes campos de batalla para las empresas. Uno en el que la compañías esperan sacar por supuesto el máximo rendimiento y poner en marcha estrategias de transformación digital exitosas. Read full information on external site
荣耀时刻:维谛技术(Vertiv)五项创新技术荣膺“数据中心科技成果奖” - jifang360.com2023-11-30 摘要:在“2023数据中心科技成果奖”评选中,维谛技术(Vertiv,NYSE:VRT)申报的五项创新技术全部获奖,向业界展示了领先的技术优势。Read full information on external site
Surviving the unpredictable: Resilient data-center strategies for business continuity - expresscomputer.in2023-11-30 As I write this, the Singapore Parliament hears answers from the Monetary Authority of Singapore to Parliament inquiry about the recent incidents with Singapore banks that affected more than 2.5 million transactions. Read full information on external site
How data centres can build digital operations resilience and deliver uninterrupted uptime - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-11-30 Digitised services in multiple industries have led data centres to become exposed to unprecedented demand. Owen Miles, Field CTO, Everbridge, explains the impact of digital and human error in maintaining uptime and how data centres can ensure quick response times to reduce the impact of technical incidents. Read full information on external site
The possibilities and perils of data centre consolidation - datacentrereview.com2023-11-30 Matt Tebay, Sales Director at OVHcloud, discusses how to make the most of data centre consolidation to ensure environmental and performance benefits. Read full information on external site
Partners and providers: A blueprint for modern data centre transformation - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-11-30 George Daly, Network Architect at Fasthosts, IONOS Group, discusses how embracing change doesn’t only meet the challenges of today but having a modernised infrastructure helps the trajectory for a competitive and sustainable future. Read full information on external site
Pi Datacenters’ Kalyan Muppaneni Unveils Their Decade-Long Digital Growth Journey - expresscomputer.in2023-11-30 Express Computer engages in a conversation with Kalyan Muppaneni, Founder and CEO, Pi Datacenters, a trailblazer in the digital infrastructure domain. Read full information on external site
Cloud Outages – More than a Flat Tyre - dqindia.com2023-11-30 From their timing to frequency to bounce-back windows to eventual impact – outages in cloud environments are becoming serious enough to come on the front-burner of an enterprise’s security strategy. Let’s watch this pot while it boils. Read full information on external site
BESIX en Equans bouwen Tier III-datacenter - bouwkroniek.be2023-11-30 BESIX en Equans ontwerpen en bouwen een geavanceerd 40MVA datacenter in Neder-Over-Heembeek in opdracht van KEVLINX. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt : selects Raya Information Technology to implement the second phase of the Regional Data Hub to meet growth - egypt-business.com2023-11-29 Under this collaboration, Raya IT's experience team will provide a range of services for the new RDH phase. Read full information on external site
Going Nuclear: A Guide to SMRs and Nuclear-Powered Data Centers - datacenterknowledge.com2023-11-29 Small nuclear reactors could one day power data centers with clean energy, but challenges remain. Read full information on external site
¿Qué hacer para crear un centro de datos eficiente? - muycanal.com2023-11-29 Si bien el centro de datos es el corazón de muchas estrategias digitales, también puede convertirse en un quebradero de cabeza al hablar de impacto ambiental y consumo energético. Read full information on external site
CRT: al via progetto-pilota per sicurezza informatica Terzo settore Per la prima volta una fondazione bancaria italiana offre al non profit competenze e tecnologie all'avanguardia contro i cyber attacchi: sperimentazione su 300 associazioni - repubblica.it2023-11-29 Si bien el centro de datos es el corazón de muchas estrategias digitales, también puede convertirse en un quebradero de cabeza al hablar de impacto ambiental y consumo energético. Read full information on external site
CYBER SECURITY - FONDAZIONE CRT - Al via progetto-pilota in Italia per la sicurezza informatica del terzo settore - vercellioggi.it2023-11-29 Per la prima volta una Fondazione bancaria italiana offre al non profit competenze e tecnologie all’avanguardia contro i cyber attacchi: sperimentazione su 300 associazioni. Sfida connessa alla sicurezza del Paese, che subisce il 9,6% dei crimini informatici mondiali: in Italia attacchi cresciuti del 40% nel 2023, +300% in 5 anni. Read full information on external site
In collaborazione con HRC Terzo settore, Fondazione CRT presenta “SOS! Cyber Security” - aziendabanca.it2023-11-29 Fondazione CRT lancia “SOS! Cyber Security”, il progetto pilota dedicato alla sicurezza informatica degli enti del Terzo settore. Read full information on external site
Prácticas para ser más eficientes en el centro de datos - muycomputerpro.com2023-11-29 El Centro de Datos se ha convertido en uno de los grandes campos de batalla para las empresas. Read full information on external site
Alta Disponibilidade: O Papel Estratégico do UPS IoT - channel360.com2023-11-28 Marcos Pego é Presidente Executivo da Engetron. A crescente dependência de tecnologias digitais e sistemas cloud posiciona os Data Centers no epicentro das operações de diversas empresas. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara推出Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One,為混合雲資料儲存帶來新解方 - compotechasia.com2023-11-28 為解決IT領導者面臨的關鍵挑戰,許多公司竭盡所能地在複雜的分散式混合與多雲基礎架構上擴展資料規模和建置現代化的應用程式。日立公司(TSE: 6501)旗下資料儲存、基礎架構與混合雲管理子公司Hitachi Vantara宣佈其資料儲存產品組合轉型升級,推出單一混合雲資料平台Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One。透過在區塊、檔案與物件儲存的結構化與非結構化資料使用共同的資料層,企業可以在本地端與公有雲的任何地方執行不同類型的應用程式,避免現今許多企業面臨的複雜流程。Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara為混合雲資料儲存帶來新解方 - digitalwall.com2023-11-28 為解決IT領導者面臨的關鍵挑戰,許多公司竭盡所能地在複雜的分散式混合與多雲基礎架構上擴展資料規模和建置現代化的應用程式。日立公司(TSE: 6501)旗下資料儲存、基礎架構與混合雲管理子公司Hitachi Vantara宣佈其資料儲存產品組合轉型升級,推出單一混合雲資料平台Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One。Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara為混合雲資料儲存帶來新解方 - compotechasia.com2023-11-28 為解決IT領導者面臨的關鍵挑戰,許多公司竭盡所能地在複雜的分散式混合與多雲基礎架構上擴展資料規模和建置現代化的應用程式。日立公司(TSE: 6501)旗下資料儲存、基礎架構與混合雲管理子公司Hitachi Vantara宣佈其資料儲存產品組合轉型升級,推出單一混合雲資料平台Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One。Read full information on external site
Nachhaltigkeit in Rechenzentren: Vier neue Topics auf der Agenda - it-daily.net2023-11-28 Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit beim Bau von Rechenzentren gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung, da die Nachfrage nach Datenverarbeitung und -speicherung stetig wächst. Read full information on external site
Datacentres energy efficiency investment priorities in the race to net-zero - computerweekly.com2023-11-27 Operators seeking to prioritise one pathway over another to reach sustainability targets may be disappointed, experts warn. Read full information on external site
Melbicom Expands into Mumbai, India with State-of-the-Art Data Center Offering Premier Connectivity - 8newsnow.com2023-11-27 Melbicom, a leading global of Server infrastructure for Businesses is proud to announce its expansion toward Mumbai, India. Read full information on external site
Datacenter architect creates bonkers designs to illustrate the craft, and quirks, of building bit barns - klse.i3investor.com2023-11-27 Charles Fortin can't get excited by 30-storey skyscrapers. Read full information on external site
Datacenter architect creates bonkers designs to illustrate the craft, and quirks, of building bit barns - theregister.com2023-11-27 Charles Fortin can't get excited by 30-storey skyscrapers. Read full information on external site
EkkoSense highlights 5 key issues for DCs in 2024 - networkingplus.co.uk2023-11-27 EkkoSense has identified five key issues that it believes will be key drivers to data centre operations success in 2024. Read full information on external site
How can data centre managers foster an environment that encourages new talent and incentivise progression in the data centre space? - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-11-27 Recent research has highlighted the fragility of the digital infrastructure industry’s recruitment. As fewer young people are entering the data centre space despite growth in the sector, we get insight into the importance of new talent for the industry and how digital twins might be a solution. Read full information on external site
Data Center, qué es y cómo funciona - datacentermarket.es2023-11-27 Explora qué es un data center y cómo contribuye a la industria, así como sus ventajas, y los distintos tipos y beneficios. Read full information on external site
The five key challenges facing data centre operations teams in 2024 - dcnnmagazine.com2023-11-27 EkkoSense has identified five key issues that it believes will be key drivers to data centre operations success in 2024. Read full information on external site
Data Shelter’s patent for data centre efficiency receives approval - dcnnmagazine.com2023-11-27 Data Shelter has announced that it has received approval for its cost-saving fractional N power efficiency patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office. Read full information on external site
DeG secures tier III gold for 2nd year running - sharjah242023-11-27 Sharjah24: For the second consecutive year, the Sharjah Department of eGovernment has received the Level III Gold Operational Sustainability Certificate, reaffirming its dedication to delivering reliable, secure, and efficient services. Read full information on external site
Seven reasons to rethink firewall monitoring and boost automation - bluecatnetworks.com2023-11-24 With BlueCat Infrastructure Assurance, you can better protect your network with automated alerts and suggested remedies for hidden issues in your firewalls. Read full information on external site
澳大利亚电信由断电引发的大规模网络中断给CIO带来的惨痛教训 - cioage.com2023-11-24 网络中断显示了互联系统中的漏洞,提醒人们,系统复杂,可能会出错,它为CIO们提供了一些重要的教训,让他们现在就采取谨慎的行动。Read full information on external site
CIO可以从 Optus 大规模故障中学到什么 - cioage.com2023-11-24 澳大利亚电信公司的故障已经导致了领导层的动荡,它为 IT 领导者提供了恢复能力和灾难恢复方面的重要经验,同时也促使他们重新评估计划、展开对话并进行投资,以降低风险和避免后果。Read full information on external site
Embracing the future of AI in data centres - datacentrereview.com2023-11-24 Paul Morrison, HPC/AI Infrastructure Consultant and Venessa Moffat, DCA Advisory Board, explore the potential of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in data centres. Read full information on external site
Com Data Center Tier 3, Surfix implantará filial em Aracaju - sosergipe.com2023-11-24 Após se tornar em agosto o primeiro e único data center Tier 3 de Pernambuco, a Surfix anuncia um plano de expansão nacional, para a abertura de um centro de dados edge em todas as capitais dos estados brasileiros.es. Read full information on external site
Los centros de datos precisan de soluciones más eficientes y sostenibles como el HVO - energetica21.com2023-11-24 Actualmente las necesidades energéticas en las instalaciones críticas son muy distintas a hace tan solo 10 años. Read full information on external site
La escasez de talento en los centros de datos de Latinoamérica: un reto para la digitalización - tecnogus.com2023-11-24 Durante los últimos 20 años, Latinoamérica ha sido testigo de las posibilidades de la digitalización y ha adoptado tecnologías a un ritmo sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)五项创新技术荣膺“数据中心科技成果奖” - zhonghongwang.com2023-11-23 "数据中心科技成果奖”由科技部国家科学技术奖励工作办公室批准 中国工程建设标准化协会组织评选 主要表彰具有突出创新性、达到国际先进水平 并对经济社会发展和国家节能减排事业发挥重大作用的科学技术 素有“IDC行业诺贝尔奖”之称 在“2023数据中心科技成果奖”评选中,维谛技术(Vertiv,NYSE:VRT)申报的五项创新技术全部获奖,向业界展示了领先的技术优势。Read full information on external site
Kuwait University’s graduate students tour Zain’s datacenter - q8dailynews.com2023-11-23 Kuwait: In line with its ongoing commitment to fostering a digitally skilled national workforce, Zain hosted a group of graduate students from Kuwait University's Department of Inform.. Read full information on external site
荣誉加身,共创未来 朝亚推出全新Ingenuity高密度数据中心解决方案 - fromgeek.com2023-11-23 中国,2023年11月23日 - 近日,精通高性能超大型数据中心的基础设施提供商朝亚,推出全新一代Ingenuity高密度数据中心解决方案,彰显了这家以客户为本的数据中心企业的技术实力。Read full information on external site
클라우드, AI 환경에 최적화된 데이터센터’의 4가지 조건 - itworld.co2023-11-23 특정한 성격의 데이터가 모이면 비슷한 유형의 데이터를 끌어모은다. 이처럼 데이터가 데이터를 끌어당기는 현상을 데이터 중력(Data Gravity)이라고 한다. 데이터가 앱과 서비스에 가까운 위치에 있지 않을 경우에는 데이터 중력으로 인해 작업 성능이 저하되고 데이터에서 인사이트를 얻기 어려워진다. 따라서 데이터를 배치할 위치를 결정할 때는 데이터 중력을 고려해야 한다. Read full information on external site
클라우드, AI 환경에 최적화된 데이터센터’의 4가지 조건 - ciokorea.com2023-11-23 특정한 성격의 데이터가 모이면 비슷한 유형의 데이터를 끌어모은다. 이처럼 데이터가 데이터를 끌어당기는 현상을 데이터 중력(Data Gravity)이라고 한다. 데이터가 앱과 서비스에 가까운 위치에 있지 않을 경우에는 데이터 중력으로 인해 작업 성능이 저하되고 데이터에서 인사이트를 얻기 어려워진다. 따라서 데이터를 배치할 위치를 결정할 때는 데이터 중력을 고려해야 한다. Read full information on external site
What CIOs can learn from the massive Optus outage - cio.com2023-11-23 The Australian telco’s outage, which has already led to a leadership shakeup, offers IT leaders important lessons in resiliency and disaster recovery, as well as a prompt to reassess plans, spark conversations, and make investments to mitigate risks and avoid fallout. Read full information on external site
Progress apresenta LoadMaster 360, nova plataforma para entrega de aplicações - inforchannel.com2023-11-23 A nova plataforma SaaS capacita as equipes de TI a combater a indisponibilidade das aplicações com insights em tempo real e melhor colaboração entre as equipes. Read full information on external site
Data Centers de ISPs protegem as Nuvens de seus clientes com ajuda de IA, ML e do conceito ZTNA - inforchannel.com2023-11-23 A velocidade de inovação em tecnologia – e em malware – está mais acelerada do que nunca. Conscientes deste fato, CEOs, CISOs e CFOs precisam estar sempre atualizados sobre o impacto de ameaças sobre os negócios digitais. Read full information on external site
荣誉加身,共创未来:朝亚推出全新Ingenuity高密度数据中心解决方案 - ailab.cn2023-11-23 导读:近日,精通高性能超大型数据中心的基础设施提供商朝亚,推出全新一代Ingenuity高密度数据中心解决方案,彰显了这家以客户为本的数据中心企业的技术实力。 支持高工作负载的背后是领先的高密度基础设施设计 高密是数据中心应对算力需求爆发式增长的 ...... Read full information on external site
Progress apresenta plataforma LoadMaster 360 - channel360.com2023-11-22 A nova plataforma SaaS capacita as equipes de TI a combater a indisponibilidade das aplicações com insights em tempo real e melhor colaboração entre as equipes, tudo por meio de uma interface unificada e intuitiva. Read full information on external site
Com Data Center Tier 3, Surfix anuncia plano de expansão de R$ 520 milhões - movimentoeconomico.com2023-11-22 Único data center corporativo de padrão internacional em Pernambuco, a Surfix acaba de receber certificação internacional Tier 3, inédita no estado. Read full information on external site
البنية التحتية الرقمية: “فرص كبيرة متوفرة رغم النقائص” - radioexpressfm.com2023-11-22 كد زياد أولاد علي، منظم النسخة الأولى لفعاليات “Africa data centers and cloud days”، اليوم الأربعاء 22 نوفمبر 2023، إن هذه التظاهرة “ADCD” تتواصل على مدى يومي الأربعاء والخميس 22 و23 نوفمبر، في الحمامات، وتهدف إلى تسليط الضوء على موضوع البنية التحتية الرقمية. Read full information on external site
L’infrastructure numérique au cœur de l' »ADCD » - radioexpressfm.com2023-11-22 L’organisateur de la première édition des événements « Africa data centres and cloud day » Zied Ouled Ali, a confirmé, mercredi 22 novembre 2023, que cette manifestation « ADCD » se poursuivra mercredi 22 et jeudi 23 novembre 2023, à Hammamet, et vise à faire la lumière sur la question des infrastructures. Read full information on external site
Kuwait University’s graduate students tour Zain’s datacenter - arabtimesonline.com2023-11-22 In line with its ongoing commitment to fostering a digitally skilled national workforce, Zain hosted a group of graduate students from Kuwait University’s Department of Information Science, College of Life Sciences, for a special tour of its Subahiya datacenter. Read full information on external site
La escasez de talento en los centros de datos de Latinoamérica: un reto para la digitalización - itnews.lat2023-11-22 Durante los últimos 20 años, Latinoamérica ha sido testigo de las posibilidades de la digitalización y ha adoptado tecnologías a un ritmo sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
Majority of enterprise IT workloads are now off-premises, study finds - futurecio.tech2023-11-22 Results from Uptime Institute’s 2023 Global Data Center Survey show a majority of enterprise IT workloads are now being hosted off-premises, indicating that more organisations are outsourcing workloads to third-party data centres and services. Read full information on external site
Latinoamérica avanza del 6% al 79% de hogares digitalizados en un año - prensariotila.com2023-11-21 Durante las últimas dos décadas, Latinoamérica ha experimentado un notable avance en digitalización, pasando del 6% al 79% de hogares con acceso a Internet, según datos del Banco Mundial y el CAF. Este impresionante salto se produjo principalmente en el último año, catalizado por la pandemia. Read full information on external site
Desafíos de la omnicanalidad en la digitalización de centros de datos en Latinoamérica - america-retail.com2023-11-21 Desafíos de la omnicanalidad en la digitalización de centros de datos en Latinoamérica, en los últimos dos decenios, Latinoamérica ha presenciado un avance significativo en la digitalización, adoptando tecnologías de manera acelerada. Read full information on external site
Equans Secures MEP Contract at Belgium Data Centre - twinfm.com2023-11-21 Equans, a subsidiary of the Bouygues group, has been awarded the design and construction contract for a new data centre in Belgium. Read full information on external site
Global Data Center GPU Market Analysis Report 2023-2028 with Case Studies - sogotradedev.websol.barchart.com2023-11-21 The "Global Data Center GPU Market by Deployment Type (Cloud, On-premise), Function (Training, Inference), End-user (Cloud Service Providers, Enterprises, Government) and Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW) - Forecast to 2028" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. Read full information on external site
Canadian Data Centre Earns Tier III Gold Certification - miragenews.com2023-11-21 Shared Services Canada's (SSC) Enterprise Data Centres (EDC) are modern, reliable and secure facilities that serve the entire federal government. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC appoints new Head of Government - australiandefence.com2023-11-21 Australian data centre NEXTDC has announced the appointment of Matt Holden to the position of Head of Government and Scott MacLeod to Head of Government Strategy. Read full information on external site
Closing the datacentre skills gap by tapping up career changers - computerweekly.com2023-11-20 Recruitment efforts commonly focus on relatively new graduates, potentially ignoring harder-to-reach segments, such as people looking for a career change or returning to the workforce after time away. Read full information on external site
Empresa de tecnología destacada como uno de los mejores lugares para trabajar en Colombia - caracol.com2023-11-20 El auge global de los startups tecnológicos atrae a personas de todas las edades gracias a salarios competitivos y ambientes creativos, flexibles e innovadores. Read full information on external site
如何在追求可持续发展中平衡数据中心的风险和成本 - citnews.com2023-11-20 数据中心对现代数字世界至关重要,它提供了存储、处理和传输大量数据的基础设施。但这是有代价的。考虑到云计算、电子商务和数字经济带来的数据消费需求激增,它们的运营引发了重大的可持续性问题。Read full information on external site
For Data Center Construction, Location Matters - facilitiesnet.com2023-11-20 Where data centers are built is often the biggest predictor of success. Here are four factors to consider. Read full information on external site
如何在追求可持续发展中平衡数据中心的风险和成本?- 51cto.com2023-11-20 为了探索技术、风险管理和可持续发展的交集,为负责任和前瞻性的数据驱动型环境铺平道路,TAC Security创始人Trishneet Arora指出了一些创新战略,这些战略协调了这些要素,确保了数据中心具有弹性和环保的未来。Read full information on external site
Ciberataques, el dolor de cabeza de empresas colombianas; así puede estar protegido - pulzo.com2023-11-20 Un informe de Kaspersky destaca que las Mipymes podrían enfrentar pérdidas económicas y de reputación de hasta USD 155,000 por delincuentes informaticos. Read full information on external site
The "Bahrain Data Center Market - Investment Analysis & Growth Opportunities 2023-2028" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. - sogotradedev2023-11-20 The Bahrain data center market is expected to reach a value of 305.9 million by 2028 from $166.4 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 10.68% from 2022-2028. Read full information on external site
Bahrain Data Center Market Investment Analysis Report 2023-2028: Opportunities for Existing and Upcoming Facilities in IT, Electrical, Mechanical Infrastructure, Construction, and Tier Standards - ResearchAndMarkets.com - lelezard.com2023-11-20 The Bahrain data center market is expected to reach a value of 305.9 million by 2028 from $166.4 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 10.68% from 2022-2028 Read full information on external site
KIO habla de la aceleración digital en Colombia - ResearchAndMarkets.com - mastekhw.com2023-11-20 Colombia se prepara para dar un salto en su camino a la digitalización con la masificación de soluciones avanzadas de Inteligencias Artificiales empresariales (como Office Copilot, Salesforce Einstein) y para personas (como Chat GPT, y Google Bard), así como el inminente despliegue de la tecnología 5G, que promete impulsar el uso ampliado del Internet de las cosas y garantizar una conectividad sin precedentes. Estos serán los dos motores que permitirán que, en 2024, el país entre en la fase de aceleración digital. Read full information on external site
Modular data center vs. traditional: When to choose each - techtarget.com/searchdatacenter2023-11-20 Organizations have two options for using a data center: modular or traditional. Before deciding, companies should know how much power and cost can come from each option. Read full information on external site
Assessing the Critical Risks and Costs of EHR Downtime in Healthcare - medium.com2023-11-17 Electronic health records (EHRs) have provided immense benefits for healthcare, but their Achilles’ heel is unplanned downtime. Read full information on external site
BESIX et Equans travailleront de concert pour la construction d’un data center pour le compte de KevlinX à Neder-Over-Heembeek - batichronique.be2023-11-17 Alliés dans un consortium, BESIX et Equans se sont vus attribuer un contrat important pour la conception et la réalisation d'un data centre ultramoderne de 40 MVA à Neder-Over-Heembeek pour le compte de KevlinX. Read full information on external site
Melbicom's Strategic Leap into India's Digital Future - hostsearch.com2023-11-17 Melbicom, a prominent global provider of server infrastructure for businesses, is excited to declare its strategic expansion into Mumbai, India - a crucial location to tap into the vast and rapidly expanding Indian market. Read full information on external site
Data centre resilience: How can it be guaranteed? - electricalreview.co2023-11-17 Energy supply volatility is increasingly placing data centre construction and operations at risk. Billy Durie, Global Sector Head – Data Centres at Aggreko looks at what can be done to safeguard data centre uptime. Read full information on external site
Colombia rumbo a la aceleración digital en 2024, desafíos y soluciones - america-retail.com2023-11-17 Colombia rumbo a la aceleración digital en 2024, desafíos y soluciones, Colombia se encuentra en la antesala de una significativa aceleración digital en 2024, marcada por la adopción generalizada de soluciones avanzadas de Inteligencia Artificial y la inminente llegada de la tecnología 5G. Read full information on external site
Pathways to promising data center careers - insidenova.com2023-11-16 After serving in the Navy as a nuclear engineer, TJ Ciccone wound up working retail at a gas station for 10 years. Read full information on external site
Balancing Data Centre Risks and Costs in the Pursuit of Sustainable Development - expresscomputer.in2023-11-16 Data centres are essential for the modern digital world, providing the infrastructure for storing, processing, and transmitting vast amounts of data. Read full information on external site
Centro de datos del Popular logra certificación TIER - elcaribe.com2023-11-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano informó que su centro de datos ubicado en el complejo Torre Popular obtuvo la certificación internacional TIER III de Diseño. Read full information on external site
Requisitos de un Data Center eficiente: todas las claves - datacentermarket.es2023-11-16 Seguridad, refrigeración, capacidad de almacenamiento y transferencia de datos son aspectos clave, pero hay que ir más allá, teniendo en cuenta nuevas consideraciones, como la eficiencia energética o la redundancia y disponibilidad. Read full information on external site
Data centre provider NextDC has invested in two new hires to support key government and defence agencies in Matt Holden as its head of government and Scott MacLeod as head of government strategy - arnnet.com2023-11-15 Seguridad, refrigeración, capacidad de almacenamiento y transferencia de datos son aspectos clave, pero hay que ir más allá, teniendo en cuenta nuevas consideraciones, como la eficiencia energética o la redundancia y disponibilidad. Read full information on external site
The Evolution of Data Center Compliance Reporting in a Sustainable Future - automatedbuildings.com2023-11-15 In an era where data is the economy's currency, data centers are the unsung custodians of this invaluable resource. Read full information on external site
Digitalisierung ohne Cloud - ingenieur.de2023-11-15 Der Erfolg der Energiewende hängt neben dem Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien und der Sektorenkopplung auch von der vollständigen Digitalisierung der Netzinfrastruktur ab. Read full information on external site
Popular, primero con doble certificación TIER III en sus centros de datos - z101digital.com2023-11-15 El Banco Popular Dominicano informó que su centro de datos ubicado en el complejo Torre Popular obtuvo la certificación internacional TIER III de Diseño, otorgada por la certificadora internacional Uptime Institute Professional Services, sumándose así a la obtenida a principios de año para el centro de datos localizado en el NAP del Caribe. Read full information on external site
Budgets are still tight, but ‘cloud slowdown’ claims haven’t quite materialized in 2023 - itpro.com2023-11-15 Positive cloud spending forecasts for 2024 suggest there’s light at the end of the tunnel for enterprises. Read full information on external site
Indian Gov Building 100 Edge Data Centers - fastnet.news2023-11-15 Railtel, a government agency, has announced it will build 100 regional data centers. It already operates 60,000 kilometers of fiber, connecting most of the country. It has large data centers for its own purposes and is selling services from Secundrabad and Gurugram. Read full information on external site
Popular, primero con doble certificación TIER III en sus centros de datos - listindiario.com2023-11-15 El Banco Popular Dominicano (BPD) informó que su centro de datos ubicado en el complejo Torre Popular obtuvo la certificación internacional TIER III de Diseño, otorgada por la certificadora internacional Uptime Institute Professional Services, sumándose así a la obtenida a principios de año para el centro de datos localizado en el NAP del Caribe. Read full information on external site
数据中心设计的演变:从传统到可持续解决方案 - 51cto.com2023-11-14 Uptime Institute最近的一项研究强调,超过70%的数据中心停机是由人为错误而非基础设施故障造成的,Gartner报告称,IT停机的平均成本为每分钟5600美元,高达每小时540000美元。为了驾驭这一动态环境,数据中心的设计经历了显著的演变,从传统系统过渡到更可持续、更高效的解决方案。 数据中心的发展. Read full information on external site
数据中心设计的演变:从传统到可持续解决方案 - citnews.com2023-11-14 Uptime Institute最近的一项研究强调,超过70%的数据中心停机是由人为错误而非基础设施故障造成的,Gartner报告称,IT停机的平均成本为每分钟5600美元,高达每小时540000美元。为了驾驭这一动态环境,数据中心的设计经历了显著的演变,从传统系统过渡到更可持续、更高效的解决方案。 数据中心的发展. Read full information on external site
Data centre resilience: How can it be guaranteed? - datacentrereview.com2023-11-14 Energy supply volatility is increasingly placing data centre construction and operations at risk. Billy Durie, Global Sector Head – Data Centres at Aggreko looks at what can be done to safeguard data centre uptime. Read full information on external site
Aggreko: Flexibel kraftförsörjning är nyckeln till att komma till rätt med nätavbrott och resiliensproblem - nordiskaprojekt2023-11-14 Enligt en ny rapport fortsätter återkommande avbrott att vara ett stort orosmoment för datacenteroperatörer och Aggreko betonar därför vikten av mer flexibla energilösningar som kan upprätthålla anläggningens motståndskraft och mildra oundvikliga nätförsörjningsproblem. Read full information on external site
Data Centers de ISPs protegem as nuvens de seus clientes com ajuda de IA, ML e do conceito Zero Trust Network Access - partnersales.com2023-11-14 Por Dennis Godoy, gerente de Desenvolvimento de Negócios da Hillstone Brasil. Read full information on external site
Next-Gen Rack PDUs Cover The Last Mile To Keep Data Centers Humming - datacenterknowledge.com2023-11-13 Data centers rely heavily on last-mile critical infrastructure, where power quality at the rack poses a challenge and next-gen rack PDUs help to ensure uptime, efficiency, and automation. Read full information on external site
Investment pouring into data centres - thedailystar.net2023-11-12 Private investment in data centres is on the rise in Bangladesh to serve the growing demand for storing, processing and managing digital data generated thanks to the boom in internet use and digitalisation of services. Read full information on external site
Cirion expande seu complexo de Data Center em Cotia, São Paulo - abnoticianews.com.br2023-11-11 A expansão consiste em um novo edifício de 3.600 m2 que aumenta em 50% a capacidade do complexo de data center energeticamente eficiente de São Paulo, uma vez que a Cirion visa atender à demanda rapidamente crescente da região. Read full information on external site
When net-zero goals meet harsh realities - datacenterdynamics.com2023-11-10 Executives have set bold sustainability claims - a painful and expensive correction is coming. Read full information on external site
Green Data center: en qué consisten. Ventajas y beneficios - datacentermarket.es2023-11-10 Explora qué son los Green Data center o centro de Datos Sostenibles y cómo contribuyen a la industria con ahorros de costes y otras ventajas. Read full information on external site
Use of machine learning to protect IT automation - professionalsecurity.co2023-11-10 Lori MacVittie, Distinguished Engineer at the cloud services firm F5, discusses use of AI for IT automation security. Read full information on external site
Will AI queries increase Data Centre energy use by an order of magnitude? - energypost.eu2023-11-09 Data centres globally consumed 220-330 TWh in 2021 (California uses around 278 TWh/year). Read full information on external site
Using AI for IT Automation Security - globalsecuritymag.com2023-11-09 The history of poisoning wells in times of conflict is an established one. Whether by cutting off access to wells or using it as a force multiplier for spreading disease, the town well has always been a significant attack vector. Read full information on external site
블로그 | '투자-복잡성-장애-투자'··· 고통스러운 클라우드 챗바퀴 - ciokorea.com2023-11-08 클라우드 업체의 여러 가지 주장에도 불구하고 퍼블릭 클라우드 장애가 점점 더 심각해지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 업타임 인스티튜트(Uptime Institute)의 최신 보고서 '2022 장애 분석(2022 Outage Analysis)'에 따르면, 클라우드의 높은 장애 비율이 여전히 주요 문제로 남아 있음을 알 수 있다. Read full information on external site
İngiltere, veri merkezlerinden gelen enerjiyle evleri ısıtacak! - techinside.com2023-11-08 İngiltere, yakındaki evleri sıcak tutmak için bir veri merkezinden gelen atık ısıyı kullanmayı amaçlayan yeşil enerji projesini desteklemek için 36 milyon £ tutarında kaynak ayırıyor. Read full information on external site
The Evolution of Data Centre Design: From Legacy to Sustainable Solutions - expresscomputer.in2023-11-07 By Saurabh Rai, CEO, Arahas Technology. Read full information on external site
米国のScott Dataが、IP Infusionのデータセンター向け「OcNOS(R)」の導入により、ネットワークディスアグリゲーションを実現 - japan.cnet.com2023-11-07 - Tier3認定の全米有数のデータセンターが、「OcNOS」の幅広い機能と充実したサポートを評価して採用 - Read full information on external site
El suministro eléctrico flexible es primordial para solucionar los cortes en la red y la preocupación por la resiliencia - sumindustria.es2023-11-07 A raíz de un nuevo informe que refleja la gran preocupación que despiertan los cortes eléctricos en los centros de datos entre los operadores, Aggreko subraya la necesidad de adoptar soluciones energéticas más flexibles para mantener la resiliencia de las instalaciones y mitigar problemas inevitables de la red. Read full information on external site
Frost & Sullivan reconoce a Tigo Business como la "compañía del año" en el sector de centros de datos - lostiempos.com2023-11-06 Frost & Sullivan, reconocido líder en investigación y análisis de mercado, anunció que Tigo Business ha sido galardonada con el prestigioso Premio a la Compañía del Año 2022 en la industria de servicios de centros de datos en Bolivia. Read full information on external site
UK throws millions at scheme to heat homes with waste energy from datacenters - theregister.com2023-11-06 The UK government is stumping up £36 million ($41.4 million) to help support a green energy project that aims to use waste heat from a datacenter to keep nearby homes warm. Read full information on external site
Aggreko: Flexibel kraftförsörjning är nyckeln till att komma till rätt med nätavbrott och resiliensproblem - tillverkning-sverige.com2023-11-06 Enligt en ny rapport fortsätter återkommande avbrott att vara ett stort orosmoment för datacenteroperatörer och Aggreko betonar därför vikten av mer flexibla energilösningar som kan upprätthålla anläggningens motståndskraft och mildra oundvikliga nätförsörjningsproblem. Read full information on external site
UK throws millions at scheme to heat homes with waste energy from datacenters - klse.i3investor.com2023-11-06 The UK government is stumping up £36 million ($41.4 million) to help support a green energy project that aims to use waste heat from a datacenter to keep nearby homes warm. Read full information on external site
Aggreko: L'approvvigionamento energetico flessibile è fondamentale per affrontare le continue interruzioni e i problemi di resilienza della rete - industria-online.com2023-11-06 Aggreko sottolinea la necessità di adottare soluzioni energetiche più flessibili per mantenere la resilienza del sito e mitigare gli inevitabili problemi di rete. Read full information on external site
邁科連3月營收創同高 今年成長趨勢不變 - idn.com.tw2023-11-06 【記者柯安聰台北報導】邁科(6831)公佈10月合併營收為1.47億元,YOY 62.59 %,營收連續3個月創下同期歷史新高。公司表示,產能方面,公司目前產能利用率8成,除了既有的伺服器產品動能佳外,也持續為車用產品擴增產能,為後續營運成長提前佈局。此外,由於邁科應用於高階AI晶片相關設備產品並未出貨到中國大陸,所以美國近期晶片禁令對公司並無影響,公司樂觀看待營收到年底YOY的成長趨勢,其中消費型產品已開始有感回溫。Read full information on external site
邁科連3月營收創同高 今年成長趨勢不變 - pchome.com2023-11-06 【記者柯安聰台北報導】邁科(6831)公佈10月合併營收為1.47億元,YOY 62.59 %,營收連續3個月創下同期歷史新高。公司表示,產能方面,公司目前產能利用率8成,除了既有的伺服器產品動能佳外,也持續為車用產品擴增產能,為後續營運成長提前佈局。此外,由於邁科應用於高階AI晶片相關設備產品並未出貨到中國大陸,所以美國近期晶片禁令對公司並無影響,公司樂觀看待營收到年底YOY的成長趨勢,其中消費型產品已開始有感回溫。Read full information on external site
邁科連3月營收創同高 今年成長趨勢不變 - yahoo.com2023-11-06 【記者柯安聰台北報導】邁科(6831)公佈10月合併營收為1.47億元,YOY 62.59 %,營收連續3個月創下同期歷史新高。公司表示,產能方面,公司目前產能利用率8成,除了既有的伺服器產品動能佳外,也持續為車用產品擴增產能,為後續營運成長提前佈局。此外,由於邁科應用於高階AI晶片相關設備產品並未出貨到中國大陸,所以美國近期晶片禁令對公司並無影響,公司樂觀看待營收到年底YOY的成長趨勢,其中消費型產品已開始有感回溫。Read full information on external site
Frost & Sullivan reconoce a Tigo Business como la "compañía del año" en el sector de centros de datos - lostiempos.com2023-11-05 Frost & Sullivan, reconocido líder en investigación y análisis de mercado, anunció que Tigo Business ha sido galardonada con el prestigioso Premio a la Compañía del Año 2022 en la industria de servicios de centros de datos en Bolivia. Read full information on external site
Why hybrid cooling is the future for data centres - networkingplus.co.uk2023-11-04 Gordon Johnson, senior CFD manager, Subzero Engineering Data centres (DCs) are experiencing increasing power density per IT rack. In 2020, the Uptime Institute found that due to compute-intensive workloads, racks with densities of 20kW and higher are becoming a reality for many DCs. Read full information on external site
IT outages can cost businesses up to $100,000 every hour, survey finds - itbrew.com2023-11-03 New Relic says survey shows a clear link between observability and reducing the cost of outages. Read full information on external site
Digital Data Centres Raih Penghargaan dari Uptime Institute - msn.com2023-11-03 Digital Data Centers (BDDC) meraih penghargaan Sertifikasi Uptime Tier III untuk Certification of Constructed dari Uptime Institute yang diakui secara global. Read full information on external site
Tecnologías y soluciones; DataCenterSummit 2024 (de la mano de Arnaldo Castro) - infonegocios.biz2023-11-03 (In Content) Dell Technologies, Microsoft, Google, Schneider Electric, Fortinet, Vmware, Veeam, Panduit, Proactivanet, Furukawa, Milestone, Hanwha, Uptime Institute, entre otros, tendrá lugar el próximo 8 de noviembre en el Antel Arena. Read full information on external site
BDDC Raih Penghargaan Bergengsi Tier III dari Uptime Institute - rm.id2023-11-03 RM.id Rakyat Merdeka - Bersama Digital Data Centers (BDDC) meraih penghargaan Sertifikasi Uptime Tier III untuk Certification of Constructed dari Uptime Institute yang diakui secara global. Read full information on external site
Bersama Digital Data Centers Diganjar Penghargaan Sertifikasi Uptime Tier III dari Uptime Institute - inews.id2023-11-03 Bersama Digital Data Centers (BDDC) diganjar penghargaan Sertifikasi Uptime Tier III untuk Certification of Constructed dari Uptime Institute yang sudah mendapat pengakuan secara global. Read full information on external site
Land and Expand: Cologix, DataBank, Meta - datacenterfrontier.com2023-11-03 Land and Expand is a periodic feature at DCF highlighting recent data center developments, including new sites, land acquisitions and campus expansions. This edition of Land and Expand takes us from Toronto, to just outside Atlanta, to Central Texas. Read full information on external site
Di Tengah Persaingan Teknologi, Pengelolaan Data Center Jadi Prioritas - sindonews.com2023-11-02 Di era digital, data center merupakan infrastruktur penting yang mendukung berbagai aspek kehidupan, mulai dari bisnis, pemerintahan, hingga masyarakat umum. Read full information on external site
Flexible power procurement keys - networkingplus.co.uk2023-11-02 The Uptime Institute’s ‘Global Data Center Survey Results 2023’ revealed that 55% of operators have experienced outages in the past three years. Read full information on external site
Khám phá bên trong trung tâm dữ liệu "khủng" nhất Việt Nam: 2.000 tủ mạng, bảo mật ở mức cao nhất - soha.vn2023-11-02 Đến thời điểm hiện tại, đây là trung tâm dữ liệu (Data Center) hiện đại và lớn nhất Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
Ingeniería eléctrica: ¿La operatividad en juego? Amenazas para el tiempo de actividad de los centros de datos en Europa y cómo solucionarlas - energetica21.com2023-11-02 Aggreko, proveedor de soluciones de energía industrial, ha lanzado su informe “Uptime on the Line?” (“¿Tiempo de actividad en peligro?”) en el que señala y analiza los retos de tipo operativo a los que hay que enfrentarse para mantener el tiempo de actividad en los principales mercados europeos, donde las presiones como el uso de la energía, la sostenibilidad y la supervisión de terceros están ganando fuerza. Read full information on external site
Bersama Digital Data Centres Raih Penghargaan dari Uptime Institute - mediaindonesia.com2023-11-02 Bersama Digital Data Centers (BDDC) meraih penghargaan Sertifikasi Uptime Tier III untuk Certification of Constructed dari Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Flexible Power Procurement Key to Addressing Continuing Grid Outage and Resilience Concerns - soloindustria.com2023-11-02 Following a new report showing data centre outages remain a prominent operator concern, Aggreko is highlighting the need to adopt more flexible energy solutions to maintain site resilience and mitigate unavoidable grid issues. Read full information on external site
Increasing data centre power consumption in an energy crisis: the role of generator maintenance in ensuring power resilience - digitalisationworld.com2023-11-01 Paul Brickman, Commercial Director, for Crestchic Loadbanks, explores the often-overlooked necessity of loadbank testing in securing data centre power in an energy crisis. Read full information on external site
Here's "Y" industry leaders are lining-up to support Yotta - datacenterdynamics.com2023-11-01 New addition to the InfraXMedia event portfolio, brings wider digital infrastructure industry together, to scale responsibly in the age of AI. Read full information on external site
Cirion expande seu complexo de data center em Cotia, São Paulo - Por Dentro de Minas2023-11-01 A expansão consiste em um novo edifício de 3.600 m2 que aumenta em 50% a capacidade do complexo de data center energeticamente eficiente de São Paulo, uma vez que a Cirion visa atender à demanda rapidamente crescente da região. Read full information on external site
Yotta, a New Event from DatacenterDynamics, to Focus on the Future of Digital Infrastructure - 14news.com2023-11-01 October 2024 conference and trade show will gather the entire digital infrastructure ecosystem in Las Vegas for a 3-day eventão. Read full information on external site
Verdant Capital advises OADC on landmark JV with DRC’s Texaf - furtherafrica.com2023-11-01 Verdant Capital acted as WIOCC Group and OADC’s strategic and financial advisor on the joint venture transaction with TEXAF. Read full information on external site
Landmark Joint Venture to Launch DRC’s First Carrier-Neutral Data Centre, Boosting Digital Ecosystem - techafricanews.com2023-11-01 OADC and TEXAF partner to revolutionize DRC’s digital landscape with the country’s inaugural data center. Read full information on external site
October 2023
新股数据中心最新公告;新股数据一览表数据中心 - hbsztv.com2023-10-31 近期市场有所反复,但新股表现还是不错的。6月21日上市的4只新股,全面收涨,威士顿的涨幅更是高达78.69%。但很可惜的是,依然有不少老铁弃购这4只新股。Read full information on external site
Construção modular de data centers: preparados para o futuro com flexibilidade e eficiência energética - jornow.com2023-10-31 A tecnologia evoluiu tanto que agora podemos ficar conectados 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, seja através de videoconferências, chamadas de voz, fazendo streaming de vídeos ou ouvindo às nossas playlists favoritas. Read full information on external site
Aggreko addresses grid outage concerns - internationalrentalnews.com2023-10-31 Aggreko has called for more flexible energy solutions to address grid outage and resilience concerns among operators in data centres. Read full information on external site
Verdant Capital Advises Open Access Data Centres On Landmark Joint Venture Agreement With Texaf - brandspurng.com2023-10-31 A landmark joint venture agreement (“JVA”) between Africa’s leading data centre operator, Open Access Data Centres (“OADC”), a WIOCC Group company, and TEXAF, one of the DRC’s oldest business groups, was signed this past July. Read full information on external site
Verdant Capital Advises Open Access Data Centres On Landmark Joint Venture Agreement With Texaf - africabusinesscommunities.com2023-10-31 A landmark joint venture agreement (“JVA”) between Africa’s leading data centre operator, Open Access Data Centres (“OADC”), a WIOCC Group company, and TEXAF, one of the DRC’s oldest business groups, was signed this past July. Read full information on external site
Flexible Power Procurement Key to Addressing Continuing Grid Outage and Resilience Concerns - globalprintmonitor.info2023-10-31 Following a new report showing data centre outages remain a prominent operator concern, Aggreko is highlighting the need to adopt more flexible energy solutions to maintain site resilience and mitigate unavoidable grid issues. Read full information on external site
Khám phá Trung tâm dữ liệu lớn nhất Việt Nam VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc - danviet.vn2023-10-31 Trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC) thứ 8 của VNPT tại khu công nghiệp cao Hòa Lạc (Hà Nội) với quy mô đến 2.000 tủ racks - lớn nhất và hiện đại nhất Việt Nam hứa hẹn sẽ đem đến nhiều đột phá, cung cấp cho khách hàng và đối tác những giải pháp công nghệ mới, sáng tạo. Read full information on external site
iCooling,数据中心系统级AI节能专家 - jifang360.com2023-10-30 摘要:华为iCooling从数据安全、控制安全、运行安全三个层次解决实际应用问题,基于联邦学习和迁移学习算法,本地部署保障AI模型训练数据无需出局,同时具备双层逻辑控制的AI优化控制主动、被动退出机制,满足运维SLA要求,调测更省心。 Read full information on external site
Khám phá Trung tâm dữ liệu lớn nhất Việt Nam VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc - doisongphapluat.com2023-10-30 Trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC) thứ 8 của VNPT tại khu công nghiệp cao Hòa Lạc (Hà Nội) với quy mô đến 2.000 tủ racks - lớn nhất và hiện đại nhất Việt Nam hứa hẹn sẽ đem đến nhiều đột phá, cung cấp cho khách hàng và đối tác những giải pháp công nghệ mới, sáng tạo. Read full information on external site
Khám phá Trung tâm dữ liệu lớn nhất Việt Nam VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc - thanhtra.com2023-10-30 Trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC) thứ 8 của VNPT tại khu công nghiệp cao Hòa Lạc (Hà Nội) với quy mô đến 2.000 tủ racks - lớn nhất và hiện đại nhất Việt Nam hứa hẹn sẽ đem đến nhiều đột phá, cung cấp cho khách hàng và đối tác những giải pháp công nghệ mới, sáng tạo. Read full information on external site
Khám phá Trung tâm dữ liệu lớn nhất Việt Nam VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc - thanhnien.vn2023-10-30 Chính thức vận hành từ ngày 25.10 vừa qua, Trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC) thứ 8 của VNPT tại khu công nghiệp cao Hòa Lạc (Hà Nội) với quy mô đến 2.000 tủ racks - lớn bậc nhất và hiện đại bậc nhất Việt Nam, hứa hẹn đem đến nhiều đột phá, cung cấp cho khách hàng và đối tác những giải pháp công nghệ mới, sáng tạo, góp phần quan trọng vào công cuộc chuyển đổi số quốc gia. Read full information on external site
Khám phá Trung tâm dữ liệu lớn nhất Việt Nam - VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc - vnmedia.vn2023-10-30 Được đặc biệt đầu tư, xây dựng trong nhiều năm và chính thức đi vào vận hành từ ngày 25/10 vừa qua, Trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC) thứ 8 của VNPT tại khu công nghiệp cao Hòa Lạc (Hà Nội) với quy mô đến 2.000 tủ racks - lớn nhất và hiện đại nhất Việt Nam hứa hẹn sẽ đem đến nhiều đột phá, cung cấp cho khách hàng và đối tác những giải pháp công nghệ mới, sáng tạo, góp phần quan trọng vào công cuộc chuyển đổi số quốc gia thời gian tới. Read full information on external site
Khám phá Trung tâm dữ liệu lớn nhất và hiện đại nhất Việt Nam - 24h.com.vn2023-10-30 Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông đã kêu gọi các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam sử dụng điện toán đám mây của Việt Nam, ưu tiên dùng "hàng Việt Nam", nhất là khi hàng Việt Nam đạt tiêu chuẩn khắt khe nhất của thế giới với giá cả cạnh tranh. Read full information on external site
iCooling,数据中心系统级AI节能专家 - it168.com2023-10-30 随着5G、云计算、AIGC大模型等新技术蓬勃兴起,数据中心作为我国数字经济飞速发展的基石和算力底座,兼具高能耗属性,肩负着节能减碳的社会责任及适应算力需求的持续增长。Read full information on external site
Cận cảnh bên trong IDC Hòa Lạc lớn nhất Việt Nam của VNPT - dantri.com2023-10-30 (Dân trí) - Vận hành từ 25/10, Trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC) thứ 8 của VNPT tại khu công nghiệp cao Hòa Lạc (Hà Nội) có quy mô đến 2.000 tủ rack (tủ mạng) kỳ vọng sẽ đem đến nhiều dịch vụ, công nghệ đột phá tới khách hàng, góp phần chuyển đổi số quốc gia. Read full information on external site
Khám phá Trung tâm dữ liệu lớn nhất Việt Nam VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc qua ảnh - congngheviet.com2023-10-30 Được đặc biệt đầu tư, xây dựng trong nhiều năm và chính thức đi vào vận hành từ ngày 25/10 vừa qua, Trung tâm dữ liệu (IDC) thứ 8 của VNPT (VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc) tại khu công nghiệp cao Hòa Lạc (Hà Nội) với quy mô đến 2,000 tủ racks – lớn nhất và hiện đại nhất Việt Nam hứa hẹn sẽ đem đến nhiều đột phá, cung cấp cho khách hàng và đối tác những giải pháp công nghệ mới, sáng tạo, góp phần quan trọng vào công cuộc chuyển đổi số quốc gia thời gian tới. Read full information on external site
iCooling,数据中心系统级AI节能专家 - science.china.com.cn2023-10-30 随着5G、云计算、AIGC大模型等新技术蓬勃兴起,数据中心作为我国数字经济飞速发展的基石和算力底座,兼具高能耗属性,肩负着节能减碳的社会责任及适应算力需求的持续增长。Read full information on external site
Khám phá trung tâm dữ liệu lớn nhất Việt Nam VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc qua ảnh - mediaonlinevn.com2023-10-30 Được đặc biệt đầu tư, xây dựng trong nhiều năm và chính thức đi vào vận hành từ ngày 25-10-2023, Trung tâm dữ liệu VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc tại Khu Công nghiệp cao Hòa Lạc (Hà Nội) có quy mô đến 2.000 tủ rack – lớn nhất và hiện đại nhất Việt Nam hiện nay. Read full information on external site
Progress představuje LoadMaster 360, novou výkonnou platformu pro nasazení, provoz a řešení problémů s aplikacemi a infrastrukturou pro doručování - computerworld.cz2023-10-30 Nová platforma SaaS umožňuje IT týmům předcházet výpadkům aplikací díky informacím v reálném čase a lepší spolupráci napříč týmy – to vše prostřednictvím jednotného, intuitivního rozhraní. Read full information on external site
Cirion amplía 50% su centro de datos en Cotia, São Paulo - dplnews.com2023-10-30 Cirion tiene tres complejos de centros de datos en Brasil. Al SAO1 se suma el ubicado en Río de Janeiro (RIO 1) y Curitiba (CUR1). Read full information on external site
Cirion amplía 50% su centro de datos en Cotia, São Paulo - tibahia.com2023-10-30 A Cirion Technologies, provedora líder de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, anunciou hoje a expansão de seu complexo de data center carrier-neutral em São Paulo (SAO1) com um novo edifício de 3.600 m2 que aumenta em 50% a sua capacidade total. Read full information on external site
Khám phá Trung tâm Dữ liệu lớn nhất Việt Nam của VNPT tại Hòa Lạc - baohomnay.com2023-10-29 Trung tâm Dữ liệu VNPT IDC Hòa Lạc có tổng diện tích sử dụng lên tới 23.000m2, bao gồm tòa nhà chính Data Hall và các hạng mục phụ trợ độc lập, được xây dựng hiện đại và đã được cấp chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III cho hạng mục thiết kế (TCDD), xây dựng lắp đặt (TCCF). (Ảnh: PV/Vietnam+) Read full information on external site
Informatique : dans le « nuage d'or » du cloud, le vent souffle moins fort - lesechos2023-10-28 La période d'expansion frénétique est terminée dans le « cloud computing ». Même le pionnier et leader du marché, AWS, cumule les trimestres de ralentissement de croissance. Read full information on external site
Data Centers: Boosting Economic Growth - ccr-mag.com2023-10-27 In today’s technology landscape, the proliferation of cloud computing, the growth of online services, and the increasing reliance on big data analytics have created a pressing need for data centers, which play a crucial role in supporting the digital infrastructure of businesses and governments, ensuring data availability, security, and accessibility. Read full information on external site
Nel 2024 aprirà a Padova il NEHOS Data Center che può accelerare lo sviluppo digitale del Nord Est - datamanager.it2023-10-25 L’infrastruttura progettata da In-Site entrerà in operativo nei primi mesi del prossimo anno. Read full information on external site
Como suprir escassez de talentos nos data centers modernos - terra.com2023-10-25 De acordo com o estudo da Data Centers Dynamics,os principais desafios na hora de construir um centro de dados no país são: falta de mão de obra qualificada (43,9%). Read full information on external site
Como suprir escassez de talentos nos data centers modernos - meioenegocio.com2023-10-25 De acordo com o estudo da Data Centers Dynamics,os principais desafios na hora de construir um centro de dados no país são: falta de mão de obra qualificada (43,9%), licenças governamentais (36.59%), falta de capacidade de energia (34.15%), a crise financeira e o atraso de materiais (26.83%); e a ausência de incentivos fiscais (21.95%). Read full information on external site
Como Suprir Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers Modernos - ae.com2023-10-25 De acordo com o estudo da Data Centers Dynamics,os principais desafios na hora de construir um centro de dados no país são: falta de mão de obra qualificada (43,9%), licenças governamentais (36.59%), falta de capacidade de energia (34.15%), a crise financeira e o atraso de materiais (26.83%); e a ausência de incentivos fiscais (21.95%). Read full information on external site
Como Suprir Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers Modernos - mundodomarketing2023-10-25 De acordo com o estudo da Data Centers Dynamics,os principais desafios na hora de construir um centro de dados no país são: falta de mão de obra qualificada (43,9%). Read full information on external site
Como Suprir Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers Modernos - vidamoderna.com.br2023-10-25 De acordo com o estudo da Data Centers Dynamics,os principais desafios na hora de construir um centro de dados no país são: falta de mão de obra qualificada (43,9%), licenças governamentais (36.59%), falta de capacidade de energia (34.15%), a crise financeira e o atraso de materiais (26.83%); e a ausência de incentivos fiscais (21.95%). Read full information on external site
Como Suprir Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers Modernos - pordentrodeminas.com.br2023-10-25 De acordo com o estudo da Data Centers Dynamics,os principais desafios na hora de construir um centro de dados no país são: falta de mão de obra qualificada (43,9%), licenças governamentais (36.59%), falta de capacidade de energia (34.15%), a crise financeira e o atraso de materiais (26.83%); e a ausência de incentivos fiscais (21.95%). Read full information on external site
Como Suprir Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers Modernos - broadcast.com.br2023-10-25 De acordo com o estudo da Data Centers Dynamics,os principais desafios na hora de construir um centro de dados no país são: falta de mão de obra qualificada (43,9%), licenças governamentais (36.59%), falta de capacidade de energia (34.15%), a crise financeira e o atraso de materiais (26.83%); e a ausência de incentivos fiscais (21.95%). Read full information on external site
Suprindo a escassez de talentos nos data centers modernos - jornow.com2023-10-25 No mundo cada vez mais digitalizado de hoje, os data centers desempenham um papel fundamental no armazenamento e no gerenciamento das enormes quantidades de informações dos indivíduos, empresas e governos. Essas instalações funcionam como a espinha dorsal da tecnologia moderna, dando suporte desde a computação em nuvem até a inteligência artificial (IA). Read full information on external site
谷歌、微软和AWS争夺超大规模数据中心市场 - sina.com2023-10-24 根据Synergy Research Group的数据,前三大云提供商占据了全球市场65%的份额。在2023年第一季度末,这意味着AWS的份额为32%,微软 Azure为23%,谷歌云平台为10%,接下来的20家提供商总共只分到了26%的蛋糕,其中,增速最高的是甲骨文、Snowflake、MongoDB、华为和三家中国电信公司。Read full information on external site
Bagaimana Perkembangan Mutakhir Data Center di Indonesia? - kompas.com2023-10-24 INDUSTRI Data Center (DC) di Indonesia masih akan tumbuh signifikan. Setidaknya terdapat lima driver mengapa industri Data center diprediksikan masih akan tumbuh signifikan. Read full information on external site
Indonesia’s Data Center Industry: A Digital Revolution Powered by Tech and Finance - bnn.network2023-10-24 As the digital age continues to evolve, the demand for robust and efficient data storage and processing capabilities is escalating. At the epicenter of this digital revolution is Indonesia, a nation experiencing a remarkable surge in its data center industry. Read full information on external site
Sustainable finance helps data centres reduce their environmental impact - think.ing.com2023-10-24 Pressure to accelerate data centre decarbonisation is mounting as a result of new regulations and ESG, and companies are increasingly using sustainable finance products to help reach their environmental goals. Read full information on external site
Flexible Power Procurement Key to Addressing Continuing Grid Outage and Resilience Concerns - energymanagermagazine.co.uk2023-10-24 Following a new report showing data centre outages remain a prominent operator concern, Aggreko is highlighting the need to adopt more flexible energy solutions to maintain site resilience and mitigate unavoidable grid issues. Read full information on external site
Bagaimana Perkembangan Mutakhir Data Center di Indonesia? - msn.com/berita2023-10-24 INDUSTRI Data Center (DC) di Indonesia masih akan tumbuh signifikan. Setidaknya terdapat lima driver mengapa industri Data center diprediksikan masih akan tumbuh signifikan. Read full information on external site
Cratis Opens DC North, Leads Croatian Digital Revolution? - total-croatia-news.com2023-10-24 As we wrote in September, CRATIS stepped up to boost both Varaždin and Croatian data security, and opened DC North, the biggest data storage and disaster recovery centre in Croatia. TCN had the honour to visit just in time for the opening ceremony. Read full information on external site
Tigo Business presenta Cloud 360: Tu solución integral de Infraestructura como Servicio (IaaS) - elheraldo.hn2023-10-24 Descubre Cloud 360, la vanguardia en soluciones de nube de Tigo Business, diseñada para adaptarse a las necesidades específicas de cualquier empresa, sin importar su tamaño o industria. Read full information on external site
Building a better data centre - networkingplus.co.uk2023-10-23 While the concept of sustainability once boiled down to day-to-day operation alone, it has been increasingly recognised as being circular in nature in recent years, spanning one end of the supply chain to the other. Read full information on external site
The Why And How Of Adaptive Observability In ITOps - spiceworks.com2023-10-23 Adaptive observability ushers in a new era of intelligent automated ITOps monitoring. Read full information on external site
Kuwait data center market to grow at 10% CAGR - communicationstoday.co2023-10-23 The Kuwait data center market is expected to reach a value of $352.3 million by 2028 from $198.5 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 10.03%, according to Research and Markets. Read full information on external site
Microsoft admits 'power issue' downed Azure services in West Europe - theregister.com2023-10-23 UPDATED Microsoft techies are trying to recover storage nodes for a "small" number of customers following a "power issue" on October 20 that triggered Azure service disruptions and ruined breakfast for those wanting to use hosted virtual machines or SQL DB. Read full information on external site
Microsoft admits 'power issue' downed Azure services in West Europe - newsbeezer.com2023-10-23 UPDATED Microsoft techies are trying to recover storage nodes for a "small" number of customers following a "power issue" on October 20 that triggered Azure service disruptions and ruined breakfast for those wanting to use hosted virtual machines or SQL DB. Read full information on external site
Microsoft Recovering from Azure Service Disruptions - isp.today2023-10-23 Microsoft is currently working to recover storage nodes for a small number of customers following power issues that caused disruptions to its Azure services. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara, a Hybrid Cloud approach to data storage - breakinglatest.news2023-10-23 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One is a new Hybrid Cloud approach to address data scalability and modernize widespread applications in distributed hybrid and multicloud infrastructures. Read full information on external site
Alasan Perusahaan Pakai Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - infokomputer2023-10-21 Demi mengatasi tantangan utama yang dihadapi para pemimpin IT, banyak diantaranya berusaha untuk memperluas data dan memodernisasi memodernisasi aplikasi melalui infrastruktur hybrid dan multi cloud yang kompleks dan terdistribusi. Read full information on external site
中信证券:冷板式液冷兼具性能与成本优势 未来发展可期 - zhitongcaijing.com2023-10-21 智通财经APP获悉,中信证券发布研究报告称,在数据中心算力的提升和降低能耗的推动下,预计液冷技术将逐步替代风冷技术,成为新的技术发展方向. Read full information on external site
DEWA’s strong participation in GITEX Global includes visits, prizes, and cooperation agreements - biztoday2023-10-21 Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) had an eventful participation in the 43rd GITEX Global, held from 16 to 20 October 2023 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. Read full information on external site
Kuwait Data Center Market Growth Opportunity Analysis Report 2023-2028 Featuring Key DC Investors - Ooredoo, Kuwait Telecommunication Company (stc), Zajil Telecom, & Zain - lelezard.com2023-10-20 The "Kuwait Data Center Market - Investment Analysis & Growth Opportunities 2023-2028" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. Read full information on external site
DEWA’s strong participation in GITEX Global includes visits, prizes, and cooperation agreements - Ooredoo, Kuwait Telecommunication Company (stc), Zajil Telecom, & Zain - zawya.com2023-10-20 Dubai, UAE: Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) had an eventful participation in the 43rd GITEX Global, held from 16 to 20 October 2023 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. Read full information on external site
Data centres brace for new EU energy reporting obligations - euractiv.com2023-10-20 The EU executive is preparing to set out reporting metrics by December 2023 so that operators of data centres can start reporting their energy consumption as of 15 May 2024. Read full information on external site
The European Commission Intensifies Reporting Obligations to Achieve Climate-Neutral Data Centres - energyportal.eu2023-10-20 The European Commission is enforcing stricter reporting requirements to ensure that data centres in the European Union (EU) become climate neutral by 2030. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara perkenalkan Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - indotelko2023-10-20 JAKARTA (IndoTelko) - Demi mengatasi tantangan utama yang dihadapi para pemimpin IT, banyak diantaranya berusaha untuk memperluas data dan memodernisasi memodernisasi aplikasi melalui infrastruktur hybrid dan multi cloud yang kompleks dan terdistribusi. Read full information on external site
Presentan novedosa plataforma para el almacenamiento de datos en la nube híbrida - hsbnoticias.com2023-10-19 Se trata de una plataforma de datos única que ofrecerá una experiencia simplificada para el consumo y gestión de datos empresariales de bloque, archivos, objetos y mainframe, con consumo flexible como dispositivo o definido por software. Read full information on external site
Presentan novedosa plataforma para el almacenamiento de datos en la nube híbrida - extra.com.co2023-10-19 Se trata de una plataforma de datos única que ofrecerá una experiencia simplificada para el consumo y gestión de datos empresariales de bloque, archivos, objetos y mainframe, con consumo flexible como dispositivo o definido por software. Read full information on external site
El sector del dato no encuentra talento y necesitará 2,3 millones de empleados en todo el mundo para 2025 - epe.es2023-10-19 No deja de crecer, pero acusa falta de profesionales, bien por desconocimiento de la oportunidad o por la fuga de cerebros. Read full information on external site
Data center, a Padova l’hub per accelerare lo sviluppo digitale del Nord Est - corrierecomunicazioni.it2023-10-19 L’infrastruttura progettata da In-Site per Nehos sarà operativa nei primi mesi del 2024. Read full information on external site
Brazil Data Center Colocation Market Worth $1.50 Billion by 2028, Supply and Demand Analysis 2023-2028 – Arizton - industrytoday2023-10-19 Get Insights on 66 Existing Colocation Data Center Facilities and 37 Upcoming Facilities across Brazil. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara presenta plataforma única de almacenamiento en la nube híbrida - todoenunclick.com2023-10-19 Hitachi Vantara, la subsidiaria de Hitachi LTD que ofrece infraestructura moderna, gestión de datos y soluciones digitales, anunció hoy la transformación de su cartera existente de almacenamiento de datos con la presentación de Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One; una plataforma única para datos en la Nube Híbrida. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara Presenta Virtual Storage Platform One para el Almacenamiento de Datos en la Nube Híbrida - infosertecla.com2023-10-19 Hitachi Vantara, la subsidiaria de Hitachi LTD (TSE:6501) que ofrece infraestructura moderna, gestión de datos y soluciones digitales, anunció hoy la transformación de su cartera existente de almacenamiento de datos con la presentación de Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One; una plataforma única para datos en la Nube Híbrida (Fuente Hitachi Vantara Latam). Read full information on external site
Progress představil novou platformu pro doručování aplikací - rmol.cz2023-10-19 Společnost Progress uvedla na trh cloudovou platformu pro doručování aplikací Progress LoadMaster 360. Nové SaaS řešení firmám přináší jednotné prostředí pro nasazení, provoz a řešení problémů s aplikacemi a infrastrukturou pro doručování. Read full information on external site
Progress 推出 LoadMaster 360 強大新平台,協助企業強化部署、運作與應用故障排除和交付基礎設施 - cio.com2023-10-18 全新的 SaaS 平台透過統一、直覺的介面,使 IT 團隊能夠即時洞察和改進跨團隊的協作,來縮短應用程式的停機時間 Read full information on external site
Ada Kabar Terbaru dari Emiten Toto Sugiri (DCII) - ipotnews2023-10-18 JAKARTA, investor.id - Emiten penyedia infrastruktur data center Toto Sugiri, PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) berhasil meraih penghargaan Tier IV Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability ( TCOS ) oleh Uptime Institute. DCII menjadi perusahaan Asia Tenggara pertama yang meraih penghargaan tersebut. Read full information on external site
Progress představuje LoadMaster 360, novou výkonnou platformu pro nasazení, provoz a řešení problémů s aplikacemi a infrastrukturou pro doručování - technickytydenik.cz2023-10-18 Společnost Progress, důvěryhodný dodavatel softwaru pro vývoj aplikací a infrastruktury, uvádí nový Progress LoadMaster 360, cloudovou platformu pro doručování aplikací. Read full information on external site
Padova, nuovo Data Center Nehos nel 2024 - thenextfactory2023-10-18 Sostenibilità, territorio, IA (Intelligenza Artificiale) e digital economy sono i concetti chiave con cui In-Site, società di ingegneria integrata specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di infrastrutture tecnologiche complesse, ha progettato il Data Center in via di realizzazione a Padova per Nehos, la società di consulenza e sviluppo di progetti in cloud e infrastrutture per il business, nata nel 2021 dalla fusione di diverse realtà con ventennale esperienza nel mondo IT (Information Technology). Read full information on external site
Proximity expands UK footprint with Birmingham Edge Data Centre - techuk2023-10-18 Guest blog by John Hall, Managing Director at Proximity Data Centres Limited. Read full information on external site
Digitalisieren ohne Cloud - 50komma22023-10-18 Im Zuge der Verteilnetzdigitalisierung gewinnen Fragen nach der Datenhoheit und -sparsamkeit zunehmend an Relevanz. Eine Antwort darauf stellt die Lösung GridCal dar, indem sie bewusst ohne externe Cloud auskommt. Read full information on external site
Pertama di Asia Tenggara, DCI Indonesia Raih Penghargaan TCOS dari Uptime Institute - tribunnews.com2023-10-18 CEO DCI Indonesia Toto Sugiri dan Vice President Asia, Uptime Institute Patrick Chan saat berbincang di kantor PT DCI Indonesia di Cibitung, Jawa Barat. Read full information on external site
Eaton: spokojnie, to tylko awaria - crn.pl2023-10-18 Skutki awarii oraz przestojów w centrach danych czy zakładach produkcyjnych stają się z roku na rok coraz bardziej dotkliwe. Nawet w 70 proc. przypadków generują koszty wynoszące ponad 100 tys. dol. Read full information on external site
DCI Indonesia achieves Tier IV Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-10-18 PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCI), a leading data centre infrastructure provider in Indonesia, has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first data centre operator in South East Asia to be awarded the Tier IV Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) by Uptime Institute, the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority that focuses on assessing and improving the reliability, resiliency and sustainability of data centres and critical infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Ada Kabar Terbaru dari Emiten Toto Sugiri (DCII) - investor.id2023-10-18 Emiten penyedia infrastruktur data center Toto Sugiri, PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) berhasil meraih penghargaan Tier IV Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) oleh Uptime Institute. DCII menjadi perusahaan Asia Tenggara pertama yang meraih penghargaan tersebut. Read full information on external site
Pertama di Asean, DCI Indonesia Raih Sertifikasi TCOS dari Uptime Institute - kontan.co.id2023-10-18 PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) meraih penghargaan Tier IV Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) dari Uptime Institute. DCII menjadi operator data center pertama di Asia Tenggara yang sukses meraih penghargaan tersebut. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One, die einheitliche Plattform für IT-Manager, ist geboren - germanic.news2023-10-17 Hitachi Vantara, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Hitachi Ltd. und spezialisiert auf Infrastruktur, Datenmanagement und -analyse sowie digitale Lösungen, präsentierte Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One, die Weiterentwicklung des aktuellen Datenspeicherportfolios. Read full information on external site
DCI Raih Penghargaan TCOS Uptime Institute - finance.detik.com2023-10-17 PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCI) meraih penghargaan Tier IV Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) dari Uptime Institute. Begini momennya. Read full information on external site
Spada liczba awarii w centrach danych, ale są one bardziej kosztowne - itwiz.pl2023-10-17 Chociaż w ostatnich latach liczba awarii w centrach danych spadła, nie powinno to uśpić czujności operatorów i ich klientów. Uptime Institute, specjalizujący się w certyfikowaniu data center, zbadał globalny rynek pod tym kątem. Ich liczba faktycznie spada, ale są one bardziej kosztowne. Read full information on external site
DCI Tetapkan Standar Industri Baru sebagai Pusat Data Pertama di Asia Tenggara - wartaekonomi2023-10-17 PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCI) penyedia infrastruktur data center milik kongklomerat Toto Sugiri, berhasil menjadi operator data center pertama di Asia Tenggara yang mendapatkan penghargaan Tier IV Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) oleh Uptime Institute, Otoritas Infrastruktur Digital Global yang berfokus pada penilaian dan peningkatan keandalan, ketahanan, dan keberlanjutan pusat data dan infrastruktur penting. Sertifikasi Tier IV Gold TCOS melengkapi serangkaian tolok ukur global teratas yang dimiliki DCI bersama dengan Tier IV Certification of Design Documents dan Tier IV Certification of Constructed Facilities. Read full information on external site
Per accelerare lo sviluppo digitale: apre a Padova il Nehos Data Center - padovaoggi2023-10-17 La nuova infrastruttura recupera e riqualifica il sito di un capannone industriale dismesso di via Romania 2 a Padova e in termini di efficienza energetica sarà dotato di un impianto fotovoltaico da 110 MWh all’anno. Read full information on external site
Infrastruktur Data Center yang Dibangun Emiten DCII Diakui Dunia - suara.com2023-10-17 PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII), menjadi operator data center pertama yang meraih Tier IV Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) oleh Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Pertama di Asean, DCI Indonesia Raih Sertifikasi TCOS dari Uptime Institute - ipotnews2023-10-17 IDXC hannel - PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) resmi mendapatkan penghargaan Tier IV Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability ( TCOS ) oleh Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara Virtual Storage Platform One Hybrid Cloud Approach to Storage - storagenewsletter.com2023-10-17 Providing simplified experience to consume and manage block, file, object, and mainframe data, with flexible consumption as appliance or software-defined across public cloud and on-premise. Read full information on external site
Pertama di Asean, DCI Indonesia Raih Sertifikasi TCOS dari Uptime Institute - republika.co.id2023-10-17 Penilaian dan peningkatan keandalan, ketahanan, dan keberlanjutan pusat data.. Read full information on external site
OVHCLOUD lanza su calculadora de carbono como muestra de transparencia y de su compromiso con la sostenibilidad - aslan2023-10-17 La creación de la calculadora de carbono es el resultado de un exhaustivo proceso de desarrollo de más de ocho meses. Read full information on external site
Livre do apagão: como prevenir prejuízos com interrupções de energia e paradas - correiodaamazonia.com2023-10-17 Hospitais e data centers, por exemplo, devem adotar a solução de Arquitetura Paralela-Redundante Descentralizada, que permite uma reserva, com todos os. Read full information on external site
Croatian ICT firm Cratis to open data center in Varazdin - datacenterdynamics.com2023-10-16 Croatian ICT solutions provider Cratis is to open a new data center this month in Varazdin, north of Zagreb. Read full information on external site
Global Gate cresce com soluções completas de cibersegurança - arandanet.com.br2023-10-16 Objetivo é trazer empresas com alto poder computacional para seu data center Tier III. Read full information on external site
科技減碳+使用再生能源 中華電信IDC扮企業減碳助攻者 原文網址: 科技減碳+使用再生能源 中華電信IDC扮企業減碳助攻者 - ettoday.net2023-10-16 世界氣象組織WMO指出,氣候變遷導致過去50年來,天災數量暴增5倍,平均每天造成115人喪命。全球合作減碳成大趨勢,ESG浪潮隨之湧起,台灣企業也相繼響應,其中電信龍頭更扮演助攻角色。Read full information on external site
PROEN ปลื้ม! OTT Data Center สอบผ่านมาตรฐาน TIER III จาก Uptime Institute - thaipr.net2023-10-16 ปรบมือรัวๆ ให้กับ บมจ.โปรเอ็น คอร์ป (PROEN) ผู้ให้บริการเช่าพื้นที่ศูนย์ข้อมูล (Data Center) บริการให้เช่าพื้นที่สำหรับวางเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์แม่ข่าย (Server) ที่ล่าสุด OTT Data Center (IDC) ของ PROEN ได้ผ่านการรับรองมาตรฐานระดับ TIER III จาก Uptime Institute ซึ่งเป็นองค์กรจัดระดับคุณภาพและความน่าเชื่อถือของศูนย์ข้อมูล… ช่วยให้ลูกค้ามั่นใจได้ว่า OTT Data Center ของ PROEN บริการด้วยมาตรฐานระดับโลก ให้บริการข้อมูลได้รวดเร็วและต่อเนื่องตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง และความเชี่ยวชาญของวิศวกรที่ทำหน้าที่แก้ไขปัญหาเฉพาะหน้า ตอบโจทย์ลูกค้ายุคดิจิทัล และบริษัทฯ เตรียมเปิดศูนย์การให้บริการ OTT Data Center PROEN แห่งใหม่ ภายในต้นปี 2567 เพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการลูกค้าในยุคเทคโนโลยีแห่งอนาคตได้อย่างแน่นอนคร้าา!! Read full information on external site
PROEN ปลื้ม! OTT Data Center สอบผ่านมาตรฐาน TIER III จาก Uptime Institute - hooninside.com2023-10-16 ปรบมือรัวๆ ให้กับ บมจ.โปรเอ็น คอร์ป (PROEN) ผู้ให้บริการเช่าพื้นที่ศูนย์ข้อมูล (Data Center) บริการให้เช่าพื้นที่สำหรับวางเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์แม่ข่าย (Server) ที่ล่าสุด OTT Data Center (IDC) ของ PROEN ได้ผ่านการรับรองมาตรฐานระดับ TIER III จาก Uptime Institute ซึ่งเป็นองค์กรจัดระดับคุณภาพและความน่าเชื่อถือของศูนย์ข้อมูล… ช่วยให้ลูกค้ามั่นใจได้ว่า OTT Data Center ของ PROEN บริการด้วยมาตรฐานระดับโลก ให้บริการข้อมูลได้รวดเร็วและต่อเนื่องตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง และความเชี่ยวชาญของวิศวกรที่ทำหน้าที่แก้ไขปัญหาเฉพาะหน้า ตอบโจทย์ลูกค้ายุคดิจิทัล และบริษัทฯ เตรียมเปิดศูนย์การให้บริการ OTT Data Center PROEN แห่งใหม่ ภายในต้นปี 2567 เพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการลูกค้าในยุคเทคโนโลยีแห่งอนาคตได้อย่างแน่นอนคร้าา!! Read full information on external site
DCIM receptą na droższe przestoje - crn.pl2023-10-16 Zastosowanie odpowiednich narzędzi do zarządzania zawsze kosztuje mniej niż awaria w centrum danych. Read full information on external site
ขายไม่สนพื้นฐาน By : แม่มดน้อย - hooninside.com2023-10-16 วันที่ 16 ตุลาคม 2566 พบกับแม่มดน้อยได้ที่ www.hooninside.com (Line : @hooninside) รู้ลึกรู้จริงคลุกวงในหุ้นสไตล์กล้วยๆ. Read full information on external site
Global Gate cresce com soluções completas de cibersegurança - arandanet.com.br2023-10-16 Objetivo é trazer empresas com alto poder computacional para seu data center Tier III. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One, the unified platform for IT managers is born - pledgetimes.com2023-10-16 Hitachi Vantara, a subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd. and dedicated to infrastructure, data management and analysis and digital solutions, presented Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One, the evolution of the current data storage portfolio. Read full information on external site
Una falla en el centro de datos Equinix de Singapur provocó la paralización de los servicios bancarios en el país y problemas de acceso a los servicios Meta fuera de sus fronteras / ServerNews - espanol.news2023-10-15 El sábado pasado se produjo una falla en el centro de datos de Equinix en Singapur, lo que provocó la interrupción de los servicios bancarios en todo el país, informó el recurso. Dinámica del centro de datos. Read full information on external site
Data Centre Slates Alternatives for Financial Institutions - addisfortune2023-10-14 Financial industry insiders convened at the Sheraton Hotel to discuss the opportunities and pitfalls of the Raxio-Tier III data centre last week. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara presenta Virtual Storage Platform One para el almacenamiento de datos en la nube híbrida - tecnogus2023-10-13 Hitachi Vantara, la subsidiaria de Hitachi LTD que ofrece infraestructura moderna, gestión de datos y soluciones digitales, anunció la transformación de su cartera existente de almacenamiento de datos con la presentación de Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One, una plataforma única para datos en la Nube Híbrida. Read full information on external site
Emerging regulatory requirements: tactics for riding the tsunami - datacenterdynamics.com2023-10-13 Digital infrastructure will be regulated. Managers should focus on business processes and data collection. Read full information on external site
Power vs. Energy: How to Make the Right Battery Choice for Your Application - datacenterfrontier.com2023-10-13 Tim Hysell, CEO of ZincFive, explains how a clever combination of numerous battery types can ensure reliable, sustainable energy across industries. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara presenta Virtual Storage Platform One - itcomunicacion.com2023-10-13 Hitachi Vantara anunció la transformación de su portafilio existente de almacenamiento de datos con la presentación de Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One; una plataforma única para datos en la Nube Híbrida. Read full information on external site
CANVIA adquiere nuevo Data Center, certificado Tier III, para satisfacer la creciente demanda de servicios tecnológicos a nivel nacional e internacional - agenciapressnoticias.com2023-10-12 La compañía invirtió alrededor de US$ 6 MM en la adquisición de su tercer Data Center certificado Tier III y en infraestructura tecnológica asociada, beneficiando a sus clientes de los diversos sectores del mercado. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara 推出 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - itheat.com2023-10-12 2023 年 10 月 11 日,北京 – 面对严峻数据挑战,许多 IT 领导者正致力于在复杂的分布式混合和多云基础架构上扩展数据并实现应用程序现代化。Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara Unveils Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One, Signifying a New Hybrid Cloud Approach to Data Storage - crn.in2023-10-12 A single data platform will provide a simplified experience to consume and manage block, file, object, and mainframe data, with flexible consumption as an appliance or software-defined across the public cloud and on-premises. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara Launches Hybrid Cloud-Ready Virtual Storage Platform One - expresscomputer.in2023-10-12 A single data platform will provide a simplified experience to consume and manage block, file, object, and mainframe data, with flexible consumption as an appliance or software-defined across the public cloud and on-premises. Read full information on external site
L’European Data Hub opte pour le HVO100 de TotalEnergies - paperjam2023-10-11 Soucieux depuis toujours de la protection de l’environnement et très concerné par la réduction de son empreinte carbone, EDH prend régulièrement des mesures et initiatives modernes voire avant-gardistes comme l’installation systématique des dernières générations d’équipements techniques, l’acquisition d’électricité 100% verte et, très récemment, l’utilisation du bio fuel HVO100 de TotalEnergies. Read full information on external site
Data Center Industry Supports Scholarships, Veterans with Golf Tourney - loudounnow.com2023-10-11 The DC chapter of the 7x24 Exchange held its annual golf tournament Sept. 25 at the Golf Club at Lansdowne, drawing a crowd of nearly 300 data center leaders and raising approximately $55,000 to support two philanthropic causes. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara Introduces Hybrid Cloud Storage - bisinfotech.com2023-10-11 Hitachi Vantara has transformed its data storage portfolio with the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One a single cloud data platform. Read full information on external site
'Progress launches LoadMaster 360: Transforming app delivery - itbrief.com.au2023-10-11 In a significant move to transform the world of application experience, Progress has announced the launch of its cloud-based unified application delivery platform, Progress LoadMaster 360. Read full information on external site
'Progress launches LoadMaster 360: Transforming app delivery - cfotech.com.au2023-10-11 In a significant move to transform the world of application experience, Progress has announced the launch of its cloud-based unified application delivery platform, Progress LoadMaster 360. Read full information on external site
Power tools: turning sustainable IT into a business catalyst - theregister.com2023-10-11 How new monitoring and management tools can help datacenters root-out infrastructure inefficiencies. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - digital-magazin.de2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
Coraz mniej awarii w centrach danych? Tak, ale te, które się zdarzają mogą być trudne do opanowania - mojafirma2023-10-11 Awarie w centrach danych zdarzają się coraz rzadziej, ale operatorzy i ich klienci powinni zachować czujność, bo może być ich mniej, ale są bardziej kosztowne. Raport Uptime Institute przedstawia dane z globalnego rynku. Read full information on external site
Open Access Data Centres and TEXAF join forces for DRC’s digital ecosystem - africabusinesscommunities.com2023-10-11 A landmark joint venture agreement between Africa’s leading data centre operator, Open Access Data Centres, a WIOCC Group company, and TEXAF, one of the DRC’s oldest business groups, was signed. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara presenta Virtual Storage Platform One - itusers.today2023-10-11 Hitachi Vantara presenta Virtual Storage Platform One para el almacenamiento de datos en la nube híbrida. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara Unveils Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One, Signifying a New Hybrid Cloud Approach to Data Storage - itvoice.in2023-10-11 Hitachi Vantara presenta Virtual Storage Platform One para el almacenamiento de datos en la nube híbrida. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara presenta Virtual Storage Platform One para el almacenamiento de datos en la nube híbrida - agenciaorbita.org2023-10-11 Hitachi Vantara, ofrece infraestructura moderna, gestión de datos y soluciones digitales, anunció hoy la transformación de su cartera existente de almacenamiento de datos con la presentación de Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One; una plataforma única para datos en la Nube Híbrida. Read full information on external site
【抄訳】日立ヴァンタラが、データストレージの新たなハイブリッドクラウドアプローチ「Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One」を発表 - nicovideo2023-10-11 本件は、米国西海岸において、10月10日(火) 午前6:00(日本時間10月10日午後10:00)に発表した英語リリースの抄訳版です。Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara lanza una plataforma de nube híbrida para simplificar la gestión de datos - zonamovilidad2023-10-11 Hitachi Vantara ha anunciado la transformación de su cartera de almacenamiento de datos con la introducción de Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One, una innovadora plataforma de datos de nube híbrida. Read full information on external site
Bangladesh builds first ever data centre Meghna Cloud - newagebd.net2023-10-11 Speakers on Tuesday said that Bangladesh’s first-ever domestic cloud data centre ‘Meghna Cloud’ is built aimed to keeping the country’s data stored within the country. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara Launches Hybrid Virtual Cloud Storage Platform - insidehpc.com2023-10-10 Hitachi Vantara, an infrastructure, data management and digital solutions subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501), today announced Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One a single hybrid cloud data platform. Read full information on external site
Hitachi Vantara Introduces Unified Hybrid Cloud Data Platform - channele2e.com2023-10-10 In a move to streamline data handling across hybrid and multicloud infrastructures, Hitachi Vantara, a subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd., has unveiled the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One. Read full information on external site
谷歌、微软和AWS争夺超大规模数据中心市场 - d1net.com2023-10-10 根据Synergy Research Group的数据,前三大云提供商占据了全球市场65%的份额。在2023年第一季度末,这意味着AWS的份额为32%,微软 Azure为23%,谷歌云平台为10%,接下来的20家提供商总共只分到了26%的蛋糕,其中,增速最高的是甲骨文、Snowflake、MongoDB、华为和三家中国电信公司。Read full information on external site
谷歌、微软和AWS争夺超大规模数据中心市场 - 51cto.com2023-10-10 根据Synergy Research Group的数据,前三大云提供商占据了全球市场65%的份额。在2023年第一季度末,这意味着AWS的份额为32%,微软 Azure为23%,谷歌云平台为10%,接下来的20家提供商总共只分到了26%的蛋糕,其中,增速最高的是甲骨文、Snowflake、MongoDB、华为和三家中国电信公司。Read full information on external site
Reuters Progress Introduces LoadMaster 360, a Powerful New Platform for Deploying, Operating and Troubleshooting Applications and Delivery Infrastructure - tradingview.com2023-10-10 New SaaS platform empowers IT teams to fight application downtime with real-time insights and improved cross-team collaboration – all through a unified, intuitive interface. Read full information on external site
Progress Introduces LoadMaster 360, a Powerful New Platform for Deploying, Operating and Troubleshooting Applications and Delivery Infrastructure - advfn.com2023-10-10 Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS), the trusted provider of application development and infrastructure software, today announced the launch of Progress® LoadMaster® 360, a cloud-based unified application delivery platform, providing organizations with a single-pane-of-glass experience to deploy, operate and troubleshoot applications and delivery infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - hasselwander.co2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - pressnetwork.de2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - bsozd.com2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - firmenpresse.de2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - brgersagt2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - ruppimail.de2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - mittelstandcafe.de2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - presseportal.org2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
Eine für Alles: Die neue Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One - pressemitteilung2023-10-10 Eine einzige Datenplattform zur einfachen Nutzung und Verwaltung von Block-, File-, Object- und Mainframe-Daten – flexibel als Appliance oder softwaredefiniert in der Public Cloud und On-Premises. Read full information on external site
LiquidStack launches modular liquid cooling solutions for the edge - networkworld.com2023-10-09 The units are designed for edge processing and boast an amazing PUE ratio. Read full information on external site
New routes to data centre resilience - datacentrereview.com2023-10-09 With a host of challenges facing the European data centre market – most notably, the dangers posed to ensuring constant uptime – Greger Ruud, Data Centre Specialist for Aggreko Nordics, discusses the importance of strategic thinking and long-term planning. Read full information on external site
Tigo Business expande sus servicios de ciberseguridad con Secure SD-WAN de Fortinet - eldiario.net2023-10-09 La alianza marca un hito de innovación para clientes empresariales (B2B) donde combina una conexión de calidad y segura usando una solución convergente de alto valor agregado. Read full information on external site
New routes to data centre resilience - datacentrereview.com2023-10-09 With a host of challenges facing the European data centre market – most notably, the dangers posed to ensuring constant uptime – Greger Ruud, Data Centre Specialist for Aggreko Nordics, discusses the importance of strategic thinking and long-term planning. Read full information on external site
CANVIA adquiere nuevo Data Center para satisfacer la creciente demanda de servicios tecnológicos - gatoencerrado.net2023-10-09 CANVIA, empresa líder en soluciones tecnológicas y de transformación digital, cerró la compra de un nuevo Data Center e infraestructura tecnológica asociada, a través de la inversión de alrededor de US$ 6 MM, con el fin de responder al rápido crecimiento del sector TI, así como a la necesidad de una migración al entorno digital. Read full information on external site
CANVIA adquiere nuevo Data Center, certificado Tier III, para satisfacer la demanda de servicios tecnológicos - agenciaorbita2023-10-09 CANVIA, empresa líder en soluciones tecnológicas y de transformación digital, cerró la compra de un nuevo Data Center e infraestructura tecnológica asociada, a través de la inversión de alrededor de US$ 6 MM, con el fin de responder al rápido crecimiento del sector TI, así como a la necesidad de una migración al entorno digital. Este Data Center, ubicado en el distrito de San Isidro, cuenta con la certificación Tier III en Diseño y Construcción otorgado por Uptime Institute, constituyendo a CANVIA como la primera empresa tecnológica a nivel nacional en contar con tres Data Centers Tier III. Read full information on external site
人工智能、液体冷却和未来的数据中心 - eastmoney.com2023-10-07 生成式人工智能(AI)的迅速崛起,凸显了企业采用人工智能的非凡速度。Accenture最近的一份报告指出,98%的企业领导人表示,人工智能将在未来三到五年的战略中发挥重要作用。McKinsey分析师发现,近65%的企业计划在未来三年内增加对人工智能的投资。Read full information on external site
人工智能、液体冷却和未来的数据中心 - sina.com.cn2023-10-07 生成式人工智能(AI)的迅速崛起,凸显了企业采用人工智能的非凡速度。Accenture最近的一份报告指出,98%的企业领导人表示,人工智能将在未来三到五年的战略中发挥重要作用。McKinsey分析师发现,近65%的企业计划在未来三年内增加对人工智能的投资。Read full information on external site
Permintaan Kian Meningkat, Ini 3 Strategi Kembangkan Talenta Data Center di Indonesia - liputan6.com2023-10-07 Data center tidak dimungkiri telah menjadi tulang punggung teknologi modern, mulai dari pelaksanaan edge computing hingga artificial intelligence. Terlebih, di tengah dunia yang semakin terhubung berkat digitalisasi. Read full information on external site
CANVIA adquiere nuevo Data Center Tier III - itusers.today2023-10-07 CANVIA adquiere nuevo Data Center, certificado Tier III, para satisfacer la creciente demanda de servicios tecnológicos a nivel nacional e internacional. Read full information on external site
CANVIA adquiere nuevo Data Center por la creciente demanda de servicios tecnológicos - nteve.com2023-10-07 CANVIA, empresa líder en soluciones tecnológicas y de transformación digital, cerró la compra de un nuevo Data Center e infraestructura tecnológica asociada, a través de la inversión de alrededor de US$ 6 MM, con el fin de responder al rápido crecimiento del sector TI, así como a la necesidad de una migración al entorno digital. Read full information on external site
CANVIA adquiere nuevo Data Center, certificado Tier III, para satisfacer la creciente demanda de servicios tecnológicos a nivel nacional e internacional - pressperu.com2023-10-06 CANVIA, empresa líder en soluciones tecnológicas y de transformación digital, cerró la compra de un nuevo Data Center e infraestructura tecnológica asociada, a través de la inversión de alrededor de US$ 6 MM, con el fin de responder al rápido crecimiento del sector TI, así como a la necesidad de una migración al entorno digital. Este Data Center, ubicado en el distrito de San Isidro, cuenta con la certificación Tier III en Diseño y Construcción otorgado por Uptime Institute, constituyendo a CANVIA como la primera empresa tecnológica a nivel nacional en contar con tres Data Centers Tier III. Read full information on external site
Virginia data centers have critical electrical and HVAC needs - bizjournals.com2023-10-06 The basics to keep a data center running are anything but simple. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric: w stronę efektywnego i zrównoważonego modelu dla nowej fali centrów danych - itwiz.pl2023-10-06 Wobec nadchodzącej fali inwestycji w centra danych, Silvia Olchini, wiceprezes działu Secure Power Schneider Electric we Włoszech, omawia wszechstronne podejście wykorzystujące innowacje procesowe, pozwalajace sprostać wymaganiom zrównoważonego rozwoju i efektywności. Read full information on external site
Tigo Business expande sus servicios de ciberseguridad con Secure SD-WAN de Fortinet - radiofides.com2023-10-06 La alianza marca un hito de innovación para clientes empresariales (B2B) donde combina una conexión de calidad y segura usando una solución convergente de alto valor agregado. Read full information on external site
CANVIA adquiere nuevo Data Center, certificado Tier III, para satisfacer la creciente demanda de servicios tecnológicos a nivel nacional e internacional - revistaeconomia2023-10-06 La compañía invirtió alrededor de US$ 6 MM en la adquisición de su tercer Data Center certificado Tier III y en infraestructura tecnológica asociada, beneficiando a sus clientes de los diversos sectores del mercado. Read full information on external site
O papel das Soluções de Monitoramento na resiliência do Data Center - jornow.com2023-10-05 O capital humano está escasso e caro na indústria de data centers. As equipes de TI e de facilities já estão sobrecarregadas e as organizações prosseguem tendo suas estratégias digitais como prioridades. Read full information on external site
End-to-End Visibility and Actionable Insights Underpin Great Connected Experiences - cisco2023-10-05 Three networking megatrends have upended how businesses approach networking to support the distributed workforce. Read full information on external site
Tigo Business expande sus servicios de ciberseguridad con Secure SD-WAN de Fortinet - jornada.com.bo2023-10-05 Tigo Business junto a Fortinet, presenta un nuevo servicio administrado para mejorar y asegurar las conexiones de red entre las sucursales de una empresa y conexiones a las aplicaciones basadas en nube. Read full information on external site
7x24 Exchange golf tournament brings DC data center leaders together - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-10-04 The 7x24 Exchange DC Chapter’s Annual Golf Tournament drew a crowd of nearly 300 data center leaders, 50-plus sponsors, and more than 40 volunteers to the Golf Club at Lansdowne last week, while supporting two philanthropic causes.The event stands as the Chapter's chief fundraising initiative, bringing together data center executives and the wide array of industries that support and are empowered by the world’s largest data center hub, located just down the road from Lansdowne. Read full information on external site
Eficiencia energética en el centro de datos: Lo que TI debe saber - cioperu2023-10-04 Crear centros de datos energéticamente eficientes y sostenibles tiene mucho sentido desde el punto de vista empresarial. Read full information on external site
Stc secures Uptime Institute’s ‘Management & Operations’ Stamp of Approval for its Data Centers - albawaba.com2023-10-04 Kuwait Telecommunications Company – stc, a world-class digital leader providing innovative services and platforms to customers, enabling the digital transformation in Kuwait, announced Read full information on external site
In 5 Schritten zur intelligenten Observability - cio.de2023-10-04 Microservices, Container und Software-definierte Multi-Cloud-Infrastrukturen machen das IT-Management extrem komplex. Wir zeigen Ihnen, welche fünf Hürden damit entstehen und wie Sie diese überwinden. Read full information on external site
Construção Modular de Data Centers - revistafatorbrasil2023-10-04 Preparados para o Futuro com Flexibilidade e Eficiência Energética. Read full information on external site
Menakar Peluang dan Pengembangan Talenta untuk Data Center di Indonesia - sindonews.com2023-10-04 Namun seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan data center secara eksponensial, ada masalah mendesak yang menjadi tantangan besar: kekurangan talenta digital di industri yang sangat penting ini. Read full information on external site
7 Key Advantages of Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery Solutions - businesscomputingworld2023-10-04 Over 60% of service disruptions in 2022 resulted in at least $100,000 in total losses, marking a substantial jump from 39% in 2019. Read full information on external site
Sterling & Wilson’s Started Construction Of Its Second Data Centre - rprealtyplus.com2023-10-03 Sterling and Wilson Private Limited (Sterling and Wilson/ SWPL), a Shapoorji Pallonji Group Company, and one of India’s leading engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) companies, announced that it has started construction of its second data centre for Raxio. Read full information on external site
Ending the data center skills shortage - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-10-03 Could recent mass layoffs provide a way to boost the data center industry’s headcount, foster diversity, and lower the average industry age? Read full information on external site
RI Kekurangan Talenta Data Center, Semua Pihak Harus Lakukan Ini - suara.com2023-10-03 Indonesia kekinian mengalami kekurangan talenta-talenta data center. Read full information on external site
AI Will Eliminate Jobs in the Data Center – But It Will Also Create New Ones - datacenterknowledge.com2023-10-03 While there is some truth in the fact that AI will make it possible to do more with less, the technology also opens up opportunities for new types of jobs in the data center. Read full information on external site
Sterling And Wilson’s Data Centre Project For Raxio In Angola Begins Construction - indiaeducationdiary.in2023-10-03 Sterling and Wilson Private Limited (Sterling and Wilson/ SWPL), a Shapoorji Pallonji Group Company, and one of India’s leading engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) companies, announced that it has started construction of its second data centre for Raxio. Read full information on external site
Women in the data centre industry: Getting girls into STEM - datacentremagazine.com2023-10-03 Data Centre Magazine speaks with leading industry women to talk about their experiences and to highlight what more can be done to improve DE&I sector-wide. Read full information on external site
Passare al Cloud, conoscendone l’impatto ambientale - greenplanner.it2023-10-02 Trasparenza e informazione: sono elementi fondamentali per chi deve rendere più sostenibile la propria infrastruttura informatica. Per questo Ovhcloud mette a disposizione dei suoi clienti un Carbon Calculator. Read full information on external site
3 Tips Memanfaatkan Peluang Data Center - okezone.com2023-10-02 Digitalisasi menempatkan data center pada peran pentingnya untuk menampung dan mengelola sejumlah besar informasi yang dihasilkan oleh individu, bisnis, dan pemerintah. Read full information on external site
Así es el mayor data center modular de España - datacentermarket2023-10-02 Data Center Market ha visitado el data center modular de T-Systems en Cerdanyola del Vallès. Desplegado en 9 meses, destaca por su diseño de alto nivel de seguridad con certificación Tier III y su apuesta por la sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
RI Butuh Banyak Talenta Digital untuk Data Center, Ini Upaya yang Bisa Dilakukan - kompas.com2023-10-02 Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul "RI Butuh Banyak Talenta Digital untuk Data Center, Ini Upaya yang Bisa Dilakukan", Klik untuk. Read full information on external site
What IT needs to know about energy-efficiency directives for data centers - networkworld.com2023-10-02 Global regulations aimed at sustainability are increasing pressure on IT teams to create more efficient data centers. Read full information on external site
RI Butuh Banyak Talenta Digital untuk Data Center, Ini Upaya yang Bisa Dilakukan - msn.com2023-10-02 Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul "RI Butuh Banyak Talenta Digital untuk Data Center, Ini Upaya yang Bisa Dilakukan", Klik untuk. Read full information on external site
Canvia inaugura su tercer data center con una inversión de US$ 6 millones - gestion.pe2023-10-02 La empresa cubrirá la demanda de sus clientes en el Perú y, en el corto plazo, se extenderá a atender a empresas internacionales. Read full information on external site
September 2023
Tiga upaya manfaatkan peluang dan ciptakan talenta data center - antaranews.com2023-09-30 Jakarta (ANTARA) - Data Center Business Vice President Schneider Electric Indonesia Yana Haikal menjelaskan, terdapat tiga langkah utama untuk memanfaatkan peluang pengembangan dan menciptakan talenta untuk memajukan data center di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Vertiv y perspectiva de desafíos latinoamericanos del consumo eléctrico en centros de datos - sitquije.com2023-09-28 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Read full information on external site
A crescente densidade computacional nos racks do data center: o impacto da Inteligência Artificial - docmanagement.com2023-09-28 Por Alex Sasaki, Diretor de Aplicações de Tecnologia e Gestão de Vendas da Vertiv América Latina. Read full information on external site
A crescente densidade computacional nos racks do data center - revistafatorbrasil.com2023-09-28 O impacto da Inteligência Artificial. Read full information on external site
A crescente densidade computacional nos racks do data center: o impacto da Inteligência Artificial - jornalempresasenegocios.com2023-09-28 Cargas de trabalho cada vez mais orientadas para dados, incluindo a inteligência artificial (IA) e outras formas de computação de alta performance, estão levando à maior densidade de capacidade de processamento e armazenamento nos racks dos data centers. Read full information on external site
Účinnost datacenter s chlazením od Schneider Electric - itbiz.cz2023-09-27 Společnost Schneider Electric podnikající v oblasti řízení energie a automatizace, navázala spolupráci se společností STACK Infrastructure, která je vývojářem a provozovatelem datových center na celém světě. Read full information on external site
A crescente densidade computacional nos racks do data center: o impacto da Inteligência Artificial - partnersales.com2023-09-27 Alex Sasaki, diretor de Aplicações de Tecnologia e Gestão de Vendas da Vertiv América Latina. Read full information on external site
Visitando el CPD modular de T-Systems en Cerdanyola del Vallés - taipricebook.es2023-09-26 El Data Center, uno de los más innovadores de España, celebra ocho años de funcionamiento con una visita guiada para conocer sus entrañas. Read full information on external site
Rozproszone dane w hybrydowej chmurze - crn.pl2023-09-26 Do obsługi nowych aplikacji oraz sposobów przetwarzania danych potrzebne będą zarówno wielkie, hiperskalowe centra danych, jak i te małe, brzegowe. Wszystkie połączy chmura, której docelowym modelem jest hybryda. Read full information on external site
Os fatores que determinam a disponibilidade 24x7 dos data centers - jornow.com2023-09-26 A humanidade testemunhou quatro principais revoluções que mudariam para sempre o curso da sociedade. Read full information on external site
How Asia-Pacific data centres can become more sustainable - businesstimes.com2023-09-25 Data centres are critical infrastructure. Active investing will push the boundaries of the sustainability standards the centres can achieve. Read full information on external site
Cerdanyola del vallés / el mayor centro de datos modular de españa - barcelonadot.com2023-09-25 El artículo de muycomputerpro nos lleva a cerdanyola del vallés, donde se encuentra el mayor centro de procesamiento de datos (cpd) modular de españa. Read full information on external site
Naujajam Registrų centro duomenų centrui suteiktas Valstybinio duomenų centro statusas Skaitykite plačiau - jp.lt2023-09-24 Registrų centras praneša, kad Ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerijos sprendimu duomenų centras įtrauktas į Valstybinių duomenų centrų sąrašą. Read full information on external site
Eficiente y sostenible, así es el CPD modular de T-Systems, desarrollado junto a Vertiv, en Cerdanyola del Vallés - ituser.es2023-09-22 Fue en 2013 cuando la división de servicios de digitalización de Deutsche Telekom anunció la construcción de un CPD en la localidad catalana de Cerdanyola del Vallés. Dos años más tarde, T-Systems y Vertiv firmaron una alianza que en su momento fue definida como de “pionera” y que tuvo como resultado el nacimiento “del mayor datacenter modular de España y el primero construido de este modo por T-Systems en todo el mundo”, destacan ambas compañías. Read full information on external site
NOTICIASEl mayor centro de datos modular de España - muycomputerpro.com2023-09-22 El mayor CPD modular de España. Es lo que tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar ayer en Cerdanyola del Vallés. Read full information on external site
Pi Datacenters earmark ₹200 crore investment on its Hyderabad operations - communicationstoday2023-09-21 Pi Datacenters, which runs datacentres in Vijaywada and Kochi, has expanded its operations to Hyderabad by opening a facility with an investment of ₹100 crore. The Hyderabad facility will lead the company's newly-formed vertical-AI Cloud. Read full information on external site
Νέος κόμβος Colocation και Συνδεσιμότητας στη Ρώμη από την Digital Realty - biztech.gr2023-09-21 Η Digital Realty ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την επέκταση της δραστηριότητάς της στην ιταλική αγορά μετά την απόκτηση γης και τον προκαταρκτικό προγραμματισμό για ανάπτυξη στη Ρώμη. Read full information on external site
Die Wolke weht zum Geld - cloudcomputing-insider.de2023-09-21 Die Zahl der AWS-Regionen soll sich im Lauf des kommenden Jahres von 105 jetzt auf dann 130 erhöhen. Andere Hyperscaler, aber auch große Cloud-Anbieter wie IBM, Oracle oder Alibaba sind international auf Wachstumskurs. Read full information on external site
Veri merkezlerindeki yetenek eksikliğine karşı çözüm yolları - bthaber.com2023-09-21 Enerji yönetimi ve otomasyonun dijital dönüşümü şirketi Schneider Electric, bilgi depolama ve yönetme konusunda kritik bir rol üstlenen veri merkezlerinde yaşanan yetenek açığına dikkat çekiyor. Read full information on external site
Pi Datacenters announces ₹200-cr expansion - thehindubusinessline.com2023-09-20 Pi Datacentrers has opened a facility in Hyderabad. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric, veri merkezlerindeki yetenek eksikliğine yönelik çözüm yollarını açıkladı - osmancikhaber.com2023-09-20 İSTANBUL (AA) - Schneider Electric, veri merkezlerinde yaşanan yetenek açığının yönetilmesi ve böylece dijital dönüşümün hızlandırılması için çözüm yolları sunuyor. Read full information on external site
Why hybrid cooling is the future for data centres - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-09-20 İSTANBUL (AA) - Gordon Johnson, Senior CFD Manager, Subzero Engineering, argues that the future is undoubtedly hybrid, and by using air cooling, containment and liquid cooling together, owners and operators can optimise and future-proof their data centre environments. Read full information on external site
El consumo global de electricidad de los centros de datos - itwarelatam.com2023-09-20 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Read full information on external site
El consumo global de electricidad de los centros de datos - enfasys.net2023-09-20 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Read full information on external site
El consumo global de electricidad de los centros de datos - itseller.cl2023-09-20 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Read full information on external site
Perspectiva de los desafíos latinoamericanos del consumo eléctrico en centros de datos - addictware.com2023-09-19 Los data centers requieren más de 600 megawatts de energía en sitio (Sedesu). Una tendencia en aumento en la industria de ICT es la adopción de centros de datos modulares para reducir el impacto industrial en el medio ambiente. Read full information on external site
Rechenzentrums-Tier und ihre Bedeutung für die Betriebszeit - computerweekly.com2023-09-19 Firmen sollten die vier unterschiedlichen Rechenzentrums-Tiers von Colocation-Anbietern für ihre eigenen RZs auf Basis ihrer Anforderungen an die Betriebszeit in Betracht ziehen. Read full information on external site
Was bedeutet Redundanz im Datacenter? - datacenter-insider.de2023-09-19 Rechenzentren sind die Basis der Digitalwirtschaft. Insofern sind Ausfallzeiten besonders kritisch. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric y STACK EMEA apuestan por la sostenibilidad de los centros de datos - ituser.es2023-09-19 El fabricante Schneider Electric colabora con el proveedor de infraestructura STACK EMEA para construir un modelo de centros de datos más eficientes y sostenibles. Read full information on external site
OVHcloud launches carbon calculator demonstrating transparency and further strengthening its commitment to sustainability - insightaas.com2023-09-19 OVHcloud, the European Cloud leader, now provides its IaaS customers with a carbon calculator aimed at giving them monthly reports on their cloud-related carbon emission. Read full information on external site
El poder de la tecnología: cómo la IA está transformando los centros de datos - itnews.lat2023-09-18 El poder de la tecnología: cómo la IA está transformando los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Danfoss and DEIF organise Green Data Centre Seminar - climatecontrolme.com2023-09-18 The seminar discusses the need for sustainability in data centre operations, the organisers say. Read full information on external site
Analysis: Upgrading Israel's Data Centers Will Strengthen National Security - israeldefense.co2023-09-18 Gad Benett delves into the vulnerabilities that could jeopardize the continuous operation of various essential services of Israel, should the nation come under attack. Read full information on external site
Vertiv apuesta por los datacenter en la Comunidad de Madrid - taipricebook.es2023-09-18 Vertiv refuerza su estrategia en la Comunidad de Madrid con el objetivo de contribuir al impulso de la región como hub digital en Europa. Read full information on external site
PRESSR: Danfoss and DEIF gather top regional Data Center experts to discuss sustainable data center solutions - tradingview.com2023-09-18 Sustainable data centers play an important role in meeting Dubai's Net Zero Emissions targets for 2050. Read full information on external site
Experts discuss sustainable data centre solutions - zawya.com2023-09-18 The event, which gathered over 80 regional experts and data centre industry stakeholders. Read full information on external site
GCC prepares for the anticipated surge in data center demand - ognnews.com2023-09-18 The Green Data Center seminar gathered over 80 regional experts and data center industry stakeholders at September 13, in Dubai to discuss the pressing need for sustainability in data center operations, as one of the crucial factors in achieving regional decarbonisation goals. Read full information on external site
GCC prepares for the anticipated surge in data center demand - tradearabia.com2023-09-18 The Green Data Center seminar gathered over 80 regional experts and data center industry stakeholders at September 13, in Dubai to discuss the pressing need for sustainability in data center operations, as one of the crucial factors in achieving regional decarbonisation goals. Read full information on external site
El poder de la tecnología: cómo la IA está transformando los centros de datos - itnews.lat2023-09-18 La revolución tecnológica está en pleno apogeo y los centros de datos están experimentando un cambio sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
El consumo global de electricidad de los centros de datos destaca la necesidad de adoptar tecnologías más eficientes y sostenibles - newsinamerica.com2023-09-18 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, el creciente uso de centros de datos genera una mayor demanda de energía eléctrica. Read full information on external site
El consumo global de electricidad de los centros de datos destaca la necesidad de adoptar tecnologías más eficientes y sostenibles - elespectadordepanama.com2023-09-17 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Read full information on external site
Consumo global de electricidad de los centros de datos destaca la necesidad de adoptar tecnologías más sostenibles - metrolibre.com2023-09-16 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico, infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial, pero en los últimos años, han registrado una mayor demanda de energía eléctrica. Read full information on external site
Solusi Monitoring IT Berperan Menekan Kerugian Downtime Pusat Data - gatra.com2023-09-15 Jakarta, Gatra.com - Di era yang serba digital seperti sekarang ini, mayoritas bisnis sangat bergantung pada peran pusat data sebagai “tulang punggung” dalam mendorong transformasi digital di seluruh lini fungsi bisnis. Read full information on external site
Claves para el desarrollo de un Data Center exitoso - america-retail.com2023-09-15 «Claves para el desarrollo de un Data Center exitoso», es el tema que nos propone Luz María García, Gerente General de la Asociación Chilena de Empresas de Tecnologías de la Información A.G. (ACTI). Read full information on external site
Desafíos del consumo eléctrico en centros de datos - itcomunicacion.com2023-09-15 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Read full information on external site
OVHcloud lance sa calculatrice carbone - globalsecuritymag.com2023-09-14 OVHcloud propose à ses clients IaaS une calculatrice carbone permettant de générer des rapports mensuels s’agissant de leurs émissions de carbone relatives au cloud. Read full information on external site
Die Wolke weht zum Geld - it-business2023-09-14 Die Zahl der AWS-Regionen soll sich im kommenden Jahr von 105 auf 130 erhöhen. Read full information on external site
OVHcloud wprowadza kalkulator śladu węglowego - dlahandlu.pl2023-09-14 Firma OVHcloud, europejski lider chmury, udostępniła swoim klientom IaaS kalkulator śladu węglowego dostarczający comiesięczne raporty na temat emisji dwutlenku węgla, związanej z korzystaniem z chmury obliczeniowej. Read full information on external site
CO2-Bilanz von Cloud-Infrastrukturen sichtbar machen: OVHcloud stellt Carbon Calculator vor - storageconsortium2023-09-14 Köln, Starnberg, 14. Sept. 2023 - Neuer CO2-Rechner für mehr Transparenz; Unterstützung für verstärkte Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen im Bereich des CO2-Fußabdrucks… Read full information on external site
Conoce los principales retos de los centros de datos en 2023 - redestelecomsortium2023-09-14 Uptime Institute ha publicado su popular Encuesta Global de Centros de Datos 2023, donde asegura que la escasez de personal y la presión para reducir el consumo de la energía serán los principales retos a los que tendrán que hacer frente los centros de datos este año. Read full information on external site
OVHcloud lanza su calculadora de carbono como muestra de transparencia y de su compromiso con la sostenibilidad - elcandelerotecnologico2023-09-14 OVHcloud, líder europeo del cloud, ofrece ahora a sus clientes de IaaS una calculadora de carbono que les permite generar informes mensuales sobre sus emisiones de carbono relacionadas con el cloud. Read full information on external site
How to Stay Up and Running When the Cloud Goes Down – and Avoid Lock-ins - networkcomputing.com2023-09-13 The dominance of a small set of cloud providers means many businesses find themselves in ‘one-stop shops’ where vendor lock-in remains a huge issue, especially when outages occur. Read full information on external site
Fragmented Regimes Challenge APAC Data Centre Sustainability: Nuveen - mingtiandi.com2023-09-13 Nuveen has invested in the Cargo Consolidation Complex data centre in Hong Kong’s New Territories. Read full information on external site
How managed services keep the edge ecosystem afloat - engineerit2023-09-13 By Rohan De Beer, Secure Power Channel Manager, Southern Africa Region at Schneider Electric. A survey by the Uptime Institute found that the impact of data centre downtime has grown in severity, making the availability (of data centres), at the core and at the edge, a key concern for organisations. Read full information on external site
Vertiv refuerza su apuesta por los centros de datos en Madrid - material-electrico.cdecomunicacion.es2023-09-12 La comunidad es punta de lanza del desarrollo de los centros de datos en nuestro país, con más de treinta instalaciones operativas y una previsión de inversión de 6.000 millones de euros hasta 2025. Read full information on external site
״חוות שרתים עיליות בישראל אינן עומדות במתקפת טילים״ - israeldefense2023-09-12 ״בנייה תת קרקעית בסטנדרטים גבוהים של אבטחה היא יקרה, אך אין להתפשר כשמדובר בדאטה ובמערכות לאומיות ועסקיות קריטיות״, טוען גד בנט, מנכ"ל טקטוניק. Read full information on external site
Επεκτείνεται στην Ιταλία η Digital Realty - netweek2023-09-12 Στην επέκταση δραστηριότητάς της στην ιταλική αγορά μετά την απόκτηση γης και τον προκαταρκτικό προγραμματισμό για ανάπτυξη στη Ρώμη προχωρά η Digital Realty. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty's new Rome hub to boost Mediterranean footprint - communicationstoday2023-09-11 Realty, the largest global provider of cloud- and carrier-neutral data center, colocation and interconnection solutions, announced its expansion into the Italian market following the acquisition and pre-development planning of land in Rome. Read full information on external site
How managed services keep the edge ecosystem afloat - securitysa.com2023-09-11 By Rohan De Beer, Secure Power Channel Manager, Southern Africa Region at Schneider Electric. A survey by the Uptime Institute found that the impact of data centre downtime has grown in severity, making the availability (of data centres), at the core and at the edge, a key concern for organisations. Read full information on external site
Επεκτείνεται στην ιταλική αγορά η Digital Realty Πηγή - reporter.gr2023-09-11 Η Digital Realty ανακοίνωσε σήμερα (11//9) την επέκταση της δραστηριότητάς της στην ιταλική αγορά μετά την απόκτηση γης και τον προκαταρκτικό προγραμματισμό για ανάπτυξη στη Ρώμη. Πηγή Read full information on external site
A digital golden thread of information - firemiddleeastmag.com2023-09-11 Fire Middle East magazine is the focal point for fire and rescue technology news in the Middle East. Read full information on external site
H Digital Realty επεκτείνει την παρουσία της στη Ρώμη με νέο κόμβο Colocation και Συνδεσιμότητας - sofokleous102023-09-11 Η Digital Realty, ο μεγαλύτερος παγκόσμιος carrier-neutral πάροχος λύσεων για colocation, cloud- και διασύνδεση, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την επέκταση της δραστηριότητάς της στην ιταλική αγορά μετά την απόκτηση γης και τον προκαταρκτικό προγραμματισμό για ανάπτυξη στη Ρώμη. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty si espande nel Mediterraneo: in arrivo a Roma nuovo hub di connettività - dealflower.it2023-09-11 Digital Realty, il più grande fornitore globale di data center, colocation e soluzioni di interconnessione cloud e carrier-neutral, ha annunciato la sua espansione nel mercato italiano in seguito all’acquisizione e alla pianificazione pre-sviluppo di un terreno a Roma. Read full information on external site
AI, Liquid Cooling And The Data Center Of The Future - forbes.com2023-09-11 Holland Barry, Senior Vice President and Field CTO, Cyxtera. Read full information on external site
Backup Power Solutions to Help Weather Storm Season - ien.com2023-09-11 Tips for manufacturers to strengthen their disaster preparedness plans for extreme weather events. Read full information on external site
Backup Power Solutions to Help Weather Storm Season - manufacturing.net2023-09-11 Tips for manufacturers to strengthen their disaster preparedness plans for extreme weather events. Read full information on external site
Backup Power Solutions to Help Weather Storm Season - foodmanufacturing.com2023-09-11 Tips for manufacturers to strengthen their disaster preparedness plans for extreme weather events. Read full information on external site
Backup Power Solutions to Help Weather Storm Season - impomag.com2023-09-11 Tips for manufacturers to strengthen their disaster preparedness plans for extreme weather events. Read full information on external site
Sostenibilidad en manos de las empresas tecnológicas - elheraldo.co2023-09-09 En tales procesos de gestión, control y reducción del impacto ambiental, los expertos implicados deben formarse constantemente con compañías que certifiquen la calidad y les aporten amplios niveles de especialización. Read full information on external site
Vertiv y la perspectiva de los desafíos latinoamericanos del consumo eléctrico en centros de datos - notimx.mx2023-09-09 Los data centers requieren más de 600 megawatts de energía en sitio (Sedesu). Read full information on external site
Data centers are short-staffed boys’ clubs - datacenterdynamics.com2023-09-08 Data center operations teams need to hire from varied labor pools — but they are still overlooking women. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty plans data center hub in Rome - convergedigest.com2023-09-08 Digital Realty announced its expansion into the Italian market following the acquisition and pre-development planning of land in Rome. Read full information on external site
Die Wolke weht zum Geld - datacenter-insider.de2023-09-08 Die Zahl der AWS-Regionen soll sich im Lauf des kommenden Jahres von 105 jetzt auf dann 130 erhöhen. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty to build new data centre in Rome, Italy - worldconstructionnetwork.com2023-09-08 The first data centre, which is named ROM1, is a tier four facility. Read full information on external site
Vertiv apuesta por los data center en la Comunidad de Madrid - zaragoza24horas.com2023-09-08 Vertiv apuesta por los data center en la Comunidad de Madrid. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty recibe el Certificado de Conformidad del Pacto para la Neutralidad Climática de los Centros de Datos - silicon.es2023-09-08 Digital Realty obtiene Certificado de Conformidad del Pacto por la Neutralidad Climática de los Centros de Datos y expande su red de data centers por el Mediterráneo. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty (DLR) Expands Into Rome to Boost Digital Growth - zacks.com2023-09-08 Expanding into the Italian market, Digital Realty (DLR Quick QuoteDLR - Free Report) recently acquired land in Rome and commenced pre-development planning for a new colocation and connectivity hub. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty (DLR) Expands Into Rome to Boost Digital Growth - nasdaq.com2023-09-08 Expanding into the Italian market, Digital Realty (DLR Quick QuoteDLR - Free Report) recently acquired land in Rome and commenced pre-development planning for a new colocation and connectivity hub. Read full information on external site
La necesidad de adoptar tecnologías eficientes y sostenibles en desarrollo de centros de datos - emb.cl/channelnews2023-09-08 Un informe del Uptime Institute revela que el consumo energético de los servidores está experimentando una marcada tendencia al alza. Read full information on external site
Desafíos del consumo eléctrico en centros de datos en Latinoamérica - computerworldmexico.com.mx2023-09-08 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty Expands Mediterranean Presence with Development of New Colocation and Connectivity Hub in Rome - lelezard.com2023-09-07 Expansion into Rome highlights Digital Realty's integrated strategy across the Mediterranean, enhancing its ability to meet growing customer demand in the region. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty expands Mediterranean presence - digitalisationworld.com2023-09-07 Expansion into Rome highlights Digital Realty's integrated strategy across the Mediterranean, enhancing its ability to meet growing customer demand in the region. Read full information on external site
Is European Industry Energy-resilient? - easyengineering.eu2023-09-07 European industry is suffering from chronic energy instability due to ageing infrastructure, soaring bills and the ongoing integration of renewable power sources. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty develops new colocation and connectivity hub in Rome - capacitymedia.com2023-09-07 Digital Realty is expanding its presence into the Italian market following the acquisition and pre-development planning of land in Rome. Read full information on external site
Evocative CEO Derek Garnier to Discuss Data Center Workforce Development at Datacloud USA - telecomnewsroom.com2023-09-07 Evocative, a global provider of Internet infrastructure, announces that Derek Garnier, Chief Executive Officer, is sharing his expertise in overcoming staffing challenges, upskilling workers, and promoting inclusivity as a panel member at Datacloud USA 2023, taking place September 11-12, 2023, in Austin, Texas. Read full information on external site
Vietnam’s Data Center Economy: Sector Insights and Key Regulations - vietnam-briefing.com2023-09-06 Vietnam’s data center economy is poised for steady expansion, with the sector forecast by Research and Markets to reach US$1.03 billion by 2028, a substantial increase from the US$561 million recorded in 2022. Read full information on external site
5 Wege zu effizienteren Servern - cio.de2023-09-06 Um ihre Nachhaltigskeitsziele zu erreichen, stehen Unternehmen verschiedene Optionen offen – auch im Rechenzentrum. Read full information on external site
Property Management Success: Powering Data Center Efficiency and Security - commercialsearch.com2023-09-05 Insights on best practices for operating these in-demand, technically challenging facilities. Read full information on external site
Consumo energético: 4 maneras para reducir el consumo de electricidad en los centros de datos - gadgerss.com2023-09-05 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Read full information on external site
inwi décroche la certification « Tier III » pour ses Data centers - leseco.ma2023-09-05 Après le Datacenter de Technopolis Rabat certifié Tier III depuis son inauguration en 2019, inwi se voit décerner la certification Tier III pour deux nouveaux Datacenters à Settat et à Marrakech. Read full information on external site
Infrastructures technologiques : inwi certifié Tier III pour ses deux nouveaux Datacenters - aujourdhui.ma2023-09-05 inwi est le seul opérateur au Maroc à avoir 3 Datacenters certifiés par Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
inwi décroche 2 nouvelles certifications pour ses Datacenters à Settat et à Marrakech - lesinfos.ma2023-09-05 inwi, l'opérateur global au Maroc, continue de briller dans le secteur des infrastructures technologiques avec deux nouvelles certifications de ses Datacenters situés à Settat et Marrakech, venant s'ajouter à celle obtenue précédemment pour son Datacenter de Technopolis Rabat. Read full information on external site
Big Step for Croatian Data Security From a Not So Big City in North of Croatia - total-croatia-news.com2023-09-05 A boost for both Varaždin and Croatian data security, with CRATIS about to open DC North, the biggest data storage and disaster recovery centre in Croatia. Read full information on external site
Consumo energético: 4 maneras para reducir el consumo de electricidad en los centros de datos - technopatas.com2023-09-05 Los centros de datos son la base del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; son infraestructuras que alojan enormes cantidades de servidores y dispositivos electrónicos con el objetivo de procesar y distribuir los datos a nivel mundial. Read full information on external site
Google、微軟資料中心「吃水怪獸」犯眾怒!AI晶片耗能暴增,加劇全球缺水危機 - tw.stock.yahoo.com2023-09-05 近年全球在極端氣候下,高溫警報頻傳、缺水問題日益擴大,使得資料中心吃水怪獸的問題浮上檯面。世界各地許多資料中心與所在地的民眾因為用水問題爭議不休,目前正與缺水搏鬥的西班牙,卡斯提亞-拉曼查自治區的民眾就為了興建中的Meta資料中心展開抗爭。Read full information on external site
Madrid, a la cabeza de desarrollo de data centers en España - bigdatamagazine.es2023-09-05 Madrid se encuentra a la cabeza del desarrollo de los data centers en nuestro país, con más de 30 instalaciones operativas y previsión de inversión de 6.000 millones de euros hasta 2025. Read full information on external site
Esenciales como el agua (los centros de datos se posicionan) - infonegocios.biz2023-09-04 Francisco Sales, director de servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica, anunció que los centros de datos se convirtieron en el quinto servicio esencial detrás del agua, la electricidad, las telecomunicaciones y el gas. Read full information on external site
投资323亿!建行将建贵安数据中心及大数据应用示范基地 - mpaypass.com2023-09-04 2023年7月,建行贵州贵安新区数据中心及大数据应用示范基地项目(一期)勘察招标公告显示,项目地址为贵安新区马场科技城ME-01-01规划地块,建筑面积暂估为17.59万平方米(含地下建筑规模0.25万平方米。Read full information on external site
Naujajam Registrų centro duomenų centrui suteiktas Valstybinio duomenų centro statusas - delfi.lt2023-09-04 Skelbiama, kad Nepriklausomam auditoriui įvertinus Registrų centro duomenų centro ir jame įdiegtų technologinių sprendinių atitikimą valstybiniams duomenų centrams keliamų techninių ir organizacinių reikalavimų aprašo nuostatoms, Ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerijos sprendimu Vilniuje esantis Registrų centrų duomenų centras įtrauktas į Valstybinių duomenų centrų (VDC) sąrašą. Read full information on external site
Inwi obtient la certification Tier III pour deux nouveaux data centers - lavieeco.com2023-09-04 Après le data center de Technopolis Rabat, inwi décroche la certification Tier III pour deux nouveaux data centers à Settat et à Marrakech. Read full information on external site
inwi: deux nouveaux datacenters de l’opérateur obtiennent la certification Tier III - le3602023-09-04 Après son datacenter de Technopolis Rabat, certifié Tier III depuis son inauguration en 2019, inwi se voit décerner la certification Tier III pour deux nouveaux datacenters à Settat et à Marrakech. Read full information on external site
Inwi obtient la certification Tier III pour deux nouveaux data centers - maghress.com2023-09-04 Après son datacenter de Technopolis Rabat, certifié Tier III depuis son inauguration en 2019, inwi se voit décerner la certification Tier III pour deux nouveaux datacenters à Settat et à Marrakech. Read full information on external site
Inwi obtient la certification Tier III pour deux nouveaux data centers - lematin.ma2023-09-04 Après son datacenter de Technopolis Rabat, certifié Tier III depuis son inauguration en 2019, inwi se voit décerner la certification Tier III pour deux nouveaux datacenters à Settat et à Marrakech. Read full information on external site
Enfriamiento para centro de datos: un desafío ante el aumento de la densidad informática - esemanal.mx2023-09-04 Las cargas de trabajo impulsadas cada vez más por los datos, incluida la inteligencia artificial (IA) y otros tipos de computación de alto rendimiento, llevan a una capacidad de procesamiento y almacenamiento de mayor densidad en los racks del centro de datos, lo que eleva el consumo energético y los requerimientos para el enfriamiento. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué las soluciones de monitoreo de centros de datos deberían estar arriba de su lista de prioridades? - enfasys.net2023-09-04 El capital humano es sumamente valioso en la industria de centros de datos. Los equipos de Instalaciones y TI ya son limitados, y las organizaciones siguen adoptando estrategias digitales como prioridad. Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos - businessempresarial.com2023-09-03 La actual transformación digital incluye a todas las industrias y economías, y aborda dos necesidades esenciales: los datos masivos y la disponibilidad en tiempo real. Es por ello que, en la cuarta revolución industrial, los centros de datos son los protagonistas. Read full information on external site
La construcción modular de centros de datos: preparada para el futuro con flexibilidad y eficiencia energética - elbolillo.net2023-09-02 Por: Alexandre Magno Rodrigues Alves, gerente de la oferta de soluciones integradas en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
The Data Center Ransomware Attack That Costs You Everything - dailystarnewstoday.com2023-09-01 What happens when a data center ransomware attack costs you everything? Lesson from the CloudNordic and Azero ransomware attacks. Read full information on external site
The Data Center Ransomware Attack That Costs You Everything - datacenterknowledge.com2023-09-01 What happens when a data center ransomware attack costs you everything? Lesson from the CloudNordic and Azero ransomware attacks. Read full information on external site
Tekan kerugian dari downtime data center dengan solusi monitoring IT - indotelko2023-08-31 JAKARTA (IndoTelko) - Di era yang serba digital seperti sekarang ini, mayoritas bisnis sangat bergantung pada peran pusat data sebagai ‘tulang punggung’ dalam mendorong transformasi digital di seluruh lini fungsi bisnis. Read full information on external site
Die Vorteile von „Fault Tolerant“ für Unternehmen - it-daily2023-08-31 Der Einsatz eines Tier-IV-Rechenzentrums maximiert die Vorteile der Digitalisierung und der Cloud-Migration für Unternehmen. Durch seine Leistungsfähigkeit bietet es auch das optimale Umfeld für komplexe SAP-Systeme. Read full information on external site
La construcción modular de centros de datos - metrolibre.com2023-08-31 La tecnología ha evolucionado tanto que hoy podemos estar en línea las 24 horas del día y los 7 días de la semana, ya sea a través de videoconferencias, llamadas de voz, películas por streaming o al escuchar nuestro playlist favorito. Read full information on external site
什么是托管数据中心?- citnews.com2023-08-31 许多组织将托管作为一种可靠的数据中心解决方案,用于存储关键任务数据、运行应用和服务以及按需访问。本文将探讨托管数据中心的概念,并深入研究其为现代企业提供的优势。Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos - zoomempresarial2023-08-31 La actual transformación digital incluye a todas las industrias y economías, y aborda dos necesidades esenciales: los datos masivos y la disponibilidad en tiempo real. Read full information on external site
The role of CIOs in network evolution - technative2023-08-30 With inflation at its record high, IT budgets have never been stretched so thin. Read full information on external site
Antisipasi Downtime di Data Center, Paessler Sarankan Solusi Ini - infokomputer2023-08-30 Downtime pada data center adalah sebuah masalah serius mengingat peran penting pusat data dalam mendorong transformasi digital dewasa ini. Bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengantisipasi terjadinya downtime ini? Read full information on external site
Proč uvažovat o UPS pro síťové úložiště (NAS)? - digitalnidomacnost2023-08-30 Objem dat exponenciálně zvyšuje, aby odpovídal vysoké úrovni rozvoje digitální ekonomiky. Zvýšené množství dat má za následek také obrovské nároky na kapacitu úložišť, která jsou základním kamenem efektivní digitální infrastruktury. Read full information on external site
La construcción modular de centros de datos: preparada para el futuro con flexibilidad y eficiencia energética - panama24horas.com2023-08-30 Una de las diferencias más notables entre un centro de datos modular y uno tradicional es el tiempo de implementación. El primero se construye más rápidamente, lo cual representa un 30% de ahorro en el tiempo de implementación. Read full information on external site
Antisipasi Downtime di Data Center, Paessler Sarankan Solusi Ini - msn.com2023-08-30 Downtime pada data center adalah sebuah masalah serius mengingat peran penting pusat data dalam mendorong transformasi digital dewasa ini. Bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengantisipasi terjadinya downtime ini? Read full information on external site
如何提高传统数据中心的效率和可持续性 - 51cto.com2023-08-29 随着工作负载转移到全球二级和三级托管数据中心市场,对于托管数据中心的需求日渐增大,2023年将成为托管数据中心行业在设计和建设数据中心时减少能源消耗、碳排放和成本的一年。Read full information on external site
Data Centers: ¿Qué son y para qué sirven? - impactotic.co2023-08-29 Esta infraestructura tecnológica garantiza la disponibilidad, seguridad y rendimiento de sistemas informáticos vitales para operaciones empresariales y servicios en línea. Read full information on external site
Vertiv apuesta por los data center en la Comunidad de Madrid - interempresas.net2023-08-28 Vertiv refuerza su estrategia en la Comunidad de Madrid con el objetivo de contribuir al impulso de la región como Hub Digital en Europa. La compañía asegura que continuará reforzando su presencia en España, y en concreto en la Comunidad de Madrid, para apoyar y aprovechar el crecimiento exponencial que está experimentando el sector del data center. Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos 24/7 - msn.com2023-08-28 Por Francisco Sales, director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. La humanidad a ha sido testigo de cuatro revoluciones principales que cambiaron por siempre el rumbo de la sociedad. Read full information on external site
DCI Indonesia Pakai Energi Terbarukan di Data Center Bintan - liputan6.com2023-08-27 PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) akan memakai energi terbarukan untuk green data center di Bintan, Kepulauan Riau (H3). Read full information on external site
¿Por qué priorizar las soluciones de monitoreo de centros de datos? - itnews.lat2023-08-27 En un entorno donde los recursos de gestión de instalaciones y TI son limitados, el valor del capital humano en los centros de datos es esencial. Read full information on external site
El aumento de la densidad informática en el centro de datos: el efecto de la IA - itnews.lat2023-08-27 Por Daniel De Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
La amenaza que acecha en los centros de datos: hackee los sistemas de administración de energía y tome todo el poder - ebizlatam.com2023-08-26 Las tecnologías conectadas de hoy forman parte de casi todos los aspectos de la vida diaria, desde el hogar hasta la empresa. Read full information on external site
A crescente densidade computacional nos racks do data center: o impacto da IA - docmanagement.com2023-08-25 Por Daniel De Vinatea, diretor de operações de vendas, entrega e execução para a Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
Is Liquid Cooling Adoption by Data Centers Becoming a Zero-Sum Game? - datacenterknowledge.com2023-08-24 As data centers' demand for liquid cooling systems continues to increase, strangely, so has demand for high-efficiency air cooling. It seems AI workloads may be bifurcating facility designs. Read full information on external site
Como precisam de muita água para resfriar, data centers em áreas secas da Espanha geram revolta - exame2023-08-24 Ambientalistas em países como Espanha e Uruguai estão unidos na pressão contra as big techs. Read full information on external site
Living on the edge - datacentrereview.com2023-08-24 Wendy Shearer, Director of Smart Cities & Ecosystems at Pulsant, explores how local infrastructure and edge computing can help supercharge regional businesses. Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos 24/7 - notimx2023-08-23 Francisco Sales, director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica Read full information on external site
DCI Indonesia (DCII) Optimistis Catat Kenaikan Pendapatan Hingga 30% - investor.id2023-08-23 JAKARTA, investor.id - Setelah berhasil bukukan kinerja positif pada semester I-2023, PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) optimistis pada tahun ini mampu mencatatkan kenaikan pendapatan double digit atau berkisar 20-30%. Read full information on external site
Strategi DCI Raih Pendapatan Rp633 Miliar di Semester I 2023 - swa2023-08-23 PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCI) menutup Semester I 2023 dengan kinerja positif. Penyedia layanan infrastruktur pusat data (colocation) ini mencatat kenaikan pendapatan sebesar 38% menjadi Rp633 miliar YoY. Read full information on external site
DCI Indonesia (DCII) Optimistis Catat Kenaikan Pendapatan Hingga 30% - ipotnews2023-08-23 JAKARTA, investor.id - Setelah berhasil bukukan kinerja positif pada semester I-2023, PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) optimistis pada tahun ini mampu mencatatkan kenaikan pendapatan double digit atau berkisar 20-30%. Read full information on external site
DCII Taksir Pendapatan Tumbuh Doubel Digit - neraca2023-08-23 Jakarta- Tahun ini, PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) memproyeksikan pendapatan dan laba bersih tumbuh double digit seiring kinerja positif yang telah tercapai di paruh pertama 2023. Read full information on external site
Exploring the Impact of Thermal Energy on Internet Infrastructure - energyportal2023-08-23 Unveiling the Effects of Thermal Energy on Internet Infrastructure: A Comprehensive Study. Read full information on external site
El aumento de la densidad informática en el centro de datos: el efecto de la IA - diarioestrategia2023-08-23 Las cargas de trabajo impulsadas cada vez más por los datos, incluida la inteligencia artificial (IA) y otros tipos de computación de alto rendimiento, llevan a una capacidad de procesamiento y almacenamiento de mayor densidad en los racks del centro de datos. De acuerdo con una encuesta realizada por el Uptime Institute, más de una tercera parte de los operadores de centros de datos ha reportado un rápido aumento en las densidades de los racks durante los últimos tres años. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué priorizar las soluciones de monitoreo de centros de datos? - lanotaeconomica.com2023-08-23 En un entorno donde los recursos de gestión de instalaciones y TI son limitados, el valor del capital humano en los centros de datos es esencial. A medida que las estrategias digitales toman el protagonismo, la introducción de tecnologías como la Inteligencia Artificial y las GPU complica la gestión de la infraestructura. Read full information on external site
El aumento de la densidad informática en el centro de datos: el efecto de la IA - canal-ar2023-08-23 Escribe Daniel De Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
Conoce qué define la disponibilidad de centros de datos - greentology2023-08-23 Los centros de datos se convirtieron en el quinto servicio crítico esencial, de ahí que la actual transformación digital incluye a todas las industrias y economías, y aborda dos necesidades esenciales: los datos masivos y la disponibilidad en tiempo real. Read full information on external site
Ưu và nhược điểm của chiến lược ưu tiên đám mây - doanhnghiephoinhap2023-08-23 Một số tổ chức đã xem đám mây là lựa chọn tiêu chuẩn của họ để lưu trữ dữ liệu và lưu trữ quy trình công việc, nhưng họ vẫn cần thực hiện đánh giá chi phí và mức độ phù hợp trong từng trường hợp cụ thể. Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos 24/7 - edomexaldia2023-08-22 Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos 24/7. Read full information on external site
El aumento de la densidad informática en el centro de datos: el efecto de la IA - portalinnova2023-08-22 Por Daniel De Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
El aumento de la densidad informática en el centro de datos: el efecto de la IA - gadgerss.com2023-08-22 Por Daniel De Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
Kinerja Keuangan Mantap, Begini Nasib Saham Toto Sugiri DCII - sinarharapan2023-08-22 Otto Toto Sugiri salah satu orang terkaya di Indonesia yang dijuluki bill gatesnya Indonesia. Read full information on external site
DCI kelola enam gedung pusat data berkapasitas total 82 MW - antaranews2023-08-22 Elshinta.com - Direktur Keuangan dan Corporate Affairs PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) Evelyn menjelaskan perseroan saat ini telah mengoperasikan enam gedung pusat data (data center) berstandar global dengan total kapasitas mencapai 82 megawatt (MW). Read full information on external site
ECL wprowadza na rynek centra danych zasilane wodorem - computerworld2023-08-22 Amerykańska firma ECL ogłosiła, że jest pierwszą na świecie, która opracowała komercyjne rozwiązanie modułowego centrum danych wykorzystującego wodorowe ogniwa paliwowe jako główne źródło zasilania. Read full information on external site
DCII Kelola Gedung Pusat Data Berkapasitas 82 MW - republika2023-08-22 DCI tengah merencanakan DCI Hyperscale 3 Sky di Bintan, Kepri. Read full information on external site
DCI kelola enam gedung pusat data berkapasitas total 82 MW - elshinta.com2023-08-22 Elshinta.com - Direktur Keuangan dan Corporate Affairs PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) Evelyn menjelaskan perseroan saat ini telah mengoperasikan enam gedung pusat data (data center) berstandar global dengan total kapasitas mencapai 82 megawatt (MW). Read full information on external site
Emiten Anthoni Salim, DCII Cetak Kenaikan Laba Bersih dan Pendapatan - bisnis.com2023-08-22 Emiten Anthoni Salim, PT DCI Indonesia Tbk. (DCII) menutup semester I/2023 dengan membukukan kenaikan pendapatan, EBITDA, laba bersih. Read full information on external site
DCI Target Pendapatan dan Laba Tumbuh Double Digit di Akhir 2023 - liputan6.com2023-08-22 Liputan6.com, Jakarta Direktur Keuangan dan Corporate Affairs PT DCI Indonesia Tbk Evelyn memproyeksikan pendapatan dan laba bersih perseroan tumbuh double digit sampai akhir 2023 seiring kinerja positif yang telah tercapai selama semester I 2023. Read full information on external site
The Threat Lurking in Data Centers – Hack Power Management Systems, Take All the Power - globalsecuritymag.com2023-08-22 In a modern working environment where many employees are working from home or in hybrid office environments, businesses small and large have turned to digital transformation and cloud services to support new working habits and operational efficiencies. Read full information on external site
A crescente densidade computacional nos racks do data center: o impacto da IA - partnersales.com2023-08-22 Por Daniel De Vinatea, diretor de operações de vendas, entrega e execução para a Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
A crescente densidade computacional nos racks do data center: o impacto da IA - inforchannel.com2023-08-22 Cargas de trabalho cada vez mais orientadas para dados, incluindo a Inteligência Artificial (IA) e outras formas de computação de alta performance, estão levando à maior densidade de capacidade de processamento e armazenamento nos racks dos Data Centers. Read full information on external site
Disponibilidad de los centros de datos - newsreportmx.com2023-08-22 Los centros de datos se convirtieron en el quinto servicio crítico esencial (Global Data). Read full information on external site
Por qué priorizar las soluciones de monitoreo de centros de datos - itsitio.com2023-08-22 10 razones clave por las que Vertiv Environet Alert se destaca como la elección preferida para el monitoreo de centros de datos. Asegure la eficiencia y el rendimiento en sus operaciones. Read full information on external site
El aumento de la densidad informática en los centros de datos - channelnewsperu.com2023-08-22 Las cargas de trabajo impulsadas cada vez más por los datos, incluida la inteligencia artificial (IA) y otros tipos de computación de alto rendimiento, llevan a una capacidad de procesamiento y almacenamiento de mayor densidad en los racks del centro de datos. Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos 24/7 - computerworldmexico2023-08-22 La humanidad a ha sido testigo de cuatro revoluciones principales que cambiaron por siempre el rumbo de la sociedad. Read full information on external site
The pros and cons of a cloud-first strategy - raconteur.net2023-08-21 Several organisations have come to view the cloud as their standard choice for data storage and workflow hosting, but they still need to make case-by-case cost and suitability assessments Read full information on external site
千家周报|上周热门资讯 排行榜(8月14日-8月20日)- fromgeek.com2023-08-21 由于 5G 技术在全球各行业的出现,预计到 2032 年,工业以太网市场将获得大幅增长。 此外,制造业对工业 4.0 和自动化的需求不断增长,以及对经济工业解决方案的意识不断高涨,可能会推动预测期内的市场增长。到 2032 年,工业以太网市场将从目前超过 500 亿美元的市场价值增长到超过 3500 亿美元. Read full information on external site
Is hybrid cooling the future?)- datacentrereview.com2023-08-21 By using air cooling, containment, and liquid cooling together, owners and operators can optimise and future-proof their data centre environments, says Gordon Johnson, Senior CFD Manager, Subzero Engineering. Read full information on external site
เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ ประกาศเปิดดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์แห่งที่ 3 ที่ One Bangkok - cbntchannel.com2023-08-21 ในภาพจากซ้ายไปขวา: มร.บรูโน่ โลเปซ ประธานและกรุ๊ปซีอีโอ เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์, นายปณต สิริวัฒนภักดี ประธานเจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร กลุ่มบริษัท เฟรเซอร์ส พร็อพเพอร์ตี้ ลิมิเต็ด และนายศุภรัฒศ์ ศิวะเพ็ชรานาถ สิงหรา ณ อยุธยา ประธานเจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ (ประเทศไทย). Read full information on external site
Vertiv enuncia por qué el monitoreo de data center debe ser prioridad - itnews.lat2023-08-19 Los recursos de gestión de instalaciones y TI son limitados. Read full information on external site
Quanta acqua consumano i data center di Amazon, Google, Meta e Microsoft - startmag.it2023-08-19 Mentre i data center sono stati sottoposti a controlli sul loro consumo di elettricità, poco si sa sul loro consumo di acqua. Ma la situazione potrebbe cambiare presto. Tutti i dettagli. Read full information on external site
Can Computing Clean Up Its Act? – Slashdot - dailystarnewstoday.com2023-08-18 Long-time Slashdot reader SpzToid shares a report from The Economist: What you notice first is how silent it is,” says Kimmo Koski, the boss of the Finnish IT Centre for Science. Read full information on external site
Can Computing Clean Up Its Act? – Slashdot - businesstelegraph2023-08-18 Long-time Slashdot reader SpzToid shares a report from The Economist: What you notice first is how silent it is,” says Kimmo Koski, the boss of the Finnish IT Centre for Science. Read full information on external site
Vertiv comparte los cuatro factores clave para un centro de datos 24/7 - tecnogus.com2023-08-18 La humanidad ha sido testigo de cuatro revoluciones principales que cambiaron para siempre el rumbo de la sociedad. La primera ocurrió en 1780 con la introducción de la mecanización; la segunda, en 1870 cuando la electricidad iluminó el mundo; la tercera, en 1969 con el uso de la computación; y la cuarta, en esta década, por medio de la transformación digital. Read full information on external site
Vertiv enuncia por qué el monitoreo de data center debe ser prioridad - notimx.mx2023-08-18 Los recursos de gestión de instalaciones y TI son limitado. Read full information on external site
The Future of Data Center Cooling: How Liquid Cooling Technologies are Transforming the Telecom Sector - fagenwasanni2023-08-18 The Future of Data Center Cooling: How Liquid Cooling Technologies are Transforming the Telecom Sector. Read full information on external site
4 factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos 24/7 - itwarelatam2023-08-18 Por: Francisco Sales, Director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
ECL Set To Build Modular, Hydrogen Powered Data Centers - hydrogen-central.com2023-08-18 ECL set to build modular, hydrogen powered data centers. Read full information on external site
Recycling IT: Paradise Lost - technologyreseller2023-08-18 Nathaniel Comer, founder of Sun Screen IT, advises on ethical IT asset disposal, the changes needed to end e-waste and how companies can become environmentally responsible. Read full information on external site
Grünstrom-Zertifikate sind bis auf Weiteres unentbehrlich - datacenter-insider2023-08-18 Wie schaffen es Betreiber, ihre Rechenzentren vollständige auf regenerative Energien umzustellen? Read full information on external site
10 puntos donde el monitoreo en Centro de Datos le ayuda a alcanzar objetivos empresariales críticos - computerworldmexico2023-08-18 El capital humano es sumamente valioso en la industria de centro de datos. Los equipos de instalaciones y TI ya están al límite, y las organizaciones continúan adoptando estrategias digitales como prioridad. Read full information on external site
Can computing clean up its act? - hindustantimes.com2023-08-18 “What you notice first is how silent it is,” says Kimmo Koski, the boss of the Finnish IT Centre for Science. Dr Koski is describing LUMI—Finnish for “snow”—the most powerful supercomputer in Europe, which sits 250km south of the Arctic Circle in the town of Kajaani in Finland. Read full information on external site
数据中心:等级分类系统 - 51cto.com2023-08-17 TIA EIA -942 标准中选定的每个可靠性级别,详细描述了以下系统和组件的要求和建议,包括:建筑解决方案、电源、冷却、安全、消防系统、结构化布线、导管系统、通信……Read full information on external site
数据中心:等级分类系统 - citnews.com2023-08-17 TIA EIA -942 标准中选定的每个可靠性级别,详细描述了以下系统和组件的要求和建议,包括:建筑解决方案、电源、冷却、安全、消防系统、结构化布线、导管系统、通信……Read full information on external site
Data Centers também são vulneráveis a ciberataques - inforchannel2023-08-17 Atualmente, é comum que diversos dispositivos estejam conectados em casa e cada vez mais as pessoas dependem de seus smartphones e serviços de internet para realizarem tarefas diárias. Inúmeras organizações e serviços governamentais também dependem de ferramentas online e aplicativos. Read full information on external site
Vertiv enuncia por qué el monitoreo de data center debe ser prioridad - newsreportmx2023-08-17 En 2022, más del 60% de las interrupciones de la red en centros de datos se relacionaron con potencia, enfriamiento, la extinción de incendios o seguridad (Uptime Institute). Read full information on external site
Centros de datos1 hora ago ¿Por qué el monitoreo del centro de datos debe ser prioridad? - cio.com.mx2023-08-17 CENTROS DE DATOS¿Por qué el monitoreo del centro de datos debe ser prioridad?Published 3 semanas ago on agosto 17, 2023By Editorial CIOcentro-datos-edge-borde El capital humano es sumamente valioso en la industria de centros de datos. Los equipos de instalaciones y TI ya están al límite, y las organizaciones continúan adoptando estrategias digitales como prioridad. Read full information on external site
Can computing clean up its act? - economist.com2023-08-16 CENTROS DE DATOSThe industry consumes as much electricity as Britain—and rising. Read full information on external site
4 factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos 24/7 - portalinnova2023-08-16 Por Francisco Sales, Director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Uptime’s 13th Annual Global Data Center survey shows widening range of challenges - intelligentdatacentres2023-08-16 Uptime Institute has announced the release of its 13th Annual Global Data Center survey. The findings show data centre operators facing stricter regulations and more pressure to reduce energy, along with persistent staffing and supply chain issues. Read full information on external site
Real-Time Economy Dependent on Infrastructure Readiness - thestarnewstoday.com2023-08-15 Is modern infrastructure up to the job for a real-time economy? Maybe. Two studies come to different results. Read full information on external site
ECL set to build modular, hydrogen-powered data centers - networkworld2023-08-15 ECL is developing hydrogen-powered data center modules that will allow companies to add capacity as needed. Read full information on external site
Landfill Waste Segregation Using Transfer and Ensemble Machine Learning: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach - mdpi2023-08-15 Waste disposal remains a challenge due to land availability, and environmental and health issues related to the main disposal method, landfilling. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone Will Leverage On ISO License – Musa - leadership2023-08-15 Galaxy Backbone will leverage on the International Standard Organisation (ISO) license to effectively deliver internationally accepted information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure services. Read full information on external site
Os fatores que determinam a disponibilidade 24x7 dos data centers - partnersales2023-08-15 Galaxy Backbone will leverage on the International Standard Organisation (ISO) license to effectively deliver internationally accepted information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure services. Read full information on external site
Agis acompanha as tendências tecnológicas inovadoras nos segmentos de Cloud e Serviços – Musa - partnersales2023-08-15 Referência no mercado brasileiro, a Agis, distribuidora de informática e tecnologia, possui mais de 30 anos de atuação e reafirma continuamente o seu compromisso de ofertar várias soluções inovadoras que geram novos negócios ao ecossistema de canais. Read full information on external site
ECL set to build modular, hydrogen-powered data centers - energycentral2023-08-15 ECL has announced what it says will be the world’s first modular, sustainable, off-grid data center that uses hydrogen as its primary power source, promising carbon neutral performance and 99.9999% uptime. Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos - nteve.com2023-08-15 La actual transformación digital incluye a todas las industrias y economías, y aborda dos necesidades esenciales: los datos masivos y la disponibilidad en tiempo real. Read full information on external site
Os fatores que determinam a disponibilidade 24×7 dos Data Centers - inforchannel2023-08-15 A humanidade testemunhou quatro principais revoluções que mudariam para sempre o curso da sociedade. A primeira ocorreu em 1780 com a introdução da mecanização; a segunda em 1870 quando a eletricidade iluminou o mundo; a terceira em 1969 com o uso da computação e a quarta está ocorrendo nesta década, através da Transformação Digital. Read full information on external site
Mixed Picture Emerges on Infrastructure Readiness for Real-Time Economy - rtinsights.com2023-08-15 Is modern infrastructure up to the job for a real-time economy? Maybe. Two studies come to different results. Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos - gadgerss.com2023-08-14 La actual transformación digital incluye a todas las industrias y economías, y aborda dos necesidades esenciales: los datos masivos y la disponibilidad en tiempo real. Es por ello que, en la cuarta revolución industrial, los centros de datos son los protagonistas. Read full information on external site
麦肯锡最新报告:2023年最值得关注的15项科技趋 - cctime2023-08-14 2023年上半年,生成式AI/ChatGPT的出现点燃了我们对新一代技术的热情。当然,人类在不少科技领域都好消息不断。生成式AI与其他的众多先进技术一起,有望推动可持续、包容性增长,解决全球各种复杂挑战。Read full information on external site
麦肯锡最新报告:2023年最值得关注的15项科技趋势 - iresearch2023-08-14 2023年上半年,生成式AI/ChatGPT的出现点燃了我们对新一代技术的热情。当然,人类在不少科技领域都好消息不断。生成式AI与其他的众多先进技术一起,有望推动可持续、包容性增长,解决全球各种复杂挑战。Read full information on external site
前沿 | 麦肯锡:2023年最被关注的15项科技趋势,含边缘计算、AI、机器学习等 - kongzhi2023-08-14 2023年7月20日,麦肯锡公司发布了《McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023》2023科技趋势展望报告。Read full information on external site
Khi trung tâm dữ liệu ‘khát nước’ - cctime2023-08-14 Những trung tâm dữ liệu (data centre) “ngốn” nước khiến mùa hè tại châu Âu ngày càng khô hạn. Read full information on external site
Only 10% Of The Workforce In Data Centres Are Women - techfinancials2023-08-14 The data centre sector is at the heart of an increasingly digital world, and South Africa is witnessing a rush of construction of data centres in an otherwise stagnant economy. Read full information on external site
Only 10% Of The Workforce In Data Centres Are Women - za.investing.com2023-08-14 The data centre sector is at the heart of an increasingly digital world, and South Africa is witnessing a rush of construction of data centres in an otherwise stagnant economy. Read full information on external site
Summer Weather Puts Backup Power in the Spotlight - batterypoweronline2023-08-14 Summertime is here and storm season is kicking into high gear—along with devastating summer heat—which means disaster preparedness is a heightened priority for many companies. It’s a good time for IT leaders and industry professionals to re-familiarize themselves with current uninterruptible power system (UPS) offerings and accompanying battery technologies to ensure they are ready for the months ahead. Read full information on external site
Centres de données : toujours pas de formule miracle pour le calcul de l’empreinte carbone - itsocial.fr2023-08-14 Maintenant dans sa 13e édition, le sondage mondial sur les centres de données de l'Uptime Institute révèle une amélioration de la résilience globale des centres de données, mais déplore l’impossibilité d’établir une métrique démontrant simultanément l’efficacité énergétique et la réduction de l’empreinte carbone. Read full information on external site
Why Hybrid Cooling is the Future for Data Centres - digitalisationworld.com2023-08-14 Rising rack and power densities are driving significant interest in liquid cooling for many reasons. Read full information on external site
Vertiv: Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos - channelnewsperu.com2023-08-14 La actual transformación digital incluye a todas las industrias y economías, y aborda dos necesidades esenciales: los datos masivos y la disponibilidad en tiempo real. Es por ello que, en la cuarta revolución industrial, los centros de datos son los protagonistas. Read full information on external site
La amenaza que acecha en los centros de datos: hackee los sistemas de administración de energía y tome todo el poder - notimx.mx2023-08-14 En un entorno de trabajo moderno en el que muchos empleados trabajan desde casa o en entornos de oficina híbridos, las empresas pequeñas y grandes han recurrido a la transformación digital y los servicios en la nube para respaldar nuevos hábitos de trabajo y eficiencias operativas. Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos - revistaeconomia.com2023-08-14 La actual transformación digital incluye a todas las industrias y economías, y aborda dos necesidades esenciales: los datos masivos y la disponibilidad en tiempo real. Read full information on external site
ECL set to build modular, hydrogen-powered data centers - networkworld.com2023-08-14 ECL is developing hydrogen-powered data center modules that will allow companies to add capacity as needed. Read full information on external site
4 factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos - jcmagazine2023-08-14 La actual transformación digital incluye a todas las industrias y economías, y aborda dos necesidades esenciales: los datos masivos y la disponibilidad en tiempo real. Read full information on external site
Cuatro factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos - proactivo.com2023-08-14 La actual transformación digital incluye a todas las industrias y economías, y aborda dos necesidades esenciales: los datos masivos y la disponibilidad en tiempo real. Read full information on external site
STT GDC เปิด 'ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์' แห่งที่ 3 ที่ One Bangkok ปลุกเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัล - bangkokbiznews.com2023-08-13 ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์แห่งที่ 3 ตั้งอยู่ในอาคารพรีเมียมเกรดเอของโครงการ One Bangkok หวังดึงดูดธุรกิจดิจิทัลกับการขับเคลื่อนประเทศไทยเป็น Digital Hub ของภูมิภาค หนุนเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลไทย 3.5 หมื่นล้านดอลล์. Read full information on external site
Khi trung tâm dữ liệu ‘khát nước’ - vietnamnet.vn2023-08-13 Những trung tâm dữ liệu (data centre) “ngốn” nước khiến mùa hè tại châu Âu ngày càng khô hạn. Read full information on external site
เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ เปิด STT Bangkok 3 ที่ One Bangkok - moneyandbanking2023-08-13 นายปณต สิริวัฒนภักดี ประธานเจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร กลุ่มบริษัท เฟรเซอร์ส พร็อพเพอร์ตี้ ลิมิเต็ด กล่าวว่า “เรามีความยินดีเป็นอย่างมากที่ได้รับความมั่นใจจาก STT GDC Thailand. Read full information on external site
STT GDC Thailand Announces Third Data Center in One Bangkok District - telecomtalk2023-08-13 STT GDC Thailand collaborates with Frasers Property to announce STT Bangkok 3, a third data center in Bangkok, Thailand, which is planned to open at the end of 2023. Read full information on external site
4 factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos 24/7 - canal.la2023-08-13 Escribe Francisco Sales, Director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
麦肯锡最新报告:2023年最值得关注的15项科技趋势 - sina.com2023-08-12 2023年上半年,生成式AI/ChatGPT的出现点燃了我们对新一代技术的热情。当然,人类在不少科技领域都好消息不断。生成式AI与其他的众多先进技术一起,有望推动可持续、包容性增长,解决全球各种复杂挑战。Read full information on external site
The Influence of Organic Rankine Cycle on Internet Infrastructure Energy Consumption - energyportal.eu2023-08-12 Exploring the Impact of Organic Rankine Cycle on Reducing Internet Infrastructure Energy Consumption. Read full information on external site
Γιγαντιαία data centers, καύσωνες και... η κατανάλωση νερού - capital.gr2023-08-12 Για περισσότερο από έναν χρόνο, η Ισπανία παλεύει με την ξηρασία, η οποία οδήγησε τα επίπεδα του νερού στα φράγματα κάτω από τους ιστορικούς μέσους όρους, ωθώντας τους τοπικούς αξιωματούχους να δίνουν οδηγίες στους κατοίκους να μην ποτίζουν τους κήπους τους και να κλείνουν τις βρύσες τη νύχτα προκειμένου να εξασφαλίσουν την παροχή νερού κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας. Η κατάσταση είναι ιδιαίτερα δύσκολη για τους αγρότες. Read full information on external site
Let's play... Force off the power to someone else's datacenter systems - theregister.com2023-08-12 Trellix bods say it's not that hard to do, thanks to these vulnerabilities. Read full information on external site
Let's play... Force off the power to someone else's datacenter systems - msn.com2023-08-12 Trellix bods say it's not that hard to do, thanks to these vulnerabilities. Read full information on external site
The Threat Lurking in Data Centers – Hack Power Management Systems, Take All the Power - trellix.com2023-08-12 In a modern working environment where many employees are working from home or in hybrid office environments, businesses small and large have turned to digital transformation and cloud services to support new working habits and operational efficiencies. s Read full information on external site
Power quality management: The unsung hero of data center efficiency and resilien .. - cio.economictimes2023-08-11 Data center downtime can be extraordinarily expensive - costs can surge into hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Read full information on external site
เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ เปิดศูนย์ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์แห่งใหม่ หวังดันไทยสู่ Digital Hub ภูมิภาค - thereporters.co2023-08-11 เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ ประเทศไทย (STT GDC Thailand) บริษัทร่วมทุนระหว่าง บริษัท เฟรเซอร์ส พร็อพเพอร์ตี้ ลิมิเต็ด (FPL) และเอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ (STT GDC) เปิดตัว “STT Bangkok 3” ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์แห่งที่ 3 ของ STT GDC ในประเทศไทย กำหนดเปิดให้บริการภายในสิ้นปี 2566 ซึ่ง STT Bangkok 3 ตั้งอยู่ภายในโครงการ One Bangkok โครงการพัฒนาอสังหาริมทรัพย์มิกซ์ยูส ใจกลางย่านธุรกิจกรุงเทพฯ。Read full information on external site
STT GDC announces third data centre at One Bangkok - dcnnmagazine.com2023-08-11 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres Thailand (STT GDC) has announced STT Bangkok 3, its third data centre in Thailand. Slated for opening by the end of 2023, it will be located within the One Bangkok district, Thailand’s largest integrated mixed-use development in Bangkok’s central business district. Read full information on external site
STT GDC to build third data center in Bangkok, Thailand - districtenergy.org2023-08-11 Currently set to launch by the end of 2023, STT Bangkok 3 will sit in the One Bangkok district and will offer 2MW of IT capacity. The facility will join STT GDC's other two data centers in the district, bringing its total capacity to 42MW. Bangkok 3 will be an Uptime Institute-certified Tier III facility and will be powered by "district cooling energy." Read full information on external site
日本GLP/東京多摩エリアにDCキャンパス、1棟目着工 - lnews.jp2023-08-10 日本GLPは8月11日、東京多摩エリアにおいて3棟(合計延床面積約3万m2、合計IT電力31MW)で構成するデータセンター(以下、DC)キャンパス「TKW1」の1棟目となる、GLP DC「TKW1-1」を着工したと発表した。今後順次2棟目、3棟目の開発にも着手する予定。Read full information on external site
日本GLP/東京多摩エリアにDCキャンパス、1棟目着工 - lnews.jp2023-08-10 日本GLPは8月11日、東京多摩エリアにおいて3棟(合計延床面積約3万m2、合計IT電力31MW)で構成するデータセンター(以下、DC)キャンパス「TKW1」の1棟目となる、GLP DC「TKW1-1」を着工したと発表した。今後順次2棟目、3棟目の開発にも着手する予定。Read full information on external site
STT GDC ประกาศเปิดดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์แห่งที่ 3 บน One Bangkok - thansettakij.com2023-08-10 เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ (ประเทศไทย) ประกาศเปิดดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์แห่งที่ 3 ที่ One Bangkok ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ใหม่ตั้งอยู่ในอาคารพรีเมียมเกรดเอของโครงการ One Bangkok เพื่อดึงดูดธุรกิจดิจิทัลกับการขับเคลื่อนประเทศไทยเป็น Digital Hub ของภูมิภาค。Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) Announces Third Data Centre at One Bangkok - thaipr.net2023-08-10 New data centre co-located with One Bangkok’s high-quality Grade A commercial spaces to attract digital-focused businesses, boosting Thailand’s standing as the region’s digital hub. Read full information on external site
The next step in prefabrication: hybrid design in hyperscale data centres - africanwirelesscomms.com2023-08-09 There was a time, not too long ago, when the overwhelming perception of the data centre was that every facility was unique. Read full information on external site
Telekomunikacijų plėtrai Baltijos šalyse – solidi paskata - lrytas.lt2023-08-09 Baltijos šalių telekomunikacijų infrastruktūros plėtra įgavo pagreitį. Į šveicarų valdomą bendrovę „Baltic Rezo“ investuojama 30 mln. eurų. Bendrovės kontroliuojamos įmonės Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje, SEB banko suteiktą paskolą naudos tolimesnei telekomunikacijų infrastruktūros plėtrai Baltijos šalyse. Daugiausiai dėmesio bus skiriama naujiems duomenų centrams bei šviesolaidinio tinklo plėtrai. Read full information on external site
Bots data centre impresses Mushelenga - neweralive2023-08-09 GABORONE – Information minister Peya Mushelenga was nothing short of fascinated following his visit to Botswana’s Digital Delta Data Centre, which boasts modernised processes and systems, coupled with efficiency. Read full information on external site
4 factores que determinan la disponibilidad de los centros de datos 24/7 - newsinamerica.com2023-08-09 La humanidad ha sido testigo de cuatro revoluciones principales que cambiaron por siempre el rumbo de la sociedad. La primera ocurrió en 1780 con la introducción de la mecanización; la segunda, en 1870 cuando la electricidad iluminó el mundo; la tercera, en 1969 con el uso de la computación; y la cuarta, en esta década, por medio de la transformación digital. Read full information on external site
麦肯锡最新报告:2023年最被关注的15项科技趋势 - cechina.cn2023-08-08 2023年上半年,生成式AI/ChatGPT的出现点燃了我们对新一代技术的热情。当然,人类在不少科技领域都好消息不断。生成式AI与其他的众多先进技术一起,有望推动可持续、包容性增长,解决全球各种复杂挑战。 Read full information on external site
麦肯锡最新报告:2023年最被关注的15项科技趋势 - gkong2023-08-08 2023年上半年,生成式AI/ChatGPT的出现点燃了我们对新一代技术的热情。当然,人类在不少科技领域都好消息不断。生成式AI与其他的众多先进技术一起,有望推动可持续、包容性增长,解决全球各种复杂挑战。Read full information on external site
New Data Center Sustainability Compliance Reporting Solution - automatedbuildings.com2023-08-08 The Nlyte Data Center Sustainability Compliance Reporting Solution simplifies compliance reporting. Read full information on external site
Digital Realty: We hear you like your racks dense, how does 70kW sound? - msn.com2023-08-08 What else do you do when a single GPU node needs 10kW? Read full information on external site
Digital Realty: We hear you like your racks dense, how does 70kW sound? - theregister.com2023-08-08 What else do you do when a single GPU node needs 10kW? Read full information on external site
Why Indian Data centres are optimally placed to compete globally - expresscomputer2023-08-08 The Indian data center industry is not merely witnessing growth; it is igniting a digital revolution that propels the nation to compete on a global scale. Read full information on external site
Vende energía Cyberpower a esos negocios que no pueden fallar - infochannel2023-08-07 Durante el Foro Infochannel Cancún, Cyberpower enfatizó la relevancia que tiene el mercado del sur-sureste para los fabricantes de energía por las frecuentes variaciones de la región. Read full information on external site
The Case for Building Trust in Network Automation - technative2023-08-07 Today’s multi-cloud enterprise-class networks are incredibly complex and every network equipment manufacturer and network security device company has its own specific way that their tools must be monitored, managed, and protected. Read full information on external site
LCL uses biofuels for standby power - digitalisationworld2023-08-06 LCL Data Centers, the operator of five independent data centers in Belgium, has commissioned a new 13.5 MVA standby power solution at its LCL Brussels-West data center in Aalst that operates exclusively on 100% hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel. It is the first data center in the nation to use biofuels for standby power operation. Read full information on external site
O papel das Soluções de Monitoramento na resiliência do Data Center - partnersales.com2023-08-04 O capital humano está escasso e caro na indústria de data centers. As equipes de TI e de facilities já estão sobrecarregadas e as organizações prosseguem tendo suas estratégias digitais como prioridades. Read full information on external site
DEAC and DLC attract €30 million investment for data centres and network development in Baltics - intelligentcio.com2023-08-04 Latvia’s DEAC and Lithuania’s Data Logistics Center (DLC) have been granted a €30 million 10-year loan by SEB Bank to further expand Baltic telecommunication infrastructure, focusing on data centres and fibre-optic networks. Read full information on external site
تواجه #إسبانيا جفافاً مستمراً منذ أكثر من عام تسبب في خفض منسوب المياه في السدود إلى أدنى متوسط تاريخي، ما دفع المسؤولين لأن يطالبوا السكان بالامتناع عن ريّ حدائقهم كي يحصلوا على الماء خلال النهار. #الشرق_Businessweek #اقتصاد_الشرق - nabd.com2023-08-04 تواجه إسبانيا جفافاً مستمراً منذ أكثر من عام خفض منسوب المياه في السدود إلى أدنى متوسط مستوياته التاريخية، ما دفع المسؤولين المحليين لأن يطالبوا السكان بالامتناع عن ريّ حدائقهم وعدم استخدام الصنابير مساءاً كي يحصلوا على الماء خلال النهار. لقد كان وقع هذه الأزمة حاداً على المزارعين بشكل خاص، فمنطقة كاستيا لا منتشا في وسط البلاد التي تنتج ربع إجمالي كمية الحبوب في إسبانيا قد تخسر ما بين 80% إلى 90% من محاصيلها هذا العام، فيما تلوح في الأفق قيود على استهلاك المياه Read full information on external site
مراكز معالجة البيانات الشرهة للمياه تزيد المخاوف من الجفاف - asharqbusiness.com2023-08-04 اشتداد الجفاف العالمي يتسبب بنزاعات بين شركات تطوير الذكاء الاصطناعي والمجتمعات المحلية حيث تنشط مراكز بياناتها Read full information on external site
Kosten cloud geven impuls aan on-premise datacenters - datacenterworks2023-08-04 Het on-demand prijsmodel van de cloud is essentieel om de schaalbaarheid van applicaties mogelijk te maken - het belangrijkste voordeel van cloud computing. Read full information on external site
DEAC and DLC attract €30 million investment for data centres and network development in Baltics - intelligentdatacentres2023-08-04 Latvia’s DEAC and Lithuania’s Data Logistics Center (DLC) have been granted a €30 million 10-year loan by SEB Bank to further expand Baltic telecommunication infrastructure, focusing on data centres and fibre-optic networks. Read full information on external site
麦肯锡最新报告:2023年最被关注的15项科技趋势 - huxiu.com2023-08-03 2023年上半年,生成式AI/ChatGPT的出现点燃了我们对新一代技术的热情。当然,人类在不少科技领域都好消息不断。生成式AI与其他的众多先进技术一起,有望推动可持续、包容性增长,解决全球各种复杂挑战。Read full information on external site
Eksperci Vertiv wskazują 5 najlepszych praktyk dotyczących projektowania centrum danych, od wyboru lokalizacji po efektywność energetyczną - itreseller.com2023-08-03 Koszt przestoju centrum danych to ponad 5 tys. dolarów za minutę. Eksperci Vertiv wskazują, że te obiekty mają krytyczne znaczenie, ponieważ są kluczowe do zapewniania ciągłości biznesowej, więc przedsiębiorstwa powinny dużo uwagi poświęcać ich odpowiedniemu zaprojektowaniu i wykonaniu. Błędy w budowie infrastruktury centrum danych mogą narazić firmy na poważne wydatki, a także stanowić niebezpieczeństwo dla pracowników. Read full information on external site
What’s Causing Cloud Outages? A Network Managers’ Guide - networkcomputing.com2023-08-03 From fat-finger errors to fishing boats, here are the leading reasons cloud outages at AWS, Microsoft, and others are a growing network resilience challenge. Read full information on external site
Datacenter-Modernisierung bei der REWE International AG - datacenter-insider.de2023-08-02 Klimaneutralität, gestiegene Energiepreise und auseinandergerissene Lieferketten. Der Datacenter-Markt ist von vielen Trends getrieben. Read full information on external site
5 buenas prácticas para diseñar un centro de datos moderno - itsitio.com2023-08-02 Son esenciales para la continuidad empresarial, y su diseño requiere equilibrar densidad, agilidad, eficiencia y costos. Read full information on external site
How state-of-the-art predictive maintenance best practices can achieve electrical safety - plantengineering.com2023-08-01 Predictive maintenance can ensure electrical systems are designed correctly and operated safely. Read full information on external site
How software and automation tools can boost sustainability and resiliency - datacentrereview.com2023-08-01 In recent times, data centres have become the focus of much attention, as demand rises, energy costs soar, and sustainability issues persist. Read full information on external site
Hardware kann große Mengen Energie sparen – aber nicht einfach so! - ip-insider2023-08-01 Das energetische Einsparpotenzial in den Server-Schränken eines Rechenzentrums ist gewaltig; es lässt sich aber weder einfach identifizieren noch einfach aktivieren. Eine neue Studie des Uptime-Institute gibt immerhin einige „Key Insights“. Read full information on external site
Has the Data Center Staffing Crisis Stifled Cooling Innovation? – aber nicht einfach so! - datacenterknowledge.com2023-08-01 At a time when spending is tighter, data centers are finding ways to optimize the resources they have. Maybe that’s putting the liquid cooling era on hold. Read full information on external site
July 2023
Cuando menos es más: cómo reducir el consumo de agua en el centro de datos - muycomputerpro.com2023-07-31 No solemos pensar en el agua cuando hablamos de Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial o la gestión de cargas críticas de trabajo. Read full information on external site
Alibaba Reduces Carbon Footprint by 13% with Emission-Saving Initiatives - storageasean.com2023-07-31 Alibaba Group cut net carbon emissions from its direct operations by 12.9% over its fiscal year, according to the company’s annual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report published on Monday. Read full information on external site
Abbiamo un problema: i data center consumano (tanta) acqua - energiaoltre.it2023-07-29 I governi stanno cominciando a chiedere maggiori informazioni. A partire da marzo 2024, la Commissione europea richiederà agli operatori dei data center di comunicare al pubblico dati ad ampio raggio sul loro consumo di energia e acqua. Read full information on external site
Alibaba reduziert CO2-Fußabdruck um 13% - klamm.de2023-07-29 Die Alibaba Group hat den Netto-CO2-Ausstoß ihrer direkten Geschäftstätigkeiten um 12,9% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gesenkt, wie im jährlichen Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Bericht des Unternehmens veröffentlicht wurde. Read full information on external site
4 buenas prácticas para diseñar un centro de datos moderno - ebizlatam.com2023-07-29 Los centros de datos son espacios de misión crítica diseñados para alojar, alimentar y proteger los equipos de TI sensibles del que dependen los negocios día tras día. Read full information on external site
So wird das „Datum“ der Weißrussen eingehalten. Fast komplex - germanic.news2023-07-28 Autor: Anton Merzlyakov. Foto: Vlad Borisevich, Illustrationen: Valeria Sedlyukovskaya. Read full information on external site
卡特彼勒助力比利时 LCL 数据中心实现备用电源使用 100% 氢化植物油(HVO)的突破性转型 - lmjx.net2023-07-28 Caterpillar(卡特彼勒)公司近日宣布,比利时的 LCL 数据中心运营商在其位于阿尔斯特(Aalst)的 LCL Brussels-West 数据中心投入使用了一种新的 13.5 兆瓦备用电源解决方案,该方案采用 100% 氢化植物油(HVO)为燃料,这是比利时首个使用生物燃料为备用电源运行的数据中心 Read full information on external site
La sequía plantea restricciones a la nube - publico.es2023-07-28 Los centros de datos son grandes devoradores de energía. Lo expusimos en este espacio al abordar la explosión de datos que vivimos. Read full information on external site
Các công ty công nghệ làm trầm trọng thêm tình trạng hạn hán toàn cầu - tuoitre.vn2023-07-28 Các nhà khai thác dữ liệu internet như Amazon, Google, Meta và Microsoft cần rất nhiều nước để làm mát các máy chủ nhằm tránh xảy ra các lỗi kỹ thuật. Read full information on external site
The data centre operators investing in DDoS mitigation - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-07-28 Maintaining uptime is crucial for the smooth operation of a data centre, however, avoiding the Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) threat can be extremely challenging and requires stringent security measures and up-to-date IT equipment. Read full information on external site
The Future of the Enterprise Cloud Is Multi-Architecture Infrastructure - thenewstack2023-07-28 The key to accelerating and unlocking even more innovation in the world today is for workloads to run on the best hardware for the user’s price-performance needs. Read full information on external site
Thirsty data centres are making Europe’s dry summers even drier - straitstimes.com2023-07-27 Data centres are estimated to use more than a billion litres of water a day. Read full information on external site
‘Verbetering van PUE stagneert al vier jaar’ - datacenterworks2023-07-27 Dat stelt Uptime Institute vast in het onlangs v verschenen rapport ‘Uptime Institute Global Data Center Survey 2023’. Read full information on external site
Serverhallar och AI-företag slukar dricksvatten - dagensps2023-07-27 Med torka och vattenbrist uppstår nu nya klimatstrider. Nu slåss jordbruken med AI-företag och törstiga datacenter om tillgången till vatten. Read full information on external site
How Can Data Centers Reduce Water Usage and Improve Efficiency? - informationweek2023-07-27 Data centers are in the spotlight due to their wasteful water use. What can be done to conserve this precious resource as we become increasingly reliant on data center services? Read full information on external site
Các công ty công nghệ làm trầm trọng thêm tình trạng hạn hán toàn cầu - vietnamplus2023-07-27 Tại Bắc Hà Lan, người dân rất phẫn nộ khi một tờ báo địa phương đưa tin tổ hợp trung tâm dữ liệu của Microsoft tại đây tiêu thụ lượng nước nhiều gấp 4 lần so với công bố trước đó. Read full information on external site
Các công ty công nghệ làm trầm trọng thêm tình trạng hạn hán toàn cầu - baomoi2023-07-27 Tại Bắc Hà Lan, người dân rất phẫn nộ khi một tờ báo địa phương đưa tin tổ hợp trung tâm dữ liệu của Microsoft tại đây tiêu thụ lượng nước nhiều gấp 4 lần so với công bố trước đó. Read full information on external site
El Salvador | Centro de datos DataTrust iniciará operaciones a finales de año - dplnews2023-07-27 El centro de datos certificados que actualmente se está construyendo en el país comenzará a operar y a brindar sus servicios para finales de este 2023, según detalló el gerente general de DataTrust, René Ramos, a través de un comunicado. Read full information on external site
How Can Data Centers Reduce Water Usage and Improve Efficiency? - datacenterknowledge2023-07-27 Data centers are in the spotlight due to their wasteful water use. What can be done to conserve this precious resource as we become increasingly reliant on data center services? Read full information on external site
'A Big Concern': Data Center Industry's Efforts To Ease Labor Woes Have Yet To Bear Fruit - bisnow2023-07-27 Despite years of efforts aimed at building a talent pipeline, data centers are still struggling to attract the workers needed to sustain the industry’s rapid growth. Read full information on external site
Three Tips to Determine Which Features You Need When Shopping for AI Software - labmanager2023-07-26 Defining your goals, future-proofing, and ensuring accuracy are essential to finding AI solutions. Read full information on external site
Global data centre survey shows wide range of challenges - technologydecision2023-07-26 Data centre operators are facing stricter regulations and pressure to reduce energy, combined with persistent staffing and supply chain issues, according to the latest global survey results from digital infrastructure authority Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Felbecsülhetetlen károkat okoz az aszály, és erre a mesterséges intelligencia is rátesz egy lapáttal - portfolio2023-07-26 Egyre több helyen okoz gondot az extrém hőség miatt kialakult aszály és a nyomában keletkező vízhiány, az internet működtetéséhez elengedhetetlen felhőszolgáltatók szerverparkjait azonban továbbra is hűteni kell, amihez viszont jelentős vízmennyiséget kell elvonni olyan területekről, ahol eleve kevés van. Read full information on external site
Un Nuevo Hub de Tecnología - dinero.com.sv2023-07-26 Imaginarse hoy en día que los sistemas de información y datos de la empresa no estén disponibles por varias horas o incluso días, más que una pesadilla es un ejercicio de auditoría, que podría llevar a pérdidas de dinero más grandes que un robo al inventario o la pérdida de nuestros principales clientes; podría incluso dañar nuestra reputación de negocios de manera sensible. Hoy ya no es posible un plan B manual, dependemos de la tecnología y precisamente la respuesta tecnológica ante esta pesadilla es la nube. Read full information on external site
Zonamerica continúa apostándole a la industria de servicios globales - eltiempo2023-07-26 Con la mirada puesta en el futuro FOTO: ZonamericaEsta zona franca ubicada en Cali, ofrece soluciones basadas en infraestructura y tecnología. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: Principales preocupaciones de los centros de datos - cioperu2023-07-25 Reducir el consumo de energía y mantener un personal cualificado son las principales preocupaciones de los operadores de centros de datos, según la última encuesta anual sobre centros de datos del Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
数据中心面临人员短缺和减少能源使用的压力 - 51cto2023-07-25 Uptime Institute表示,停电情况有所减少,但挑战依然存在。数据中心运营商正在应对更严格的能源法规、持续的人员配备问题和持续的供应链问题。Read full information on external site
The Share of Enterprise Workloads Run in On-Premises Data Centers Falls Below 50% for First Time - apmdigest2023-07-25 As more organizations opt for a hybrid approach to IT, the share of enterprise workloads that are run in corporate, on-premises facilities has fallen to below half for the first time and is expected to shrink further, according to the Uptime Institute Global Data Center Survey 2023. Read full information on external site
Gtd invertirá US$ 100 millones en expansión de red de fibra óptica y nuevo centro de datos - dariogestion2023-07-25 El plan quinquenal de la empresa incluye invertir US$ 20 millones al año para mejorar la conectividad del país. Read full information on external site
TechTargetTechnologyInDepth Ridondanza del data center: le linee guida - zerounoweb2023-07-25 Ridondanza del data center come cardine metodologico e architetturale fondamentale per la business continuity. Read full information on external site
Alibaba Slashes Carbon Footprint By 13% Through Emission-Saving Efforts - channelpostmea2023-07-25 Alibaba Group cut net carbon emissions from its direct operations by 12.9% over its fiscal year, according to the company’s annual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report published on Monday. Read full information on external site
Navégalo amplía las oportunidades de las empresas internacionales con la inauguración de su nuevo centro de datos de última generación en San José (Costa Rica) - compartir-tecnologias2023-07-25 Navégalo, proveedor líder de servicios de Centro de datos y Telecomunicaciones, se complace en anunciar la apertura de su nuevo Centro de datos de última generación en San José (Costa Rica), prevista para el 15 de agosto de 2023. Read full information on external site
Uptime’s Data Center Survey Shows Widening Range Of Challenges - channelpostmeas2023-07-24 Uptime Institute has announced the release of its 13th Annual Global Data Center survey. Read full information on external site
Alibaba Slashes Carbon Footprint By 13% Through Emission-Saving Efforts - alizila2023-07-24 Alibaba Group cut net carbon emissions from its direct operations by 12.9% over its fiscal year, according to the company’s annual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report published on Monday. Read full information on external site
Artikel ini telah tayang di Bisnis.com dengan judul "Biznet Pacu Segmen Korporasi, Kontribusi Ditargetkan Naik - teknologi.bisnis2023-07-24 PT Supra Primatama Nusantara (Biznet) berambisi mengejar pertumbuhan pendapatan dari segmen korporasi dan meningkatkan kontribusi segmen business to business (B2B) hingga 50 persen pada 2023. Read full information on external site
DEAC and DLC attract 30-million-euro investment for data centers and network development in Baltics - baltictimes2023-07-24 Latvia’s DEAC and Lithuania’s Data Logistics Center (DLC) have been granted EUR 30 million 10-year loan by SEB Bank to further expand Baltic telecommunication infrastructure, focusing on data centers and fibre-optic networks. Read full information on external site
Data centers grapple with staffing shortages, pressure to reduce energy use - networkworld2023-07-24 Outages are down, but challenges remain, says Uptime Institute. Data center operators are dealing with stricter energy regulations, persistent staffing problems and ongoing supply chain issues. Read full information on external site
Alibaba Slashes Carbon Footprint By 13% Through Emission-Saving Efforts - 3blmedia.com2023-07-24 Alibaba Group cut net carbon emissions from its direct operations by 12.9% over its fiscal year, according to the company’s annual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report published on Monday. Read full information on external site
DEAC et DLC attirent 30 millions d’euros d’investissements pour le développement de centres de données et de réseaux dans les pays baltes - nouvelles-du-monde2023-07-24 La société lettone Digitālās Ekonomikas Attīstības Centrs (DEAC) et la société lituanienne Duomenų Logistikos Centras (DLC) ont reçu un prêt de 30 millions d’euros sur 10 ans de la SEB banka afin de poursuivre l’expansion de l’infrastructure de télécommunications de la Baltique, qui passe par la construction de nouveaux centres de données et le développement de réseaux de fibre optique. Read full information on external site
5 buenas prácticas para diseñar un centro de datos moderno - enfasys2023-07-24 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que dependen los negocios día tras día. Read full information on external site
5 buenas prácticas para diseñar un centro de datos moderno - twarelatam2023-07-24 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que dependen los negocios día tras día. Read full information on external site
Uptime第13次全球数据中心年度调查显示各类挑战不断增多 - afinance.cn2023-07-23 文章简介: 为了应对日渐增长的需求和对更大容量的需求,必须进行基础设施改造和新技术部署,同时还需要应对更严格的法规以及增加熟 |练员工的需求 纽约--(美国商业资讯)--UptimeInstitute今天宣布发布第13次全球数据中心年度调查报告。调查结果显示,数据中心运营商面 临着更严格的法规、更大的节能压力,同时还存在持续的员 Read full information on external site
Buenas prácticas para diseñar un centro de datos moderno - cronicaviva2023-07-23 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que dependen los negocios día tras día. Read full information on external site
استطلاع مركز البيانات العالمي السنوي الثالث عشر الذي أجرته شركة Uptime يُظهر نطاقًا متزايدًا من التحديات - ad-dawra2023-07-23 زيادة الطلب والحاجة إلى المزيد من القدرات تتطلب تغييرات في البنية التحتية ونشر التكنولوجيا الجديدة، في حين يجب التعامل مع اللوائح الأكثر صرامة والحاجة إلى موظفين مهرة إضافيين Read full information on external site
From Gavel to Green: How Regulations are Driving Data Centers towards Sustainability - automatedbuildings.com2023-07-22 All these initiatives represent the world's mounting concern over the environmental impact of data centers, and the growing pressure on operators to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable operations. Read full information on external site
Gtd invertirá en Perú de 100 millones de dólares - itusers.today2023-07-22 Gtd invertirá en Perú de 100 millones de dólares para expandir su red de fibra óptica y construir un segundo centro de datos. El directorio de la multinacional de tecnología y telecomunicaciones dio a conocer esta apuesta como parte de un proyecto regional con inversiones en 500 y 600 millones de dólares. Read full information on external site
Buenas prácticas para diseñar un centro de datos moderno - tynmagazine2023-07-22 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que dependen los negocios día tras día. Read full information on external site
Gtd invertirá en Perú de 100 millones de dólares para expandir su red de fibra óptica - karlosperu2023-07-21 Gtd invertirá en Perú de 100 millones de dólares para expandir su red de fibra óptica y construir un segundo centro de datos. Read full information on external site
DEAC และ DLC ดึงดูดการลงทุน 30 ล้านยูโร สำหรับการพัฒนาศูนย์ข้อมูลและเครือข่ายในบอลติก - thaipr.net2023-07-21 ดีอีเอซี ( DEAC) ของลัตเวีย และดาต้า โลจิสติกส์ เซ็นเตอร์ (Data Logistics Center: DLC) ของลิทัวเนีย ได้รับเงินกู้ 30 ล้านยูโร เป็นระยะเวลา 10 ปี จากเอสอีบี แบงก์ (SEB Bank) เพื่อขยายโครงสร้างพื้นฐานด้านโทรคมนาคมของภูมิภาคบอลติก โดยเน้นที่ศูนย์ข้อมูลและเครือข่ายใยแก้วนำแสง Read full information on external site
Zrównoważony rozwój centrum danych - crn.pl2023-07-21 Wzrost zużycia energii przez serwery, większa gęstość mocy w szafach oraz wymogi środowiskowe wymagają bardzo przemyślanego podejścia do zarządzania zasilaniem i temperaturą w centrum danych. Read full information on external site
Vertiv – Cele Mai Bune Practici De Design Pentru Centrele De Date Moderne - easyengineering2023-07-21 Centrele de date sunt medii cu climă controlată special concepute pentru a găzdui, alimenta și proteja echipamentele IT sensibile pe care se bazează afacerea dumneavoastră zi de zi. Read full information on external site
Gtd invertirá en Perú de 100 millones de dólares para expandir su red de fibra óptica y construir un segundo centro de datos - epressperu2023-07-21 Como parte de su estrategia para fortalecer su presencia en Perú y posicionarse como líder en infraestructura de telecomunicaciones, el grupo Gtd ha anunciado una inversión de 100 millones de dólares para expandir su red de fibra óptica y construir un nuevo centro de datos en el distrito de Lurín, Lima. Read full information on external site
Gtd invertirá en Perú US$ 100 millones para expandir su red de fibra óptica y construir un segundo centro de datos - businessempresarial2023-07-21 El directorio de la multinacional de tecnología y telecomunicaciones dio a conocer esta apuesta como parte de un proyecto regional con inversiones en 500 y 600 millones de dólares. Read full information on external site
Datacenter Operators Concerned about Energy Efficiency and Staffing - energyportal2023-07-20 Datacenter operators are facing ongoing challenges in the areas of energy efficiency and staffing, according to the Uptime Institute’s Global DataCenter Survey 2023. Read full information on external site
Energy efficiency, staffing keep datacenter operators awake at night - knowledia.com2023-07-20 Outages are declining, but when one does hit, it's expensive. Read full information on external site
Overcoming Lack of Trust in Network Automationt - thefastmode2023-07-20 Today’s multi-cloud enterprise-class networks are incredibly complex and every network equipment manufacturer and network security device company has its own specific way that their tools must be monitored, managed, and protected. Read full information on external site
Data center operators facing pressure and stricter regulations to cut energy consumption, Uptime Institute reveals - busycontinent2023-07-20 Uptime Institute released its 13th Annual Global Data Center survey. The findings show data center operators facing pressure to reduce energy, along with persistent staffing and supply chain issues. Read full information on external site
Landmark agreement signed for DRC’s data centre - dcnnmagazine2023-07-20 Chris Wood, Group CEO of WIOCC Group and Christophe Evers, CFO of TEXAF have signed a landmark shareholder agreement for the operation of OADC Kinshasa. Read full information on external site
DEAC and DLC attract 30-million-euro investment for data centers and network development in Baltics - 14news2023-07-20 Latvia's DEAC and Lithuania's Data Logistics Center (DLC) have been granted EUR 30 million 10-year loan by SEB Bank to further expand Baltic telecommunication infrastructure, focusing on data centers and fibre-optic networks. Read full information on external site
Deac Und Dlc Ziehen 30-millionen-euro-investition Für Rechenzentren Und Netzentwicklung Im Baltikum An - teletrader2023-07-20 DEAC in Lettland und Data Logistics Center (DLC) in Litauen haben von der SEB Bank ein Darlehen in Höhe von 30 Mio. Euro und einer Laufzeit von 10 Jahren zur weiteren Erweiterung der Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur im Baltikum mit Schwerpunkt auf Rechenzentren und Glasfasernetzen erhalten. Read full information on external site
Sg.hu – There is a shortage of overnight server admins - tekdeeps2023-07-20 Data center operators are most concerned about power consumption and ongoing staffing issues. Read full information on external site
Hiány van éjszakázó szerveradminokból - sg.hu2023-07-20 Az adatközpontok üzemeltetői leginkább az áramfogyasztás és a folyamatos személyzeti problémák miatt aggódnak. Read full information on external site
DEAC und DLC ziehen 30-Millionen-Euro-Investition für Rechenzentren und Netzentwicklung im Baltikum an - htmlopen2023-07-20 DEAC in Lettland und Data Logistics Center (DLC) in Litauen haben von der SEB Bank ein Darlehen in Höhe von 30 Mio. Euro und einer Laufzeit von 10 Jahren zur weiteren Erweiterung der Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur im Baltikum mit Schwerpunkt auf Rechenzentren und Glasfasernetzen erhalten. Read full information on external site
Datacenter operators worry most about energy, staffing - headtopics2023-07-20 Energy efficiency, staffing keep datacenter operators awake at night. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos: ¿Qué son, para qué sirven, dónde están? - itmastersmag2023-07-19 ¿Qué tienen en común entretenimiento, negocios, streaming, trabajo a distancia, delivery hasta la puerta de nuestros hogares? Indudablemente los enormes volúmenes de datos. Read full information on external site
World’s data centres facing ‘widening range of challenges’, warns Uptime Institute - thetechcapital2023-07-19 Whilst challenges related to COVID-19 are now non-threatening, a new global survey has found that operators face ever stricter regulations and pressure to reduce energy use, along with persistent staffing and supply chain issues. Read full information on external site
Should you buy, hold or sell NextDC shares? - moneymag2023-07-19 NXT is classified as a tech stock on the ASX, so why do we view it more as a social infrastructure and real estate investment? Read full information on external site
معهد Uptime Institute يعلن عن إطلاق الاستطلاع السنوي الثالث عشر لمركز البيانات العالمي - eemirates.net2023-07-19 يعد استطلاع مركز البيانات العالمي السنوي لمعهد Uptime Institute أكبر وأشمل وأطول دراسة في قطاع البنية التحتية الرقمية. إذ يوفر رؤى تفصيلية لمشهد البنية التحتية الرقمية ورؤية لمسارها المستقبلي. Read full information on external site
Uptime’s 13th annual global data centre survey shows widening range of challenges - intelligentdatacentres2023-07-19 Increasing demand and the need for more capacity requires infrastructure changes and new technology deployment, while stricter regulations and the need for additional skilled staff must be addressed. Read full information on external site
Uptime’s annual datacentre market poll highlights industry’s sustainability reporting gaps - computerweekly2023-07-19 The latest edition of the Uptime Institute’s annual industry survey highlights shortcomings in the datacentre sector’s reporting of key sustainability metrics amid growing regulatory scrutiny. Read full information on external site
Uptime’s 13th annual Global Data Center Survey shows widening range of challenges - missioncriticalmagazine2023-07-19 Increasing demand and the need for more capacity requires infrastructure changes and new technology deployment. Read full information on external site
Un barème pour évaluer le niveau de disponibilité d’un datacenter - lemagit2023-07-19 Les entreprises peuvent évaluer la disponibilité des datacenters des fournisseurs de colocation ou de leurs propres centres de données en fonction de quatre niveaux de critères techniques. Read full information on external site
Energy efficiency, staffing keep datacenter operators awake at night - dailyadvent2023-07-19 Outages are declining, but when one does hit, it's expensive While datacenter operators are under pressure to reduce energy consumption, reliability is gradually increasing and there have been fewer reported disruptive outages. Read full information on external site
Energy efficiency, staffing keep datacenter operators awake at night - theregister2023-07-19 Outages are declining, but when one does hit, it's expensive While datacenter operators are under pressure to reduce energy consumption, reliability is gradually increasing and there have been fewer reported disruptive outages. Read full information on external site
Energy efficiency, staffing keep datacenter operators awake at night - businessfortnight2023-07-18 Outages are declining, but when one does hit, it's expensive While datacenter operators are under pressure to reduce energy consumption, reliability is gradually increasing and there have been fewer reported disruptive outages. Read full information on external site
Energy efficiency, staffing keep datacenter operators awake at night - dubainewstyle2023-07-18 Outages are declining, but when one does hit, it's expensive While datacenter operators are under pressure to reduce energy consumption, reliability is gradually increasing and there have been fewer reported disruptive outages. Read full information on external site
Energy efficiency, staffing keep datacenter operators awake at night - southafricatoday2023-07-18 Outages are declining, but when one does hit, it's expensive While datacenter operators are under pressure to reduce energy consumption, reliability is gradually increasing and there have been fewer reported disruptive outages. Read full information on external site
Design De Data Centers: Conheça As 5 Melhores Práticas Para Data Centers Modernos - partnersales2023-07-18 Data centers são ambientes com a climatização controlada, especialmente projetados para abrigar, alimentar e proteger os sensíveis equipamentos de TI dos quais a sua empresa depende a cada dia. Read full information on external site
Cinco melhores práticas para Data Centers modernos - inforchannel2023-07-18 Os projetos tradicionais de design de Data Centers muitas vezes levam à especificação de produtos comoditizados de diversos fornecedores e, então, ao gerenciamento da integração das várias soluções, o que pode se transformar em dores de cabeça na hora da implementação e em atrasos, sem falar dos problemas de performance. Read full information on external site
アップタイム・インスティテュートの 第13回年次グローバルデータセンター調査は課題の拡大を示唆 - jiji2023-07-18 需要とキャパの増加には、インフラの変更と新たな技術導入が必要で、規制強化とスキルを有する人員のニーズにも対応が必要 Read full information on external site
HDR’s NEXTDC Data Centres mark a new chapter in urban integration - indesignlive2023-07-17 NEXTDC’s M3 and M2 data centres represent a novel approach to the harmonious coexistence of advanced technology infrastructure and local communities. Read full information on external site
Boubyan Bank increases net profits to KD 41.3mln for H1 of this year - zawya2023-07-17 Al-Majed: The Positive Results Coupled with Ongoing Improvement Reflect Our Contribution to Islamic Banking Region-Wise. Read full information on external site
PRESSR: Boubyan Bank increases net profits to KD 41.3mln for H1 of this year - tradingview2023-07-17 Al-Majed: The Positive Results Coupled with Ongoing Improvement Reflect Our Contribution to Islamic Banking Region-Wise. Read full information on external site
«بوبيان» يرفع أرباحه الصافية إلى 41.3 مليون دينار في النصف الأول من العام الجاري - alraimedia2023-07-17 -الماجد: النتائج الإيجابية والتحسن الدائم يعكسان نجاح إسهاماتنا في الصيرفة الإسلامية على المستوى الإقليمي - البنك حصد العديد من الجوائز والتصنيفات العالمية نتيجة إنجازاته في مختلف قطاعات الأعمال - «بوبيان» بات واحداً من أهم المؤثرين في الكويت والمنطقة.. مصرفياً ورقمياً Read full information on external site
«بوبيان» يرفع أرباحه الصافية إلى 41.3 مليون دينار في النصف الأول من العام الجاري - kuwaitnewsapp2023-07-17 -الماجد: النتائج الإيجابية والتحسن الدائم يعكسان نجاح إسهاماتنا في الصيرفة الإسلامية على المستوى الإقليمي - البنك حصد العديد من الجوائز والتصنيفات العالمية نتيجة إنجازاته في مختلف قطاعات الأعمال - «بوبيان» بات واحداً من أهم المؤثرين في الكويت والمنطقة.. مصرفياً ورقمياً Read full information on external site
بنك بوبيان يرفع أرباحه الصافية إلى 41.3 مليون دينار كويتي في النصف الأول من العام الحالي - zawya2023-07-17 الماجد : النتائج الإيجابية و التحسن الدائم يعكس نجاح إسهاماتنا في الصيرفة الإسلامية على المستوى الإقليمي Read full information on external site
Infrastructure Investor: Why Some GPs Are Due To Take A Bath On Data Centres - act2023-07-17 Data centres can be big carbon emitters. The largest corporate buyers of data centre contracts all have net-zero targets and are aggressively trying to reach them. Actis, Partner, Mauricio Guisti, tells Infrastructure Investor that Latin America is about to see more stringent regulation. Read full information on external site
Boubyan Bank increases net profits to KD 41.3 million for H1 of 2023 - kuwaittimes2023-07-17 Net profits grow at a rate of 25% y-o-y * Earnings per share amount to 9.65 fils. Read full information on external site
An inside look into Telecom Egypt’s operations and future plans - economymiddleeast2023-07-14 Egypt’s top ICT provider walks digitalization, sustained growth path. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos modernos: 5 buenas prácticas para diseñarlo - itconnect.lat2023-07-14 Los centros de datos modernos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que dependen los negocios día tras día. Read full information on external site
Why data centres need microgrids – Part 1 - refrigerationandaircon.co.za2023-07-13 Microgrids can help data centre operators improve electric resilience, lower energy costs and achieve sustainability goals, according to an article sourced from Data Centre Frontier. This is Part 1 of a two-part series. Read full information on external site
Landmark agreement signed for DRC’s first open-access, carrier-neutral data centre - itedgenews.africa2023-07-13 First phase of OADC Kinshasa, a Joint Venture between OADC and TEXAF, expected to go live in November, 2023. Read full information on external site
When Did 'Offline' Become the New Luxury? - datacenterknowledge2023-07-13 An increasingly connected and digital world impact will have repercussions across nearly every industry. How will it impact workers in the data center space? Read full information on external site
บทความ : 5 วิธีปลุกพลังเซิร์ฟเวอร์คุณให้มีประสิทธิภาพสูงสุด - enterpriseitpro2023-07-12 เซิร์ฟเวอร์เป็นอุปกรณ์ที่กินพลังงานกว่าครึ่งในดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ยุคนี้ จึงไม่แปลกที่จะตกเป็นจำเลยที่ทุกคนตราหน้า เป็นเป้าหมายหลักที่ต้องปรับปรุงเพื่อการลดการปลดปล่อยคาร์บอน การสร้างความยั่งยืน หรือการทำเพื่อประหยัดไฟ Read full information on external site
Texaf: Agreement Signed For DRC's First Open Access, Carrierneutral Data Centre - tradingview2023-07-12 Landmark Agreement Signed For Drc’s First Open Access, Carrierneutral Data Centre – Expected To Go Live Within Months. Read full information on external site
DRC gains first Tier-III certified carrier-neutral DC - africanwirelesscomms2023-07-12 Chris Wood, group CEO of WIOCC Group, and TEXAF CFO Christophe Evers, have signed a landmark shareholder agreement for the operation of OADC Kinshasa, which will be the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s first open-access, Tier-III certified (by the Uptime Institute), carrier-neutral data centre and is expected to go live in November 2023. Read full information on external site
Housing Bank inaugurates data center in Jordan - datacenterdynamics2023-07-11 Company launches prefabricated modular data center from Huawei, Badaweih, and STS. Read full information on external site
Biznet Dipercaya Menjadi Mitra Kawan Lama Group dalam Sukseskan Transformasi Digital - okezone2023-07-11 Sebagai perusahaan infrastruktur digital terintegrasi di Indonesia, Biznet telah dipercaya oleh Kawan Lama Group untuk menghadirkan transformasi infrastruktur digital yang akan membantu mengoptimalkan aktivitas operasional unit bisnis yang dimiliki Kawan Lama Group di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Weder knapp noch leicht: Hardware kann Energie sparen - große Mengen - datacenter-insider2023-07-11 Das energetische Einsparpotenzial in den Server-Schränken eines Rechenzentrums ist gewaltig; es lässt sich aber weder einfach identifizieren noch einfach aktivieren. Eine neue Studie des Uptime-Institute gibt immerhin einige „Key Insights“. Read full information on external site
New data center Star of Bosphorus in Turkey - serverspace2023-07-11 Cloud provider Serverspace is expanding in the European region. The company has connected hardware to a new data center located in Turkey. Users now can order cloud servers based on the vStack virtualization platform in the advanced data center – Star of Bosphorus. Read full information on external site
Navégalo unveils data center in San José, Costa Rica - intelligentdatacentres2023-07-10 Navégalo, a leading provider of data center and telecommunication services, has announced the opening of its new state-of-the-art data center in San José, Costa Rica, scheduled for August 15, 2023. Read full information on external site
CyberPower te muestra cómo proteger el centro de datos ante fallas eléctricas - infochannel2023-07-10 El portafolio de soluciones UPS Trifásicos Modulares promete brindar la protección y confiabilidad que se requiere en un centro de datos. Read full information on external site
Housing Bank Inaugurates the first certified Tier III Prefabricated modular Datacenter - jordannews2023-07-09 PRESS RELEASE — Housing Bank has achieved a significant milestone in its infrastructure upgrade and modernization journey, as well as adopting cutting-edge technology solutions. Read full information on external site
Every business can protect its data from loadshedding - channelwise2023-07-09 When the lights go out, businesses worry about productivity, downtime, and the risk of damage to their equipment. What they consider less often is what might happen to their data. Yet data is one of the most vulnerable business assets during a power failure. Read full information on external site
Navégalo Unveils Its New State-of-the-Art Data Center in San José, Costa Rica, Expanding Opportunities for Global Enterprises - silicon.co.uk2023-07-07 Navégalo, a leading provider of Data Center and Telecommunication services, is thrilled to announce the opening of its new state of the art Data Center in San José, Costa Rica, scheduled for August 15th, 2023. Read full information on external site
Directorio de Gtd aprueba construcción de un segundo Data Center en Perús - mundoenlinea2023-07-07 El directorio de Gtd aprobó la construcción de un segundo Data Center en Perú, el que se ubicará en el distrito de Lurín (Lima), en un terreno de 10 mil m2. Los trabajos de construcción comenzarán en septiembre de este año, con una inversión cercana a los US$50 millones. Read full information on external site
Navégalo Unveils Its New State-of-the-Art Data Center in San José, Costa Rica, Expanding Opportunities for Global Enterprises - jotup.co2023-07-07 Navégalo, a leading provider of Data Center and Telecommunication services, is thrilled to announce the opening of its new state of the art Data Center in San José, Costa Rica, scheduled for August 15th, 2023. Read full information on external site
‘에너지 소비 줄이고 돈 아끼고’… 서버 효율성 개선 방법 5가지 - ciokorea2023-07-07 워크로드 규모를 조정하고, 최신 세대 서버로 업그레이드하고, 전력 소비를 관리하면 기업이 데이터센터의 지속 가능성 목표에 도달하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. Read full information on external site
Umweltverbände begrüßen weichgespülten EnEfG-Gesetzentwurf - storage-insider2023-07-07 Unter dem Titel „Das Energieeffizienzgesetz: Chancen für die Rechenzentrums- und IT-Branche“ hat das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) gemeinsam mit führenden Umweltverbänden und Instituten ein Positionspapier (Policy Paper) zum in Branche und Politik heiß diskutierten, und gegenüber dem ursprünglichen Vorhaben mittlerweile – nicht zuletzt aufgrund des enormen Drucks von Branchenverbänden – doch recht weichgespülten Gesetzentwurfs zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz (EnEfG) vorgelegt. Read full information on external site
“Commercial data centres are under siege by cyber criminals” – Adrian Taylor, A10 Networks - tahawultech2023-07-07 Adrian Taylor, VP EMEA at A10 Networks, has penned an exclusive op-ed that highlights the issues facing commercial data centre operators. Read full information on external site
Gtd anuncia inversión de US$ 100 millones en Perú y construcción de nuevo data center – Adrian Taylor, A10 Networks - pisapapeles2023-07-07 La empresa chilena de tecnología y telecomunicaciones, Gtd, ha confirmado una inversión de US$ 100 millones en Perú durante los próximos cinco años. Read full information on external site
Directorio de Gtd aprueba construcción de un segundo Data Center en Perú - diarioestrategia2023-07-06 Gtd, empresa de telecomunicaciones y soluciones tecnológicas con más de 40 años de experiencia y con presencia en América Latina y Europa, sigue desarrollando proyectos de expansión. Read full information on external site
5 sposobów na zwiększenie wydajności serwerów - computerworld2023-07-06 Właściwy dobór obciążeń, modernizacja do serwerów obecnej generacji i zarządzanie zużyciem energii mogą pomóc przedsiębiorstwom osiągnąć cele zrównoważonego rozwoju centrów danych. Read full information on external site
Cinco formas de aumentar la eficiencia de los servidores - ciospain2023-07-06 Redimensionar las cargas de trabajo, disponer de equipos de última generación y gestionar el consumo de energía pueden ayudar a las empresas a alcanzar sus objetivos de sostenibilidad del centro de datos. Read full information on external site
The Datacenter Operators investing in DDoS Mitigation - teletimesinternational2023-07-06 For commercial datacenter operators, business is good. Although the future of the industry is looking bright, there are some threats on the horizon. The cost of downtime continues to grow. The Uptime Institute found one in four datacenter incidents of downtime exceed $1 million. As DDoS attack methods become more sophisticated, effective, and frequent, datacenter operators need to bank on mitigation.A recent survey by A10 Networks and Gatepoint Research found that senior decision makers at commercial datacenters are under siege by cyber criminals. Datacenter and colocation providers are concerned not only about the cost of intensifying DDoS attacks, but also about lost business and reputational damage. Dissatisfied with their current datacenter security and DDoS defense capabilities, many are seeking better ways to address the threat—and an increasing number want to extend that protection-as-a-service to their tenants as well. Read full information on external site
What to Consider When Updating Your Network Infrastructure - vmblog2023-07-06 At some point, almost every business must upgrade its network infrastructure. While this process can be a significant undertaking, there are ways to reduce the burden on your IT team while keeping operations running as normal. Read full information on external site
Directorio de Gtd aprueba construcción de un segundo Data Center en Perú - diarioestrategia2023-07-06 Gtd, empresa de telecomunicaciones y soluciones tecnológicas con más de 40 años de experiencia y con presencia en América Latina y Europa, sigue desarrollando proyectos de expansión. Read full information on external site
Directorio de Gtd aprueba construcción de un segundo Data Center en Perú - trendtic2023-07-06 Gtd, empresa de telecomunicaciones y soluciones tecnológicas con más de 40 años de experiencia y con presencia en América Latina y Europa, sigue desarrollando proyectos de expansión. Read full information on external site
Gtd anuncia la construcción de su segundo data center en Perú - americaeconomia2023-07-06 El proyecto aprobado contempla una inversión de alrededor de US$ 50 millones y se sumará al recinto ubicado en el distrito de Surco, en Lima, y a los otros 10 centros de datos desplegados en Chile y Colombia. Read full information on external site
Gtd sigue expandiendo su red de data centers en la región - itseller2023-07-06 El proyecto aprobado contempla una inversión de alrededor de US$50 millones y se sumará al recinto ubicado en el distrito de Surco, en Lima, y a los otros 10 centros de datos desplegados en Chile y Colombia. Read full information on external site
Uptime Tier - các cấp độ đánh giá Data Center theo chuẩn quốc tế - vietnamnet.vn2023-07-05 Uptime Tier là tiêu chuẩn quốc tế quan trọng cần đánh giá khi các tổ chức, DN “chọn mặt gửi vàng” lưu trữ dữ liệu tại một Data Center. Tại Việt Nam, Uptime Tier 3 là cấp độ cao nhất mà các trung tâm dữ liệu đạt được. Read full information on external site
Uptime Tier - các cấp độ đánh giá Data Center theo chuẩn quốc tế - baohomnay2023-07-05 Uptime Tier là tiêu chuẩn quốc tế quan trọng cần đánh giá khi các tổ chức, DN “chọn mặt gửi vàng” lưu trữ dữ liệu tại một Data Center. Tại Việt Nam, Uptime Tier 3 là cấp độ cao nhất mà các trung tâm dữ liệu đạt được. Read full information on external site
Sukseskan Transformasi Digital, Biznet Dipercaya Jadi Mitra Kawan Lama Group - indopos.co.id2023-07-05 Perkembangan teknologi informasi (TI) telah membawa pengaruh pada kemajuan sistem operasional suatu perusahaan. Read full information on external site
5 ways to boost server efficiency - networkworld2023-07-05 Right-sizing workloads, upgrading to current generation servers, and managing power consumption can help enterprises reach their data center sustainability goals. Read full information on external site
5 ways to boost server efficiency - gixtools.net2023-07-05 Right-sizing workloads, upgrading to current generation servers, and managing power consumption can help enterprises reach their data center sustainability goals. Read full information on external site
5 ways to boost server efficiency - sg.channelasia.tech2023-07-05 Right-sizing workloads, upgrading to current generation servers, and managing power consumption can help enterprises reach their data center sustainability goals. Read full information on external site
5 ways to boost server efficiency - arnnet2023-07-05 Right-sizing workloads, upgrading to current generation servers, and managing power consumption can help enterprises reach their data center sustainability goals. Read full information on external site
5 ways to boost server efficiency - reseller.co.nz2023-07-05 Right-sizing workloads, upgrading to current generation servers, and managing power consumption can help enterprises reach their data center sustainability goals. Read full information on external site
Umweltverbände begrüßen weich gespülten EnEfG-Gesetzentwurf - it-business2023-07-04 Unter dem Titel „Das Energie-Effizienzgesetz: Chancen für die Rechenzentrums- und IT-Branche“ hat das Umweltbundesamt gemeinsam mit Umweltverbänden und Instituten, ein Positionspapier zum Gesetzentwurf zur Steigerung der Energie-Effizienz (EnEfG) vorgelegt. Read full information on external site
“Cada vez más, los clientes nos piden información sobre la huella de carbono para decidir su compra de TI”, John Frey, HPE - ituser.es2023-07-04 La sostenibilidad ha ido ganando terreno en el debate tecnológico. Read full information on external site
Wetterbericht für Sonnenstürme - ip-insider2023-07-04 Sonnenstürme sind elektromagnetische Entladungen des Zentralgestirns. Sie können elektrisches und elektronisches Equipment stören und sogar zerstören. Ein Netzwerk von Messstationen in den USA und ein AI-Algorithmus sollen jetzt den Schutz verbessern. Read full information on external site
Buenas prácticas en el diseño de centros de datos - embchannelnews2023-07-04 Aunque el diseño de los centros de datos no es una labor sencilla y exige una inversión considerable de tiempo y recursos para obtener los detalles correctos para su instalación, existen algunas buenas prácticas fundamentales de diseño de centros de datos aplicables a cualquier proyecto de diseño/construcción. Read full information on external site
IT Sustainability Think Tank: Green IT regulations and the datacentre - computerweekly2023-07-03 There is an ever-growing list of rules and regulations for enterprises to get their heads around when it comes to sustainability, but what can they do to keep on top of things? Read full information on external site
点亮计划丨BDx南京紫海数据中心 - doit.com.cn2023-07-03 仲夏时分的南京,正值草木茂盛,天气晴朗,暑气萦绕却又不过分旺盛的时节。近日,“全国优秀数据中心点亮计划”一行人应邀来到BDx南京紫海数据中心,探访这座获得了南京首个Uptime Institute Tier III认证的数字基础设施。Read full information on external site
Nigeria’s 5G deployments drive Africa’s data centre growth - technologytimes2023-07-03 Nigeria's emergence as a key player in 5G network deployments is fueling the growth of data centres across Africa, according to a new report. Read full information on external site
Consiliul Concurenței acuză trei companii de trucarea unei licitații organizate de Ministerul de Interne UPDATE Tema Energy contestă în instanță - profit.ro2023-07-03 Consiliul Concurenței a sancționat companiile Dataware Consulting, Kontron Services Romania și Tema Energy cu amenzi în valoare totală de aproximativ 20,5 milioane lei (aproximativ 4,1 milioane euro), cu acuzația de participare cu oferte trucate la licitația organizată de Ministerul Afacerilor Interne (MAI) pentru realizarea centrului de furnizare de servicii electronice. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy S.A. va contesta sancțiunea Consiliului Concurenței - cotidianul2023-07-03 Tema Energy respinge ferm concluziile la care a ajuns Consiliul Concurenței în urma investigației care vizat compania, alături de alte societăți, precizând că va apela la toate căile legale pentru a-și dovedi nevinovăția. Compania a trimis pe adresa redacției un comunicat în care precizează. Read full information on external site
June 2023
数据中心分级及其对正常运行时间的重要性 - searchdatacenter.techtarget2023-06-30 在考虑托管数据的设施时,请检查设施的正常运行时间级别。Uptime Institute的简单数据中心层级划分描述了企业在整体可用性方面根据设施的特定技术设计应提供的内容。Read full information on external site
大数据库挑战和解决方案 - itpub.net2023-06-30 数据库管理员DBA和数据架构师在管理具有不同要求和行为模式的系统时可能会遇到一些挑战。在2023年6月的Pure//Accelerate会议上,Pure Storage的首席解决方案经理Andrew Sillifant阐述了六种最常见的数据库挑战以及应对这些挑战的解决方案。Read full information on external site
Caterpillar and Eneria support transition of LCL Brussels-West data centre to 100% HVO - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-06-30 Caterpillar has announced that LCL Data Centers, an operator of five independent data centres in Belgium, has commissioned a new 13.5MVA standby power solution at its LCL Brussels-West data centre in Aalst that operates exclusively on 100% hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel. It is the first data centre in the nation to use biofuels for standby power operation. Read full information on external site
Buenas prácticas de diseño en el centro de datos - panama24horas.com2023-06-30 El éxito del diseño de los centros de datos modernos depende de la capacidad del personal de las instalaciones y TI de equilibrar las necesidades de una mayor densidad y una mayor agilidad con una mayor eficiencia y menores costos, mientras se tiene en cuenta los últimos estándares de diseño de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
This is how the Green Data Center in Zurich works, maximum security and 99% uninterrupted activity guaranteed - observatorial.com2023-06-29 He Zurich Green Data Center It’s one of the most secure data centers in Switzerland which offers connectivity to the main cloud providers, has 600 additional data center locations, and ensures in a 99 percent its capacity to supply power uninterruptedlythanks to its reserve systems for both power supply and cooling. Read full information on external site
南京紫海数据中心:绿色高效可靠算力基石 - 9kd.com2023-06-29 数据中心作为数字经济的核心基础设施,正面临着巨大的市场需求和挑战。在中国,随着新基建、数字化转型和碳中和等战略的推进,数据中心产业也迎来了新的发展机遇和变革 Read full information on external site
Así funciona el Green Data Center de Zúrich, máxima seguridad y un 99% de actividad ininterrumpida asegurada - europapress.es2023-06-29 El Green Data Center de Zúrich es uno de los centros de datos más seguros de Suiza que ofrece conectividad a los principales proveedores de nube, dispone de 600 ubicaciones de centros de datos adicionales, y asegura en un 99 por ciento su capacidad de suministrar energía de forma ininterrumpida, gracias a sus sistemas de reserva tanto para la alimentación eléctrica como para la refrigeración. Read full information on external site
Así funciona el Green Data Center de Zúrich, máxima seguridad y un 99% de actividad ininterrumpida asegurada - cope.es2023-06-29 El Green Data Center de Zúrich es uno de los centros de datos más seguros de Suiza que ofrece conectividad a los principales proveedores de nube, dispone de 600 ubicaciones de centros de datos adicionales, y asegura en un 99 por ciento su capacidad de suministrar energía de forma ininterrumpida, gracias a sus sistemas de reserva tanto para la alimentación eléctrica como para la refrigeración. Read full information on external site
Así funciona el Green Data Center de Zúrich, máxima seguridad y un 99% de actividad ininterrumpida asegurada - notimerica.com2023-06-29 El Green Data Center de Zúrich es uno de los centros de datos más seguros de Suiza que ofrece conectividad a los principales proveedores de nube, dispone de 600 ubicaciones de centros de datos adicionales, y asegura en un 99 por ciento su capacidad de suministrar energía de forma ininterrumpida, gracias a sus sistemas de reserva tanto para la alimentación eléctrica como para la refrigeración. Read full information on external site
Así funciona el Green Data Center de Zúrich, máxima seguridad y un 99% de actividad ininterrumpida asegurada - diarioestrategia2023-06-29 El Green Data Center de Zúrich es uno de los centros de datos más seguros de Suiza que ofrece conectividad a los principales proveedores de nube, dispone de 600 ubicaciones de centros de datos adicionales, y asegura en un 99 por ciento su capacidad de suministrar energía de forma ininterrumpida, gracias a sus sistemas de reserva tanto para la alimentación eléctrica como para la refrigeración. Read full information on external site
Así funciona el Green Data Center de Zúrich, máxima seguridad y un 99% de actividad ininterrumpida asegurada - diariosigloxxi.com2023-06-29 El Green Data Center de Zúrich es uno de los centros de datos más seguros de Suiza que ofrece conectividad a los principales proveedores de nube, dispone de 600 ubicaciones de centros de datos adicionales, y asegura en un 99 por ciento su capacidad de suministrar energía de forma ininterrumpida, gracias a sus sistemas de reserva tanto para la alimentación eléctrica como para la refrigeración. Read full information on external site
Así funciona el Green Data Center de Zúrich, máxima seguridad y un 99% de actividad ininterrumpida asegurada - lanacion.com2023-06-29 El Green Data Center de Zúrich es uno de los centros de datos más seguros de Suiza que ofrece conectividad a los principales proveedores de nube, dispone de 600 ubicaciones de centros de datos adicionales, y asegura en un 99 por ciento su capacidad de suministrar energía de forma ininterrumpida, gracias a sus sistemas de reserva tanto para la alimentación eléctrica como para la refrigeración. Read full information on external site
5 buenas prácticas de diseño en el centro de datos - diarioestrategia2023-06-28 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que depende su negocio día tras día. Read full information on external site
Data centre skills dearth sees SA players poach talent - itweb.co2023-06-28 As the data centre skills gap continues to worsen in South Africa, local data centre operators are “pulling” talent from each other Read full information on external site
5 buenas prácticas de diseño en el centro de datos - televitos.com2023-06-28 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que depende su negocio día tras día. Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)助力2023数据中心迈向可持续发展 - it168.com2023-06-28 在当前气候变化的背景下,全球数据中心将着力解决不断增长的能源和水资源的消耗难题,伴随而来的是数据中心行业也将面临更为严格的能源监管。Read full information on external site
Buenas prácticas en el centro de datos moderno - itnews.lat2023-06-28 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que depende su negocio día tras día. Estos espacios de misión crítica son la piedra angular de la continuidad empresarial, lo cual hace del diseño y la construcción del centro de datos una actividad que ningún negocio puede tomarse a la ligera.Read full information on external site
Caterpillar supports Brussels data center expansion - dieselprogress.com2023-06-28 Caterpillar has commissioned a new 13.5 MVA standby power solution for LCL Data Centers near Brussels, Belgium. Read full information on external site
Caterpillar supports Brussels data center expansion - newpowerprogress.com2023-06-28 Caterpillar has commissioned a new 13.5 MVA standby power solution for LCL Data Centers near Brussels, Belgium. Read full information on external site
5 buenas prácticas de diseño en el centro de datos - televitos.com2023-06-28 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que depende su negocio día tras día. Read full information on external site
Buenas prácticas en el centro de datos moderno - itnews.lat2023-06-28 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que depende su negocio día tras día. Estos espacios de misión crítica son la piedra angular de la continuidad empresarial, lo cual hace del diseño y la construcción del centro de datos una actividad que ningún negocio puede tomarse a la ligera. Read full information on external site
Caterpillar supports Brussels data center expansion - dieselprogress.com2023-06-28 Caterpillar has commissioned a new 13.5 MVA standby power solution for LCL Data Centers near Brussels, Belgium. Read full information on external site
Caterpillar supports Brussels data center expansion - newpowerprogress.com2023-06-28 Caterpillar has commissioned a new 13.5 MVA standby power solution for LCL Data Centers near Brussels, Belgium. Read full information on external site
5 buenas prácticas de diseño en el centro de datos - tecnogus.com2023-06-28 Los centros de datos son entornos climatizados y diseñados específicamente para alojar, alimentar y proteger el equipo de TI sensible del que depende su negocio día tras día. Read full information on external site
LCL Data Centers to use biofuel for standby power - dcnnmagazine.com2023-06-28 Caterpillar has announced that LCL Data Centers has commissioned a new 13.5MVA standby power solution at its Brussels-West data centre in Aalst that operates exclusively on 100% hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel. Read full information on external site
Outcome-based Solutions to Optimize Uptime and BoostEnergy Efficiency - cioreview.com2023-06-28 Alpesh Saraiya, Senior Director of Data Center Offering Management, Honeywell Building Technologies Read full information on external site
Outcome-based Solutions to Optimize Uptime and BoostEnergy Efficiency - cioapplications.com2023-06-28 Alpesh Saraiya, Senior Director of Data Center Offering Management, Honeywell Building Technologies. Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)专家关于预制集装箱数据中心的问题解答 - china.com2023-06-27 只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,即可在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现业务快速上线。这正是预制模块化解决方案的优点所在。对于这种明明已存在十多年,却仍被业界持有一些疑虑的技术,维谛技术(Vertiv)专家汇总了如下“常见误区”,帮助更好地了解与评估这种技术的应用价值。Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)专家关于预制集装箱数据中心的问题解答 - kejixun.com2023-06-27 只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,即可在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现业务快速上线。这正是预制模块化解决方案的优点所在。对于这种明明已存在十多年,却仍被业界持有一些疑虑的技术,维谛技术(Vertiv)专家汇总了如下“常见误区”,帮助更好地了解与评估这种技术的应用价值。Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)专家关于预制集装箱数据中心的问题解答 - hexun.com2023-06-27 只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,即可在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现业务快速上线。这正是预制模块化解决方案的优点所在。对于这种明明已存在十多年,却仍被业界持有一些疑虑的技术,维谛技术(Vertiv)专家汇总了如下“常见误区”,帮助更好地了解与评估这种技术的应用价值。Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)专家关于预制集装箱数据中心的问题解答 - it168.com2023-06-27 只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,即可在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现业务快速上线。这正是预制模块化解决方案的优点所在。对于这种明明已存在十多年,却仍被业界持有一些疑虑的技术,维谛技术(Vertiv)专家汇总了如下“常见误区”,帮助更好地了解与评估这种技术的应用价值。Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)专家关于预制集装箱数据中心的问题解答 - tom.com2023-06-27 只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,即可在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现业务快速上线。这正是预制模块化解决方案的优点所在。对于这种明明已存在十多年,却仍被业界持有一些疑虑的技术,维谛技术(Vertiv)专家汇总了如下“常见误区”,帮助更好地了解与评估这种技术的应用价值。Read full information on external site
维谛技术(Vertiv)专家关于预制集装箱数据中心的问题解答 - itpub.net2023-06-27 只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,即可在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现业务快速上线。这正是预制模块化解决方案的优点所在。对于这种明明已存在十多年,却仍被业界持有一些疑虑的技术,维谛技术(Vertiv)专家汇总了如下“常见误区”,帮助更好地了解与评估这种技术的应用价值。Read full information on external site
An HVO first in Belgium - dieselgasturbine.com2023-06-27 Cat engines will run exclusively on the renewable fuel at a data center. Read full information on external site
Buenas prácticas de diseño en el centro de datos - emb-channelnews2023-06-27 Aunque el diseño de los centros de datos no es una labor sencilla y exige una inversión considerable de tiempo y recursos para obtener los detalles correctos para su instalación, existen algunas buenas prácticas fundamentales de diseño de centros de datos aplicables a cualquier proyecto de diseño/construcción. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres Introduces the STT Jakarta 1 - storageasean.com2023-06-26 PT ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Indonesia) or PT STT GDC Indonesia, a leading data centre provider, has officially launched its first data centre facility, STT Jakarta 1, in Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Read full information on external site
The road to recovery: Core concepts of DR planning and mistakes to avoid - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-06-26 If there are no effective and preventive recovery measures in place, disasters of all types can result in downtime that can cause significant damage to an organisation’s bottom line. Read full information on external site
Conectividad y resiliencia en un mundo pospandémico - thestandardcio.com2023-06-26 Según un informe del PNUD, América Latina experimentó un 50% de mejora en la conectividad en hogares. Read full information on external site
中兴通讯、腾讯的“小伙伴”,受益数据中心建设,朗威股份值得申购吗?——新股雷达 - mrjjxw.com2023-06-25 下周一(6月26日)将有两只新股申购,其中一只亮点不少,那就是朗威股份。那么,朗威股份的基本面怎样?估值情况又是如何?Read full information on external site
中兴通讯、腾讯的“小伙伴”,受益数据中心建设,朗威股份值得申购吗?——新股雷达 - nbd.com2023-06-25 下周一(6月26日)将有两只新股申购,其中一只亮点不少,那就是朗威股份。那么,朗威股份的基本面怎样?估值情况又是如何?Read full information on external site
Use tools to control cloud costs before it’s too late - datacenterdynamics.com2023-06-23 On-demand pricing lets cloud customers consume what they need, but costs can spiral out of control?Read full information on external site
Basiswissen: Redundanz im Rechenzentrum - computerweekly.de2023-06-23 Redundanz ist eine Möglichkeit, Unterbrechungen zu minimieren und Kosten zu sparen. Erörtern Sie die Anforderungen an die Betriebszeit, wenn Sie Redundanz in Data Centers aufbauen. Read full information on external site
STT GDC Indonesia Launches New Data Center Campus - telecomreviewasia.com2023-06-23 STT GDC Indonesia, a top provider of data center services, has officially launched its first data center facility, STT Jakarta 1, in Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres Launches STT Jakarta 1 - hpcwire.com2023-06-23 SINGAPORE and JAKARTA, Indonesia, June 23, 2023 — ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDG) has officially launched its first data center facility, STT Jakarta 1. Read full information on external site
Top 6 Database Challenges and Solutions - datamation.com2023-06-22 Database administrators and data architects can encounter a number of challenges when administering systems with different requirements and behavioral patterns. At the June 2023 Pure//Accelerate conference, Pure Storage’s Principal Solutions Manager Andrew Sillifant laid out six of the most common database challenges and his solutions for them. Read full information on external site
Ứng dụng Hybrid Data Center xây dựng hạ tầng cho ngân hàng số - vietnamnet.vn2023-06-22 Xu hướng thanh toán không dùng tiền mặt đang phát triển mạnh mẽ. Kết hợp sử dụng Trung tâm dữ liệu và Cloud, ngân hàng có thể nâng cao hiệu suất, cải thiện trải nghiệm khách hàng và đáp ứng được sự thay đổi nhanh chóng trong lĩnh vực thanh toán. Read full information on external site
Maximise data centre uptime by unifying security systems - intelligentciso.com2023-06-22 Nick Smith, Business Development Manager, Genetec, says physical security is often overlooked when it comes to avoiding downtime and he outlines the benefits of unified physical security platforms as a vital way of maxmising uptime. Read full information on external site
La captación de talento, la piedra en el zapato del segmento ‘data center’ en Europa - ejeprime.com2023-06-21 Más de la mitad (53%) de los operadores tiene dificultades para encontrar nuevos talentos, según una encuesta de Uptime Institute. Además, el 42% admite dificultades para retener al personal. Read full information on external site
Pertumbahan Data Center di Indonesia Positif - medcom.id2023-06-21 Jakarta: ZTE berbagi pandangannya mengenai tren, peluang, dan tantangan dalam pengembangan data center pada acara Indonesia Cloud and Data Center Convention 2023. Read full information on external site
Strategi Atasi Kesenjangan SDM di Data Center - medcom.id2023-06-21 De Nederlandse Save Energy Foundation is niet de enige partij die van mening is dat het energieverbruik van servers in datacenters for omlaag kan. Ook het Uptime Institute heeft onderzoek gedaan naar het elektriciteitsverbruik van servers in relatie tot hun belasting met IT-workloads. Read full information on external site
‘Energiegebruik servers kan drastisch omlaag’ - datacenterworks2023-06-21 Jakarta: Kawasan Asia Pasifik telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat dalam industri pusat data selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Read full information on external site
Umweltverbände begrüßen weich gespülten EnEfG-Gesetzentwurf - datacente-insider.de2023-06-21 Unter dem Titel „Das Energie-Effizienzgesetz: Chancen für die Rechenzentrums- und IT-Branche“ hat das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) gemeinsam mit führenden Umweltverbänden und Instituten, ein Positionspapier (Policy Paper) zum in Branche und Politik heiß diskutierten, und gegenüber dem ursprünglichen Vorhaben mittlerweile – nicht zuletzt aufgrund des enormen Drucks von Branchenverbänden –- doch recht weich gespülten Gesetzentwurf zur Steigerung der Energie-Effizienz (EnEfG) vorgelegt. Read full information on external site
What is data center management? - ibm.com2023-06-21 To provide stakeholders with vital IT services, organizations need to keep their private data centers operational, secure and compliant. Data center management encompasses the tasks and management tools necessary for doing so. A person responsible for carrying out these tasks is known as a data center manager. Read full information on external site
PodChats for FutureCIO: Modernising network management for the hybrid enterprise - futurecio2023-06-20 Network operations teams are struggling with the rapid change in the cloud and dynamic resource orchestration, rendering older technology inadequate for troubleshooting problems. Read full information on external site
European Data Centres – Labour & Talent - savills.de2023-06-20 The data centre industry needs to attract new talent to keep up with forecasted growth in data consumption and facilitate the sector’s growth trajectory. Read full information on external site
How organizations can adopt AI without expanding their carbon footprint - weforum.org2023-06-20 Computing technologies continue to advance at a breathtaking pace, powering the future of innovation by driving scientific research, engineering breakthroughs, and new digital services. Read full information on external site
Data center tiers and why they matter for uptime - techtarget.com2023-06-20 Data center downtime can be incredibly costly. To effectively service clients and employees, maintain the necessary amount of uptime. Read full information on external site
Data center industry in India is driven by several factors that create a favorable business environment for growth - enterpriseitworld.com2023-06-20 Businesses are increasingly adopting digital technologies, such as cloud computing, IoT, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics. Read full information on external site
Data centers in India are expected to lead the next wave of real assets investments - enterpriseitworld.com2023-06-20 A report by JLL stated that India’s data center industry is expected to attract approximately $3.7 billion between 2021 and 2023. Read full information on external site
EDGE DC Sets New Standards with Sustainable Data Centres in Indonesia - storageasean.com2023-06-19 PT Ekagrata Data Gemilang (“EDGE DC”), a Digital Edge company focused on providing low latency connectivity services to support the growing digital economy in Southeast Asia, has set new standards in sustainable data centre design in Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Rechenzentren verbrauchen 16 Milliarden Kilowattstunden - bundestag.de2023-06-19 Berlin: (hib/MIS) Der Branchenverband Bitkom urteilt in seiner Studie zu „Aktuellen Marktentwicklungen“ (Stand 2022), dass „in der Breite aller deutschen Unternehmen noch deutliche Potenziale zur Steigerung der Nachhaltigkeit ihrer Rechenzentren“ bestehen. Read full information on external site
EDGE DC Redefines Sustainability in Southeast Asia's Digital Economy - telecomreviewasia.com2023-06-19 EDGE DC, a Digital Edge company that provides low-latency connectivity services to support the growing digital economy in Southeast Asia, has set new standards in sustainable data center design in Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Pradėjo veikti naujasis Registrų centro duomenų centras - elektronika.lt2023-06-19 Nuo šiol pagrindiniai nacionaliniai duomenys ir juos sauganti infrastruktūra bus dar saugesni – įgyvendindamas vieną iš pagrindinių veiklos prioritetų Registrų centras baigė įrengti naująjį duomenų centrą. Sostinėje esanti kritinės reikšmės infrastruktūra atitiks visus šiuolaikinius patikimumo reikalavimus – tą patvirtina ir naujajam duomenų centrui suteiktas „Tier III“ sertifikatas, rašoma Registrų centro pranešime spaudai. Read full information on external site
«ChatGPT, πες μου…»: Ο αντίκτυπος της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης στο περιβάλλον - liberal.gr2023-06-17 ΗΤεχνητή Νοημοσύνη έχει μπει για τα καλά στη ζωή του σύγχρονου ανθρώπου, ωστόσο φαίνεται πως ο ίδιος δεν έχει υπολογίσει το ενεργειακό κόστος που έχει η «τριβή» του με τις τεχνολογίες AI σε ό,τι αφορά το περιβάλλον. Read full information on external site
Žvėryne atidarytas naujasis Registrų centro duomenų centras - madeinvilnius.lt2023-06-16 Registrų centras (RC) baigė įrengti naująjį duomenų centrą Vilniuje, Studentų gatvėje – itin didelės reikšmės infrastruktūra dabar atitinka visus šiuolaikinius reikalavimus, pranešė RC. Read full information on external site
Ending the skills shortage: Is it time for a data centre hiring boom? - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-06-16 As the skills shortage looms over the sector, could recent mass layoffs provide a way to boost the data centre industry’s headcount, foster diversity and lower the average industry age? Sam Prudhomme, President, Accelevation LLc, explores this in more detail as an imminent solution to the problem. Read full information on external site
WIIT gibt Vollgas in Deutschland - it-daily.net2023-06-16 WIIT, ein Cloud-Provider mit Wurzeln in Mailand, erobert rasant den deutschen Markt. Read full information on external site
数据中心:推动生成式人工智能经济 - qianjia.com2023-06-16 从Open AI的ChatGPT的兴起到Google的Bard,AI淘金热正在稳步进行。最近一份生成式人工智能市场报告的预测表明,到2031年,该市场将达到惊人的1265亿美元,从2022年到2031年的复合年增长率为32%。Read full information on external site
Huawei se va de gira con sus novedades para los centros de datos - muycanal.com2023-06-15 El centro de demostraciones de Huawei recorrerá siete ciudades entre el 13 y 30 de junio en su nueva edición del Huawei Data Center Roadshow. Read full information on external site
Huawei Data Center Roadshow presents the latest news for data centers - techxataka.com2023-06-15 The demo center Huawei will tour seven cities between June 13 and 30 in its new edition of Huawei Data Center Roadshow. Read full information on external site
数据中心:推动生成式人工智能经济 - fromgeek.com2023-06-15 T从Open AI的ChatGPT的兴起到Google的Bard,AI淘金热正在稳步进行。最近一份生成式人工智能市场报告的预测表明,到2031年,该市场将达到惊人的1265亿美元,从2022年到2031年的复合年增长率为32%。a href="https://www.fromgeek.com/telecom/581604.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read full information on external site
数据中心:推动生成式人工智能经济 - citnews.com2023-06-15 从Open AI的ChatGPT的兴起到Google的Bard,AI淘金热正在稳步进行。最近一份生成式人工智能市场报告的预测表明,到2031年,该市场将达到惊人的1265亿美元,从2022年到2031年的复合年增长率为32%。Read full information on external site
Pradėjo veikti naujasis Registrų centro duomenų centras, jam suteiktas „Tier III“ sertifikatas - delfi.lt2023-06-15 Nuo šiol pagrindiniai nacionaliniai duomenys ir juos sauganti infrastruktūra bus dar saugesni – įgyvendindamas vieną iš pagrindinių veiklos prioritetų Registrų centras skelbia baigęs įrengti naująjį duomenų centrą. Read full information on external site
PAtidarytas naujas Registrų centro duomenų centrass - vz.lt2023-06-15 Registrų centras ketvirtadienį pranešė sostinėje baigęs įrengti naują duomenų centrą, kuriam, kaip skelbia įmonė suteiktas „Tier III“ sertifikatas, žymintis infrastruktūros atitikimą šiuolaikiniams patikimumo reikalavimams. Read full information on external site
Pradėjo veikti naujasis Registrų centro duomenų centras - dtv3.lt2023-06-15 Registrų centras (RC) baigė įrengti naująjį duomenų centrą Vilniuje, Studentų gatvėje – itin didelės reikšmės infrastruktūra dabar atitinka visus šiuolaikinius reikalavimus, pranešė RC. Read full information on external site
Pradėjo veikti naujasis Registrų centro duomenų centras - kauno.diena.lt2023-06-15 Registrų centras (RC) baigė įrengti naująjį duomenų centrą Vilniuje, Studentų gatvėje – itin didelės reikšmės infrastruktūra dabar atitinka visus šiuolaikinius reikalavimus, pranešė RC. Read full information on external site
Pradėjo veikti naujasis Registrų centro duomenų centras - diena.lt2023-06-15 Registrų centras (RC) baigė įrengti naująjį duomenų centrą Vilniuje, Studentų gatvėje – itin didelės reikšmės infrastruktūra dabar atitinka visus šiuolaikinius reikalavimus, pranešė RC. Read full information on external site
点亮计划丨BDx南京紫海数据中心:打造绿色、高效、可靠的长三角算力基石 - jifang360.com2023-06-15 摘要:南京紫海数据中心是南京市内首个通过Uptime Institute Tier III认证的数据中心,并且获得了ISO/IEC 27001:2013、ISO/IEC 9001:2015 及 CQC-A等认证。 Read full information on external site
Stage Two of NEXTDC’S S3 Sydney Data Centre complete - insideconstruction.com2023-06-14 Multiplex has completed the second and final stage of NEXTDC’s S3 Sydney Data Centre on Sydney’s Lower North Shore. Read full information on external site
WIOCC to establish presence in DRC - africanwirelesscomms.com2023-06-14 WIOCC Group has brought in experienced senior connectivity and data services professional Mohammed Bouhelal to establish its presence in the DRC – an important new market for the company, with the potential to become one of the fastest-growing digital economies on the African continent. Read full information on external site
Yotta D1 Data Center Earns Uptime Institute’s Tier III Certificate of Constructed Facility - cionews.co2023-06-14 Undergoing Uptime Institute’s stringent audit process across an extensive set of parameters, Yotta D1 achieves Uptime Institute’s Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) within just seven months of going live Read full information on external site
点亮计划丨BDx南京紫海数据中心:打造绿色、高效、可靠的长三角算力基石 - idcquan.com2023-06-14 南京紫海数据中心是南京市内首个通过Uptime Institute Tier III认证的数据中心,并且获得了ISO/IEC 27001:2013、ISO/IEC 9001:2015 及 CQC-A等认证。Read full information on external site
What do you need to know about designing HVAC systems in data centers? - csemag.com2023-06-14 Will data centers get larger? More efficient? Have different HVAC systems? Learn about the trends here. Read full information on external site
点亮计划丨BDx南京紫海数据中心:打造绿色、高效、可靠的长三角算力基石 - vsharing.com2023-06-14 南京紫海数据中心是南京市内首个通过Uptime Institute Tier III认证的数据中心,并且获得了ISO/IEC 27001:2013、ISO/IEC 9001:2015 及 CQC-A等认证。Read full information on external site
Wetterbericht für Sonnenstürme - datacenter-insider.de2023-06-14 Sonnenstürme sind elektromagnetische Entladungen des Zentralgestirns. Read full information on external site
الأكبر في المملكة.. مركز البيانات “إنوي” يرافق الشركات المغربية والعالمية في تحولها الرقمي - kifache.com 2023-06-14 خصصت، اليوم الأربعاء (14 يونيو)، شركة “إنوي” زيارة للصحافيين إلى مركز التخزين “داتاسنتر” في تيكنوبوليس في الرباط. Read full information on external site
What do you need to know about electrical, power systems in data centers? - csemag.com2023-06-13 Will data centers get larger? More efficient? Use less energy? Learn about the trends here. Read full information on external site
Yotta D1 Data Center Earns Uptime Institute’s Tier III Certificate of Constructed Facility - itvoice.in2023-06-13 Undergoing Uptime Institute’s stringent audit process across an extensive set of parameters, Yotta D1 achieves Uptime Institute’s Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) within just seven months of going live. Read full information on external site
Yotta D1 Data Center Earns Uptime Institute’s Tier III Certificate of Constructed Facility - crn.in2023-06-13 Yotta D1 Data Center in Greater Noida, North India’s first hyperscale data center, has been awarded Tier Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) by Uptime Institute (USA) – the leading independent data center advisory and certification organisation. Read full information on external site
Yotta D1 Data Center Earns Uptime Institute’s Tier III Certificate of Constructed Facility - expresscomputer.in2023-06-13 Yotta D1 Data Center in Greater Noida, North India’s first hyperscale data center, has been awarded Tier Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) by Uptime Institute (USA) – the leading independent data center advisory and certification organisation. Read full information on external site
Legrand Soroti Pusat Data Berkelanjutan di Indonesia - headtopics.com2023-06-12 Legrand Indonesia menekankan pentingnya keberadaan pusat data yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Legrand Soroti Pusat Data Berkelanjutan di Indonesia - teknologi.bisnis.com2023-06-12 Legrand Indonesia menekankan pentingnya keberadaan pusat data yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Wiit spannt den Mantel auf - cloudcomputing-insider.de2023-06-12 Wiit-Deutschlandsprecher Christoph Herrnkind fordert deutsche Provider auf, sich unter dem Motto „Cloud4Europe“ dem Mailänder Mutterhaus anzuschließen. Mit dessen breitgefächerten Portfolio seien sie besser in der Lage, neue und größere Aufgaben anzugehen. Die Strategie erinnert an die des Fiat-Konzer. Read full information on external site
GISA ERNEUT FÜR NACHHALTIGES UMWELT- UND ENERGIEMANAGEMENT ZERTIFIZIERT - cindustr.com2023-06-12 Gisa erhält erneut Zertifikate für Umwelt- und Energiemanagement und setzt auf nachhaltiges Handeln – Flächenoptimierungen im Rechenzentrum sparen 2022 rund 300.000 kWh Stromverbrauch ein. Read full information on external site
Nét iets nieuwere servers schelen veel in verbruik - agconnect.nl2023-06-12 Grote efficiencysprongen voor maar paar jaar verschil in Intel- en AMD-servers. Read full information on external site
Triển khai Hybrid Data Center - rào cản và tháo gỡ - vietnamnet.vn2023-06-12 Kết hợp giữa trung tâm dữ liệu truyền thống và Cloud - Hybrid Data Center mang lại những lợi ích vượt trội đồng thời đặt ra nhiều thách thức cho doanh nghiệp. Read full information on external site
Digitalisasi Berkembang Pesat, Industri Data Center di Indonesia Diproyeksi Meningkat - medcom.id2023-06-11 Jakarta: Perusahaan bidang kelistrikan dan infrastruktur gedung digital Legrand Indonesia menyebut, industri data center di Indonesia tengah berkembang. Read full information on external site
Legrand Nilai Potensi Pasar Data Center di Indonesia Menjanjikan - beritasatu.com2023-06-11 Jakata, Beritasatu.com - Pergeseran sistem bekerja ke arah digital dinilai membuat potensi pasar data center Indonesia menjanjikan. Apalagi semakin banyak konsumen dan pengusaha yang menganut dan beradaptasi dengan teknologi digital yang baru. Read full information on external site
How do you boost server efficiency? Buy new kit, keep it busy - klse.i3investor.com2023-06-10 Organizations looking to cut power usage within datacenters should find that newer servers can offer decent energy efficiency improvements, but that efficiency increases with processor utilization, so those servers need to be kept busy. Read full information on external site
Legrand Indonesia Luncurkan Produk Electrical Switchboard Terbaru - wartaekonomi.co.id2023-06-10 Warta Ekonomi, Jakarta - Legrand Indonesia, perusahaan internasional yang bergerak dalam bidang kelistrikan dan infrastruktur gedung digital, menyelenggarakan Legrand Day 2023, yang berlangsung selama 2 hari pada tanggal 7 dan 8 Juni 2023. Read full information on external site
Gelar Data Center Summit 2023, Legrand Indonesia Luncurkan Electrical Switchboard Terbaru - vnexplorer.net2023-06-10 Gelar Data Center Summit 2023, Legrand Indonesia Luncurkan Electrical Switchboard Terbaru. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies recebe nova certificação Tier III para Data Center no Equador - inforchannel.com2023-06-10 Esta certificação do Uptime Institute é uma das mais importantes na área de Centro de Dados; para obtê-la é necessário cumprir com requisitos rigorosos, avaliados por engenheiros certificados Read full information on external site
Sacombank hợp tác cùng CMC triển khai hạ tầng Data Center: Dự án trọng điểm trong chiến lược chuyển đổi số - techsignin.com2023-06-09 Sacombank và CMC vừa tổ chức nghiệm thu thành công dự án triển khai hạ tầng trung tâm dữ liệu mới tại CMC Data Center Tân Thuận thuộc tổ hợp Không gian sáng tạo CMC (CMC Creative Space), Q.7, TP. HCM. Đây là dự án trọng điểm xây dựng nền tảng cốt lõi cho hoạt động chuyển đổi số của Sacombank nhằm đảm bảo cung cấp môi trường an toàn và tin cậy cho dữ liệu trong quá trình thực hiện chuyển đổi số. Read full information on external site
The importance of service continuity guarantees - capacitymedia.com2023-06-09 Brendan Press, CCO at Gulf Bridge International (GBI), considers how cable operators can mitigate the incidence of network outages through service continuity guarantees. Read full information on external site
Legrand Indonesia to hold Data Centre Summit 2023 and launch new switchboard - idnfinancials.com2023-06-09 JAKARTA. Legrand Indonesia, an international company engaged in the electricity and digital infrastructure industry, has held Data Centre Summit 2023 and introduced its latest switchboard in the event Legrand Day 2023. Read full information on external site
Legrand Indonesia gelar Data Center Summit guna kembangkan data center - antaranews.com2023-06-09 Legrand Indonesia gelar Data Center Summit guna kembangkan data center. Read full information on external site
Kebutuhan Infrastruktur Digital Kian Besar, Data Center yang Efisien dan Berkelanjutan jadi Makin Pentingy - bisnis.tempo.co2023-06-09 Increase in efficiency between 2017 and 2019 hardware is 34% for Intel servers, 140% for AMD, claims report. Read full information on external site
How do you boost server efficiency? Buy new kit, keep it busy - headtopics.com2023-06-09 Increase in efficiency between 2017 and 2019 hardware is 34% for Intel servers, 140% for AMD, claims report. Read full information on external site
Kebutuhan Infrastruktur Digital Kian Besar, Data Center yang Efisien dan Berkelanjutan jadi Makin Pentingy - msn.com2023-06-09 Increase in efficiency between 2017 and 2019 hardware is 34% for Intel servers, 140% for AMD, claims report. Read full information on external site
How do you boost server efficiency? Buy new kit, keep it busy - knowledia.com2023-06-09 Increase in efficiency between 2017 and 2019 hardware is 34% for Intel servers, 140% for AMD, claims report. Read full information on external site
How do you boost server efficiency? Buy new kit, keep it busy - msn.com2023-06-09 Increase in efficiency between 2017 and 2019 hardware is 34% for Intel servers, 140% for AMD, claims report. Read full information on external site
How do you boost server efficiency? Buy new kit, keep it busy - theregister.com2023-06-09 Increase in efficiency between 2017 and 2019 hardware is 34% for Intel servers, 140% for AMD, claims report. Read full information on external site
Pebisnis Infrastruktur Digital Kumpul Bahas Tren Pasar Data Center - republika.co2023-06-09 Data Center Summit 2023 membahas beberapa isu-isu termasuk soal tren pasar. Read full information on external site
Como estão as mulheres no mercado de trabalho? - nube.com2023-06-09 O tema da diversidade no ambiente corporativo tem sido amplamente discutido nos últimos anos, e é gratificante observar que as coisas estão melhorando. Read full information on external site
WIOCC appoints Mohammed Bouhelal to lead DRC’s digital transformation - dcnnmagazine.com2023-06-08 WIOCC Group has appointed Mohammed Bouhelal as Managing Director of OADC DRC, to establish its presence in the DRC with the potential to become a fast-growing digital economy on the African continent. Read full information on external site
What do you need to know about making data centers sustainable? - csemag.com2023-06-07 Will data centers incorporate innovative sustainability and energy-efficiency features? Learn about the trends here. Read full information on external site
Data centres’ DDoS learning curve - datacentrereview.com2023-06-06 In the age of connected computing, our technical dependencies are so often our weakest links. We are increasingly reliant – not just on our own security – but on the resilience of all the devices, networks and partners to which we are connected. Read full information on external site
How will today’s challenges affect the data centres of the future? - datacentrereview.com2023-06-05 Data centres are undoubtedly the backbone of our digital lives. Yet as appetites for data, hosted applications and connectivity accelerate, so with it do the demands placed on the sector. Read full information on external site
Legrand Launches Industry’s First Harmonic Distortion Measuring PDUs for Data Centers - expresscomputer.in2023-06-01 Legrand, a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, has introduced the industry’s next generation of intelligent rack Power Distribution Units (PDUs). Read full information on external site
Data center redundancy: The basics - techtarget.com2023-06-01 Downtime can cost businesses thousands, and redundancy is one way to minimize disruptions. Assess uptime requirements when building redundancy in data center facilities. Read full information on external site
May 2023
Legrand Launches Industry’s First Harmonic Distortion Measuring PDUs for Data Centers - itvoice.in2023-05-31 Legrand, a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, has introduced the industry’s next generation of intelligent rack Power Distribution Units (PDUs). Read full information on external site
Legrand Launches Industry’s First Harmonic Distortion Measuring PDUs for Data Centers - varindia.com2023-05-31 Legrand, a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, has introduced the industry’s next generation of intelligent rack Power Distribution Units (PDUs). Read full information on external site
Skills - the biggest barrier yet - digitalisationworld.com2023-05-31 For some years, the industry has been aware of a potential threat to the delivery of enough new data centre stock - a shortage of sufficiently qualified professionals. Initially concerns appeared around the design and build of new facilities but has also emerged in the fields of operations of data centres. Read full information on external site
Legrand Launches Industry’s First Harmonic Distortion Measuring PDUs for Data Centers - cxotoday.com2023-05-31 Legrand, a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, has introduced the industry’s next generation of intelligent rack Power Distribution Units (PDUs). Read full information on external site
Three Hurdles to Data Center Reliability and Efficiency - datacenterknowledge.com2023-05-31 Data centers need access to real-time, granular information about their power quality and usage in order to maximize efficiency and minimize downtime. Read full information on external site
Three Reasons Network Operations Is Getting More Difficult And What CIOs Can Do About It - forbes.com2023-05-30 Song Pang is Senior Vice President of Customer Engineering netbrainA market leader for NetOps automation. Read full information on external site
Three Reasons Network Operations Is Getting More Difficult And What CIOs Can Do About It - biz.crast.net2023-05-30 Song Pang is Senior Vice President of Customer Engineering netbrainA market leader for NetOps automation. Read full information on external site
»Ohne entsprechende Zertifizierung ist man raus aus dem Spiel« - ManageIt.com2023-05-26 Auch 2023 steht die Rechenzentrumsbranche vor weiteren Herausforderungen. Welche das sind und worauf Unternehmen bei der Auswahl ihres Colocation-Anbieters achten sollten, verrät Muzafer Ege, Director Sales DACH Region beim nachhaltigen Rechenzentrumsanbieter Beyond.pl. Read full information on external site
ZTE Fokus Pada Pengembangan Pusat Data Masa Depan - listrikindonesia.com2023-05-26 Listrik Indonesia | Penyedia solusi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terkemuka di dunia, ZTE Corporation, membagikan pandangannya mengenai tren, peluang, dan tantangan dalam pengembangan pusat data. Read full information on external site
液冷服务器爆发!数据中心核心环节,龙头强者恒强 - 9kd.com2023-05-26 据工信部《新型数据中心发展三年行动计划(2021-2023年)》,预计到2023年底,全国数据中心机架规模年均增速保持在20%左右,2023年中国数据中心在用数量将超过800万架。Read full information on external site
Richard Zheng of Servpac on leadership, future growth and the importance of redundancy - bizjournals.com2023-05-26 Richard Zheng, the president of telecom and technology solutions company Servpac Inc., often jokes that if technology worked perfectly all the time, he’d be out of a job. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Centres to build largest sustainable Carrier-Neutral Datacenter in the Philippines - elifestylemanila.com2023-05-26 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres with STT GDC Philippines sign partnership with Globe Ayala Corporation Read full information on external site
Telecentro atsakas į iššūkius – 2 nauji duomenų centrai - vzonline.com2023-05-25 Artimiausiais metais duomenų centrų rinkos žaidėjų pasaulyje laukia du pagrindiniai iššūkiai – kaip patenkinti eksponentiškai augančią paslaugų paklausą ir rinkos poreikį ITT infrastruktūros pajėgumams bei kaip užtikrinti duomenų saugumą ir veiklos tęstinumą, ypač augant kibernetinėms grėsmėms, teigia duomenų centrų tendencijas stebintys Telecentro ekspertai. Read full information on external site
Cloud Dependencies Need to Stop F—ing Us When They Go Down - thenewstack.io2023-05-25 With each external cloud service you deploy, you introduce the amount of unreliability that product has into your own product’s reliability (even if it’s incredibly small). Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres to Build Largest, Most Interconnected, and Sustainable Carrier-Neutral Data Center in the Philippines - manilarepublic.com2023-05-25 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Philippines) (STT GDC Philippines), a joint venture (JV) between Globe, Ayala Corporation and Singapore-based ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC), today announced that it is expanding its footprint in Asia with the development of its largest and most interconnected carrier-neutral data center in the Philippines. Read full information on external site
为什么说数据中心行业是一个成熟的技术服务行业 - jifang360.com2023-05-24 摘要:数据中心是一个汇聚数字信息的地方,具有高技术、高能效、高可靠、高安全等特点的技术服务行业,正如前者所述,数据中心行业是一个成熟的技术服务行业 Read full information on external site
STT GDC Philippines expands Asian footprint - upgrademag.com2023-05-24 This new data center campus will cater to both hyperscalers and enterprises, providing flexible and scalable low latency colocation options that are also sustainably built and operated. Read full information on external site
STT GDC to develop sixth data centre campus in the Philippines - channelasia.tech2023-05-24 Offers potential of 124 MW IT load capacity once fully built out. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres to build in the Philippiness - digitalisationworld.com2023-05-23 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Philippines) (STT GDC Philippines), a joint venture (JV) between Globe, Ayala Corporation and Singapore-based ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC), is expanding its footprint in Asia with the development of its largest and most interconnected carrier-neutral data centre in the Philippines. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres to build largest, most interconnected, and sustainable carrier-neutral data center in PH - gadgetsmagazine.com.ph2023-05-23 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres Philippines, a joint venture between Globe, Ayala Corporation and Singapore-based ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC), announced that it is expanding its footprint in Asia with the development of its largest and most interconnected carrier-neutral data center in the Philippines. Read full information on external site
Navigate Energy Star data center standard and certification - techtarget.com2023-05-22 Organizations can use the Energy Star data center standard and certified assets to be more energy efficient. Consider Energy Star certification to preserve capital and save energy. Read full information on external site
True IDC ผ่านมาตรฐาน TCOS ระดับ Gold จากสถาบัน Uptime ย้ำภาพผู้นำด้านบริการ Data Center หนึ่งเดียวในไทยและอินโดไชน่า - techtalkthai.com2023-05-22 หลังจากเปิดให้บริการ Data Center แห่งใหม่ในเขตกรุงเทพฯ ตะวันออกมากว่า 5 ปี True IDC East Bangna ยังคงพัฒนาการให้บริการ Data Center และ Co-location แก่องค์กรธุรกิจอย่างไม่หยุดยั้ง การันตีด้วยมาตรฐาน Tier III Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) ที่ล่าสุดได้ยกระดับจาก Silver ไปสู่ Gold ซึ่งเป็นระดับสูงสุดของการจัดการและดูแล Data Center จากสถาบัน Uptime เป็นที่เรียบร้อย นับเป็น Data Center แห่งแรกและแห่งเดียวในไทยและอินโดไชน่าที่ผ่านมาตรฐานดังกล่าว Read full information on external site
TRUE IDC ผ่านมาตรฐาน TCOS ระดับ GOLD จากสถาบัน UPTIME ย้ำภาพผู้นำด้านบริการ DATA CENTER หนึ่งเดียวในไทยและอินโดไชน่า - thaitechnews2023-05-22 หลังจากเปิดให้บริการ Data Center แห่งใหม่ในเขตกรุงเทพฯ ตะวันออกมากว่า 5 ปี True IDC East Bangna ยังคงพัฒนาการให้บริการ Data Center และ Co-location แก่องค์กรธุรกิจอย่างไม่หยุดยั้ง การันตีด้วยมาตรฐาน Tier III Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) ที่ล่าสุดได้ยกระดับจาก Silver ไปสู่ Gold ซึ่งเป็นระดับสูงสุดของการจัดการและดูแล Data Center จากสถาบัน Uptime เป็นที่เรียบร้อย นับเป็น Data Center แห่งแรกและแห่งเดียวในไทยและอินโดไชน่าที่ผ่านมาตรฐานดังกล่าว Read full information on external site
康明斯:香山论电!2023数据中心备用电源香山论坛顺利召开 - lmjx.net2023-05-22 2023年5月19日,第九届数据中心备用电源香山论坛在北京香山隆重举行。论坛采用线下会议加现场直播的形式,吸引350余位行业专家、数据中心用户出席会议,超过16万人次行业观众在线观看直播。Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres to build data centre in the Philippines - dcnnmagazine.com2023-05-22 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres has announced that it is expanding its footprint in Asia with the development of what it says will be the largest and most interconnected carrier-neutral data centre in the Philippines. Read full information on external site
STT GDC to Build 124 MW Data Centre in Manila, Philippines - telecomtalk2023-05-22 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Philippines) is expanding its presence in Asia with the development of a new data centre in the Philippines. The joint venture aims to create the largest and most interconnected carrier-neutral data centre in the country. Read full information on external site
Fachkräftemangel erfasst Rechenzentren - netzwoche2023-05-22 Für den Betrieb von Rechenzentren erweist sich der Fachkräftemangel als aktuell grösste Herausforderung, wie eine Umfrage des IT-Dienstleisters Technogroup zeigt. Drei Viertel der befragten IT-Entscheider im DACH-Raum erlitten im vergangenen Jahr Ausfälle im Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Decisões centradas em dados em prol de um data center sustentável - itforum.com2023-05-22 Caminho para um data center verde não é apenas uma iniciativa de sustentabilidade é também uma decisão de negócios. Read full information on external site
Boost for Shanghai data center to keep China’s billion-plus internet users connected - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-05-22 With over 1 billion internet users, China is the world’s No. 1 user of the web with an ever-increasing appetite for data. Read full information on external site
Vladimir Ester, CTO ClusterPower: „Vedem 2023 ca pe un an de creștere” - capital.ro2023-05-21 Centrul de date de lângă Craiova, proiect dezvoltat de compania românească ClusterPower, reprezintă nu doar cel mai mare Data Center din România, ci și din regiune. Centrul continuă să se dezvolte, atât ca dotări și echipă internă, cât și pe zona parteneriatelor strategice. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres to Build Largest, Most Interconnected, and Sustainable Carrier-Neutral Data Center in the Philippines - themanilapost.net2023-05-21 The STT Fairview data center campus is also it’s largest to date globally Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres to Build Largest, Most Interconnected, and Sustainable Carrier-Neutral Data Center in the Philippines - cornermagazineph.com2023-05-21 The STT Fairview data center campus is also it’s largest to date globally. Read full information on external site
Data center operator to put up its largest global facility in QC - newsbytes.ph2023-05-21 A joint venture (JV) firm between local telco Globe and Singapore-based ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC) is expanding its footprint in Asia with the development of its largest data center in the Philippines. Read full information on external site
Facturile foarte mari la energie și lipsa de specialiști, cele mai mari provocări de anul trecut - adevarul.ro2023-05-20 Printre cele mai mari provocări cu care se confruntă centrele de date se numără facturile foarte mari la energie și lipsa de specialiști, au declarat unii dintre cei mai cunoscuți manageri din domeniu. Read full information on external site
Rechenzentrums-Infrastruktur: Tier-Verfügbarkeitsklassen von Rechenzentren - heiseonline2023-05-19 Die Tier-Klassifizierung ist der Standard. Doch die Ablösung durch die Normen DIN EN 50600 und ISO/IEC 22237 ist bereits in vollem Gang. Read full information on external site
Монголбанкны Дата төв байгуулах ажил бүрэн хэрэгжиж дууслаа - news.mn2023-05-19 Монголбанк олон улсын TIER II түвшинд магадлан итгэмжлэгдсэн дата төвтэй боллоо. Цахим шилжилтэд манлайлан оролцогчийн хувьд Монголбанк нь энэхүү дата төвийг төрийн байгууллагуудаас анхлан байгуулж, ашиглалтад хүлээн авч байна. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres to Build Largest Sustainable Carrier-Neutral Data Center in Phl - thephilbiznews.com2023-05-19 The STT Fairview data center campus is also its largest to date globally. Read full information on external site
Монголбанкны Дата төв байгуулах ажил бүрэн хэрэгжиж дууслаа - mnb.mn2023-05-19 Монголбанк олон улсын TIER II түвшинд магадлан итгэмжлэгдсэн дата төвтэй боллоо. Read full information on external site
МОНГОЛБАНК ДАТА ТӨВТЭЙ БОЛЛОО - zindaa.mn2023-05-19 Монголбанк олон улсын TIER II түвшинд магадлан итгэмжлэгдсэн дата төвтэй боллоо. Цахим шилжилтэд манлайлан оролцогчийн хувьд Монголбанк нь энэхүү дата төвийг төрийн байгууллагуудаас анхлан байгуулж, ашиглалтад хүлээн авч байна. Read full information on external site
Монголбанкны Дата төв байгуулах ажил бүрэн хэрэгжиж дууслаа - 24tsag.mn2023-05-19 Монголбанк олон улсын TIER II түвшинд магадлан итгэмжлэгдсэн дата төвтэй боллоо. Цахим шилжилтэд манлайлан оролцогчийн хувьд Монголбанк нь энэхүү дата төвийг төрийн. Read full information on external site
Монголбанкны Дата төв байгуулах ажил бүрэн хэрэгжиж дууслаа - bataar.mn2023-05-19 Монголбанк олон улсын TIER II түвшинд магадлан итгэмжлэгдсэн дата төвтэй боллоо. Цахим шилжилтэд манлайлан оролцогчийн хувьд Монголбанк нь энэхүү дата төвийг төрийн байгууллагуудаас анхлан байгуулж, ашиглалтад хүлээн авч байна. Read full information on external site
Provocările celor mai importanți jucători din industria de centre de date: de la lipsa specialiștilor la facturi mari la energie - profit.ro2023-05-19 Printre cele mai mari provocări cu care se confruntă centrele de date se numără facturile foarte mari la energie și lipsa de specialiști, au declarat unii dintre cei mai cunoscuți manageri din domeniu în cadrul celei de-a cincea ediții a DataCenter Forum, singurul eveniment dedicat pieței de data centere și cloud din Romania. Read full information on external site
STT GDC announces its largest data centre campus in the Philippines - worldconstructionnetwork.com2023-05-19 The new campus will include four buildings across a gross floor area of over 83,000m². Read full information on external site
Industria de centre de date: fără specialiști și facturi de 4 ori mai mari la energie - start-up.ro2023-05-19 Printre cele mai mari provocări cu care se confruntă centrele de date se numără facturile foarte mari la energie și lipsa de specialiști, au declarat unii dintre cei mai cunoscuți manageri din domeniu în cadrul celei de-a cincea ediții a DataCenter Forum, singurul eveniment dedicat pieței de data centere și cloud din Romania. Read full information on external site
Energie sparen durch bessere Auslastung? - it-business2023-05-19 Energiesparen hat in der Datacenter-Branche einen festen Platz im Pflichtenheft des Tagesgeschäfts. Nirgendwo haben die Unternehmen so viele Stellschrauben für diese Aufgabe zur Verfügung wie in ihrem eigenen Rechenzentrum. Read full information on external site
Provocările din industria de centre de date românească: de la lipsa specialiștilor la facturi mari la energie - economica.net2023-05-19 Printre cele mai mari provocări cu care se confruntă centrele de date se numără facturile foarte mari la energie și lipsa de specialiști, au declarat unii dintre cei mai cunoscuți manageri din domeniu în cadrul celei de-a cincea ediții a DataCenter Forum, eveniment dedicat pieței de data centere și cloud din România. Read full information on external site
Provocările celor mai importanți jucători din industria de centre de date: de la lipsa specialiștilor la facturi mari la energie - marketwatch.ro2023-05-19 Printre cele mai mari provocări cu care se confruntă centrele de date se numără facturile foarte mari la energie și lipsa de specialiști, au declarat unii dintre cei mai cunoscuți manageri din domeniu în cadrul celei de-a cincea ediții a DataCenter Forum, singurul eveniment dedicat pieței de data centere și cloud din Romania. Read full information on external site
Provocările celor mai importanți jucători din industria de centre de date - itmaniatv.com2023-05-19 Ce au spus giganții centrelor de date la DataCenter Forum, cel mai mare eveniment din domeniu din România. Read full information on external site
Grupos electrógenos para Data Centers ¿Cómo garantizar la disponibilidad de los datos de manera eficiente - ielektro.es2023-05-18 Los cortes en el suministro de la red eléctrica son escenarios temidos en múltiples aplicaciones. Aunque poco frecuentes en países con infraestructuras estables, las consecuencias que pueden derivarse de esa interrupción en el suministro pueden ser en ocasiones irreparables y, en el mejor de los casos, con llevar un elevado impacto económico. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres to build most interconnected and sustainable data center in the Philippines - technology.inquirer.net2023-05-18 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Philippines) (STT GDC Philippines), a joint venture (JV) between Globe, Ayala Corporation and Singapore-based ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC), today announced that it is expanding its footprint in Asia with the development of its largest and most interconnected carrier-neutral data center in the Philippines. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres to Build largest, most interconnected, and sustainable carrier-neutral data center in the Philippines - orangemagazine.ph2023-05-18 The STT Fairview data center campus is also its largest to date globally. Read full information on external site
DOE funds $40 million for advanced data-center cooling - networkworld.com2023-05-18 The US Department of Energy is funding 15 projects aimed at developing energy-efficient cooling technologies for data centers. Read full information on external site
Bæredygtighed i datacenteret? Der er en god og en dårlig nyhed - computerworld.dk2023-05-17 Klumme: CIO’er vil som hovedregel gerne gøre it-installationen mere bæredygtig, men de kæmper mod budgetregimer og manglende overblik. Derfor halter det stadig en god del med at optimere strøm, køling og cirkularitet i serverrummet, og en stor økonomisk gevinst risikerer at gå tabt. Read full information on external site
It's time for IT teams, vendors to prioritize efficiency; here's where they should start - theregister.com2023-05-16 Hint: Greener gear is only the half of it. Read full information on external site
数据中心运营:人工智能和机器学习如何提高效率和弹性 - jifang360.com2023-05-16 运营数据中心必须提供更细粒度的实时数据,以保持数据中心的运营弹性、响应性和在线性,尽管存在潜在的安全和中断威胁。不可预测的供应链、长期的劳动力短缺、螺旋式上升的通货膨胀和能源成本等,是企业CIO和高级管理团队在优化数据中心时面临的一些挑战。Read full information on external site
DataCon SEA 2023 to be held in Kuala Lumpur - worldbusinessoutlook.com2023-05-16 DataCon SEA 2023, held by Noppen Group on June 14th–15th, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is committed to the development of data center in Southeast Asia. Read full information on external site
The need for transparent sustainability reporting - datacentrereview.com2023-05-16 Digital technologies are playing an increasingly important role in modern life, and data centres play no small part in this. But while demand is growing, so too will data centres’ global carbon footprint, if these organisations do not make a concerted effort to limit their emissions. Read full information on external site
بوبيان الكويتي يحصد الشهادة الذهبية في مجال الاستدامة التشغيلية - newsformy.com2023-05-16 المصدر بنوك عربية حصل بنك بوبيان الكويتي على الشهادة الذهبية في مجال الاستدامة التشغيلية Tier III Gold Certification of Operational. Read full information on external site
How SMEs can limit their impact on climate when using digital services - equinix.com2023-05-16 Relying on local redundancy may no longer be adequate; taking a geo-redundant approach strengthens business continuity readiness. Read full information on external site
3 Ways to Reduce Network Downtime Risk with Geo-Redundancy - smeweb.com2023-05-16 By James Gill, below, Co-Founder, EcoSend. Do you consider the sustainability implications of sending a message on WhatsApp or an email? The answer is probably not. Read full information on external site
It's time for IT teams, vendors to prioritize efficiency; here's where they should start - msn.com2023-05-16 Hint: Greener gear is only the half of it. Read full information on external site
It's time for IT teams, vendors to prioritize efficiency; here's where they should start - knowledia.com2023-05-16 Hint: Greener gear is only the half of it. Read full information on external site
eWaste is the hidden scandal of the IT and data world - connectedtechnologysolutions.co.uk2023-05-15 eWaste is the elephant in the server room when it comes to IT asset disposal, sustainability and recycling for the circular economy. Read full information on external site
"بنك بوبيان": شهادة ذهبية بالاستدامة التشغيلية من “Uptime Institute” - awalan.com2023-05-15 "حقق بنك بوبيان انجازاً جديداً يُضاف إلى سلسلة التصنيفات العالمية التي حصل عليها منذ بداية العام الحالي بحصول مركز البيانات الجديد للبنك على الشهادة الذهبية في مجال الاستدامة التشغيلية. Read full information on external site
6 Ways irix is Establishing Sarawak as SEA's Alternative Regional Hub - telecomreviewasia.com2023-05-15 Sarawak’s focus is to become Southeast Asia’s alternative connectivity hub to provide next-generation digital connectivity to people and businesses worldwide. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute announces the Tier III Gold Certification of operational sustainability of Boubyan Bank - middleeast.managersofwealth.com2023-05-15 Al-Yaqout: The Certification Highlights Our Commitment to Leading Practices in Sustainability and Operation at Our Data Center. Read full information on external site
ZTE: Tantangan Utama Data Center, PUE - arenalte.com2023-05-15 ZTE Corporation, salah satu penyedia solusi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi asal Cina, berbagi pandangannya mengenai tren, peluang, dan tantangan dalam pengembangan data center pada acara Indonesia Cloud and Data Center Convention 2023. Read full information on external site
Vertiv offers solutions like Liebert VIC to cope with these rapidly increasing requirements - enterpriseitworld.com2023-05-15 Vertiv also introduced a thermal management solution- Vertiv Liebert SRC-G for the edge of the network in India. The new solution delivers high uptime and efficiency to small critical. Read full information on external site
Why addressing the diversity gap in the data centre industry isn’t enough - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-05-15 Aashna Puri – Project Development and Sustainability Director, aims to inspire and encourage more women to take up a career in data centres by sharing some of her own experiences and observations, as well as addressing the misperceptions that many believe. Read full information on external site
Netalia: il Public Cloud accompagna la crescita di imprese e PA - tomshw.it2023-05-15 Il 2023, che sarà ricordato come l’anno della grande migrazione al cloud da parte della Pubblica Amministrazione, rappresenta allo stesso tempo una enorme opportunità per Netalia, primo Public Cloud Service Provider italiano. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico - enfasys.net2023-05-15 Por Francisco Sales, Director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Netalia: the Public Cloud accompanies the growth of print and PA | B2BLabs - california18.com2023-05-15 In 2023, it will be recorded as the year of the great migration to the cloud from part of it Public Administrationpresents all this time an enormous opportunity for netalicousin Public Cloud Service Provider Italian. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico - itwarelatam.com2023-05-15 Por Francisco Sales, Director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
«Uptime Institute» يمنح «بوبيان» الشهادة الذهبية في مجال الاستدامة التشغيلية - aljarida.com2023-05-14 حقق بنك بوبيان إنجازاً جديداً يضاف إلى سلسلة التصنيفات العالمية التي حصل عليها منذ بداية العام الحالي، بحصول مركز البيانات الجديد للبنك على الشهادة الذهبية في مجال الاستدامة التشغيلية Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability من معهد Uptime Institute العالمي المتخصص بتصنيف مراكز المعلومات والبيانات العالمية. Read full information on external site
Boubyan Bank gets Uptime Institute’s ‘Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability’ - kuwaittimes.com2023-05-14 Al-Yaqout: Certification highlights level and quality of services at our data center. Read full information on external site
«بوبيان» ينال الشهادة الذهبية في مجال الاستدامة التشغيلية - sahafaty.com2023-05-14 وليد الياقوت: الشهادة تؤكد التزامنا بتطبيق أفضل ممارسات الاستدامة والتشغيل لمركز المعلومات الجديد حقق بنك بوبيان إنجازا جديدا يضاف إلى سلسلة التصنيفات العالمية التي حصل عليها منذ بداية العام الحالي بحصول مركز البيانات الجديد للبنك على الشهادة الذهبية في مجال الاستدامة التشغيلية Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability من معهد Uptime Institute العالمي المتخصص في تصنيف مراكز المعلومات والبيانات العالمية. Read full information on external site
ZTE jelajahi masa depan pengembangan data center - indotelko.com2023-05-14 Penyedia solusi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terkemuka di dunia, ZTE Corporation berbagi pandangannya mengenai tren, peluang, dan tantangan dalam pengembangan data center pada acara Indonesia Cloud and Data Center Convention 2023. Acara ini diselenggarakan Kamis lalu (11/5) di Hotel Shangri-La, Jakarta. Read full information on external site
“بوبيان” يحصد الشهادة الذهبية في الاستدامة التشغيلية من “Uptime Institute” - seyassah.com2023-05-14 حقق بنك بوبيان انجازاً جديداً يُضاف إلى سلسلة التصنيفات العالمية التي حصل عليها منذ بداية العام الحالي بحصول مركز البيانات الجديد للبنك على الشهادة الذهبية في مجال الاستدامة التشغيلية Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability من معهد Uptime Institute العالمي المتخصص بتصنيف مراكز المعلومات والبيانات العالمية. وبهذه المناسبة قال مدير عام بنك بوبيان وليد Read full information on external site
ZTE Berbagi Pandangan Terkait Masa Depan Pengembangan Data Center - mobitekno.com2023-05-13 Komitmen ZTE Corporation dalam menyediakan solusi-solusi mutakhir yang memungkinkan bisnis untuk memenuhi tuntutan lanskap digital yang terus berkembang dipaparkan pada acara Indonesia Cloud and Data Center Convention 2023. Read full information on external site
ZTE Beberkan Tantangan dan Masa Depan Pengembangan Data Center - infokomputer.grid.id2023-05-13 Industri data center atau pusat data sedang berkembang pesat, seiring strategi digitalisasi yang tengah dijalankan banyak perusahaan di dunia. Read full information on external site
Cách quản lý nhà cung cấp điện toán đám mây - vnmedia.vn2023-05-12 Bài viết sau đây sẽ cung cấp một số lời khuyên để giúp các doanh nghiệp và cá nhân quản lý nhiều nhà cung cấp dịch vụ điện toán đám mây một cách hiệu quả… Read full information on external site
5 cách quản lý đơn vị cung cấp điện toán đám mây - vnexpress.net2023-05-12 Việc lập kế hoạch, áp dụng công nghệ và đề ra tiêu chuẩn bảo mật… giúp doanh nghiệp quản lý tốt hơn các đơn vị cung cấp dịch vụ đám mây. Read full information on external site
Cách quản lý nhà cung cấp điện toán đám mây - nld.com.vn2023-05-12 Multi-cloud nổi lên như một trong những xu hướng nóng nhất của công nghệ hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp trong vài năm qua khi ngày càng có nhiều doanh nghiệp áp dụng đa nền tảng đám mây công cộng để lưu trữ khối lượng công việc của họ. Read full information on external site
CEdgeConneX Susun Solusi dalam Mengatasi Kesenjangan SDM di Pusat Data - mobitekno.com2023-05-12 EdgeConneX®, pelopor dalam Solusi Pusat Data Hyperlocal hingga Hyperscale global menyoroti situasi kesenjangan SDM di industri pusat data merupakan permasalahan yang serius bila tidak ditangani dengan baik. Read full information on external site
Cách quản lý nhà cung cấp điện toán đám mây - doisongphapluat.com2023-05-12 Multi-cloud nổi lên như một trong những xu hướng nóng nhất của công nghệ hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp trong vài năm qua khi ngày càng có nhiều doanh nghiệp áp dụng đa nền tảng đám mây công cộng để lưu trữ khối lượng công việc của họ. Read full information on external site
鄭商所技術中心高分通過Uptime M&O認證 成為河南省首個獲此認證數據中心 - finet.hk2023-05-12 近日,鄭州商品交易所技術中心通過Uptime Institute審核,獲得Uptime Management and Operation認證。據悉,為強化核心機房基礎設施運行保障能力,鄭商所于2021年底啓動了Uptime M&O體系建設和認證工作,經過一年多時間的精心實施,最終以96.4分的優異成績通過Uptime M&O認證,鄭商所技術中心也由此成為河南省首個獲此認證的數據中心。Read full information on external site
鄭商所技術中心高分通過Uptime M&O認證 成為河南省首個獲此認證數據中心 - cnfol.com2023-05-12 近日 郑州商品交易所 简称 郑商所 技术中心通过UptimeInstitute审核 获得UptimeManagementandOperation认证 简称 UptimeM amp O 资料显示 UptimeM amp O是业界领先的数据中心基础设施运。Read full information on external site
数据中心自动化如何简化操作并减少错误 - citnews.com.cn2023-05-11 中文科技资讯精选摘要:对数字服务不断增长的需求导致了数据中心行业的快速增长,世界各地的设施都在不知疲倦地工作以适应海量数据的存储和处理。 为了在管理成本和保持高水平服务的同时满足这一需求,数据中心运营商必须不断寻求提高运营效率的方法。Read full information on external site
5 việc cần làm để quản lý nhà cung cấp điện toán đám mây hiệu quả - vietnamnet.vn2023-05-11 Lập kế hoạch, sử dụng công cụ quản lý cũng như sử dụng các công nghệ… là một số việc DN cần làm để quản lý nhiều nhà cung cấp dịch vụ điện toán đám mây một cách hiệu quả. Read full information on external site
5 việc cần làm để quản lý nhà cung cấp điện toán đám mây hiệu quả - baonhanh247.com2023-05-11 Lập kế hoạch, sử dụng công cụ quản lý cũng như sử dụng các công nghệ… là một số việc DN cần làm để quản lý nhiều nhà cung cấp dịch vụ điện toán đám mây một cách hiệu quả. Read full information on external site
5 việc cần làm để quản lý nhà cung cấp điện toán đám mây hiệu quả - baohomnay.com2023-05-11 Lập kế hoạch, sử dụng công cụ quản lý cũng như sử dụng các công nghệ… là một số việc DN cần làm để quản lý nhiều nhà cung cấp dịch vụ điện toán đám mây một cách hiệu quả. Read full information on external site
How the data center industry is bridging the skills gap - jll.co.uk2023-05-10 Data center operators are rolling out programs to train the next generation of talent. Read full information on external site
Trung tâm dữ liệu tại Việt Nam còn nhỏ bé - thesaigontimes.vn2023-05-10 hị trường trung tâm dữ liệu và điện toán đám mây (cloud) tại Việt Nam đang thu hút đầu tư lớn của nhiều doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
First impressions – from sustainability and AI to the talent shortage, how will today’s challenges affect the data centres of the future? - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-05-10 In this opinion article, Mark Yeeles, VP for Schneider Electric’s Secure Power Division in the UK and Ireland shares his first impressions of the data centre industry and its key challenges including the sustainability and the energy crisis, increased demands for digitisation, and the need to both attract and retain talent. Read full information on external site
Três razões para Data Centers brasileiros adotarem DCOM/Soluções Avançadas - inforchannel.com.br2023-05-10 Conforme o mundo aumenta sua presença digital em tudo – de jogos a operações bancárias, de serviços de saúde a entretenimento – a pressão sobre os Data Centers e sua capacidade de armazenamento torna-se maior. Read full information on external site
Resep EdgeConneX atasi kesenjangan SDM di pusat data - indotelko.com2023-05-10 JAKARTA (IndoTelko) Kawasan Asia Pasifik telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat dalam industri pusat data selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Read full information on external site
郑商所技术中心通过Uptime M&O认证 - steelcn.cn2023-05-09 记者5月7日获悉,近日,郑州商品交易所(简称郑商所)技术中心通过Uptime Institute审核,获得Uptime Management and Operation认证(简称Uptime M&O)。Uptime M&O是业界领先的数据中心基础设施运维管理国际标准,该标准认证从数据中心的人员组织、运行维护、流程管理、培训管理、规划协调管理及运行质量管理等方面,对数据中心基础设施的运维管理工作进行全面审查和评定。Read full information on external site
EdgeConneX® Beberkan Kiat Atasi Kelangkaan SDM di Industri Data Center - infokomputer2023-05-09 Industri data center di Asia Pasifik mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat. Namun industri ini juga menghadapi tantangan besar, yaitu kelangkaan SDM. Read full information on external site
Wer den Schaden (noch) nicht hat… sollte für die Versicherung sorgen - datacenter-insider.de2023-05-09 Manche Pannen sind unvermeidbar; auf Verluste trifft das aber schon 'mal nicht mehr zu. Read full information on external site
期市盘前早参 | 巴基斯坦可能改用人民币购买俄罗斯原油;中国从南非进口首船饲料玉米,专家:进口玉米“美国独大”格局正被改写 - cn.investing.com2023-05-08 期市盘前早参 | 巴基斯坦可能改用人民币购买俄罗斯原油;中国从南非进口首船饲料玉米,专家:进口玉米“美国独大”格局正被改写 Read full information on external site
环球观察:郑商所高分通过Uptime M&O认证 - guhantai.com2023-05-08 近日,郑州商品交易所(简称郑商所)技术中心通过UptimeInstitute审核,获得UptimeManagementandOperation认证(简称U。Read full information on external site
EdgeConnex berkomitmen untuk atasi kesenjangan SDM di pusat data - antaranews.com2023-05-08 EdgeConnex berkomitmen untuk atasi kesenjangan SDM di pusat data. Read full information on external site
郑商所高分通过Uptime M&O认证 - zqrb.cn2023-05-08 近日,郑州商品交易所(简称郑商所)技术中心通过UptimeInstitute审核,获得UptimeManagementandOperation认证(简称U。Read full information on external site
Hybrid Cloud Cover Hides Risks - rtinsights.com2023-05-08 Real-time visibility enables organizations to better improve agility and scalability by embracing the hybrid cloud without losing the insight needed to ensure that systems and data remain secure, performant, and resilient. Read full information on external site
郑商所高分通过Uptime M&O认证 - cnstock.com2023-05-07 近日,郑州商品交易所(简称郑商所)技术中心通过UptimeInstitute审核,获得UptimeManagementandOperation认证(简称U。Read full information on external site
全球快看:郑商所高分通过Uptime M&O认证 - solution.yktchina.com2023-05-07 近日,郑州商品交易所(下称“郑商所”)技术中心通过Uptime Institute审核,获得Uptime Management and Operation(Uptime M&O)认证。Uptime M&O是业界领先的数据中心基础设施运维管理国际标准,该标准认证从数据中心的人员组织、运行维护、流程管理、培训管理、规划协调管理及运行质量管理等方面,对数据中心基础设施的运维管理工作进行全面审查和评定。Read full information on external site
Taras Chirkov nombrado director de operaciones del centro de datos de Linxdatacenter - espanol.news2023-05-07 Taras Chirkov fue nombrado director de operaciones de los centros de datos Linxdatacenter en Moscú y San Petersburgo. Read full information on external site
郑商所技术中心通过Uptime M&O认证 - cs.com.cn2023-05-07 中证网讯(记者 周璐璐)中国证券报记者5月7日获悉,近日,郑州商品交易所(简称郑商所)技术中心通过Uptime Institute审核,获得Uptime Management and Operation认证(简称Uptime M&O)。Uptime M&O是业界领先的数据中心基础设施运维管理国际标准,该标准认证从数据中心的人员组织、运行维护、流程管理、培训管理、规划协调管理及运行质量管理等方面,对数据中心基础设施的运维管理工作进行全面审查和评定。Read full information on external site
Três razões para Data Centers brasileiros adotarem DCOM/Soluções Avançadas - tibahia.com2023-05-07 Conforme o mundo aumenta sua presença digital em tudo – de jogos a operações bancárias, de serviços de saúde a entretenimento – a pressão sobre os data centers e sua capacidade de armazenamento torna-se maior. Com a crescente necessidade de processamento de dados, vem a necessidade de fortalecer a infraestrutura para proteger a disponibilidade. Isso tem um impacto significativo nos custos para refrigerar o data center. Read full information on external site
郑商所技术中心通过Uptime M&O认证 - qhrb.com.cn2023-05-07 中证网讯(记者 周璐璐)中国证券报记者5月7日获悉,近日,郑州商品交易所(简称郑商所)技术中心通过Uptime Institute审核,获得Uptime Management and Operation认证(简称Uptime M&O)。Uptime M&O是业界领先的数据中心基础设施运维管理国际标准,该标准认证从数据中心的人员组织、运行维护、流程管理、培训管理、规划协调管理及运行质量管理等方面,对数据中心基础设施的运维管理工作进行全面审查和评定。Read full information on external site
Três razões para Data Centers brasileiros adotarem DCOM/Soluções Avançadas - revistafatorbrasil.com.br2023-05-06 Conforme o mundo aumenta sua presença digital em tudo – de jogos a operações bancárias, de serviços de saúde a entretenimento – a pressão sobre os data centers e sua capacidade de armazenamento torna-se maior. Com a crescente necessidade de processamento de dados, vem a necessidade de fortalecer a infraestrutura para proteger a disponibilidade. Isso tem um impacto significativo nos custos para refrigerar o data center. Read full information on external site
The latest data center procurement trends - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-05-05 Companies are increasingly seeking data center facilities that are dense, hybrid, green, and available. Read full information on external site
NetBrain drives no-code network automation with release of NetBrain Next-Gen - telecomtv.com2023-05-05 NetBrain Technologies, Inc., the leading provider of no-code network automation and visibility solutions for hybrid multi-cloud connected networks, today announced NetBrain Next-Gen, version v11 of its flagship product. NetBrain Next-Gen extends NetBrain’s no-code network automation capabilities to every hybrid multi-cloud environment and further simplifies the ability to capture and scale intent-based network management. Read full information on external site
Cybersecurity Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets – April update - industrialcybersecuritypulse.com2023-05-05 The first few months of 2023 witnessed a tremendous number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and capital placement activity in the cybersecurity segment. Read full information on external site
Três razões para Data Centers brasileiros adotarem DCOM/Soluções Avançadas - partnersales.com2023-05-05 Conforme o mundo aumenta sua presença digital em tudo – de jogos a operações bancárias, de serviços de saúde a entretenimento – a pressão sobre os data centers e sua capacidade de armazenamento torna-se maior. Com a crescente necessidade de processamento de dados, vem a necessidade de fortalecer a infraestrutura para proteger a disponibilidade. Isso tem um impacto significativo nos custos para refrigerar o data center. Read full information on external site
How observability can save your business money - technologydispatch.com2023-05-04 By Mark Crawford, Vice President, Strategy and Execution at New Relic. Read full information on external site
Legrand introduces two new intelligent rack PDUs - dcnnmagazine.com2023-05-03 Legrand has unveiled the next generation of its intelligent rack PDUs, combining software and hardware technology from previous generations of Raritan and Server Technology rack PDUs while adding a number of new features. Read full information on external site
10 Fakten zu Datacenter-Ausfällen - cio.de2023-05-02 Eine aktuelle Analyse gibt Aufschluss über die Frequenz und Schwere von Rechenzentrumsausfällen sowie deren finanzielle Konsequenzen. Read full information on external site
Legrand brings next gen intelligent rack PDUs to market - cfotech.asia2023-05-02 Legrand has released the industry's next generation of intelligent rack PDUs, which provide exceptional visibility, and cutting-edge hardware and security. Read full information on external site
Legrand brings next gen intelligent rack PDUs to market - datacenternews.asia2023-05-02 Legrand has released the industry's next generation of intelligent rack PDUs, which provide exceptional visibility, and cutting-edge hardware and security. Read full information on external site
Energie sparen durch bessere Auslastung? Die Bilanz unterm Strich - datacenter-insider.de2023-05-02 Energiesparen hat in der Datacenter-Branche einen festen Platz im Pflichtenheft des Tagesgeschäfts. Read full information on external site
Em 2023, a economia digital brasileira exige data centers seguros para concretizar seu potencial - jornalempresasenegocios.com.br2023-05-02 O mar de dados em que estamos submergidos expande-se sem cessar. Em 2025, segundo estudo da TechTarget de novembro de 2020, os dados coletivos da humanidade alcançarão a marca de 175 zetabytes. Na era da computação em nuvem, a maior parte destes dados está sendo processada 24×7 em um data center. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres? - tecnogus.com2023-05-02 Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres? - technocio.com2023-05-02 Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
April 2023
Intentional Diversity in the Data Center: 4 Steps to Maximize Performance - datacenterknowledge.com2023-04-29 While there are multiple failovers that can prevent data center outages, the key to ensuring network resiliency is intentional diversity. Learn the key steps that every data center should take. Read full information on external site
La empresa mexicana de infraestructura digital KIO inauguró su data center en Bogotá - larepublica.co2023-04-28 El complejo posee cuatro fases independientes de construcción, seis salas de 190 m2² por fase y está certificado por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
DataCenter Forum, evenimentul care reunește actorii din cloud și centre de date - start-up.ro2023-04-28 Tema Energy, un dezvoltator român de centre de date, organizează pe 16 mai 2023 ediția a cincea a DataCenter Forum, singurul eveniment dedicat pieței de data centere și cloud din România, ce reunește cei mai importanți jucători din industrie. Read full information on external site
Datacenter United achieves first Tier IV Certified data center in Belgium - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-04-28 Datacenter United sees the value of Tier Certification as undeniable and intends to work with Uptime on future projects as it continues to strengthen its position as a leading provider of high-quality, reliable proximity data center services in Belgium and beyond. Read full information on external site
APAC data centre operators face increasing number of cybersecurity threats - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-04-28 Ian Lim, Field Chief Security Officer, Asia Pacific, Palo Alto Networks, explores the possible repercussions of cybersecurity incidents on data centre players in the APAC region, given the increasing importance of data centres for storing and analysing large volumes of data. Read full information on external site
APAC data centre operators face increasing number of cybersecurity threats - intelligentcio.com2023-04-28 Ian Lim, Field Chief Security Officer, Asia Pacific, Palo Alto Networks, explores the possible repercussions of cybersecurity incidents on data centre players in the APAC region, given the increasing importance of data centres for storing and analysing large volumes of data. Read full information on external site
GBM ofrece a las empresas un respaldo en sus sistemas de TI para recuperación de desastres - itnews.lat2023-04-27 En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
데이터센터 가동 중단 원인 10가지 "인적 실수부터 화재까" - itworld.co.kr2023-04-26 데이터센터 가동 중단의 심각성은 낮아지고 있지만, 중단 관련 비용은 계속해서 상승 추세다. ‘중대한 사이트 가동 중단의 가장 큰 원인’은 정전이다. 네트워크 장애와 IT 시스템 문제 역시 데이터센터 중단의 원인이 되며 사람의 실수도 종종 중단의 원인으로 작용한다. Read full information on external site
Edged Energy and Merlin Properties develop Southern Europe data centres - capacitymedia.com2023-04-26 Edged Energy and Merlin Properties near completion of three ultraefficient data centres located on the highest capacity fibre connections in Europe. Read full information on external site
Cloud earnings show ‘slowdown’ still not out of the question - www.itpro.com2023-04-26 Earnings calls from Microsoft and Google show there’s still some gas in the tank for cloud providers. Read full information on external site
Cloud, fin de la lune de miel? - solutions-magazine.com2023-04-26 Les migrations vers le cloud doivent faire l'objet d'un examen plus approfondi, estime Owen rogers, research director for cloud computing, Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Cloud earnings show 'slowdown' still not out of the question - news.knowledia.com2023-04-26 Earnings calls from Microsoft and Google show there's still some gas in the tank for cloud providers. Read full information on external site
Consejos GBM - revistamujerdenegocios.com2023-04-26 Earnings calls from Microsoft and Google show there's still some gas in the tank for cloud providers Read full information on external site
Cloud earnings show 'slowdown' still not out of the question - techcentral.ie2023-04-26 Earnings calls from Microsoft and Google show there's still some gas in the tank for cloud providers. Read full information on external site
10 Causes of Data Center Downtime “From Human Error to Fire” - tekdeeps.com2023-04-25 While the severity of data center outages is declining, the cost of outages continues to rise. ‘The number one cause of critical site outages’ is power outages. Read full information on external site
Europa will, dass mehr Städte die Abwärme von Rechenzentren nutzen - global.techradar.com2023-04-25 Aber die meisten Unternehmen sind besorgt, dass sie die Rechnung bezahlen müssen. Read full information on external site
Em 2023, a economia digital brasileira exige data centers seguros - revistafatorbrasil.com.br2023-04-25 O mar de dados em que estamos submergidos expande-se sem cessar. Em 2025, segundo estudo da TechTarget de novembro de 2020, os dados coletivos da humanidade alcançarão a marca de 175 zetabytes. Read full information on external site
KIO expands Latin America footprint with first Colombian acquisition - intelligentcio.com2023-04-25 KIO, I Squared Capital’s data centre and digital infrastructure platform for Latin America, has announced the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of a new data centre Campus in Colombia. Read full information on external site
KIO expands Latin America footprint with first Colombian acquisition - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-04-25 KIO, I Squared Capital’s data centre and digital infrastructure platform for Latin America, has announced the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of a new data centre Campus in Colombia. Read full information on external site
Data center demand continues to surge, with workforce and energy challenges on the rise, finds JLL - fmlink.com2023-04-25 Over the last decade, companies have been looking to the cloud as a way of accelerating the shift toward digital but were held back by inevitable change barriers that come with business transformation. Read full information on external site
10 Fakten zu Datacenter-Ausfällen - computerwoche.de2023-04-24 Eine aktuelle Analyse gibt Aufschluss über die Frequenz und Schwere von Rechenzentrumsausfällen sowie deren finanzielle Konsequenzen. Read full information on external site
数据中心运营:削减成本和节能的三大步骤 - citnews.com.cn2023-04-24 现在是优化数据中心运营策略以降低成本和节约能源的时候了。随着全球经济改变数字基础设施行业的格局,资本和能源成本正在影响数据中心运营费用。Read full information on external site
Tema Energy, dezvoltator de centre de date, afaceri de peste 12,7 mil. euro în 2022, plus 47%. Mihai Manole, managing partner: Este cea mai bună performanţă financiară a companiei, în contextul creşterii pieţei de centre de date din România - zf.ro2023-04-24 Tema Energy, furnizor de tehnologie specializat în construcţia de centre de date pe care le execută cu personal propriu, de la design şi proiectare până la livrare, instalare, start-up şi servicii de întreţinere şi suport, a închis anul 2022 cu afaceri de peste 12,7 mil. euro (63 mil. lei), înregistrând o creştere de 47% faţă de anul precedent, arată un comunicat transmis de reprezentanţii companiei. Fondată în 2002, Tema Energy a lucrat cu peste 600 de clienţi şi a gestionat peste 100 de proiecte de centre de date. Read full information on external site
SFE Insight | Harnessing Scotland's data centre potential, by James King - sfe.org.uk2023-04-24 One of the big challenges around sustainability for businesses is turning it from a ‘nice to have’ into a ‘need to have’. For many businesses in today’s economic environment, top and bottom lines are being tested by the cost crisis, and net zero considerations can easily fall down the agenda. Read full information on external site
Cerrar la brecha de género en tecnología para las nuevas generaciones de niñas y mujeres jóvenes - itnews.lat2023-04-24 Según la Unicef, sólo el 18% de las mujeres en todo el mundo eligen carreras STEM comparado con el 35% de los hombres. Read full information on external site
Em 2023, a economia digital brasileira exige data centers seguros para concretizar seu potencial - segs.com.br2023-04-24 Por mais que tenham perfis diferentes entre si, os data centers igualam-se na busca pela máxima resiliência. Estudo do Uptime Institute de maio de 2022 revela que, entre 1.000 gestores globais de data centers entrevistados, 25% afirmaram ter sofrido perdas de mais de 1 milhão de dólares com períodos de downtime no ano de 2021. Read full information on external site
Em 2023, a economia digital brasileira exige Data Centers seguros para concretizar seu potencial - inforchannel.com.br2023-04-24 O mar de Dados em que estamos submergidos expande-se sem cessar. Em 2025, segundo estudo da TechTarget de novembro de 2020, os dados coletivos da humanidade alcançarão a marca de 175 zetabytes. Read full information on external site
ЕС ще включи центровете за данни в системата за екоизмерване и ще ги задължи да отдават отпадната топлина за обществено ползване - kaldata.com2023-04-23 Европейският парламент и Европейският съвет постигнаха окончателно съгласие по текста на Директивата за енергийната ефективност (ДЕЕ). Read full information on external site
Europe Wants More Cities To Use Data Center Waste Heating - mydroll.com2023-04-23 The EU – and Germany in particular – has caused some consternation in the data center industry with plans to reduce the continent’s environmental impact. Read full information on external site
Europe wants more communities to use waste heat from data centers - bollyinside.com2023-04-23 Plans by the EU and Germany in particular to reduce the continent’s impact on the environment have caused some worry in the data center business. Read full information on external site
Евросоюз обяжет дата-центры отдавать мусорное тепло на нужды общества - bb.lv/statja2023-04-22 Европарламент и Евросовет, наконец, согласовали текст Директивы по энергетической эффективности (EED). Как сообщает ComputerWeekly, документ обязывает операторов ЦОД в Евросоюзе обеспечить свободный доступ к данным о воздействии их проектов на окружающую среду. Read full information on external site
Europe wants more cities to use data center waste heating - techradar.com2023-04-22 But most firms are worried they'll have to foot the bill. Read full information on external site
Europe wants more cities to use data center waste heating - sepe.gr2023-04-22 The EU - and Germany in particular - has caused some consternation in the data center industry with plans to reduce the continent's environmental impact. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - ebizlatam.com2023-04-22 El servicio de Disaster Recovery busca ofrecerle a las empresas un respaldo en sus sistemas de TI. Eric Arosemena, gerente regional de Centros de Datos de GBM. Read full information on external site
Magnet cumple 20 años instalando confianza - infochannel.info2023-04-21 Inició con la idea de ser el mejor implementando cableado estructurado; hoy equipa desde distintas disciplinas a centros de datos de México y Brasil. Read full information on external site
Chuyên gia CMC Telecom mách cách lựa chọn Data Center tiêu chuẩn - vietnamnet.vn2023-04-21 “Các trung tâm dữ liệu được ví như tiện ích thứ năm, quan trọng như nước, điện, khí đốt và viễn thông. Việc doanh nghiệp biết cách lựa chọn Data Center (DC) đúng chuẩn rất quan trọng”, anh Phạm Huy Hoàng - PGĐ Khối Hạ tầng DC CMC Telecom cho biết. Read full information on external site
Chuyên gia CMC Telecom mách cách lựa chọn Data Center tiêu chuẩn - baonhanh247.com2023-04-21 “Các trung tâm dữ liệu được ví như tiện ích thứ năm, quan trọng như nước, điện, khí đốt và viễn thông. Việc doanh nghiệp biết cách lựa chọn Data Center (DC) đúng chuẩn rất quan trọng”, anh Phạm Huy Hoàng - PGĐ Khối Hạ tầng DC CMC Telecom cho biết. Read full information on external site
IONOS and Fasthosts receive Tier IV certification for Worcester data centre - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-04-21 IONOS, a leading European digitisation partner for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), and its UK subsidiary, Fasthosts, have secured Tier IV certification from the Uptime Institute for their £21 million state-of-the-art data centre, situated at Worcester Six Business Park. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - laesquina506.com2023-04-21 En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
Cerrar la brecha de género en TI por las nuevas generaciones - thestandardcio.com2023-04-21 Según la Unicef, sólo el 18% de las mujeres en todo el mundo eligen carreras STEM comparado con el 35% de los hombres. Read full information on external site
La Unión Europea pondrá en ecoregistro los centros de datos y los obligará a dar calor residual a las necesidades de la sociedad / ServerNews - espanol.news2023-04-21 El Parlamento Europeo y el Consejo Europeo han acordado finalmente el texto de la Directiva de Eficiencia Energética (EED). Read full information on external site
Women working in the IT sector - a perspective - digitalisationworld.com2023-04-20 Aashna Puri, Director, Corporate Strategy & Sustainability, CyrusOne. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy announces a turnover of over RON 63 million by the end of 2022 - outsourcing-today.ro2023-04-20 Tema Energy, the most famous Romanian data center developer, announces a turnover of over 63 million lei at the end of 2022, up 47% from the previous year. Read full information on external site
Europe wants more cities to use datacenter waste heating. How's that going? - klse.i3investor.com2023-04-20 As part of its 2035 energy targets, the EU wants the heating and cooling sector to be carbon-neutral, using renewable sources including waste heat from datacenters. Germany has gone even further and tried to mandate this with targets. How's it going? Read full information on external site
Europe wants more cities to use datacenter waste heating. How's that going? - news.knowledia.com2023-04-20 There's a cost, and operators are worried it will fall on them. Read full information on external site
Why Do You Need To Be Data-Centric? - itnewsafrica.com2023-04-20 To take the strain off your infrastructure, your costs, and your stress levels, that’s why. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico - ebizlatam.com2023-04-20 El crecimiento de los usuarios de internet en la pospandemia y los desafíos y oportunidades que representa este auge: con 800 millones de personas conectadas se hacen necesarios centros de datos resilientes, basados en la nube y personal calificado. Read full information on external site
Why Do You Need To Be Data-Centric? - za.investing.com2023-04-20 To take the strain off your infrastructure, your costs, and your stress levels, that’s why. Read full information on external site
Europe wants more cities to use datacenter waste heating. How's that going? - theregister.com2023-04-20 There's a cost, and operators are worried it will fall on them. Read full information on external site
Why Do You Need To Be Data-Centric? - itweb.co.za2023-04-19 To take the strain off your infrastructure, your costs, and your stress levels, that’s why. Read full information on external site
Why Do You Need To Be Data-Centric? - itweb.africa2023-04-19 To take the strain off your infrastructure, your costs, and your stress levels, that’s why. Read full information on external site
F5: How AI can be blended into IT automation security - intelligentcio.com2023-04-19 The evolution of AI within the cybersecurity landscape has led to the discovery and mitigation of new cyber-events and attack vectors. The result is a rush by organisations to build more automated and intelligent security defences using techniques like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. Read full information on external site
F5: How AI can be blended into IT automation security - intelligentciso.com2023-04-19 The evolution of AI within the cybersecurity landscape has led to the discovery and mitigation of new cyber-events and attack vectors. The result is a rush by organisations to build more automated and intelligent security defences using techniques like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. Read full information on external site
Datacenters et environnement : 5 chiffres de l’Alliance Green IT - silicon.fr2023-04-19 Utilisation des équipements, récupération de la chaleur… Focus sur quelques données de l’Alliance Green IT à propos des datacenters. Read full information on external site
Cloud projects keep being postponed amid economic uncertainty - theregister.com2023-04-19 OVH joins AWS, Microsoft and others in saying customer deals not dead... they're just resting. Read full information on external site
Empresas deben contar con un plan de desastres para garantizar continuidad de negocio - larepublica.net2023-04-18 GBM ofrece asesoría, diseño, implementación y validación de recuperación de desastres. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies ativa novo centro de processamento de Bare Metal Cloud em Fortaleza - tibahia.com2023-04-18 A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura digital na Região Nordeste. Read full information on external site
¿Qué hacer con 800 millones de personas conectadas? (las necesidades de los centros de datos) - infonegocios.biz2023-04-17 El crecimiento de los usuarios de internet en la post pandemia genera nuevos desafíos y oportunidades. Según un análisis de Francisco Sales, director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica, con 800 millones de personas conectadas se hacen necesarios centros de datos resilientes, basados en la nube y personal calificado. Read full information on external site
Útmutató egy fenntartható adatközpont megvalósításához - hirek.prim.hu2023-04-17 A digitális átalakulás elhozta az adatbőség korát. A nagyvállalatok továbbra is exponenciális ütemben hoznak létre adatokat azért, hogy előnyt kovácsolhassanak az újonnan megjelenő technológiákból. De ehhez olyan helyekre is szükség van, ahol megoldható az adatok tárolása és feldolgozása. Read full information on external site
Útmutató egy fenntartható adatközpont megvalósításához - bonline.hu2023-04-17 A digitális átalakulás elhozta az adatbőség korát. A nagyvállalatok továbbra is exponenciális ütemben hoznak létre adatokat azért, hogy előnyt kovácsolhassanak az újonnan megjelenő technológiákból. De ehhez olyan helyekre is szükség van, ahol megoldható az adatok tárolása és feldolgozása. Read full information on external site
Útmutató egy fenntartható adatközpont megvalósításához - techmonitor.hu2023-04-17 A digitális átalakulás elhozta az adatbőség korát. A nagyvállalatok továbbra is exponenciális ütemben hoznak létre adatokat azért, hogy előnyt kovácsolhassanak az újonnan megjelenő technológiákból. De ehhez olyan helyekre is szükség van, ahol megoldható az adatok tárolása és feldolgozása. Read full information on external site
Continuidad del negocio: la importancia de un plan de recuperación de desastres - itwarelatam.com2023-04-17 Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
Los desafíos que enfrentan los datacenters en un mundo en que aumentan los datos exponencialmente - iproup.com2023-04-16 En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémicos - miradorvirtual.com.ar2023-04-16 En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
GBM ofrece a las empresas un respaldo en sus sistemas de TI para recuperación de desastres - tecnogus.com.co2023-04-16 En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
Data center demand grows amid AI boom, JLL - communicationstoday.co.in2023-04-15 The AI Goldrush is firmly on the way, JLL said in its most recent state of data center report. Read full information on external site
It’s time to stop being afraid of CPU power management - tekdeeps.com2023-04-15 Over the past few years, we’ve seen the thermal design power (TDP) of all types of chips steadily increase as chip makers struggle to keep Moore’s Law alive. Read full information on external site
Mexicana KIO adquiere el Zetta Data Center Complex - portafolio.co2023-04-15 MLa plataforma de data center e infraestructura digital deI Squared Capital para Latinoamérica llegó a Bogotá. Read full information on external site
Mexicana KIO adquiere el Zetta Data Center Complex - headtopics.com2023-04-15 La plataforma de data center e infraestructura digital deI Squared Capital para Latinoamérica llegó a Bogotá. Read full information on external site
A wake up call: the EU Efficiency Directive reporting will affect you - datacenterdynamics.com2023-04-14 The European Commission's EED reporting requirements will have far-reaching implications for the data center industry. Read full information on external site
台灣大攜CloudMile萬里雲,推雲地整合解決方案 - moneydj.com2023-04-14 台灣大(3045)去年即宣布和AI與雲端服務供應商CloudMile萬里雲合作,昨(13)日雙方更進一步深化戰略結盟,攜手舉辦「金融X智造轉型實戰峰會」。台灣大表示,觀察混合雲靈活且高彈性的優勢,已成為金融業與製造業數位轉型的主流需求,以自身電信科技能量結合CloudMile萬里雲豐富的跨雲整合經驗,打造「Smart IT管家」與「雲直連」產品,加乘CloudMile萬里雲的混和雲服務架構,共同推出雲地整合解決方案,助力企業輕鬆實踐智慧營運,驅動科技創新、淨零轉型。Read full information on external site
Tencent said to have demoted and fired tech bosses after brief outages - theregister.com2023-04-14 Think the news has execs at Microsoft 365 or AWS quaking in their boots? Read full information on external site
NEXTDC achieves fresh records, Twiggy teams-up with IGO and Newmont ups ante in bid to woo Newcrest shareholders - smallcaps.com.au2023-04-14 ASX-100 tech company and data centre operator NEXTDC (ASX: NXT) has onboarded a record number of new customers since the end of last year, with its contract utilisation increasing 43% to 120 megawatts. Read full information on external site
Premium Så kan vd:ar tänka kring problemet med IT-haverier - vdtidningen.se2023-04-14 It-haverier är dyrt – och allra dyrast är de för företag verksamma inom bank- och försäkring. En timmes nedtid i den sektorn kostar mer än dubbelt så mycket som motsvarande nertid inom energisektorn och tre gånger så mycket som inom telekomsektorn, men det finns åtgärder man som vd kan ta för att motverka problematiken, menar Niclas Molander, regiondirektör på it-säkerhetsföretaget Netscout. Read full information on external site
Power Outages: did you know that high equipment availability can be planned and financed? | Siemens - professional-electrician.com2023-04-14 When it comes to power supplies, how many outages can you afford? Wolfgang Christ, an expert at Siemens Smart Infrastructure Electrical Products offers some key tips for electrical planners and operators. Read full information on external site
GBM ofrece el servicio de Disaster REcovery para empresas - mastekhw.com2023-04-14 En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
Data Center News Roundup: Ethics, Regulations, and the Cloud - datacenterknowledge.com2023-04-14 In this week’s top data center news stories, we look at recent data center regulation efforts, the ethics of a Microsoft data center build in Saudi Arabia, and cloud migration trends. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - norteenlinea.com2023-04-14 Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
JLL's data center outlook: Cloud computing, AI driving exponential growth for data center industry - bdcnetwork.com2023-04-14 JLL's data center outlook: Cloud computing, AI driving exponential growth for data center industry. Read full information on external site
Empresas: plan de recuperación de desastres tecnológicos y naturales para garantizar su continuidad de negocio - es.paperblog.com2023-04-13 En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
La empresa mexicana KIO se expande y adquiere a Zetta Data Center Complex - larepublica.co2023-04-13 La nueva adquisición de la empresa es un proyecto de innovación tecnológica, creado por TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - zoomempresarial.pe2023-04-13 Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
It's time to stop fearing CPU power management - klse.i3investor.com2023-04-13 Feature Over the past few years, we’ve seen the thermal design power (TDP) of all manner of chips creeping steadily higher as chipmakers fight to keep Moore's Law alive, while continuing to deliver higher core counts, faster frequencies, and instructions per clock (IPC) improvements on schedule. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy, dezvoltator român de centre de date, a obținut anul trecut cele mai bune rezultate: afaceri de 63 mil. lei, un plus de 47% - economica.net2023-04-13 Tema Energy, dezvoltator român de centre de date, anunță afaceri de peste 63 de milioane de lei la finalul lui 2022, în creștere cu 47% față de anul precedent. Read full information on external site
台灣大哥大與CloudMile 萬里雲深化戰略結盟 - ctee.com.tw2023-04-13 台灣大哥大自去年宣布與亞洲領先的AI與雲端服務供應商CloudMile 萬里雲合作,13日雙方更進一步深化戰略結盟,攜手舉辦「金融X智造轉型實戰峰會」。Read full information on external site
台灣大與CloudMile深化結盟 推出雲地整合解方 - idn.com.tw2023-04-13 記者謝政儒綜合報導】台灣大哥大自去年宣布和亞洲領先的AI與雲端服務供應商CloudMile萬里雲合作,今(13)日雙方更進一步深化戰略結盟,攜手舉辦「金融X智造轉型實戰峰會」。台灣大哥大觀察混合雲靈活且高彈性的優勢,已成為金融業與製造業數位轉型的主流需求,以自身電信科技能量結合CloudMile萬里雲豐富的跨雲整合經驗,打造「Smart IT管家」與「雲直連」產品,加乘CloudMile萬里雲的混和雲服務架構,共同推出雲地整合解決方案,助力企業輕鬆實踐智慧營運,驅動科技創新、淨零轉型。Read full information on external site
IONOS & Fasthosts achieve Tier IV certification in Worcester - datacentrereview.com2023-04-13 IONOS and UK subsidiary Fasthosts have announced that their data centre in Worcester Six Business Park has achieved Tier IV certification from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Cloud-Betrieb nach Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft - cloudcomputing-insider.de2023-04-13 In diesen Tagen feiert OVHcloud ein besonderes Jubiläum: 20 Jahre eigenentwickelte Wasserkühlungstechnologie. Read full information on external site
台灣大哥大與CloudMile 萬里雲深化戰略結盟 - wantrich.chinatimes.com2023-04-13 台灣大哥大自去年宣布與亞洲領先的AI與雲端服務供應商CloudMile 萬里雲合作,13日雙方更進一步深化戰略結盟,攜手舉辦「金融X智造轉型實戰峰會」。 Read full information on external site
The data centre operators investing in DDoS mitigation - datacentrereview.com2023-04-13 For commercial data centre operators, business is good. Inventory and workloads are growing while the percentage of vacant capacity is shrinking, indicators of success that have led to a projected industry revenue of nearly £50 billion by 2025. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy announces a turnover of over RON 63 million by the end of 2022 - business-review.eu2023-04-13 Tema Energy, the most famous Romanian data center developer, announces a turnover of over 63 million lei at the end of 2022, up 47% from the previous year. Read full information on external site
HDR designs two NEXTDC data centres colocated in Melbourne - itbrief.com.au2023-04-13 HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
HDR designs two NEXTDC data centres colocated in Melbourne - channellife.com.au2023-04-13 HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
HDR designs two NEXTDC data centres colocated in Melbourne - cfotech.com.au2023-04-13 HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
HDR designs two NEXTDC data centres colocated in Melbourne - datacenternews.asia2023-04-13 HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
Addressing the data centre industry’s skills shortage - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-04-13 Creating a culturally diverse industry and appealing to the younger generation is of critical importance for closing the skills gap. Adelle Desouza, Founder, HireHigher, talks about how we can ensure the data centre space is a career of choice for young people and why we should be upskilling current talent to future-proof the industry. Read full information on external site
AI rises as hyperscale and edge drive data centre demand, finds JLL - capacitymedia.com2023-04-13 The mass adoption of cloud computing and AI is driving exponential growth for the data centre industry, according to JLL’s latest Global Data Center Outlook report. Read full information on external site
HDR-designed NEXTDC facilities to bolster data-driven design revolution - busycontinent.com2023-04-13 HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
Afacerile Tema Energy, în creștere cu 47% - revistabiz.ro2023-04-13 Tema Energy, dezvoltator român de centre de date, a înregistrat afaceri de peste 63 de milioane de lei la finalul lui 2022, în creștere cu 47% față de anul precedent. Read full information on external site
OVH punts hybrid water and immersion cooling for high performance systems - theregister.com2023-04-13 Air by itself just doesn't cut it anymore. Read full information on external site
Data center ops: How AI and ML are boosting efficiency and resilience - venturebeat.com2023-04-13 Nascent use cases for AI use in the data center include efficiency risk analysis, capacity planning, security and budget impact forecasting. Read full information on external site
数据中心液冷温控行业研究:温控液冷,AIGC按下加速键 - t.cj.sina.com.cn2023-04-12 后摩尔定律时代下 CPU/GPU 芯片的功耗随着算力能力的提高而大幅提升,Intel、AMD 主流系列处理器功耗已达到 350W/400W,Nvidia H100 计算卡最大功耗可至 700W,已经突破传统风冷系统散热能力范畴。 Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - pressperu.com2023-04-12 En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo afectan las inundaciones a las empresas? - peru21.pe2023-04-12 GBM es la compañía líder que ofrece ayuda a las empresas en lo referente a la recuperación de desastres. Read full information on external site
Sustainability & skills: the priorities for data centre operators in 2023 - datacentrereview.com2023-04-12 Danel Turk, Global Segment Leader for Data Centres at ABB, answers some crucial questions about the big challenges facing data centre operators this year, and what they can do to overcome them. Read full information on external site
Ausfallrate sinkt langsam – Kosten pro Ausfall steigen - datacenter-insider.de2023-04-12 Rechenzentren- und IT-Service-Ausfälle sind häufig. Die Abhängigkeit von IT-Services erhöht die Kosten von Service-Unterbrechungen. Schulung hilft. Das sind einige wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dem neuen Outage-Report des Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - revistaeconomia.com2023-04-12 Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
Why is it important for companies to have a disaster recovery plan to guarantee their business continuity? - impactotic.co2023-04-12 Currently there are multiple factors that can interfere with the normal operation of a business, from natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes or floods, social problems such as public riots or communication problems that affect servers to cyber attacks. This is why it is important to identify the risk of possible scenarios in order to then prepare the appropriate operational response, previously evaluated and accepted by the business. Read full information on external site
Backup power is primary power - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-04-12 Municipal power grids are generally not reliable enough for critical applications. Read full information on external site
It's time to stop fearing CPU power management - theregister.com2023-04-12 It's (probably) not going to kill your latency and it could save you a buck. Read full information on external site
IONOS and Fasthosts achieve Tier IV certification at Worcester data centre - thebusinessmagazine.co.uk2023-04-12 European digitalisation partner IONOS and its UK subsidiary Fasthosts have secured Tier IV certification for their £21 million data centre, opened in October 2022 at Worcester Six Business Park. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - businessempresarial.com.pe2023-04-11 Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
云解决方案如何帮助企业更轻松地保护应用,并做到防患于未然 - doit.com.cn2023-04-11 亚马逊高级副总裁兼杰出工程师James Hamilton 现代企业为确保软件系统的持续可用而承受着巨大的压力。系统宕机不仅会给企业造成数百万美元的经济损失 Read full information on external site
亚马逊云科技带来提高IT韧性的三种方法 - t.cj.sina.com.cn2023-04-11 文:亚马逊高级副总裁兼杰出工程师James Hamilton现代企业为确保软件系统的持续可用而承受着巨大的压力。系统宕机不仅会给企业造成数百... Read full information on external site
提高IT韧性的三种方法 云解决方案如何帮助企业更轻松地保护应用,并做到防患于未然 - 365master.com2023-04-11 亚马逊高级副总裁兼杰出工程师James Hamilton现代企业为确保软件系统的持续可用而承受着巨大的压力。系统宕机不仅会给企业造成数百万美元 Read full information on external site
10 cosas que debe saber sobre las caídas del centro de datos - cioperu.pe2023-04-11 La gravedad de las caídas del centro de datos parece estar disminuyendo, mientras que el costo de las caídas continúa aumentando. Las fallas de energía son "la principal causa de cortes significativos en el sitio”. Read full information on external site
IONOS and Fasthosts achieve tier IV certification for Worcester data centre - digitalisationworld.com2023-04-11 IONOS, a leading European digitalisation partner for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), and its UK subsidiary, Fasthosts, have secured Tier IV certification from the Uptime Institute, for their £21M state-of-the-art data centre, situated at Worcester Six Business Park. Read full information on external site
IBM Furthers Flexibility, Sustainability and Security within the Data Center with New IBM z16 and LinuxONE 4 Single Frame and Rack Mount Options - smetechguru.co.za2023-04-11 IBM has unveiled new single frame and rack mount configurations of IBM z16 and IBM LinuxONE 4, expanding their capabilities to a broader range of data center environments. Read full information on external site
Just because on-prem is cheaper doesn't make the cloud a money pit - news.knowledia.com2023-04-11 Oh and expect to DCs to get more expensive not less moving foward, analysts warn. Read full information on external site
Just because on-prem is cheaper doesn’t make the cloud a money pit - klse.i3investor.com2023-04-11 Oh and expect to DCs to get more expensive, not less, analysts warn. Read full information on external site
Data centers estão em transformação e pequenas mudanças podem fazer uma grande diferença - tek.sapo.pt2023-04-11 Pensados de raiz para gerar menor impacto ambiental, ou transformados passo a passo, os data centers são uma das áreas de maior investimento em sustentabilidade na tecnologia. Em Portugal essa também é a realidade, veja alguns exemplos. Read full information on external site
Data centers estão em transformação e pequenas mudanças podem fazer uma grande diferença - ardina.news2023-04-11 Pensados de raiz para gerar menor impacto ambiental, ou transformados passo a passo, os data centers são uma das áreas de maior investimento em sustentabilidade na tecnologia. Em Portugal essa também é a realidade, veja alguns exemplos. Read full information on external site
电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - chinaaet.com2023-04-11 本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
IONOS achieves certification for Worcester data centre - dcnnmagazine.com2023-04-11 IONOS and Fasthosts have secured Tier IV certification from the Uptime Institute for its £21 million state-of-the-art data centre, situated at Worcester Six Business Park. Read full information on external site
电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - chinaaet.com2023-04-11 本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
Just because on-prem is cheaper doesn’t make the cloud a money pit - theregister.com2023-04-11 Oh and expect to DCs to get more expensive, not less, analysts warn. Read full information on external site
TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB le dan la bienvenida a KIO, empresa mexicana que adquiere el ZETTA DATA CENTER COMPLEX - amchamcolombia.co2023-04-11 Zetta Data Center Complex, un proyecto de alta innovación de tecnología, desarrollado por TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB, cuenta con certificación Tier III en diseño por parte del Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
How data centre operators can tackle skills and sustainability - dcnnmagazine.com2023-04-11 How can data centres cope with the skills shortage? Read full information on external site
TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB le dan la bienvenida a KIO , empresa mexicana que adquiere el Zetta Data Center Complex - lanotaeconomica.com.co2023-04-11 TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB, se complacen en darle la bienvenida a Colombia a KIO, empresa mexicana que desde hoy se instala en Zona Franca de Bogotá, al firmar un acuerdo para la adquisición del nuevo complejo ZETTA DATA CENTER COMPLEX. Read full information on external site
HDR designs two NEXTDC colocation data centres - crn.com.au2023-04-11 Engineering, architecture and construction design firm HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne, aiming to house Australia’s largest cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
HDR-designed NEXTDC data centres to house Australia’s largest cloud ecosystem - architectureanddesign.com.au2023-04-11 Two purpose-built NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne, designed by global engineering, architecture and construction firm, HDR and constructed by Kapitol Group, will house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - eetrend.com2023-04-10 本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - xunjk.com2023-04-10 本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - ednchina.com2023-04-10 本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
KIO acquires data center operator Zetta - leadersleague.com2023-04-10 KIO, I Squared Capital's Data Center and Digital Infrastructure platform for Latin America, has acquired 100% of the outstanding shares of Zetta Complex Operation. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - linkempresarial.pe2023-04-10 Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
Empresas deben contar con un plan de recuperación de desastres - jcmagazine.com2023-04-10 En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Es por esto que es importante identificar el riesgo de posibles escenarios para entonces preparar la respuesta operativa apropiada, previamente evaluada y aceptada por el negocio. Read full information on external site
Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - businessempresarial.com.pe2023-04-07 Con su nuevo Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, amplía el portafolio de sus productos. Read full information on external site
施耐德电气:以标准化、透明化的ESG指标赋能数据中心可持续发展 - gongkong.com2023-04-06 “双碳”目标下,绿色经济迎来了蓬勃发展,可持续发展已然成为企业的必然使命。从2023年《政府工作报告》中指出“加强生态环境保护,促进绿色低碳发展“到近期生态环境部ESG专项工作机构的设立,在政策和市场的双重驱动下,环境、社会和治理(ESG)无疑正受到各方关注与重视。对于企业而言,积极践行ESG理念将进一步提升可持续发展能力,推动企业高质量发展。Read full information on external site
施耐德电气:以标准化、透明化的ESG指标赋能数据中心可持续发展 - gkong.com2023-04-06 “双碳”目标下,绿色经济迎来了蓬勃发展,可持续发展已然成为企业的必然使命。从2023年《政府工作报告》中指出“加强生态环境保护,促进绿色低碳发展“到近期生态环境部ESG专项工作机构的设立,在政策和市场的双重驱动下,环境、社会和治理(ESG)无疑正受到各方关注与重视。对于企业而言,积极践行ESG理念将进一步提升可持续发展能力,推动企业高质量发展。Read full information on external site
施耐德电气:以标准化、透明化的ESG指标赋能数据中心可持续发展 - iianews.com2023-04-06 “双碳”目标下,绿色经济迎来了蓬勃发展,可持续发展已然成为企业的必然使命。从2023年《政府工作报告》中指出“加强生态环境保护,促进绿色低碳发展“到近期生态环境部ESG专项工作机构的设立,在政策和市场的双重驱动下,环境、社会和治理(ESG)无疑正受到各方关注与重视。对于企业而言,积极践行ESG理念将进一步提升可持续发展能力,推动企业高质量发展。Read full information on external site
施耐德电气:以标准化、透明化的ESG指标赋能数据中心可持续发展 - 2025china.cn2023-04-06 “双碳”目标下,绿色经济迎来了蓬勃发展,可持续发展已然成为企业的必然使命。从2023年《政府工作报告》中指出“加强生态环境保护,促进绿色低碳发展“到近期生态环境部ESG专项工作机构的设立,在政策和市场的双重驱动下,环境、社会和治理(ESG)无疑正受到各方关注与重视。对于企业而言,积极践行ESG理念将进一步提升可持续发展能力,推动企业高质量发展。Read full information on external site
WIIT – Il data center di Milano ottiene la certificazione Tier 4 da Uptime Institute - marketinsight.it2023-04-06 WIIT annuncia che il nuovo Data Center di Milano ha ottenuto la certificazione Tier IV Constructed Facility da Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
20 Jahre wässerige Serverkühlung bei OVHcloud - datacenter-insider.de2023-04-06 Der europäische Cloud-Anbieter OVHcloud kann in diesem Monat bereits auf 20 Jahre Wasserkühlung in seinen Rechenzentren blicken. Read full information on external site
WIIT: completata a Milano la seconda certificazione Tier 4 in Italia - investireoggi.it2023-04-06 WIIT S.p.A. (“WIIT” o la “Società”; ISIN: IT0005440893; WIIT.MI), uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid Cloud e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, società quotata sul segmento Euronext STAR Milan del mercato Euronext Milan, organizzato e gestito da Borsa Italiana S.p.A., annuncia che il nuovo Data Center di Milano (“MIL2”) ha ottenuto la certificazione Tier IV Constructed Facility da Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Características de un data center resiliente en un mundo postpandémico - tynmagazine.com2023-04-06 Por Francisco Sales, director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
6 ways to overcome data center staffing shortages - techtarget.com2023-04-05 Retirements, skills gaps and tight budgets are all factors in recent data center staffing shortages. Focus on recruitment, training and other areas to attract more candidates. Read full information on external site
Características de un data center resiliente en un mundo postpandémico - lacapital.com.mx2023-04-05 México registra 100 millones de usuarios de Internet en 2023. Read full information on external site
Características de un data center resiliente en un mundo postpandémico - itnews.lat2023-04-05 En un informe realizado en 2022, sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo postpandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez, la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - gadgerss.com2023-04-04 Claro se encuentra próximo a inaugurar su Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, con el cual da un paso más para consolidarse como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud con lo que además se suma a la red de Data Centers que opera América Móvil en todo Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - pressperu.com2023-04-04 Claro se encuentra próximo a inaugurar su Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, con el cual da un paso más para consolidarse como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud con lo que además se suma a la red de Data Centers que opera América Móvil en todo Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - technopatas.com2023-04-04 Con su nuevo Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, amplía el portafolio de sus productos. Read full information on external site
关于预制集装箱数据中心的常见误区 - jifang360.com2023-04-04 摘要:通常只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,可助力您的业务在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现快速上线。告别漫长等待,告别场地限制与空间浪费,告别复杂扩展难题……没错,这正是预制模块化解决方案的优点所在。同时我们也意识到,对于这种明明已存在十多年,却仍被业界视为“新技术”的方案,大家可能还持有一些疑虑。Read full information on external site
Igniting the IBM Ecosystem with New IBM z16 and IBM LinuxONE 4 Single Frame and Rack Mount Options - IBM.com2023-04-04 At IBM, we obsess over what our clients need—not just to meet today’s business challenges, but what will help them capitalize on future opportunities. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies fortalece presença em Fortaleza - opovo.com.br2023-04-04 O Bare Metal Cloud é uma nova forma de explorar o recurso, e possibilita latência mínima, aumenta velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Best practices for network edge data centers - blog.se.com/datacenter2023-04-04 PwC predicts that the global market for edge data centers will nearly triple to $13.5 billion in 2024 from $4 billion in 2017. Read full information on external site
Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - rumboeconomico.com2023-04-04 Con su nuevo Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, amplía el portafolio de sus productos. Read full information on external site
Características de un data center resiliente en un mundo postpandémico - computerworldmexico.com.mx2023-04-04 En un informe realizado en 2022, sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo postpandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez, la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Estas exigencias requieren de un data center resiliente. Read full information on external site
KIO avanza en su expansión hacia Latam - mexicoindustry.com2023-04-04 KIO, la plataforma de data centers e infraestructura digital de I Squared Capital para Latinoamérica, anunció la firma de un acuerdo la adquisición de un nuevo data center en Bogotá, Colombia. Read full information on external site
Mujeres: ¿la solución a la alta demanda de talento de TI en Latam? - thestandardcio.com2023-04-03 La mayor demanda de profesionales de TI en Latinoamérica permite que las mujeres puedan incorporarse a un campo estable y en crecimiento. Read full information on external site
KIO expande presencia en Latinoamérica a través de su primera adquisición en Colombia - seguridadti.mx2023-04-03 Este nuevo Data Center en Colombia, este se convierte en el sexto país en el mundo donde KIO tiene operaciones, el quinto en el continente Americano y el primero en Sudamérica. Read full information on external site
10 things to know about data-center outages - networkworld.com2023-04-03 Uptime Institute says data-center outages are costing more to fix but becoming less severe and occurring at lower rates. Read full information on external site
ARSAT, la empresa que es el corazón de la conectividad Nacional - diario22.ar2023-04-02 ARSAT, la empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones que brinda conectividad mayorista para acortar la brecha digital en el país, desde las instalaciones de Benavídez. Conócela.. Read full information on external site
史上最简单的虚拟机搭建软路由+ NAS+家庭媒体中心 - news.cndns.com2023-04-01 如今,对于很多公司来说,招聘、培养、留住员工是一个很大的挑战。英国工业联合会表示,技能短缺是英国企业当前面临的较大的挑战,因为没有更多适合的员工满足企业的需求。英国工业联合会呼吁政府部门对于劳动力更多地进行教育和培训,以缓解人员短缺问题。该组织警告说,英国脱欧之后将改. Read full information on external site
March 2023
Cirion Technologies apresenta seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud - horacampinas.com.br2023-03-31 A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura tecnológica no Brasil com o lançamento do seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud, recurso que possibilita que qualquer cliente da plataforma possa fazer a alocação de um servidor único (dedicado), proporcionando latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies apresenta seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud - oestadorj.com.br2023-03-31 A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura tecnológica no Brasil com o lançamento do seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud, recurso que possibilita que qualquer cliente da plataforma possa fazer a alocação de um servidor único (dedicado), proporcionando latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Data center fires raise concerns about lithium-ion batteries - arnnet.com.au2023-03-31 Data center fires aren't common, but they can be devastating. As use of lithium-ion batteries grows, enterprises need to be aware of the risks, Uptime Institute warns. Read full information on external site
Data center fires raise concerns about lithium-ion batteries - reseller.co.nz2023-03-31 Data center fires aren't common, but they can be devastating. As use of lithium-ion batteries grows, enterprises need to be aware of the risks, Uptime Institute warns. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies apresenta seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud - pordentrodeminas.com.br2023-03-31 A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura tecnológica no Brasil com o lançamento do seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud, recurso que possibilita que qualquer cliente da plataforma possa fazer a alocação de um servidor único (dedicado), proporcionando latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies apresenta seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud - vidamoderna.com.br2023-03-30 A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura tecnológica no Brasil com o lançamento do seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud, recurso que possibilita que qualquer cliente da plataforma possa fazer a alocação de um servidor único (dedicado), proporcionando latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Data center fires raise concerns about lithium-ion batteries - networkworld.com2023-03-30 Data center fires aren't common, but they can be devastating. As use of lithium-ion batteries grows, enterprises need to be aware of the risks, Uptime Institute warns. Read full information on external site
Recycling Heat From Data Centers Is Enticing, But Experts Say Its Mostly Hot Air - bisnow.com2023-03-30 Data centers produce a tremendous amount of heat, and some recent examples of recycling that heat for other uses have begun to generate buzz across the U.S. and Europe. Read full information on external site
SDAIA Receives Preparedness and Accreditation Certificate from UPTIME International Institute - saudiarabianewsgazette.com2023-03-30 The Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA), represented by the Data Center of the National Information Center, has received the Tier III Certificate of Preparedness and Accreditation from the UPTIME Institute specializing in the assessment and classification of data centers worldwide. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies apresenta seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud - channel360.com.br2023-03-30 A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura tecnológica no Brasil com o lançamento do seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud, recurso que possibilita que qualquer cliente da plataforma possa fazer a alocação de um servidor único (dedicado), proporcionando latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Every business can protect its data from loadshedding - smetechguru.co.za2023-03-30 A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura tecnológica no Brasil com o lançamento do seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud, recurso que possibilita que qualquer cliente da plataforma possa fazer a alocação de um servidor único (dedicado), proporcionando latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Plan de expansión de KIO en LA continúa con centro de datos en Colombia - mundodomarketing.com.br2023-03-30 A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura tecnológica no Brasil com o lançamento do seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud, recurso que possibilita que qualquer cliente da plataforma possa fazer a alocação de um servidor único (dedicado), proporcionando latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies apresenta seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud - esemanal.mx2023-03-30 La adquisición de un nuevo data center en Bogotá, Colombia, fue anunciada por KIO. Se trata de las instalaciones KIO BOG1 que ubican a dicho país como el sexto en el mundo donde la empresa tiene operaciones, el quinto en el continente Americano y el primero en Sudamérica. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies apresenta seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud - emnoticia.com.br2023-03-30 São Paulo, SP 30/3/2023 – Latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão são alguns do principais benefícios. A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura tecnológica no Brasil com o lançamento do seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud, recurso que possibilita que qualquer cliente da plataforma possa fazer a alocação de um servidor único (dedicado), proporcionando latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Cirion Technologies apresenta seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud - emnoticia.com.br2023-03-30 São Paulo, SP 30/3/2023 – Latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão são alguns do principais benefícios. A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura tecnológica no Brasil com o lançamento do seu novo produto Bare Metal Cloud, recurso que possibilita que qualquer cliente da plataforma possa fazer a alocação de um servidor único (dedicado), proporcionando latência mínima, velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
Londra'da ''kiralık mobil jeneratör ve enerji depolama sistemlerini'' tanıttı - TEKSAN! - enerjiekonomisi.com2023-03-29 Enerji çözümleri sektörünün inovatif şirketi Teksan, 21 – 23 Şubat’ta Orlando’da düzenlenen PowerGen International ile 8-9 Mart tarihleri arasında Londra’da gerçekleşen Data Center World fuarlarına katıldı. Read full information on external site
Sirti Digital Solutions, appalto bis con la Difesa - corrierecomunicazioni.it2023-03-29 L’azienda si occuperà delle attività legate alla progettazione esecutiva e alla realizzazione dei lavori per i sistemi di sicurezza e sorveglianza dell’aeroporto militare Luigi Olivari, in provincia di Brescia Read full information on external site
KIO expands LatAm footprint with first Colombian acquisition - telecomdrive.com2023-03-28 KIO, I Squared Capital’s Data Center and Digital Infrastructure platform for Latin America, announced the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of a new Data Center Campus in Colombia. Read full information on external site
Anlagenverfügbarkeit ist planbar - elektro.net2023-03-28 Probleme mit der Stromversorgung legen viele Betriebe lahm und können Menschenleben gefährden. Read full information on external site
Damac Group to Build a New Data Center in Jordan - telecomtalk.info2023-03-28 Damac Data Centers announced that it has signed a long-term agreement with the King Hussein Business Park in the capital city. Damac said, comprehensive investment detail will be announced shortly. Read full information on external site
Every business can protect its data from load shedding - securitysa.com2023-03-28 When the lights go out, businesses worry about productivity, downtime, and the risk of damage to their equipment. What they consider less often is what might happen to their data. Yet data is one of the most vulnerable business assets during a power failure. Read full information on external site
‘Teksan’ Katıldığı Fuarlarla İhracattaki Gücünü Tekrar Gösterdi - enerjigazetesi.ist2023-03-28 Enerji çözümleri sektörünün inovatif şirketi Teksan, 21 – 23 Şubat’ta Orlando’da düzenlenen PowerGen International ile 08-09 Mart 2023 tarihleri arasında Londra’da gerçekleşen Data Center World fuarlarına katıldı. 140 ülkeye ihracat yapan Teksan, kiralık mobil jeneratör ve elektrik enerjisini elektrokimyasal enerjiye dönüştürerek depolayan bir enerji depolama çeşidi olan TESS’i tanıttığı fuarlarda sektör profesyonellerinin yoğun ilgisiyle karşılaştı. Read full information on external site
TEKSAN İhracattaki Gücünü Tekrar Gösterdi - enerji-dunyasi.com2023-03-28 25 yılı aşkın tecrübesiyle geliştirdiği ürünleri dünyanın 140 ülkesine ulaştıran Teksan, sektörün en önemli fuarlarına katılarak ihracattaki gücünü artırıyor. 21 – 23 Şubat’ta Orlando’da düzenlenen PowerGen International Fuarı’na katılan Teksan, kiralık-mobil jeneratörlerinin yanı sıra yeni ürünü TESS (Teksan Enerji Depolama Sistemler) ile UL sertifikalı ürünlerini tanıttı. Geçici süreli enerji ihtiyacı için en ideal çözümü sunan Teksan kiralık-mobil jeneratörlere kiralama firmaları yoğun ilgi gösterdi. 8-9 Mart tarihlerinde ise Londra’da gerçekleşen Data Center World Fuarı’na katılan Teksan burada Uptime sertifikalı ürünlerini profesyonellerin beğenisine sundu. Her iki fuarda da yeni anlaşmalara ve iş birliklerine imza atan Teksan, ihracatta atağa kalktı. Read full information on external site
The Data Centre Operators Investing in DDoS Mitigation - digitalisationworld.com2023-03-28 For commercial data centre operators, business is good. Inventory and workloads are growing while the percentage of vacant capacity is shrinking, indicators of success that have led to a projected industry revenue of nearly £50 billion by 2025. Although the future of the industry is looking bright, there are some threats on the horizon.. Read full information on external site
TEKSAN, Katıldığı Fuarlarla İhracattaki Gücünü Tekrar Gösterdi - kobipostasi.net2023-03-28 Enerji çözümleri sektörünün inovatif şirketi Teksan, 21 – 23 Şubat’ta Orlando’da düzenlenen PowerGen International ile 8-9 Mart tarihleri arasında Londra’da gerçekleşen Data Center World fuarlarına katıldı. Read full information on external site
KIO Networks adquirirá primer centro de datos en Colombia - bnamericas.com2023-03-28 La empresa mexicana de centros de datos KIO Networks anunció la firma de un acuerdo para adquirir un nuevo datacenter en Colombia. Read full information on external site
Siemens-Webinar: Anlagenverfügbarkeit planen - tga-fachplaner.de2023-03-28 Probleme mit der Stromversorgung legen viele Betriebe lahm und können Menschenleben gefährden. Read full information on external site
Anlagenverfügbarkeit ist planbar: Tipps in Online-Seminar - elektropraktiker.de2023-03-27 Probleme mit der Stromversorgung legen viele Betriebe lahm und können Menschenleben gefährden. Doch eine hohe Anlagenverfügbarkeit ist planbar und finanzierbar: Am 8. Mai zeigt Siemens in einem kostenfreien Online-Seminar, wie sich eine Elektroinfrastruktur widerstandsfähig machen lässt – und so die Verfügbarkeit von Niederspannungsenergieanlagen erhöht werden kann. Read full information on external site
World Backup Day: Five ways to protect and optimise your data - digitalisationworld.com2023-03-27 By Hugo Bergmann, Lyve Cloud and Data Services Lead, EMEA, Seagate Technology. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute finds outages less common but more costly - headtopics.com2023-03-27 Not what cost-cutting companies want to hear right now. Maybe they should hang onto those engineers? , the Uptime Institute Data Center Resiliency Survey 2023, and publicly reported outages tracked by Uptime during 2022. Read full information on external site
Outage rates fall, but major ones will cost more. Oh and don't bank on SLAs - news.knowledia.com2023-03-27 Not what cost-cutting companies want to hear right now. Maybe they should hang onto those engineers? Read full information on external site
KIO expande presencia en Latinoamérica a través de su primera adquisición en Colombia - milenio.com2023-03-27 NKIO tiene 13 core data centers con una capacidad de 26 Megawatts de potencia de IT distribuidos en México, Colombia, Panamá, Guatemala, República Dominicana y España. Read full information on external site
KIO expande presencia en Latinoamérica - revistafortuna.com.mx2023-03-27 Adquiere nuevo Data Center Campus en Colombia Read full information on external site
Outage rates fall, but major ones will cost more. Oh and don't bank on SLAs - theregister.com2023-03-27 Not what cost-cutting companies want to hear right now. Maybe they should hang onto those engineers? Read full information on external site
KIO expande presencia en Latinoamérica a través de su primera adquisición en Colombia - edomexaldia.com2023-03-27 27 de marzo de 2023. KIO, la plataforma de Data Centers e Infraestructura Digital de I Squared Capital para Latinoamérica, anunció hoy la firma de un acuerdo para la adquisición de un nuevo Data Center Campus en Colombia. Con el nuevo KIO BOG1 localizado en Bogotá, Colombia se convierte en el sexto país en el mundo donde KIO tiene operaciones, el quinto en el continente Americano y el primero en Sudamérica. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos serán inteligentes y verdes; Panduit, listo con soluciones - oyechiapas.com2023-03-26 Este segmento crecerá a una tasa de 4.9 por ciento compuesta anual de aquí hasta 2027. Read full information on external site
Gtd proyecta inversiones por más de US$50 millones en el Perú - technopatas.com2023-03-25 La compañía invertirá en los próximos cinco años, para expandir y fortalecer su red de fibra óptica en el país y su red de data centers. Read full information on external site
Imperative for business to protect data – CAJ News Africa - globaldiasporanews.com2023-03-24 JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – INFORMATION technology and business leaders must consider the potential risks of data loss due to power outages bedeviling South Africa.Read full information on external site
Load shedding: Imperative for business to protect data – gautengguardian.co.za2023-03-24 JOHANNESBURG – INFORMATION technology and business leaders must consider the potential risks of data loss due to power outages bedeviling South Africa.Read full information on external site
Load shedding: Imperative for business to protect data – finnewsafrica.com2023-03-24 JOHANNESBURG – INFORMATION technology and business leaders must consider the potential risks of data loss due to power outages bedeviling South Africa.Read full information on external site
Load shedding: Imperative for business to protect data – cajnewsafrica.com2023-03-24 JOHANNESBURG – INFORMATION technology and business leaders must consider the potential risks of data loss due to power outages bedeviling South Africa.Read full information on external site
Load shedding: Imperative for business to protect data – technoafrica.co.za2023-03-24 JOHANNESBURG – INFORMATION technology and business leaders must consider the potential risks of data loss due to power outages bedeviling South Africa. Read full information on external site
The data centre operators investing in DDoS mitigation – dcnnmagazine.com2023-03-24 For commercial data centre operators, business is good. Inventory and workloads are growing, while the percentage of vacant capacity is shrinking – indicators of success that have led to a projected industry revenue of nearly £50 billion by 2025. Read full information on external site
Breaking News: Microsoft Azure Outage Wipes Out Teams, 365, and … – Data Center Knowledge – inferse.com2023-03-23 Data Center Knowledge is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC. This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Read full information on external site
Perú en la mira: Gtd se prepara para invertir más de US$ 50 millones en el país – itusers.today2023-03-23 Gtd proyecta inversiones por más de US$ 50 millones en el Perú. La compañía invertirá en los próximos cinco años, para expandir y fortalecer su red de fibra óptica en el país y su red de data centers. En la foto: Sergio Mavila, gerente general de Gtd Perú. Read full information on external site
Dos tercios de las interrupciones del servicio cuestan más de 100.000 dólares – datacentermarket.es2023-03-23 Pese a que los índices de cortes e interrupciones en el servicio han ido disminuyendo gradualmente en los últimos años, y a que solo una pequeña proporción son graves o severas, cuando se producen, son cada vez más costosas, de acuerdo a Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
What Is Technical Debt? Definitions, Examples, and More – datacenterknowledge.com2023-03-22 Tech debt arises when IT or development teams do not improve inefficient, outdated processes. Learn what it is, where it accumulates, and how to address it. Read full information on external site
Gtd proyecta inversiones por más de US$50 millones en el Perú – channelnewsperu.com2023-03-22 La empresa de tecnología y telecomunicaciones con más de 40 años de trayectoria, y presencia en Colombia, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, España e Italia, se caracteriza por acompañar el desarrollo de sus clientes y de los países donde está presente, invirtiendo en el despliegue de infraestructura que habilite mejoras tecnológicas en beneficio de ellos. Read full information on external site
Por que as mulheres são a solução para a alta demanda por talentos de TI na América Latina – difundir.com.br2023-03-22 A baixa representatividade feminina no setor tecnológico não é nova. Um estudo realizado pela Laboratoria em conjunto com o IDB Lab mostra que apenas 25% dos profissionais de TI do mundo são mulheres. Esse dado reflete o acesso limitado que as mulheres têm às carreiras em TI. Read full information on external site
Por que as mulheres são a solução para a alta demanda por talentos de TI na América Latina – jornow.com.br2023-03-22 A baixa representatividade feminina no setor tecnológico não é nova. Um estudo realizado pela Laboratoria em conjunto com o IDB Lab mostra que apenas 25% dos profissionais de TI do mundo são mulheres. Esse dado reflete o acesso limitado que as mulheres têm às carreiras em TI. Read full information on external site
Wie passt das zusammen? – elektroniknet.de2023-03-21 Die Digitalisierung sowie weitere Faktoren führen zu einer großen Nachfrage nach neuen Rechenzentren. Read full information on external site
Por que as mulheres são a solução para a alta demanda por talentos de TI na América Latina – inforchannel.com.br2023-03-21 A baixa representatividade feminina no setor tecnológico não é nova. Um estudo realizado pela Laboratoria em conjunto com o IDB Lab mostra que apenas 25% dos profissionais de TI do mundo são mulheres. Esse Dado reflete o acesso limitado que as mulheres têm às carreiras em TI. Read full information on external site
Ultra broadband and latest generation services: here’s how to accelerate digitalisation – breakinglatest.news2023-03-20 The transition towards a sustainable and inclusive model of society necessarily passes through digitalisation, an essential challenge for economic development and the effective implementation of equal opportunity policies. Read full information on external site
Onderzoek: aantal storingen in datacenters neemt af, terwijl incidenten gemiddeld steeds kostbaarder worden – datacenterworks.nl2023-03-20 Hoewel Uptime Institute de eerste is om toe te geven dat cijfers die datacenters verschaffen over storingen en outages met enige reserve moeten worden bekijken, durft de organisatie het toch aan om vast te stellen dat het aantal incidenten in datacenters de afgelopen jaren is afgenomen. Read full information on external site
WIIT sigla accordo quinquennale del valore di 2,1 milioni euro – finanza.lastampa.it2023-03-20 WIIT, uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese, ha firmato un accordo quinquennale, per un valore complessivo di circa 2,1 milioni di euro, con un’importante società italiana operante nel settore sanitario, specializzata in servizi dedicati alla prevenzione, diagnosi e cura. Read full information on external site
WIIT: siglato un nuovo accordo quinquennale per servizi Cloud per un valore di circa 2,1 mln – investireoggi.it2023-03-20 WIIT: siglato un nuovo accordo quinquennale per servizi Cloud per un valore di circa 2,1 mln. Read full information on external site
WIIT: siglato un nuovo accordo quinquennale per servizi Cloud per un valore di circa 2,1 mln – traderlink.it2023-03-20 WIIT S.p.A. ("WIIT" o la "Società"; ISIN IT0005440893; WIIT.MI), uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese, focalizzato sull'erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid Cloud e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, ha firmato un accordo quinquennale, per un valore complessivo di circa 2,1 milioni di euro, con un'importante società italiana (il "Cliente"), operativa nel settore sanitario, specializzata in servizi dedicati alla prevenzione, diagnosi e cura. Read full information on external site
WIIT: siglato un nuovo accordo quinquennale per servizi Cloud per un valore di circa 2,1 mln – ftaonline.com2023-03-20 WIIT S.p.A. ("WIIT" o la "Società"; ISIN IT0005440893; WIIT.MI), uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese, focalizzato sull'erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid Cloud e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, ha firmato un accordo quinquennale, per un valore complessivo di circa 2,1 milioni di euro, con un'importante società italiana (il "Cliente"), operativa nel settore sanitario, specializzata in servizi dedicati alla prevenzione, diagnosi e cura. Read full information on external site
Gtd proyecta inversiones por más de US$50 millones en el Perú – gestion.pe2023-03-20 Gtd, empresa de tecnología y telecomunicaciones con más de 40 años de trayectoria, y presencia en Colombia, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, España e Italia, se caracteriza por acompañar el desarrollo de sus clientes y de los países donde está presente, invirtiendo en el despliegue de infraestructura que habilite mejoras tecnológicas en beneficio de ellos. Read full information on external site
Gtd proyecta inversiones por más de US$50 millones en el Perú – nteve.com2023-03-18 Gtd, empresa de tecnología y telecomunicaciones con más de 40 años de trayectoria, y presencia en Colombia, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, España e Italia, se caracteriza por acompañar el desarrollo de sus clientes y de los países donde está presente, invirtiendo en el despliegue de infraestructura que habilite mejoras tecnológicas en beneficio de ellos. Read full information on external site
Gtd proyecta inversiones por más de US$50 millones en el Perú – gadgerss.com2023-03-18 Gtd, empresa de tecnología y telecomunicaciones con más de 40 años de trayectoria, y presencia en Colombia, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, España e Italia, se caracteriza por acompañar el desarrollo de sus clientes y de los países donde está presente, invirtiendo en el despliegue de infraestructura que habilite mejoras tecnológicas en beneficio de ellos. Read full information on external site
Gtd proyecta inversiones por más de US$50 millones en el Perú – businessempresarial.com.pe2023-03-18 Gtd, empresa de tecnología y telecomunicaciones con más de 40 años de trayectoria, y presencia en Colombia, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, España e Italia, se caracteriza por acompañar el desarrollo de sus clientes y de los países donde está presente, invirtiendo en el despliegue de infraestructura que habilite mejoras tecnológicas en beneficio de ellos. Read full information on external site
How Much Power Do Autonomous Vehicles Use? A Lot – eetasia.com2023-03-17 A paper from MIT looked at the energy consumption required to support AV processing power. Read full information on external site
Digital Twins in the Data Center: Yes, It's Really Happening! – datacenterknowledge.com2023-03-17 With the rapid evolution of traditional systems, contributing editor Bill Kleyman digs into the impact of digital twins in the data center industry.. Read full information on external site
The State of Data Center Supply Chains – datacenterknowledge.com2023-03-16 Supply chain disruptions for data centers remain stark, despite efforts by data center operators to work around delays and shortages. Read full information on external site
Conozca cuáles son los obstáculos para las mujeres en el área tecnológica – revistaeconomia.com2023-03-16 La poca representación femenina en el sector tecnológico no es algo nuevo. Un estudio realizado por Laboratoria en alianza con el BID Lab muestra que únicamente el 25 % de los profesionales en TI son mujeres. Este dato refleja el limitado acercamiento que las mujeres tienen con respecto a las carreras de TI. Read full information on external site
Las Certificaciones y Conformidades de Data Center refuerzan la calidad del servicio y contribuyen a la competitividad del mercado – technopatas.com2023-03-16 Con 18 Data Centers en América Latina, los servicios de Cirion están certificados por ISO, Tier III del Uptime Institute y cumplen con los estándares de la PCI-DSS y de SOC 1, SOC 2 y SOC 3 de AICPA. Read full information on external site
Cooling The Data Center – semiengineering.com2023-03-15 Since British mathematician and entrepreneur Clive Humby coined the rallying cry, “Data is the new oil,” some 20 years ago, it has been an upbeat phrase at data science conferences. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémicor – itahora.com2023-03-15 SPor Francisco Sales, Director de Servicios de Vertiv. Read full information on external site
Mobile Internet Recognition: Orange Morocco Receives the Nperf Award – themaghrebtimes.com2023-03-15 Orange Morocco has just been voted the most efficient mobile internet network in 2022 by nPerf, an independent international organization specializing in measuring the quality of internet connection in the world. Read full information on external site
Por que as mulheres são a solução – revistafatorbrasil.com.br2023-03-15 Para a alta demanda por talentos de TI na América Latina. Read full information on external site
Opinião: Por que as mulheres são a solução para a alta demanda por talentos de TI na América Latina – diariodoaco.com.br2023-03-15 A baixa representatividade feminina no setor tecnológico não é nova. Um estudo realizado pela Laboratoria em conjunto com o IDB Lab mostra que apenas 25% dos profissionais de TI do mundo são mulheres. Esse Dado reflete o acesso limitado que as mulheres têm às carreiras em TI. Read full information on external site
Datamount is close to launching Al Bandar Centre, one of the largest data centres in Oman – timesofoman.com2023-03-14 Muscat: In 2023, Datamount, the company that specialises in data centers and cloud services owned by several government pension funds and other investors is preparing to lunch the Al-Bandar data center, which is the third and the largest data center for the company after the Muscat and the Al Jabal Akhdar Data Center. Read full information on external site
Les câbles sous-marins menacés – solutions-magazine.com2023-03-14 On Compterait Un Demi-millier De Réseaux De C Bles Sous-marins. Leur Vulnerabilité Est Réelle, Pointe L’uptime Institute. Plus Encore Dans Le Contexte Géo-politique Actuel. Read full information on external site
Por que as mulheres são a solução para a alta demanda por talentos de TI na América Latina – partnersales.com.br2023-03-14 Jessica Garcia, diretora de Recursos Humanos da Vertiv América Latina. Read full information on external site
Certificaciones y Conformidades de Data Center refuerzan la calidad del servicio – itusers.today2023-03-14 Las Certificaciones y Conformidades de Data Center refuerzan la calidad del servicio y contribuyen a la competitividad del mercado. Con 18 Data Centers en América Latina, los servicios de Cirion están certificados por ISO, Tier III del Uptime Institute y cumplen con los estándares de la PCI-DSS y de SOC 1, SOC 2 y SOC 3 de AICPA. Por: Nelma Santos, Gerente de Procesos de Data Center, Cloud & Security de Cirion, Brasil. Read full information on external site
Por que as mulheres são a solução para a alta demanda por talentos de TI na América Latinao – tibahia.com2023-03-14 Salvador, 14/03/2023 – A baixa representatividade feminina no setor tecnológico não é nova. Um estudo realizado pela Laboratoria em conjunto com o IDB Lab mostra que apenas 25% dos profissionais de TI do mundo são mulheres. Esse dado reflete o acesso limitado que as mulheres têm às carreiras em TI. Read full information on external site
Fertilizer shortage and the ripple effects – africabusinesscommunities.com2023-03-14 Mergers, expansions, partnerships, taxation controversy and delays at major installations have dominated Kenya’s headlines this week. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico – tecnogus.com.co2023-03-14 Em um relatório de 2022 sobre o acesso e o uso da internet na América Latina e no Caribe, a UNDP apontou que a pandemia da COVID-19 introduziu novas formas de trabalhar e aprender dada a necessidade de reduzir a mobilidade e que, junto com a cobertura existente de internet, colocaram online pela primeira vez 800 milhões de pessoas no mundo todo. Read full information on external site
Resiliência de data centers no mundo pós-pandemia – docmanagement.com.br2023-03-13 Em um relatório de 2022 sobre o acesso e o uso da internet na América Latina e no Caribe, a UNDP apontou que a pandemia da COVID-19 introduziu novas formas de trabalhar e aprender dada a necessidade de reduzir a mobilidade e que, junto com a cobertura existente de internet, colocaram online pela primeira vez 800 milhões de pessoas no mundo todo. Read full information on external site
Las Certificaciones y Conformidades de Data Center refuerzan la calidad del servicio y contribuyen a la competitividad del mercado – revistaeconomia.com2023-03-13 Con 18 Data Centers en América Latina, los servicios de Cirion están certificados por ISO, Tier III del Uptime Institute y cumplen con los estándares de la PCI-DSS y de SOC 1, SOC 2 y SOC 3 de AICPA. Read full information on external site
Las Certificaciones y Conformidades de Data Center refuerzan la calidad del servicio y contribuyen a la competitividad del mercado – gadgerss.com2023-03-13 Con 18 Data Centers en América Latina, los servicios de Cirion están certificados por ISO, Tier III del Uptime Institute y cumplen con los estándares de la PCI-DSS y de SOC 1, SOC 2 y SOC 3 de AICPA. Read full information on external site
La Resiliencia de los Centros de Datos en un mundo pospandémico – pressperu.com2023-03-11 Lima.- En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué son las mujeres la solución a la alta demanda de talento de TI? – itseller.cl2023-03-10 La poca representación femenina en el sector tecnológico no es algo nuevo. Un estudio realizado por Laboratoria en alianza con el BID Lab muestra que únicamente el 25 % de los profesionales en TI son mujeres. Este dato refleja el limitado acercamiento que las mujeres tienen con respecto a las carreras de TI. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué son las mujeres la solución a la alta demanda de talento de TI? – canal-ar.com.ar2023-03-10 La poca representación femenina en el sector tecnológico no es algo nuevo. Un estudio realizado por Laboratoria en alianza con el BID Lab muestra que únicamente el 25 % de los profesionales en TI son mujeres. Este dato refleja el limitado acercamiento que las mujeres tienen con respecto a las carreras de TI. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone launches world-class Tier IV data centre in Nigeria – africanreview.com2023-03-09 Escribe La poca representación femenina en el sector tecnológico no es algo nuevo. Un estudio realizado por Laboratoria en alianza con el BID Lab muestra que únicamente el 25 % de los profesionales en TI son mujeres. Este dato refleja el limitado acercamiento que las mujeres tienen con respecto a las carreras de TI. Read full information on external site
Operation am offenen Herzen – Rechenzentren nachhaltiger machen – it-business.de2023-03-09 Viele Rechenzentren in Deutschland wurden bereits vor über 20 Jahren gebaut – und sind weiterhin voll in Betrieb. Den CO2-Fußabdruck bestehender Anlagen möglichst klein zu halten, erweist sich in der Praxis als anspruchsvolle Herausforderung mit hohen Hürden. Read full information on external site
Operation am offenen Herzen – Rechenzentren nachhaltiger machen – germanic.newsBestehende Datacenter modernisieren Operation am offenen Herzen – Rechenzentren nachhaltiger machen. 2023-03-09 Read full information on external site
¿Por qué son las mujeres la solución a la alta demanda de talento de TI en Latinoamérica? – diarioestrategia.cl. 2023-03-09 La poca representación femenina en el sector tecnológico no es algo nuevo. Un estudio realizado por Laboratoria en alianza con el BID Lab muestra que únicamente el 25 % de los profesionales en TI son mujeres. Este dato refleja el limitado acercamiento que las mujeres tienen con respecto a las carreras de TI.Read full information on external site
Redundância geográfica: uma das prioridades das empresas na era digital? – itforum.com.br. 2023-03-09 Compartilhar carga entre dois ou mais centros de dados torna geo-redundância benéfica, escreve Jim Poole, da Equinix. Read full information on external site
Developers want code-quality assurance without the responsibility of building deployment pipelines – vmblog.com. 2023-03-09 To produce great code, software developers need assurance their application works properly and is deployed correctly. What developers don't need is the responsibility of building and maintaining the pipelines - an effort providing no business value. Operations and platform engineering teams should manage deployment platforms that provide declarative and as-code experiences. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué son las mujeres la solución a la alta demanda de talento de TI? – itnews.lat2023-03-09 La poca representación femenina en el sector tecnológico no es algo nuevo. Un estudio realizado por Laboratoria en alianza con el BID Lab muestra que únicamente el 25 % de los profesionales en TI son mujeres. Este dato refleja el limitado acercamiento que las mujeres tienen con respecto a las carreras de TI. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué son las mujeres la solución a la alta demanda de talento de TI? – emb.cl2023-03-09 La poca representación femenina en el sector tecnológico no es algo nuevo. Un estudio realizado por Laboratoria en alianza con el BID Lab muestra que únicamente el 25 % de los profesionales en TI son mujeres. Este dato refleja el limitado acercamiento que las mujeres tienen con respecto a las carreras de TI. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué son las mujeres la solución a la alta demanda de talento de TI? – notimx.mx2023-03-09 EsLa poca representación femenina en el sector tecnológico no es algo nuevo. Un estudio realizado por Laboratoria en alianza con el BID Lab muestra que únicamente el 25 % de los profesionales en TI son mujeres. Este dato refleja el limitado acercamiento que las mujeres tienen con respecto a las carreras de TI. Read full information on external site
¿Por qué son las mujeres la solución a la alta demanda de talento de TI? – tekiosmag.com2023-03-09 La poca representación femenina en el sector tecnológico no es algo nuevo. Un estudio realizado por Laboratoria en alianza con el BID Lab muestra que únicamente el 25 % de los profesionales en TI son mujeres. Este dato refleja el limitado acercamiento que las mujeres tienen con respecto a las carreras de TI. Read full information on external site
Certificações e Conformidades de Data Center reforçam qualidade do serviço e contribuem para competitividade do mercado – tibahia.com2023-03-08 Por Nelma Santos, Gerente de Processos de Data Center, Cloud & Security, Cirion Technologies, Brasil. Com 18 Data Centers na América Latina, os serviços da Cirion são certificados pela ISO, Tier III do Uptime Institute e estão em Conformidade com o PCI-DSS e com SOC 1, SOC 2 e SOC 3 da AICPA. Read full information on external site
Resiliência de data centers no mundo pós-pandemia – partnersales.com.br2023-03-08 Em um relatório de 2022 sobre o acesso e o uso da internet na América Latina e no Caribe, a UNDP apontou que a pandemia da COVID-19 introduziu novas formas de trabalhar e aprender dada a necessidade de reduzir a mobilidade e que, junto com a cobertura existente de internet, colocaram online pela primeira vez 800 milhões de pessoas no mundo todo. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico – emb.cl2023-03-08 Em um relatório de 2022 sobre o acesso e o uso da internet na América Latina e no Caribe, a UNDP apontou que a pandemia da COVID-19 introduziu novas formas de trabalhar e aprender dada a necessidade de reduzir a mobilidade e que, junto com a cobertura existente de internet, colocaram online pela primeira vez 800 milhões de pessoas no mundo todo. Read full information on external site
Resiliência de data centers no mundo pós-pandemia – tiinside.com.br2023-03-07 Em um relatório de 2022 sobre o acesso e o uso da internet na América Latina e no Caribe, a UNDP apontou que a pandemia da COVID-19 introduziu novas formas de trabalhar e aprender dada a necessidade de reduzir a mobilidade e que, junto com a cobertura existente de internet, colocaram online pela primeira vez 800 milhões de pessoas no mundo todo. Read full information on external site
ESG: Wie ernst nimmt die Rechenzentrumsbranche das Thema? – computerworld.ch2023-03-07 Die Digitalisierung, das Wachstum von Big Data, die Ausweitung von Remote-Arbeitsmodellen und die weitere Anpassung des Internets der Dinge führen zu einer grösseren Nachfrage nach neuen Rechenzentren. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico – portalinnova.cl2023-03-07 En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
Wie ernst nimmt die Rechenzentrumsbranche das Thema ESG? – organisator.ch2023-03-07 Wird sich die Rechenzentrumsbranche mehr und mehr dem nachhaltigen Wirtschaften zuwenden? Read full information on external site
ESG: Wie ernst nimmt die Rechenzentrumsbranche das Thema? – digital-magazin.de2023-03-07 Die Digitalisierung, das Wachstum von Big Data, die Ausweitung von Remote-Arbeitsmodellen und die weitere Anpassung des Internets der Dinge führen zu einer grösseren Nachfrage nach neuen Rechenzentren. Read full information on external site
Why CIOs Need to Care More About Automating Network Operations – apmdigest.com2023-03-07 It is a challenging time to be the CIO of a large enterprise. In early January 2023, Salesforce laid off 10% of its staff — the most recent in a string of sizable layoffs among technology companies (many of those who aggressively hired during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic) as they cut operating costs in anticipation of an economic downturn. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico – itnews.lat2023-03-07 En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico – diarioestrategia.cl2023-03-07 En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico – channelnewsperu.com2023-03-07 En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico – gadgerss.com2023-03-07 En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
MainOne now most certified data center in Ghana – africabusinesscommunities.com2023-03-06 MDXi Appolonia the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has j received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Cybersecurity M&A Roundup: 35 Deals Announced in February 2023 – securityweek.com2023-03-06 Thirty-five cybersecurity-related M&A deals were announced in February 2023. Read full information on external site
Hoe gaan Belgische datacenters om met nijpende personeelstekorten? – itdaily.be2023-03-06 Uit een onderzoek blijkt dat het vinden en behouden van personeel de grootste uitdaging vormt voor datacenteroperatoren. Ook zijn vrouwen nog eerder zeldzaam in een datacenter. Enkele Belgische operatoren getuigen hoe zij omgaan met schaarste op de arbeidsmarkt. Read full information on external site
Wie ernst nimmt die Rechenzentrumsbranche das Thema ESG? – iavcworld.de2023-03-06 Die Digitalisierung, das Wachstum von Big Data, die Ausweitung von Remote-Arbeitsmodellen und die weitere Anpassung des Internets der Dinge führen zu einer größeren Nachfrage nach neuen Rechenzentren. Der Gesamtwert dieses Marktes wird laut Statista in den nächsten 12 Monaten 342 Mrd. US-Dollar erreichen. Und er wird weiter wachsen: Bis 2027 wird er schätzungsweise 412 Mrd. US-Dollar betragen. Read full information on external site
ESG: Wie ernst nimmt die Rechenzentrumsbranche das Thema? – mittelstandcafe.de2023-03-06 Die Digitalisierung, das Wachstum von Big Data, die Ausweitung von Remote-Arbeitsmodellen und die weitere Anpassung des Internets der Dinge führen zu einer größeren Nachfrage nach neuen Rechenzentren. Der Gesamtwert dieses Marktes wird laut Statista in den nächsten 12 Monaten 342 Mrd. Read full information on external site
Wie ernst ist nimmt die Rechenzentrumsbranche das Thema ESG? – trendkraft.io2023-03-05 Wird sich die Rechenzentrumsbranche mehr und mehr dem nachhaltigen Wirtschaften zuwenden? Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر – ictgate.com2023-03-04 بحضور كل من محمد عبد الله القرقاوي – وزير شؤون مجلس الوزراء ورئيس المكتب التنفيذي لحكومة دبي، وعمر بن سلطان العلماء – وزير الدولة للذكاء الاصطناعي، د. هالة السعيد – وزيرة التخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية في جمهورية مصر العربية. ، د. عمرو طلعت – وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات في جمهورية مصر العربية. ، و مريم خليفة الكعبي – سفيرة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مصر، وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
Datacenter skriker efter personal – men missar att anställa kvinnor – computersweden.idg.se2023-03-04 Endast tio procent av de anställda är kvinnor och var femte datacenterföretag har inga kvinnor anställda alls. Read full information on external site
La empresa finilager opto por Tigo Business para su transformación digital – atb.com.bo2023-03-03 Mundo, 02 feb 2023 (ATB Digital). – Cada vez más empresas optan por migrar toda o parte de su información a la nube. Read full information on external site
Finilager eligió a la Nube de Tigo Business como aliado para su transformación digital – lostiempos.com2023-03-03 La alianza estratégica le permitirá a Finilager ahorrar costos, optimizar su gestión administrativa, modernizar su infraestructura y coadyuvar en su proceso de internacionalización. Read full information on external site
Finilager eligió a la Nube de Tigo Business como aliado para su transformación digital – qamasa.com2023-03-03 La Paz, Bolivia/QAMASA Digital.- Cada vez más empresas optan por migrar toda o parte de su información a la nube. Y es que esta opción es fundamental no sólo como un respaldo de las operaciones, sino que también abre un abanico de oportunidades para diseñar estrategias operativas y comerciales claves que se traducen en mejores servicios para los clientes. Read full information on external site
Tres de cada cuatro centros de datos tienen menos de un 10% de mujeres en plantilla – muycomputerpro.com2023-03-03 La presencia de mujeres en las plantillas de ciertos sectores tecnológicos sigue siendo bastante minoritaria. Read full information on external site
GBM en Panamá impulsa consolidación del país como Hub Digital en la región – coconutflavorchic.com2023-03-03 Un entorno político estable, una economía robusta siendo una de las 3 naciones de mayor crecimiento en cuanto a PIB en Latinoamérica, condiciones climáticas fuera de la ruta de huracanes y una incidencia de movimientos sísmicos severos casi nula, fueron algunas de las razones por las cuales GBM eligió a Panamá como sede de dos de sus Centros de Datos, así como para ofrecer el servicio de Disaster Recovery a empresas de Sudamérica. Read full information on external site
Keeping the lights on all the time – businesspost.ie2023-03-03 Today, with data driving every transaction and interaction, if you go offline then, in effect, you are out of business. Read full information on external site
Efektywność energetyczna centrum danych – it-professional.pl2023-03-03 Rynek zielonych centrów przetwarzania danych obecnie mocno się rozwija. Przekłada się to na kształt projektów DC oraz proces budowy. Read full information on external site
No coração da turbina eólica, o Data Center: A hora e a vez da economia digital “limpa” – inforchannel.com.br2023-03-02 Campos de turbinas eólicas com Data Centers instalados dentro de cada turbina estão antecipando o futuro da sustentabilidade. Read full information on external site
Using AI for IT automation security – securitymea.com2023-03-02 Lori MacVittie, Principal Technical Evangelist, Office of the CTO at F5 highlights the importance of machine learning to protect IT automation and app infrastructure protection. Read full information on external site
How IT Can Save Money and Modernize Amid Economic Downturn – telecomnewsroom.com2023-03-02 With ongoing concerns about an economic downturn, companies are looking for ways to cut costs and optimize systems. Combine recession fears and tech spend expected to slow 5.4% this year amidst an IT labor shortage, and it’s easy to see why tech firms and IT departments need to reduce their budgets. The data center is a less obvious place to check for some hidden dollars. Read full information on external site
Finilager eligió como aliado para su transformación digital a la Nube de Tigo Business – eldeber.com.bo2023-03-02 La migración de su sistema de gestión de relación con sus clientes (CRM) permitirá el ahorro de costos, optimizará la gestión administrativa, modernizará la infraestructura y aumentará o disminuirá el almacenamiento según sus necesidades. Read full information on external site
Datacenters still a boys' club, staffing shortages may change that – theregister.com2023-03-02 Fifth of server warehouse operators polled didn't employ a single female worker. Read full information on external site
Datacenters still a boys' club, staffing shortages may change that – news.knowledia.com2023-03-02 Fifth of server warehouse operators polled didn't employ a single female worker. Read full information on external site
Thomson Snell & Passmore advises on training firm acquisition – insidermedia.com2023-03-01 South East law firm Thomson Snell & Passmore has advised on the acquisition of a provider of digital infrastructure training programmes. Read full information on external site
February 2023
2023, Telkom Investasi Data Center Rp 6 T - investor.id2023-02-28 JAKARTA, investor.id - PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk melalui anak usahanya, PT Telkom Data Ekosistem dengan brand NeutraDC, akan fokus mengembangkan bisnis data center yang telah ada (existing), yaitu Hyperscale Data Center (HDC) Cikarang dan Sentul di Jawa Barat, Enterprise DC di Serpong (Banten), Surabaya (Jawa Timur), serta Greenfield HDC Batam di Kepulauan Riau pada 2023. Total alokasi dana investasinya diperkirakan mencapai Rp 6 triliun. Read full information on external site
The resistive-reactive approach - smartautomationmag.com2023-02-28 Increasing data centre power consumption in an energy crisis: The role of generator maintenance in ensuring power resilience. Read full information on external site
Top 5 articles for February 2023 - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-02-28 Five principles data center managers must consider to address the talent shortage. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia achieves Tier III constructed facility certification in Ghana - intelligentcio.com2023-02-28 MDXi Appolonia the datacentre provider in Ghana has top 4 certifications in the industry. Read full information on external site
Green tech and the private sector: How the UK government will hit its 2050 net-zero emissions goal - computerweekly.com2023-02-27 The UK government is targeting net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, but it will need the private sector’s help and its appetite for investing in green technologies to meet its goal. Read full information on external site
How Much Power Do Autonomous Vehicles Use? A Lot - eetimes.com2023-02-26 A model of power consumption by autonomous vehicles predicts that once widely adopted, they will consume as much power worldwide as data centers do. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos con energías limpias - tecnonews.info2023-02-26 Garantizar el 100% del tiempo de actividad es la máxima prioridad para los responsables de instalaciones de centros de datos. Según el informe del Uptime Institute sobre Centros de Datos de 2021, las causas de las interrupciones no registraron variaciones significativas en ese año mientras que los cortes de energía en la instalación aumentaron un 43% en el total de los fallos. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia Gets TCCF, Leads Data Centres in Ghana - thisdaylive.com2023-02-26 MDXi Appolonia, the data centre subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
MainOne now most certified data centre in Ghana? - digitalisationworld.com2023-02-24 With this new milestone, MDXi Appolonia becomes the 'leading' data center provider in Ghana with the top 4 certifications in the industry. Read full information on external site
The rising significance of liquid cooling for data centers - expresscomputer.in2023-02-24 Data centers are becoming more densely packed as technology advances. Read full information on external site
Riello Ups Se Consolida En El Segmento De Centros De Datos Apostando Por La Sostenibilidad Y Las Energías Limpias - solarnews.es2023-02-24 Garantizar el 100% del tiempo de actividad es la máxima prioridad para los responsables de instalaciones de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Global Digital Infrastructure Authority Uptime Institute buys CNet Training - busycontinent.com2023-02-24 Uptime Institute, the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority, a Dominus Capital, L.P. portfolio company, announced that it has completed its acquisition of Academia Group Limited and all of its global subsidiaries including CNet Training, Ltd. Read full information on external site
Blockchain is all set to take on data center industry: Vinay Prabhu, Rahi - ciso.economictimes.indiatimes.com2023-02-23 To tackle these data center issues, enterprises should incorporate blockchain solutions. Its decentralized nature enables data to be stored and processed by multiple parties instead of relying on a centralized data center. Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXi Appolonia Gets TCCF In Ghana - newtelegraphng.com2023-02-23 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Techtonic to to build one of Israel's largest, most secure data centers - israeldefense.co.il2023-02-23 The underground facility is set to be the first private data center in Israel to offer unprecedented physical shielding and the redundancies of the Tier IV standard. Read full information on external site
MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia achieves TCCF, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana - citinewsroom.com2023-02-23 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia achieves TCCF in Ghana - tribuneonlineng.com2023-02-22 MDXi Appolonia, the data centre subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
MDXi Becomes Most Certified Data Center in Ghana With New TCCF Certification - ebusinesslife.com.ng2023-02-22 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Techtonic to build missile-proof data center at Beit Shemesh - 9web.uk2023-02-22 Techtonic has announced that it will build a new data center in the Brosh industrial zone in Beit Shemesh at an investment of hundreds of millions of shekels. Read full information on external site
Yotta Partners with Extreme IX to Augment its Internet Peering & Interconnection Services - itvoice.in2023-02-22 Yotta Data Services (formerly Yotta Infrastructure) and Extreme IX, one of India’s leading Internet Exchanges, have entered into a partnership to deliver Internet Peering and Interconnection services to enterprises across segments. Read full information on external site
Yotta Partners with Extreme IX to Augment its Internet Peering & Interconnection Services - ciotechoutlook.com2023-02-22 Yotta Data Services (formerly Yotta Infrastructure) and Extreme IX, one of India’s leading Internet Exchanges, have entered into a partnership to deliver Internet Peering and Interconnection services to enterprises across segments. Read full information on external site
Yotta along with Extreme IX to deliver Internet Peering and Interconnection services - varindia.com2023-02-22 Yotta Data Services (formerly Yotta Infrastructure) and Extreme IX have entered into a partnership to deliver Internet Peering and Interconnection services to enterprises across segments. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia- Most Certified Data Center in Ghana - bisinfotech.com2023-02-22 MDXi Appolonia has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXi Appolonia granted TCCF accreditation - newsghana.com.gh2023-02-22 MainOne’s data center subsidiary, MDXi Appolonia has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute, making it the leading data center provider in Ghana and West Africa with the top 4 certifications in the industry. Read full information on external site
Increasing Data Centre Power Consumption in an Energy Crisis - digitalisationworld.com2023-02-22 The Role of Generator Maintenance in Ensuring Power Resilience. Read full information on external site
Yotta collaborates with Extreme IX to amplify its internet peering & interconnection services - crn.in2023-02-22 Yotta Data Services (formerly Yotta Infrastructure) and Extreme IX, one of India’s leading Internet Exchanges, have entered into a partnership to deliver Internet Peering and Interconnection services to enterprises across segments. Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXi Appolonia becomes the most certified Data Center in Ghana after achieving TCCF - technext24.com2023-02-22 MDXi Appolonia, the data centre subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Waiting for the Unexpected: Paths to a Preventive Culture - mexicobusiness.news2023-02-22 In March 2019, the downtime that occurred on Facebook for more than 14 hours affected users around the world and kept networks like Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp unavailable. Read full information on external site
Techtonic will invest hundreds of millions NIS to build one of Israel’s largest data centers - techtime.news2023-02-22 The underground facility is set to be the first private data center in Israel to offer unprecedented physical shielding and the redundancies of the Tier IV standard. Read full information on external site
טקטוניק תקים חוות שרתים חדשה בבית שמש במאות מיליוני שקלים - pc.co.il2023-02-22 חוות השרתים החדשה, שתהיה תת קרקעית, תכלול שני קווי חשמל בהספק גבוה ביותר של 16 מגה-ואט, תתפרס על פני שטח של 15,000 מ"ר, ותשלב הסמכה לתקן בנייה Tier IV ומיגון פיזי כנגד איומים מלחמתיים. Read full information on external site
[Ghana] MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification - africabusinesscommunities.com2023-02-21 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
MDXi Apolonia in Ghana Receives Tier III Constructed Facility Certification - techafricanews.com2023-02-21 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne has announced that they have received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification. Read full information on external site
טקטוניק תקים חוות שרתים חדשה בבית שמש במאות מיליוני שקלים - ice.co.il2023-02-21 חוות השרתים החדשה, שתהיה תת קרקעית, תכלול שני קווי חשמל בהספק גבוה ביותר של 16 מגה-ואט, תתפרס על פני שטח של 15,000 מ"ר, ותשלב הסמכה לתקן בנייה Tier IV ומיגון פיזי כנגד איומים מלחמתיים. Read full information on external site
Techtonic to build missile-proof data center at Beit Shemesh - en.globes.co.il2023-02-21 The new data center will be constructed underground and will be one of the largest in Israel. Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXi Ghana gains competitive advantage with TCCF certification - itweb.africa2023-02-21 MainOne’s datacentre subsidiary MDXi Appolonia has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Las fatales consecuencias de un incendio en el data center y cómo prevenirlas - datacentermarket.es2023-02-21 Desde sus devastadoras consecuencias a cómo prevenirlos, con qué equipos de extinción se deberían contar, las normativas más actualizadas a un Plan de Recuperación ante desastres. Descubre aquí todo lo que tienes que saber para prevenir los incendios en un centro de datos. Read full information on external site
טקטוניק תקים חוות שרתים חדשה בבית שמש במאות מיליוני שקלים - itnews.co.il2023-02-21 החווה התת קרקעית, שתתפרס על פני שטח של 15,000 מ"ר, צפויה להיות הראשונה בישראל המשלבת מיגון פיזי חסר תקדים ועמידה בתקן היתירות הגבוה ביותר – Tier IV של Uptime Institute – במטרה לוודא שאף תקלה לא תוכל להשבית את המתקן. חוות השרתים תכלול שני קווי חשמל (קו ראשי וקו גיבוי) בהספק של 16 מגה וואט Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification - algeriabusinessinfo.com2023-02-21 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
טקטוניק תקים חות שרתים ענקית בבית שמש - finance.walla.co.i2023-02-21 מאות מיליוני שקלים יושקעו בחוות שרתים שתקים חברת Techtonic בבית שמש, תשלב מיגון פיזי עם עמידה בתקנים מחמירים Read full information on external site
MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification... - businessghana.com2023-02-21 MDXi Appolonia (www.MDX-i.com), the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
בהשקעה של מיליונים: חברת Techtonic תקים בבית שמש חוות שרתים מהגדולות בישראל - maariv.co.il2023-02-21 החווה התת קרקעית, שתתפרס על פני שטח של 15,000 מ"ר, צפויה להיות הראשונה בישראל המשלבת מיגון פיזי חסר תקדים ועמידה בתקן היתירות הגבוה ביותר Read full information on external site
MainOne achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF), now most Certified Data Center in Ghana. - techcityng.com2023-02-21 The Mainone Ghana data center features private data center suites, enterprise-grade 24×7 multi-level security and video surveillance, precision cooling, safety and fire suppression systems and more. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification - africanreview.com2023-02-21 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
חברת Techtonic תקים בבית שמש חוות שרתים מהגדולות והמוגנות בישראל - funder.co.il2023-02-21 Mהחווה התת קרקעית, שתתפרס על פני שטח של 15,000 מ"ר, צפויה להיות הראשונה בישראל המשלבת מיגון פיזי חסר תקדים ועמידה בתקן היתירות הגבוה ביותר – Tier IV של Uptime Institute Read full information on external site
Techtonic will build a server farm in Beit Shemesh with an investment of hundreds of millions of shekels – Techtime - time.news2023-02-21 The underground farm, which will be spread over an area of 15,000 square meters, is expected to be the first in Israel to combine physical protection and compliance with the highest redundancy standard – Tier IV of the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com.ng2023-02-21 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute buys cybersecurity rating company LEET Security S.L. - busycontinent.com2023-02-20 Uptime Institute, the Digital Infrastructure Authority, a Dominus Capital, L.P. portfolio company, announced that it has completed its acquisition of LEET Security S.L. LEET Security provides an independent cyber security risk evaluation methodology and rating system that has been designed to specifically identify, characterize, and rate cyber security risk within any services utilizing digital infrastructure for any aspect of service delivery. Read full information on external site
OpenAccess Announce the Launch of DRC’s First Open-Access, Carrier Neutral Data Center - techafricanews.com2023-02-20 OpenAccess has announced the launch of the initial phase of Democratic Republic of Congo’s first open-access, carrier neutral data center. Read full information on external site
Cybersecurity M&A Roundup for February 1-15, 2023 - securityweek.com2023-02-20 Seventeen cybersecurity-related M&A deals were announced in the first half of February 2023. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute completa la adquisición de LEET Security - interempresas.net2023-02-20 Uptime Institute, la Autoridad Global en Infraestructuras Digitales, una compañía de Dominus Capital, ha completado la adquisición de LEET Security S.L. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia Bags TCCF, Now Most Certified Data Center In Ghana - businesshilights.com.ng2023-02-20 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Data centers plus chers, pas d’exode en vue - soluxions-magazine.com2023-02-20 Il Est Peu Probable Que Les Coûts Plus Élevés Des Data Centers Entraînent Un Exode Vers Le Cloud Public, Estime Dr Owen Rogers, Research Director For Cloud Computing, Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
¿El crecimiento de la nube se está estancando? - datacentermarket.es2023-02-20 Pese al auge de los proyectos de cloud computing de los últimos años, nuevos estudios apuntan a una desaceleración paulatina del, hasta ahora, espectacular crecimiento que había registrado. El objetivo se centra ahora en reducir los costes de la nube, pero no su consumo. Read full information on external site
Riello UPS se consolida en el segmento de centros de datos - interempresas.net2023-02-20 Garantizar el 100% del tiempo de actividad es la máxima prioridad para los responsables de instalaciones de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia achieves TCCF, now most certified data center in Ghana - itedgenews.africa2023-02-20 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Elsewedy Data Centers, Gulf Data Hub to revamp Africa’s largest data centre in Egypt - samenacouncil.org2023-02-19 Elsewedy Data Centers inked a Memorandum of Understanding with Emirati Gulf Data Hub to develop Africa’s largest data centre complex in Egypt. Read full information on external site
What does the year hold for the IT and data centre industries and the Channel which serves them? - digitalisationworld.com2023-02-19 Here are the top six trends according to Brent Owens, Director Sales & Partner Enablement EMEA for Vertiv. Read full information on external site
Phát triển hạ tầng trung tâm dữ liệu hiện đại và bền vững - vnmedia.vn2023-02-18 H - Với mục tiêu trên, Thông tư số 23/2022/TT-BTTTT có hiệu thi hành ngày 1/2/2023 đã sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Thông tư số 03/2013/TT-BTTTT ngày 22/1/2013 quy định áp dụng tiêu chuẩn, quy chuẩn kỹ thuật đối với trung tâm dữ liệu… Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - almomento.net2023-02-18 SANTO DOMINGO.- El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco del país con este importante aval. Read full information on external site
Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - hoy.com.do2023-02-17 Infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad de diseño de ingeniería arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s Acquisition of Academia Group Limited - globallegalchronicle.com2023-02-17 Thomson Snell & Passmore advised Uptime Institute Holdings LLC on the deal. Read full information on external site
Was sind Verfügbarkeitsklassen? - datacenter-insider.de2023-02-17 Wer zuverlässig verfügbare Rechenzentren bauen, betreiben oder nutzen will, orientiert sich heute meist an Verfügbarkeitsklassen. Read full information on external site
Chuyên gia Data Center CMC chia sẻ kinh nghiệm đạt chuẩn trung tâm dữ liệu quốc tế - vietnamnet.vn2023-02-17 Sáng 17/2, Giám đốc Data Center (DC) của CMC Telecom đã chia sẻ kinh nghiệm chọn chuẩn cho DC và quá trình thực thi tại CMC Telecom trong Hội nghị phổ biến Thông tư 23/2022/TT-BTTTT mới về trung tâm dữ liệu do Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông tổ chức. Read full information on external site
Chuyên gia Data Center CMC chia sẻ kinh nghiệm đạt chuẩn trung tâm dữ liệu quốc tế - baonhanh247.com2023-02-17 Sáng 17/2, Giám đốc Data Center (DC) của CMC Telecom đã chia sẻ kinh nghiệm chọn chuẩn cho DC và quá trình thực thi tại CMC Telecom trong Hội nghị phổ biến Thông tư 23/2022/TT-BTTTT mới về trung tâm dữ liệu do Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông tổ chức. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - primicias.net2023-02-17 SANTO DOMINGO.- El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco del país con este importante aval. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute y una adquisición en pro de la ciberseguridad - america-retail.com2023-02-17 Uptime Institute, la empresa global en Infraestructuras Digitales que forma parte de la cartera de Dominus Capital L.P., ha anunciado la completa adquisición de LEET Security S.L. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - newsinamerica.com2023-02-17 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
GBM en Panamá impulsa consolidación del país como Hub Digital en la región - revistasumma.com2023-02-17 Sus dos centros de datos certificados en el país resguardan la integridad y disponibilidad de la operación de múltiples empresas en Sudamérica. Read full information on external site
GBM en Panamá impulsa consolidación del país como Hub Digital en la región - panama24horas.com2023-02-17 GBM ofrece desde Panamá sus servicios nearshoring de TI, mediante diseño, construcción e integración de soluciones administrativas para apoyar el logro de sus objetivos de negocio. Read full information on external site
Podcast transcript: Weathering the cloud slowdown - itpro.co.uk2023-02-17 Las organizaciones y sus socios de servicios TIC nunca han estado bajo mayor presión para asegurar su infraestructura digital debido al aumento de riesgo ciber y al cambiante panorama de amenazas. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute adquiere LEET Security S.L. para ofrecer un sistema integral de calificación de ciberseguridad - cybersecuritynews.es2023-02-17 Read the full transcript for this episode of the IT Pro Podcast. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - newsinamerica.com2023-02-16 SANTO DOMINGO.- El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco del país con este importante aval. Read full information on external site
««السويدي داتا سنترز» و«جلف داتا هب الإماراتية» يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات بمصر6060news.com2023-02-16 وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. بحضور كل من فى الأمارات العربية المتحدة، محمد عبد الله القرقاوي وزير شؤون مجلس الوزراء ورئيس المكتب التنفيذي لحكومة دبي، وعمر بن سلطان العلماء وزير الدولة للذكاء الاصطناعي، د. هالة السعيد وزيرة التخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية في جمهورية مصر العربية. ، د. عمرو طلعت – وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات في جمهورية مصر العربية. ، ومريم خليفة الكعبي سفيرة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مصر. Read full information on external site
データセンター建設市場、2028年まで13.07%のCAGR成長見込み - japan.zdnet.com2023-02-16 株式会社グローバルインフォメーション(所在地:神奈川県川崎市、代表者:小野悟、証券コード:東証スタンダード 4171)は、市場調査レポート「データセンター建設市場- 成長、動向、COVID-19の影響、予測(2023年~2028年)」(Mordor Intelligence Pvt Ltd)の販売を2月16日より開始しました。 Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute completa la adquisición de LEET Security S.L. para aumentar la ciberseguridad en infraestructuras digitales - cuadernosdeseguridad.com2023-02-16 LEET Security la necesidad de ciberseguridad y ofrece un sistema de calificación para identificar el riesgo cibernético de las infraestructuras digitales. Read full information on external site
Elsewedy Data Centers, Gulf Data Hub to revamp Africa’s largest data centre in Egypt - zawya.com2023-02-16 The joint project aims at creating a $2.1bn data centres hub, by developing 3 world-class data centres complexes. Read full information on external site
"السويدي داتا سنترز" وجلف داتا هب الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات - alboslanews.com2023-02-16 • عبد الرحمن السويدي: " ، يأتي مشروعنا مع جلف داتا هب كعلامة فارقة على خارطة توسعنا في مجال البنية التحتية الرقمية." • طارق الأشرم: "يهدف المشروع المشترك بين السويدى داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب إلى تطوير مراكز بيانات محايدة في مصر والشرق الأوسط. Read full information on external site
Ciudad Digital Ufinet-Nedetel recibió la certificación TIER III - itahora.com2023-02-16 Uptime Institute Professional Services otorgó a UFINET NEDETEL – CIiudad Digital Data Center en Guayaquil, Ecuador, la certificación Tier III de Documentos de Diseño. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - z101digital.com2023-02-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco de la República Dominicana en contar con este importante aval, que ratifica que esta infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad en cuanto a su diseño de ingeniería y arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - elnacional.com.do2023-02-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco de la República Dominicana en contar con este importante aval, que ratifica que esta infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad en cuanto a su diseño de ingeniería y arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - eldinero.com.do2023-02-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco de la República Dominicana en contar con este importante aval, que ratifica que esta infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad en cuanto a su diseño de ingeniería y arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - diariolibre.com2023-02-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco de la República Dominicana en contar con este importante aval, que ratifica que esta infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad en cuanto a su diseño de ingeniería y arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Hamdan bin Mohammed inaugurates the largest green data center in the world - pledgetimes.com2023-02-16 Dubai (Al Ittihad) His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, inaugurated today the green data center of the Data Center Integrated Solutions Company “Moro” of the “Dewa Digital” group, the digital arm of the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - aplatanaonews.com2023-02-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco de la República Dominicana en contar con este importante aval, que ratifica que esta infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad en cuanto a su diseño de ingeniería y arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - diariodigital.com.do2023-02-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco de la República Dominicana en contar con este importante aval, que ratifica que esta infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad en cuanto a su diseño de ingeniería y arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - elcaribe.com.do2023-02-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco de la República Dominicana en contar con este importante aval, que ratifica que esta infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad en cuanto a su diseño de ingeniería y arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - acento.com.do2023-02-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco de la República Dominicana en contar con este importante aval, que ratifica que esta infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad en cuanto a su diseño de ingeniería y arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Banco Popular logra certificación internacional para centro de datos - noticiassin.com2023-02-16 El Banco Popular Dominicano recibió la certificación internacional Tier III de Diseño para su centro de datos ubicado en el NAP del Caribe, otorgada por Uptime Institute Professional Services, lo que lo convierte en el único banco de la República Dominicana en contar con este importante aval, que ratifica que esta infraestructura cumple con los más altos estándares de funcionalidad y capacidad en cuanto a su diseño de ingeniería y arquitectura. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute完成對LEET Security S.L.的收購,將提供全面的網路安全分級系統 - news.pchome.com.tw2023-02-16 中央社訊息服務20230216 09:30:30)紐約--(美國商業資訊)--全球數位基礎架構權威機構、Dominus Capital, L.P.旗下投資組合公司Uptime Institute(簡稱Uptime)今天宣布,其已完成對LEET Security S.L.的收購。LEET Security可提供獨立的網路安全風險評估方法和分級系統,旨在明確識別並描述任何利用數位基礎架構來完成交付的服務中各個環節的網路安全風險,並對其進行分級。 Read full information on external site
Egyptian-Emirati partnership to develop data center with $2.1B investments - negypt-business.com2023-02-16 The execution is planned to be through 4 stages. Each of the 3 avant-garde complexes will adopt Tier III standards - according to Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Elsewedy, Gulf Data Hub to revamp Africa’s largest data centre in Egypt - channelpostmea.com2023-02-16 Elsewedy Data Centers and the Emirati Gulf Data Hub have inked a Memorandum of Understanding to develop Africa’s largest data center complex in Egypt and strengthen their bilateral cooperation in the field of information technology and digital infrastructure in the region. Read full information on external site
تفاهم لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات بأفريقيا في مصر - klyoum.com2023-02-15 وقعت شركة السويدي إليكتريك مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة «جلف داتا هب» الإماراتية، على هامش أعمال القمة العالمية للحكومات ،2023، وذلك بهدف تعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بجمهورية مصر العربية. Read full information on external site
تفاهم لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات بأفريقيا في مصر - albayan.ae2023-02-15 وقعت شركة السويدي إليكتريك مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة «جلف داتا هب» الإماراتية، على هامش أعمال القمة العالمية للحكومات ،2023، وذلك بهدف تعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بجمهورية مصر العربية. Read full information on external site
باستثمارات2.1 مليار دولار.. السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر - ahlmasrnews.com2023-02-15 كتب : سيد محمد وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
Uptime Completes Acquisition of LEET Security - thefastmode.com2023-02-15 Dominus Capital announced that its portfolio company Uptime Institute (Uptime), the global digital infrastructure authority, has completed its acquisition of LEET Security, S.L. Read full information on external site
“السويدي”و”جلف داتا” تتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الإفريقية بمصر - ictbusiness.org2023-02-15 Dominus Capital بحضور كل من محمد عبد الله القرقاوي – وزير شؤون مجلس الوزراء ورئيس المكتب التنفيذي لحكومة دبي، و عمر بن سلطان العلماء – وزير الدولة للذكاء الاصطناعي، د. هالة السعيد – وزيرة التخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية ، د. عمرو طلعت – وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات ، و سعادة مريم خليفة الكعبي – سفيرة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مصر، وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الإفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
«السويدي» و«جلف داتا هب» الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في مصر - elzmannews.com2023-02-15 شهدت وزارة التخطيط و التنمية الاقتصادية والاتصالات ووزارة الاتصالات و تكنولوجيا المعلومات، توقيع العقد بين كل من المهندس أحمد السويدي الرئيس غيرالتنفيذي لشركة السويدي داتا سنترز، وطارق محمد الأشرم - الرئيس التنفيذي ومؤسس شركة جلف داتا هب، والذي جاء على هامش فاعليات القمة العالمية للحكومات المنعقدة في دبي بالإمارات العربية المتحدة. Read full information on external site
«السويدي» و«جلف داتا هب» الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في مصر - elmogaz.com2023-02-15 شهدت وزارة التخطيط و التنمية الاقتصادية والاتصالات ووزارة الاتصالات و تكنولوجيا المعلومات، توقيع العقد بين كل من المهندس أحمد السويدي الرئيس غيرالتنفيذي لشركة السويدي داتا سنترز، وطارق محمد الأشرم - الرئيس التنفيذي ومؤسس شركة جلف داتا هب، والذي جاء على هامش فاعليات القمة العالمية للحكومات المنعقدة في دبي بالإمارات العربية المتحدة. Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في أفريقيا - elbashayer.com2023-02-15 · أحمد السويدي: “يأتي هذا المشروع في إطار خطة الحكومة المصرية للتحول الرقمي من أجل دعم الاستثمار في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات وتثبيت مكانة مصر كمركز محوري لتخزين ونقل البيانات يربط القارة الأفريقية بدول الغرب والشرق.” Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات بمصر بقيمة 2.1 مليار دولار - amwalalghad.com2023-02-15 شهدت وزارة التخطيط و التنمية الاقتصادية و الاتصالات ووزارة الاتصالات و تكنولوجيا المعلومات المصرية توقيع العقد بين كل من المهندس أحمد السويدي – الرئيس غيرالتنفيذي لشركة السويدي داتا سنترز، و طارق محمد الأشرم – الرئيس التنفيذي ومؤسس شركة جلف داتا هب، والذي جاء على هامش فاعليات القمة العالمية للحكومات المنعقدة في دبي بالإمارات العربية المتحدة. Read full information on external site
الاتصالات: توقيع مذكرة تفاهم لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في أفريقيا - vetogate.com2023-02-15 شهد كلا من عمرو طلعت وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات وهالة السعيد وزيرة التخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية توقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية فى مصر وذلك بحضور كل من محمد عبد الله القرقاوي - وزير شؤون مجلس الوزراء ورئيس المكتب التنفيذي لحكومة دبي، وعمر بن سلطان العلماء - وزير الدولة للذكاء الاصطناعي في جمهورية مصر العربية ومريم خليفة الكعبي سفيرة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مصر. Read full information on external site
توقيع اتفاقية مصرية إماراتية لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الأفريقية.. باستثمارات 2.1 مليار دولار - pressbee.net2023-02-15 اخبار عربية برس بي .. جريده المساء شاهد توقيع اتفاقية مصرية إماراتية لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الأفريقية.. باستثمارات 2.1 مليار دولار والان مشاهدة التفاصيل. Read full information on external site
توقيع اتفاقية مصرية إماراتية لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الأفريقية.. باستثمارات 2.1 مليار دولار - almessa.gomhuriaonline.com2023-02-15 بحضور كل من فى الأمارات العربية المتحدة، محمد عبد الله القرقاوي – وزير شؤون مجلس الوزراء ورئيس المكتب التنفيذي لحكومة دبي، و عمر بن سلطان العلماء – وزير الدولة للذكاء الاصطناعي، و د. هالة السعيد – وزيرة التخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية في جمهورية مصر العربية ، د. عمرو طلعت – وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات في جمهورية مصر العربية. ، و مريم خليفة الكعبي – سفيرة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مصر Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر - arqam.news2023-02-15 • أحمد السويدي: “يأتي هذا المشروع في إطار خطة الحكومة المصرية للتحول الرقمي من أجل دعم الاستثمار في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات وتثبيت مكانة مصر كمركز محوري لتخزين ونقل البيانات يربط القارة الأفريقية بدول الغرب والشرق.” Read full information on external site
السويدي إلكتريك توقع مذكرة تفاهم مع “جلف داتا هب” باستثمارات 2.1 مليار دولار - techknowledge.news2023-02-15 وقعت شركة السويدي إليكتريك مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة “جلف داتا هب” الإماراتية، بهدف تأسيس مركز محوري للبيانات من خلال تطوير 3 مجمعات لمراكز البيانات في 3 مواقع في مصر، بقيمة استثمارية تقدر بـ2.1 مليار دولار، وسعة تخزينية إجمالية تصل إلى 192 ميجا واط، وقدرة إجمالية للطاقة الكهربائية تبلغ 300 ميجا واط. Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب الإماراتية يتحالفان - almoasheralektesady.com2023-02-15 بحضور كل من فى الأمارات العربية المتحدة، معالي السيد محمد عبد الله القرقاوي – وزير شؤون مجلس الوزراء ورئيس المكتب التنفيذي لحكومة دبي، ومعالي السيد عمر بن سلطان العلماء – وزير الدولة للذكاء الاصطناعي، معالي د. هالة السعيد – وزيرة التخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية في جمهورية مصر العربية. ، السيد د. عمرو طلعت – وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات في جمهورية مصر العربية. ، و سعادة مريم خليفة الكعبي – سفيرة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مصر، وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات - technews-eg.com2023-02-16 وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الإفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
Espressive Unveils Integration Designer Advancements to Connect Multiple Backend Systems Concurrently and in Real-Time, Automating Resolution of Complex Issues - aithority.com2023-02-15 New Service Quality Wizard Monitors Over 2000 SaaS Applications, Minimizing the Significant Cost of Outages While Enhancing Both Agent and Employee Productivity. Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في أفريقيا - masralyoum.net2023-02-15 · أحمد السويدي: “يأتي هذا المشروع في إطار خطة الحكومة المصرية للتحول الرقمي من أجل دعم الاستثمار في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات وتثبيت مكانة مصر كمركز محوري لتخزين ونقل البيانات يربط القارة الأفريقية بدول الغرب والشرق.” Read full information on external site
Leet Security pasa a formar parte de Uptime Institute y fortalece su globalización - redseguridad.com2023-02-15 La compañía Uptime Institute ha completado la adquisición de Leet Security con el fin de ofrecer a sus clientes un sistema integral de calificación de ciberseguridad. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute adquiere la española Leet Security para crecer en ciberseguridad en España - pressdigital.es2023-02-15 La empresa de infraestructuras digitales Uptime Institute ha adquirido la empresa española de calificaciones de ciberseguridad Leet Security para reforzar sus operaciones en España. Read full information on external site
Economía.- Uptime Institute adquiere la española Leet Security para crecer en ciberseguridad en España - bolsamania.com2023-02-15 MADRID, 15 (EUROPA PRESS) La empresa de infraestructuras digitales Uptime Institute ha adquirido la empresa española de calificaciones de ciberseguridad Leet Security para reforzar sus operaciones en España. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute adquiere la española Leet Security para crecer en ciberseguridad en España - europapress.es2023-02-15 MADRID, 15 (EUROPA PRESS) La empresa de infraestructuras digitales Uptime Institute ha adquirido la empresa española de calificaciones de ciberseguridad Leet Security para reforzar sus operaciones en España. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute adquiere la española Leet Security para crecer en ciberseguridad en España - negocios.com2023-02-15 La empresa de infraestructuras digitales Uptime Institute ha adquirido la empresa española de calificaciones de ciberseguridad Leet Security para reforzar sus operaciones en España. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute adquiere la española Leet Security para crecer en ciberseguridad en España - elconfidencialdigital.com2023-02-15 MADRID, 15 (EUROPA PRESS) La empresa de infraestructuras digitales Uptime Institute ha adquirido la empresa española de calificaciones de ciberseguridad Leet Security para reforzar sus operaciones en España. Read full information on external site
تعاون مصري إماراتي لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في أفريقيا بمصر - klyoum.com2023-02-15 وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر، بحسب بيان من شركة السويدي داتا سنترز اليوم الأربعاء. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Completes Acquisition of LEET Security S.L. to Deliver Comprehensive Cyber Security Rating System - quicknews-africa.net2023-02-15 NEW YORK — Uptime Institute,(“Uptime”) the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority, a Dominus Capital, L.P. portfolio company, announced today that it has completed its acquisition of LEET Security S.L.. LEET Security provides an independent cyber security risk evaluation methodology and rating system that has been designed to specifically identify, characterize, and rate cyber security risk within any services utilizing digital infrastructure for any aspect of service delivery. Read full information on external site
تعاون مصري إماراتي لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في أفريقيا بمصر - masralyoum.net2023-02-15 وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر، بحسب بيان من شركة السويدي داتا سنترز اليوم الأربعاء. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute adquiere la española Leet Security para crecer en ciberseguridad en España - forbes.es2023-02-15 La empresa de infraestructuras digitales Uptime Institute ha adquirido la empresa española de calificaciones de ciberseguridad Leet Security para reforzar sus operaciones en España. Read full information on external site
شراكة مصرية إماراتية لتطوير مركز بيانات باستثمارات 2.1 مليار دولار - mubasher.info2023-02-15 القاهرة – مباشر: وقّعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز، مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية، لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية؛ وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
شراكة مصرية إماراتية لتطوير مركز بيانات باستثمارات 2.1 مليار دولار - klyoum.com2023-02-15 القاهرة – مباشر: وقّعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز، مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية، لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية؛ وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute completes acquisition of LEET Security - digitalisationworld.com2023-02-15 Uptime Institute has completed its acquisition of LEET Security S.L.. LEET Security provides an independent cyber security risk evaluation methodology and rating system that has been designed to specifically identify, characterize, and rate cyber security risk within any services utilizing digital infrastructure for any aspect of service delivery. Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر - bneconomy.com2023-02-15 بحضور كل من فى الأمارات العربية المتحدة، معالي السيد محمد عبد الله القرقاوي - وزير شؤون مجلس الوزراء ورئيس المكتب التنفيذي لحكومة دبي، ومعالي السيد عمر بن سلطان العلماء - وزير الدولة للذكاء الاصطناعي، معالي د. هالة السعيد - وزيرة التخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية في جمهورية مصر العربية. ، السيد د. عمرو طلعت – وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات في جمهورية مصر العربية. ، و سعادة مريم خليفة الكعبي - سفيرة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مصر، وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
باستثمارات 2.1 مليار دولار شراكة مصرية إماراتية لتطوير مركز بيانات - taqanews.com2023-02-15 Nشركة السويدي داتا سنترز توقع مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية، لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
“السويدي”و”جلف داتا” تتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الإفريقية بمصر - regalalamal.com2023-02-15 بحضور كل من محمد عبد الله القرقاوي – وزير شؤون مجلس الوزراء ورئيس المكتب التنفيذي لحكومة دبي، و عمر بن سلطان العلماء – وزير الدولة للذكاء الاصطناعي، د. هالة السعيد – وزيرة التخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية ، د. عمرو طلعت – وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات ، و سعادة مريم خليفة الكعبي – سفيرة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مصر، وقعت شركة السويدي داتا سنترز مذكرة تفاهم مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، وذلك لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الإفريقية بمصر.Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute acquires LEET Security to deliver cybersecurity rating system - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-02-15 The LEET rating system gives clients the ability to easily understand the nature and severity of cyber risks. Read full information on external site
الرئيسية أخبار عاجلة السويدى اليكتريك توقع مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية اتفاق إقامة أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. بقيمة 2.1 مليار دولار - powernews.cc2023-02-15 السويدى اليكتريك توقع مع جلف داتا هب الإماراتية اتفاق إقامة أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. بقيمة 2.1 مليار دولار Read full information on external site
Egyptian-Emirati partnership to develop data center with $2.1B investments - egypttoday.com2023-02-15 CAIRO - 15 February 2023: Elsewedy Data Centers signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Emirati Gulf Data Hub to develop Africa's largest data center complex in Egypt. Read full information on external site
الأشرم: المشروع المشترك بين السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب يهدف إلى تطوير مراكز بيانات محايدة في مصر - emasr.net2023-02-15 صرح السيد طارق الأشرم، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة جلف داتا هب:” يهدف المشروع المشترك بين السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب إلى تطوير مراكز بيانات محايدة في مصر والشرق الأوسط، وللتأكيد على ريادتنا في المنطقة في كل ما يتعلق بتخزين البيانات الهامة والمعدات الحساسة للشركات بما يمكن عملائنا من التركيز على أعمالهم ونشاطاتهم الأساسية من خلال مقاييس أداء يمكنهم الوثوق بها. ولا شك أن شراكتنا مع السويدي داتا سنترز ستمكننا من تحقيق هدفنا وتدعيم تفانينا في تلبية احتياجات كل عميل في كل مرة “. Read full information on external site
Egyptian-Emirati partnership to develop data center with $2.1B investments - egypttoday.com2023-02-15 CAIRO - 15 February 2023: Elsewedy Data Centers signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Emirati Gulf Data Hub to develop Africa's largest data center complex in Egypt. Read full information on external site
Elsewedy Data Centers, Gulf Data Hub to revamp Africa’s largest data centre in Egypt - emasr.net2023-02-15 Elsewedy Data Centers inked a Memorandum of Understanding with Emirati Gulf Data Hub to develop Africa’s largest data centre complex in Egypt. Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر - emasr.net2023-02-15 • أحمد السويدي: “يأتي هذا المشروع في إطار خطة الحكومة المصرية للتحول الرقمي من أجل دعم الاستثمار في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات وتثبيت مكانة مصر كمركز محوري لتخزين ونقل البيانات يربط القارة الأفريقية بدول الغرب والشرق.” Read full information on external site
السويدي داتا سنترز وجلف داتا هب الإماراتية يتحالفان لتطوير أكبر مركز للبيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر - almoasheralektesady.com2023-02-15 • أحمد السويدي: “يأتي هذا المشروع في إطار خطة الحكومة المصرية للتحول الرقمي من أجل دعم الاستثمار في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات وتثبيت مكانة مصر كمركز محوري لتخزين ونقل البيانات يربط القارة الأفريقية بدول الغرب والشرق.” Read full information on external site
Espressive Unveils Integration Designer Advancements to Connect Multiple Backend Systems Concurrently and in Real-Time, Automating Resolution of Complex Issues - lelezard.com2023-02-14 Espressive, the pioneer in automating digital workplace assistance, today unveiled new advancements to its no-code Integration Designer powered by the company's AI-based virtual agent, Espressive Barista. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Completes Acquisition of LEET Security S.L. to Deliver Comprehensive Cyber Security Rating System - lelezard.com2023-02-14 Uptime Institute,("Uptime") the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority, a Dominus Capital, L.P. portfolio company, announced today that it has completed its acquisition of LEET Security S.L.. LEET Security provides an independent cyber security risk evaluation methodology and rating system that has been designed to specifically identify, characterize, and rate cyber security risk within any services utilizing digital infrastructure for any aspect of service delivery. Read full information on external site
«السويدي إليكتريك» و«جلف داتا هب» توقعان مذكرة تفاهم - alkhaleej.ae2023-02-14 وقعت شركة السويدي إليكتريك مصر، مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة «جلف داتا هب» الإماراتية، على هامش أعمال القمة العالمية للحكومات 2023، وذلك Read full information on external site
«السويدي إليكتريك» و«جلف داتا هب» توقعان مذكرة تفاهم - nabd.com2023-02-14 وقعت شركة السويدي إليكتريك مصر، مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة «جلف داتا هب» الإماراتية، على هامش أعمال القمة العالمية للحكومات 2023، وذلك Read full information on external site
«السويدي إليكتريك» و«جلف داتا هب» توقعان مذكرة تفاهم - uaenewsapp.com2023-02-14 وقعت شركة السويدي إليكتريك مصر، مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة «جلف داتا هب» الإماراتية، على هامش أعمال القمة العالمية للحكومات 2023، وذلك Read full information on external site
"السويدي إليكتريك" و"جلف داتا هب" توقعان مذكرة تفاهم لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في أفريقيا بمصر - urdupoint.com2023-02-14 - على هامش أعمال القمة العالمية للحكومات.• أحمد السويدي: المشروع يأتي في إطار خطة الحكومة المصرية للتحول الرقمي Read full information on external site
السويدي إليكتريك و«جلف داتا هب» توقعان مذكرة تفاهم لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في أفريقيا بمصر - shorouknews.com2023-02-14 وقعت شركة "السويدي إليكتريك" مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة "جلف داتا هب" الإماراتية، لتعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الطرفين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبنية التحتية الرقمية، لتطوير أكبر مجمع لمراكز البيانات في القارة الأفريقية بمصر. Read full information on external site
Duo of data center dilemmas: emissions and skills shortages - digitalisationworld.com2023-02-13 Danel Turk, global segment leader for data centers at ABB, answers our questions on the big dilemmas facing data center operators this year. Read full information on external site
Investimentos em data centers hyperscale na América Latina - difundir.com.br2023-02-13 No início de 2022, a Microsoft anunciou que estava planejando um novo data center no estado de Querétaro, no México, que forneceria serviços para empresas no mundo todo. Este novo data center é parte do plano “Innovate for Mexico”, que engloba um investimento de US$ 1,1 bilhão durante cinco anos. Read full information on external site
Investimentos em data centers hyperscale na América Latina - jornow.com.br2023-02-13 No início de 2022, a Microsoft anunciou que estava planejando um novo data center no estado de Querétaro, no México, que forneceria serviços para empresas no mundo todo. Este novo data center é parte do plano “Innovate for Mexico”, que engloba um investimento de US$ 1,1 bilhão durante cinco anos. Read full information on external site
Thị trường trung tâm dữ liệu hấp dẫn các nhà đầu tư - thesaigontimes.vn2023-02-12 (KTSG Online) – Thời gian gần đây thị trường trung tâm dữ liệu tại Việt Nam hấp dẫn các nhà đầu tư trong và ngoài nước. Thị trường này thu hút đầu tư nhằm đáp ứng xu hướng số hóa, đẩy mạnh kinh tế số, phát triển mạnh thương mại điện tử cũng như đón nhu cầu tăng cao do áp dụng những chính sách quản lý mới. Read full information on external site
¿Qué es un Tier? - elgrupoinformatico.com2023-02-11 Si estás dentro del sector de los centros de datos, puede que alguna vez hayas oído hablar del término "Tier". Read full information on external site
Damac to Open Data Centres in Riyadh and Dammam in 2023 - telecomtalk.info2023-02-11 Damac group is to invest USD 600 million in expanding its data centres in Riyadh and Dammam, Saudi Arabia, from 20MW to 55MW by the end of 2023. The company, formerly known as Edgnex, stated that this expansion is part of a USD 1 billion data center development strategy. Read full information on external site
Indian data centre major Yotta to invest Tk 2,000cr in Bangladesh - dailyasianage.com2023-02-11 Yotta Data Services - the Data Center and Cloud services arm of India's Business Conglomerate - Hiranandani Group and the operator of Asia's largest Uptime Institute Gold Operations-certified Tier IV data center - has announced an investment of over 2000 crore Taka (~US$ 150 million) to develop a Hyperscale Data Center Park in Bangladesh's burgeoning capital, Dhaka in the next 4-6 years. Read full information on external site
Indian Yotta to Invest Tk 2000Cr to build Data Centre Park in Dhaka - bangladeshpost.net2023-02-10 Yotta Data Services – the Data Center and Cloud services arm of India’s Business Conglomerate - Hiranandani Group and the operator of Asia’s largest Uptime Institute Gold Operations-certified Tier IV data center – has announced an investment of over 2000 crore Taka (~US$ 150 million) to develop a Hyperscale Data Center Park in Bangladesh’s burgeoning capital, Dhaka in the next 4-6 years. Read full information on external site
Tougher Reporting Mandates Ahead for Data Centers - datacenterknowledge.com2023-02-10 The U.S. and Europe are at the helm of requiring data centers to report their operational details and energy and environmental performance. Read full information on external site
Where should all the data go? - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-02-10 Successful cloud adoption can require comprehensive IT organizational changes. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Completes Acquisition of CNet Training - channelpostmea.com2023-02-10 Uptime Institute has announced that it has completed its acquisition of Academia Group Limited and all of its global subsidiaries including CNet Training, Ltd. Read full information on external site
DRC’s first open access, carrier-neutral data centre comes online in Q2 2023 - developingtelecoms.com2023-02-10 The initial phase of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s first open-access, carrier-neutral data centre - OADC Kinshasa; FIH1 - will go live in Q2 2023. Read full information on external site
Expert discusses key challenges facing data centres this year - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-02-10 Honeywell’s Senior Data Centre Director, Alpesh Saraiya, has unveiled key challenges facing the data centre industry this year, centring on: mounting sustainability pressure, a skills gap exacerbated by senior experts retiring in the next decade and an acquisition-induced race to reduce operational costs. Read full information on external site
Damac’s Saudi data centre units to go live by 2023-end - channelpostmea.com2023-02-10 The facilities offer hyperscalers, cloud service providers, content companies, over the top (OTT) players and enterprises, diverse and highly connected hubs for serving local and international customers. Read full information on external site
Can we make the internet less power-thirsty? - chof360.com2023-02-10 There is no internet without data centres. So much of what we do every day involves a data centre. Shopping online, streaming TV shows, reading this story – they all need data to be stored and readily available. Read full information on external site
India data center construction market to hit $3.46 bn by 2028 - communicationstoday.co.in2023-02-10 The India data center construction market is expected to reach a value of $3.46 billion by 2028 from $1.52 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 14.76%, according to Research And Markets. Read full information on external site
DRC Has Its First Open Access Data Centre In The Pipeline - cioafrica.co2023-02-10 Multiple sectors of DRC economy will benefit from accelerated digitalisation enabled by this world-class, open access data centre. Read full information on external site
Can we make the internet less power-thirsty? - dailymagazine.news2023-02-10 So much of what we do every day involves a data centre. Shopping online, streaming TV shows, reading this story - they all need data to be stored and readily available. Read full information on external site
Can we make the internet less power-thirsty? - headtopics.com2023-02-10 So much of what we do every day involves a data centre. Shopping online, streaming TV shows, reading this story - they all need data to be stored and readily available. Read full information on external site
Can we make the internet less power-thirsty? - au.news.yahoo.com2023-02-10 So much of what we do every day involves a data centre. Shopping online, streaming TV shows, reading this story - they all need data to be stored and readily available. Read full information on external site
Can we make the internet less power-thirsty? - bbc.com2023-02-10 So much of what we do every day involves a data centre. Shopping online, streaming TV shows, reading this story - they all need data to be stored and readily available. Read full information on external site
Indian firm to set up Tk 2000cr data center in Dhaka - observerbd.com2023-02-10 Yotta Data Services - the Data Center and Cloud services arm of India's Business Conglomerate - Hiranandani Group and the operator of Asia's largest Uptime Institute Gold Operations-certified Tier IV data center - has announced an investment of over Tk 2000 crore Taka ($150 million) to develop a Hyperscale Data Center Park in Bangladesh's burgeoning capital, Dhaka in the next 4-6 years. Read full information on external site
DAMAC to launch data centre facilities in KSA by end of 2023 - constructiondigital.com2023-02-09 Facilities in Riyadh and Dammam will have a total of 55MW of IT capacity in Q4 2023. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute completes acquisition of CNet Training - continuitycentral.com2023-02-09 Uptime Institute has announced that it has completed its acquisition of Academia Group Limited and all of its global subsidiaries including CNet Training, Ltd. Read full information on external site
DAMAC Data Centres’ KSA facilities to go live before end of 2023 - meconstructionnews.com2023-02-09 The Dubai-based developer said a further 35MW of IT capacity will be built in the Kingdom, in addition to 20MW already under construction. Read full information on external site
Rapport: datacenters onderschatten gevaar van elektromagnetische pulsen (EMP) - datacenterworks.nl2023-02-09 Datacenters zouden er goed aan doen om meer aandacht te hebben voor de gevaren van een elektromagnetische puls (EMP). Dat is de strekking van een rapport van Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
DAMAC Group Accelerates Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Data Centre Roadmap and will Go Live with Facilities in Dammam and Riyadh in 2023 - asdafnews.com2023-02-09 DAMAC DATA CENTRES, a global digital infrastructure provider owned by the DAMAC Group, will go live with facilities in Riyadh and Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) before the end of 2023. The company announced today at LEAP 2023 a further 35 megawatts IT capacity will be built in addition to the 20 megawatts already under construction. Read full information on external site
Nieuwe CPU’s doen datacenters zweten - itdaily.be2023-02-09 Datacenter-processors huisvesten vandaag in een enkele chip dezelfde rekenkracht als een half serverrack enkele jaren geleden. Hogere dichtheid zorgt voor veel rekenkracht op een beperkte oppervlakte en dat is goed nieuws, als je koelinstallatie de uitdaging tenminste aandurft. Read full information on external site
Damac's Saudi data centre units to go live by 2023-end - zawya.com2023-02-09 A further 35 megawatts IT capacity will be built in addition to the 20 megawatts already under construction, they stated. Read full information on external site
Time to Double Check Those Data Center Deadbolts: A Security Review for 2023 - datacenterknowledge.com2023-02-09 Data Center Knowledge contributing editor Bill Kleyman shares insights for data center physical security. Read full information on external site
数据中心UPS“再进化”,施耐德电气推出新一代模块化三相UPS——Galaxy PX - dc.idcquan.com2023-02-09 经过严格的安全评审,Galaxy PX获颁德国莱茵TÜV集团签发的全球首张Live Swap认证证书,设备本身包括显示器、静态旁路、功率模块,都具备在线拔插功能。Read full information on external site
Data Center Advisory Org Uptime Institute Acquires IT Training Company - datacenterknowledge.com2023-02-08 By expanding its training courses, Uptime Institute aims to combat the data center staffing shortage and help data center operators grow and diversify their workforce. Read full information on external site
Words to go: 6 key data center sustainability metrics - techtarget.com2023-02-08 When organizations go green in their data center, they will have to measure the facility's efficiency and environmental impact. Use sustainability metrics to get started. Read full information on external site
Effect cloudkosten op investeringen datacenters nihil - computable.nl2023-02-08 Datacenters moesten gedurende Covid-19 hun capaciteit fors opschalen. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - emb.cl2023-02-08 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de $1100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
Kolokacja serwerów – czy to sposób dla firm na oszczędność i bezpieczeństwo? - biznes.interia.pl2023-02-08 Kolokacja to usługa polegająca na umieszczaniu prywatnych serwerów i sprzętu sieciowego w centrum danych innej firmy. Read full information on external site
Dubai’s Damac-owned data centres in Saudi Arabia to open before end-2023 - gulfnews.com2023-02-08 Damac’s Saudi data centre rollout will total $600m, with hubs in Riyadh and Dammam. Read full information on external site
DAMAC Group accelerates Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - dcnnmagazine.com2023-02-08 DAMAC will go live with facilities in Riyadh and Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) before the end of 2023. Read full information on external site
Uptime acquires CNet Training - digitalisationworld.com2023-02-08 Uptime Institute, the global digital infrastructure authority, has completed its acquisition of Academia Group Limited, and all its global subsidiaries including CNet Training, Ltd. Read full information on external site
Amerykańska agencja ochrony środowiska mówi, że może uregulować farmy kryptowalut – czy centra danych będą następne? - itreseller.com.pl2023-02-08 W liście do amerykańskiej Agencji Ochrony Środowiska (EPA) w poniedziałek niewielka grupa Demokratów wezwała agencję do uchwalenia polityki mającej na celu zmuszenie amerykańskich operacji wydobywania kryptowalut do zgłaszania ich rocznego zużycia energii. Read full information on external site
Tiêu chuẩn, quy chuẩn kỹ thuật đối với trung tâm dữ liệu – czy centra danych będą następne? - vietq.vn2023-02-08 (VietQ.vn) - Các trung tâm dữ liệu của doanh nghiệp đều được đánh giá, công bố phù hợp tiêu chuẩn, góp phần bảo vệ quyền lợi của khách hàng. Read full information on external site
Was 2023 im Storage-Umfeld zu erwarten ist - storage-insider.de2023-02-08 Noch mehr Big Data und Fortschritte in der intelligenten Mobilität werden in diesem Jahr die Leistungsanforderungen weiter nach oben schrauben, während die Public Cloud auf den Prüfstand kommt. Read full information on external site
US environment agency says it can regulate crypto farms - are datacenters next? - klse.i3investor.com2023-02-08 In a letter to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Monday a small group of Democrats called on the agency to enact policies designed to force US crypto-mining operations to report their annual energy consumption. Read full information on external site
Big three cloud giants tighten grip as overall spending slows - are datacenters next? - klse.i3investor.com2023-02-08 Enterprise spending on cloud infrastructure services slowed in the fourth quarter of 2022, but that didn't stop the big three platforms from taking two-thirds of the entire market. Read full information on external site
US environment agency says it can regulate crypto farms - are datacenters next? - headtopics.com2023-02-08 First Bitcoin, next bit barns? Unlikely. Read full information on external site
US environment agency says it can regulate crypto farms - are datacenters next? - are datacenters next? - theregister.com2023-02-07 In a letter to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Monday a small group of Democrats called on the agency to enact policies designed to force US crypto-mining operations to report their annual energy consumption. Read full information on external site
Big three cloud giants tighten grip as overall spending slows - are datacenters next? - theregister.com2023-02-07 The big get bigger. Read full information on external site
Quy định mới thúc đẩy phát triển hạ tầng trung tâm dữ liệu quốc gia - are datacenters next? - baohomnay.com2023-02-07 Nhiều điểm mới trong quy định về trung tâm dữ liệu. Read full information on external site
The role of load banks in 2023?- intelligentdatacentres.com2023-02-07 Paul Brickman, Group Commercial Director at Crestchic Loadbanks, explores the role of load banks as we move through 2023. His discussion centres around the importance of load bank technology in the energy and data centres sector and their role in the coming months. Read full information on external site
Uptime Acquires CNet Training, LTD part of Academia Group LTD?- aithority.com2023-02-07 Dominus Capital, L.P. (Dominus) announced that its portfolio company Uptime Institute (Uptime), the global digital infrastructure authority, has completed its acquisition of Academia Group Limited, and all its global subsidiaries including CNet Training, Ltd. Uptime provides assessment, certification, and consulting services for owners, operators, and users of digital infrastructure, and also provides education, accreditation, and membership network services for data center professionals and organizations. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos: todo es conexión - climanoticias.com2023-02-07 Progreso, crecimiento e innovación tecnológica. El volumen global de datos actualmente se duplica o casi triplica cada dos años. Read full information on external site
DRC’s first open access, carrier-neutral data centre shortly to be operational - itnewsafrica.com2023-02-07 The initial phase of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s first open-access, carrier-neutral data centre, OADC Kinshasa; FIH1, will go live in Q2 2023. It is expected to boost the county’s digital ecosystem and economy by delivering converged open digital infrastructure services for colocation and connectivity. Read full information on external site
DRC’s first open access, carrier-neutral data centre shortly to be operational - za.investing.com2023-02-07 The initial phase of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s first open-access, carrier-neutral data centre, OADC Kinshasa; FIH1, will go live in Q2 2023. It is expected to boost the county’s digital ecosystem and economy by delivering converged open digital infrastructure services for colocation and connectivity. Read full information on external site
Quy định mới thúc đẩy phát triển hạ tầng trung tâm dữ liệu quốc gia - vietnamnet.vn2023-02-07 Việc sửa đổi, bổ sung các quy định áp dụng tiêu chuẩn, quy chuẩn kỹ thuật với trung tâm dữ liệu sẽ thúc đẩy phát triển hạ tầng trung tâm dữ liệu quốc gia. Read full information on external site
Schneider builds the Caribbean’s first Tier-IV certified data center - are datacenters next? - technewstt.com2023-02-06 Businesses in Curaçao now have access to the world-class benefits of a Tier-IV certified data center through Blue NAP Americas, designed and built through the expertise of Schneider Electric. This data center is the only one with such certifications in the Caribbean region. Read full information on external site
Un escenario optimista para la inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - tekiosmag.com2023-02-06 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de US$1.100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
Thúc đẩy phát triển hạ tầng trung tâm dữ liệu quốc gia hiện đại và bền vững - vnmedia.vn2023-02-06 Có hiệu lực thi hành từ ngày 1/2/2023, Thông tư số 23/2022/TT-BTTTT sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Thông tư số 03/2013/TT-BTTTT ngày 22 tháng 01 năm 2013 quy định áp dụng tiêu chuẩn, quy chuẩn kỹ thuật đối với trung tâm dữ liệu đã góp phần thúc đẩy phát triển hạ tầng trung tâm dữ liệu quốc gia hiện đại và bền vững... Read full information on external site
DRC’s first open-access datacentre to be operational by Q2 2023 - itweb.africa2023-02-06 The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) stands to benefit from the country’s first open-access, carrier-neutral datacentre, OADC Kinshasa F1H1. The datacentre is scheduled to go live in Q2 2023. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute acquires Academia Group Limited - networkingplus.co.uk2023-02-06 Uptime Institute has completed its acquisition of Academia Group Limited and all of its global subsidiaries including CNet Training Ltd. Read full information on external site
UK: Uptime Institute acquires technical education company CNet Training - educationinvestor.co.uk2023-02-06 New York City-based IT service management company Uptime Institute has acquired Academia Group and all of its global subsidiaries including CNet Training. Read full information on external site
"México ha hecho varios movimientos para convertirse en un concentrador de centros de datos" - canal-mx.com2023-02-06 Escribe Gustavo Perez, director de ventas para grandes cuentas en Vertiv. Read full information on external site
Quy định mới thúc đẩy phát triển hạ tầng trung tâm dữ liệu quốc gia - baonhanh247.com2023-02-06 Việc sửa đổi, bổ sung các quy định áp dụng tiêu chuẩn, quy chuẩn kỹ thuật với trung tâm dữ liệu sẽ thúc đẩy phát triển hạ tầng trung tâm dữ liệu quốc gia. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Completes Acquisition of CNet Training, the International Award-Winning Technical Education Company - quicknews-africa.net2023-02-04 NEW YORK — Uptime Institute, the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority, a Dominus Capital, L.P. portfolio company, announced today that it has completed its acquisition of Academia Group Limited and all of its global subsidiaries including CNet Training, Ltd. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - diarioestrategia.cl2023-02-03 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de $1100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - itseller.cl2023-02-03 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de $1100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - portalinnova.cl2023-02-03 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de $1100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
Data centres facing three major challenges in 2023 - itbrief.com.au2023-02-03 Data centres are facing three key challenges in 2023, according to Honeywell senior data centre director Alpesh Saraiya. Read full information on external site
Data centres face three key challenges in 2023 - ecovoice.com.au2023-02-02 Sydney, 2 February 2022 – Data centres play a critical role in keeping the global economy productive. Demand for data storage and processing has become insatiable worldwide, which makes it more challenging than ever to operate and scale these facilities efficiently. Read full information on external site
Data centres face three key challenges in 2023 - itwire.com2023-02-02 Sydney, 2 February 2022 – Data centres play a critical role in keeping the global economy productive. Demand for data storage and processing has become insatiable worldwide, which makes it more challenging than ever to operate and scale these facilities efficiently. Read full information on external site
Audyt ośrodka data center - it-professional.pl2023-02-02 U niektórych osób audyt budzi bardzo złe skojarzenia. Szczególnie jeśli ma go prowadzić wyspecjalizowana firma zewnętrzna, która zna się na temacie i na pewno będzie zadawać setki szczegółowych pytań. Read full information on external site
Data centres face three key challenges in 2023 - itbrief.co.nz2023-02-02 Sydney, 2 February 2022 – Data centres play a critical role in keeping the global economy productive. Demand for data storage and processing has become insatiable worldwide, which makes it more challenging than ever to operate and scale these facilities efficiently. Read full information on external site
Data centres face three key challenges in 2023 - datacenternews.asia2023-02-02 Sydney, 2 February 2022 – Data centres play a critical role in keeping the global economy productive. Demand for data storage and processing has become insatiable worldwide, which makes it more challenging than ever to operate and scale these facilities efficiently. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - infoweek.biz2023-02-02 Ciudad de México. 2 febrero, 2023. A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de US$ 1.100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
SABIC launches the first carbon-neutral building in Jubail, Saudi Arabia - worldconstructiontoday.com2023-02-01 SABIC has inaugurated its iconic building in the Saudi industrial city of Jubail, keeping pace with mega development projects contributing to strengthening the kingdom’s global position as a major player in the fields of investment, economy, and business. Read full information on external site
January 2023
Se intensifica la inversión en el mercado de centros de datos en Latinoamérica - peru21.pe2023-01-31 ПАО «ВымпелКом» (бренд «билайн») и компания «Кей Поинт Групп» (бренд «Key Point Group») подписали соглашение об условиях сотрудничества по созданию в Екатеринбурге центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
Tecnología Sostenible Será La Gran Tendencia Del 2023 - elheraldo.co2023-01-31 Esto se vuelve inminente, especialmente cuando se está buscando transversalizar las tecnologías emergentes y exponenciales como la analítica, el loT, la IA, la automatización y la robótica, como parte del camino de transformación digital en el que nos encontramos globalmente. Read full information on external site
Как выбрать модель организации ИТ-инфраструктуры? Мнение экспертов - cnews.ru2023-01-31 Директор по развитию IaaS-продуктов Константин Ансимов и директор по развитию ядра облачной платформы Иван Романько из Selectel в интервью для Market. Read full information on external site
迈向可持续发展:2023年数据中心五大发展趋势 - software.it168.com2023-01-31 在当前气候变化的背景下,全球数据中心将着力解决不断增长的能源和水资源的消耗难题,伴随而来的是数据中心行业也将面临更为严格的能源监管。Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter провел очередной этап импортозамещения в ЦОДах - cnews.ru2023-01-31 Провайдер ИТ-решений для бизнеса Linxdatacenter реализовал очередной этап модернизации инфраструктуры ЦОДов и установил новое оборудование в рамках программы импортозамещения. Read full information on external site
La Inversión En Centros De Datos De Hiperescala En Latinoamérica - ganar-ganar.mx2023-01-31 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de $1100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
迈向可持续发展:2023年数据中心五大发展趋势 - doit.com.cn2023-01-31 在当前气候变化的背景下,全球数据中心将着力解决不断增长的能源和水资源的消耗难题,伴随而来的是数据中心行业也将面临更为严格的能源监管。Read full information on external site
Se intensifica la inversión en el mercado de centros de datos en Latinoamérica - revistaeconomia.com2023-01-31 De acuerdo con un informe de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD), en el 2020, la digitalización se disparó y el tráfico de Internet a escala global aumentó hasta un 35 %, lo cual representó el mayor aumento anual desde 2013. Read full information on external site
The Caribbean’s First Tier IV Data Center is Now a Reality - hostingjournalist.com2023-01-30 An officially Tier-IV Uptime Institute accredited 5MW data center that was created and developed with the aid of Schneider Electric’s expertise is now available to businesses in the Caribbean and beyond. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - itnews.lat2023-01-30 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Read full information on external site
TECHKO® ModularDC – modułowa budowa obiektów typu data center - telepolis.pl2023-01-30 W 2020 roku około 10% wszystkich danych było tworzonych i przetwarzanych poza dużymi centrami danych lub rozwiązaniami związanymi z tak zwaną chmurą publiczną. Prognozy firmy Gartner wskazują na szybki wzrost tej liczby. Firma ta przewiduje, że wskaźnik ten wzrośnie do poziomu 75% w 2025 roku. Read full information on external site
Blue NAP Americas behaalt als eerste regionale datacenter Tier-IV certificatie - dutchdatacenters.nl2023-01-30 Blue NAP Americas heeft als eerste regionale datacenter de Tier-IV certificatie behaald. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - panama24horas.com.pa2023-01-30 El aumento en la generación y el consumo ha llevado a un crecimiento en los centros de datos de hiperescala como respuesta a las necesidades de procesamiento. Read full information on external site
Pilven kasvu hidastui – ”Ei ole aina halvempaa” - tivi.fi2023-01-30 Kovaan kasvuun tottuneet pilvijätit joutuvat tottumaan heikompiin lukuihin. Read full information on external site
Aumenta inversión en centros de hiperescala - itcomunicacion.com.mx2023-01-30 comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de $1100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - esemanal.mx2023-01-30 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de $1100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
Investimentos em data centers hyperscale na América Latina - tiinside.com.br2023-01-30 No início de 2022, a Microsoft anunciou que estava planejando um novo data center no estado de Querétaro, no México, que forneceria serviços para empresas no mundo todo. Este novo data center é parte do plano "Innovate for Mexico", que engloba um investimento de US$ 1,1 bilhão durante cinco anos. Read full information on external site
Curazao tiene el único centro de datos con certificación de nivel IV en la región del Caribe - hoy.com.do2023-01-29 Las empresas en Curazao ahora tienen acceso a los beneficios de clase mundial de un centro de datos certificado Tier-IV a través de Blue NAP Américas, diseñado y construido a través de la experiencia de Schneider Electric, y el único con dicha certificación en la región del Caribe. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - sitquije.com2023-01-27 Ciudad de México, 27 de enero de 2023.- A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el Estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute identifies challenges for data centres in 2023 - digitalinfranetwork.com2023-01-27 The critical digital infrastructure sector continues to thrive in a period of economic uncertainty. Further opportunities and growth are expected in 2023 and 2024, but owners and operators are also likely to face some difficult and expensive challenges, according to a new report from the Uptime Institute which identifies five data centre predictions for the year ahead. Read full information on external site
Dataplanet nu Tier IV - antilliaansdagblad.com2023-01-27 Willemstad - Het Curaçaose datacentrum Dataplanet (officieel Blue NAP Americas), heeft een Tier IV-certificering binnengehaald door de samenwerking met Schneider Electric (SE) aan te gaan. Read full information on external site
한계 맞닥뜨린 데이터센터 효율성... ‘이제 IT가 움직일 차례’ - ciokorea.com2023-01-27 고성능 서버 칩이 요구하는 전력이 하루가 다르게 늘면서 이제 데이터센터의 효율성은 한계에 다다랐다. IT 운영팀이 지속 가능성에 동참할 때다. Read full information on external site
SaaS delivery: quando è meglio scegliere il private cloud. Il caso Fincons - zerounoweb.it2023-01-27 Alla ricerca di una partnership basata sulla condivisione di obiettivi strategici oltre che sulla fornitura di servizi ad alte prestazioni, il system integrator ha deciso di puntare sullo specialista del private cloud per erogare in modalità SaaS la piattaforma di performance. Read full information on external site
Curaçao heeft Tier-IV-gecertificeerd datacenter - channelweb.nl2023-01-27 Bedrijven op Curaçao kunnen sinds kort terecht bij een officieel door het Uptime Institute gecertificeerd Tier IV-datacenter. Read full information on external site
Curaçao heeft Tier-IV-gecertificeerd datacenter - channelweb.nl2023-01-27 Bedrijven op Curaçao kunnen sinds kort terecht bij een officieel door het Uptime Institute gecertificeerd Tier IV-datacenter. Read full information on external site
Tendencias en los centros de datos Vertiv 2023 - conectronica.com2023-01-27 En 2023, la industria gestionará el consumo y la huella de carbono impulsando tendencias hacia la regulación, la normalización y la búsqueda de alternativas de generación de energía. Los centros de datos se enfrentan a un mayor número de normativas. Read full information on external site
HostDime in talks with investors to raise $100M+ to build data centers - bizjournals.com2023-01-27 HostDime.com Inc. used to get one inquiry a month from groups interested in investing in the Orlando-based data center operator. In the last 24 months, the volume of those emails and calls more than doubled. Read full information on external site
Investimentos Em Data Centers Hyperscale Na América Latina - partnersales.com.br2023-01-27 No início de 2022, a Microsoft anunciou que estava planejando um novo data center no estado de Querétaro, no México, que forneceria serviços para empresas no mundo todo. Este novo data center é parte do plano “Innovate for Mexico”, que engloba um investimento de US$ 1,1 bilhão durante cinco anos. Read full information on external site
Investimentos em Data Centers hyperscale na América Latina - inforchannel.com.br2023-01-27 No início de 2022, a Microsoft anunciou que estava planejando um novo Data Center no estado de Querétaro, no México, que forneceria serviços para empresas no mundo todo. Read full information on external site
First Tier 4 data center in Curaçao a fact - curacaochronicle.com2023-01-27 WILLEMSTAD - Curaçao now has access to a Tier-IV certified data center through Blue NAP Americas. Tier IV is the highest achievable standard for data centers worldwide in the Uptime Institute classification system. Read full information on external site
¿Cuál es la inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica? - computerworldmexico.com.mx2023-01-27 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Read full information on external site
Surging cloud costs leave companies rethinking their strategies - mirantis.com2023-01-27 Ruby on Rails creator David Heinemeier Hansson raised eyebrows late last year when he announced via blog post that his company 37Signals was leaving the public cloud. Read full information on external site
Curaçao is home to the only Tier-IV Certified Data Centre in C'bbean - tt.loopnews.com2023-01-26 Built and designed by Schneider Electric, Curaçao businesses would now enjoy world-class management and operations. Read full information on external site
Microsoft yesterday experienced an outage in online services including Teams, M365 and Outlook - outfable.com2023-01-26 According to Bloomberg News, Microsoft yesterday experienced an outage in online services including Teams, M365 and Outlook. Read full information on external site
Brașovenii de la ROMARG au investit 11,5 milioane de lei într-un centru de date. Alte 3,2 milioane de lei au fost investite într-o soluţie de securitate bazată pe inteligența artificială - bizbrasov.ro2023-01-26 Compania românească ROMARG, specializată în furnizarea serviciilor de găzduire web şi înregistrare domenii din România, a investit în ultimii patru ani circa 11,5 milioane de lei în construirea şi dotarea centrului său de date din Braşov, din care aproximativ 6,5 milioane de lei au fost alocate în perioada pandemiei către schimbarea întregii infrastructuri. Read full information on external site
5 tendencias para los centros de datos en 2023 - cxo-community.com2023-01-26 La gestión de la huella de carbono y del consumo impulsan las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - itsitio.com2023-01-26 A comienzos de 2022, Microsoft anunció que tenía planeado un nuevo centro de datos en el estado de Querétaro, México, el cual ofrecería sus servicios a empresas de todo el mundo. Este nuevo centro de datos es parte del plan “Innovación para México”, que contempla una inversión de $1100 millones a lo largo de cinco años. Read full information on external site
La inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - diarioti.com2023-01-26 Los líderes industriales prevén que, en los próximos 5 años, los países latinoamericanos comenzarán a aparecer en la lista de naciones de hiperescala. Read full information on external site
Curaçao is home to the only Tier-IV Certified Data Centre in C'bbean - caribbean.loopnews.com2023-01-26 Built and designed by Schneider Electric, Curaçao businesses would now enjoy world-class management and operations. Read full information on external site
Daycohost obtiene certificación PCI-SSC - estamosenlinea.com.ve2023-01-26 Enero, 2023. Daycohost, el habilitador de servicios tecnológicos bajo modelos de nube, con la infraestructura tecnológica más robusta y de más avanzada en Venezuela, obtuvo la certificación PCI, Payment Card Insdustry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), que otorga el Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), reconocido como el estándar global de seguridad de datos para la industria de medios de pago, administrado por el Consejo de Estándares de Seguridad de PCI, fundado por American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide y Visa Inc. Read full information on external site
HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer Discusses Cooperation between DEWA and SAP SEC - gulfoilandgas.com2023-01-25 HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), received Christian Klein, CEO and member of the Executive Board of SAP SE. Read full information on external site
What caused the Microsoft outage on Wednesday morning? - canadatoday.news2023-01-26 Microsoft on Wednesday morning reported a “network configuration issue” that caused a number of the company’s products to fail, including Microsoft Teams and Outlook. Read full information on external site
DEWA joins SAP SE to transform Dubai into a city of future - focus.hidubai.com2023-01-25 HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), received Christian Klein, CEO and member of the Executive Board of SAP SE. Read full information on external site
Arsys obtiene la certificación ISO 14001 de gestión ambiental - escudodigital.com2023-01-25 SGS ha valorado la aplicación del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental y la Política de Calidad, Seguridad y Medioambiente de la compañía en sus centros de trabajo, así como la ingeniería y operación de los datacenters. Read full information on external site
Microsoft cloud revenue still sky-high as device sales continue to slide - itpro.co.uk2023-01-25 The company's latest earnings call revealed that Azure cloud products delivered better-than-expected results while numbers in other divisions fell substantially. Read full information on external site
Data Center Legislation: How New Laws Affect Industry Growth - datacenterknowledge.com2023-01-25 Both pending and existing laws and regulations could result in increased costs and delays, more stringent requirements, and a slowdown in growth. Read full information on external site
Microsoft cloud revenue still sky-high as device sales continue to slide - itpro.com2023-01-25 The company's latest earnings call revealed that Azure cloud products delivered better-than-expected results while numbers in other divisions fell substantially. Read full information on external site
Pasul Urmãtor În Prefabricare: Design-ul Hibrid În Centrele De Date Hyperscale - easyengineering.ro2023-01-25 A fost o vreme, nu cu mult timp în urmă, când percepția principală asupra centrelor de date era că fiecare facilitate de acest tip era unică. Read full information on external site
A focus on cooling - datacentrereview.com2023-01-25 For those of us who have worked in the data centre industry for years, we appreciate that these technical buildings are fundamental to the functioning of today’s economy and modern society. Read full information on external site
Centres de données : des augmentations de tarifs semblent inéluctables en 2023 - itsocial.fr2023-01-25 Après trois ans de crises successives qui ont provoqué une augmentation des coûts des opérateurs des centres de données, l’année 2023 devrait être celle du « rattrapage ». Read full information on external site
The Only Tier-IV Certified Data Center in Caribbean Region, Built and Designed by Schneider Electric, Calls Curacao Home - extra.cw2023-01-25 Businesses in Curacao now have access to the world-class benefits of a Tier-IV certified data center through Blue NAP Americas, designed and built through the expertise of Schneider Electric, and the only one of such certification in the Caribbean region. Read full information on external site
¿Qué necesita Latinoamérica para impulsar la inversión en centros de datos? - estrategiaynegocios.ne2023-01-25 Latinoamérica ha contribuido con la creciente tendencia de digitalización y el tráfico de Internet; los datos de Cisco muestran que en 2018 el 60 % de la población regional estaba compuesta por usuarios de Internet, pero dicho número alcanzará el 70 % para 2023. Read full information on external site
О чем говорят сертификаты дата-центров - pcnews.ru2023-01-25 Далеко не все дата-центры проходят сертификацию Tier, поэтому в этой статье будут разобраны и другие стандарты и сертификаты, показывающие надежность ЦОД. Read full information on external site
Breaking News: Microsoft Azure Outage Wipes Out Teams, 365, and Outlook – Caused by Network Issues - datacenterknowledge.com2023-01-25 Microsoft experienced a three-hour outage to its core M365 offerings due to Azure network issues. Read full information on external site
What caused Wednesday morning's Microsoft outage? - newsbreak.com2023-01-25 Microsoft reported a " networking configuration issue " on Wednesday morning which resulted in an outage of a number of the company's products including Microsoft Teams and Outlook. Read full information on external site
What caused Wednesday morning's Microsoft outage? - theweek.com2023-01-25 Microsoft reported a " networking configuration issue " on Wednesday morning which resulted in an outage of a number of the company's products including Microsoft Teams and Outlook. Read full information on external site
Cloud growth experiencing ‘slowdown’ amid rising economic disruption - techcentral.ie2023-01-24 Decreased revenue growth rates for hyperscalers such as AWS have given rise to concerns of a cloud market ‘slowdown’. Read full information on external site
Los equipos de TI deben asumir más responsabilidad en la sostenibilidad de los centros de datos - computerworld.es2023-01-24 Según el Uptime Institute, los departamentos informáticos de los centros de datos deben equilibrar un menor consumo de energía eléctrica con el uso de silicio de nueva generación, menos eficiente energéticamente. Read full information on external site
Cloud growth experiencing ‘slowdown’ amid rising economic disruption - itpro.com2023-01-24 Decreased revenue growth rates for hyperscalers such as AWS have given rise to concerns of a cloud market ‘slowdown’. Read full information on external site
Cloud growth experiencing ‘slowdown’ amid rising economic disruption - itpro.co.uk2023-01-24 Decreased revenue growth rates for hyperscalers such as AWS have given rise to concerns of a cloud market ‘slowdown’. Read full information on external site
Wo die Cloud am klimafreundlichsten ist - factorynet.at2023-01-23 Ein online-Tool verspricht, dass Unternehmen sowohl ihre Cloud-Emissionen als auch ihre Kosten senken können, indem sie ihre Workloads in andere Regionen verlagern. Einzig die Schnelligkeit soll damit eingebüßt werden. Read full information on external site
Los equipos de TI deben asumir más responsabilidad en la sostenibilidad de los centros de datos - ciospain.es2023-01-23 Según el Uptime Institute, los departamentos informáticos de los centros de datos deben equilibrar un menor consumo de energía eléctrica con el uso de silicio de nueva generación, menos eficiente energéticamente. Read full information on external site
De groei van de cloud vertraagt, maar nog steeds zeer gezonde cijfers - dutchdatacenters.nl2023-01-23 Het Uptime Institute heeft een rapport gepubliceerd waaruit blijkt dat de groei van de grote cloudproviders vertraagt, wat suggereert dat het tijdperk van hyperexpansie ten einde loopt. AWS rapporteerde een kwartaal-op-kwartaal omzetstijging van 27,5 procent voor het derde kwartaal van 2022, dit is een daling ten opzichte van de 33 procent in het tweede kwartaal. Read full information on external site
Рост мощности серверных чипов становится проблемой для устаревших ЦОД - servernews.ru2023-01-23 Производители с каждым годом наращивают производительность выпускаемых чипов, что, как утверждает Uptime Institute, может создать проблемы для многих устаревших центров обработки данных, не оборудованных соответствующим образом для работы с новыми системами с более высокой мощностью, передаёт The Register. Read full information on external site
Sabey Data Centers Receives 9 Data Center Uptime Performance Awards - telecomnewsroom.com2023-01-23 Sabey Data Centers, a dedicated partner of Uptime Institute, announced that the company has received Uptime Institute’s Data Center Uptime Performance awards for nine of their data centers in 2022. Read full information on external site
Kwach: Africa Data Centres provides rich ecosystem - standardmedia.co.ke2023-01-23 The IT specialist, who has a Master of Science in Information Technology from the University of Liverpool, and an Uptime Institute Accredited Tier specialist, on Thursday last week saw the ADC break ground for a new data centre that could increase the capacity of the Sameer Business Park facility from four to 15 MegaWatts of IT load. Read full information on external site
Crece la inversión en centros de datos de hiperescala en Latinoamérica - thestandardcio.com2023-01-23 El aumento en la generación y el consumo impulsa el crecimiento de los centros de datos de hiperescala como respuesta a las necesidades de procesamiento en Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Los equipos de TI deben asumir más responsabilidad en la sostenibilidad de los centros de datos - cio.com.mx2023-01-23 Según el Uptime Institute, los departamentos informáticos de los centros de datos deben equilibrar un menor consumo de energía eléctrica con el uso de silicio de nueva generación, menos eficiente energéticamente. Read full information on external site
IT to shoulder more responsibility for data centre sustainability - arnnet.com.au2023-01-21 Data centre IT teams must balance the need to consume less electrical power with the need to use power-hungry next-gen silicon, Uptime Institute says. Read full information on external site
IT to shoulder more responsibility for data centre sustainability - reseller.co.nz2023-01-21 Data centre IT teams must balance the need to consume less electrical power with the need to use power-hungry next-gen silicon, Uptime Institute says. Read full information on external site
IT to shoulder more responsibility for data centre sustainability - sg.channelasia.tech2023-01-21 Data centre IT teams must balance the need to consume less electrical power with the need to use power-hungry next-gen silicon, Uptime Institute says. Read full information on external site
„Просто изчезна“: когато технологиите, на които разчитаме, се сринат - technews.bg2023-01-21 Какво се случва, когато доставчикът ни на облачни услуги внезапно претърпи срив заради хакерска атака или природно бедствие? Read full information on external site
Mujer pierde su negocio online, todo su contenido desapareció de la nube - headtopics.com2023-01-21 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
Mujer pierde su negocio online, todo su contenido desapareció de la nube - eluniversal.com.mx2023-01-21 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
IT to shoulder more responsibility for data centre sustainability - networkworld.com2023-01-20 Data centre IT teams must balance the need to consume less electrical power with the need to use power-hungry next-gen silicon, Uptime Institute says. Read full information on external site
Five principles data center managers must consider to address the talent shortage - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-01-20 Employers must venture outside the typical job description for hires, promoting diversity and leveraging the latest technology. Read full information on external site
IT to shoulder more responsibility for data center sustainability - networkworld.com2023-01-20 Data-center IT teams must balance the need to consume less electrical power with the need to use power-hungry next-gen silicon, Uptime Institute says. Read full information on external site
Report: Cloud-based networks under growing attack - headtopics.com2023-01-20 Thanks for putting all your data in one basket. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: ’90% bedrijven verwacht meer datacentercapaciteit nodig te hebben’ - datacenterworks.nl2023-01-20 Terwijl meer en meer techbedrijven moeten afslanken nu de COVID 19-pandemie achter de rug is, verwachten veel enteroprise-organisaties juist een uitbreiding van de benodigde datacenter-capaciteit. Read full information on external site
Virada na onda da cloud - baguete.com.br2023-01-20 AWS, Microsoft e Google Cloud, os três grandes fornecedores de nuvem pública, estão reduzindo o seu ritmo de crescimento, levando alguns analistas a considerar que a grande onda de investimentos em cloud pode ter atingido o seu pico. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos: durante el 2023 el consumo energético cobrará importancia - diariodecuyo.com.ar2023-01-20 Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
СМИ: новые процессоры Intel и AMD оказались «непригодны» для серверов - 4pda.to2023-01-20 Издание The Register опубликовало отчёт консорциума Uptime Institute с критикой в адрес новейших серверных процессоров Intel и AMD. По словам представителей организации, высокая мощность этих решений может стать серьёзной проблемой для оборудования дата-центров. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido se borró de la nube - elcomercio.pe2023-01-20 La computación en la nube permite a las pequeñas empresas gestionar sus datos sin tener que operar su propia infraestructura tecnológica. Read full information on external site
Cloud public, holà sur les migrations ! - soluxions-magazine.com2023-01-20 Ralentissement Du Rythme Des Migrations Vers Le Cloud Public En 2023, Prévoit L'uptime Institute. Qui Explique La Tendance Par Les Pressions Sur Les Coûts Et Des Attentes Non Satisfaites... Read full information on external site
Geopolitics deepens supply chain worries - datacenterdynamics.com2023-01-19 The data center industry is particularly exposed to the threats posed by current geopolitical trajectories. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - br.noticias.yahoo.com2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - g1.globo.com2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - portalvarada.com2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - bbc.com2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - epocanegocios.globo.com2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
Intel, AMD just created a headache for datacenters - theregister.com2023-01-19 Server silos didn't see today's watt-gobbling, space-heater chips coming. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - correiobraziliense.com.br2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
AMD i Intel w pogoni za wydajnością centrów obliczeniowych, stawiają coraz większe wymagania odnośnie ich chłodzenia - itreseller.com.pl2023-01-19 W pogoni za coraz większą gęstością obliczeniową producenci układów scalonych dodają im coraz więcej mocy, a według Uptime Institute może to oznaczać kłopoty dla wielu starszych centrów danych, które nie są przygotowane do obsługi nowych systemów o większej mocy. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - bbc.com2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
‘It Just Disappeared’: Woman loses online business with disappearance of all content in the cloud - ukdaily.news2023-01-19 Natalie Brown has spent a decade struggling to grow her blog into a thriving business. Until one day it disappeared. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - headtopics.com2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - em.com.br2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
Cloud growth slowing as customers get a dose of cost reality - headtopics.com2023-01-19 Oh dear, AWS. Cloud growth slowing as customers get a dose of cost reality. Read full information on external site
Intel и AMD создали головную боль всем ЦОДам. Новейшие процессоры оказались очень прожорливыми и слишком горячими - cnews.ru2023-01-19 Новые серверные чипы AMD Epyc 4 Genoa и Intel Xeon Scalable четвертого поколения непригодны к использованию в современных дата-центрах. Read full information on external site
Intel и AMD создали головную боль всем ЦОДам. Новейшие процессоры оказались очень прожорливыми и слишком горячими - zoom.cnews.ru2023-01-19 Новые серверные чипы AMD Epyc 4 Genoa и Intel Xeon Scalable четвертого поколения непригодны к использованию в современных дата-центрах. Read full information on external site
Oh dear, AWS. Cloud growth slowing as customers get a dose of cost reality - theregister.com2023-01-19 Bit factory giants see sales slimming in economically challenged times, party still far from over Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - abnoticianews.com.br2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
'Simplesmente sumiu': mulher perde negócio online com desaparecimento de todo conteúdo na nuvem - headtopics.com2023-01-19 Natalie Brown transformou seu blog em um negócio próspero ao longo de uma década, investindo bastante esforço nele. Até que, um dia, ele desapareceu. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute прогнозирует замедление темпов миграции в публичные облака в 2023 году - servernews.ru2023-01-19 Uptime Institute полагает, что в связи с ростом затрат и неоправдавшимися ожиданиями некоторые предприятия в этом году приостановят или замедлят миграцию в облака. Read full information on external site
US hyperscale datacentre operator completes first phase of nuclear-powered server farm campus - computerweekly.com2023-01-18 US-based Cumulus Data has completed the powered shell infrastructure of its datacentre campus, which will be directly fed nuclear power from a neighbouring plant. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - eleconomista.net2023-01-18 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - prensalibre.com2023-01-18 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - laprensagrafica.com2023-01-18 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - eldeber.com.bo2023-01-18 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - elcomercio.pe2023-01-18 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
Orange et BUTEC annoncent la mise en service de la solarisation du Groupe Orange Services - africabusinesscommunities.com2023-01-18 Cette initiative de solarisation du GOS ambitionne de faire du pays, le hub énergétique de la sous-région à l’horizon 2030 avec un mix énergétique de 42 % d’énergies renouvelables. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - msn.com2023-01-18 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
Solarisation : satisfaire 50% du Data Center d’Orange en Afrique - afrimag.net2023-01-18 Orange et Butec annoncent la mise en service de la solarisation du Groupe Orange Services (GOS) afin de satisfaire 50% de la consommation d’énergie en journée du principal Data Center d’Orange en Afrique. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - larepublica.net2023-01-18 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute predicts slower pace of public cloud migrations in 2023 - computerweekly.com2023-01-18 Datacentre resiliency think tank Uptime Institute claims cost pressures and unmet expectations around cloud benefits may lead some enterprises to pause or slow down their migration plans this yeara. Read full information on external site
Data center Orange en Afrique: Orange et Butec annoncent la mise en service de la solarisation du GOS - afriquinfos.com2023-01-17 Depuis octobre 2022, Orange a mis en service avec Butec, (un groupe basé à Dubaï ayant finalisé l’acquisition de 17 filiales en Afrique cédées en 2022 par le groupe ENGIE), une centrale photovoltaïque au sein du GOS, en toiture, sur table au sol et sur ombrières de parkings solaires, d’une puissance totale installée de 355kWc. Read full information on external site
'It had just vanished' - the shock when tech fails - bbc.com2023-01-17 Natalie Brown had built her blog into a thriving business over the course of a decade, pouring heaps of effort into it. Then it disappeared. Read full information on external site
'It had just vanished' - the shock when tech fails - dailymagazine.news2023-01-17 Natalie Brown had built her blog into a thriving business over the course of a decade, pouring heaps of effort into it. Then it disappeared. Read full information on external site
Orange Et Butec Annoncent La Mise En Service De La Solarisation Du Groupe Orange Services (Gos) Afin De Satisfaire 50% De La Consommation D'énergie En Journée Du Principal Data Center D'orange En Afri - info-communication.com2023-01-17 Depuis Octobre 2022, Orange (www.Orange.com) a mis en service avec Butec, (un groupe basé à Dubaï ayant finalisé l'acquisition de 17 filiales en Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - bbc.com2023-01-17 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - elobservador.com.uy2023-01-17 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - msn.com2023-01-17 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - larepublica.net2023-01-17 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - headtopics.com2023-01-17 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - lanacion.com.ar2023-01-17 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
La mujer que perdió su negocio online cuando todo el contenido desapareció de la nube - noticieromadrid.es2023-01-17 La computación en la nube tiene muchas ventajas pero también el riesgo de perderlo todo en un momento, como le ocurrió a esta empresaria. Read full information on external site
TaiSEIA 力推PUE量測 - udn.com2023-01-16 PUE值忠實反應資料中心的電力使用效率,台灣智慧能源產業協會(TaiSEIA)積極推動PUE量測,以有效管理、降低能耗為目標,多年下來,市場接受度提升,會員也分享節能心得。Read full information on external site
5 tendencias del consumo y eficiencia energética de los centros de datos para el 2023 - cxo-community.com2023-01-16 La gestión de la huella de carbono y del consumo impulsan las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores。Read full information on external site
Arcus acquires an 85% shareholding in European Data Hub S.A. - intelligentdatacentres.com2023-01-16 Arcus Infrastructure has announced that Arcus European Infrastructure Fund 3 SCSp (AEIF3) has, acquired as part of its regional edge colocation strategy, an 85% shareholding in European Data Hub S.A. AEIF3’s stake in EDH has been acquired from the Luxembourg-based Wagner Group. Read full information on external site
WIIT acquisisce Global Access e prosegue la propria espansione in Germania - investireoggi.it2023-01-16 WIIT.MI), uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid Cloud e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, società quotata sul segmento Euronext STAR Milan del mercato Euronext Milan, organizzato e gestito da Borsa Italiana S.p.A., comunica che, in data odierna, è stato sottoscritto dalla propria controllata tedesca myLoc managed IT AG (“myLoc”) un accordo per l’acquisto del 100% del capitale sociale di Global Access Internet Services GmbH (“GLOBAL”). Read full information on external site
Arcus acquires an 85% shareholding in European Data Hub S.A. - intelligentcio.com2023-01-16 Arcus Infrastructure has announced that Arcus European Infrastructure Fund 3 SCSp (AEIF3) has, acquired as part of its regional edge colocation strategy, an 85% shareholding in European Data Hub S.A. AEIF3’s stake in EDH has been acquired from the Luxembourg-based Wagner Group. Read full information on external site
Sustentabilidad y eficiencia energética: los desafíos para los centros de datos en 2023 - iproup.com2023-01-15 La gestión de la huella de carbono y del consumo impulsan las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas. Read full information on external site
Digital Halo Announces Platform Launch As Demand for Digital Infrastructure in Asia Grows - hubbis.com2023-01-12 Digital Halo (DH), a regional digital infrastructure platform based in Singapore, has announced its official launch, which will capitalise on the growing demand for digitized information tech and operations solutions in Southeast and North Asia. Read full information on external site
Chekhub Partners with Nomad Futurist Foundation to Launch The Nomad Futurist Academy - hubbis.com2023-01-12 Chekhub announces its partnership with the Nomad Futurist Foundation as the Learning Management Systems (LMS) platform to enable robust educational and training initiatives for the Nomad Futurist Academy. Read full information on external site
Four keys to managing public cloud cost - federalnewsnetwork.com2023-01-12 Since the days of Cloud Smart and Cloud First, government agencies have been encouraged to move data and applications to the cloud to save time and money. But has the public cloud lived up to this promise? The answer is complicated. Read full information on external site
Atos Launches Greener HPC Cloud Servers - engineering.com2023-01-11 New hybrid and edge servers focus on AI/ML, big data and more. Read full information on external site
Realising future sustainability ambitions in the data centre today - futurecio.tech2023-01-11 However we want to look at it, every software application we use today runs off from some computing device – this could your mobile device, the server quietly humming in the back of the office or in a data centre owned and operated by the business, managed by someone else, co-located with a provider, or one of those cloud services. Read full information on external site
Atos unveils the BullSequana SH server for secure, carbon-efficient hybrid computing and BullSequana EX series for trusted AI applications at the edge - atos.net2023-01-11 Atos today launches its new hybrid server, the BullSequana SH powered by 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, and two new edge servers, the BullSequana EXR and the BullSequana EXD, to help businesses address AI and analytics challenges in the face of today’s vast data growth. Read full information on external site
Why Data Centers Need Microgrids - microgridknowledge.com2023-01-10 Microgrids can help data center operators improve electric resilience, lower energy costs and achieve sustainability goals. Read full information on external site
Why Data Centers Need Microgrids - datacenterfrontier.com2023-01-10 Microgrids can help data center operators improve electric resilience, lower energy costs and achieve sustainability goals. Read full information on external site
Why CFOs should be asking for cloud scalability for the new year - financederivative.com2023-01-10 Microgrids can help data center operators improve electric resilience, lower energy costs and achieve sustainability goals. Read full information on external site
Aus der Werkzeugkiste des Uptime-Institute Welcher Hyperscaler liefert am umweltfreundlichsten? - cloudcomputing-insider.de2023-01-10 Wie viele Emissionen erzeugt die Cloud, auf der die eigenen Apps oder Daten liegen? Read full information on external site
The role of load banks in 2023 - powerengineeringint.com2023-01-10 As the demand for backup power intensifies, so too does the need for load banks. Paul Brickman explores the role of load banks this year. Read full information on external site
Combating the Climate Crisis Effect on Data Centers - dzone.com2023-01-10 Here's a look at the impact of the climate crisis on data centers and what you can do about it. Read full information on external site
У «МОСКВА-СИТИ» ПОСТРОЯТ IT-ТЕХНОПАРК КОМПАНИИ UPTIME INSTITUTE - abnews.ru2023-01-08 Возведение центра обработки данных (ЦОД), сертифицированного компанией Uptime Institute, на 1,1 тыс. серверных стоек в новом ИТ-технопарке неподалеку от международного делового центра «Москва-Сити» планируют начать во втором квартале этого года, заявил президент ГК «ФСК» Владимир Воронин. Read full information on external site
Центр обработки данных в ИТ-технопарке рядом с «Москва-Сити» начнут строить в апреле-июне - news.rambler.ru2023-01-06 Строительство центра обработки данных (ЦОД), сертифицированного компанией Uptime Institute, на 1,1 тыс. серверных стоек в новом ИТ-технопарке рядом с московским международным деловым центром «Москва-Сити» планируется начать в II квартале 2023 года. Об этом ранее журналистам сообщил президент ГК «ФСК» Владимир Воронин. Read full information on external site
IPO, Data Sinergitama Jaya (ELIT) Kelebihan Permintaan 222 Kali - economy.okezone.com2023-01-06 PT Data Sinergitama Jaya Tbk (ELIT) atau Elitery melakukan IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada hari ini, Jumat (6/1/2023). ELIT akan menjadi perusahaan tercatat ke-3 di BEI pada tahun 2023. Read full information on external site
Vietnam ramps up data centre construction - intellasia.net2023-01-06 A massive rise in the demand for data storage and the resulting increase in high-quality data centers (DCs) being built to meet that demand have led to Vietnam being named amongst the world’s top 10 emerging markets in the data storage industry. Read full information on external site
Vietnam ramps up data center construction - talkvietnam.com2023-01-05 A massive rise in the demand for data storage and the resulting increase in high-quality data centers (DCs) being built to meet that demand have led to Vietnam being named amongst the world's top 10 emerging markets in the data storage industry. Read full information on external site
AREA Advisory inks agreement to buy, develop land in Delapan SBEZ into data centre park with RM15b GDV - edgeprop.my2023-01-05 Delapan SBEZ — of which Northern Gateway is the master developer — features a free commercial and industrial zone located at the northern end of the North-South Expressway and the Malaysia Federal Route 1, with an access to the Bukit Kayu Hitam Inland Port. Read full information on external site
Yotta Announces Exclusive Partnership with Australian Company Hardcat - cxotoday.com2023-01-05 Yotta Data Services (formerly Yotta Infrastructure) has partnered with Melbourne-based Hardcat Pty Ltd to launch its enterprise asset management platform, Hardcat Lebosi, in India. Read full information on external site
Vietnam ramps up data center construction - tuoitrenews.vn2023-01-05 A massive rise in the demand for data storage and the resulting increase in high-quality data centers (DCs) being built to meet that demand have led to Vietnam being named amongst the world’s top 10 emerging markets in the data storage industry. Read full information on external site
Hút tiền từ trung tâm dữ liệu ở Việt Nam - soha.vn2023-01-04 Mọi người tung đủ thứ lên mạng. Nhu cầu lớn về lưu trữ dữ liệu đã khiến nhiều trung tâm dữ liệu (Data Center - DC) thuộc hàng xịn sò liên tục được xây dựng, đưa Việt Nam vào tốp 10 thị trường mới nổi về DC trên thế giới. Read full information on external site
Critical Insight 2022 – Keynote Day 1: The Data Centre in 2022 & Beyond - datacentrereview.com2023-01-04 Ali Moinuddin, Chief Corporate Development Officer & Managing Director (Europe) at Uptime Institute, launched Critical Insight 2022 with his overview of the data centre sector in 2022 and beyond. Read full information on external site
Data centers face three key challenges heading into 2023 - vmblog.com2023-01-04 Data centers play a critical role in keeping the global economy productive. Demand for data storage and processing has become insatiable worldwide, which makes it more challenging than ever to operate and scale these facilities efficiently. Read full information on external site
Don’t let the four consequences of an outage ruin your new year - globalbankingandfinance.com2023-01-03 The festive period might be winding down – we’re all feeling the effects of celebrations as we head back into the office.The festive period might be winding down – we’re all feeling the effects of celebrations as we head back into the office. Read full information on external site
How to Mitigate Network Risks to Achieve Highly Resilient Business Services - opsmatters.com2023-01-03 They say change is good. But in IT operations, change is also the number one cause of outages. Read full information on external site
Hút tiền từ trung tâm dữ liệu ở Việt Nam - tuoitre.vn2023-01-03 Mọi người tung đủ thứ lên mạng. Nhu cầu lớn về lưu trữ dữ liệu đã khiến nhiều trung tâm dữ liệu (Data Center - DC) thuộc hàng xịn sò liên tục được xây dựng, đưa Việt Nam vào tốp 10 thị trường mới nổi về DC trên thế giới. Read full information on external site
Novi način distribucije energije za podatkovne centre - ictbusiness.info2023-01-03 Schneider Electric predstavio je rješenje u klasi inteligentnih uređaja za distribuciju napajanja u ormarima za instalaciju poslužitelja - APC NetShelter Rack PDU Advanced. Riječ je o uređaju koji svojom prilagodljivosti omogućava voditeljima podatkovnih centara lakšu obradu sve većih količina podataka koji se pojavljuju u današnjem poslovanju. Read full information on external site
Bludata, de Blumenau é primeira de Santa Catarina a conquistar certificação global de prédio sustentável - valemaisnoticia.com.br2023-01-03 Companhia recebeu da GBC Brasil a certificação máxima Leed, que faz parte de um movimento global de reconhecimento a iniciativas sustentáveis. Toda a estrutura conta com diferenciais que reduzem impacto ao meio ambiente, dos insumos para construção aos equipamentos utilizados no dia a dia. Read full information on external site
10 Daftar Emiten yang IPO di 2023, Ada Produsen Minuman Beralkohol - rctiplus.com2023-01-02 IDXChannel Daftar emiten yang IPO di tahun 2023 menarik untuk dibahas. Penutupan pasar perdagangan Bursa ditandai dengan apresiasi Presiden Joko Widodo terkait adanya peningkatan dibanding Bursa negara lain. Read full information on external site
The top 22 articles of 2022 - missioncriticalmagazine.com2023-01-02 A collection of featured articles, news stories, case studies, quizzes, and product releases. Read full information on external site
Bludata, de Blumenau, é primeira de SC a conquistar certificação global de prédio sustentável - noticenter.com.br2023-01-02 A Bludata, empresa de tecnologia localizada em Blumenau, é a primeira de Santa Catarina a contar com a certificação de prédio verde. Read full information on external site
Design Parameters for Data Center Facilities - structuremag.org2023-01-01 The Age of IoT (Internet of Things) has come much sooner than anticipated. Read full information on external site
December 2022
Вымпелком и Key Point Group подписали в Екатеринбурге третье соглашение о стратегическом партнерстве - content-review.com2022-12-30 ПАО «ВымпелКом» (бренд «билайн») и компания «Кей Поинт Групп» (бренд «Key Point Group») подписали соглашение об условиях сотрудничества по созданию в Екатеринбурге центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
Estima consumo energético y la eficiencia cobrarán importancia en 2023 - lavozdeljoven.net2022-12-30 Los avances en el diseño y la fabricación de chips que limitaron el consumo energético de los servidores durante la primera década. Read full information on external site
Chile's Sonda secures third tier IV certification for Kudos datacenter - bnamericas.com2022-12-29 Chilean systems integrator Sonda obtained a third tier IV certification for its Kudos datacenter, in the Quilicura municipality of Santiago. Read full information on external site
数据中心行业进入2023年 效率问题日益突出?- citnews.com.cn2022-12-29 2023年,数据中心将经历更多的监管和第三方监督,因为在持续气候变化的背景下,世界继续努力应对该行业不断上升的能源和水资源消耗。Read full information on external site
Nationwide Pet Insurance Review?- miamiherald.com2022-12-29 For the past three years, market research firm DALBAR has recognized Nationwide for customer experience excellence. Other organizations have also acknowledged the company, including the advisory organization Uptime Institute and the job recruiting platform Handshake. Read full information on external site
Vertiv: Von mehr Regulierung bis zum Metaverse - datacenter-insider.de2022-12-29 Rechenzentrumsexperten aus dem Hause Vertiv stellen fest: Der Fokus auf die Gesamtauswirkungen von Rechenzentren auf die Umwelt und die Gesellschaft verstärkt sich und gehört definitiv zu den fünf Branchentrends, die sie für das kommende Jahr ausgemacht haben. Read full information on external site
Softline открывает центр обработки данных в Минске - tadviser.ru2022-12-28 ГК Softline, поставщик решений и сервисов в области цифровой трансформации и информационной безопасности, 28 декабря 2022 года сообщил TAdviser об открытии центра обработки данных в Минске. Read full information on external site
Softline открывает центр обработки данных в Минске - servernews.ru2022-12-28 Компания Softline, работающая в области информационных технологий и предлагающая широкий спектр инфраструктурных и прикладных IT-решений для корпоративного рынка, сообщила об открытии центра обработки данных в Минске (Республика Беларусь). Read full information on external site
¿Qué ocurrirá con los centros de datos en 2023? - itseller.cl2022-12-27 Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
日昇意定機電顧問服務 打造Tier III資料中心 - money.udn.com2022-12-26 在節能減碳趨勢下,資料中心營運以追求更低PUE值為目標,PUE值越低,代表機房空調冷卻的耗電更少。Uptime Institute機房認證的Tier III,也被業界奉為標準,這些對日昇意定科技顧問創辦人朱國權而言均非難事。Read full information on external site
科技 2023年資料中心 五趨勢一次看 - chinatimes.com2022-12-26 關鍵數位基礎架構與連續性解決方案全球供應商Vertiv(NYSE: VRT)專家每年都會針對資料中心未來一年的重要趨勢提供見解,Vertiv最新點出2023年資料中心「五大趨勢」,預計在2023年,資料中心業者的用電量與碳足跡管理方式將帶動新法規與新標準的發展,並驅使他們尋找可取代發電機的新備用電源。Read full information on external site
Вымпелком и Key Point Group подписали третье соглашение о стратегическом партнерстве - newsib.net2022-12-26 ПАО «ВымпелКом» (бренд «билайн») и компания «Кей Поинт Групп» (бренд «Key Point Group») подписали соглашение об условиях сотрудничества по созданию в Екатеринбурге центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
Не стройкой единой: как диверсификация бизнеса помогает ГК ФСК открывать новые горизонты - stroygaz.ru2022-12-26 Для одного из крупнейших в Москве девелоперов — ГК ФСК — 2022 год был успешным и плодотворным. Read full information on external site
La importancia de las métricas de sostenibilidad en los centros de datos - newsbook.es2022-12-23 A medida que el mundo se vuelve más digital y automatizado, el sector de los centros de datos ha de crecer rápidamente para sostener este volumen de datos. Read full information on external site
Empresa de tecnologia conquista certificação global de prédio sustentável - empreendedor.com.br2022-12-23 Companhia recebeu da GBC Brasil a certificação máxima Leed, que faz parte de um movimento global de reconhecimento a iniciativas sustentáveis. Read full information on external site
Nut en noodzaak van redundantie - agconnect.nl2022-12-23 Redundantie is een groot goed in de huidige digitale economie. Read full information on external site
Google consomme énormément d’eau dans ses datacenters - blog-nouvelles-technologies.fr2022-12-23 Les habitants de The Dalles, dans l’Oregon, découvrent la quantité d’eau que les centres de données de Google ont utilisée pour refroidir les ordinateurs à l’intérieur de ces bâtiments caverneux — une information qui était auparavant considérée comme un secret commercial. Read full information on external site
Refrigeration failure at Hong Kong datacenter takes out Alibaba Cloud and others - klse.i3investor.com2022-12-22 Alibaba Cloud lost its cool over the weekend after a refrigeration failure rendered several services unavailable at one of the cloud provider's Hong Kong availability zones. Read full information on external site
Googles datacentre sluger milliarder af liter vand: Forbruger over en fjerdedel af det samlede vandforbrug i amerikansk by - computerworld.dk2022-12-22 Der skal en del liter vand til at køle datacentre ned med, og nu er det kommet frem, hvor meget giganten Google rent faktisk forbruger. Read full information on external site
Heat Waves Are Shutting Down Data Centers and Breaking the Internet - gizmodo.com2022-12-22 As the frequency of heat waves grows worldwide, critical pieces of technology infrastructure are melting down more and more often. Read full information on external site
Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - telegraph.co.uk2022-12-22 Data centres prepare for the worst as National Grid warns of winter power failures. Read full information on external site
Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - biz.crast.net2022-12-22 As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - uk.style.yahoo.com2022-12-22 As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - uk.finance.yahoo.com2022-12-22 As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - sg.style.yahoo.com2022-12-22 As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - msn.com2022-12-22 As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
How to lower IT's digital carbon footprint - techtarget.com2022-12-22 Digital technologies have a hidden environmental cost that too-few leaders have on their radar. Learn which technologies have a digital carbon footprint and what IT can do to help. Read full information on external site
Estiman consumo energético cobrará importancia a medida que centros de datos se acerque al 2023 - elcaribe.com.do2022-12-22 Santo Domingo, – Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
Estima consumo energético y la eficiencia cobrarán importancia en 2023 - noticiassin.com2022-12-22 Los avances en el diseño y la fabricación de chips que limitaron el consumo energético de los servidores durante la primera década. Read full information on external site
Heat Waves Are Shutting Down Data Centres and Breaking the Internet - gizmodo.com.au2022-12-22 Climate change is throwing a wrench into an unexpected place: the workings of data centres. Read full information on external site
Google Gunakan 4 Miliar Air Galon untuk Kebutuhan Pusat Data - republika.co.id2022-12-21 REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Google menggunakan lebih dari empat miliar galon air di pusat datanya di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2021. Dengan rincian 3,3 miliar berada di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan 971 juta di seluruh dunia. Read full information on external site
Google Gunakan 4 Miliar Air Galon untuk Kebutuhan Pusat Data - msn.com2022-12-21 REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Google menggunakan lebih dari empat miliar galon air di pusat datanya di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2021. Dengan rincian 3,3 miliar berada di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan 971 juta di seluruh dunia. Read full information on external site
Telecentras pradeda dviejų valstybės duomenų centrų statybą Vilniuje - madeinvilnius.lt2022-12-21 AB Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centras (Telecentras) pasirašė sutartį su UAB „Agentus” ir UAB „KV Baltic” dėl dviejų valstybės duomenų centrų statybos. Read full information on external site
Refrigeration failure at Hong Kong datacenter takes out Alibaba Cloud and others - theregister.com2022-12-21 Unlike Oracle and Google, this time there's no heatwave to blame. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric stellt intelligente Stromverteilerleisten für High-Density-Umgebungen vor - i-magazin.com2022-12-21 Schneider Electric, führend in der digitalen Transformation von Energiemanagement und -automatisierung, präsentiert seine neuesten Rack-Stromverteilerleisten (PDUs). Read full information on external site
La consommation d'eau des centres de données de Google est énorme - global.techradar.com2022-12-21 Les centres de données du géant du Web utilisent des millions de mètres cubes chaque année. Read full information on external site
Hong Kong datacenter loses its cool, takes out Alibaba - headtopics.com2022-12-20 Unlike Oracle and Google, this time there's no heatwave to blame. Read full information on external site
Hong Kong datacenter loses its cool, takes out Alibaba - theregister.com2022-12-20 Unlike Oracle and Google, this time there's no heatwave to blame. Read full information on external site
Telecentras statys du valstybės duomenų centrus Vilniuje, pasirašyta rangos sutartis - statybunaujienos.lt2022-12-20 AB Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centras (Telecentras) pasirašė sutartį su UAB „Agentus“ ir UAB „KV Baltic“ dėl dviejų valstybės duomenų centrų statybos. Read full information on external site
Вымпелком и Key Point Group подписали в Екатеринбурге третье соглашение о стратегическом партнерстве - marimedia.ru2022-12-20 ПАО «ВымпелКом» (бренд «билайн») и компания «Кей Поинт Групп» (бренд «Key Point Group») подписали соглашение об условиях сотрудничества по созданию в Екатеринбурге центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
Die Hardware geht auf Tauchstation, die Immersionskühlung wird hot - datacenter-insider.de2022-12-20 Das Interesse ist da, die Technik auch. Na endlich: Immer mehr Datacenter-Betreiber wollen in die Immersionskühlung eintauchen, um der Energiekrise zu entkommen. Read full information on external site
«Атомдата»: как «Росатом» создает центры обработки данных, питающихся от АЭС - techinsider.ru2022-12-20 Цифровизация всех сфер нашей жизни ведет к стремительному росту объема данных, которые требуют обработки. Read full information on external site
В результате судебного разбирательства выяснилось, что на один ЦОД Google приходится четверть объёма потребления питьевой воды американского городка - servernews.ru2022-12-20 Google раскрыла объёмы потребления воды своих ЦОД. На этот шаг компания пошла после судебного процесса между местной газетой The Oregonian и властями Даллеса (штат Орегон), которые пытались сохранить данную информацию в секрете. Read full information on external site
[데이터센터 ①] 수요 확대에 따른 IDC 건립 붐 - itdaily.kr2022-12-20 [아이티데일리] 인터넷데이터센터(IDC)의 황금기가 계속되고 있다. IDC는 국내 IT 산업이 태동한 1960년대부터 2020년대에 들어선 오늘날까지 수많은 기술 트렌드의 기반이 되고 있다. 출처 : 아이티데일리 Read full information on external site
Google's data center water usage is revealed - and it's a lot - techradar.com2022-12-20 Search giant's data centers use billions of gallons every year. Read full information on external site
Alibaba Outage Caused by Cooling Unit - datacenterknowledge.com2022-12-20 Cloud giant Alibaba’s outage on Sunday was caused by a malfunctioning refrigeration unit, say company officials. Read full information on external site
データセンターの「効率が良い」「障害に強い」をそのまま信じてはいけない理由 - techtarget.itmedia.co.jp2022-12-19 データセンター設計の認定機関が実施した調査によると、データセンターの電力使用効率やレジリエンスは一見すると向上している。しかし、注意深く見る必要がある。Read full information on external site
Aims data center aims for excellence (Updtime Case Study - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-12-19 Aims Cyberjaya is located bu the Malaysian government as a technology hub. Read full information on external site
Top 10 datacentre stories of 2022 - computerweekly.com2022-12-19 The energy crisis has wreaked havoc on the UK datacentre market in various ways this year, with supply and pricing issues blighting operators and their business interests. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Estima Que El Consumo Energético Y La Eficiencia Cobrarán Importancia A Medida Que... - presslatam.cl2022-12-19 Santiago, Chile [2022] – Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
Google datacenters use 'a quarter of all water' in one US city - theregister.com2022-12-19 Thirsty officials drained of arguments after media outlet legal battle to free the information. Read full information on external site
Google’s data centers use “a quarter of all water” in Oregon. - exbulletin.com2022-12-19 Google revealed how much water its data centers consume, following a legal battle between local media and the city of The Dalles, Oregon, to keep the information confidential. Read full information on external site
國泰青埔資訊中心機房 獲雙認證 - tw.stock.yahoo.com2022-12-19 國泰桃園青埔資訊中心今年正式竣工,耗時4年打造、佔地超過3,000坪。其中五層樓規劃為青埔資訊中心機房,亦是國內第一家取得國際權威機房認證機構「 Uptime Institute」雙認證的金融業機房。2018年取得 Tier 3「設計認證」、竣工後再度取得同等級的「建置認證」,2023年第三季正式啟用,只提供國泰金控及各子公司做為往後營運發展與數位金融創新業務所用,要給國泰客戶高穩定且24小時不中斷的資訊服務。Read full information on external site
¿Qué sucederá con los centros de datos este 2023? - zoomtecnologico.com2022-12-18 La gestión de la huella de carbono y del consumo impulsan las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización de los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Việt Nam có thêm một trung tâm dữ liệu "khủng" đạt chuẩn quốc tế này - 24h.com.vn2022-12-17 Trung tâm dữ liệu mới này có quy mô 7.800m2 và diện tích sàn sử dụng lên đến 12.400m2. Read full information on external site
Việt Nam có thêm một trung tâm dữ liệu "khủng" đạt chuẩn quốc tế này - nongthonviet.com.vn2022-12-17 Trung tâm dữ liệu mới này có quy mô 7.800m2 và diện tích sàn sử dụng lên đến 12.400m2. Read full information on external site
VNG khánh thành trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - techsignin.com2022-12-17 Chiều nay 16.12, công ty cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TP HCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
VNG khánh thành trung tâm dữ liệu đáp ứng nhiều tiêu chuẩn, quy mô hơn 1.600 tủ đặt máy chủ - tinhte.vn2022-12-17 VNG vừa khai trương trương Trung tâm dữ liệu và sản xuất phần mềm đặt tại KCX Tân Thuận, TP. HCM. Read full information on external site
VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - sggp.org.vn2022-12-16 Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở Khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TPHCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - viettimes.vn2022-12-16 Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở Khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TPHCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - nhandan.vn2022-12-16 Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở Khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TPHCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
Ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu quy mô lớn nhất Việt Nam - doanhnghiepvn.vn2022-12-16 DNVN - Ngày 16/12, Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TP Hồ Chí Minh), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
金融股 Uptime雙認證 國泰金青埔資訊中心機房明年Q3啟用 - romanhui.pixnet.ne2022-12-16 國泰金(2882)桃園青埔資訊中心今年正式竣工,耗時4年打造、佔地超過3,000坪,其中5層樓規畫為青埔資訊中心機房,亦是國內第一家取得國際權威機房認證機構「Uptime Institute」雙認證的金融業機房。2018年取得Tier 3「設計認證」、竣工後再度取得同等級的「建置認證」,將於2023年第3季正式啟用,只提供國泰金控及各子公司做為往後營運發展與數位金融創新業務所用,要給國泰客戶高穩定且24小時不中斷的資訊服務。Read full information on external site
Việt Nam có thêm trung tâm dữ liệu quy mô khu vực - ctnews.vietnamnet.vn2022-12-16 Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG đạt quy mô 1.600 tủ rack, đón xu hướng phát triển kinh tế số mạnh mẽ tại Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
Vertiv estima que el consumo energético y la eficiencia cobrarán importancia a medida que la industria de los centros de datos se acerque al 2023 - portalinnova.cl2022-12-16 La gestión de la huella de carbono y del consumo impulsan las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores. Read full information on external site
Trung tâm dữ liệu có quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam ra mắt - tgs.vn2022-12-16 Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TPHCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
中華電信協助國泰金控打造國內金融業首座Tier Ⅲ等級建造認證機房 - ctee.com.tw2022-12-16 中華電信為國內最大規模、專業領先的IDC服務提供商,具備智慧機房豐富的設計、建置、維運與認證實務經驗。在疫情嚴峻的大環境下,發揮資通訊優勢,於109年11月攜手國泰金控打造「桃園青埔資訊中心」,並於111年11月取得Uptime Institute國際認證機構的Tier Ⅲ等級建造認證,成為國內首例取得此國際認證之金融業資訊機房。Read full information on external site
金融股 Uptime雙認證 國泰金青埔資訊中心機房明年Q3啟用 - ctee.com.tw2022-12-16 國泰金(2882)桃園青埔資訊中心今年正式竣工,耗時4年打造、佔地超過3,000坪,其中5層樓規畫為青埔資訊中心機房,亦是國內第一家取得國際權威機房認證機構「Uptime Institute」雙認證的金融業機房。2018年取得Tier 3「設計認證」、竣工後再度取得同等級的「建置認證」,將於2023年第3季正式啟用,只提供國泰金控及各子公司做為往後營運發展與數位金融創新業務所用,要給國泰客戶高穩定且24小時不中斷的資訊服務。Read full information on external site
中华电信协助国泰金控打造国内金融业首座Tier Ⅲ等级建造认证机房 - chinatimes.com2022-12-16 中华电信为国内最大规模、专业领先的IDC服务提供商,具备智慧机房丰富的设计、建置、维运与认证实务经验。在疫情严峻的大环境下,发挥资通讯优势,于109年11月携手国泰金控打造「桃园青埔资讯中心」,并于111年11月取得Uptime Institute国际认证机构的Tier Ⅲ等级建造认证,成为国内首例取得此国际认证之金融业资讯机房。Read full information on external site
VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô 'khủng' - vietnamfinance.vn2022-12-16 (VNF) - Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TP. HCM). Bước đầu, VNG Data Center sẽ cung cấp 410 tủ rack (tủ lắp đặt servers), sau đó sẽ mở rộng lên đến 1.600 tủ rack, quy mô này thuộc hàng lớn nhất Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
Penyedia Layanan Cloud Computing (ELIT) Ikutan IPO, Tawarkan Harga di Kisaran Rp 120-150 - investor.id2022-12-16 JAKARTA, investor.id - PT Data Sinergitama Jaya Tbk (ELIT) atau Elitery bersiap menggelar penawaran umum perdana (initial public offering/IPO) sebanyak-banyaknya 500 juta saham baru dengan nilai nominal Rp 25 setiap saham. Read full information on external site
Trung tâm dữ liệu mới quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam có gì đặc biệt? - diendandoanhnghiep.vn2022-12-16 Trung tâm dữ liệu mới và đạt chuẩn quốc tế của VNG - VNG Data Center, có quy mô 7.800 m2 và diện tích sàn sử dụng lên đến 12.400 m2. Read full information on external site
VNG khánh thành trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - techsignin.com2022-12-16 Chiều nay 16.12, công ty cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TP HCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
Thêm trung tâm dữ liệu có quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - baodautu.vn2022-12-16 Trung tâm Dữ liệu này đặt ở Khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TP.HCM), có quy mô đạt 1.600 tủ rack, lớn nhất Việt Nam hiện nay. Read full information on external site
VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới tại TP.HCM - thanhnien.vn2022-12-16 Công ty cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TP.HCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
VNG chính thức vận hành trung tâm dữ liệu Tier III tại Tân Thuận - forbes.vn2022-12-16 Trung tâm dữ liệu (VNG Data Center) đặt ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận đạt chuẩn quốc tế Tier III cả về thiết kế (TCDD) và xây dựng (TCCF), sẽ giúp VNG tăng năng lực cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp. Read full information on external site
Việt Nam có thêm trung tâm dữ liệu quy mô khu vực - ictnews.vietnamnet.vn2022-12-16 Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG đạt quy mô 1.600 tủ rack, đón xu hướng phát triển kinh tế số mạnh mẽ tại Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
Pablo Ruiz Escribano La diversidad en el talento es fundamental para crear centros de datos sostenibles - ejecutivos.es2022-12-15 El mercado de los centros de datos está en pleno auge. El crecimiento masivo en los mercados FLAP (Frankfurt, Londres, Ámsterdam y París) se suma al de los mercados emergentes como Madrid, Milán o Lisboa, entre otros. Read full information on external site
Dialog Enterprise: Unlocking The Power Of Cloud Technology For Sri Lankan Enterprises - echelon.lk2022-12-15 From Large-scale Enterprises, Banks And Multinationals To Smes, Dialog Enterprise Is Creating Opportunities For Businesses To Avail Themselves Of The Best Transformative Technologies In The World. Read full information on external site
Consumo energético y la eficiencia cobrarán importancia en los centros de datos - estrategiaynegocios.net2022-12-15 Se estima que los centros de datos actualmente son los responsables de un consumo global de electricidad de hasta un 3 % y se prevé que aumentará al 4 % para 2030. Read full information on external site
Yotta gets chosen by MeitY as accredited cloud service provider - indiatechnologynews.in2022-12-15 Yotta Infrastructure announced its empanelment with the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) as an accredited Cloud Service Provider. Read full information on external site
Mihai Manole, Tema Energy, furnizor pentru centre de date: Valoarea medie a proiectelor a crescut de la maxim 1 milion de euro la 2-5 mil. Anul acesta vom avea afaceri record în ultimii 20 ani - economica.net2022-12-14 Tema Energy, unul dintre cei mai mari furnizori de tehnologie pentru centre de date în România, estimează o creștere a cifrei de afaceri de anul acesta cu cel puțin 25% față de 2021, la peste 11 milioane de euro, cifră record în istoria de 20 de ani a companiei. Read full information on external site
Dezvoltatorul de centre de date Tema Energy ţinteşte afaceri de peste 11 mil. euro în 2022, plus 25%. „Dacă în urmă cu trei-patru ani aveam multe proiecte de 300.000 - un milion de euro, acum avem tot mai multe proiecte de 2 - 5 mil. euro” - zf.ro2022-12-14 Tema Energy, furnizor de tehnologie specializat în construcţia de centre de date pe care le execută cu personal propriu, de la design şi proiectare până la livrare, instalare, start-up şi servicii de întreţinere şi suport, estimează afaceri de peste 11 mil. euro la finalul anului în curs, în creştere cu circa 25% faţă de anul precedent, potrivit unui comunicat transmis de reprezentanţii companiei. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy estimează afaceri de peste 11 mil. euro anul acesta - clubitc.ro2022-12-14 Tema Energy, unul dintre cei mai mari furnizori de tehnologie pentru centre de date în România, estimează o creștere a business-ului de anul acesta cu cel puțin 25% față de 2021. Creșterea este determinată de construcția de proiecte tot mai mari pentru investitori locali, dar și din Europa și SUA. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy, provider of data center technology, expects business to exceed €11 million this year - business-review.eu2022-12-14 Tema Energy, one of the largest data center technology providers in Romania, expects business to grow by at least 25% this year, compared to 2021. The growth is driven by the increasing construction of projects for local investors as well as from Europe and the US. Read full information on external site
Afacerile Tema Energy, în creștere până la 11 mil. euro - revistabiz.ro2022-12-14 Tema Energy, unul dintre cei mai mari furnizori de tehnologie pentru centre de date în România, estimează o creștere a business-ului de anul acesta cu cel puțin 25% față de 2021, respectiv 11 milioane de euro. Creșterea este determinată de construcția de proiecte tot mai mari pentru investitori locali, dar și din Europa și SUA. Read full information on external site
Roundtable: Growth Seen Across Many Flavors of Edge Computing - datacenterfrontier.com2022-12-13 Assessing the state of edge computing is never simple. As we enter 2023, the data center experts in our DCF Executive Roundtable panel say demand is strengthening across nearly all flavors of edge computing, with more growth ahead. Read full information on external site
Roundtable: Growth Seen Across Many Flavors of Edge Computing - datacenterfrontier.com2022-12-13 Assessing the state of edge computing is never simple. As we enter 2023, the data center experts in our DCF Executive Roundtable panel say demand is strengthening across nearly all flavors of edge computing, with more growth ahead. Read full information on external site
Yotta gets chosen by MeitY as accredited cloud service provider - expresscomputer.in2022-12-13 Yotta Infrastructure announced its empanelment with the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) as an accredited Cloud Service Provider. With this development, Yotta’s extensive portfolio of cloud and cloud-enabled services can now serve the digital transformation needs of government departments, agencies, rural and urban administrative bodies, and public sector organisations. Read full information on external site
Yotta gets chosen by MeitY as accredited cloud service provider - crn.in2022-12-13 Yotta Infrastructure announced its empanelment with the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) as an accredited Cloud Service Provider. With this development, Yotta’s extensive portfolio of cloud and cloud-enabled services can now serve the digital transformation needs of government departments, agencies, rural and urban administrative bodies, and public sector organisations. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos y cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento sin duplicar costos - thestandardcio.com2022-12-13 La falta de personal especializado es una realidad que afecta a todos los tipos de centros de datos, sin importar tamaño o ubicación. Read full information on external site
Dynamiczny rozwój centrów danych wymaga zmiany podejścia do ich zasilania - itreseller.com.pl2022-12-13 Rosnąca skala wykorzystania Internetu Rzeczy w różnych branżach, gwałtowny wzrost znaczenia aplikacji mobilnych i tych związanych właśnie z IoT, coraz większa popularność usług strumieniowych online czy rewolucja technologiczna związana z elektromobilnością powodują zwiększenie rynku brzegowych centrów danych w perspektywie ośrodków obsługujących przetwarzanie danych na krawędzi sieci (edge computing). Read full information on external site
What Is a Data Center? Working, Types, Architecture, and Best Practices - spiceworks.com2022-12-13 A data center houses backend computers (without a user interface) and ancillary systems like cooling and networking. Read full information on external site
CyrusOne Strives for Carbon Neutrality Decade Ahead of Target - environmentalleader.com2022-12-09 By improving energy efficiency at its facilities and purchasing more renewable sources, data center operator CyrusOne says it plans to become net neutral by 2030, a decade ahead of its original target. Read full information on external site
Colocation execs fret about sustainability as world eyes water, energy use - theregister.com2022-12-09 What, you thought green tech shift will come from the good of their hearts? Read full information on external site
CyrusOne Strives for Carbon Neutrality Decade Ahead of Target - environmentalleader.com2022-12-09 By improving energy efficiency at its facilities and purchasing more renewable sources, data center operator CyrusOne says it plans to become net neutral by 2030, a decade ahead of its original target. Read full information on external site
Why the Metaverse Hinges on Sustainable Data Centers - datacenterknowledge.com2022-12-09 By improving energy efficiency at its facilities and purchasing more renewable sources, data center operator CyrusOne says it plans to become net neutral by 2030, a decade ahead of its original target. Read full information on external site
Colocation execs fret about sustainability as world eyes water, energy use - klse.i3investor.com2022-12-09 Assessing the sustainability credentials of your company's colocation provider is currently not so simple as they don't all report the same information. However, a move to support best practices will have an advantage in future when the regulatory noose tightens. Read full information on external site
中金数据昆山数据中心220千伏变电站双路正式运营,园区电容量达600MVA - software.it168.com2022-12-09 近日,中金数据昆山数据中心园区220千伏中金变电站秦峰线线路正式通电成功。至此,中金数据昆山数据中心220千伏输变电工程正式完工,进入正式运营阶段,园区实现了双路各300MVA用电容量,园区总用电容量达到600MVA(2x300MVA),进一步提升数据中心电源的稳定性和可靠性,并优化了江苏省昆山市花桥经济开发区的电网结构,为区域数字化赋能强大的能源支持,全面助力辐射长三角地区数字经济高质量转型发展。Read full information on external site
Data center staffing — an ongoing struggle - datacenterdynamics.com2022-12-08 As staffing requirement levels grow, a shortage of qualified staff to fill key operational roles is a major concern for data centers. Read full information on external site
Η Schneider Electric παρέχει μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία και σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - techpress.gr2022-12-08 Η Schneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
Μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία στα data centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - biztech.gr2022-12-08 Η Schneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
Η Schneider Electric Παρέχει Μεγαλύτερη Ευελιξία και Σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το Προηγμένο APC Net Shelter Rack PDU - energia.gr2022-12-08 Η Schneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
5 principles data centre managers must consider to address talent shortage - miragenews.com2022-12-08 A universal conversation is taking place in businesses across all industries about how to combat an unprecedented talent shortage. Read full information on external site
La ebullición del ecosistema de los data centers - mundohvacr.com.mx2022-12-08 El tráfico mundial del intercambio de datos se incrementó hasta 10 veces en los últimos dos años, mientras que las empresas e instituciones se hallan en un proceso acelerado de digitalización de sus operaciones. Read full information on external site
データセンター障害の「損失」を悪化させる“真犯人”は - techtarget.itmedia.co.jp2022-12-07 データセンター設計の認定機関が実施した調査によると、データセンターの機能停止時のコストは上昇傾向にある。その理由とは。Read full information on external site
رئيس "إدارات" لـ"أرقام": حققنا أداءً ممتازاً بالنصف الأول 2022.. و95 مليون ريال حجم المشاريع تحت التنفيذ - kuwaitnewsapp.com2022-12-07 أكد الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة إدارات للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات "إدارات"، ايريك بدوي، تحقيق الشركة أداءً ممتازاً بالنصف الأول من العام الجاري، حيث بلغت الإيرادات 28.54 مليون ريال، وبمعدل نمو بنسبة 163.5%، وصافي ربح بلغ 6.3 مليون ريال، متوقعاً تحقيق الشركة أرباح بحدود 15 مليون ريال بنهاية العام الحالي. Read full information on external site
Дизель-генераторные установки ГК ТСС для обеспечения резервного электропитания ЦОД - isup.ru2022-12-07 В статье рассматриваются решения группы компаний ТСС по оснащению систем энергоснабжения центров обработки данных (ЦОД) резервными дизель-генераторными установками (ДГУ). Приведен пример реализации проекта резервирования энергосетей для Московской областной думы с помощью использования двух ДГУ на базе дизельных двигателей компании Mitsubishi. Представлены характеристики установки и базовых двигателей. Read full information on external site
What steps can data centres take to avoid potential blackouts this winter? - electricalreview.co.uk2022-12-07 Earlier this year, National Grid warned that in a worst-case scenario, areas across the UK could face blackouts lasting approximately three hours. However, despite the warning, it continues to be critical that data centres continue operating during this scenario — so what steps can data centres take to avoid potential blackouts this winter? Read full information on external site
Data centre bolsters power resilience ahead of potential winter blackouts - dcnnmagazine.com2022-12-07 DataVita has taken extra measures to safeguard the continuous operation of its DV1 facility in Chapelhall, Lanarkshire, in response to the prospect of blackouts this winter. Read full information on external site
DataVita Taking Extra Measures to Protect Operations - digit.fyi2022-12-07 Reports of potential blackouts this winter has sparked many businesses to reassess their preparedness. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-12-07 MDXi Appolonia, a data centre subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Η Schneider Electric παρέχει μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία και σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - liberal.gr2022-12-07 ΗSchneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) - intelligentcio.com2022-12-07 MDXi Appolonia, a data centre subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
حصريرئيس "إدارات" لـ"أرقام": حققنا أداءً ممتازاً بالنصف الأول 2022.. و95 مليون ريال حجم المشاريع تحت التنفيذ - argaam.com2022-12-07 أكد الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة إدارات للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات "إدارات"، إيريك بدوي، تحقيق الشركة أداءً ممتازاً بالنصف الأول من العام الجاري، حيث بلغت الإيرادات 28.54 مليون ريال، وبمعدل نمو بنسبة 163.5%، وصافي ربح بلغ 6.3 مليون ريال، متوقعاً تحقيق الشركة أرباحاً بحدود 15 مليون ريال بنهاية العام الحالي. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric: Ευελιξία και σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - businessnews.gr2022-12-07 Με τις πρώτες στην αγορά συνδυαστικές πρίζες 4-σε-1, το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU απλοποιεί την επιλογή, επιταχύνει την εγκατάσταση και παρέχει ευελιξία. Read full information on external site
Η Schneider Electric παρέχει μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία και σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - ictplus.gr2022-12-07 ΗSchneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) - intelligentcio.com2022-12-06 MDXi Appolonia, a data centre subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Data sovereignty: Galaxy Backbone Datacenters as game changer for public, private organisations - blueprint.ng2022-12-06 The importance of data and information security in organizations cannot be overstated. It is critical that organisations – both public and private take the needed steps to protect their priority information from data breaches, unauthorized access, and other disruptive data security threats to business and consumers. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric delivers increased certainty and flexibility - dcnnmagazine.com2022-12-06 Schneider Electric has announced the launch of its APC NetShelter Rack PDU Advanced, providing data centre leaders with greater flexibility to meet the new data demands placed on businesses. Read full information on external site
MetalSoft aims to help manage server infrastructure through automation - techcrunch.com2022-12-06 It’s tough in the current economic climate to hire and retain engineers focused on system admin, DevOps and network architecture. In a recent Gartner survey, IT executives cited talent shortages as the top barrier to adopting emerging technologies. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower pune ţara noastră pe harta celor mai performante servicii de infrastructură digitală - bursa.ro2022-12-06 Datacenter-ul ClusterPower, companie românească care a realizat o investiţie de peste 40 de milioane de euro într-un campus tehnologic inovativ, devine primul datacenter comercial din România certificat Tier III (TCCF) de către Autoritatea Globală pentru Infrastructură Digitală - Uptime Institute, arată un comunicat de presă remis redacţiei. Read full information on external site
Vertiv, i data center e i trend del 2023 - lineaedp.it2022-12-06 Vertiv ritiene che il consumo energetico e l’efficienza rivestiranno un ruolo sempre più importante nel settore dei data center nel 2023. Read full information on external site
MetalSoft aims to help manage server infrastructure through automation - uk.finance.yahoo.com2022-12-06 It's tough in the current economic climate to hire and retain engineers focused on system admin, DevOps and network architecture. Read full information on external site
台灣大 Smart IT管家 : 彈性預算、依需調度、碳排管控一次擁有 - cio.com.tw2022-12-05 Smart IT 管家為台灣大哥大推出的專業一站式軟硬體訂閱制服務。企業可將機房及設備維運交由台灣大維護,享受量身打造的彈性服務。企業可以每月支付OPEX取代過往CAPEX支出,不需為了購買軟硬體而在前期投入大筆資本,採訂閱制更可因應流量需求隨時購買適量IT資源,大幅減輕企業持有第二套系統的資金壓力,而整合於電信帳單讓繳費便利性更高。Read full information on external site
Vertiv: i cinque trend dei data center per il 2023 - industriaitaliana.it2022-12-05 Il settore continuerà a implementare misure per l’auto-controllo e l’auto-regolamentazione, dando priorità ai progetti termici ecocompatibili. Read full information on external site
Vertiv, il consumo energetico e l’efficienza rivestiranno un ruolo sempre più importante nel settore dei data center nel 2023 - datamanager.it2022-12-05 La gestione dei consumi energetici e delle emissioni di carbonio favorisce la regolamentazione, la standardizzazione e la ricerca di alternative ai generatori tradizionali. Read full information on external site
Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - cafef.vn2022-12-02 VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - zingnews.vn2022-12-02 VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - baonhanh247.com2022-12-02 VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - baohomnay.com2022-12-02 VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
Stellenwert von Energieverbrauch für Rechenzentrumsbranche in 2023 - iot-design.de2022-12-02 Rechenzentren würden im Jahr 2023 zunehmend reguliert und durch Dritte kontrolliert werden, da sich die Welt vor dem Hintergrund des fortschreitenden Klimawandels weiterhin mit dem steigenden Energie- und Wasserverbrauch der Branche auseinandersetzen müsse. Read full information on external site
HostDime releases design of new tier IV Mexico data centre - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-12-02 HostDime, a pioneer in global edge data centre infrastructure, has released its design plans for its newest next-generation, purpose-built Tier IV data centre facility in Guadalajara, Mexico, which will start construction in Q1 2023. HostDime is the owner, developer and operator of this new data centre facility, nicknamed ‘Andromeda’. Read full information on external site
[QC] Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - tinhte.vn2022-12-02 VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
BoFiNet brings the internet closer to Botswana - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-12-02 Botswana Fibre Networks (BoFiNet) is a wholesale provider of national and international telecommunication infrastructure, managing more than 10,000 km of fiber that provides connectivity throughout the country. Read full information on external site
November 2022
Backup power: the cost of failure - datacentrereview.com2022-11-30 The latest data from the Uptime Institute suggests that the cost of data centre outages is on the up, with power failure the number one cause. Read full information on external site
Iperconnessione, certificazione e sostenibilità: i pilastri del nuovo data center di IRIDEOS - zerounoweb.it2022-11-30 Avalon 3 è il data center di ultima generazione realizzato a Milano da IRIDEOS che vanta caratteristiche costruttive e di design ispirate ai più elevati standard infrastrutturali e ai principi green legati all’efficienza energetica e al ridotto impatto ambientale. Read full information on external site
The continued rise of colocation services - timesofindia.indiatimes.com2022-11-30 India is the midst of a huge digital revolution. Every function and every activity is getting digitized. The huge advances in digitization can be seen from the fact that today India is a leader in real-time digital payments, and clocks almost 40% of such transactions. Read full information on external site
Consumo energético y la eficiencia en centros de datos serán relevantes en 2023 - tecnogus.com.co2022-11-30 Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
BDX南京数据中心 NKG1 获得 W.Media 2022 年东北亚地区可持续设计和建造项目奖 - jifang360.com2022-11-29 摘要:W.Media奖是亚太地区数字基础设施行业最负盛名的奖项之一,获奖者由各关键技术领域的杰出行业专家组成的评审小组评选出来。Read full information on external site
Five predictions that will shape cybersecurity and the hybrid working landscape in 2023 - digitalisationworld.com2022-11-29 Organisations are feeling pressure as the potential for business disruption increases. With ‘freak’ weather causing data centres to overheat over the summer, and concerns over winter power outages in the face of the energy crisis, business resilience is in the spotlight - it’s become clear that we must expect the unexpected. By Russ Kennedy, Chief Product Officer at Nasuni. Read full information on external site
MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) - digitalisationworld.com2022-11-29 With this new milestone, MDXi Appolonia becomes the leading data center provider in Ghana with the top 4 certifications in the industry. Read full information on external site
MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - realnewsmagazine.net2022-11-29 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
IT’s Role in Sustainability and E-Waste - informationweek.com2022-11-29 In an era when enterprises are concerned about sustainability, IT is still a primary source of electronic waste. How concerned should IT be about sustainability and e-waste? Read full information on external site
MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana - africanews.it2022-11-28 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Data Center Evolution – Business & Operation with Sustainability - enterpriseviewpoint.com2022-11-28 A Data Centre is a facility that centralises an organization’s shared IT operations and equipment for the purposes of storing, processing, and disseminating data and applications. They are interconnected by thousands of miles of fiber optic cable across the globe. Read full information on external site
MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - communication.com2022-11-28 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - myza.co.za2022-11-28 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - newstrends.co.ke2022-11-28 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute untersucht Co-Location in Ballungsräumeno - datacenter-insider.de2022-11-28 Welchen Bedingungen sehen sich Co-Location-Provider gegenüber, die in Innenstädten Rechenzenren betreiben? Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility Certification (TCCF), Now Most Certified Data Center in Ghana - brandiconimage.com2022-11-28 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - techbergmag.net2022-11-28 MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Cinco tendencias de la industria de Centros de Datos para 2023 - computerworldmexico.com.mx2022-11-28 Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía, por parte de la industria, en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
Подводните интернет кабели са защитени от слънчеви бури, увери Google - technews.bg2022-11-26 Интернет няма да изчезне от подобни явления, сочи изследване. Read full information on external site
Эксперты Google подтвердили защищённость подводных интернет-кабелей от сильных солнечных бурь - servernews.ru2022-11-26 Современный мир чрезвычайно зависит от сотен интернет-кабелей, соединяющих страны и континенты. Read full information on external site
ABB technology supports one of Shanghai's largest data centers - datacenternews.asia2022-11-25 ABB power solutions are supporting one of Shanghai's largest data centers, used by Tencent and China Telecom. Read full information on external site
T Systems Rechenzentrum ausgezeichnet, Premiere für Biere - guetsel.de2022-11-25 Verfügbarkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Service: Rechenzentrum in Biere ausgezeichnet. Read full information on external site
Олег Бороненко, Казтелепорт: мы активно развиваем бизнес-направление центров обработки данныхe - profit.kz2022-11-25 Коммерческий директор АО «Казтелепорт» рассказал о новом Tier III ЦОД в Алматы. Read full information on external site
5 tendencias del consumo y eficiencia energética de los centros de datos para el 2023 - tynmagazine.com2022-11-25 Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu ước đạt 1.614 tỷ USD năm 2030 - nhandan.vn2022-11-25 Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu đang có sự bùng nổ vô cùng mạnh mẽ trong thời gian qua. Không đứng ngoài cuộc, nhiều dịch vụ đám mây do người Việt phát triển cũng đang có những bước tiến lớn trên thị trường. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter протестировал российские серверы GAGAR>N - re-port.ru2022-11-25 Провайдер ИТ-решений для бизнеса Linxdatacenter завершил тестирование серверного оборудования российского разработчика и производителя GAGAR>N. Read full information on external site
Протестированы российские серверы - mobilecomm.ru2022-11-25 Провайдер ИТ-решений для бизнеса Linxdatacenter завершил тестирование серверного оборудования российского разработчика и производителя GAGAR>N. Read full information on external site
Boost for Shanghai data center to help keep China’s billion+ internet users connected - voltimum.co.uk2022-11-25 ABB power solutions support one of Shanghai’s largest data centers, used by Tencent and China Telecom / Maximizing reliability, stability and uptime / Improving energy efficiency and reducing maintenance costs. Read full information on external site
Vertiv vê o uso da energia e a eficiência assumirem grande importância à medida que a indústria de data centers se aproxima de 2023 - jornow.com.br2022-11-25 Os data centers passarão por uma crescente regulamentação e supervisão de terceiros em 2023 uma vez que o mundo continua a confrontar a indústria pelo aumento no consumo de energia e de água considerando o atual panorama de mudanças climáticas. Read full information on external site
In The Spotlight - Equinix - manchesterdigital.com2022-11-25 At Manchester Digital, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. Read full information on external site
How to enhance card-cage/chassis cooling capabilities - ednasia.com2022-11-24 By improving the basic card-edge wedgelock, the thermal resistance from card to cage is reduced and heat has an easier time escaping a PC board. Read full information on external site
Boost for Shanghai data centre to help keep China’s billion+ internet users connecteds - digitalisationworld.com2022-11-24 ABB power solutions support one of Shanghai’s largest data centres, used by Tencent and China Telecom. Read full information on external site
Vertiv: Energy use, efficiency loom large as data center industry turns to 2023 - manilastandard.net2022-11-24 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Innovations in data centre cooling - datacentrereview.com2022-11-24 he global data centre industry is one of the fastest growing technology-driven industries. With emerging digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, virtual reality, IoT and advanced cloud services, one could say the industry is riding a wave of high-performance computing (HPC). Read full information on external site
Reduzir impacto ambiental é tendência em Data Centers para 2023, diz Vertiv - inforchannel.com.br2022-11-24 Gerenciar o consumo e a pegada de carbono está conduzindo as tendências em direção à regulamentação, à padronização e à busca por alternativas aos geradores. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Analisa Que O Uso Da Energia E A Eficiência Estão Assumindo Grande Importância À Medida Que A Indústria De Data Centers Passará Por Regulamentação Em 2023 - partnersales.com.br2022-11-24 Gerenciar o consumo e a pegada de carbono está conduzindo as tendências em direção à regulamentação, à padronização e à busca por alternativas aos geradores Read full information on external site
Novinka od APC maximalizuje provozuschopnost a odolnost DC - rmol.cz2022-11-24 Společnost Schneider Electric uvedla na trh novou generaci jednotek distribuce napájení do IT stojanů, APC NetShelter Rack PDU Advanced, které poskytují provozovatelům datových center větší flexibilitu při plnění nových požadavků uživatelů na napájení moderních IT aplikací s vysokou výkonovou hustotou. Read full information on external site
Specialists labour shortage - savills.co.uk2022-11-23 A rising concern expected to further exacerbate in the next three years. Read full information on external site
‘Going Green Is Future For Data Centres In Africa’ - leadership.ng2022-11-23 The group chief executive officer of the best-connected Tier III Carrier and Cloud neutral data centre in West Africa, Rack Centre, Jasper Lankhorst, has restated the company’s commitment to the green economy even as it has vowed to continually enhance its drive for sustainability in its operations. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Sees Energy Use, Efficiency Loom Large as Data Center Industry Turns to 2023 - enterpriseitworld.com2022-11-23 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
BARC India Embarks on a Large-Scale Infrastructure Revamp with Yotta - cxotoday.com2022-11-22 World’s largest TV audience measurement player taps India’s Tier IV Operations certified data center for a future-ready digital transformation. Read full information on external site
Managing consumption and carbon footprints indentified as driving trends for data centers in 2023: Verti - crn.in2022-11-22 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Colombia está en la mira de los inversionistas en centros de datos - itnews.lat2022-11-22 Si las inversiones en centros de datos en Latinoamérica pudiesen visualizarse con un mapa de calor, países como Brasil, México, Chile y Argentina se destacarían por su intensidad. Read full information on external site
El sector del CPD hace balance de los últimos 10 años: de nicho a actor clave de la transformación digital - datacentermarket.es2022-11-22 Data Center Market ha reunido a los principales protagonistas del sector de los centros de datos para analizar la evolución de una industria que hace apenas unos años pasaba desapercibida y ahora acapara grandes titulares como eje vertebrador de la economía mundial. Read full information on external site
Raxio data center in Ethiopia receives Uptime Institute certification - newbusinessethiopia.com2022-11-22 Raxio Data Centre in Ethiopia (“ET1”) officially became the first Tier III certified independent data centre in the country after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 21 October 2022. Read full information on external site
A importância das métricas de sustentabilidade nos data centers - itchannel.pt2022-11-21 À medida que o mundo se torna mais automatizado e digital, o setor dos data centers (DC) está a crescer rapidamente para o poder suportar. Read full information on external site
Шесть Неочевидных Вещей, На Которые Стоит Обратить Внимание При Выборе Российского Облака - computerra.ru2022-11-21 Когда бизнес выбирает отечественное облако для миграции, чаще всего обращает внимание на сервисный портфель поставщика услуг, SLA, наличие лицензий, количество дата-центров. Read full information on external site
Microsoft Announces First Data Center Academy in Asia - datacenterknowledge.com2022-11-21 The Datacenter Academy in Singapore will be the cloud giant’s twelfth academy dedicated to educating the next generation of data center leaders. Read full information on external site
Константин Лопаткин, "Айтеко.Cloud": В последнее время случился бум миграции из зарубежных облаков на отечественные решения. "TAdviser.ru". 15 ноября 2022 - advis.ru2022-11-21 О развитии российского рынка облачных сервисов в условиях ухода зарубежных игроков, наиболее востребованных услугах и перспективах Cloud-сегмента в 2023 году в интервью TAdviser рассказал Константин Лопаткин, руководитель облачного бизнеса "Айтеко.Cloud" (генеральный директор ООО "СБКлауд"). Read full information on external site
Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “đa đám mây” - baodautu.vn2022-11-18 Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “đa đám mây” Read full information on external site
Innovative guides and grips enhance card-cage/chassis cooling capabilities - edn.com2022-11-18 Transferring component and circuit heat from its various sources to that mystical, magical, cooler place called “away” in order to keep a board or assembly cool is an ongoing battle. Read full information on external site
Los data center podrán reducir su consumo eléctrico gracias a la refrigeración líquida directa - silicon.es2022-11-18 Gracias a la implementación de la refrigeración líquida directa puede rebajarse la factura eléctrica entre un 10 % y un 20 %. Read full information on external site
เวอร์ทีฟ เผย 5 เทรนด์สำคัญของดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ ในปี 2566 - thereporter.asia2022-11-17 ในปี 2566 จะมีการเพิ่มกฎระเบียบและการกำกับดูแลบุคคลที่สามสำหรับการใช้งานดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ เนื่องจากโลกกำลังเผชิญกับปัญหาการใช้พลังงานและน้ำในอุตสาหกรรมดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์มากกว่าเดิมท่ามกลางการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศอย่างต่อเนื่อง โดยผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ระดับโลกที่ เวอร์ทีฟ (NYSE: VRT) ซึ่งเป็นผู้ให้บริการระดับโลกด้านโครงสร้างพื้นฐานดิจิทัลที่สำคัญและโซลูชันด้านความต่อเนื่อง ได้ให้ความเห็นเอาไว้เกี่ยวกับผลกระทบของดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ต่อชุมชนและสิ่งแวดล้อมที่วงการอุตสาหกรรมกำลังให้ความสนใจกันอย่างมาก ซึ่งถือเป็นเทรนด์หนึ่งจากทั้งหมด 5 เทรนด์ที่กำลังจะเกิดขึ้นในปี 2566 Read full information on external site
Основные принципы масштабируемости и устойчивости облаков - iksmedia.ru2022-11-16 С развитием облачных сервисов появилось много способов повышения их устойчивости и производительности. Потребителям важно понимать суть этих способов, поскольку частота сбоев в облаках, скорее всего, будет нарастать, как и влияние последствий таких сбоев. Read full information on external site
Digital twin technology enables facility efficiency - plantengineering.com2022-11-15 Get a better handle on real-time information Read full information on external site
WIIT schließt Siebenjahresvertrag mit InfoCert für Managed Hybrid Cloud Services ab - it-it-prof.de2022-11-15 Die WIIT S.p.A.*, einer der führenden europäischen Cloud-Computing-Anbieter auf dem Markt für Hybrid Cloud und Hosted Private Cloud mit Spezialisierung auf Business Continuity Services und geschäftskritische Anwendungen für Unternehmen, hat einen Auftrag von InfoCert S.p.A. Read full information on external site
Carbon.Crane - Szénlábnyom a világhálón - computerworld.hu2022-11-15 Digitális működésüket a vállalatok okkal tartják zöld megoldásnak, de webes jelenlétük szénlábnyoma sokszor nagyobb, mint azt elsőre gondolnák. Egy magyar karbonmonitorozó szolgáltatással mostantól pontosabb képet kaphatnak online interakcióik környezeti hatásáról. Read full information on external site
Irideos inaugura Avalon 3, il più grande data center iperconnesso di Milano - 01net.it2022-11-14 Irideos, polo italiano ICT dedicato alle aziende e alla Pubblica Amministrazione ha inaugurato il nuovo data center Avalon 3, il più grande data center certificato e iperconnesso di Milano, parte di Avalon Campus, il più grande punto di interconnessione Internet del Paese. Read full information on external site
Four ways nickel-zinc batteries can save data centers money - datacenterdynamics.com2022-11-14 The (financial) power of good chemistry with nickel-zinc batteries. Read full information on external site
Vertiv: năm 2023 hiệu quả sử dụng năng lượng sẽ tăng cao - techsignin.com2022-11-14 Theo Vertiv, trong bối cảnh biến đổi khí hậu đang diễn ra, thế giới tiếp tục vật lộn với sự gia tăng mức tiêu thụ điện và nước trong ngành, các trung tâm dữ liệu sẽ phải đối mặt với nhiều quy định cũng như sự giám sát của bên thứ ba vào năm 2023. Read full information on external site
Kemkominfo: Indonesia Bakal Punya Pusat Data Nasional Pertama di Bekasi - klaten.pikiran-rakyat.com2022-11-14 Indonesia mulai membangun Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) pertama di Indonesia yang terletak di Deltamas, Cikarang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Read full information on external site
เวอร์ทีฟเผยอัตราการใช้พลังงานและประสิทธิภาพพุ่งทะลุขีดจำกัดในอุตสาหกรรมดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์เมื่อเข้าสู่ปี 2566 - matichon.co.th2022-11-14 ในปี 2566 จะมีการเพิ่มกฎระเบียบและการกำกับดูแลบุคคลที่สามสำหรับการใช้งานดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ เนื่องจากโลกกำลังเผชิญกับปัญหาการใช้พลังงานและน้ำในอุตสาหกรรมดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์มากกว่าเดิมท่ามกลางการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศอย่างต่อเนื่อง โดยผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ระดับโลกที่เวอร์ทีฟ (NYSE: VRT) ซึ่งเป็นผู้ให้บริการระดับโลกด้านโครงสร้างพื้นฐานดิจิทัลที่สำคัญและโซลูชันด้านความต่อเนื่อง ได้ให้ความเห็นเอาไว้เกี่ยวกับผลกระทบของดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ต่อชุมชนและสิ่งแวดล้อมที่วงการอุตสาหกรรมกำลังให้ความสนใจกันอย่างมาก ซึ่งถือเป็นเทรนด์หนึ่งจากทั้งหมด 5 เทรนด์ที่กำลังจะเกิดขึ้นในปี 2566 Read full information on external site
Vertiv Sees Energy Use Efficiency Loom Large as Data Centre Industry Turns to 2023 - pandct.com2022-11-14 Managing consumption and carbon footprint driving trends toward regulation, standardisation, and the search for generator alternatives. Read full information on external site
Vertiv sees energy use, efficiency loom large as data center industry turns to 2023 - upgrademag.com2022-11-14 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Vertiv dự báo Hiệu quả sử dụng năng lượng sẽ tăng cao khi ngành Trung tâm dữ liệu bước sang năm 2023 - doanhnhanplus.vn2022-11-14 Quản lý mức tiêu thụ và lượng khí thải carbon sẽ thúc đẩy các xu hướng hướng tới quy định, tiêu chuẩn hóa và tìm kiếm các giải pháp thay thế máy phát điện Read full information on external site
Irideos inaugura Avalon 3, il più grande data center iperconnesso di Milano - 01net.it2022-11-14 Irideos, polo italiano ICT dedicato alle aziende e alla Pubblica Amministrazione ha inaugurato il nuovo data center Avalon 3, il più grande data center certificato e iperconnesso di Milano, parte di Avalon Campus, il più grande punto di interconnessione Internet del Paese. Read full information on external site
Vertiv voorspelt trends voor de datacenterbranche - emerce.nl2022-11-14 Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Read full information on external site
Regelgeving datacenters wordt strakker - ictmagazine.nl2022-11-14 Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Read full information on external site
Vertiv: regelgeving in de datacenterbranche onvermijdelijk - channelconnect.nl2022-11-14 Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Read full information on external site
2023 staat in het teken van energiebesparing en efficiëntieslagen - dutchdatacenters.nl2022-11-14 Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Read full information on external site
Vertiv voorspelt trends voor de datacenterbranche - fonkmagazine.nl2022-11-14 Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Dit is het gevolg van het toenemende energie- en waterverbruik van de datacenterbranche bovenop de aanhoudende klimaatverandering. Read full information on external site
Vertiv subraya el uso de la energía y la eficiencia como cuestiones clave para los centros de datos en 2023 - corresponsables.com2022-11-14 La gestión del consumo y de la huella de carbono impulsan tendencias hacia la regulación, estandarización y búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores. Read full information on external site
Vertiv voorspelt trends voor de datacenterbranche - computable.nl2022-11-14 2023 staat in het teken van energiebesparing en efficiëntieslagen. Read full information on external site
Data centre outages are costing more, with power failure the culprit - dcnnmagazine.com2022-11-14 One of the more consistent problems that the data centre industry faces is the issue of outages. Read full information on external site
Vertiv voorspelt trends voor datacenterbranche - ictmagazine.nl2022-11-14 Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Dit is het gevolg van het toenemende energie- en waterverbruik van de datacenterbranche bovenop de aanhoudende klimaatverandering. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023 - seguridadti.mx2022-11-14 La gestión de la huella de carbono y del consumo impulsan las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores. Read full information on external site
Vertiv เผย ผลกระทบ จากการใช้พลังงานของ ดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ เป็น 1 ใน 5 เทรนด์ที่จะเกิดขึ้นในปี 2566 - techoffside.com2022-11-13 Vertiv (เวอร์ทีฟ) เผย ผลกระทบ จากอัตราการใช้พลังงานที่พุ่งทะลุขีดจำกัดในอุตสาหกรรม ดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ เมื่อเข้าสู่ปี 2566 เทรนด์เรื่องการจัดการปริมาณการใช้เชื้อเพลิงและคาร์บอนฟุตปริ๊นท์จะกลายมาเป็นกฎระเบียบ มาตรฐานรวมถึงการสรรหาเครื่องกำเนิดไฟฟ้าทางเลือกใหม่ ๆ อีกด้วย Read full information on external site
Vertiv Sees Energy Use, Efficiency Loom Large as Data Center Industry Turns to 2023 - ilonggotechblog.com2022-11-12 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Vertiv sees energy consumption as the primary concern as the data center industry looks toward 2023 - tekdeeps.com2022-11-12 Controlling consumption and carbon footprint drives trends towards regulation, standardization and the search for generator alternatives. Read full information on external site
Что ждет рынок облачных технологий в Казахстане - zakon.kz2022-11-11 Облачные технологии сегодня стали важной частью жизни человека – они задействованы в экономике, медицине, образовании, бизнесе, науке и промышленности. Cloud-сервисы привлекают внимание как представителей малого и среднего бизнесов, так и государственных структур. Read full information on external site
Increased regulation amidst climate change will grip data centres in 2023, Vertiv forecasts - itwire.com2022-11-11 Data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change, one of the key trends identified by Vertiv global data centre experts. Read full information on external site
Что ждет рынок облачных технологий в Казахстане? - inform.kz2022-11-11 Облачные технологии сегодня стали важной частью жизни человека — они задействованы в экономике, медицине, образовании, бизнесе, науке и промышленности. Cloud-сервисы привлекают внимание как представителей малого и среднего бизнесов, так и государственных структур. Read full information on external site
Energy efficiency looms large for data centre industry - digitalisationworld.com2022-11-11 Managing consumption and carbon footprint driving trends toward regulation, standardisation, and the search for generator alternatives. Read full information on external site
Energieverbrauch der Rechenzentrumsbranche in 2023: Mehr Effizienz und Alternativen gefordert - storageconsortium.de2022-11-11 Rechenzentren werden im Jahr 2023 zunehmend reguliert und durch Dritte kontrolliert werden, da sich die Welt vor dem Hintergrund des fortschreitenden Klimawandels weiterhin mit dem steigenden Energie- und Wasserverbrauch der Branche auseinandersetzen muss. Read full information on external site
Digitronica Solution e WIIT Channel Services: firmato accordo di distribuzione - toptrade.it2022-11-11 Le due società collaboreranno per supportare i Rivenditori e gli Operatori ICT nella fornitura di servizi Cloud e di Cybersecurity. Read full information on external site
Digitronica Solution S.r.l. e WIIT Channel Services siglano un accordo di distribuzione - udite-udite.it2022-11-11 Digitronica Solution S.r.l. e WIIT Channel Services annunciano che le due società collaboreranno per supportare i Rivenditori e gli Operatori ICT nella fornitura di servizi Cloud e di Cybersecurity WIIT, con 17 Data Center di proprietà. Read full information on external site
Vertiv, el uso de la energía y la eficiencia clave para el sector de los centros de datos - efikosnews.com2022-11-11 La gestión del consumo y de la huella de carbono impulsa las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores según Vertiv. Read full information on external site
Что ждёт рынок облачных технологий в Казахстане? - dknews.kz2022-11-11 Облачные технологии сегодня стали важной частью жизни человека — они задействованы в экономике, медицине, образовании, бизнесе, науке и промышленности. Read full information on external site
Negócios em Pauta 12 a 16/11/2022 - jornalempresasenegocios.com.br2022-11-11 A – Ferrari usada por Schumacher em 2003 é leiloada. Read full information on external site
Vertiv predicts increased DC regulation and oversight for 2023 - itbrief.com.au2022-11-11 According to new insights from Vertiv, data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Vertiv predicts increased DC regulation and oversight for 2023 - datacenternews.asia2022-11-11 According to new insights from Vertiv, data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Vertiv predicts increased DC regulation and oversight for 2023 - itbrief.co.nz2022-11-11 According to new insights from Vertiv, data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
HostDime's Tier IV Mexico data center will have a rooftop helicopter pad - datacenterdynamics.com2022-11-10 Construction is due to start on Andromeda facility in 2023 Read full information on external site
Sacrifice speed to cut cloud carbon and costs - datacenterdynamics.com2022-11-10 Organizations can cut cloud carbon emissions and costs by migrating workloads to different regions, if users can tolerate extra latency. Read full information on external site
Vertiv dự báo Hiệu quả sử dụng năng lượng sẽ tăng cao khi ngành Trung tâm dữ liệu bước sang năm 2023 - congngheviet.com2022-11-10 Trong bối cảnh biến đổi khí hậu đang diễn ra, thế giới tiếp tục vật lộn với sự gia tăng mức tiêu thụ điện và nước trong ngành, các trung tâm dữ liệu sẽ phải đối mặt với nhiều quy định cũng như sự giám sát của bên thứ ba vào năm 2023. Read full information on external site
green4T é a 1ª empresa do Brasil e da América Latina a possuir Certificação ASA - teclandoweb.com.br2022-11-10 Com novo título, empresa se torna a única do Brasil com conhecimento teórico e prático necessário para oferecer um programa abrangente de sustentabilidade de data center de escala mundial. Read full information on external site
As the Data Center Industry Looks Ahead to 2023, Vertiv Believes Energy Use and Efficiency Will Be Crucial - datastorageasean.com2022-11-10 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Kawasan Deltamas Jadi Lokasi Pertama Pembangunan Pusat Data Nasional - sinarmas.com2022-11-10 Pembangunan Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) pertama mulai dilakukan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) pada Rabu (9/11/2022). Read full information on external site
Ending the age of data centre ‘five nines’ - itpro.co.uk2022-11-10 High 99.999% availability pledges play well with cloud and data centre customers, but some downtime is always necessary. Read full information on external site
Ending the age of data centre ‘five nines’ - itpro.com2022-11-10 High 99.999% availability pledges play well with cloud and data centre customers, but some downtime is always necessary. Read full information on external site
La Tencología De La Inteligencia Artificial - new.selectamagazine.com.pa2022-11-10 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI, aquella aplicación de computadoras y equipos de telecomunicación para almacenar, recuperar, transmitir y manipular datos, con frecuencia utilizando en el contexto de los negocios u otras empresa, ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
¿Comó Ha Aumentado La Pandemia La Necesidad De Certificaciones En Centros De Datos? - new.selectamagazine.com.pa2022-11-10 Por: Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM.Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
As the Data Center Industry Looks Ahead to 2023, Vertiv Believes Energy Use and Efficiency Will Be Crucial - storageasean.com2022-11-10 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Vertiv identifies five data centre industry trends for 2023 - dcnnmagazine.com2022-11-10 Data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change Read full information on external site
Vertiv Sees Energy Use, Efficiency Loom Large as Data Center Industry Turns to 2023 - megabites.com.ph2022-11-10 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Eficiencia energética, regulación y edge, tendencias data center para 2023 - datacentermarket.es2022-11-10 La gestión del consumo y de la huella de carbono impulsa las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores, de acuerdo con las tendencias que marca Vertiv para los centros de datos del año que viene. Read full information on external site
Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - datacenternews.asia2022-11-10 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - itbrief.co.nz2022-11-10 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - itbrief.com.au2022-11-10 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - cfotech.co.nz2022-11-10 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - cfotech.com.au2022-11-10 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - cfotech.asia2022-11-10 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
green4T é a 1ª empresa a possuir Certificação ASA - channel360.com.br2022-11-09 Com novo título, empresa se torna a única do Brasil com conhecimento teórico e prático necessário para oferecer um programa abrangente de sustentabilidade de data center de escala mundial. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Sees Energy Use Efficiency Loom Large as Data Centre Industry Turns to 2023 - dca-global.org2022-11-09 Data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Vertiv sees energy use, efficiency loom large as data center industry turns to 2023 - outsourcing-today.ro2022-11-09 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Vertiv highlights five data centre trends for 2023 - networkingplus.co.uk2022-11-09 Data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Pusat Data Nasional Pertama Senilai Rp 2,5 T Dibangun di Bekasi - inet.detik.com2022-11-09 Jakarta - Pembangunan Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) pertama mulai dilakukan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo). Investasi sebesar 164,5 juta Euro atau setara Rp 2,5 triliun (kurs 1 Euro = Rp 15.736) digelontorkan untuk bangun fasilitas pusat data tersebut di Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Read full information on external site
Vertiv: Centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, în 2023 - economica.net2022-11-09 În 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creșterea consumului de energie și de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice în curs. Read full information on external site
Vertiv: Centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, în 2023 - clubitc.ro2022-11-09 În 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creșterea consumului de energie și de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice în curs. Read full information on external site
Industria centrelor de date va fi mai reglementată, din cauza consumului de energie și apă - wall-street.ro2022-11-09 În 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creșterea consumului de energie și de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice, arată un studiu realizat de experții Vertiv. Read full information on external site
Centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări şi o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terţe părţi, în 2023 - bursa.ro2022-11-09 In 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări şi o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terţe părţi, pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creşterea consumului de energie şi de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice în curs. Read full information on external site
Proyek Pusat Data Nasional Percepat Transformasi Digital - beritasatu.com2022-11-09 Cikarang, Beritasatu.com - Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) tengah menyiapkan pembangunan empat Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan berbasis digital. Read full information on external site
Proyek Pusat Data Nasional Percepat Transformasi Digital - headtopics.com2022-11-09 Cikarang, Beritasatu.com - Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) tengah menyiapkan pembangunan empat Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan berbasis digital. Read full information on external site
Vertiv: Reglementările mai aspre sunt inevitabile pe piaţa centrelor de date, care consumă acum până la 3% din totalul energiei electrice, cu prognoze de 4% până în 2030 - comunic.ro2022-11-09 În 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creșterea consumului de energie și de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice în curs. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Sees Energy Use, Efficiency Loom Large as Data Center Industry Turns to 2023 - business-review.eu2022-11-09 Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches new Data Center Suite - africanwirelesscomms.com2022-11-08 Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
GDA says German Energy Efficiency Act is a 'data center prevention law' - datacenterdynamics.com2022-11-08 The Energy Efficiency Act (ENEfG), currently in draft form, sets out a legal framework for energy efficiency, but it includes measures such as a flat rate for PUE and mandatory heat reuse, which will be impossible to implement, according to the German Datacenter Association (GDA). Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches new Data Center Suite - networkingplus.co.uk2022-11-08 Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Sirti Digital Solutions al fianco del Ministero della Difesa per l’adeguamento tecnologico del Data Center di Palazzo Guidoni - datamanager.it2022-11-08 L’incarico prevede l’intervento di Sirti Digital Solutions per l’evoluzione degli impianti di alimentazione e di condizionamento del Data Center di Palazzo Guidoni, nuova sede del Segretariato Generale della Difesa e ubicato presso l’Aeroporto ‘F. Baracca’ in RomaRead full information on external site
Sirti Digital Solutions adeguerà i Data Center del Ministero della Difesa - economymagazine.it2022-11-08 L’incarico prevede l’intervento di Sirti Digital Solutions per l’evoluzione degli impianti di alimentazione e di condizionamento del Data Center di Palazzo Guidoni, nuova sede del Segretariato Generale della Difesa e ubicato presso l’Aeroporto ‘F. Baracca’ in Roma Read full information on external site
Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma dobio TIER III certifikat - tportal.hr2022-11-07 Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma u Selskoj ulici u Zagrebu zadovoljio je najveće sigurnosne, tehnološke i industrijske standarde te dobio TIER III certifikat od UpTime Instituta, svjetskog lidera u standardizaciji performansi digitalne infrastrukture Read full information on external site
Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma dobio TIER III certifikat - ictbusiness.info2022-11-07 Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma u Selskoj ulici u Zagrebu zadovoljio je najveće sigurnosne, tehnološke i industrijske standarde te dobio TIER III certifikat od UpTime Instituta, svjetskog lidera u standardizaciji performansi digitalne infrastrukture Read full information on external site
Zain hosts Boubyan Bank at its world-class datacenter - q8dailynews.com2022-11-07 Kuwait: Zain, the leading digital service provider in Kuwait, announced a new collaboration with Boubyan Bank to host its IT infrastructure at Zain’s world-class datacenter facility via the company’s colocation service. Read full information on external site
Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma dobio TIER III certifikat - bug.hr2022-11-07 Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma u Selskoj ulici u Zagrebu zadovoljio je najveće sigurnosne, tehnološke i industrijske standarde te dobio TIER III certifikat od UpTime Instituta Read full information on external site
Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma dobio TIER III certifikat - cropc.net2022-11-06 Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma u Selskoj ulici u Zagrebu zadovoljio je najveće sigurnosne, tehnološke i industrijske standarde te dobio TIER III certifikat od UpTime Instituta, svjetskog lidera u standardizaciji performansi digitalne infrastrukture Read full information on external site
Zain hosts Boubyan Bank at its world-class datacenter - kuwaittimes.com2022-11-06 Kuwait: Zain, the leading digital service provider in Kuwait, announced a new collaboration with Boubyan Bank to host its IT infrastructure at Zain’s world-class datacenter facility via the company’s colocation service. Read full information on external site
Why sweating your assets no longer makes financial sense - itweb.co.za2022-11-04 Sweating your IT assets beyond the average three year lifespan may have made financial sense ten years ago, when businesses were looking to keep a lid on costs for as long as possible before investing in a hardware refresh, but today this is no longer a feasible option. Read full information on external site
Why sweating your assets no longer makes financial sense - engineerit.co.za2022-11-04 Sweating your IT assets beyond the average three year lifespan may have made financial sense ten years ago, when businesses were looking to keep a lid on costs for as long as possible before investing in a hardware refresh, but today this is no longer a feasible option. Read full information on external site
The White House’s quantum dilemma - protocol.com2022-11-02 Good morning! Companies have been discussing potential quantum computing restrictions with the government for a long time, but the Commerce Department now wants to roll out new controls as early as this year. It might not be as easy as it sounds. Read full information on external site
Romarg Anunță Măsuri Și Investiții Pentru Consolidarea Securității Cibernetice În Fața Atacurilor Ddos Și Phishing?- easyengineering.ro2022-11-02 ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค สร้างแพลตฟอร์มความรู้ระดับมือโปร ช่วยแก้ปัญหาขาดแคลนผู้เชี่ยวชาญดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์?- boxkao.blogspot.com2022-11-02 ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค ยูนิเวอร์ซิตี้ หรือมหาวิทยาลัย ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค ช่วยเพิ่มทักษะให้ผู้เชี่ยวชาญดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ โดยให้คำแนะนำฟรีเกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีล่าสุด การสร้างความยั่งยืน และความริเริ่มด้านประสิทธิภาพพลังงาน Read full information on external site
Belgian Breakthrough - magazine.intelligentdatacentres.co2022-11-01 Ogy Smet, CTO, Datacenter United, offers insight into how the organisation has become the first Tier IV certified data centre in Belgium - awarded by Uptime Institute - helping it to strengthen its market position and achieve its ambitions. Read full information on external site
Sustentabilidade: qual o papel dos Data Centers num futuro com a pegada zero de carbono? - datacenterdynamics.com2022-11-01 Painel será realizado dentro do DCD>Connect, evento presencial, no dia 7 de novembro, às 17:00, no Hotel Transamérica em São Paulo Read full information on external site
How many ways can you cut your UPS emissions? - datacenterdynamics.com2022-11-01 UPS systems produce a very small part of the emissions from a data center, but operators are being very inventive in ways to reduce them Read full information on external site
The data center climate reckoning is here - protocol.com2022-11-01 A hearty welcome to November from your Protocol Climate team! Today we’re taking a look at the upcoming midterms, including a hot climate proposition in California that’s dividing Big Tech. Read full information on external site
Data centers aren’t prepared for the climate crisis - protocol.com2022-11-01 Even as climate change increases the risks of floods, fires, and droughts, there are steps that data centers large and small can take to minimize their future vulnerability. Read full information on external site
October 2022
Zscaler's Cloud-Based Cybersecurity Outages Showcase Redundancy Problem - darkreading.com2022-10-31 While fewer cloud providers are suffering outages, customers should prepare for the uncommon event, especially when relying on cloud services for security. Read full information on external site
Harden Physical Security to Boost Your Data Center's Uptime: Here's How - datacenterknowledge.com2022-10-31 Mark Feider of Genetec reveals hidden benefits of unifying physical security efforts for data centers to achieve maximum uptime. Read full information on external site
Призоваха за защита на центровете за данни от EMP оръжия - technews.bg2022-10-31 Електромагнитните импулси могат да повредят електрическата мрежа и електрониката. Read full information on external site
ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค สร้างแพลตฟอร์มความรู้ระดับมือโปร ช่วยแก้ปัญหาขาดแคลนผู้เชี่ยวชาญดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ - newswit.com2022-10-31 ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค (Schneider Electric) ผู้นำด้านดิจิทัลทรานส์ฟอร์เมชั่นด้านการจัดการพลังงานและระบบออโตเมชั่น ประกาศถึงการอัปเดตต่อเนื่องสำหรับ Schneider Electric University ซึ่งเป็นแพลตฟอร์มด้านความรู้ในระบบดิจิทัลที่ได้รับการรับรองจาก CPD และเปิดกว้างสำหรับผู้จำหน่ายทุกค่าย โดยพร้อมบริการใน 14 ภาษา และสามารถเข้าถึงจากทั่วโลกทางออนไลน์ได้ฟรี ช่วยเพิ่มทักษะให้กับผู้ที่เกี่ยวข้องในอุตสาหกรรม พร้อมติดตามความรู้เกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีล่าสุด การสร้างความยั่งยืน และความริเริ่มด้านประสิทธิภาพพลังงานที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อทุกภาคส่วน Read full information on external site
US has emerged as ‘most prominent’ cloud market in the world - communicationstoday.co.in2022-10-31 The U.S. is the most mature data center development and operations market. The growing popularity of IoT, the emergence of 5G networks, and the demand for streaming online entertainment content at high speeds are the significant factors driving the growth of the data center construction market in the US, according to Research and Markets. Read full information on external site
两年三起数据中心火灾 Uptime发布数据中心火灾风险 最佳实践 - wiring.net.cn2022-10-31 2022年10月,韩国SK C&C大楼数据中心发生火灾。8 月,谷歌的一个数据中心因电气爆炸(特别是电弧闪光)而起火并导致三人受伤。2021 年,法国 OVHcloud SBG2数据中心被大火完全摧毁。据 Uptime Institute 称,数据中心火灾可能很少发生,但一旦发生,其后果通常是毁灭性的. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University สร้างแหล่ง เรียนรู้ออนไลน์ สำหรับสายดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ - techoffside.com2022-10-31 Schneider Electric (ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค) ผู้นำด้านดิจิทัลทรานส์ฟอร์เมชั่นด้านการจัดการพลังงานและระบบออโตเมชั่น ประกาศถึงการอัปเดตต่อเนื่องสำหรับ Schneider Electric University ซึ่งเป็นแพลตฟอร์มการ เรียนรู้ออนไลน์ ที่ได้รับการรับรองจาก CPD และเปิดกว้างสำหรับผู้จำหน่ายทุกค่าย โดยพร้อมบริการใน 14 ภาษา และสามารถเข้าถึงจากทั่วโลกทางออนไลน์ได้ฟรี ช่วยเพิ่มทักษะให้กับผู้ที่เกี่ยวข้องในอุตสาหกรรม พร้อมติดตามความรู้เกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีล่าสุด การสร้างความยั่งยืน และความริเริ่มด้านประสิทธิภาพพลังงานที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อทุกภาคส่วน Read full information on external site
ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค สร้างแพลตฟอร์มความรู้ระดับมือโปร ช่วยแก้ปัญหาขาดแคลนผู้เชี่ยวชาญดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ - cbntchannel.com2022-10-31 ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค (Schneider Electric) ผู้นำด้านดิจิทัลทรานส์ฟอร์เมชั่นด้านการจัดการพลังงานและระบบออโตเมชั่น ประกาศถึงการอัปเดตต่อเนื่องสำหรับ Schneider Electric University ซึ่งเป็นแพลตฟอร์มด้านความรู้ในระบบดิจิทัลที่ได้รับการรับรองจาก CPD และเปิดกว้างสำหรับผู้จำหน่ายทุกค่าย โดยพร้อมบริการใน 14 ภาษา และสามารถเข้าถึงจากทั่วโลกทางออนไลน์ได้ฟรี ช่วยเพิ่มทักษะให้กับผู้ที่เกี่ยวข้องในอุตสาหกรรม พร้อมติดตามความรู้เกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีล่าสุด การสร้างความยั่งยืน และความริเริ่มด้านประสิทธิภาพพลังงานที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อทุกภาคส่วน Read full information on external site
Прямое жидкостное охлаждение: переход неизбежен - iksmedia.ru2022-10-31 Изменения как в технических, так и в бизнес-требованиях подталкивают операторов ЦОДов к переходу на прямое жидкостное охлаждение. Read full information on external site
В США начали искать способ защитить компьютеры от электромагнитного оружия Об этом сообщает "Рамблер". - news.rambler.ru2022-10-30 Известно, что солнечные вспышки могут погубить спутники и нарушить работу электросетей. Read full information on external site
В США начали искать способ защитить компьютеры от электромагнитного оружия - ferra.ru2022-10-30 Которое можно собрать даже не имея профильное образование. Read full information on external site
Эксперты Uptime Institute призывают задуматься о защите ЦОД от геомагнитных бурь и электромагнитного оружия - servernews.ru2022-10-29 Как сообщается в блоге Uptime Institute, вспышки на Солнце или корональные выбросы способны вызвать геомагнитные бури, достаточные для нанесения ущерба электросетям и электронике. Read full information on external site
Data centers aren’t crunching their own sustainability numbers - itbrew.com2022-10-28 In an era where all the warning signs are written on the wall—from heat waves taking out data centers in the UK and wildfires threatening them in California, to operations sucking up huge amounts of water in drought-affected areas—many data centers aren’t preparing for a future where legislative responses to climate change affect their bottom line. Read full information on external site
不止数据中心 中兴通讯要做“东数西算”建设主力军 - news.idcquan.com2022-10-28 中兴通讯日前宣布成立“东数西算”特战队,积极参与“东数西算”工程建设,要以“存得住,运的快,算得准,广应用,保密高”的五维能力,做“东数西算”建设主力军。Read full information on external site
ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții pentru consolidarea securității cibernetice în fața atacurilor DDOS și Phishing - clubitc.ro2022-10-28 Compania ROMARG, liderul serviciilor de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii din România, cu capital 100% românesc, anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
글로벌 칼럼ㅣ디지털 트윈과 카오스 엔지니어링: 데이터센터 장애 대응 해법원문보기 - itworld.co.kr2022-10-28 지난 한 해 동안 디지털 전환이 엄청난 속도로 가속화됐고 원격 근무가 급격히 확산됐다. 하지만 IT 인프라는 전례 없는 수요를 감당해야 했다. 그 결과 서버 가동 시간 유지의 중요성이 두드러졌다. 인프라의 운영 중단을 예방하고, 재정적 손실을 방지하는 데 핵심이기 때문이다.원문보기. Read full information on external site
Gratte Brothers to support Kao Data’s high-performance data centre expansion - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-10-28 Kao Data, the specialist developer and operator of high-performance data centres for enterprise, cloud, HPC and AI, has announced it has appointed Gratte Brothers (GBL), a highly experienced and fully integrated engineering and construction services company, as principal contractor for the expansion of its KLON-06 data centre in Slough. Read full information on external site
Five ways to build resilient data centres - raconteur.net2022-10-28 Data centres are increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather events and resiliency remains paramount. Can it be done in a sustainable way? Read full information on external site
Data centers : Helios lance sa plateforme Orunix Digital et entre dans Maroc Data Center - infomediaire.net2022-10-28 Agissant pour le compte des fonds qu’elle représente, Helios Investment Partners annonce l’acquisition d’une participation majoritaire dans Maroc Datacenter (MDC). Read full information on external site
Hybrid’s Dominance Brings New Focus to the Data Center - networkcomputing.com2022-10-28 Hybrid is the dominant infrastructure today and likely for the foreseeable future. As such, IT and data center managers will need to ensure both data center and cloud environments are highly available and responsive. Read full information on external site
Helios annonce l'acquisition d'une participation majoritaire dans Maroc Datacenter - maghress.com2022-10-28 Helios Investment Partners (agissant pour le compte des fonds qu'elle représente), société de capital investissement, leader sur les investissements et opérations en Afrique, annonce l'acquisition d'une participation majoritaire dans Maroc Datacenter (MDC), plateforme marocaine de centre de données neutre certifiée Tier III. Read full information on external site
Внутренние и внешние признаки надежности сети ЦОД - pcnews.ru2022-10-27 Этот обзорный пост по ЦОДам инфраструктурной сети МТС подготовлен приглашенным автором, @sergbe из Санкт-Петербурга. Автор — бывший сотрудник Microsoft Ireland, работал в команде одного из крупнейших российских провайдеров облачных сервисов, проводил экскурсии по серверным залам и инженерной инфраструктуре ЦОД. Read full information on external site
ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții pentru consolidarea securității cibernetice în fața atacurilor DDOS și Phishing - marketwatch.ro2022-10-27 Compania ROMARG, liderul serviciilor de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii din România, cu capital 100% românesc, anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții pentru consolidarea securității cibernetice în fața atacurilor DDOS și Phishing - bizbrasov.ro2022-10-27 Compania ROMARG, liderul serviciilor de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii din România, cu capital 100% românesc, anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
Внутренние и внешние признаки надежности сети ЦОД - pcnews.ru2022-10-27 Этот обзорный пост по ЦОДам инфраструктурной сети МТС подготовлен приглашенным автором, @sergbe из Санкт-Петербурга. Автор — бывший сотрудник Microsoft Ireland, работал в команде одного из крупнейших российских провайдеров облачных сервисов, проводил экскурсии по серверным залам и инженерной инфраструктуре ЦОД. Read full information on external site
Внутренние и внешние признаки надежности сети ЦОД - habr.com2022-10-27 Этот обзорный пост по ЦОДам инфраструктурной сети МТС подготовлен приглашенным автором, @sergbe из Санкт-Петербурга. Автор — бывший сотрудник Microsoft Ireland, работал в команде одного из крупнейших российских провайдеров облачных сервисов, проводил экскурсии по серверным залам и инженерной инфраструктуре ЦОД. Read full information on external site
Riello UPS presenta sus nuevas soluciones para la mejora de la eficiencia energética - revistahostelpro.com2022-10-26 El crecimiento exponencial de la recopilación y uso de datos ha hecho crecer igualmente la demanda de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Pusat Data Nasional Dibangun Mulai November 2022 - viva.co.id2022-10-26 E Peletakan batu pertama atau groundbreaking Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) akan dilakukan pada awal November 2022 untuk PDN Jabodetabek. Target pembangunan akan selesai dalam waktu 24 bulan. Read full information on external site
Почему и каким образом в мире хотят регулировать отказоустойчивость облачных провайдеров - habr.com2022-10-26 В планах зарубежных регуляторов разработать единые стандарты для взаимодействия c государственными организациями и повысить надежность облачной среды. Read full information on external site
ROMARG, companie românească de găzduire web, a investit peste 650.000 euro pentru consolidarea securității în fața atacurilor cibernetice - economica.net2022-10-26 Compania românească ROMARG, care oferă servicii de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii, a investit 650.000 de euro pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții pentru consolidarea securității cibernetice în fața atacurilor DDOS și Phishing - thetrends.ro2022-10-26 Compania ROMARG, unul din liderii serviciilor de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii din România, cu capital 100% românesc, anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI en Latam - tecnopymes.cl2022-10-26 Según un informe del Uptime Institute, para mantener operativos los centros de datos del mundo será necesario que el sector incorpore al menos 300.000 trabajadores cualificados de aquí a 2025. Read full information on external site
IA permite una infraestructura más eficiente y con menos fallos - transmedia.cl2022-10-26 La pandemia desencadenó la aceleración de los procesos de digitalización de muchas compañías, a medida que las empresas y consumidores trasladaron sus actividades cotidianas al espacio digital con el fin de cumplir con las medidas de distanciamiento social y las regulaciones de salud. Read full information on external site
Columna: La IA permite una infraestructura más eficiente y con menos fallos - madboxpc.com2022-10-25 La pandemia desencadenó la aceleración de los procesos de digitalización de muchas compañías, a medida que las empresas y consumidores trasladaron sus actividades cotidianas al espacio digital con el fin de cumplir con las medidas de distanciamiento social y las regulaciones de salud. Read full information on external site
Is your datacenter safe from the next X-class solar flare? - klse.i3investor.com2022-10-25 And what about a madman with a truck-mounted junkyard EMP? Read full information on external site
Айтеко.Cloud – новый бренд ГК «Айтеко» - iksmedia.ru2022-10-25 Новый бренд Айтеко.Cloud предлагает услуги по аренде серверного оборудования и СХД, консолидирует предоставление облачных сервисов и услуг дата-центра через единое окно. Группа компаний «Айтеко» объединила под единым брендом облачного провайдера «СБКлауд» и дата-центр «ТрастИнфо». Read full information on external site
Kao Data appoints Gratte Brothers for KLON-06 expansion - datacentrereview.com2022-10-25 Kao Data has appointed Gratte Brothers Ltd (GBL) as principal contractor to oversee the expansion of its KLON-06 data centre in Slough. Read full information on external site
Riello UPS presenta sus nuevas soluciones para la mejora de la eficiencia energética - proarquitectura.es2022-10-25 El crecimiento exponencial de la recopilación y uso de datos ha hecho crecer igualmente la demanda de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Rezsicsökkentés új szinten - itbusiness.hu2022-10-25 Az előrejelzések szerint gazdasági szempontból rendkívül nehéz idő áll előttünk, a felkészülés jegyében érdemes átnézniük a vállalkozásoknak, hogyan tudják visszafogni kiadásaikat. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - portalinnova.cl2022-10-25 En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
Как "Фрегат" помог Украине стать №1 по самому быстрому интернету в мире: интервью с Мишаловым - 24tv.ua2022-10-24 Украина заняла 1 место в рейтинге самого дешевого и быстрого интернета в мире. И в этом заслуга одного из топовых интернет-провайдеров страны "Фрегат", убежден соучредитель компании Вячеслав Мишалов. Read full information on external site
Riello UPS presenta sus nuevas soluciones para centros de datos - energetica21.com2022-10-24 El crecimiento exponencial de la recopilación y uso de datos ha hecho crecer igualmente la demanda de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Com a fatura de energia a aquecer, como estão as empresas a reduzir consumos? - eco.sapo.pt2022-10-24 Com os custos de energia a subir, as empresas estão atentas à subida da fatura e, algumas, preparam planos de contingência. Regressar a 100% de teletrabalho não parece estar em cima da mesa. Read full information on external site
Riello UPS presenta nuevos UPS que mejoran la eficiencia energética - datacentermarket.es2022-10-24 Según el último informe del Uptime Institute sobre caídas de centros de datos, los cortes de energía en el sitio aumentaron del 37% al 43% en el total de los fallos en 2021, por lo que Riello UPS ha presentado nuevos equipos para reducir la huella de carbono. Read full information on external site
Айтеко» запустила новый бренд, объединяющий облачные сервисы, услуги дата-центра, аренды оборудования, ПО и консалтинга - cnews.ru2022-10-24 Новый бренд «Айтеко.Cloud», запущенный ГК «Айтеко», предлагает услуги по аренде серверного оборудования и СХД, консолидирует предоставление облачных сервисов и услуг дата-центра через единое окно. Read full information on external site
Riello UPS presenta sus nuevas soluciones para centros de datos - interempresas.net2022-10-24 El crecimiento exponencial de la recopilación y uso de datos ha hecho crecer igualmente la demanda de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Is your datacenter safe from the next X-class solar flare? - theregister.com2022-10-24 And what about a madman with a truck-mounted junkyard EMP? Read full information on external site
Is your datacenter safe from the next X-class solar flare? - news.knowledia.com2022-10-24 And what about a madman with a truck-mounted junkyard EMP? Read full information on external site
Three Data Center Fires in Two Years: Best Practices in Protecting Against Data Center Fire Risks - datacenterknowledge.com2022-10-24 Detection, suppression, mitigation, and recovery measures are essential to protect your data center from the risks of fire. Read full information on external site
Power Changes in the DC Industry - compassdatacenters.com2022-10-24 Andy Lawrence, Uptime Institute’s Executive Director of Research, talks all about the power challenges facing the data center industry. Read full information on external site
Казахстан задает цифровую моду - iksmedia.ru2022-10-24 Стремительное развитие рынка ЦОДов и облачных сервисов в Республике Казахстан во многом стимулировано государственными программами. Read full information on external site
[마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - news.sbs.co.kr2022-10-23 하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
[마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - n.news.naver.com2022-10-23 하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
[마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - news.nate.com2022-10-23 하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
[마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - v.daum.net2022-10-23 하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
[마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - news.sbs.co.kr2022-10-23 하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
[Chorus] How was everyone on the weekend when KakaoTalk was busy? - tellerreport.com2022-10-22 Dozens or hundreds of Kakao Talks come in every day, call a Kakao taxi to go see a friend, and use Kakao Map to use public transportation. It is a very familiar everyday life. Read full information on external site
Will climate change wreck your data center? - datacenterdynamics.com2022-10-22 As extreme temperatures become increasingly common, how can data centers handle the heat? Read full information on external site
Data centers should be more like alcohol, less like tobacco - datacenterdynamics.com2022-10-21 Data centers need to accept their place in a regulated world. Read full information on external site
Reliable solutions for continuous operations: Don't get left in the dark - datacenterdynamics.com2022-10-21 Laying down the blueprint for continuous power and operational reliability. Read full information on external site
Just In: South Korean Officials Raid Data Center, Promise More Regulation - datacenterknowledge.com2022-10-21 Following a major outage caused by a data center fire, South Korea cracks down on data center operations by promising more regulation of the industry in that country. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC opens $1.5b next gen sovereign data centre in Melbourne - itbrief.com.au2022-10-20 Australian data centre as a service provider NEXTDC has officially opened M3 Melbourne, the company's largest data centre facility to date. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC opens $1.5b next gen sovereign data centre in Melbourne - cfotech.com.au2022-10-20 Australian data centre as a service provider NEXTDC has officially opened M3 Melbourne, the company's largest data centre facility to date. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC opens $1.5b next gen sovereign data centre in Melbourne - datacenternews.asia2022-10-20 Australian data centre as a service provider NEXTDC has officially opened M3 Melbourne, the company's largest data centre facility to date. Read full information on external site
Honeywell Lanza Un Nueva Suite Para Ayudar a Optimizar Tiempo Y Productividad De Centros De Datos - notimx.mx2022-10-20 Las soluciones de Honeywell ofrecen una experiencia de usuario innovadora, aumentan la resiliencia en las operaciones, mejoran la productividad de los trabajadores y proporcionan visibilidad de los KPI críticos de sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - hy.stock.cnfol.com2022-10-20 10月18日,秦淮数据集团(NASDAQ:CD)正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
Balancing your resilience needs with the requirement to reduce carbon emissions - continuitycentral.com2022-10-20 Distributing workloads across multiple locations helps users achieve resiliency. Users should be aware, however, that greater duplication can mean both higher costs, and greater carbon emissions. A new report from the Uptime Institute has explored this issue. Read full information on external site
秦淮数据第三份ESG报告发布 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - business.sohu.com2022-10-20 上证报中国证券网讯(刘怡鹤 记者 陈其珏)近日,秦淮数据集团发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
Computing exams, AI, water and datacentres – Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast - computerweekly.com2022-10-19 In this episode of the Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast, Clare McDonald, Brian McKenna and Caroline Donnelly discuss the 2021 A-level and GCSE computing results, what algorithms are and are not good for, and the water consumption habits of datacentres, and their environmental impact. Read full information on external site
Weighing up the nuclear option for powering datacentres - computerweekly.com2022-10-19 In the political thriller Occupied, Norway declares a halt to oil and gas in favour of thorium-fuelled nuclear energy, alarming countries from the European Union (EU) to Russia. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute tool shows emissions savings of migrating workloads - datacenterdynamics.com2022-10-19 Why not shift your AWS instances from Frankfurt to Stockholm? Read full information on external site
VNPT Cloud - Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “đa đám mây” - vnmedia.vn2022-10-19 Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - diendandoanhnghiep.vn2022-10-19 Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - kienthuc.net.vn2022-10-19 Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - tienphong.vn2022-10-19 Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - news.yesky.com2022-10-19 10月18日,秦淮数据集团(NASDAQ:CD)正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告 Read full information on external site
Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - tuoitre.vn2022-10-19 Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - kinhtedothi.vn2022-10-19 Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
New Operational Resilience Regulations Loom amid Financial Sector’s Ongoing Outage Problem - financemagnates.com2022-10-19 Serious outages have plagued Financial sector institutions over the last few years. FSIs are now entering a new regulatory landscape that demands preparation and change. Read full information on external site
The data centre skills shortage and how to rectify it - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-10-19 The skills shortage across the data centre space has long been considered one of the biggest challenges for the industry. Adelle Desouza – DCA Advisory Board and Founder HireHigher, offers her best practice advice for taking action to close the skills gap, whilst introducing The Rising Stars Programme of which The DCA is a supporting force. Read full information on external site
Услуги ЦОД подорожают? - mobilecomm.ru2022-10-19 Стоимость услуг провайдеров коммерческих дата-центров в перспективе двух-трех лет может вырасти на 20-25%, по данным аналитиков компании Linxdatacenter. Read full information on external site
Multiplex tops out stage two of NEXTDC’s S3 data centre - insideconstruction.com.au2022-10-19 Multiplex has topped out the second stage of construction on the final stage of NEXTDC’s S3 data centre, located at 2 Broadcast Way, Artarmon on Sydney’s Lower North Shore. Read full information on external site
秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - 163.com2022-10-18 格隆汇10月18日丨秦淮数据集团(CD.US)今日正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。 Read full information on external site
秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - hk.jrj.com.cn2022-10-18 格隆汇10月18日丨秦淮数据集团(CD.US)今日正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。秦淮数据集团CEO吴华鹏表示,公司已经构建了数据中心从绿色选址、绿色建设到绿色运营全生命周期的“零碳”解决方案。2021年秦淮数据年度平均运行PUE为1.21,连续3年优于行业平均水平。Read full information on external site
Certificaciones de un data center, descubre cuáles son las más importantes - datacentermarket.es2022-10-18 En el presente artículo descubriremos cuáles son las certificaciones más comunes con las que debería contar un centro de datos, de acuerdo a las normativas y estándares internacionales de calidad. Read full information on external site
秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 构建数据中心全生命周期“零碳”解决方案 - finance.eastmoney.com2022-10-18 10月18日,秦淮数据集团(NASDAQ:CD)正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental,Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 构建数据中心全生命周期“零碳”解决方案 - zqrb.cn2022-10-18 10月18日,秦淮数据集团(NASDAQ:CD)正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental,Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
秦淮数据ESG报告:构建数据中心全生命周期“零碳”解决方案 - 21jingji.com2022-10-18 10月18日,秦淮数据集团发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》(以下简称“报告”)。这是秦淮数据连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
秦淮数据ESG报告:构建数据中心全生命周期“零碳”解决方案 - finance.eastmoney.com2022-10-18 10月18日,秦淮数据集团发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》(以下简称“报告”)。这是秦淮数据连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
Descarbonización = seguridad en Centros de Datos - globalenergy.mx2022-10-18 Por Marco Cosío, VP para Smart Infrastructure en Siemens México, Centroamérica y El Caribe. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter: услуги ЦОД подорожают на 20-25% - re-port.ru2022-10-18 Стоимость услуг провайдеров коммерческих дата-центров в перспективе двух-трех лет может вырасти на 20-25%, по данным аналитиков компании Linxdatacenter. Read full information on external site
IT Sustainability Think Tank: Assessing a supplier’s sustainability credentials - computerweekly.com2022-10-17 How can IT leaders separate fact from fiction when weighing up a tech supplier’s sustainability claims? Read full information on external site
Evaluación de las credenciales de sostenibilidad de un proveedor - espanol.news2022-10-17 Muchos propietarios y operadores de infraestructura digital tienen la actitud de que el uso de proveedores externos (servicios de nube y colocación, proveedores de equipos de TI, recicladores de hardware de TI y proveedores de energía) los absuelve de las responsabilidades de sostenibilidad concomitantes. Read full information on external site
Wie sich Rechenzentren vor Stromausfällen wappnen können - funkschau.de2022-10-17 Mit den rasanten Entwicklungen in der Energieversorgung stehen Rechenzentrumsbetreiber vor akuten Bedrohungsszenarien. Read full information on external site
IT sustainability think tank: assessing a supplier’s sustainability credentials - technicalripon2022-10-17 Many digital infrastructure owners and operators believe that using third-party providers – cloud and colocation services, IT equipment suppliers, IT hardware recyclers and energy suppliers – relieves them of the associated sustainability responsibilities. They believe that the sustainability of an outsourced operation is the responsibility of the supplier. Read full information on external site
Sinarmas Land and K2 Data Centres partner to develop data centres in Indonesia - businesstimes.com.sg2022-10-17 K2 DATA Centres, a subsidiary of the Kuok Group, has entered into a joint venture with Sinarmas Land : A26 -4.19% to develop and operate hyperscale data centres in Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Indonesian Minister of Communication & IT Inaugurated the Purwadhika Digital Technology School at The Nongsa Digital Park, Batam - businessdailymedia.com2022-10-17 Sinar Mas Land through the Nongsa Digital Park is strengthening its position as a digital economy area that will serve as the bridge for various digital and technology companies in Indonesia and Singapore. Read full information on external site
DEWA discusses collaboration with SAP SE - samenacouncil.org2022-10-16 Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has discussed means of collaboration with SAP SE. Read full information on external site
DEWA extends its strategic partnership with German software firm SAP - gccbusinessnews.com2022-10-15 Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has explored means of collaboration with SAP SE, a German multinational software company. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - elespectadordepanama.com2022-10-15 Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
Các doanh nghiệp nội lợi thế giành lại "thị phần" hệ sinh thái “điện toán đám mây - Cloud” - diendandoanhnghiep.vn2022-10-15 Bộ Trưởng TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng kêu gọi 80% các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam ở nước ngoài hãy trở về nhà mình, dùng hạ tầng điện toán đám mây "Made in Việt Nam". Read full information on external site
How much water do data centres use? Most tech companies won't say - newscientist.com2022-10-14 As more data centres are being built to meet growing demand, their water use is coming under scrutiny – particularly in regions of the US affected by the ongoing megadrought. Read full information on external site
5 CLAVES PARA LA BÚSQUEDA DE TALENTO EN TI - latinpymes.com2022-10-14 En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
Литиевые или свинцовые: какие аккумуляторы лучше взять для ЦОД? - pcnews.ru2022-10-14 До недавнего времени основной «рабочей лошадкой» в источниках бесперебойного питания (ИБП) для центров обработки данных (ЦОД) были свинцово-кислотные аккумуляторы различных модификаций. Read full information on external site
Литиевые или свинцовые: какие аккумуляторы лучше взять для ЦОД? - cnews.ru2022-10-14 До недавнего времени основной «рабочей лошадкой» в источниках бесперебойного питания (ИБП) для центров обработки данных (ЦОД) были свинцово-кислотные аккумуляторы различных модификаций. Read full information on external site
Особенности и выгоды использования облака в аттестованном сегменте дата-центра (ЦОД) - vb.by2022-10-14 Работа с большими объемами конфиденциальных данных требует особых условий. К примеру, такие данные необходимо безопасно хранить, обеспечить к ним защищенный круглосуточный доступ. Решением может стать размещение в аттестованном сегменте дата-центра. Read full information on external site
GITEX Global: DIFC Achieves Uptime Institute Tier III Design, Construction and Gold Operational Sustainability Certification Awards - albawaba.com2022-10-14 Dubai International Financial Centre continued to mark its data centre excellence by announcing a new certification from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - gadgerss.com2022-10-14 Según un informe del Uptime Institute, para mantener operativos los centros de datos del mundo será necesario que el sector incorpore al menos 300.000 trabajadores cualificados de aquí a 2025. Read full information on external site
GRC to Discuss Environmental Benefits of Single-Phase Immersion Cooling - aithority.com2022-10-14 GRC’s Chief Revenue Officer Jim Weynand will join data centre and telecom experts to discuss immersion cooling as a key component in reducing the consumption of natural resources by telco infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Hoe data beschermen nu servicestoringen toenemen? - computable.nl2022-10-14 Hoewel veel bedrijven tijdens de Europese hittegolven last hadden van meldingen van it-serviceonderbrekingen, worden die incidenten nu al overschaduwd. Read full information on external site
El defensor del Pueblo visitó el Centro Nacional de Datos Arsat - defensoriasantafe.gob.ar2022-10-14 Gabriel Savino estuvo en el predio de Benavídez, en provincia de Buenos Aires, acompañado de funcionarios de la Dirección de Informática para avanzar en el proceso de digitalización de las gestiones del organismo protector de derechos. Read full information on external site
Orange Jordan receives Tier III Operational Sustainability Gold Certification - samenacouncil.org2022-10-13 Orange Jordan’s data center recently received the Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability granted by the Uptime Institute, an unbiased advisory organization focused on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of business-critical infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Orange Jordan receives Tier III Operational Sustainability Gold Certification - telecompaper.com2022-10-13 Orange Jordan’s data center recently received the Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability granted by the Uptime Institute, an unbiased advisory organization focused on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of business-critical infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Rechenzentren Gegen Stromausfall Und Energiepreissteigerungen Wappnen - industr.com2022-10-13 Viele Branchen sind auf eine unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung angewiesen. Drohen begrenzte Energieversorgung oder gar Stromausfälle hat das Auswirkungen auf die gesamte Wirtschaft – national und weltweit. Wie können sich Betreiber und Unternehmen also absichern? Read full information on external site
¿Cómo la pandemia aumentó la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - itseller.cl2022-10-13 Por Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
GITEX Global: DIFC Achieves Uptime Institute Tier III Design, Construction And Gold Operational Sustainability Certification Awards - blog.dubaicityguide.com2022-10-13 At GITEX Global 2022, Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), the leading global financial centre in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region, continued to mark its data centre excellence by announcing a new certification from Uptime Institute, internationally recognised as the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority. Read full information on external site
GITEX Global: DIFC Achieves Uptime Institute Tier III Design, Construction And Gold Operational Sustainability Certification Awards - menews247.com2022-10-13 At GITEX Global 2022, Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), the leading global financial centre in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region, continued to mark its data centre excellence by announcing a new certification from Uptime Institute, internationally recognised as the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority. Read full information on external site
Cinco claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - bluradio.com2022-10-13 En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - datacenternews.asia2022-10-13 Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - channellife.co.nz2022-10-13 Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - itbrief.co.nz2022-10-13 Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - channellife.com.au2022-10-13 Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - itbrief.com.au2022-10-13 Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) - metrolibre.com2022-10-12 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Optimize Multicloud Ops Through Pragmatic Observability - techbeacon.com2022-10-12 As growing numbers of organizations have embraced the deployment of hybrid and multicloud architectures, the issue of complexity is presenting a dilemma. Read full information on external site
Constructing Data Centers With Security in Mind - ecmag.com2022-10-12 Data centers are critical to business and everyday life. More will be built as the world’s digital needs expand, and energy considerations must play a central role in this growth. Read full information on external site
Was das Stabilisieren von Anwendungen in der Cloud kostet - cloudcomputing-insider.de2022-10-12 Die vertraglichen Zusagen der Betreiber von Public-Cloud-Diensten betreffen die Services, nicht die Anwendungen, die diese Services nutzen. Read full information on external site
Certificaciones, ¿sabe por qué los centros de datos las requieren? - thestandardcio.com2022-10-12 El mundo tras el Covid-19 consume más datos. ¿Sabe cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? Read full information on external site
Get the most out of your network with Cisco DNA Center - blogs.cisco.com2022-10-12 Information Technology has been at the center of business transformation for a while now. Organizations look up to IT for business innovation, productivity improvements, and competitive edge. Most recently, businesses relied on IT to not just survive but thrive during disruptions caused by global shutdowns and supply chain issues. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - jcmagazine.com2022-10-12 En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
Orange Jordan receives Tier III Operational Sustainability Gold Certification – Roya News English - news.writecaliber.com2022-10-12 Orange Jordan’s data center recently received the Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability granted by the Uptime Institute, an unbiased advisory organization focused on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of business-critical infrastructure. Read full information on external site
위엠비, 대만 국태(Cathay)금융 그룹 통합관제시스템 사업 수주 - itdaily.kr2022-10-11 [아이티데일리] 빅데이터 기반 IT통합운영관리 전문 기업 위엠비가 해외의 금융업계 사업을 연이어 수주했다. 이번에는 대만 최대 규모의 금융 그룹인 국태(國泰, Cathay) 금융 그룹이 대상이다. Read full information on external site
霍尼韦尔全新管理平台解决方案助力数据中心优化运营 - gkzhan.com2022-10-11 全球楼宇互联行业领导者霍尼韦尔(纳斯达克代码:HON)近日推出数据中心管理平台(Data Center Suite),这是一款以结果为导向的软件解决方案组合,能够帮助数据中心管理人员和业主优化正常运行时间,提高工作效率,确保关键资产健康状态,降低运营成本,同时提高可持续性发展KPI的可见性。Read full information on external site
Rechenzentren: von Stromausfall und Energiepreissteigerungen bedroht - itiko.de2022-10-11 Das Szenario eines Stromausfalls oder die Befürchtung erheblicher Energiepreissteigerungen sind in der öffentlichen Diskussion immer häufiger zu hören. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - tynmagazine.com2022-10-11 Por Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
Готовы к рывку - iksmedia.ru2022-10-11 Во многих странах Центральной Азии и Закавказья созрели предпосылки для стремительного развития индустрии ЦОДов. Таков вывод прошедшего в начале октября в Ташкенте Евразийского форума Data Center & Cloud. Read full information on external site
Компактно, удобно и надежно: как ENERGON внедряла «литий» в дата-центре - it-world.ru2022-10-11 Решения на основе литиевых аккумуляторов — не самые дешевые. Но, если мы возьмем отсутствие необходимости в обслуживании на протяжении многих лет, а также стоимость арендной платы, то в итоге «литий» оказывается более выгодным, чем «свинец». Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - libretadeapuntes.com2022-10-11 En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - colombiaempresarial.com.co2022-10-11 En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - pressperu.com2022-10-10 En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
Microgrids and data centers: How to increase high availability while achieving decarbonization objectives - datacenterdynamics.com2022-10-10 The N+K microgrid can provide an effective alternative to the traditional N+1 or 2N resiliency. Here’s how it works. Read full information on external site
Российский разработчик модульных ЦОД GreenMDC утроит производственные мощности - servernews.ru2022-10-10 Российский разработчик и поставщик модульных центров обработки данных GreenMDC сообщил о переводе производственных мощностей на новую технологическую площадку, масштабы которой позволят увеличить объём одновременно выпускаемых изделий в три раза. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - mundoempresarial.pe2022-10-10 En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
Las certificaciones juegan un papel fundamental en los centros de datos - channelnewsperu.com2022-10-10 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA): Parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - elcapitalfinanciero.com2022-10-10 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA): Parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - newsinamerica.com2022-10-10 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - ebizlatam.com2022-10-09 Los gobiernos, los reguladores y los clientes de TI seguirán buscando una garantía de que los centros de datos sean diseñados y operados para mantener la disponibilidad durante pandemias futuras. Read full information on external site
Cinco claves para atraer y retener al talento que trabaja en los centros de datos - canalti.pe2022-10-09 En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
Kudos to Kudos Data Center for Tier Certification - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-10-07 With a wide range of customers, from those who operate in various industries and markets to hyperscale cloud service providers, Sonda is dedicated to enabling customers with secure, reliable, redundant, and flexible computing environments and solutions that meet the highest standards in the world." Read full information on external site
TECSENS despliega su infraestructura de voz en España - aslan.es2022-10-07 Es fundamental para cumplir con las premisas anteriormente mencionadas (flexibilidad, eficiencia y alta disponibilidad) contar con un centro de datos diseñado, adaptado y orientado a las necesidades del servicio a alojar. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - itusers.today2022-10-07 En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - channelnewsperu.com2022-10-07 En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
Билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - content-review.com2022-10-07 Билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
Telco industry bosses to meet in Warsaw to tackle energy crisis - electronicspecifier.com2022-10-07 Representatives of Europe’s largest telecom companies will meet in Warsaw from October 11-12 to discuss their role in solving the problem of rising energy prices. Read full information on external site
A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos datacenters - tiinside.com.br2022-10-07 Um dos principais efeitos da pandemia foi a clara compreensão da criticidade da tecnologia no suporte à vida diária. Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA): parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - panama24horas.com.pa2022-10-07 La IA puede ser una valiosa herramienta para lograr el mantenimiento con base en el análisis de datos y para detectar los problemas potenciales en el equipo incluso antes de que se conviertan en un problema. Read full information on external site
5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - nteve.com2022-10-07 En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
データセンターは増えても人が足りない“スキルギャップの闇” - techtarget.itmedia.co.jp2022-10-06 Schneider Electricは無償のオンライン学習プログラムを提供し、データセンター業界が抱える「スキルギャップ」の解消を目指す。なぜこの問題の解決が必要なのか。Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - notimx.mx2022-10-06 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
Las certificaciones juegan un papel fundamental en los centros de datos - gadgerss.com2022-10-06 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
Data centers weather solar storms - datacenterdynamics.com2022-10-06 Geomagnetic storms can cause disruption and damage, yet few assess the risk or implement protections Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - sitquije.com2022-10-06 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
Linuxone 4: Big Blue mit mehr Energie-Effizienz und Klimaschutz - it-business.de2022-10-06 IBM hat eine neue Generation seines auf Linux und Kubernetes basierenden Großrechners „Linuxone“ vorgestellt. Das erste Modell dieser Baureihe trägt den stolzen Namen „Emperor“. Read full information on external site
Antony Blinken visita el Centro de Despacho del Coordinador Eléctrico - revistaei.cl2022-10-06 Un lugar especial ha ocupado la mitigación del cambio climático y la transición energética en la agenda del secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Antony Blinken, en Chile. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - itnews.lat2022-10-06 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
Care Este Definitia Pue Pentru Centrele De Date? - easyengineering.ro2022-10-06 PUE reprezintă eficiența consumului de energie electrică. Nu este un secret că centrele de date sunt mari consumatori de energie și că infrastructura IT a acestora este alcătuită din echipamente deosebit de consumatoare de energie. Prin înțelegerea și urmărirea parametrului PUE a centrelor de date, managerii pot începe să înțeleagă cât de eficientă este infrastructura IT și dacă aceasta devine mai eficientă sau mai puțin eficientă în timp. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - tekiosmag.com2022-10-06 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
Las certificaciones juegan un papel fundamental en los centros de datos - businessempresarial.com.pe2022-10-06 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - edomexaldia.com2022-10-06 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
Despacho de energía en Chile recibe a Secretario de Estado de EU, Antony Blinken - energiahoy.com2022-10-06 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional recibe al Secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos - emb.cl2022-10-05 En el marco de su visita oficial a Chile, el Secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Antony J. Blinken, llegó esta tarde hasta las nuevas dependencias del Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional para recorrer el Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC), ubicado en Pudahuel, actualmente el más moderno de su tipo en Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
A escassez de equipamentos de data center pode diminuir em breve, mas não por boas razõess - datacenterdynamics.com2022-10-05 À medida que a demanda por eletrônicos enfraquece, fornecedores podem mudar para a produção de componentes de infraestrutura. Read full information on external site
Апартаменты YE’S перешли в облако Linxdatacenter - cnews.ru2022-10-05 Международная сеть апарт-отелей YE’S взяла в аренду интернет-канал и облачные вычислительные мощности по модели IaaS у провайдера ИТ-решений для бизнеса Linxdatacenter. Об этом CNews сообщили представители Linxdatacenter. Эти ресурсы позволят предоставлять современные цифровые сервисы клиентам сети отелей. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone Targets 14 More States To Complete Nationwide Infrastructure Deployment By 2023 - ebusinesslife.com.ng2022-10-05 In its quest to connect the entire country through digital infrastructure deployment, digital infrastructure service provider, Galaxy Backbone Limited has made a commitment to 14 more states remaining in its digital quest. Read full information on external site
Апартаменты YE’S перешли в облако Linxdatacenter - re-port.ru2022-10-05 Международная сеть апарт-отелей YE’S взяла в аренду интернет-канал и облачные вычислительные мощности по модели IaaS у провайдера ИТ-решений для бизнеса Linxdatacenter. Об этом CNews сообщили представители Linxdatacenter. Эти ресурсы позволят предоставлять современные цифровые сервисы клиентам сети отелей. Read full information on external site
Nuosavi duomenų centrai verslus verčia elektros kainų įkaitais - vz.lt2022-10-04 Augančios elektros energijos kainos verčia už galvų griebtis nuosavą IT infrastruktūrą turinčius verslus. Read full information on external site
Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - ФОТО (R) - news.day.az2022-10-04 В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - ФОТО (R) - ru.baku.ws2022-10-04 В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - trend.az2022-10-04 В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - news.day.az2022-10-04 В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - news.day.az2022-10-04 В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - aqreqator.az2022-10-04 В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
DeG obtains a Level 3 Operational Sustainability Certificate - sharjah24.ae2022-10-04 Sharjah24: The Department of e-Government (DeG) has obtained a certificate of operational sustainability of the third level “Tier III gold” from the Uptime International Institute, which is specialised in classifying data centers. Read full information on external site
Nuosavi duomenų centrai verslus verčia elektros kainų įkaitais - elektronika.lt2022-10-04 Augančios elektros energijos kainos verčia už galvų griebtis nuosavą IT infrastruktūrą turinčius verslus. Read full information on external site
Un posible proyecto respetuoso para los antiguos Docks Comerciales del Puerto de Valencia. La empresa Nixval propone un “data center” combinando la conservación de patrimonio con un nuevo uso. - patrindustrialquitectonico.blogspot.com2022-10-04 Así es el proyecto de la valenciana Nixval para un 'data center' en los Docks. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - es.globedia.com2022-10-04 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - mx.globedia.com2022-10-04 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
Los centros de datos se han vuelto más esenciales para las economías pospandémicas - inversorlatam.com2022-10-04 La cantidad total de datos creados, copiados y consumidos en todo el mundo alcanzó los 79 zettabytes y se espera que la cifra llegue a los 181 zettabytes para 2025. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - ar.globedia.com2022-10-04 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - gt.globedia.com2022-10-04 Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
В Ташкенте проходит евразийский Data Center & Cloud Forum - ru.oxu.az2022-10-04 В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский форум Data Center and Cloud Forum, посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
Lessons from Hurricane Ian for 30% of cloud users to learn - tekdeeps.com2022-10-04 Natural disasters, such as Hurricane Ian, cause serious damage to business continuity beyond human costs. If an enterprise’s infrastructure is damaged, it can take days or weeks to recover, and the cost of downtime can exceed $100,000 per hour. Read full information on external site
Οι επαναστάσεις ξεκινούν με τα πράσινα data centers - netweek.gr2022-10-04 H αποδοτικότερη λειτουργία των data centers αποτελεί ένα βασικό ζητούμενο τα τελευταία χρόνια, το οποίο καθίσταται ακόμα πιο επιτακτικό μέσα στο πλαίσιο και της ενεργειακής κρίσης που βιώνουμε. Read full information on external site
Nuosavi duomenų centrai verslus verčia elektros kainų įkaitais - bns.lt2022-10-03 Augančios elektros energijos kainos verčia už galvų griebtis nuosavą IT infrastruktūrą turinčius verslus. Read full information on external site
Облачные вычисление и строительство дата-центров в фокусе форума «Data Center and Cloud Forum» - uzdaily.com2022-10-03 Сегодня в Ташкенте стартовал Евразийский Форум «Data Center and Cloud Forum», посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
Тошкентда Евроосиё «Data Center & Cloud Forum» бўлиб ўтмоқда - xabar.uz2022-10-03 Тошкентда маълумотларни қайта ишлаш ва сақлаш марказлари (ДПC) ва булутли ҳисоблаш учун технологик ечимларга бағишланган «Data Center & Cloud Forum» Евроосиё форуми бўлиб ўтмоқда. Read full information on external site
«Data Center and Cloud Forum»: Компания Huawei представила проекты строительства дата-центров в Узбекистане, а также развития облачных сервисов - uzreport.news2022-10-03 В Ташкенте организован Евразийский Форум «Data Center and Cloud Forum», посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
Cloud computing and construction of data centers in the focus of the Data Center and Cloud Forum - uzdaily.com2022-10-03 The Eurasian Data Center and Cloud Forum dedicated to technological solutions for data processing and storage centers (DPC) and cloud computing started today in Tashkent. Read full information on external site
دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث - nabdn.com2022-10-03 كتب وكالة أنباء الإمارات دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد وتوفر شهادة Uptime Institute للاستدامة التشغيلية "TCOS" لمالكي مركز البيانات المعتمدين والمشغلين تقييما شاملا للعمليات التشغيلية والمخاطر الكامنة والمحتملة فضلا عن كونها تعد دليلة أساسية لكفاءة تصميم المركز وفعاليته وضمان تقديم أعلى مستويات.... نشر في الأثنينتقديم أعلRead full information on external site
دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث - enn.ae2022-10-03 محصلت دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث “Tier III gold” من معهد Uptime International المتخصص في تصنيف مراكز البيانات. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - cxo-community.com2022-10-03 Por Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية - mubasher.info2022-10-03 أبوظبي - مباشر: نالت دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث Tier III gold" من معهد أبتامي -uptime- العالمي المتخصص بتصنيف مراكز البيانات. Read full information on external site
دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية - klyoum.com2022-10-03 أبوظبي - مباشر: نالت دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث Tier III gold" من معهد أبتامي -uptime- العالمي المتخصص بتصنيف مراكز البيانات. Read full information on external site
About a third of cloud users need to learn resiliency lessons from Hurricane Ian - reseller.co.nz2022-10-02 Now is the time to prepare for a future disaster that might hit the network. Read full information on external site
About a third of cloud users need to learn resiliency lessons from Hurricane Ian - channelasia.tech2022-10-02 Now is the time to prepare for a future disaster that might hit the network. Read full information on external site
Así es el proyecto de la valenciana Nixval para un 'data center' en los Docks - valenciaplaza.com2022-10-02 Now is the time to prepare for a future disaster that might hit the network. Read full information on external site
مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف Uptime_Tier_ 3 العالمية - algeriemaintenant.dz2022-10-02 الجزائرالآن _تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك علىفي الجزائر .شهادة تصنيف “ Uptime Tier 3 Design “ العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمديعRead full information on external site
مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 العالمية - alhirak-alikhbari.dz2022-10-02 السوناطراك تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف " Uptime Tier 3 Design " العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر . مع العلم أن شهادة Tier III من Uptime Institute ، تسلم بشكل خاص إلى مراكز البيانات التي تتوفر على المقاييس العالمية العالية المتعلقة بتحسين آليات وعمليات الأمان والمرونة التي يتم تنفيذها داخل مراكز البيانات، فهي تهدف إلى ضمان توفر خدمة مراكز البيانات وجودتها وأمانها. بعد الانتهاء من مراحل التدقيق والتطوير من طرف المديرية المركزية للرقمنة ونظم Read full information on external site
مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف”Uptime Tier 3 Design”العالمية - alfadjr.dz2022-10-02 تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center" الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design " العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر. Read full information on external site
مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف”Uptime Tier 3 Design”العالمية - aljazairalyoum.dz2022-10-02 تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center" الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design " العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر. Read full information on external site
تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 العالميةمركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادةالعالمية - alhirak-alikhbari.dz2022-10-02 Now is the time to prepare for a future disaster that might hit the network. Read full information on external site
سوناطراك تحصل على شهادة تصنيف عالمية - 6060news.com2022-10-02 تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف عالمية بإعتباره أحد المراكز الأكثر أمانا ومرونة في العالم. وحسب بيان للمجمع فقد تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف “Uptime Tier 3 Design “. Read full information on external site
شهادة تصنيف عالمية لمركز البيانات لسوناطراك - elhiwar.dz2022-10-02 شارك أعلن مجمع “سوناطراك” عن حصول مركز البيانات Data Center الرئيسي للمجمع على شهادة تصنيف “ Uptime Tier 3 Design “ العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر . Read full information on external site
شهادة تصنيف عالمية لسوناطراك في هذا التخصص - akhbarelwatane.de2022-10-02 تحصل مركز البيانات “Data Center” الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك، على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design العالمية، و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر. Read full information on external site
Sonatarch: Le Datacenter obtient la certification “Tier III” - maghrebinfo.dz2022-10-02 Le groupe Sonatrach a annoncé, aujourd’hui dimanche, que son centre de données “Data center” a reçu un certificat international de classification “Uptime Tier 3 Design”. Read full information on external site
Sonatrach : obtention d’un certificat de classement international - algerie360.com2022-10-02 Le centre de données principal de Sonatrach a obtenu un certificat de classement mondial comme l’un des centres les plus sécurisés et les plus résilients au monde. Read full information on external site
حصول سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design - fibladi.com2022-10-02 تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاين “Uptime Tier 3 Design” العالمية, وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر, حسبما جاء اليوم الأحد في بيان للمجمع العمومي. وأوضح ذات البيان أن شهادة “Tier 3 من Uptime Institute” تسلم بشكل خاص إلى مراكز البيانات التي تتوفر على المقاييس العالمية العالية … Read full information on external site
حصول سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design - dzayerinfo.com2022-10-02 تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاين “Uptime Tier 3 Design” العالمية, وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر, حسبما جاء اليوم الأحد في بيان للمجمع العمومي. وأوضح ذات البيان أن شهادة “Tier 3 من Uptime Institute” تسلم بشكل خاص إلى مراكز البيانات التي تتوفر على المقاييس العالمية العالية … Read full information on external site
مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف “أبتايم” العالمية - entv.dz2022-10-02 تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاين “Uptime Tier 3 Design” العالمية, وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر، حسبما جاء اليوم الأحد في بيان للمجمع العمومي. Read full information on external site
Sonatrach obtient un certificat de classement international - observalgerie.com2022-10-02 Le géant algérien des hydrocarbures est en bonne santé. La conjoncture actuelle est très favorable à cette grande entreprise. Read full information on external site
مركز بيانات سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة أبتايم العالمية - djazairess.com2022-10-02 يُعتبر أول مركز من نوعه يُعتمد في الجزائر مركز بيانات سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة أبتايم العالمية تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاي Uptime Tier 3 Design العالمية وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر حسب ما جاء أمس الأحد في بيان للمجمع العمومي. Read full information on external site
مركز بيانات سوناطراك ينتزع شهادة تصنيف «آب تايم» العالمية - ech-chaab.com2022-10-02 تحصّل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاين «Uptime Tier 3 Design» العالمية، وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر، حسبما جاء أمس في بيان للمجمع العمومي. Read full information on external site
Nuosavi duomenų centrai verslus verčia elektros kainų įkaitais - lemidi-dz.com2022-10-02 Le centre de données principal de Sonatrach a obtenu un certificat de classement mondial comme l’un des centres les plus sécurisés et les plus résilients au monde. Read full information on external site
September 2022
The Industry Is Not Prepared': Report Finds Many Data Center Firms Unaware Of Looming Emissions Rules - bisnow.com2022-09-30 Many data center operators in the U.S., Europe and Asia will soon be required to report greenhouse gas emissions and other sustainability metrics. Read full information on external site
Растет команда облачных инженеров - mobilecomm.ru2022-09-30 Сервис-провайдер Linxdatacenter, оказывающий услуги на базе двух собственных ЦОДов в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, вдвое увеличил команду специалистов, обеспечивающих работоспособность и развитие облачной платформы LinxCloud. Read full information on external site
Компания Nubes открывает новый ЦОД Tier III в Москве - tehnika-ludyam.ru2022-09-30 Облачный провайдер Nubes запускает в эксплуатацию новый ЦОД уровня TIER III. Дата-центр обеспечит бизнес ИТ-инфраструктурой для развертывания отказоустойчивых облаков на базе VMware. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone’s Target to Connect 36 States, FCT on Course, says Chidi Okpala - techeconomy.ng2022-09-30 The ICT company has already connected 22 States in Nigeria with digital infrastructure and hopes to expand to the remaining States before the end of 2023. Read full information on external site
About a third of cloud users need to learn resiliency lessons from Ian - networkworld.com2022-09-30 While the Florida hurricane damage has your attention, it's time to plan for and implement redundant cloud and on-prem network infrastructure and strengthen backup and recovery capabilities. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter вдвое увеличил команду облачных инженеров - re-port.ru2022-09-30 Сервис-провайдер Linxdatacenter, оказывающий услуги на базе двух собственных ЦОДов в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, вдвое увеличил команду специалистов, обеспечивающих работоспособность и развитие облачной платформы LinxCloud.. Read full information on external site
Электроэнергия и дата центры - habr.com2022-09-29 Как получить точные данные об использовании энергетических ресурсов — и почему они нам так важны. Read full information on external site
Recepta na kryzys energetyczny - salumanus.com2022-09-29 Nowością XV Dni Światła jest dyskusja panelowa. Udział w niej potwierdzili przedstawiciele liderów branży: Exatel, Orange, Grupy Play, Akamai Technologies. Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - revistafatorbrasil.com.br2022-09-29 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - mundorh.com.br2022-09-29 As mulheres representam ainda uma parte relativamente pequena no setor de data centers, mas há projetos para que esse número cresça mais a cada dia. Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - jornalempresasenegocios.com.br2022-09-29 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - canal-cl.com2022-09-28 Escribe Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute reports three key sustainability elements in data center design: Water, Circularity, and Siting - dailyhostnews.com2022-09-28 Data centers and IT operators need a comprehensive sustainability strategy to reduce their environmental impact. Read full information on external site
Билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - amur.info2022-09-28 Билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
Билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - irk.ru2022-09-28 Билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
Билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - altapress.ru2022-09-28 Билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
Data Centre stock in India to double by 2024; USD 20 billion investments estimated by 2025 - itvoice.in2022-09-28 CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd, India’s leading real estate consulting firm, has announced the findings of its latest report, “Data Centres in India: Powering Up Real Estate in a ‘Data-High’ Era”. According to the report, Data Centre (DC) investments in India are expected to surpass USD 20 billion by 2025. Read full information on external site
Data Centre stock in India to double by 2024; USD 20 billion investments estimated by 2025 - crn.in2022-09-28 CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd, India’s leading real estate consulting firm, has announced the findings of its latest report, “Data Centres in India: Powering Up Real Estate in a ‘Data-High’ Era”. According to the report, Data Centre (DC) investments in India are expected to surpass USD 20 billion by 2025. Read full information on external site
El grupo de ingeniería IDP también construirá data centers - datacentermarket.es2022-09-28 Una nueva compañía de ingeniería, IDP, se ha sumado a la creciente oleada de empresas constructoras que crean su propia división dedicada a centros de datos, gracias a una alianza con Ingenium, que ya cuenta con una dilatada experiencia en este sector. Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - channel360.com.br2022-09-28 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Mesmo o sexo feminino representando a maioria da população brasileira, com 52% segundo o IBGE. Read full information on external site
Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic seeks Tier III certification - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-09-27 The ITS project is critical for the Czech Republic because it delivers critical communications services upon which the police, fire brigade, and rescue services depend. Read full information on external site
Data Centre stock in India to double by 2024; USD 20 billion investments estimated by 2025 - cxotoday.com2022-09-27 CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd, India’s leading real estate consulting firm, has announced the findings of its latest report, “Data Centres in India: Powering Up Real Estate in a ‘Data-High’ Era”. According to the report, Data Centre (DC) investments in India are expected to surpass USD 20 billion by 2025. Read full information on external site
Het is goed dat datacenters over het milieu moeten rapporteren - datacenterworks.nl2022-09-27 Het Uptime Institute beantwoordt in een recent artikel de vraag waarom datacenters steeds meer met het milieu te maken krijgen. Read full information on external site
«Билайн бизнес» и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - newsorel.ru2022-09-27 «Билайн бизнес» (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
«Билайн бизнес» и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - abnews.ru2022-09-27 «Билайн бизнес» (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
«Билайн бизнес» и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - ivanovonews.ru2022-09-27 «Билайн бизнес» (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
2022 Global Data Center Survey: sustainability struggles and staffing shortages - datacentrereview.com2022-09-27 The findings of Uptime Institute’s latest annual Global Data Center Survey indicate that while the industry is growing, it’s still grappling with sustainability reporting, staffing shortages, supply chain delays and outages. Read full information on external site
билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - datacentrereview.com2022-09-27 The findings of Uptime Institute’s latest annual Global Data Center Survey indicate that while the industry is growing, it’s still grappling with sustainability reporting, staffing shortages, supply chain delays and outages. Read full information on external site
Mit Linuxone 4 verspricht Big Blue mehr Energie-Effizienz und Klimaschutz - itsz.ru2022-09-27 билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
«Билайн бизнес» и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - smolgazeta.ru2022-09-27 «Билайн бизнес» (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
India’s data capacity getting doubled, to attract USD 20 billion investments by 2025 - egov.eletsonline.com2022-09-27 CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd, India’s leading real estate consulting firm, has announced the findings of its latest report, “Data Centres in India: Powering Up Real Estate in a ‘Data-High’ Era”. Read full information on external site
Biznet Data Center dan Merkle Innovation Luncurkan Solusi Implementasi Private Cloud Lintas Perangkat - investor.id2022-09-27 PT Dinamika Raya Prima (Biznet Data Center), penyedia infrastruktur data center dan layanan kolokasi di Indonesia berkolaborasi dengan Merkle Innovation untuk meluncurkan solusi implementasi infrastruktur private cloud terlengkap yang menyasar transformasi digital berbagai industri. Read full information on external site
Data centre business to double by 2024, demand to help real estate: Reports - business-standard.com2022-09-27 Investments in data centres expected to surpass $20 billion by 2025, with smaller cities gaining too Read full information on external site
Centres de données et RSE : les fournisseurs doivent revoir leurs indicateurs d’efficacité énergétique - itsocial.fr2022-09-27 Le marché des centres de données est en bonne santé, mais la pression écologique d’une consommation énergétique plus efficace appelle des mesures plus précises de l’efficacité énergétique, ce que ne proposent pas les indicateurs actuels, notamment le PUE (Power usage effectiveness). Read full information on external site
Sustainable Digital: It is time for ICT to embrace environmental practices! - soprasteria.com2022-09-27 Climate change is popping into any conversation and companies’ development plans as the impacts of its change become more evident. Since 2016, all sectors of the global economy must then keep their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. Read full information on external site
Data centre business to double by 2024, demand to help real estate: Reports - business-standard.com2022-09-27 Investments in data centres expected to surpass $20 billion by 2025, with smaller cities gaining too. Read full information on external site
डेटा सेंटर बिजनेस में होगी दोगुनी बढोतरी : रिपोर्ट - hindi.business-standard.com2022-09-27 अगले ढाई वर्षों में 70.8 लाख वर्ग फुट जमीन की मांग बढ़ेगी Read full information on external site
A IMPORTÂNCIA DA REPRESENTATIVIDADE FEMININA NO SETOR DE DATA CENTERS - diariodaserra.com.br2022-09-27 Climate change is popping into any conversation and companies’ development plans as the impacts of its change become more evident. Read full information on external site
билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - spbit.su2022-09-27 билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - cabresto.blogspot.com2022-09-26 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
Honeywell lanceert Data Center Suite - biplatform.nl2022-09-26 Honeywell lanceert Data Center Suite. Dit portfolio resultaatgerichte software-oplossingen helpt beheerders en eigenaren van datacenters bij het optimaliseren van uptime, productiviteit van werknemers, onderhoud van belangrijke activa en operationele kosten. Ook zorgen de oplossingen voor een beter inzicht in KPI's op het gebied van duurzaamheid. Read full information on external site
Honeywell presenta Data Center Suite, pensata per ottimizzare l'uptime e la produttività - goldnews.it2022-09-26 La nuova soluzione offre un’esperienza utente innovativa, aumenta la resilienza delle operation, migliora la produttività dei lavoratori e fornisce visibilità sui KPI critici di sostenibilità. Read full information on external site
Honeywell presenta Data Center Suite, pensata per ottimizzare l'uptime e la produttività - informazione.it2022-09-26 La nuova soluzione offre un’esperienza utente innovativa, aumenta la resilienza delle operation, migliora la produttività dei lavoratori e fornisce visibilità sui KPI critici di sostenibilità. Read full information on external site
Colo providers looking to clean energy alternatives: hydrogen and nuclear - datacenterknowledge.com2022-09-26 Driven by pressure from customers, regulators, and shareholders major colocation providers are increasingly looking for clean energy alternatives to power their data centers. Read full information on external site
Is cloud technology the right choice for your business? - raconteur.net2022-09-26 Cloud technology offers an open, connected experience for businesses and their customers. But how can you tell if the technology is necessary for your organisation? Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - palavradigital.wordpress.com2022-09-26 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - jornaljurid.com.br2022-09-26 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - jornow.com.br2022-09-26 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - blogjornaldamulher.blogspot.com2022-09-26 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
How Galaxy Backbone is driving e-government processes in Nigeria - blueprint.ng2022-09-26 The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector is critical for efficient governance and a key driver of national development. BENJAMIN SAMSON in this report examines how Galaxy Backbone is driving e-government progression in Nigeria. Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - abnoticianews.com.br2022-09-26 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - teclandoweb.com.br2022-09-26 No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
Is it time to increase your data center’s power management IQ? - blog.se.com2022-09-26 The data center market is under increasing pressure to meet growing consumer demands while maintaining uptime and optimizing efficiencies. Read full information on external site
Az adatközpontok nincsenek felkészülve a bővülő fenntarthatósági követelményekre - computerworld.hu2022-09-25 Sokan még mindig nem követik nyomon a kritikus környezetvédelmi mérőszámokat. Read full information on external site
Шесть мифов о public cloud - pcnews.ru2022-09-25 SПока одни компании давно и успешно перенесли свою ИТ-инфраструктуру в публичные облака, другие выбирают более дорогие и сложные решения — гибридные и частные облака. Несмотря на это, именно с помощью public cloud бизнес может эффективно и оперативно решать свои задачи: запускать новые приложения в среде для разработки, увеличивать вычислительные ресурсы на время всплеска продаж и оптимизировать затраты на ИТ. Read full information on external site
Шесть мифов о public cloud - computerra.ru2022-09-25 SПока одни компании давно и успешно перенесли свою ИТ-инфраструктуру в публичные облака, другие выбирают более дорогие и сложные решения — гибридные и частные облака. Несмотря на это, именно с помощью public cloud бизнес может эффективно и оперативно решать свои задачи: запускать новые приложения в среде для разработки, увеличивать вычислительные ресурсы на время всплеска продаж и оптимизировать затраты на ИТ. Read full information on external site
持続可能なデータセンターへの要求の高まりに備える~Uptime Institute - cafe-dc.com2022-09-24 Uptime Instituteは、第12回年次グローバルデータセンター調査(12th Annual Global Data Center Survery)を発表しました。この調査により、業界は成長し、ダイナミックで、ますます回復力が高まっている一方で、持続可能性の進捗と報告に対する圧力の高まり、継続する人材不足、サプライチェーンの遅延、費用のかかる停電、その他の複雑な課題に対処していることが明らかになりました。Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey reveals gains in resilience and reliability, but challenges with sustainability and outages - fmlink.com2022-09-23 Global digital infrastructure authority Uptime Institute has just announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. Read full information on external site
Píldoras MCPRO ( CXLX): Multicloud, OPPO, Fastlys - muycomputerpro.com2022-09-23 Las empresas serán multicloud o no serán. Este es el mensaje que con más insistencia se repite últimamente en la industria tecnológica. Read full information on external site
Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta 76 % fallos y cortes eléctricos en data center - andina.pe2022-09-23 Según Vertiv, el tema de conversación del 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. La creciente presión de los clientes por enfoques más ecológicos ha llevado a los centros de datos a implementar estrategias "holísticas" que contemplan la reducción de su huella de carbono. Read full information on external site
Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta 76 % fallos y cortes eléctricos en data center - gestion.pe2022-09-23 Según Vertiv, el tema de conversación del 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. La creciente presión de los clientes por enfoques más ecológicos ha llevado a los centros de datos a implementar estrategias "holísticas" que contemplan la reducción de su huella de carbono. Read full information on external site
Perú | Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta 76% fallos y cortes eléctricos en data center - dplnews.com2022-09-23 Según Vertiv, el tema de conversación del 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. La creciente presión de los clientes por enfoques más ecológicos ha llevado a los centros de datos a implementar estrategias "holísticas" que contemplan la reducción de su huella de carbono. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches new data centre software to beat sustainability scrutiny - busycontinent.com2022-09-23 Honeywell, a provider of connected buildings, launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of solutions that help data centre managers optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs Read full information on external site
Нетера откри втора дейта център сграда в София - tvoite.technology2022-09-23 Тя е близо до първия център за данни на компанията в столицата и ще използва цялата вече изградена мрежа и инфраструктура Read full information on external site
Las centrales nucleares concitan la atención de los centros de datos por la crisis energética - silicon.es2022-09-23 Las posturas en Europa y Estados Unidos difieren, con una postura mucho más favorable en Norteamérica al uso de la energía nuclear. Read full information on external site
Data center outages are now less disruptive - but are costing more - msn.com2022-09-22 Data center outages can cause havoc for businesses, but they may at least be becoming less common according to a report by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Recrutement, pannes et environnement, des casse-têtes pour les datacenters - but are costing more - lemondeinformatique.fr2022-09-22 Les opérateurs de datacenters s'efforcent d'accroître la fiabilité de leurs infrastructures informatiques dans un contexte de débauchage des talents clés et du challenge à respecter les réglementations environnementales. Read full information on external site
Data center outages are now less disruptive - but are costing more - bbctechupdate.com2022-09-22 Data center outages can cause havoc for businesses, but they may at least be becoming less common according to a report by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
The trouble with data center energy figures - datacenterdynamics.com2022-09-22 Here’s how to get reliable energy data - and why we badly need it. Read full information on external site
可持续发展推动数据中心行业强劲增长文章链接:智能制造网 - gkzhan.com2022-09-22 导读:数据中心行业正在成长、充满活力且更具弹性,但仍在努力解决可持续发展和报告方面日益增加的压力、持续的人员短缺、供应链延迟、代价高昂的中断和其他复杂挑战 Read full information on external site
Data centres under pressure to meet new sustainability laws - futurecio.tech2022-09-22 Many data centre operators are unprepared for mounting sustainability requirements and regulations, according to the latest survey released by Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Ausfall-Teuerung trifft Knowhow-Defizit - computerwoche.de2022-09-22 Betreiber und Nutzer von Rechenzentren sind aktuell und in Zukunft mit zahlreichen, kostenintensiven Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Das verdeutlicht ein Blick auf eine aktuelle Studie des Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Enquête annuelle mondiale sur les centres de données (datacenters) 2022 de l’Uptime Institute - maurice-info.mu2022-09-22 Read full information on external site
Исследование Uptime Institute подтвердило динамичный рост отрасли ЦОД и указало на проблемы - servernews.ru2022-09-22 Uptime Institute объявил о выходе Annual Global Data Center Survey — своего 12-го ежегодного исследования рынка ЦОД. Его результаты говорят о динамичном росте и повышении устойчивости отрасли, несмотря на влияние продолжающегося дефицита квалифицированных кадров, проблем в цепочке поставок, дорогостоящих сбоев и других сложностей. Read full information on external site
Kostnaden för avbrott i datacenter ökar dramatiskt då världen blir allt mer digital - computersweden.idg.se2022-09-22 Avbrott i datacenter blir allt mer kostsamma ju mer digitaliserad världen blir. Read full information on external site
Vesimpex: Fabrika za (blisku) budućnost – Industrijska revolucija 4.0 u praksi - pcpress.rs2022-09-22 Moj prvi posao nije imao nikakve veze sa IT sferom: bila je to čista industrija. Read full information on external site
"가동 중단 문제와 구인난 여전히 심각" 데이터센터 관련 동향 6가지 원문보기: - itworld.co.kr2022-09-22 데이터센터는 물리적 인프라의 회복탄력성을 개선하고 큰 비용을 수반하는 가동 중단을 방지하고 치열한 구인 시장에서 숙련된 인력을 채용하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그러나 지속가능성과 관련한 요구사항이 임박하고 있음에도 불구하고 주요 환경 관련 지표에 관심을 두지 않는 데이터센터가 아직 많다. Read full information on external site
Honeywell optimiert Betriebszeit und Produktivität von Rechenzentren - infopoint-security.de2022-09-22 Innovatives Benutzererlebnis, erhöhte Ausfallsicherheit im Betrieb, verbesserte Mitarbeiterproduktivität und Einblick in wichtige KPIs der Nachhaltigkeit. Read full information on external site
Kostnaden för avbrott i datacenter ökar dramatiskt då världen blir allt mer digital - headtopics.com2022-09-22 Kostnaden för avbrott i datacenter ökar dramatiskt då världen blir allt mer digital. Read full information on external site
Minder storingen in datacenters maar ze kosten wel meer - itdaily.be2022-09-22 Datacenters wereldwijd ervaren minder storingen dan de voorbije jaren. Maar de gemiddelde kost van een downtime is wel gestegen, vaak tot meer dan een miljoen dollar. Read full information on external site
Global Data Center Survey shows that resilience is increasing - continuitycentral.com2022-09-22 Uptime Institute has released its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is becoming increasingly resilient, but still working to address complex challenges. Read full information on external site
"가동 중단 문제와 구인난 여전히 심각" 데이터센터 관련 동향 6가지 - itworld.co.kr2022-09-22 데이터센터는 물리적 인프라의 회복탄력성을 개선하고 큰 비용을 수반하는 가동 중단을 방지하고 치열한 구인 시장에서 숙련된 인력을 채용하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그러나 지속가능성과 관련한 요구사항이 임박하고 있음에도 불구하고 주요 환경 관련 지표에 관심을 두지 않는 데이터센터가 아직 많다. Read full information on external site
6 Trends Related to Data Centers “The Downtime Problem and the Job Crisis Still Severe” - tekdeeps.com2022-09-22 Data centers are striving to improve the resilience of their physical infrastructure, avoid costly outages, and hire skilled workers in a fierce job market. Read full information on external site
Open Access Data Centre Confirms Rollout of three new EDGE Data Centres in South Africa - techbergmag.net2022-09-22 An African data centre company Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced the deployment of three new OADC EDGE datacentres in South Africa. Read full information on external site
A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos Data Centers - inforchannel.com.br2022-09-22 Um dos principais efeitos da pandemia foi a clara compreensão da criticidade da tecnologia no suporte à vida diária. Read full information on external site
Data center outages are now less disruptive - but are costing more - techradar.com2022-09-22 Factors like inflation are pushing outage costs upFactors like inflation are pushing outage costs up. Read full information on external site
Data center outages are now less disruptive - but are costing more - dailyadvent.com2022-09-22 Factors like inflation are pushing outage costs up. Data center outages can cause havoc for businesses, but they may at least be becoming less common according to a report by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
RZ-Ausfälle kosten schnell mal mehr als 1 Million Dollar - inside-it.ch2022-09-22 Eine internationale Studie zeigt, dass die Betreiber auch im nachhaltigen Umgang mit Strom und Wasser noch Verbesserungspotenzial aufweisen. Read full information on external site
Quantum Loophole Discusses How Technology Is Shaping Sustainable Data Centers - telecomnewsroom.com2022-09-22 There is a lot of buzz about how technology is shaping sustainable data centers these days but what exactly does that mean, what does it look like, and how does it affect our lives? Read full information on external site
Quantum Loophole Discusses How Technology Is Shaping Sustainable Data Centers - datacenterpost.com2022-09-22 There is a lot of buzz about how technology is shaping sustainable data centers these days but what exactly does that mean, what does it look like, and how does it affect our lives? Read full information on external site
Nextdc opens S3 data centre in Sydney - itwire.com2022-09-22 Data centre as a service provider Nextdc has opened S3, which it claims to be the largest Sydney development to date. Read full information on external site
Operators brace for expanding sustainability requirements - digitalinfranetwork.com2022-09-21 The Uptime Institute have released their 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey, which reveals an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
Data centre operators brace for sustainability - ciotechasia.com2022-09-21 Strong industry growth as operators brace for expanding sustainability requirements. Read full information on external site
Datacenter outages costing more, $1m+ failures now common - msn.com2022-09-21 Datacenter operators worldwide are largely unprepared for sustainability requirements, despite the industry anticipating new regulations in many regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Forecasts: Strong Global Data Center Industry Growth - hostingjournalist.com2022-09-21 The 12th annual Global Data Center Survey released by Uptime Institute reveal a sector that is expanding, dynamic, and becoming more robust, but is nevertheless battling with issues like persistent workforce shortages, supply chain delays, expensive outages, and other difficult problems. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Forecasts: Strong Global Data Center Industry Growth - cioaxis.com2022-09-21 The 12th annual Global Data Center Survey released by Uptime Institute reveal a sector that is expanding, dynamic, and becoming more robust, but is nevertheless battling with issues like persistent workforce shortages, supply chain delays, expensive outages, and other difficult problems. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute's 2022 Global Data Center Survey Results - datacenter-forum.com2022-09-21 Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. Read full information on external site
Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic seeks Tier III certification - digitaledition.missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-09-21 The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic is a government department responsible for the state’s public administration, public and internal security, citizenship, identity cards and social security numbers, border protection, immigration control and more. Its ICT Operations Department (OPITK) drives the strategy, management, and development of key government projects, of which ITS (a secure optical network) and PEGAS (a secure cellular network for integrated surveillance services) are most critical. Read full information on external site
La Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta un 76% de fallos y cortes eléctricos en los data centers - gadgerss.com2022-09-21 Según Vertiv, el tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Datacenter outages are costing more, $1m+ failures now common - news.knowledia.com2022-09-21 Datacenter operators worldwide are largely unprepared for sustainability requirements, despite the industry anticipating new regulations in many regions. Meanwhile, outages are becoming increasingly costly, and progress on energy efficiency is stuck. Read full information on external site
Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centres - channelasia.tech2022-09-21 Data centre operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
Betreiber von Rechenzentren werden aufgefordert, ihre Berichterstattung über CO2-Emissionen und Wasserverbrauch zu verschärfen - germanic.news2022-09-21 Die Betreiber von Rechenzentren sind immer noch nicht in der Lage, die Umweltauswirkungen ihrer Einrichtungen im Auge zu behalten, da die meisten die von ihren Einrichtungen emittierten CO2-Emissionen und den Wasserverbrauch nicht im Auge behalten. Read full information on external site
Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centres - arnnet.com.au2022-09-21 Data centre operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centres - reseller.co.nz2022-09-21 Data centre operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
Informe de Uptime Institute muestra los retos para los centros de datos - cioperu.pe2022-09-21 Los centros de datos se esfuerzan por mejorar la resistencia de su infraestructura física, evitar cortes cada vez más costosos, y contratar personal cualificado en un mercado laboral competitivo. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC opens $1b+ next gen sovereign data centre in Sydney - itbrief.com.au2022-09-21 Australian data centre as a service provider has officially opened S3, its largest Sydney development to date. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC opens $1b+ next gen sovereign data centre in Sydney - channellife.com.au2022-09-21 Australian data centre as a service provider has officially opened S3, its largest Sydney development to date. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC opens $1b+ next gen sovereign data centre in Sydney - datacenternews.asia2022-09-21 Australian data centre as a service provider has officially opened S3, its largest Sydney development to date. Read full information on external site
How to protect data centre operations in extended periods of hot weather - technative.io2022-09-21 With the world this summer experiencing hot weather conditions, it has become crucial to safeguard the daily operations we previously took for granted. Read full information on external site
NextDC opens $1b S3 data centre in northern Sydney - crn.com.au2022-09-21 Data centre company NextDC has officially opened its $1 billion S3 data centre development in Sydney's north. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey Reveals Strong Industry Growth as Operators Brace for Expanding Sustainability Requirements - quicknews-africa.net2022-09-21 Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey Reveals Strong Industry Growth as Operators Brace for Expanding Sustainability Requirements - ejaraine2022-09-21 Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
可持续发展推动数据中心行业强劲增长 - citnews.com.cn2022-09-21 Uptime Institute 最近的调查结果表明,整个数据中心行业对实现有意义的效率提升、发展可持续发展报告实践、防止代价高昂的停机等方面日益增长的需求。 Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey Reveals Strong Industry Growth as Operators Brace for Expanding Sustainability Requirements - menews247.com2022-09-21 Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
La competencia por el mejor talento impacta en los centros de datos - muycomputerpro.com2022-09-21 Desde hace muchos años, el Uptime Institute es una referencia a la hora de evaluar el estado de «salud» de los centros de datos en todo el mundo. Read full information on external site
билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - iksmedia.ru2022-09-21 билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
OADC confirms rollout of three new EDGE datacentres in SA - itweb.africa2022-09-21 Pan-African datacentre company Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced the deployment of three new OADC EDGE datacentres in South Africa. Read full information on external site
Global data centre survey reveals stong industry growth - it-online.co.za2022-09-21 Findings from Uptime Institute’s 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
Strong data centre industry growth - digitalisationworld.com2022-09-21 Uptime Institute has released its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de da - diarioestrategia.cl2022-09-21 Archivado en: Tecnología · tecnología de la IA.IA · Francisco Sales · Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Datacenter outages are costing more, $1m+ failures now common - theregister.com2022-09-21 Datacenter operators worldwide are largely unprepared for sustainability requirements, despite the industry anticipating new regulations in many regions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Reveals Data Center Operators Brace for Sustainability Pressures - channelvisionmag.com2022-09-21 The Uptime Institute released its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show a growing, dynamic and resilient industry, that still needs to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, staffing shortages, supply chain delays outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
Global data centre survey reveals stong industry growth - IT-Online - headtopics.com/za2022-09-21 Findings from Uptime Institute’s 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute finds datacenter outages are costing more - headtopics.com/uk2022-09-21 Datacenter outages costing more, $1m+ failures now common. Read full information on external site
Datacenter outages costing more, $1m+ failures now common - klse.i3investor.com2022-09-21 And operators not getting any better at saving power – or watching the water their bit barns drink. Read full information on external site
Storage news ticker – September 21 - blocksandfiles.com2022-09-21 Data catalog and data intelligence supplier Alation has announced a partnership with data integrator Fivetran that is intended to enable joint customers to find and understand the full context of their data. Read full information on external site
Strong data centre industry growth - datacentre.solutions2022-09-20 Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey findings highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and more. Read full information on external site
Das Uptime Institute gab heute die Veröffentlichung seines 12. - ad-hoc-news.de2022-09-20 Der Global Data Center Survey 2022 des Uptime Institute zeigt starkes Wachstum der Branche auf; Rechenzentrumsbetreiber stellen sich auf wachsende Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen ein. Read full information on external site
Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centers - networkworld.com2022-09-20 Data center operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
Inteligencia Artificial genera ahorros operativos y energéticos en centros de datos - edomexaldia.com2022-09-20 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Establishes a Professional Education Platform to Address Data Center Talent Shortage - datastorageasean.com2022-09-20 Schneider Electric™, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Coolgradient sluit zich aan als partner bij de Dutch Data Center Association - dutchdatacenters.nl2022-09-20 Coolgradient, de allereerste roof-to-room datacenter optimisation suite, is nu partner van de Dutch Datacenter Association (DDA). Read full information on external site
Резидент ТОР "Надеждинская" и оператор "большой четверки" стали партнерами на рынке телеком-услуг Дальнего Востока - ruscable.ru2022-09-20 Резидент ТОР «Надеждинская», компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) и структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом» – Билайн Бизнес – приняли решение о расширении стратегического партнерства в рамках реализации проекта по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
Резидент ТОР "Надеждинская" и оператор "большой четверки" стали партнерами на рынке телеком-услуг Дальнего Востока - ruscable.blogspot.com2022-09-20 Резидент ТОР «Надеждинская», компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) и структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом» – Билайн Бизнес – приняли решение о расширении стратегического партнерства в рамках реализации проекта по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
Data center sector unprepared for expanding sustainability requirements - betanews.com2022-09-20 The latest Annual Global Data Center survey from the Uptime Institute shows an industry that remains strong but is working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting. Read full information on external site
Data center sector unprepared for expanding sustainability requirements - technewstube.com2022-09-20 The latest Annual Global Data Center survey from the Uptime Institute shows an industry that remains strong but is working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting. Read full information on external site
Резидент ТОР "Надеждинская" и оператор "большой четверки" стали партнерами на рынке телеком-услуг Дальнего Востока. - advis.ru2022-09-20 Резидент ТОР "Надеждинская", компания "Кей Поинт" (бренд Key Point) и структурное подразделение ПАО "ВымпелКом" – Билайн Бизнес – приняли решение о расширении стратегического партнерства в рамках реализации проекта по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
Euskaltel, Grupo Teknei, Dominion y el Gobierno Vasco crean “Atlantic Data Infrastructure” para apoyar la transformación digital - estrategiasdeinversion.com2022-09-20 La creación de esta nueva infraestructura tecnológica de proceso de datos de última generación posibilitará la proliferación de un ecosistema de empresas digitales, con el consiguiente “impacto económico y social en la zona”. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - intelligentcio.com/africa2022-09-20 Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - intelligentcio.com/me2022-09-20 Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - intelligentcio.com/apac2022-09-20 Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - intelligentcio.com/latam2022-09-20 Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - intelligentcio.com/eu2022-09-20 Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - intelligentcio.com/north-america2022-09-20 Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
Euskaltel, Grupo Teknei, Dominion Y El Gobierno Vasco Crean atlantic Data InfrastructurePara Apoyar La Transformación Digital - infobolsa.es2022-09-20 La creación de esta nueva infraestructura tecnológica de proceso de datos de última generación posibilitará la proliferación de un ecosistema de empresas digitales, con el consiguiente impacto económico y social en la zona. Read full information on external site
Why AIM Solutions Are Important in IT and BFSI Sectors - spiceworks.com2022-09-20 The rise of the Internet of Everything, a new wave of computing powered by the rise of next-gen technologies like IoT, Industry 4.0, and the cloud, has changed the way IT infrastructure operates in the modern world, writes Saloni Walimbe, Team lead – Content at Global Market Insights. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s data centre survey reveals strong industry growth - dcnnmagazine.com2022-09-20 Uptime Institute has announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Centre Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-09-20 Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
OVHcloud, un nuovo datacenter da 30 milioni a Strasburgo - cwi.it2022-09-20 Il sito SBG5, realizzato nel campus dell’incendio del 2021, è il primo progettato secondo i principi del piano di “hyper-resilience” dell'operatore francese. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute's 2022 Global Data Center Survey Reveals Strong Industry Growth as Operators Brace for Expanding Sustainability Requirements - vmblog.com2022-09-20 Uptime Institute announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - nnit.ru2022-09-20 билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
Euskaltel, Grupo Teknei, Dominion y el Gobierno Vasco crean “Atlantic Data Infrastructure” para apoyar la transformación digital - es.finance.yahoo.com2022-09-20 Euskaltel, Grupo Teknei, Dominion y el Gobierno Vasco, han creado “Atlantic Data Infrastructure” (ADI) un gran centro de datos de primer nivel orientado al sector privado y público de la zona atlántica. Read full information on external site
Datacentre operators urged to tighten up their carbon emissions and water usage reporting - computerweekly.com2022-09-20 The 12th annual Global Data Center Survey from resiliency think tank Uptime Institute suggests the industry has work to do to improve its reporting on sustainability, as regulation looms large. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Releases Its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey - hpcwire.com2022-09-20 Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
Auge y crecimiento en el sector CPD, pero con el reto de la sostenibilidad - datacentermarket.es2022-09-20 Uptime Institute desvela los resultados de su última Encuesta Global de Centros de Datos 2022, augurando un prometedor futuro para la industria, pero que aún trabaja para abordar la creciente presión de la sostenibilidad, la continua escasez de personal, los retrasos en la cadena de suministro, las interrupciones costosas y otros desafíos complejos. Read full information on external site
Das Uptime Institute gab heute die Veröffentlichung seines 12 - ad-hoc-news.de2022-09-20 Der Global Data Center Survey 2022 des Uptime Institute zeigt starkes Wachstum der Branche auf; Rechenzentrumsbetreiber stellen sich auf wachsende Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen ein. jährlichen Global Data Center Survey, einer weltweit durchgeführten Umfrage über Rechenzentren, bekannt. Read full information on external site
Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centers - networkworld.com2022-09-20 Data center operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos data centers - datacenterdynamics.com2022-09-19 Con estudios de ingeniería electrónica en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas y un MBA del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Daniel tiene una trayectoria de 14 años en Vertiv. Read full information on external site
Honeywell Launches New Suite Of Solutions For Data Centres - connectedmag.com.au2022-09-19 Honeywell has launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Ingeteam celebra su 50 aniversario con un homenaje a sus fundadores - estrategia.net2022-09-19 Hoy ha tenido lugar la celebración del 50 aniversario de Ingeteam, en el Palacio Euskalduna de Bilbao, con un emotivo homenaje a las cuatro familias que fundaron la empresa. Read full information on external site
How To Leverage AI/ML For Predictive Incident Management - forbes.com2022-09-19 Digital technologies have led to the application of new-age technologies that operate with minimal human intervention. Read full information on external site
How to Leverage AI/ML for Predictive Event Management - biz.crast.net2022-09-19 Digital technologies have inspired the application of new age technologies that work with minimum human intervention. Read full information on external site
300 000 ₽ бонусом на виртуальную ИТ-инфраструктуру IaaS или подключение услуги Colocation - habr.com2022-09-19 Не всегда решение о миграции в облако дается быстро. Поэтому мы продлили акцию – заказчики могут получить 300 000 бонусных рублей для запуска ИТ-инфраструктуры до 31 октября включительно. 1 бонусный рубль = 1 рублю. Не является офертой. Read full information on external site
A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos datacenters - blogjornaldamulher.blogspot.com2022-09-19 Um dos principais efeitos da pandemia foi a clara compreensão da criticidade da tecnologia no suporte à vida diária. Read full information on external site
A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos datacenters - partnersales.com.br2022-09-19 Um dos principais efeitos da pandemia foi a clara compreensão da criticidade da tecnologia no suporte à vida diária. Read full information on external site
Internet Availability Threats Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine - pingdom.com2022-09-19 Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks impacting availability have been rising. Read full information on external site
ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве - re-port.ru2022-09-18 Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «ФИЛАНКО» создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - ambito.com2022-09-17 Amplía el ahorro energético en toda la red, ya que puede analizar enormes volúmenes de datos, pero además permite la detección de fallos y la predicción de cortes eléctricos. Read full information on external site
Inteligencia artificial: su rol en los centros de datos modernos - iproup.com2022-09-17 "El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos", sostienen desde Vertiv Latinoamérica Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - ebizlatam.com2022-09-17 La IA puede ser una valiosa herramienta para lograr el mantenimiento con base en el análisis de datos y para detectar los problemas potenciales en el equipo incluso antes de que se conviertan en un problema. Read full information on external site
Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - baodautu.vn2022-09-17 Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud, doanh nghiệp Việt cần chiến lược tối ưu từ nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” giúp doanh nghiệp “lên mây”. Read full information on external site
Honeywell Launches New Suite Of Solutions To Help Optimise Data Centre Uptime And Productivity - ecovoice.com.au2022-09-16 Honeywell (Nasdaq: HON), a global leader in connected buildings, today launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
«Ростелеком» организует точку присутствия в дата-центре Key Point - iksmedia.ru2022-09-16 Компании «Ростелеком» и «Кей Поинт» в рамках ВЭФ обсудили условия организации точки присутствия крупнейшего российского интегрированного провайдера цифровых услуг и решений в создаваемом на ТОР «Надеждинская» дата-центре Key Point, имеющем сертификат Tier III. Read full information on external site
Cómo manejar la escasez de talento del centro de datos a través de la subcontratación (sin duplicar los costos) - es.paperblog.com2022-09-16 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad de los centros de datos se está expandiendo rápidamente. Read full information on external site
Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - baodautu.vn2022-09-16 Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud, doanh nghiệp Việt cần chiến lược tối ưu từ nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” giúp doanh nghiệp “lên mây”. Read full information on external site
Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - vneconomy.vn2022-09-15 Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” để đồng hành với doanh nghiệp “lên mây”... Read full information on external site
Twitter'dan sızan bir şirket içi not, 5 Eylül'de yaşananları tamamen ortaya çıkarttı - chip.com.tr2022-09-15 Twitter'dan sızan bir şirket içi not, sosyal ağ devinin 5 Eylül tarihinde yaşadıklarını ortaya koyuyor. Read full information on external site
Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực' của nhà cung cấp Việt - baonhanh247.com2022-09-15 Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao 'nội lực' để đồng hành với doanh nghiệp 'lên mây'... Read full information on external site
Critical Insight 2022 | Speaker Spotlight: Ali Moinuddin, Uptime Institute - datacentrereview.com2022-09-15 This summer, we all felt the uncomfortable effects of global warming as UK temperatures soared to over 40°C – the hottest on record. Read full information on external site
Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - ictnews.vietnamnet.vn2022-09-15 Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” đồng hành với doanh nghiệp “lên mây”. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực'cho chiến lược đa đám mây - baonhanh247.com2022-09-15 Ông Lê Anh Vũ, Giám đốc sáng tạo của CMC Telecom cho hay: 'Là Advanced Tier Services Partner của AWS, Premier Partner của Google Cloud và Gold Partner của Microsoft, chúng tôi ghi nhận nhu cầu về Cloud rất lớn của các doanh nghiệp'. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực'cho chiến lược đa đám mây - baohomnay.com2022-09-15 Ông Lê Anh Vũ, Giám đốc sáng tạo của CMC Telecom cho hay: 'Là Advanced Tier Services Partner của AWS, Premier Partner của Google Cloud và Gold Partner của Microsoft, chúng tôi ghi nhận nhu cầu về Cloud rất lớn của các doanh nghiệp'. Read full information on external site
Twitter-datasenter slått ut av hetebølge - digi.no2022-09-15 ÔEkstrem varme slo tidligere denne måneden ned et Twitter-datasenter i California. Ekstreme temperaturer er en økende trussel mot datasentre, ifølge rapport. Read full information on external site
ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве - ruscable.ru2022-09-15 Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «ФИЛАНКО» создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Read full information on external site
OVHcloud eröffnet neues Rechenzentrum in Straßburg - channelpartner.de2022-09-15 Aus dem spektakulären Brand des alten Rechenzentrums in Straßburg hat OVHcloud Konsequenzen gezogen: SBG5 ist das erste Rechenzentrum des Anbieters, dass nach den Vorgaben des intern entwickelten „Hyper-Resilienz-Plans“ ausgeführt wurde. Read full information on external site
Twitter datacenter melted down in Labor Day heat. - news.knowledia.com/GB2022-09-15 Earlier this month extreme heat downed a Twitter datacenter in California over the Labor Day weekend, leaving the website and app working on bare-bones infrastructure. Read full information on external site
CDS Launches Data Center Modernization Assessment Service, Built on Industry-First Comparison & Reporting Engine - aithority.com2022-09-15 Assessment Engine Can Identify 20-50%+ Savings on Maintenance of Data Center Infrastructure, Unlocking Budget For Strategic Modernization Initiatives. Read full information on external site
Twitter çalışanları deşifre oldu. Şirketten bir not sızdı - yenicaggazetesi.com.tr2022-09-15 Twitter şirketinin binasından sızdırılan bir notta 5 Eylül'de çalışan işçilerin listesi yayınlandı. Çalışanların ismini kimin sızdırdığı şu an için açıklanmadı. Read full information on external site
ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве - ruscable.blogspot.com2022-09-15 Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «ФИЛАНКО» создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Read full information on external site
Honeywell Data Centre Suite optimises operations and productivity - itwire.com2022-09-15 Multinational conglomerate company Honeywell launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health, and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Twitter'dan sızan bir şirket içi not, 5 Eylül'de yaşananları tamamen ortaya çıkarttı - chip.com.tr2022-09-15 Twitter'dan sızan bir şirket içi not, sosyal ağ devinin 5 Eylül tarihinde yaşadıklarını ortaya koyuyor. Read full information on external site
Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - vneconomy.vn2022-09-15 Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Read full information on external site
Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực' của nhà cung cấp Việt - baonhanh247.com2022-09-15 Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư ‘nội lực’cho chiến lược đa đám mây - ictnews.vietnamnet.vn2022-09-15 Ông Lê Anh Vũ, Giám đốc sáng tạo của CMC Telecom cho hay: “Là Advanced Tier Services Partner của AWS, Premier Partner của Google Cloud và Gold Partner của Microsoft, chúng tôi ghi nhận nhu cầu về Cloud rất lớn của các doanh nghiệp”. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực'cho chiến lược đa đám mây - baonhanh247.com2022-09-15 Ông Lê Anh Vũ, Giám đốc sáng tạo của CMC Telecom cho hay: 'Là Advanced Tier Services Partner của AWS, Premier Partner của Google Cloud và Gold Partner của Microsoft, chúng tôi ghi nhận nhu cầu về Cloud rất lớn của các doanh nghiệp'. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực'cho chiến lược đa đám mây - baohomnay.com2022-09-15 Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” để đồng hành cùng các doanh nghiệp Việt như mở rộng hạ tầng kết nối quốc tế, bổ sung nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao… Read full information on external site
Why Isn't There More Young Talent in the Data Center Industry? - datacenterknowledge.com2022-09-15 The unique perspective of a young professional thriving in the data center world. Read full information on external site
Twitter-datasenter slått ut av hetebølge - digi.no2022-09-15 Ekstrem varme slo tidligere denne måneden ned et Twitter-datasenter i California. Ekstreme temperaturer er en økende trussel mot datasentre, ifølge rapport. Read full information on external site
ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве - ruscable.ru2022-09-15 Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «ФИЛАНКО» создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Read full information on external site
OVHcloud eröffnet neues Rechenzentrum in Straßburg - channelpartner.de2022-09-15 Aus dem spektakulären Brand des alten Rechenzentrums in Straßburg hat OVHcloud Konsequenzen gezogen: SBG5 ist das erste Rechenzentrum des Anbieters, dass nach den Vorgaben des intern entwickelten „Hyper-Resilienz-Plans“ ausgeführt wurde. Read full information on external site
Twitter çalışanları deşifre oldu. Şirketten bir not sızdı - cyenicaggazetesi.com.tr2022-09-15 Twitter şirketinin binasından sızdırılan bir notta 5 Eylül'de çalışan işçilerin listesi yayınlandı. Çalışanların ismini kimin sızdırdığı şu an için açıklanmadı. Read full information on external site
Honeywell Data Centre Suite optimises operations and productivity - itwire.com2022-09-15 Multinational conglomerate company Honeywell launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health, and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
La Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta un 76% los fallos y cortes eléctricos en los data centers - peru21.pe2022-09-15 Las herramientas de ahorro energético alimentadas por la Inteligencia Artificial puede generar ahorros operativos del 5% al 7% y reducir costos energéticos en un 5%. Read full information on external site
Software improves data centre visibility - climatecontrolnews.com.au2022-09-14 Honeywell has launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome based software solutions that help data centre managers optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - itbrief.co.nz2022-09-14 Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software offerings to help data centre managers and owners. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - channellife.com.au2022-09-14 Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software offerings to help data centre managers and owners. Read full information on external site
"ФИЛАНКО" выведет ФСК в "ЛИДЕР" - comnews.ru2022-09-14 Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи "ФИЛАНКО" создаст ИТ-технопарк "ЛИДЕР". Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - itbrief.com.au2022-09-14 Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software offerings to help data centre managers and owners. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - datacenternews.asia2022-09-14 https://datacenternews.asia/story/honeywell-launches-data-center-suite-for-business-outcomes. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - channellife.co.nz2022-09-14 Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software offerings to help data centre managers and owners. Read full information on external site
Honeywell Launches New Suite Of Solutions To Help Optimize Data Center Uptime And Productivity - enterpriseitworld.com2022-09-14 Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimize uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
ФСК вложит 30 млрд руб. в создание ИТ-технопарка в Москве - www.irn.ru2022-09-14 Девелоперская компания ФСК, купившая недавно телекоммуникационную группу «Филанко», инвестирует 30 млрд руб. в создание IT-технопарка в Москве, говорится в сообщении девелоперской компании. Read full information on external site
Data center do Twitter derrete nos EUA - baguete.com.br2022-09-14 Calor de 45 graus tira DC da rede social de funcionamento na Califórnia. Read full information on external site
ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве. - advis.ru2022-09-14 Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи "ФИЛАНКО" создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Технопарк ЛИДЕР будет включать в себя более 20 тыс. кв. Read full information on external site
Крупный застройщик инвестирует 30 миллиардов в ИТ-технопарк в Москве - stroygaz.ru2022-09-14 Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «Филанко» создаст в Москве ИТ-технопарк «Лидер». Об этом «Стройгазете» сообщили в пресс-службе девелопера, уточнив, что инвестиции в проект превысят 30 млрд рублей. Read full information on external site
Из-за экстремальной жары вышел из строя калифорнийский дата-центр Twitter - severnews.ru2022-09-14 5 сентября экстремальная жара вывела из строя дата-центр Twitter в Калифорнии. Согласно служебной записке, с которой ознакомилось агентство CNN, Twitter потерял доступ к своему центру обработки данных (ЦОД) в Сакраменто (SMF) «из-за экстремальных погодных условий» — температура в городе достигла рекордной отметки +45 °C. Read full information on external site
Honeywell Launches New Suite Of Solutions To Help Optimize Data Center Uptime And Productivity - varindia.com2022-09-14 Honeywell (Nasdaq: HON), a global leader in connected buildings, has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimize uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
"ФИЛАНКО" выведет ФСК в "ЛИДЕР". "ComNews.ru". 14 сентября 2022 - advis.ru 2022-09-14 Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи "ФИЛАНКО" соз-даст ИТ-технопарк "ЛИДЕР". Общий объем инвестиций в проект, прежде всего предполагающих строительство дата-центров, составит более 30 млрд руб. Функционировать новые ЦОДы будут под торговой маркой DataHouse.ru. При этом проект создания совместного дата-центра у ГК ФСК и ГК "ФИЛАНКО" возник еще в конце 2021 г., а в феврале 2022 г. оформился в совместное ООО "ФСК-ЦОД", которое группа компаний ФСК контролирует также на 70%. Read full information on external site
Was das Stabilisieren von Anwendungen in der Cloud kostet - dev-insider.de 2022-09-14 Die vertraglichen Zusagen der Betreiber von Public-Cloud-Diensten betreffen die Services, nicht die Anwendungen, die diese Services nutzen. Read full information on external site
Inteligencia Artificial: ¿fundamental en infraestructura crítica? - thestandardcio.com 2022-09-14 La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) es vista como tecnología clave para continuidad de la infraestructura crítica y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Honeywell launches new suite of solutions to help optimise data centre uptime and productivity - itrportal.com 2022-09-14 Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - securitybrief.co.nz 2022-09-13 The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - channellife.co.nz 2022-09-13 The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - ecommercenews.co.nz 2022-09-13 The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
Con la inauguración de su nuevo datacenter de Estrasburgo, OVHcloud presenta su última generación de datacenters hiperresistentes y sostenibles - laecuaciondigital.com 2022-09-13 Esta ambiciosa política industrial permitirá al Grupo ampliar los sitios existentes, alcanzar nuevas geografías y también abordar nuevos casos de uso a través de un modelo hiperresistente y sostenible. Read full information on external site
Los nuevos servidores IBM LinuxONE ayudan a reducir el consumo energético - portalinnova.cl 2022-09-13 La nueva generación de LinuxONE amplía las capacidades de IBM para ayudar a los clientes de todos los sectores a alcanzar sus objetivos de sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
Honeywell Launches New Suite of Solutions to Help Optimize Data Center Uptime and Productivity - aithority.com 2022-09-13 Honeywell, a global leader in connected buildings, launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimize uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Novos servidores IBM LinuxONE ajudam a reduzir o consumo de energia - valoragregado.com 2022-09-13 A IBM (NYSE: IBM) apresentou a nova geração de seu servidor LinuxONE, uma plataforma altamente escalável baseada em Linux e Kubernetes, projetado para suportar milhares de cargas de trabalho em um único sistema. Read full information on external site
Twitter datacenter melted down in Labor Day heat - theregister.com 2022-09-13 Earlier this month extreme heat downed a Twitter datacenter in California over the Labor Day weekend, leaving the website and app working on bare-bones infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Honeywell Launches New Suite of Solutions to Help Optimize Data Center Uptime and Productivity - vmblog.com 2022-09-13 Honeywell launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimize uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
Tecnologia de IA: uma parte essencial para a continuidade dos data centers - jornalempresasenegocios.com.br 2022-09-13 A conversa na indústria de TI em 2022 girou em torno de sustentabilidade e data centers. Read full information on external site
Los nuevos servidores IBM LinuxONE ayudan a reducir el consumo energético - edomexaldia.com 2022-09-13 La nueva generación de LinuxONE amplía las capacidades de IBM para ayudar a los clientes de todos los sectores a alcanzar sus objetivos de sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - cfotech.co.nz 2022-09-13 The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - itbrief.co.nz 2022-09-13 The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
How Galaxy Backbone’s Tier IV Datacentre will accelerate national development - blueprint.ng 2022-09-12 Galaxy Backbone (GBB), an integrated ICT services and solutions provider under the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, is set to launch a Tier IV Datacentre. BENJAMIN SAMSON examines how the digital infrastructure will fast tract Nigeria’s digital transition. Read full information on external site
站长号文库:关于数据中心等级认证 - t.cj.sina.com.cn 2022-09-12 企业在选择云服务提供商(CSP)时,不仅要知道自己的关键业务数据和应用程序的存储位置,而且还要了解云服务提供商数据中心的总体构成。同时,很多运营商和用户也需要了解数据中心等级认证,以及托管数据中心如何根据认证机构Uptime Institute的评级数据中心的规模等级。Read full information on external site
Diseño a medida de grupos electrógenos adaptados a las exigencias del Uptime Insitute - energetica21.com 2022-09-12 Genesal Energy refuerza su apuesta por la innovación con su línea de grupos especiales para Data Centers. Empresas de telecomunicaciones, edificios de oficinas o residenciales o contenedores marítimos tienen grupos Genesal Energy.Read full information on external site
На Сахалине появится центр обработки данных мирового уровня - iksmedia.ru 2022-09-12 Правительство региона и компания «Кей Поинт» на полях ВЭФ заключили соглашение о намерениях в области создания коммерческого ЦОДа. Подписи под документом поставили губернатор Валерий Лимаренко и генеральный директор «Кей поинт» Евгений Вирцер. Read full information on external site
Tier IV datacentre: A digital game changer - thecable.ng 2022-09-10 With the remarkable achievements recorded in the last two to three years in the drive towards Nigeria becoming a fully digitised economy, the news that it is set to launch a world-class and tastefully built Tier IV data centre is a welcome development. Read full information on external site
数据中心焦点:如何选择不间断电源 - it.sohu.com 2022-09-09 数字化转型热潮正迫使越来越多的公司将其业务流程迁移到基于云的虚拟环境。因此,越来越多的数据中心正在建设中,既可以提供云服务,也可以满足各个组织自身的需求。数据中心的事故数量也在增加. Read full information on external site
МегаФон и Key Point намерены объединить усилия по продвижению своих услуг в регионах России - spbit.ru2022-09-09 В ходе Восточного Экономического Форума компании МегаФон и «Кей Пойнт» (Key Point) анонсировали свои планы взаимовыгодного сотрудничества в регионах России, зафиксировав эти намерения в соответствующем меморандуме. Read full information on external site
Towards Becoming A Fully Digitalised Economy - tribuneonlineng.com 2022-09-08 With the remarkable achievements recorded in the last two to three years in the drive towards Nigeria becoming a fully digititalised economy, the news that Nigeria is set to launch a world class and tastefully built Tier IV Data centre is a welcome development especially when it is coming at a time when a lot of data is being generated across corporate organisations and industries at an alarming rate. Read full information on external site
Critical Insight 2022 – have you registered yet - datacentrereview.com 2022-09-08 With an agenda that brings together key industry experts to discuss the most important issues affecting the sector today – and tomorrow – Critical Insight is a not-to-be-missed date for the digital infrastructure calendar. Read full information on external site
Die EPFL heizt jetzt mit der Abwärme ihres Rechenzentrums - netzwoche.ch 2022-09-08 Die EPFL hat ihr neues Heizkraftwerk eingeweiht. Betrieben wird es nicht mehr mit Heizöl, sondern unter anderem mit Wasser aus dem Genfersee. Dieses kühlt ein Rechenzentrum, dessen Abwärme trägt dann wiederum zur Beheizung des Campus bei. Read full information on external site
МегаФон и Key Point намерены объединить усилия по продвижению своих услуг в регионах России - iksmedia.ru2022-09-08 В ходе Восточного Экономического Форума компании МегаФон и «Кей Пойнт» (Key Point) анонсировали свои планы взаимовыгодного сотрудничества в регионах России, зафиксировав эти намерения в соответствующем меморандуме. Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - enfasys.net 2022-09-08 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - itwarelatam.com 2022-09-08 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
«Ростелеком» организует точку присутствия в дата-центре Key Point - deita.ru2022-09-07 EПАО «Ростелеком» и ООО «Кей Поинт» (Key Point) в рамках мероприятий Восточного экономического форума обсудили условия организации точки присутствия крупнейшего российского интегрированного провайдера цифровых услуг и решений в создаваемом на территории опережающего развития (ТОР) «Надеждинская» дата-центре Key Point, имеющим сертификат UPTIME Institute TIER III TCDD. Read full information on external site
Inteligencia Artificial genera ahorros operativos y energéticos en centros de datos - notimx.mx2022-09-07 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
HTC-ITC và mục tiêu đưa công nghệ mới tới mỗi doanh nghiệp, mỗi gia đình Việt - viettimes.vn 2022-09-06 Sau 15 năm phát triển đẩy mạnh ứng dụng công nghệ mới, HTC-ITC đặt ra sứ mệnh đưa công nghệ mới đến với người dân Việt Nam, với mục tiêu mỗi gia đình, mỗi doanh nghiệp sử dụng ít nhất một dịch vụ của HTC-ITC. Read full information on external site
Britain’s tech infrastructure in focus amid fears of winter blackouts - newsdubai.org 2022-09-06 The resilience of Britain’s technology infrastructure is under scrutiny amid fears of winter outages and the impact of soaring energy costs. Read full information on external site
Better Internet connectivity for S'wak with new submarine cable, says state Comms Minister - thestar.com.my 2022-09-06 KUCHING: Sarawak can look forward to better Internet connectivity following the launch of a new submarine cable to Singapore via Batam and a Tier IV data centre in the state. Read full information on external site
Batam Sarawak Internet Cable System Launches Alongside Data Centre - lowyat.net 2022-09-06 People living in Sarawak can look forward to an improved internet surfing experience with the launch of a new submarine cable and data centre. Dubbed the Batam Sarawak internet cable system (Basics), the cable connects the state to Singapore via the Indonesian city. Read full information on external site
Improved internet access now with launch of BaSICS - theborneopost.com 2022-09-06 KUCHING (Sept 6): Sarawakians can now look forward to improved internet access following the official launch of the already-completed 700km Batam Sarawak Internet Cable System (BaSICS) by Kuching-based telecommunications company ‘irix’ today. Read full information on external site
Unveiling tech infrastructure for national development, By Zeenat Sambo - premiumtimesng.com 2022-09-06 Data centres are supercomputers that store all online information, and the data of millions of people all around the world. Read full information on external site
Emerging 5G Networks: Potential Economic Benefits of Two-Phase Thermal Management - electronics-cooling.com 2022-09-06 The fourth and future industrial revolutions will set new requirements for smart cities / factories, autonomous vehicles, augmented reality, smartphones, etc., resulting in more distributed architectures, expanding the convergence of new technologies and developments thus, transforming the term Internet of Things (IoT) to Internet of Everything (IoE). Centralized cloud computing has evolved to provide scalable computation capable of processing large amounts of data, while also ensuring storage and provisioning of resources according to user requirements. Read full information on external site
Les projets de datacenters de proximité de nouveau sur la table - lemagit.fr 2022-09-06 Portés par les industriels, la grande distribution et les lieux événementiels qui ont tous fermés durant la crise pandémique, les datacenters de proximité reviennent dans les projets. Read full information on external site
Batam Sarawak Internet Cable System Launches Alongside Data Centre - headtopics.com 2022-09-06 People living in Sarawak can look forward to an improved internet surfing experience with the launch of a new submarine cable and data centre. Read full information on external site
Inteligencia Artificial genera ahorros operativos y energéticos en centros de datos - computerworldmexico.com.mx 2022-09-06 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - canal-ar.com.ar 2022-09-06 El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
BaSICs Cable System Has Launched - subtelforum.com 2022-09-06 KUCHING: Sarawak can look forward to better Internet connectivity following the launch of a new submarine cable to Singapore via Batam and a Tier IV data centre in the state. Read full information on external site
PodChats for FutureCIO: Architecting for sustainable data centres - futurecio.tech2022-09-05 Back in February 2012, Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook (now Meta), stated “there is a huge need and a huge opportunity to get everyone in the world connected, to give everyone a voice and to help transform society for the future.Read full information on external site
Britain’s technology infrastructure in focus amid fears of winter power cuts - bmmagazine.co.uk2022-09-05 The resilience of Britain’s technology infrastructure is under scrutiny because of fears of winter blackouts and the impact of the soaring cost of energy. Read full information on external site
Teksan’s uninterruptible power for data centres - datacentrereview.com2022-09-05 Data centre security and continuous developments are among the top priorities of companies today. Teksan draws attention with its innovative products and guarantees the energy security of data centres in many countries worldwide with its project-specific solutions, expert team, and experience. Read full information on external site
Wiit acquisisce Lansol datacenter e rafforza la posizione in Germania - financecommunity.it2022-09-05 WIIT, attiva nel mercato dei servizi cloud computing per le imprese focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di hybrid cloud e hosted private cloud per le applicazioni critiche, società quotata sul segmento Euronext Star Milan del mercato Euronext Milan, organizzato e gestito da Borsa Italiana, comunica che, in data odierna, è stato sottoscritto dalla propria controllata tedesca myLoc managed IT AG un accordo vincolante per l’acquisto del 100% del capitale sociale di LANSOL Datacenter GmbH. Read full information on external site
СЕРВИСЫ ЕДИНОЙ ЦИФРОВОЙ ПЛАТФОРМЫ «ГОСТЕХ» РАЗМЕСТЯТСЯ НА МОЩНОСТЯХ ЦЕНТРА ОБРАБОТКИ ДАННЫХ СБЕРА В БАЛАКОВЕ - rfinance.ru2022-09-05 Такое решение было принято в ходе совещания с участием заместителя Председателя Правительства РФ Дмитрия Чернышенко и заместителя Председателя Правления Сбербанка Станислава Кузнецова, которое прошло 2 сентября на базе строящегося в Балакове регионального Центра обработки данных Сбера. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства РФ Михаил Мишустин. На совещании также присутствовали Игорь Комаров, полномочный представитель Президента РФ в Приволжском федеральном округе, врио губернатора Саратовской области Роман Бусаргин и другие, сообщается на сайте банка. Read full information on external site
Britain’s technology infrastructure in focus amid fears of winter power cuts - jnews.uk2022-09-05 The resilience of Britain’s technology infrastructure is under scrutiny because of fears of winter blackouts and the impact of the soaring cost of energy. Read full information on external site
Сервисы единой цифровой платформы «Гостех» разместятся на мощностях Центра обработки данных Сбера в Балакове - novos.mk.ru2022-09-05 Такое решение было принято в ходе совещания с участием заместителя Председателя Правительства РФ Дмитрия Чернышенко и заместителя Председателя Правления Сбербанка Станислава Кузнецова, которое прошло 2 сентября на базе строящегося в Балакове регионального Центра обработки данных Сбера. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства РФ Михаил Мишустин. На совещании также присутствовали Игорь Комаров, полномочный представитель Президента РФ в Приволжском федеральном округе, врио губернатора Саратовской области Роман Бусаргин и другие. Read full information on external site
Tecnologia De Inteligência Artificial (Ia): Uma Parte Essencial Para A Continuidade Dos Data Centers - partnersales.com.br2022-09-05 A conversa na indústria de TI em 2022 girou em torno de sustentabilidade e data centers. A maior pressão dos clientes por abordagens mais ecológicas está levando os data centers a implementarem estratégias “holísticas” que contemplam reduzir suas pegadas de carbono. Nesse contexto, a Inteligência Artificial (IA) pode contribuir muito para essa equação. Read full information on external site
Tecnologia De Inteligência Artificial (Ia): Uma Parte Essencial Para A Continuidade Dos Data Centers - tibahia.com2022-09-05 A conversa na indústria de TI em 2022 girou em torno de sustentabilidade e data centers. A maior pressão dos clientes por abordagens mais ecológicas está levando os data centers a implementarem estratégias “holísticas” que contemplam reduzir suas pegadas de carbono. Read full information on external site
Ensuring efficient digital infrastructure in Nigeria: The PPP imperative - blueprint.ng2022-09-05 Digital economy sector has continued its trend of playing a critical role in the growth of Nigeria’s economy. BENJAMIN SAMSON in this report examines how Galaxy Backbone is championing efficient deployment of digital infrastructure in Nigeria through Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Read full information on external site
UK data centres at risk of outages this winter - information-age.com2022-09-05 The resilience of data centres across the UK powering public services will be put to the test this winter, due to rising energy costs. Read full information on external site
Britain’s technology infrastructure in focus amid fears of winter power cuts - mydroll.com2022-09-05 The resilience of Britain’s technology infrastructure is under scrutiny because of fears of winter blackouts and the impact of the soaring cost of energy. Read full information on external site
Cowen berät BE Investment-Partners und Gründer Thomas Krug beim Verkauf der LANSOL Datacenter GmbH an WIIT S.p.A. - deal-advisors.com2022-09-05 Cowen hat BE Investment-Partners GmbH („BE Invest“) und Gründungsgesellschafter Thomas Krug beim Verkauf der LANSOL Datacenter GmbH an WIIT S.p.A. (ISIN: IT0005440893; WIIT.MI) beraten. Read full information on external site
IA y Machine Learning para adelantarnos al futuro del data center - datacenterdynamics.com2022-09-02 Los data centers que no apliquen estas tecnologías de manera efectiva dejarán de ser operativa y económicamente viables. Read full information on external site
HSBC Việt Nam hợp tác cùng Viettel trong dự án trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững - nhipsongkinhdoanh.vn2022-09-02 Khoản tín dụng xanh này sẽ hỗ trợ Viettel IDC mua sắm thiết bị và máy móc nhằm phát triển một trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững tại Hà Nội. Read full information on external site
ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - cap.ru2022-09-02 В рамках визита в Саратовскую область заместитель Председателя Правительства России, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО Сбербанк в городе Балаково. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства РФ Михаил Мишустин. Поддержку реализации проекта также оказал Председатель Государственной Думы РФ Вячеслав Володин. Read full information on external site
Центр обработки данных в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - nta-pfo.ru2022-09-02 Саратов. 2 сентября. НТА-Приволжье — В рамках визита в Саратовскую область заместитель председателя правительства России, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО Сбербанк в городе Балаково. Read full information on external site
Gesucht: Neue Metriken für die Nachhaltigkeit von Rechenzentren - datacenter-insider.de2022-09-02 „Es gibt zwei große Nachhaltigkeitskomplexe, die die Rechenzentren und Cloud-Provider angehen müssen“, sagt Mark Butcher, Gründer des Beratungsunternehmens Posetiv Cloud: „Wasser- und Stromverbrauch.“ Read full information on external site
ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - nnews.nnov.ru2022-09-02 В рамках визита в Саратовскую область заместитель председателя Правительства России, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО Сбербанк в городе Балаково. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал председатель Правительства Михаил Мишустин. Поддержку реализации проекта также оказал Председатель Государственной думы РФ Вячеслав Володин. Read full information on external site
Дмитрий Чернышенко: ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - government.ru2022-09-02 Заместитель Председателя Правительства России Дмитрий Чернышенко провёл рабочую встречу с Заместителем Премьер-министра Республики Куба Рикардо Кабрисасом. Read full information on external site
Нетера откри втора дейта център сграда в София - tvoite.technology2022-09-02 Тя е близо до първия център за данни на компанията в столицата и ще използва цялата вече изградена мрежа и инфраструктура. Read full information on external site
Quantum Loophole to Address Future of Data Centers - channelvisionmag.com2022-09-02 Quantum Loophole Inc., a developer of first-of-its-kind Gigawatt-scale master-planned data center communities, announced two of its executives will serve on panels at DataCloud USA. Read full information on external site
Дмитрий Чернышенко: ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - ruscable.ru2022-09-02 В рамках поездки в Саратовскую область Заместитель Председателя Правительства, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО «Сбербанк» в Балакове. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства Михаил Мишустин. Поддержку реализации проекта также оказал Председатель Государственной Думы Вячеслав Володин. Read full information on external site
Вице-премьер РФ Дмитрий Чернышенко: ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России. - advis.ru2022-09-02 В рамках поездки в Саратовскую область Заместитель Председателя Правительства, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО "Сбербанк" в Балакове. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства Михаил Мишустин. Поддержку реализации проекта также оказал Председатель Государственной Думы Вячеслав Володин. Read full information on external site
ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - iksmedia.ru2022-09-02 Дмитрий Чернышенко провел совещание по вопросу использования ЦОД Саратовской области для геораспределенного размещения сервисов, реализуемых на платформе «Гостех» и Гособлаке. Read full information on external site
Дмитрий Чернышенко: ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - ruscable.blogspot.com2022-09-02 В рамках поездки в Саратовскую область Заместитель Председателя Правительства, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО «Сбербанк» в Балакове. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства Михаил Мишустин. Read full information on external site
Key Point: 35 дата-центров за 5 лет! - iksmedia.ru2022-09-02 В июне 2022 г. на конференции «ЦОД: модели, сервисы, инфраструктура» в Санкт-Петербурге была анонсирована амбициозная программа строительства сети региональных дата-центров Key Point. Подробностями делятся руководители двух компаний, реализующих этот проект. Read full information on external site
Are underwater data centres really coming? - istart.co.nz2022-09-02 The first US commercial underwater data centre could be up and running by the end of this year – but it won’t be Microsoft, with its Project Natick, leading the way. Read full information on external site
Testy infrastruktury centrum danych - itprofessional.com.pl2022-09-02 Budowa obiektu data center to złożony proces, w którym krzyżuje się wiele wzajemnie na siebie oddziałujących branż. Zakłócenie pracy jednego z systemów lub pojedynczego komponentu infrastruktury może skutkować wyłączeniem obiektu i przerwą wartą nawet setki milionów złotych. Read full information on external site
Data center operators cautiously support nuclear - datacenterdynamics.com2022-09-01 The value, role, and safety of nuclear power has strongly divided opinion, both in favor of and against, since the 1950s. Read full information on external site
Estratégias para superar a escassez de talentos nos Data Centers - datacenterdynamics.com2022-09-01 Um estudo do Uptime Institute estima que a demanda global por profissionais de data centers será de 2,3 milhões em 2025. Read full information on external site
Stemming the Tide of Attrition in STEM - connectedworld.com2022-09-01 Before the pandemic, there was already a blaring deficit of females in STEM roles. According to a 2020 Uptime Institute report, 75% of participating firms reported that in their design/build operations, women were represented in just 20% of existing roles. Read full information on external site
数据中心备用电源系统 解决停机问题的标准 - citnews.com.cn2022-09-01 随着公司必须提供更高水平的正常运行时间,数据中心备用电源受到更多关注。 它们也变得越来越复杂,管理员可以使用多种系统类型和行业标准来确保无故障运行。Read full information on external site
Studie: Was das Stabilisieren von Anwendungen in der Cloud kostet - datacenter-insider.de2022-09-01 Die vertraglichen Zusagen der Betreiber von Public-Cloud-Diensten betreffen die Services, nicht die Anwendungen, die diese Services nutzen. Read full information on external site
Is loadbank testing necessary for containerised data centres? - dcnnmagazine.com2022-09-01 Typically housed within shipping containers, containerised data centres can be deployed easily, powered up quickly and scaled without delay in line with changing requirements. For the data centre sector itself, containerised solutions are widely used to accommodate surplus demand for data centres that need to grow but cannot yet do so, and often deliver a continuity of performance when a primary data centre needs critical maintenance or refurbishment. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric refuerza su formación para profesionales de centros de datos - itreseller.es2022-09-01 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
An Introductory Guide to the Types of Data Centers - techgenix.com2022-09-01 Data centers come in various shapes and sizes. For instance, some types of data centers require minimal or even zero capital. On the other hand, other types offer you full control over your IT infrastructure. Read full information on external site
August 2022
МТС построила первый модульный Центр обработки данных за Уралом - content-review.com2022-08-31 ПАО «МТС» объявляет об открытии нового Центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Read full information on external site
HSBC Việt Nam hợp tác cùng Viettel trong dự án trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững - baonhanh247.com2022-08-31 HSBC Việt Nam vừa thực hiện thành công thêm một giao dịch tín dụng xanh với khoản vay xanh thu xếp cho Viettel IDC, một công ty con của Tập đoàn Viettel, giá trị lên tới 400 tỷ đồng trong thời hạn 5 năm.http://baonhanh247.com/ Read full information on external site
HSBC Việt Nam hợp tác cùng Viettel trong dự án trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững - haiquanonline.com.vn2022-08-31 Ngày 31/8, Ngân hàng TNHH một thành viên HSBC Việt Nam (HSBC Việt Nam) cho biết ngân hàng vừa thực hiện thành công thêm một giao dịch tín dụng xanh với khoản vay xanh thu xếp cho một doanh nghiệp nhà nước của Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone’s Tier IV datacentre seen driving national development - businessday.ng2022-08-31 Galaxy Backbone (GBB) is set to launch its Tier IV Datacentre into the public and private sector space of Nigeria. Read full information on external site
HSBC Việt Nam hợp tác cùng Viettel trong dự án trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững - bnews.vn2022-08-31 Ngân hàng TNHH một thành viên HSBC Việt Nam (HSBC Việt Nam) đã thực hiện thành công thêm một giao dịch tín dụng xanh với khoản vay xanh thu xếp cho Viettel IDC, một công ty con của Tập đoàn Viettel. Read full information on external site
Viettel IDC vay 400 tỉ phát triển trung tâm dữ liệu ‘xanh’ - thesaigontimes.vn2022-08-31 Viettel IDC, công ty con của Tập đoàn Viettel hoạt động trong lĩnh vực hạ tầng dữ liệu, được tài trợ khoản tín dụng xanh lên tới 400 tỉ đồng kỳ hạn 5 năm. Read full information on external site
Burning up: Mitigation should sustain datacentre operations during extreme heat - computerweekly.com2022-08-31 July’s temperature spike put headline heat on regional operations at Google and Oracle. Datacentre operators must side-step similar mistakes to avoid climate change-related collapse in future. Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud partners with Helios to digitise Indonesian businesses - channelasia.tech2022-08-30 Strategic collaboration to target cloud adoption challenges. Read full information on external site
Helios Collaborates with Tencent Cloud - aseantechsec.com2022-08-30 PT Helios Informatika Nusantara has announced its collaboration with Tencent to provide secure cloud offerings for various industries in Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Pantami Inspects Galaxy Backbone’s Kano Tier IV Data Centre; Facility Ready for Commissioning - techeconomy.ng2022-08-30 The Tier IV data centre built by the Federal Government of Nigeria which also houses Galaxy backbone’s North West Regional Office and Network Operating Centre. Read full information on external site
朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 以全方位低碳绿色创新助力“双碳”战略 - citnews.com.cn2022-08-30 2022年8月11日-13日,由CDCC主办的第三届数据中心绿色能源大会于南京国际博览中心举办,本次大会以“跨界融合,碳索未来”为主题,依托国家“双碳”战略背景,聚焦数据中心未来能源发展及数据中心绿色能源供给,朝亚受邀参展,全方位展示了朝亚在数据中心绿色节能的先进理念,以及数据中心设计建造与运维上的实践与成就. Read full information on external site
Helios Informatika Nusantara Gandeng Tencent Cloud Atasi Tantangan Adopsi Cloud di Indonesia - arenalte.com2022-08-30 PT Helios Informatika Nusantara (Helios), penyedia solusi infrastruktur, cloud dan digital sekaligus anak perusahaan CTI Group mengumumkan kemitraan strategisnya dengan Tencent Cloud, bisnis cloud dari perusahaan teknologi global Tencent, untuk menyediakan penawaran cloud yang stabil dan aman untuk berbagai industri dan membantu bisnis dalam mengatasi tantangan perjalanan cloud di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone to Launch Tier 1V Data Center - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com.ng2022-08-30 As part of efforts to boost digital infrastructure, the Galaxy Backbone (GBB) will tomorrow launch its Tier IV Datacentre into the public and private sector space. Read full information on external site
BCM-News Daily Digest - bcm-news.de2022-08-30 Electromagnetic pulse and its threat to data centers – Uptime Institute Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a rapid discharge of electromagnetic energy from a natural or artificial source. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone To Launch Tier 1V Data Center - dailytrust.com2022-08-29 As part of efforts to boost digital infrastructure, the Galaxy Backbone (GBB) will tomorrow launch its Tier IV Datacentre into the public and private sector space. Read full information on external site
Thames Water 将审查英国干旱期间数据中心用于冷却设施的饮用水量 - jifang360.com2022-08-29 摘要:8月中旬,英国大部分地区正式宣布干旱,包括伦敦及周边地区,“临时用水禁令”将于周三生效。周二,干旱扩大到西米德兰兹郡,因为环境署表示,明年将开始制定管理潜在水资源短缺的计划。Read full information on external site
Helios Gandeng Tencent Cloud Tambah Adopsi Cloud di Indonesia - medcom.id2022-08-29 Jakarta: Helios Informatika Nusantara (Helios), penyedia solusi infrastruktur, cloud dan digital sekaligus anak perusahaan CTI Group mengumumkan kemitraan strategisnya dengan Tencent Cloud. Read full information on external site
Wie Nachhaltigkeit bei Google Cloud das Business treibt - it-business.de2022-08-29 Für Google Cloud sind die Klimaziele des Konzerns ein Ansporn. Read full information on external site
Das moderne Zentrum, das neue Aussehen des Nationalparks und die Hochhäuser im Technopark - uza.uz2022-08-28 Unser Land begrüßt den Jahrestag der Unabhängigkeit mit guten Nachrichten und guter Laune. Neue Strukturen und Einrichtungen werden vor Ort in Betrieb genommen. Read full information on external site
Обзор IT-Weekly: Dell ушла, «Яндекс» покупает Delivery Club, VK поглотит «Дзен», отечественный Twitch, аналог «Википедии» - it-weekly.ru2022-08-28 Корпорация Dell приостановила продажи в России и Украине в феврале, заявив, что будет следить за ситуацией, чтобы определиться со следующими шагами. Read full information on external site
Обзор IT-Weekly: Dell ушла, «Яндекс» покупает Delivery Club, VK поглотит «Дзен», отечественный Twitch, аналог «Википедии» - it-world.ru2022-08-28 Корпорация Dell приостановила продажи в России и Украине в феврале, заявив, что будет следить за ситуацией, чтобы определиться со следующими шагами. Read full information on external site
A single center for storing and processing data of the e-Government system launched - uza.uz2022-08-27 The people of Uzbekistan are celebrating the anniversary of independence with good news and are in high spirits. New facilities are put into operation across the country. Read full information on external site
Preocupações com segurança da nuvem impulsionam soluções de dados offline - abnoticianews.com.br2022-08-27 Apesar de toda a efervescência em torno das discussões sobre a adoção de nuvens, também existe procura por oportunidades de uso estratégico de ambientes físicos protegidos. Read full information on external site
The people of Uzbekistan are celebrating the anniversary of independence with good news and are in high spirits. New facilities are put into operation across the country - www.uzdaily.com2022-08-27 A single center for storing and processing data of the e-Government system launched. Read full information on external site
Das einheitliche Datenspeicher- und -verarbeitungszentrum des E-Government-Systems wurde in Betrieb genommen - uza.uz2022-08-27 Unser Volk begrüßt den Jahrestag der Unabhängigkeit mit guten Nachrichten und guter Laune. Neue Bauten und Einrichtungen werden vor Ort in Betrieb genommen. Read full information on external site
Preocupações com segurança da nuvem impulsionam soluções de dados offline - teclandoweb.com.br2022-08-26 Apesar de toda a efervescência em torno das discussões sobre a adoção de nuvens, também existe procura por oportunidades de uso estratégico de ambientes físicos protegidos. Read full information on external site
Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - gt.globedia.com2022-08-26 El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
DCIM: Alive and kicking? - datacentrereview.com2022-08-26 What ever happened to data centre infrastructure management (DCIM)? Rewind the clock 10 years and DCIM was touted as the next big thing – a universal panacea for many of the data centre industry’s most pressing challenges. Read full information on external site
Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - cl.globedia.com2022-08-26 El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - es.globedia.com2022-08-26 El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - ar.globedia.com2022-08-26 El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - mx.globedia.com2022-08-26 El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
True IDC mở rộng kinh doanh tại Việt Nam nhằm hoàn thiện hạ tầng số - ttvn.toquoc.vn2022-08-25 Công ty True Internet Data Center (True IDC), nhà cung cấp dịch vụ Cloud và Trung tâm dữ liệu trung lập hàng đầu tại Thái Lan do ông Thanasorn Jaidee, Giám đốc điều hành và nhóm chuyên gia của công ty, đã đến thăm văn phòng chi nhánh tại Việt Nam và gặp gỡ ông Nguyễn Đình Hùng, Giám đốc điều hành cùng các nhân sự True IDC Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
未来数据中心 绿色低碳 可持续发展2022深圳国际数据中心大会召开 - t.cj.sina.com.cn2022-08-25 当前,随着5G、云计算、人工智能等新一代信息技术快速发展,信息技术与传统产业加速融合,数字经济蓬勃发展,数据中心作为各个行业信息系统运行的物理载体,已成为经济社会运行不可或缺的关键基础设施,在数字经济发展中扮演至关重要的角色. Read full information on external site
Thames Water 将审查英国干旱期间数据中心用于冷却设施的饮用水量 - news.idcquan.com2022-08-25 8月中旬,英国大部分地区正式宣布干旱,包括伦敦及周边地区,“临时用水禁令”将于周三生效。周二,干旱扩大到西米德兰兹郡,因为环境署表示,明年将开始制定管理潜在水资源短缺的计划。Read full information on external site
Отказоустойчивая архитектура контентной платформы на 4 Тбит/с — опыт VK Видео - pcnews.ru2022-08-25 Представьте идеальный мир с бесконечными ресурсами, в котором можно сколько угодно линейно масштабироваться под нагрузку: просто доставлять серверы, диски, видеокарты, как только потребуется больше мощностей. Звучит хорошо? Read full information on external site
Дата-центры Google. Как устроена самая технологичная сеть серверов, разбросанная по всему миру? - pcnews.ru2022-08-25 Серверы в морских контейнерах, туалетная вода для охлаждения, ледяные батареи, почта на магнитной ленте, аллигаторы в пруду и 500 кг выбросов CO2 в секунду. Read full information on external site
"Khát vọng số" ở CMC - Cách nào đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực? - doanhnghiephoinhap.vn2022-08-25 Trao đổi với báo chí sau buổi lễ khai trương Trung tâm dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuân, Chủ tịch CMC Nguyễn Trung Chính chia sẻ: Hiện nay, người Việt đang sử dụng rất nhiều nền tảng số của nước ngoài như Microsoft, Google...Read full information on external site
Отказоустойчивая архитектура контентной платформы на 4 Тбит/с — опыт VK Видео - habr.com2022-08-25 Представьте идеальный мир с бесконечными ресурсами, в котором можно сколько угодно линейно масштабироваться под нагрузку: просто доставлять серверы, диски, видеокарты, как только потребуется больше мощностей. Звучит хорошо? Read full information on external site
Дата-центры Google. Как устроена самая технологичная сеть серверов, разбросанная по всему миру? - habr.com2022-08-25 Серверы в морских контейнерах, туалетная вода для охлаждения, ледяные батареи, почта на магнитной ленте, аллигаторы в пруду и 500 кг выбросов CO2 в секунду. Read full information on external site
Preocupações com segurança da Nuvem impulsionam soluções de Dados offline - inforchannel.com.br2022-08-25 Não há dúvidas de que a migração para a Nuvem, como uma das colunas da Transformação Digital, segue sua marcha alcançando índices de crescimento constantes a cada mês. Read full information on external site
De-Risk Your Business by Moving to Colocation Data Centers – A Modern Cloud Experience - cio.com2022-08-25 You can extend the public cloud-like benefits of a colocation model even further with the right partner. Read full information on external site
Без искр, теплового удара и безопасно: как будут жить 500 стоек в одном здании - habr.com2022-08-24 2022 год стал непростым для инфраструктурных проектов, но МТС не изменила план развития сети ЦОДов. Read full information on external site
5 principles data center managers must consider while addressing the talent shortage - dqindia.com2022-08-24 A universal conversation is taking place in businesses across all industries about how to combat an unprecedented talent shortage. Read full information on external site
Без искр, теплового удара и безопасно: как будут жить 500 стоек в одном здании - dqindia.com2022-08-24 2022 год стал непростым для инфраструктурных проектов, но МТС не изменила план развития сети ЦОДов. В ближайшие годы появятся 4 больших дата-центра в Ростове, Туле, Екатеринбурге и Хабаровске, и еще 15 ЦОДов на подходе. Read full information on external site
МОДУЛЬНЫЙ ЦОД ЗА УРАЛОМ - vestnik-sviazy.ru2022-08-24 МТС открыли новый Центр обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске — первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
Les centres de données en difficulté face à leur usage en eau avec les fortes chaleurs - alloforfait.fr2022-08-24 Les centres de données sont de gros consommateurs d’électricité mais également d’eau. Read full information on external site
Understanding the true costs of resiliency - digitalisationworld.com2022-08-24 Owen Rogers, Uptime Institute Research Director for Cloud Computing, discusses the findings of his recent report – Public Cloud Costs versus Resiliency: Stateless Applications, which outlines the importance of cloud service resiliency as it can impact on application availability. Read full information on external site
Understanding the true costs of resiliency - datacentre.solutions2022-08-24 Owen Rogers, Uptime Institute Research Director for Cloud Computing, discusses the findings of his recent report – Public Cloud Costs versus Resiliency: Stateless Applications, which outlines the importance of cloud service resiliency as it can impact on application availability. Read full information on external site
Involta upgrades its data center in the Cleveland market - bollyinside.com2022-08-24 Involta has announced the development of its Independence data centre in the competitive Cleveland region, after strategic leadership changes and appointments. Read full information on external site
Без искр, теплового удара и безопасно: как будут жить 500 стоек в одном здании - habr.com2022-08-24 2022 год стал непростым для инфраструктурных проектов, но МТС не изменила план развития сети ЦОДов. В ближайшие годы появятся 4 больших дата-центра в Ростове, Туле, Екатеринбурге и Хабаровске, и еще 15 ЦОДов на подходе. Read full information on external site
Estratégias para superar a escassez de talentos nos Data Centers - inforchannel.com.br2022-08-24 Em todas as regiões do mundo, a capacidade dos Data Centers está se expandindo rapidamente. Read full information on external site
Galaxy Backbone’s Tier IV Datacentre: Game changer for accelerated national development - blueprint.ng2022-08-24 With the remarkable achievements recorded in the last two to three years in the drive towards Nigeria becoming a fully digitized economy, the news that Nigeria is set to launch a world class and tastefully built Tier IV Datacentre is a welcome development. Read full information on external site
Game Changer For National Development - thisdaylive.com2022-08-24 Bashir Ibrahim Hassan writes that GBB’s Tier IV Datacentre will deepen digital services and improve efficiency and productivity. Read full information on external site
Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - redimin.cl2022-08-23 En Chile, el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional ha puesto en marcha su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC). Se trata del centro de despacho de energía más moderno de Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Insegurança com nuvem impulsiona soluções de dados offline - channel360.com.br2022-08-23 Não há dúvidas de que a migração para a nuvem, como uma das colunas da transformação digital, segue sua marcha alcançando índices de crescimento constantes a cada mês. Read full information on external site
CEN inauguró su Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía en Chile - enernews.com2022-08-23 En Chile, el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional ha puesto en marcha su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC). Se trata del centro de despacho de energía más moderno de Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Insegurança com nuvem leva à busca por soluções de dados offline - monitormercantil.com.br2022-08-23 Não há dúvidas de que a migração para a nuvem, como uma das colunas da transformação digital, segue sua marcha alcançando índices de crescimento constantes a cada mês. Read full information on external site
Out with the old, in with the new – exploring the amendments to the Electronic and Postal Communications (Licensing) Regulations - dsupra.com2022-08-23 In recent months, Tanzania has published amendments to the Electronic and Postal Communications (Licensing) Regulations that introduce new licensing categories and restructure existing ones. Read full information on external site
Canicule : les centres de données à rude épreuve sur leur usage de l'eau - lesechos.fr2022-08-23 Aux Pays-Bas, Microsoft a consommé quatre fois plus d'eau que prévu pour la climatisation d'un data center l'an dernier. Read full information on external site
МТС запустила в Новосибирске первый модульный центр обработки данных за Уралом - tayga.info2022-08-23 Первый модульный центр обработки данных за Уралом запущен в Новосибирске. Проект стоимостью около 2 млрд рублей реализован компанией МТС. Read full information on external site
МТС построила модульный Центр обработки данных за Уралом - comnews.ru2022-08-23 ПАО "МТС" объявляет об открытии нового Центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Это первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
МТС построила свой первый модульный ЦОД за Уралом. Финансовые услуги » Телекоммуникации - advis.ru2022-08-23 МТС объявила об открытии нового центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Это первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric mejora su plataforma de formación para hacer frente a la escasez de talento - datacentermarket.es2022-08-23 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Ресурсы облака увеличены - mobilecomm.ru2022-08-23 На фоне растущего спроса на облачные сервисы провайдер Linxdatacenter увеличил мощности вычислительной инфраструктуры. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric cria plataforma de educação profissional para solucionar escassez de talento nos Data Centers - voltimum.pt2022-08-23 A Schneider Electric University ajuda os profissionais de Data Centers a melhorar as suas competências, oferecendo orientação gratuita sobre a tecnologia mais recente, sustentabilidade e iniciativas de eficiência energética. Read full information on external site
Coordinador Eléctrico pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - dconstruccion.cl2022-08-23 En 20 mil metros cuadrados construidos, se levantan dos edificios que albergarán al Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC) y el Edificio de Oficinas donde trabajarán los más de 340 profesionales que integran el organismo. Read full information on external site
Ресурсы облака Linxdatacenter увеличены в три раза - re-port.ru2022-08-23 На фоне растущего спроса на облачные сервисы провайдер Linxdatacenter увеличил мощности вычислительной инфраструктуры. Это позволит клиентам облака LinxCloud подключать дополнительные ресурсы без ограничений. Read full information on external site
МТС построила ЦОД в Новосибирске за 1,7 млрд руб - advis.ru2022-08-23 НОтличие нового дата-центра, открытого в Калининском районе Новосибирска, — в его модульности. Его развернули за восемь месяцев, что в несколько раз быстрее, чем строительство классических дата-центров. Read full information on external site
Insegurança com nuvem leva à busca por soluções de dados offline - monitormercantil.com.br2022-08-23 Não há dúvidas de que a migração para a nuvem, como uma das colunas da transformação digital, segue sua marcha alcançando índices de crescimento constantes a cada mês. Read full information on external site
Coordinador pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - revistaei.cl2022-08-22 En la comuna de Pudahuel se ubican las instalaciones del recinto desde el cual se controla la operación del sistema eléctrico a lo largo del país. Read full information on external site
Lessons to be learned from Google and Oracle's datacenter heatstroke - theregister.com2022-08-22 This year's summer heatwaves aren't just making your average Brit's life a bit miserable, it also caused problems for some cloud providers and server admins trying to keep their gear running. Read full information on external site
МТС построила свой первый модульный ЦОД за Уралом - cnews.ru2022-08-22 МТС объявила об открытии нового центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Это первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
МТС развернула модульный ЦОД в Новосибирске - servernews.ru2022-08-22 Телекоммуникационная компания «Мобильные ТелеСистемы» (МТС) сообщила о вводе в эксплуатацию нового центра обработки данных в Новосибирске. Read full information on external site
Компания МТС построила первый модульный Центр обработки данных за Уралом - pcnews.ru2022-08-22 ПАО «МТС» (MOEX: MTSS), ведущая российская компания по предоставлению цифровых, медийных и телекоммуникационных сервисов, объявляет об открытии нового Центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Это первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
Компания МТС построила первый модульный Центр обработки данных за Уралом - techinsider.ru2022-08-22 Новосибирск, РФ – ПАО «МТС» (MOEX: MTSS), ведущая российская компания по предоставлению цифровых, медийных и телекоммуникационных сервисов, объявляет об открытии нового Центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Read full information on external site
Рак молодеет: во всем мире резко растет число тех, кто заболевает онкологией в возрасте до 50 лет. Как уберечь себя? - techinsider.ru2022-08-22 НРак давно стал частью человеческой истории. Но новое исследование показало, что кое-что в распространении мировой онкологии начало изменяться. Read full information on external site
«Озеленение» ЦОДов – утопия или ближайшее будущее? - iksmedia.ru2022-08-22 В последнее десятилетие экологические аспекты деятельности бизнеса набирали актуальность, достигнув пика в 2019 г. Но сегодня в условиях экономической и политической нестабильности бизнес озабочен в основном выживанием, что существенно ограничивает экологизацию производства. Read full information on external site
Top Tips on Enhancing IT Efficiency & Cutting Your Energy Bills - spiceworks.com2022-08-22 In a conversation with Spiceworks, Uptime Institute’s research director of sustainability, Jay Dietrich, speaks on how companies can improve IT efficiency. He also shares some great ways to improve data centers’ ecological and sustainable friendliness. Read full information on external site
Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC), el más moderno de Latinoamérica - coordinador.cl2022-08-22 En 9.000 metros cuadrados de terreno y 20 mil construidos, se levantan dos edificios que albergarán al Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC) y el Edificio de Oficinas donde trabajarán los más de 340 profesionales que integran el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional. Read full information on external site
Coordinador pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - revistaei.cl2022-08-22 En 9.000 metros cuadrados de terreno y 20 mil construidos, se levantan dos edificios que albergarán al Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC) y el Edificio de Oficinas donde trabajarán los más de 340 profesionales que integran el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional. Read full information on external site
Inauguran Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - energiahoy.com2022-08-22 Con 29.000 m2, un edificio antisísmico, equipamiento sustentable y tecnologías y certificaciones que garantizan la confiabilidad y seguridad de las operaciones, el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional inauguró el nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC). Emplazado en Pudahuel, Chile, es el Centro de Despacho más moderno de Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Econ4.0: Is your forecast cloudy? - theedgemarkets.com2022-08-22 Here’s a corny corporate story: On a late Friday evening when the office was deserted, an engineer saw the company’s CEO standing next to the new office shredder. The engineer walked up. “Can I help, sir?” Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - panama24horas.com.pa2022-08-21 La falta de personal especializado es una realidad que afecta a todos los tipos de centros de datos, desde las instalaciones de borde hasta las empresariales y de hiperescala. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - ebizlatam.com2022-08-21 La falta de personal especializado es una realidad que afecta a todos los tipos de centros de datos, desde las instalaciones de borde hasta las empresariales y de hiperescala. Read full information on external site
Schenider Electric apuesta por la la formación para hacer frente a la escasez de talento - rrhhdigital.com2022-08-21 Schneider Electric líder en la transformación digital de la gestión de la energía y la automatización, ha anunciado una serie de actualizaciones de su plataforma de educación digital, Schneider Electric University, independiente del proveedor y con acreditación CPD. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - elespectadordepanama.com2022-08-21 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros - diario-economia.com2022-08-19 Schneider Electric líder en la transformación digital de la gestión de la energía y la automatización, ha anunciado una serie de actualizaciones de su plataforma de educación digital, Schneider Electric University, independiente del proveedor y con acreditación CPD. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros - diario-abc.com2022-08-19 Schneider Electric líder en la transformación digital de la gestión de la energía y la automatización, ha anunciado una serie de actualizaciones de su plataforma de educación digital, Schneider Electric University, independiente del proveedor y con acreditación CPD. Read full information on external site
‘Khát vọng số’ ở CMC: Cách nào đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực? - cafef.vn2022-08-19 Trải qua không ít khó khăn trong giai đoạn Covid-19 ở TP. HCM năm vừa qua, CMC đã khai trương thành công Trung tâm dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận. Đầu tiên xin được hỏi, cảm xúc của ông lúc này ra sao? Read full information on external site
‘Khát vọng số’ ở CMC: Cách nào đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực? - cafebiz.vn2022-08-19 Trải qua không ít khó khăn trong giai đoạn Covid-19 ở TP. HCM năm vừa qua, CMC đã khai trương thành công Trung tâm dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận. Đầu tiên xin được hỏi, cảm xúc của ông lúc này ra sao? Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - itnews.lat2022-08-19 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
РЕЙТИНГ НАДЕЖНЫХ ДАТА-ЦЕНТРОВ В СНГ - computerra.ru2022-08-19 Строить собственную серверную — долго, дорого и бессмысленно: придется найти помещение, подумать об инженерных системах и нанять целый штат ИТ-специалистов. И даже после этого, надежность вашей серверной вряд ли сравнится с современным дата-центром. Поэтому компании, которым необходима гарантированная доступность, размещают свое оборудование в коммерческих центрах обработки данных. Read full information on external siteSchneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - ebuenasnoticias.com2022-08-19 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - islasbaleares24horas.com2022-08-19 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - murcia.com2022-08-19 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - vitoria24horas.com2022-08-19 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - zaragoza24horas2022-08-19 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
РЕЙТИНГ НАДЕЖНЫХ ДАТА-ЦЕНТРОВ В СНГ - computerra.ru2022-08-19 Строить собственную серверную — долго, дорого и бессмысленно: придется найти помещение, подумать об инженерных системах и нанять целый штат ИТ-специалистов. И даже после этого, надежность вашей серверной вряд ли сравнится с современным дата-центром. Поэтому компании, которым необходима гарантированная доступность, размещают свое оборудование в коммерческих центрах обработки данных. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - burgosdigital24horas.com2022-08-19 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - valencia24horas.com2022-08-19 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - madridbusiness.es2022-08-19 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - es.paperblog.com2022-08-19 La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Data Centre Review E-Newsletter: Friday Edition | 19 August 2022 - eurp-zc1.campaign-view.eu2022-08-19 Energy costs can account for more than 50% of the total operating expenses of a data centre, so it’s no surprise that data centre operators, manufacturers, and suppliers are looking for ways to reduce energy bills. One solution is to continuously improve energy efficiency through the use of cost-effective infrastructure and equipment. Read full information on external site
朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 以全方位低碳绿色创新助力“双碳”战略 - telecom.chinabyte.com2022-08-18 2022年8月11日-13日,由CDCC主办的第三届数据中心绿色能源大会于南京国际博览中心举办,本次大会以“跨界融合,碳索未来”为主题,依托国家“双碳”战略背景,聚焦数据中心未来能源发展及数据中心绿色能源供给,朝亚受邀参展,全方位展示了朝亚在数据中心绿色节能的先进理念,以及数据中心设计建造与运维上的实践与成就。Read full information on external site
Arctic Stream a configurat infrastructura IT în cel mai mare centru de date din CEE - bursa.ro2022-08-18 Arctic Stream, integrator de infrastructură şi securitate IT, companie listată la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti sub simbolul AST, a jucat un rol important în construirea infrastructurii de date, constând în instalarea şi configurarea echipamentelor hardware şi a soluţiilor software de virtualizare de ultimă generaţie, pentru ClusterPower, centru de date din Europa Centrală şi de Sud-Est, potrivit unui comunicat de presă remis Redacţiei. Read full information on external site
Sustainability laws set to drive real change - datacentrereview.com2022-08-18 Nearly 15 years ago – in 2008 – Uptime Institute presented a paper titled, The Gathering Storm. The paper was about the inevitability of a big struggle against climate change, and how that might play out for the power-hungry data centre and IT sector. The title echoed Winston Churchill’s book describing the lead up to World War II. Read full information on external site
‘Khát vọng số’ ở CMC: Cách nào đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực? - ttvn.toquoc.vn2022-08-18 Trải qua không ít khó khăn trong giai đoạn Covid-19 ở TP. HCM năm vừa qua, CMC đã khai trương thành công Trung tâm dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận. Đầu tiên xin được hỏi, cảm xúc của ông lúc này ra sao? Read full information on external site
朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 以全方位低碳绿色创新助力“双碳”战略 - itheat.com2022-08-18 2022年8月11日-13日,由CDCC主办的第三届数据中心绿色能源大会于南京国际博览中心举办,本次大会以“跨界融合,碳索未来”为主题,依托国家“双碳”战略背景,聚焦数据中心未来能源发展及数据中心绿色能源供给,朝亚受邀参展,全方位展示了朝亚在数据中心绿色节能的先进理念,以及数据中心设计建造与运维上的实践与成就。朝亚上海区总经理孙文铮先生在大会现场接受采访发表对朝亚数据中心的节能减排、未来布局等话题的看法,并围绕数据中心绿色发展分享了朝亚的深入见解和领先洞察。Read full information on external site
朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 - 51cto.com2022-08-18 以全方位低碳绿色创新助力双碳战略 2022年8月11日-13日,由CDCC主办的第三届数据中心绿色能源大会于南京国际博览中心举办,本次大会以跨界融合,碳索未来为主题,依托国家双碳战略背景,聚焦数据中心未来能源发展及数据中心绿色能源供给,朝亚受邀参展,全方. Read full information on external site
Arctic Stream a configurat infrastructura IT în cel mai mare centru de date din CEE - clubitc.ro2022-08-18 Arctic Stream, integrator de infrastructură şi securitate IT, companie listată la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti sub simbolul AST, a jucat un rol important în construirea infrastructurii de date, constând în instalarea şi configurarea echipamentelor hardware şi a soluţiilor software de virtualizare de ultimă generaţie, pentru ClusterPower, centru de date din Europa Centrală şi de Sud-Est, potrivit unui comunicat de presă remis Redacţiei. Read full information on external site
Arctic Stream a configurat infrastructura IT în cel mai mare centru de date din CEE - revistabiz.ro2022-08-18 Arctic Stream, integrator de infrastructură și securitate IT, companie listată la Bursa de Valori București sub simbolul AST, a jucat un rol important în construirea infrastructurii de date, constând în instalarea și configurarea echipamentelor hardware și a soluțiilor software de virtualizare de ultimă generație, pentru ClusterPower, cel mai mare centru de date din Europa Centrală și de Sud-Est. Read full information on external site
Atasi Kekurangan Tenaga Kerja Data Center , Schneider Electric Hadirkan Platform Edukasi Gratis - alekkurniawan.medium.com2022-08-17 Kebutuhan tenaga kerja pada bidang data center (pusat data) terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Read full information on external site
記録的な猛暑でデータセンターまでダウン。温暖化の影響を回避する現実的な対策とは? - wired.jp2022-08-17 欧州が記録的な猛暑に襲われるなか、グーグルやオラクルのデータセンターが冷却装置の故障により相次いで停止する“事件”が起きた。温暖化による気温の上昇が続くなか、生活のインフラでもあるデータに影響が出ないようにするには、どのような対策が求められているのか。Read full information on external site
提高数据中心冷却效率的六个步骤 - jifang360.com2022-08-17 摘要:曾几何时,数据中心的能源效率似乎只是一个可有可无的东西。但现如今就大大不同了。如果您的数据中心很冷的话,会给人们留下很深的印象。这一迹象被认为是表明您在防止服务器过热方面做了很好的工作。较低的机架密度,电力花费更低,也就不会有人特别关注电费账单了。Read full information on external site
数据中心管理软件的演变 | 专家视点 - fromgeek.com2022-08-17 在不断增长的互联经济中,新的需求要求现代组织重新思考如何有效管理数据中心环境。除了围绕云的新要求之外,围绕边缘计算的架构也给业务和技术领导者带来了新的压力。在一个持续连接的世界中——性能、效率、正常运行时间和基础设施可见性成为领导者围绕其数字基础设施做出决策的核心要素。Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric donosi rješenje za nedostatak stručnjaka za podatkovne centre - cropc.ne2022-08-17 Schneider Electric je najavio niz ažuriranja svoje platforme za digitalno obrazovanje Schneider Electric University. Dostupna na 14 svjetskih jezika, platforma za profesionalni razvoj nudi svojim dionicima iz industrije mogućnost profesionalnog usavršavanja kako bi bili u toku s najnovijim tehnologijama, ali i inicijativama za održivost i energetsku učinkovitost podatkovnih centara. Read full information on external site
Airedale appoints Adrian Trevelyan as data centre lead - acr-news.com2022-08-17 Airedale by Modine, the critical cooling specialists, today announced Adrian Trevelyan as the director of its Cloud Services Business Unit. Responsible for one of Airedale’s most significant commercial operations, Mr Trevelyan will be accountable for a worldwide territory (excluding US), leading the data centre cooling arm of the Airedale by Modine business as it accelerates its growth strategy. Read full information on external site
Estratégias Para Superar A Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers - partnersales.com2022-08-17 Em todas as regiões do mundo, a capacidade dos data centers está se expandindo rapidamente. Enquanto em 2016 os data centers armazenaram estimados 870 exabytes (EB) de dados, para 2021 esse valor é projetado para 2.300 EB, de acordo com relatórios da Statista. Read full information on external site
Estratégias Para Superar A Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers - blogjornaldamulher.blogspot.com2022-08-17 Em todas as regiões do mundo, a capacidade dos data centers está se expandindo rapidamente. Enquanto em 2016 os data centers armazenaram estimados 870 exabytes (EB) de dados, para 2021 esse valor é projetado para 2.300 EB, de acordo com relatórios da Statista. Read full information on external site
Estratégias Para Superar A Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers - portalvarada.com2022-08-17 Em todas as regiões do mundo, a capacidade dos data centers está se expandindo rapidamente. Enquanto em 2016 os data centers armazenaram estimados 870 exabytes (EB) de dados, para 2021 esse valor é projetado para 2.300 EB, de acordo com relatórios da Statista. Read full information on external site
Khai trương Trung tâm Dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận chuẩn quốc tế hàng đầu khu vực - mediaonlinevn.com2022-08-16 Trung tâm Dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận tại Q.7 (TP.HCM) đã được Tập đoàn Công nghệ CMC chính thức khai trương vào ngày 15-8-2022. Chủ tịch nước Nguyễn Xuân Phúc đã đến dự lễ khai trương. Đây là trung tâm dữ liệu hiện đại và an toàn bậc nhất Việt Nam và khu vực Đông Nam Á. Read full information on external site
Không có hạ tầng số sẽ không có chủ quyền số - baonhanh247.com2022-08-16 Bộ trưởng Bộ TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng khẳng định Việt Nam cần chủ động xây dựng hạ tầng số để có được chủ quyền số. Read full information on external site
Không có hạ tầng số sẽ không có chủ quyền số - vietnamnet.vn2022-08-16 Bộ trưởng Bộ TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng khẳng định Việt Nam cần chủ động xây dựng hạ tầng số để có được chủ quyền số. Read full information on external site
Không có hạ tầng số sẽ không có chủ quyền số - baomoi.com2022-08-16 Bộ trưởng Bộ TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng khẳng định Việt Nam cần chủ động xây dựng hạ tầng số để có được chủ quyền số. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric donosi rješenje za nedostatak stručnjaka za podatkovne centre - irt3000.si2022-08-16 Schneider Electric, predvodnik u digitalnoj transformaciji upravljanja energijom i automatizaciji, najavio je niz ažuriranja svoje platforme za digitalno obrazovanje Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos. - sumindustria.es2022-08-16 SchneiderElectriclíder en la transformación digital de la gestión de la energía y la automatización, ha anunciado una serie de actualizaciones de su plataforma de educación digital, Schneider Electric University, independiente del proveedor y con acreditación CPD. Read full information on external site
Không có hạ tầng số sẽ không có chủ quyền số - kienthuc.net.vn2022-08-16 Bộ trưởng Bộ TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng khẳng định Việt Nam cần chủ động xây dựng hạ tầng số để có được chủ quyền số. Read full information on external site
Six Essentials for Protecting Cloud and Kubernetes Applications - spiceworks.com2022-08-16 Organizations need to establish a fresh approach to data protection to protect cloud and Kubernetes applications without limiting their agility and business-critical benefits. Read full information on external site
Važnost znanja ključ uspjeha izgradnje i održavanja podatkovnih centara - ictbusiness.info2022-08-16 Schneider Electric najavio je niz ažuriranja svoje platforme za digitalno obrazovanje Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
辨前行方向 赋未来发展 2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会成功举办 - fromgeek.com2022-08-15 “东数西算”和“西电东送”的相互连接,“算力”与“能源”的融合发展,绘就了碳中和目标下数据中心的前进之路。施耐德电气认为,在“数字经济”与“绿色经济”的共同作用下,数据中心在场景、运维,以及与能源的关系上已经发生根本变化。Read full information on external site
辨前行方向 赋未来发展 2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会成功举办 - industry.caijing.com2022-08-15 “东数西算”和“西电东送”的相互连接,“算力”与“能源”的融合发展,绘就了碳中和目标下数据中心的前进之路。施耐德电气认为,在“数字经济”与“绿色经济”的共同作用下,数据中心在场景、运维,以及与能源的关系上已经发生根本变化。Read full information on external site
辨前行方向 赋未来发展 2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会成功举办 - caifuhao.eastmoney.com2022-08-15 能源新闻网讯“东数西算”和“西电东送”的相互连接,“算力”与“能源”的融合发展,绘就了碳中和目标下数据中心的前进之路。施耐德电气认为,在“数字经济”与“绿色经济”的共同作用下,数据中心在场景、运维,以及与能源的关系上已经发生根本变化。Read full information on external site
思辨行业未来,2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会即将开启 - jifang360.com2022-08-15 摘要:8月12日,以“数据中心之‘变’与‘辩’”为主题的施耐德电气2022年数据中心行业峰会即将在云端开启,就碳中和目标下的数据中心之变与发展思路展开思辩,携手行业专家共探数据中心高可用、高效、可持续发展之径。Read full information on external site
辨前行方向 赋未来发展 2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会成功举办 - news.idcquan.com2022-08-15 “东数西算”和“西电东送”的相互连接,“算力”与“能源”的融合发展,绘就了碳中和目标下数据中心的前进之路。施耐德电气认为,在“数字经济”与“绿色经济”的共同作用下,数据中心在场景、运维,以及与能源的关系上已经发生根本变化。Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - computerworldmexico.com.mx2022-08-15 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, para 2021 esta cifra había aumentado a 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Ante este aumento exorbitante, ¿tenemos el talento para centros de datos suficiente? Read full information on external site
How Data Centers are Used by Bosch, PayPal, Groupon, Orange, and Suez: Case Studies - datamation.com2022-08-15 Data centers allow companies to increase their compute, storage, and networking infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Faltan talentos para centros de datos - elnuevosiglo.com.co2022-08-13 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
Predstavljeno rješenje za nedostatak stručnjaka za podatkovne centre - privredni.hr2022-08-13 Schneider Electric, predvodnik u digitalnoj transformaciji upravljanja energijom i automatizaciji, najavio je niz ažuriranja svoje platforme za digitalno obrazovanje Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Airedale Appoints Adrian Trevelyan as Data Centre Lead - refindustry.com2022-08-12 Responsible for one of Airedale’s most significant commercial operations, Adrian will be accountable for a worldwide territory (excluding US), leading the data centre cooling arm of the Airedale by Modine business. Read full information on external site
Airedale Appoints Adrian Trevelyan as Data Centre Lead - hvacinformed.com2022-08-11 Responsible for one of Airedale’s most significant commercial operations, Adrian will be accountable for a worldwide territory (excluding US), leading the data centre cooling arm of the Airedale by Modine business. Read full information on external site
Data center equipment shortages may ease soon — but not for good reasons - datacenterdynamics.com2022-08-11 As consumer electronics demand weakens, suppliers can shift to producing infrastructure components. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos sin duplicar costos - businessempresarial.com.pe2022-08-11 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Аэропорт Шереметьево получил сертификат от Uptime Institute на проект ЦОДа Moscow SVO Hub Data Center 1 - iksmedia.ru2022-08-11 Международный аэропорт Шереметьево прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute проектной документации нового центра обработки данных на соответствие требованиям стандарта Tier III. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - diarioti.com2022-08-11 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric wspiera rozwój kompetencji z obszaru data center - itwiz.pl2022-08-11 Firma modernizuje dotychczasową platformę edukacyjną i wprowadza bezpłatne szkolenia dla specjalistów z obszaru data center. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - diarioti.com2022-08-11 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - itsitio.com2022-08-11 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University Hadir untuk Atasi Kekurangan Tenaga Kerja di Data Center - infokomputer.grid.id2022-08-11 Schneider Electric mengumumkan serangkaian pembaruan untuk Schneider Electric University, sebuah platform pendidikan digital vendor-agnostic dan terakreditasi CPD. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: сервисы в облаках можно сделать значительно устойчивее к сбоям, но в этом случае они обойдутся намного дороже - servernews.ru2022-08-11 Uptime Institute опубликова результаты исследования согласно которому компании могут добиться большей отказоустойчивости при использовании облачных сервисов. Правда, повышение надёжности обернётся резким увеличением расходов — до +111 % по сравнению с базовыми расценками. Read full information on external site
Аэропорт Шереметьево получил сертификат от Uptime Institute на проект ЦОДа Moscow SVO Hub Data Center 1 - iksmedia.ru2022-08-11 Международный аэропорт Шереметьево прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute проектной документации нового центра обработки данных на соответствие требованиям стандарта Tier III. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - mx.globedia.com2022-08-11 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - ar.globedia.com2022-08-11 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - es.globedia.com2022-08-11 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - gt.globedia.com2022-08-11 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Understanding cloud reliability is complicated - ciodive.com2022-08-11 Executives can’t rely on any one metric to understand if cloud reliability is getting better or worse. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - cl.globedia.com2022-08-11 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
글로벌 칼럼 | 클라우드의 회복 탄력성을 높이는 데 필요한 비용은 얼마일까 원문보기 - itworld.co.kr2022-08-10 클라우드 서비스 업체는 사용자에게 회복 탄력성을 높일 수 있는 기능을 별도로 제공한다. 비용만 투자하면 얼마든지 회복 탄력성을 높일 수 있는데, 사실 적절한 비용을 알기 쉽지 않다. Read full information on external site
Strategies for Retailers to Weather the Storm this Hurricane Season - retailtouchpoints.com2022-08-10 Hurricane Season 2022 is underway, and with it comes the looming threat of outages and downtime for retailers. Read full information on external site
Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - reseller.co.nz2022-08-10 Enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - arnnet.com.au2022-08-10 Enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
Airedale Appoints Adrian Trevelyan as Data Centre Lead - pandct.com2022-08-10 Airedale by ModineTM, the critical cooling specialists, today announced Adrian Trevelyan as the director of its Cloud Services Business Unit. Responsible for one of Airedale’s most significant commercial operations, Adrian will be accountable for a worldwide territory (excluding US), leading the data centre cooling arm of the Airedale by Modine business as it accelerates its growth strategy. Read full information on external site
Informe: Los servicios en la nube pueden ser más resistentes, pero a un precio elevado - cioperu.pe2022-08-10 Las empresas tienen opciones para hacer que los servicios en la nube sean más resistentes, pero con un sobreprecio de hasta el 111% respecto al precio base de los servicios que no ofrecen protección, según un estudio del Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric tworzy profesjonalną platformę edukacyjną, aby uzupełnić lukę kompetencyjną w obszarze Data Center - telix.pl2022-08-10 Schneider Electric™, lider cyfrowej transformacji zarządzania energią i automatyki, ogłosił serię aktualizacji swojej niezależnej od dostawców i akredytowanej przez CPD (Continuing Professional Development) cyfrowej platformy edukacyjnej Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric chce uzupełnić lukę kompetencyjną w obszarze Data Center - pulshr.pl2022-08-10 Schneider Electric znalazło sposób, by przygotować pracowników w tak deficytowym obszarze, jakim jest Data Center. Read full information on external site
Les modèles premium des offres de résilience cloud analysés - lemondeinformatique.fr2022-08-10 Pour vérifier les apports des solutions premium en matière de résilience dans le cloud, Uptime Institute a réalisé un test sur AWS avec plusieurs configurations de sauvegarde. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos - tynmagazine.com2022-08-10 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
Global Column | What is the cost of making the cloud more resilient? - tekdeeps.com2022-08-10 Cloud service providers separately offer users the ability to increase resilience. You can increase your resilience by investing only the cost, but it is not easy to know the appropriate cost. Meanwhile, consulting firm Uptime Institute has published an interesting study, stating that increasing resilience to basic services without protection could cost up to 111%. Read full information on external site
Les modèles premium des offres de résilience cloud analysés - lemondeinformatique.fr2022-08-10 Pour vérifier les apports des solutions premium en matière de résilience dans le cloud, Uptime Institute a réalisé un test sur AWS avec plusieurs configurations de sauvegarde. Read full information on external site
HUB787 facility lands TIER III certification from Uptime Institute - newsismybusiness.com2022-08-10 The HUB Advanced Networks, LLC data center, better known as HUB787, received the UI TIER-III certification that it said “positions it as the only building in Puerto Rico to obtain this classification,” which guarantees its customers the highest level of design in the infrastructure of a data center in Puerto Rico. Read full information on external site
Incident at Google Data Center Highlights Risks of Arc Flash - datacenterfrontier.com2022-08-10 The importance of electrical safety in data centers has been reinforced by an incident at a Google data center in which three workers were injured. It’s a reminder that even the most professionally run data centers must stay vigilant about worker safety related to arc flash, a type of electrical explosion. Read full information on external site
Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - channelasia.tech2022-08-10 Enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - sg.channelasia.tech2022-08-10 Enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
UK data centres should withstand ‘organised blackouts’ but now’s the time to check - techmonitor.ai2022-08-09 The UK faces 'organised blackouts' this winter in a "reasonable worst case scenario", a report claims. Read full information on external site
Data Center Fire: Google Suffers 'Electrical Incident,' 3 Injured - datacenterknowledge.com2022-08-09 News of yet another data center fire in just two years: OVH in 2021 and now Google. Here’s how to make sure you’re not next. Read full information on external site
思辨行业未来,2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会即将开启 - jifang360.com2022-08-09 摘要:8月12日,以“数据中心之‘变’与‘辩’”为主题的施耐德电气2022年数据中心行业峰会即将在云端开启,就碳中和目标下的数据中心之变与发展思路展开思辩,携手行业专家共探数据中心高可用、高效、可持续发展之径。Read full information on external site
Brand in Google datacenter - datacenterworks.nl2022-08-09 Drie mensen hebben maandag 8 augustus ernstige brandwonden opgelopen na een "elektrisch incident" in het Google datacentrum in Council Bluffs (Iowa). Read full information on external site
Los servicios 'cloud' resilientes cuestan un 111% más que los que no ofrecen protección - ciospain.es2022-08-09 Un estudio de Uptime Institute afirma que las empresas deben tener cuidado porque aunque algunas arquitecturas de servicios en la nube pueden parecer más resilientes, en realidad ofrecen pocas garantías de mayor disponibilidad, a no ser que se pague mucho más. Read full information on external site
Is loadbank testing necessary for containerised data centres? - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-08-09 Paul Brickman, Commercial Director for Crestchic Loadbanks, a leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art loadbank technologies, questions whether loadbank testing is necessary for containerised data centres. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric tworzy profesjonalną platformę edukacyjną, aby uzupełnić lukę kompetencyjną - energetykacieplna.pl2022-08-09 Schneider Electric™, lider cyfrowej transformacji zarządzania energią i automatyki, ogłosił serię aktualizacji swojej niezależnej od dostawców i akredytowanej przez CPD (Continuing Professional Development) cyfrowej platformy edukacyjnej Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Le rapport coût/performance des offres de résilience dans le cloud étudié - distributique.com2022-08-09 Pour vérifier les apports des solutions premium en matière de résilience dans le cloud, Uptime Institute a réalisé un test sur AWS avec plusieurs configurations de sauvegarde. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric tworzy profesjonalną platformę edukacyjną, aby uzupełnić lukę kompetencyjną w obszarze Data Center - wirtualnemedia.pl2022-08-09 Schneider Electric™, lider cyfrowej transformacji zarządzania energią i automatyki, ogłosił serię aktualizacji swojej niezależnej od dostawców i akredytowanej przez CPD (Continuing Professional Development) cyfrowej platformy edukacyjnej Schneider Electric University. Dostępna bezpłatnie online w 14 różnych językach, dedykowana platforma rozwoju zawodowego bezpośrednio uzupełnia lukę w umiejętnościach sektora specjalistów ds. centrów danych, pomagając zainteresowanym podmiotom z branży w podnoszeniu kwalifikacji i byciu na bieżąco z najnowszymi technologiami, zrównoważonym rozwojem i inicjatywami z zakresu efektywności energetycznej wpływającymi na ten sektor. Read full information on external site
Airedale appoints Adrian Trevelyan as data centre lead - dcnnmagazine.com2022-08-09 Airedale has announced the appointment of Adrian Trevelyan as Director of its Cloud Services Business Unit. Read full information on external site
Шереметьево сертифицировал проект ЦОД от Uptime Institute. - advis.ru2022-08-09 Международный аэропорт Шереметьево прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute проектной документации нового Центра обработки данных. Read full information on external site
The Gathering Storm: Developing a Digital Infrastructure Sustainability Strategy - issuu.com2022-08-08 Nearly 15 years ago - in 2008 - Uptime Institute presented a paper titled “The Gathering Storm.” The paper was about the inevitably of a big struggle against climate change and how that might play out for the power-hungry data center and IT sector. Read full information on external site
思辨行业未来,2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会即将开启 - software.it168.com2022-08-08 作为数字经济新征程的核心基础设施,数据中心既是推动创新发展的动力引擎,也是促进社会经济节能减碳的重要抓手。Read full information on external site
Шереметьево сертифицировал проект ЦОД от Uptime Institute. - aex.ru2022-08-08 Международный аэропорт Шереметьево прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute проектной документации нового Центра обработки данных. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - canal-ar.com.ar2022-08-08 Escribe Mariela Misiano, Gerente de la Oferta de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
Beyond.pl erhält ISO 14001-Zertifizierung - itiko.de2022-08-08 Beyond.pl, Anbieter von sicheren Rechenzentrums- und Cloud-Diensten, hat die Zertifizierung seines Umweltmanagementsystems erfolgreich abgeschlossen und die Erfüllung der Norm ISO 14001:2015 nachgewiesen. Read full information on external site
Report: Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - networkworld.com2022-08-08 Uptime Institute says enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
Der Klimawandel bedroht die Wolkenstabilität - germanic.news2022-08-07 Knickende Straßen und stark überhitzte Menschen waren nicht die einzigen Opfer der epischen Hitzewelle, die Großbritannien und den Rest Europas im Juli dieses Jahres heimsuchte. Mindestens zwei von Google und Oracle betriebene Rechenzentren gingen offline, als das Thermometer ein Allzeithoch von 104,4 Grad Fahrenheit erreichte. Read full information on external site
El cambio climático amenaza la estabilidad de las nubes - espanol.news2022-08-07 Carreteras torcidas y personas con sobrecalentamiento severo no fueron las únicas víctimas resultantes de la épica ola de calor que azotó el Reino Unido y el resto de Europa en julio de este año. Read full information on external site
Centra danych stoją w obliczu kryzysu klimatycznego. Grozi nam wszystkim odcięcie od internetu? - biznes.interia.pl2022-08-06 Gdy pod koniec lipca Wielką Brytanię nawiedziły rekordowe upały, centra danych Google Cloud w Londynie przestały działać na jeden dzień z powodu awarii chłodzenia. Read full information on external site
Grupos electrógenos para data centers: cómo garantizar la disponibilidad de los datos de manera eficiente - energetica21.com2022-08-05 Los cortes en el suministro de la red eléctrica son escenarios temidos en múltiples aplicaciones. Read full information on external site
Climate Change Threatens Cloud Stability - informationweek.com2022-08-05 As climate change accelerates, and extreme events occur more frequently -- from hurricanes and floods to soaring temperatures and water shortages -- resiliency concerns are growing. Read full information on external site
IT Sustainability Think Tank: How partnerships can help enterprises reach their green goals - computerweekly.com2022-08-05 It takes a village to build a credible and robust IT sustainability strategy, so who should enterprises be collaborating with to make their green IT goals a reality? Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos sin duplicar costos - gadgerss.com2022-08-05 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
Platform Ini Bisa Membantu Mengatasi Kekurangan Tenaga Kerja Data Center - teknologi.bisnis.com2022-08-05 Sebuah platform pendidikan digital vendor-agnostic dan terakreditasi CPD ini tersedia dalam 14 bahasa dan dapat diakses gratis secara daring. Read full information on external site
Desde los sensores (IoT) a los centros de datos, asegurando el suministro de energía en todo el ciclo de vida de tus datos - energetica21.com2022-08-05 Según Juniper Research, la cantidad de dispositivos de Internet de las cosas (IoT) en 2021 alcanzó los 46.000 millones, un aumento del 200% si se compara con 2016. Estos dispositivos producen una enorme cantidad de datos que se tienen que almacenar, a menudo de forma remota en la nube, y luego procesar y analizar. Read full information on external site
IPM Sistemas cresce e cria 150 novos empregos em 2022 - noticenter.com.br2022-08-05 A IPM Sistemas, empresa de Rio do Sul especializada no desenvolvimento de tecnologia nativa web para gestão pública de cidades inteligentes, conquistou 82 novos clientes entre Prefeituras, autarquias, Câmaras de Vereadores e outros órgãos municipais apenas no primeiro semestre de 2022. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos sin duplicar costos - channelnewsperu.com2022-08-05 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos sin duplicar costos - rumboeconomico.com2022-08-04 En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
Despite Confidence From Industry Giants, Small Data Center Operators Worry About Losing Tenants - bisnow.com2022-08-04 Small data center operators are worried that rising energy prices and rents could cause them to lose tenants, a concern that their large, publicly traded competitors don't have. Read full information on external site
Emerging Tech to Help Guard Against the Malevolence of Cloud Outages - datacenterknowledge.com2022-08-04 From the outermost edge of extreme networks to the center of the energy vortex, emerging technologies are set to permanently end cloud outages. Will they eventually eradicate the clouds, too? Read full information on external site
Greater Noida’s Great Leap Forward: A data centre revolution with around Rs 8,000 crore investment - moneycontrol.com2022-08-04 Greater Noida is all set to attract an investment of around Rs 8,000 crore dedicated to data centres, with Rs 7,000 crore coming from Hiranandani Group’s Yotta Infrastructure and Rs 1,000 crore from Japan’s NTT Global. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - podcasts.google.com2022-08-04 Companies are racing to cool down their servers as energy prices and temperatures soar. And the worst is yet to come. Read full information on external site
Yotta Launches EdUniverse - An Integrated University Management Solution - itvoice.in2022-08-04 From the outermost edge of extreme networks to the center of the energy vortex, emerging technologies are set to permanently end cloud outages. Will they eventually eradicate the clouds, too? Read full information on external site
A hőség miatt leállt a Google adatközpontja: egy szempillantás alatt elveszhetnek az emberiség adatai? - portfolio.hu2022-08-04 Aszály, kiszáradó vízterületek, csökkenő mezőgazdasági terméshozamok. Ezek az idei nyár állandó rémei, amelyek vélhetően még sokáig kísértenek minket az elkövetkezendő évek elviselhetetlen hőhullámai közepette. Read full information on external site
Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing - inforchannel.com.br2022-08-04 O ecossistema de Data Centers está evoluindo em todos os níveis, com as atividades fortemente focadas na Nuvem, no Edge da rede e, cada vez mais, em recursos no Edge. Read full information on external site
Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing - portalvarada.com2022-08-04 O ecossistema de Data Centers está evoluindo em todos os níveis, com as atividades fortemente focadas na Nuvem, no Edge da rede e, cada vez mais, em recursos no Edge. Read full information on external site
Public cloud costs versus resiliency - ciotechasia.com2022-08-03 Users must architect cloud-native applications to reduce the impact of cloud outages. Read full information on external site
Yotta launches EdUniverse - An integrated university management solution - crn.in2022-08-03 Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership with Mumbai-based Education Management Solutions startup iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
기고ㅣ디지털 트윈과 카오스 엔지니어링: 데이터센터 장애 대응의 해법 - ciokorea.com2022-08-03 지난 한 해 동안 디지털 전환이 엄청난 속도로 가속화됐고 원격 근무가 급격히 확산됐다. 하지만 IT 인프라는 전례 없는 수요를 감당해야 했다. 그 결과 서버 가동 시간 유지의 중요성이 두드러졌다. 인프라의 운영 중단을 예방하고, 재정적 손실을 방지하는 데 핵심이기 때문이다. Read full information on external site
ColumnㅣDigital Twin and Chaos Engineering: How to Response to Data Center Failures - tekdeeps.com2022-08-03 Over the past year, digital transformation has accelerated at a tremendous pace, and remote work has proliferated. But the IT infrastructure had to meet unprecedented demands. Read full information on external site
칼럼ㅣ디지털 트윈과 카오스 엔지니어링: 데이터센터 장애 대응 해법 - itworld.co.kr2022-08-03 지난 한 해 동안 디지털 전환이 엄청난 속도로 가속화됐고 원격 근무가 급격히 확산됐다. 하지만 IT 인프라는 전례 없는 수요를 감당해야 했다. 그 결과 서버 가동 시간 유지의 중요성이 두드러졌다. 인프라의 운영 중단을 예방하고, 재정적 손실을 방지하는 데 핵심이기 때문이다. Read full information on external site
Yotta launches EdUniverse -An integrated university management solution - expresscomputer.in2022-08-03 Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership with Mumbai-based Education Management Solutions startup iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
Yotta launches EdUniverse -An integrated university management solution - crn.in2022-08-03 Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership with Mumbai-based Education Management Solutions startup iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing - partnersales.com.br2022-08-03 O ecossistema de Data Centers está evoluindo em todos os níveis, com as atividades fortemente focadas na Nuvem, no Edge da rede e, cada vez mais, em recursos no Edge. Read full information on external site
Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing - tibahia.com2022-08-03 O ecossistema de Data Centers está evoluindo em todos os níveis, com as atividades fortemente focadas na Nuvem, no Edge da rede e, cada vez mais, em recursos no Edge. Read full information on external site
Insatiable data centres’ power consumption at risk when the next heatwave hits - verdict.co.uk2022-08-03 As temperatures rise, data centres need new high-energy cooling systems. However, their present energy demands are already causing problems for city-dwellers. Read full information on external site
Insatiable data centres’ power consumption at risk when the next heatwave hits - news.knowledia.com2022-08-03 The Met Office and other institutions have warned that scorching temperatures, like those experienced in July in the UK, will become more commonplace. This is bad news for data centres, which have air. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creates professional education platform to address the data centre skills gap - connectivity4ir.co.uk2022-08-03 Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, the Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing -blogjornaldamulher.blogspot.com2022-08-03 O meio ambiente é um assunto que tem sido discutido com cada vez mais frequência em todo o mundo. Read full information on external site
‘More investments needed to boost Internet services in Sarawak’ - theborneopost.com2022-08-03 Sarawak needs a lot more investments to boost its internet services so as to bridge the digital divide between the state’s urban and rural areas, says irix chief executive officer Dr Jonathan Smith. Read full information on external site
Tier 3 internet data centre launched in Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City - samenacouncil.org2022-08-03 Felicity IDC, a tier 3, PCI-DSS certified internet data centre (IDC) has recently been launched at the Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City in Kaliakoir of Gazipur. Read full information on external site
글로벌 칼럼ㅣ디지털 트윈과 카오스 엔지니어링: 데이터센터 장애 대응 해법 - itworld.co.kr2022-08-03 지난 한 해 동안 디지털 전환이 엄청난 속도로 가속화됐고 원격 근무가 급격히 확산됐다. 하지만 IT 인프라는 전례 없는 수요를 감당해야 했다. 그 결과 서버 가동 시간 유지의 중요성이 두드러졌다. 인프라의 운영 중단을 예방하고, 재정적 손실을 방지하는 데 핵심이기 때문이다. Read full information on external site
Windstream Wholesale Connects to DC BLOX Data Center in Birmingham - aithority.com2022-08-02 Windstream Wholesale, a leading provider of fast and flexible solutions, announced that it has connected to its second DC BLOX data center at 433 6th St. South in Birmingham, Alabama. Windstream Wholesale is now taking orders at the location for diverse Wave Services, Ethernet Solutions, and Dedicated Internet Access. Read full information on external site
Emerging Tech to Help Guard Against the Malevolence of Cloud Outages - informationweek.com2022-08-02 From the outermost edge of extreme networks to the center of the energy vortex, emerging technologies are set to permanently end cloud outages. Will they eventually eradicate the clouds, too? Read full information on external site
Windstream Wholesale Connects to DC BLOX Data Center in Birmingham - telecomreviewna.com2022-08-02 Windstream Wholesale, a leading provider of fast and flexible solutions, announced that it has connected to its second DC BLOX data center at 433 6th St. South in Birmingham, Alabama. Windstream Wholesale is now taking orders at the location for diverse Wave Services, Ethernet Solutions, and Dedicated Internet Access. Read full information on external site
Windstream Wholesale Connects to DC BLOX Data Center in Birmingham - capacitymedia.com2022-08-02 Windstream Wholesale confirms that it has connected to its second DC BLOX data centre in Birmingham, Alabama. Read full information on external site
Мировые дата-центры оказались не готовы к климатическому кризису - rb.ru2022-08-02 Лето 2022 года показало, что инфраструктура не готова к изменению климата. Read full information on external site
世纪互联开启ESG新篇章:重磅推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系 - idcun.com2022-08-02 作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,为推动构建人类命运共同体不断努力。 Read full information on external site
Yotta Launches EdUniverse - An Integrated University Management Solution - tele.net.in2022-08-02 Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
Yotta Launches EdUniverse - An Integrated University Management Solution - enterpriseitworld.com2022-08-02 Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure Launches Integrated University Management Solution EdUniverse - edtechreview.in2022-08-02 Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
Public cloud costs versus resiliency: stateless applications - continuitycentral.com2022-08-02 A new report from the Uptime Institute quantifies the costs, levels of resiliency, and outage compensation of different stateless cloud application architectures. Read full information on external site
Chaleurs extrêmes, comment les gérer ? - solutions-magazine.com2022-08-02 Pannes D’un Nouveau Genre dans Les Data Centers. En cause, Les Chaleurs Êxtremes que nous Connaissons Cet ÉTÉ. L’avis de Daniel Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Demand and Speculation Fuel Edge Buildout - insidenetworks.co.uk2022-08-01 Demand for private and shared edge data centers is starting to grow from low numbers. Certain edge workloads, the strategies of large cloud providers, and the speculative deployments of supporting 5G networks are fueling edge data center buildouts. However, the complexity of edge business cases and other factors threaten to suppress demand. Read full information on external site
Data Mərkəz “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - marja.az2022-08-01 Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
“AzInTelecom” MMC-nin yeni inşa etdiyi Data Mərkəzi “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - az.trend.az2022-08-01 Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
“AzInTelecom” MMC-nin yeni inşa etdiyi Data Mərkəzi “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - fins.az2022-08-01 Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
“AzInTelecom” MMC-nin yeni inşa etdiyi Data Mərkəzi “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - azertag.az2022-08-01 Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
Data Mərkəz “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - xeberler.az2022-08-01 Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
“AzInTelecom”un yeni inşa etdiyi Data Mərkəzi “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı alıb - xalqqazeti.com2022-08-01 Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
VNPT không ngừng tiên phong trên hành trình chuyển đổi số - vnmedia.vn2022-08-01 Sở hữu hạ tầng số hàng đầu với 6 IDC lớn, có tính ổn định cao trên toàn quốc, trong đó có các IDC tiêu chuẩn Tier III tại Hà Nội và TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Tập đoàn Bưu chính Viễn thông Việt Nam VNPT đã và đang giúp sức đồng bộ, hoàn thiện hạ tầng số quốc gia, hướng tới mục tiêu Việt Nam trở thành trung tâm lưu trữ và xử lý dữ liệu của khu vực và quốc tế. Read full information on external site
«شنايدر إلكتريك».. منصة تعليمية لمعالجة نقص المواهب في قطاع مراكز البيانات - msn.com2022-08-01 أعلنت شنايدر إلكتريك إطلاق سلسلة من التحديثات لمنصة جامعة شنايدر إلكتريك، المنصة التعليمية CPD. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - wired.com2022-08-01 Companies are racing to cool down their servers as energy prices and temperatures soar. And the worst is yet to come. Read full information on external site
Cloud-Anwendungen: Die Kosten der Ausfallsicherheit - heise.de2022-08-01 Wer Cloud-Anwendungen ausfallsicher betreiben möchte, muss sich Gedanken über ihre Architektur machen. Eine Studie untersucht verschiedene … Read full information on external site
Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - trueviralnews.com2022-08-01 There were cooling failures that caused the data centers in London to go offline. The impact wasn't limited to those near the center: That particular location services customers in the US and Pacific region. Read full information on external site
شنايدر إلكتريك تبتكر منصة تعليمية احترافية لمعالجة نقص المواهب في قطاع مراكز البيانات - powernews.cc2022-08-01 اكشفت شنايدر إلكتريك عن سلسلة من التحديثات لمنصة جامعة شنايدر الرقمية لتكون متوفرة بـ 14 لغة مختلفة، ويمكن الوصول إليها مجانًا عبر الإنترنت من مختلف أنحاء العالم، بهدف معالجة نقص المهارات في قطاع مركز البيانات، ما يساعد العاملين في القطاع على الارتقاء بالمهارات والبقاء على اطلاع حول أحدث مبادرات التكنولوجيا والاستدامة وكفاءة الطاقة التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على القطاع. Read full information on external site
شنايدر إلكتريك تبتكر منصة تعليمية احترافية لمعالجة نقص المواهب في قطاع مراكز البيانات - vetogate.com2022-08-01 اكشفت شنايدر إلكتريك عن سلسلة من التحديثات لمنصة جامعة شنايدر الرقمية لتكون متوفرة بـ 14 لغة مختلفة، ويمكن الوصول إليها مجانًا عبر الإنترنت من مختلف أنحاء العالم، بهدف معالجة نقص المهارات في قطاع مركز البيانات، ما يساعد العاملين في القطاع على الارتقاء بالمهارات والبقاء على اطلاع حول أحدث مبادرات التكنولوجيا والاستدامة وكفاءة الطاقة التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على القطاع. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - pedfire.com2022-08-01 When record temperatures wracked the UK in late July, Google Cloud’s data centers in London went offline for a day, due to cooling failures. The impact wasn’t limited to those near the center: That particular location services customers in the US and Pacific region, with outages limiting their access to key Google services for hours. Read full information on external site
شنايدر إلكتريك تبتكر منصة تعليمية احترافية لمعالجة نقص المواهب في قطاع مراكز البيانات - news.com2022-08-01 اكشفت شنايدر إلكتريك عن سلسلة من التحديثات لمنصة جامعة شنايدر الرقمية لتكون متوفرة بـ 14 لغة مختلفة، ويمكن الوصول إليها مجانًا عبر الإنترنت من مختلف أنحاء العالم، بهدف معالجة نقص المهارات في قطاع مركز البيانات، ما يساعد العاملين في القطاع على الارتقاء بالمهارات والبقاء على اطلاع حول أحدث مبادرات التكنولوجيا والاستدامة وكفاءة الطاقة التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على القطاع. Read full information on external site
Centros de dados estão passando por super aquecimento - olhardigital.com.br2022-08-01 As temperaturas altíssimas no Reino Unido batem recorde e em Londres, os centros de dados do Google Cloud chegaram a ficar offline por um dia, já que não suportam o calor e apresentaram problemas ao tentar resfriar o sistema. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - quebecnewstribune.com2022-08-01 When record temperatures wracked the UK in late July, Google Cloud’s data centers in London went offline for a day, due to cooling failures. The impact wasn’t limited to those near the center: That particular location services customers in the US and Pacific region, with outages limiting their access to key Google services for hours. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter – в топ-10 крупнейших поставщиков услуг ЦОД - a-bcd.ru2022-08-01 Провайдер Linxdatacenter вошел в топ-10 рейтинга «CNews Analytics: крупнейшие поставщики услуг ЦОД в России 2021». Компания заняла шестую строчку с более чем 2 тыс. стойко-мест на конец 2021 года. У Linxdatacenter 2 ЦОДа на территории РФ, их совокупная площадь составляет 4 430 кв м. Read full information on external site
جامعة شنايدر إلكتريك تقدم مليون دورة تدريبية لأكثر من 650,000 من مستخدمي مراكز البيانات- emasr.net2022-08-01 شنايدر إلكتريك تنشئ منصة تعليمية احترافية للعملية حتى الآن ، قدمت جامعة شنايدر إلكتريك أكثر من مليون دورة تدريبية إلى أكثر من 650 ألف مستخدم لمركز البيانات ، مع مستخدمين من أكثر من 180 دولة حول العالم. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creates professional education platform to address the data centre skills gap - emasr.net2022-08-01 Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, the Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
July 2022
Schneider Electric Creates Professional Education Platform to Address the Data Center Talent Shortage - news.austin-online/2022-07-31 Schneider Electric Creates Professional Education Platform to Address the Data Center Talent Shortage. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Creates Professional Education Platform to Address the Data Center Talent Shortage - getnews.info2022-07-31 Schneider Electric Creates Professional Education Platform to Address the Data Center Talent Shortage. Read full information on external site
Mitigating outages with a digital twin and chaos engineering - idgconnect.com2022-07-29 Digital transformation and the rise of remote working have heightened the demands on IT infrastructure over the last year. Read full information on external site
Green IT, nominate top tech women – Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast - computerweekly.com2022-07-29 In this episode, Caroline Donnelly, Clare McDonald and Brian McKenna talk about the new Computer Weekly IT sustainability think-tank, the launch of the Most Influential Women in UK Technology 2022 list, and Lambeth Council’s modernisation of its business applications stack. Read full information on external site
Segurança na nuvem: soluções de compressão e armazenamento de dados - jornalempresasenegocios.com.br2022-07-29 Não há dúvidas de que a migração para a nuvem, como uma das colunas da transformação digital, segue sua marcha alcançando índices de crescimento constantes a cada mês. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Creates Professional Education Platform to Address Data Centre Talent Shortage - miragenews.com2022-07-28 Schneider Electric™, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
AMD plans major steps in server chip efficiency - datacenterdynamics.com2022-07-28 Fierce competition will boost server performance and efficiency — AMD is ahead just now, but Intel isn’t far behind. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric xây dựng nền tảng đào tạo nhân lực lĩnh vực trung tâm dữ liệu - tienphong.vn2022-07-28 Schneider Electric ™, tập đoàn dẫn đầu trong lĩnh vực chuyển đổi số trong quản lý năng lượng và tự động hóa, đã công bố các cập nhật mới nhất đối với Học viện Schneider Electric, nền tảng đào tạo kỹ thuật số đạt chứng nhận CPD được chung tay vận hành bởi các nhà cung cấp khác nhau. Read full information on external site
„Telia“ planuoja statyti naujos kartos duomenų centrą Ukmergės plente - madeinvilnius.lt2022-07-28 Prie Vilniaus, Ukmergės plente, planuojamas 800 spintų „Telia“ duomenų centras (DC) jau turi projektuotojų komandą. Didžiausio Baltijos regione DC projekto konkursą laimėjo įmonių grupė, kuriai vadovaus generalinis rangovas „Caverion“. Read full information on external site
Infrastruktura telekomów w razie blackoutu przejdzie na agregaty - forsal.pl2022-07-28 Jeśli centra danych stracą zasilanie sieciowe, będą w stanie przetrwać od kilku godzin do „tak długo, jak będzie trzeba”. Read full information on external site
Carenza di personale per i Data Center? Ci pensa Schneider - techfromthenet.it2022-07-28 La piattaforma di formazione professionale realizzata da Schneider Electric vuole affrontare il problema della carenza di personale specializzato per i Data Center. La piattaforma di formazione digitale Schneider Electric University, accreditata CPD, offre corsi di carattere generale, non legati a specifici produttori. Read full information on external site
[Перевод] Банки отказываются от своих дата-центров? - pcnews.ru/blogs2022-07-28 Возле здания банка Barclays в Энфилде в северной части Лондона, собралась огромная толпа, чтобы стать свидетелями церемонии открытия первого в мире автоматического банкомата (ATM). Read full information on external site
Loadbank testing crucial to combatting rising data centre outage figures - dcnnmagazine.com2022-07-28 Concerns over public cloud service resilience demonstrated in a recent report has further underlined the need for loadbank testing and analysis of utility provisions, according to Aggreko. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Creates Professional Education Platform to Address Data Centre Talent Shortage - miragenews.com2022-07-28 Schneider Electric™, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Munkaerőhiány fenyeget az adatközpontokban – ez lehet a megoldás - newtechnology.hu2022-07-27 Néhány év alatt többmillióval nőhet az adatközpontok munkaerőigénye, miközben az ilyen létesítményeket üzemeltetők 47 százalékának problémát jelent a megfelelően képzett munkatársak megtalálása. Read full information on external site
Data Availability and Integrity with the IBM MQ Appliance - rtinsights.com2022-07-27 IBM recently announced the latest evolution of the IBM MQ Appliance — the M2003. Read full information on external site
슈나이더 일렉트릭, 데이터센터 인재 양성을 위한 ‘무료 온라인 교육 과정’ 제공 데이터센터 전문가의 기술 향상 지원 - news.yeogie.com2022-07-26 슈나이더 일렉트릭이 디지털 교육 플랫폼 슈나이더 일렉트릭 유니버시티를 통해 데이터센터 전문 교육을 제공한다고 밝혔다. Read full information on external site
BDx Braham Singh:构建标杆级IDC运营生态, 打造全球标准化客户体验 - news.idcquan.com2022-07-26 BDx 是一家运营商中立的国际 IDC 基础设施服务商,具有高度国际化和专业化的数据中心管理、运营、维护和营销团队。Read full information on external site
Improving IT efficiency for digital ... - bargain-host.com2022-07-25 IT equipment consume the maximum energy in an organization’s critical digital infrastructure. Sustainability reports from Uptime Institute show that most operators primarily focus on improving the efficiency of facilities systems while not paying much attention to the IT infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Top Container Networking Trends in 2022 - datamation.com2022-07-25 The rise of the cloud, virtualization, and especially containers, has exposed some weaknesses in traditional approaches to networking. Security issues probably rank the highest among networking challenges. But further problems are related to data consistency, resiliency, and availability. Read full information on external site
Improving IT efficiency for digital sustainability, tips by Uptime Institute - dailyhostnews.com2022-07-25 IT equipment consume the maximum energy in an organization’s critical digital infrastructure. Sustainability reports from Uptime Institute show that most operators primarily focus on improving the efficiency of facilities systems while not paying much attention to the IT infrastructure. Read full information on external site
슈나이더 일렉트릭, 데이터센터 인재 양성을 위한 무료 온라인 교육 과정 제공 - enertopianews.co.kr2022-07-25 무료 온라인 교육 플랫폼 슈나이더 일렉트릭 유니버시티 통해 데이터센터 전문가의 기술 향상 지원 차세대 전문가 교육으로 미래의 데이터센터 정보 제공해 기술 격차 해소에 기여 Read full information on external site
슈나이더 일렉트릭, 데이터센터 인재 양성을 위한 무료 온라인 교육 과정 제공 - datanet.co.kr2022-07-25 차세대 전문가 교육으로 미래 데이터센터 정보 제공…기술 격차 해소에 기여출처 : 데이터넷 Read full information on external site
Top Container Networking Trends in 2022 - datamation.com2022-07-25 The rise of the cloud, virtualization, and especially containers, has exposed some weaknesses in traditional approaches to networking. Security issues probably rank the highest among networking challenges. But further problems are related to data consistency, resiliency, and availability. Read full information on external site
슈나이더 일렉트릭, 데이터센터 인재 양성을 위한 무료 온라인 교육 과정 제공 - newstap.co.kr2022-07-25 슈나이더 일렉트릭(www.se.com/kr/ko/, 한국지사 대표 김경록)이 디지털 교육 플랫폼 슈나이더 일렉트릭 유니버시티를 통해 데이터센터 전문 교육을 제공한다고 밝혔다. Read full information on external site
슈나이더 일렉트릭, 데이터센터 인재 양성을 위한 무료 온라인 교육 과정 제공 - isnews.co.kr2022-07-25 에너지 관리 및 자동화 분야의 디지털 혁신을 선도하는 글로벌 기업 슈나이더 일렉트릭(한국지사 대표 김경록)이 디지털 교육 플랫폼 슈나이더 일렉트릭 유니버시티를 통해 데이터센터 전문 교육을 제공한다고 밝혔다.출처 : 이슈와뉴스 Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric xây dựng nền tảng Đào Tạo Chuyên Nghiệp giải quyết tình trạng thiếu hụt nhân lực trong lĩnh vực Trung Tâm Dữ Liệu - congngheviet.com2022-07-25 Schneider Electric công bố các cập nhật mới nhất đối với Học viện Schneider Electric, nền tảng đào tạo kỹ thuật số đạt chứng nhận CPD được chung tay vận hành bởi các nhà cung cấp khác nhau. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric xây dựng nền tảng lĩnh vực trung tâm dữ liệu - baonhanh247.com2022-07-25 Schneider Electric, tập đoàn dẫn đầu ở lĩnh vực chuyển đổi số trong quản lý năng lượng và tự động hóa đã công bố các cập nhật mới nhất đối với Học viện Schneider Electric, nền tảng đào tạo kỹ thuật số đạt chứng nhận CPD. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric xây dựng nền tảng lĩnh vực trung tâm dữ liệu - sggp.org.vn2022-07-25 Schneider Electric, tập đoàn dẫn đầu ở lĩnh vực chuyển đổi số trong quản lý năng lượng và tự động hóa đã công bố các cập nhật mới nhất đối với Học viện Schneider Electric, nền tảng đào tạo kỹ thuật số đạt chứng nhận CPD. Read full information on external site
Đào tạo chuyên nghiệp nhằm giải quyết tình trạng thiếu hụt nhân lực trong lĩnh vực Trung tâm dữ Liệu - doanhnhanplus.vn2022-07-25 Schneider Electric™, tập đoàn dẫn đầu trong lĩnh vực chuyển đổi số trong quản lý năng lượng và tự động hóa, đã công bố các cập nhật mới nhất đối với Học viện Schneider Electric, nền tảng đào tạo kỹ thuật số đạt chứng nhận CPD được chung tay vận hành bởi các nhà cung cấp khác nhau. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric xây dựng nền tảng đào tạo nhân lực lĩnh vực Trung Tâm Dữ Liệu - techtimesvn.com2022-07-25 Học viện Schneider Electric giúp các chuyên gia trung tâm dữ liệu nâng cao kỹ năng thông qua những khóa học miễn phí về sáng kiến công nghệ mới nhất, tính bền vững và hiệu quả năng lượng. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric xây dựng nền tảng Đào Tạo Chuyên Nghiệp nhằm giải quyết tình trạng thiếu hụt nhân lực trong lĩnh vực Trung Tâm Dữ Liệu - techtimesvn.com2022-07-25 Schneider Electric, tập đoàn dẫn đầu trong lĩnh vực chuyển đổi số trong quản lý năng lượng và tự động hóa, đã công bố các cập nhật mới nhất đối với Học viện Schneider Electric, nền tảng đào tạo kỹ thuật số đạt chứng nhận CPD được chung tay vận hành bởi các nhà cung cấp khác nhau. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University announces updates to Data Center Certified Associate - ec-mea.com2022-07-25 Schneider Electric, announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric xây dựng nền tảng đào tạo nhân lực Trung Tâm Dữ Liệu - tgs.vn2022-07-25 Với chứng nhận CPD (Continuing Professional Development - Phát triển nghề nghiệp liên tục), Học viện Schneider Electric, trước đây là Học viện Trung tâm Dữ liệu APCTM, sẽ cung cấp đến một triệu khóa học cho hơn 650.000 người dùng trên toàn cầu. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр «Сайрам» АО «Казтелепорт» подтвердил надежность и прошел международную сертификацию - profit.kz2022-07-25 Полученный статус подтверждает высокую степень безопасности ЦОДа. Read full information on external site
PaaS-инструменты в облаках - mobilecomm.ru2022-07-25 Компания Linxdatacenter запускает пул новых продуктов для пользователей облачной платформы LinxCloud. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter запускает собственные PaaS-инструменты - a-bcd.ru2022-07-25 Компания Linxdatacenter сообщает о запуске пула новых продуктов для пользователей облачной платформы LinxCloud. Новый функционал позволит получать не только инфраструктурные, но и платформенные услуги. Read full information on external site
Cómo idear una estrategia de enfriamiento frente a la crisis hídrica chilena - itseller.cl2022-07-25 Por Daniel De Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
슈나이더 일렉트릭, 데이터센터 인재 양성을 위한 ‘무료 온라인 교육 과정’ 제공 - news.seoulkcr.com2022-07-25 슈나이더 일렉트릭이 데이터센터 인재 양성을 위한 무료 온라인 교육 과정을 제공한다 Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter запускает собственные PaaS-инструменты - re-port.ru2022-07-25 Компания Linxdatacenter сообщает о запуске пула новых продуктов для пользователей облачной платформы LinxCloud. Новый функционал позволит получать не только инфраструктурные, но и платформенные услуги. Read full information on external site
Munkaerőhiány fenyeget az adatközpontokban – ez lehet a megoldás - hirek.prim.hu2022-07-24 Néhány év alatt többmillióval nőhet az adatközpontok munkaerőigénye, miközben az ilyen létesítményeket üzemeltetők 47 százalékának problémát jelent a megfelelően képzett munkatársak megtalálása. Read full information on external site
Munkaerőhiány fenyeget az adatközpontokban – ez lehet a megoldás - bonline.hu2022-07-24 Néhány év alatt többmillióval nőhet az adatközpontok munkaerőigénye, miközben az ilyen létesítményeket üzemeltetők 47 százalékának problémát jelent a megfelelően képzett munkatársak megtalálása. Read full information on external site
“BULUD” KİBERTƏHLÜKƏSİZLİYİ – ez lehet a megoldás - regionplus.az2022-07-24 Azərbaycanda rəqəmsal məkanın inkişafı və qorunmasına istiqamətlənən islahatlar davam edir. Bu islahatlarla “Hökumət buludu”nun (“G-cloud”) yaradılması, iri Data mərkəzləri vasitəsilə dövlət, özəl və gələcəkdə xarici strukturlara “bulud” xidmətlərinin göstərilməsi nəzərdə tutulur. Read full information on external site
Heat waves cause data center outages - fuentitech.com2022-07-23 London’s largest NHS trust has been forced to cancel operations and bookings to combat two IT issues: Data center The outage caused by the rise in temperature of the British heat wave this week. Guy’s and St Thomas’NHS Trust confirmed that some of the systems that went down on Tuesday have not yet been restored. Read full information on external site
Deploying disaster-proof apps may be easier then you think - news.knowledia.com2022-07-22 Директор по эксплуатации hh.ru Вячеслав Журавлев рассказал CNews о размещении ресурсов компании в дата-центре IXcellerate и объяснил, почему удобнее использовать отдельные сервера вместо blade-систем и есть ли смысл гнаться за стойками с высоким энергопотреблением. Read full information on external site
Вячеслав Журавлев, hh.ru: Самое сложное при поиске ЦОД — найти площадку со свободными стойко-местами - cnews.ru2022-07-22 When the next cloud datacenter fails, will your software go with it? Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University adds data centre courses to its free education portal - hardwarezone.com.sg2022-07-22 Schneider Electric University, the digital upskilling and education arm of Schneider Electric, has announced a few updates to its course offerings that tackle the field of data centres. Read full information on external site
Deploying disaster-proof apps may be easier then you think - theregister.com2022-07-22 When the next cloud datacenter fails, will your software go with it? Read full information on external site
BDx Braham Singh:构建标杆级IDC运营生态, 打造全球标准化客户体验 - sohu.com2022-07-22 2021年,南京首个通过 Uptime Institute Tier III 设计认证的数据中心在江宁区正式投运。在南京市数字基础设施建设获得了一次突破的同时, 国际数据中心运营商BDx (Big Data Exchange)也夯实了在中国大陆地区发展的基础。Read full information on external site
CONSTRUIREA UNUI PLAN PENTRU INFRASTRUCTURA EDGE COMPUTING MODERNÃ SI VIITOARE - easyengineering.ro2022-07-22 Ecosistemul centrului de date evoluează și înregistrează o creștere la toate nivelurile, cu activitate concentrată preponderent în cloud, la marginea rețelei și, din ce în ce mai mult, în resursele cloud de la margine. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute adds sustainability track to educational training offerings - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-07-22 Uptime Institute, the global digital infrastructure authority, has announced another addition to its growing educational offerings with the launch of its new Accredited Sustainability Advisor (ASA) programme. Read full information on external site
Újabb területet fenyeget munkaerőhiány - mmonline.hu2022-07-22 Néhány év alatt több millióval nőhet az adatközpontok munkaerőigénye, miközben az ilyen létesítményeket üzemeltetők 47 százalékának problémát jelent a megfelelően képzett munkatársak megtalálása. Read full information on external site
IT disruption at London NHS Trust after data centre cooling fails in heatwave - techmonitor.ai2022-07-22 Operations have been postponed at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust after heatwave triggers data centre outage. Read full information on external site
El agua y nieve caída en gran parte del territorio aún no es suficiente para revertir el déficit que tiene Chile - radiohoy.cl2022-07-22 Por Daniel De Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric launches education platform to address data center talent shortage - datacenternews.asia2022-07-22 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric launches education platform to address data center talent shortage - itbrief.co.nz2022-07-22 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric launches education platform to address data center talent shortage - itbrief.com.au2022-07-22 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Enfriamiento y crisis hídrica, el caso chileno - thestandardcio.com2022-07-21 ¿Cómo idear una estrategia de enfriamiento frente a la crisis hídrica en Chile y otros países? Retos del desarrollo que persisten en la región. Read full information on external site
Plataforma de formación profesional hace frente a la escasez de talento en tecnología de centros de datos - vidadigital.com.pa2022-07-20 Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a continuar con su desarrollo ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
Cloud Cybersecurity - regionplus.az2022-07-20 G-cloud to make network resource management cheaper and more secure in Azerbaijan. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom khẳng định vị thế với giải thưởng quốc tế về data center - biztek.vn2022-07-20 CMC Telecom vinh dự nhận nhận giải thưởng “Trung tâm Dữ liệu An toàn nhất Việt Nam 2022” cho Tân Thuận Data Center (DC) do tạp chí IBM (International Business Magazine) - tạp chí chuyên ngành tin tức Tài chính - Ngân hàng - Công nghệ bình chọn. Read full information on external site
UK heatwave sparks cooling system meltdown in Google’s and Oracle’s London datacentre regions - computerweekly.com2022-07-20 The record-breaking heat that blighted the UK this week caused Google’s and Oracle’s local datacentre regions to experience technical difficulties on Tuesday 19 July, it has emerged. Read full information on external site
A heat wave in the UK causes cooling system collapse in Google and Oracle’s London data center regions - technicalripon.com2022-07-20 The extreme heat experienced by the UK this week had a detrimental impact on the cooling systems of two of the cloud world’s biggest players. Read full information on external site
Hitzewelle in Großbritannien löst Kühlsystemschmelze in den Londoner Rechenzentrumsregionen von Google und Oracle aus - germanic.news2022-07-20 Die rekordverdächtige Hitze, die Großbritannien diese Woche heimsuchte, verursachte am Dienstag, den 19. Juli, technische Schwierigkeiten in den lokalen Rechenzentrumsregionen von Google und Oracle, wie sich herausstellte. Read full information on external site
Preocupações com segurança da nuvem geram oportunidades para soluções de compressão e armazenamento de dados - segs.com.br2022-07-20 Apenas um em cada sete gerentes de TI consideram o ambiente cloud seguro o suficiente para executar todas as cargas de trabalho. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric cria plataforma de educação profissional - channel360.com.br2022-07-20 Gratuita e disponível em 14 idiomas, a ferramenta Schneider Electric University oferece cursos online de diversas atividades. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Cria Plataforma De Educação Profissional Para O Setor De ‘data Center’ - tibahia.com2022-07-20 Gratuita e disponível em 14 idiomas, a ferramenta Schneider Electric University oferece cursos online de diversas atividades. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Cria Plataforma De Educação Profissional Para O Setor De ‘data Center’ - inforchannel.com.br2022-07-20 Gratuita e disponível em 14 idiomas, a ferramenta Schneider Electric University oferece cursos online de diversas atividades. Read full information on external site
Small businesses out of pocket after UK heatwave outages at Google and Oracle - techmonitor.ai2022-07-20 Small businesses lost revenue after record UK heatwave temperatures triggered data centre outages at Google and Oracle. Read full information on external site
Петербургское облако Linxdatacenter прошло аттестацию по третьему уровню защищенности - re-port.ru2022-07-20 Облако Linxdatacenter в Санкт-Петербурге прошло аттестацию на соответствие требованиям по защите персональных данных. ИТ-инфраструктура сервис-провайдера удовлетворяет требованиям к третьему уровню защищенности персональных данных. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom khẳng định vị thế với giải thưởng quốc tế về data center - baohomnay.com2022-07-19 CMC Tân Thuận Data Center - Trung tâm dữ liệu Hiện đại và An toàn nhất Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom khẳng định vị thế với giải thưởng quốc tế về data center - baonhanh247.com2022-07-19 CMC Telecom vinh dự nhận nhận giải thưởng ' Trung tâm Dữ liệu An toàn nhất Việt Nam 2022' cho Tân Thuận Data Center (DC) do tạp chí IBM (International Business Magazine) - tạp chí chuyên ngành tin tức Tài chính - Ngân hàng - Công nghệ bình chọn. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom khẳng định vị thế với giải thưởng quốc tế về data center - vietnamnet.vn2022-07-19 CMC Telecom vinh dự nhận nhận giải thưởng ' Trung tâm Dữ liệu An toàn nhất Việt Nam 2022' cho Tân Thuận Data Center (DC) do tạp chí IBM (International Business Magazine) - tạp chí chuyên ngành tin tức Tài chính - Ngân hàng - Công nghệ bình chọn. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom khẳng định vị thế với giải thưởng quốc tế về data center - thoibaonganhang.vn2022-07-19 CMC Telecom vinh dự nhận nhận giải thưởng ' Trung tâm Dữ liệu An toàn nhất Việt Nam 2022' cho Tân Thuận Data Center (DC) do tạp chí IBM (International Business Magazine) - tạp chí chuyên ngành tin tức Tài chính - Ngân hàng - Công nghệ bình chọn. Read full information on external site
One trip, two milestones: Seeing firsthand Azerbaijan’s efforts to modernize its judiciary - blogs.worldbank.org2022-07-19 In May we made our first trip back to Azerbaijan since February 2020, and a little more than two years since Additional Financing for the Judicial Modernization and Smart Infrastructure Project was approved by the World Bank. Read full information on external site
Furnizorul de hosting ideal pentru un magazin online international - gsp.ro2022-07-19 Lansarea unui magazin online poate fi o aventură interesantă. Read full information on external site
Bigger Campuses Drive Cloud Growth in Northern Virginia - datacenterfrontier.com2022-07-19 Northern Virginia has long been a strategic priority for hyperscale operators, and the past year has been an extremely active period for data center construction and real estate transactions. Read full information on external site
Component specification key to combatting growing data centre outages - dcnnmagazine.com2022-07-19 A new report concerning data centre outage figures have further underlined the need for facility stakeholders to eliminate performance uncertainty in all equipment, according to Alfa Laval. Read full information on external site
Por que devo considerar um serviço de bilhetagem na nuvem? - diariodotransporte.com.br2022-07-19 Servidores fora do ar, perda de dados da blihetagem, periodos longos de inatividadade todos esses prople mas fazem parte do generciamento de um sistema do genenciamento de um sistema de transporte coletivo e, geralmente, sao rsultado do uma fragidlidade da infrastruture que roda a operacao. Read full information on external site
英特尔正与GRC合作深入研究浸入式液体冷却技术 - cnbeta.com2022-07-17 英特尔与绿色革命冷却公司(GRC)合作编写了一份关于液体浸入式冷却的联合白皮书。双方提出了新技术推动可持续发展的意义所在,声称它减少了冷却数据中心所需的电力,并削减了运营成本。Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom và mục tiêu đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của Châu Á - gov.vn2022-07-17 Việc chủ động xây dựng các sản phẩm “Make in Vietnam” như CMC Telecom nhằm khẳn định quyết tâm giành độc lập về mặt công nghệ của Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
Datacenters pueden garantizar una operatividad sin interrupciones - jcmagazine.com2022-07-16 Elegir un servicio de conectividad que opere de manera segura y sin interrupciones es una labor delicada para empresas que vienen digitalizando sus procesos y que pueden requerir servicios especializados. Read full information on external site
Data center: così Schneider Electric aiuta ad aggiornare le competenze - 01net.it2022-07-15 Schneider Electric, società specializzata nella trasformazione digitale della gestione dell’energia e dell’automazione, ha annunciato importanti novità per Schneider Electric University, la sua piattaforma di formazione digitale, accreditata CPD, che offre corsi di carattere generale, non legati a specifici produttori. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creează o platformă de educaţie pentru a aborda deficitul de talente în centrele de date - bursa.ro2022-07-15 Schneider Electric, società specializzata nella trasformazione digitale della gestione dell’energia e dell’automazione, ha annunciato importanti novità per Schneider Electrchneider Electric a anunţat o serie de actualizări ale platformei sale de educaţie digitală, independentă de furnizor şi acreditată de CPD, Schneider Electric University, se arată într-un comunicat de presă. Read full information on external site
ИБ — новая инженерная подсистема ЦОД? - datacenter-insider.de2022-07-15 Der Druck auf Rechenzentren wächst: Sie sollen nachweislich umweltfreundlicher werden. Read full information on external site
Uptime-Institute: So entsteht eine Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie fürs Rechenzentrum - pcnews.ru2022-07-15 Привет, Хабр! Сегодня мне хотелось бы поговорить о том, как нужно относиться к информационной безопасности в центрах обработки данных. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creeaza o platforma de educatie profesionala pentru a aborda deficitul de talente in centrele de date - dailybusiness.ro2022-07-15 Schneider Electric a anuntat o serie de actualizari ale platformei sale de educatie digitala, independenta de furnizor si acreditata de CPD, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creeaza o platforma de educatie profesionala pentru a aborda deficitul de talente in centrele de date - clubitc.ro2022-07-15 Schneider Electric (News - Alert) has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic, CPD-accredited digital education platform. The newly added features were put in place to directly address the current data center sector skills gap that the industry is facing. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Updates Education Platform to Help with Data Center Talent Shortage - cloud-computing.tmcnet.com2022-07-15 Schneider Electric a anuntat o serie de actualizari ale platformei sale de educatie digitala, independenta de furnizor si acreditata de CPD, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Intel takes deep dive into immersion cooling with GRC - theregister.com2022-07-15 Chipmaker looks cool next to immersion pros, talks up increased densities The newly added features were put in place to directly address the current data center sector skills gap that the industry is facing. Read full information on external site
ОБЛАЧНАЯ КИБЕРБЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ - regionplus.az2022-07-15 В Азербайджане продолжаются реформы, нацеленные на развитие и защиту цифрового пространства страны. Read full information on external site
Datacenters pueden garantizar una operatividad sin interrupciones - serperuano.com2022-07-15 Elegir un servicio de conectividad que opere de manera segura y sin interrupciones es una labor delicada para empresas que vienen digitalizando sus procesos y que pueden requerir servicios especializados. Read full information on external site
Intel takes deep dive into immersion cooling with GRC - news.knowledia.com2022-07-15 Chipmaker looks cool next to immersion pros, talks up increased densities. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия Tier III - content-review.com2022-07-14 Строящийся по модели франшизы 3data дата-центр во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия проектной документации стандарту Uptime Institute Tier Standard Operational Sustainability уровня Tier III. Read full information on external site
Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu ước đạt 1.614 tỷ đô la vào năm 2030 - hanoimoi.com.vn2022-07-14 Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu đang có sự bùng nổ vô cùng mạnh mẽ trong thời gian qua. Read full information on external site
Schneider updates ‘Schneider Electric University’ courses - datacentrereview.com2022-07-14 The recently updated Schneider Electric University has been designed to help upskill data centre professionals and address the sector’s skills gap. Read full information on external site
Energy firm creates educational platform for Data centre talent hunt - legit.ng2022-07-14 The recently updated Schneider Electric University has been designed to help upskill data centre professionals and address the sector’s skills gap. Read full information on external site
Datacenters pueden garantizar una operatividad sin interrupciones - businessempresarial.com.pe2022-07-14 En el Perú, solo tres compañías cuentan con datacenters con certificación para ofrecer una disponibilidad al 99,982%. Read full information on external site
Datacenters pueden garantizar una operatividad sin interrupciones - nteve.com2022-07-13 Elegir un servicio de conectividad que opere de manera segura y sin interrupciones es una labor delicada para empresas que vienen digitalizando sus procesos y que pueden requerir servicios especializados. Read full information on external site
Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu ước đạt 1.614 tỷ đô vào năm 2030 - vnmedia.vn2022-07-13 Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu đang có sự bùng nổ vô cùng mạnh mẽ trong thời gian qua. Read full information on external site
VNPT khẳng định vị thế trên thị trường điện toán đám mây Việt Nam - sggp.org.vn2022-07-13 Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu đang có sự bùng nổ mạnh mẽ trong thời gian qua. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University adds new courses to lineup - itbrief.co.nz2022-07-13 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University adds new courses to lineup - itbrief.com.au2022-07-13 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University adds new courses to lineup - cfotech.co.nz2022-07-13 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University adds new courses to lineup - cfotech.com.au2022-07-13 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University adds new courses to lineup - datacenternews.asia2022-07-13 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric University adds new courses to lineup - cfotech.asia2022-07-13 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creates education platform to address skills gap - dcnnmagazine.com2022-07-13 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, the Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Education platform addresses data centre skills shortage - digitalisationworld.com2022-07-13 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, the Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu ước đạt 1.614 tỷ USD vào năm 2030 - kienthuc.net.vn2022-07-13 Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu đang có sự bùng nổ vô cùng mạnh mẽ trong thời gian qua. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric crea una piattaforma di formazione professionale per affrontare la carenza di personale specializzato per i Data Center - datamanager.it2022-07-13 Schneider Electric University permette ai professionisti del settore di aumentare le competenze con contenuti gratuiti dedicati alle tecnologie, alla sostenibilità e all’efficienza energetica. Read full information on external site
شنايدر إلكتريك تطلق منصة تعليمية احترافية مبتكرة - ajmannews.ae2022-07-13 أعلنت شنايدر إلكتريك، الشركةالعالمية الرائدة في مجال التحول الرقمي لإدارة الطاقة والتحكم الآلي عن سلسلة من التحديثات لمنصة جامعة شنايدر إلكتريك، المنصة التعليمية الرقمية كمنصة معتمدة تلبي متطلبات ومعايير التطوير المهني المستمر، بحيث ستدعم المنصة المتوفرة بـ 14 لغة مختلفة الجهود المبذولة لردم فجوة المهارات العالمية في قطاع مركز البيانات. هذا وستتوفر هذا الدورات المتخصصة مجاناً وعبر الإنترنت مما يساعد العاملين في هذا قطاع مركز البيانات على الارتقاء بالمهارات والبقاء على اطلاع حول أحدث التقنيات وحلول كفاءة الطاقة وممارسات الاستدامة العالمية. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creates professional education platform - gdnonline.com2022-07-13 Schneider Electric, a leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Creates Professional Education Platform To Address The Data Center Talent Shortage - middleeastpostbox.com2022-07-13 Schneider Electric™, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric: in arrivo una piattaforma per la formazione del personale data center - industriaitaliana.it2022-07-13 Tutti i corsi sono disponibili in modalità on demand, suddivisa in moduli di un’ora l’uno, in 14 lingue tra cui l’italiano. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric aggiorna la sua University per la formazione del personale dei Data Center - lineaedp.it2022-07-13 Schneider Electric University permette ai professionisti del settore di aumentare le competenze con contenuti gratuiti dedicati alle tecnologie, alla sostenibilità e all’efficienza energetica. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creates professional education platform - tradearabia.com2022-07-13 Schneider Electric, a leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creates professional education platform to address the data centre - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-07-13 Schneider Electric, a leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Creates Professional Education Platform to Address the Data Center Skills Gap - voltimum.co.uk2022-07-13 The Schneider Electric University will help data center professionals upskill by offering free guidance on the latest technology, sustainability, and energy efficiency initiatives. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр GreenBushDC подтвердил уровень надежности Tier III - habr.com2022-07-13 Расположенный в Зеленоградском округе Москвы дата-центр был приобретен МТС в 2021 году для услуг colocation, собственных нужд МТС и развития #CloudМТS. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Expands Professional Education Platform - tedmag.com2022-07-13 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
ODS4. Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional - corresponsables.com2022-07-13 Schneider Electric University ofrece una educación fácilmente accesible, independiente del proveedor, a los países donde más se necesita, abordando el desafío de las habilidades de la industria. Read full information on external site
Twee nieuwe cursussen beschikbaar via Schneider Electric University - dutchitchannel.nl2022-07-13 Schneider Electric, gespecialiseerd in digitale transformatie van energiebeheer en automatisering, voegt een nieuwe reeks cursussen toe aan het digitale educatieplatform Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric voegt nieuwe cursussen toe aan educatieplatform - executive-people.nl2022-07-13 Schneider Electric, gespecialiseerd in digitale transformatie van energiebeheer en automatisering, voegt een nieuwe reeks cursussen toe aan het digitale educatieplatform Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creates professional education platform to address the data centre skills gap - itrportal.com2022-07-12 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, the Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Creates Professional Education Platform to Address the Data Center Skills Gap - aithority.com2022-07-12 Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, the Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Data Availability and Integrity with the IBM MQ Appliance - ibm.com2022-07-12 Today, IBM is announcing the latest evolution of the IBM MQ Appliance — the M2003. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Creates Education Platform To Address Talent Shortage - jpt.spe.org2022-07-12 Schneider Electric University has been designed to help data center professionals expand their skills by offering free guidance on the latest technology, sustainability, and energy efficiency initiatives. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom sở hữu Data Center tiên phong đạt 2 chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - nhipsongkinhte.toquoc.vn2022-07-12 (Tổ Quốc) - Ngày 16/06/2022, Uptime Institute đã chính thức thông báo Tân Thuận Data Center của CMC Telecom là trung tâm dữ liệu tiên phong tại Việt Nam sở hữu cùng lúc hai chứng chỉ TCCF (Tier III Certification Constructed Facility) và TCDD (Tier III Certification Design Documents). Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom sở hữu Data Center tiên phong đạt 2 chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - cafebiz.vn2022-07-12 (Tổ Quốc) - Ngày 16/06/2022, Uptime Institute đã chính thức thông báo Tân Thuận Data Center của CMC Telecom là trung tâm dữ liệu tiên phong tại Việt Nam sở hữu cùng lúc hai chứng chỉ TCCF (Tier III Certification Constructed Facility) và TCDD (Tier III Certification Design Documents). Read full information on external site
Māris Sperga: IT biznesa gatavība X stundai - delfi.lv2022-07-12 Ja 19. un 20. gadsimtā izejvielas nonāca rūpnīcās un no tām "iznāca" detaļas vai gatavie produkti, tad par 21. Read full information on external site
Sustainability beyond cloud: WIIT präsentiert Nachhaltigkeitsbericht und Fortschritte des ESG-Plans bis 2030 - immittelstand.de2022-07-12 Die WIIT S.p.A.*, einer der bedeutendsten europäischen Cloud-Computing-Anbieter auf dem Markt für Hybrid Cloud und Hosted Private Cloud mit Spezialisierung auf Business Continuity Services und geschäftskritische Anwendungen für Unternehmen, präsentiert die Ergebnisse seines Nachhaltigkeitsberichts 2021. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric reinforces commitment to addressing datacentre skills gap with new courses - computerweekly.com2022-07-12 Schneider Electric is doubling down on its commitment to helping close the datacentre industry’s well-documented skills gap by rolling out a series of updates to its sector-focused education platform. Read full information on external site
Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu ước đạt 1.614 tỷ đô vào năm 2030 - thanhtra.com.vn2022-07-12 Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu đang có sự bùng nổ vô cùng mạnh mẽ trong thời gian qua. Không đứng ngoài cuộc, nhiều dịch vụ đám mây do người Việt phát triển cũng đang có những bước tiến lớn trên thị trường, trong đó VNPT Cloud được đánh giá là giải pháp “make in Vietnam” toàn diện với độ bảo mật cao đi cùng nhiều tiện ích ưu việt. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric creates professional education platform to address the data centre skills gap - itrportal.com2022-07-12 Schneider Electric has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, the Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
Пять прогнозов для ЦОДов на 2022 год - iksmedia.rua.com.vn2022-07-08 Критически важный сектор информационной инфраструктуры продолжает расширяться и привлекать завидные объемы инвестиций. Но ближайшие годы обещают не только новые возможности, но и вызовы, с которыми справятся далеко не все ЦОДы. Read full information on external site
Zenlayer partners with Yotta to provide content delivery network and bare metal cloud services - dqindia.com2022-07-08 Zenlayer will leverage Yotta’s NM1 Data Center in Navi Mumbai to deliver its services and improve digital experiences for enterprise customers. Read full information on external site
Trung tâm dữ liệu CMC Telecom nhận hai chứng chỉ của Uptime Tier III - vnexpress.net2022-07-08 Tân Thuận Data Center hiện là trung tâm dữ liệu đầu tiên, duy nhất tại Việt Nam nhận hai chứng chỉ chính thức Uptime Tier III về thiết kế và xây dựng. Read full information on external site
Neue SLAs geben Batteriespeichern für Rechenzentren eine Chance - datacenter-insider.de2022-07-08 „Im Vergleich zu Dieselaggregaten können Batteriespeichersysteme (BESS) keine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Autonomiestunden unter Standortbedingungen garantieren“, lautet eine Aussage des Uptime Institute. Doch das könne auch nicht das Ziel sein, argumentiert Guiseppe Leto, Portfolio Manager Data Center bei Siemens in der Schweiz (SI S VES VMM). Read full information on external site
Edge data centers worldwide to proliferate rapidly in 2-3 years, finds Uptime - dailyhostnews.com2022-07-8 A recent study by Uptime Institute reveals that edge data centers today will double in the next two to three years. Read full information on external site
Site Selection publishes sustainability rankings and more - ibjonline.com2022-07-07 Site Selection magazine has released its annual Sustainability Rankings, based on unique sets of criteria applied to countries, U.S. states and U.S. metro areas. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom sở hữu Data Center đạt 2 chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - baonhanh247.com2022-07-07 Ngày 16/6, Uptime Institute thông báo Tân Thuận Data Center của CMC Telecom là trung tâm dữ liệu đầu tiên tại Việt Nam sở hữu cùng lúc hai chứng chỉ TCCF (Tier III Certification Constructed Facility); TCDD (Tier III Certification Design Documents). Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom sở hữu Data Center đạt 2 chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - baomoi.com2022-07-07 Ngày 16/6, Uptime Institute thông báo Tân Thuận Data Center của CMC Telecom là trung tâm dữ liệu đầu tiên tại Việt Nam sở hữu cùng lúc hai chứng chỉ TCCF (Tier III Certification Constructed Facility); TCDD (Tier III Certification Design Documents). Read full information on external site
Zenlayer Partners with Yotta to Provide Content Delivery Network and Bare Metal Cloud Services - enterpriseitworld.com2022-07-07 Zenlayer, announced its partnership with Yotta to establish its Point of Presence (PoP) at Yotta NM1 Data Center in Navi Mumbai. With this, Yotta NM1, India’s only Uptime Institute certified Tier IV data center, will become Zenlayer’s newest PoP in India to deliver Zenlayer’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Bare Metal Cloud services. Read full information on external site
Is cloud getting less reliable? It depends. - techbeacon.com2022-07-06 As more workloads find their way to the cloud and demand increases, it would not be surprising for cloud customers to experience a lot more outages. Yet this has not proved to be the case—at least not directly. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom sở hữu Data Center đầu tiên và duy nhất đạt 2 chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - thoibaonganhang.vn2022-07-06 Vừa qua, Uptime Institute đã chính thức thông báo Tân Thuận Data Center của CMC Telecom là trung tâm dữ liệu đầu tiên và duy nhất tại Việt Nam sở hữu cùng lúc hai chứng chỉ TCCF (Tier III Certification Constructed Facility) và TCDD (Tier III Certification Design Documents). Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom sở hữu Data Center đầu tiên và duy nhất đạt 2 chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - ictnews.vietnamnet.vn2022-07-06 Vừa qua, Uptime Institute đã chính thức thông báo Tân Thuận Data Center của CMC Telecom là trung tâm dữ liệu đầu tiên và duy nhất tại Việt Nam sở hữu cùng lúc hai chứng chỉ TCCF (Tier III Certification Constructed Facility) và TCDD (Tier III Certification Design Documents). Read full information on external site
¿Hasta cuánto se puede garantizar la reducción de interrupciones de un data center? - gestion.pe2022-07-06 Certificación Tier III Gold asegura una reducción de incidentes que podrían causar interrupciones en el servicio. Read full information on external site
에퀴닉스 “2021년 기준 재생에너지 사용률 95%··· 2030년까지 기후중립 달성” - n.news.naver.com2022-07-06 [디지털데일리 이종현기자] 전 세계에서 244여개 데이터센터를 운영 중인 기업 에퀴닉스(Equinix)가 ‘2021년 지속가능성 보고서’를 발표했다. 2030년 기후중립을 목표로 한 가운데 2021년 기준 재생 가능한 에너지 사용률 95%를 기록한 것으로 나타났다. Read full information on external site
에퀴닉스 “2021년 기준 재생에너지 사용률 95%··· 2030년까지 기후중립 달성” - ddaily.co.kr2022-07-06 [디지털데일리 이종현기자] 전 세계에서 244여개 데이터센터를 운영 중인 기업 에퀴닉스(Equinix)가 ‘2021년 지속가능성 보고서’를 발표했다. 2030년 기후중립을 목표로 한 가운데 2021년 기준 재생 가능한 에너지 사용률 95%를 기록한 것으로 나타났다. Read full information on external site
에퀴닉스 “2021년 기준 재생에너지 사용률 95%··· 2030년까지 기후중립 달성” - news.nate.com2022-07-06 [디지털데일리 이종현기자] 전 세계에서 244여개 데이터센터를 운영 중인 기업 에퀴닉스(Equinix)가 ‘2021년 지속가능성 보고서’를 발표했다. 2030년 기후중립을 목표로 한 가운데 2021년 기준 재생 가능한 에너지 사용률 95%를 기록한 것으로 나타났다. Read full information on external site
Zenlayer Partners with Yotta to Provide Content Delivery Network and Bare Metal Cloud Services - cxotoday.com2022-07-05 Zenlayer will leverage Yotta’s NM1 Data Center in Navi Mumbai to deliver its services and improve digital experiences for enterprise customers worldwide. Read full information on external site
Zenlayer Partners with Yotta to Provide Content Delivery Network and Bare Metal Cloud Services - expresscomputer.in2022-07-05 Zenlayer, a massively distributed cloud service provider, announced its partnership with Yotta to establish its Point of Presence (PoP) at Yotta NM1 Data Center in Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
人工智能和机器学习如何改变数据中心运营的游戏规则? - afzhan.com2022-07-05 【智慧城市网 企业关注】数据中心如今面临着一个看起来几乎无法解决的挑战。虽然数据中心的运营从未如此繁忙,但作为企业碳减排目标的一部分,数据中心运营团队面临着减少能耗的压力。而且,急剧上涨的电价正在给数据中心运营商带来预算压力。Read full information on external site
Zenlayer Partners with Yotta to Provide Content Delivery Network and Bare Metal Cloud Services - itvoice.in2022-07-5 Zenlayer, a massively distributed cloud service provider, announced its partnership with Yotta to establish its Point of Presence (PoP) at Yotta NM1 Data Center in Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
Tekort datacentervaardigheden vraagt om diversiteit - computable.nl2022-07-05 De vraag naar digitale diensten is door de coronacrisis in een stroomversnelling geraakt. Daarmee begint het onvermijdelijke tekort aan digitale vaardigheden in de datacentersector flink te wringen. Read full information on external site
Yotta to deliver Content Delivery Network and Bare Metal Cloud Services to Zenlayer - varindia.com2022-07-05 Zenlayer has announced its partnership with Yotta to establish its Point of Presence (PoP) at Yotta NM1 Data Center in Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
Industry Consensus on Sustainability Looks Fragile - siteselection.com2022-07-05 Data Centers: Industry Consensus on Sustainability Looks Fragile: Pressed by a sense of urgency among scientists and the wider public, and by governments and investors who must fulfil promises made at COP (Conference of the Parties) summits. Read full information on external site
EDP inaugura Centro de Operações Integrado em São José dos Campos - revistafatorbrasil.com.br2022-07-05 Novo espaço visa elevar excelência nos serviços de monitoramento e de operação com alta tecnologia e segurança. Read full information on external site
Zenlayer ties up with Yotta to provide content delivery network and bare metal cloud services - crn.in2022-07-05 Zenlayer, a massively distributed cloud service provider, announced its partnership with Yotta to establish its Point of Presence (PoP) at Yotta NM1 Data Center in Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
人工智能和机器学习如何准备好改变数据中心运营的游戏规则? - d1net.com2022-07-04 数据中心如今面临着一个看起来几乎无法解决的挑战。虽然数据中心的运营从未如此繁忙,但作为企业碳减排目标的一部分,数据中心运营团队面临着减少能耗的压力。而且,急剧上涨的电价正在给数据中心运营商带来预算压力。Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers completes ten years as region’s largest wholesale datacentre company - ec-mea.com2022-07-4 Khazna Data Centers celebrates its 10th anniversary this month since its establishment in 2012. Read full information on external site
VNPT Cloud, giải pháp toàn diện cho ngân hàng số - sggp.org.vn2022-07-04 Luôn đi đầu trong việc áp dụng các thành tựu KH-CN mới nhất vào các hoạt động kinh doanh của mình, tuy nhiên, quá trình “số hóa” của ngành ngân hàng lại luôn có không ít thách thức đi kèm những yêu cầu đặc biệt khắt khe. Read full information on external site
Africa datacentre industry heavyweight appointed to lead OADC - itweb.africa2022-07-03 Transformational pan-African datacentre operator Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has appointed African datacentre industry leader Dr Ayotunde Coker as its CEO, with immediate effect. Read full information on external site
Обзор IT-Weekly: российские банки остались без защиты - уходит Thales, Huawei остается, Honor под вопросом - it-world.ru2022-07-03 Французская компания Thales, выпускающая аппаратные модули безопасности платежных систем, уходит с российского рынка. Read full information on external site
Обзор IT-Weekly: российские банки остались без защиты - уходит Thales, Huawei остается, Honor под вопросом - it-weekly.ru2022-07-03 Французская компания Thales, выпускающая аппаратные модули безопасности платежных систем, уходит с российского рынка. Read full information on external site
The West’s drought could bring about a data center reckoning - protocol.com2022-07-02 When it comes to water use, data centers are the tech industry’s secret water hogs — and they could soon come under increased scrutiny. Read full information on external site
TELKODER: Fiber şebekesi yeteri kadar büyüme göstermiyor - technologic.com.tr2022-07-02 Serbest Telekomünikasyon İşletmecileri Derneği (TELKODER), 2021 yılı Telekomünikasyon Sektörü Düzenlemelerine Yönelik Değerlendirmeler Raporu’nu sektör ve kamuoyuyla paylaştı. Read full information on external site
EDP inaugura Centro de Operações Integrado em São José dos Campos - agoravale.com.br2022-07-02 A EDP, companhia que atua em toda a cadeia de valor do setor elétrico, inaugura oficialmente hoje (1), o novo Centro de Operações Integrado (COI). Read full information on external site
3 Ways Women Can Stand Out in a Crowded Industry and Why It’s Important - datacenterknowledge.com2022-07-01 Women are underrepresented in the data center industry. Here's what women can do to excel. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute's 2022 Outage Analysis finds outage costs and consequences worsening - insidenetworks.co.uk2022-07-01 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing. This is according to the Uptime Institutes 2022 Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
How are data centre providers offering a solution to the widening skills gap? - magazine.intelligentdatacentres.com2022-07-01 Kao Data, the specialist developer and operator of high-performance data centres for enterprise, could, HPC, and AI, has launched the Kao Academy - an industry-first science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) resource designed to engage primary and early secondary school-aged children with purpose and role of a data centre. Read full information on external site
Direct liquid cooling: pressure is rising but constraints remain - datacenterdynamics.com2022-07-01 Data center operators are squeezed between increasingly power-hungry servers and the demands of sustainability. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Industry Consensus on Sustainability Looks Fragile - siteselection.com2022-07-01 Pressed by a sense of urgency among scientists and the wider public, and by governments and investors who must fulfil promises made at COP (Conference of the Parties) summits, major businesses are facing ever more stringent sustainability reporting requirements. Big energy users, such as data centers, are in the firing line. Read full information on external site
Слабое звено облаков - iksmedia.ru2022-07-01 Сбои в работе отдельных облачных сервисов могут сделать все построенное на их базе приложение недоступным. Однако предусмотренная в SLA компенсация вряд ли покроет даже затраты на облачные услуги, не говоря уже о потерях для бизнеса. Read full information on external site
TELKODER, telekomünikasyon sektörünün 2021 karnesini çıkardı - dijikolog.com2022-07-01 Serbest Telekomünikasyon İşletmecileri Derneği (TELKODER), 2021 yılı Telekomünikasyon Sektörü Düzenlemelerine Yönelik Değerlendirmeler Raporu’nu sektör ve kamuoyuyla paylaştı. Read full information on external site
Telco sektörünün gücü Türkiye’nin ekonomik gücünü destekleyecek - cioupdate.com.tr2022-07-01 Telekomünikasyon Sektörü Düzenlemelerine Yönelik Değerlendirmeler Raporu'na göre, 2021’de telco sektörü toplam gelirleri 92,37 milyar TL oldu. Read full information on external site
Fiber altyapı öncelik olmalı - bthaber.com2022-07-01 26 Haziran 2002 yılında kurulan ve bu sene 20. yaşını kutlayan Serbest Telekomünikasyon İşletmecileri Derneği (TELKODER), 2021 yılı Telekomünikasyon Sektörü Düzenlemelerine Yönelik Değerlendirmeler Raporu’nu sektör ve kamuoyuyla paylaştı. Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu (BTK) verilerine göre, 2021’de telekomünikasyon sektörü toplam gelirleri 92,37 milyar TL oldu. Read full information on external site
What You Need To Know Before Using A Data Centre For Your Business - publicnewstime.com2022-07-01 Let’s face it, your business is no longer the one-person operation it used to be. It’s expanding and scaling, with a host of invaluable information and data switching hands from employees left and right. Read full information on external site
Mitigate Risk, Improve Performance and Decrease Operating Expenses through Data Center Self-Performance - datacenterfrontier.com2022-07-1 Too often mission critical infrastructure is managed by providers whose business and operating model is one of facility caretaker or monitor, only notifying customers and owners of problems and bringing in vendors and subcontractors when real work needs to be done. (Source: BCS Data Center Operations) Read full information on external site
The Top 10 Data Center Stories for June 2022 - datacenterfrontier.com2022-07-01 Huge new campuses and innovative solutions for better sustainability were the key themes that resonated with Data Center Frontier readers last month. But reliability took center stage in the top reader favorite, which examined the findings in the Uptime Institute’s most recent industry outage survey. Read full information on external site
STACK Achieves Leading Score from Uptime Institute - datacenterfrontier.com2022-07-01 STACK Infrastructure, a digital infrastructure partner to innovative companies, announced an industry-leading score of 95 for all STACK Americas’ data centers that completed the Uptime Institute’s Management & Operations (M&O) Assessment Program. Read full information on external site
June 2022
[데이터센터 퀀텀점프①] 우후죽순 늘어나는 데이터센터, ‘지속가능성’이 화두 - naver.com2022-06-30 디지털 전환에 있어 핵심이라 할 수 있는 데이터의 중요성이 커지면서 데이터가 모이고 나뉘는 데이터센터의 중요성도 화두가 되고 있다. Read full information on external site
[데이터센터 퀀텀점프①] 우후죽순 늘어나는 데이터센터, ‘지속가능성’이 화두 - ddaily.co.kr2022-06-30 디지털 전환에 있어 핵심이라 할 수 있는 데이터의 중요성이 커지면서 데이터가 모이고 나뉘는 데이터센터의 중요성도 화두가 되고 있다. Read full information on external site
[데이터센터 퀀텀점프①] 우후죽순 늘어나는 데이터센터, ‘지속가능성’이 화두 - nate.com2022-06-30 디지털 전환에 있어 핵심이라 할 수 있는 데이터의 중요성이 커지면서 데이터가 모이고 나뉘는 데이터센터의 중요성도 화두가 되고 있다. Read full information on external site
CMC tái cấu trúc hạ tầng số và góp phần đưa Việt Nam trở thành một Digital Hub của khu vực - mediaonlinevn.com2022-06-30 Với mục tiêu trở thành “tập đoàn tỷ đô” vào năm 2025, mới đây, Tập đoàn Công nghệ CMC có những động thái mạnh mẽ tái cấu trúc Khối Hạ tầng số, nỗ lực góp phần đưa Việt Nam trở thành một Digital Hub (trung tâm số) Châu Á. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр МТС GreenBushDC подтвердил надежность сертификатом Tier III - spbit.ru2022-06-30 АО «МТС» (NYSE: MBT, MOEX: MTSS), ведущая российская компания по предоставлению цифровых, медийных и телекоммуникационных сервисов, объявляет о том, что дата-центр GreenBushDC, входящий в инфраструктурную сеть МТС, прошел сертификацию независимого международного института Uptime Institute по уровню отказоустойчивости Tier III. Этот статус подтверждает высочайшую степень надежности построенного объекта для размещаемых в нем данных и оборудования компаний-клиентов. Read full information on external site
TELKODER Telekomünikasyon Sektörünün 2021 Karnesini Çıkardı - fintechtime.com2022-06-30 Serbest Telekomünikasyon İşletmecileri Derneği (TELKODER) Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Halil Nadir Teberci, TELKODER uzmanlarınca TÜİK enflasyon verileri kullanılarak yapılan diğer bir hesaplamaya göre, enflasyon etkisinden arındırılmış pazar büyüklüğünün 13,45 milyar TL olduğunu bildirdi. Read full information on external site
TELKODER, telekomünikasyon sektörünün 2021 verilerini paylaştı - haberler.com2022-06-30 Serbest Telekomünikasyon İşletmecileri Derneği (TELKODER) Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Halil Nadir Teberci, TELKODER uzmanlarınca TÜİK enflasyon verileri kullanılarak yapılan diğer bir hesaplamaya göre, enflasyon etkisinden arındırılmış pazar büyüklüğünün 13,45 milyar TL olduğunu bildirdi. Read full information on external site
TELKODER telekomünikasyon sektörünün 2021 karnesini çıkardı - ictmedia.com.tr2022-06-30 Serbest Telekomünikasyon İşletmecileri Derneği (TELKODER), 2021 yılı Telekomünikasyon Sektörü Düzenlemelerine Yönelik Değerlendirmeler Raporu’nu sektör ve kamuoyuyla paylaştı. Read full information on external site
TELKODER Telekomünikasyon Sektörünün 2021 Karnesini Çıkardı - itnetwork.com.tr2022-06-30 Serbest Telekomünikasyon İşletmecileri Derneği (TELKODER), 2021 yılı Telekomünikasyon Sektörü Düzenlemelerine Yönelik Değerlendirmeler Raporu’nu sektör ve kamuoyuyla paylaştı. Read full information on external site
Telekomünikasyon sektörünün büyüklüğü 13,45 milyar TL oldu - inbusiness.com.tr2022-06-30 Türkiye telekomünikasyon sektörünün, enflasyon etkisinden arındırılmış pazar büyüklüğünün 13,45 milyar TL olduğu bildirildi. Read full information on external site
TELKODER: Telekomünikasyon sektörünün gücü Türkiye’nin ekonomik gücünü destekleyecek - hurriyet.com.tr2022-06-30 Serbest Telekomünikasyon İşletmecileri Derneği (TELKODER), 2021 yılı Telekomünikasyon Sektörü Düzenlemelerine Yönelik Değerlendirmeler Raporu’nu sektör ve kamuoyuyla paylaştı. Read full information on external site
Are banks ditching their data centers? - communicationstoday.co.in2022-06-29 Outside of a Barclays bank in enfiled, North London, a crowd has gathered to witness the unvieling of the worlds first Automated Teller Machine (ATM. Read full information on external site
Việt Nam sẽ trở thành Trung tâm kết nối số của khu vực như thế nào? - vnmedia.vn2022-06-29 Tại sự kiện VNNIC Internet Conference, hơn 300 Lãnh đạo, chuyên gia đến từ các tổ chức, doanh nghiệp đã thảo luận về tương lai của Internet Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
Efficient by design: The data center evolution - financialexpress.com2022-06-29 Businesses must identify and implement technologies and practices that aid DC infrastructure to operate, be maintained, and refurbished easily – allowing a smarter, and cleaner way of consuming energy and water. Read full information on external site
NEXEREN inaugurates its 5th data center in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes - globalsecuritymag.com2022-06-29 Building on its growth, NEXEREN inaugurated today its fifth data center in Reventin-Vaugris near Vienne (Isère) and confirmed its strategy of developing closer to businesses. Read full information on external site
MTS data centre gets Tier 3 certificate - telecompaper.com2022-06-29 Russian operator MTS announced that its data centre GreenBushDC has been awarded the Tier 3 certificate from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Alternativen zum Diesel gesucht trotz vieler regulatorischer Hürden - datacenter-insider.de2022-06-29 Datacenter-Betreiber setzen gerne auf Dieselgeneratoren als primäre Netzersatzanlagen. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр МТС GreenBushDC подтвердил надежность сертификатом Tier III - iksmedia.ru2022-06-29 Дата-центр GreenBushDC, входящий в инфраструктурную сеть МТС, прошел сертификацию независимого международного института Uptime Institute по уровню отказоустойчивости Tier III. Этот статус подтверждает высочайшую степень надежности построенного объекта для размещаемых в нем данных и оборудования компаний-клиентов. Read full information on external site
There’s a lot going on in Ireland…at DataCentres Ireland you’ll meet all those involved! - dcnnmagazine.com2022-06-29 DataCentres Ireland, 16-17 November, Dublin – brings together over 1600 industry professionals. Read full information on external site
Efficient by design: The data center evolution - msn.com2022-06-28 Data center (DC) energy consumption is much higher than standard office spaces – often targeting them for energy-efficient design measures. Read full information on external site
How AI and Machine Learning Are Ready To Change the Game for Data Center Operations - datacenterknowledge.com2022-06-28 Traditional data center approaches are struggling to meet today's escalating requirements. Machine learning and AI are creating a new paradigm in terms of how to approach data center operations. Read full information on external site
HEl nuevo centro de datos de La Xunta: una ambiciosa apuesta para mejorar el servicio a la ciudadanía - vigohoy.es2022-06-28 Los centros de datos con equipamiento de primer nivel, como los HP Servers, son el futuro de muchas organizaciones pertenecientes al sector público y privado. Así lo demuestra el proyecto que iniciará la Estrategia Galicia Digital 2030 (EDG2030). Read full information on external site
Дата-центр МТС GreenBushDC подтвердил надежность сертификатом Tier III - bfm.ru2022-06-28 Данные и оборудование клиентов в ЦОДе будут надежно защищены по международным стандартам. Read full information on external site
Centrele de date continuă să aibă probleme mari - clubitc.ro2022-06-28 Conform unui recent studiu elaborat de Uptime Institute, un think-tank de rezilienţă a centrelor de date, în ciuda eforturilor depuse de operatorii de centre de date din întreaga lume pentru a reduce timpii de cădere ai facilităţilor pe care ei le gestionează, severitatea şi impactul financiar al căderilor fermelor de servere continuă să înregistreze o pantă ascendentă. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр МТС подтвердил надежность сертификатом Tier III - cnews.ru2022-06-28 Российская компания по предоставлению цифровых, медийных и телекоммуникационных сервисов ПАО «МТС» объявляет о том, что дата-центр GreenBushDC, входящий в инфраструктурную сеть МТС, прошел сертификацию независимого международного института Uptime Institute по уровню отказоустойчивости Tier III. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр МТС GreenBushDC подтвердил надежность сертификатом Tier III - content-review.com2022-06-28 ПАО «МТС» объявляет о том, что дата-центр GreenBushDC, входящий в инфраструктурную сеть МТС, прошел сертификацию независимого международного института Uptime Institute по уровню отказоустойчивости Tier III. Этот статус подтверждает высочайшую степень надежности построенного объекта для размещаемых в нем данных и оборудования компаний-клиентов. Read full information on external site
Data centers are a secret water scourge - protocol.com2022-06-28 The West is parched, and getting more so by the day. As cities ask residents to let lawns turn brown and reservoir managers consider dramatic plans, data centers are still likely sucking up massive amounts of water. Just how much? Read full information on external site
Centros de datos y las perspectivas ecológicas de cambio - thestandardcio.com2022-06-27 Por muchos años, los efectos del consumo energético del centro de datos han estado muy presentes en las mentes de los responsables de la toma de decisiones. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter: рынок российских облаков вырастет в 2022 г. на 30-35% - re-port.ru2022-06-27 Аналитики провайдера ИТ-инфраструктуры Linxdatacenter прогнозируют, что в течение 2022 года рынок российских облачных сервисов увеличится на треть. Такая динамика обусловлена возросшими рисками использования зарубежных облаков в условиях санкций и задачей локализации ИТ-ресурсов. Read full information on external site
Dr. Bawumia unveils Ghana’s first Tier IV data centre - citibusinessnews.com2022-06-26 Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has expressed satisfaction in the high level of interest being shown by foreign investors in improving Ghana’s digital infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Обзор IT-Weekly: госуслуги под DDoS-атакой, Cisco уходит из России и Белоруссии - it-world.ru2022-06-26 Сбербанк и «РТК-Солар» реализовали крупнейший в России проект по защите от утечек информации. Система обеспечивает безопасность информационных активов всех подразделений банка на территории РФ и осуществляет мониторинг более 250 тыс. рабочих станци. Read full information on external site
Ghana's vice president opens Onix Tier IV data center - datacenterdynamics.com2022-06-24 Accra gets capacity for digitization moves. Read full information on external site
Automation: Essential for Today’s Networks - enterprisetalk.com2022-06-24 Modern automation tools provide important predictive capabilities during planned network changes. Read full information on external site
数据中心安全问题如何解?微软AI预警方案将落地 - sohu.com2022-06-24 智东西6月24日消息,据外媒TechCrunch等报道,微软和Meta等科技巨头向媒体透露,它们正在探索如何应用人工智能来预防数据中心安全问题。除此之外,这些企业来研究如何利用人工智能(AI)来提高数据中心效率,降低能耗. Read full information on external site
数据中心安全问题如何解?微软AI预警方案将落地 - zhidx2022-06-24 智东西6月24日消息,据外媒TechCrunch等报道,微软和Meta等科技巨头向媒体透露,它们正在探索如何应用人工智能来预防数据中心安全问题。除此之外,这些企业来研究如何利用人工智能(AI)来提高数据中心效率,降低能耗。Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom chia sẻ về tương lai Digital Hub của Việt Nam tại diễn đàn VNNIC - baonhanh247.com2022-06-24 Ngày 24/06, trong buổi tọa đàm 'Viet Nam – The next Asia Digital Hub' trong sự kiện VNNIC Internet Conference 2022, CMC Telecom đã chia sẻ nền tảng hạ tầng số CMC Telecom đã xây dựng sẽ góp phần đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom chia sẻ về tương lai Digital Hub của Việt Nam tại diễn đàn VNNIC - baohomnay.com2022-06-24 Dự thảo quy hoạch hạ tầng TT&TT thời kỳ 2021-2030 được Bộ TT&TT xây dựng đã đặt ra yêu cầu phát triển đến năm 2030, Việt Nam sẽ trở thành “Digital Hub” - nơi trung chuyển, kết nối, lưu trữ và xử lý dữ liệu của khu vực và thế giới. Thực tế, Việt Nam đang có cơ hội lớn để trở thành điểm kết nối và lưu trữ dữ liệu của khu vực ASEAN cũng như khu vực châu Á - Thái Bình Dương. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom chia sẻ về tương lai Digital Hub của Việt Nam tại diễn đàn VNNIC - vietnamnet.vn2022-06-24 Ngày 24/06, trong buổi tọa đàm “Viet Nam – The next Asia Digital Hub” trong sự kiện VNNIC Internet Conference 2022, CMC Telecom đã chia sẻ nền tảng hạ tầng số CMC Telecom đã xây dựng sẽ góp phần đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực. Read full information on external site
How are data centre providers offering a solution to the widening skills gap? - intelligentdatacentres.com 2022-06-24 Kao Data, the specialist developer and operator of high-performance data centres for enterprise, cloud, HPC and AI, has launched the Kao Academy – an industry-first science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) resource, designed to engage primary and early secondary school-aged children with the purpose and role of a data centre. Read full information on external site
How are data centre providers offering a solution to the widening skills gap? - intelligentcio.com2022-06-24 Kao Data, the specialist developer and operator of high-performance data centres for enterprise, cloud, HPC and AI, has launched the Kao Academy – an industry-first science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) resource, designed to engage primary and early secondary school-aged children with the purpose and role of a data centre. Read full information on external site
Batteriespeicher anstelle von Notstromdiesel im Rechenzentrum - datacenter-insider.de2022-06-24 In den meisten Rechenzentren sorgen Dieselgeneratoren für Ersatz, sollte der Strom ausfallen. Read full information on external site
Bawumia Opens $48million Data Centre At Amrahia - peacefmonline.com2022-06-24 A 20-MEGAWATT colocation data centre has been inaugurated at Amrahia in the Adentan Municipality in the Greater Accra Region. Read full information on external site
Bawumia Opens $48million Data Centre At Amrahia - ghanaguardian.com 2022-06-24 A 20-MEGAWATT colocation data centre has been inaugurated at Amrahia in the Adentan Municipality in the Greater Accra Region. Read full information on external site
Gtd Obtiene Certificación Tier Iii Gold - itusers.today2022-06-24 En Perú, Gtd obtuvo este mes la certificación Tier III Gold en operación sostenible, otorgada por el Uptime Institute, considerada la prueba de máximo nivel de sostenibilidad operacional de un centro de datos. Read full information on external site
Gtd obtiene la certificación Tier III Gold para su Data Center Surco en Perú - businessempresarial.com2022-06-24 La empresa de telecomunicaciones y TI viene impulsando la mejora continua para asegurar la continuidad operacional de sus clientes. Read full information on external site
Data Center Industry Pushes Back On SEC's 'Unworkable' Green Disclosure Rules - bisnow.com2022-06-23 A trade group representing major data center operators and their largest tenants is asking for significant changes to the Securities and Exchange Commission's proposed climate reporting rules. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия Tier III - nnit.ru2022-06-23 Данный материал размещен пользователем сайта. Мнение редакции может не совпадать с мнением автора. Read full information on external site
Gtd obtiene la certificación Tier III Gold para su Data Center Surco en Perú - peru21.pe2022-06-23 La empresa de telecomunicaciones y TI viene impulsando la mejora continua para asegurar la continuidad operacional de sus clientes. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия Tier III - 123ru.net2022-06-23 Данный материал размещен пользователем сайта. Мнение редакции может не совпадать с мнением автора. Read full information on external site
ЦОД во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия Tier III - it-world.ru2022-06-23 Строящийся по модели франшизы 3data дата-центр во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия проектной документации стандарту Uptime Institute Tier Standard Operational Sustainability уровня Tier III. Read full information on external site
Microsoft, Meta et Google : une alliance incluant l’IA pour une meilleure gestion des data centers - lebigdata.fr2022-06-23 Meta est convaincu d’une chose : la sécurité au travail des personnels des data centers doit être constamment étudiée. La recherche soupçonne des solutions basées sur les avantages de l’Intelligence Artificielle. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия Tier III - osp.ru2022-06-23 Строящийся по модели франшизы 3data дата-центр во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия проектной документации стандарту Uptime Institute Tier Standard Operational Sustainability уровня Tier III. Партнером-франчайзи выступает компания Key Point, которая успешно прошла аттестацию. Read full information on external site
How stronger partnerships can improve electrical distribution - professional-electrician.com2022-06-23 Climate change is a Global threat that can’t be ignored. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия Tier III - comnews.ru2022-06-23 Строящийся по модели франшизы 3data дата-центр во Владивостоке получил сертификат соответствия проектной документации стандарту Uptime Institute Tier Standard Operational Sustainability уровня Tier III. Партнером-франчайзи выступает компания Key Point, которая успешно прошла аттестацию. Read full information on external site
The Network Virtualization Market in 2022 - enterprisestorageforum.com2022-06-23 Network virtualization software allows companies to virtually discover and see network conditions, recreate network conditions, and improve network performance. Read full information on external site
Gtd obtiene la certificación Tier III Gold para su data center en Perú - cioperu.pe2022-06-22 En Perú, Gtd anunció que obtuvo este mes la certificación Tier III Gold en operación sostenible, otorgada por el Uptime Institute, considerada la prueba de máximo nivel de sostenibilidad operacional de un centro de datos. Read full information on external site
Estimări asupra evoluției industriei Data Center locale - marketwatch.ro2022-06-22 Industria centrelor de date din România înregistrează o creștere constantă în ultimii ani, alimentată în principal de proiectele de retehnologizare, dar și de construcția de noi centre. Read full information on external site
Ten years of Khazna Data Centers - techxmedia.com2022-06-22 Khazna Data Centers celebrates its 10th anniversary this month since its establishment in 2012. Read full information on external site
Frost & Sullivan premia a Tigo por infraestructura de última generación en su Data Center y por estar a la vanguardia en innovación y estrategia - eldeber.com.bo2022-06-22 innovación y estrategia Tigo Business recibió de la consultora estadounidense, el premio a la Empresa del Año por sus mejores prácticas en el mercado de servicios de colocation (housing) de Bolivia. Read full information on external site
Data centres – are they really sustainable? - digitalisationworld.com2022-06-22 For far too many people, data centres are like utilities – few people think about them unless they go wrong. However, change is afoot and data centres are being thrust into the spotlight. Read full information on external site
Cosmin Georgescu, CEO ClusterPower: Avem potențial de unicorn! - revistacariere.ro2022-06-21 Primul centru de date hiperscalabil din Europa de Sud Est, o infrastructură unică de Inteligență Artificială one-stop-shop dezvoltată cu tehnologia liderului mondial Nvidia, prinde contur la Mischii, o localitate din apropierea orașului Craiova. Read full information on external site
Впервые московский бизнес-центр получил международную сертификацию цифровой недвижимости - iksmedia.ru2022-06-21 Бизнес-центр Golden Gate первым в Москве прошел сертификацию цифровой недвижимости. Эта процедура подтвердила соответствие объекта коммерческой недвижимости международным требованиям по доступности цифровых сервисов. Read full information on external site
How DCIM is Different Today - datacenterfrontier.com2022-06-21 It’s key to understand how DCIM has changed and how you can apply new management solutions to improve operations and your bottom line. Read full information on external site
Les géants de la tech utilisent l’IA pour gérer leurs centres de données - siecledigital.fr2022-06-21 Microsoft, Meta et Google font appel à leurs intelligences artificielles pour assurer le bon fonctionnement et la sécurité de leurs centres de données. Read full information on external site
Microsoft et Meta travaillent pour rendre leurs data centers plus sûrs - journaldugeek.com2022-06-20 Le metavers est encore un univers mal connu, qui manque de réglementations et où tous est questionné par notre éthique. Read full information on external site
Transtelecom gets Tier-3 certificate for its data centre - telecompaper.com2022-06-20 Kazakhstan operator Transtelecom has been awarded the Uptime Institute's Tier-3 certificate for its data centre. Read full information on external site
Microsoft And Meta Join Google In Using AI To Help Run Their Data Centers - technologytimes.pk2022-06-19 Microsoft and Meta join Google , which drive the apps, websites, and services that billions of people use every day, can be hazardous places for the workers that build and maintain them. Workers sometimes have to service a data center’s electrical equipment while it’s being energized. Read full information on external site
Pas plus de pannes, mais plus couteuses - soluxions-magazine.com2022-06-19 Salon LUptime Institure, Les Pannes De Courant Et L erreur Human sont Aujourd Huiles Princepaux Respansables Des Pannes De Data Centers. Read full information on external site
Microsoft, Meta và Google dùng AI để điều hành các trung tâm dữ liệu - laodong.vn2022-06-19 Các tập đoàn công nghệ lớn đang áp dụng công nghệ AI (trí tuệ nhân tạo) nhằm giải quyết các vấn đề về năng lượng và an toàn lao động trong trung tâm dữ liệu. Read full information on external site
Microsoft, Meta và Google dùng AI để điều hành các trung tâm dữ liệu - baogialai.com.vn2022-06-19 Các tập đoàn công nghệ lớn đang áp dụng công nghệ AI (trí tuệ nhân tạo) nhằm giải quyết các vấn đề về năng lượng và an toàn lao động trong trung tâm dữ liệu. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-06-18 Industry efforts to curb outage frequency fall short. Read full information on external site
Microsoft and Meta join Google in using AI to help run their data centers - techcrunch.com2022-06-18 Data centers, which drive the apps, websites and services that billions of people use every day, can be hazardous places for the workers that build and maintain them. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-06-18 Industry efforts to curb outage frequency fall short. Read full information on external site
Microsoft and Meta join Google in using AI to help run their data centers - au.news.yahoo.com2022-06-18 Data centers, which drive the apps, websites and services that billions of people use every day, can be hazardous places for the workers that build and maintain them. Read full information on external site
Microsoft and Meta join Google in using AI to help run their data centers - uk.finance.yahoo.com2022-06-18 Data centers, which drive the apps, websites and services that billions of people use every day, can be hazardous places for the workers that build and maintain them. Read full information on external site
Microsoft and Meta join Google in using AI to help run their data centers - dailymagazine.news2022-06-18 Data centers, which drive the apps, websites and services that billions of people use every day, can be hazardous places for the workers that build and maintain them. Read full information on external site
Microsoft and Meta join Google in using AI to help run their data centers – TechCrunch - woodzog.com2022-06-18 Data centers, which drive the apps, websites and services that billions of people use every day, can be hazardous places for the workers that build and maintain them. Read full information on external site
Microsoft y Meta se unen a Google administrando con IA sus centros de datos - laverdadnoticias.com2022-06-18 Google y Meta han optimizado los recursos y operación de sus centros de datos mediante inteligencia artificial. Read full information on external site
Microsoft, Meta to Help Google Secure Their Data Centers - techtimes.com2022-06-18 In separate reports, both tech giants Microsoft and Meta revealed that they are working on distinct ways to improve how Google protects and secures its data centers. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Don't Have To Be Water Hogs. But Even In A Record Drought, Some Still Are - bisnow.com2022-06-17 With a record drought sweeping the Southwest, the massive amount of water used to cool some data centers has come under increased scrutiny. Read full information on external site
Microsoft e Meta utilizam IA em data centers - ecommercebrasil.com2022-06-17 Os data centers são mais seguros do que costumavam ser. Mas em busca de soluções voltadas para o futuro, alguns gigantes da tecnologia dizem que estão explorando como a IA pode ser aplicada para evitar problemas de segurança. Read full information on external site
The many shades of green backup - datacenterdynamics.com2022-06-17 There are several ways to get rid of diesels - but let's not lose the bigger picture. Read full information on external site
Les pannes d'infrastructures, de plus en plus coûteuses - lemondeinformatique.fr2022-06-17 Selon l'Uptime Institute, les pannes de courant et l'erreur humaine sont les principaux responsables des pannes de datacenters et d'infrastructures ces derniers temps. Read full information on external site
BAC Credomatic El Salvador invierte $12.5 mill en data center - laprensagrafica.com2022-06-17 Es la primera empresa en el país en obtener dos certificaciones TIER 3 del Uptime Institute of Professional Services, de Estados Unidos. Read full information on external site
Les longues pannes de data centers sont de plus en plus courantes - lebigdata.fr2022-06-17 En plus de devenir plus coûteuses, les pannes de data centers sont de plus en plus longues. C’est le résultat d’une étude réalisée par Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Les longues pannes de data centers sont de plus en plus courantes - dailyadvent.com2022-06-17 En plus de devenir plus coûteuses, les pannes de data centers sont de plus en plus longues. C’est le résultat d’une étude réalisée par Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
IT Sustainability Think Tank: The circular economy in the context of the datacentre - computerweekly.com2022-06-16 With sustainability moving up the boardroom agenda, CIOs and IT managers should look to revamp their IT procurement strategies to align with the principles of the circular economy, but why and what does this mean when it comes to managing the lifecycle of their entire IT estate? Read full information on external site
Neterra opens a second data centre building in Sofia, Bulgaria - datacentre.solutions2022-06-16 The global telecom company Neterra has officially opened Sofia Data Center 2 (SDC 2) – second data center building in the capital of Bulgaria. It is located next to the company's first data center in Sofia: SDC 1. Read full information on external site
Trends, changes in data center electrical system design - csemag.com2022-06-16 Several trends are pushing the electrical and power systems in data centers in different directions. Read full information on external site
Frost and Sullivan premia a Tigo por infraestructura de última generación en su Data Center Tigo Business y por estar a la vanguardia en innovación y estrategia - lostiempos.com2022-06-16 Empresas globales como Cisco, Lumen y Zoom han sido premiadas los últimos años en diferentes categorías. Read full information on external site
Neterra opens a second data centre building in Sofia, Bulgaria - samenacouncil.org2022-06-16 The global telecom company Neterra has officially opened Sofia Data Center 2 (SDC 2) – second data center building in the capital of Bulgaria. It is located next to the company's first data center in Sofia: SDC 1. Read full information on external site
The Evolution of Data Center Management Software - datacenterfrontier.com2022-06-16 Data center infrastructure is getting more complex and distributed and you’ll need software to measure and manage new data center assets. Read full information on external site
The Evolution of Data Center Management Software - newslanes.com2022-06-16 Data center infrastructure is getting more complex and distributed and you’ll need software to measure and manage new data center assets. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр Key Point получил сертификат Tier III - iksmedia.ru2022-06-16 Дата-центр Key Point (генеральный подрядчик по проектированию и строительству компания «Свободные Технологии Инжиниринг») получил сертификат соответствия проектной документации стандарту Uptime Institute Tier Standard Operational Sustainability уровень Tier III. Read full information on external site
Frost and Sullivan premia a Tigo por infraestructura de última generación en su Data Center Tigo Business y por estar a la vanguardia en innovación y estrategia - lostiempos.com2022-06-16 Empresas globales como Cisco, Lumen y Zoom han sido premiadas los últimos años en diferentes categorías. Read full information on external site
Frost and Sullivan premia a Tigo por infraestructura de última generación en su Data Center Tigo Business y por estar a la vanguardia en innovación y estrategia - telecombol.com2022-06-15 Empresas globales como Cisco, Lumen y Zoom han sido premiadas los últimos años en diferentes categorías. Read full information on external site
Автоматизация и роботизация в дата-центрах: время пришло - iksmedia.ru2022-06-15 По уровню автоматизации и роботизации ЦОДы нередко уступают сооружениям, которые эксплуатируются в других, далеко не самых передовых отраслях. Внедрение современных методов управления и обслуживания позволит снизить затраты, повысить отказоустойчивость и энергоэффективность. Read full information on external site
Yotta launches IT Service and Asset Management Service Suite, S-Cube - crn.in2022-06-15 Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership with Bengaluru-based ITSM startup – eStomi Technologies, has launched an integrated suite of IT Service (ITSM) and Asset Management (ITAM) solution for enterprises. Read full information on external site
Hội nghị Data Center and Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2022 - Định hình tương lai số hoá tại Việt Nam – 24h.com.vn2022-06-15 Data Center and Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2022 - sự kiện quy mô lớn đầu tiên trong lĩnh vực Trung tâm dữ liệu và điện toán đám mây (Data Center and Cloud Computing) do một nhà cung cấp dịch vụ nội địa tổ chức. Read full information on external site
Hội nghị Data Center and Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2022 - Định hình tương lai số hoá tại Việt Nam – dantri.com.vn2022-06-15 Data Center and Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2022 - sự kiện quy mô lớn đầu tiên trong lĩnh vực Trung tâm dữ liệu và điện toán đám mây (Data Center and Cloud Computing) do một nhà cung cấp dịch vụ nội địa tổ chức. Read full information on external site
Định hình tương lai số tại Việt Nam: Những xu hướng hiện nay - congthuong.vn2022-06-15 Hội nghị Định hình tương lai số tại Việt Nam với sự tham gia của gần 1.000 khách mời trong và ngoài nước vừa diễn ra thành công tại Hà Nội. Read full information on external site
Định hình tương lai số tại Việt Nam: Những xu hướng hiện nay - baohomnay.com2022-06-15 Hội nghị Định hình tương lai số tại Việt Nam do Viettel IDC kết hợp cùng các đối tác công nghệ hàng đầu như: Viện chiến lược thông tin và truyền thông, - Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông, Akamai, ADCS, Arista, Chunghwa Telecom, Cloudian, Eaton, NVIDIA, Palo Alto, Uptime Institute, HPE, Vertiv, Dell Technologies …tổ chức. PGS. TS. Trần Minh Tuấn - Phó Viện trưởng phụ trách Viện Chiến lược Thông itn và Truyền thông (Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông) đã có những chia sẻ sâu sắc phản ánh bức tranh thị trường Trung tâm dữ liệu và điện toán đám mây tại Việt Nam, đồng thời nêu ra những định hướng về tương lai trong ngắn, trung và dài hạn. Read full information on external site
Định hình tương lai số tại Việt Nam: Những xu hướng hiện nay - baonhanh247.com2022-06-15 Hội nghị Định hình tương lai số tại Việt Nam với sự tham gia của gần 1.000 khách mời trong và ngoài nước vừa diễn ra thành công tại Hà Nội. Read full information on external site
Frost and Sullivan premia a Tigo por infraestructura de última generación en su Data Center Tigo Business y por estar a la vanguardia en innovación y estrategia - eju.tv2022-06-15 Empresas globales como Cisco, Lumen y Zoom han sido premiadas los últimos años en diferentes categorías. Read full information on external site
BAC Credomatic El Salvador invierte US$12.5 millones en modernización de data center - dinero.com.sv2022-06-15 BAC Credomatic El Salvador ha realizado una inversión de US$12.5 millones en la actualización de las instalaciones y equipos de su nuevo data center, o centro de datos ubicado en sus oficinas en San Marcos. Read full information on external site
El coste y la duración de las interrupciones de servicio aumentan a doble dígito - computerworld.es2022-06-15 Una nueva investigación de Uptime Institute ha alertado del aumento de los costes y de las consecuencias de la inactividad en los negocios. Los esfuerzos de la industria de TI, concluye, son insuficientes. Read full information on external site
Looking ahead: How to create a multi-year datacentre capacity plan - computerweekly.com2022-06-15 Datacentres and cloud providers without a crystal ball can make educated guesses on future requirements to right-size resources and infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Complexity leads to cloud failures. Here is the proof - computerweekly.com2022-06-14 Although we’re getting mixed reports from cloud computing providers, we now have data that suggests public cloud outages are getting worse. The Uptime Institute recently published its contingency analysis report 2022. Read full information on external site
Sequía de talento: la industria empieza a tomar medidas - datacentermarket.es2022-06-14 Existe una carencia apremiante de trabajadores cualificados en el sector TIC que en el ámbito de los data centers resulta especialmente crítica debido al actual boom de infraestructuras CPD que hay y va a haber en nuestro país. Read full information on external site
DataCenter Forum, cel mai mare eveniment dedicat industriei locale a centrelor de date, organizat de Tema Energy, a încheiat cu succes cea de a 4-a ediție - profit.ro2022-06-14 Pe 25 mai, la DataCenter Forum, organizat la Face Convention Center, București peste 350 profesioniști din domeniu - operatori de centre de date atât din sectorul privat cât și cel public, principalii furnizori globali de soluții pentru centre de date prezenți în România, reprezentanți ai organizațiilor de certificare – s-au reunit pentru a dezbate și analiza cele mai noi tendințe și soluții din industria centrelor de date. Read full information on external site
Yotta Launches IT Service and Asset Management Service Suite – S-Cube - cxotoday.com2022-06-14 S-Cube offers a highly customisable platform, ensuring workflow automation and enhanced user experiences for enterprises. Read full information on external site
Yotta Launches IT Service and Asset Management Service Suite – S-Cube - businessfortnight.com2022-06-14 S-Cube offers a highly customisable platform, ensuring workflow automation and enhanced user experiences for enterprises. Read full information on external site
Yotta launches IT service and asset management service suite, S-Cube - tele.net.in2022-06-14 Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership with eStomi Technologies, a Bengaluru-based information technology service management (ITSM) startup, has launched an integrated suite of ITSM and asset management (ITAM) solution for enterprises. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure Launches IT Service And Asset Management Solutions For Enterprises - digitalterminal.in2022-06-14 Yotta Infrastructure in partnership with Bengaluru-based ITSM startup – eStomi Technologies, has launched an integrated suite of IT Service (ITSM) and Asset Management (ITAM) solution for enterprises. Read full information on external site
Yotta Launches IT Service and Asset Management Service Suite – S-Cube - itvoice.in2022-06-14 S-Cube offers a highly customisable platform, ensuring workflow automation and enhanced user experiences for enterprises. Read full information on external site
Energieeffizienz von Rechenzentren stagniert - it-markt.ch2022-06-14 Seit 2014 machen Rechenzentren bezüglich ihrer Energieeffizienz keine nennenswerten Fortschritte mehr, sagt das Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Energieeffizienz von Rechenzentren stagniert - netzwoche.ch2022-06-14 Seit 2014 machen Rechenzentren bezüglich ihrer Energieeffizienz keine nennenswerten Fortschritte mehr, sagt das Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Complexity leads to cloud outages. Here’s the proof - techexec.com.au2022-06-14 Although we get different messages from cloud computing providers, we now have data that suggests public cloud outages are getting worse. Read full information on external site
IT Infrastructure Outages Are Getting Worse, Here’s Why - spiceworks.com2022-06-14 Despite parallel innovation, technological limits from increased cloud demands are causing system failures, with 60% of organizations reporting losses in 2022 as a result of these outages. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute reports downtime consequences worsening - datacentrereview.com2022-06-14 New findings from the Uptime Institute have suggested that the consequences of downtime are worsening, as the digital infrastructure sector struggles to reduce the severity and frequency of outages. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: Las caídas en los centros de datos siguen aumentando - cioperu.pe/articulo2022-06-14 En días pasados el Uptime Institute, la conocida organización dedicada a la creación y administración de estándares para centros de datos, publicó su más reciente "Annual outage analysis 2022” en el que analiza las causas e impactos de las 'caídas' (outage) que se han producido en los centros de datos durante el 2021 y lo que va del 2022. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute reports downtime consequences worsening - datacentrereview.com2022-06-14 New findings from the Uptime Institute have suggested that the consequences of downtime are worsening, as the digital infrastructure sector struggles to reduce the severity and frequency of outages. Read full information on external site
Complexity leads to cloud outages. Here’s the proof - technewstube.com2022-06-14 Although we get different messages from cloud computing providers, we now have data that suggests public cloud outages are getting worse. Read full information on external site
Complexity leads to cloud outages. Here’s the proof - infoworld.com2022-06-14 Complexity is a natural byproduct of a highly heterogeneous and distributed architecture. Now we better understand its impact. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute finds downtime consequences worsening as efforts to curb outage frequency fall short - dcnnmagazine.com2022-06-14 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing, according to Uptime Institute, which today released the findings of its 2022 annual Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
Digital infrastructure outages get more costly - networkworld.com2022-06-14 Power failures and human error are key culprits of data center and infrastructure outages of late, according to the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Digital infrastructure outages get more costly - channelasia.tech2022-06-14 Power failures and human error are key culprits of data center and infrastructure outages of late, according to the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
4 Reasons IT Managers Should Consider In-Row Cooling for Small and Midsize Data Centers - spiceworks.com2022-06-13 There are nearly 8,000 data centers globally as of January 2021, data from the Cloudscene reportof 110 countries reveals. Read full information on external site
How data centers can reduce their energy footprint: Energy management guidelines by Uptime Institute - dailyhostnews.com2022-06-13 Energy consumed by data centers can significantly affect the operating costs and consequential environmental impacts like greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Read full information on external site
Energy efficiency trends, changes in data centers - csemag.com2022-06-13 Several trends are pushing the energy efficiency and sustainability in data centers in different directions. Read full information on external site
Trends, changes in data center design - csemag.com2022-06-13 Several trends are pushing the engineered systems in data centers in different directions. Read full information on external site
Нетера откри втора дейта център сграда в София - todaytech.eu2022-06-13 Нетера официално откри втора дейта център сграда в София – Sofia Data Center 2 (SDC 2). Read full information on external site
Exclusive Interview with Martin McCarthy, Chief Executive Officer, Uptime Institute - expresscomputer.in2022-06-13 In an exclusive interaction, Martin McCarthy, Chief Executive Officer of Uptime Institute, shares with us the key trends impacting the data center industry, and highlights how India can become one of the most attractive hubs for data centers in the world. Read full information on external site
Los costes y las consecuencias de los tiempos de parada empeoran - datacentermarket.es2022-06-13 Un informe de Uptime Institute revela una complicada situación. Los esfuerzos de la industria para reducir la frecuencia de las interrupciones en el servicio se están quedando muy cortos. Read full information on external site
Schneider PH discusses importance of connecting with trusted managed services providers - thephilbiznews.com2022-06-12 Over the past few years, there has been a proliferation of connected vehicles, devices, equipment, and sensors, and organizations are looking for ways to securely gather the data these objects generate. Read full information on external site
Neterra opened a second data center building in Sofia, Bulgaria - globalsecuritymag.com2022-06-11 The global telecom company Neterra has officially opened Sofia Data Center 2 (SDC 2) – second data center building in the capital of Bulgaria. It is located next to the company’s first data center in Sofia: SDC 1. Read full information on external site
L'analyse des pannes pour l'annee 2022 par Uptime Institute - maurice-info.mu2022-06-11 Le secteur des infrasturctures numéiques sꞌefforce qa realiser une reduction mesurable en ce qui concerne les conseguesces financieres et les pertubations generalres dues aus pannes qui ne cessent daugmenter, selon les conclusions du rapport annuel pbulie par luptime Institure qui traite sur lanalyse des panner pour leannee 2022. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis Finds Downtime Costs and Consequences Worsening as Industry Efforts to Curb Outage Frequency Fall Short - aalmeen.com2022-06-11 New research details latest digital infrastructure failure rates, increasing outage costs and impacts, top downtime causes, and more. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric underscores importance of managed services - upgrademag.com2022-06-10 According to a study, the top industries that have adopted edge computing in the Philippines include banking and finance, education, business process outsourcing, healthcare, and retail. Read full information on external site
OVHcloud fire - is the damp inverter the smoking gun? - datacenterdynamics.com2022-06-10 We may never know what happened on March 10 2021, when SBG2 went up in flames. Read full information on external site
Нетера откри втора дейта център сграда в София - tvoite.technology2022-06-10 Тя е близо до първия център за данни на компанията в столицата и ще използва цялата вече изградена мрежа и инфраструктура. Read full information on external site
Нетера откри втора дейта център сграда в София - pixelmedia.bg2022-06-10 Тя е близо до първия център за данни на компанията в столицата и ще използва цялата вече изградена мрежа и инфраструктура. Read full information on external site
ICYMI: Our Channel News Roundup For The Week Of June 6th - publicnow.com2022-06-10 Laptops from Apple, security goodies from Bitdefender, ConnectWise, and Arctic Wolf, and a whole bunch of stuff from Schneider Electric are among the highlights from this week’s collection of news we took our sweet time telling you about. Read full information on external site
ICYMI: Our Channel News Roundup For The Week Of June 6th - channelpronetwork.com2022-06-10 Laptops from Apple, security goodies from Bitdefender, ConnectWise, and Arctic Wolf, and a whole bunch of stuff from Schneider Electric are among the highlights from this week’s collection of news we took our sweet time telling you about. Read full information on external site
Защо не намаляват сривовете на ключови ИТ системи - technews.bg2022-06-10 Прекъсванията стават все по-продължителни и по-скъпи. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - dcnnmagazine.com2022-06-10 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing, according to Uptime Institute, which has released the findings of its 2022 annual Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
New Uptime analysis highlights worsening downtime costs and consequences - itbrief.com.au2022-06-10 New data from Uptime Institute has found that downtime costs and consequences are worsening as those involved in data infrastructure fail to find ways to curb outages. Read full information on external site
New Uptime analysis highlights worsening downtime costs and consequences - cfotech.co.nz2022-06-10 New data from Uptime Institute has found that downtime costs and consequences are worsening as those involved in data infrastructure fail to find ways to curb outages. Read full information on external site
New Uptime analysis highlights worsening downtime costs and consequences - itbrief.asia2022-06-10 New data from Uptime Institute has found that downtime costs and consequences are worsening as those involved in data infrastructure fail to find ways to curb outages. Read full information on external site
New Uptime analysis highlights worsening downtime costs and consequences - cfotech.com.au2022-06-10 New data from Uptime Institute has found that downtime costs and consequences are worsening as those involved in data infrastructure fail to find ways to curb outages. Read full information on external site
New Uptime analysis highlights worsening downtime costs and consequences - datacenternews.asia2022-06-10 New data from Uptime Institute has found that downtime costs and consequences are worsening as those involved in data infrastructure fail to find ways to curb outages. Read full information on external site
New Uptime analysis highlights worsening downtime costs and consequences - cfotech.asia2022-06-10 New data from Uptime Institute has found that downtime costs and consequences are worsening as those involved in data infrastructure fail to find ways to curb outages. Read full information on external site
New Uptime analysis highlights worsening downtime costs and consequences - itbrief.co.nz2022-06-10 New data from Uptime Institute has found that downtime costs and consequences are worsening as those involved in data infrastructure fail to find ways to curb outages. Read full information on external site
Netera opened a second data center building in Sofia - tvoite.technology2022-06-10 It is close to the company's first data center in the capital and will use all the already built network and infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Vertiv exhibe sus experiencias y habilidades en el servicio de posventa - notimx.mx2022-06-09 En las empresas, un correcto mantenimiento post venta de la infraestructura crítica de IT es tan importante como la elección del equipamiento. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Data Center Sustainability report series - envnewsbits.info2022-06-09 The Uptime Institute has released a series of reports on data center sustainability. The reports are: Creating a Sustainability Strategy, Reducing the Energy Foot print and Tackling Green house gases. Read full information on external site
Sự kiện công nghệ về hạ tầng Data Center & Cloud chính thức mở cổng đăng ký - vtv.vn2022-06-09 Hội nghị Data Center & Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2022: Định hình tương lai số Việt Nam sẽ diễn ra vào ngày 14/6 tại Hà Nội. Read full information on external site
Sự kiện công nghệ về hạ tầng Data Center & Cloud chính thức mở cổng đăng ký - ictnews.vietnamnet.vn2022-06-09 Hội nghị Data Center & Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2022: Định hình tương lai số Việt Nam, do Viettel IDC phối hợp với các nhà cung cấp giải pháp công nghệ hàng đầu thế giới tổ chức tại Hà Nội vào ngày 14/06/2022 chính thức mở đăng ký miễn phí. Read full information on external site
Sự kiện công nghệ về hạ tầng Data Center & Cloud mở cổng đăng ký - cafebiz.vn2022-06-09 Hội nghị Data Center & Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2022: Định hình tương lai số Việt Nam, do Viettel IDC phối hợp với các nhà cung cấp giải pháp công nghệ hàng đầu thế giới tổ chức tại Hà Nội vào ngày 14/06/2022 chính thức mở đăng ký miễn phí. Read full information on external site
Sắp diễn ra sự kiện công nghệ 'Định hình tương lai số Việt Nam' - baonhanh247.com2022-06-09 Hội nghị Data Center & Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2022: Định hình tương lai số Việt Nam, do Viettel IDC phối hợp với các nhà cung cấp giải pháp công nghệ hàng đầu thế giới tổ chức tại Hà Nội vào ngày 14/6/2022 chính thức mở đăng ký miễn phí. Read full information on external site
L’efficacité énergétique des datacenters stagne depuis plusieurs années - ictjournal.ch2022-06-09 Selon le dernier rapport de l'Uptime Institute, l’efficacité énergétique des datacenters ne progresse plus vraiment depuis 2014. Read full information on external site
What is BCDR? Business continuity and disaster recovery guide - techtarget.com2022-06-09 Business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR) are closely related practices that support an organization's ability to remain operational after an adverse event. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric: Oferujemy kompleksowe usługi związane z wdrażaniem strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju centrów danych - itwiz.pl2022-06-09 O zmianach zachodzących na europejskim rynku centrów danych, zrównoważonym rozwoju infrastruktury data center, potrzebie zapewnienia spójnego, czytelnego i ustandaryzowanego zestawu wskaźników wspierających działania, mające na celu kompleksowe ograniczenie śladu węglowego centrów danych, a także unikalnym podejściu do jego raportowania oraz o wsparciu w zakresie projektowania i wdrażania strategii odpowiedzialnego rozwoju mówią: Francesco Quero, wiceprezes Schneider Electric na Włochy i Europę Środkowo-Wschodnią oraz Małgorzata Kasperska, wiceprezes Schneider Electric na Polskę, Czechy, Słowację oraz Ukrainę, odpowiedzialni za pion Secure Power. Read full information on external site
Giải thưởng Trung tâm dữ liệu tốt nhất Việt Nam 2022 gọi tên DC Tân Thuận - baonhanh247.com2022-06-09 Data center Tân Thuận của CMC Telecom là trung tâm dữ liệu duy nhất của Việt Nam được tạp chí Global Business Review Magazine vinh danh với giải thưởng Trung tâm dữ liệu tốt nhất Việt Nam 2022 - 'Best Data Center In Vietnam 2022'. Read full information on external site
Chuyên gia Uptime Institute: "DC của CMC là DC hiện đại nhất Việt Nam hiện nay!" - dantri.com.vn2022-06-09 Ngày 20/5/2022, CMC Telecom chính thức nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Institute về xây dựng hạ tầng Tier Certification Constructed Facility cho Data Center Tân Thuận. Đây là DC đầu tiên của Việt Nam đạt chứng chỉ TCCF sau khi vượt qua 115 bài test. Read full information on external site
Sắp diễn ra sự kiện công nghệ "Định hình tương lai số Việt Nam" - doanhnghiepvn.vn2022-06-09 Hội nghị Data Center & Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2022: Định hình tương lai số Việt Nam, do Viettel IDC phối hợp với các nhà cung cấp giải pháp công nghệ hàng đầu thế giới tổ chức tại Hà Nội vào ngày 14/6/2022 chính thức mở đăng ký miễn phí. Read full information on external site
The impact of downtime is exacerbated as the industry cannot control the outage - fuentitech.com2022-06-09 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve measurable reductions in outage rates and severity, and the economic impact and overall disruption of outages is steadily increasing. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis Finds Downtime Costs and Consequences Worsening - cioaxis.com2022-06-09 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing, according to Uptime Institute, which has released the findings of its 2022 annual Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
Downtime costs and consequences are worsening - digitalisationworld.com2022-06-09 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing, according to Uptime Institute, which today released the findings of its 2022 annual Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
2022 Outage Analysis report finds that digital infrastructure downtime costs and consequences are worsening - continuitycentral.com2022-06-09 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing, according to Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
Downtime impact worsening as industry fails to curb outages - cloudcomputing-news.net2022-06-09 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing. Read full information on external site
Czas kosztownych przestojów - computerworld.pl2022-06-09 Analiza przestojów przeprowadzona przez Uptime Institute w 2022 r. w raporcie „Outage Analysis” wykazała, że koszty i konsekwencje takich sytuacji rosną, a wysiłki branży zmierzające do ograniczenia ich częstotliwości są nieskuteczne. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis Finds Downtime Costs and Consequences Worsening as Industry Efforts to Curb Outage Frequency Fall Short - quicknews-africa.net2022-06-09 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing, according to Uptime Institute, which today released the findings of its 2022 annual Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute report finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-06-09 Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis has revealed that downtime costs and consequences are in fact worsening as industry efforts to curb outage frequency fall short. The research details latest digital infrastructure failure rates, increasing outage costs and impacts, top downtime causes and more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute report finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - intelligentcio.com/africa2022-06-09 Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis has revealed that downtime costs and consequences are in fact worsening as industry efforts to curb outage frequency fall short. The research details latest digital infrastructure failure rates, increasing outage costs and impacts, top downtime causes and more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute report finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - intelligentcio.com/apac2022-06-09 Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis has revealed that downtime costs and consequences are in fact worsening as industry efforts to curb outage frequency fall short. The research details latest digital infrastructure failure rates, increasing outage costs and impacts, top downtime causes and more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute report finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - intelligentcio.com/me2022-06-09 Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis has revealed that downtime costs and consequences are in fact worsening as industry efforts to curb outage frequency fall short. The research details latest digital infrastructure failure rates, increasing outage costs and impacts, top downtime causes and more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute report finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - intelligentcio.com/latam2022-06-09 Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis has revealed that downtime costs and consequences are in fact worsening as industry efforts to curb outage frequency fall short. The research details latest digital infrastructure failure rates, increasing outage costs and impacts, top downtime causes and more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute report finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - intelligentcio.com/eu2022-06-09 Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis has revealed that downtime costs and consequences are in fact worsening as industry efforts to curb outage frequency fall short. The research details latest digital infrastructure failure rates, increasing outage costs and impacts, top downtime causes and more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute report finds downtime costs and consequences worsening - intelligentcio.com/north-america2022-06-09 Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis has revealed that downtime costs and consequences are in fact worsening as industry efforts to curb outage frequency fall short. The research details latest digital infrastructure failure rates, increasing outage costs and impacts, top downtime causes and more. Read full information on external site
Число сбоев IT-систем с годами не уменьшается, а главной их причиной стали перебои с электропитанием - servernews.ru2022-06-09 Согласно докладу 2022 Outage Analysis Report, представленному Uptime Institute, несмотря на усилия, прилагаемые операторами информационных систем и активные инвестиции в инфраструктуру, число сбоев в IT-системах остаётся приблизительно на том же уровне, что и в прошлые годы. Read full information on external site
IT downtime not itself going down, power failures most common cause - klse.i3investor.com2022-06-09 2022 in a nutshell: Missing SLAs, failing to meet customer expectations. Read full information on external site
Vertiv exhibe sus experiencias y habilidades en el servicio de posventa - sitseller.cl2022-06-08 En las empresas, un correcto mantenimiento post venta de la infraestructura crítica de IT es tan importante como la elección del equipamiento. Read full information on external site
Optical Product Quality As A Driver Of Total Operating Costs - publicnow.com2022-06-08 High speed optical networks are always on, carrying traffic for data, video and personal communications. Read full information on external site
How to make digital infrastructure sustainable by tackling greenhouse gases: Uptime Report - dailyhostnews.com2022-06-08 The “Digital infrastructure sustainability – A manager’s guide” is a series of Uptime Institute Intelligence reports that outlines the strategies, terminologies, and approaches involved in creating an environmental sustainability strategy for data centers and guide them navigate through the challenges involved. Read full information on external site
Chuyên gia Uptime Institute: “DC của CMC là DC hiện đại nhất Việt Nam hiện nay!” - ictnews.vietnamnet.vn2022-06-08 CMC Telecom chính thức nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Institute về xây dựng hạ tầng Tier Certification Constructed Facility cho Data Center Tân Thuận. Read full information on external site
Chuyên gia Uptime Institute: “DC của CMC là DC hiện đại nhất Việt Nam hiện nay!” - ictnews.vietnamnet.vn2022-06-08 CMC Telecom chính thức nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Institute về xây dựng hạ tầng Tier Certification Constructed Facility cho Data Center Tân Thuận. Read full information on external site
IT outage rate not slowing, power most common cause - freedigitalspirit.com2022-06-08 Infrastructure operators are struggling to reduce the rate of IT outages despite improving technology and heavy investment in this area. Read full information on external site
Jak potwierdzają badania Uptime Institute, czas trwania, koszt i dotkliwość awarii centrów danych wciąż rośnie - cyberfeed.pl2022-06-08 Pomimo najlepszych wysiłków operatorów centrów danych na całym świecie w celu ograniczenia przestojów w ich obiektach, dotkliwość i finansowe skutki awarii farm serwerów nadal rosną. Read full information on external site
Length, cost and severity of datacentre outages continue to rise, Uptime Institute research confirms - computerweekly.com2022-06-08 Latest datacentre outages research from resiliency think-tank Uptime Institute confirms that downtime incidents are increasing in cost, length and severity. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis Finds Downtime Costs and Consequences Worsening as Industry Efforts to Curb Outage Frequency Fall Short - dailyadvent.com2022-06-08 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing, according to Uptime Institute, which today released the findings of its 2022 annual Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
Data centers continue to struggle with outages - betanews.com2022-06-08 The latest Outage Analysis report released by the Uptime Institute reveals that the digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Unveils 2022 Outage Analysis Findings, Revealing Rising Downtime Costs and Consequences - vmblog.com2022-06-08 The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing, according to Uptime Institute, which today released the findings of its 2022 annual Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
Uptime: Longer Data Center Outages Are Becoming More Common - datacenterfrontier.com2022-06-08 Uptime is always the prime directive for data centers. As the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, reliable digital infrastructure is more important than ever in keeping the economy connected. Read full information on external site
Digital outages becoming more severe, lasting longer - Uptime Institute - telecompaper.com2022-06-08 The digital infrastructure sector has seen a steady increase in outages, in both numbers and severity, with financial and other disruptive effects, according to Uptime Institute’s 2022 annual Outage Analysis report. Read full information on external site
IT downtime not itself going down, power failures most common cause - theregister.com2022-06-08 2022 in a nutshell: Missing SLAs, failing to meet customer expectations. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis Finds Downtime Costs and Consequences Worsening as Industry Efforts to Curb Outage Frequency Fall Short - itweb.co.za2022-06-08 New research details latest digital infrastructure failure rates, increasing outage costs and impacts, top downtime causes, and more. Read full information on external site
The Global Drive For Better Financial-sector Operational Resilience - internationalbanker.com2022-06-07 Operational resilience has always been a priority for financial-sector institutions (FSIs), but the sector’s current efforts have attracted the attention of policymakers worldwide, who are introducing new regulations to raise the bar. Read full information on external site
IT-Abteilungen brauchen ganzheitliche Kreislaufwirtschaften, um den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen - germanic.news2022-06-07 Unternehmen müssen ganzheitliche Kreislaufwirtschaften rund um ihre Geschäftstätigkeit aufbauen, um alle Emissions- und Abfallquellen anzugehen, wenn der IT-Sektor seinen zunehmenden Beitrag zum ökologischen Zusammenbruch bewältigen soll. Read full information on external site
System zasilania – kluczowy element centrum danych - itprofessional.com.pl2022-06-07 Działy utrzymania ruchu dysponują nowoczesnymi systemami, które wspierają procesy zarządzania obiektem data center oraz monitorują dystrybucję zasilania. Read full information on external site
Refurbished Hardware erhöht Ausfallsicherheit - Hochverfügbarkeit in Zeiten des Chipmangels - lanline.de2022-06-07 Generalüberholte RZ-Komponenten wahren die RZ-Hochverfügbarkeit in Zeiten des Chipmangels. Read full information on external site
Schneider and ETAP partner on electrical digital twins - venturebeat.com2022-06-07 Schneider Electric and ETAP have announced a significant partnership to simplify electrical industry digital twins to improve electrical system training and operations. Read full information on external site
Schneider and ETAP partner on electrical digital twins - businessmayor.com2022-06-07 Schneider Electric and ETAP have announced a significant partnership to simplify electrical industry digital twins to improve electrical system training and operations. Read full information on external site
The Global Drive For Better Financial-sector Operational Resilience - internationalbanker.com2022-06-07 Operational resilience has always been a priority for financial-sector institutions (FSIs), but the sector’s current efforts have attracted the attention of policymakers worldwide, who are introducing new regulations to raise the bar. Read full information on external site
Azərbaycanın İT şirkəti “Bestcomp Group”-un xaricdəki uğurları - marja.az2022-06-06 Azərbaycan şirkəti tərəfindən Tacikistanda inşa edilən Məlumat mərkəzinin açılış mərasimi keçirilib. Read full information on external site
Azərbaycanın İT şirkəti “Bestcomp Group”-un xaricdəki uğurları - oxu.az2022-06-06 Azərbaycanın informasiya texnologiyaları sektorunun aparıcı İT şirkəti “Bestcomp Group” 2020-ci ildə Tacikistan Maliyyə Nazirliyi üçün “Uptime Institute TIER III“ tələblərinə cavab verən ehtiyat Məlumat mərkəzinin (Data mərkəzinin) yaradılması və müvafiq İT infrastrukturunun quraşdırılmasını əhatə edən “Dövlət Maliyyə İdarəetmənin Müasirləşdirilməsi Layihəsi - 2” çərçivəsində Dünya Bankının keçirdiyi tenderlərin qalibi olub. Read full information on external site
Успехи Азербайджанской IT-компании Bestcomp Group за рубежом - news.day.az2022-06-06 компания в секторе информационных технологий Азербайджана "Bestcomp Group" в 2020 году победила в тендерах Всемирного Банка в рамках проекта "Управление государственными финансами, проект модернизации - 2" для Министерства Финансов Республики Таджикистан, предусматривающих создание резервного центра обработки данных (ЦОД), отвечающего требованиям Uptime Institute TIER III и установку соответствующей ИТ-инфраструктуры. Read full information on external site
Успехи азербайджанской IT-компании Bestcomp Group за рубежом - ФОТО - 1news.az2022-06-06 Ведущая IT-компания в секторе информационных технологий Азербайджана - Bestcomp Group в 2020 году победила в тендерах Всемирного банка в рамках проекта «Управление государственными финансами, проект модернизации-2» для Министерства финансов Республики Таджикистан, предусматривающих создание резервного центра обработки данных (ЦОД), отвечающего требованиям Uptime Institute TIER III, и установку соответствующей ИТ-инфраструктуры. Read full information on external site
Успехи азербайджанской IT-компании Bestcomp Group за рубежом - haqqin.az2022-06-06 Ведущая IT-компания в секторе информационных технологий Азербайджана - Bestcomp Group в 2020 году победила в тендерах Всемирного банка в рамках проекта «Управление государственными финансами, проект модернизации-2» для Министерства финансов Республики Таджикистан, предусматривающих создание резервного центра обработки данных (ЦОД), отвечающего требованиям Uptime Institute TIER III, и установку соответствующей ИТ-инфраструктуры. Read full information on external site
Успехи азербайджанской IT-компании Bestcomp Group за рубежом - ФОТО - trend.az2022-06-06 Ведущая IT-компания в секторе информационных технологий Азербайджана - Bestcomp Group в 2020 году победила в тендерах Всемирного банка в рамках проекта «Управление государственными финансами, проект модернизации-2» для Министерства финансов Республики Таджикистан, предусматривающих создание резервного центра обработки данных (ЦОД), отвечающего требованиям Uptime Institute TIER III, и установку соответствующей ИТ-инфраструктуры. Read full information on external site
Azərbaycanın İT şirkəti “Bestcomp Group”-un xaricdəki uğurları - infocity.az2022-06-06 Azərbaycanın informasiya texnologiyaları sektorunun aparıcı İT şirkəti “Bestcomp Group” 2020-ci ildə Tacikistan Maliyyə Nazirliyi üçün «Uptime Institute TIER III» tələblərinə cavab verən ehtiyat Məlumat mərkəzinin (Data mərkəzinin) yaradılması və müvafiq İT infrastrukturunun quraşdırılmasını əhatə edən “Dövlət Maliyyə İdarəetmənin Müasirləşdirilməsi Layihəsi — 2” çərçivəsində Dünya Bankının keçirdiyi tenderlərin qalibi olub. Read full information on external site
Успехи азербайджанской IT-компании Bestcomp Group за рубежом - infocity.az2022-06-06 AВедущая IT-компания в секторе информационных технологий Азербайджана Bestcomp Group в 2020 году победила в тендерах Всемирного Банка в рамках проекта «Управление государственными финансами, проект модернизации – 2» для Министерства Финансов Республики Таджикистан, предусматривающих создание резервного центра обработки данных (ЦОД), отвечающего требованиям Uptime Institute TIER III и установку соответствующей ИТ-инфраструктуры. Read full information on external site
Azərbaycanın İT şirkəti “Bestcomp Group”un xaricdəki uğurları - FOTO - fed.az2022-06-06 AAzərbaycanın informasiya texnologiyaları sektorunun aparıcı İT şirkəti “Bestcomp Group” 2020-ci ildə Tacikistan Maliyyə Nazirliyi üçün «Uptime Institute TIER III» tələblərinə cavab verən ehtiyat Məlumat mərkəzinin (Data mərkəzinin) yaradılması və müvafiq İT infrastrukturunun quraşdırılmasını əhatə edən “Dövlət Maliyyə İdarəetmənin Müasirləşdirilməsi Layihəsi - 2” çərçivəsində Dünya Bankının keçirdiyi tenderlərin qalibi olub. Read full information on external site
Improving electrical distribution with stronger partnerships - pbsionthenet.net2022-06-06 Climate change is a global threat that can’t be ignored. Governments and corporations have responded to alarming scientific reports by adopting goals to restrict global temperature rises to 1.5°C instead of 3.5°C. Read full information on external site
IT departments need holistic circular economies to fight climate change - computerweekly.com2022-06-06 With sustainability moving up the boardroom agenda, IT managers should revamp procurement strategies to align with the principles of the circular economy, but what does this mean for managing the IT lifecycle? Read full information on external site
The ultimate liquid cooling: heat rejection into water - datacenterdynamics.com2022-06-06 Dissipating data center waste heat into bodies of water, rather than the atmosphere, can provide efficiency benefits year round. Read full information on external site
Friso Haringsma is Managing Director of DataCenter United and talks about DC expansion, work culture and why local problems require local solutions - datacentremagazine.com2022-06-06 With the recent acquisition of another three Data Centres (DCs) across several regions, DataCenter United (DCU) ‒ based in Antwerp, Belgium ‒ is growing at an increasingly rapid pace. Read full information on external site
Украинский кризис и мировая отрасль дата-центров - iksmedia.ru2022-06-03 Конфликт на Украине окажет на мировую отрасль ЦОДов как краткосрочное, так и долгосрочное воздействие. Read full information on external site
«Систематика» представила сервис облачной видеоконференцсвязи - spbit.ru2022-06-03 Российский ИТ-интегратор «Систематика» представил B2B-сервис: облачную ВКС на платформе «Облако.ру». Read full information on external site
Vertiv, más que una solución para centros de datos - seguridadenamerica.com.mx2022-06-02 Seguridad en América (SEA) tuvo la oportunidad de conversar con Mariela Misiano, Service Offering Manager para Vertiv Latam, quien habló de la interrupción del servicio o caída de los sistemas en Centros de Datos e Infraestructura TI. Read full information on external site
Eficiencia energética en centros de datos: Cuando se trata de consumo eléctrico, menos es más - businessempresarial.com.pe2022-06-02 Hay muchas analogías para describir el volumen de electricidad que consumen los centros de datos: hay quienes estiman que los centros de datos de todo el mundo representan alrededor del 3% del consumo total de energía del planeta, mientras que otros comparan el consumo de energía de un centro de datos de tamaño medio con el de una pequeña ciudad. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s guidelines for creating a sustainability strategy - dailyhostnews.com2022-06-02 The global digital infrastructure authority, Uptime Institute, had previously announced a new Executive Advisory report series titled ‘Digital infrastructure sustainability – a manager’s guide’. Read full information on external site
«Систематика» представила сервис облачной видеоконференцсвязи - cnews.ru2022-06-02 Российский ИТ-интегратор «Систематика» представил B2B-сервис: облачную ВКС на платформе «Облако.ру». Read full information on external site
«Систематика» представила сервис облачной видеоконференцсвязи - content-review.com2022-06-02 Российский ИТ-интегратор «Систематика» представил B2B-сервис: облачную ВКС на платформе «Облако.ру». Read full information on external site
«Систематика» представила сервис облачной видеоконференцсвязи - iksmedia.ru2022-06-02 Российский ИТ-интегратор «Систематика» представил B2B-сервис: облачную ВКС на платформе «Облако.ру». Read full information on external site
Are Operators Ready for Green Data Center Laws? - datacenterfrontier.com2022-06-01 In this edition of Voices of the Industry, Mark Fenton, Product Manager at Future Facilities explores how a data center digital twin can help operators improve energy efficiency and, in turn, maximize data center performance. Read full information on external site
Our Green Future: Why a Digital-First World needs Zero-Carbon Data Centers - techwireasia.com2022-06-01 Data centers are an inseparable part of our digital-first consumer and industry life. Read full information on external site
Belgium has its first TIER IV Data Center - techwireasia.com2022-06-01 Data centers are an inseparable part of our digital-first consumer and industry life. Read full information on external site
Belgium has its first TIER IV Data Center - datacentremagazine.com2022-06-01 Going beyond Belgium, with eyes on FLAP. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute has launched Digital Infrastructure Sustainability - a Manager's Guide - insidenetworks.co.uk2022-06-01 For over a decade, Uptime Institute has been a leader in helping organizations become more environmentally sustainable by reducing the environmental impact of their IT infrastructure and operations. Read full information on external site
May 2022
Why diversity is essential to build the data center workforce of the future - blog.se.com2022-05-31 Why diversity is essential to build the data center workforce of the future. Read full information on external site
Innovations in Generator Land - compassdatacenters.com2022-05-31 Uptime Institute CTO, Chris Brown, talks about innovations in generator land. Read full information on external site
Podatkovni center brez učinkovitega hlajenja je recept za katastrofo - racunalniske-novice.com2022-05-27 Podatkovni centri postajajo vse pomembnejši del infrastrukture podjetij. So element, pri katerem je izrednega pomena, da vse deluje tako, kot mora, brez izpadov ali celo nepredvidenih dogodkov, ki bi lahko pomenili izgubo podatkov. Read full information on external site
Data Center Nation Milano 2022, il futuro del data center è qui - datamanager.it2022-05-26 Panel discussion di apertura, da sinistra: Sherif Rizkalla - Stack Emea - Italy, Luigi Bellani - Noovle, Fabrizio Garrone - Aruba Enterprise, Alfonso Romano - Microsoft e Luca Beltramino - Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
STIRICentrul de date din județul Dolj primește o certificare importantă - pcnews.ro2022-05-25 Centrul de date construit lângă Craiova de compania Cluster Power cu ajutorul echipei de ingineri a Tema Energy a obținut oficial acreditarea Tier III Design Accredited din partea Uptime Institute SUA. Cluster Power este primul centru de date hyper-scalabil care are capacități de inteligență artificială din România. Read full information on external site
Data Center Construction Market Size Predicted to Increase at a Positive CAGR Of 8.34% from 2022 to 2031 - digitaljournal.com2021-05-25 The data center construction market was valued at USD 20.11 billion in the year 2019 and is anticipated to reach a value of USD 32.50 billion by 2025, registering a CAGR of 8.34% during the forecast period of 2022–2031. Read full information on external site
Data centre infrastructure: Connector selection can improve interface efficiency by up to 50% - pandct.com2021-05-25 The HARTING Technology Group takes account of social megatrends such as sustainability, (de)globalisation and demographic change. Read full information on external site
Why diversity, inclusion, and education can unlock the data centre skills shortage - digitalisationworld.com2021-05-25 Marc Garner, VP, Secure Power Division, Schneider Electric UK & Ireland The data centre sector skills shortage has been documented by industry publications and research firms for almost a decade. Read full information on external site
Cluster Power Data Center Becomes The First Data Center In Romania To Achieve The World’s Most Prestigious Certification, Uptime Institute Accredited - romaniajournal.ro2021-05-25 The data center built near Craiova by Cluster Power with the help of Tema Energy’s engineering team has officially achieved Tier III Design Accredited accreditation from the US Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Data Center-ul Cluster Power devine primul centru de date din România care obține cea mai prestigioasă certificare la nivel mondial, Uptime Institute Accredited - clubitc.ro2021-05-25 Centrul de date construit lângă Craiova de compania Cluster Power cu ajutorul echipei de ingineri a Tema Energy a obținut oficial acreditarea Tier III Design Accredited din partea Uptime Institute SUA. Read full information on external site
‘STT GDC Thailand’ ร่วมมือกับ ‘BKNIX’ ตั้ง ‘STT Bangkok 1’ เป็นศูนย์เชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายระหว่างประเทศ - thaipr.net2021-05-25 เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ (ประเทศไทย) หรือ “STT GDC Thailand” ผู้นำด้านการให้บริการดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ระดับไฮเปอร์สเกล ประกาศความร่วมมือกับ บีเคนิกซ์ (BKNIX) ผู้ให้บริการศูนย์แลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลอินเทอร์เน็ต (Internet Exchange Point: IXP) ที่เป็นกลางแห่งแรกในประเทศไทย ตั้ง ‘STT Bangkok 1’ เป็นจุดการเข้าถึงอินเทอร์เน็ต (Point of Presence: PoP) ยกระดับโครงข่ายพื้นฐานเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศด้านการสื่อสารทั้งในประเทศไทยและต่างประเทศ ผลักดันประเทศไทยให้ก้าวเข้าสู่ยุคเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลอย่างสมบูรณ์แบบ. Read full information on external site
Data Center-ul Cluster Power devine primul centru de date din România care obține cea mai prestigioasă certificare la nivel mondial, Uptime Institute Accredited - prwave.ro2021-05-25 Tema Energy a asigurat proiectarea, echiparea și instalarea infrastructurii de tehnologie a data center-ului Cluster Power. Read full information on external site
Cluster Power, primul centru de date din România care obține cea mai prestigioasă certificare la nivel mondial - marketwatch.ro2021-05-25 Centrul de date construit lângă Craiova de compania Cluster Power cu ajutorul echipei de ingineri a Tema Energy a obținut oficial acreditarea Tier III Design Accredited din partea Uptime Institute SUA. Read full information on external site
Cluster Power Data Center becomes the first data center in Romania to achieve the certification Uptime Institute Accredited - techregister.co.uk2021-05-25 The data center built near Craiova by Cluster Power with the help of Tema Energy’s engineering team has officially achieved Tier III Design Accredited accreditation from the US Uptime Institute. Cluster Power is the first hyper-scalable data center with artificial intelligence capabilities in Romania. Read full information on external site
Cluster Power Data Center becomes the first data center in Romania to achieve the certification Uptime Institute Accredited - business-review.eu2021-05-25 The data center built near Craiova by Cluster Power with the help of Tema Energy’s engineering team has officially achieved Tier III Design Accredited accreditation from the US Uptime Institute. Cluster Power is the first hyper-scalable data center with artificial intelligence capabilities in Romania. Read full information on external site
Cluster Power Data Center Achieves Tier III Design Certification From Uptime Institute - romaniapress.com2021-05-25 Cluster Power Data Center Achieves Tier III Design Certification From Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
STT GDC THAILAND X BKNIX ตั้ง STT BANGKOK 1 เป็นศูนย์เชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายระหว่างประเทศ - techoffside.com2021-05-25 เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ (ประเทศไทย) หรือ “STT GDC Thailand” ผู้นำด้านการให้บริการดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ระดับไฮเปอร์สเกล ประกาศความร่วมมือกับ บีเคนิกซ์ (BKNIX) ผู้ให้บริการศูนย์แลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลอินเทอร์เน็ต (Internet Exchange Point: IXP) ที่เป็นกลางแห่งแรกในประเทศไทย ตั้ง ‘STT Bangkok 1’ เป็นจุดการเข้าถึงอินเทอร์เน็ต (Point of Presence: PoP) ยกระดับโครงข่ายพื้นฐานเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศด้านการสื่อสารทั้งในประเทศไทยและต่างประเทศ ผลักดันประเทศไทยให้ก้าวเข้าสู่ยุคเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลอย่างสมบูรณ์แบบ. Read full information on external site
Five Datacenter Predictions for 2022 - datacenter-forum.com2021-05-25 The digital infrastructure sector is booming worldwide as the edge buildout progresses and organizations continue to adapt to the effects of the pandemic. Read full information on external site
Solutions to the Data Center Staffing Crisis - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-05-24 The demand for more data has created a demand for more talent. Read full information on external site
STT GDC Thailand จับมือ BKNIX จัดตั้ง ‘STT Bangkok 1’ ศูนย์เชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายระหว่างประเทศ รองรับการขยายตัวของเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัล - thestorythailand.com2021-05-24 เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ (ประเทศไทย) หรือ “STT GDC Thailand” ผู้นำด้านการให้บริการดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ระดับไฮเปอร์สเกล ประกาศความร่วมมือกับ บีเคนิกซ์ (BKNIX) ผู้ให้บริการศูนย์แลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลอินเทอร์เน็ต (Internet Exchange Point: IXP) ที่เป็นกลางแห่งแรกในประเทศไทย ตั้ง ‘STT Bangkok 1’ เป็นจุดการเข้าถึงอินเทอร์เน็ต (Point of Presence: PoP) ยกระดับโครงข่ายพื้นฐานเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศด้านการสื่อสารทั้งในประเทศไทยและต่างประเทศ ผลักดันประเทศไทยให้ก้าวเข้าสู่ยุคเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลอย่างสมบูรณ์แบบ Read full information on external site
NVIDIA представила PCIe-ускорители A100 с интегрированным водоблоком СЖО - servernews.ru2021-05-24 Вместе с новыми референсными платформами CGX, HGX и OVX на базе собственных Arm-чипов Grace NVIDIA в рамках Computex 2022 представила и ещё одну модификацию PCIe-версии ускорителя A100 (80 Гбайт), на этот раз с предустановленным водоблоком для подключения к СЖО. Read full information on external site
‘STT GDC Thailand’ ร่วมมือกับ ‘BKNIX’ ตั้ง ‘STT Bangkok 1’ เป็นศูนย์เชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายระหว่างประเทศ - cbntchannel.com2021-05-24 เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ (ประเทศไทย) หรือ “STT GDC Thailand” ผู้นำด้านการให้บริการดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ระดับไฮเปอร์สเกล ประกาศความร่วมมือกับ บีเคนิกซ์ (BKNIX) ผู้ให้บริการศูนย์แลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลอินเทอร์เน็ต (Internet Exchange Point: IXP) ที่เป็นกลางแห่งแรกในประเทศไทย ตั้ง ‘STT Bangkok 1’ เป็นจุดการเข้าถึงอินเทอร์เน็ต (Point of Presence: PoP) ยกระดับโครงข่ายพื้นฐานเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศด้านการสื่อสารทั้งในประเทศไทยและต่างประเทศ ผลักดันประเทศไทยให้ก้าวเข้าสู่ยุคเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลอย่างสมบูรณ์แบบ Read full information on external site
La creación de un anteproyecto para la moderna (y futura) infraestructura de computación en el borde - itsitio.com2021-05-24 El ecosistema de centros de datos está evolucionando rápidamente y experimentando un crecimiento en todos los niveles y rincones de la red, con una actividad enfocada en la nube, en el borde y, cada vez más, en los recursos de nube en el borde. Read full information on external site
'STT GDC Thailand' ร่วมมือกับ 'BKNIX' ตั้ง 'STT Bangkok 1' เป็นศูนย์เชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายระหว่างประเทศ - acnews.net2021-05-24 เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ (ประเทศไทย) หรือ “STT GDC Thailand” ผู้นำด้านการให้บริการดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ระดับไฮเปอร์สเกล ประกาศความร่วมมือกับ บีเคนิกซ์ (BKNIX) ผู้ให้บริการศูนย์แลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลอินเทอร์เน็ต (Internet Exchange Point: IXP) ที่เป็นกลางแห่งแรกในประเทศไทย ตั้ง ‘STT Bangkok 1’ เป็นจุดการเข้าถึงอินเทอร์เน็ต (Point of Presence: PoP) ยกระดับโครงข่ายพื้นฐานเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศด้านการสื่อสารทั้งในประเทศไทยและต่างประเทศ ผลักดันประเทศไทยให้ก้าวเข้าสู่ยุคเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลอย่างสมบูรณ์แบบ Read full information on external site
Lagos is #1 Investment Destination City in Africa - tekedia.com2021-05-24 Lagos State recently emerged as the top destination in Africa for digital infrastructure investment, to the delight of its teeming fans. Read full information on external site
Growing Partner Revenue and Customer Satisfaction with Power Management Services - channelfutures.com2021-05-23 Although we’ve heard about edge computing for a while, growth around new use cases continues. Read full information on external site
Not Your Father’s Data Center: Innovations in Generator Land - marketscale.com2021-05-23 How did a Texas boy, who swore up and down he’d never leave Texas for Oklahoma, wind up involved with the data storage industry in Oklahoma? Read full information on external site
The Uptime Institute Approves Range Of Innovative Tier III Ready Data Centre Designs - networkseuropemagazine.com2021-05-23 A range of innovative Tier III Ready Datacentre designs have now been fully approved by the Uptime Institute. The team at Cannon Technologies working in conjunction with several OEM manufacturers, including CENTIEL UK, have spent more than three years developing a pre-certified set of solutions available in ratings of: 100kW, 250kW, 500kW and 1MW. Read full information on external site
How are data center businesses innovating to bridge the skills gap? - blog.se.com2021-05-23 Diversity has long been hailed as one of the major challenges within the tech sector, and a report from Tech Nation found that over the last two decades, the proportion of women on tech boards has remained the same, despite both a great deal of public attention, and numerous interventions at both a company and governmental level. Read full information on external site
Η Κρήτη παίρνει θέση στο χώρο των υποβρύχιων καλωδίων οπτικών ινών και των data centers - cnn.gr2021-05-21 Στον χάρτη των υποβρυχίων δικτύων οπτικών ινών αλλά και εκείνον των κέντρων δεδομένων (data centers) εισέρχεται πλέον η Κρήτη, συνεισφέροντας στην ενίσχυση της προσπάθειας της Ελλάδας να αποκτήσει πρόσβαση σε τηλεπικοινωνιακές υποδομές εξαιρετικών υψηλών ταχυτήτων. Read full information on external site
Νέες επενδύσεις από Lancom και Grid ενισχύουν την προοπτική η Ελλάδα να γίνει κόμβος μεταφοράς δεδομένων - naftemporiki.gr2021-05-20 Τη δυνατότητα να αλλάξει το «παιχνίδι» στη μεταφορά δεδομένων, τομέα με εξαιρετικά μεγάλη ανάπτυξη, προσελκύοντας επενδύσεις σε υποθαλάσσια καλώδια οπτικών ινών εκατοντάδων εκατομμυρίων, καθιστώντας την Ελλάδα κόμβο ενέχει η νέα επένδυση δημιουργίας Data Center στην Κρήτη που ανακοίνωσε η Lancom, μια αμιγώς ελληνική εταιρεία. Read full information on external site
Τέταρτο data center από τη Lancom, αυτή τη φορά στην Κρήτη - biztech.gr2021-05-20 Lancom, προχωράει στο επόμενο στάδιο του προγραμματισμένου πλάνου ανάπτυξής της και ανακοινώνει την έναρξη των διαδικασιών για την κατασκευή του τέταρτου data center, στην στην Κρήτη. Read full information on external site
Νέο Data Center στην Κρήτη από την Lancom - ictplus.gr2021-05-20 H Lancom, πρωτοπόρος εταιρεία παροχής Data Center, Cloud και Τηλεπικοινωνιακών υπηρεσιών στα Βαλκάνια, προχωράει στο επόμενο στάδιο του προγραμματισμένου πλάνου ανάπτυξής της και ανακοινώνει την έναρξη των διαδικασιών για την κατασκευή του τέταρτου Κέντρου Δεδομένων της (Data Center) στην Κρήτη. Read full information on external site
EBRC : Sébastien Genesca succède à Yves Reding - soluxions-magazine.com2021-05-20 Le 14 Aout Prochain Sébastien Genesca Reprendra Le Blambeu. Read full information on external site
The Heat is on to Reduce IT’s Carbon Footprint - cioinsight.com2021-05-19 Over the past decade, the pressure has gradually increased on data centers to take responsibility for their energy usage, and for good reason. Data centers and server rooms have been some of the biggest energy hogs around. Read full information on external site
Kao Data launches the Kao Academy - digitalisationworld.com2021-05-19 Lancom, a leading provider of Data Center, Cloud and Telecommunications services in the Balkans, has announced the start of procedures for the construction of its fourth Data Center in Crete, moving to the next stage of its planned development plan. Read full information on external site
Νέο Data Center στην Κρήτη από την Lancom - capital.gr2021-05-19 Tην έναρξη των διαδικασιών για την κατασκευή του τέταρτου Κέντρου Δεδομένων της (Data Center) στην Κρήτη ανακοίνωσε η Lancom, πρωτοπόρος εταιρεία παροχής Data Center, Cloud και Τηλεπικοινωνιακών υπηρεσιών στα Βαλκάνια, προχωρώντας στο επόμενο στάδιο του προγραμματισμένου πλάνου ανάπτυξής της. Read full information on external site
Νέο Data Center στην Κρήτη από την Lancom - itsecuritypro.gr2021-05-19 Η Lancom, πρωτοπόρος εταιρεία παροχής Data Center, Cloud και Τηλεπικοινωνιακών υπηρεσιών στα Βαλκάνια, προχωράει στο επόμενο στάδιο του προγραμματισμένου πλάνου ανάπτυξής της και ανακοινώνει την έναρξη των διαδικασιών για την κατασκευή του τέταρτου Κέντρου Δεδομένων της (Data Center) στην Κρήτη. Read full information on external site
Нетера открива новия си център за данни в София - technews.bg2021-05-19 SDC 2 е разположен на топ локация до метрото в Младост 1. Read full information on external site
Νέο Data Center στην Κρήτη από την Lancom - techgear.gr2021-05-19 Η Lancom, πρωτοπόρος εταιρεία παροχής Data Center, Cloud και Τηλεπικοινωνιακών υπηρεσιών στα Βαλκάνια, προχωράει στο επόμενο στάδιο του προγραμματισμένου πλάνου ανάπτυξής της και ανακοινώνει την έναρξη των διαδικασιών για την κατασκευή του τέταρτου Κέντρου Δεδομένων της (Data Center) στην Κρήτη. Read full information on external site
Lancom: Νέο Data Center στην Κρήτη - msn.com2021-05-19 Tην έναρξη των διαδικασιών για την κατασκευή του τέταρτου Κέντρου Δεδομένων της (Data Center) στην Κρήτη ανακοίνωσε η Lancom, πρωτοπόρος εταιρεία παροχής Data Center, Cloud και Τηλεπικοινωνιακών υπηρεσιών στα Βαλκάνια, προχωρώντας στο επόμενο στάδιο του προγραμματισμένου πλάνου ανάπτυξής της. Read full information on external site
Why a diverse and resilient workforce is essential for data centres of the future - dcnnmagazine.com2021-05-19 The data centre sector skills shortage has been well documented for almost a decade. In fact, a report published by Gartner in 2016 found 80% of firms expected to find their growth held back due to a lack of new data centre skills, with the McKinsey Global Institute predicting a global shortage of 1.5 million qualified data centre managers as early as 2015. Read full information on external site
Data centre experts discuss how they’re demonstrating a commitment to greener data centre operations - intelligentcio.com2021-05-19 Data centre executives are paying close attention to their management practices to ensure they meet their sustainability targets most effectively. Read full information on external site
Designing the data centre with the client top of mind - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-05-18 Haitham Hussien, Senior Associate ELV/ICT Engineer, AE7, discusses his involvement in some major projects, how sustainability plays a part in the design and operation of a data centre compared to some years ago, and how he works to ensure quality and construction of facility design standards. Read full information on external site
How to design and build a data center - techtarget.com2021-05-18 Designing an efficient data center is no small feat. Review data center facility and infrastructure components and different standards before you begin. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Adds Accredited Sustainability Advisor Course - bnp.omeclk.com2021-05-18 New curriculum covers critical sustainability concepts, industry trends, and regulations. Read full information on external site
FPT Smart Home ra mắt bộ công tắc cảm ứng thông minh 2022 - techsignin.com2021-05-18 Với sự lột xác về thiết kế so với phiên bản cũ cùng nhiều công nghệ mới được tích hợp, bộ sưu tập Athena do FPT Smart Home phát triển không chỉ mang đến nhiều tiện ích cho ngôi nhà thông minh, mà còn là điểm nhấn sang trọng, tinh tế cho mọi không gian. Read full information on external site
Key attributes of sustainable UPS and critical power systems - electricalreview.co.uk2021-05-18 One of the greatest challenges faced by today’s data centre operators is the need to meet the demand for reliability with minimal impact on the environment, but Marc Garner, VP Secure Power Division, Schneider Electric, UK & Ireland, has some tips for being sustainable and maintaining power continuity. Read full information on external site
Ultimele noutăți în tehnologie și centre de date se află la DataCenter Forum. Participă la singurul eveniment de profil din România, organizat de Tema Energy, pentru o lume mai bună, o țară educată și un pas inainte către inovație - profit.ro2021-05-18 Dacă, în trecut, nu toată lumea era interesată de domeniul IT, acum fiecare business are nevoie de tehnologie performantă pentru a rămâne relevant și pentru a evolua constant. Read full information on external site
The World’s Second Largest Tier IV Data Center - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-05-17 The World’s Second Largest Tier IV Data Center. Read full information on external site
Athena - bộ sưu tập công tắc cảm ứng thông minh từ FPT Smart Home - zingnews.vn2021-05-17 Lột xác về thiết kế và tích hợp công nghệ mới, bộ sưu tập Athena của FPT Smart Home không chỉ mang đến nhiều tiện ích, mà còn tạo điểm nhấn tinh tế cho ngôi nhà thông minh. Read full information on external site
FPT Smart Home ra mắt bộ công tắc cảm ứng thông minh 2022 - vnexpress.net2021-05-17 Bộ công tắc cảm ứng có thiết kế từ kính cường lực, tích hợp nhiều công nghệ, phù hợp cho không gian hiện đại được FPT Smart Home tung ra thị trường ngày 17/5. Read full information on external site
Contato Internet investe na construção de data center Tier III - arandanet.com.br2021-05-17 Unidade fica em Araranguá, SC, e será inaugurada no segundo semestre. Read full information on external site
AFCOM Potomac Launches Fifth Summer Internship Program - datacenterknowledge.com2021-05-16 H Lancom, στο πλαίσιο της συνεχούς ανάπτυξής της και λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την ενδυνάμωση και την προώθηση της νεοφυούς επιχειρηματικής κοινότητας, προχωρά σε στρατηγική συνεργασία με την δομή υποστήριξης επιχειρηματικότητας, Light Hub, η οποία αποτελεί πρωτοβουλία του Επιμελητηρίου Έβρου. Read full information on external site
Νέα συνεργασία της Lancom με τη θερμοκοιτίδα Light Hub - biztech.gr2021-05-16 The program has been expanding every year since 2018. Read full information on external site
¿Cómo funciona un data center? - latercera.com2021-05-16 Este tipo de centros tecnológicos se vuelven cada vez más necesarios. Con el incremento de información y con lo instantáneo de las comunicaciones, se ha vuelto más que relevante recurrir a estos servicios para las grandes empresas. Read full information on external site
A Sensible Path to Data Center Sustainability - datacenterfrontier.com2021-05-16 New and developing technologies like artificial intelligence and 5G are driving data center energy demand, while at the same time sustainability is top of mind for customers, who are demanding the industry reduce its energy consumption. This launches our article series on paving a sensible path to sustainable data centers. Read full information on external site
Новым генеральным директором Linxdatacenter назначен Андрей Перекрест - re-port.ru2021-05-16 В компании Linxdatacenter сменился генеральный директор. С 13 мая 2022 года компанию возглавит Андрей Перекрест – многолетний руководитель московского ЦОДа Linxdatacenter. Read full information on external site
How to choose the right data center — Vertiv - gadgetsmagazine.com.ph2021-05-14 With the increasing number of organizations putting up their data centers in the country, Vertiv, a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, says it is integral to ensure that they partner with the right service provider for their facilities to avoid downtime. Read full information on external site
疫情与数据中心产生交集,IDC运维又该何去何从?- 365master.com2021-05-13 自新冠疫情爆发以来,谷歌、微软、Facebook的云服务使用量均以倍数级大幅提升,使得服务器计算、存储和网络资源的需求急剧上升. Read full information on external site
疫情与数据中心产生交集,IDC运维又该何去何从? - doit.com.cn2021-05-13 根据自新冠疫情爆发以来,谷歌、微软、Facebook的云服务使用量均以倍数级大幅提升,使得服务器计算、存储和网络资源的需求急剧上升. Read full information on external site
5G multiplica a distribuição geográfica dos data centers e amplia os desafios de se gerir essas fábricas de dados - docmanagement.com.br2021-05-13 Por Luis Arís, Gerente de Desenvolvimento de Negócios da Paessler LATAM. Read full information on external site
T1 Cloud укрепляет партнерские отношения с DataPro - cnews.ru2021-05-13 Облачный провайдер T1 Cloud расширяет партнерские отношения с DataPro, российским оператором сети центров обработки данных. Об этом CNews сообщили представители T1. Read full information on external site
疫情与数据中心产生交集,IDC运维又该何去何从? - voipchina.cn2021-05-13 自新冠疫情爆发以来,谷歌、微软、Facebook的云服务使用量均以倍数级大幅提升,使得服务器计算、存储和网络资源的需求急剧上升。数据中心管理人员的任务是维持数据中心正常运行和提高可用性,以提供给此刻所急需的网络和计算服务。然而,数据中心管理人员对停电或极. Read full information on external site
T1 Cloud укрепляет партнёрские отношения с DataPro — osp.ru2021-05-13 Облачный провайдер T1 Cloud расширяет партнерские отношения с DataPro, российским оператором сети центров обработки данных. Read full information on external site
Data Centers of the Future: Spectra Electrical Services takes new approach at flagship Comarch facility - ecmag.com2021-05-13 A new data center in the foothills of the Superstition Mountains in Mesa, Ariz., will display cutting-edge features and provide IT services to existing customers. Read full information on external site
В Linxdatacenter назначен новый генеральный директор - tadviser.ru2021-05-13 В начале июля 2017 года Андрей Перекрест и Тарас Чирков, руководители московского и петербургского ЦОД компании Linxdatacenter соответственно, успешно завершили курс для аккредитованных специалистов по операциям Accredited Operations Specialist (AOS) Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Rhonda Ascierto, VP Research Uptime Institute: Data Center Career Pathfinder - insidedatacentre.buzzsprout.com2021-05-13 Rhonda Ascierto, VP Research Uptime Institute: Data Center Career Pathfinder. Read full information on external site
Kao Data launches STEM initiative for children - datacentrereview.com2021-05-12 Kao Data has developed the Kao Academy to engage primary and early secondary school-aged children with data centres and their role in society. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute займётся подготовкой и аккредитацией специалистов в области экологической устойчивости ЦОД - servernews.ru2021-05-12 Международный проект Uptime Institute займётся обучением сотрудников операторов дата-центров с целью подготовки специалистов, готовых эффективно взаимодействовать с регуляторами, отвечающими за экологическую безопасность проектов. Read full information on external site
Lanzan ho1a Innovación y MetroCarrier soluciones integrales en conectividad e infraestructura TI para empresas de Mexicali - elimparcial.com2021-05-11 Ciberseguridad, inteligencia artificial, comunicaciones unificadas, ciudades y edificios inteligentes, Data Center y Nube, son algunos de los servicios que ya se ofrecen en Mexicali, Baja California, a través de ho1a Innovación y MetroCarrier, empresas subsidiarias de Megacable. Read full information on external site
Kao Data launches the Kao Academy - itrportal.com2021-05-11 Kao Data, the specialist developer and operator of high-performance data centres for enterprise, cloud, HPC and AI, has launched the Kao Academy – claimed to be an industry-first science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) resource, designed to engage primary and early secondary school-aged children with the purpose and role of a data centre. Read full information on external site
Kao Data launches the Kao Academy - businessweekly.co.uk2021-05-11 Kao Data, the specialist developer and operator of high-performance data centres for enterprise, cloud, HPC and AI, has launched the Kao Academy – claimed to be an industry-first science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) resource, designed to engage primary and early secondary school-aged children with the purpose and role of a data centre. Read full information on external site
Kao Data launches the Kao Academy - dcnnmagazine.com2021-05-11 Kao Data has launched the Kao Academy – a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) resource, designed to engage primary and early secondary school-aged children with the purpose and role of a data centre. Read full information on external site
Kao Data Launches the Kao Academy: A Pioneering STEM Initiative for Children, to Drive Awareness of the Data Centre Industry - aithority.com2021-05-11 Kao Data, the specialist developer and operator of high-performance data centres for enterprise, cloud, HPC and AI, has launched the Kao Academy – an industry-first science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) resource, designed to engage primary and early secondary school-aged children with the purpose and role of a data centre. Read full information on external site
КАК ПОДКЛЮЧИТЬСЯ К УДАЛЕННОМУ РАБОЧЕМУ СТОЛУ. ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ДЛЯ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЕЙ WINDOWS - computerra.ru2021-05-11 Организовать совместную дистанционную работу и защитить данные в случае физического уничтожения устройства, можно с помощью удаленного сервера с ОС Windows. К нему можно подключиться через удаленный рабочий стол. Для этого не требуется привлечение технических специалистов. Read full information on external site
Как работать с удаленным рабочим столом - pcnews.ru2021-05-11 это программное обеспечение, с помощью которого один компьютер подключается к другому компьютеру или серверу через интернет. Установить дистанционное соединение можно не только с компьютера, но и с планшета или смартфона. Команды с устройства пользователя будут передаваться на удаленный сервер, а данные с сервера — выводиться на экране пользовательского устройства. Read full information on external site
It’s More than the Hourly Rate! - businessweekmindanao.com2021-05-11 How to choose the right data center service provider suited to your needs. Read full information on external site
Four ways digital solutions can help data centers become more sustainable - blog.se.com2021-05-10 The data center industry has long been considered a pioneer in developing new ways to increase energy efficiency and incorporate renewable energy into its energy procurement strategy. Read full information on external site
深交所南方信息技术中心1号数据中心入选2021年度国家绿色数据中心 - financeun.com2021-05-09 中国金融网讯 近日,工业和信息化部等六部委联合公告了2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单,深圳证券交易所(以下简称深交所)所属中国证券期货业南方信息技术中心(以下简称南方中心)1号数据中心成为证券期货行业唯一入选的数据中心,标志着深交所在践行国家“双碳”战略和绿色低碳转型发展方面取得新的进展,为创建低碳可持续发展的世界一流数据中心打下良好根基。Read full information on external site
非洲数据中心行业快速成长,2021年投资规模达到26.63亿美元 - baijingapp.com2021-05-09 在前段时间发布《数字非洲2022:非洲移动网络覆盖近9成人口》中,通过数据,我们可以了解到非洲是增长最快的互联网市场之一,但缺乏必要的数字基础设施。这一点无论是当地的政府还是那些巨头公司们都纷纷注意到了。Read full information on external site
Interkoneksi Gratis Biznet Data Center ke Beberapa Internet Exchange - inet.detik.com2021-05-09 Di era digitalisasi ini, sistem dan layanan digital menjadi faktor meningkatkan kepercayaan bisnis masa kini. Menurut Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), sebanyak 25% organisasi dan bisnis tidak mampu bertahan atau bankrupt setelah terjadinya bencana karena tidak memiliki skema pusat pemulihan bencana atau disaster recovery center (DRC). Read full information on external site
第二批公示!中国联通、BDx、恒云太科技、亚细通入选长三角数字新基建优秀案例 - sohu.com2021-05-09 为响应“东数西算”工程,整合多地数据中心产业链上下游资源信息,彰显区域内数字新基建领域优秀企业风采,中国IDC圈联动第十七届中国IDC产业年度大典上海站组委会,共同推出长三角数字新基建优秀案例征集活动. Read full information on external site
Grasping the opportunity to rethink the metrics of a sustainable data centre - datacenternews.asia2021-05-09 A data centre traditionally has two distinct operations teams: the Facility Operations team, and the IT Operations team. Collaboration between them is the key to defining, measuring, and delivering long-term efficiency and sustainability improvements. Read full information on external site
Yugo Neumorni, Chief Digital Officer al ClusterPower, vorbeşte marţi 10 mai, la evenimentul ZF CyberSecurity Trends, despre avantajele platformelor de cloud din perspectiva securităţii cibernetice - zf.ro2021-05-09 Yugo Neumorni, Chief Digital Officer al companiei locale ClusterPower, va discuta marţi 10 mai la evenimentul ZF CyberSecurity Trends, despre avantajele platformelor de cloud din perspectiva securităţii cibernetice. Intervenţia lui Yugo Neumorni este programată în intervalul 12,00 - 12,30. Read full information on external site
Grasping the opportunity to rethink the metrics of a sustainable data centre - itbrief.co.nz2021-05-09 A data centre traditionally has two distinct operations teams: the Facility Operations team, and the IT Operations team. Collaboration between them is the key to defining, measuring, and delivering long-term efficiency and sustainability improvements. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute estrena acreditación centrada en la sustentabilidad para profesionales de centros de datos - espanol.news2021-05-08 Uptime Institute continúa desarrollando el apoyo que puede ofrecer a los administradores y operadores de centros de datos que necesitan perfeccionar sus estrategias de sustentabilidad, con el lanzamiento de una nueva acreditación. Read full information on external site
Grasping the opportunity to rethink the metrics of a sustainable data centre - itbrief.com.au2021-05-08 A data centre traditionally has two distinct operations teams: the Facility Operations team, and the IT Operations team. Collaboration between them is the key to defining, measuring, and delivering long-term efficiency and sustainability improvements. Read full information on external site
深交所南方信息技术中心1号数据中心入选2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单 - finance.china.com.cn2021-05-07 日前,记者从深交所获悉,近日,工业和信息化部等六部委联合公告了2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单,深交所所属中国证券期货业南方信息技术中心(以下简称“南方中心”)1号数据中心成为证券期货行业唯一入选的数据中心,标志着深交所在践行国家“双碳”战略和绿色低碳转型发展方面取得新的进展,为创建低碳可持续发展的世界一流数据中心打下良好根基。Read full information on external site
How to Address Crippling Cloud Skills Shortage? - virtualizationreview.com2021-05-06 Over the past several years, we at Virtualization & Cloud Review have noticed a common theme among survey-based reports on cloud computing: the difficulty in finding skilled, talented staffers is holding back enterprise cloud initiatives across the board. Read full information on external site
南方信息技术中心入选2021年度国家绿色数据中心 - sfinance.cngold.org2021-05-06 近日,工业和信息化部等六部委联合公告了2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单,深圳证券交易所(以下简称深交所)所属中国证券期货业南方信息技术中心(以下简称南方中心)1号数据中心成为证券期货行业唯一入选的数据中心,标志着深交所在践行国家"双碳"战略和绿色低碳转型发展方面取得新的进展,为创建低碳可持续发展的世界一流数据中心打下良好根基。Read full information on external site
Qué es el DRaaS y cómo puede salvar su negocio del desastre - cioperu.pe2021-05-06 El Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) proporciona servicios de replicación, alojamiento y recuperación de datos desde la nube en caso de desastre, corte de energía, ataque de ransomeware u otra interrupción del negocio. Read full information on external site
BECLOUD ПРЕЗЕНТОВАЛ ДАТА-ЦЕНТР И ОБЛАЧНЫЕ УСЛУГИ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯМ МЕДУЧРЕЖДЕНИЙ СТОЛИЦЫ - ecopress.by2021-05-06 Руководители медицинских учреждений Минска посетили Республиканский центр обработки данных (РЦОД) becloud. Read full information on external site
Genesal Energy refuerza su apuesta por la innovación con su línea de grupos especiales para Data Centers - interempresas.net2021-05-06 Los Centros de Procesamiento de Datos (CPD) o Data Centers albergan complejos y modernos equipos informáticos, desde ordenadores hasta sistemas de almacenamiento o de red, y en este tipo de instalaciones cualquier fallo eléctrico o accidente puede ser una catástrofe al ponerse en riesgo la gran cantidad de información que manejan estos espacios tecnológicos. Los CPD siempre deben ser seguros, y su nivel de seguridad deberá ser mayor en función de la importancia de los datos que almacena. Read full information on external site
深交所南方中心1号数据中心入选2021年度国家绿色数据中心s - idcquan.com2021-05-06 L近日,工业和信息化部等六部委联合公告了2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单,深交所所属中国证券期货业南方信息技术中心(简称南方中心)1号数据中心成为证券期货行业唯一入选的数据中心,标志着深交所在践行国家“双碳”战略和绿色低碳转型发展方面取得新的进展,为创建低碳可持续发展的世界一流数据中心打下良好根基。Read full information on external site
Das Uptime Institute stellt erstmals eine nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Akkreditierung für Rechenzentrumsexperten vor - germanic.new2021-05-06 Das Uptime Institute baut mit der Einführung einer neuen Akkreditierung die Unterstützung aus, die es Rechenzentrumsmanagern und -betreibern bieten kann, die ihre Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien verfeinern müssen. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Sustainability-Focused Accreditation for Data Center Professionals - technicalripon.com2021-05-06 The Uptime Institute is building on the support it can provide to data center managers and operators who need to sharpen their sustainability strategies with the rollout of a new accreditation. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute debuts sustainability-focused accreditation for datacentre professionals - computerweekly.com2021-05-06 Uptime Institute continues to build out its education resources and support offerings for datacentre operators that want to get to grips with the changing regulatory landscape around sustainability. Read full information on external site
深交所南方中心1号数据中心 入选2021年度国家绿色数据中心 - eastmoney.com2021-05-06 近日,工业和信息化部等六部委联合公告了2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单,深交所所属中国证券期货业南方信息技术中心(简称南方中心)1号数据中心成为证券期货行业唯一入选的数据中心,标志着深交所在践行国家“双碳”战略和绿色低碳转型发展方面取得新的进展,为创建低碳可持续发展的世界一流数据中心打下良好根基。Read full information on external site
深交所南方中心1号数据中心 入选2021年度国家绿色数据中心 - stockstar.com2021-05-06 近日,工业和信息化部等六部委联合公告了2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单,深交所所属中国证券期货业南方信息技术中心(简称南方中心)1号数据中心成为证券期货行业唯一入选的数据中心,标志着深交所在践行国家“双碳”战略和绿色低碳转型发展方面取得新的进展,为创建低碳可持续发展的世界一流数据中心打下良好根基。Read full information on external site
Concerned about cloud costs? Have you tried using newer virtual machines? - knowledia.com2021-05-05 Better, faster, and more efficient chips are driving down cloud operating costs and pushing prices lower, according to research from IT infrastructure standards and advisory group, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Fare squadra per reagire allo shortage, Mascetti e l’esperienza di MAS Elettronica - italia40-plus.it2021-05-05 MAS Elettronica, realtà italiana che sviluppa risposte embedded alle necessità dei clienti, ha subito così come è stato per tutte le realtà produttive l’impatto dello shortage dei componenti hardware, generato negli ultimi due anni dall’emergenza sanitaria, dai conseguenti lockdown e complicato dalla difficoltà di reperire le materie prime. Con inoltre un mercato dove la domanda è tornata presto a crescere rapidamente. Read full information on external site
Can the data centre industry meet demand with supply chain issues? - dcnnmagazine.com2021-05-05 Faced with a shortage of people, equipment and materials, the supply chain is a notable and increasing concern for many industries – and the data centre industry is no exception. Read full information on external site
深交所南方信息技术中心1号数据中心入选2021年度国家绿色数据中心 - cs.com.cn2021-05-05 中证网讯(记者 黄灵灵)近日,工业和信息化部等六部委联合公告了2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单,深圳证券交易所(以下简称深交所)所属中国证券期货业南方信息技术中心(以下简称南方中心)1号数据中心成为证券期货行业唯一入选的数据中心,标志着深交所在践行国家"双碳"战略和绿色低碳转型发展方面取得新的进展,为创建低碳可持续发展的世界一流数据中心打下良好根基。Read full information on external site
深交所南方中心1号数据中心入选2021年度国家绿色数据中心 - sohu.com2021-05-05 近日,工业和信息化部等六部委联合公告了2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单,深交所所属中国证券期货业南方信息技术中心(简称南方中心)1号数据中心成为证券期货行业唯一入选的数据中心,标志着深交所在践行国家“双碳”战略和绿色低碳转型发展方面取得新的进展,为创建低碳可持续发展的世界一流数据中心打下良好根基。Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Adds Sustainability Track to Educational Training Offerings with Accredited Sustainability Advisor Course - vmblog.com2021-05-05 Uptime Institute announced another addition to its growing educational offerings with the launch of its new Accredited Sustainability Advisor (ASA) program. Read full information on external site
证券期货行业唯一入选 深交所南方中心获评2021年度国家绿色数据中心 - finance.sina.com.cn2021-05-05 近日,工业和信息化部等六部委联合公告了2021年度国家绿色数据中心名单,深圳证券交易所所属中国证券期货业南方信息技术中心(以下简称南方中心)1号数据中心成为证券期货行业唯一入选的数据中心,标志着深交所在践行国家“双碳”战略和绿色低碳转型发展方面取得新的进展,为创建低碳可持续发展的世界一流数据中心打下良好根基。Read full information on external site
Tier III Ready Datacentre Solutions Shortlisted For Four Major Awards - fmuk-online.co.uk2021-05-04 A range of innovative Tier III Ready Datacentre design solutions, fully approved by the Uptime Institute, have been shortlisted for four major awards. Read full information on external site
Using newer virtual machines can drive down cloud costs - dailyuknews.com2021-05-04 Better, faster, and more efficient chips are driving down cloud operating costs and pushing prices lower, according to research from IT infrastructure standards and advisory group, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Using newer virtual machines can reduce cloud costs • The Register - vmvirtualmachine.com2021-05-04 Better, faster, and more efficient chips are lowering cloud operating costs and driving prices down, according to a study by IT infrastructure standards and advisory group Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Concerned about cloud costs? Have you tried using newer virtual machines? - theregister.com2021-05-04 Study confirms AWS prices go down as you upgrade host CPU family, not up – and not so fast, GPU users. Read full information on external site
Study confirms AWS prices go down as you upgrade host CPU family, not up – and not so fast, GPU users - dailyadvent.com2021-05-04 Better, faster, and more efficient chips are driving down cloud operating costs and pushing prices lower, according to research from IT infrastructure standards and advisory group, the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Will AWS pledge to extend life of servers inspire other cloud firms to follow suit? - computerweekly.com2021-05-04 Amazon’s recent announcement to extend the useful life of its datacentre equipment has been deemed a positive decision for the cloud computing giant, but will other companies adopt this cost-saving and sustainability strategy? Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches Accredited Sustainability Advisor course to cover sustainability concepts - dailyhostnews.com2021-05-04 The global digital infrastructure authority, Uptime Institute, has announced another addition to its growing educational offerings with the launch of its new Accredited Sustainability Advisor (ASA) program. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute adds sustainability track to educational training offering - dcnnmagazine.com2021-05-04 The Uptime Institute has announced another addition to its growing educational offering with the launch of its new Accredited Sustainability Advisor (ASA) programme. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Adds Accredited Sustainability Advisor Course - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-05-03 New curriculum covers critical sustainability concepts, industry trends, and regulations. Read full information on external site
6 KLAUSIMAI, KURIUOS VERTA UŽDUOTI KOLOKACIJOS SPECIALISTAMS - kmintys.lt2021-05-03 optimizuojant visus procesus bei investuojant į modernius biurų projektus, paslauga tampa vis populiaresnė. Read full information on external site
Fixing the data centre skills shortage from the inside - datacentrereview.com2021-05-03 Data centres matter. That’s an uncontroversial statement in a publication like this, but much of the wider world is only recently beginning to grasp that fact. Read full information on external site
DORA and the data centre – new Uptime DORA research brief - techerati.com2021-05-03 The Uptime Institute has released the first in a promised series of research briefs for the data centre industry. The Institute’s initial foray analysis the potential effect of the EU’s Digital Operations Resilience Act, or DORA, on third-party data centre operators and service providers. Read full information on external site
The shock waves from Ukraine - datacenterdynamics.com2021-05-03 The Ukraine conflict and associated political and economic fallout will have short- and long-term effects on the infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
Trabajadores Esenciales y el 1º de mayo: ¿conoce a los nuevos? - thestandardcio.com2021-05-02 Los llamados “trabajadores esenciales”, en teoría, son conocidos por todos. Aquí los de reciente incorporación. Read full information on external site
1 de mayo - Día Internacional de los Trabajadores - cxo-community.com2021-05-01 Una parte importante del mundo ha experimentado la transición a una realidad de trabajo desde casa en respuesta a la pandemia, lo cual ha generado una presión anticipada en las redes que no fueron necesariamente diseñadas para soportar una fuerza laboral completamente remota. La mecánica del distanciamiento social puso a prueba los centros de datos y las instalaciones en el borde de la red de nuevas formas. Read full information on external site
Mariela Misiano, de Vervit: "En la industria TI hay muchas oportunidades y generosos salarios" - ambito.com2021-05-01 La experta administración de empresas y negocios analiza el mercado laboral de la industria de la tecnología. "En 2025 serán necesarias casi 2,3 millones de personas para gestionar los data centers de todo el mundo", aseguró. Read full information on external site
Report Says Green Data Center Market to Touch $145 Billion - knowesg.com2021-05-01 According to a survey by Verified Market Research, the value of the green data centre market is predicted to reach $145 billion by 2028 as technology usage grows and the sustainability of data centers becomes more prominent. Read full information on external site
Direct Liquid Cooling Bubbles to the Surface is an article by Lenny Simon of Uptime Institute - insidenetworks.co.uk2021-05-01 Conditions will soon be ripe for widespread use of direct liquid cooling (DLC) — a collection of techniques that uses fluid to remove heat from IT electronics instead of air — and it may even become essential. Read full information on external site
数据中心和云计算行业专题:IDC行研框架与“东数西算”空间测算 - caifuhao.eastmoney.com2021-04-24 C当前市场上的研究框架主要通过跟踪上游芯片厂商营收、服务器出货量、 海内外云计算厂商 BAT\FAMGA 资本开支等指标判断 IDC 行业景气度。芯 片公司处于产业链最上游,供货给服务器、交换机、路由器等设备商;设 备出货量提升将增加 IDC 机房需求,提升上架率水平;云计算厂商通过资 本开支采购设备、机房资源,甚至自建数据中心,为下游行业客户提供云 服务;行业客户也可直接采购设备和数据中心机房资源,满足自身业务数字化需求. Read full information on external site
April 2022
Data centres clean up act - propertyweek.com2022-04-29 Covid-19 didn’t just put people behind closed doors for the best part of two years – it put them online. Internet use exploded, with 62.5% of the global population having access to the internet by January 2022, up from just 26.6% in 2010 (DataReportal). Read full information on external site
使用物联网提高数据中心的能源效率 - sohu.com2022-04-29 减少对环境的负面影响是一项至关重要的业务,尤其是当更多的地理区域感受到气候变化的影响时。让我们来看看数据中心,以及这些设施如何利用物联网技术来提高能源效率和整体可持续性。Read full information on external site
La strategia di MAS Elettronica per lo shortage dei componenti elettronici - it.emcelettronica.com2022-04-29 I riflettori del mondo tecnologico e dei mercati emergenti sono tutti puntati sullo shortage delle materie prime, nonché dei componenti elettronici. E' possibile reagire alle problematiche legate alla scarsità di componenti elettronici? E, soprattutto, lo shortage può in qualche modo essere risolto? Cerchiamo di analizzare la situazione attuale e quelle che sono le prospettive future secondo Sandro Mascetti, CEO di MAS Elettronica. Read full information on external site
Сам себе Uptime: как сертифицировать ЦОДы в новых реалиях? "It-world.ru". 28 апреля 2022 - advis.ru2022-04-29 Если бизнесу нужна качественная услуга ЦОДа, можно отправить на площадку специалистов, которые в режиме "сам себе Uptime Institute" изучат все критически важные составляющие для работы ИТ-инфраструктуры. Взаимодействие российских компаний с глобальными организациями, сертифицирующими бизнес-процессы и технические решения, в современных условиях оказывается под угрозой. Под вопросом может оказаться проведение аттестации дата-центров по стандартам Uptime Institute – Tier и Management & Operations. Выходить из положения придется за счет внутренних отраслевых компетенций. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches a strategic and practical guide for data center sustainability - fmlink.com2022-04-29 Uptime Institute, a global digital infrastructure authority, recently announced a new Executive Advisory report series titled Digital Infrastructure Sustainability — A Manager’s Guide and released the first installment: Creating a Sustainability Strategy. Read full information on external site
#SAFreedomDAY2022: South Africa’s startups in Ghana - thebftonline.com2022-04-29 Onix DC Limited owns a carrier neutral colocation data centre, located 25Km outside of Accra which was Tier-4 certified by the Uptime Institute on 29th October, 2021. Read full information on external site
Green Data Center Market to Reach $145 Billion, Report Finds - environmentalleader.com2022-04-29 With technology use increasing and the sustainability of data centers in the spotlight, the value of the green data center market is expected to reach $145 billion by 2028, according to a report by Verified Market Research. Read full information on external site
"อุตสาหกรรมการเงิน" กับ Hyperscale Data Center ความจำเป็นในโลก Financeverse - newswit.com2022-04-28 พฤหัส ๒๘ เมษายน ๒๕๖๕ ๐๘:๕๘ STT GDC Thailand ชู 3 มาตรฐานสำคัญ "Design, Security และ Green Energy" หนุนการเติบโตและปรับขนาดธุรกิจการเงินสู่ความสำเร็จ. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers’ IRIS 2 gets recognition from Uptime Institute - techxmedia.com2022-04-28 Khazna Data Centers, the largest data center provider in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has received Tier III Constructed Facility certification from Uptime Institute for its IRIS 2 data center. Read full information on external site
Сам себе Uptime: как сертифицировать ЦОДы в новых реалиях? - it-world.ru2022-04-28 Если бизнесу нужна качественная услуга ЦОДа, можно отправить на площадку специалистов, которые в режиме «сам себе Uptime Institute» изучат все критически важные составляющие для работы ИТ-инфраструктуры. Read full information on external site
BDx NKG1----南京第一座获Uptime Institute Tier Ⅲ认证的数据中心 - sohu.com2022-04-28 BDx南京数据中心一期,位于南京市江宁区高新园,是南京第一座获Uptime Institute Tier Ⅲ认证的数据中心,同时还获得了CQC-A认证,极具质量、安全、性能保证。Read full information on external site
TELECOMLagos Tops Investment Destination List in Africa for Digital Infrastructure - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com2022-04-27 This was highlighted during a panel hosted by Digital Infra Africa where industry experts deliberated on the impact of growing investment by global players in data centers on the Continent. Read full information on external site
Lagos Tops Investment Destination In Africa For Digital Infrastructure — Experts - tribuneonlineng.com2022-04-27 The leading role Lagos is playing in driving investment was highlighted during a panel session hosted by Digital Infra-Africa, where industry experts deliberated on the impact of growing investments by global players in data centres in the continent. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centres’ IRIS 2 awarded Uptime Institute Tier-III Certification of Constructed Facility - intelligentcio.com2022-04-27 Khazna Data Centres, the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) largest data centre provider was awarded Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its IRIS 2 data centre from Uptime Institute. This certification is based on the design, facility demonstration and intended performance capacity, effectiveness, and reliability of the data centre. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centres’ IRIS 2 awarded Uptime Institute Tier-III Certification of Constructed Facility - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-04-27 Khazna Data Centres, the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) largest data centre provider was awarded Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its IRIS 2 data centre from Uptime Institute. This certification is based on the design, facility demonstration and intended performance capacity, effectiveness, and reliability of the data centre. Read full information on external site
Tier III Ready Datacenter solutions shortlisted for major awards - datacenternews.asia2022-04-27 A range of innovative Tier III Ready Datacenter design solutions, fully approved by the Uptime Institute, have been shortlisted for four major awards. Read full information on external site
Tier III Ready Datacenter solutions shortlisted for major awards - itbrief.co.nz2022-04-27 A range of innovative Tier III Ready Datacenter design solutions, fully approved by the Uptime Institute, have been shortlisted for four major awards. Read full information on external site
Tier III Ready Datacenter solutions shortlisted for major awards - itbrief.com.au2022-04-27 https://itbrief.com.au/story/tier-iii-ready-datacenter-solutions-shortlisted-for-major-awards. Read full information on external site
Lagos tops investment destination list in Africa, attracts $1b commitment - hakipensheni.blogspot.com2022-04-26 Lagos State has emerged as the top destination in Africa for digital infrastructure investment. Read full information on external site
Lagos tops Africa’s Investment Destination for Digital Infrastructure - techbuild.africa2022-04-26 This recognition of the leading role Lagos is playing in driving investment was highlighted during a panel hosted by Digital Infra Africa where industry experts deliberated on the impact of growing investment by global players in data centers on the Continent. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Report Series Looks At Digital Infrastructure Sustainability - facilityexecutive.com2022-04-26 The global digital infrastructure authority is releasing an advisory series as a practical resource for owners and operators to establish an effective sustainability strategy in their facilities. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Releases First Installment of Executive Advisory Report - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-04-26 The series to be the definitive strategic and practical guide for digital infrastructure sustainability. Read full information on external site
You Wouldn’t Park Your Maserati On The Street, Right? - publicnow.com2022-04-26 It has been a tumultuous couple of years for everyone. So much change is required to achieve future readiness and to counter global realities reshaping almost every aspect of business and operations. Read full information on external site
Claro, una empresa sustentable en sus procesos, operaciones y servicios - eluniverso.com2022-04-26 A través de inversiones consistentes, ha contribuido al desarrollo económico, social y tecnológico de Ecuador. Read full information on external site
How to choose the right data center service provider suited to your needs - mb.com.ph2022-04-26 Nowadays, organizations across all industries are increasingly embracing digital transformation to ensure business continuity and thrive amid the ‘never normal.’ Read full information on external site
Lagos Leads In Africa’s Investment Destination For Digital Infrastructure—Okpeke - businesshilights.com.ng2022-04-26 This recognition of the leading role Lagos is playing in driving investment was highlighted during a panel hosted by Digital Infra Africa where industry experts deliberated on the impact of growing investment by global players in data centers on the Continent. Read full information on external site
Lagos Tops Investment Destination List in Africa for Digital Infrastructure - techeconomy.ng2022-04-26 This recognition of the leading role Lagos is playing in driving investment was highlighted during a panel hosted by Digital Infra Africa where industry experts deliberated on the impact of growing investment by global players in data centers on the Continent. Read full information on external site
Lagos is Africa’s top destination for investment in digital Infrastructure - itedgenews.ng2022-04-26 Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial capital of over 20 million people, is Africa’s top destination for investment in digital Infrastructure, said a panel hosted by Digital Infra Africa where industry experts deliberated on the impact of growing investment by global players in data centers on the continent. Read full information on external site
Datacenters proponen un almacenamiento ágil y seguro - vistazo.com2022-04-26 A medida que la información y la hiperconectividad siguen creciendo, la gestión y manejo de los datos se vuelve más relevante, en especial para las organizaciones. Read full information on external site
Lagos tops investment destination list in Africa for digital infrastructure - theeagleonline.com.ng2022-04-26 This recognition of the leading role Lagos is playing in driving investment was highlighted during a panel hosted by Digital Infra Africa where industry experts deliberated on the impact of growing investment by global players in data centers on the continent. Read full information on external site
“อุตสาหกรรมการเงิน” กับ Hyperscale Data Center ความจำเป็นในโลก Financeverse - secretit.com2022-04-25 “ธุรกิจการเงิน” คือกระดูกสันหลังสำคัญของระบบเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลที่ปรับตัวได้อย่างโดดเด่นที่สุดในช่วงที่ผ่านมา ไม่ว่าจะเป็นธนาคาร สถาบันการเงินต่าง ๆ ฟินเทคสตาร์ทอัพ (FINTECH) หรือบริษัทที่อยู่ในธุรกิจการเทรดเงินคริปโตฯ ต่าง ๆ ข้อมูลจากเอกสาร Payment Data Indicator. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute releases digital infrastructure sustainability guide - datacentrereview.com2022-04-25 Uptime Institute has created an Executive Advisory report series, Digital infrastructure sustainability – a manager’s guide, to help owners and operators implement an effective sustainability strategy. Read full information on external site
How Data Center Management Solutions Drive Sustainability and Help Ensure a Climate-Secure World - datacenterfrontier.com2022-04-25 In this edition of Voices of the Industry, Eric Xie, Software Application Engineer for Intel Data Center Management Solutions explores the journey to data center sustainability and net zero carbon emissions, including the role that data center management solutions will play. Read full information on external site
How to choose the right data center service provider suited to your needs - upgrademag.com2022-04-25 Consequently, enterprise spending on data centers continues to grow. These facilities are at the heart of a modern enterprise, providing storage, computing, and networking resources to support various applications that drive the business. Read full information on external site
El mercado de Aire Acondicionado de Precisión en AL tendrá un crecimiento orgánico a 2024 de 7,6% - esemanal.mx2022-04-25 En 2022 se reactivan algunos proyectos y la demanda se diversifica en los sectores industrial, hospitalidad, automotriz y más. Read full information on external site
“อุตสาหกรรมการเงิน” กับ Hyperscale Data Center ความจำเป็นในโลก Financeverse - moneyandbanking.co.th2022-04-24 “ธุรกิจการเงิน” คือกระดูกสันหลังสำคัญของระบบเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลที่ปรับตัวได้อย่างโดดเด่นที่สุดในช่วงที่ผ่านมา ไม่ว่าจะเป็นธนาคาร สถาบันการเงินต่างๆ ฟินเทคสตาร์ทอัพ (FINTECH) หรือบริษัทที่อยู่ในธุรกิจการเทรดเงินคริปโตฯ ต่างๆ ข้อมูลจากเอกสาร Payment Data Indicator. Read full information on external site
อุตสาหกรรมการเงิน กับ HYPERSCALE DATA CENTER ความจำเป็นในโลก FINANCEVERSE - techoffside.com2022-04-24 อุตสาหกรรมการเงิน กับ Hyperscale Data Center ความจำเป็นในโลก Financeverse STT GDC Thailand ชู 3 มาตรฐานสำคัญ “Design, Security และ Green Energy”. Read full information on external site
数据中心和云计算行业专题:IDC行研框架与“东数西算”空间测算 - caifuhao.eastmoney.com2021-04-24 C当前市场上的研究框架主要通过跟踪上游芯片厂商营收、服务器出货量、 海内外云计算厂商 BAT\FAMGA 资本开支等指标判断 IDC 行业景气度。芯 片公司处于产业链最上游,供货给服务器、交换机、路由器等设备商;设 备出货量提升将增加 IDC 机房需求,提升上架率水平;云计算厂商通过资 本开支采购设备、机房资源,甚至自建数据中心,为下游行业客户提供云 服务;行业客户也可直接采购设备和数据中心机房资源,满足自身业务数字化需求. Read full information on external site
From the sensor to the data center - datacenterdynamics.com2022-04-23 According to Juniper Research, the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in 2021 reached 46 billion, a 200 percent increase compared to 2016. Read full information on external site
Czy centra danych powinny być dziś „fortecami” nie do zdobycia – zarówno „drogą” cyfrową jak i fizyczną? - itreseller.com.pl2022-04-22 W dobie niepokojących wydarzeń ostatnich tygodni wiele mówi się także o innym aspekcie bezpieczeństwa. Mianowicie, tego dotyczącego najcenniejszego surowca dzisiejszych czasów – informacji. Rosnąca liczba zagrożeń czy bardziej zaawansowane techniki przeprowadzania cyberataków przekonują, że centra danych powinny być dziś „fortecami” nie do zdobycia – zarówno „drogą” cyfrową jak i fizyczną. Read full information on external site
Tier III ready data centre solutions shortlisted for four major awards - dcnnmagazine.com2022-04-22 A range of innovative Tier III Ready data centre design solutions have been shortlisted for four major awards. Read full information on external site
Renuevan certificación TIER III Gold a centro de datos de Tigo en Panamás - dplnews.com2022-04-22 Uptime Institute renovó la certificación TIER III Gold en Sustentabilidad Operativa al centro de datos de Tigo Business en Ciudad del Saber, Clayton, Panamá, lo que garantiza que tiene altos protocolos de calidad y estándares de robustez y resiliencia. Read full information on external site
Tigo Panamá obtiene por 2da vez la certificación Tier III GOLD de Sustentabilidad Operativa - laestrella.com.pa2022-04-22 El Centro de Datos de Tigo Business en Ciudad del Saber es certificado nuevamente por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Tigo Panamá obtiene por 2da vez la certificación Tier III GOLD de Sustentabilidad Operativa - vidigital.com2022-04-21 El Centro de Datos de Tigo Business en Ciudad del Saber es certificado nuevamente por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Comprehensive Strategy Key to Achieving Sustainable Data Centers - environmentalleader.com2022-04-21 The sustainability and efficiency impacts of data centers remains a top concern as technology grows at a rapid pace throughout industries, and successfully managing those impacts requires a strategy that covers an organization’s entire operational and financial footprint, according to a report from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute ‘Executive Advisory’ report series is a guide for infrastructure sustainability - dcnnmagazine.com2022-04-21 The Uptime Institute has announced a new Executive Advisory report series titled ‘Digital infrastructure sustainability – a manager’s guide’ and released the first instalment: ‘Creating a sustainability strategy’. Read full information on external site
Tigo Panamá obtiene por segunda vez la certificación TIER III Gold de Sustentabilidad Operativa - panamaamerica.com2022-04-21 El Centro de Datos de Tigo Business en Ciudad del Saber fue certificado nuevamente por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter входит в топ-10 рейтинга IaaS Enterprise 2022 - re-port.ru2022-04-21 Компания Linxdatacenter вошла в топ-10 рейтинга крупнейших поставщиков услуг IaaS в России по версии CNews.Market. Read full information on external site
Comprehensive Strategy Key to Achieving Sustainable Data Centers - dailyadvent.com2022-04-21 The sustainability and efficiency impacts of data centers remains a top concern as technology grows at a rapid pace throughout industries, and successfully managing those impacts requires a strategy that covers an organization’s entire operational and financial footprint, according to a report from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Tigo Panamá obtiene por 2da vez la certificación Tier III GOLD de Sustentabilidad Operativa - newsinamerica.com2022-04-21 Panamá. Hoy en día, todas las organizaciones confían en una compleja interconexión de recursos digitales para el ciclo de vida de su negocio. Read full information on external site
It’s More than the Hourly Rate! - businessdiary.com.ph2022-04-21 Nowadays, organizations across all industries are increasingly embracing digital transformation to ensure business continuity and thrive amid the ‘never normal.’ Read full information on external site
AKSA’s Data Centre Continuous generators power Cyberfort Group’s The Bunker facility - datacentrereview.com2022-04-21 AKSA Power Generation has provided generators for the Cyberfort Group’s The Bunker data centre in Kent. Read full information on external site
Centrum danych powinno być „fortecą”? - manager24.pl2022-04-21 W dobie niepokojących wydarzeń ostatnich tygodni wiele mówi się także o innym aspekcie bezpieczeństwa. Read full information on external site
It’s More than the Hourly Rate! - orangemagazine.ph2022-04-21 How to choose the right data center service provider suited to your needs. Read full information on external site
Tigo Panamá obtiene segunda certificación Tier III GOLD - ecotvpanama.com2022-04-21 Los Centros de Datos de Tigo Business, son espacios de procesamiento de última generación que cuentan con las más prestigiosas certificaciones. Read full information on external site
“อุตสาหกรรมการเงิน” กับ Hyperscale Data Center ความจำเป็นในโลก Financeverse - cbntchannel.com2022-04-21 STT GDC Thailand ชู 3 มาตรฐานสำคัญ “Design, Security และ Green Energy” หนุนการเติบโตและปรับขนาดธุรกิจการเงินสู่ความสำเร็จ. Read full information on external site
Tigo Panamá obtiene certificación Tier III GOLD de Sustentabilidad Operativa - panama24horas.com.pa2022-04-21 Las instalaciones del Centro de Datos de Tigo Business en Ciudad del Saber, Clayton han obtenido la renovación de la certificación Tier III Gold en Sustentabilidad Operativa por parte de Uptime Institute respondiendo a altos protocolos de calidad y estándares de robustez y resiliencia. Read full information on external site
“อุตสาหกรรมการเงิน” กับ Hyperscale Data Center ความจำเป็นในโลก Financeverse - thestorythailand.com2022-04-21 “ธุรกิจการเงิน” คือกระดูกสันหลังสำคัญของระบบเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลที่ปรับตัวได้อย่างโดดเด่นที่สุดในช่วงที่ผ่านมา ไม่ว่าจะเป็นธนาคาร สถาบันการเงินต่าง ๆ ฟินเทคสตาร์ทอัพ หรือบริษัทที่อยู่ในธุรกิจการเทรดเงินคริปโทฯ ต่าง ๆ ข้อมูลจากเอกสาร Payment Data Indicator. Read full information on external site
Tigo Panamá obtiene por 2da vez la certificación Tier III GOLD de Sustentabilidad Operativa - tynmagazine.com2022-04-21 Hoy en día, todas las organizaciones confían en una compleja interconexión de recursos digitales para el ciclo de vida de su negocio. Los accionistas, directivos y las partes interesadas exigen que las inversiones en infraestructura de los Centros de Datos estén claramente definidas y respaldadas. Read full information on external site
Tigo Panamá obtiene por segunda vez la certificación TIER III Gold de Sustentabilidad Operativa - panamaamerica.com.pa2022-04-21 El Centro de Datos de Tigo Business en Ciudad del Saber fue certificado nuevamente por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Advice on digital infrastructure sustainability - digitalisationworld.com2022-04-20 In-depth series of reports gives both data centre managers and IT operating executives the playbook for building and operating sustainable, yet resilient digital infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute supports datacentre operators with honing their sustainability strategies - computerweekly.com2022-04-20 In the wake of research highlighting the patchy progress operators have made to-date on sustainability initiatives, the Uptime Institute debuts series of reports to help the datacentre sector improve its environmental standing. Read full information on external site
Landmark Uptime Institute Executive Advisory report series for Digital Infrastructure Sustainability - dailyhostnews.com2022-04-20 The global digital infrastructure authority, Uptime Institute, today announced a new Executive Advisory report series titled ‘Digital infrastructure sustainability – a manager’s guide’. Read full information on external site
How to choose the right data center service provider suited to your needs - megabites.com2022-04-20 Nowadays, organizations across all industries are increasingly embracing digital transformation to ensure business continuity and thrive amid the ‘never normal.’ Read full information on external site
It’s More than the Hourly Rate! - swirlingovercoffee.com2022-04-20 Nowadays, organizations across all industries are increasingly embracing digital transformation to ensure business continuity and thrive amid the ‘never normal.’ Read full information on external site
Die bahnbrechende Berichtsserie „Executive Advisory“ des Uptime Institute ist der eindeutige strategische und praktische Leitfaden für die Nachhaltigkeit digitaler Infrastrukturen - wallstreet-online.de2022-04-20 Das Uptime Institute, die internationale Autorität für digitale Infrastrukturen, gab heute eine neue Beratungsserie für Führungskräfte mit dem Titel „Digital infrastructure sustainability – a manager's guide“ heraus und veröffentlichte den ersten Teil: „Creating a sustainability strategy.“ Read full information on external site
Sooner or later all crypto miners will use immersion cooling - fuelsandlubes.com2022-04-20 To many, cryptocurrencies are a head-scratching investment. According to the business data platform Statista, the overall cryptocurrency market capitalisation was USD1,785 billion on February 3, 2022. Read full information on external site
6 trendów w centrach danych, które należy obserwować w 2022 - komputerwfirmie.org2022-04-20 Rynek centrów danych w Europie przeżywa rozkwit. W związku z rosnącym popytem na outsourcing IT inwestycje na Starym Kontynencie osiągają rekordowe wartości. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos ESG, el desafío de la industria en 20222 - thestandardcio.com2022-04-20 Que las empresas logren alinear sus procesos de sostenibilidad para alcanzar centros de datos ESG es una búsqueda que veremos este año. Read full information on external site
Global Data Center Cooling Market is Heating UP - dbta.com2022-04-20 The global data center cooling market forecast by investment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.64% during the period 2022-2027, according to a new report that has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. Read full information on external site
Директор по продуктам и технологиям группы Т1 Александр Рожков: «Создание национальных стандартов – необходимый фундамент для дальнейшего технологического и экономического развития страны» - spbit.ru2022-04-20 Бизнес Группы Т1, как крупной ИТ-компании в диверсифицированным портфелем, так или иначе связан со многими отраслевыми и международными стандартами. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s new report series to provide sustainability guidance - digitalinfranetwork.com2022-04-19 Uptime Institute, the global digital infrastructure authority, has announced a new Executive Advisory report series designed to provide sustainability guidance to owners and operators establishing and implementing sustainability strategies. Read full information on external site
Using IoT to Increase the Energy Efficiency of Data Centers - iotforall.com2022-04-19 Sustainability and energy efficiency are hot topics in various fields right now. Read full information on external site
'재해 복구도 클라우드 서비스 시대' DRaaS의 이해와 선택지원문보기 - ciokorea.com2022-04-19 서비스형 재해 복구(Disaster Recovery as a Service, DRaaS)는 재해와 정전, 랜섬웨어 공격, 기타 비즈니스 장애가 발생하면 클라우드에서 데이터 복제, 호스팅, 복구 서비스를 제공한다.원문보기: Read full information on external site
Lo shortage dei componenti elettronici si può risolvere? L’opinione di Mas Elettronica - elettronicanews.it2022-04-19 Nel corso degli ultimi due anni, il comparto industriale ha toccato con mano la situazione di incertezza che si è venuta a creare a causa dell’approvvigionamento dei materiali. Read full information on external site
6 trendów w centrach danych, które należy obserwować w 2022 - di.com.pl2022-04-19 Rynek centrów danych w Europie przeżywa rozkwit. W związku z rosnącym popytem na outsourcing IT inwestycje na Starym Kontynencie osiągają rekordowe wartości. Read full information on external site
数据中心和云计算行业专题:IDC行研框架与“东数西算”空间测算 - sohu.com2022-04-19 受益于移动互联网发展、物联网连接数增加、传统企业数字化转型等因素, 云计算行业规模增长迅速,过去 5 年 CAGR 30%以上。阿里云、腾讯云、 华为云等国内头部云计算厂商均未单独拆分上市. Read full information on external site
6 trendów w centrach danych, które należy obserwować w 2022 - ceo.com.pl2022-04-19 Rynek centrów danych w Europie przeżywa rozkwit. W związku z rosnącym popytem na outsourcing IT inwestycje na Starym Kontynencie osiągają rekordowe wartości. Read full information on external site
6 trendów w centrach danych, które należy obserwować w 2022 - di.com.pl2022-04-19 Rynek centrów danych w Europie przeżywa rozkwit. W związku z rosnącym popytem na outsourcing IT inwestycje na Starym Kontynencie osiągają rekordowe wartości. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Executive Advisory Report Series is the Definitive Guide for Digital Infrastructure Sustainability - vmblog.com2022-04-19 Uptime Institute announced a new Executive Advisory report series titled "Digital infrastructure sustainability - a manager's guide" and released the first installment: "Creating a sustainability strategy." Read full information on external site
Новые рекомендации ASHRAE – вызов энергоэффективности - iksmedia.ru2022-04-19 Пятое издание рекомендаций ASHRAE помимо того, что при определении допустимого теплового режима в ЦОДах предлагает учитывать загрязнение воздуха, предписывает эксплуатировать ИТ-оборудование для высокоплотных вычислений при более низкой температуре. Read full information on external site
数据中心和云计算行业专题:IDC行研框架与“东数西算”空间测算 - t.cj.sina.com.cn2022-04-18 当前市场上的研究框架主要通过跟踪上游芯片厂商营收、服务器出货量、 海内外云计算厂商 BAT\FAMGA 资本开支等指标判断 IDC 行业景气度。Read full information on external site
“재해 복구도 클라우드 서비스 시대" DRaaS의 이해와 선택지원문보기 - itworld.co.kritworld.co.kr2022-04-18 서비스형 재해 복구(Disaster Recovery as a Service, DRaaS)는 재해와 정전, 랜섬웨어 공격, 기타 비즈니스 장애가 발생하면 클라우드에서 데이터 복제, 호스팅, 복구 서비스를 제공한다. 원문보기 Read full information on external site
数据中心升级前的 11 个关键注意事项 - casicloud.com2022-04-18 云部署和SaaS产品已经将许多工作负载部署移出了数据中心。然而,本地数据中心仍然承载着受法律限制的工作负载和数据,这些工作负载和数据太重要、太敏感或不切实际,无法信任外部供应商。这意味着数据中心的成功升级在很大程度上依赖于此。Read full information on external site
Customizzazione, l’arma vincente per affrontare il chip shortage. La visione di Mas Elettronica - industriaitaliana.it2022-04-15 Riceviamo e pubblichiamo integralmente un articolo di Sandro Mascetti, ceo di Mas Elettronica, sulla carenza di componenti. Read full information on external site
Come Reagire Alle Problematiche Legate Allo Shortage Dei Componenti - industria-online.com2022-04-15 MAS Elettronica, italianissima realtà impegnata nel fornire la risposta embedded alle necessità del cliente, ha subito l’impatto dello shortage, ma da questa esperienza ha imparato come reagire con prontezza attraverso le tecnologie la propria professionalità e con l’affinamento della visione dei mercati. Read full information on external site
What is DRaaS and how it can save your business from disaster - networkworld.com2022-04-14 Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) enables companies of all sizes to safely backup their data in the cloud and quickly recover from a natural disaster, cyberattack or unplanned outage. Read full information on external site
Crisi dei componenti hardware: serve un piano B - itismagazine.it2022-04-14 MAS Elettronica ha mitigato gli effetti della crisi dei componenti hardware assicurando continuità produttiva e rispondendo a tutte le richieste della clientela. Read full information on external site
Как Google планира да използва 100% безвъглеродна енергия в своите центрове за данни до 2030 г. - infostock.bg2022-04-14 Центровете за данни на Google по целия свят използват около два пъти повече електроенергия от Сан Франциско. Read full information on external site
From Energy Star to DEEP: Making Data Centers More Efficient - datacenterknowledge.com2022-04-14 Looking at the recent history of green IT with sustainability expert Andrew Fanara. Read full information on external site
Womanthology podcast episode 38: Women in Technology - womanthology.co.uk2022-04-13 Welcome to the thirty-eighth episode of the Womanthology podcast. The theme of the show is Women in Technology. We are joined by Amber Villegas Williamson, senior technical consultant at Uptime Institute and Laura Allwood, trainee project manager at Arcadis. Read full information on external site
Preparing Data Centers to Weather the Storm - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-04-13 Natural disasters and extreme conditions are increasing in frequency. Read full information on external site
MainOne to expand MDXI, its DC business across West Africa - subtelforum.com2022-04-13 MainOne has announced plans to expand its data center business, MDXI into new territories across West Africa with a target to build new facilities in three new locations including Sagamu, Nigeria; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire in addition to an ongoing expansion of its Lekki Data Centre in Lagos, Nigeria. Read full information on external site
Matías Tombolini recibió a Marco Lavagna y supervisaron el proceso del Censo 2022 - panchodicri.com2022-04-13 El presidente de ARSAT y el titular del INDEC se reunieron a raíz del trabajo coordinado entre ambas instituciones, en relación al procesamiento de datos que se realiza en el Data Center de la empresa. En el primer mes, ya completaron el formulario 1.6 millones de viviendas. Read full information on external site
Tombolini y Lavagna supervisaron el proceso del Censo 2022 en la Estación Terrena de Benavídez - grupolaprovincia.com2022-04-12 "Los datos de las y los ciudadanos están seguros en nuestro Centro Nacional de Datos", dijo el titular de Arsat. Read full information on external site
Demystifying Data Center Complexity - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-04-12 Approaches for creating smarter data centers. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers achieves Tier-III certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres - intelligentcio.com2022-04-12 Khazna Data Centers, one of the UAE’s largest data centre providers, has achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers achieves Tier-III certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-04-12 Khazna Data Centers, one of the UAE’s largest data centre providers, has achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - elmetropolitanodigital.com2022-04-12 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
Des études affirment le retour des entreprises vers les data centers privés - lebigdata.fr2022-04-12 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
MainOne to expand MDXI, its data center business across West Africa - benjamindada.com2022-04-11 AFCOM et Uptime Institute rapportent le retour des entreprises vers les infrastructures classiques avec des outils d’administration automatisés. Le but de cette transition vers le data centers privés est d’éviter les cloud publics. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - itseller.cl2022-04-11 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Esta está acelerando la propagación de los modelos de negocio Ambientales, Sociales y Gubernamentales (ESG) y los proyectos asociados dentro de la industria brasileña de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
Data Center Specialization May Be Factor In Slow Crisis Response - rtinsights.com2022-04-11 The specialization of many data center job fields may be slowing down the response time in crisis, especially in cases with poor team communication. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - lanotaeconomica.com.co2022-04-10 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Esta está acelerando la propagación de los modelos de negocio Ambientales, Sociales y Gubernamentales (ESG) y los proyectos asociados dentro de la industria brasileña de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
How resources-efficient are LatAm datacenters? - bnamericas.com2022-04-08 Energy and water efficiency is pressuring industries that are intensive in the use of those resources, in addition to being at the top of the sustainability and ESG agenda of shareholders and investment funds. Read full information on external site
Acronis apre a Roma il suo primo Cloud Data Center italiano - it.bfn.today2022-04-08 Crescono in Italia gli investimenti strategici di Acronis, che oltre all’apertura del Cloud Data Center di Acilia si appresta al varo dei nuovi uffici a Milano, al rafforzamento del team e al potenziamento dell’ecosistema dei partner, soprattutto in d. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower opens the largest data center in Romania - nineoclock.ro2022-04-08 ClusterPower officially opened on April 1, 2022 the largest data center in Romania, in Mischii, Dolj County. The value of the project was estimated at about EUR 40 million. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - itnews.lat2022-04-08 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
The Human Element: Tools to Improve Data Center Management - datacenterfrontier.com2022-04-08 Alarm fatigue, root cause analysis and human error: It’s time to explore new tools to improve data center management with predictive and prescriptive solutions. Read full information on external site
APJII dan Biznet Gelar Indonesia Internet Exchange di Luar Jakarta - medcom.id2022-04-07 Jakarta: Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet (APJII) dan PT Dinamika Raya Prima atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Biznet Data Center (BDC), anak perusahan Biznet, melakukan kerja sama strategis dengan meluncurkan simpul Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX) terbaru yang terletak di Biznet Technovillage Cimanggis dengan jarak 39 kilometer dari pusat Kota Jakarta. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower opens the largest data center in Romania - outsourcing-today.ro2022-04-07 ClusterPower a inaugurat oficial pe data de 1 aprilie 2022 cel mai mare centru de date din România, în Mischii, județul Dolj. Valoarea proiectului a fost estimată la aproximativ 40 de milioane de euro. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower inaugurează prima unitate a celui mai mare centru de date construit în România - dailybusiness.ro2022-04-07 ClusterPower officially opened on April 1, 2022 the largest data center in Romania, in Mischii, Dolj County. The value of the project was estimated at about EUR 40 million. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - diarioestrategia.cl2022-04-07 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
Acronis apre a Roma il suo primo Cloud Data Center italiano - channelcity.it2022-04-07 Crescono in Italia gli investimenti strategici di Acronis, che oltre all’apertura del Cloud Data Center di Acilia si appresta al varo dei nuovi uffici a Milano, al rafforzamento del team e al potenziamento dell’ecosistema dei partner, soprattutto in direzione service provider. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - gadgerss.com2022-04-07 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
With Most Data Centers Not Measuring Carbon Emissions, New SEC Rules Could Be Uphill Battle - bisnow.com2022-04-07 The new green disclosure rules the Securities and Exchange Commission released last month could present a major challenge for a data center industry that — despite its massive power consumption — has a long way to go to fully track its carbon footprint. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - channelnewsperu.com2022-04-06 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
Reducing business risk in a data-centric economy: Five challenges effective digital strategy can address - businessnews.com.au2022-04-06 Building digital resilience to reduce business resk maintain business continuity. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - emprefinanzas.com.mx2022-04-06 Es el gerente de ventas para centros de datos en Vertiv Brasil. En este puesto, analiza las necesidades de los clientes y cómo satisfacerlas por medio de las soluciones adecuadas de infraestructura inteligente e integrada de Vertiv. Read full information on external site
Des études affirment le retour des entreprises vers les data centers privés - dailyadvent.com2022-04-12 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - libretadeapuntes.com2022-04-06 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022d - itnews.lat2022-04-06 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
Data center alinhado ao modelo ESG: grande desafio para o setor em 2022 - segs.com.br2022-04-05 A disrupção vivida nos últimos dois anos deixou clara a profunda interdependência entre as pessoas. Read full information on external site
Data center alinhado ao modelo ESG: grande desafio para o setor em 2022 - decisionreport.com.br2022-04-05 Para estar em conformidade com o ESG, o data center precisa passar por transformações culturais e técnicas, tornando-se mais transparente para o mercado. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: Un enorme desafío para la industria en 2022 - notimx.mx2022-04-05 La perturbación global ocasionada por las restricciones de la pandemia en los dos últimos años ha acrecentado la profunda interdependencia entre las personas. Read full information on external site
Data center alinhado ao modelo ESG: grande desafio para o setor em 2022 - aredacao.com.br2022-04-05 A disrupção vivida nos últimos dois anos deixou clara a profunda interdependência entre as pessoas. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos alineados con los modelos ESG: desafío para la industria en 2022 - esemanal.mx2022-04-05 A disrupção vivida nos últimos dois anos deixou clara a profunda interdependência entre as pessoas. Read full information on external site
Data center alinhado ao modelo ESG: grande desafio para o setor em 2022 - jornalempresasenegocios.com.br2022-04-05 Por Robson Pacheco, gerente de ventas para centros de datos en Vertiv Brasil. Read full information on external site
Direct liquid cooling bubbles to the surface - datacenterdynamics.com2022-04-04 Direct liquid cooling has enormous potential if the industry can get the chemistry right. Read full information on external site
APJII dan Biznet Data Center Hadirkan Layanan IIX Pertama di Luar Jakarta - biskom.web.id2022-04-04 Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet (APJII) dan PT Dinamika Raya Prima atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Biznet Data Center (BDC), anak perusahan Biznet yang fokus menyediakan layanan infrastruktur dan fasilitas data center, sepakat untuk melakukan kerja sama strategis dengan meluncurkan simpul Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX) terbaru yang terletak di Biznet Technovillage Cimanggis dengan jarak 39 kilometer dari pusat Kota Jakarta. Read full information on external site
The time is now: Edge datacentres come of age - computerweekly.com2022-04-04 After years of hype and speculation, could the post-pandemic period see a resurgence in interest in the build-out of edge datacentres and compute environments as enterprises look to dust off projects that Covid-19 forced them to shelve? Read full information on external site
Los centros de datos perimetrales alcanzan la mayoría de edad - espanol.news2022-04-04 El inicio de la pandemia del coronavirus Covid-19 condujo a un aumento en la demanda de capacidad de centro de datos perimetral en algunos mercados verticales, al mismo tiempo que tuvo un efecto paralizante en las tasas de adopción e implementación de configuraciones de computación distribuida en otros. Read full information on external site
Data center alinhado ao modelo ESG: grande desafio para o setor em 2022 - partnersales.com.br2022-04-04 A disrupção vivida nos últimos dois anos deixou clara a profunda interdependência entre as pessoas. Read full information on external site
Data center alinhado ao modelo ESG: grande desafio para o setor em 2022 - inforchannel.com.br2022-04-04 A disrupção vivida nos últimos dois anos deixou clara a profunda interdependência entre as pessoas. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter представила финансовые итоги 2021 года - content-review.com2022-04-04 Рост выручки за 2021 год в сегменте облачного направления бизнеса составил 20% относительно прошлогоднего показателя. Таким образом, второй год подряд Linxdatacenter существенно наращивает реализацию облачных продуктов и сервисов. Read full information on external site
APJII dan Biznet Data Center Luncurkan Layanan IIX di Luar Jakarta - selular.id2022-04-03 Keduanya meluncurkan simpul Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX) terbaru yang terletak di Biznet Technovillage Cimanggis dengan jarak 39 kilometer dari pusat Kota Jakarta. Read full information on external site
APJII dan Biznet Luncurkan Layanan Indonesia Internet Exchange Pertama di Luar Jakarta - suara.com2022-04-03 Keduanya meluncurkan simpul Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX) terbaru yang terletak di Biznet Technovillage Cimanggis dengan jarak 39 kilometer dari pusat Kota Jakarta. Read full information on external site
The five big trends powering tomorrow’s data center - datacenterdynamics.com2022-04-02 Data4’s Olivier de Nomazy examines the driving forces that will shape the future of the data center. Read full information on external site
Data centers might finally be forced to use liquid cooling - datacenterdynamics.com2022-04-01 Data centers won't use liquid cooling till they have to. Could that time be near? Read full information on external site
Kolaborasi APJII dan Biznet Data Center Hadirkan Indonesia Internet Exchange Pertama di Luar Jakarta - wartakota.tribunnews.com2022-04-01 Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet (APJII) dan PT Dinamika Raya Prima atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Biznet Data Center (BDC), melakukan kerja sama strategis dengan meluncurkan simpul Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX) terbaru yang terletak di Biznet Technovillage Cimanggis dengan jarak 39 kilometer dari pusat Kota Jakarta. Read full information on external site
Biznet Luncurkan Indonesia Internet Exchange Pertama di Luar Jakarta Berita - infokomputer.grid.id2022-04-01 Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet (APJII) dan PT Dinamika Raya Prima atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Biznet Data Center (BDC), melakukan kerja sama strategis dengan meluncurkan simpul Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX) terbaru yang terletak di Biznet Technovillage Cimanggis dengan jarak 39 kilometer dari pusat Kota Jakarta. Read full information on external site
Le récap’ de l’Actu IT : de l’hybride chez Cisco, du Retail chez Snowflake, du Poly chez HP…2 - informatiquenews.fr2022-04-01 Chaque Vendredi, la rédaction d’InformatiqueNews vous donne rendez-vous pour son émission InfoNews Hebdo qui fait le tour de l’actualité IT de la semaine écoulée. Cette semaine on parle cloud hybride chez Cisco, cloud sectoriel chez Snowflake, échanges USA/Europe, impact des API et rachat de Poly… Read full information on external site
Tres predicciones de centros de datos para 2022 - datacentermarket.es2022-04-01 Rafael Serrano, Uptime Institute senior consultant nos ofrece en este artículo, su interesante visión sobre lo que nos deparará el mercado de centros de datos estos próximos meses. Read full information on external site
APJII dan Biznet Data Center Hadirkan Indonesia Internet Exchange Pertama di Luar Jakarta - beritasatu.com2022-04-01 Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet (APJII) dan PT Dinamika Raya Prima atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Biznet Data Center (BDC), melakukan kerja sama strategis dengan meluncurkan simpul Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX) terbaru yang terletak di Biznet Technovillage Cimanggis dengan jarak 39 kilometer dari pusat Kota Jakarta. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower a inaugurat cel mai mare centru de date din România, conectat cu 750 de centre de date din lume - zf.ro/zf-242022-04-01 Compania românească ClusterPower, înfiinţată în 2019 de antreprenorii Cosmin Georgescu, Vladimir Ester şi Carmen Ursa Georgescu, a inaugurat astăzi campusul care va număra cinci centre de date ce vor conecta România la marile centre de date din lume, într-un proiect cu o valoare iniţială de aproape 40 de milioane de euro care va fi finalizat în 2025. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute approves range of innovative Tier III-ready data centre designs - electricalreview.co.uk2022-04-01 A range of innovative Tier III-ready data centre designs have now been fully approved by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Ampliaciones y más centros de datos: firmas preparan millonarias inversiones en la región - jec.cl2022-04-01 Se prevé que la demanda por almacenamiento en la nube suba 30% en tres años. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower a inaugurat cel mai mare centru de date din România, conectat cu 750 de centre de date din lume - mediafax.ro2022-04-01 Compania românească ClusterPower, înfiinţată în 2019 de antreprenorii Cosmin Georgescu, Vladimir Ester şi Carmen Ursa Georgescu, a inaugurat astăzi campusul care va număra cinci centre de date ce vor conecta România la marile centre de date din lume, într-un proiect cu o valoare iniţială de aproape 40 de milioane de euro care va fi finalizat în 2025. Read full information on external site
5 kriterijai ieškantiems saugaus fizinio serverio talpinimo - aidas.lt2022-04-01 Kuriate kone neribotų išteklių ir padidinto saugumo reikalaujantį skaitmeninį projektą? Read full information on external site
APJII dan Biznet Data Center Luncurkan Layanan IIX Pertama di Luar Jakarta - republika.co.id2022-04-01 Asosiasi Penyedia Jasa Internet (APJII) dan PT Dinamika Raya Prima atau biasa dikenal dengan Biznet Data Center (BDC) untuk melakukan kerja sama strategis. Keduanya meluncurkan simpul Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX) terbaru yang terletak di Biznet Technovillage Cimanggis dengan jarak 39 km dari pusat Kota Jakarta. Read full information on external site
March 2022
Hosting Solutions: la Newsletter di Marzo 2022 - internetpost.it2022-03-31 Torniamo a pubblicare la consueta Newsletter di Hosting Solutions, questa volta relativa alle novità del mese di Marzo 2022. Per approfondire tutti gli argomenti vi invitiamo ad andare nella sezione Novità del sito ufficiale dell’azienda. Read full information on external site
Grüne Rechenzentren: Halten Anbieter ihre Versprechen? - computerweekly.com2022-03-31 Betreiber von Rechenzentren reden viel, wenn es darum geht, ihre Unternehmen als besonders nachhaltig darzustellen. Es bleibt aber noch viel zu tun, sagen Experten. Read full information on external site
French colocation data centre employs digital twin technology - techerati.com2022-03-31 The new Thésée data centre facility on the outskirts of Paris is not only certified as Tier IV by the Uptime Institute – it also employs a 6Sigma Digital Twin. Read full information on external site
Apre a Roma il nuovo Cloud Data Center di Acronis - lineaedp.it2022-03-31 Acronis ha annunciato l’apertura del nuovo Cloud Data Center in Italia, ospitato nella struttuta romana di Noovle, cloud company Gruppo TIM. Read full information on external site
Tier 3 vs. Tier 4 Data Centers: Is The Latter Worth The Extra Investment? - ETCIO.com2022-03-31 The argument on whether enterprises really need Tier 4 data centers still continues. Some in the industry feel that there isn’t a real need for a Tier 4 Data Center and that the costs involved in the installation may not be worth the advantages of it. Read full information on external site
British Airways passengers suffer flight delays due to another IT glitch affecting London Heathrow - computerweekly.com/news2022-03-30 Several weeks on from another systems outage that prompted it to cancel hundreds of short-haul flights, British Airways’ IT systems have been hit by another glitch Read full information on external site
Equinix: We bought Entel data centers because of growth in Chile and Peru - datacenterdynamics.com2022-03-30 Amet Novillo, managing director of Equinix Mexico, discusses the purchase of four facilities from the LatAm telco. Read full information on external site
Acronis: nuovo Data Center in Italia ospitato da Noovle (could company TIM) - storage-backup.com2022-03-30 Acronis annuncia l’apertura ufficiale di un nuovo Acronis Cloud Data Center in Italia, a Roma. Read full information on external site
Acronis annuncia l’apertura del nuovo Cloud Data Center in Italia - bitcity.it2022-03-30 Il nuovo data center offrirà ai Service Providers una gamma completa di soluzioni di protezione informatica da proporre ai propri clienti per un accesso più rapido e una disponibilità e un controllo costante e puntuale dei dati. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers achieves Tier-III certiftcatio ... - telecompaper.com2022-03-30 UAE-based Khazna Data Centers has achieved the Uptime ... Read full information on external site
Облака-2022: устойчивость на всех уровнях - iksmedia.ru2022-03-29 Помимо злободневных вопросов импортозамещения и взрывного масштабирования российских облаков повестка очередной, уже 11-й конференции Cloud & Digital Transformation, проведенной «ИКС-Медиа», включала в себя всегда актуальные темы устойчивости и безопасности. Read full information on external site
3年内全球超大规模数据中心数量将超过1000个 - jifang360.com2022-03-29 而市场调研公司 Synergy Research Group 最新发布的超大规模数据中心市场报告预测也显示,为了支持其不断扩张的业务运营,超大规模运营商运营的大型数据中心数量正持续快速增长。 Read full information on external site
Cloud, Acronis battezza a Roma il suo primo data center italiano - corrierecomunicazioni.it2022-03-29 Le piattaforme ospitate nell’hub di Noovle che mette a disposizione un’infrastruttura certificata sul fronte della resilienza e della sicurezza fisica Read full information on external site
Acronis apre un nuovo datacenter cloud in Italia - tribunatreviso.gelocal.it2022-03-29 La nuova struttura di Roma è la prima di questo tipo che l’azienda di cybersecurity apre nel nostro Paese. Servirà a garantire la localizzazione nazionale dei dati per i clienti italiani Read full information on external site
Acronis apre un nuovo datacenter cloud in Italia - repubblica.it2022-03-29 La nuova struttura di Roma è la prima di questo tipo che l’azienda di cybersecurity apre nel nostro Paese. Servirà a garantire la localizzazione nazionale dei dati per i clienti italiani Read full information on external site
La sicurezza integrata dei Data Center di Acronis arriva anche in Italia - edge9.hwupgrade.it2022-03-29 Acronis decide di aprire un suo nuovo Data Center nel nostro paese. Un riconoscimento per l'importanza che l'Italia ha per Acronis. Una struttura completamente nuova gestita da Noovle. Ecco come è fatto. Read full information on external site
Acronis annuncia l’apertura del nuovo Cloud Data Center in Italia - ilcorrieredellasicurezza.it2022-03-29 Acronis, leader globale nella Cyber Protection, annuncia oggi l’apertura ufficiale di un nuovo Acronis Cloud Data Center in Italia, e più precisamente a Roma. Read full information on external site
Acronis trova casa a Roma nel data center di Noovle - ictbusiness.it2022-03-29 La società specializzata in backup e cybersicurezza ha annunciato la sua prima infrastruttura collocata in Italia, ospitata all’interno del data center Tier IV di Noovle. Read full information on external site
Acronis apre un nuovo datacenter cloud in Italia - worldmagazine.it2022-03-29 Acronis, multinazionale svizzera della Cyber Protection, ha annunciato oggi l’apertura di un nuovo Acronis Cloud Data Center a Roma. Il nuovo centro ha lo scopo di velocizzare e ottimizzare l’accesso ai dati per i provider di servizi di cybersicurezza che offrono soluzioni Acronis ai propri clienti. Read full information on external site
Les entreprises remettent leur SI dans des datacenters - lemagit.fr2022-03-29 elon les rapports des cabinets AFCOM et Uptime Institute, les entreprises réinvestissent dans des infrastructures en propre avec l’appui d’outils d’administration automatisés qui réduisent l’intérêt du cloud public. Read full information on external site
Acronis apre un nuovo datacenter cloud in Italia - lastampa.it2022-03-29 La nuova struttura di Roma è la prima di questo tipo che l’azienda di cybersecurity apre nel nostro Paese. Servirà a garantire la localizzazione nazionale dei dati per i clienti italiani. Read full information on external site
La sicurezza integrata dei Data Center di Acronis arriva anche in Italia - italianpress.eu2022-03-29 Acronis annuncia oggi lapertura ufficiale di un nuovo Acronis Cloud Data Center in Italia, e pi precisamente a Roma. Read full information on external site
How to Prevent Downtime on Your WordPress Website - elegantthemes.com2022-03-28 There are innumerable reasons why you want to prevent website downtime. No matter what platform or host you choose, it’s crucial for your website to always be functional and accessible. Read full information on external site
3年内全球超大规模数据中心数量将超过1000个 - gkzhan.com2022-03-28 AFCOM还报告称,与前几年相比,2021年有更多公司将自动化和人工智能集成到数据中心生态系统中,以创建更智能、自主的系统。随着机架密度的增加,分布式系统、多租户和超大规模的设置也变得更加流行。 Read full information on external site
Datacenter United opent eerste ‘Tier IV constructed’ datacenter in België - datacenterworks.nl2022-03-28 Datacenter United, Belgische aanbieder van hoogwaardige datacenterdiensten op zes locaties in België, heeft zopas voor het nieuwe Antwerpse datacenter een ‘Tier IV constructed facility’-certificaat ontvangen van het Amerikaanse Uptime Institute. In het voorjaar van 2021 ontving het bedrijf al het ‘Tier IV design’-certificaat. Read full information on external site
Quels indicateurs environnementaux pour les datacenters? - alliancy.fr2022-03-28 Forte intensité énergétique, importante consommation d’eau… Les datacenters sont des structures à part, souvent pointées du doigt en raison de leur empreinte environnementale. Read full information on external site
3年内全球超大规模数据中心数量将超过1000个 - 199it.com2022-03-28 根据数据中心行业协会 (AFCOM) 的一项研究,近 60% 的企业领袖报告称,2021 年他们开始远离公共云,转而支持托管和私人数据中心。 Read full information on external site
IDC温控赛道谁主沉浮?- cnfin.com 2022-03-28 “东数西算”工程正式全面启动,温控系统作为数据中心产业链必不可少的环节,受益于IDC建设,需求有望上升。A股三家核心精密空调概念股包括英维克、依米康和佳力图,近年来逐渐演绎出不同的发展路径。 Read full information on external site
In elf Schritten zum erfolgreichen Data Center Upgrade - computerweekly.com2022-03-25 Rechenzentrums-Upgrades sind aufwändig, aber oft unvermeidbar. Wir erklären, welche Schritte nötig sind, um eine Rechenzentrumserweiterung so reibungslos wie möglich zu gestalten. Read full information on external site
The Uptime Institute approves range of Tier III-ready data centre designs - datacentrereview.com2022-03-25 A range of innovative Tier III-ready data centre designs have been fully approved by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
The Uptime Institute approves Tier III ready data centre designs - digitalisationworld.com 2022-03-25 A range of innovative Tier III Ready Datacentre designs have now been fully approved by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Sage and FDM Group ‘most exposed’ to climate risk - techmonitor.ai2022-03-25 Analysis by XDI identifies the UK-listed tech companies that are most exposed to extreme weather events. Read full information on external site
Études : les entreprises remettent leur SI dans des datacenters - lemagit.fr 2022-03-25 Selon les rapports des cabinets AFCOM et Uptime Institute, les entreprises réinvestissent dans des infrastructures en propre avec l’appui d’outils d’administration automatisés qui réduisent l’intérêt du cloud public. Read full information on external site
Automated incident management and remediation drive organizational resiliency - dynatrace.com 2022-03-25 With automated incident management capabilities now woven into its IT, Dynatrace customer Parker Hannifin has reduced system outages and recovery time. Read full information on external site
Mitsubishi Heavy rolls out diesel generators for malls, offices - gulfindustryonline.com2022-03-24 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine and Turbocharger (MHIET), a part of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group, has introduced its new MGS-R Series of diesel generator sets mainly developed to support the growing needs of the digital economy, primarily targeting data centers across Asian and Middle Eastern markets. Read full information on external site
Estos son los beneficios en sostenibilidad al implementar el modelo ‘como servicio’ - guapacho.com2022-03-24 Agilitix, compañía especializada en servicios y soluciones de computación en la nube y transformación digital, presentó hoy las seis razones para cambiarse al modelo ‘como servicio’ y lograr la sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
Entel vende sus Data Centers a Equinix en US$ 736 millones - infoweek.biz2022-03-24 En medio del proceso de enajenación de activos que no pertenecen a su negocio principal Entel anunció que acordó la venta de sus data center en Chile y Perú al proveedor regional de servicios de infraestructura digital estadounidense Equinix, en una operación valorada en US$ 736 millones. Read full information on external site
从概念、指标、标准这3方面了解所谓的数据中心。- sohu.com 2022-03-24 即互联网数据中心,是为政府、企业/Internet内容提供商(ICP)等各类网站提供规模大、质量高、安全水平高的机房空间租用、服务器空间占用及托管、网络带宽批发等业务的中心。 Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers Achieves Tier-III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 Data Centers - godubai.com2022-03-24 Khazna Data Centers, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) largest data center provider achieved the Uptime Institute's Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centers. Read full information on external site
Datacenter United premier centre de données certifié « niveau IV » en Belgique. - channelbelgium.be2022-03-24 Le fournisseur belge de services de centres de données, répartis sur six sites en Belgique, vient de recevoir le certificat « Tier IV constructed facility » pour son nouveau centre d'Anvers. Une garantie en termes de redondance. Read full information on external site
The Uptime Institute approves range of Tier III ready data centre designs - dcnnmagazine.com2022-03-24 A range of innovative Tier III ready data centre designs have now been fully approved by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Dezvoltatorul român de centre de date Tema Energy se listează la Bursă în primul semestru al anului - marketwatch.ro2022-03-24 Tema Energy, cel mai mare dezvoltator român de centre de date, cu afaceri de 8,75 milioane de euro anul trecut, se listează în primul semestru al anului 2022 la Bursa de Valori București. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy se listează la Bursa de Valori București - revistabiz.ro2022-03-24 Tema Energy, cel mai mare dezvoltator român de centre de date, cu afaceri de 8,75 milioane de euro anul trecut, se listează în primul semestru al anului 2022 la Bursa de Valori București. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy, the largest Romanian data center developer, will be listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange - business-review.eu2022-03-24 Tema Energy, the largest Romanian data center developer, with a turnover of 8.75 million euros last year, will be listed in the first half of 2022 on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Read full information on external site
Equinix celebra el Día Internacional del Data Center destacando la labor de los trabajadores del sector - datacentermarket.es2022-03-24 Según Uptime Institute, el personal necesario para gestionar los data centers de todo el mundo pasará de unos 2 millones a casi 2,3 millones en 2025. Read full information on external site
Firmă IT cu afaceri de 8,7 milioane euro vrea să se tranzacționeze pe Bursa de la București - startupcafe.ro2022-03-24 Compania românească Tema Energy, specializată în centre de date, cu afaceri de 8,75 milioane de euro în 2021, vrea să se listeze la Bursa de Valori București, până la finalul lunii iunie 2022. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy se listează la Bursa de Valori București în primul semestru al anului - clubitc.ro2022-03-24 Tema Energy, cel mai mare dezvoltator român de centre de date, cu afaceri de 8,75 milioane de euro anul trecut, se listează în primul semestru al anului 2022 la Bursa de Valori București. Read full information on external site
Are Nuclear-Powered Data Centers on the Horizon? - datacenterfrontier.com2022-03-24 Nuclear-powered data centers? The idea may not be as far-fetched as was long thought. The global effort to slow climate change is making progress, but still trails the benchmarks that scientists say are needed to forestall dramatic changes in weather and environment. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy, cel mai mare dezvoltator român de centre de date, se listează la Bursa de Valori București în primul semestru al anului - economistul.ro2022-03-24 Tema Energy, cel mai mare dezvoltator român de centre de date, cu afaceri de 8,75 milioane de euro anul trecut, se listează în primul semestru al anului 2022 la Bursa de Valori București. Read full information on external site
Tema Energy, cel mai mare dezvoltator român de centre de date, se listează la Bursa de Valori București - economica.net2022-03-24 Tema Energy, cel mai mare dezvoltator român de centre de date, cu afaceri de 8,75 milioane de euro anul trecut, se listează în primul semestru al anului 2022 la Bursa de Valori București. Read full information on external site
Colombia recibe certificación internacional por Data Center Titanium - portafolio.co 2022-03-24 El centro de datos de Tigo recibió por segunda vez consecutiva la Certificación en Operación Sostenible Tier III nivel Gold. Read full information on external site
Colombia | Recibe certificación internacional por Data Center Titanium - ruscable.blogspot.com2022-03-24 El centro de datos de Tigo recibió por segunda vez consecutiva la Certificación en Operación Sostenible Tier III nivel Gold. Read full information on external site
UAE’s Khazna Data Centers achieves Tier-III certification for Apollo 5, Apollo 6 datacentres - ec-mea.com2022-03-24 Khazna Data Centers, UAE’s largest data center provider achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centers. Read full information on external site
Gtd invertirá USD20 millones en un centro de datos en Barranquilla - elheraldo.co2022-03-24 La proyección de la compañía es que al 2025 al menos un 15 % de sus ingresos vengan de la región Caribe, con más del 30 % de su actividad comercial. Read full information on external site
6 reasons to switch to the 'as a service' model and achieve sustainability - supermexicanos.com2022-03-23 Agilitix , a company specializing in cloud computing and digital transformation services and solutions, today presented the seven reasons to switch to the 'as a service' model and achieve sustainability. Read full information on external site
Security Starts with the Connector as Data Center Cabling is Reaching New Dimensions - newspatrolling.com2022-03-23 Five thousand FO ports in one cabinet, how can you hope to keep track of everything? Data center cabling is reaching new dimensions. This world can no longer be managed by hand, using a laptop and tables. Read full information on external site
Security Starts with the Connector as Data Center Cabling is Reaching New Dimensions - itvoice.in2022-03-23 Five thousand FO ports in one cabinet, how can you hope to keep track of everything? Data center cabling is reaching new dimensions. Read full information on external site
Türkiye’nin jeneratör markası Aksa, müşterilere özel çözümlerini dünyaya tanıtıyor - ekovitrin.com2022-03-23 Türkiye’nin lider jeneratör markası Aksa Jeneratör, mart ayı içerisinde Londra, İstanbul ve Dubai’de düzenlenen fuarlarda dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen alanında uzman kişiler ve iş insanlarıyla bir araya geldi. Read full information on external site
Aksa Jeneratör ziyaretçileri ile bir araya geldi - petroturk.com2022-03-23 Aksa Jeneratör, mart ayı içerisinde Londra, İstanbul ve Dubai’de düzenlenen fuarlarda dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen alanında uzman kişiler ve iş insanlarıyla bir araya geldi. Read full information on external site
TÜRKİYE’NİN JENERATÖR MARKASI AKSA, MÜŞTERİLERE ÖZEL ÇÖZÜMLERİNİ DÜNYAYA TANITIYOR - insaatyatirim.com2022-03-23 Türkiye’nin lider jeneratör markası Aksa Jeneratör, mart ayı içerisinde Londra, İstanbul ve Dubai’de düzenlenen fuarlarda dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen alanında uzman kişiler ve iş insanlarıyla bir araya geldi Read full information on external site
Aksa Jeneratör Müşteriye özel çözümlerle... - enerjiekonomisi.com2022-03-23 Aksa Jeneratör, mart ayı içerisinde Londra, İstanbul ve Dubai’de düzenlenen fuarlarda dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen alanında uzman kişiler ve iş insanlarıyla bir araya geldi. Read full information on external site
‘Aksa’ Londra, Dubai ve İstanbul’da Düzenlenen Organizasyonlara Katıldı - enerjigazetesi.ist2022-03-23 Aksa Jeneratör, Mart ayı içerisinde Londra, İstanbul ve Dubai’de düzenlenen fuarlarda dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen alanında uzman kişiler ve iş insanlarıyla bir araya geldi. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centres achieves Tier-III certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-03-23 Khazna Data Centres, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) largest data centre provider has achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centres achieves Tier-III certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres - intelligenttechchannels.com2022-03-23 Khazna Data Centres, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) largest data centre provider has achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres. Read full information on external site
Türkiye’nin jeneratör markası Aksa, müşterilere özel çözümlerini dünyaya tanıtıyor - beyazhaberajansi.com2022-03-23 Türkiye’nin lider jeneratör markası Aksa Jeneratör, mart ayı içerisinde Londra, İstanbul ve Dubai’de düzenlenen fuarlarda dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen alanında uzman kişiler ve iş insanlarıyla bir araya geldi. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centres achieves Tier-III certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres - intelligentcio.com2022-03-23 Khazna Data Centres, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) largest data centre provider has achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centres. Read full information on external site
International Data Center Day: The Careers Building Our Digital Future - datacenterfrontier.com2022-03-23 It's International Data Center Day, a celebration of careers in digital infrastructure and cloud computing. Read full information on external site
Addressing the Data Center Workforce Challenge - thefastmode.com2022-03-23 As the world becomes increasingly digitized and interconnected, data centers continue to play an increasingly critical role in business and everyday life. Read full information on external site
Türkiye’nin jeneratör markası Aksa, müşterilere özel çözümlerini dünyaya tanıtıyor - kpmedya.net2022-03-23 Das Geschäft mit dem Datenstandort Schweiz boomt. Und der Konkurrenzkampf geht in die nächste Runde. Read full information on external site
Türkiye’nin jeneratör markası Aksa, müşterilere özel çözümlerini dünyaya tanıtıyor - kobipostasi.net2022-03-23 Das Geschäft mit dem Datenstandort Schweiz boomt. Und der Konkurrenzkampf geht in die nächste Runde. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers Achieves Tier-III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 Data Centers - albawaba.com2022-03-23 Khazna Data Centers, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) largest data center provider achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centers. Read full information on external site
Türkiye’nin jeneratör markası Aksa, müşterilere özel çözümlerini dünyaya tanıtıyor - kobipostasi.net2022-03-23 Türkiye’nin lider jeneratör markası Aksa Jeneratör, mart ayı içerisinde Londra, İstanbul ve Dubai’de düzenlenen fuarlarda dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen alanında uzman kişiler ve iş insanlarıyla bir araya geldi. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers Achieves Tier-III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 Data Centers - albawaba.com2022-03-23 Khazna Data Centers, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) largest data center provider achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 5 and Apollo 6 data centers. Read full information on external site
Türkiye’nin jeneratör markası Aksa, müşterilere özel çözümlerini dünyaya tanıtıyor - cevrimicihaber.com2022-03-23 Türkiye’nin lider jeneratör markası Aksa Jeneratör, mart ayı içerisinde Londra, İstanbul ve Dubai’de düzenlenen fuarlarda dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen alanında uzman kişiler ve iş insanlarıyla bir araya geldi. Read full information on external site
Tigo Business: Soluciones Digitales alojadas en la nube - estrategiaynegocios.net2022-03-23 Data Center Evolution de Tigo Business es el primero Certificado por el Uptime Institute Como Tier III con fines comerciales y ofrece servicios diferenciados a pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas. Read full information on external site
Premier Datacenter Tier Iv Constructed En Belgique - solutions-magazine.com2022-03-23 Datacenter united est la première entreprise à ouvrir un centre de données avoekc un certificat constructed facility de niveau iv en belgique. Les raisons de cet investissement. Read full information on external site
Tigo's Titanium Data Center receives international certification - elheraldo.co2022-03-23 Only two data centers in Colombia have this certification. Read full information on external site
¡Histórico! Colombia recibe certificación internacional por Data Center Titanium de Tigo - lanotaeconomica.com.co2022-03-23 Tan sólo siete países de Latinoamérica cuentan con centros de datos certificados en Operación Sostenible Tier III nivel Gold Read full information on external site
6 razones para cambiarte al modelo ‘como servicio’ y lograr la sostenibilidad - ayacnet.com2022-03-23 Agilitix, compañía especializada en servicios y soluciones de computación en la nube y transformación digital, presentó hoy las siete razones para cambiarse al modelo ‘como servicio’ y lograr la sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Data Center Career Pathfinder Resource - facilityexecutive.com 2022-03-23 With support from Google, Meta, and Microsoft, the Institute has launched an online tool listing hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
Why Career Opportunities Abound in the Data Center Industry - equinix.com2022-03-22 Industry celebrates workers on International Data Center Day while ramping up talent acquisition and training Read full information on external site
How to address the rising shortage of data center skillsets - dqindia.com2022-03-22 The world is currently going through an explosion of data. Demand for data centers is also huge and continues to experience new highs. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter получила аккредитацию Минцифры России - cnews.ru2022-03-22 Linxdatacenter получила государственную аккредитацию Министерства цифрового развития России в реестре организаций, осуществляющих деятельность в области ИТ. Новый статус позволит компании эффективно работать на рынке облачных сервисов для госсектора. Read full information on external site
Weighing up the nuclear option for powering datacentres - computerweekly.com2022-03-22 Resourcing energy-hungry IT through the race to reduce carbon emissions means looking objectively at all the options, including nuclear power Read full information on external site
Geo- und Betriebsredundanzen für stabile Rechenzentrums-Umgebungen und Systeme - storageconsortium.de2022-03-22 Darauf sollten Unternehmen und Rechenzentrumsbetreiber achten; Kühlung und Stromversorgung sind laut Datacenter One entscheidend... Read full information on external site
Компания Linxdatacenter получила аккредитацию Минцифры России - re-port.ru2022-03-22 Linxdatacenter получила государственную аккредитацию Министерства цифрового развития России в реестре организаций, осуществляющих деятельность в области ИТ. Read full information on external site
Khu Công nghệ cao có Trung tâm dữ liệu tiêu chuẩn Tier III+ - nongnghiep.vn2022-03-21 Ban Quản lý Khu Công nghệ cao TP.HCM trao giấy chứng nhận đăng ký đầu tư cho dự án 'Trung tâm Dữ liệu HCMC1', tổng mức đầu tư 56 triệu USD. Read full information on external site
Ausfälle von Rechenzentren stellen für Unternehmen eine große Gefahr dar - datacenter-insider.de2022-03-21 Auch wenn Verantwortliche nicht damit rechnen, kann es jederzeit zu Ausfällen im eigenen Rechenzentrum kommen. Das resultiert in Datenverlust und auch in Ausfällen der Produktion. Read full information on external site
Der Weg zu nachhaltiger Recheninfrastruktur - it-production.com2022-03-21 Die Digitalisierung und der Einsatz neuer Technologien wie Künstliche Intelligenz erhöhen auch in Industrieunternehmen den Bedarf an effizienten IT-Prozessen, Hardware und Rechenzentren. Read full information on external site
Executive Roundtable: Edge Computing Adoption Gaining Traction - datacenterfrontier.com 2022-03-21 After years of high expectations, edge computing is emerging as a more significant component of Internet architecture, with adoption growing across industries, use cases and geographies, according to our panel of data center experts. Read full information on external site
Seven ways data centers can be more energy efficient - techcircle.in2022-03-20 Reducing carbon costs and energy consumption within the data center is at the top of many organizations’ sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and efficiency agendas, in order to achieve the goal of making data centers climate neutral by 2030. Read full information on external site
Commitment to greener operations critical to success of data centre sector - intelligentcio.com 2022-03-19 Being burdened with the responsibility of generating a sheer amount of power means data centre leaders have found themselves with no choice but to design and generate their facilities with sustainability top of mind. Read full information on external site
Commitment to greener operations critical to success of data centre sector - intelligentdatacentres.com 2022-03-19 Being burdened with the responsibility of generating a sheer amount of power means data centre leaders have found themselves with no choice but to design and generate their facilities with sustainability top of mind. Read full information on external site
How AI will change the data center and the IT workforce - businessmayor.com 2022-03-18 Artificial intelligence (AI) is being unleashed on business processes, data analytics and a host of other enterprise functions, but its role in data center automation stands to change not just the data center itself but all its infrastructure — physical and virtual, to the edge and beyond. Read full information on external site
La creación de un anteproyecto para la moderna infraestructura de computación en el borde - gadgerss.com2022-03-18 El ecosistema de centros de datos está evolucionando rápidamente y experimentando un crecimiento en todos los niveles y rincones de la red, con una actividad enfocada en la nube, en el borde y, cada vez más, en los recursos de nube en el borde. Aquellos antiguos armarios de TI no han desaparecido, pero se están volviendo una reliquia de la carrera temprana hacia el borde. Read full information on external site
WIIT, nel 2021 utile adjusted a € 9,3 mln (+52,2%) - trend-online.com2022-03-18 Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di WIIT, uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese focalizzato sull'erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid Cloud e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, riunitosi in data odierna ha, inter alia, approvato il progetto di bilancio di esercizio e il bilancio consolidato al 31 dicembre 2021 – redatti secondo i principi contabili internazionali IFRS – e la relazione sulla gestione. Read full information on external site
Entel vende en US$736 millones sus Data Centers en Chile y Perú a firma estadounidense Equinix - transmedia.cl2022-03-18 Entel ha informado que acordó la venta de cuatro de sus Data Centers -tres en Chile y uno en Perú- a la multinacional norteamericana Equinix. Read full information on external site
Entel acuerda venta de Data Centers en Chile y Perú a Equinix por US$ 736 millones - diarioestrategia.cl2022-03-18 Entel acordó la venta de cuatro de sus Data Centers -tres en Chile y uno en Perú- a la multinacional norteamericana Equinix. Read full information on external site
DevOps : 7 tendances pour 2022 - silicon.fr2022-03-18 Tendance n°1 : les entreprises dépensent moins mais mieux dans le Cloud Selon une étude menée par Flexera, la part de clients dépensant plus de 12 millions de dollars dans le Cloud est passée de 16% en 2020 à 31% en 2021. Read full information on external site
Entel Acuerda Venta De Data Centers En Chile Y Perú A Equinix Por Un Monto Equivalente A Us$ 736 Millones - trendtic.cl2022-03-18 La empresa de tecnología y telecomunicaciones acordó la venta de tres centros de datos en Chile y está próximo a firmar el acuerdo por su data center en Perú, los que son reconocidos por sus altos estándares operacionales en materia de continuidad operacional y sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
Entel concreta la venta de sus data centers a empresa norteamericana por casi US$ 800 millones - hashtagdubai.org2022-03-18 La operación, que fue adelantada por Diario Financiero, incluye los centro de datos de Chile y Perú. Read full information on external site
Entel concreta la venta de sus data centers a empresa norteamericana por casi US$ 800 millones - jec.cl2022-03-18 El monto de la operación, que fue adelantado por Diario Financiero, incluye los centro de datos de Chile y Perú. Read full information on external site
Les 7 tendances DevOps en 2022 - itpro.fr2022-03-18 Le trafic internet a été multiplié par 3 sur les 5 dernières années et le taux d’utilisateurs a augmenté de 14 points entre 2018 et 2021. Read full information on external site
How AI will change the data center and the IT workforce - venturebeat.com2022-03-18 We are excited to bring Transform 2022 back in-person July 19 and virtually July 20 - August 3. Join AI and data leaders for insightful talks and exciting networking opportunities. Read full information on external site
Equinix cuts $705m check for Chilean, Peruvian datacenters - theregister.com2022-03-18 Equinix is set to acquire four datacenter facilities in South America, three in Chile and one in Peru, from Chilean telecom giant Entel in a sale expected to close the second quarter of 2022. Read full information on external site
Chayora receives Uptime Institute Gold Certification - datacenternews.asia2022-03-17 Uptime Institute has awarded Chayora Tier III Gold Certification of Operation Sustainability for its utilisation of infrastructure at its Tianjin campus. Read full information on external site
Chayora receives Uptime Institute Gold Certification - cfotech.asia2022-03-17 Uptime Institute has awarded Chayora Tier III Gold Certification of Operation Sustainability for its utilisation of infrastructure at its Tianjin campus. Read full information on external site
Softwares De Monitoramento Da Eaton Para Data Centers Apostam Na Inteligência Artificial - partnersales.com.br2022-03-17 A Eaton tem investido e se posicionado cada vez mais como um parceiro para a transformação digital de infraestruturas industriais, hospitalares, governamentais e de TI, especialmente as de missão crítica. Read full information on external site
Eaton investe e se posiciona cada vez mais como um parceiro para a transformação digital - meiofiltrante.com.br2022-03-17 A divisão CPDI – Critical Power and Digital Infrastructure lançou uma plataforma colaborativa de recursos e desenvolvimento denominada Brightlayer Read full information on external site
托管服务提供商的优势和长期机会 - jifang360.com2022-03-16 边缘计算扩展了云和专用基础设施,以便可以在更接近创建或使用数据的点执行数据收集、处理和服务。这意味着针对靠近最终用户和设备的小型部署(想想多千瓦而不是兆瓦)优化的新型设施正在出现。Read full information on external site
Help with finding a digital job - digitalisationworld.com2022-03-16 The first comprehensive taxonomy of digital infrastructure job roles launches to help expand and diversify the industry’s talent pipeline. Read full information on external site
A waste of energy: Dealing with idle servers in the datacentre - computerweekly.com2022-03-16 Servers can be the slackers of the datacentre, consuming power without doing much work. Why not whip them into shape? Read full information on external site
中信国际电讯二零二一年全年业绩 全年每股股息22.5港仙 按年增长7.1% - southmoney.com2022-03-15 亚洲一流的跨国互联网化综合电讯企业中信国际电讯集团有限公司(“中信国际电讯”或“集团”;股份代号:1883)于截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,录得股东应占溢利十亿七千六百万港元,较去年增加5.2%,如不计投资物业重估因素,同比增幅为2.0%。Read full information on external site
Антикризисное отечественное ПО - mobilecomm.ru2022-03-15 Компания ТрансТелеКом, провайдер цифровых сервисов, представляет комплексную услугу для бизнеса на основе отечественного программного обеспечения. Read full information on external site
5G, IoT e OT desafiam o profissional brasileiro de TI a se reinventar - jornalempresasenegocios.com.br2022-03-15 Em 2022, os profissionais brasileiros de TI e Infraestrutura estarão, mais do que nunca, num intenso processo de transformação. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches career pathfinder for data centre professionals - digitalinfranetwork.com2022-03-14 Uptime Institute, with support from Google, Meta, and Microsoft, has launched the Data Centre Career Pathfinder, a free online tool that uniquely lists hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
«ТрансТелеКом» подготовил антикризисный пакет ПО для бизнеса - biz.cnews.ru2022-03-14 Компания «ТрансТелеКом», провайдер цифровых сервисов, представляет комплексную услугу для бизнеса на основе отечественного программного обеспечения. Read full information on external site
Elea Digital, Vertiv to deliver edge data center services - communicationstoday.co.in 2022-03-14 Elea Digital and Vertiv announce partnership to deliver edge data center services in Brazil. Vertiv, a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, will provide operation and maintenance services for Elea Digital data centers in key metro areas, including Porto Alegre, Curitiba, and Brasilia. Read full information on external site
ТрансТелеКом предлагает комплексные антикризисные решения для бизнеса на основе отечественного ПО - iksmedia.ru2022-03-14 Компания ТрансТелеКом представляет комплексную услугу для бизнеса на основе отечественного программного обеспечения. Пакет продуктов позволяет обеспечить защищенное хранение, безопасную передачу информации и организовать платформу для коммуникаций, как внутри корпоративной сети компании, так и за ее пределами. Read full information on external site
Сервис защитит приложения и инфраструктуру - mobilecomm.ru2022-03-14 Компания Linxdatacenter сообщает о запуске нового продукта Linx Protect. Read full information on external site
Elea Digital and Vertiv Announce Strategic Alliance to Deliver Edge Data Center Services in Brazil - aithority.com2022-03-14 Elea Digital and Vertiv announce partnership to deliver edge data center services in Brazil. Read full information on external site
Elea Digital e Vertiv anunciam aliança para serviços de edge data center no Brasil - arandanet.com.br2022-03-14 Objetivo é levar melhores práticas para mercados menos desenvolvidos, mas altamente exigentes, como Brasília, Porto Alegre e Curitiba. Read full information on external site
New Data Center Provider Taps Upstack as Exclusive Channel Partner - channelfutures.com 2022-03-14 Wyoming Hyperscale White Box utilizes liquid cooling and renewable energy. Read full information on external site
Elea Digital e Vertiv se unem para entregar serviços de Edge Data Center no Brasil - canalexecutivoblog.wordpress.com2022-03-14 São Paulo (SP) – Elea Digital e Vertiv anunciam parceria para entregar serviços de Edge Data Center no Brasil. A Vertiv, um provedor global de infraestrutura digital crítica e soluções de continuidade, fornecerá serviços de operação e manutenção para os data centers da Elea Digital localizados nas principais áreas metropolitanas, incluindo Porto Alegre, Curitiba e Brasília. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches new professional service offering - intelligentdatacentres.com 2022-03-14 Uptime Institute has announced the launch of its new Standardised, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector Institutions (SCIRA-FSI). SCIRA-FSI is a new professional service offering by the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority, Uptime Institute, that assesses critical IT environments across enterprise data centres, multi-tenant data centres and public and private clouds to identify and mitigate physical and operational outage risks. Read full information on external site
最新数据中心进步包括AI、新CPU - searchdatacenter.techtarget.com.cn2022-03-14 在过去一年中,数据中心发生了显着变化,从硬件到人员配备,这些变化将继续影响现在和未来的IT团队。 Read full information on external site
Elea Digital, Vertiv deliver edge data center services in Brazil - telecomdrive.com 2022-03-12 Elea Digital and Vertiv announce partnership to deliver edge data center services in Brazil. Read full information on external site
Edge and the long term opportunities for colocation providers - datacenterdynamics.com2022-03-12 How global providers are addressing the rise in demand for Edge facilities. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter запускает сервис защиты приложений и инфраструктуры Linx Protect - storagenews.ru 2022-03-11 Компания Linxdatacenter сообщает о запуске нового продукта Linx Protect. Он обеспечивает многоуровневую защиту интернет-ресурсов и веб-приложений от кибератак при минимальном участии ИТ-специалистов заказчиков и отсутствии капитальных затрат. Read full information on external site
ARSAT Recibio al Banco Mundial - inngeniar-conectividad.blogspot.com2022-03-11 Recibimos a delegación técnica del Banco Mundial La comitiva mantuvo reuniones con nuestro presidente, Matías Tombolini, y el Gerente General, Pablo Tognetti. Read full information on external site
Data center & edge computing: o mercado volta ao crescimento - itchannel.pt2022-03-11 Nunca existiu tanta capacidade de computação, de armazenamento e conetividade, mas o centro de dados tem ainda um longo caminho a percorrer em termos de resiliência, sustentabilidade, segurança e automação Read full information on external site
Elea Digital e Vertiv firmam parceria para entregar serviços de Edge Data Center - inforchannel.com.br2022-03-11 A Vertiv fornecerá serviços de operação e manutenção para os Data Centers da Elea Digital, localizados nas principais áreas metropolitanas Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter запускает сервис защиты приложений и инфраструктуры Linx Protect - a-bcd.ru2022-03-11 Компания Linxdatacenter сообщает о запуске нового продукта Linx Protect. Он обеспечивает многоуровневую защиту интернет-ресурсов и веб-приложений от кибератак при минимальном участии ИТ-специалистов заказчиков и отсутствии капитальных затрат. Read full information on external site
The Key to Smarter and More Sustainable Data Center Operations: Predictive Analytics - dbta.com2022-03-11 Data center downtime and outages are undoubtedly costly—with 40% costing between $100,000 and $1 million each according to a 2020 Uptime Institute report. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter запускает сервис защиты приложений и инфраструктуры Linx Protect - re-port.ru2022-03-11 Компания Linxdatacenter сообщает о запуске нового продукта Linx Protect. Он обеспечивает многоуровневую защиту интернет-ресурсов и веб-приложений от кибератак при минимальном участии ИТ-специалистов заказчиков и отсутствии капитальных затрат. Read full information on external site
ARSAT Recibio al Banco Mundial - cientificotecnologico.blogspot.com2022-03-11 Recibimos a delegación técnica del Banco Mundial La comitiva mantuvo reuniones con nuestro presidente, Matías Tombolini, y el Gerente General, Pablo Tognetti. Read full information on external site
ARSAT Recibio al Banco Mundial - finnanciacion.blogspot.com2022-03-11 Recibimos a delegación técnica del Banco Mundial La comitiva mantuvo reuniones con nuestro presidente, Matías Tombolini, y el Gerente General, Pablo Tognetti. Read full information on external site
ARSAT Recibio al Banco Mundial - innovaciondigital.blogspot.com2022-03-11 Recibimos a delegación técnica del Banco Mundial La comitiva mantuvo reuniones con nuestro presidente, Matías Tombolini, y el Gerente General, Pablo Tognetti. Read full information on external site
The resiliency debate - datacenterdynamics.com2022-03-11 In a mission-critical industry, the idea that there could even be a question of the importance of resiliency can seem ridiculous. Read full information on external site
Weekly Data Centre News - 11/03/22 - Data Center News2022-03-11 Weekly News! It was International Women's Day this week so a special shout out to all of the great women in the sector and a reminder to us men that we still need to work hard to make the data centre sector a sector for all! Read full information on external site
Know a student seeking a high-growth career in tech? Data Center Career Pathfinder makes it easier! - 7x24exchange.org2022-03-11 Our International Data Center Day partners at Uptime Institute, with support from Google, Meta, and Microsoft, have launched the Data Center Career Pathfinder, a free online tool that uniquely lists hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
Recent data center advancements include AI, new CPUs - techtarget.com2022-03-10 Recent advancements in data center technology and staffing models reflect organizations' desire for increased IT agility, efficiency and flexibility. Read full information on external site
Short On Workers, Data Center Builders Still Struggling To Keep Pace - bisnow.com2022-03-10 Data center builders are feeling the need for speed, but a shortage of experienced construction workers is standing in the way. Read full information on external site
Data Center Career Pathfinder Proposes an Answer to the Skills Crisis - datacenterknowledge.com2022-03-10 Industry organization Uptime Institute has launched a free online resource designed to inspire more people to take up a career in data centers, developed in collaboration with major data center employers Google, Meta, and Microsoft. Read full information on external site
The importance of female representation in the data center industry - datacenterdynamics.com 2022-03-10 The sector has a severe skills shortage, and only ten percent of staff are women. The answer is obvious Read full information on external site
会员动态|江天数据标准机房模块通过Uptime Tier III设计认证 为高品质服务提供基础保障 - news.idcquan.com 2022-03-10 近日,由江天数据建设运营的环京大数据产业天津基地1号数据中心标准机房模块顺利获得Uptime Tier III设计认证证书。 Read full information on external site
The State of the Grid: Time for a Refresh - datacenterfrontier.com2022-03-10 The US electric grid is often referred to as the most massive operating machine globally. Source PX Media / Shutterstock Courtesy of Enchanted Rock Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches Data Center Career Pathfinder - intelligentcio.com2022-03-10 Uptime Institute, with support from Google, Meta and Microsoft, has launched the Data Center Career Pathfinder, a free online tool that uniquely lists hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches Data Center Career Pathfinder - intelligentdatacentres.com 2022-03-10 Uptime Institute, with support from Google, Meta and Microsoft, has launched the Data Center Career Pathfinder, a free online tool that uniquely lists hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
TIA adds Edge micro data centers to ANSI/TIA-942-B standard - datacenterdynamics.com 2022-03-09 The whole standard is now open for further revisions. Read full information on external site
Wiit: scende in campo Germania, presenta sua formazione - it.marketscreener.com2022-03-09 WIIT, uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese, focalizzato sull'erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid Cloud e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, ufficializza con un evento la propria presenza in Germania, la creazione della holding WIIT AG e il progetto Cloud For Europe, con cui WIIT si è data l'obiettivo di affermarsi come il leader europeo nel Cloud delle Applicazioni Critiche. Read full information on external site
Cloud is Down: How to Protect Your Organization Against Outages - enterprisenetworkingplanet.com 2022-03-09 A cloud outage can be a nightmare for any organization. When your critical applications and data are hosted in the cloud, an unexpected outage can bring business to a standstill. Read full information on external site
Datacentres and climate change: Operators accused of being all talk and no action on sustainability - globallegalchronicle.com2022-03-09 Datacentre operators talk a good fight when it comes to tackling climate change, but there is far more they should and could be doing to make their operations more sustainable, say experts Read full information on external site
The Uptime Institute introduces for the first time an online tool to show career opportunities in the data center industry - newtechnologyera.com2022-03-09 The Uptime Institute, with the support of tech giants Google, Meta and Microsoft, is making a foray to shed light on the wide range of career opportunities in the data center market. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches Data Center Career Pathfinder tool - datacenterdynamics.com 2022-03-09 Company hopes free tool will help reduce the industry skill shortage Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Data Center Career Pathfinder - datacenter-forum.com2022-03-09 Uptime Institute, with support from Google, Meta, and Microsoft, has launched the Data Center Career Pathfinder, a free online tool that uniquely lists hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches data center career pathfinder - dailyhostnews.com2022-03-09 On March 8, 2022, Uptime Institute launched Data Center Career Pathfinder with support from Google, Meta, and Microsoft. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute debuts online tool to showcase datacentre industry career opportunities - forum-budowlane.pl2022-03-09 Uptime Institute has unveiled a new tool, geared towards showcasing the career opportunities that exist in the datacentre industry. Read full information on external site
变频器与电机如何高效冷却数据中心?- zhizhao.eage.com.cn2022-03-08 数据中心的用电量极大,尤其是冷却数据中心的IT设备。通过在冷却系统中使用变频器和节能电机可以大量减少能耗。关于这一点,我们采访了ABB运动控制事业部的HVACR全球产品营销经理Maria Fedorovicheva。 Read full information on external site
科华数据获得全球TIER-Ready权威认证! - caifuhao.eastmoney.com2022-03-08 日前,科华数据智能模块化数据中心WiseMDC(以下简称科华数据WiseMDC),凭借卓越的可靠性及其先进智能化技术获得Uptime Institute颁发的TIER-Ready IV证书——数据中心行业的“金牌认证”。 Read full information on external site
Managing the Degrees of App Performance Outages - rtinsights.com2022-03-08 Not all outages are the same. Given that most organizations do not have unlimited IT resources, the severity of an outage to the business must somehow be quantified. Read full information on external site
Seeking a high-growth career in tech? Data Center Career Pathfinder makes it easier with help from Google, Meta, and Microsoft - tmcnet.com2022-03-08 Uptime Institute, with support from Google, Meta, and Microsoft, has launched the Data Center Career Pathfinder, a free online tool that uniquely lists hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
Seeking a High-Growth Career in Tech? - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-03-08 Data Center Career Pathfinder makes it easier with help from Google, Meta, and Microsoft Read full information on external site
New Data Center Career Pathfinder from Uptime, Google, Meta, Microsoft to Help Address Workforce Woes - vmblog.com2022-03-08 Uptime Institute, with support from Google, Meta, and Microsoft, has launched the Data Center Career Pathfinder, a free online tool that uniquely lists hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
Seeking A High-Growth Career In Tech? Data Center Career Pathfinder Makes It Easier With Help From Google, Meta, And Microsoft - techrseries.com2022-03-08 Uptime Institute, with support from Google, Meta, and Microsoft, has launched the Data Center Career Pathfinder, a free online tool that uniquely lists hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
Seeking a high-growth career in tech? - dcnnmagazine.com2022-03-08 Uptime Institute, with support from Google, Meta, and Microsoft, has launched the Data Centre Career Pathfinder, a free online tool that uniquely lists hundreds of career possibilities in the fast-growing global digital infrastructure industry. Read full information on external site
Tech Show London: The Dawn of Sustainability - eweekuk.com2022-03-07 A green dream is alive and well with the theme of sustainability’s genesis forming part of the discussions at the Tech Show London event last week. Read full information on external site
Digital Technology Sabha 2022: ‘Taking The Next Digital Leap’ - expresscomputer.in2022-03-07 With the theme ‘Taking The Next Digital Leap’, Digital Technology Sabha 2022 was organised as a virtual conclave from February 22, 2022 to February 24, 2022. Read full information on external site
Development of the IT sphere: Azerbaijan eyes to provide itself with a “safe field” in this matter as well - news.az2022-03-05 The modern world without IT technologies is unimaginable, and its development as well. Read full information on external site
Decarbonising key to ensuring data centre sector sustainability - dcnnmagazine.com2022-03-04 Pessimism arising from a recent survey of data centre owners and operators about the sector’s sustainability reaffirms the need for green practice at all phases of a facility’s lifetime, according to Aggreko. Read full information on external site
What 2022 Data Center Trends Mean for Business Continuity Specialists - drj.com2022-03-04 The data center industry is in a continual state of evolution, but one factor remains constant: the need to ensure continuity and the availability of business-critical data and applications. Read full information on external site
Data center operators give themselves a “Fail” for sustainability - datacenterdynamics.com 2022-03-04 Most say the industry's environmental commitments are not (yet) effective in curbing data centers' environmental impact Read full information on external site
Why electrical distribution needs stronger partnerships - electricalreview.co.uk 2022-03-03 To solve a global challenge like climate change, companies are going to have to learn to work together, as Stewart Gregory, VP of Power Products at Schneider Electric UK & Ireland, explains. Read full information on external site
中金数据武汉数据中心入选首批国家新型数据中心典型案例 - news.idcquan.com 2022-03-02 未来,中金数据武汉数据中心将致力于服务长江中游城市群信息化基础设施使用需求,为国家网安基地内安全产业链产学研用单位的数据存储、计算、交换、应用、共享提供底座保障。 Read full information on external site
Прогресс в области устойчивого развития пока скромный - iksmedia.ru 2022-03-02 Мировая индустрия дата-центров оценивает свои достижения в сфере устойчивого развития как средние по сравнению с другими отраслями. Большинство ее представителей считают, что прилагаемые усилия не приводят к сколь-нибудь существенному уменьшению воздействия ЦОДов на окружающую среду. Read full information on external site
Облачное направление Linxdatacenter в 2021 году выросло на 20% - storagenews.ru 2022-03-01 Компания Linxdatacenter представила финансовые итоги 2021 года: совокупная выручка достигла показателя в 1,3 млрд рублей, что на 11% выше 2020 г. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector Institutions (SCIRA-FSI) - insidenetworks.co.uk 2022-03-01 SCIRA-FSI assesses critical IT environments across enterprise data centres, multi-tenant data centres, and public and private clouds, to identify and mitigate physical and operational outage risks. Read full information on external site
中金数据武汉数据中心入选首批国家新型数据中心典型案例 - tech.ifeng.com 2022-03-01 日前,工信部发布《国家新型数据中心典型案例名单(2021年)公示》,中金数据集团武汉二号数据中心被评定为算力赋能方向的大型数据中心典型案例。 Read full information on external site
中金数据武汉数据中心入选首批国家新型数据中心典型案例 - news.yesky.com 2022-03-01 日前,工信部发布《国家新型数据中心典型案例名单(2021年)公示》,中金数据集团武汉二号数据中心被评定为算力赋能方向的大型数据中心典型案例。 Read full information on external site
中金数据武汉数据中心入选首批国家新型数据中心典型案例 - biz.jrj.com.cn 2022-03-01 日前,工信部发布《国家新型数据中心典型案例名单(2021年)公示》,中金数据集团武汉二号数据中心被评定为算力赋能方向的大型数据中心典型案例。 Read full information on external site
Облачное направление Linxdatacenter в 2021 году выросло на 20% - biz.jrj.com.cn 2022-03-01 Linxdatacenter представила финансовые итоги 2021 г.: совокупная выручка достигла показателя в 1,3 млрд руб., что на 11% выше 2020 г. Read full information on external site
DEWA’s Buildings Support Carbon Neutrality In Dubai - solarquarter.com 2022-03-01 The green buildings of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) support Dubai’s ambitious plan for the next 30 years to achieve carbon neutrality. Read full information on external site
The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud - scientificamerican.com 2022-03-01 The cloud is not only material but also an ecological force. Read full information on external site
Облачное направление Linxdatacenter в 2021 году выросло на 20% - a-bcd.ru 2022-03-01 Компания Linxdatacenter представила финансовые итоги 2021 года: совокупная выручка достигла показателя в 1,3 млрд рублей, что на 11% выше 2020 г. Read full information on external site
Облачное направление Linxdatacenter в 2021 году выросло на 20% - re-port.ru 2022-03-01 Компания Linxdatacenter представила финансовые итоги 2021 года: совокупная выручка достигла показателя в 1,3 млрд рублей, что на 11% выше 2020 г. Read full information on external site
The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud - thereader.mitpress.mit.edu 2022-03-01 Anthropologist Steven Gonzalez Monserrate draws on five years of research and ethnographic fieldwork in server farms to illustrate some of the diverse environmental impacts of data storage. Read full information on external site
February 2022
Survey Highlights Major Changes at the Edge of Network - networkworld.com2022-02-28 The more data being generated and consumed as a result of digitalization and the introduction of new applications, the more organizations will require both increased edge and cloud computing capacity. Read full information on external site
How Bangladesh’s 7th largest Data Centre could to be a potential source of foreign investment - w.media2022-02-28 The National Data Centre Located in Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City in Gazipur has recently shown the potential to be a source of foreign investment as international firms are showing their interest in storing their company data. Read full information on external site
Five data center predictions for 2022 - ciotechasia.com2022-02-28 The sector is booming and maturing globally — but management challenges lie ahead. Read full information on external site
Is it time for data centres to become HROs? - datacentrereview.com2022-02-28 The average person reading a description of a High Reliability Organisations (HRO) will probably conclude that a data centre does not quite fit this description. Read full information on external site
The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud - science.thewire.in2022-02-28 The refuse of the digital is ecologically transformative. Read full information on external site
Llega FNX a Colombia: la nueva alianza de Forza, Nexxt Solutions y XIM para Data Centers prefabricados - ar.globedia.com2022-02-27 Se trata de la siguiente generación de centros de datos modulares, que se presenta como la solución ideal para satisfacer necesidades de despliegue rápido, configurable y gestionable, otorgando multiplicidad de beneficios para un amplio abanico de sectores. Read full information on external site
Llega FNX a Colombia: la nueva alianza de Forza, Nexxt Solutions y XIM para Data Centers prefabricados - es.globedia.com2022-02-27 Se trata de la siguiente generación de centros de datos modulares, que se presenta como la solución ideal para satisfacer necesidades de despliegue rápido, configurable y gestionable, otorgando multiplicidad de beneficios para un amplio abanico de sectores. Read full information on external site
Llega FNX a Colombia: la nueva alianza de Forza, Nexxt Solutions y XIM para Data Centers prefabricados - mx.globedia.com2022-02-27 Se trata de la siguiente generación de centros de datos modulares, que se presenta como la solución ideal para satisfacer necesidades de despliegue rápido, configurable y gestionable, otorgando multiplicidad de beneficios para un amplio abanico de sectores. Read full information on external site
Llega FNX a Colombia: la nueva alianza de Forza, Nexxt Solutions y XIM para Data Centers prefabricados - gt.globedia.com2022-02-27 Se trata de la siguiente generación de centros de datos modulares, que se presenta como la solución ideal para satisfacer necesidades de despliegue rápido, configurable y gestionable, otorgando multiplicidad de beneficios para un amplio abanico de sectores. Read full information on external site
¿Qué podría significar la adopción para los centros de datos? - espanol.news2022-02-27 En el impulso por reducir los costos y financiar el crecimiento, la corriente podría estar girando en torno a blockchain y las criptomonedas: Garter predice que el 20 % de las grandes organizaciones habrán adoptado monedas digitales para pagos, valor almacenado y similares en menos de tres años. Read full information on external site
Claro construirá un centro de datos de gran escala en Perú - canalti.pe2022-02-27 Claro construirá un centro de datos a gran escala con tecnología modular prefabricada en el país y el cual estará ubicado en el distrito de Villa El Salvador. Read full information on external site
What might adoption mean for datacentres? - cryptonewsbtc.org2022-02-26 Within the drive to scale back prices and fund progress, the tide may very well be turning on blockchain and crypto: Garter predicts that 20% of large organisations will have adopted digital currencies for funds, saved worth and the like in lower than three years. Read full information on external site
Cracking the code on blockchain and crypto: What might adoption mean for datacentres? - computerweekly.com2022-02-25 A high share of datacentre customers look set to adopt blockchain technologies, including digital currencies, over the next few years. Read full information on external site
«Хайтед»: новая команда на рынке цодостроения - iksmedia.ru2022-02-25 «Хайтед», одна из крупнейших компаний в области малой энергетики, вышла на рынок цодостроения в качестве интегратора. Опытная команда была усилена профильными специалистами и теперь готова решать самые сложные задачи в этой области. Одной из таких задач стал проект DC one. Read full information on external site
Gtd Colombia se prepara para los nuevos retos fintech - portafolio.co2022-02-25 La compañía de tecnología cuenta con un plan para responder ante cualquier situación que ponga en riesgo sus servicios. Read full information on external site
Neue Gefahren, neue Herausforderungen - finanzwelt.de2022-02-24 Die zunehmende Digitalisierung unserer Lebensrealität macht uns immer anfälliger für Gefahren aus der Cyber-Welt. Read full information on external site
Session by Rakesh Singh, Technical Consultant, Uptime Institute & Jay Dietrich, Research Director, Sustainability, Uptime Institute - expresscomputer.in2022-02-23 Rakesh Singh, Technical Consultant, Uptime Institute & Jay Dietrich, Research Director, Sustainability, Uptime Institute Topic: Best Practices for Building Sustainable and Resilient Data Centres in India. Read full information on external site
11 key considerations prior to a data center upgrade - techtarget.com2022-02-23 Cloud deployments and SaaS offerings have moved many workload deployments out of the data center. Read full information on external site
Enfriamiento es la clave en los CD´s - americasistemas.com.pe2022-02-23 Los centros de datos cumplen un rol importante, satisfacen la creciente demanda de potencia informática y servicios digitales, ahora son cada vez más poderosos —pasaron de 10 o 20 MW cinco años atrás a un máximo de 100 o 200 MW ahora. Muchos de los nuevos y más grandes centros de datos están siendo construidos por proveedores de coubicaciones (donde los clientes alquilan y comparten espacio y potencia informática en el centro de datos) u operadores de centros de datos de “hiperescala”, tales como Google, Amazon y Microsoft. Read full information on external site
Session by Mustapha Louni, Sr VP, Middle East, Africa & Greater India, Uptime Institute - expresscomputer.in2022-02-23 Digital Transformation is incomplete without Resilient & Sustainable Data Centers. Read full information on external site
5G, IoT e OT desafiam o profissional brasileiro de TI a se reinventar em 2022 - segs.com.br2022-02-22 Homem de barba sorrindo Descrição gerada automaticamenteEm 2022, os profissionais brasileiros de TI e Infraestrutura estarão, mais do que nunca, num intenso processo de transformação. Read full information on external site
中国需要多少数据中心?数据中心投资的逻辑是什么? - caifuhao.eastmoney.com2022-02-22 数据中心投资与建设的热潮,令其成为疫情之后逆势崛起的行业之一,伴随基础设施REITs 试点,数据中心迎来高光时刻。数据中心投资与建设热潮正在席卷中国。Read full information on external site
5G, IoT e OT desafiam o profissional brasileiro de TI a se reinventar em 2022 - vidamoderna.com.br2022-02-22 Em 2022, os profissionais brasileiros de TI e Infraestrutura estarão, mais do que nunca, num intenso processo de transformação. Read full information on external site
11 key considerations prior to a data center upgrade - techtarget.com2022-02-22 When you upgrade your data center, know the 11 key steps you must take to ensure neat migrations, good availability, continued security and limited downtime. Read full information on external site
5G, IoT e OT desafiam o profissional brasileiro de TI a se reinventar em 2022 - clipping.abinee.org.br2022-02-21 Em 2022, os profissionais brasileiros de TI e Infraestrutura estarão, mais do que nunca, num intenso processo de transformação. Read full information on external site
5G, IoT e OT desafiam o profissional brasileiro de TI a se reinventar em 2022 - blogjornaldamulher.blogspot.com2022-02-21 Em 2022, os profissionais brasileiros de TI e Infraestrutura estarão, mais do que nunca, num intenso processo de transformação. Read full information on external site
IT-beslissers zoeken balans tussen duurzaamheid en efficiënte IT - dutchitchannel.nl2022-02-21 Als IT-beslisser, CFO, Inkoop- of Duurzaamheids Manager herkent u vast het dilemma: aan de ene kant staat u voor uitdagingen als kostenbeheersing, personele bezetting en schaalbaarheid, en aan de andere kant moet u duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen halen. Read full information on external site
IT-beslissers zoeken balans tussen duurzaamheid en efficiënte IT - executive-people.nl2022-02-21 Als IT-beslisser, CFO, Inkoop- of Duurzaamheids Manager herkent u vast het dilemma: aan de ene kant staat u voor uitdagingen als kostenbeheersing, personele bezetting en schaalbaarheid, en aan de andere kant moet u duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen halen. Read full information on external site
5G, IoT e OT desafiam o profissional brasileiro de TI a se reinventar em 2022 - tibahia.com2022-02-21 Em 2022, os profissionais brasileiros de TI e Infraestrutura estarão, mais do que nunca, num intenso processo de transformação. Read full information on external site
Enfriamiento “todo bajo control”: Mayor potencia informática al mejorar la sostenibilidad del centro de datos - gadgerss.com2022-02-21 Durante la pandemia, la sociedad ha exigido esfuerzos considerables a los centros de datos y a la infraestructura digital y, en general, estos han cumplido con lo esperado. Read full information on external site
5G, IoT e OT desafiam o profissional brasileiro de TI a se reinventar em 2022 - decisionreport.com.br2022-02-21 Em 2022, os profissionais brasileiros de TI e Infraestrutura estarão, mais do que nunca, num intenso processo de transformação. Read full information on external site
“ดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์” บ้านฉาง ปูทางอีอีซี “ซิลิคอน เทคพาร์ค” - bangkokbiznews.com2022-02-19 เทรนด์อนาคตทั่วโลกรวมถึงไทย จะนำเทคโนโลยีและนวัตกรรมมมาประยุกต์ใช้มากขึ้น ทำให้ธุรกิจดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ยิ่งเติบโตเพื่อรองรับการทำงานในระบบดิจิทัลที่เกิดขึ้น กลุ่มเอกชนไทยจึงร่วมจัดตั้งบริษัทดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ที่เป็นของคนไทยเพื่อเก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลเหล่านั้นในประเทศ. Read full information on external site
The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud ( Sunday Special) - drlamba.wordpress.com2022-02-19 Screens brighten with the flow of words. Perhaps they are emails, hastily scrawled on smart devices, or emoji-laden messages exchanged between friends or families. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Digital Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector - newsbreak.com2022-02-18 Data center performance assessment organization Uptime Institute has launched a new service that focuses on risk mitigation and regulatory compliance in the financial sector. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Digital Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector - itprotoday.com2022-02-18 The new service was designed to prevent outages and streamline compliance. Read full information on external site
DE-CIX establishes a new PoP in partnership with Yotta Infrastructure - tele.net.in2022-02-18 DE-CIX India has established a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta’s uptime institute tier-IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure & DE-CIX India Announces Partnership To Boost High-Speed Interconnection Capabilities - digitalterminal.in2022-02-18 DE-CIX India, the largest carrier and data center neutral Internet Exchange (IX) operator in the Indian market, establishes a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta's Uptime Institute Tier IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
Базы данных Oracle получили московскую прописку в российском дата-центре - metronews.ru2022-02-18 Москва последовательно развивается как центр компетенций ИТ Read full information on external site
Базы данных Oracle получили российскую прописку - echo.msk.ru2022-02-18 Московская компания Oxygen, собственник дата-центра и облачной платформы первой в России открыла доступ к базе данных Oracle как сервису из российского облака. Об этом сообщил глава Департамента инвестиционной и промышленной политики Москвы Александр Прохоров. Read full information on external site
Московская компания Oxygen открыла доступ по подписке к базам данных Oracle - finanz.ru2022-02-18 Столичная компания Oxygen - собственник дата-центра и облачной платформы - первой в России открыла доступ к базам данных Oracle по подписке из российского облака. Read full information on external site
DE-CIX India and Yotta Infrastructure collaborate to offer Internet Peering and Interconnection Services - varindia.com2022-02-18 DE-CIX India has established a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta's Uptime Institute Tier IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
DE-CIX India and Yotta Infrastructure Join Hands to Provide Internet Peering and Interconnection Servicese - eletimes.com2022-02-17 DE-CIX India, the largest carrier and data center neutral Internet Exchange (IX) operator in the Indian market, establishes a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta’s Uptime Institute Tier IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
Tendencias clave en el mercado de centros de datos - computerworldmexico.com.mx2022-02-17 Durante la pandemia, la sociedad ha exigido esfuerzos considerables a los centros de datos y a la infraestructura digital y, en general, estos han cumplido con lo esperado. Read full information on external site
Uptime Launches Digital Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector - datacenterknowledge.com2022-02-17 The new service was designed to prevent outages and streamline compliance. Read full information on external site
NextDC to construct $100M Adelaide data centre - arnnet.com.au2022-02-17 To be located at 211 Pirie Street in the city’s CBD. Read full information on external site
NextDC sprøjter AU$100 mio. til at bygge nyt Adelaide-datacenter - xcomputer.website2022-02-17 Siden hun afsluttede en grad i journalistik, har Aimee haft sin rimelige andel af at dække forskellige emner, herunder forretning, detailhandel, fremstilling og rejser. Hun fortsætter med at udvide sit repertoire som tech-journalist med ZDNet. Read full information on external site
DE-CIX India,Yotta Infra partner to provide Internet Peering, Interconnection Services - freepressjournal.in2022-02-17 DE-CIX India, carrier and data center neutral Internet Exchange (IX) operator in the Indian market, establishes a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta's Uptime Institute Tier IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
DE-CIX India and Yotta Infrastructure join hands to provide Internet Peering and Interconnection Services - enterpriseitworld.com2022-02-17 DE-CIX India, the largest carrier and data center neutral Internet Exchange (IX) operator in the Indian market, establishes a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta’s Uptime Institute Tier IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
РФПИ, Linxdatacenter и "ЭР-Телеком Холдинг" в рамках создания ведущего облачного сервиса в России объявляют о старте проекта строительства ЦОДа в Москве с инвестициями 200 млн долларов - ruscable.ru2022-02-17 Российский фонд прямых инвестиций (РФПИ, суверенный фонд Российской Федерации), компания Linxdatacenter, АО «ЭР-Телеком Холдинг» (ТМ «Дом.ру» и «Дом.ру Бизнес») и Talos Fund I LP (ведущий ближневосточный инвестиционный фонд, специализирующийся на инвестициях в перспективные технологии, в том числе в сфере искусственного интеллекта) объявляют о старте проекта строительства нового центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Москве в рамках экспансии Linxdatacenter и развития ведущего облачного сервиса в России. Read full information on external site
DE-CIX India partners with Yotta Infrastructure to provide internet peering and interconnection servicesв - expresscomputer.in2022-02-17 DE-CIX India establishes a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta’s Uptime Institute Tier IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
DE-CIX India partners with Yotta Infrastructure to provide internet peering and interconnection servicesв - crn.in2022-02-17 DE-CIX India establishes a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta’s Uptime Institute Tier IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
DE-CIX India partners Yotta Infrastructure for new PoP in Maharashtra - communicationstoday.co.in2022-02-17 DE-CIX India establishes a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta’s Uptime Institute Tier IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
Startup news and updates: daily roundup (Feb 17, 2022) - yourstory.com2022-02-17 YourStory presents daily news roundups from the Indian startup ecosystem and beyond. Here's the roundup for Thursday, February 17, 2022. Read full information on external site
РФПИ, Linxdatacenter и «ЭР-Телеком Холдинг» в рамках создания ведущего облачного сервиса в России объявляют о старте проекта - a-bcd.ru2022-02-17 Российский фонд прямых инвестиций (РФПИ, суверенный фонд Российской Федерации), компания Linxdatacenter, АО «ЭР-Телеком Холдинг» (ТМ «Дом.ру» и «Дом.ру Бизнес») и Talos Fund I LP (ведущий ближневосточный инвестиционный фонд, специализирующийся на инвестициях в перспективные технологии, в том числе в сфере искусственного интеллекта) объявляют о старте проекта строительства нового центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Москве в рамках экспансии Linxdatacenter и развития ведущего облачного сервиса в России. Read full information on external site
РФПИ, Linxdatacenter и «ЭР-Телеком Холдинг» в рамках создания ведущего облачного сервиса в России объявляют о старте проекта - ruscable.blogspot.com2022-02-17 Российский фонд прямых инвестиций (РФПИ, суверенный фонд Российской Федерации), компания Linxdatacenter, АО «ЭР-Телеком Холдинг» (ТМ «Дом.ру» и «Дом.ру Бизнес») и Talos Fund I LP (ведущий ближневосточный инвестиционный фонд, специализирующийся на инвестициях в перспективные технологии, в том числе в сфере искусственного интеллекта) объявляют о старте проекта строительства нового центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Москве в рамках экспансии Linxdatacenter и развития ведущего облачного сервиса в России. Read full information on external site
NextDC to build $100m data centre in Adelaide - crn.com.au2022-02-17 NextDC has plans underway to build a new $100 million data centre in Adelaide, South Australia. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC to invest $100 million in SA with world class sustainable data centre infrastructure - miragenews.com2022-02-17 One of the world’s fastest growing technology companies, NEXTDC, is investing in excess of $100 million in a state-of-the-art data centre, known as ‘A1’, to be established in the heart of Adelaide’s central business district, creating 150 jobs. Read full information on external site
New Uptime Institute Solution Helps Banks & Financial Institutions Prevent Service Outages, Achieve Compliance - vmblog.com2022-02-17 Uptime Institute announced the launch of its new Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector Institutions (SCIRA-FSI). Read full information on external site
Conseguir un almacenamiento cloud indestructible - revistabyte.es2022-02-17 ¿Qué le quita el sueño? Los responsables de TI tienen dificultades para nombrar solo una cosa. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC to drop $100 million on new Adelaide data centre - itnews.com.au2022-02-17 Buys land for 10 megawatt CBD facility. Read full information on external site
NextDC splashes AU$100m to build new Adelaide data centre - zdnet.com2022-02-17 The A1 Adelaide facility is planned to deliver up to 10MW of critical power. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC to drop $100 million on new Adelaide data centre - arnnet.com.au2022-02-17 To be located at 211 Pirie Street in the city’s CBD. Read full information on external site
NextDC sprøjter AU$100 mio. til at bygge nyt Adelaide-datacenter - xcomputer.website2022-02-17 Siden hun afsluttede en grad i journalistik, har Aimee haft sin rimelige andel af at dække forskellige emner, herunder forretning, detailhandel, fremstilling og rejser. Hun fortsætter med at udvide sit repertoire som tech-journalist med ZDNet. Read full information on external site
DE-CIX India,Yotta Infra partner to provide Internet Peering, Interconnection Services - freepressjournal.in2022-02-17 DE-CIX India, carrier and data center neutral Internet Exchange (IX) operator in the Indian market, establishes a new point-of-presence (PoP) at Yotta's Uptime Institute Tier IV certified facility – Yotta NM1 in Panvel. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC invests $100m in SA with CBD-based, sustainable data centre infrastructure - glamadelaide.com.au2022-02-17 One of the world’s fastest growing technology companies, NEXTDC, is investing in excess of $100 million in a state-of-the-art data centre, known as ‘A1’, to be established in the heart of Adelaide’s central business district, creating 150 jobs. Read full information on external site
Rostelecom expands Udomlya data centre in Russia - samenacouncil.org2022-02-16 The Russian telco's data centre subsidiary, Rostelecom-DPC, said it has opened a new 8MW facility comprising with capacity of 800 racks. The company said it had constructed a new fibre optic line to ensure resiliency. Read full information on external site
How Does Law Enforcement Use Data to Solve Crime? - makeuseof.com2022-02-16 Solving crimes is complex, and law enforcers around the world need help from multiple areas to conclude large cases. Luckily, things have become easier as technology has advanced. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute SCIRA-FSI identifies physical and operational outage risk for financial institutions - helpnetsecurity.com2022-02-16 Uptime Institute launched a new Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector Institutions (SCIRA-FSI). Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute to help financial services organisations reduce infrastructure outage risks - computerweekly.com2022-02-16 Datacentre resiliency think-tank is launching a programme to help financial services organisations reduce the risk of outages happening within their hybrid infrastructure setups. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute führt standardisierte, umfassende Infrastruktur-Risikobewertung für den Finanzsektor ein - wallstreet-online.de2022-02-16 Das Uptime Institute hat heute die Einführung seiner neuen standardisierten, umfassenden Infrastruktur-Risikobewertung für Institutionen des Finanzsektors (SCIRA-FSI) bekannt gegeben. Read full information on external site
Rostelecom expands Udomlya data centre in Russia - developingtelecoms.com2022-02-16 Russia’s largest integrated digital company Rostelecom has launched the second phase of its mega data centre Udomlya. Read full information on external site
Der Datenstandort Schweiz bringt sich in Stellunga - netzwoche.ch2022-02-16 Das Geschäft mit dem Datenstandort Schweiz boomt. Und der Konkurrenzkampf geht in die nächste Runde. Read full information on external site
Energieeffizienz im Datacenter – jetzt sind die Kunden gefragt - netzwoche.ch2022-02-16 Viele Rechenzentren sind dank modernster Gebäudetechnologien höchst energieeffizient. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute offers new infrastructure risk assessment for the financial sector - continuitycentral.com2022-02-16 Uptime Institute has announced the launch of its new Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector Institutions (SCIRA-FSI). SCIRA-FSI is a new professional services offering by the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority, Uptime Institute, that assesses critical IT environments across enterprise data centers / centres, multi-tenant data centers, and public and private clouds, to identify and mitigate physical and operational outage risks. Read full information on external site
Powering the Digital World - railway-news.com2022-02-16 Revealing the latest solutions to guarantee power for our digital world, Socomec will be showcasing its most recent developments at Data Centre World 2022, London ExCel 2nd – 3rd March 2022. Read full information on external site
Plugging the gap in digital infrastructure and the skills required - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-02-16 The data centre industry continues to face difficulties when it comes to addressing the talent shortage which is only set to widen. Read full information on external site
M&E Journal: Bringing Data Industry Standards to the Land of Make Believe - mesaonline.org2022-02-16 The idea behind the newly created Media & Entertainment Data Center Alliance (MEDCA) can be traced to Sean Tajkowski. Decades of experience building facilities to support various media and entertainment operations demonstrated to him a frequent gap between Information technology standards and media and entertainment’s execution of data center infrastructure. Read full information on external site
L’Uptime Institute lance une évaluation standardisée et globale du risque infrastructurel pour le secteur financier - advfn.com2022-02-15 Une évaluation conçue pour permettre aux institutions du secteur financier (Financial Sector Institutions, FSI) d’identifier et d’atténuer le risque infrastructurel numérique, ainsi que de soutenir la conformité réglementaire. Read full information on external site
Компания «Ростелеком-ЦОД» (входит в структуру «Ростелекома») объявила о вводе в эксплуатацию второй очереди центра обработки данных «Удомля», расположенного вблизи Калининской АЭС в Тверской области. - servernews.ru2022-02-15 В рамках проекта компанией были запущены четыре машинных зала на 800 серверных стоек общей мощностью 40 МВт, а также развёрнута новая волоконно-оптическая трасса для обеспечения наилучшей сетевой связности дата-центра с другими площадками. ЦОД соответствует требованиям стандарта Tier III Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Orange & Engie In Partnership to Convert Orange’s Main Data Centre In Africa to Solar Powered - africanexponent.com2022-02-15 The Groupement Orange Services (GOS), which is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, provided pol hosting and infrastructure operation services to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Powering the digital world - dca-global.org2022-02-15 Revealing the latest solutions to guarantee power for our digital world, Socomec will be showcasing its most recent developments at Data Centre World 2022, London ExCel 2nd – 3rd March 2022. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for the Financial Sector - tmcnet.com2022-02-15 Uptime Institute today announced the launch of its new Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector Institutions (SCIRA-FSI). Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute lancia una valutazione standardizzata e completa dei rischi infrastrutturali per il settore finanziario - ansa.it2022-02-15 Uptime Institute ha annunciato oggi il lancio della sua nuova valutazione standardizzata e completa dei rischi infrastrutturali per le istituzioni del settore finanziario (Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector Institutions, SCIRA-FSI). Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Launches Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for the Financial Sector - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-02-15 Designed to help FSIs identify and mitigate digital infrastructure risk and support regulatory compliance. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches risk assessment service for banks - datacenterdynamics.com2022-02-15 Is their digital infrastructure fiscally sound? Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute launches standardized, comprehensive infrastructure risk assessment for the financial sector - dailyhostnews.com2022-02-15 Uptime Institute today announced the launch of its new Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector Institutions (SCIRA-FSI). Read full information on external site
New infrastructure risk assessment for the financial sector launches - digitalinfranetwork.com2022-02-15 The Uptime Institute has announced the launch of its new Standardized, Comprehensive Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Financial Sector Institutions (SCIRA-FSI). Read full information on external site
Najm And Mobily Ink Mou In Support Of The Kingdom’s Digital Transformation Efforts - en.saudishopper.com.sa2022-02-14 With plans to promote the adoption and integration of digital solutions across the Kingdom in line with the digital transformation objectives of Saudi Vision 2030, Najm for Insurance Services and Mobily have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during their participation at the LEAP global tech event. Read full information on external site
Yaxın vaxtlarda Yevlaxda ehtiyat data mərkəzi istifadəyə veriləcək - apa.az2022-02-14 Yaxın vaxtlarda Yevlaxda inşa olunan ehtiyat data mərkəzi istifadəyə veriləcək. Bunu "APA-Economics"ə "AzInTelecom" MMC-nin kommersiya direktoru Ruslan Əliyev deyib. Read full information on external site
Najm And Mobily Ink Mou In Support Of The Kingdom’s Digital Transformation Efforts - gulftech-news.com2022-02-14 With plans to promote the adoption and integration of digital solutions across the Kingdom in line with the digital transformation objectives of Saudi Vision 2030, Najm for Insurance Services and Mobily have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during their participation at the LEAP global tech event. Read full information on external site
نجم لخدمات التأمين وموبايلي توقعان مذكرة تفاهم لتعزيز جهودهما في دعم مسيرة التحول الرقمي في المملكة - gulftech-news.com2022-02-14 نجم لخدمات التأمين وموبايلي توقعان مذكرة تفاهم لتعزيز جهودهما في دعم مسيرة التحول الرقمي في المملكة Read full information on external site
Yevlaxda ehtiyat data mərkəzi istifadəyə veriləcək - xeberler.az2022-02-14 Yaxın vaxtlarda Yevlaxda inşa olunan ehtiyat data mərkəzi istifadəyə veriləcək. Read full information on external site
Lideres de la industria optan por medidas significativas contra el cambio climático - enfasys.net2022-02-14 A la hora de diseñar y construir su infraestructura de red, los responsables de la toma de decisiones en materia de telecomunicaciones deben tener en consideración la crisis climática. Read full information on external site
Lideres de la industria optan por medidas significativas contra el cambio climático - itwarelatam.com2022-02-14 A la hora de diseñar y construir su infraestructura de red, los responsables de la toma de decisiones en materia de telecomunicaciones deben tener en consideración la crisis climática. Read full information on external site
Inside the physical footprint of the Cloud - popsci.com2022-02-14 Companies like Google are making some of their data centers (like this one in St. Ghislain, Belgium) run on renewable energy. But carbon emissions aren't the only environmental drawbacks of large-scale computing. Google. Read full information on external site
How ML can solve root cause application failure mysteries for engineering and support teams - venturebeat.com2022-02-14 Software sometimes breaks — whether in the cloud, in a hardware appliance, or in infrastructure like networking and security. Read full information on external site
How ML can solve root cause application failure mysteries for engineering and support teams - businessmayor.com2022-02-14 Software sometimes breaks — whether in the cloud, in a hardware appliance, or in infrastructure like networking and security. Read full information on external site
[14 de febrero - Día mundial de la energía] ???? Se espera que las organizaciones utilicen soluciones digitales que consuman energías 100% renovables - francorivero.com.ar2022-02-14 Por muchos años, los efectos del consumo energético del centro de datos han estado muy presentes en las mentes de los responsables de la toma de decisiones y aunque la reciente presión pública ha dado motivos de preocupación, los operadores de centros de datos están más que listos para implementar estrategias que hagan frente a los problemas climáticos y de sostenibilidad de forma urgente. Read full information on external site
Participating at LEAP Global Tech Expo Najm and Mobily Ink MoU in Support of the Kingdom’s Digital Transformation Efforts - indexeconomic.com2022-02-13 With plans to promote the adoption and integration of digital solutions across the Kingdom in line with the digital transformation objectives of Saudi Vision 2030, Najm for Insurance Services and Mobily have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during their participation at the LEAP global tech event. Read full information on external site
Najm and Mobily Ink MoU in Support of the Kingdom’s Digital Transformation Efforts - hashtagdubai.org2022-02-13 With plans to promote the adoption and integration of digital solutions across the Kingdom in line with the digital transformation objectives of Saudi Vision 2030, Najm for Insurance Services and Mobily have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during their participation at the LEAP global tech event. Read full information on external site
Aksa Power Generation keeps lighting the world! - khaleejtimes.com2022-02-11 With its industry leading products and a well-established name the company aims to rank among the top three global manufacturers by 2025. Read full information on external site
Demand Surge: Data centres get a post-pandemic fillip - tele.net.in2022-02-11 India’s data centre industry has received a major fillip post the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, data centres have become crucial for sustaining digital operations across industries and supporting digital transformation in the country. Leading data centre company heads share their views on the industry’s evolving landscape, the impact of Covid-19 on data centre uptake and the future outlook for the segment... Read full information on external site
How to Decide Where to Locate Electrical Generators - facilitiesnet.com2022-02-11 Here are some key considerations for how to decide whether to place generators inside a building vs outside in enclosures with sub-base fuel tanks. Read full information on external site
Data center : tout savoir sur les bâtiments pour centre de données - lebigdata.fr2022-02-11 Des bâtiments de data center ou centre de traitement de données est défini comme étant un endroit où sont rassemblés plusieurs matériels informatiques. On y retrouvera donc des outils numériques tels que des ordinateurs et des serveurs. Read full information on external site
如何构建全球最佳数据中心平台 - sohu.com2022-02-10 尽管正在进行整合,但全球数据中心托管服务供应商的数量仍在不断增长。IDC公司在2021年对全球数据中心托管和互连服务供应商的评估中,评出了九家“市场领导者和主要参与者”,这些托管服务供应商都具有支持企业的全球需求的规模和能力。Read full information on external site
Высокотехнологичный дата-центр построят в Приморье - trud-ost.ru2022-02-11 Экспертная организация ООО «Арго» рассмотрела проектную документацию и результаты инженерных изысканий на строительство Центра обработки данных KeyPoint East в Приморском крае. Read full information on external site
如何构建全球最佳数据中心平台 - dc.idcquan.com2022-02-10 尽管正在进行整合,但全球数据中心托管服务供应商的数量仍在不断增长。IDC公司在2021年对全球数据中心托管和互连服务供应商的评估中,评出了九家“市场领导者和主要参与者”,这些托管服务供应商都具有支持企业的全球需求的规模和能力。Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Data Centers Are NIST 800-171 Compliant - channelvisionmag.com2022-02-10 DC BLOX, a provider of interconnected multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power digital businesses, are now NIST 800-171 compliant. Read full information on external site
Leveraging Success For Future Goals - interglobixmagazine.com2022-02-10 One-On-One with Sunil Gupta, Co-founder & CEO, Yotta Infrastructure Read full information on external site
Data Center Operators Are Considering The Nuclear Option - bisnow.com2022-02-09 With stronger environmental regulations on the horizon, the data center industry is now eyeing nuclear energy as the pathway to sustainability. Read full information on external site
Claro construirá un Data Center de gran escala con tecnología modular prefabricada en Perú - technopatas.com2022-02-08 El proyecto permitirá aumentar la oferta de capacidad de procesamiento y almacenamiento de información, para gestionar servicios como Cloud, Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial, entre otros. Estará ubicado en el distrito de Villa El Salvador. Read full information on external site
Las medidas significativas contra el cambio climático en 2022 requerirán nuevas formas de pensamiento por parte de los líderes de la industria - notimx.mx2022-02-08 Por muchos años, los efectos del consumo energético del centro de datos han estado muy presentes en las mentes de los responsables de la toma de decisiones y aunque la reciente presión pública ha dado motivos de preocupación, los operadores de centros de datos están más que listos para implementar estrategias que hagan frente a los problemas climáticos y de sostenibilidad de forma urgente. Read full information on external site
Medidas significativas contra cambio climático requerirán nuevas formas de pensamiento de líderes industriales - sitquije.com2022-02-08 Ciudad de México, 8 de febrero de 2022.- Por muchos años, los efectos del consumo energético del centro de datos han estado muy presentes en las mentes de los responsables de la toma de decisiones y aunque la reciente presión pública ha dado motivos de preocupación, los operadores de centros de datos están más que listos para implementar estrategias que hagan frente a los problemas climáticos y de sostenibilidad de forma urgente. Read full information on external site
Are US sustainability ambitions blighted by a distaste for regulations? - digitalinfranetwork.com2022-02-08 As the data centre sector increases its focus on becoming more environmentally sustainable, regulators still have a part to play — the question is to what extent? An issue that the Uptime Institute recently focussed on. Read full information on external site
Liquid cooling: A new phase - datacenterdynamics.com2022-02-08 Two-phase liquid cooling has finally arrived. Vendors are making purpose-built liquid cooled servers. Read full information on external site
Four Strategies CIOs can Implement to Deal with Network Outages - enterprisetalk.com2022-02-08 Network outages not only inflict heavy damages in revenue but also in reputation that is often hard to recover from. Read full information on external site
How data-driven digital service models can prevent end-user downtime - intelligenttechchannels.com2022-02-08 Central to any Digital Transformation strategy is meeting the needs of a new distributed workforce. Here, Karlton Gray, Channel Director, Schneider Electric, UK and Ireland, discusses changing business models, the need for real-time application availability, resilient connectivity, and why the surge in IoT devices is driving the growth of Edge computing and creating opportunities for channel partners. Read full information on external site
Proximity expands UK footprint with Birmingham edge data centre - networkingplus.co.uk2022-02-08 Proximity Data Centres, the regional edge colocation data centre provider, has further expanded its edge data centre footprint with the opening of a new site in Birmingham. Read full information on external site
Escasez de componentes en el data center - datacentermarket.es2022-02-08 En el presente reportaje, hacemos alusión tanto a las repercusiones de la escasez de componentes a nivel tecnológico, pudiendo retrasar en ocasiones proyectos vinculados a la transformación digital, como a la escasez en el propio centro de datos y el papel que juegan sus proveedores de suministros. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Data Centers Are Now NIST 800-171 Compliant - mcnet.com2022-02-08 DC BLOX, a provider of interconnected multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today's digital business, announces they are now NIST 800-171 Compliant. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Data Centers Are Now NIST 800-171 Compliant - mcnet.com2022-02-08 DC BLOX, a provider of interconnected multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today's digital business, announces they are now NIST 800-171 Compliant. Read full information on external site
Claro construirá un Data Center de gran escala con tecnología modular prefabricada en Perú - businessempresarial.com.pe2022-02-08 El proyecto permitirá aumentar la oferta de capacidad de procesamiento y almacenamiento de información, para gestionar servicios como Cloud, Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial, entre otros. Estará ubicado en el distrito de Villa El Salvador. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Data Centers Now Able To Serve Government Agencies - datacenterpost.com2022-02-08 As the value and volume of data in government and enterprise are rapidly growing, there are enhanced risks to data security that must be addressed when selecting a location for the IT infrastructure that manages it. The need to select a provider that confirms to the most stringent data security standards is necessary. Read full information on external site
Claro construirá un Data Center de gran escala con tecnología modular prefabricada en Perú - stakeholders.com.pe2022-02-08 El proyecto permitirá aumentar la oferta de capacidad de procesamiento y almacenamiento de información, para gestionar servicios como Cloud, Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial, entre otros. Estará ubicado en el distrito de Villa El Salvador. Read full information on external site
В ТОР «Надеждинская» создается первый на Дальнем Востоке высокотехнологичный дата-центр - energyland.info2022-02-07 Коммерческий центр обработки данных будет располагаться в селе Вольно-Надеждинское в границах ТОР «Надеждинская» в Приморском крае. Здесь будут размещены модули ЦОД, каждый из которых вмещает по 440 стойко-мест со средним энергопотреблением в 5 кВт. Проектируемый дата-центр имеет пять уровней безопасности, а его общая электрическая мощность составит 9 мВт. Read full information on external site
Stellschrauben zum Minimieren der Datacenter-Ausfälle und Erhöhen der Verfügbarkeit - datacenter-insider.de2022-02-07 Mit zunehmender Komplexität und steigender Nachfrage erhöht sich in Rechenzentren das Risiko von Ausfallzeiten und den damit verbundenen Verdienstverlusten. Read full information on external site
Perspectivas ecológicas: Las medidas significativas contra el cambio climático en 2022 requerirán nuevas formas de pensamiento por parte de los líderes de la industria - diarioestrategia.cl2022-02-07 Archivado en: Ciencia & Salud · Perspectivas ecológicas · Cambio Climático · energía · consumo energético del centro de datos · centro de datos · TJ Faze · Vertiv · Ohio Energy Project. Read full information on external site
Облачные технологии, операционные системы и 5G - kommersant.ru2022-02-07 Вопросы кибербезопасности затрагивают различные стороны общественной жизни: от защиты личных данных частных пользователей и сохранения конфиденциальности бизнеса до создания цифрового суверенитета на уровне государств. Read full information on external site
Облачные технологии, операционные системы и 5G - itsec.ru2022-02-07 Вопросы кибербезопасности затрагивают различные стороны общественной жизни – от защиты личных данных частных пользователей и сохранения конфиденциальности бизнеса до создания цифрового суверенитета на уровне государств. Read full information on external site
Perspectivas ecológicas: Las medidas significativas contra el cambio climático en 2022 requerirán nuevas formas de pensamiento por parte de los líderes de la industria - itnews.lat2022-02-07 Por muchos años, los efectos del consumo energético del centro de datos han estado muy presentes en las mentes de los responsables de la toma de decisiones y aunque la reciente presión pública ha dado motivos de preocupación, los operadores de centros de datos están más que listos para implementar estrategias que hagan frente a los problemas climáticos y de sostenibilidad de forma urgente. Read full information on external site
The first high-tech data center in the Far East is being created in the Nadezhdinskaya ASEZ - ieport.ru2022-02-07 The commercial data processing center will be located in the village of Volno-Nadezhdinskoye within the borders of the Nadezhdinskaya ASEZ in Primorsky Krai. Read full information on external site
Keine Angst vor dem Blackout - it-business.de2022-02-04 Wer einem Stromausfall entspannt entgegen blicken möchte, sollte sich rechtzeitig nach Lösungen für unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung (USV) und Klimatisierung umsehen. Wie wichtig sie in der digitalisierten Welt tatsächlich sind, zeigt das IT-BUSINESS-Panel. Read full information on external site
Первый на Дальнем Востоке высокотехнологичный дата-центр создается в ТОР "Надеждинская" - ruscable.ru2022-02-04 Экспертная организация ООО «Арго» рассмотрела проектную документацию и результаты инженерных изысканий на строительство Центра обработки данных KeyPoint East в Приморском крае. По итогам негосударственной экспертизы выдано положительное заключение. Read full information on external site
Cente Tech Secures Land in Masaka To Build a Tier 3 Data Centre - pctechmag.com2022-02-04 Cente Tech toured a land in Masaka that has been earmarked as the site for the construction of a Tier 3 Data Centre that will be funded by Centenary Group. Read full information on external site
How Data Center Colocation Works - bmc.com2022-02-04 Data Center Colocation (aka “colo”) is a rental service for enterprise customers to store their servers and other hardware necessary for daily operations. Read full information on external site
Первый на Дальнем Востоке высокотехнологичный дата-центр создается в ТОР "Надеждинская" - ruscable.blogspot.com2022-02-04 Экспертная организация ООО «Арго» рассмотрела проектную документацию и результаты инженерных изысканий на строительство Центра обработки данных KeyPoint East в Приморском крае. По итогам негосударственной экспертизы выдано положительное заключение. Read full information on external site
Главные тенденции сферы кибербезопасности" - iksmedia.ru2022-02-04 Вопросы кибербезопасности затрагивают различные стороны общественной жизни – от защиты личных данных частных пользователей и сохранения конфиденциальности бизнеса до создания цифрового суверенитета на уровне государств. В рамках 24-го Большого Национального форума информационной безопасности «Инфофорум-2022» ведущие эксперты Huawei рассказали о том, какие решения для различных сфер предлагает компания, опираясь на более чем тридцатилетний опыт на глобальном рынке. Read full information on external site
The New Criticality of Remote Management and Monitoring - eeweb.com2022-02-04 The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote workplace tools and, more significantly, required organizations to completely rethink their existing strategies for training staff and conducting business. Read full information on external site
Najlepsze praktyki zarządzania centrum danych - itprofessional.com.pl2022-02-03 Infrastruktura data center to skomplikowany „organizm” z wieloma zależnościami, bardzo często niewidocznymi na pierwszy rzut oka, a mającymi ogromny wpływ na ciągłość działania centrum przetwarzania danych oraz koszt jego eksploatacji. Read full information on external site
Diese Trends beschäftigen Rechenzentrumsbetreiber 2022 am meisten - netzwoche.ch2022-02-03 Das Jahr 2022 hält für die Rechenzentrumsbranche verschiedene Herausforderungen bereit. Read full information on external site
Быстрое внедрение цифровой системы ABB обеспечивает электроснабжение ЦОД Centrin Data Systems в Китае. - advis.ru2022-02-02 ABB устанавливает цифровую систему для крупного высокотехнологичного центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Восточном Китае. Ускорение более чем на 80 % ввода в эксплуатацию и уменьшение объема проводки на объекте позволяют исполнить проект на 40 % быстрее. Read full information on external site
Новая ТОР может появиться на острове Русский - minvr.gov.ru2022-02-02 ABB устанавливает цифровую систему для крупного высокотехнологичного центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Восточном Китае. Ускорение более чем на 80 % ввода в эксплуатацию и уменьшение объема проводки на объекте позволяют исполнить проект на 40 % быстрее. Read full information on external site
PG: Zakończył się ważny etap budowy kompleksu STOS - evertiq.pl2022-02-02 Budynek powstającego na kampusie Politechniki Gdańskiej ośrodka informatycznego Centrum Kompetencji STOS osiągnął właśnie tzw. „stan zamknięty”. Read full information on external site
Zakończył się kolejny, ważny etap budowy kompleksu STOS Politechniki Gdańskiej - kieruneksurowce.pl2022-02-02 Na kampusie Politechniki Gdańskiej powstaje jedna z najważniejszych i największych inwestycji infrastrukturalnych na Pomorzu: Centrum Kompetencji STOS. Read full information on external site
Новая ТОР может появиться на острове Русский (Приморский край). - advis.ru2022-02-02 Во Владивостоке Заместитель Председателя Правительства – полномочный представитель Президента РФ в ДФО Юрий Трутнев провёл совещание о ходе реализации инвестиционных проектов на территории Приморского края. Read full information on external site
SUSTAINABILITY FOCUS 24 - digitalisationworld.com2022-02-02 The data centre industry is notoriously energy hungry; because data centres house and run much of the digital infrastructure, they use huge amounts of power and can generate vast amount of heat. Read full information on external site
How data-driven digital service models can prevent end-user downtime - itrportal.com2022-02-02 For many years digital transformation has been a key focus for businesses, but during the past 18 months organisations efforts have accelerated, in some cases bringing about years of change in just a few months. Read full information on external site
Dominus Capital’s Investment in Uptime Institute - globallegalchronicle.com2022-02-01 Uptime provides assessment, certification and consulting services for owners, operators and users of digital infrastructure, and also provides education, accreditation, and membership network services for data center professionals and organizations. Read full information on external site
Zakończył się kolejny, ważny etap budowy kompleksu STOS Politechniki Gdańskiej - infowire.pl2022-02-01 Na kampusie Politechniki Gdańskiej powstaje jedna z najważniejszych i największych inwestycji infrastrukturalnych na Pomorzu: Centrum Kompetencji STOS. Read full information on external site
Про ЦОД Останкино — тот самый, который вообще без дизеля - pcnews.ru2022-02-01 ВУ нас кончилось место на московских площадках, и мы довольно долго выбирали новый ЦОД. Отсмотрели с десяток вариантов и пришли в гости в Останкино. ЦОД, конечно, удивительный. Read full information on external site
Zakończył się kolejny, ważny etap budowy kompleksu STOS Politechniki Gdańskiej - builderpolska.pl2022-02-01 Na kampusie Politechniki Gdańskiej powstaje jedna z najważniejszych i największych inwestycji infrastrukturalnych na Pomorzu: Centrum Kompetencji STOS. Read full information on external site
Про ЦОД Останкино — тот самый, который вообще без дизеля - habr.com2022-02-01 У нас кончилось место на московских площадках, и мы довольно долго выбирали новый ЦОД. Отсмотрели с десяток вариантов и пришли в гости в Останкино. ЦОД, конечно, удивительный. Read full information on external site
Zakończył się kolejny etap budowy kompleksu STOS Politechniki Gdańskiej - forum-budowlane.pl2022-02-01 У нас кончилось место на московских площадках, и мы довольно долго выбирали новый ЦОД. Отсмотрели с десяток вариантов и пришли в гости в Останкино. ЦОД, конечно, удивительный. Read full information on external site
January 2022
Future thinking on smart grids - datacenterdynamics.com2022-01-31 Ultra high-voltage distribution could make larger, smarter grids, in which data centers and wind turbines will take new roles. Read full information on external site
Schneider Sustainability Framework Offers Roadmap for Climate Response - datacenterfrontier.com2022-01-31 At DCF we’ve noted how the leading data center and cloud computing companies are stepping up their sustainability efforts. Leadership matters, but there’s not always a clear roadmap on how smaller companies can adapt the innovation strategies of hyperscale operators. Read full information on external site
Sie Wollen Einen Sicheren Und Leistungsfähigen Vps? Suchen Sie Ein Tier Iii Zertifiziertes Data Center? - windows-faq.de2022-01-30 Leistung und Sicherheit sind heute die gefragteste Kombination auf dem modernen Hosting-Markt. Keines dieser Merkmale ist von einem hochwertigen Server zu trennen. Read full information on external site
5 Ways Companies are Dealing With the Data Storage Talent Shortage - enterprisestorageforum.com2022-01-28 The shortage of talent in the data storage job market is causing corporate IT departments to reconsider how they attract storage specialists from the limited tech pool. Read full information on external site
Mehr Regulierung, mehr Prozessorvielfalt, mehr Druck auf Nachhaltigkeit - dailyadvent.com2022-01-28 Prognose des Uptime Istitute für 2022 Mehr Regulierung, mehr Prozessorvielfalt, mehr Druck auf Nachhaltigkeit Die Branche muss sich im kommenden Jahr auf mehr Regulierung und Verantwortlichkeit sowie erhöhten Nachhaltigkeitsdruck einstellen. Read full information on external site
Emerging digital service models: Addressing the need to prevent downtime - computerweekly.com2022-01-28 Schneider Electric UK and Ireland’s channel director shares his views about the opportunities for the channel on ensuring systems remain powered. Read full information on external site
Mehr Regulierung, mehr Prozessorvielfalt, mehr Druck auf Nachhaltigkeit - datacenter-insider.de2022-01-28 Die Datacenter-Branche muss sich im kommenden Jahr auf mehr Regulierung und Verantwortlichkeit sowie erhöhten Nachhaltigkeitsdruck einstellen. Die Intel-Monokultur kehrt wohl nicht zurück. Read full information on external site
2022, el año en el que emprender una carrera tecnológica - diariobalear.com2022-01-28 Casi 9 de cada 10 directivos tiene problemas con la brecha tecnológica. El 64% de las grandes compañías y el 56% de las pequeñas y medianas empresas afirman encontrar dificultades a la hora de cubrir puestos TIC. Read full information on external site
Construction firm names SVP - grbj.com2022-01-28 The Christman Company recently promoted Jacob Kulhanek to senior vice president and general manager of construction management and real estate development at the company’s regional office in Grand Rapids. Read full information on external site
How robust is your data centre contingency plan? - grbj.com2022-01-28 The Christman Company recently promoted Jacob Kulhanek to senior vice president and general manager of construction management and real estate development at the company’s regional office in Grand Rapids. Read full information on external site
What's Causing All These Network Outages, And What Can CIOs Do To Prevent Them? - forbes.com2022-01-27 Network outages can be catastrophic for businesses and happen more often than ever. Facebook and Google Cloud, Korean telecom giant KT Corp and web services providers AWS and Fastly all experienced widescale outages this year. Read full information on external site
Data Centers: el auge de la eficiencia y la sostenibilidad de cara al 2022 - ebizlatam.com2022-01-27 Almacenar, distribuir y analizar miles de millones de datos por segundo de manera eficiente, segura y veraz, se ha vuelto un actor clave para las empresas de base tecnológica. Read full information on external site
Three Data Centre Predictions for 2022 - broad-group.com2022-01-26 By Rhonda Ascierto, Vice President of Research, Uptime Institute. While the widespread impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic persist, the data center industry heads into 2022 with a tailwind of substantial new investment and growth. With expansion comes heightened complexity and new obstacles for owners and operators. The coming year (and beyond) promises opportunities but also challenges. Read full information on external site
Data centre provider opens new site - birminghambiz.co.uk2022-01-26 Proximity Data Centres, the UK’s fastest growing regional edge co-location data centre provider, has announced the further expansion of its edge data centre footprint with the opening of a new site in Birmingham. Read full information on external site
Montan el CD´s más grande del Perú - americasistemas.com.pe2022-01-26 Gtd Perú, multinacional de telecomunicaciones y servicios TI, tiene como uno de sus objetivos la construcción de uno de los Data Center más grandes del Perú: una infraestructura sobre un terreno de 10,000 m² ubicado en Lurín, brindará una importante capacidad de almacenamiento, procesamiento y seguridad a la información empresarial. Read full information on external site
Gtd Perú planea invertir más de US$ 50 millones en nuevo Data Center en Lima - agenciaorbita.org2022-01-25 Gtd Perú, empresa del Grupo Gtd, multinacional de telecomunicaciones y servicios TI, tiene como uno de sus objetivos la construcción de uno de los Data Center más grandes del Perú: una infraestructura sobre un terreno de 10,000 m² que brindará una importante capacidad de almacenamiento, procesamiento y seguridad a la información empresarial. Read full information on external site
Gtd Perú construirá un nuevo Data Center en Lima - cioperu.pe2022-01-25 Gtd Perú, empresa del Grupo Gtd, multinacional de telecomunicaciones y servicios TI, anunció que tiene como uno de sus objetivos la construcción de uno de los Data Center más grandes del Perú: una infraestructura sobre un terreno de 10 mil m² que brindará una importante capacidad de almacenamiento, procesamiento y seguridad a la información empresarial. Read full information on external site
Orange and Engie join forces to convert the GOS, Orange's main data center in Africa to solar power - algeriabusinessinfo.com2022-01-25 Orange has signed an EaaS (Energy as a Service) contract with Engie to convert (Groupement Orange Services) GOS, Orange's main data center in Africa to solar power. Read full information on external site
Gtd Perú planea invertir más de US$ 50 millones en nuevo Data Center en Lima - channelnewsperu.com2022-01-25 La empresa del Grupo multinacional de telecomunicaciones y servicios TI, tiene como uno de sus objetivos la construcción de uno de los Data Center más grandes del Perú: una infraestructura sobre un terreno de 10,000 m² que brindará una importante capacidad de almacenamiento, procesamiento y seguridad a la información empresarial. Read full information on external site
Orange et Engie s’associent pour solariser le GOS, principal Data Center d’Orange en Afrique et contribuer ainsi à réduire l’empreinte carbone de la Côte d’Ivoire - orange.com2022-01-17 Le Groupement Orange Services (GOS) est une entité de mutualisation au service des 18 filiales d’Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA), qui met en œuvre des prestations d’hébergement et d’exploitation d’infrastructures, de plateformes de service et d’IT mutualisés de l’ensemble des filiales. Read full information on external site
[Côte d'Ivoire] Orange and Engie join forces to convert the GOS, Orange's main data center in Africa to solar power - africabusinesscommunities.com2022-01-24 Orange has signed an EaaS (Energy as a Service) contract with Engie to convert (Groupement Orange Services) GOS, Orange's main data center in Africa to solar power. Read full information on external site
HOSTKEY biedt meer capaciteit vanuit Tier III euNetworks Datacenter Amsterdam - dutchitchannel.nl2022-01-24 De Nederlandse hostingprovider HOSTKEY heeft zijn capaciteit fors uitgebreid door serverracks te huren in het Nederlandse Tier III euNetworks Datacenter in Amsterdam. Read full information on external site
HOSTKEY biedt meer capaciteit vanuit Tier III euNetworks Datacenter Amsterdam - executive-people.nl2022-01-24 De Nederlandse hostingprovider HOSTKEY heeft zijn capaciteit fors uitgebreid door serverracks te huren in het Nederlandse Tier III euNetworks Datacenter in Amsterdam. Read full information on external site
Los empleos digitales y tecnológicos liderarán las contrataciones este año - eleconomista.es2022-01-24 El 90% de los directivos tiene dificultades con la brecha tecnológica. Read full information on external site
Los empleos digitales y tecnológicos liderarán las contrataciones este año - headtopics.com2022-01-24 Aquellos profesionales con habilidades digitales y tecnológicas serán más competitivos. Read full information on external site
La solución de centro de datos modular inteligente de Huawei ocupa el puesto número 1 en el mercado mundial de centros de datos modulares - businessempresarial.com.pe2022-01-23 Business Empresarial.- Para Huawei, la innovación continua es clave para cumplir con los requisitos de infraestructura de las empresas modernas a medida que continúan con sus viajes de digitalización. Read full information on external site
Orange, Engie partner to convert the GOS to solar power - telecomdrive.com2022-01-22 The GOS (Groupement Orange Services) is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, which provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Cuánto cobran los perfiles más demandados de 2022 - cincodias.elpais.com2022-01-22 Los puestos tecnológicos serán los más demandados, pero también los expertos en recursos humanos. Read full information on external site
Ahora Más Que Nunca Todos Los Colaboradores Somos Imprescindibles - marketingafbarcelona.wordpress.com2022-01-22 He leído una noticia que os pondré luego sobre los Recursos Humanos de las empresas que me ha hecho reflexionar y mucho… Read full information on external site
Gtd Perú Planea Invertir Más De US$ 50 Millones En Nuevo Data Center En Lima - pressperu.com2022-01-21 Gtd Perú, empresa del Grupo Gtd, multinacional de telecomunicaciones y servicios TI, tiene como uno de sus objetivos la construcción de uno de los Data Center más grandes del Perú: una infraestructura sobre un terreno de 10,000 m² que brindará una importante capacidad de almacenamiento, procesamiento y seguridad a la información empresarial. Read full information on external site
2022, el año en el que emprender una carrera tecnológica - equiposytalento.com/noticias2022-01-21 Casi 9 de cada 10 directivos tiene problemas con la brecha tecnológica. Read full information on external site
Experto en ciberseguridad y analista de datos, entre los perfiles TIC más buscados - itreseller.es2022-01-21 La inversión en TI durante este año crecerá más de un 12% y se enfrenta al reto de cubrir 340.000 puestos en Europa. Se estima que en España se necesitarán más de 30.000 expertos en ciberseguridad. Además, durante 2021, la demanda de desarrolladores web y programadores expertos aumentó un 30%. Read full information on external site
Data Center Trends To Follow For A Competitive Edge - forbes.com2022-01-21 Steven Carlini, Vice President of Innovation and Data Center, Energy Management Business Unit, Schneider Electric. Read full information on external site
Y los cuatro perfiles tecnológicos más demandados en 2022 serán… - silicon.es2022-01-21 Ironhack analiza el mercado laboral y advierte sobre la necesidad de hacer frente a la digitalización. Read full information on external site
Gtd Perú prepara construcción de Data Center - jcmagazine.com2022-01-21 Gtd Perú, empresa del Grupo Gtd, multinacional de telecomunicaciones y servicios TI, tiene como uno de sus objetivos la construcción de uno de los Data Center más grandes del Perú: una infraestructura sobre un terreno de 10,000 m² que brindará una importante capacidad de almacenamiento, procesamiento y seguridad a la información empresarial. Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du ministère de l'Economie et des Finances certifié "Tier III" d'Uptime Institute - 2m.ma2022-01-20 Le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances a annoncé l'obtention de la certification Tier III d’Uptime Institute pour son Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Twin Oracle Cloud regions to boost performance and innovation for businesses inside UAE - ec-mea.com2022-01-20 Today, Oracle has 37 Cloud regions available and 7 more planned by the end of 2022. Inside UAE, two Cloud regions, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, are now live. Read full information on external site
Tigo Business facilita resguardo de información a clientes, ahorrando tiempo e inversiones - lanacion.com.py2022-01-20 Para garantizar el resguardo de datos de clientes, el servicio de colocación de Tigo Business cuenta con un Data Center, una instalación o recinto diseñado y construido para albergar tanto a sistemas de información, equipos de telecomunicación y sistemas de almacenamiento. Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du ministère de l'Economie et des Finances certifié "Tier III" d'Uptime Institute - 2m.ma2022-01-20 Le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances a annoncé l'obtention de la certification Tier III d’Uptime Institute pour son Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Paraguay | Tigo Business facilita el resguardo de información a los clientes - digitalpolicylaw.com2022-01-20 Para garantizar el resguardo de datos de clientes, el servicio de colocación de Tigo Business cuenta con un Data Center, una instalación o recinto diseñado y construido para albergar tanto a sistemas de información, equipos de telecomunicación y sistemas de almacenamiento. Con esto, las empresas que contraten el servicio pueden ahorrarse desde tiempo hasta inversiones innecesarias. Read full information on external site
Proximity opens new website in Birmingham - jnews.uk2022-01-20 Regional edge colocation provider, Proximity Data Centers, has added a new facility to its portfolio. Read full information on external site
Tigo Business facilita resguardo de información a clientes, ahorrando tiempo e inversiones - hoy.com.py2022-01-20 Para garantizar el resguardo de datos de clientes, el servicio de colocación de Tigo Business cuenta con un Data Center, una instalación o recinto diseñado y construido para albergar tanto a sistemas de información, equipos de telecomunicación y sistemas de almacenamiento. Con esto, las empresas que contraten el servicio pueden ahorrarse desde tiempo hasta inversiones innecesarias. Read full information on external site
Vertiv encara escasez de talento en centros de datos - thestandardcio.com2022-01-20 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
China Mobile and Huawei Complete a Modular Data Center in Six Months - datacenterknowledge.com2022-01-20 The facility in Xi’an, Northwest China, was divided into 232 modules, with the equipment prefabricated and preinstalled in a factory. Read full information on external site
Concerns over cloud concentration risk grow - datacenterdynamics.com2022-01-20 More data center managers would consider moving mission-critical workloads to a public cloud provider if visibility of operational resiliency improved. Read full information on external site
Orange to Convert its Main Data Center in Africa to Solar Power with Engie - thefastmode.com2022-01-19 The GOS (Groupement Orange Services) is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, which provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Orange converts African data centre to solar power - it-online.co.za2022-01-19 The GOS (Groupement Orange Services) is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa subsidiaries, which provides hosting and infrastructure operations, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du ministère de l’économie et des finances certifié «Tier III» d’Uptime Institute - aujourdhui.ma2022-01-19 Le ministère de l’économie et des finances a annoncé, lundi, l’obtention de la certification Tier III d’Uptime Institute pour son Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du ministère de l’économie et des finances certifié «Tier III» d’Uptime Institute - maghress.com2022-01-19 Le ministère de l’économie et des finances a annoncé, lundi, l’obtention de la certification Tier III d’Uptime Institute pour son Datacenter. Read full information on external site
EN BREFOrange et Engie s’associent pour solariser le GOS, principal Data Center d’Orange en Afrique - thd.tn2022-01-19 Le Groupement Orange Services (GOS) est une entité de mutualisation au service des 18 filiales d’Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA), qui met en œuvre des prestations d’hébergement et d’exploitation d’infrastructures, de plateformes de service et d’IT mutualisés de l’ensemble des filiales. Le Data center a été construit en 2016 à Grand Bassam, en Côte d’Ivoire, sur une superficie de 16.600 m2. Il héberge des équipements informatiques et de télécommunications, supports des services qui sont délivrés par le GOS pour l’ensemble des filiales d’OMEA. Read full information on external site
Orange, Engie join forces to convert GOS data center in Africa to solar power - algeriabusinessinfo.com2022-01-19 Orange and Engie have joined forces to convert the Groupement Orange Services (GOS), Orange's main data center in Africa to solar power, to help reduce the carbon footprint in Côte d'Ivoire. Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos - diarioestrategia.cl2022-01-19 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
State of the European Data Center Market in 2022s - datacenterfrontier.com2022-01-19 In this edition of Voices of the Industry, Eric Boonstra, Vice President & General Manager of Iron Mountain Data Centers Europe, explores trends and discusses predictions for the European data center market in 2022. Read full information on external site
MEF: Le Datacenter obtient la certification "Tier III"s - leconomiste.com2022-01-19 Le Datacenter de l’Économie et des Finances a été certifié « Tier III » auprès de l’organisme "Uptime Institute". Cette certification, obtenue à fin 2021, permet de s’assurer de la "parfaite" résilience de ses installations techniques. Read full information on external site
如何防止数据中心的下一次中断 - articles.e-works.net.cn2022-01-19 极端天气事件给人们的工作和生活带来严重的影响和破坏,而且在未来将会变得更加频繁且不可预测。虽然这具有更广泛的社会和生态影响,但这些极端天气事件对数据中心的不利影响是显而易见的. Read full information on external site
El empleo TIC lidera las previsiones de contratación de 2022 con una cuota de más del 50% - rrhhdigital.com2022-01-18 Para 2025 la industria mundial de centros de datos necesitará incorporar 300.000 profesionales. Read full information on external site
Orange and Engie join forces - digitalisationworld.com2022-01-18 The GOS (Groupement Orange Services) is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries (www.Orange.com), which provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
2022, el año en el que emprender una carrera tecnológica - factoriadelfuturo.com2022-01-18 Elegir una carrera y decidir a qué queremos dedicarnos es una decisión importante en nuestras vidas. Read full information on external site
Андрей Шевченко, Hostkey: Как изменила рынок хостинга авральная цифровизация - pcnews.ru2022-01-18 В цифровую эру год всегда шел за пятилетку, а после прихода пандемии и локдаунов ИТ-ландшафт меняется стремительно. Read full information on external site
Андрей Шевченко, Hostkey: Как изменила рынок хостинга авральная цифровизация - cnews.ru2022-01-18 В цифровую эру год всегда шел за пятилетку, а после прихода пандемии и локдаунов ИТ-ландшафт меняется стремительно. Read full information on external site
Orange, Engie join forces to convert GOS data center in Africa to solar power - africabusinesscommunities.com2022-01-18 Orange and Engie have joined forces to convert the Groupement Orange Services (GOS), Orange's main data center in Africa to solar power, to help reduce the carbon footprint in Côte d'Ivoire. Read full information on external site
مركز بيانات وزارة الاقتصاد يحصل على شهادة معهد "Uptime Institute" - maghress.com2022-01-18 أعلنت وزارة الاقتصاد والمالية عن حصول مركز البيانات الخاص بها على شهادة الدرجة الثالثة التي يمنحها معهد "Uptime Institute" Read full information on external site
مركز البيانات لوزارة الاقتصاد والمالية يحصل على شهادة الدرجة الثالثة "Tier III" من معهد "Uptime Institute" - menara.ma2022-01-18 أعلنت وزارة الاقتصاد والمالية، اليوم الاثنين، عن حصول مركز البيانات الخاص به على شهادة الدرجة الثالثة التي يمنحها معهد "Uptime Institute" Read full information on external site
Orange and Engie Come Together to Convert GOS to Solar Power - techafricanews.com2022-01-18 Orange and Engie have signed an EaaS contract to help convert the Groupement Orange Services to solar power. Read full information on external site
Orange And Engie Join Forces To Convert The GOS, Orange’s Main Data Center In Africa, To Solar Power, Helping To Reduce The Carbon Footprint In Côte d’Ivoire - aithority.com2022-01-18 The GOS is one of the components of the Orange data center network in Africa. Read full information on external site
Maroc : le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances obtient la certification « Tier III Design » - journalducameroun.com2022-01-18 Read full information on external site
Le DataCenter du ministère des Finances obtient la certification Tier III - barlamane.com2022-01-18 Le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances a annoncé, lundi, l’obtention de la certification Tier III d’Uptime Institute pour son Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du MEF certifié « Tier III » d’Uptime Institute - lnt.ma2022-01-18 Le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances a annoncé, lundi, l’obtention de la certification Tier III d’Uptime Institute pour son Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Orange and Engie join Forces to convert the GOS, Orange’s Main Data Center in Africa - maurice-info.mu2022-01-18 The GOS (Groupement Orange Services) is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, which provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Maroc : le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances obtient la certification « Tier III Design » - journaldutchad.com2022-01-18 Le ministère marocain de l’Economie et des Finance a obtenu, fin 2021, la certification « Tier III Design », une distinction remise par le prestigieux organisme « Uptime Institute » afin de s’assurer de la parfaite résilience de ses installations techniques. Read full information on external site
Orange, Engie join forces to convert GOS data center to solar power - biztechafrica.com2022-01-18 . The GOS (Groupement Orange Services) is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, which provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Orange ties up with Engie to convert main data centre in Africa to solar power - telecompaper.com2022-01-18 .The GOS (Groupement Orange Services) is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, which provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Maroc : le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances obtient la certification « Tier III Design » - journaldumali.com2022-01-18 Le ministère marocain de l’Economie et des Finance a obtenu, fin 2021, la certification « Tier III Design », une distinction remise par le prestigieux organisme « Uptime Institute » afin de s’assurer de la parfaite résilience de ses installations techniques. Read full information on external site
>Maroc : le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances obtient la certification « Tier III Design » - journaldugabon.com2022-01-18 Le ministère marocain de l’Economie et des Finance a obtenu, fin 2021, la certification « Tier III Design », une distinction remise par le prestigieux organisme « Uptime Institute » afin de s’assurer de la parfaite résilience de ses installations techniques. Read full information on external site
>Maroc : le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances obtient la certification « Tier III Design » - journalduniger.com2022-01-18 Le ministère marocain de l’Economie et des Finance a obtenu, fin 2021, la certification « Tier III Design », une distinction remise par le prestigieux organisme « Uptime Institute » afin de s’assurer de la parfaite résilience de ses installations techniques. Read full information on external site
Ministry of Economy and Finance Datacenter Obtains 'Tier III' Certification of Uptime Institute - marocgazette.com2022-01-18 Rabat - The Ministry of Economy and Finance announced, Monday, obtaining the Tier III certification of Uptime Institute for its Datacenter. Read full information on external site
مركز البيانات لوزارة الاقتصاد يحصل على شهادة الدرجة الثالثة "Tier III" من معهد "Uptime Institute" - medi1news.com2022-01-18 أعلنت وزارة الاقتصاد والمالية، اليوم الاثنين، عن حصول مركز البيانات الخاص بها على شهادة الدرجة الثالثة التي يمنحها معهد "Uptime Institute". Read full information on external site
Proximity opens new data centre in Birmingham - datacentrereview.com2022-01-18 Proximity Data Centres has unveiled a new edge data centre in Birmingham – Proximity Edge 8. Read full information on external site
Datacenter United stelt Bart Stevens aan als CIO - datanews.knack.be2022-01-18 Datacenter United heeft Bart Stevens aangesteld als Chief Information Officer. Hij zal bij de Belgische aanbieder van datacenterdiensten op technisch en structureel vlak de lijnen van de groep gaan uittekenen. Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du ministère de l’Economie et des Finances certifié “Tier III” d’Uptime Institute - challenge.ma2022-01-18 A l’aune de sa stratégie de « Digital Nation », le Maroc continue son épopée digitale depuis le chantier de lancement de « Morocco Tech » jusqu’à sa dernière gratification, avec la certification du Datacenter du ministère de l’Economie et des Finances « Tier III » d’Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Maroc: Le Datacenter du ministère de l'Economie et des Finances certifié "Tier III" d'Uptime Institute - fr.allafrica.com2022-01-18 Rabat — "Face au développement considérable de ses systèmes d'information et au besoin de garantir leur continuité de services et d'améliorer la qualité de prestations rendues à ces différents partenaires et usagers, le ministère a été l'une des premières administrations à mettre en place, en 2012, un Datacenter à la pointe de la technologie pour héberger ses propres infrastructures informatiques", indique le ministère dans un communiqué. Read full information on external site
Galicia tendrá el único centro de datos Tier 4 de la Administración - itdigitalsecurity.es2022-01-18 La Xunta de Galicia ha iniciado la primera fase de licitación de un nuevo centro de datos que será el único de la Administración Pública española que cumpla con las mayores exigencias mundiales de seguridad, que certifica el Uptime Institute con la cualificación Tier-4. Read full information on external site
Data Centers: el auge de la eficiencia y la sostenibilidad de cara al 2022 - itnews.lat2022-01-18 Almacenar, distribuir y analizar miles de millones de datos por segundo de manera eficiente, segura y veraz, se ha vuelto un actor clave para las empresas de base tecnológica. Read full information on external site
Data Centers: el auge de la eficiencia y la sostenibilidad de cara al 2022 - itnews.lat2022-01-18 Almacenar, distribuir y analizar miles de millones de datos por segundo de manera eficiente, segura y veraz, se ha vuelto un actor clave para las empresas de base tecnológica. Read full information on external site
Orange partners Engie to convert main Africa data centre to solar energy - techmetroafrica.com2022-01-18 Orange signed an EaaS (Energy as a Service) contract with Engie in December 2021, to convert the GOS (Groupement Orange Services) to solar power. GOS is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, which provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Énergie verte : Orange et Engie s’associent pour réduire l’empreinte carbone de la Côte d’Ivoirey - afrimag.net2022-01-18 Orange et Engie s’associent pour solariser le Groupement Orange Services (GOS), principal Data Center d’Orange en Afrique et contribuer ainsi à réduire l’empreinte carbone de la Côte d’Ivoire. Read full information on external site
Orange and Engie join forces to convert the Groupement Orange Services, Orange’s main data center in Africa, to solar power - jbklutse.com2022-01-18 The GOS (Groupement Orange Services) is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, which provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
El empleo TIC lidera las previsiones de contratación de 2022 con una cuota de más del 50% - aecconsultoras.com2022-01-18 Para 2025 la industria mundial de centros de datos necesitará incorporar 300.000 profesionales. Read full information on external site
Data Centers: el auge de la eficiencia y la sostenibilidad de cara al 2022 - emb.cl2022-01-18 A raíz de lo vivido a partir del inicio de la pandemia, hemos aprendido la importancia de realizar un trabajo ágil y seguro, de modo que las empresas posean la resiliencia necesaria para brindar continuidad operativa ante cualquier suceso inesperado. Read full information on external site
Ministry of Economy and Finance Datacenter Obtains ‘Tier III’ Certification of Uptime Institute - tunisianewsgazette.com2022-01-17 “Faced with the considerable development of its information systems and the need to ensure the continuity of services and improve the quality of services provided to its various partners and users, the ministry was one of the first administrations to establish, in 2012, a Datacenter at the forefront of technology to host its own IT infrastructure”, the ministry said in a statement. Read full information on external site
بلاغ جديد من وزارة الاقتصاد والمالية - tunisianewsgazette.com2022-01-18 أعلنت وزارة الاقتصاد والمالية، اليوم الاثنين، عن حصول الدرجة الثالثة التي يمنحها معهد "Uptime Institute"..مركز البيانات الخاص بها على شهادة Read full information on external site
Orange et Engie s’associent pour solariser le GOS, principal Data Center d’Orange en Afrique et contribuer ainsi à réduire l’empreinte carbone de la Côte d’Ivoire - orange.com2022-01-17 Le Groupement Orange Services (GOS) est une entité de mutualisation au service des 18 filiales d’Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA), qui met en œuvre des prestations d’hébergement et d’exploitation d’infrastructures, de plateformes de service et d’IT mutualisés de l’ensemble des filiales. Read full information on external site
Engie to equip Orange’s data centre with a solar PV plant in West Africa - communicationsafrica.com2022-01-17 Orange has joined forces with Engie to convert the GOS, Orange's main data centre in Africa to Solar Power, with an aim to reduce the carbon footprint in Côte d'Ivoire. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: com mercado maduro, Brasil é destaque em empresas de projetos, construção e operações de grande escala - datacenterdynamics.com2022-01-17 Com uma evolução gigantesca nos últimos 10 anos, o mercado brasileiro de data centers é considerado maduro, fato esse impulsionado pelos eventos esportivos que o país sediou, como a Copa do Mundo de 2014 os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016; investimentos empresariais e governamentais em infraestrutura tecnológica fizeram o Brasil, que por algum tempo era um gigante adormecido e vinha se desenvolvendo lentamente no segmento de data center, disparar no setor. Read full information on external site
Sumtec introduce Data Centers Inteligentes de Huawei - cioperu.pe2022-01-17 Sumtec Perú anunció la incorporación de los nuevos Data Centers Inteligentes a su cartera de productos, de la mano de su socio la trasnacional china Huawei. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers Achieves Tier-III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 Data Centers - enterpriseitworld.com2022-01-17 Khazna Data Centers achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 Data Centers. Read full information on external site
El empleo TIC ha crecido a un ritmo del 18% desde 2020 - laecuaciondigital.com2022-01-17 El 64% de las grandes compañías y el 56% de las pequeñas y medianas empresas afirman encontrar dificultades a la hora de cubrir puestos TIC. En 2021 la demanda de desarrolladores web y programadores expertos se incrementó un 30%. Read full information on external site
2022, el año en el que emprender una carrera tecnológica - murcia.com2022-01-17 Casi 9 de cada 10 directivos tiene problemas con la brecha tecnológica. El 64% de las grandes compañías y el 56% de las pequeñas y medianas empresas afirman encontrar dificultades a la hora de cubrir puestos TIC. Read full information on external site
Orange et Engie s’associent pour solariser le GOS, principal Data Center d’Orange en Afrique - globalsecuritymag.fr2022-01-17 Le Groupement Orange Services (GOS) est une entité de mutualisation au service des 18 filiales d’Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) , qui met en œuvre des prestations d’hébergement et d’exploitation d’infrastructures, de plateformes de service et d’IT mutualisés de l’ensemble des filiales. Le Data center a été construit en 2016 à Grand Bassam, en Côte d’Ivoire, sur une superficie de 16.600 m2. Il héberge des équipements informatiques et de télécommunications, supports des services qui sont délivrés par le GOS pour l’ensemble des filiales d’OMEA. Read full information on external site
2022, el año en el que emprender una carrera tecnológica - economiadehoy.es2022-01-17 Casi 9 de cada 10 directivos tiene problemas con la brecha tecnológica. El 64% de las grandes compañías y el 56% de las pequeñas y medianas empresas afirman encontrar dificultades a la hora de cubrir puestos TIC. Read full information on external site
Orange partners Engie to solar up main datacentre - itweb.africa2022-01-17 French telecommunications firm Orange has partnered with utility company Engie to convert its main datacentre in Africa, GOS or Groupement Orange Services, to solar power. The immediate implication is that the telco will reduce its carbon footprint in the Ivory Coast. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: Weniger Ausfälle, höhere Schäden im Datacenter - datacenter-insider.de2022-01-17 Das Uptime Institute befragt regelmäßig internationale Datacenter-Betreiber nach Umfang, Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Ausfällen in ihren Rechenzentren (RZ). Die gute Nachricht ist: Datacenter werden insgesamt immer zuverlässiger; denn der Umfang der IT-Aktivitäten wächst viel schneller als die Zahl der registrierten Ausfälle. Read full information on external site
Orange partners Engie to solar up main datacentre - itweb.africa2022-01-17 French telecommunications firm Orange has partnered with utility company Engie to convert its main datacentre in Africa, GOS or Groupement Orange Services, to solar power. The immediate implication is that the telco will reduce its carbon footprint in the Ivory Coast. Read full information on external site
2022 se postula como un año ideal para empezar una carrera tecnológica - cordobabn.com2022-01-17 La compañía Ironhack nos cuenta por qué puestos como desarrollador web o encargado de ciberseguridad estarán muy demandados este año. Read full information on external site
Orange ties up with Engie to convert main data centre in Africa to solar power - telecompaper.com2022-01-17 The Groupement Orange Services (GOS), a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. The data centre in Africa was built in 2016 in Grand Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire, on a site covering 16,600 m² and hosts IT and telecommunication equipment which support the services provided by the GOS to all OMEA subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Caminar por el Borde sin caer en el vacío, o los beneficios de apostar al Edge - itsitio.com2022-01-17 Desde que el centro de datos ya no está en el centro, nuevas oportunidades se están abriendo para los partners del canal de valor agregado. El Borde demanda soluciones de rápido despliegue y baja complejidad, y esa demanda recién empieza. ¡Anímese a caminar por el Borde! Read full information on external site
Orange and Engie Join Forces to Convert the GOS, Orange's Main Data Center in Africa, to Solar Power - businessghana.com2022-01-17 Orange and Engie join forces to convert the GOS, Orange's main data center in Africa, to solar power, helping to reduce the carbon footprint in Côte d'Ivoire. Read full information on external site
Orange and Engie Join Forces to Convert the GOS, Orange's Main Data Center in Africa, to Solar Power - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-01-17 Orange and Engie join forces to convert the GOS, Orange's main data center in Africa, to solar power, helping to reduce the carbon footprint in Côte d'Ivoire. Read full information on external site
Orange et Engie s'associent pour solariser le GOS, principal Data Center d'Orange en Afrique et contribuer ainsi à réduire l'empreinte carbone de la Côte d'Ivoire - koaci.com2022-01-17 Le Groupement Orange Services (GOS) est une entité de mutualisation au service des 18 filiales d’Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA), qui met en œuvre des prestations d’hébergement et d’exploitation d’infrastructures, de plateformes de service et d’IT mutualisés de l’ensemble des filiales. Le Data center a été construit en 2016 à Grand Bassam, en Côte d’Ivoire, sur une superficie de 16.600 m2. Il héberge des équipements informatiques et de télécommunications, supports des services qui sont délivrés par le GOS pour l’ensemble des filiales d’OMEA. Read full information on external site
Orange taps Engie for African data centre’s solar conversion - developingtelecoms.com2022-01-17 Orange has signed an EaaS (Energy as a Service) contract with Engie to convert its main African data centre to solar power. Read full information on external site
Côte d’Ivoire : Orange et Engie s’associent pour solariser le GOS, principal Data Center d’Orange en Afrique - agenceecofin.com2022-01-17 Orange has signed an EaaS (Energy as a Service) contract with Engie to convert its main African data centre to solar power. Read full information on external site
Orange and Engie to convert Orange’s main data centre in Africa to solar power - intelligentcio.com2022-01-17 The Groupement Orange Services (GOS), a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries, provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. The data centre in Africa was built in 2016 in Grand Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire, on a site covering 16,600 m² and hosts IT and telecommunication equipment which support the services provided by the GOS to all OMEA subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Orange & Engie Converting DC to Solar Power - subtelforum.com2022-01-17 Helping to Reduce the Carbon Footprint in Côte d’Ivoire. Read full information on external site
Technologie : Orange et Engie s’associent - mtom-mag.com2022-01-17 Objectif : solariser le GOS, principal Data Center d’Orange en Afrique et contribuer ainsi à réduire l’empreinte carbone de la Côte d’Ivoire...Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du ministère de l'Economie et des Finances certifié "Tier III" d'Uptime Institute - mapnews.ma/fr2022-01-17 Rabat - "Face au développement considérable de ses systèmes d’information et au besoin de garantir leur continuité de services et d’améliorer la qualité de prestations rendues à ces différents partenaires et usagers, le ministère a été l’une des premières administrations à mettre en place, en 2012, un Datacenter à la pointe de la technologie pour héberger ses propres infrastructures informatiques", indique le ministère dans un communiqué. Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du ministère de l'Economie et des Finances certifié "Tier III" d'Uptime Institute - mapexpress.ma2022-01-17 Rabat - "Face au développement considérable de ses systèmes d’information et au besoin de garantir leur continuité de services et d’améliorer la qualité de prestations rendues à ces différents partenaires et usagers, le ministère a été l’une des premières administrations à mettre en place, en 2012, un Datacenter à la pointe de la technologie pour héberger ses propres infrastructures informatiques", indique le ministère dans un communiqué. Read full information on external site
Nadia Fettah réussit la certification du Datacenter de son ministère - infomediaire.net2022-01-17 Le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances a annoncé, lundi, l’obtention de la certification Tier III d’Uptime Institute pour son Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Ministry of Economy and Finance Datacenter Obtains 'Tier III' Certification of Uptime Institute - mapnews.ma2022-01-17 Rabat - The Ministry of Economy and Finance announced, Monday, obtaining the Tier III certification of Uptime Institute for its Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Le Datacenter du ministère de l'Economie et des Finances certifié "Tier III" - menara.ma2022-01-17 Le ministère de l’Economie et des Finances a annoncé, lundi, l'obtention de la certification Tier III d’Uptime Institute pour son Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Orange And Engie Join Forces to Reduce the Carbon Footprint in Cote d'Ivoire - pipelinepub.com2022-01-17 Orange and Engie join forces to convert the GOS, Orange's main data center in Africa, to solar power, helping to reduce the carbon footprint in Côte d'Ivoire. Read full information on external site
مركز البيانات لوزارة الاقتصاد والمالية يحصل على شهادة الدرجة الثالثة "Tier III" من معهد "Uptime Institute" - medi1news.com2022-01-17 أعلنت وزارة الاقتصاد والمالية، اليوم الاثنين، عن يمنحها معهد "Uptime Institute"..حصول مركز البيانات الخاص بها على شهادة الدرجة الثالثة التي Read full information on external site
El Centro de Datos del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas certificado "Tier III" de Uptime Institute - mapnews.ma2022-01-17 Rabat - El Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas anunció, el lunes, la obtención de la certificación Tier III de Uptime Institute para su Datacenter. Read full information on external site
Orange and Engie Join Forces to Convert the GOS, Orange's Main Data Center in Africa, To Solar Power, Helping To Reduce The Carbon Footprint in Côte d'Ivoire - africaupdates.com2022-01-17 The GOS (Groupement Orange Services) is a resource-pooling entity for the 18 Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) subsidiaries (www.Orange.com), which provides pooled hosting and infrastructure operation services, service platforms and IT to all the subsidiaries. Read full information on external site
Indian Gov Building 100 Edge Data Centers - fastnet.news2022-01-16 Railtel, a government agency, has announced it will build 100 regional data centers. It already operates 60,000 kilometers of fiber, connecting most of the country. It has large data centers for its own purposes and is selling services from Secundrabad and Gurugram. Read full information on external site
Bangladesh Digital Spiking Tops A Seventh Largest World Ranking - banglapost.co.uk2022-01-14 Corona is still in every nook and corner of the world. We had a number of lockdowns in most of the countries. Is a new one looming on the horizon? How does the government make such a tough decision when to shut down a country? Read full information on external site
Azərbaycanda “Hökumət buludu”nun arxitekturası işlənib-hazırlanıb - report.az2022-01-14 Rəqəmsal İnkişaf və Nəqliyyat Nazirliyi “Hökumət buludu”nun arxitekturasını işləyib-hazırlayıb. Read full information on external site
Azərbaycanda “Hökumət buludu”nun arxitekturası işlənib-hazırlanıb - aqreqator.az2022-01-14 Rəqəmsal İnkişaf və Nəqliyyat Nazirliyi “Hökumət buludu”nun arxitekturasını işləyib-hazırlayıb. Read full information on external site
Azərbaycanda “Hökumət buludu”nun arxitekturası işlənib-hazırlanıb - xeberler.az2022-01-14 Rəqəmsal İnkişaf və Nəqliyyat Nazirliyi “Hökumət buludu”nun arxitekturasını işləyib-hazırlayıb. Read full information on external site
Dominus Capital Partners with Uptime Institute - research.tdameritrade.com2022-01-14 Dominus Capital, L.P. ("Dominus") and affiliates have completed their investment in Uptime Institute ("Uptime"), the global digital infrastructure authority. Read full information on external site
Dominus Capital Partners with Uptime Institute - aithority.com2022-01-14 Dominus Capital, L.P. and affiliates have completed their investment in Uptime Institute, the global digital infrastructure authority. Uptime provides assessment, certification, and consulting services for owners, operators, and users of digital infrastructure, and also provides education, accreditation, and membership network services for data center professionals and... Read full information on external site
Dominus Capital Partners with Uptime Institute - newsbreak.com2022-01-14 Dominus Capital, L.P. ("Dominus") and affiliates have completed their investment in Uptime Institute ("Uptime"), the global digital infrastructure authority. Read full information on external site
Five data center predictions for 2022 - ciotechasia.com2022-01-13 The sector is booming and maturing globally — but management challenges lie ahead. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Inteligentes, la nueva solución de Sumtec - jcmagazine.com2022-01-13 The sector is booming and maturing globally — but management challenges lie ahead. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Inteligentes, la nueva solución que Sumtec trae al Perú - businessempresarial.com2022-01-13 Con un mejor control en el uso eficiente de la energía, Sumtec vuelve a sorprender con las soluciones que aporta al mercado peruano. En esta oportunidad se trata de los Data Center Inteligentes. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers achieves Tier III certification for Apollo 3, Apollo 4 datacentres - ec-mea.com2022-01-13 Khazna Data Centers, the UAE’s largest data center provider achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 Data Centers. Read full information on external site
Sostenibilidad, energía nuclear y escasez de componentes, claves para los CPD este 2022 - datacentermarket.es2022-01-13 Uptime Insititute acaba de hacer públicas sus predicciones para los data center este año, que se vislumbra más positivo que 2021, pero que, sin embargo, también tendrá que superar sus propios desafíos. Read full information on external site
Solución de centro de datos modular inteligente de Huawei ocupa el puesto número 1 en el mercado mundials - gadgerss.com2022-01-13 Para Huawei, la innovación continua es clave para cumplir con los requisitos de infraestructura de las empresas modernas a medida que continúan con sus viajes de digitalización. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Inteligentes, la nueva solución que Sumtec trae al Perú - gadgerss.com2022-01-13 Con un mejor control en el uso eficiente de la energía, Sumtec vuelve a sorprender con las soluciones que aporta al mercado peruano. En esta oportunidad se trata de los Data Center Inteligentes. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Inteligentes, La Nueva Solución Que Sumtec Trae Al Perú - pressperu.com2022-01-13 Khazna Data Centers, the UAE’s largest data center provider achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 Data Centers. Read full information on external site
Five data center predictions for 2022 - ciotechasia.com2022-01-13 The sector is booming and maturing globally — but management challenges lie ahead. Read full information on external site
Inteligentes, la nueva solución que Sumtec trae al Perú - agenciapressnoticias.com2022-01-12 Con un mejor control en el uso eficiente de la energía, Sumtec vuelve a sorprender con las soluciones que aporta al mercado peruano. En esta oportunidad se trata de los Data Center Inteligentes. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers receives Tier-III certification from Uptime Institute - techxmedia.com2022-01-12 The data centre provider Khazna Data Centers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has received Tier III Constructed Facility certification from the Uptime Institute for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 Data Centers. Read full information on external site
Proximity expands UK footprint with Birmingham edge data centre - digitalisationworld.com2022-01-12 Proximity Data Centres has announced the further expansion of its edge data centre footprint with the opening of a new site in Birmingham. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр NORD-5 прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute Tier III: Design Documents - advis.ru2022-01-12 Компания DataLine получила сертификат соответствия проектной документации стандарту Uptime Institute Tier III для дата-центра NORD-5. В процессе сертификации специалисты Uptime Institute полностью проверили всю проектную документацию дата-центра, включая мониторинговые, механические, электрические и автоматические системы. Эксперты уделили внимание соответствию мощности, энергоэффективности и безопасности коммуникаций в ЦОДе стандарту уровня Tier III. Read full information on external site
Podatkovni centri su ‘in‘: Cratis planira i IPO kako bi sagradio najveći data centar - novac.jutarnji.hr2022-01-12 Lani je živost na tom tržištu potvrdio i ulazak Amazona na hrvatsko tržište. Read full information on external site
Cloud giants may resist Bank of England’s resilience tests - techmonitor.ai2022-01-12 The Bank of England wants to 'access more data' from cloud providers to tackle cloud concentration risk, according to reports, but they don't fall within its jurisdiction. Read full information on external site
Cloud giants may resist Bank of England’s resilience tests - fuentitech.com2022-01-12 The Bank of England wants to 'access more data' from cloud providers to tackle cloud concentration risk, according to reports, but they don't fall within its jurisdiction. Read full information on external site
La Solución De Centro De Datos Modular Inteligente De Huawei Ocupa El Puesto Número 1 En El Mercado Mundial De Centros De Datos Modulares - pressperu.com2022-01-12 Para Huawei, la innovación continua es clave para cumplir con los requisitos de infraestructura de las empresas modernas a medida que continúan con sus viajes de digitalización. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр NORD-5 прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute Tier III: Design Documents - iksmedia.ru2022-01-11 Компания DataLine получила сертификат соответствия проектной документации стандарту Uptime Institute Tier III для дата-центра NORD-5. Он подтверждает, что в проекте дата-центра выполнены требования по резервированию, благодаря которым ремонт и замена оборудования осуществляются без остановки процессов. Read full information on external site
Дата-центр NORD-5 прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute Tier III: Design Documents - cnews.ru2022-01-11 Dataline получила сертификат соответствия проектной документации стандарту Uptime Institute Tier III для дата-центра Nord-5. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers achieves Tier-III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 data centres - intelligentdatacentres.com2022-01-11 Khazna Data Centers, one of the UAE’s largest data centre providers, has achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 data centres. Read full information on external site
Proximity opens new site in Birmingham, UK - capacitymedia.com2022-01-11 Regional edge colocation provider, Proximity Data Centres, has added a new facility to its portfolio. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers achieves Tier-III certification for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 facilities - technicalreviewmiddleeast.com2022-01-11 Khazna Data Centers, one of United Arab Emirates' (UAE) largest data centre providers achieved the Uptime Institute’s 'Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility' for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 data centres. Read full information on external site
Proximity expands UK footprint with Birmingham edge data centre - technologyreseller.uk2022-01-11 Central UK location is served by major UK carriers and fibre providers. Read full information on external site
Telia to build data centre in Lithuania - samenacouncil.org2022-01-10 Telia Lietuva, the largest Lithuanian broadband Internet access and voice telephony services operator, is planning to invest EUR 10 million to build what it says will be the largest data center in Lithuania. Read full information on external site
Proximity Expands UK Footprint at Birmingham Edge Data Center – Technology Reseller - fuentitech.com2022-01-10 Proximity Data Centers, the UK’s fastest growing regional edge colocation data center provider, today announced that it will further expand its edge data center footprint by opening a new site in Birmingham. Read full information on external site
Brasil é o principal destino Latam de data centers - jornalempresasenegocios.com.br2022-01-10 O Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers achieves Tier-III certification from Uptime Institute - cxodx.com2022-01-10 Khazna Data Centers, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) largest data center provider achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 Data Centers. Read full information on external site
Verwaltung von Mikrorechenzentren in einer gemeinsamen Umgebung – Technology Reseller - germanic.news2022-01-10 Unabhängig davon, welches der vielen vorgeschlagenen Modelle für Shared-Edge-Networking gewählt wird, wird die steigende Nachfrage nach Anwendungen mit extrem niedriger Latenz wahrscheinlich Anreize für die Ansiedlung von Mikrorechenzentren an diesen Edges geben. Dies wirft Fragen zur physischen Sicherheit und zum Management auf. Read full information on external site
基于数字业务需求 企业数据中心选择会否变化?- idcquan.com2022-01-10 数据中心最初就是属于一个物理空间,但是随着数字化趋势下的各个领域迈向更深层次的转型,并加强在线上平台的业务部署,现在的情况发生很多变化,使得数据中心越来越趋向一个通用词汇,并且成为企业数字化中不可缺少的部分。熟悉互联网中存在的概念和术语往往令人生畏,但是一旦理解和意识到这些与业务之间的关联,企业就会瞬间明白如何通过数据中心进行业务优化。Read full information on external site
El nuevo centro de datos de la Xunta en Santiago tendrá la máxima exigencia en seguridad?- compostela24horas.com2022-01-10 En España hay solamente 5 centros de datos con certificación TIER 4 en diseño y construcción y otros 4 que tienen solo la de diseño. Read full information on external site
Telia to build data centre in Lithuania - developingtelecoms.com2022-01-10 Telia Lietuva, the largest Lithuanian broadband Internet access and voice telephony services operator, is planning to invest EUR 10 million to build what it says will be the largest data center in Lithuania. Read full information on external site
La Xunta de Galicia construirá un centro de datos Tier-4 que sustentará su estrategia clouda - ituser.es2022-01-10 Galicia dispondrá de un centro de datos Tier-4, que asegura una disponibilidad del 99,995%, que será la base de su estrategia de nube privada. Se encuentra ya en la primera fase de licitación y estará situado en Santiago de Compostela, en el parque empresarial de A Sionlla. Read full information on external site
„Telia“ investuos 10 mln. eurų į didžiausio duomenų centro Lietuvoje statybas - elektronika.lt2022-01-10 IT ir telekomunikacijų bendrovė „Telia“ Ukmergės plente prie Vilniaus įsigijo 2 ha sklypą, kuriame statys naują duomenų centrą (DC). Planuojama, kad tai bus didžiausias duomenų centras šalyje, o į jo statybas bendrovė investuos 10 mln. eurų, rašoma pranešime spaudai. Read full information on external site
Khazna Data Centers Achieves Tier-III Certification From Uptime Institute - cxoinsightme.com2022-01-10 Khazna Data Centres, the United Arab Emirates based data centre provider, has achieved the Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification of Constructed Facility for its Apollo 3 and Apollo 4 Data Centres. Read full information on external site
Huawei’s Smart Modular Data Center Solution ranks no.1 in Global Modular Data Center Market Share - intelligenttechchannels.com2022-01-10 For Huawei, continuous innovation is key to meeting the infrastructure requirements of modern businesses as they continue on their digitalisation journeys. And the proof is in the pudding, with the technology giant having been recognised as a leader for its Smart Modular Data Centre Solution. Read full information on external site
Huawei’s Smart Modular Data Center Solution ranks no.1 in Global Modular Data Center Market Share - intelligentcio.com2022-01-10 For Huawei, continuous innovation is key to meeting the infrastructure requirements of modern businesses as they continue on their digitalisation journeys. And the proof is in the pudding, with the technology giant having been recognised as a leader for its Smart Modular Data Centre Solution. Read full information on external site
原标题:东西湖区举办“光合荟”链接企业生态圈e - society.yunnan.cn2022-01-10 “上周五举办的‘光合荟’效果太好了,我们希望能承办下次活动,向区内各行业头部企业展示自身实力,链接更多企业。”1月10日一早,武汉迪马数智天地负责人程路就与东西湖区企业和人才服务中心联系,希望承办下一场“光合荟”活动。Read full information on external site
The Eight Trends That Will Shape the Data Center Industry in 2022 - datacenterfrontier.com2022-01-10 What lies ahead for the data center industry in 2022? At Data Center Frontier our eyes are on the horizon, and we’re constantly tracking the trends that matter. Our crystal ball did pretty well last year, so it’s time to look ahead at what’s in store for 2022. Read full information on external site
Level by Level: How Data Centers Work - channelpronetwork.com2022-01-10 Data centers have existed for decades, and the demand continues to grow with the evolution of the cloud. As an IT professional, it’s essential to understand how data centers operate and what levels currently exist. Read full information on external site
Managing micro data centers in a shared environment - fuentitech.com2022-01-08 Regardless of any of the many suggestions Shared edge model If networking is selected, due to the growing demand for ultra-low latency applications Micro data center At those ends. This raises questions about physical security and management. Read full information on external site
Sharp end of the edge: Managing micro-datacentres in a shared environment - computerweekly.com2022-01-07 Ongoing diversification in datacentre types gives rise to management challenges for operators, prompting a rethink about how they run their sites. Read full information on external site
Tier IV Certification - A NEXTDC Case Study - digitaledition.missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-01-07 NextDC has always been committed to achieving the world’s highest design, construction, and operations standards for critical infrastructure and remains the only provider in the market that can offer a 100% uptime guarantee. Photo courtesy of Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Brasil: entenda quais são os principais fatores para a escolha do país como o principal destino LATAM de data centers - jornaljurid.com.br2022-01-07 O conteúdo é uma análise sobre o mercado de data centers brasileiro e os principais fatores que fazem do Brasil, o principal destino de data centers da América Latina. Read full information on external site
Telia Lietuva to Build the Largest Data Centre in Lithuania - pipelinepub.com/news2022-01-07 Telia Lietuva will invest EUR 10 million into construction of the largest data centre in Lithuania. Read full information on external site
El nuevo centro de datos de la Xunta en Santiago tendrá la máxima exigencia en seguridad - lavozdegalicia.es2022-01-07 La Xunta ha sacado el proyecto a licitación por 1,9 millones, aunque la inversión final, incluido el coste del terreno, superará los 19. Read full information on external site
„Telia“ investuos 10 mln. eurų į didžiausio duomenų centro Lietuvoje statybas - 15min.lt2022-01-07 IT ir telekomunikacijų bendrovė „Telia“ Ukmergės plente prie Vilniaus įsigijo 2 ha sklypą, kuriame statys naują duomenų centrą (DC). Planuojama, kad tai bus didžiausias duomenų centras šalyje, o į jo statybas bendrovė investuos 10 mln. eurų, rašoma pranešime spaudai. Read full information on external site
Telia Lietuva will invest EUR 10 million into construction of the largest data centre in Lithuania - valuespectrum.com2022-01-07 IT and telecommunications company, Telia Lietuva, purchased a 2-hectare land plot near Vilnius, where it will build a new data center (DC). According to the plans, this will be the largest data centre in the country, and the company will invest EUR 10 million in its construction. Read full information on external site
„Telia“ investuos 10 mln. eurų į didžiausio duomenų centro Lietuvoje statybas - delfi.lt2022-01-07 IT ir telekomunikacijų bendrovė „Telia“ Ukmergės plente prie Vilniaus įsigijo 2 ha sklypą, kuriame statys naują duomenų centrą (DC). Planuojama, kad tai bus didžiausias duomenų centras šalyje, o į jo statybas bendrovė investuos 10 mln. eurų, rašoma pranešime spaudai. Read full information on external site
El nuevo Centro de Datos de la Xunta será el único de las administraciones españolas en cumplir con las máximas exigencias mundiales de seguridad, reflejadas en la certificación Tier 4 - laadministracionaldia.inap.es2022-01-07 El Centro de Datos que la Xunta de Galicia construirá en el parque empresarial de Sionlla será el único de una administración pública española en cumplir con las mayores exigencias mundiales de seguridad, que certifica el Uptime Institute con la cualificación Tier-4. Read full information on external site
„Telia“ investuos 10 mln. eurų į didžiausio duomenų centro Lietuvoje statybas - madeinvilnius.lt2022-01-07 IT ir telekomunikacijų bendrovė „Telia“ Ukmergės plente prie Vilniaus įsigijo 2 ha sklypą, kuriame statys naują duomenų centrą (DC). Planuojama, kad tai bus didžiausias duomenų centras šalyje, o į jo statybas bendrovė investuos 10 mln. eurų, rašoma pranešime spaudai. Read full information on external site
O novo Centro de Datos da Xunta estará na vangarda das administracións estatais en materia de seguridade - codigocero.com2022-01-07 O Goberno galego confirmou esta semana que o Centro de Datos que vai construír no Parque Empresarial de Sionlla será “o único dunha administración pública española en cumprir coas maiores esixencias mundiais de seguridade, que certifica o Uptime Institute coa cualificación Tier-4”. Read full information on external site
„Telia“ investuos 10 mln. eurų į didžiausio duomenų centro Lietuvoje statybas - respublika.lt2022-01-07 IT ir telekomunikacijų bendrovė „Telia“ Ukmergės plente prie Vilniaus įsigijo 2 ha sklypą, kuriame statys naują duomenų centrą (DC). Planuojama, kad tai bus didžiausias duomenų centras šalyje, o į jo statybas bendrovė investuos 10 mln. eurų, rašoma pranešime spaudai. Read full information on external site
Prie Vilniaus planuojamos didžiausio Lietuvoje duomenų centro statybos - sa.lt2022-01-07 IT ir telekomunikacijų bendrovė „Telia“ Ukmergės plente prie Vilniaus įsigijo 2 ha sklypą, kuriame statys naują duomenų centrą (DC). Planuojama, kad tai bus didžiausias duomenų centras šalyje, o į jo statybas bendrovė investuos 10 mln. eurų, rašoma pranešime spaudai. Read full information on external site
„Telia“ investuos 10 mln. eurų į didžiausio duomenų centro Lietuvoje statybas - lrytas.lt2022-01-07 IT ir telekomunikacijų bendrovė „Telia“ Ukmergės plente prie Vilniaus įsigijo 2 ha sklypą, kuriame statys naują duomenų centrą (DC). Planuojama, kad tai bus didžiausias duomenų centras šalyje, o į jo statybas bendrovė investuos 10 mln. eurų, rašoma pranešime spaudai. Read full information on external site
Lithuania plans €10 million data centre - capacitymedia.com2022-01-07 Plans have been made for a new data centre in Lithuania after Telia Lietuva purchased a two-hectare parcel of land in Raisteniškės, which is located next to the Vilnius-Panevėžys highway. Read full information on external site
El nuevo Data Center de la Xunta cumplirá con la calificación Tier-4 - nhdiario.es2022-01-06 NextDC is one of Australia’s leading independent data center operators with a nationwide network of facilities with Uptime Institute Tier III and Tier IV Constructed Facility and Operational Sustainability Certifications. Read full information on external site
Tier IV Certification: A NextDC case study - missioncriticalmagazine.com2022-01-06 NextDC is one of Australia’s leading independent data center operators with a nationwide network of facilities with Uptime Institute Tier III and Tier IV Constructed Facility and Operational Sustainability Certifications. Read full information on external site
New data centre facility opens for business in South Carolina - digitalinfranetwork.com2022-01-05 Multi-tenant data centre providers, DC BLOX, have announced the opening of its Greenville, South Carolina data centre facility. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom thắng giải thưởng dịch vụ data quốc tế - vnexpress.net2022-01-05 CMC Telecom vừa nhận giải thưởng "Dịch vụ Data Center có chiến lược cạnh tranh nhất Việt Nam 2022" do Tổ chức nghiên cứu và phân tích thị trường thế giới Frost & Sullivan trao tặng. Read full information on external site
Brasil: entenda quais são os principais fatores para a escolha do país como o principal destino LATAM de data centers - jornaldiadia.com.br2022-01-05 O Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
DC Blox opens new Greenville data centre - www.telecompaper.com2022-01-05 DC Blox has opened its Greenville, South Carolina, data centre. The data centre, designed to Uptime Institute’s Tier III standards, is the first multi-tenant data centre located in South Carolina. Read full information on external site
Supercomputers and sustainability? - datacenterdynamics.com2022-01-04 How improving data center sustainability helped a leading government research laboratory support new supercomputers. Read full information on external site
两江新区腾讯云计算数据中心获得权威机构运维认证 - jifang360.com2022-01-04 摘要:近日,记者从两江新区获悉,入驻两江水土国际数据港(两江国际云计算产业园)的重庆腾讯云计算数据中心以高分顺利通过全球数据中心标准认证机构Uptime Institute的M&O运维认证,这是腾讯公司第二个获此认证的自建数据中心。Read full information on external site
Brasil: entenda quais são os principais fatores para a escolha do país como o principal destino LATAM de data centers - coisasdavida.net.br2022-01-04 O Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
Key attributes of sustainable UPS and critical power systems - tin247.news2022-01-04 Tổ chức nghiên cứu và phân tích thị trường hàng đầu thế giới Frost & Sullivan vừa trao tặng CMC Telecom giải thưởng "Dịch vụ Data Center có chiến lược cạnh tranh nhất Việt Nam 2022". Đây là giải thưởng trong hệ thống Best Practice Award của Frost & Sullivan. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom thắng lớn đầu năm mới tại giải thưởng quốc tế Frost & Sullivan 2022 - dcnnmagazine.com2022-01-04 One of the greatest challenges faced by today’s data centre operators is the need to meet demands for reliability with minimal impact on the environment. Read full information on external site
Brasil: entenda quais são os principais fatores para a escolha do país como o principal destino LATAM de data centers - difundir.com.br2022-01-04 O Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
Brasil: entenda quais são os principais fatores para a escolha do país - revistafatorbrasil.com.br2022-01-04 O Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
Brasil: entenda quais são os principais fatores para a escolha do país - jornow.com.br2022-01-04 O Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
Fatores para a escolha do país como principal destino de datacenters - channel360.com.br2022-01-04 O Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
Принципы ESG и показатель PUE. - iksmedia.ru2022-01-03 На повестку дня, в том числе в России, подняты принципы ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), которые у нас почему-то называют устойчивым развитием. Наверное, правильнее говорить о гармоничном или социально ответственном развитии. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom thắng lớn đầu năm mới tại giải thưởng quốc tế Frost & Sullivan 2022 - ictnews.vietnamnet.vn2022-01-03 Tổ chức nghiên cứu và phân tích thị trường hàng đầu thế giới Frost & Sullivan vừa trao tặng CMC Telecom giải thưởng “Dịch vụ Data Center có chiến lược cạnh tranh nhất Việt Nam 2022” - giải thưởng trong hệ thống Best Practice Award của F&S. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom thắng lớn đầu năm mới tại giải thưởng quốc tế Frost & Sullivan 2022 - vietnamnet.vn2022-01-03 Tổ chức nghiên cứu và phân tích thị trường hàng đầu thế giới Frost & Sullivan vừa trao tặng CMC Telecom giải thưởng “Dịch vụ Data Center có chiến lược cạnh tranh nhất Việt Nam 2022” - giải thưởng trong hệ thống Best Practice Award của F&S. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom thắng lớn đầu năm mới tại giải thưởng quốc tế Frost & Sullivan 2022 - tin247.news2022-01-03 Tổ chức nghiên cứu và phân tích thị trường hàng đầu thế giới Frost & Sullivan vừa trao tặng CMC Telecom giải thưởng “Dịch vụ Data Center có chiến lược cạnh tranh nhất Việt Nam 2022” - giải thưởng trong hệ thống Best Practice Award của F&S. Read full information on external site
Nuevo data center abre las puertas a la industria 4.0 - diario.elmundo.sv2022-01-03 Grupo Aristos instala el primer parque tecnológico del país y busca establecer las bases para el desarrollo de la industria 4.0 en el territorio. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom thắng lớn đầu năm mới tại giải thưởng quốc tế Frost & Sullivan 2022 - nhipsongkinhte.toquoc.vn2022-01-03 Tổ chức nghiên cứu và phân tích thị trường hàng đầu thế giới Frost & Sullivan vừa trao tặng CMC Telecom giải thưởng “Dịch vụ Data Center có chiến lược cạnh tranh nhất Việt Nam 2022” - giải thưởng trong hệ thống Best Practice Award của F&S. Read full information on external site
CMC Telecom thắng lớn đầu năm mới tại giải thưởng quốc tế Frost & Sullivan 2022 - cafebiz.vn2022-01-03 Tổ chức nghiên cứu và phân tích thị trường hàng đầu thế giới Frost & Sullivan vừa trao tặng CMC Telecom giải thưởng “Dịch vụ Data Center có chiến lược cạnh tranh nhất Việt Nam 2022” - giải thưởng trong hệ thống Best Practice Award của F&S. Read full information on external site
Brasil: Entenda Quais São Os Princ Ipais Fatores Para A Escolha Do País Como O Principal Destino Latam De Data Center - tibahia.com2022-01-03 O Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
Brasil: entenda quais são os principais fatores para a escolha do país como o principal destino LATAM de data centers - folhanoroeste.blogspot.com2022-01-03 O Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
MIS receives notice from Saudi Fransi Capital to build 6 data centers worth SAR 1.2 bln - argaam.com2022-01-02 Al Moammar Information Systems Co. (MIS) announced that it received today, Jan. 2, a notice from Saudi Fransi Capital (SFC) to activate the contracts signed between the two parties to build six data centers with a capacity of 24 megawatts (MW), at an initial value of SAR 1.2 billion, as the first phase without delay. Read full information on external site
Por que o Brasil é o principal destino Latam de data centers? - exame.com2022-01-01 O país possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
Digital BD: World's 7th largest data center eyes foreign currency - thedailynewnation.com2022-01-01 The National Data Center is eyeing to be a huge potential source of earning foreign currency as many foreign firms now show interest in storing their data in the center. Read full information on external site
MegaFlex DPA, la nouvelle solution UPS innovante d’ABB - zoneindustrie.com2022-01-01 La solution MegaFlex DPA offre le système d'alimentation sans interruption (UPS) le plus efficient et le plus compact du marché avec une empreinte au sol réduite jusqu'à 45 %. Read full information on external site
How robust is your data centre contingency plan? - aggreko.com2022-01-01 If data centre owners and operators have one overriding key performance indicator, it is availability: you must keep services running and, critically, prevent failures in your facilities that could lead to an outage. Read full information on external site
December 2021
Digital BD: World's 7th largest data center eyes foreign currency - thedailynewnation.com2021-12-30 The National Data Center is eyeing to be a huge potential source of earning foreign currency as many foreign firms now show interest in storing their data in the center. Read full information on external site
MegaFlex DPA, la nouvelle solution UPS innovante d’ABB - zoneindustrie.com2021-12-30 La solution MegaFlex DPA offre le système d'alimentation sans interruption (UPS) le plus efficient et le plus compact du marché avec une empreinte au sol réduite jusqu'à 45 %. Read full information on external site
数据中心计算力攀升 “体温“降低 - compotech.com.cn2021-12-31 数据显示,自2016年以来,全球数据中心的总量呈下降趋势,2016年全球数据中心数量是45万座,到2019年下降到42.9万座。这并不意味着数据中心投资放缓,恰恰相反,全球服务器和服务器机架的出货数量一直在上升,大型(机架数量3000~10000)和超大型数据中心(机架数量大于10000个)的数量在持续增长。被淘汰的主要集中在机架数量小于500个的小型、微型数据中心,这些小微型数据中心在算力和运营成本上无法与大型数据中心匹敌,因此数量逐年减少. Read full information on external site
Digital Bangladesh: World’s 7th largest data centre eyes foreign currency - unb.com.bd2021-12-30 The National Data Centre is eyeing to be a huge potential source of earning foreign currency as many foreign firms now show interest in storing their data in the center. Read full information on external site
Digital Bangladesh: World’s 7th largest data centre eyes foreign currency - observerbd.com2021-12-30 The National Data Centre is eyeing to be a huge potential source of earning foreign currency as many foreign firms now show interest in storing their data in the center. Read full information on external site
Dwie trzecie centrów danych poza kontrolą w zakresie wpływu na środowisko naturalne - itwiz.pl2021-12-28 Jednocześnie, tylko jedna czwarta operatorów centrów danych prowadzi działania zmierzające do jak najdłuższego wykorzystania posiadanego sprzętu IT. Takie wnioski płyną z nowych analiz Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
La tecnológica DataCloud potencia sus servicios tras un acuerdo con ARSAT - marketinginsiderreview.com2021-12-27 DataCloud seguirá brindando soluciones en la nube, atención personalizada durante las 24 horas y planes de contingencia, entre otros servicios que la distinguen a nivel regional, luego de sumar un tercer centro de datos como resultado de su nueva alianza con ARSAT, por lo que se podrá explotar más la tecnológica DataCloud. Read full information on external site
Ausfallbilanz Rechenzentren 2021 - dailyadvent.com2021-12-25 Das Uptime Institute befragt regelmäßig internationale Datacenter-Betreiber nach Umfang, Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Ausfällen in ihren Rechenzentren (RZ). Die gute Nachricht ist, dass Rechenzentren insgesamt immer zuverlässiger werden. Read full information on external site
Ausfallbilanz Rechenzentren 2021 - it-daily.net2021-12-25 Das Uptime Institute befragt regelmäßig internationale Datacenter-Betreiber nach Umfang, Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Ausfällen in ihren Rechenzentren (RZ). Die gute Nachricht ist, dass Rechenzentren insgesamt immer zuverlässiger werden. Read full information on external site
Бесперебойная декада: как обеспечить ЦОДу 10 лет аптайма - pcnews.ru2021-12-24 Современный дата-центр — комплексный организм, состоящий из множества инженерных подсистем, сетевой и ИТ-инфраструктуры. В ЦОДе слишком много переменных и вариантов их взаимодействия, поэтому риски сбоев очень высоки. Тем не менее, вся бизнес-модель дата-центров строится на постоянной доступности ИТ-систем. Как обеспечить 10 лет безаварийной работы такого объекта — рассказываем на примере нашей площадки в Петербурге. Read full information on external site
«Аэродиск» на Кавказе - mobilecomm.ru2021-12-24 Компания «Аэродиск», российский разработчик и производитель инновационных решений в области хранения данных и виртуализации, примет участие в проекте строительства дата-центра «Кавказ», реализуемого под эгидой Минцифры. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric publishes data-center sustainability framework - networkworld.com2021-12-23 Framework is designed to help data-center operators minimize the environmental impacts of their facilities. Read full information on external site
Ursachen und Auswirkungen von RZ-Ausfällen - ict-channel.com2021-12-23 Das Uptime Institute befragt regelmäßig internationale Datacenter-Betreiber nach Umfang, Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Ausfällen in ihren Rechenzentren (RZ). Read full information on external site
停電影響 亞馬遜雲端服務又當機 本月至少已三次 - worldjournal.com2021-12-23 亞馬遜雲端服務(AWS)22日受停電影響當機,這是本月至少第三次故障;AWS斷線影響居家生活與企業運作,凸顯現代人類生活對雲端服務的依賴. Read full information on external site
Ing Italia: Nuovo Green Loan A Irideos Per Data Center A Milano - mediaset.it2021-12-23 MILANO (MF-DJ)--ING Italia, in qualita' di Sole Mandate Lead Arranger e Green Structuring Advisor, ha erogato un finanziamento bilaterale della durata di 3 anni di 18 milioni di euro a favore di Irideos Datacenter Italia, societa' interamente detenuta da Irideos, per la realizzazione di Avalon 3, nuovo data center a Milano che si sviluppera' su una superficie di 3500 metri quadrati e che avra' una potenza installata di 3.2MW. Read full information on external site
Submer: de natuurlijke beweging naar single phase immersion cooling - datacenterworks.nl2021-12-23 Een IDG-onderzoek uit 2020 liet zien dat 59% van IT-inkopers van mening zijn dat ze binnen 18 maanden volledig of bijna volledig in de cloud zouden gaan opereren. Read full information on external site
Ing Italia: nuovo green loan a Irideos per la realizzazione di un data center a Milano - investiremag.it2021-12-23 Siglato un finanziamento bilaterale di 18 milioni di euro garantito nell’ambito del Green New Deal. Read full information on external site
Ing Italia: nuovo green loan a Irideos per la realizzazione di un data center a Milano - economymagazine2021-12-23 Siglato un finanziamento bilaterale di 18 milioni di euro garantito nell’ambito del Green New Deal. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric reveals data center sustainability framework - fuentitech.com2021-12-23 French IT giant Schneider Electric has released a five-part framework aimed at acting as a guide to minimizing the environmental impact of data center operations. Read full information on external site
A leap off the edge – into micro data centre servicess - channelpro.co.uk2021-12-22 Analysts predict organisations will require more numerous and faster data processing and services at the network perimeter Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos - itnews.lat2021-12-22 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
Bangladesh to avail sovereign-hosted cloud services - bangladeshinfo.com2021-12-22 Bangladesh Data Center Company Limited (BDCCL), the state-run data storage and the disaster recovery services provider, has selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer to provide sovereign-hosted cloud services to the government. Read full information on external site
Die Reputation nimmt am meisten Schaden - cloudcomputing-insider.de2021-12-22 Das Uptime Institute befragt regelmäßig internationale Datacenter-Betreiber nach Umfang, Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Ausfällen in ihren Rechenzentren (RZ). Die gute Nachricht ist: Rechenzentren werden insgesamt immer zuverlässiger. Read full information on external site
Sechs Erkenntnisse zum Status quo von Rechenzentren - it-administrator.de2021-12-22 Ein wachsender Kapazitätsbedarf, steigende Anforderungen an die Verfügbarkeit, Lieferengpässe bei kritischen Produkten – die Liste der Herausforderungen, vor denen Rechenzentren weltweit stehen, ist lang. In seiner aktuellen elften Global Data Center Survey hat das Uptime Institute rund 790 Besitzer und Betreiber von Datacentern sowie rund 530 Zulieferer, die Produkte und Dienstleistungen für Rechenzentren anbieten, befragt. Sechs Erkenntnisse zeigen, wo die Branche derzeit steht. Read full information on external site
Brasil: entenda quais são os principais fatores para a escolha do país como o principal destino LATAM de data centers - segs.com.br2021-12-22 Brasil possui o principal mercado de data centers da América Latina, impulsionando mais de 40% do investimento total na região. Read full information on external site
Oracle to provide sovereign-hosted cloud services to Bangladesh government - bangladeshpost.net2021-12-22 Bangladesh Data Center Company Limited (BDCCL), the Bangladesh government-owned data storage and disaster recovery services provider, has selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer to provide sovereign-hosted cloud services to the Bangladesh government. Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos - itnews.lat2021-12-22 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
Vالبنية التحتية للمصرية للاتصالات قلب العالم الرقمي للشرق الأوسط - ahlmasrnews.com2021-12-22 تتمتع المصرية للاتصالات بتاريخ يزيد عن 165 عامًا، في خدمة عملائها في مصر والمنطقة وخارجها، باستخدام أحدث. Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos - cl.globedia.com2021-12-21 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos - es.globedia.com2021-12-21 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos - gt.globedia.com2021-12-21 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos - mx.globedia.com2021-12-21 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos - ar.globedia.com2021-12-21 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos - dinero.com.sv2021-12-21 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
Designing generator packages for data centre standby power - pandct.com2021-12-21 In November 2020, a telecommunications company unveiled 20 new data centres across the UK as part of a £2 billion investment. As the number of new sites continues to grow, data centre operators must prepare by having the required backup power systems in place to consistently deliver service. Read full information on external site
世纪互联开启ESG新篇章:重磅推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系 - tech.ifeng.com2021-12-21 回顾2021年,疫情的阴影仍然笼罩全球,人类命运休戚与共。作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织. Read full information on external site
世纪互联开启ESG新篇章:重磅推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系 - cww.net.cn2021-12-21 通信世界网消息(CWW)回顾2021年,疫情的阴影仍然笼罩全球,人类命运休戚与共。作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,为推动构建人类命运共同体不断努力. Read full information on external site
世纪互联开启ESG新篇章:重磅推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系 - qiye.eastday.com2021-12-21 通信世界网消息(CWW)回顾2021年,疫情的阴影仍然笼罩全球,人类命运休戚与共。作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,为推动构建人类命运共同体不断努力. Read full information on external site
世纪互联开启ESG新篇章:重磅推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系 - tech.china.com2021-12-21 通信世界网消息(CWW)回顾2021年,疫情的阴影仍然笼罩全球,人类命运休戚与共。作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,为推动构建人类命运共同体不断努力. Read full information on external site
世纪互联开启ESG新篇章:重磅推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系 - news.tom.com2021-12-21 回顾2021年,疫情的阴影仍然笼罩全球,人类命运休戚与共。作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织。Read full information on external site
世纪互联开启ESG新篇章:重磅推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系 - cctime.com2021-12-21 通信世界网消息(CWW)回顾2021年,疫情的阴影仍然笼罩全球,人类命运休戚与共。作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,为推动构建人类命运共同体不断努力. Read full information on external site
世纪互联2021年ESG盘点:积极响应国家“双碳”目 - jifang360.com2021-12-21 摘要:作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,为推动构建人类命运共同体不断努力。Read full information on external site
Designing generator packages for data centre standby power - engineering-update.co.uk2021-12-21 In November 2020, a telecommunications company unveiled 20 new data centres across the UK as part of a £2 billion investment. Read full information on external site
Designing generator packages for data centre standby power - automation-update.co.uk2021-12-21 In November 2020, a telecommunications company unveiled 20 new data centres across the UK as part of a £2 billion investment. As the number of new sites continues to grow, data centre operators must prepare by having the required backup power systems in place to consistently deliver service. Read full information on external site
Generator Package Design for Data Center Standby Power - fuentitech.com2021-12-21 In November 2020, the telecommunications company announced 20 new data centers across the UK as part of its £ 2 billion investment. Read full information on external site
世纪互联推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系 开启ESG新篇章 – eastmoney.com2021-12-21 回顾2021年,作为中国第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家政策,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,打造中国IDC企业的ESG模式新典范。Read full information on external site
Brasil | Empresas investem em datacenters verdes – digitalpolicylaw.com2021-12-21 Custo da conta de energia no segmento de datacenters se aproxima de 10% do faturamento. Read full information on external site
Bangladesh to avail sovereign-hosted cloud services – bssnews.net2021-12-21 Bangladesh Data Center Company Limited (BDCCL), the state-run data storage and the disaster recovery services provider, has selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer to provide sovereign-hosted cloud services to the government. Read full information on external site
世纪互联推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系,开启ESG新篇章 – cena.com.cn2021-12-21 回顾2021年,作为中国第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家政策,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,打造中国IDC企业的ESG模式新典范。Read full information on external site
世纪互联2021年ESG盘点:积极响应国家“双碳”目标 主动融入国际倡议组织 – jifang3602021-12-21 摘要:作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,为推动构建人类命运共同体不断努力。Read full information on external site
Vertiv hace frente a la escasez de contratación de máximos talentos en centros de datos – eje21.com.co2021-12-21 Por muchos años, los analistas del sector han advertido sobre la escasez de profesionales capacitados en los puestos operativos de centros de datos, lo cual ha suscitado las preocupaciones, ya que contar con personal altamente capacitado es fundamental para hacer frente a los incidentes que podrían ocurrir en dichas instalaciones críticas. Read full information on external site
BDCCL, ICT Div select Oracle to provide cloud services – thedailynewnation.com2021-12-21 Bangladesh Data Center Company Limited (BDCCL), the Bangladesh government-owned data storage and disaster recovery services provider, has selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer to provide sovereign-hosted cloud services to the Bangladesh government. Read full information on external site
EdgeConneX Expands to China in Partnership With Chayora – datacenterknowledge.com2021-12-20 Offering customers rack space in Tianjin, and coming to Shanghai at the end of next year. Read full information on external site
Rechenzentren: Wie Betreiber das Ausfallrisiko verringern können – digitalbusiness-cloud.de2021-12-20 Auch wenn Rechenzentren immer zuverlässiger werden, gibt es nach wie vor Ausfälle, zeigt eine aktuelle Umfrage des Uptime Institute bei Betreibern. Wie die Ausfallbilanz im Jahr 2021 ausgesehen hat. Read full information on external site
«Аэродиск» поможет построить ЦОД «Кавказ» – cnews.ru2021-12-20 «Аэродиск», российский разработчик и производитель решений в области хранения данных и виртуализации, примет участие в проекте строительства дата-центра «Кавказ», реализуемого под эгидой Минцифры. Об этом CNews сообщил представитель компании. Read full information on external site
Designing generator packages for data centre standby power – engineernewsnetwork.com2021-12-20 In November 2020, a telecommunications company unveiled 20 new data centres across the UK as part of a £2 billion investment. Read full information on external site
Top 10 datacentre stories of 2021 – computerweekly.com2021-12-20 Here are Computer Weekly’s top 10 datacentre stories of 2021. Read full information on external site
«Аэродиск» поможет построить ЦОД «Кавказ» – iksmedia.ru2021-12-20 Компания «Аэродиск» примет участие в проекте строительства дата-центра «Кавказ», реализуемого под эгидой Минцифры. К проекту привлечены участники «Сколково»: компании «Норси-Транс» и «Гравитон» поставляют серверы, «Тионикс» - системы виртуализации, а «Аэродиск» обеспечивает поставку систем хранения данных. Read full information on external site
Компания "Аэродиск", российский разработчик и производитель инновационных решений в области хранения данных и виртуализации, примет участие в проекте строительства дата-центра "Кавказ", реализуемого под эгидой Минцифры.
Schneider Electric : Improving data center sustainability is helping a leading government research laboratory support new supercomputers – marketscreener.com2021-12-20 In this post, we will see how a well-known U.S. government research laboratory is using a connected power management solution to help validate and improve power usage efficiency (PUE). Read full information on external site
Improving data center sustainability is helping a leading government research laboratory support new supercomputers – blog.se.com2021-12-20 In this post, we will see how a well-known U.S. government research laboratory is using a connected power management solution to help validate and improve power usage efficiency (PUE). Read full information on external site
B與中華電信IDC前瞻攜手 提升元富證券IT即戰力 發揮金融群聚綜效 – businessweekly.com.tw2021-12-19 數位科技的快速發展不斷翻轉證券業生態,隨著金融業數位進程不斷加速,更考驗證券數位平台的管理能力。元富證券藉由數位創新為客戶創造優質的使用體驗外,更採取前瞻行動,與中華電信IDC攜手,發揮金融群聚綜效,提供更快、更穩定、更安全的服務,佈局未來、迎接更高速的成長。Read full information on external site
DEWA is the first government institution in the world to provide its services through Alexa in the Arabic language – tellerreport.com2021-12-19 Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has announced the provision of its smart services through “Alexa” devices from Amazon in Arabic, making it the first government service organization in the world to provide its services in Arabic through this innovative technology. Read full information on external site
Nat'l Data Center enables Bangladesh to discard foreign dependence – thedailynewnation.com2021-12-18 The National Data Center has enabled Bangladesh to discard foreign dependence simultaneously creating scopes to save foreign currency worth millions of dollars, after its inauguration two years ago as the world's seventh largest high security data storage facility. Read full information on external site
Data center design and build: Destined for digital – datacenterdynamics.com2021-12-17 As 2022 draws closer will a digital drawing board be the new norm? Read full information on external site
Capex vs. Opex: Data Center Operators Shift Their Focus – missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-12-17 Total cost of ownership comes into play when selecting the right generator. Read full information on external site
National Data Centre enables Bangladesh to discard foreign dependence – daily-sun.com2021-12-17 The National Data Centre has enabled Bangladesh to discard foreign dependence simultaneously creating scopes to save foreign currency worth millions of dollars, after its inauguration two years ago as the world’s seventh largest high security data storage facility. Read full information on external site
National Data Centre enables Bangladesh to discard foreign dependence – bssnews.net2021-12-17 The National Data Centre has enabled Bangladesh to discard foreign dependence simultaneously creating scopes to save foreign currency worth millions of dollars, after its inauguration two years ago as the world’s seventh largest high security data storage facility. Read full information on external site
Predictions for 2022: Digitising the design and build of data centres – intelligentdatacentres.com2021-12-17 The future remains uncertain as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to dominate business operations far and wide, however, data centre leaders are attempting to prepare their operations for a new year. Steven Carlini, Vice President, Innovation and Data Centre, Schneider Electric, discusses in detail some of the trends he expects to develop across the data centre space over the next 12 months. Read full information on external site
La tecnológica DataCloud potencia sus servicios tras un acuerdo con ARSAT – covernews.press2021-12-17 DataCloud seguirá brindando soluciones en la nube, atención personalizada durante las 24 horas y planes de contingencia, entre otros servicios que la distinguen a nivel regional, luego de sumar un tercer centro de datos como resultado de su nueva alianza con ARSAT. Read full information on external site
La tecnológica DataCloud potencia sus servicios tras un acuerdo con ARSAT – ebizlatam.com2021-12-17 DataCloud seguirá brindando soluciones en la nube, atención personalizada durante las 24 horas y planes de contingencia, entre otros servicios que la distinguen a nivel regional, luego de sumar un tercer centro de datos como resultado de su nueva alianza con ARSAT. Read full information on external site
AI導入でデータセンターの課題はどれほど解決されるか--人材不足の懸念など業界予想 - news.yahoo.co.jp2021-12-17 今はデータセンター技術のサプライヤーにとって有利な時期だが、テクノロジーの津波が市場に押し寄せていることで、エンドユーザー顧客はその波に翻弄されている。また、データセンター業界が抱えている問題を人工知能(AI)が解消してくれるかというと、ことはそう簡単ではないようだ。Read full information on external site
AI導入でデータセンターの課題はどれほど解決されるか--人材不足の懸念など業界予想 - japan.zdnet.com2021-12-17 今はデータセンター技術のサプライヤーにとって有利な時期だが、テクノロジーの津波が市場に押し寄せていることで、エンドユーザー顧客はその波に翻弄されている。また、データセンター業界が抱えている問題を人工知能(AI)が解消してくれるかというと、ことはそう簡単ではないようだ。Read full information on external site
'A Massive Uptick In Interest': 2021 Was The Year Data Centers Exploded – bisnow.com2021-12-16 The pandemic made 2020 the year that hit the accelerator on digital transformation — but 2021 saw the emergence of dramatic shifts in how data centers and digital infrastructure are developed and financed. Read full information on external site
华泰证券主数据中心通过国际权威机构Uptime M&O认证,为国内券商首家 – hy.stock.cnfol.com2021-12-16 华泰证券的主生产数据中心顺利通过Uptime M&O认证(Uptime Management and Operations,国际数据中心运维管理体系权威认证),成为国内首家获得Uptime M&O认证证书的证券公司,这标志着华泰证券数据中心运维管理能力已经达到国际标准。Read full information on external site
Duomenų centras „RackRay“ įvertintas dar vienu sertifikatu – vz.lt/inovacijos2021-12-16 Duomenų centrui „RackRay“ pripažintas aukščiausias teikiamų paslaugų kokybės, saugumo ir patikimumo įvertinimas. Tai patvirtina gautas sertifikatas „Tier III Facility“, kurį suteikė visame pasaulyje pripažįstamas „Uptime Institute“. Read full information on external site
Centro de Datos con sede en Colombia es nominada a los ‘Óscar’ de Data Center - eluniversal.com.co2021-12-15 DCD Awards nominaron a la multinacional Gtd por sus Centros de Datos en LATAM, siendo los de Colombia de los que más destacan en la región. eluniversal.com.co" Read full information on external site
Ursachen und Auswirkungen von RZ-Ausfällen – lanline2021-12-15 Das Uptime Institute befragt regelmäßig internationale Datacenter-Betreiber nach Umfang, Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Ausfällen in ihren Rechenzentren (RZ). Read full information on external site
Predictions for 2022: Digitising the design and build of data centres – dcnnmagazine.com2021-12-15 Steven Carlini, Vice President, Innovation and Data Centre, Schneider Electric, discusses what he believes may be on the cards for data centres in 2022. Read full information on external site
Ursachen und Auswirkungen von RZ-Ausfällen – funkschau.de2021-12-15 Das Uptime Institute befragt regelmäßig internationale Datacenter-Betreiber nach Umfang, Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Ausfällen in ihren Rechenzentren (RZ). Read full information on external site
La tecnológica DataCloud potencia sus servicios tras un acuerdo con ARSAT – panchodicri.com2021-12-15 DataCloud seguirá brindando soluciones en la nube, atención personalizada durante las 24 horas y planes de contingencia, entre otros servicios que la distinguen a nivel regional, luego de sumar un tercer centro de datos como resultado de su nueva alianza con ARSAT. Read full information on external site
Crypto Can Eliminate Internet Outages Forever – banyanhill.com2021-12-15 DARPA, the original architects of the internet, tried to create a distributed network.That way it could survive a nuclear strike on any part of it. Read full information on external site
Argentina | Arsat revalida certificaciones ISO en su Centro Nacional de Datos – digitalpolicylaw.com2021-12-15 Arsat anunció que se han revalidado las certificaciones ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 27001:2013 de su Centro Nacional de Datos bajo el sistema de gestión integrada en la operación de servicios de hosting, colacation y post-venta. Read full information on external site
ARSAT revalidó dos certificaciones ISO en su Centro Nacional de Datos – norteenlinea.com2021-12-15 Se trata de las normas ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 27001:2013. Estas renovaciones le permiten a la empresa de telecomunicaciones del Estado Nacional mantener y mejorar la calidad de sus servicios respecto a la seguridad de la información. Read full information on external site
Are proof-of-work blockchains a corporate sustainability issue? - datacenterdynamics.com2021-12-14 The data center and IT industry is a relatively minor — but nevertheless significant — contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The issue of wasteful digital infrastructure energy consumption is now high on many corporate agendas and is prompting companies and overseeing authorities to act. Read full information on external site
Who knew that Amazon’s Web Services cloud computing is so critical to so much? – abycats.online2021-12-14 Amazon Outage Disrupts Lives, Surprising People About Their Cloud Dependency. Read full information on external site
Predictions for 2022: Digitising the design and build of data centres – digitalisationworld.com2021-12-14 Data centres have become the very heart of the digital economy, and critical to our ever more digitised way of life. As we adapt to a new and hybrid world, greater innovation will be necessary to help overcome many of the remaining challenges, including the need for increased sustainability, more efficient use of energy, and for our industry to meet accelerated demands for capacity. Read full information on external site
Hurricane Electric, NEXTDC Increase IP Transit Options in Melbourne – dchannelvisionmag.com2021-12-14 Hurricane Electric, a large IPv6-native Internet backbone, and NEXTDC, a provider of premium data center solutions in Australia, announced Hurricane Electric has deployed a new Point of Presence (PoP) in NEXTDC’s M1 Melbourne Data Centre, located in Port Melbourne. Read full information on external site
Amazon Outage Reveals Societal Extreme Dependence On Cloud Services – thelowdownblog.com2021-12-14 Feeding pets, turning lights on and off, home security, ordering streaming videos...the list of increasingly crucial internet dependent services is literally endless. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure will develop two data centres in UP in Jan 2022.. – constructionworld.in2021-12-13 Yotta Infrastructure Solutions has planned the construction of two data centre parks in Greater Noida Data Center Park in Uttar Pradesh in January 2022. The two buildings will have a 30 MW IT load capacity each and will be completed by January 2024... Read full information on external site
AI gaat de hoofdpijn van datacenterbeheer niet oplossen – agconnect.nl2021-12-13 Voorspellingen doen over de benodigde capaciteit in een datacenter is een voortdurende breinkraker gebleken. Read full information on external site
Power to the Partners: The Future of the Ecosystem – marketscreener.com2021-12-13 Climate change is the single biggest challenge we face. And while there is growing pressure for businesses to lead the way in sustainability, ultimately, the scale of the climate conundrum is more than any single company or even country can tackle alone. After all, it requires fundamental changes to the way we operate on a global level. Read full information on external site
ИИ не сможет решить проблему с нехваткой IT-персонала Подробнее – securitylab.ru2021-12-13 К 2025 году потребуется почти 2,3 млн сотрудников для эксплуатации инфраструктуры ЦОД. Подробнее. Read full information on external site
Power to the Partners: The Future of the Ecosystem – blog.se.com2021-12-13 Climate change is the single biggest challenge we face. And while there is growing pressure for businesses to lead the way in sustainability, ultimately, the scale of the climate conundrum is more than any single company or even country can tackle alone. After all, it requires fundamental changes to the way we operate on a global level. Read full information on external site
La tecnológica DataCloud potencia sus servicios tras un acuerdo con ARSAT – totalmedios.com2021-12-13 DataCloud seguirá brindando soluciones en la nube, atención personalizada durante las 24 horas y planes de contingencia, entre otros servicios que la distinguen a nivel regional, luego de sumar un tercer centro de datos como resultado de su nueva alianza con ARSAT. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric và HDL hợp tác đẩy mạnh cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam – congngheviet.com2021-12-12 Schneider Electric công bố mở rộng hợp tác với Đối tác Cấp cao là Công ty cổ phần thương mại kỹ thuật HDL. Việc hợp tác đẩy mạnh cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam hướng đến mục tiêu giải quyết những hạn chế về cơ sở hạ tầng doanh nghiệp, vận hành TTDL và thu hẹp khoảng cách với mục tiêu số hóa trong lĩnh vực tài chính – ngân hàng. Read full information on external site
Global modular data centre market to maintain robust growth – Frost & Sullivan – msn.com2021-12-12 Research and consulting firm Frost & Sullivan has released its Global Modular Data Centre Market Report. According to the report, market share for Huawei’s smart modular data centre solution has grown rapidly in recent years, increasing from 12.7 per cent in 2017 to 20.5 per cent in 2020. Read full information on external site
Global modular data centre market to maintain robust growth – Frost & Sullivan – gulfbusiness.com2021-12-12 Huawei’s smart modular data centre solution has grown rapidly in recent years, increasing from 12.7 per cent in 2017 to 20.5 per cent in 2020. Read full information on external site
Bangladesh ready for hi-tech boom – daily-sun.com2021-12-12 Bangladesh is turning into an emerging hardware and software hub as the government has been providing policy support to existing and new businesses at hi-tech parks and specialized economic zones for tech ventures. Read full information on external site
Artificial intelligence runs more data centers, but still won’t relieve technology staffing woes – techregister.co.uk2021-12-11 These are lucrative times for technology suppliers, but with the tsunami of technology cascading into the market, end-user customers are increasingly overwhelmed with it all. Artificial intelligence to the rescue? Hold that thought. Read full information on external site
Artificial intelligence runs more data centers, but still won’t relieve technology staffing woes – zdnet.com2021-12-11 Forecasting data center capacity remains a dark art, and a continuing challenge for companies. AI to the rescue? Hold that thought. Read full information on external site
Artificial intelligence runs more data centers, but still won’t relieve technology staffing woes – newsbreak.com2021-12-11 These are lucrative times for technology suppliers, but with the tsunami of technology cascading into the market, end-user customers are increasingly overwhelmed with it all. Artificial intelligence to the rescue? Hold that thought. Read full information on external site
Artificial intelligence runs more data centers, but still won’t relieve technology staffing woes – fuentitech.com2021-12-11 These are lucrative times for technology suppliers, but with the tsunami of technology cascading into the market, end-user customers are increasingly overwhelmed with it all. Artificial intelligence to the rescue? Hold that thought. Read full information on external site
Artificial intelligence runs more data centers, but still won’t relieve technology staffing woes – xcomputer.website2021-12-11 These are lucrative times for technology suppliers, but with the tsunami of technology cascading into the market, end-user customers are increasingly overwhelmed with it all. Artificial intelligence to the rescue? Hold that thought. Read full information on external site
Artificiell intelligens driver fler datacenter, men kommer ändå inte att lindra problem med teknikpersonal – xcomputer.website2021-12-11 Det här är lukrativa tider för teknikleverantörer, men med tsunamin av teknik som tränger in på marknaden blir slutanvändarnas kunder alltmer överväldigade av allt. Artificiell intelligens till undsättning? Håll den tanken. Read full information on external site
Kunstig intelligens driver flere datacentre, men vil stadig ikke afhjælpe problemer med teknologisk personale – xcomputer.website2021-12-11 Det här är lukrativa tider för teknikleverantörer, men med tsunamin av teknik som tränger in på marknaden blir slutanvändarnas kunder alltmer överväldigade av allt. Artificiell intelligens till undsättning? Håll den tanken. Read full information on external site
Artificial intelligence runs more data centers, but still won’t relieve technology staffing woes – todayheadline.co2021-12-11 These are lucrative times for technology suppliers, but with the tsunami of technology cascading into the market, end-user customers are increasingly overwhelmed with it all. Artificial intelligence to the rescue? Hold that thought. Read full information on external site
Chưa ra mắt, Data Center Tân Thuận đã có tên trên bản đồ DC thế giới – ictnews.vietnamnet.vn2021-12-10 Đến tháng 3/2022, Data Center (DC) hiện đại nhất Việt Nam của CMC Telecom, DC Tân Thuận, mới chính thức ra mắt. Nhưng vào tháng 12/2021, DC này đã được Uptime Institute “điểm mặt chỉ tên” trên hệ thống bản đồ DC đạt chuẩn quốc tế Tier III toàn cầu. Read full information on external site
Chưa ra mắt, Data Center Tân Thuận đã có tên trên bản đồ DC thế giới – baonhanh247.com2021-12-10 Đến tháng 3/2022, Data Center (DC) hiện đại nhất Việt Nam của CMC Telecom, DC Tân Thuận, mới chính thức ra mắt. Nhưng vào tháng 12/2021, DC này đã được Uptime Institute “điểm mặt chỉ tên” trên hệ thống bản đồ DC đạt chuẩn quốc tế Tier III toàn cầu. Read full information on external site
Data Center Tân Thuận đạt chứng nhận Tier Uptime III về thiết kế trung tâm dữ liệu – vietnamnet.vn2021-12-10 Đến tháng 3/2022, Data Center (DC) hiện đại của CMC Telecom, DC Tân Thuận mới chính thức ra mắt. Nhưng vào tháng 12/2021, DC này đã được Uptime Institute “điểm mặt chỉ tên” trên hệ thống bản đồ DC đạt chuẩn quốc tế Tier III toàn cầu. Read full information on external site
Data Center Tân Thuận đạt chứng nhận Tier Uptime III về thiết kế trung tâm dữ liệu – tin247.news2021-12-10 Đến tháng 3/2022, Data Center (DC) hiện đại của CMC Telecom, DC Tân Thuận mới chính thức ra mắt. Nhưng vào tháng 12/2021, DC này đã được Uptime Institute “điểm mặt chỉ tên” trên hệ thống bản đồ DC đạt chuẩn quốc tế Tier III toàn cầu. Read full information on external site
La tecnológica DataCloud potencia sus servicios tras un acuerdo con ARSAT – norteenlinea.com2021-12-10 DataCloud seguirá brindando soluciones en la nube, atención personalizada durante las 24 horas y planes de contingencia, entre otros servicios que la distinguen a nivel regional, luego de sumar un tercer centro de datos como resultado de su nueva alianza con ARSAT. Read full information on external site
Why India’s Data Centres need to set New Global Benchmarks – w.media2021-12-09 India’s data centre companies have to compete on quality, up their design quotient and set new benchmarks, in an area which is seeing intense competition from global players. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric và HDL hợp tác đẩy mạnh cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam – techsignin.com2021-12-09 Schneider Electric mở rộng hợp tác với Đối tác Cấp cao HDL nhằm thúc đẩy tư vấn, cung cấp và lắp đặt các giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) chất lượng cao cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric và HDL hợp tác cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam – mediaonlinevn.com2021-12-09 Schneider Electric, công ty đa quốc gia Pháp chuyên về số hóa các chương trình quản lý năng lượng và tự động hóa, ngày 7-12-2021 đã công bố mở rộng hợp tác với đối tác cấp cao là Công ty kỹ thuật HDL. Read full information on external site
如何使用灾难恢复清单提高数据中心的弹性 – 51cto.com2021-12-09 自从2020年初发生新冠疫情以来,人们被迫面对这一严峻的现实,危机可能以多种不可预测的形式出现。几乎在一夜之间,这场疫情让很多企业的员工在家远程工作,并将网络延伸到了极限。美国德克萨斯州在今年2月经历了一场严重的冬季风暴,导致该州电网瘫痪,还有肆虐美国西部、澳大利亚和南美洲的野火,以及全球其他恶劣天气事件。这些灾难造成严重的经济损失,其不利影响可能持续数年甚至数十年。 Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric và HDL hợp tác cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam – tgs.vn/iot2021-12-09 Schneider Electric và HDL khuyến khích chủ sở hữu ngân hàng xây mới và nâng cấp TTDL hướng đến tiêu chuẩn Tier 3 của Uptime Institute: Đạt 99,982% uptime (thời gian vận hành); Không quá 1,6 giờ downtime (thời gian ngừng hoạt động) mỗi năm; Khả năng chịu lỗi N+1 cho phép mất điện ít nhất 72 giờ mà vẫn an toàn. Read full information on external site
CMI breaks ground on second HK data centre – mobileworldlive.com2021-12-09 China Mobile International (CMI) began construction of a data centre in Hong Kong which will link directly to five other data centres in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area when completed in 2025. Read full information on external site
Telkomsigma Rutin Lakukan Uji BCP, Siap Hadapi Bencana – teknologi.bisnis.com2021-12-09 Telkomsigma melakukan program Business Continuity Plan Test untuk menghadapi bencana atau situasi yang tak terduga. Read full information on external site
Amazon outages disrupt life and surprise people about their dependence on the cloud – newyorklatestnews.com2021-12-09 Amazon Web Services is the largest cloud computing service provider in the United States. Many network outages lasted all day, disrupting some of Technology Giant’s services and many of its corporate customer websites and apps. Read full information on external site
Amazon outages disrupt lives, surprizing people about their cloud dependency – livemint.com2021-12-08 Amazon Web Services is the largest cloud computing service provider in the United States. Many network outages lasted all day, disrupting some of Technology Giant’s services and many of its corporate customer websites and apps. Read full information on external site
Amazon outages disrupt life and surprise people about their dependence on the cloud – eminetra.com2021-12-08 Amazon Web Services is the largest cloud computing service provider in the United States. Many network outages lasted all day, disrupting some of Technology Giant’s services and many of its corporate customer websites and apps. Read full information on external site
Amazon outage disrupts lives, surprising people about their cloud dependency – foxbusiness.com2021-12-08 The outage of much of its network lasted most of the day and disrupted several of the tech giant’s services. Read full information on external site
Amazon outage disrupts lives, surprising people about their cloud dependency – wsj.com2021-12-08 The outage of much of its network lasted most of the day and disrupted several of the tech giant’s services. Read full information on external site
CESA elects its new president – crown.co.za2021-12-08 Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA), at its 68th Annual General Meeting held in November, elected Olu Soluade, CEO of AOS Consulting Engineers, as President of the organisation for the next two years. He succeeds Sugen Pillay. David Leukes from BVi Group was elected Deputy President of the organisation. Read full information on external site
Hợp tác đẩy mạnh cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng – congthuong.vn2021-12-08 Schneider Electric vừa công bố mở rộng hợp tác với Công ty cổ phần thương mại kỹ thuật HDL nhằm đẩy mạnh cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam hướng đến mục tiêu giải quyết những hạn chế về cơ sở hạ tầng doanh nghiệp, vận hành trung tâm dữ liệu và thu hẹp khoảng cách với mục tiêu số hóa trong lĩnh vực tài chính - ngân hàng. Read full information on external site
Hợp tác đẩy mạnh cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng – baonhanh2472021-12-08 Schneider Electric vừa công bố mở rộng hợp tác với Công ty cổ phần thương mại kỹ thuật HDL nhằm đẩy mạnh cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam hướng đến mục tiêu giải quyết những hạn chế về cơ sở hạ tầng doanh nghiệp, vận hành trung tâm dữ liệu và thu hẹp khoảng cách với mục tiêu số hóa trong lĩnh vực tài chính - ngân hàng. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric và HDL hợp tác đẩy mạnh cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam. – techtimes.vn2021-12-08 Schneider Electric vừa công bố mở rộng hợp tác với Đối tác Cấp cao là Công ty cổ phần thương mại kỹ thuật HDL. Việc hợp tác đẩy mạnh cung cấp giải pháp trung tâm dữ liệu cho ngành ngân hàng Việt Nam hướng đến mục tiêu giải quyết những hạn chế về cơ sở hạ tầng doanh nghiệp, vận hành TTDL và thu hẹp khoảng cách với mục tiêu số hóa trong lĩnh vực tài chính – ngân hàng. Read full information on external site
Data center backup generators for mission-critical loads – searchdatacenter.techtarget.com2021-12-08 To select the correct backup generator for your mission-critical data, learn the fuel, cost and efficiency considerations you should take into account. Read full information on external site
兆豐證券攜手中華電信IDC 為數位轉型寫下成功起點 – digitimes.com.tw2021-12-08 數位轉型浪潮襲捲全球,台灣許多企業也跟上這股趨勢,啟動數位轉型計劃,像兆豐金控旗下日趨重要的獲利金交椅--兆豐證券,2021年在力拚下單量和獲利成長的同時,也展開與管理顧問公司合作,根據兆豐證券的轉型需求、業務特性和企業文化,擬定全面性的數位轉型計劃,希望能建構更具差異化的競爭優勢。Read full information on external site
Problems With AWS Network Devices Caused Widespread Cloud Outage – datacenterfrontier.com2021-12-07 Problems with several network devices in Northern Virginia caused a major outage at Amazon Web Services, with the ripples spreading across the Internet to interrupt service for many popular web services that run their infrastructure on the AWS cloud. Read full information on external site
DC Two reckons Tier III cred for its WA data centre will accelerate growth – stockhead.com.au2021-12-07 DC Two has applied for Tier III design accreditation from the Uptime Institute for its Bibra Lake data centre in WA. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC Tak Terdampak Kebakaran Gedung Cyber 1 – inet.detik.com2021-12-07 Data center ISC tersebut berada di lantai 9 Gedung Cyber 1, dan tetap beroperasi normal baik selama kebakaran maupun setelahnya. Read full information on external site
Data Center AI Doesn’t Solve Sector Skill Lack – fuentitech.com2021-12-07 Artificial intelligence has reached data centers and automated systems have been installed in server halls around the world to ensure equipment maintenance and smooth service execution. Read full information on external site
AI is no silver bullet for the data centre skills shortage – techmonitor.ai2021-12-07 More AI-based systems are being deployed in data centres. But hopes that automation will solve the sector's skills crisis are fading. Read full information on external site
Empresa tica Codisa busca franquiciar y expandirse en la Región – forbescentroamerica.com2021-12-07 La Compañía costarricense de centro de datos Codisa pretende tomar el modelo de datacenter que está desarrollando en El Salvador y reproducirlo en otros países. Read full information on external site
Empresa tica Codisa busca franquiciar y expandirse en la Región – forbescentroamerica.com2021-12-07 La Compañía costarricense de centro de datos Codisa pretende tomar el modelo de datacenter que está desarrollando en El Salvador y reproducirlo en otros países. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC Tak Terpengaruh Kebakaran Gedung Cyber 1 – jpnn.com2021-12-07 PT. Indonesia Super Corridor (CNI Group) menyebut seluruh fasilitas Data Center ISC Cyber-1 Lantai 9 tetap bekerja dengan baik dan tidak mengalami gangguan. Read full information on external site
Tingkatkan Kualitas Layanan Data, 3 Indonesia Modernisasi Data Center – marketing.co.id2021-12-06 Modernisasi data center ini merupakan wujud komitmen dan realisasi 3 Indonesia dalam membangun bisnis yang berkelanjutan, memaksimalkan pelayanan, serta mendukung perluasan cakupan pasar termasuk menggarap layanan 5G di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
Layanan CNI Group Tak Terganggu Kebakaran Gedung Cyber 1 – teknologi.bisnis.com2021-12-06 CNI Group menyebutkan terdapat 4 faktor yang membuat layanan data center Gedung Cyber-1 tetap dapat beroperasi dengan baik. Read full information on external site
Data centers can cause serious environmental damage — now unless we regulate them – fuentitech.com2021-12-06 With average adult spending 4.2 hours In one day of smartphone apps in 2020, addiction to technology has evolved beyond what we thought it would be. From ordering food to connecting with loved ones and glancing at the latest series, our data consumption is an integral part of our daily lives. Read full information on external site
Data centers can cause serious environmental damage — now unless we regulate them – thenextweb.com2021-12-06 With average adult spending 4.2 hours In one day of smartphone apps in 2020, addiction to technology has evolved beyond what we thought it would be. From ordering food to connecting with loved ones and glancing at the latest series, our data consumption is an integral part of our daily lives. Read full information on external site
Хостинг-провайдер HOSTKEY разместит серверы клиентов в российском Tier IV и нидерландском Tier III дата-центрах – cnews.ru2021-12-06 Нидерландский хостинг-провайдер HOSTKEY значительно расширил мощности за счет аренды серверных стоек в нидерландском дата-центре класса Tier III euNetworks и московском дата-центре класса Tier IV DataPro III. Новые мощности HOSTKEY использует для размещения серверов клиентов (Colocation), развития частных и гибридных облачных решений, а также расширения собственной IT-инфраструктуры, в том числе выделенных серверов для сдачи в аренду клиентам. Read full information on external site
Data center ISC Cyber 1 tetap berfungsi normal pada saat dan setelah kebakaran – industri.kontan.co.id2021-12-06 Pada Kamis (2/12) terjadi kebakaran di Gedung Cyber 1 lantai 2 Kuningan Barat Jakarta Selatan. Beberapa website dan layanan internet sempat down. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC Cyber 1 Normal Saat Kebakaran – rctiplus.com2021-12-06 Kebakaran terjadi di Gedung Cyber 1 lantai 2 Kuningan Barat Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (2/12). Beberapa website dan layanan internetlangsung down selama dan setelah kebakaran. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC Cyber CNI Group Tetap Berfungsi Normal Setelah Kebakaran – wartaekonomi.co.id2021-12-06 Terkait terjadinya insiden kebakaran di lantai 2 Gedung Cyber-1, Jl. Kuningan Barat no.8 Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, pada hari Kamis, 2 Desember 2021, pukul 12:35 WIB, maka kami PT. Indonesia Super Corridor (CNI Group) menyampaikan bahwa seluruh fasiitas Data Center ISC Cyber-1 Lantai 9 tetap bekerja dengan baik dan tidak mengalami gangguan. Read full information on external site
Gedung Cyber 1 Terbakar, ISC Klaim Data Aman – jawapos.com2021-12-06 Gedung Cyber 1 terbakar pekan lalu. Dari insiden tersebut tidak semua perusahaan yang menyimpan datanya di sana mengalami gangguan. Read full information on external site
Gedung Cyber 1 Terbakar, ISC Klaim Data Aman – rctiplus.com2021-12-06 JawaPos.com Gedung Cyber 1 terbakar pekan lalu. Dari insiden tersebut tidak semua perusahaan yang menyimpan datanya di sana mengalami gangguan. Read full information on external site
Pasca-Kebakaran Gedung Cyber, Data Center ISC Tetap Berfungsi Normal – mediaindonesia.com2021-12-06 Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC) Yunianto mengatakan, pascainsiden kebakaran yang terjadi di lantai 2 Gedung Cyber-1 di Jl Kuningan Barat No 8 Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (2/12) lalu, seluruh fasiitas Data Center ISC (CNI Group) Cyber-1 Lantai 9 tetap bekerja dengan baik dan tidak mengalami gangguan. Read full information on external site
Yotta to Begin Construction of Two More Data Centres in Greater Noida – iot.electronicsforu.com2021-12-06 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centres in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each and will be ready to go live in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Gedung Cyber 1 Terbakar, Data Center Milik CNI Aman – mediaindonesia.com2021-12-06 INSIDEN kebakaran Gedung Cyber 1 di lantai dua tak berdampak terhadap seluruh fasilitas data center ISC Cyber 1 yang dimilikinya. Data center yang berada di lantai sembilan tetap bekerja dengan baik dan tidak mengalami gangguan pada saat kejadian maupun setelahnya. Read full information on external site
Bisnis gurih, Tri Indonesia modernisasi tiga data center miliknya menjadi tier 3 – industri.kontan.co.id2021-12-06 Data center menjadi bisnis gurih saat digitalisasi semakin marak. Maka, Schneider Electric dan 3 Indonesia berkongsi memodernisasi tiga data center. Dengan modernisasi ini, data center 3 Indonesia menjadi data center tier 3. Read full information on external site
Data Center Milik CNI Berfungsi Normal Saat Kejadian Kebakaran Gedung Cyber 1 – merdeka.com2021-12-06 Direktur Utama PT. Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC), Benyamin Naibaho mengatakan, insiden kebakaran Gedung Cyber 1 di lantai 2 tak berdampak terhadap seluruh fasilitas data center ISC Cyber 1 yang dimilikinya. Data center yang berada di lantai 9, tetap bekerja dengan baik dan tidak mengalami gangguan pada saat kejadian maupun setelahnya. Read full information on external site
Gedung Cyber 1 lantai 2 Kuningan Barat, Jakarta Selatan, terbakar pada Kamis (2/12). Beberapa website dan layanan internet sempat down. – tribunnews.com2021-12-06 Gedung Cyber 1 lantai 2 Kuningan Barat, Jakarta Selatan, terbakar pada Kamis (2/12). Beberapa website dan layanan internet sempat down. Read full information on external site
Data Center Milik CNI Berfungsi Normal Saat Kebakaran Gedung Cyber 1 – liputan6.com2021-12-06 Direktur Utama PT Indonesia Super Corridor (ISC), Benyamin Naibaho mengatakan, insiden kebakaran Gedung Cyber 1 di lantai 2 tak berdampak terhadap seluruh fasilitas data center ISC Cyber 1 yang dimilikinya. Read full information on external site
Data Center ISC Tak Terpengaruh Insiden Kebakaran Gedung Cyber-1 – investor.id2021-12-06 PT Indonesia Super Corridor (CNI Group) menyampaikan bahwa seluruh fasilitas Data Center ISC Cyber-1 yang berlokasi di lantai sembilan Gedung Cyber-1, Jln Kuningan Barat No 8 Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, tetap bekerja dengan baik dan tidak mengalami gangguan. Read full information on external site
Huawei Ranks No1 in Global Modular Data Center Market Share – independent.ng2021-12-06 LAGOS – Research and consulting firm, Frost & Sullivan, has released its Global Modular Data Center Market Report. Read full information on external site
コロナ禍の電力問題を解決するDCの方向性 – special.nikkeibp.co.jp2021-12-06 Covid-19(コロナ禍)によるニューノーマル(新常態)へのシフトは、データセンター(DC)の需要増加をもたらした。一方で、需要の高まりはDCの効率化や電力消費量削減を求める。さらに末端(エッジ)近くに配置するエッジDCの重要性も高まっている。日本データセンター協会(JDCC)では、xTECH EXPO 2021で Live配信されたセッションで、DC事業者の目指すべき方向性を解説した。Read full information on external site
Быть ли уральской агломерации ЦОДов? – iksmedia.ru2021-12-06 Региональные рынки ЦОДов существенно отстают в своем развитии от московского. Что может изменить ситуацию? Read full information on external site
Hurricane Electric与NEXTDC扩大合作,在墨尔本提供更多的互联网转接选项 – zikoo.com2021-12-06 Hurricane Electric在NEXTDC的M1墨尔本数据中心部署第三个接入点,为当地企业提供高速互联网转接服务,以满足他们不断加速的连接需求 澳大利亚墨尔本--(美国商业资讯)--全球超大型IPv6原生互联网骨干网运营商Hurricane Electric和澳大利亚领先的优质数据中心解决方案提供商NEXTDC今天宣布,Hurricane Electric已在NEXTDC位于墨尔本港的M1墨尔本数据中心部署了一个新的接入点(PoP)。Read full information on external site
Hurricane Electric and NEXTDC Expand Partnership to Increase IP Transit Options in Melbourne – streetinsider.com2021-12-05 Hurricane Electric’s third Point of Presence with NEXTDC at M1 Melbourne data centre will provide local businesses with high-speed IP transit to meet their accelerating connectivity requirements. Read full information on external site
New president elected by Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) – saaffordablehousing.co.za2021-12-03 Consulting Engineers South Africa’s (CESA) 68th Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday, 24th November saw Olu Soluade, CEO of AOS Consulting Engineers inaugurated as President of the organisation for the next two years, succeeding Sugen Pillay. David Leukes from BVi Group has been elected as Deputy President of the organisation. Read full information on external site
7 Benefits Cloud Computing Can Bring to Asp.Net Developer – cloud-computing.tmcnet.com2021-12-03 ASP.NET developers are now in high demand as more and more companies seek a competitive advantage through better software for their web applications. Read full information on external site
Bitcoin city for El Salvador as it boosts its digital economy – jamaicaobserver.com2021-12-03 El Salvador is again revolutionising the financial services sector with the announcement of the construction of a Bitcoin city to add another first in the world. Read full information on external site
$2.1 Billion Flexential Financing Incentivizes Energy-Efficient Data Center Creation – channelfutures.com2021-12-03 Flexential must must register a power usage effectiveness (PUE) of 1.4 or under for any data centers it builds through the financing. Read full information on external site
Za svaki IT scenario: Brzo, pouzdano, izuzetno – Ključ u ruke data centar! – pcpress.rs2021-12-03 Zamislite da se tehnologije kao što su cloud ili Edge Computing, data analitika, AI ili 5G i dalje razvijaju brzinom koju tržište diktira, a vi, kao IT stručnjak, nemate više brige oko nemogućih zahteva koje taj razvoj postavlja pred vas zbog eksplozivnog rasta prenosa i obrade podataka. Read full information on external site
Weshalb Rechenzentren weniger umweltschädlich sind, als viele denken – schroders.com2021-12-02 Trotz düsterer Warnungen ist der Energieverbrauch von Rechenzentren in den letzten zehn Jahren weitgehend gleich geblieben. Das sind gute Nachrichten für Investierende in der Branche. Read full information on external site
Huawei & Informa Tech Call for Collective Action to Build a Greener Africa at Africa Green ICT Forum – businessghana.com2021-12-09 The Africa Green ICT Forum 2021, co-hosted by Huawei and Informa, concluded on December 7. With a focus on ''Building a Green Africa, Bridging the Energy Gap'', this virtual event brought together industry leaders from Huawei, GSMA, Uptime Institute, Omdia, Chemtech Solar, African Development Bank, Orange Mali, Vodafone Egypt, and Egyptian Petroleum Pipelines Company. Read full information on external site
Modernisasi Data Center, 3 Indonesia Jalin Kerja Sama dengan Schneider – teknologi.bisnis.com2021-12-02 3 Indonesia, menjalin kerja sama dengan Schneider Electric, memodernisasi 3 (tiga) data centernya guna semakin pintar, andal, efisien dan berkelanjutan. Read full information on external site
Yevlaxdakı ehtiyat Data Mərkəzi gələn il hazır olacaq – aqreqator.az2021-12-02 Yevlaxda inşası davam edən ehtiyat Data Mərkəz 2022-ci ildə istifadəyə veriləcək. Bu barədə AzVision.az -ın sorğusuna cavab olaraq Rəqəmsal İnkişaf və Nəqliyyat Nazirliyindən məlumat verilib. Bildirilib ki, Yevlax əlçatanlıq zonasının inşası başa çatıb, infrastruktur hazırdır. Read full information on external site
Chindata Group Launches Biggest Data Center in Malaysia – finance.yahoo.com/news2021-12-02 How data center giant Chindata makes its business smart, secure and sustainable. Read full information on external site
Impressive Croatian Earthquake Resistant Data Centre Located in Zagreba – total-croatia-news.com2021-12-02 The 2020 earthquakes still remain in the backs of the minds of all of us who were unfortunate enough to experience them, and the need to further secure buildings against these natural disasters has been in the forefront. The Croatian earthquake resistant data centre in Zagreb is impressive. Read full information on external site
El Salvador boosting its digital economy – our.today2021-12-02 El Salvador is boosting its digital economy and is now laying the foundation for building a technology park and a Bitcoin City to advance that process. Read full information on external site
Codisa breaks ground on 3.5MW data center in El Salvador – datacenterdynamics.com2021-12-01 Company says new facility will be largest in the country. Read full information on external site
Avoid downtime, temper rising maintenance costs and create efficient physical asset visibility – insidenetworks.co.uk2021-12-01 Read full information on external site
Fase Proses Merger, Tri Indonesia Modernisasi Data Center – rctiplus.com2021-12-01 Technologue.id , Jakarta Operator 3 (Tri) Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan Schneider Electric, berhasil memodernisasi 3 (tiga) data centernya. Desmond Cheung Chief Technical Officer 3 Indonesia, mengatakan modernisasi ketiga data center ini merupakan wujud komitmen dan realisasi dari perusahaan dalam membangun bisnis yang berkelanjutan, memaksimalkan pelayanan untuk pelanggan, serta mendukung perluasan cakupan pasar termasuk menggarap layanan 5G di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
3 Indonesia Adopsi Teknologi Schneider Electric untuk Modernisasi Data Center-nya – infokomputer.grid.id2021-12-01 Operator telekomunikasi 3 Indonesia baru saja mengumumkan hasil kerja samanya dengan perusahaan transformasi digital Schneider Electric. Read full information on external site
Tri Indonesia Modernisasi Data Center, Tingkatkan Kualitas Layanan Data ke Pelanggan – liputan6.com2021-12-01 Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Tri Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Schneider Electric berhasil melakukan modernisasi tiga data center miliknya, sehingga semakin pintar, andal, efisien, dan berkelanjutan. Read full information on external site
Tri Indonesia Lagi Berbenah – viva.co.id2021-12-01 Operator telekomunikasi Tri Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Schneider Electric memodernisasi tiga pusat data (data center) menjadi semakin pintar, andal, efisien dan berkelanjutan. Read full information on external site
Modernisasi Data Center – selular.id2021-12-01 Tri Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan Schneider Electric, berhasil memodernisasi tiga data centernya. Read full information on external site
A Benguerir, les ATDA célèbrent une décennie de transformation digitale – cio-mag.com2021-12-01 L’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P) de Benguerir, au Maroc, a accueilli les 25 et 26 novembre 2021 la 10ème édition des Assises de la transformation digitale en Afrique (ATDA). Read full information on external site
«Ростелеком-ЦОД» наращивает мощности – mobilecomm.ru2021-12-01 Компания «Ростелеком-ЦОД» запускает новые мощности в дата-центре «Екатеринбург». Read full information on external site
3 Indonesia Modernisasi Data Center Dengan Teknologi Digital Termutakhir – matabangsa.com2021-12-01 3 Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan Schneider Electric, berhasil memodernisasi 3 (tiga) data centernya menjadi semakin pintar, andal, efisien dan berkelanjutan. Read full information on external site
Yotta To Build Next Two Data Center Buildings In Greater Noida – thedailyguardian.com2021-12-01 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. The two buildings will have a capacity of 30MW IT load each and will be ready to go live in January 2024. The construction of the first of six data center buildings started in January 2021 and will go live for customer operations by July 2022, in a record time of less than 18 months. Once completed, it will have a capacity of 30 MW IT Load. Read full information on external site
Technologies to prioritise when planning 2022 Digital Transformation strategies – intelligentdatacentres.com2021-12-01 Keysource, the data centre and critical environment specialist, has announced the key findings of this year’s industry survey which is designed to give an insight into the decisions and considerations that UK IT directors and senior decision-makers in the data centre industry are making, which in turn are influencing the market. Read full information on external site
Yotta to Build Next Two Data Center Buildings In Greater Noida – ai-techpark.com2021-12-01 Due to heightened demand and the state’s progressive support, construction of the next two buildings in Yotta’s Greater Noida Data Center Park will commence in January 2022. Read full information on external site
A1 Hrvatska invests HRK 11 million in first Tier III data centre in Croatia – telecompaper.com2021-12-01 Croatian operator A1 Hrvatska invested HRK11 million in the construction of the countries forest data centre meeting Tier III criteria from the UpTime Institute. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infra to construct two data centres in UP – constructionweekonline.in2021-12-01 The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each. Read full information on external site
El Salvador Begins Building a Tech Park and Bitcoin City – nearshoreamericas.com2021-12-01 The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each. Read full information on external site
November 2021
Telecom Egypt’s Infrastructure: The Heart of the Digital World - subtelforum.com2021-11-30 Telecom Egypt has a history of over 165 years serving its customers in Egypt, the region, and beyond using state-of-the-art technology, reliable infrastructure solutions, and a wide network of submarine cables. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure to commence construction of two more data centres by January 2022 - projectstoday.com2021-11-30 Yotta Infrastructure will begin the construction of two more data centres in Greater Noida Data Center Park in Uttar Pradesh in January 2022. Read full information on external site
Yotta to begin work on 2 more data centres in Greater Noida in January - msn.com2021-11-30 Yotta Infrastructure will begin constructing two more data centres at its Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. Read full information on external site
Yotta to build next two data center buildings in Greater Noida, gets big boost from Yogi Adityanath's UP Data Center Policy - jakartanews.net2021-11-30 New Delhi [India], November 30 (ANI/PR Newswire): Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. Read full information on external site
Tri Indonesia Berhasil Modernisasi 3 Data Center - investor.id2021-11-30 Operator telekomunikasi 3 (Tri) Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan Schneider Electric, berhasil memodernisasi tiga data center-nya. Hasil modernisasi menjadikan data center perseroan semakin pintar, andal, efisien, dan berkelanjutan. Read full information on external site
Ростелеком-ЦОД» наращивает мощности в Екатеринбурге - iksmedia.ru2021-11-30 Компания «Ростелеком-ЦОД» объявила о запуске новых мощностей в дата-центре «Екатеринбург». Объект в Екатеринбурге — опорный ЦОД регионального значения сети дата-центров «Ростелеком-ЦОД», обеспечивающий ИТ-мощностями бизнес и государственные органы на Урале и в Сибири. Read full information on external site
Digital India has opened new avenues for businesses, says Hiranandani - fiinews.com2021-11-30 The Digital India initiative has opened up new avenues for businesses, and India has been on the upward trajectory with respect to digital transformation way before the pandemic hit the world, said Darshan Hiranandani, Group CEO – Hiranandani Group, announcing the start of two more data centers construction from January 2022 in the group’s Greater Noida Data Center Park. Read full information on external site
Опорный дата-центр «Ростелекома» на Урале вдвое увеличит мощности - finanz.ru2021-11-30 Опорный центр обработки данных «Ростелекома» в Екатеринбурге, который обеспечивает ИТ-мощностями бизнес и государственные органы на Урале и в Сибири, вдвое нарастит мощности за счет строительства второй очереди. Об этом сообщили журналистам в пресс-службе компании. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure to begin construction of two more data centers in Greater Noida by January 2022 - cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com2021-11-30 The first building of the Data Center Park, for which the construction started in January 2021, will go live for customer operations by July 2022. Once completed, it will have a capacity of 30 MW IT Load. Read full information on external site
Yotta to Commence Construction of Two More Data Center Buildings in its Greater Noida DC Park - cxotoday.com2021-11-30 Due to heightened demand from the region, construction of the next two buildings in their Greater Noida Data Center Park will commence in January 2022. Read full information on external site
"Ростелеком-ЦОД" наращивает мощности в Екатеринбурге - comnews.ru2021-11-30 Компания "Ростелеком-ЦОД" объявила о запуске новых мощностей в дата-центре "Екатеринбург". Денис Тарасов, директор площадки, рассказал о планах по строительству второй очереди. Read full information on external site
«Ростелеком-ЦОД» построит вторую очередь дата-центра «Екатеринбург» - cnews.ru2021-11-30 «Ростелеком-ЦОД» объявила о запуске новых мощностей в дата-центре «Екатеринбург». Read full information on external site
Yotta to Commence Construction of Two More Data Center Buildings in its Greater Noida DC Park - businessfortnight.com2021-11-30 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure to begin construction of two more data centers in Greater Noida by January 2022 - businessfast.co.uk2021-11-30 Yotta Infrastructure will start the construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each and will be ready to go live in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Tri Indonesia Lakukan Modernisasi 3 Data Center - teknologi.bisnis.com2021-11-30 Artikel ini telah tayang di Bisnis.com dengan judul "Tri Indonesia Lakukan Modernisasi 3 Data Center", Klik selengkapnya di sini. Read full information on external site
When Payments Fail: Sizing Up Downtime in the Digital Surge - hostingjournalist.com2021-11-29 Uptime Institute’s Executive Director of Research, Andy Lawrence, sits down with i2c’s President, Jim McCarthy, and Downdetector sales director, Richard Ishak, for a webinar on the evolving financial services infrastructure requirements necessary to support the rapid growth in digital banking and payments. Read full information on external site
Exclusive Interview: The State of India’s Booming Data Center Industry - hostingjournalist.com2021-11-29 Mustapha Louni, Senior Vice President – Middle East, Africa & Greater India at Uptime Institute, joins Express Computer for an exclusive interview about India’s booming data center industry. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute – The Global Digital Infrastructure Authority - hostingjournalist.com2021-11-29 We are Uptime Institute, the globally recognized digital infrastructure authority. For over 25 years, clients have relied on Uptime Institute as the standard for data center performance, resilience, sustainability and efficiency. Read full information on external site
Yotta to construct 2 more Data Centres in January 2022 - w.media2021-11-29 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centres in their Greater Noida Data Centre Park in January 2022. Read full information on external site
Yotta to come with two more data center buildings in its Greater Noida DC park - varindia.com2021-11-29 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. Read full information on external site
Yotta to Commence Construction of Two More Data Center Buildings in its Greater Noida DC Park - technuter.com2021-11-29 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. Read full information on external site
Yotta to Build Two Data Center Buildings in Greater Noida DC Park - smestreet.in2021-11-29 Darshan Hiranandani, Group CEO – Hiranandani Group said, “The Digital India initiative has opened up new avenues for businesses, and India has been on the upward trajectory with respect to digital transformation way before the pandemic hit us." Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud anuncia primeiro data center no Brasil - arandanet.com.br2021-11-29 São Paulo foi a cidade escolhida pelo grupo chinês para atender o mercado latino-americano. Read full information on external site
Linxdatacenter в топ-20 IaaS-провайдеров России по итогам года - re-port.ru2021-11-29 Компания Linxdatacenter вошла в топ-20 рейтинга крупнейших поставщиков услуг IaaS в России по итогам 2020 года по версии CNews. Read full information on external site
Sensitive data of taxpayers at stake: FTO asks PRAL to upgrade security benchmarks | #cybersecurity | #cyberattack - nationalcybersecuritynews.today2021-11-29 The Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) Dr Asif Mahmood Jah has unearthed systematic flaws in security of confidential/classified data of taxpayers and directed the Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited (PRAL) to develop security policies/infrastructure and implement international standards for protection against future cyber attacks on Federal Board of Revenue’s (FBR) website. Read full information on external site
Huawei - №1 на світовому ринку модульних центрів обробки даних у 2020 р. - ko.com.ua2021-11-29 Модульні центри обробки даних стають все більш популярні останнього часу. Це системи, яки заздалегідь зібрані та протестовані на заводі в конфігурації, адаптованої до задач замовника. Модульні ЦОД мають необхідний рівень автономности та можуть віддалено контролюватися, забезпечуючи необхідну функціональність для обробки і управління даними. Read full information on external site
Yotta starts construction of $950 mn data centers in Greater Noida - infotechlead.com2021-11-29 Yotta Infrastructure announced it will start construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each and will be ready to go live in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Yotta to commence construction of another data centers in its Greater Noida DC Park - expresscomputer.in2021-11-29 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each and will be ready to go live in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Yotta to commence construction of another data centers in its Greater Noida DC Park - engineeringnews.co.za2021-11-29 Industry association Consulting Engineers South Africa's (Cesa's) newly elected president Olu Soluade, who is also AOS Consulting Engineers CEO, has committed to partnering with industry stakeholders for sustainable, value-for-money infrastructure development. Read full information on external site
Yotta to commence construction of another data centers in its Greater Noida DC Park - dqchannels.com2021-11-29 Yotta Infrastructure has announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Datacentre Park in January 2022. The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each and will be ready to go live in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Yotta Announced To Commence Construction Of Two More Data Centers In Greater Noida - digitalterminal.in2021-11-29 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each and will be ready to go live in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Yotta to commence construction of another data centers in its Greater Noida DC Park - crn.in2021-11-29 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each and will be ready to go live in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Yotta to Commence Construction of Two More Data Center Buildings in its Greater Noida DC Park - cioaxis.com2021-11-29 Yotta Infrastructure announced that it will commence construction of two more data centers in their Greater Noida Data Center Park in January 2022. The two buildings will have a capacity of 30 MW IT load each and will be ready to go live in January 2024. Read full information on external site
Sensitive data of taxpayers at stake: FTO asks PRAL to upgrade security benchmarks - brecorder.com2021-11-29 ISLAMABAD: The Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) Dr Asif Mahmood Jah has unearthed systematic flaws in security of confidential/classified data of taxpayers and directed the Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited (PRAL) to develop security policies/infrastructure and implement international standards for protection against future cyber attacks on Federal Board of Revenue’s (FBR) website. Read full information on external site
African data centre initiative to kick off in Lagos and Durban - samenacouncil.org2021-11-28 Is Africa a data centre opportunity or challenge? Either way, it is a market that is underserved relative to demand, so it may be no surprise that a new pan-African data centre company has announced its launch this week. Read full information on external site
Smarter digital power fundamental to meeting the Middle East's low-carbon ambitions, experts contend - sauress.com2021-11-28 Tackling climate change is an increasing priority within the agenda of most Middle East nations. In the last year, new leadership for climate action has emerged across the region, and even major oil and gas exporters like Saudi Arabia have announced they would reach net-zero emissions by 2060. Read full information on external site
Smarter digital power fundamental to meeting the Middle East’s low-carbon ambitions, experts contend - saudigazette.com.sa2021-11-28 Tackling climate change is an increasing priority within the agenda of most Middle East nations. In the last year, new leadership for climate action has emerged across the region, and even major oil and gas exporters like Saudi Arabia have announced they would reach net-zero emissions by 2060. Read full information on external site
OADC to Invest US$500 Million in Data Centers in Africa - innovation-village.com2021-11-26 Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced a US$500mn investment to construct and operate a network of more than 20 world-class, carrier-neutral, GreenStar and Uptime Institute Tier III accredited data centres across Africa, optimised to serve the needs of the cloud provider and wholesale community. Read full information on external site
OADC to invest USD 500 mln in African data centres - telecompaper.com2021-11-26 The new African data centre company Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced a USD 500 million, multi-year investment programme to construct and operate a network of more than 20 carrier-neutral, GreenStar and Uptime Institute Tier III accredited data centres across Africa, optimised to serve the needs of the cloud provider and wholesale community. Read full information on external site
African data centre initiative to kick off in Lagos and Durban - developingtelecoms.com2021-11-26 Is Africa a data centre opportunity or challenge? Either way, it is a market that is underserved relative to demand, so it may be no surprise that a new pan-African data centre company has announced its launch this week. Read full information on external site
Future Facilities on the reality of data center management. And how they propose you solve it. - datacenterdynamics.com2021-11-26 During our Keeping IT Cool series, we had the opportunity to sit down with Future Facilities for a cold dose of reality. Read full information on external site
Climate change: more operators prepare to weather the storms - datacenterdynamics.com2021-11-26 Extreme weather and investor and regulator pressures have encouraged more data center operators to reevaluate their resiliency. Read full information on external site
Sustainability and security: the ethos of EcoDataCenter - techhq.com2021-11-25 At EcoDataCenter, sustainability and security are not just promises. Instead, they are the basic principles of this data center. Read full information on external site
Sustainability and security: the ethos of EcoDataCenter - techregister.co.uk2021-11-25 Committing to going green isn’t all talk and no action. Energy transition targets, such as achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 in the European Union and 40 other countries to keep global warming to 1.5°C, aren’t mere lofty ambitions. Read full information on external site
Chinese company under scrutiny over defective BIH project - sundaystandard.info2021-11-25 The Auditor General has turned the heat on a Chinese company that constructed the Botswana Innovation Hub (BIH) iconic building. Read full information on external site
New pan-African datacentre firm announces US$500m-plus investment - itweb.africa2021-11-25 New pan-African datacentre company Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced a US$500-mllion-plus, multi-year investment programme to construct and operate a network of more than 20 world-class, carrier-neutral, GreenStar and Uptime Institute Tier III accredited datacentres across Africa, optimised to serve the needs of the cloud provider and wholesale community. Read full information on external site
《ESG》施羅德投資:數據中心對環境影響較預期小,受益新技術 - etnet.com.hk2021-11-25 《環富通基金頻道25日專訊》施羅德投資環球地產證券聯席主管Tom Walker指 ,有關數據中心耗用能源的警告不計其數,但在過去十年間,它們的耗用量大致上仍維持不變, 這對該行業的投資者而言是好消息。Read full information on external site
OADC announces US$500mn investment in Africa data centres - datacentremagazine.com2021-11-25 Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced a US$500mn investment in data centres in Africa as part of the WIOCC’s hyperscale expansion. Read full information on external site
Transforming provisions across Africa - dcnnmagazine.com2021-11-25 Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced a USD500 million-plus, multi-year investment programme to construct and operate a network of more than 20 world-class, carrier-neutral, GreenStar and Uptime Institute Tier III accredited data centres across Africa. Read full information on external site
Sustainability and security: the ethos of EcoDataCenter – TechHQ - businessmayor.com2021-11-25 Committing to going green isn’t all talk and no action. Energy transition targets, such as achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 in the European Union and 40 other countries to keep global warming to 1.5°C, aren’t mere lofty ambitions. Read full information on external site
Sustainability and security: the ethos of EcoDataCenter – TechHQ - businessfast.co.uk2021-11-25 Committing to going green isn’t all talk and no action. Energy transition targets, such as achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 in the European Union and 40 other countries to keep global warming to 1.5°C, aren’t mere lofty ambitions. Read full information on external site
Sustainability and security: the ethos of EcoDataCenter – TechHQ - businesstelegraph.co.uk2021-11-25 Committing to going green isn’t all talk and no action. Energy transition targets, such as achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 in the European Union and 40 other countries to keep global warming to 1.5°C, aren’t mere lofty ambitions. Read full information on external site
Help Customers Save by Eliminating Idle Servers from Their Data Centers - channelfutures.com2021-11-24 Gain control of power use and help sustainability efforts by managing at the outlet level. Read full information on external site
AMANA awarded five data centre projects - cbnme.com2021-11-24 Regional demand for data centres is surging, driven by technological advances, increasing adoption of cloud-based services, and the GCC’s accelerated digital transformation. Data centres are a critical element of the infrastructure required to build digital economies in the GCC states as they pivot from oil-driven to data-driven economies. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC and EngineRoom bring 'revolutionary' HYDRA liquid immersion tech to Aus - datacenternews.asia2021-11-24 RNEXTDC and EngineRoom have announced a new partnership to bring HYDRA liquid immersion cooling solutions to the local market. Read full information on external site
Russia's Rostelecom to Build a Large-scale Data Center in Moscow - thefastmode.com2021-11-24 Rostelecom, Russia’s largest integrated digital company, recently announced that RTK-DC has acquired a new facility to build a new data center in South Moscow. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC and EngineRoom bring 'revolutionary' HYDRA liquid immersion tech to Aus - itbrief.com.au2021-11-24 NEXTDC and EngineRoom have announced a new partnership to bring HYDRA liquid immersion cooling solutions to the local market. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC and EngineRoom bring 'revolutionary' HYDRA liquid immersion tech to Aus - channellife.com.au2021-11-24 NEXTDC and EngineRoom have announced a new partnership to bring HYDRA liquid immersion cooling solutions to the local market. Read full information on external site
Centros de datos a la vanguardia de la transformación digital - portafolio.co2021-11-23 Zetta Data Center Complex, flexible y escalable de acuerdo con los requerimientos de sus usuarios. Read full information on external site
Ansatzpunkte zum ressourcensparenden Betrieb - funkschau.de2021-11-23 Der Klimawandel erfordert von Verantwortlichen in der Industrie, ihre bisherigen Ansätze und Verfahrensweisen zu überdenken. Auch Rechenzentren sind gefordert, insbesondere das Thema Kühlung steht dabei im Fokus. Read full information on external site
Cloud and Data Centres set to scale new heights in South Asia - w.media2021-11-23 South Asia is home to almost 25 per cent of the world’s population. With the pandemic impacting many lives and livelihoods, businesses have realised that they are left with no option but to adopt Digital. This is fuelling a boom in data centre and cloud adoption. Read full information on external site
W.Media’s Star speaker line-up for Mumbai Cloud & Datacenter Convention & Awards 2021 - w.media2021-11-23 W.Media is hosting its first physical event after two years in association with CIO Klub. Read full information on external site
How JIKA is looking to set New Benchmarks in Data Centre Construction - w.media2021-11-23 India’s home grown Modular Support system JIKA is eying 5 lakh sq. ft. of data centre-related installations in 2022, as it sees a strong momentum from some of the large operators. Read full information on external site
大行觀點:數據中心3招降耗能 - hk.news.yahoo.com2021-11-22 雖然有關數據中心耗用能源的警告不計其數,但在過去10年間,它們的能源耗用量大致上維持不變,這對該行業的投資者而言是好消息。數據中心經常會因其碳排放及能源耗用量而受到批評,由於近年互聯網數據急增,該產業正處於高速增長階段。Read full information on external site
"Ростелеком-ЦОД" построит в Москве дата-центр на 6 710 стоек - ruscable.blogspot.com2021-11-22 «Ростелеком-ЦОД» приобрел новый объект для строительства дата-центра на юге Москвы в районе Западное Бирюлево по адресу улица Никопольская, владение 6. На территории общей площадью 57 291 кв. м компания построит четыре дата-центра, которые вместят в общей сложности 6 710 стоек. Совокупная площадь центров обработки данных (ЦОД) составит не менее 40 000 кв. м, общая мощность — 55 МВт. Дата-центры будут запускаться поэтапно. Первые 1 000 стоек планируется сдать в эксплуатацию в сентябре 2022 года. Read full information on external site
Bringing Data Center Excellence to the Moroccan Market - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-11-22 One of the leading private data center operators in Morocco, N+One, empowers enterprises and content providers to deliver services and content to their end consumers. Read full information on external site
The Unplanned Downtime Nightmare — And How Operators Can Avoid It - forbes.com2021-11-22 Uptime Institute’s 2021 Global Data Center Survey (via Facility Executive) reveals that outages, while less pervasive than in previous years, have become way more expensive. Over 60% of the respondents reported losing more than $100,000 to downtime. Of that 60%, 15% lost over $1 million. Read full information on external site
Improving Data Center Availability with Single-Phase UPS Systems (Part 2) - epsmag.net2021-11-21 TYPES OF SINGLE-PHASE UPS In general, classifying single-phase UPS come down to three basic characteristics. Read full information on external site
Kloudspot partners with Moro Hub to expand its digital platform offerings in the Middle East region - semiconductors.einnews.com2021-11-21 The Kloudspot-Moro Hub partnership brings together skills in technology strategy, platform and solutions development, deployment to help clients in the region. Read full information on external site
HostDime preps for new Tier IV-rated regional edge facility in Guadalajara, Mexico - edgeir.com2021-11-21 HostDime, a global provider of data center and IT services, is getting set to build a new regional edge data center in Mexico, the company announced. HostDime purchased a three-acre land parcel in Guadalajara, Mexico. Read full information on external site
شراكة استراتيجية بين شركة مورو و"كلاود سبوت" لتوسيع قائمة الخدمات الرقمية في الشرق الأوسط - zawya.com2021-11-19 الشراكة تجمع بين المهارات في استراتيجية التكنولوجيا، والمنصات وتطوير الحلول، ونشرها لتلبية احتياجات المتعاملين في المنطقة. Read full information on external site
Fastweb Milan data centre awarded ISO 50001 certification - telecompaper.com2021-11-19 Italian operator Fastweb said its Tier IV data centre in Milan has achieved ISO 50001 certification for energy management after meeting a strict set of objectives, guidelines and practices for energy efficiency and reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Read full information on external site
Expedient to open new data centre in Denver - datacentremagazine.com2021-11-19 Expedient has announced it is opening a new 32,000sq ft data centre in Denver, Colorado, in the United States of America. Read full information on external site
Ceny energii przyhamują cyfryzację? - msn.com2021-11-18 Przyśpieszona cyfryzacja niefortunnie zbiegła się w czasie z transformacją energetyczną, wzrostem cen gazu oraz kosztów emisji CO2. Dla firm oznacza to w długofalowej perspektywie jedno: utrzymanie infrastruktury IT będzie coraz droższe, a długo odkładane inwestycje w zieloną energię staną się niezbędne. Read full information on external site
«Ростелеком-ЦОД» приобрел новый объект для строительства дата-центра на юге Москвы в районе Западное Бирюлево. - vestnik-sviazy.ru2021-11-18 На территории общей площадью 57291 кв.м компания построит четыре дата-центра, которые вместят в общей сложности 6710 стоек. Совокупная площадь центров обработки данных (ЦОД) составит не менее 40 тыс. кв.м, общая мощность — 55 МВт. Дата-центры будут запускаться поэтапно. Первые 1 тыс. стоек планируется сдать в эксплуатацию в сентябре 2022. Read full information on external site
PTCL achieves tier-III certification from Uptime Institute for its Commercial Data Centre - nation.com.pk2021-11-18 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Centre (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). Read full information on external site
PTCL Achieved Tier III Certification From Uptime Institute For Its Commercial Data Center In Lahore - technologytimes.pk2021-11-18 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). Read full information on external site
PTCL achieved Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Commercial Data Center in Lahore - netmag.pk2021-11-18 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). Read full information on external site
Expedient Opens New 2,5MW Colocation Data Center in Denver, Colorado - hostingjournalist.com2021-11-18 Expedient today announced the opening of a 32,000 square feet, 2.5-megawatt data center in Denver. It is intended to better support the company’s expanding client demand in the western United States. This is Expedient’s third new data center in less than 45 days. Read full information on external site
Expedient Opens Its Third New Data Centre In Less Than 45 Days - datacentre.me2021-11-18 Opening its third new data centre in less than 45-days, Expedient has announced the addition of a 32,000 sq ft, 2.5-megawatt facility in Denver, which will better serve increasing customer demand in the western United States. Read full information on external site
PTCL Achieved Tier III Certification From Uptime Institute For Its Commercial Data Center In Lahore - businessinsights.pk2021-11-17 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). The certification validates PTCL stringent compliance with international standards in modern data center design and management for delivery of high-quality hosting facilities to its customers. Read full information on external site
1 na 3 centra danych mierzy swą neutralność - virtual-it.pl2021-11-17 Operatorzy centrów danych z całego świata mają coraz większą świadomość w zakresie wpływu swojej działalności na środowisko naturalne, choć wciąż pozostaje jeszcze sporo do zrobienia. Jak informuje opublikowany właśnie raport Uptime Institute - Global Data Center Survey 2021 dziś swój poziom emisji dwutlenku węgla monitoruje 33% przedstawicieli branży Data Center. Read full information on external site
PTCL achieved Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Commercial Data Center in Lahore - businessnewspakistan.com2021-11-17 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). Read full information on external site
Ceny energii rosną jak szalone. Cyfryzacja spowolni? - ceo.com.pl2021-11-17 Przyśpieszona cyfryzacja niefortunnie zbiegła się w czasie z transformacją energetyczną, wzrostem cen gazu oraz kosztów emisji CO2. Dla firm oznacza to w długofalowej perspektywie jedno: utrzymanie infrastruktury IT będzie coraz droższe, a długo odkładane inwestycje w zieloną energię staną się niezbędne. Read full information on external site
PTCL receives tier-III certification of design for CDC - brecorder.com2021-11-17 The Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). As per the details shared by the PTCL here on Tuesday, the certification validates PTCL stringent compliance with international standards in modern data center design and management for delivery of high-quality hosting facilities to its customers. Read full information on external site
PTCL achieved Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Commercial Data Center in Lahore - flare.pk2021-11-17 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). The certification validates PTCL stringent compliance with international standards in modern data center design and management for delivery of high-quality hosting facilities to its customers. Read full information on external site
PTCL achieves Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute - bolnews.com2021-11-17 The Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) has received Tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute, a statement said. Read full information on external site
PTCL Achieved Tier III Certification From Uptime Institute For Its Commercial Data Center In Lahore - urdupoint.com2021-11-17 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). Read full information on external site
PTCL achieved Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Commercial Data Center in Lahore - thepakistanpost.net2021-11-17 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). The certification validates PTCL stringent compliance with international standards in modern data center design and management for delivery of high-quality hosting facilities to its customers. Read full information on external site
PTCL achieved Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Commercial Data Center in Lahore - techjuice.pk2021-11-17 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). The certification validates PTCL stringent compliance with international standards in modern data center design and management for delivery of high-quality hosting facilities to its customers. Read full information on external site
Expedient Data Center Expansion Continues with New Facility Opening in Denver - benzinga.com2021-11-17 Opening its third new data center in less than 45-days, Expedient today announced the addition of a 32,000 sq ft, 2.5-megawatt facility in Denver, which will better serve increasing customer demand in the western United States. This latest data center, joins Phoenix and Milwaukee as part of Expedient's new market expansion plans, providing customers with access to the company's portfolio of universal multi-cloud services. Read full information on external site
Bank of Israel completes New Data Centre Project - w.media2021-11-17 Bank of Israel’s Information Technology (IT) Department completed a project to establish a new data centre at the Bank. Read full information on external site
Selecting a building management system (BMS) for a data centre based on the different uptime tier standards - techerati.com2021-11-17 The Tier structure as applied to data centres was developed by the Uptime Institute over 25 years ago. A data centre tier certification is based on Tier Standards, which are an unbiased set of infrastructure and operating criteria. These standards are unique and well-known in the industry. Read full information on external site
Ceny energii rosną jak szalone. Cyfryzacja spowolni? - ceo.com.pl2021-11-17 Przyśpieszona cyfryzacja niefortunnie zbiegła się w czasie z transformacją energetyczną, wzrostem cen gazu oraz kosztów emisji CO2. Dla firm oznacza to w długofalowej perspektywie jedno: utrzymanie infrastruktury IT będzie coraz droższe, a długo odkładane inwestycje w zieloną energię staną się niezbędne. Read full information on external site
Wzrost cen energii - skutki dla firm IT - ksiegowosc.infor.pl2021-11-17 Wzrost cen energii - skutki dla firm IT. Przyśpieszona cyfryzacja niefortunnie zbiegła się w czasie z transformacją energetyczną, wzrostem cen gazu oraz kosztów emisji CO2. Dla firm oznacza to w długofalowej perspektywie jedno: utrzymanie infrastruktury IT będzie coraz droższe, a długo odkładane inwestycje w zieloną energię staną się niezbędne. Read full information on external site
PTCL Achieved Tier III Certification From Uptime Institute For Its Commercial Data Center In Lahore - urdupoint.com2021-11-17 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). Read full information on external site
PTCL achieved Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Commercial Data Center - telecoalert.com2021-11-16 PTCL achieved Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Commercial Data Center in Lahore. Read full information on external site
T-Systems opent in NorthC datacenter second node Open Telekom Cloud - dutchitchannel.nl2021-11-16 T-Systems opende onlangs in het NorthC datacenter in Almere een second node voor Open Telekom Cloud. Open Telekom Cloud biedt infrastructure as a service (IaaS) vanuit de public cloud gebaseerd op OpenStack. Read full information on external site
T-Systems opent in NorthC datacenter second node Open Telekom Cloud - executive-people.nl2021-11-16 T-Systems opende onlangs in het NorthC datacenter in Almere een second node voor Open Telekom Cloud. Open Telekom Cloud biedt infrastructure as a service (IaaS) vanuit de public cloud gebaseerd op OpenStack. Read full information on external site
PTCL achieved Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute for its Commercial Data Center in Lahore - newsupdatetimes.com2021-11-16 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). Read full information on external site
PTCL achieves Tier III Certification for its Commercial Data Center - biztoday.new2021-11-16 Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTCL) has received tier-III certification of design for its Commercial Data Center (CDC) in Lahore from Uptime Institute (UI). Read full information on external site
Transformasi Digital Pelayanan Publik, Kominfo Kaji Kompetensi SDM - rctiplus.com2021-11-15 JawaPos.com Pemerintah tengah menyiapkan pembangunan empat Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) guna mewujudkan pemerintahan berbasis digital. Read full information on external site
Transformasi Digital Pelayanan Publik, Kominfo Kaji Kompetensi SDM - jawapos.com2021-11-15 Pemerintah tengah menyiapkan pembangunan empat Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) guna mewujudkan pemerintahan berbasis digital. Read full information on external site
The UK’s first data center-focused University Technical College course debuts - jfuentitech.com2021-11-15 The UK’s first data center-focused University Technical College (UTC) course begins with students aged 14-19 Start pursuing a career in the digital infrastructure sector. Read full information on external site
UK’s first datacentre-focused University Technical College course makes its debut - computerweekly.com2021-11-15 The UK’s first datacentre-focused university technical college (UTC) course has gone live to pave the way for 14-to-19 year-olds to start pursuing a career in the digital infrastructure sector. Read full information on external site
Liquid Cooling Is Coming Sooner Than You Think - fieldtechnologiesonline.com2021-11-15 With the advancements in computer technology, we are seeing some of the most powerful computers in history – but they are also the hottest. Read full information on external site
Liquid Cooling Is Coming Sooner Than You Think - varinsights.com2021-11-15 With the advancements in computer technology, we are seeing some of the most powerful computers in history – but they are also the hottest. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech PH Rolls Out In-Country AWS Outposts Cloud Solution For Enterprises - pageone.ph2021-11-12 Beeinfotech PH, operator of the country’s largest telco-neutral data center to date and provider of tailored colocation services, is now offering the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Outposts solution catering to large enterprises. Read full information on external site
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Digital Paradox: Hypercare Time - londonnewstime.com2021-11-12 Expanding online sales with greater reliance on fallable infrastructure. This year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday will test the digital readiness of businesses as well as the public’s desire for online shopping other than blockades. Read full information on external site
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Digital Paradox: Hypercare Time - fuentitech.com2021-11-12 Expanding online sales with greater reliance on fallable infrastructure. This year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday will test the digital readiness of businesses as well as the public’s desire for online shopping other than blockades. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech PH Rolls Out In-Country AWS Outposts Cloud Solution For Enterprises - theluzondaily.com2021-11-12 Beeinfotech PH, operator of the country’s largest telco-neutral data center to date and provider of tailored colocation services, is now offering the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Outposts solution catering to large enterprises. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech PH Rolls Out In-Country AWS Outposts Cloud Solution For Enterprises - mnlmag.com2021-11-12 Beeinfotech PH, operator of the country’s largest telco-neutral data center to date and provider of tailored colocation services, is now offering the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Outposts solution catering to large enterprises. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech PH Rolls Out In-Country AWS Outposts Cloud Solution For Enterprises - thephilippinepost.com2021-11-12 Beeinfotech PH, operator of the country’s largest telco-neutral data center to date and provider of tailored colocation services, is now offering the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Outposts solution catering to large enterprises. Read full information on external site
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Digital Paradox: Hypercare Time - texasnewstoday.com2021-11-12 Expanding online sales with greater reliance on fallable infrastructure. This year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday will test the digital readiness of businesses as well as the public’s desire for online shopping other than blockades. Read full information on external site
EnelPS: Rekonstruisati data centar ili graditi nov? - pcpress.rs2021-11-12 Tokom višedecenijskog perioda razvoja, kompanija EnelPS se pozicionirala kao vrhunska kompanija koja nudi moderan dizajn, planiranje i izgradnju data centara i kompleksnih sistema, kao i njihovo održavanje i servisiranje. Read full information on external site
Хостинг-провайдер HOSTKEY разместит серверы клиентов в дата-центре euNetworks в Амстердаме -servernews.ru2021-11-12 Нидерландский хостинг-провайдер HOSTKEY заключил соглашение об аренде серверных стоек в дата-центре класса TIER III с западноевропейской компанией euNetworks. Новые ресурсы HOSTKEY использует для размещения серверов клиентов (colocation), развития частных и гибридных облачных решений, а также расширения собственной IT-инфраструктуры, в том числе - выделенных серверов для сдачи в аренду клиентам. Read full information on external site
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the digital paradox: time for hypercare - computing.co.uk2021-11-12 Greater online sales with increased reliance on a fallible infrastructure. This year's Black Friday and Cyber Monday will test not just the public's appetite for online shopping outside of lockdown they'll will test businesses' digital preparedness, too. Read full information on external site
如何在数据中心维度构建碳排放交易协议 - jifang360.com2021-11-12 数据中心在现代数字经济活动中具有举足轻重的地位。伴随数字经济的蓬勃发展,数据中心的建设也进入了快车道。在数据中心大量建设并投入使用的过程中,人们发现由于摩尔定律的限制,数据传输的增加需要消耗越来越多的能源. Read full information on external site
O que é a Dataprev? - br.financas.yahoo.com2021-11-11 Você sabe o que é a Dataprev? Se você já precisou solicitar benefícios como o Auxílio Emergencial, Seguro-Desemprego e pensão de aposentadoria do INSS, ou precisou utilizar aplicativos do Governo Federal como a Carteira de Trabalho Digital, então já teve contato com a empresa de tecnologia. Read full information on external site
O que é a Dataprev? - canaltech.com.br2021-11-11 Você sabe o que é a Dataprev? Se você já precisou solicitar benefícios como o Auxílio Emergencial, Seguro-Desemprego e pensão de aposentadoria do INSS, ou precisou utilizar aplicativos do Governo Federal como a Carteira de Trabalho Digital, então já teve contato com a empresa de tecnologia. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech PH rolls out in-country AWS Outposts cloud solution for big enterprises - mindanaotimes.com.ph2021-11-11 Global cloud spending to reach $74.3b this year, with the Philippines named as a cloud spending leader in APAC. Read full information on external site
Data centre commissioning increasingly important to defeating digital downtime - intelligentcio.com2021-11-10 We often tend to focus on the specific technology and infrastructure that makes up a data centre, paying less attention to the design and build of the data centre itself. Martin Williamson, Head of Commissioning – Middle East, AESG, outlines what a comprehensive data centre commissioning process should look like and why it is important for ensuring the interrelationship of the building services are understood, tested and operationally ready at the time of handover, reducing or preventing failure during facility operation. Read full information on external site
Data centre commissioning increasingly important to defeating digital downtime - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-11-10 We often tend to focus on the specific technology and infrastructure that makes up a data centre, paying less attention to the design and build of the data centre itself. Martin Williamson, Head of Commissioning – Middle East, AESG, outlines what a comprehensive data centre commissioning process should look like and why it is important for ensuring the interrelationship of the building services are understood, tested and operationally ready at the time of handover, reducing or preventing failure during facility operation. Read full information on external site
The powerful hybrid storage companies shaping enterprise tech - protocol.com2021-11-10 While the Big Three of AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud dominate cloud storage, many companies still aren't sure if the public cloud is the right place to put all of their data. Out of that concern has grown the thriving sector that is hybrid storage. Read full information on external site
Progressive Companies Set New Courses in Data Center Workforce Talent War - datacenterfrontier.com2021-11-10 The constant care and attention required to operate a 7x24x365 mission-critical facility is prompting data center owners to seek long-term partnerships (Photo: BSC Data Center Operations). Read full information on external site
The role of cloud computing in the journey to net zero - techmonitor.ai2021-11-09 CIOs from Hiscox, Compass Group and RSA Group share how cloud adoption is helping them cut their IT-related carbon emissions. Read full information on external site
UBS Asset Management Acquires Innovative Data Centre Business In Uk, Driving Site Expansion And Platform Development - networkseuropemagazine.com2021-11-09 UBS Asset Management (UBS-AM) Real Estate & Private Markets (REPM) has announced the acquisition of Datum Datacentres in Farnborough, within easy reach of London. The transaction represents a 100% acquisition of the company and will allow UBS REPM to pursue site expansion and opportunities to develop the successful business into a broader platform. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech PH rolls out in-country AWS Outposts cloud solution for enterprises - backendnews.net2021-11-08 Beeinfotech PH, operator of telco-neutral data center and provider of tailored colocation services, is now offering the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Outposts solution catering to large enterprises. Read full information on external site
Exclusive Interview with Mustapha Louni, Senior Vice President – Middle East, Africa & Greater India, Uptime Institute - expresscomputer.in2021-11-08 In an exclusive interaction with Express Computer, Mustapha Louni, Senior Vice President – Middle East, Africa & Greater India at Uptime Institute, shares with us the Uptime Institute’s perspective on India’s booming data center industry. Read full information on external site
How Captive Data Centres are moving to CoLo Providers for Better IT Efficiencies – Middle East, Africa & Greater India, Uptime Institute - w.media2021-11-08 A growing number of captive data centres are moving to co-location facilities, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read full information on external site
How can enterprises avoid datacentre supply chain issues affecting IT upgrades? - computerweekly.com2021-11-08 With analysts predicting that the current datacentre component shortages could last for at least two years, CIOs are being advised to act now to prevent the situation affecting their IT upgrade plans. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech rolls out in-country AWS Outposts cloud solution - manilastandard.net2021-11-05 Beeinfotech PH, operator of the country’s largest telco-neutral data center to date and provider of tailored colocation services, is now offering the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Outposts solution catering to large enterprises. Read full information on external site
Prevent Your Next Data Center Outage - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-11-05 How a data lake and analytics could help. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech PH rolls out in-country AWS Outposts cloud solution for big enterprises - upgrademag.com2021-11-05 The solution enables them to run AWS cloud services locally within Beeinfotech PH’s “The HIVE” data center while also benefiting from its flexible hosting and telco-neutral services. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech PH rolls out AWS Outposts in the country - mb.com.ph2021-11-05 Beeinfotech PH is now offering the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Outposts solution catering to large enterprises. The solution enables them to run AWS cloud services locally within Beeinfotech PH’s “The HIVE” data center while also benefiting from its flexible hosting and telco-neutral services. Read full information on external site
Beeinfotech rolls out in-country AWS Outposts cloud solution - manilastandard.net2021-11-05 Beeinfotech PH, operator of the country’s largest telco-neutral data center to date and provider of tailored colocation services, is now offering the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Outposts solution catering to large enterprises. Read full information on external site
PH data center offers in-country AWS Outposts cloud solution for enterprises - newsbytes.ph2021-11-04 Local data center operator Beeinfotech PH has announced it is now offering the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Outposts solution catering to large enterprises. Read full information on external site
Thésée: Design, operations and the digital twin - datacenterdynamics.com2021-11-04 In Greek mythology, the secret to Theseus’s success was probably largely down to good genes, but in the absence of Godly parents, how has the Thésée data center followed suit? Read full information on external site
Expedient Opens New Phoenix Data Center Extending the Reach of its Universal Multi-Cloud Services Portfolio - streetinsider.com2021-11-02 Looking to continue expanding and extending access to its portfolio of universal multi-cloud services, Expedient today announced the opening of a new cloud data center in Phoenix, Arizona to better serve increasing client demand in the western United States. Read full information on external site
South Africa holds the majority of African data centres - techerati.com2021-11-03 Despite investments in sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa holds a disproportionate number of data facilities, and there is a persistent deficit of data centres in the West African region. Read full information on external site
Expedient Opens New Phoenix Data Center Extending the Reach of its Universal Multi-Cloud Services Portfolio - aithority.com2021-11-02 Looking to continue expanding and extending access to its portfolio of universal multi-cloud services, Expedient announced the opening of a new cloud data center in Phoenix, Arizona to better serve increasing client demand in the western United States. Read full information on external site
Innovative Tier III Ready Data Centre Design Nominated For Major Award - qubeonline.co.uk2021-11-01 A Tier III Ready Datacentre design has been shortlisted for a DCS Data Centre Power Innovation award. Read full information on external site
Roblox is back for many gamers after a long outaged - indianewsrepublic.com2021-11-01 Roblox is a free online website and app with millions of video games and other entertainment experiences, all created by your own users, not the company. Read full information on external site
A great leap forward - insidenetworks.co.uk2021-11-01 John Booth of Carbon3IT examines the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) (EUCOC) best practices as they relate to power management, as well as other recent initiatives. Read full information on external site
October 2021
Local and global figures bring data centre expertise to Dublin - businesspost.ie2021-10-31 DataCentres Ireland 2021 will be held in the RDS on Tuesday November 16 and Wednesday November 17. Read full information on external site
Roblox outage lasts until weekend - indianewsrepublic.com2021-10-31 Video game company Roblox Corp. Was hit by a power outage on Thursday night and lasted until Saturday, with children around the world looking for other entertainment on Halloween weekends. Read full information on external site
Roblox outage lasts until weekend - techilive.in2021-10-31 Videogame company Roblox Corp. suffered an outage Thursday evening that continued through Saturday, leaving children around the globe looking for other entertainment on Halloween weekend. Read full information on external site
Confronting the spectre of inconvenient data centre sustainability realities - digitalinfranetwork.com2021-10-31 The data centre industry has long been considered a pioneer in developing new ways to increase energy efficiency and incorporate renewable energy as a share of the power it consumes. Read full information on external site
Roblox Returns for Many Gamers After Long Outage - wsj.com2021-10-31 Videogame platform popular with preteens went down Thursday evening as it launched burrito promotion. Read full information on external site
MEDCA Stresses the Importance of M&E Infrastructure at MESAverse Event - smartcontentonline.org2021-10-29 Media and entertainment organisations that haven’t significantly enhanced their infrastructures yet really need to get started or they may fall far behind their rivals, according to the Media and Entertainment Data Center Alliance (MEDCA), a new initiative focused on the sector’s infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Data centres could tell us about the potential evolution of the submarine cable industry, and vice versa - analysysmason.com2021-10-28 Demand/supply characteristics of the submarine cable market are cyclical, but it is not yet clear if the data centre industry will follow the same trend. Read full information on external site
Does the spread of direct liquid cooling make PUE less relevant? - datacenterdynamics.com2021-10-28 Advances in data center cooling and power technology could seriously undermine PUE as a benchmarking tool and eventually spell its obsolescence as an efficiency metric. Read full information on external site
Bank of Israel completes project to establish and operate a new data center - finextra.com2021-10-27 The Bank of Israel’s Information Technology Department announced the completion of a project to establish a new data center at the Bank. Read full information on external site
How bare metal servers enhance the work of online media - computing.co.uk2021-10-26 Bare metal is the way of the future, says Alex Federighi of G-Core Labs. Read full information on external site
Data centre security is physical security - securitysa.com2021-10-26 When it comes to data centre security, most people think of cybersecurity due to the amount of technology installed in these environments. Read full information on external site
Orange’s ICT outsourcing catalog expanded - new.in-24.com2021-10-26 Orange Maroc is completing its ICT outsourcing catalog in order to support companies in their digital transformation. Read full information on external site
Strong Fundamentals Bode Well For Africa’s Digitalisation Drive ......OBG And ADCA Team Up For New Focus Report - theheraldghana.com2021-10-25 A new focus report, produced by Oxford Business Group (OBG) in partnership with the Africa Data Centres Association (ADCA), highlights the opportunities for investors to help establish an ICT ecosystem that will be key in driving the continent's economic transformation. Read full information on external site
Improving Data Center Availability with Single-Phase UPS Systems - epsmag.net2021-10-25 THE MISSION CRITICAL ROLE that data centers play in supporting global business operations cannot be over-stated. Rapid adoption of hybrid IT and cloud services, the growth of AI, and an ability to support a remote workforce have made data centers essential for storing and transmitting the “1s and 0s” the world economy runs on. Read full information on external site
Gitex 2021: Batelco brings collaboration to Bahrain operations - computerweekly.com2021-10-21 Aiming to deliver evolved teamwork capabilities to its customers to accelerate Bahrain’s transition to the digital workplace, digital communications solutions provider adopts new collaboration technology. Read full information on external site
Data center water usage remains hidden - datacenterdynamics.com2021-10-21 We don’t know how much water data centers use. We just know it’s a lot. Read full information on external site
Expedient Continues Expansion with Addition of New Milwaukee Data Center - p4photel.com2021-10-20 Expedient today announced the opening of a new data center in the City of Franklin, Wisconsin, located in Milwaukee County, to better serve increasing customer demand for its cloud based, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings in the central United States. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric partners to deliver “power-as-a-service” to European customers - edgeir.com2021-10-20 Schneider Electric has partnered with IT distributors in the UK, Netherlands, Germany and Austria to support them in delivering a market-first managed services offer for IT channel partners. Read full information on external site
Don’t Let Density Increases Become an Efficiency Nightmare - datacenterfrontier.com2021-10-20 According to AFCOM’s State of the Data Center Industry report, and a 2021 report from the Uptime Institute, densities are now averaging 6-12kW/rack. These increases, along with designers’ and operators’ desire to plan for the future is creating a gap between the design load, and the actual load. (Source: Data Aire). Read full information on external site
Strong Fundamentals Bode Well for Africa’s Digitalisation Drive-Report - africaneyereport.com2021-10-20 A new focus report, produced by Oxford Business Group (OBG) in partnership with the Africa Data Centres Association (ADCA), highlights the opportunities for investors to help establish an ICT ecosystem that will be key in driving the continent’s economic transformation. Read full information on external site
When Payments Fail: Sizing Up Downtime in the Digital Surge - yahoo.com2021-10-20 i2c, Uptime Institute, and Downdetector® come together to discuss historic surge in digital banking and payments users, and the financial services infrastructure requirements to meet this demand. Read full information on external site
Kehua Won TIER IV Ready Designation From Uptime Institute - solarquarter.com2021-10-19 Kehua Wise Modular Data Center Solution (Kehua WiseMDC), with its excellent reliability and advanced intelligent technology, received the TIER IV Ready Designation issued by Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Huawei Digital Power lights up Dubai and calls for collective efforts for low-carbon, smart society - thetechportal.com2021-10-18 Huawei Digital Power has concluded its Global Digital Power Summit 2021 in Dubai, UAE, with more than 500 participants from 67 countries attending. As the world prioritizes carbon neutrality and post-pandemic recovery, the summit aimed to inspire collective action towards building a low-carbon and smarter society powered by digital technologies. Read full information on external site
How secure is your data centre? - datacentremagazine.com2021-10-17 Mike West, CEO at DIAL, shares his top tips for gaining full visibility into the attack surface your data centre assets present. Read full information on external site
Too big to fail? Facebook’s global outage - datacenterdynamics.com2021-10-15 Facebook’s hours long outage on October 4th snarled completely unrelated applications globally, underscoring the criticality — and fragility — of publicly shared digital infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Innovative Tier III Ready Data Centre Design Nominated for Major Award - dcnnmagazine.com2021-10-15 A Tier III Ready Datacentre design has been shortlisted for a DCS Data Centre Power Innovation award. The team at Cannon Technologies working in conjunction with several OEM manufacturers, have recently developed the Tier III ready data centre by making a pre-certified set of solutions available. Read full information on external site
Cyber threats could bring your facility down - datacenterdynamics.com2021-10-14 Is data center operational technology the weak link in the fight against cyber attacks? Read full information on external site
Innovative Tier III Ready Data Centre Design Nominated for Major Award - dcnnmagazine.com2021-10-14 A Tier III Ready Datacentre design has been shortlisted for a DCS Data Centre Power Innovation award. The team at Cannon Technologies working in conjunction with several OEM manufacturers, have recently developed the Tier III ready data centre by making a pre-certified set of solutions available. Read full information on external site
Strong fundamentals bode well for Africa’s digitisation drive - techeconomy.ng2021-10-14 Oxford Business Group and Africa Data Centres Association team up for new focus report. Read full information on external site
Oxford Business Group releases report on African Data Centres ecosystem - itpulse.com.ng2021-10-14 Oxford Business Group (OBG) has produced a new focus report in partnership with the Africa Data Centres Association (ADCA), which x-ray the operation of Data Centres on the continent and the opportunities for investors. Read full information on external site
Rostelecom opens new data center in Moscow - samenacouncil.org2021-10-13 Russia’s national telecommunications operator Rostelecom announced that it has commissioned a new data center NORD-6 in Moscow. Read full information on external site
NIN-SIM linkage: FG extends deadline till year end 2021 - ITREALMS - itrealms.com.ng2021-10-13 ITREALMS ... making leadership SENSE with digital news! The Federal Government (FG) to extend the deadline for the National Identity Number... Read full information on external site
Want The Full Benefits Of Cloud? Rethink The Journey. - publicnow.com2021-10-12 There's no denying that companies have realized many benefits from using public clouds - hyperscalability, faster deployment and, perhaps most importantly, flexible operating costs. Read full information on external site
AI won’t save you from a move to cloud computing - infoworld.com2021-10-12 Data center managers now cite staffing as a major issue, with AI-based solutions nowhere in sight. What does this mean for hybrid and multicloud growth? Read full information on external site
Data centres aren’t as bad for the environment as you may think - it-online.co.za2021-10-12 Despite dire warnings, energy consumption by data centres has largely remained static in the last decade – good news for investors in the sector. Read full information on external site
Rostelecom launches data centre in Moscow - datacentremagazine.com2021-10-11 Rostelecom, Russia’s largest digital service provider, has launched a new Tier III data centre in Moscow with 3,000 sqm of space. Read full information on external site
Rostelecom opens new data center in Moscow - developingtelecoms.com2021-10-11 Russia’s national telecommunications operator Rostelecom announced that it has commissioned a new data center NORD-6 in Moscow. Read full information on external site
Pushing the limits of data centre efficiency - datacentremagazine.com2021-10-10 As data centre PUE scores get lower, designers are fighting harder for smaller gains. Read full information on external site
Cloud Exchange Partners with Huawei to Launch Africa’s First Prefabricated Data Centre - hallmarknews.com2021-10-09 Cloud Exchange, a leading system Integrator in West Africa and a provider of end-to-end Information Technology (IT) system solutions, has officially launched Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data center in collaboration with telecommunications giant, Huawei. Read full information on external site
Huawei Global Digital Power Summit 2021 set to open on October 16 in Dubai - pes.eu.com2021-10-08 Huawei Global Digital Power Summit 2021 is set to open on October 16 in Dubai with more than 300+ individuals attending the physical event, including executives from Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA), Group42, ACWA Power, du, Uptime Institute and Engie. Read full information on external site
DCD Magazine out now - Life as a hyperscale data center contractor - datacenterdynamics.com2021-10-08 As the workforce challenge intensifies, hear directly from contractors about what it's really like. Read full information on external site
Head atNorth for eco and cost-friendly data centers - techhq.com2021-10-08 Entering the circular economy with future-focused data center solutions with atNorth. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute data centre survey shows challenges amid capacity growth - techhq.com2021-10-08 The results of the survey reveal gaps in sustainability tracking, fewer outages with more grave consequences, staffing, and supply chain concerns, stalled efficiency gains, and more. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Partners with IT Distributors to Deliver Managed Power as a Service offer - techerati.com2021-10-07 Schneider Electric™, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced it has partnered with IT distributors in the UK, Netherlands, Germany and Austria to support them in delivering a market-first managed services offer for IT channel partners. Read full information on external site
Najm grabs Global Economics award for Most Innovative Mobile App, Best Emerging CEO - mid-east.info2021-10-07 Plans to pursue digitalization across the board to support Saudi insurance. Read full information on external site
10 Questions About Green Computing - negosentro.com2021-10-07 10 Questions About Green Computing | The way we work, live and connect changes rapidly. Our lives move online. This turning reality of the digital world influences our physical world, too. Energy demands are increasing each year, and Industry 4.0. is all about energy consuming solutions. So, Green Computing isn’t a buzzword anymore than it used to be back then. It’s a necessity. Read full information on external site
Cloudexchange partners Huawei on Africa’s first prefabricated data centre - guardian.ng2021-10-07 System integrator, Cloud Exchange, has officially launched Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data center in collaboration with telecommunications firm, Huawei. Read full information on external site
VMware reveals new software services for the edge - channelasia.tech2021-10-07 At VMworld, technology giant rolls out an edge platform to run, manage, and secure “edge-native” apps across multiple clouds. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Partners with IT Distributors to Deliver Managed Power as a Service offer - europeanbusinessmagazine.com2021-10-06 By combining hardware, software and services into a single "as-a-service" offer, IT distributors open up more cash flow for IT partners and extend their services capabilities to drive predictable, recurring revenue. Read full information on external site
VMware reveals new software services for the edge - arnnet.com.au2021-10-06 At VMworld, technology giant rolls out an edge platform to run, manage, and secure “edge-native” apps across multiple clouds. Read full information on external site
VMware reveals new software services for the edge - reseller.co.nz2021-10-06 AVMware is all in at the edge with the vendor rolling out new software to help enterprises support and manage ever-more distributed applications and data. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Survey Highlights Sustainability, Outage and Efficiency Challenges Amid Capacity Growth - insidenetworks.co.uk2021-10-05 Uptime Institute survey highlights sustainability, outage and efficiency challenges amid capacity growth. Read full information on external site
Cloud Exchange, Huawei unveils Africa’s first uptime institute Tier IV prefabricated Data Center in Nigeria - authorityngr.com2021-10-05 Cloud Exchange, a leading system Integrator in West Africa and a provider of end-to-end Information Technology (IT) system solutions, has officially launched Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data center in collaboration with telecommunications giant, Huawei. Read full information on external site
Najm grabs Global Economics award for Most Innovative Mobile App, Best Emerging CEO - indexeconomic.com2021-10-05 Plans to pursue digitalization across the board to support Saudi insurance. Read full information on external site
Rostelecom-Data Centre launches new data centre in Moscow - telecompaper.com2021-10-05 Russian data centre service provider Rostelcom - Data Centre, a subsidiary of national operator Rostelecom, has launched its new data centre Nord-6 in the city of Moscow. Read full information on external site
Cloud Exchange unveils tier IV prefabricated data centre in Nigeria - vanguardngr.com2021-10-05 Provider of end-to-end Information Technology (IT) system solutions, Cloud Exchange, has launched Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data centre in collaboration with telecommunications giant, Huawei. Read full information on external site
VMware reveals new software services for the edge - networkworld.com2021-10-05 At VMworld, VMware rolls out an edge platform to run, manage, and secure “edge-native” apps across multiple clouds. Read full information on external site
6 data centre trends to watch - arnnet.com.au2021-10-05 Power failures remain the leading cause of major data centre outages, according to Uptime Institute’s annual survey. Read full information on external site
Cloud Exchange Collaborate With Huawei - marketnewsng.com2021-10-04 Cloud Exchange has launched Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data centre in collaboration with Huawei. Read full information on external site
6 data centre trends to watch - sg.channelasia.tech2021-10-04 Data centre owners and operators face increasing complexity and operational challenges as they look to improve IT resiliency, build out capacity at the edge, and retain skilled staff in a tight labour market. Read full information on external site
6 data center trends to watch - networkworld.com2021-10-04 Power failures remain the leading cause of major data-center outages, according to Uptime Institute’s annual survey. Read full information on external site
Construction of hyper-connected Avalon 3 is under way - capacitymedia.com2021-10-04 Avalon Campus gets bigger. Construction of Avalon 3, the new hyper-connected and sustainable Data Center in Milan, is under way. Read full information on external site
Cloud Exchange, Huawei launch data centre in Africa - datacentremagazine.com2021-10-04 Cloud Exchange is collaborating with Huawei to launch Africa’s first uptime institute Tier IV modular data centre. Read full information on external site
Cloud Exchange Partners Huawei to Unveils Africa’s First Tier IV Prefabricated Data Center in Nigeria - technologymirror.com.ng2021-10-04 Cloud Exchange, a system Integrator in West Africa and a provider of end-to-end Information Technology (IT) system solutions, has officially launched Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data center in collaboration with Chinese telecommunications company, Huawei. Read full information on external site
Firm partners Huawei, launches data centre - punchng.com2021-10-04 Cloud Exchange has launched Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data centre in collaboration with Huawei. Read full information on external site
Firm partners Huawei, launches data centre - theworldnews.net2021-10-03 Cloud Exchange has launched Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data centre in collaboration with Huawei. Read full information on external site
Tunisian System Integration Startup Biware raises $1.2M Seed Funding - techbuild.africa2021-10-01 Tunisian consulting firm, Biware, has closed its first investment at a total of $1.2m (3.5 million dinars).The firm which is also into software integration and publishing raised the funding round with CDC Gestion and Zitouna Capital. Read full information on external site
Cloud Exchange partners Huawei to launch Africa’s first tier IV prefabricated Data Centre - itpulse.com.ng2021-10-01 Cloud Exchange, yesterday in partnership with telecommunications giant, Huawei officially launched what can be described as Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data center. Read full information on external site
Cloud Exchange Partners Huawei, Launches Africa’s First Tier Iv Prefabricated Data Centre - brandcrunch.com.ng2021-10-01 Cloud Exchange, a leading system Integrator in West Africa and a provider of end-to-end Information Technology (IT) system solutions, has officially launched Africa’s first uptime institute tier IV modular prefabricated data centre in collaboration with telecommunications giant, Huawei. Read full information on external site
Cloud Exchange Partners Huawei to Launch Africa’s First Tier IV Prefabricated Data Centre - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com.ng2021-10-01 Video game company Roblox Corp. Was hit by a power outage on Thursday night and lasted until Saturday, with children around the world looking for other entertainment on Halloween weekends. Read full information on external site
The Top 10 Data Center Stories for September 2021 - datacenterfrontier.com2021-10-01 Facebook’s growth and the industry’s approach to sustainability were the hot topics for September for readers of Data Center Frontier. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Released Its 11th Annual Global Data Center Survey - missioncriticalmagazine.com - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-10-01 Shows sustainability, outage, and efficiency challenges amid capacity growth. Read full information on external site
September 2021
NCDEX’s experience of moving a LIVE exchange environment to a hosted data centre - expresscomputer.in2021-09-30 PNCDEX recently became India’ s first exchange to operate its Data Center from an uptime certified Tier IV Facility established at the Yotta Data center in Navi Mumbai Read full information on external site
A virtual mistake is a good mistake - datacenterdynamics.com2021-09-29 Data center operators can scarcely 'move fast and break things', but there are ways they can discover better ways of working and operating, argues Future Facilities' Dave King Read full information on external site
RZ-Ausfälle geschehen oft wegen menschlichen Versagens - it-markt.ch2021-09-29 Laut einer Umfrage des Uptime Institute sind zwei Drittel der Unternehmen in den letzten drei Jahren von Ausfällen im Rechenzentrum betroffen gewesen. Kostspielige Ausfälle sind häufig auf menschliches Versagen und elektrische Komponenten zurückzuführen. Read full information on external site
RZ-Ausfälle geschehen oft wegen menschlichen Versagens - netzwoche.ch2021-09-29 Laut einer Umfrage des Uptime Institute sind zwei Drittel der Unternehmen in den letzten drei Jahren von Ausfällen im Rechenzentrum betroffen gewesen. Kostspielige Ausfälle sind häufig auf menschliches Versagen und elektrische Komponenten zurückzuführen. Read full information on external site
Riskier business: How Brexit could be changing downtime risk and resilience in the datacentre - computerweekly.com2021-09-29 As the UK enters the final quarter of its first year from the Brexit transition period, the risk picture for local datacentres remains unclear Read full information on external site
How Brexit could be changing downtime risk and resilience in the datacentre | #itsecurity | #infosec - nationalcybersecuritynews.today2021-09-29 Objects in your rear-view mirror may be closer than they appear. For datacentres, that driving warning might also apply to risk forecasting – with Brexit, Covid-19, supply chain shortages and other global uncertainties blurring perspectives. Read full information on external site
Riskier Business: How Brexit Could Be Changing Downtime Risk And Resilience In The Datacentre - techilive.in2021-09-29 Objects in your rear-view mirror may be closer than they appear. For datacentres, that driving warning might also apply to risk forecasting – with Brexit, Covid-19, supply chain shortages and other global uncertainties blurring perspectives. Read full information on external site
NCDEX becomes India’s first Exchange to operate from a Tier IV certified Data Center - dqindia.com2021-09-29 National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange has now successfully migrated its live trade data centre to Yotta Infrastructure Solutions. Read full information on external site
NCDEX migrates live trade data centre to Yotta Infrastructure Solutions - economictimes.indiatimes.com2021-09-29 Mumbai: National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) on Tuesday said it has migrated its live trade data centre to Yotta Infrastructure Solutions. The partnership with Yotta has made NCDEX the country's first and only exchange to operate from an Uptime-certified Tier-IV data centre, the commodity exchange said in a statement. Read full information on external site
NCDEX migrates its live trade data centre to Yotta Infrastructure solutions - expresscomputer.in2021-09-28 The National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) successfully migrated its live trade data centre to Yotta Infrastructure Solutions. The partnership with Yotta made NCDEX the country’s first and only exchange to operate from an Uptime-certified Tier-IV data centre. Read full information on external site
Data Center Industry on the Rise Despite Outages, Sustainability Challenges - toolbox.com2021-09-28 The data center industry is struggling to contain the impact of outages and supply chain disruptions even though the frequency of outages has reduced markedly since 2020, a new survey has revealed. Read full information on external site
NCDEX migrates its live trade data centre to Yotta Infrastructure solutions - crn.in2021-09-28 The National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) successfully migrated its live trade data centre to Yotta Infrastructure Solutions. The partnership with Yotta made NCDEX the country’s first and only exchange to operate from an Uptime-certified Tier-IV data centre. Read full information on external site
NCDEX becomes India's first Exchange to operate from a Tier IV certified Data Center - varindia.com2021-09-28 National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange has now successfully migrated its live trade data centre to Yotta Infrastructure Solutions. The partnership with Yotta made NCDEX the country’s first and only exchange to operate from an Uptime-certified Tier-IV data centre. Read full information on external site
Getting women into data: Creating a more representative industry - wearetechwomen.com2021-09-28 The skills gap is something that appears frequently in the news, with a lack of trained workers on the horizon for upcoming technology-focused jobs raising concerns in many industries. Read full information on external site
Insufficient Sustainability Initiatives, Workforce Shortage & Lack of Transparency Ails Data Centre industry: Uptime Report - w.media2021-09-28 Even as the data centre industry is witnessing strong growth, on-site power, lack of skilled workforce, inadequate sustainability measures and other complexities continue to be a cause of concern. Read full information on external site
Considerations for sustainable data center design - searchdatacenter.techtarget.com2021-09-27 To design a green, sustainable data center, consider methods to improve energy conservation and efficiency. Then, look into green -- or greener -- energy source alternatives. Read full information on external site
Huawei, Cloud Exchange launch Africa’s First prefabricated data centre - thenationonlineng.net2021-09-24 Telecom giant Huawei and Cloud Exchange, a leading system integrator in West Africa and provider of end-to-end Information Technology (IT) system solutions, have partnered to launch Africa’s First prefabricated data centre. Read full information on external site
West Africa’s CloudExchange rapidly transforms into leading ISP with Huawei - techeconomy.ng2021-09-24 CloudExchange launches Africa’s first Uptime Institute Tier IV prefabricated Data Center Read full information on external site
Investment on Data Centers to rise in the next 3 to 5 years – 2021 Data Center Industry Survey - dailyhostnews.com2021-09-24 The digital infrastructure industry has grown exponentially in the past few decades and especially in the past couple of years. The Global Data Center Survey results of 2021 by Uptime Institute has been published for the 11th straight year. Read full information on external site
What are your greatest data center challenges? Here’s what owners and operators said worldwide - fmlink.com2021-09-22 New pan-African datacentre company Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced a US$500-mllion-plus, multi-year investment programme to construct and operate a network of more than 20 world-class, carrier-neutral, GreenStar and Uptime Institute Tier III accredited datacentres across Africa, optimised to serve the needs of the cloud provider and wholesale community. Read full information on external site
Customer and investor weight shifts the balance towards sustainability - datacenterdynamics.com2021-09-22 It’s time to help colocation data centers provide an open book approach to sustainability and increased efficiency Read full information on external site
6 Erkenntnisse zum Status quo von Rechenzentren - it-daily.net2021-09-22 Ein wachsender Kapazitätsbedarf, steigende Anforderungen an die Verfügbarkeit, Lieferengpässe bei kritischen Produkten – die Liste der Herausforderungen, vor denen Rechenzentren weltweit stehen, ist lang. Read full information on external site
Survey Says: For Data Centers, Sustainability Appears To Be Nothing More Than Talk - bisnow.com2021-09-22 A new study shows most data center companies aren't tracking key sustainability metrics. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure’s NM1 Datacenter Wins Tier IV Constructed Facility Award - digitalterminal.in2021-09-22 Close on the heels of winning Datacloud’s best APAC datacenter award, the country’s largest datacenter - Yotta NM1 - now wins the rare distinction of being awarded the Tier IV Certificate of Constructed Facility by Uptime Institute (USA) – the leading independent datacenter advisory and certification organisation. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure's NM1 Datacenter achieves Tier IV Constructed Facility - varindia.com2021-09-22 Close on the heels of winning Datacloud’s best APAC datacenter award, the country’s largest datacenter - Yotta NM1 - now wins the rare distinction of being awarded the Tier IV Certificate of Constructed Facility by Uptime Institute (USA) – the leading independent datacenter advisory and certification organisation. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure’s NM1 Datacenter Receives India’s first Tier IV Constructed Facility Award by Uptime Institute (USA) - digitalcreed.in2021-09-22 After rigorous facility audit and inspection by Uptime Institute’s consultants, this recognition validates that Yotta NM1 datacenter has been constructed as per the approved Tier IV design, and meets the set availability requirements. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure’s NM1 Datacenter honored with Tier IV Constructed Facility award - thetechstreetnow.com2021-09-21 Yotta NM1 wins the rare distinction of being awarded the Tier IV Certificate of Constructed Facility by Uptime Institute (USA) – the leading independent datacenter advisory and certification organisation. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure’s NM1 Datacenter Felicitated with India’s first Tier IV Constructed Facility Award by Uptime Institute (USA) - channelinfoline.com2021-09-21 Close on the heels of winning Datacloud’s best APAC datacenter award, the country’s largest datacenter – Yotta NM1 – now wins the rare distinction of being awarded the Tier IV Certificate of Constructed Facility by Uptime Institute (USA) – the leading independent datacenter advisory and certification organisation. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure’s NM1 Datacenter Awarded as First Tier IV Constructed Facility by Uptime Institute (USA) - enterpriseitworld.com2021-09-21 Sunil Gupta, Cofounder & CEO, Yotta Infrastructure, comments, “Last year we were thrilled to receive the Tier IV Certificate for Yotta NM1 design documents (TCDD), which was a pre-reuisite for the Tier IV Certificate of Constructed Facility (TCCF). Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure’s NM1 Datacenter honored with Tier IV Constructed Facility award – crn.in2021-09-21 Yotta NM1 wins the rare distinction of being awarded the Tier IV Certificate of Constructed Facility by Uptime Institute (USA) – the leading independent datacenter advisory and certification organisation. Read full information on external site
Yotta NM1 Datacenter awarded Tier IV Constructed Facility certificate by Uptime Institute – cioaxis.com2021-09-21 Close on the heels of winning Datacloud’s best APAC datacenter award, the country’s largest datacenter – Yotta NM1 – now wins the rare distinction of being awarded the Tier IV Certificate of Constructed Facility by Uptime Institute (USA) – the leading independent datacenter advisory and certification organisation. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure’s NM1 Datacenter Felicitated with India’s first Tier IV Constructed Facility Award by Uptime Institute (USA) – expresscomputer.in2021-09-21 Close on the heels of winning Datacloud’s best APAC datacenter award, the country’s largest datacenter – Yotta NM1 – now wins the rare distinction of being awarded the Tier IV Certificate of Constructed Facility by Uptime Institute (USA) – the leading independent datacenter advisory and certification organisation. Read full information on external site
Data Center Survey 2021: Outages Less Common, More Expensive – serverwatch.com2021-09-21 The 11th Global Data Center Survey is here with insights from international data center operators and owners on the latest trends for managing servers. Read full information on external site
Uptime: Most Data Centers Still Not Tracking Environmental Impact – datacenterfrontier.com2021-09-20 Despite a growing focus on environmental sustainability, most data center operators are still not measuring their water or carbon impact, according to new survey data from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute over datacenters en personeelsbeleid – itchannelpro.nl2021-09-20 Op 16 september heeft het Uptime Institute de 2021 trends besproken en daar kwam ook het personeelsbeleid ter sprake. Dat viel meer op dat de obligate cijfers en getallen over storingen, PUE en stroomverbruik. Read full information on external site
Exclusive Interview with Sunil Gupta, Chief Executive Officer, Yotta Infrastructure – expresscomputer.in2021-09-20 Yotta Infrastructure’s data center was recently felicitated with India’s first Tier IV constructed facility award by Uptime Institute (USA). Read full information on external site
Climate Change And Datacentres: Weighing Up Water Use – techilive.in2021-09-20 Discussions about datacentre sustainability tend to focus on what can be done to make facilities more energy-efficient and less reliant on fossil fuels, as operators look to curb their greenhouse gas emissions and become climate-neutral. Read full information on external site
Climate change and datacentres: Weighing up water use – computerweekly.com2021-09-20 Given that a mid-sized datacentre uses as much water as three average-sized hospitals, green IT needs to start considering water usage Read full information on external site
Military Veterans Could Solve U.S. Data Center Labor Woes. So, Why Aren't They? – bisnow.com2021-09-20 The data center industry is learning that while the military may seem like the answer to its labor woes, hiring vets requires investment — not lip service. Read full information on external site
Data Center Focus: How to Choose Uninterruptible Power Supply – techbullion.com2021-09-18 The digital transformation boom is forcing more and more companies to migrate their business processes to cloud-based virtual environments. Accordingly, ever more data centers are being built both for the provision of cloud services and for the own needs of individual organizations. Read full information on external site
AIMS Commended by Frost & Sullivan for Enhancing its Data Center Solutions to Ensure Greater Interconnectivity Among Service Providers – streetinsider.com2021-09-17 The award coincides with the launch of the company's Uptime Institute's Tier III-awarded flagship data center, AIMS @ Cyberjaya Read full information on external site
AZURE SITE RECOVERY: MITIGATE DISASTERS AND MINIMIZE OUTAGES – techgenix.com2021-09-17 The phenomenal growth of e-commerce and online services has augured well for companies, individuals, and the society at large. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute 2021 Annual Data Center Survey: 'Growth Stretches An Evolving Sector' – datacenter-forum.com2021-09-17 Uptime Institute’s 2021 annual survey, now in its 11th year, reveals a vibrant sector that is growing and adapting to rapid change on multiple levels. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) officially opens STT Bangkok 1 – w.media2021-09-17 Over the past decade, human error has played a significant role in most of the industry’s Data Center outages. According to a 2021 Uptime Institute Annual Outage Analysis, an aggregated year-on-year average of 63% of failures are due to human error. Read full information on external site
Data centre industry PUE improvements have stalled – digitalinfranetwork.com2021-09-16 The Uptime Institute, a globally recognised industry organisation, has released figures that show improvement in power usage efficiency (PUE) has stalled. Read full information on external site
STT GDC Thailand Launches ‘STT Bangkok 1’, The First and Largest Hyperscale Data Centre in Thailand – techsauce.co2021-09-16 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) or “STT GDC Thailand”, a leading data centre service provider, today announced the official opening of STT Bangkok 1, the first carrier-neutral hyperscale data centre in Bangkok built to global standards. Read full information on external site
STT GDC Thailand opens Bangkok data centre – telecompaper.com2021-09-16 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC Thailand), a data centre service provider, has announced the official opening of STT Bangkok 1, the first carrier-neutral hyperscale data centre in Bangkok built to global standards. Read full information on external site
STT GDC opens hyperscale data center in Bangkok – datacenterdynamics.com2021-09-16 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) today announced the official opening of its first data center in Bangkok. Read full information on external site
Batteries of the future – datacenterdynamics.com2021-09-16 As data centers evolve, their backup technologies are open to question Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Global Data Center Survey Shows Sustainability, Outage and Efficiency Challenges – reliabilityweb.com2021-09-16 Uptime Institute today announced the release of its eleventh annual Global Data Center Survey, the largest and most comprehensive in the digital critical infrastructure space. Read full information on external site
Improving Data Center Resiliency With Disaster Recovery Checklists – missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-09-15 Since the beginning of 2020, people have been forced to reckon with the grim reality that we are all vulnerable, and crises can come in many unpredictable forms. Almost overnight, a global pandemic sent the world’s workforce home and stretched networks to their limits. Read full information on external site
Data center capacity grows amid new challenges – onenewspage.us2021-09-15 EData centers are enjoying widespread growth while adapting to increasing complexity and challenges such as evolving efficiency and sustainability requirements, rising outage costs, an ongoing skills shortage, supply chain interruptions and more. Read full information on external site
Data Center Survey Shows Sustainability, Outage, and Efficiency Challenges – meritalk.com2021-09-15 A new data center industry report from the Uptime Institute found that the data center industry has had to adapt to increasing complexity and challenges such as evolving efficiency and sustainability requirements, rising outage costs, the ongoing workforce shortage, and supply chain interruptions while also experiencing widespread growth. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute data centre survey shows challenges amid capacity growth – intelligentdatacentres.com2021-09-15 The results of the survey reveal gaps in sustainability tracking, fewer outages with more grave consequences, staffing and supply chain concerns, stalled efficiency gains and more. Read full information on external site
Data centre energy efficiency ‘flatlines’, says Uptime Institute – capacitymedia.com 2021-09-15 The data centre industry has stopped making progress in its power usage over the past seven years. Read full information on external site
Italy’s Sparkle launches first green data center in Greece – greekguru.net2021-09-14 Sparkle, a subsidiary of Telecom Italia, has launched the Metamorfosis II, the first “green” data center in Greece and one of the largest and most advanced in Europe. Read full information on external site
Data center capacity grows amid new challenges – newsr.in2021-09-14 Data centers are enjoying widespread growth while adapting to increasing complexity and challenges such as evolving efficiency and sustainability requirements, rising outage costs, an ongoing skills shortage, supply chain interruptions and more. Read full information on external site
Automation won't resolve the data center staffing crisis, at least not yet – msn.com2021-09-14 These are challenging times for managing data centers that are also opening up opportunities for IT professionals. The lines between development and operations keep blurring. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute zwraca uwagę na niejednolite raporty dotyczące zużycia wody przez operatorów centrów danych – cyberfeed.pl2021-09-14 Branża centrów danych ma jeszcze więcej do zrobienia, jeśli chodzi o przyjęcie zrównoważonego rozwoju, zgodnie z wynikami globalnego badania centrum danych przeprowadzonego przez Uptime Institute w 2021 r. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Highlights Patchy Reporting Of Water Use By Datacentre Operators – techilive.in 2021-09-14 BThe datacentre industry still has more work to do when it comes to embracing sustainability, according to the findings of the Uptime Institute’s 2021 global datacentre survey. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: datacenters houden hun klimaatimpact niet goed bij – tweakers.net 2021-09-14 Datacenters houden niet goed bij wat hun klimaatimpact is, staat in de jaarlijkse Global Data Center Survey van het Britse Uptime Institute. Ze weten hoeveel stroom ze verbruiken, maar hebben vaak geen zicht op het waterverbruik en de CO₂-voetafdruk. Read full information on external site
Automation won’t resolve the data center staffing crisis, at least not yet – technologyforyou.org 2021-09-14 The latest report on data center staffing from Uptime Institute finds skills shortages continue and AI is not expected to reduce requirements in the near future. Read full information on external site
Data centre survey highlights sustainability, outage and efficiency challenges – digitalisationworld.com 2021-09-14 The results reveal gaps in sustainability tracking, fewer outages with more grave consequences, staffing and supply chain concerns, stalled efficiency gains, and more. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Releases 2021 Global Data Center Survey – facilityexecutive.com 2021-09-14 Results of this 11th annual survey reveal challenges related to sustainability, outages, and efficiency amid capacity growth. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Reveals Top Data Center Trends, Challenges and Opportunities in 2021 – vmblog.com 2021-09-14 Uptime Institute announced the release of its eleventh annual Global Data Center Survey, the largest and most comprehensive in the digital critical infrastructure space. Read full information on external site
Data center downtime decreases, but consequences get more severe – ciodive.com 2021-09-14 When an outage or disruption occurs, IT faces a time crunch to recover — especially if tech is mission critical. Read full information on external site
Data center capacity grows amid new challenges – betanews.com 2021-09-14 Data centers are enjoying widespread growth while adapting to increasing complexity and challenges such as evolving efficiency and sustainability requirements, rising outage costs, an ongoing skills shortage, supply chain interruptions and more. Read full information on external site
Automation won't resolve the data center staffing crisis, at least not yet – zdnet.com 2021-09-14 These are challenging times for managing data centers that are also opening up opportunities for IT professionals. The lines between development and operations keep blurring. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute highlights patchy reporting of water use by datacentre operators – computerweekly.com 2021-09-14 With the water usage habits of datacentres coming under increased scrutiny, research from resiliency think tank Uptime Institute highlights shortcomings in the sector's reporting of how much water facilities use Read full information on external site
Schrittweiser Umstieg möglich – it-zoom.de 2021-09-13 Nachhaltigkeit wird für Rechenzentren zu einem immer zentraleren Thema. Ein EU-Bericht geht davon aus, dass ihr Stromverbrauch bis 2025 gegenüber 2018 um 21 Prozent steigen wird. Read full information on external site
Motor City Electric Powers Michigan – enr.com 2021-09-13 Specialty Contractor of the Year is delivering on owners’ investments in solar, wind and data centers Read full information on external site
Data Center Modernization – digitaledition.missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-09-13 The Dataprev enterprise completed an IT environment modernization in 2014 with investments of $75 million over three years, improving the security, energy capacity, and availability of mission critical environments. Read full information on external site
Data Center Modernization – digitaledition.missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-09-13 The Dataprev enterprise completed an IT environment modernization in 2014 with investments of $75 million over three years, improving the security, energy capacity, and availability of mission critical environments. Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud steps up commitment in Indonesia following launch of first IDC – thejakartapost.com 2021-09-11 Following the launch of Tencent Cloud’s first internet data center (IDC) in Indonesia earlier in April, local businesses across industries and fields have shown significant interest in utilizing the industry-leading cloud offerings the new infrastructure has brought to the region. Read full information on external site
How generators help data centres power through Hurricane Ida – techerati.com 2021-09-10 Hurricane Ida, “one of the most catastrophic hurricanes to make landfall,” caused property damage, flooding, and loss of power and utilities throughout the southeastern United States. Read full information on external site
Saudi’s insurance provider Najm moves digitally to serve customers – gccbusinessnews.com 2021-09-10 Najm, a leading insurance service provider in Saudi Arabia has announced the enhancement of its online services, the Najm App, Najm Website, along with the more recent advanced IVR system and WhatsApp support service for its customers. Read full information on external site
Jon Eaves: Building Ahead of the Curve – datacentremagazine.com 2021-09-09 Mentions Eaves' experience going through Tier Certification process for DEWA in Dubai Read full information on external site
Najm targets customer-centric Saudi auto insurance Deploys Interactive Voice Response and WhatsApp BOT solutions to drive customer engagement – sauress.com 2021-09-09 With an increasing demand for the speed and efficiency of digital customer service, businesses have been undergoing a monumental shift to keep up with an ever-changing world shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic and the uptick in digital services and technologies. Read full information on external site
Najm targets customer-centric Saudi auto insurance – saudigazette.com.sa 2021-09-09 With an increasing demand for the speed and efficiency of digital customer service, businesses have been undergoing a monumental shift to keep up with an ever-changing world shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic and the uptick in digital services and technologies. Read full information on external site
Najm targets customer-centric Saudi auto insurance – zawya.com 2021-09-09 With the lack of person-to-person interaction amid the pandemic, industries and consumers have pushed for safer, more convenient alternatives, shifting the bulk of their interactions to digital communication channels Read full information on external site
Advanced Telemetry Is A Requirement In Modern Data Center Networks – forbes.com 2021-09-09 The unprecedented scale and speed of modern data center networks are ushering in new innovations. Read full information on external site
Singapore’s Data Centre provider DC Alliance invests A$1.25 million in DXN – w.media 2021-09-09 DC Alliance (DCA), a Singapore-based data centre business has invested A$1.25 million into DXN Limited, an ASX-listed vertically integrated manufacturer and operator of modular data centres with data centres in Sydney, Darwin and Tasmania. Read full information on external site
Telling tales: The data center industry has a positive sustainability story to tell, so why isn’t it being told? – datacenterdynamics.com 2021-09-08 Data centers have been getting ever-more efficient for more than two decades, but there is still much to do, say Niall Killeen, Harry Benson and Nick Armstrong from CA Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud Launches First Internet Data Centre in Indonesia – datastorageasean.com 2021-09-07 Following Tencent Cloud's first Internet Data Centre (IDC) launch in Indonesia, local businesses across industries and fields have shown significant interest in utilising the industry-leading cloud offerings the new infrastructure has brought about in the region. Read full information on external site
Tencent to launch second IDC in Indonesia – w.media 2021-09-07 Tencent Cloud plans to launch a second Internet Data Centre (IDC) in Indonesia by the end of this year. Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud To Launch Second Internet Data Centre By End Of 2021 – datacentre.me 2021-09-06 Following the launch of Tencent Cloud’s first Internet Data Centre (IDC) in Indonesia, local businesses across industries and fields have shown significant interest in utilizing the industry-leading cloud offerings the new infrastructure has brought about in the region. Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud to launch second internet data centre in Indonesia by end-2021 – telecompaper.com 2021-09-06 Tencent Cloud has announced plans to launch a second Internet Data Centre (IDC) in Indonesia by the end of this year. Tencent Cloud launches its first IDC in Indonesia in April. Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud Steps Up Commitment in Indonesia Following Launch of First Internet Data Centre – finance.yahoo.com 2021-09-06 Following the launch of Tencent Cloud's first Internet Data Centre (IDC) in Indonesia, local businesses across industries and fields have shown significant interest in utilizing the industry-leading cloud offerings the new infrastructure has brought about in the region. Read full information on external site
Raxio announces appointment of Master Power to manufacture and install its data centres in Africa – intelligentdatacentres.com 2021-09-06 Raxio, a premier pan-African data centre developer and operator, has announced that it has appointed Master Power Technologies (Master Power), one of Africa’s leading data centre solutions companies, specialising in the supply and installation of pre-engineered data centres to build and install multiple data centres in Africa. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group appoints Master Power Technologies to manufacture and install its data centres in Africa – businesstrumpet.com 2021-09-06 The Raxio Group a premier pan-African data centre developer and operator has appointed Master Power Technologies to build and install its multiple data centres in Africa. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group picks Master Power to manufacture and install its data centers in Africa – africaincmag.com 2021-09-06 Raxio Group, a premier pan-African data centre developer and operator has picked Master Power Technologies, a leading data centre solutions company, specialising in the supply and installation of pre-engineered data centres in the continent to build and install its multiple data centres in Africa. Read full information on external site
Sparkle launches first green data centre in Greece – africaincmag.com 2021-09-04 Sparkle, the first international service provider in Italy and among the top ten global operators, announces the launch of Metamorfosis II, the first “green” data center in Greece and one of the largest and most advanced in Europe. Read full information on external site
Developments In Electrical Contracting – electricalconnection.com.au 2021-09-02 For electricians entering the industry today, the electrical world is ripe with opportunities across several fields. Phil Kreveld looks at everything out there for sparkies today and what it entails. Read full information on external site
Sparkle opens green data center in Athens – convergedigest.com 2021-09-01 Sparkle, the first international service provider in Italy and among the top ten global operators, inaugurated its Metamorfosis II data center in Athens, Greece. Read full information on external site
PLC-based Automatic Transfer Switches in the data center: A case for closed transition – datacenterdynamics.com 2021-09-01 What will happen when the power goes out? That could be down to your PLC-based transfer system Read full information on external site
The Silicon Forest: Unparalleled Connectivity in Hillsboro, Oregon – datacenterfrontier.com 2021-09-01 Ryan Mallory, COO of Colocation Services at Flexential explains why Hillsboro, Oregon is a hot spot for data centers. Read full information on external site
Data Center Industry Positioned For Growth In India – ceoinsightsindia.com 2021-09-01 India’s economy remains one of the fastest growing in the world, with an annual GDP growth rate consistently more than five percent over the last two decades, according to a December 2018 report on the ‘MultiTenant Data Center Market,’by our sister company, 451 Research. Read full information on external site
After competitive bidding Raxio appoints Master Power to install data centres in Africa – biztechafrica.com 2021-09-01 The Raxio Group a pan-African data centre developer and operator, announced that it has appointed Master Power Technologies (“Master Power”), Africa’s leading data centre solutions company, specialising in the supply and installation of pre-engineered data centres to build and install multiple data centres in Africa. Read full information on external site
Sparkle launches Metamorfosis II, first green data center in Greece and among the most advanced in Europe – telecomtv.com 2021-09-01 Sparkle, the first international service provider in Italy and among the top ten global operators, announces the launch of Metamorfosis II, the first “green” data center in Greece and one of the largest and most advanced in Europe. Read full information on external site
Sparkle Launches The First Green Data Center In Greece – subtelforum.com 2021-09-01 Sparkle puts into operation its fourth data center in the Country, built to meet the needs of Carriers, OTTs and Enterprises Read full information on external site
Sparkle launches Metamorfosis II green data center in Greece – infotechlead.com 2021-09-01 Sparkle announced the launch of Metamorfosis II green data center in Greece as part of the expansion in Europe. Read full information on external site
Sparkle Launches Metamorfosis II, The First “Green” Data Centre In Greece – publicnow.com 2021-09-01 Sparkle announces the launch of Metamorfosis II, the first 'green' data centre in Greece and one of the largest and most advanced in Europe. Read full information on external site
Sparkle launches Greece's first green data centre - Metamorfosis II – capacitymedia.com 2021-09-01 Sparkle confirms the launch of Metamorfosis II, the first “green” data centre in Greece and touted as one of the largest and most advanced in Europe. Read full information on external site
Sparkle Unveils Metamorfosis II Green Data Center in Greece – telecomdrive.com 2021-09-01 Sparkle, the first international service provider in Italy and among the top ten global operators, has launched Metamorfosis II, the first “green” data center in Greece and one of the largest and most advanced in Europe. Read full information on external site
Telecom Italia S p A : Sparkle Launches Metamorfosis II, First Green Data Center... – marketscreener.com 2021-09-01 Sparkle, the first international service provider in Italy and among the top ten global operators, announces the launch of Metamorfosis II, the first 'green' data center in Greece and one of the largest and most advanced in Europe. Read full information on external site
August 2021
The Raxio Group sets out Pan-African colocation datacentre expansion plans - computerweekly.com2021-08-31 Pan-African datacentre developer The Raxio Group has embarked on a collaboration that will pave the way for it to increase its colocation footprint within the continent. Read full information on external site
Data Center Modernization: A Dataprev case study - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-08-27 Dataprev is a state-owned enterprise (SOE) that provides IT solutions to leverage the social policies of the government of Brazil. Read full information on external site
BBVA obtains Tier III certification for the new Data Processing Center at Ciudad BBVA in Madrid - bbva.com2021-08-26 BBVA's state-of-the-art data processing centers (DPCs) hold the most prestigious certifications in the world in terms of design, construction and operational sustainability. This ensures that the Group's operations are maintained in the face of possible contingencies, offering the best service to its customers under virtually any circumstances. Read full information on external site
Belden : 3 Important Data Center Power Considerations - marketscreener.com2021-08-26 Power keeps your data center infrastructure functioning-but power also impacts how much it costs to do so. The more efficiently you can use power, the lower you can expect your data center's operating expenses to be. Read full information on external site
3 Important Data Center Power Considerations - publicnow.com2021-08-26 Power keeps your data center infrastructure functioning-but power also impacts how much it costs to do so. The more efficiently you can use power, the lower you can expect your data center's operating expenses to be. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group appoints Master Power to manufacture and install data centres in Africa - telecompaper.com2021-08-26 The Raxio Group announced that it has appointed Master Power Technologies, specialising in the supply and installation of pre-engineered data centres, to build and install multiple data centres in Africa. Read full information on external site
AIMS Data Centre Recognised As 2021 Malaysia Data Centre Services Company of the Year by Frost & Sullivan - malaysian-business.com2021-08-25 AIMS Data Centre (“AIMS”), Malaysia’s leading interconnection hub and carrier-neutral data centre service provider has been recognised with the Frost & Sullivan 2021 Malaysia Data Centre Services Company of the Year. Read full information on external site
Data Centres – An Underestimated Risk? - genre.com2021-08-25 AIncreasingly, IT infrastructures are moving to cloud-based solutions. By 2024 cloud solutions will account for more than 45% of IT spending. Read full information on external site
Master Power Technologies to build multiple data centers across Africa - projectstoday.com2021-08-25 The Raxio Group has appointed Master Power Technologies to develop data centers across Africa. Read full information on external site
Why is the European data centre market booming? - datacentremagazine.com2021-08-24 With the data centre market in Europe growing, we find out why this is the case by looking into some of the market’s growth contributors. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group appoints Master Power to manufacture and install its data centres in Africa - iot-now.com2021-08-24 The Raxio Group, a pan-African data centre developer and operator, announced that it has appointed Master Power Technologies, Africa’s data centre solutions company, specialising in the supply and installation of pre-engineered data centres to build and install multiple data centres in Africa. Read full information on external site
Raxio Group appoints technical partner for Africa facilities - capacitymedia.com2021-08-24 The Raxio Group has appointed Master Power Technologies to build and install its planned data centres across Africa. Read full information on external site
Raxio appoints Master Power to build multiple data centers across Africa - datacenterdynamics.com2021-08-24 South African firm helping Raxio deliver its facilities. Read full information on external site
Energy-Efficient SoCs for the Zettabyte Era Using Power-Saving IP and System Design Techniques - chipestimate.com2021-08-24 As the modern world becomes increasingly connected, businesses and consumers alike are relying more and more on digital data. Read full information on external site
The importance of female representation in the data centre sector - electronicspecifier.com2021-08-23 There’s been talk of a skill shortage in IT of late, but that has long been the case for female professionals in this industry. Read full information on external site
Uninterruptible Power In The Datacentre: Choosing Between Sustainability And Uptime - techilive.in2021-08-23 New uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) are often based on lithium-ion (Li+) battery technology that is becoming widespread in everything from cars to computers. Read full information on external site
Uninterruptible power in the datacentre: Choosing between sustainability and uptime - computerweekly.com2021-08-23 New uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) are often based on lithium-ion (Li+) battery technology that is becoming widespread in everything from cars to computers. Read full information on external site
Which workloads will drive the edge? - datacenterdynamics.com2021-08-23 Workload needs will define and drive edge buildout. Read full information on external site
DC Two secures contracts worth $1.77m for eco-friendly, transportable and modular data centres - smallcaps.com.au2021-08-23 Data centre, cloud and software business, DC Two (ASX: DC2) has revealed a number of agreements to supply data centre co-location services worth an estimated $1,775,358 over a 36-month period. Read full information on external site
The Cloud: Understanding the Risks, Not Just the Benefits - cloud.cioreview.com2021-08-18 Jacob Ingerslev, Head of Global Cyber Risk, and The Hartford Andrew Zarkowsky, Head of Global Technology, The Hartford. Read full information on external site
The Cloud: Understanding the Risks, Not Just the Benefits - grc.cioapplications.com2021-08-18 Jacob Ingerslev, Head of Global Cyber Risk, and The Hartford Andrew Zarkowsky, Head of Global Technology, The Hartford. Read full information on external site
Mind The Gap: Bridging The Data Center Industry Skills Gap - marketscreener.com2021-08-18 Research by the Uptime Institute revealed earlier this year that the number of staff needed to run the world's data center industry will grow from around two million to nearly 2.3 million by 2025. Read full information on external site
Mind The Gap: Bridging The Data Center Industry Skills Gap - publicnow.com2021-08-18 Research by the Uptime Institute revealed earlier this year that the number of staff needed to run the world's data center industry will grow from around two million to nearly 2.3 million by 2025. Read full information on external site
Inc. 5000 Ranks DC BLOX Among the Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America - tmcnet.com2021-08-18 Inc. magazine's 2021 Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in the United States, for the first-time includes DC BLOX, a provider of interconnected multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today's digital business. The company's rank of 371 places it among the top 8% of companies recognized on the list of the nation's fastest growing private companies. Read full information on external site
Combatting the data centre industry’s skills gap - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-08-18 The skills shortage is an ongoing issue in the data centre industry and attracting younger talent into the workforce is key to resolving this. Steve Hayward, Senior Director, European Operations at CyrusOne, tells us why data centre organisations need to invest in their future workforce to ensure data centres don’t become a thing of the past. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower has started the construction of the largest data center in Romania - actmedia.eu2021-08-18 ClusterPower started in July the works at the largest data center in Romania and the first hyperscale data center in the region in Mischii, Dolj County. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Awards LCL’s Brussels Facility with Tier III Construction Certification - hostingjournalist.com2021-08-17 Belgian data center operator LCL from Belgium has obtained an official Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility from Uptime Institute for its new data center in the Brussels area, in Aalst. LCL has invested some €15.5 million in this brand-new colocation data center. Read full information on external site
Computing exams, AI, water and datacentres – Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast - computerweekly.com2021-08-17 In this episode of the Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast, Clare McDonald, Brian McKenna and Caroline Donnelly discuss the 2021 A-level and GCSE computing results, what algorithms are and are not good for, and the water consumption habits of datacentres, and their environmental impact. Read full information on external site
Herndon data center company to acquire Israeli company – virginiabusiness.com2021-08-16 EdgeConneX will gain Global Data Center's two underground centers. Read full information on external site
LCL, Couble Certification de L'uptime Inst A-Alost – solutions-magazine.com2021-08-16 Apres Avoir Obtenu Le Certificat TIER III Constructed Facility Pour Son Nouveau Centre De Donnees A Alost, LCL Est Le Premier En Belgique A Avoir Recu La Double Certification De L’Uptime Institute: Conception Et Construction. Read full information on external site
LCL’S New Data Centre Awarded TIER III Certification – datacentre.me2021-08-16 LCLs second data centre in Aalst obtained Uptime Institutes Tier III Certification. Read full information on external site
LCL Aalst data centre obtains Tier III certification – datacentremagazine.com2021-08-16 LCL’s newest data centre in Aalst, Belgium in the first in the country to obtain a Tier II Certification of Constructed Facility from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
LCL Aalst data centre obtains Tier III certification – datacentremagazine.com2021-08-16 LCL’s newest data centre in Aalst, Belgium in the first in the country to obtain a Tier II Certification of Constructed Facility from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
LCL gets double Tier III certification for new Brussels data centre – telecompaper.com2021-08-16 Belgian data centre operator LCL announced the opening of its new site in Aalst, known as LCL Brussels-West. It has obtained a double Tier III certification from the Uptime Institute for the data centre, in which it invested EUR 15.5 million. Read full information on external site
Latvia's Tet opens expanded data center in Riga – datacenterdynamics.com2021-08-13 Latvian telco Tet has formally opened its sixth data center in Riga after expanding capacity by 60 racks. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Take the Plunge – missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-08-13 Raising awareness around liquid immersion cooling. Read full information on external site
Breaking Down Data Center Tier Level Classifications – coresite.com2021-08-12 How much downtime can your organization tolerate? Read full information on external site
ClusterPower Kicks Off The Construction Of The Largest Data Center In Romania – romaniajournal.ro2021-08-12 ClusterPower started in July the works at the largest data center in Romania and the first hyperscale data center in the region in Mischii, Dolj County. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower has started the construction of the largest data center in Romania – thediplomat.ro2021-08-12 ClusterPower started in July the works at the largest data center in Romania and the first hyperscale data center in the region in Mischii, Dolj County. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower has started the construction of the largest data center in Romania – nineoclock.ro2021-08-12 ClusterPower started in July the works at the largest data center in Romania and the first hyperscale data center in the region in Mischii, Dolj County. Read full information on external site
I Can Grasp Kilowatts, But Not Kiloamps – eetasia.com2021-08-12 Extrapolating to predict the future is risky; can server racks now dissipating tens of kW and thus requiring thousands of amps continue on their growth trend? Read full information on external site
I Can Grasp Kilowatts, But Not Kiloamps – eetimes.com2021-08-10 Extrapolating to predict the future is risky; can server racks now dissipating tens of kW and thus requiring thousands of amps continue on their growth trend? Read full information on external site
Mantra Data Centres commits $1 billion to build 7 Indian data centres – techerati.com2021-08-09 Mantra Data Centres, the India-based hyperscale and colocation services provider, has announced plans to expand across India, building new data centres in urban centres across the country. Read full information on external site
Tony Grayson Discusses Putting an End to Human Error in Data Center Outages – imasons.org2021-08-05 Over the past decade, human error has played a significant role in most of the industry’s Data Center outages. According to a 2021 Uptime Institute Annual Outage Analysis, an aggregated year-on-year average of 63% of failures are due to human error. Read full information on external site
It's Electric! Motor City Electric Co. is ENR Midwest Specialty Contractor of the Year – enr.com2021-08-05 Detroit electrical contractor takes on design-build data centers, wind and solar. Read full information on external site
Tony Grayson Discusses Putting an End to Human Error in Data Center Outages – ocnjdaily.com2021-08-04 Over the past decade, human error has played a significant role in most of the industry’s Data Center outages. According to a 2021 Uptime Institute Annual Outage Analysis, an aggregated year-on-year average of 63% of failures are due to human error. Read full information on external site
EfficiencyIT: Leave it to the experts – datacentrereview.com2021-08-04 EfficiencyIT, a specialist consultancy in data centre design and build, edge computing and IT services, has welcomed DC design expert Steve Henson as its new senior data centre architect. Read full information on external site
EfficiencyIT bolsters data centre services with new hire – iteuropa.com2021-08-03 Data centre services firm EfficiencyIT has appointed Steve Henson as its new senior data centre architect, to help manage its partner alliances with the likes of Schneider Electric, Microsoft, Mimecast and Cisco. Read full information on external site
EfficiencyIT appoints Uptime Institute accredited data centre design expert – intelligentdatacentres.com2021-08-03 EfficiencyIT has announced its appointment of Steve Henson as its new Senior Data Centre Architect. Henson joins the company following a 30-year tenure in the data centre industry. He will work collaboratively with EfficiencyIT to growing customer base to help data centre owners and operators in the enterprise, life science and local government sectors implement power. Read full information on external site
The changing landscape of data centre energy storage – intelligentdatacentres.com2021-08-03 Emerging energy storage technologies signal radical changes for data centre power. Ed Ansett, Founder and Chairman, i3 Solutions Group, discusses the future of the data centre industry with a focus on data centre energy storage developments and emerging technologies. Read full information on external site
EfficiencyIT Appoints Uptime Institute Accredited Data Centre Design Expert – techerati.com2021-08-02 EfficiencyIT has announced its appointment of Steve Henson as its new Senior Data Centre Architect. Henson joins the company following a 30-year tenure in the data centre industry. He will work collaboratively with EfficiencyIT to growing customer base to help data centre owners and operators in the enterprise, life science and local government sectors implement power. Read full information on external site
Making data centres work in Cyprus – cyprus-mail.com2021-08-01 Simplex has been the pioneer of the data centre industry in Cyprus, operating the first carrier-neutral data centre in Cyprus (LIM1) in Limassol back in 2007. Read full information on external site
July 2021
Retrato del talento en los Data Centers: evolución, necesidades y problemas para encontrarlos – datacenterdynamics.com2021-07-30 Análisis del contexto actual del talento en la industria, los conocimientos requeridos, las áreas con mayores dificultades para encontrar los perfiles adecuados o las medidas para atraerlos. Read full information on external site
The changing landscape of data centre energy storage - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-07-30 Emerging energy storage technologies signal radical changes for data centre power. Ed Ansett, Founder and Chairman, i3 Solutions Group, discusses the future of the data centre industry with a focus on data centre energy storage developments and emerging technologies. Read full information on external site
A strategy for Net Zero data centres - futurenetzero.com2021-07-30 EMarc Garner, VP, Secure Power Division, Schneider Electric UK&I. Read full information on external site
The new data centre boardroom - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-07-28 Peter Hannaford, Senior Partner at Portman Partners, describes the data centre leaders of tomorrow and how they must be the embodiment of the solutions to today’s challenges. Read full information on external site
DC Two achieves ISO 27001 certification - itwire.com2021-07-28 IT service management company DC Two has reached another milestone with the awarding of certification of the internationally recognised ISO 27001 for data security. Read full information on external site
How AR can train workers during a labor shortage - jll.com.sg2021-07-27 A video podcast shows the augmented reality devices used to train data center workers. Read full information on external site
How customers shop for a colocation provider - jvnexplorer.net2021-07-27 Colocation facilities can lift the burden of running internal data centre, but they’re not all created equal. Read full information on external site
A Sustainable Strategy To Achieve Net Zero Data Centres - irishtechnews.ie2021-07-27 Guest article by Marc Garner, VP, Secure Power Division, Schneider Electric UK&I. Read full information on external site
Perth's DC Two nabs ISO 27001 certification - crn.com.au2021-07-27 Perth-based data centre operator and managed cloud provider DC Two has been granted the coveted International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 27001:2013 Certification for its software, cloud platform and data centres. Read full information on external site
Chayora's Tianjin data center campus achieves OCP Ready status - itbrief.asia2021-07-26 Perth-based data centre operator and managed cloud provider DC Two has been granted the coveted International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 27001:2013 Certification for its software, cloud platform and data centreChayora Holdings’ Tianjin data center campus has achieved OCP Ready status, as recognised by the Open Compute Project Foundation. Read full information on external site
Chayora's Tianjin data center campus achieves OCP Ready status - datacenternews.asia2021-07-26 Chayora Holdings’ Tianjin data center campus has achieved OCP Ready status, as recognised by the Open Compute Project Foundation. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre Expands Lagos Facility - nipc.gov.ng2021-07-26 West Africa’s carrier neutral data centre colocation provider Rack Centre, has announced the completion of the doubling of its IT load capacity to 1.5 MW at its Lagos campus, further serving cloud providers, content providers, and enterprise customers with additional 600 square meters of data centre white space. Read full information on external site
Beyond Generators: Data Centers Pursue New Approaches to Backup Energy - datacenterfrontier.com2021-07-26 The data center industry is rethinking its approach to backup power, prompted by pledges from hyperscale operators to end the use of diesel fuel in their emergency generators. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre Expands Tier III Data Centre, Doubles Capacity - insidebusiness.ng2021-07-22 West Africa, has completed the doubling of its information technology (IT) load capacity to 1.5 MW at its Lagos Campus, future serving cloud providers, content providers, and enterprise customers with additional 600 square metres of data centre white space. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC announces Google Cloud expansion for Victoria - itbrief.com.au2021-07-21 NEXTDC has announced that their M2 Melbourne data centre will now provide low-latency, secure access directly to Google Cloud from anywhere in Australia. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC announces Google Cloud expansion for Victoria - datacenternews.asia2021-07-21 NEXTDC has announced that their M2 Melbourne data centre will now provide low-latency, secure access directly to Google Cloud from anywhere in Australia. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC announces Google Cloud expansion for Victoria - cfotech.com.au2021-07-21 NEXTDC has announced that their M2 Melbourne data centre will now provide low-latency, secure access directly to Google Cloud from anywhere in Australia. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre expands Lagos facility - thenationonlineng.net2021-07-21 West Africa’s carrier neutral data centre colocation provider Rack Centre, has announced the completion of the doubling of its IT load capacity to 1.5 MW at its Lagos campus, further serving cloud providers, content providers, and enterprise customers with additional 600 square metres of data centre white space. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre Doubles Capacity at its Lagos Campus - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com.ng2021-07-19 Rack Centre, the leading carrier neutral data centre colocation provider in West Africa, has announced the completion of the doubling of its IT load capacity to 1.5 MW at its Lagos campus, further serving cloud providers, content providers, and enterprise customers with additional 600 square metres of data centre white space. Read full information on external site
Chayora Holdings innovates by using VR Tours for Data Centre campuses - w.media2021-07-19 With reduced international air travel and threat of future COVID-19 related waves, data centre providers have resorted to technological innovation for bookings. Read full information on external site
Perfect focus: Why on-chip telemetry is the new frontier in data center management - datacenterdynamics.com2021-07-19 Data center management tools provide detailed insights into every aspect of operations, except processor health. Until now, that is. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre expands data center campus in Lagos, Nigeria - datacenterdynamics.com2021-07-19 Company doubles capacity to 1.5MW, 13MW more planned for next year. Read full information on external site
The Possibilities for Data Centers are Infinite When the Focus is On People - datacenterknowledge.com2021-07-19 Google data centers provide solutions to challenges facing our communities by prioritizing people, helping them reach their full potential. Read full information on external site
Data Centers May Be Cutting Edge, But Their Workforce Is Mostly On The Edge Of Retirement - bisnow.com2021-07-18 Is half of the data center workforce close to calling it quits? Read full information on external site
Yotta Partners with Commvault to Launch Endpoint Backup as a Service – Yotta Safe - ncnonline.net2021-07-16 Yotta Infrastructure announced its partnership with Commvault - a recognized global enterprise leader in Intelligent Data Services across on-premises, cloud and SaaS environments - to launch Yotta Safe - its Endpoint backup-as-a-service. Read full information on external site
IT industry standard training for data center admins - searchdatacenter.techtarget.com2021-07-16 Axelos, IDCA and the Uptime Institute each offer training courses and certifications for data center admins to increase their knowledge of common data center standards. Read full information on external site
Endpoint Backup as a Service Launched at Rs 150 Per Month - dqchannels.com2021-07-15 Yotta Infrastructure announced its partnership with Commvault – an Intelligent Data Services manager across on-premises, cloud and SaaS environments – to launch Yotta Safe – its Endpoint backup-as-a-service. Read full information on external site
Endpoint Backup as a Service Launched at Rs 150 Per Month - cioaxis.com2021-07-15 Yotta Infrastructure has announced its partnership with Commvault to launch Yotta Safe – its Endpoint backup-as-a-service. Yotta Safe offers unlimited endpoint backup storage, at just Rs. Read full information on external site
Yotta Partners with Commvault to Launch Endpoint Backup as a Service – Yotta Safe - technuter.com2021-07-15 Yotta Infrastructure announced its partnership with Commvault – a recognized global enterprise leader in Intelligent Data Services across on-premises, cloud and SaaS environments – to launch Yotta Safe – its Endpoint backup-as-a-service. Read full information on external site
Pi DATACENTERS announces 'Strategic Core Council', as part of its organisation restructuring - cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com2021-07-15 In addition, to the datacenters at Amaravati (AP) and Kochi (Kerala), the company plans to open three more datacenters in India making it a unique platform across Tier I and Tier II Indian cities. Read full information on external site
The High Cost Of Low Cloud Connectivity – Yotta Safe - forbes.com2021-07-14 Big data keeps getting bigger, but not necessarily better. New technologies, such as microservices, the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, are creating an explosion of data that businesses across the economy are finding difficult to manage. Read full information on external site
2021 State of the Data Center Industry - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-07-13 Like Heraclitus of Ephesus said, “The only constant in life is change,” and the same goes true for the data center industry. Read full information on external site
How to Prevent Data Center Downtime - facilitiesnet.com2021-07-13 Use these best practices and suggested checklists for managing the human element of critical facilities. Read full information on external site
A key move towards decarbonisation - capacitymedia.com2021-07-12 Use these best practices and suggested checklists for managing the human element of critical facilities. Read full information on external site
U.S. Data Centers Rely on Water from Stressed Basins - eos.org2021-07-12 Researchers mapped the environmental footprint of data centers, shedding light on how and where the industry can improve. Read full information on external site
MTS Acquires One of Russia’s Largest Data Centers for $70M - thefastmode.com2021-07-12 MTS, Russia’s largest mobile operator has announced the acquisition for USD70 million of 100% of the share capital of GDTs Energy Group. Read full information on external site
The changing landscape of data centre energy storage - datacentremagazine.com2021-07-11 Experts at i3 Solutions break down the ever-evolving context surrounging data centre energy storage solutions. Read full information on external site
Frost & Sullivan Names STT GDC Thailand a Company to Watch - thailand4.com2021-07-07 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) or "STT GDC Thailand", a leading data centre service provider, has been named a "Company to Watch" in the Thailand Data Centre Colocation Services Market Report 2021 by Frost & Sullivan, a leading business consulting firm. Read full information on external site
Frost & Sullivan Names STT GDC Thailand a Company to Watch - newswit.com2021-07-07 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) or "STT GDC Thailand", a leading data centre service provider, has been named a "Company to Watch" in the Thailand Data Centre Colocation Services Market Report 2021 by Frost & Sullivan, a leading business consulting firm. Read full information on external site
The changing landscape of data centre energy storage - dcnnmagazine.com2021-07-07 Rapid technology advances are about to shift the landscape of energy storage options for data centre operators, whether running 250kW edge computing sites or 100MW hyperscale facilities. Read full information on external site
How STC helped Saudi Arabia become the Middle East’s new digital hub - albiladdailyeng.com2021-07-03 The world has changed in a very short space of time with the global pandemic altering the way in which we think, behave and interact. Read full information on external site
As California And Texas Face Blackouts, Data Centers See Opportunity - bisnow.com2021-07-02 The recent blackouts and power shortages throughout California and Texas are not scaring away data center operators. Read full information on external site
DEWA appoints Ghantoot Group, Moro Hub, Johnson Controls and Microsoft to implement the latest technologies at its new Al Shera’a headquarters - informedinfrastructure.com2021-07-01 Partnership enhances the tallest, largest and smartest net zero-energy government building with net zero carbon emissions in the world. New building will have sustainability at its core and includes an array of artificial intelligence (AI) and smart building solutions. Read full information on external site
How stc helped Saudi Arabia become the Middle East’s new digital hub - telecoms.com2021-07-01 The world has changed in a very short space of time with the global pandemic altering the way in which we think, behave and interact. Read full information on external site
DEWA appoints Ghantoot Group, Moro Hub, Johnson Controls and Microsoft to implement the latest technologies at its new Al Shera'a headquarters - tmcnet.com2021-06-30 Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has appointed a consortium led by Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of DEWA, Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI), the global leader for smart, healthy and sustainable buildings and Microsoft, to implement the latest digital twin technologies, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and smart building management solutions in DEWA's new headquarters, called Al Shera'a (Arabic for sail). Read full information on external site
DEWA appoints Ghantoot Group, Moro Hub, Johnson Controls and Microsoft to implement the latest technologies at its new Al Shera'a headquarters - centralcharts.com2021-06-30 DEWA appoints Ghantoot Group, Moro Hub, Johnson Controls and Microsoft to implement the latest technologies at its new Al Shera'a headquarters Read full information on external site
June 2021
Dewa Appoints Ghantoot Group, Moro Hub, Johnson Controls, and Microsoft To Implement The Latest Technologies At Its New Al Shera'a Headquarters - techinsideout.co2021-06-30 Partnership enhances the tallest, largest and smartest net zero-energy government building with net zero carbon emissions in the world. Read full information on external site
DEWA appoints Ghantoot Group, Moro Hub, Johnson Controls and Microsoft to implement the latest technologies at its new Al Shera'a headquarters - tmcnet.com2021-06-30 Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has appointed a consortium led by Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of DEWA, Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI), the global leader for smart, healthy and sustainable buildings and Microsoft, to implement the latest digital twin technologies, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and smart building management solutions in DEWA's new headquarters, called Al Shera'a (Arabic for sail). Read full information on external site
DEWA appoints Ghantoot Group, Moro Hub, Johnson Controls and Microsoft to implement the latest technologies at its new Al Shera'a headquarters - centralcharts.com2021-06-30 DEWA appoints Ghantoot Group, Moro Hub, Johnson Controls and Microsoft to implement the latest technologies at its new Al Shera'a headquarters Read full information on external site
Grand designs: Key considerations - datacentrereview.com2021-06-29 Clinton Noble, sector manager for data centre power solutions at Finning UK & Ireland, outlines the key considerations when designing generator packages for data centre standby power. Read full information on external site
Blowing the roof off conventional - datacentrereview.com2021-06-28 “A gale of creative economic destruction is blowing the roof off the conventional data centre economic model, revealing something altogether different”, says Alan Beresford, MD of data centre cooling experts EcoCooling. Read full information on external site
Power trip: How new UPS technology can support data center sustainability pledges - datacenterdynamics.com2021-06-25 The UPS will play a key role in helping operators achieve their net-zero carbon emission promises, says Schneider’s Elena Fedotova. Read full information on external site
Uztelecom data centre gets Tier-3 level from Uptime Institute - telecompaper.com2021-06-22 Uzbekistan national operator Uztelecom said its data centre was awarded a Tier-3 certificate from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
BDx Goes Live with the First Phase of Its 35MW Data Center Campus in Nanjing, China - news.webindia123.com2021-06-22 BDx Navigates Construction During COVID-19 to Meet Post-Pandemic Colocation Demands. Read full information on external site
Roundtable: Meeting The Data Center Staffing Challenge - datacenterfrontier.com2021-06-22 Projections for the data center industry's future staffing needs, from The Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Executive Roundtable: Strategies for Cooling Higher Rack Densities - datacenterfrontier.com2021-06-21 Welcome to our 23rd Data Center Executive Roundtable, a quarterly feature showcasing the insights of thought leaders on the state of the data center industry, and where it is headed. Read full information on external site
BDx Goes Live with the First Phase of Its 35MW Data Center Campus in Nanjing, China - budiputra.com2021-06-21 BDx Navigates Construction During COVID-19 to Meet Post-Pandemic Colocation Demands. Read full information on external site
BDx Goes Live with the First Phase of Its 35MW Data Center Campus in Nanjing, China - worksmartasia.blogspot.com2021-06-21 BDx Navigates Construction During COVID-19 to Meet Post-Pandemic Colocation Demands. Read full information on external site
Executive Roundtable: Strategies for Cooling Higher Rack Densities - datacenterfrontier.com2021-06-21 Welcome to our 23rd Data Center Executive Roundtable, a quarterly feature showcasing the insights of thought leaders on the state of the data center industry, and where it is headed. Read full information on external site
How Military Veterans Can Solve the Data Center Talent Shortage - facilitiesnet.com2021-06-21 Here's a chance to turn a crisis into an opportunity: Many veterans already have the skills and temperament required to manage data centers efficiently and effectively. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia datacenter in Ghana set for commissioning – Opeke - techeconomy.ng2021-06-21 West Africa’s leading commercial data center provider, MDXi, is set to commission its new Appolonia Datacenter in Ghana this month, TechEconomy.ng can report. Read full information on external site
Data Centers Face Labor Shortages - globest.com2021-06-18 Half of data center operators said they were currently experiencing difficulties finding candidates for open positions. Read full information on external site
Power Panel: The Era of Space-Based Data Center Capacity Planning is Over - itprotoday.com2021-06-18 There’s a sensible-sounding argument that dynamic power demands on data centers’ compute racks, require dynamic cooling systems. But cooling has been, and perhaps always will be, a factor of space. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Touts Smaller UPS Batteries on the Road to Sustainability - datacenterknowledge.com2021-06-18 The path to data center carbon neutrality, says the power systems maker, leads through the elimination of lead-acid batteries from backup systems. Maybe, but just how much of a course change is lithium-ion, really? Read full information on external site
10 of the best Data Centre Tech Leaders - datacentremagazine.com2021-06-18 We’re taking a look at 10 of the best tech leaders who are at the forefront of the data centre industry. Read full information on external site
The era of space-based data center capacity planning is over - bollyinside.com2021-06-18 Related: Uptime Institute Rings Climate Change Warning Bell for Data Center Operators Data Center Knowledge put the question to four world-class experts. Their answers appear below, verbatim but edited for clarity. Read full information on external site
Power Panel: The Era of Space-Based Data Center Capacity Planning is Over - datacenterknowledge.com2021-06-17 There’s a sensible-sounding argument that dynamic power demands on data centers’ compute racks, require dynamic cooling systems. But cooling has been, and perhaps always will be, a factor of space. Read full information on external site
Startups Race Microsoft to Find Better Ways to Cool Data Centers - bloombergquint.com2021-06-16 (Bloomberg Businessweek) -- All those videos, emails, bank statements, photos, shopping carts, airline reservations, and so, so, so much more sluicing around the internet eventually end up in the millions of data centers scattered across the globe. Read full information on external site
Avoiding ‘shiny object syndrome’ when pursuing digitisation - channelpro.co.uk2021-06-16 Adopting new technologies will mean very little unless you guarantee uptime for critical apps and services. Read full information on external site
Startups Race Microsoft to Find Better Ways to Cool Data Centers - bloomberg.com2021-06-16 Nonconducting liquids show promise in replacing expensive and wasteful air conditioning. Read full information on external site
Romanian cloud services startup invests EUR 35m in 200MW data center - trendingtopics.eu2021-06-15 ClusterPower, a Romanian cloud services startup, is planning to build a 200MW data center in southwestern Romania, near Craiova. This is going to be one of five planned facilities. Read full information on external site
Increasing density: the new data center reality - datacenterdynamics.com2021-06-15 As rack power densities go up, cooling has to grow up. Read full information on external site
The slow rise of robots in the data center - datacenterdynamics.com2021-06-14 Robots are coming for the data center, but don’t expect transformational change any time soon. Read full information on external site
ClusterPower, the largest data center in Romania and the sixth largest in Europe begins construction near Craiova - dnineoclock.ro2021-06-14 ClusterPower, a company founded and controlled by three Romanian entrepreneurs, will build near Craiova the largest data center in Romania and one of the largest in Europe. Read full information on external site
The Top 10 Data Centre Risk Management Best Practices - datacentremagazine.com2021-06-13 Data centres are such a critical element of the modern world that just a few hours offline can create massive disruptions, both for the operator and its customers. Read full information on external site
MTS Acquires One of Russia’s Largest Data Centers for $70M - thefastmode.com2021-06-12 Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), Russia’s largest mobile operator has announced the acquisition for RUB 5.2 bn (USD70 million) of 100% of the share capital of GDTs Energy Group, the owner of the GreenBush facility in Moscow’s Zelenograd suburb, one of the largest data center projects in Russia. Read full information on external site
Fastly outage underscores slow creep of digital services risk - journal.uptimeinstitute.com2021-06-11 PA recent outage at content delivery network Fastly took down thousands of websites in different countries, including big names, such as Amazon, Twitter and Spotify, for nearly an hour. Read full information on external site
Workload Reality Check: Enterprise Colocation is in High Demand - datacenterfrontier.com2021-06-11 In this edition of Voices of the Industry, John Day, Vice President of Leasing at Sabey Data Centers, explores why enterprise colocation at data centers will not be rendered extinct by the cloud. Read full information on external site
The Largest Data Center In Romania And The Sixth Largest In Europe Begins Construction Near Craiova - romaniajournal.ro2021-06-11 ClusterPower, a company founded and controlled by three Romanian entrepreneurs, will build near Craiova the largest data center in Romania and one of the largest in Europe. Read full information on external site
New startup plans 200MW data center in west Romania - datacenterdynamics.com2021-06-11 ClusterPower plans to build five data centers and a natural gas power plant outside Craiova. Read full information on external site
Togo opens first carrier-neutral colocation facility in Lomé - datacenterdynamics.com2021-06-11 President Gnassingbé opened the World Bank-funded facility in the capital city, which will be state-owned and operated by Africa Data Centres. Read full information on external site
The Data Centre of the Future - datacentremagazine.com2021-06-08 Industry experts from IBM and CyrusOne reflect on the lessons COVID-19 can teach about the future of the data centre industry. Read full information on external site
Demand for DC space in India expected to increase exponentially: Savills - w.media2021-06-08 The Indian data centre industry is experiencing a huge surge in demand. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub Signs an Agreement With Huawei to Build the First Phase of the Largest Solar-Powered Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa - albawaba.com2021-06-07 The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data centre uses 100% renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW) and is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub. Read full information on external site
Faure Gnassingbé inaugurates Lomé Data Centre, Togo’s first carrier hotel - togofirst.com2021-06-07 (Togo First) - Togo’s first carrier hotel, Lomé Data Centre, was inaugurated on June 4 by President Gnassingbé. Read full information on external site
NSB Data Center Receives Uptime Tier III Certification For A Bank - businesstoday.lk2021-06-06 NSB became the first bank in Sri Lanka to be awarded a TIER III Design Certification (TCDD) for its Data Center. It will soon obtain the Facility Certificate for the built facility (TCCF) from the UPTIME Institute for its state-of-the-art Data Center located in Colombo. Read full information on external site
Legend: Dean Nelson, Infrastructure Masons - datacentremagazine.com2021-06-05 We celebrate the career and work of Dean Nelson, a veteran builder and relentless driver of innovation in the data centre industry. Read full information on external site
Rstp’s E200 Million ‘new’ Data Centre Brings 300 Jobs - new.observer.org.sz2021-06-05 AN investment worth over E200 million is set to be injected towards establishment of a Disaster Recovery Site (DRS) for the RSTP’s existing National Data Centre (NDC). Read full information on external site
70% of Govt Agencies Host Data Abroad Despite $220m Local Infrastructure - jimidisu.com2021-06-04 With as much as $220 million investments in about 11 data centre operations in Nigeria, utilisation of this huge infrastructure is still below 30 per cent in the country. Read full information on external site
70% of govt agencies host data abroad despite $220m local infrastructure - guardian.ng2021-06-04 With as much as $220 million investments in about 11 data centre operations in Nigeria, utilisation of this huge infrastructure is still below 30 per cent in the country. Read full information on external site
Three reasons small and midsize enterprises need better disaster recovery strategies - itproportal.com2021-06-04 SMB's need an effective cloud-based disaster recovery strategy that accounts for their mass shift to digitization. Here are three reasons why. Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud Launches New Data Centers to Meet Global Ambition - caixinglobal.com2021-06-04 Chinese tech giant Tencent’s cloud computing arm has added four new internet data centers in Bangkok, Frankfurt, Tokyo and Hong Kong as part of ongoing efforts to widen the use of its cloud services around the world. Read full information on external site
70% of govt agencies host data abroad despite $220m local infrastructure - metricsafrica.com2021-06-04 With as much as $220 million investments in about 11 data centre operations in Nigeria, utilisation of this huge infrastructure is still below 30 per cent in the country. Read full information on external site
70% of govt agencies host data abroad despite $220m local infrastructure - theworldnews.net2021-06-03 With as much as $220 million investments in about 11 data centre operations in Nigeria, utilisation of this huge infrastructure is still below 30 per cent in the country. Read full information on external site
Cooling for High[ER] Density Spaces Should be a Design Feature, Not an Afterthought - datacenterfrontier.com2021-06-02 Data centers are growing increasingly dense, creating unprecedented cooling challenges. That trend will undoubtedly continue. Read full information on external site
Raxio Uganda launches enterprise-grade, tier III certified carrier-neutral data centre - vanillaplus.com/2021-06-01 Raxio has officially launched Uganda’s state of the art Tier III carrier-neutral data centre at its site in the Kampala Industrial and Business Park (KIBP), Uganda. Read full information on external site
May 2021
Mba-Uzoukwu, ISPON President Decries 30% Utilisation Rate of 11 Datacenters in Nigeria - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com.ng 2021-05-28 Mr. Chinenye Mba-Uzoukwu, president, Institute of Software Practitioners Association of Nigeria (ISPON) has decried the under
Stakeholders, Experts Outline Roadmap for Achieving 30% Growth in Local Cloud Hosting by 2024 - technologymirror.com.ng2021-05-28 Stakeholders, experts in the Nigerian telecoms and ICT industry has unveiled a roadmap that could seeing the nation achieving a 30 percent growth of local cloud hosting by the year 2024. Read full information on external site
30% utilisation rate of 11 datacenters in Nigeria unacceptable – ISPON - techeconomy.ng2021-05-28 President of ISPON, Chinenye Mba-Uzoukwu There are eleven datacenters in Nigeria and the largest are expanding their capacity constantly in anticipation of a growing demand but the President, Institute of Software Practitioners Association of Nigeria (ISPON), Mr. Chinenye Mba-Uzoukwu, has some worries. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub & Huawei to Build Solar-Powered Data Center in the Middle East and Africa - solarquarter.com2021-05-28 Moro Hub, a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data centre uses 100% renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW) and is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub. Read full information on external site
The evolution of mission-critical digital servicing models - dcnnmagazine.com2021-05-27 With increasing demands for mission-critical system reliability, prevention of data centre and edge computing downtime is far better than a reactive cure. Anticipating that an outage or power event could happen at any time, and taking steps to minimize the likelihood of disruption, is of course preferable to dealing with any potential problems after they have arisen, but what steps can operators take in the quest to mitigate downtime? Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds Technologies joins hands with Yotta Infrastructure - varindia.com2021-05-27 Happiest Minds Technologies and Yotta Infrastructure have entered into a strategic partnership to jointly offer world-class colocation services and Yotta’s cloud solutions on the ‘anything-as-a-service’ model as part of Happiest Minds portfolio. Read full information on external site
Raxio plots African growth with data center in Uganda - connectingafrica.com2021-05-27 Data center developer Raxio has launched Uganda's first Tier III carrier-neutral data center and has a strong pipeline for a dozen more across Africa over the next three years. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds Technologies joins hands with Yotta Infrastructure - mybrandbook.co.in2021-05-27 Happiest Minds Technologies and Yotta Infrastructure have entered into a strategic partnership to jointly offer world-class colocation services and Yotta’s cloud solutions on the ‘anything-as-a-service’ model as part of Happiest Minds portfolio. Read full information on external site
China Internet Data Center Market 2021 Strategic Assessment- Alibaba Group Holding Limited, China Mobile Limited, 21Vianet Group, GDS Holdings Limited - ksusentinel.com2021-05-26 The report presents an in-depth assessment of the China Internet Data Center Market including enabling technologies, key trends, market drivers, challenges, standardization, regulatory landscape, deployment models, operator case studies, opportunities, future roadmap, value chain, ecosystem player profiles and strategies. The report also presents forecasts for China Internet Data Center from 2021 till 2026. The report covers the pre COVID-19 historic data, impact of COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 (Corona Virus) impact on various regions and major countries and on the future development of the industry is pointed out. Read full information on external site
Raxio Launches Uganda’s First Tier III Certified Carrier-Neutral Data Centre - cio.co.ke2021-05-26 Raxio Uganda has launched the first enterprise-grade, tier III certified carrier-neutral data centre. Read full information on external site
The Rise Of Renewable Energy: Data Centres Call For Reliable Backup Power - greenenergynews.co.uk2021-05-26 According to the findings of The Uptime Institute’s third annual data centre outage analysis report, outages remain a major industry and regulatory issue. Almost half (44%) of data centre operators surveyed stated that concern about the resiliency of data centre/mission-critical IT has increased in the past 12 months. Yet, the industry’s constant focus on efficiency and reliability means that preparedness is in its DNA. Most have robust plans in place to ensure continuity and deal with power outages, with uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and backup generators widely recognized as a critical piece of business infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds Partners with Yotta Infrastructure to deliver Managed IT Services - cxotoday.com2021-05-26 Bengaluru, India, May 26, 2020: Happiest Minds Technologies Limited, a ‘Born Digital. Born Agile’, digital transformation and IT solutions company and Yotta Infrastructure have entered into a strategic partnership to jointly offer world-class colocation services and Yotta’s cloud solutions on the ‘anything-as-a-service’ model as part of Happiest Minds portfolio. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds Technologies Partners with Yotta Infrastructure to deliver hyperscale colocation and managed IT services - itvarnews.techplusmedia.com2021-05-26 Happiest Minds Technologies Limited (NSE: HAPPSTMNDS), a ‘Born Digital. Born Agile’, digital transformation and IT solutions company and Yotta Infrastructure have entered into a strategic partnership to jointly offer world-class colocation services and Yotta’s cloud solutions on the ‘anything-as-a-service’ model as part of Happiest Minds portfolio. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds, Yotta in partnership to deliver co-location, managed IT services - businesstelegraph.co.uk2021-05-26 Pune: Ashok Soota’s Happiest Minds Technologies Ltd. and Hiranandani Group‘s Yotta Infrastructure have entered into a strategic partnership to jointly offer colocation services and cloud solutions on the ‘anything-as-a-service’ model. Read full information on external site
Energy Efficiency Comparison: Air-Cooling vs Liquid Coolings - insidehpc.com2021-05-26 Energy production and use, notes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), accounts for some 84% of greenhouse gas emissions in the US alone. Meanwhile, the Uptime Institute estimates that globally data centre energy consumption ranges from 400-500TWh – around two percent of electricity generation. The world has become increasingly dependent on energy-hungry IT while at the same time racing to reduce emissions 55% from 1990 levels by 2030. Read full information on external site
The evolution of mission-critical digital servicing models - techerati.com2021-05-26 Wendy Torell, Senior Research Analyst, Schneider Electric Data Centre Science Centre, discusses what steps operators can take to mitigate downtime. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds, Yotta in partnership to deliver co-location, managed IT services - economictimes.indiatimes.com2021-05-26 Pune: Ashok Soota’s Happiest Minds Technologies Ltd. and Hiranandani Group's Yotta Infrastructure have entered into a strategic partnership to jointly offer colocation services and cloud solutions on the ‘anything-as-a-service’ model. Read full information on external site
Happiest Mind partners with Yotta to deliver co-location, managed IT services - cioreviewindia.com2021-05-26 A Mindful IT company led by Ashok Soota, Happiest Minds Technologies Ltd. and Hiranandani Group's Yotta Infrastructure have come into a strategic corporation to jointly offer co-location services and cloud solutions on the ‘anything-as-a-service’ model. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds Tech gains on partnering with Hiranandani Group Co - business-standard.com2021-05-26 Happiest Minds Technologies rose 2.73% to Rs 790.40 after the company said that it has entered in to a strategic partnership with Yotta Infrastructure to deliver hyperscale colocation and managed IT services. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds Tech gains on partnering with Hiranandani Group Co - business-standard.com2021-05-26 The facility has taken about three years to complete and has cost the investors more than USD 15 million and it has redundancy for key functions including the colling system, internet connectivity, uninterrupted 24-hour power service, and enough space to accomodate any necessary equipment. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds Technologies ties with Yotta Infrastructure to deliver hyperscale colocation and managed IT services - indiainfoline.com2021-05-26 Happiest Minds Technologies Limited and Yotta Infrastructure have entered into a strategic partnership to jointly offer world-class colocation services and Yotta’s cloud solutions on the ‘anything-as-a-service’ model as part of Happiest Minds portfolio. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds Tech gains on partnering with Hiranandani Group Co - in.finance.yahoo.com2021-05-26 The partnership enables Happiest Minds Technologies to deliver scalable, flexible, and quality data center and cloud services. This joint solution provides a unique proposition for end customers, thereby creating new business opportunities. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds, Yotta in partnership to deliver co-location, managed IT services - vnexplorer.net2021-05-26 Pune: Ashok Soota’s Happiest Minds Technologies Ltd. and Hiranandani Group's Yotta Infrastructure have entered into a strategic partnership to jointly offer colocation services and cloud solutions on the ‘anything-as-a-service’ model. Read full information on external site
Relief as Raxio Uganda Launches First Enterprise-Grade, Tier III Certified Carrier-Neutral Data Centre - redpepper.co.ug2021-05-25 Kampala, Uganda: Raxio has today Tuesday 25th May 2021 officially launched Uganda’s first state of the art Tier III carrier-neutral data centre at its site in the Namanve Industrial Park, in Kampala. Read full information on external site
Happiest Minds Technologies Partners with Yotta Infrastructure to deliver hyperscale colocation and managed IT services - equitybulls.com2021-05-25 Happiest Minds Technologies Limited (NSE: HAPPSTMNDS), a 'Born Digital. Born Agile', a digital transformation and IT solutions company and Yotta Infrastructure have entered into a strategic partnership to jointly offer world-class colocation services and Yotta's cloud solutions on the 'anything-as-a-service' model as part of Happiest Minds portfolio. Read full information on external site
Raxio Launches Uganda’s 1st Tier III Certified Carrier-Neutral Data Centre - guru8.net2021-05-25 Raxio has today officially launched Uganda’s first state of the art Tier III carrier-neutral data centre at its site in the Kampala Industrial and Business Park (KIBP), Uganda. Read full information on external site
Garanti BBVA Data Center receives Tier IV Gold Certification - bbva.com2021-05-25 The BBVA Turkish unit joins a club of only 16 data centers worldwide with the highest certification. Read full information on external site
Sunbird reveals COVID-19’s impact on data centres - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-05-24 The COVID-19 pandemic presents an unprecedented health and economic challenge, and as organisations focus on maintaining operations, data centres are key to keeping things running smoothly. Read full information on external site
Six simple yet effective ways to optimise data centre energy efficiency - intelligentcio.com2021-05-24 Operating sustainably is at the top of the agenda for data centre leaders as they aim to become climate-neutral by 2030. James Giblette, Director of Digital Infrastructure – UK & Ireland at Legrand Data Center Solutions, discusses the ways organisations can reduce energy wastage in the data centre and meet sustainability initiatives. Read full information on external site
The Cloud is a Catalyst and It’s Also a Competitive Benchmark - intelligentcio.com2021-05-24 In this edition of Voices of the Industry, Chris Bair Senior Vice President, Sales and Leasing at Stream Data Centers explores how the cloud is both a catalyst for change for data centers, as well as a competitive benchmark. Read full information on external site
Advanced MedioMatrix a certified and eco-responsible data center - globalsecuritymag.com2021-05-21 Advanced MedioMatrix has obtained two new certifications: ISO 50001 and 14001, attesting to the eco-responsible approach of the first Moselle-based data center. These two latest certifications are in addition to those already acquired in recent months, guaranteeing Advanced MedioMatrix the highest level of service. Read full information on external site
Advanced MedioMatrix a certified and eco-responsible data center - globalsecuritymag.com2021-05-21 Advanced MedioMatrix has obtained two new certifications: ISO 50001 and 14001, attesting to the eco-responsible approach of the first Moselle-based data center. These two latest certifications are in addition to those already acquired in recent months, guaranteeing Advanced MedioMatrix the highest level of service. Read full information on external site
The state of DCIM in the new normal (Part 2): Remote is king - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-05-18 To successfully navigate the challenges of the new normal, cutting-edge data centre managers have adapted a remote data centre management model. Herman Chan, President, Sunbird Software, highlights how remote management is not just a trend until COVID-19 restrictions relax, but a permanent change for the industry. Read full information on external site
Considering physical and digital security at the edge after planned attack on AWS data center - edgeir.com2021-05-18 A Texan man was recently arrested for allegedly planning to blow up an AWS data center in Virginia with plastic explosives. Attacks of this kind have been surprisingly rare, but the latest arrest follows a December 2020 bombing of an AT&T network exchange facility in Nashville, Tennesee which disrupted internet and cell services in the region for several days. Emerging threats to critical infrastructure pose an interesting security challenge for the burgeoning edge computing and edge data center markets. Read full information on external site
Big Tech races to clean up act as cloud energy use grows - ft.com2021-05-18 Tech emissions now exceed are estimated to be growing at 6% annually. Read full information on external site
DataVita acquires Fortis data centre with £45 million investment - property-magazine.euft.com2021-05-14 DataVita, Scotlands largest data centre and multi-coud services provider, has acquired the Fortis data centre in Lanarkshire with £45 million of support from HFD Group. Read full information on external site
DataVita acquires scottish data centre - datacentre.me2021-05-14 PRESS RELEASE: DataVita, Scotland’s largest data centre and multi-cloud services provider, has acquired the Fortis data centre in Lanarkshire with £45 million of support from HFD Group. Read full information on external site
DataVita acquires Fortis data centre in major deal - commercialnewsmedia.com2021-05-14 DataVita, Scotland’s largest data centre and multi-cloud services provider, has acquired the Fortis data centre in Lanarkshire with £45 million of support from HFD Group. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX: Connected data centers for edge markets - businesschief.com2021-05-14 Jeff Uphues, CEO of DC BLOX, discusses his organization’s expansion in underserved markets and introducing data centers locally while serving globally. Read full information on external site
Scottish data giant acquires Lanarkshire centre with £45m investment - futurescot.com2021-05-13 Scotland’s ‘largest’ data firm and multi-cloud services provider has acquired a Lanarkshire data centre in a major deal with the help of a £45m investment. Read full information on external site
Batelco, a Bahrain-based telecoms provider recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) that will see the banking group host its core IT infrastructure at Batelco’s Hamala Data Centre. - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-05-13 Bahrain-based telco Batelco and National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) Group recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to formalise plans that will see the banking group’s core IT infrastructure being moved and hosted within Batelco’s Hamala Data Centre. Read full information on external site
DataVita acquires Fortis data centre with £45 million backing from HFD Group - scottishfinancialnews.com2021-05-13 DataVita, Scotland’s largest data centre and multi-cloud services provider, has acquired the Fortis data centre in Lanarkshire with £45 million of support from HFD Group.Read full information on external site
DataVita acquires Fortis data centre in major deal - glasgowchamberofcommerce.com2021-05-13 DataVita, Scotland’s largest data centre and multi-cloud services provider, has acquired the Fortis data centre in Lanarkshire with £45 million of support from HFD Group.Read full information on external site
DataVita acquires Fortis data centre in major deal - dcnnmagazine.com2021-05-13 DataVita, Scotland’s largest data centre and multi-cloud services provider, has acquired the Fortis data centre in Lanarkshire with £45 million of support from HFD Group.Read full information on external site
DataVita Completes Acquisition of Fortis Data Centre in Major Deal - digit.fyi2021-05-13 Fortis is the largest and only data centre of its kind in Scotland, supporting critical IT services for millions. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub, Huawei To Build Solar-Powered Data Centre In MEA - cxoinsightme.com2021-05-13 Moro Hub, a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data centre uses 100% renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW) and is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub.Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Officially Acquires Land in High Point, North Carolina With Plans to Develop a Tier III Data Center - cxoinsightme.com2021-05-11 DC BLOX, a provider of interconnected multi-tenant data centers delivering the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today’s digital business, announced they have acquired land in High Point, North Carolina. DC BLOX has a mission to power and connect digital business’ in growing communities where availability, secure, reliable and robust digital infrastructure is limited. Their plan is to construct the first highly secure, Tier III data center in the Caroline Core, also called the Piedmont Triad region. which includes High Point, Greensboro, and Winston-Salem. Read full information on external site
How to rethink resilience in the age of disruption - businessnews.com.au2021-05-10 The combination of digital transformation and a global health crisis means organizational resilience has never been more important as a strategic goal. According to KPMG, building resilience is set to become a core skill requirement for every organization to foster in the post-pandemic world. Read full information on external site
Decarbonizing UK IT - is technology climate’s angel or its demon? - diginomica.com2021-05-10 A high-level policy debate on climate change discusses: is technology the problem or the solution? Read full information on external site
Moro Hub Nabs Contract for Largest Solar-Powered Data Center in the Middle East and Africa - ae-africa.com2021-05-10 Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Center in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data center uses 100% renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW) and is the second solar-powered green data center in Dubai launched by Moro Hub. Read full information on external site
How Military Veterans Can Solve the Data Center Talent Shortage - facilitiesnet.com2021-05-10 Here's a chance to turn a crisis into an opportunity: Many veterans already have the skills and temperament required to manage data centers efficiently and effectively. Read full information on external site
Establishing the largest solar powered data center in the Middle East and Africa in Dubai - tellerreport.com2021-05-10 The data center for integrated solutions, "Moro" of "Digital Dewa", the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, has entered into a cooperation agreement with the global company "Huawei" to establish the largest solar-powered data center with a certificate of "Tier-III" and certified by the "Up Time" In the east. Read full information on external site
Green tariff renewable energy purchases - journal.uptimeinstitute.com2021-05-10 Until recently, power purchase agreements (PPAs) and unbundled renewable energy certificates (RECs) were the primary means for data center operators or managers to procure renewable electricity and RECs for their operations. Many companies are not comfortable with the eight-to-20-year length and financial risks of a PPA. Unbundled RECs are an ongoing expense and do not necessarily help to increase the amount of renewable power generated. Read full information on external site
BCS Data Center Operations An Uptime Institute case study - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-05-10 BCS is an independent, single-source data center provider that delivers enterprise-level, critical facilities operations through one fully integrated self-performance model. The result is industry-leading performance and lower operating expenses. Read full information on external site
How To Rethink Resilience In The Age Of Disruption - businessnews.com.au2021-05-10 The combination of digital transformation and a global health crisis means organizational resilience has never been more important as a strategic goal. According to KPMG, building resilience is set to become a core skill requirement for every organization to foster in the post-pandemic world. Read full information on external site
How To Rethink Resilience In The Age Of Disruption - publicnow.com2021-05-10 The combination of digital transformation and a global health crisis means organizational resilience has never been more important as a strategic goal. According to KPMG, building resilience is set to become a core skill requirement for every organization to foster in the post-pandemic world. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC : How to rethink resilience in the age of disruption - marketscreener.com2021-05-10 The combination of digital transformation and a global health crisis means organizational resilience has never been more important as a strategic goal. According to KPMG, building resilience is set to become a core skill requirement for every organization to foster in the post-pandemic world. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub partner with Huawei to build solar-powered data centre in the Middle East and Africa technicalreviewmiddleeast.com2021-05-10 Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC) has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub, Huawei to build first phase of the largest solar-powered data centre in MEA - samenacouncil.org2021-05-10 Moro Hub, or Data Hub Integrated Solutions — a subsidiary of Digital Dewa, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub, Huawei to Build First Phase of the Largest Solar-Powered Data Centre in MEA - eqmagpro.com2021-05-09 The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data centre uses 100 per cent renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts and is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub signs agreement with Huawei to build first phase of largest solar-powered Data centre in Middle East and Africa - uaereview.com2021-05-09 DUBAI, 8th May, 2021 (WAM) -- Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub signs an agreement with Huawei to build the First Phase of the largest solar-powered Data centre in the Middle East and Africa - uaenews247.com2021-05-09 Dubai, UAE, 8 May 2021: Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data centre uses 100% renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW) and is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub, Huawei to build the largest solar-powered data center in MEA - telecomreview.com2021-05-09 Moro Hub, a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered data center in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park.Read full information on external site
MORO HUB Signs an Agreement with Huawei to Build the First Phase of the Largest Solar-Powered Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa - en.saudishopper.com.sa2021-05-09 Dubai, UAE, 8 May 2021: Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data center uses 100% renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW), and is the second solar-powered green data center in Dubai launched by Moro Hub.Read full information on external site
NSB Data Center receives Sri Lanka’s first Uptime Tier III certification for a bank - island.lk2021-05-08 The Bank became the first bank in Sri Lanka to be awarded a TIER III Design Certification (TCDD) for its Data Centre and will soon obtain the Facility Certificate for the built facility (TCCF) from the UPTIME Institute for its state-of-the-art Data Center located in Colombo.Read full information on external site
Moro Hub signs an agreement with Huawei to build the First Phase of the largest solar-powered Data centre in the Middle East and Africa - mid-east.info2021-05-08 Dubai, UAE: Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data centre uses 100% renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW) and is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub signs agreement with Huawei to build 1st phase of largest solar-powered Data centre in Middle East & Africa - focus.hidubai.com2021-05-08 Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub signs agreement with Huawei to build First Phase of largest solar-powered Data centre in Middle East & Africa - alamrakamy.com2021-05-08 Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park.Read full information on external site
Moro Hub, Huawei to build first phase of the largest solar-powered data centre in MEA - msn.com2021-05-08 Moro Hub, or Data Hub Integrated Solutions - a subsidiary of Digital Dewa, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub, Huawei to build first phase of the largest solar-powered data centre in MEA - khaleejtimes.com2021-05-08 The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data centre uses 100 per cent renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts and is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub.Read full information on external site
Moro Hub signs agreement with Huawei to build first phase of largest solar-powered Data centre in Middle East and Africa - wam.ae2021-05-08 DUBAI, 8th May, 2021 (WAM) -- Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park.Read full information on external site
Moro Hub signs agreement with Huawei to build first phase of largest solar-powered Data centre ... - wn.com2021-05-08 DUBAI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / WAM - 08th May, 2021) Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the middle. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub Signs Agreement With Huawei To Build First Phase Of Largest Solar-powered Data Centre In Middle East And Africa - urdupoint.com2021-05-08 DUBAI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / WAM - 08th May, 2021) Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub, Huawei to build first phase of the largest solar-powered data centre in MEA - 24emirates.xyz2021-05-08 Moro Hub, or Data Hub Integrated Solutions — a subsidiary of Digital Dewa, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Dewa unit to set up big solar-powered data centre in Dubai - tradearabia.com2021-05-08 Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions), a subsidiary of Digital Dewa, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime Tier III-certified data centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park.Moro Hub, or Data Hub Integrated Solutions — a subsidiary of Digital Dewa, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub, Huawei to build solar-powered data centre - emirates-business.ae2021-05-07 Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data centre uses 100 percent renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW) and is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub. Read full information on external site
Dewa unit to set up big solar-powered data centre in Dubai - gdnonline.com2021-05-07 Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions), a subsidiary of Digital Dewa, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime Tier III-certified data centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub, Huawei to build first phase of the largest solar-powered data centre in MEA - menafn.com2021-05-07 Moro Hub, or Data Hub Integrated Solutions — a subsidiary of Digital Dewa, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Read full information on external site
Dewa unit to set up big solar-powered data centre in Dubai - gulfprojects.me2021-05-07 Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) said one of its units, Moro Hub, has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the region's largest solar-powered carbon-neutral green data centre at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai. Read full information on external site
Moro Hub signs an agreement with Huawei to build the First Phase of the largest solar-powered Data centre in the Middle East and Africa - zawya.com2021-05-07 Dubai: Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has signed an agreement with Huawei to build the largest solar-powered Uptime TIER III-Certified Data Centre in the Middle East and Africa at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The new sustainable, carbon-neutral green data centre uses 100% renewable energy and has a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW) and is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub. Read full information on external site
How Flexible Is Your Data Center Cooling? - esmagazine.com2021-05-07 When designing data center cooling systems, one important factor is the power density within each IT cabinet enclosure. The steady upward trend of equipment power density in recent years may soon exceed the limitations of traditional cooling methods. Read full information on external site
Net-zero movement puts cloud providers’ green credentials in the spotlight - techmonitor.ai2021-05-07 Businesses seeking to implement a net-zero cloud strategy must choose their provider carefully, as approaches to carbon emissions vary. Read full information on external site
NSB Data Center receives Lanka’s first ‘Uptime Tier III’ certification for a bank - dailynews.lk2021-05-07 The Bank became the first bank in Sri Lanka to be awarded a TIER III Design Certification (TCDD) for its Data Centre and will soon obtain the Facility Certificate for the built facility (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute for its state-of-the-art Data Center located in Colombo. Read full information on external site
NSB Data Centre receives Sri Lanka’s first Uptime Tier III certification for a bank - ft.lk2021-05-07 The first phase completion of National Savings Bank (NSB) Data Centre was reached recently. The Bank became the first bank in Sri Lanka to be awarded a Tier III Design Certification (TCDD) for its Data Centre and will soon obtain the Facility Certificate for the built facility (TCCF) from the UPTIME Institute for its state-of-the-art Data Centre located in Colombo. Read full information on external site
Don’t Fear Immersion Liquid Cooling in the Data Center - datacenterknowledge.com2021-05-06 Energy efficiency and cost savings are the big benefits, but it also improves the working environment for data center staff. Read full information on external site
Strategies for Safeguarding Mission Critical Infrastructure in Data Centers - datacenterfrontier.com2021-05-06 Instituting critical facility monitoring, measurement and management will create a framework and a roadmap for data center owners and operators to follow that will lead to certain success in these uncertain times. Read full information on external site
Atlanta data center operator commits to major facility in High Point - directorstalkinterviews.com2021-05-06 A fast-growing information-technology company from Atlanta, DC Blox, committed to building a $305 million multi-tenant data center in High Point on Wednesday. Read full information on external site
Crestchic Loadbanks explores the role of reliable backup power systems in the race towards green power - journalnow.com2021-05-06 As data centres across the world focus on a switch towards green power and reduced dependence on fossil fuels, the Uptime Institute, an advisory organization focused on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of data centres, has issued a warning about reliability. Paul Brickman from Crestchic Loadbanks explores the role of reliable backup power systems in the race towards green power. Read full information on external site
How Sri Lanka is overcoming the absence of benchmarks to build green DC’s - w.media2021-05-06 As data centres across the world focus on a switch towards green power and reduced dependence on fossil fuels, the Uptime Institute, an advisory organization focused on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of data centres, has issued a warning about reliability. Paul Brickman from Crestchic Loadbanks explores the role of reliable backup power systems in the race towards green power. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX buys land for data center campus in North Carolina - convergedigest.com2021-05-04 DC BLOX has acquired land in High Point, North Carolina with plans to construct the first highly secure, Tier III data center in the Carolina Core / Piedmont Triad region which includes High Point, Greensboro, and Winston-Salem. Read full information on external site
What High-density, Mission Critical Data Centers Should Look for in a Compact UPS - automation.com2021-05-04 Data center density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centers, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centers must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. New applications such as high-performance computing and artificial intelligence are shaping the design and operation of small and medium-sized data centers. As energy prices rise and budgets tighten, more efficient operation is necessary. One way to reduce costs, save space, and lower energy consumption is to put more IT resources into each rack. Read full information on external site
What data centres should look for in a compact UPS - dcnnmagazine.com2021-05-04 Data centre density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centres, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centres must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. New applications such as high performance computing and artificial intelligence are shaping the design and operation of small and medium-sized data centres. As energy prices rise and budgets tighten, more efficient operation is necessary. One way to reduce costs, save space, and lower energy consumption is to put more IT resources into each rack. Read full information on external site
What data centres should look for in a compact UPS - dcnnmagazine.com2021-05-04 Vertically-integrated technology business DC Two (ASX: DC2) has launched a new 3-megawatt capacity data centre in Perth’s southern suburbs, giving its customers immediate access to cloud services. Read full information on external site
What high-density, mission critical data centers should look for in a compact UPS – By Ross Peringuey, Commercial Product Manager MCIS EMEA - automation-update.co.uk2021-05-04 Data center density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centers, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centers must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. Read full information on external site
What high-density, mission critical data centers should look for in a compact UPS – By Ross Peringuey, Commercial Product Manager MCIS EMEA - engineering-update.co.uk2021-05-04 Data center density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centers, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centers must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. Read full information on external site
What High-density, Mission Critical Data Centers Should Look for in a Compact UPS – by Ross Peringuey, Commercial Product Manager MCIS EMEA - ravepubs.com2021-05-04 Data center density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centers, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centers must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. New applications such as high-performance computing and artificial intelligence are shaping the design and operation of small and medium-sized data centers. As energy prices rise and budgets tighten, more efficient operation is necessary. One way to reduce costs, save space, and lower energy consumption is to put more IT resources into each rack. Read full information on external site
What High-density, Mission Critical Data Centers Should Look for in a Compact UPS – by Ross Peringuey, Commercial Product Manager MCIS EMEA - ravepubs.com2021-05-03 Data center density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centers, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centers must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. New applications such as high-performance computing and artificial intelligence are shaping the design and operation of small and medium-sized data centers. As energy prices rise and budgets tighten, more efficient operation is necessary. One way to reduce costs, save space, and lower energy consumption is to put more IT resources into each rack. Read full information on external site
Wanclouds Launches Multi-Cloud Disaster Recovery as a Service at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 - cloudcow.com2021-05-03 Wanclouds announced the launch of its Multi-Cloud Disaster Recovery as a Service at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021. The company’s Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) reduces the financial investment and technical complexities that often halt or delay businesses from setting up disaster recovery protections and ensuring compliance requirements as extreme weather and cybersecurity risks increasingly threaten business continuity. Read full information on external site
Pandemic has driven up data center costs - journal.uptimeinstitute.com2021-05-03 As the pandemic began to make an impact in early 2020, it became clear that data center operators were going to have to invest more if they were to provide the services on which their customers were increasingly reliant. Short-term needs included protective equipment, deep cleaning and, it seemed likely, more spending to support extended shifts and more support staff. Read full information on external site
Cloud Disaster Recovery as a Service at Kubecon + Cloudnativecon Europe 2021 - techinsideout.co2021-05-03 Eliminates Barriers for Businesses to Set Up Compliant Cloud Backup and Restore Ability as Extreme Weather and Cybersecurity Risks Skyrocket. Read full information on external site
What high-density, mission critical data centers should look for in a compact UPS – By Ross Peringuey, Commercial Product Manager MCIS EMEA - presse-blog.com2021-05-03 Data center density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centers, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centers must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. Read full information on external site
What High-density, Mission Critical Data Centers Should Look for in a Compact Ups – by Ross Peringuey, Commercial Product Manager MCIS EMEA - presse-control.de2021-05-03 Data center density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centers, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centers must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. Read full information on external site
What High-density, Mission Critical Data Centers Should Look for in a Compact Ups – by Ross Peringuey, Commercial Product Manager MCIS EMEA - deutscherpresseindex.de2021-05-03 Data center density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centers, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centers must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. Read full information on external site
What high-density, mission critical data centers should look for in a compact UPS – By Ross Peringuey, Commercial Product Manager MCIS EMEA - presseradar.de2021-05-03 Data center density and power requirements are going up. As a result, more and better backup power is needed. Many data centers, however, have only limited space available. A very compact and powerful uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can often remedy the situation. To choose the right one, small and medium-sized data centers must consider cooling, redundancy, efficiency, architectures, and more. Read full information on external site
NTT Cyberjaya 5 Receives Uptime Tier III Certification - enterpriseitnews.com.my2021-05-01 NTT Ltd., a leading global technology services company announces that its fifth data center at Cyberjaya Campus, Cyberjaya 5 (CBJ5), has received Uptime Tier III Certificate of Design Documents and the Tier III Certificate of Constructed Facility. In addition, CBJ5 has achieved the TIA-942 Rated-3 certification by EPI, the only ANSI/TIA-942 CAB (Conformity Assessment Body) authorized under the official TIA-942 Accreditation Scheme. Read full information on external site
April 2021
Holistic Data Centre Design and Operation – Considerations for HPC - insidehpc.com2021-04-30 From data centre infrastructure efficiency (DCIE) to power usage effectiveness (PUE) there are many considerations for data centre providers that impact the cost to build, operate and scale a facility. Read full information on external site
China Mobile completes phase II of Slough data center in UK - communicationstoday.co.in2021-04-29 China Mobile International has completed phase II work on its 10MW data center in Slough, UK. First announced in 2019, the Slough data center was the company's first in Europe, and at the time its only one in the European Union. The company opened a data center in Frankfurt, Germany, earlier in the year.Read full information on external site
How to design data centers: Codes and standards - csemag.com 2021-04-29 An expert panel provides engineering and design tips in this Q&A, including information about codes and standards Read full information on external site
NTT Cyberjaya 5 Data Center gets certified by Uptime Institute - hitechcentury.com 2021-04-29 NTT Ltd’s Cyberjaya 5 Data Center has achieved a series of important certifications from the Uptime Institute and the Telecommunications Industry Association. Read full information on external site
Why We Need To Invest In Data Center Education Now - dotmagazine.online 2021-04-28 Eline Stuivenwold from the DDA and Dr. Maaike van Kessel from Noorderpoort, on how data center talents are fundamental for growth and digital leadership. Read full information on external site
Why the 'lights out' data center will bring more opportunities - zdnet.com 2021-04-28 The emergence of cloud, AI and machine learning to support data center operations means fewer mundane tasks, and more time and energy for business-level problems. Read full information on external site
Data Center Outages Were Fewer but More Damaging in 2020: Uptime - datacenterknowledge.com 2021-04-27 The number of data center outages is growing, but IT infrastructure is expanding much faster. Read full information on external site
NTT's Cyberjaya 5 data center receives Uptime Institute, EPI certifications - datacenternews.us 2021-04-27 NTT’s Cyberjaya 5 data center campus has this week received two certifications from the Uptime Institute, as well as separate certifications from EPI. Read full information on external site
Tencent receives Technology Excellence Award for cloud services - asiaone.com 2021-04-27 Tencent Cloud's aim to be a leading cloud services provider and digital solutions creator has proven itself in its clients' significant growth even during the pandemic. Read full information on external site
Tencent receives Technology Excellence Award for cloud services. - megapowertech-malaysia.blogspot.com2021-04-27 Tencent Cloud's aim to be a leading cloud services provider and digital solutions creator has proven itself in its clients' significant growth even during the pandemic. Read full information on external site
Tencent receives Technology Excellence Award for cloud services - thechiefofficer.com 2021-04-27 Tencent Cloud's aim to be a leading cloud services provider and digital solutions creator has proven itself in its clients' significant growth even during the pandemic. Read full information on external site
Tencent receives Technology Excellence Award for cloud services - english.thesaigontimes.vn2021-04-27 Tencent Cloud's aim to be a leading cloud services provider and digital solutions creator has proven itself in its clients' significant growth even during the pandemic. Read full information on external site
Tencent receives Technology Excellence Award for cloud services - top10asia.org 2021-04-27 Tencent Cloud's aim to be a leading cloud services provider and digital solutions creator has proven itself in its clients' significant growth even during the pandemic. Read full information on external site
Tencent receives Technology Excellence Award for Cloud Services - budiputra.com2021-04-27 Tencent Cloud's aim to be a leading cloud services provider and digital solutions creator has proven itself in its clients' significant growth even during the pandemic.Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Releases Third Annual Outage Analysis - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-04-26 Outage avoidance remains a majority priority for operators of mission critical systems. Read full information on external site
NTT Cyberjaya 5 Data Centre Receives Certifications from Uptime Institute and Telecommunications Industry Association - datastorageasean.com 2021-04-26 NTT Ltd., a leading global technology services company, announces that its fifth data centre at Cyberjaya Campus, Cyberjaya 5 (CBJ5), has received UPTIME Tier III Certificate of Design Documents and the Tier III Certificate of Constructed Facility. Read full information on external site
CITIC Networks Becomes Big Data Exchange (BDx) Connectivity Partner in Nanjing Data Center - datastorageasean.com 2021-04-26 BDx and CITIC Networks Will Enable Regional and International Customers to Connect Through One of the Fastest-Growing Areas of China. Read full information on external site
“The cause of data center failure changes” Environment configuration rather than power outage: Uptime report - tekdeeps.com 2021-04-26 Power isn’t a big deal for data center operators, according to a new study by Uptime Institute. But networking and software are becoming more of a problem. Read full information on external site
NTT Cyberjaya 5 Data Center receives certifications from Uptime Institute and Telecommunications Industry Association - vsdaily.com/ 2021-04-26 NTT Ltd., a leading global technology services company, announces that its fifth data center at Cyberjaya Campus, Cyberjaya 5 (CBJ5), has received UPTIME Tier III Certificate of Design Documents and the Tier III Certificate of Constructed Facility. Read full information on external site
How to design data centers: Energy efficiency and sustainability - csemag.com2021-04-24 An expert panel provides engineering and design tips to design energy-efficient data centers in this QA Read full information on external site
Data-center outages: Causes are changing, report says - networkworld.com 2021-04-23 Power issues are less likely to cause a major IT service outage, while IT configuration and network problems are becoming more common, according to the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Data center outage: The cause is changing, the report says - floridanewstimes.com 2021-04-23 Power issues are less of an issue for data center operators, but network and software issues are becoming more and more important, according to a new study by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Data-center outages: Causes are changing, report says - gixtools.net 2021-04-23 A new survey by the Uptime Institute found that power issues are becoming less of a problem for data center operators, but networking and software issues are emerging as an increasingly bigger problem. Read full information on external site
First data center meets two Uptime Tier 3 standards - vnexplorer.net2021-04-23 Vietnam has five data center systems meeting Uptime Tier 3 standards, but this is the first time a data center in Vietnam has met Uptime Tier 3 standards in both design and construction. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: Data Center Outages Remain a Major Industry Concern - hostingjournalist.com 2021-04-23 While improvements have been made with technology and better management of availability, outages remain a major industry, customer, and regulatory concern, stated Uptime Institute in its 3rd Annual Outage Analysis report. The report also shows that the overall impact and direct and indirect cost of outages continue to grow. Read full information on external site
Aggreko expert on the importance of testing data centre demand - intelligentcio.com 2021-04-22 Samuel Tumma, Head of Engineering at Aggreko Africa tells us why it’s so important to prioritise reliable power and comprehensive loadbank testing when investing in a robust data centre strategy. Read full information on external site
Aggreko expert on the importance of testing data centre demand - intelligentdatacentres.com 2021-04-22 Samuel Tumma, Head of Engineering at Aggreko Africa tells us why it’s so important to prioritise reliable power and comprehensive loadbank testing when investing in a robust data centre strategy. Read full information on external site
UPS: A catalyst for sustainability - datacentrereview.com 2021-04-21 Arturo di Filippi, global offering manager for large power systems at Vertiv, explores how your UPS may have more green potential than you think. Read full information on external site
Data Center Trends To Watch In 2021 - facilityexecutive.com 2021-04-20 Uptime Institute has identified factors expected to impact data center facilities management this year and in the future. Read full information on external site
Inside a Microsoft Azure datacentre: Cloud giant invites users on server farm virtual tour - computerweekly.com2021-04-19 Software giant wants to give users a ‘tangible view’ of the inner workings of its public cloud through a newly launched virtual tour experience. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: Networking issues to overtake power problems as main cause of datacentre outages - ca.worldpronews.com2021-04-19 The Uptime Institute's third annual datacentre outage analysis report suggests downturn in number of downtime incidents over the past 12 months due to the pandemic, with networking issues fast-emerging as main source of technical difficulties. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: Networking issues to overtake power problems as main cause of datacentre outages - computerweekly.com 2021-04-19 The Uptime Institute's third annual datacentre outage analysis report suggests downturn in number of downtime incidents over the past 12 months due to the pandemic, with networking issues fast-emerging as main source of technical difficulties. Read full information on external site
Uptime: Networks, Software Play Growing Role in Data Center Outages - datacenterfrontier.com 2021-04-19 Networking and software issues are emerging as two of the more common causes of data center outages, while power problems are becoming somewhat less of an issue, according to new data from Uptime Institute’s Annual Outage Analysis.Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Releases 3rd Annual Outage Analysis - digitalconqurer.com 2021-04-19 SYDNEY, Australia – 15 March 2020. NEXTDC Limited (ASX: NXT) Outage Avoidance Remains a Majority Priority for Operators of Mission-Critical Systems. Read full information on external site
First data center meets two Uptime Tier 3 standards - vietnambreakingnews.com 2021-04-16 Vietnam has five data center systems meeting Uptime Tier 3 standards, but this is the first time a data center in Vietnam has met Uptime Tier 3 standards in both design and construction. Read full information on external site
First data center meets two Uptime Tier 3 standards - talkvietnam.com2021-04-16 Vietnam has five data center systems meeting Uptime Tier 3 standards, but this is the first time a data center in Vietnam has met Uptime Tier 3 standards in both design and construction. Read full information on external site
First data center meets two Uptime Tier 3 standards - vietnamnet.vn2021-04-16 Vietnam has five data center systems meeting Uptime Tier 3 standards, but this is the first time a data center in Vietnam has met Uptime Tier 3 standards in both design and construction. Read full information on external site
Neterra starts construction of Sofia Data Center 2 - telecompaper.com 2021-04-15 Neterra made the first sod for the construction of its new Sofia Data Center 2 (SDC-2). It's located next to SDC-1, giving customers all the benefits of the already established business and telecommunications infrastructure, including connectivity with existing customers of Neterra and access to high-speed international networks and routes. Read full information on external site
China Mobile completes phase II of Slough data center in UK - datacenterdynamics.com 2021-04-15 FCompany finishes expansion of first data center outside Asia. Read full information on external site
Neterra breaks ground on SDC-2 - capacitymedia.com 2021-04-15 Bulgarian telecoms operator Neterra has broken ground on its new data centre in Sofia. Read full information on external site
How to Evaluate Colocation Proposals - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-04-15 At its most fundamental level, evaluating colocation proposals involves comparing providers’ responses against your organizational needs, as defined during the scoping process, and usually involves confirming four fundamental questions. Read full information on external site
How customers shop for a colocation provider - channelasia.tech 2021-04-15 Colocation facilities can lift the burden of running internal data centre, but they’re not all created equal. Read full information on external site
Criticality of the edge puts focus on downtime prevention - edgeir.com 2021-04-14 Edge data centers are a critical public resource, but criticality isn’t always reflected in robust design and investment to ensure availability at those sites. Read full information on external site
GUEST COMMENT Online shopping and the high street: time to learn from the digital insurgents - internetretailing.net 2021-04-13 As Covid-19 saw UK shops shut and people unwilling or unable to venture outside, a record amount of retail spending migrated online - accounting for a third of all retail outlay. Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud launches its first internet data centre in Indonesia to meet growing demand for digitalization - newshubasia.com 2021-04-13 Tencent Cloud, the cloud business of Tencent, today announced the launch of its first Internet Data Centre (IDC) in Indonesia, further emphasizing its commitment to addressing the ever-growing business needs in Indonesia and Asia. Read full information on external site
Fintech Benefit moves IT infrastructure to Batelco's Hamala data centre - telecompaper.com 2021-04-12 Batelco's Hamala Data Centre is the third Data Centre of the company and the second to achieve Tier III certification for design and build from the "Uptime Institute", a global authority that specializes in evaluating global Data Centers through a series of performance-based assessments designed to measure progress and efficiency of all Data Centres across the world. Read full information on external site
Submer Designs Liquid-Cooled Data Center In a Box for High-Power Edge Computing Sites - itprotoday.com 2021-04-12 The Barcelona-based startup’s container submerges servers in dielectric fluid, enabling 800kW of IT load in a 40-foot-long box. Read full information on external site
Marshfield Clinic Health System: PreventionGenetics to house data storage and networking systems at clinic data center - wisbusiness.com 2021-04-12 MARSHFIELD – PreventionGenetics, a leading accredited clinical DNA testing laboratory, has signed a colocation services agreement to use Marshfield Clinic Health System’s top tier data center. Marshfield Clinic Health System owns and operates an Uptime Institute Tier III certified data center to support its health care operations. The data center is purpose-built with redundant support systems for resiliency and efficiency to provide dependable and cost-effective colocation services. Read full information on external site
Submer Designs Liquid-Cooled Data Center In a Box for High-Power Edge Computing Sites - datacenterknowledge.com2021-04-12 The Barcelona-based startup’s container submerges servers in dielectric fluid, enabling 800kW of IT load in a 40-foot-long box. Read full information on external site
How to shop for a colocation provider - networkworld.com2021-04-12 Colocation facilities can lift the burden of running your own data center, but they’re not all created equal. Read full information on external site
Tencent Cloud Launches its First Internet Data Centre in Indonesia to Meet Growing Demand for Digitalization - budiputra.com2021-04-12 Tencent Cloud, the cloud business of Tencent, today announced the launch of its first Internet Data Centre (IDC) in Indonesia, further emphasizing its commitment to addressing the ever-growing business needs in Indonesia and Asia. Deploying its industry-leading cloud offerings across the region, Tencent Cloud further strengthens its global footprint through the significant launch of the new IDC – the latest addition to its growing infrastructure network that now spans across 27 region and 61 availability zones. Read full information on external site
BENEFIT Signs a Contract with Batelco to Move its IT infrastructure to the Hamala Data Center - bahrainthisweek.com2021-04-11 Batelco has signed a contract with BENEFIT, the Kingdom’s innovator and leading company in Fintech and electronic financial transactions services, to onboard BENEFIT’s core IT infrastructure to Batelco’s recently established Data Center in Hamala. Prior to signing the contract, representatives from BENEFIT visited the Hamala Data Center, where a number of operational, technical, and security features were outlined by the Batelco team. Read full information on external site
BENEFIT signs a contract with Batelco to move its IT infrastructure to the Hamala Data Center - bizbahrain.com 2021-04-10 Batelco has signed a contract with BENEFIT, the Kingdom’s innovator and leading company in Fintech and electronic financial transactions services, to onboard BENEFIT’s core IT infrastructure to Batelco’s recently established Data Center in Hamala. Prior to signing the contract, representatives from BENEFIT visited the Hamala Data Center, where a number of operational, technical, and security features were outlined by the Batelco team. Read full information on external site
Benefit to move IT infrastructure to Batelco's new data centre - tradearabia.com 2021-04-10 Benefit, a leading fintech and electronic financial transactions services company in Bahrain, has reached an agreement with top telecom services operator Batelco to move its core IT infrastructure to the group's recently established data centre in Hamala. Read full information on external site
Resilient infrastructure is key for sustainable data centres - channelwise.co.za2021-04-09 International Data Centre Day, which was observed on Wednesday 24 March this year, is a global movement aimed at generating awareness about the importance of data centres. Read full information on external site
Merlin plans carbon neutral, water-free data centres in Europe – CIO - capacitymedia.com 2021-04-09 The Iberian Peninsula is to become home to a series of new, carbon neutral data centres after Spain's Merlin Properties partnered with Edged Energy. Read full information on external site
Batelco and NBB Group sign agreement – CIO - http://bahrainbiznews.com/ 2021-04-08 Batelco received a delegation from the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) Group, on a visit to the newly opened Batelco Data Center, located in Hamala. Read full information on external site
The OVHCloud fire: Assessing the after-effects on datacentre operators and cloud users - computerweekly.com2021-04-08 One month on from the OVHCloud datacentre fire, it is time to assess the lasting impact the event might have on the way server farm operators run their facilities, and cloud users approach disaster recovery. Read full information on external site
Batelco and NBB Group sign agreement - bizbahrain.com 2021-04-08 Batelco received a delegation from the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) Group, on a visit to the newly opened Batelco Data Center, located in Hamala. Read full information on external site
Chayora Recognized for Data Centre Design - pipelinepub.com 2021-04-08 Chayora first Northern China datacentre to be awarded provisional Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility Read full information on external site
Video | Batelco and NBB Group Sign MoU Agreement Following a Tour to Batelco Hamala Data Center - bahrainthisweek.com 2021-04-08 Batelco received a delegation from the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) Group, on a visit to the newly opened Batelco Data Center, located in Hamala. Read full information on external site
Batelco and NBB Group sign MoU agreement - gulf-insider.com 2021-04-08 Batelco received a delegation from the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) Group, on a visit to the newly opened Batelco Data Center, located in Hamala. Read full information on external site
AIIM acquires majority stake in Accra Data Centre - thebftonline.com2021-04-08 AIIM expands its digital infrastructure footprint with investment in carrier-neutral, co-location data centre via newly-incorporated Onix Data Centre platform. Read full information on external site
The growing imperative of sourcing sustainable data centre capacity - connectedtechnologysolutions.co.uk 2021-04-08 Most people in an organisation think about their data centre very infrequently, if at all. It is like water in the sink or electricity behind the light switch; it is there, serving a critical purpose that gets taken for granted when all is going well. Read full information on external site
Is a Tier 3 Talent Gap Holding Back Data Centre Growth? - techerati.com 2021-04-08 As data centre markets expand to Tier 3 locations, will a shortage of skilled workers limit potential growth? Read full information on external site
[Africa Tech Review] Duncan Mochama: Africans are increasingly using eCommerce in response to COVID-19 restrictions - africabusinesscommunities.com 2021-04-08 The International Trade Centre (ICT) recently released a report that analyzes opportunities for integrating online marketplaces in Africa with African economies. The report found an increase in Africa’s use of eCommerce in response to COVID-19 restrictions and emphasized the “vast untapped potential” of online marketplaces in Africa. Read full information on external site
Generator Catches Fire, Causes Lengthy Data Center Outage at WebNX - datacenterfrontier.com 2021-04-07 An emergency generator caught fire at a data center in Ogden, Utah over the Easter weekend, causing the full shutdown of the data center and lengthy outages for customers. The incident at a WebNX facility comes a month after a more serious fire that destroyed an entire OVH data center in Strasbourg, France. Read full information on external site
Kohler Celebrates International Data Center Day - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-04-07 Helping to support future leaders of the data center industry. Read full information on external site
Batelco and NBB Group sign MoU agreement following a tour to Batelco Hamala Data Center - samenacouncil.org 2021-04-07 Batelco received a delegation from the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) Group, on a visit to the newly opened Batelco Data Center, located in Hamala. Read full information on external site
Batelco and NBB group sign MoU agreement following a tour to Batelco Hamala data center - zawya.com 2021-04-07 Both teams discussed the long-lasting relationship between Batelco and the NBB Group and future collaboration plans, before touring the facility. Read full information on external site
DC Blox breaks ground on data center in Greenville, South Carolina - datacenterdynamics.com 2021-04-06 First phase of 18MW facility due for completion in Q3 2021, company also buys more land for its Birmingham, AL site. Read full information on external site
Going virtual: Using physics-based 3D models for troubleshooting and improving efficiency - datacenterdynamics.com 2021-04-06 Identifying inefficiencies in a data center that has to be running 24/7 can be challenging, but using 3D models with built-in physics engines can help, says Future Facilities’ Sherman Ikemoto. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX starts building $200m South Carolina data centre - capacitymedia.com 2021-04-06 DC BLOX has started the construction of its $200 million Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carolina data centre, as it continues its southern US expansion. Read full information on external site
Brasfield & Gorrie Starts Construction on DC BLOX’s Greenville Data Center – Brasfield & Gorrie - companynewshq.com2021-04-06 DC BLOX, a provider of interconnected multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today’s digital business, announces it has initiated construction of its Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carolina data center. Read full information on external site
Merlin properties and edged energy partner to build four ultra-efficient data centers across the iberian peninsula - techinsideout.co 2021-04-06 Each data center will consume zero water and have an annualized PUE of 1.15. Read full information on external site
Dan Kwach to oversee Africa Data Centres’ operations in East Africa as regional MD - aptantech.com 2021-04-06 Africa Data Centres (ADC), part of the Liquid Intelligent Technologies (formerly Liquid Telecom Group) has appointed Dan Kwach to the newly-created position of MD for East Africa region. The appointment, a promotion to Kwach, will see him ensure the alignment of ADC Leadership structure across different African regions. Read full information on external site
The quest to run data centers on battery power - datacenterdynamics.com 2021-04-05 Despite the increased efficiency of battery power and renewable energy, data center operators still have diesel generators out back. That may be changing. Read full information on external site
Najm launches WhatsApp for streamlined customer service Aims for more inclusiveness, operational optimization in auto insurance - eyeofriyadh.com 2021-04-04 Najm for Insurance Services announced that it has activated the WhatsApp service for its customers across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as of March 26, 2021, in a step anticipated to maximize operational efficiencies and advance customer service. Read full information on external site
Survey: Liquid Cooling Adoption by Data Centers Remains Flat - datacenterknowledge.com 2021-04-02 Three years after our first survey about liquid cooling, we find evidence of market trends...and they’re not all good news for cooling system makers. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Starts Construction on its Greenville Data Center - metroatlantaceo.com/2021-04-02 DC BLOX, a provider of interconnected multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today’s digital business, announces it has initiated construction of its Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carolina data center. The data center, designed to Uptime Institute’s Tier III standards, will be the first-of-its-kind multi-tenant data center in South Carolina. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Starts Construction on Its Greenville Data Center - cloud.itbusinessnet.com 2021-04-01 DC BLOX, a provider of interconnected multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrasture and connectivity essential to power todays digital business announces it has initiated construction of its Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carlina data center. Read full information on external site
Yotta Extends Infrastructure and Cloud-Hosted Workload Protection Via Partnership with Virsec - tmcnet.com 2021-04-01 Virsec, the industry leader in application-aware workload protection, and Yotta Infrastructure, managed colocation and cloud service provider that operates the world's second largest Uptime Institute Tier IV designed data center, today announced a partnership to bring end-to-end, real-time application security to Yotta's Enterprise Cloud and Colocation customers. Read full information on external site
Yotta Extends Infrastructure and Cloud-Hosted Wrokload Protectin Via Partnership with Virsec - tvs.consumerelectronicsnet.com 2021-04-01 Virsec, the industry leader in application aware workload protectin, and Yotta infrastructure, managed colocation and cloud serivce provider that operates the wrld's second largest Uptime Institute Tier IV desgned data center, today announced a partnersip to bring end-to-end, realtime application security to Yotta's Enterprise Cloud and Colocation customers. (Photo: RIch Miller) Read full information on external site
March 2021
What is a Data Center and Why is Data Center Security so important? - imcgrupo.com2021-03-31 Modern companies have dedicated themselves to building digital transformation strategies in order to update the teams they employ, reduce costs, have a hyper-connected work scheme and favor the productivity of all areas of the company. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX secures $187m financing for data centre investments - capacitymedia.com2021-03-31 DC BLOX has secured $187 million in long-term financing led by Post Road Group and Bain Capital Credit.Read full information on external site
STACK INFRASTRUCTURE Data Centers Receive Management and Operations Stamp of Approval From Uptime Institute - streetinsider.com 2021-03-31 STACK INFRASTRUCTURE (“STACK” or the “Company”), the digital infrastructure partner to the world’s most innovative companies, today announced that its data centers in three major markets have received the Uptime Institute’s Management & Operations (M&O) Stamp of Approval. Read full information on external site
STACK INFRASTRUCTURE Data Centers Receive Management and Operations Stamp of Approval From Uptime Institute - canadianinsider.com 2021-03-30 STACK INFRASTRUCTURE (“STACK” or the “Company”), the digital infrastructure partner to the world’s most innovative companies, today announced that its data centers in three major markets have received the Uptime Institute’s Management & Operations (M&O) Stamp of Approval. Read full information on external site
Stack Infrastructure Receives M&O Stamp of Approval From Uptime Institute - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-03-30 Stack Infrastructure announced that its data centers in three major markets have received Uptime Institute’s Management and Operations (M&O) Stamp of Approval. Read full information on external site
DXN signs two modular data centre orders for $1 million - techinvest.online2021-03-30 Pre-fabricated modular data centre specialist, DXN Limited (ASX:DXN) has entered into two separate agreements to supply fully prefabricated and engineered factory-built modular data centres to Boeing Defence Australia (BDA) as well as Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd. Read full information on external site
Investors Funding Data Center Projects in Smaller Cities - datacenterfrontier.com 2021-03-29 Investors are increasingly looking to fund data center growth in smaller cities like Chattanooga and Greenville as well as the huge cloud clusters in Northern Virginia and other major markets. Read full information on external site
BoFiNeT targets SADC customers with new datacentre - itweb.africa2021-03-26 Botswana Fibre Networks (BoFiNeT) intends to facilitate low latency connectivity for Angola, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe via its 1 000sqm Tier III datacentre. Read full information on external site
Mission-critical considerations for data center UPS deployments - datacenterdynamics.com 2021-03-25 UPS systems are critical to continuity, so plan as if that is true Read full information on external site
Achievement confirms company's continued investment, commitment to its strategy for automating motor insurance services - zawya.com2021-03-24 The certification was awarded to Najm Main Data Center Riyadh, following a rigorous inspection of the facilities and operations by Uptime Institute experts from the United States and the United Kingdom upon its completion in November 2020 Read full information on external site
"Our current and future datacenters and enterprise cloud fabric are modularly designed keeping dynamic data surge in the formula" - varindia.com 2021-03-24 Data center growth in India: From a Hyperscale datacenter perspective, there are two key elements that matter the most - Availability of on-demand scalable space and power. Read full information on external site
Najm for Insurance Services first insurance entity to receive Uptime Institute Tier III Constructed Facility certification across GCC - eyeofdubai.ae2021-03-24 Najm for Insurance Services has been awarded the Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) by Uptime Institute, the leading global source for data centers tier certification. Read full information on external site
Najm for Insurance Services first insurance entity to receive Uptime Institute Tier III Constructed Facility certification across GCC - eyeofriyadh.com 2021-03-24 Najm for Insurance Services has been awarded the Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) by Uptime Institute, the leading global source for data centers tier certification. Read full information on external site
Kohler: Celebrating Data Centers, Powering the Future - jsa.net2021-03-24 Kohler, the data center’s global power partner, celebrates International Data Center Day with a Supporting Sponsorship and other initiatives.Read full information on external site
Najm for Insurance Services first insurance entity to receive Uptime Institute Tier III Constructed Facility certification across GCC - mid-east.info 2021-03-24 Achievement confirms company’s continued investment, commitment to its strategy for automating motor insurance services. Read full information on external site
Citic Networks Becomes Big Data Exchange (Bdx) Connectivity Partner In Nanjing Data Center - techinsideout.co 2021-03-19 BDx and CITIC Networks Will Enable Regional and International Customers to Connect Through One of the Fastest-Growing Areas of China Read full information on external site
CITIC Networks Becomes Big Data Exchange (BDx) Connectivity Partner in Nanjing Data Center - budiputra.com 2021-03-19 BDx and CITIC Networks Will Enable Regional and International Customers to Connect Through One of the Fastest-Growing Areas of China Read full information on external site
CITIC Networks Becomes Big Data Exchange (BDx) Connectivity Partner in Nanjing Data Center - worksmartasia.blogspot.com 2021-03-19 BDx and CITIC Networks Will Enable Regional and International Customers to Connect Through One of the Fastest-Growing Areas of China Read full information on external site
CITIC Networks Becomes Big Data Exchange (BDx) Connectivity Partner in Nanjing Data Center - pr-junction.blogspot.com 2021-03-19 Colt BDx and CITIC Networks Will Enable Regional and International Customers to Connect Through One of the Fastest-Growing Areas of China Read full information on external site
Global Data Centre Spend Will Increase In The Year - .cio.co.ke2021-02-16 Global data centre spend is expected to reach an impressive total of $208 billion by the end of 2020. Read full information on external site
Softline Has Become the Major IaaS Supplier for Companies on the Level of Enterprise - itnewsonline.com 2021-03-19 The new rankings leader is Softline, which is conspicuous by its large number of cloud data-centers, the largest pool of IT specialists and the lowest cost for services compared to its competitors. Read full information on external site
Hiranandani Group to set up industrial, logistics and data center park in West Bengal - cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com 2021-02-16 The integrated logistics and hyperscale data center park will be set up by Hiranandani group companies GreenBase and Yotta, respectively. Read full information on external site
CITIC Networks Becomes Big Data Exchange (BDx) Connectivity Partner in Nanjing Data Center - prnewswire.com 2021-03-19 BDx and CITIC Networks Will Enable Regional and International Customers to Connect Through One of the Fastest-Growing Areas of China Read full information on external site
Softline has become the major IaaS supplier for companies on the level of Enterprise - viv-media.com2021-03-18 IT-Marketplace Market CNews updated the ranking of IaaS providers of the Enterprise 2021 level. Several new participants were added to it. Read full information on external site
New iron for old! Why legacy technology is bad for the environment – and your wallet - theregister.com 2021-03-18 How Huawei’s solutions green the data centre and drive operational efficiencies Read full information on external site
Colt DCS' Inzai 1 data centre awarded Stamp of Approval for Management & Operations - australiancybersecuritymagazine.com.au 2021-03-17 Aegis9 and Australian Data Centres have entered a strategic partnership to provide customers access to a shared or dedicated cyber security operation centre. Read full information on external site
Data Centers and Fluid Condition Monitoring: Overview - reliabilityweb.com 2021-02-16 We are in a time of duplicity – a part of our life develops in a habitual way in what we consider to be the physical world, but we find another part that, in some cases, consumes much more time and to which many people dedicate more time than to the physical part. Read full information on external site
Gaborone gets ready to welcome Botswana’s largest data centre - developingtelecoms.com 2021-03-16 Botswana Fibre Networks (BoFiNet), a wholesale provider of national and international telecommunication infrastructure, has announced plans to build a data centre at the Science and Technology Park in Gaborone, the country’s capital. Read full information on external site
Climate change: How to make your internet use greener - bbc.co.uk 2021-03-16 Our internet usage has a cost to the climate. Some companies are thinking about how they can store the data that supports our online lifestyles in greener ways. Read full information on external site
West Africa’s Rack Centre secures QMS certification - itweb.africa2021-03-16 West African carrier neutral datacentre operator Rack Centre has achieved ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) certification. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre gets ISO 9001:2015 certification - thenationonlineng.net 2021-03-16 Tier III Constructed Facility Certified carrier neutral data centre, Rack Centre, has achieved the ISO 9001:2015Read full information on external site
FEPL unveils plans for subsea fibre-optic cable from NT to WA - technologydecisions.com.au 2021-03-16 Fibre Expressway Pty Ltd has unveiled plans to build a 5G-enabled technology ecosystem in WA and NT that will connect the region to Asia Pacific markets.Read full information on external site
NEXTDC brings Australian businesses closer to achieving zero-net carbon emissions - pcworld.co.nz 2021-03-16 SYDNEY, Australia – 15 March 2020. NEXTDC Limited (ASX: NXT) Australia’s leading data centre solutions provider, today announced the launch of NEXTneutral, its new data centre carbon neutrality program. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC brings Australian businesses closer to achieving zero-net carbon emissions - www.pcworld.idg.com.au 2021-03-15 SYDNEY, Australia – 15 March 2020. NEXTDC Limited (ASX: NXT) Australia’s leading data centre solutions provider, today announced the launch of NEXTneutral, its new data centre carbon neutrality program. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre achieves ISO 9001:2015 Certification - techeconomy.ng2021-03-15 Rack Centre is a leading Carrier Neutral Data Centre in West Africa Read full information on external site
Simon Ngunjiri: Cloud adoption is now a necessity - africabusinesscommunities.com2021-03-15 As we have previously highlighted, businesses in Africa are increasingly turning to cloud to improve operational efficiency and COVID-19 is accelerating this adoption. Read full information on external site
Plotting the course to next-gen data centers and a new digital infrastructure - bits-chips.nl 2021-03-15 To reach carbon neutrality, it’s going to take an all-hands-on-deck approach. Asperitas is working together with strategic partners like Shell and communities like OCP and SDIA to illustrate the roadmap to the carbon-free data centers of the future. Read full information on external site
FEPL to build $1.5bn infrastructure hub - Project Koete - capacitymedia.com/2021-03-15 Fibre Expressway Pty Ltd (FEPL) has unveiled details of Project Koete, its $1.5 billion technology ecosystem in Western Australia and Northern Territory. Read full information on external site
The Need For ‘Reliability’ In A Data Dependent World - publicnow.com 2021-03-15 Data centre outages or breaches cause irreparable damage and costly disruptions that wreak havoc on business operations. Read full information on external site
Fibre Expressway reveals details US$1.5bn Project Koete - voxy.co.nz2021-03-15 Fibre Expressway Pty Ltd (FEPL) today unveiled the details of Project Koete, a first-of-its-kind US$1.5 billion technology ecosystem in Western Australia and Northern Territory. Read full information on external site
New project to facilitate greater connectivity for WA and NT miners - nationalresourcesreview.com.au 2021-03-15 Fibre Expressway Pty Ltd (FEPL) has unveiled the details of Project Koete, a first-of-its-kind US$1.5 billion technology ecosystem in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC : The need for ‘reliability' in a data dependent world - marketscreener.com 2021-03-15 Data centre outages or breaches cause irreparable damage and costly disruptions that wreak havoc on business operations. Read full information on external site
The Need For ‘Reliability’ In A Data Dependent World - publicnow.com 2021-03-14 Data centre outages or breaches cause irreparable damage and costly disruptions that wreak havoc on business operations. Read full information on external site
Datacentre Investments – The India Advantage - community.nasscom.in2021-03-13 India’s datacentre market is well poised to in coming years reaching ~$5 billion by 2025 driven by India’s growing data economy and an increasing focus on data protection and data localisation policies Read full information on external site
Cat electric in Eastern Europe: Poland and Russia - diesel-international.com 2021-03-13 Cat electric in Eastern Europe is a ‘walk’ that starts in Poland and ends in Russia. Read full information on external site
Finding the perfect balance between sustainability and performance - intelligentcio.com 2021-03-12 Andy Connor, Channel Director, EMEA, Subzero Engineering, discusses the need for data centre leaders to become more aware of the environmental consequences of their digital footprint and how best to monitor it as demand for sustainable operations places more pressure upon the industry. Read full information on external site
Finding the perfect balance between sustainability and performance - intelligentdatacentres.com 2021-03-12 Andy Connor, Channel Director, EMEA, Subzero Engineering, discusses the need for data centre leaders to become more aware of the environmental consequences of their digital footprint and how best to monitor it as demand for sustainable operations places more pressure upon the industry. Read full information on external site
Finding the perfect balance between sustainability and performance - intelligenttechchannels.com 2021-03-12 Andy Connor, Channel Director, EMEA, Subzero Engineering, discusses the need for data centre leaders to become more aware of the environmental consequences of their digital footprint and how best to monitor it as demand for sustainable operations places more pressure upon the industry. Read full information on external site
Delta’s Pod Data Center Solution Enables Vietnam’s First Uptime Tccf Tier Iii-certified Data Center For Hanoi Telecom’s Subsidiary Htc-itc - processindustrymatch.com2021-03-12 Delta, a global leader in power and thermal management solutions, has just announced the successful implementation of its energy-saving POD (Point of Delivery) data center solution to enable Vietnam’s first Uptime TCCF (Tier Certification of Constructed Facility) TIER III-certified data center for HTC-ITC, a subsidiary of Hanoi Telecom. Read full information on external site
WA, NT to benefit from $1.5 billion cable and data centre ecosystem - ecdonline.com.au2021-03-12 Western Australia and the Northern Territory will experience the most significant technological investment the region’s ever seen, with Fibre Expressway (FEPL) unveiling a first-of-its-kind US$1.5 billion technology ecosystem build, deepening the interconnectivity between Perth, Darwin and Asia. Read full information on external site
FEPL reveals details of WA and NT US$1.5bn Project Koete - intelligentcio.com2021-03-12 Fiber Expressway Pty Ltd has announced Project Koete which includes a high-speed low-latency subsea cable connecting with three data center hubs in Perth, Darwin and Dampier. Read full information on external site
FEPL reveals details of WA and NT US$1.5bn Project Koete - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-03-12 Fiber Expressway Pty Ltd has announced Project Koete which includes a high-speed low-latency subsea cable connecting with three data center hubs in Perth, Darwin and Dampier. Read full information on external site
IXcellerate Expands to Support Growing Russian Data Center Market - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-03-12 Backed by 21.4 MW of standby power from Zeppelin Power Systems and Caterpillar Read full information on external site
FEPL Reveals Details of WA and NT US$1.5bn Project Koete - australiancybersecuritymagazine.com.au 2021-03-12 Fibre Expressway Pty Ltd (FEPL) has unveiled the details of Project Koete, a first-of-its-kind US$1.5 billion technology ecosystem in Western Australia and Northern Territory. Read full information on external site
From PUE to ‘GUE’ – Measuring the Continued Evolution of Data Center Sustainability - datacenterfrontier.com2021-02-08 Sean Farney, Director of Data Center Marketing, Kohler Power Systems, highlights the need for an all-encompassing and standardized way to measure and report on data center sustainability across the entire data center ecosystem. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think – CIO - businesstelegraph.co.uk 2021-02-08 Prior the pandemic, you could ask a dozen people what “the future of work” meant and get 13 different answers. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think – CIO - businessfast.co.uk 2021-02-08 Prior the pandemic, you could ask a dozen people what “the future of work” meant and get 13 different answers. Read full information on external site
5 data centre trends that should be on your radar - blog.allstream.com2021-03-11 2021 could be a ‘standout’ year in which a number of emerging technologies gain traction in data centres, according to the latest trends forecast from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Bringing Utility-Level Reliability to Data Centers - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-03-11 Seemingly overnight, COVID-19 elevated data centers from resources to utilities. While global financial markets have been severely and negatively impacted by the pandemic, that shock would have cut much deeper were it not for workers’ and students’ abilities to carry on from home. Read full information on external site
Chayora Recognized for Data Centre Design - pipelinepub.com 2021-03-10 Chayora first Northern China datacentre to be awarded provisional Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility Read full information on external site
Video | Data Center Minute With Uptime Institute - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-03-10 In this episode of Data Center Minute, Amy Al-Katib, editor-in-chief of Mission Critical, talks with Uptime Institute's vice president of research, Rhonda Ascierto, and executive director of research, Andy Lawrence. Watch the interview to hear what they predict for the data center industry in 2021. Read full information on external site
Essar Selects Yotta Infrastructure as their Digital Transformation Partner - expresscomputer.in 2021-02-08 Winds up captive datacentres and consolidates all IT infrastructure at Yotta’s NM1 Datacenter Read full information on external site
AIIM acquires majority stake in Accra Data Centre - thebftonline.com2021-03-10 AIIM expands its digital infrastructure footprint with investment in carrier-neutral, co-location data centre via newly-incorporated Onix Data Centre platform Read full information on external site
Chayora first Northern China data centre to receive Uptime Institute award - capacitymedia.com 2021-03-10 Chayora Limited has revealed that it is the first data centre in Northern China to have been awarded both Uptime’s Institute Tier III Certificate of Design Documents and a provisional Tier IIII Certification of Constructed Facility. Read full information on external site
Deep Dive: James Byaruhanga, General Manager of Raxio Data Centre - intelligentdatacentres.com 2021-03-09 Raxio Data Centre has become the First Tier III Design Certified Data Centre in Uganda. In this Deep Dive, James Byaruhanga, General Manager talks about his most memorable achievement in the data centre industry and what he believes are the industry’s major areas of investment. Read full information on external site
2020 Was a Bright Spot for Women in Cyber, Report Finds - meritalk.com 2021-03-08 While 2020 was certainly a challenging year, a new report found that nearly half of women in the cybersecurity field say COVID-19 positively affected their career, with only 9 percent saying the pandemic negatively impacted their job Read full information on external site
AzInTelecom data centre gets Tier 3 certificate - telecompaper.com 2021-03-08 The reserved data centre of Azerbaijan state-owned operator AzInTelecom received the Tier 3 Facility certificate from the Uptime Institute, reports Trend. All the equipment and systems of the critical infrastructure at the data centre were tested. Read full information on external site
With connectivity on the rise, Africa is a hotspot for datacentre investments - computerweekly.com 2021-03-08 We look at opportunities for datacentre operators in setting up or partnering with local firms in Africa Read full information on external site
Upgrade promised for leading Ghanaian data centre - developingtelecoms.com 2021-03-08 Ghana’s only Tier IV data centre has reportedly been bought by fund management group African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM), which now promises to make the former Etix facility the largest data centre in the country. Read full information on external site
Most Texas Data Centers Weathered the Storm, But Things Did Not Go Smoothly - datacenterknowledge.com 2021-03-08 From generator fuel delivery issues to mechanical and electrical systems failing because of the extreme cold, it was one giant corner case of a week. Read full information on external site
Most Texas Data Centers Weathered the Storm, But Things Did Not Go Smoothly - itprotoday.com 2021-03-07 From generator fuel delivery issues to mechanical and electrical systems failing because of the extreme cold, it was one giant corner case of a week. Read full information on external site
Yotta plans 240MW campus in Kolkata - capacitymedia.com 2021-03-05 Yotta Infrastructure has unveiled plans for a US$150 million, 240Mw data centre park in Kolkata, West Bengal. Read full information on external site
AIIM acquires majority stake in Ghana’s Ngoya Etix DC - itweb.africa 2021-03-05 African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM), one of Africa’s largest infrastructure-focused private equity fund managers, together with the management team of the new Onix Data Centres Limited (Onix DC) platform, have acquired a majority stake in Ngoya Etix DC (Ghana) Ltd, a carrier-neutral data centre with a current capacity of 170 racks (expandable to 680 racks), via AIIM’s flagship pan-African infrastructure fund, AIIF3. Read full information on external site
African Infrastructure Investment Managers acquires majority stake in Ghana-based data centre - africanreview.com2021-03-05 African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM), one of Africa’s largest infrastructure-focused private equity fund managers, and Onix Data Centres (“Onix DC”), have acquired a majority stake in Ngoya Etix DC (Ghana, a carrier-neutral data centre with a current capacity of 170 racks (expandable to 680 racks), via AIIM’s flagship pan-African infrastructure fund, AIIF3 Read full information on external site
Analysis: How will China’s internet giants become carbon neutral? - agreenerlifeagreenerworld.net 2021-03-05 China’s big internet firms are lagging their overseas counterparts on reducing emissions in their operations, supply chains and the many businesses they facilitate, writes Ye Ruiqui. Read full information on external site
Prioritising workloads in a hyper-converged infrastructure migration - computerweekly.com 2021-03-04 A cost-effective approach to combining virtualisation and unified management probably means deploying it workload by workload, experts suggest Read full information on external site
Hyper-converged infrastructure: Why software-defined everything might not work for all datacentres - computerweekly.com 2021-03-04 Choosing the right converged infrastructure in the first instance can pivot on a trade-off between security and agility requirements Read full information on external site
Industry Report | Five Data Center Trends for 2021 - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-03-04 Sector dynamics, market developments, innovations, challenges, and opportunities Read full information on external site
African Infrastructure Investment Managers acquire majority stake in Ghana-based data centre - businessghana.com 2021-03-04 African Infrastructure Investment Managers (“AIIM”), one of Africa’s largest infrastructure-focused private equity fund managers, together with the management team of the new Onix Data Centres Limited (“Onix DC”) platform, have acquired a majority stake in Ngoya Etix DC (Ghana) Ltd, a carrier-neutral data centre with a current capacity of 170 racks (expandable to 680 racks), via AIIM’s flagship pan-African infrastructure fund, AIIF3. Read full information on external site
Cloudlayer8 Launches Its Brand-New And Upgraded Corporate Website - goldnews.com.cy2021-03-03 CloudLayer8 (CL8), the first independent, carrier neutral, state-of-the-art Tier III Data Center in Cyprus, has announced the launch of its new upgraded corporate website www.cl8.com. Read full information on external site
Cyprus based CL8 launches its brand-new and upgraded corporate website - cyprusshippingnews.com 2021-03-03 CloudLayer8 (CL8), the first independent, carrier neutral, state-of-the-art Tier III Data Center in Cyprus, has announced the launch of its new upgraded corporate website www.cl8.com. Read full information on external site
Safe home for the rising piles of data - dqindia.com 2021-03-03 Rising digitisation has made data centres the cornerstone of ICT landscape. We speak to industry leaders about tech options, challenges, policies, and market prospects Read full information on external site
With New Funding, Salute Tackles the Data Center Staffing Challenge - datacenterfrontier.com 2021-03-02 Salute Inc. co-founder and Chairman Lee Kirby speaks at a recent data center industry conference. (Photo: RIch Miller) Read full information on external site
February 2021
'Hyperscalers Are The New Utility Players': Cloud Wars Drive Global Data Center Boom - bisnow.com2021-02-25 The demand for hyperscale data centers is requiring developers to think outside the box in developing large campuses, increasingly outside of the U.S. Read full information on external site
"MyDIGITAL – Malaysia’s 10-year bid to revitalise the digital economy - disruptive.asia2021-02-24 Industry leaders and analysts have posited a generally warm welcome to the apparent re-envisioning of Malaysia’s digital aspirations with MyDIGITAL, a 10-year digital economy blueprint to reboot and implement the nation’s transformation into a technologically-advanced economy by 2030.Read full information on external site
How will China’s internet giants become carbon neutral? - hoteldealsphuket.com 2021-02-23 On 12 January, Tencent, one of the world’s largest internet companies, responded to the Chinese government’s carbon neutrality goal by announcing it was planning to reach neutrality itself. Read full information on external site
How will China’s internet giants become carbon neutral? - eco-business.com 2021-02-23 China’s big internet firms are lagging their overseas counterparts on reducing emissions in their operations, supply chains and the many businesses they facilitate. Read full information on external site
India’s Data center Man Projects 10x Growth in Next 5 – 7 Years - digitalcreed.in 2021-02-22 Indian data center operators like Yotta Infrastructure are building data center parks around the country to prepare for the massive demand projected in the next 5 - 7 years. Read full information on external site
Colt DCS' Inzai 1 data centre awarded Stamp of Approval for Management & Operations - websitegear.com2021-02-22 The award, certified by Uptime Institute Professional Services, is recognition of Inzai 1's operational sustainability Read full information on external site
How colocation fits alongside a cloud-native architecture - computerweekly.com 2021-02-22 IT departments are on a cloud-native roadmap to become more agile, but they are constrained by the risks involved in migrating core systems and data Read full information on external site
NEXTDC : Why data centre ‘reliability' matters – and how to maximise your return - marketscreener.com2021-02-22 Data centre outages or breaches cause irreparable damage and costly disruptions that wreak havoc on business operations. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Expands its Birmingham, AL Data Center Adding 1MW of Power - metroatlantaceo.com 2021-02-22 DC BLOX, a provider of interconnected multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today’s digital business, announces the expansion of its Birmingham, AL data center. Read full information on external site
Why Data Centre ‘Reliability’ Matters – And How To Maximise Your Return - publicnow.com2021-02-21 Data centre outages or breaches cause irreparable damage and costly disruptions that wreak havoc on business operations. Read full information on external site
Data centre training, recruitment need to change to meet staffing demand - sg.channelasia.tech 2021-02-19 Data centre managers need to raise the profile of available job roles and rethink hiring tactics, according to executives from Google Data Centers and Compass Datacenters Read full information on external site
DC BLOX expands data centre hub in Alabama - capacitymedia.com2021-02-19 DC BLOX has announced the expansion of its data centre facility in Birmingham, Alabama that includes 1MW of power capacity and completes the full build-out of its first data hall. Read full information on external site
Outdated systems, reliance on outsourcing exacerbate IT risk at UK banks - spglobal.com 2021-02-19 Bungled IT change is a leading culprit for outages and disruptions at U.K. financial institutions, and an overreliance on legacy systems and outsourcing could make the problem worse, according to market participants. Read full information on external site
Data centre training, recruitment need to change to meet staffing demand - arnnet.com.au2021-02-18 Data centre managers need to raise the profile of available job roles and rethink hiring tactics, according to executives from Google Data Centers and Compass Datacenters Read full information on external site
Data-center training, recruitment need to change to meet staffing demands - networkworld.com 2021-02-17 Data-center managers need to raise the profile of available job roles and rethink hiring tactics, say executives from Google Data Centers and Compass Datacenters. Read full information on external site
Dc Blox Expands Us Data Centre - datacentre.me 2021-02-16 DC BLOX announces expansion of its Birmingham, AL data centre. Visit the DCME website for more information on this and other industry news. Read full information on external site
Testing Data Centre Demand in Africa - theexchange.africa 2021-02-16 Global data centre spend was expected to reach an impressive total of $208 billion by the end of 2020 Read full information on external site
Data-center training, recruitment need to change to meet staffing demand - gixtools.net 2021-02-16 As demand for data-center capacity has surged, owners and operators are struggling to keep pace on the employee side. Read full information on external site
Colt DCS’ Inzai 1 data centre awarded Stamp of Approval for Management & Operations - intelligentdatacentres.com 2021-02-16 Colt Data Centre Services’ (DCS) Inzai 1 data centre has been awarded the Stamp of Approval for Management & Operations (M&O) by Uptime Institute Professional Services. Read full information on external site
Global Data Centre Spend Will Increase In The Year - .cio.co.ke2021-02-16 Global data centre spend is expected to reach an impressive total of $208 billion by the end of 2020. Read full information on external site
Hiranandani Group to set up Industrial – Logistics and Data Center Park in West Bengal - thepropertytimes.in 2021-02-16 Enters into MoU in the state of West Bengal to enable investment of Rs. 10,000 crores Read full information on external site
Hiranandani Group to set up industrial, logistics and data center park in West Bengal - cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com 2021-02-16 The integrated logistics and hyperscale data center park will be set up by Hiranandani group companies GreenBase and Yotta, respectively. Read full information on external site
set up integrated logistics and hyperscale data centre park in west bengal - projectstiger.com 2021-02-16 The Hiranandani Group has entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to set up integrated logistics and hyperscale data centre park in the state of West Bengal Read full information on external site
Hiranandani Group to invest INR 10,000 crore for industrial, logistics and data centre park in West Bengal - logisticsinsider.in2021-02-16 Premium real estate developer Hiranandani Group has signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) in West Bengal to set up an industrial, logistics and hyper-scale data centre park in the region, which is estimated to cross INR 10,000 crore. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think - sg.channelasia.tech 2021-02-15 What will your worklife be like years from now? Today's work-from-home world has given us a glimpse of the future, as these five articles from CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, and Network World illustrate Read full information on external site
Colt DCS' Inzai 1 data centre awarded Stamp of Approval for Management & Operations - worksmartasia.blogspot.com 2021-02-15 The award, certified by Uptime Institute Professional Services, is recognition of Inzai 1's operational sustainability Read full information on external site
Colt DCS' Inzai 1 data centre awarded Stamp of Approval for Management & Operations - quotes.fatpitchfinancials.com 2021-02-15 The M&O Stamp of Approval outlines the necessary measures data centre owners and operators must take to achieve the maximum uptime of their existing data centres. Read full information on external site
Hiranandani Group signs MOU with WB - newsbarons.com 2021-02-15 Hiranandani Group to set up Industrial, Logistics and Data Center Park in West Bengal with an estimated investment, by the group and their customer, of over INR 10,000 crore. Read full information on external site
Datacentre Investments – The India Advantage - dailyhostnews.com 2021-02-15 India’s datacentre market is well poised to in coming years reaching ~$5 billion by 2025 driven by India’s growing data economy and an increasing focus on data protection and data localisation policies Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think - arnnet.com.au2021-02-15 What will your worklife be like years from now? Today's work-from-home world has given us a glimpse of the future, as these five articles from CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, and Network World illustrate Read full information on external site
Hiranandani group to develop industrial-data centre park in Bengal - business-standard.com 2021-02-15 Mumbai-based The Hiranandani Group on Monday said it will invest around Rs 8,500 crore to develop industrial and data centre parks in West Bengal. Read full information on external site
Digital transformation provides multiple benefits to citizens - vietnambreakingnews.com 2021-02-13 HCM City has developed dozens of digital apps for the transport, housing, and healthcare sectors that offer many benefits to the public and businesses. Read full information on external site
Protect or neglect - Ensuring adequate fire protection for data cabling - modbs.co.uk 2021-02-11 With an array of differing standards in place, operators should ensure that their cable protection meets all low fire hazard criteria requirements. Read full information on external site
How will China’s internet giants become carbon neutral? - chinadialogue.net 2021-02-10 China’s big internet firms are lagging their overseas counterparts on reducing emissions in their operations, supply chains and the many businesses they facilitate, writes Ye Ruiqui Read full information on external site
Australian Data Centres Selects Oracle Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer to Provide Sovereign Cloud Services to Government - oracle.com2021-02-09 Provides new option for secure government workloads Read full information on external site
Gmail Outages and Cloud Downtime: How to Ensure Business Continuity - marketscreener.com 2021-02-09 The recent high-profile Gmail outage was part of a troubling increase in cloud service breakdowns. Organizations need to revise their planning for business continuity. Read full information on external site
Australian Data Centres Selects Oracle Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer to Provide Sovereign Cloud Services to Government - quotes.fatpitchfinancials.com2021-02-09 Australian Data Centres (ADC) has selected Oracle Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer to provide sovereign hosted cloud services to the Australian Federal Government. Read full information on external site
Can the internet ever be green? - bbc.co.uk/2021-02-09 Data is driving a new industrial revolution globally, and it is growing exponentially. But what damage is it doing to the climate? Read full information on external site
Essar selects Yotta Infrastructure as their digital transformation partner - communicationstoday.co.in 2021-02-09 Yotta Infrastructure today announced that Essar Capital Ltd., having investments worth around USD 14 billion, has undertaken a large-scale digital transformation initiative by consolidating their various on-premise datacenters into Yotta’s state-of-the-art Yotta NM1 datacenter at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
How the data centre workforce is evolving - sg.channelasia.tech2021-02-09 As staffing requirements grow globally, organisations are looking for IT pros with skills that include cloud management, data analytics, network programming and security Read full information on external site
How the data centre workforce is evolving - channelasia.tech2021-02-09 As staffing requirements grow globally, organisations are looking for IT pros with skills that include cloud management, data analytics, network programming and security Read full information on external site
How the data centre workforce is evolving – Reseller News - businessfast.co.uk 2021-02-09 The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected many areas of IT, including the data centre, where changes to the infrastructure — particularly adoption of cloud services — are bringing about the need for new skill sets among workers who staff them. Read full information on external site
How the data centre workforce is evolving – Reseller News - businesstelegraph.co.uk 2021-02-09 The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected many areas of IT, including the data centre, where changes to the infrastructure — particularly adoption of cloud services — are bringing about the need for new skill sets among workers who staff them. Read full information on external site
Why running your own data centre needs to be reconsidered - marketscreener.com 2021-02-09 As our world becomes ever more digitalised and interconnected, organisations of all shapes and sizes have discovered that their data centre has become the new engine room of their day-to-day operations, and the driver for growth. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure signs Mumbai data centre deal with Essar Capital - capacitymedia.com 2021-02-09 Yotta Infrastructure announced that Essar Capital has undertaken a digital transformation initiative by consolidating their on-premise data centres into Yotta’s data centre at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
How the data centre workforce is evolving - nationalcybersecuritynews.today 2021-02-09 The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected many areas of IT, including the data centre, where changes to the infrastructure — particularly adoption of cloud services — are bringing about the need for new skill sets among workers who staff them. Read full information on external site
Essar selects Yotta Infrastructure as their digital transformation partner - tele.net.in2021-02-09 Yotta Infrastructure has announced that Essar Capital Ltd., having investments worth around $14 billion, has undertaken a large-scale digital transformation initiative by consolidating their various on-premise data centres into Yotta’s state-of-the-art Yotta NM1 data centre at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
How the data centre workforce is evolving - arnnet.com.au 2021-02-09 As staffing requirements grow globally, organisations are looking for IT pros with skills that include cloud management, data analytics, network programming and security Read full information on external site
Why Running Your Own Data Centre Needs To Be Reconsidered - publicnow.com2021-02-09 As our world becomes ever more digitalised and interconnected, organisations of all shapes and sizes have discovered that their data centre has become the new engine room of their day-to-day operations, and the driver for growth. Read full information on external site
How the data centre workforce is evolving - reseller.co.nz2021-02-09 As staffing requirements grow globally, organisations are looking for IT pros with skills that include cloud management, data analytics, network programming and security Read full information on external site
Essar selects Yotta Infrastructure as their digital transformation partner - communicationstoday.co.in 2021-02-09 Yotta Infrastructure today announced that Essar Capital Ltd., having investments worth around USD 14 billion, has undertaken a large-scale digital transformation initiative by consolidating their various on-premise datacenters into Yotta’s state-of-the-art Yotta NM1 datacenter at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
As Data Center Development Soars Nationwide, A Problem Looms: Who Will Run The Facilities? - bisnow.com2021-02-09 As Data center developers and operators are grappling with shortages of specialized labor that are expected to increase over the next five years. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think - icrazemagazine.com 2021-02-08 Prior the pandemic, you may ask a dozen individuals what “the way forward for work” meant and get 13 completely different solutions. Read full information on external site
Essar Capital migrates from on-premise data centers to Yotta’s NM1 facility - datacenterdynamics.com 2021-02-08 Indian Construction conglomerate's investment wing migrates from on-prem to colo facility Read full information on external site
From PUE to ‘GUE’ – Measuring the Continued Evolution of Data Center Sustainability - datacenterfrontier.com2021-02-08 Sean Farney, Director of Data Center Marketing, Kohler Power Systems, highlights the need for an all-encompassing and standardized way to measure and report on data center sustainability across the entire data center ecosystem. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think – CIO - businesstelegraph.co.uk 2021-02-08 Prior the pandemic, you could ask a dozen people what “the future of work” meant and get 13 different answers. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think – CIO - businessfast.co.uk 2021-02-08 Prior the pandemic, you could ask a dozen people what “the future of work” meant and get 13 different answers. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think - icrazemagazine.com2021-02-08 Prior the pandemic, you may ask a dozen individuals what “the way forward for work” meant and get 13 completely different solutions. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think - nbnews24.com 2021-02-08 Prior the pandemic, you can ask a dozen individuals what “the way forward for work” meant and get 13 totally different solutions. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think - techregister.co.uk 2021-02-08 Prior the pandemic, you could ask a dozen people what “the future of work” meant and get 13 different answers. Read full information on external site
Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications opens Batelco data centre - techregister.co.uk 2021-02-08 Bahrain-based telco Batelco has officially launched its enterprise data centre located in Hamala in the Gulf state. Read full information on external site
Essar Selects Yotta Infrastructure as their Digital Transformation Partner - expresscomputer.in 2021-02-08 Winds up captive datacentres and consolidates all IT infrastructure at Yotta’s NM1 Datacenter Read full information on external site
Batelco Kingdom Of Bahrain Data Centre - datacentre.me2021-02-08 The official opening of the largest Enterprise Data Centre in the Kingdom of Bahrain Read full information on external site
Batelco opens largest data center in the Kingdom of Bahrain - channelpostmea.com 2021-02-08 The new Data Center has achieved Tier III certification for design and build from the Uptime Institute, a global authority that specializes in evaluating global data centers through a series of performance-based assessments designed to measure progress and efficiency of all data centers across the world. Read full information on external site
Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications opens Batelco data centre - intelligentcio.com 2021-02-08 Bahrain-based telco Batelco has officially launched its enterprise data centre located in Hamala in the Gulf state. Read full information on external site
How the data-center workforce is evolving - networkworld.com2021-02-08 As staffing requirements grow globally, organizations are looking for IT pros with skills that include cloud management, data analytics, network programming and security. Read full information on external site
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think - cio.com 2021-02-08 What will your worklife be like years from now? Today's work-from-home world has given us a glimpse of the future, as these five articles from CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, and Network World illustrate. Read full information on external site
Essar Selects Yotta Infrastructure as their Digital Transformation Partner - varindia.com 2021-02-08 Yotta Infrastructure today announced that Essar Capital Ltd., having investments worth around USD 14 billion, has undertaken a large-scale digital transformation initiative by consolidating their various on-premise datacenters into Yotta’s state-of-the-art Yotta NM1 datacenter at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications opens Batelco data centre - intelligentdatacentres.com 2021-02-08 Bahrain-based telco Batelco has officially launched its enterprise data centre located in Hamala in the Gulf state. Read full information on external site
Batelco opens enterprise data centre - telecompaper.com 2021-02-08 Bahrain's operator Batelco announced the official opening of the largest enterprise data centre in the country. Read full information on external site
Essar Selects Yotta Infrastructure as their Digital Transformation Partner - cxotoday.com 2021-02-08 Winds up captive datacentres and consolidates all IT infrastructure at Yotta’s NM1 Datacenter Yotta Infrastructure today announced that Essar Capital Ltd., Read full information on external site
Essar Selects Yotta Infrastructure as their Digital Transformation Partner - technuter.com 2021-02-08 Yotta Infrastructure announced that Essar Capital Ltd., having investments worth around USD 14 billion, has undertaken a large-scale digital transformation initiative by consolidating their various on-premise datacenters into Yotta’s state-of-the-art Yotta NM1 datacenter at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
Essar Selects Yotta Infrastructure as their Digital Transformation Partner - smechannels.com 2021-02-08 Essar Capital Ltd., having investments worth around USD 14 billion, has undertaken a large-scale digital transformation initiative by consolidating their various on-premise datacenters into Yotta’s state-of-the-art Yotta NM1 datacenter at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
stc to expand its data centre portfolio in Saudi Arabia - intelligentcio.com2021-01-04 Saudi-based telco stc has announced the launch of three mega data centres in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Madina, with 1 billion Saudi Arabian riyal (US$266.6 million) investment. Read full information on external site
Essar Selects Yotta Infrastructure as their Digital Transformation Partner - voicendata.com 2021-02-08 Yotta Infrastructure has recently announced that Essar Capital having investments worth around USD 14 billion, has undertaken a large-scale digital transformation initiative by consolidating their various on-premise datacenters into Yotta’s state-of-the-art Yotta NM1 datacenter at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
Batelco inaugurates largest enterprise data centre in Bahrainr - telecomreview.com 2021-02-08 Bahrain's leading telecom services operator Batelco has announced the official opening of the largest enterprise data centre in the kingdom. Read full information on external site
Essar Selects Yotta Infrastructure as their Digital Transformation Partner - enterpriseitworld.com 2021-02-08 Yotta Infrastructure announced that Essar Capital Ltd., having investments worth around USD 14 billion, has undertaken a large-scale digital transformation initiative by consolidating their various on-premise datacenters into Yotta’s state-of-the-art Yotta NM1 datacenter at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
Essar Taps Yotta Infrastructure for Digital Transformation - channeldrive.in 2021-02-08 Yotta Infrastructure has announced that Essar Capital Ltd., having investments worth around USD 14 billion, has undertaken a large-scale digital transformation initiative by consolidating their various on-premise datacenters into Yotta’s state-of-the-art Yotta NM1 datacenter at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
Batelco opens largest enterprise data centre in Bahrain - abc-bahrain.com 2021-02-08 Bahrain's leading telecom services operator Batelco has announced the official opening of the largest enterprise data centre in the kingdom. The new facility has achieved Tier III certification for design and build from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Batelco opens the largest Enterprise data center in Bahrain - bizbahrain.com 2021-02-08 In the presence of H.E. Engineer Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed, Minister of Transportation & Telecommunications and Chairman of Batelco Shaikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Batelco’s Data Center, located in Hamala, was officially opened on Thursday, February 4th. Read full information on external site
Batelco opens data centre in Hamala - newsofbahrain.com 2021-02-08 Batelco opened its third data centre in Bahrain at Hamala in the presence of Kamal Ahmed, the Minister of Transportation & Telecommunications, and Shaikh Abdukka bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, the Chariman of Batelco on Thursday. Read full information on external site
Batelco opens largest enterprise data centre in Bahrain - zawya.com 2021-02-06 The launch of this center is a remarkable achievement for Batelco, supporting the Kingdom's achievements in the telecommunications sector Read full information on external site
Batelco opens largest enterprise data centre in Bahrain - tradearabia.com 2021-02-06 Bahrain's leading telecom services operator Batelco has announced the official opening of the largest enterprise data centre in the kingdom. The new facility has achieved Tier III certification for design and build from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Top 5 Data Center Stories of the Week: February 5, 2021 - datacenterknowledge.com 2021-02-05 Nutanix and VMware's relationship disintegrates, Juniper CTO explains his vision for the company, Uptime offers ways to mitigate the staffing crisis, and more. Read full information on external site
How to Navigate the RFP Process in Colocation Procurement - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-02-05 Optimizing the colocation selection and procurement process — Part 4 in a 6-Part series Read full information on external site
NTT launches fifth data center in Malaysia - companynewshq.com 2021-02-04 NTT expands its hyperscale data center footprint in Malaysia, creating new job opportunities for the nation and supporting its growing digital economy. Read full information on external site
"the People Challenge": Discover Uptime's Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025 - hrone.lu 2021-02-04 Uptime Institute recently released it Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025, the digital infrastructure industry's first comprehensive forecast of workforce needs. Read full information on external site
Uptime Says the Data Center Staffing ‘Crisis’ Doesn’t Have to Be a Crisis - datacenterknowledge.com 2021-02-03 Adjusting qualifications in their job listings could be the ticket to a more abundant talent pool for data center operators. Read full information on external site
Data-center staffing shortage to spike in coming years - networkworld.com 2021-02-03 With data-center recruitment issues projected to increase, researchers from Uptime Institute are concerned the bar is set too high for applicants. Read full information on external site
Automating Fiber Cross Connects: Ready for Today, Prepared for Tomorrow - datacenterfrontier.com 2021-02-03 Bob Shine, VP Marketing and Product Management at Telescent, explores the ins and outs of automating fiber and how new systems are arising to successfully automate the fiber layer. Read full information on external site
How Air Pollutants Can Shorten the Life of IT Equipment - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-02-02 For data centers and other similar critical facilities, IAQ is a function of local air quality for any building operations that generate particulate matter/air pollutants and the air-handling equipment’s filters. Read full information on external site
Power play: How Australia’s NextDC underwrites its 100 percent uptime guarantee - datacenterdynamics.com 2021-02-02 NextDC installs the best of everything in a bid to ensure it keeps its bold uptime promises to customers Read full information on external site
BCS Selected as Critical Facility Operator for JEMB Realty Data Center in New York City - tmcnet.com 2021-02-02 BCS, one of the nation's fastest growing data center operations providers, today announced it has been selected to provide critical facility management for a data center formally operated by FiberMedia Group LLC and located within one of the original office towers erected in New York's Financial District. Read full information on external site
China Mobile International Opens Frankfurt Data Centre - datacentre.me 2021-02-02 A new China Mobile International Limited (CMI) data centre is now open in Germany. The purpose-built Tier III facility is located in Frankfurt, the financial capital of the European Union. Read full information on external site
Air-Cooled Chillers Are Back in Data Centers, and They Mean Business - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-02-02 After years of chasing the attractive efficiency numbers offered by water-based evaporative systems, many data center providers are giving air-cooled chillers a second look. Read full information on external site
BCS Selected as Critical Facility Operator for JEMB Realty Data Center in New York City - streetinsider.com 2021-02-02 BCS, one of the nation’s fastest growing data center operations providers, today announced it has been selected to provide critical facility management for a data center formally operated by FiberMedia Group LLC and located within one of the original office towers erected in New York’s Financial District. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Announces Global Data Center Staffing Forecast Report - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2021-02-01 Digital growth fuels strong demand for data center capacity Read full information on external site
Must-read research: Pandemic-proof data centres offer hope for the future - nation.africa 2021-02-01 The adage, “hope for the best, plan for the worst”, is particularly apt for the data centre industry right now. Read full information on external site
January 2021
Video | International Data Center Day - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-01-29 This year's International Data Center Day celebration takes place on March 24. Find out how you can participate and inspire the next generation of data center professionals from Bob Cassiliano — chairman and CEO of 7x24 Exchange Intl., the organization behind International Data Center Day — and Will Schultz, vice president of technology at Netrality Data Centers — the signature International Data Center Day sponsor. Read full information on external site
"The People Challenge": Discover Uptime's Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025 - itone.lu2021-01-28 Uptime Institute recently released it Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025, the digital infrastructure industry's first comprehensive forecast of workforce needs. The report is segmented by region, by data center type, and by staff minimum education requirements.Read full information on external site
Bi-fuel generators: a good option for long-term backup power without refueling anxiety? - datacenterdynamics.com 2021-01-28 TRG opts for natural gas & diesel combo for backup generators to reduce ‘range anxiety’ in the face of hurricanes Read full information on external site
Data centers need to find 300,000 more staff by 2025 - datacenterdynamics.com 2021-01-28 Uptime Institute research says employers are making the skills crisis worse by demanding over-ambitious qualifications Read full information on external site
IpHost Offers Nearly Two Decades of Experience in Shared, Virtual, and Dedicated Servers, Plus Domain Name Registration - hostingadvice.com 2021-01-28 IpHost, founded in 2002 as an early entrant into the Greek hosting space, is on a mission to provide top-notch cloud infrastructure, datacenter, and domain registration solutions. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: Lack of Specialist Data Center Staff an Increasing Concern - hostingjournalist.com2021-01-27 In every geographic region, data center capacity is dramatically expanding in a build-out of historic proportions, says Uptime Institute in its newly released industry report. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Announces Industry’s First Global Data Center Staffing Forecast Report - techrseries.com2021-01-27 Uptime Institute today announced the availability of its Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025, the digital infrastructure industry’s first comprehensive forecast of workforce needs — by region, by data center type, and by staff minimum education requirements. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute presenteert eerste Data Center Staffing Forecast Report - datacenterworks.nl2021-01-27 Uptime Institute heeft het Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025 gepresenteerd, de eerste uitgebreide prognose voor de digitale infrastructuurindustrie van de personeelsbehoeften. Read full information on external site
Digital art, datacentre futures and diversity – The Computer Weekly Downtime Upload Podcast - computerweekly.com2021-01-27 In this week’s episode of the Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast, Clare McDonald, Caroline Donnelly and Brian McKenna discuss digital art, Covid-19’s likely lasting impact on the datacentre industry, and the lack of progress in diversity in IT Read full information on external site
Report reveals data centre staffing challenge - digitalisationworld.com2021-01-26 Uptime Institute has published its Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025, the digital infrastructure industry’s first comprehensive forecast of workforce needs — by region, by data center type, and by staff minimum education requirements. Read full information on external site
Data centre job market projected to grow to 2.3mn by 2025 - datacentremagazine.com2021-01-26 The Uptime Institute predicts that data centre staffing demands are expected to skyrocket in the next five years Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute announces industry’s first global data centre staffing forecast report - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-01-26 Uptime Institute has announced the availability of its Global Data Centre Staffing Forecast 2021-2025, the digital infrastructure industry’s first comprehensive forecast of workforce needs – by region, by data centre type and by staff minimum education requirements. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Announces Industry's First Global Data Center Staffing Forecast Report - digitalconqurer.com2021-01-26 Digital Growth Fuels Strong Demand for Data Center Capacity, can Staffing Recruitment and Required Skill Sets Rise to the Challenge? Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Announces Industry's First Global Data Center Staffing Forecast Report - latintrade.com2021-01-26 Digital Growth Fuels Strong Demand for Data Center Capacity, can Staffing Recruitment and Required Skill Sets Rise to the Challenge? Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Announces Industry's First Global Data Center Staffing Forecast Report - finanzen.net2021-01-26 Uptime Institute today announced the availability of its Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025, the digital infrastructure industry's first comprehensive forecast of workforce needs — by region, by data center type, and by staff minimum education requirements. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Announces Industry's First Global Data Center Staffing Forecast Report - tmcnet.com2021-01-26 Uptime Institute today announced the availability of its Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025, the digital infrastructure industry's first comprehensive forecast of workforce needs — by region, by data center type, and by staff minimum education requirements. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-01-26 New offerings for essential design and operations Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - vectornews.eu2021-01-26 A Uptime InstituteA today announced the company's 2021 education and training calendar along with two new live instructor-led online classes designed to allow business leaders and other stakeholders to gain the essential knowledge needed for design and operations. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Announces Industry's First Global Data Center Staffing Forecast Report - jotup.co2021-01-26 Uptime Institute today announced the availability of its Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025 , the digital infrastructure industry's first comprehensive forecast of workforce needs by region, by data center type, and by staff minimum education requirements. Read full information on external site
The People Challenge: Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025 - datacenterworks.nl2021-01-26 January 26th we are announcing the Industry’s first global data center staffing forecast report, a comprehensive forecast of workplace needs by region, data center type and staff education requirements. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute report highlights recruitment issues blighting global datacentre industry - ca.worldpronews.com2021-01-26 First-of-its-kind research into recruitment challenges facing the datacentre industry calls for action to avert a skills crisis developing in the future Read full information on external site
Leveraging Data Analytics to Drive Desired Outcomes - monimega.com2021-01-26 The last thing anybody wants in their data center is an unplanned outage. Roughly one-third of all reported data center outages end up costing more than $ 250,000 annually, with many more exceeding $ 1 million, according to the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute announces industry’s first global data center staffing forecast - communicationstoday.co.in2021-01-26 Uptime Institute today announced the availability of its Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025, the digital infrastructure industry’s first comprehensive forecast of workforce needs — by region, by data center type, and by staff minimum education requirements. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute report highlights recruitment issues blighting global datacentre industry - computerweekly.com2021-01-26 First-of-its-kind research into recruitment challenges facing the datacentre industry calls for action to avert a skills crisis developing in the future Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Announces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar - hostingjournalist.com2021-01-22 Uptime Institute, the organization delivering its well-known global standard for the proper design, build and operation of data centers, has announced its 2021 education and training calendar. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - chinookobserver.com2021-01-21 New courses provide essential knowledge for those involved in the design and operations of high-performance digital infrastructures Read full information on external site
DC Two says Perth-based data center will come online ahead of schedule - datacenterdynamics.com2021-01-21 Australian firm’s Bibra Lake data center to be fully operational by April 2021 Read full information on external site
Wiit S p A : Five-yearly renewal and extension of the scope of services to the WIIT Smart Working as a service Cloud platform - marketscreener.com2021-01-21 Five-yearly renewal and extension of the scope of services to the WIIT Smart Working as a service Cloud platform for a value of approximately € 6.9 million with one of the most important international Groups leaders in the Business Process Outsourcing market Read full information on external site
The generation gap: Why legacy datacentres are not a good fit for HPC - computerweekly.com2021-01-21 In this guest post, Spencer Lamb, vice president of Harlow-based colocation firm Kao Data, sets out why legacy datacentres may struggle to accommodate the growing demand for HPC workloads Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - benzinga.com2021-01-20 Uptime Institute today announced the company's 2021 education and training calendar along with two new live instructor-led online classes designed to allow business leaders and other stakeholders to gain the essential knowledge needed for design and operations. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - newsblaze.com2021-01-20 New courses provide essential knowledge for those involved in the design and operations of high-performance digital infrastructures Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - techdogs.com2021-01-20 New courses provide essential knowledge for those involved in the design and operations of high-performance digital infrastructures Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - digitalconqurer.com2021-01-20 New courses provide essential knowledge for those involved in the design and operations of high-performance digital infrastructures Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - latinbusinesstoday.com2021-01-20 New courses provide essential knowledge for those involved in the design and operations of high-performance digital infrastructures Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - apnews.com2021-01-20 Uptime Institute today announced the company’s 2021 education and training calendar along with two new live instructor-led online classes designed to allow business leaders and other stakeholders to gain the essential knowledge needed for design and operations. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - hk.finance.yahoo.com2021-01-20 New courses provide essential knowledge for those involved in the design and operations of high-performance digital infrastructures Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - quotes.fatpitchfinancials.com2021-01-20 Uptime Institute today announced the company's 2021 education and training calendar along with two new live instructor-led online classes designed to allow business leaders and other stakeholders to gain the essential knowledge needed for design and operations. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - jotup.co2021-01-20 Uptime Institute today announced the company's 2021 education and training calendar along with two new live instructor-led online classes designed to allow business leaders and other stakeholders to gain the essential knowledge needed for design and operations. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - business.theeveningleader.com2021-01-20 Uptime Institute today announced the company's 2021 education and training calendar along with two new live instructor-led online classes designed to allow business leaders and other stakeholders to gain the essential knowledge needed for design and operations. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - tmcnet.com2021-01-20 Uptime Institute today announced the company's 2021 education and training calendar along with two new live instructor-led online classes designed to allow business leaders and other stakeholders to gain the essential knowledge needed for design and operations. Read full information on external site
Aggreko: Testing data centre demand - africanreview.com2021-01-20 As data centre usage increases thanks to technology advances and changing business requirements, providers need to ensure that their facilities can handle this demand. Read full information on external site
Pandemic-Proof Data Centers Offer Hope for The Future - techcabal.com2021-01-20 The first in a new blog series covering the latest must-read market research delves into an Uptime Institute report on how the data center industry is preparing for future pandemics. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Expanded 2021 Education Calendar with New Offerings for Essential Design and Operations - dailyrecordnews.com2021-01-20 New courses provide essential knowledge for those involved in the design and operations of high-performance digital infrastructures Read full information on external site
The biggest challenges and opportunities for channel partners in 2021 - tekdeeps.com2021-01-19 Despite the ongoing COVID pandemic, there will be full of new opportunities for partners who are willing to seize them, says Jesper Hersbro, distribution manager, Benelux and Nordics at Vertiv Read full information on external site
Tet announces €1.4 million data center expansion in Latvia - datacenterdynamics.com2021-01-19 Latvian operator Tet plans to expand its Riga-based Dattum data center and improve energy efficiency Read full information on external site
Downsizing your UPS – challenging the status quo of right sizing - datacenterdynamics.com2021-01-19 For today’s data center operators, downsizing legacy UPSs can offer a better return on investment (ROI), lower energy costs and increased resiliency, so why isn’t anyone talking about it? Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure Launches ‘Let’s Get Cloud’ Initiative To Boost Cloud Computing Adoption - egov.eletsonline.com2021-01-19 With the aim to make cloud computing services more affordable and accessible to start-ups, application developers and enterprises, Yotta Infrastructure has unveiled its latest initiative – Let’s Get Cloud. Read full information on external site
Expanding Application Domain Of Data Center Service Providers - technologymagazine.org2021-01-18 With more than over 5 million data centers worldwide, and much more under construction, the need for having exceptional yet robust data center services is being largely felt across various economies of the world today. Read full information on external site
Batelco’s Data Centre will boost digital economy: CBB’s Al Maraj - news.writecaliber.com2021-01-18 World-class establishments like that of Batelco’s Hamala Data Centre will contribute positively towards boosting the Kingdom’s digital economy, said Rasheed Al Maraj, the Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain. Read full information on external site
Batelco’s Data Centre will boost digital economy: CBB’s Al Maraj - newsofbahrain.com2021-01-18 World-class establishments like that of Batelco’s Hamala Data Centre will contribute positively towards boosting the Kingdom’s digital economy, said Rasheed Al Maraj, the Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain. Read full information on external site
Batelco Chairman Welcomes the Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain at its Hamala Data Center - bahrainthisweek.com2021-01-18 Batelco Chairman Shaikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al Khalifa welcomed the Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain, Mr. Rasheed Muhammad Al Maraj, to Batelco’s Hamala Data Center. Read full information on external site
CBB Governor visit to Batelco’s Hamala Data Center - bizbahrain.com2021-01-18 Batelco Chairman Shaikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al Khalifa welcomed the Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain, Mr. Rasheed Muhammad Al Maraj, to Batelco’s Hamala Data Center. Read full information on external site
CBB Governor visit to Batelco’s Hamala Data Center - news.writecaliber.com2021-01-18 Batelco Chairman Shaikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al Khalifa welcomed the Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain, Mr. Rasheed Muhammad Al Maraj, to Batelco’s Hamala Data Center. Read full information on external site
Batelco Chairman welcomes the Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain at its Hamala Data Center - samenacouncil.org2021-01-18 Batelco Chairman Shaikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al Khalifa welcomed the Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain, Mr. Rasheed Muhammad Al Maraj, to Batelco’s Hamala Data Center. Read full information on external site
How To Down-Select Colocation Candidates - missioncriticalmagazine.com2021-01-15 A well-executed colocation selection and procurement process Read full information on external site
View: How can CIOs drive digital transformation by maximizing the value of cloud? - cnbctv18.com2021-01-15 The year 2020 will go down in history books for many reasons. One of those is that the business world is more distributed than ever -- customers, partners, and employees work from their own locations (and rarely their offices) today. Read full information on external site
Chindata Group releases 2030 carbon neutral roadmap - communicationstoday.co.in2021-01-15 In December 2020, Chindata Group unveiled its roadmap to be carbon neutral for all its next-generation hyperscale data centers in China with its 100% renewable energy solution by 2030, 30 years sooner than China’s 2060 carbon neutral pledge. Read full information on external site
Chindata Group releases 2030 carbon neutral roadmap - transformingnetworkinfrastructure.com2021-01-14 In December 2020, Chindata Group(Nasdaq: CD) unveiled its roadmap to be carbon neutral for all its next-generation hyperscale data centers in China with its 100% renewable energy solution by 2030, 30 years sooner than China's 2060 carbon neutral pledge. Read full information on external site
Chinadata releases carbon neutral roadmap, pledges to be carbon neutral by 2030 - datacenterdynamics.com2021-01-14 Chindata becomes first Chinese data center company to make carbon neutral promise Read full information on external site
Chindata Group releases 2030 carbon neutral roadmap - quotes.fatpitchfinancials.com2021-01-14 In December 2020, Chindata Group(Nasdaq: CD) unveiled its roadmap to be carbon neutral for all its next-generation hyperscale data centers in China with its 100% renewable energy solution by 2030, 30 years sooner than China's 2060 carbon neutral pledge. Read full information on external site
INAP announces second expansion of Los Angeles data center - datacenterdynamics.com2021-01-13 LA facility is first expansion since INAP emerged from bankruptcy last year Read full information on external site
Sustainability: More challenging, more transparent - datacenterdynamics.com2021-01-13 When we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, we will still have global warming to contend with Read full information on external site
IDBI Intech to offer its products under CaaS - bankingfrontiers.com2021-01-09 IDBI Intech and Yotta have joined hands to offer IDBI Intech’s i-Reconciliation (i-Recon) and i-Anti-Money Laundering (i-AML) applications under the ‘Compliance as-a-Service’ umbrella. Read full information on external site
The Eight Trends That Will Shape the Data Center Industry in 2021 - datacenterfrontier.com2021-01-06 What lies ahead for the data center industry in 2021? At Data Center Frontier our eyes are on the horizon, and we’re constantly tracking the trends that matter. Read full information on external site
DCD>Talks with Ayotunde Coker - datacenterdynamics.com2021-01-06 George Rockett, CEO is joined by Dr Ayotunde Coker, CEO and MD of Rack Centre to discuss data center operations in Nigeria. Read full information on external site
IDBI Intech and Yotta partner to launch ‘Banking Compliance-as-a-Service’ - crn.in2021-01-06 IDBI Intech and Yotta have joined hands to offer IDBI Intech’s i-Reconciliation (i-Recon) and i-Anti-Money Laundering (i-AML) applications under ‘Compliance as-a-Service’ umbrella. Read full information on external site
Opening a Al Rajhi Bank account via the online portal alrajhibank - tekdeeps.com2021-01-05 The electronic opening of Al-Rajhi Bank account has become one of the easiest services provided by the official website of Al-Rajhi Bank, and customers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Read full information on external site
Keeping it green - capacitymedia.com2021-01-05 Jon Healy, operations director at Keysource, explains why sustainability will continue to influence business decisions in 2021 Read full information on external site
stc launches 3 new data centers in KSA - channelpostmea.com2021-01-04 stc has announced launching 3 Mega Data Centers in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Madina, with SAR 1 billion investment. They aim to host telecommunications equipment and digital cloud infrastructure, offering higher availability, more flexibility and faster time to the customer. Read full information on external site
stc to expand its data centre portfolio in Saudi Arabia - intelligentdatacentres.com2021-01-04 Saudi-based telco stc has announced the launch of three mega data centres in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Madina, with 1 billion Saudi Arabian riyal (US$266.6 million) investment. Read full information on external site
STC launches 3 mega data centres worth $266m - tradearabia.com2021-01-04 STC, a leading telecom provider in Saudi Arabia, has launched three mega data centres in Riyadh, Jeddah and Madinah, with SR1 billion ($266 million) investment, aiming to host telecommunications equipment and digital cloud infrastructure. Read full information on external site
Open an Al Rajhi Bank account through the online portal alrajhibank - nuevoperiodico.com2021-01-04 Al-Rajhi Bank account electronic opening has become one of the easiest services provided by Al-Rajhi Bank official website, and clients in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whether they are Saudi citizens or residents of the Kingdom Read full information on external site
Opening a Al Rajhi Bank account via the online portal alrajhibank - tekdeeps.com2021-01-04 The electronic opening of Al-Rajhi Bank account has become one of the easiest services provided by the official website of Al-Rajhi Bank, and customers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Read full information on external site
stc to expand its data centre portfolio in Saudi Arabia - intelligentcio.com2021-01-04 Saudi-based telco stc has announced the launch of three mega data centres in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Madina, with 1 billion Saudi Arabian riyal (US$266.6 million) investment. Read full information on external site
STC launches 3 mega data centres worth $266m - tradearabia.com2021-01-03 STC, a leading telecom provider in Saudi Arabia, has launched three mega data centres in Riyadh, Jeddah and Madinah, with SR1 billion ($266 million) investment, aiming to host telecommunications equipment and digital cloud infrastructure. Read full information on external site
December 2020
Awash In Renewable Energy, Nordics Beckon To Power-Guzzling Data Centers - forbes.com2020-12-31 High in the mountains of central Norway, snowmelt drains from white peaks and accumulates in Lake Stormyrbassenget. The icy lake water spills into a ravine and spins turbines at the Nedre Røssåga power plant, churning out zero-emissions electricity for around 100,000 households. Read full information on external site
stc launching 3 Mega Data Centers across Saudi Arabia - telecomreview.com2020-12-30 In presence of HRH prince Mohammed bin Khaled Abdulla Al-Faisal, stc has announced launching 3 Mega Data Centers in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Madina, with SAR 1 billion investment.Read full information on external site
Top 10 Data Center Stories of 2020 - techiestechguide.com 2020-12-30 Much of the 2020 data center news cycle has been dominated by the efforts of colocation and hyperscale operators to quickly adapt to unprecedented levels of demand for cloud services around the world as the pandemic Covid-19 was taking hold. Read full information on external site
STC opens mega data centre in Riyadh - telecompaper.com 2020-12-29 STC has launched three mega data centres in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Madina with a SAR 1 billion investment. STC said it adopted next-generation building technology with modular and prefabricated products, to ensure business continuity and service uptime. Read full information on external site
stc to expand its data center portfolio in Saudi Arabia - samenacouncil.org2020-12-29 The Mission of the SAMENA Telecommunications Council is to provide a unified, consensus-based platform and voice for leading operators and service providers in the South Asia/ Middle East/ North Africa region. Read full information on external site
stc to expand its data center portfolio in KSA - teletimesinternational.com2020-12-29 Launching 3 Mega Data Centers in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Madina with SAR 1 billion investment. Read full information on external site
stc to expand its data center portfolio with N101 billion investment - techeconomy.ng2020-12-29 Launching 3 Mega Data Centers in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Madina with N101.5 billion investment. Read full information on external site
Top 10 datacentre stories of 2020 - computerweekly.com2020-12-29 Here are Computer Weekly’s top 10 datacentre stories of 2020. Read full information on external site
What Goes On Inside A Modern Data Center? - builtin.com2020-12-24 Data centers increasingly power our day-to-day lives. Here’s how they’re evolving to reduce their environmental footprints. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric has launched a new TradeOff Tool to monitoring and maintaining an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) fleet - business.observernewsonline.com2020-12-24 Calculator aims to help users clarify costs associated with monitoring and maintaining an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) fleet. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric has launched a new TradeOff Tool to monitoring and maintaining an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) fleet - quotes.fatpitchfinancials.com 2020-12-24 Calculator aims to help users clarify costs associated with monitoring and maintaining an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) fleet. Read full information on external site
CWiit S p A : 2021 Corporate Events Calendar - dmarketscreener.com 2020-12-23 Milan 23rd December 2020 - WIIT S.p.A. ("WIIT" or the "Company"), one of the leading Italian players in the market of Cloud services for critical applications, announces the 2021 calendar of corporate events. Read full information on external site
Data Center Precision Air Conditioning Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2020-2025 with In-depth Analysis and Data-driven Insights on the Impact of COVID-19 - ResearchAndMarkets.com - markets.ask.com2020-12-23 In-depth Analysis and Data-driven Insights on the Impact of COVID-19 Included in this Global Data Center Precision Air Conditioning Market Report. Read full information on external site
SSE expands network to DataVita data center in Scotland - datacenterdynamics.com2020-12-23 Network infrastructure provider SSE Enterprise Telecoms has installed equipment at the DataVita data center in Scotland. Read full information on external site
American Savings Bank to migrate workloads to Servpac's MTP data center - datacenterdynamics.com 2020-12-23 Choosing Hawaii’s only facility built to Tier IV standards to keep its servers safe from hurricanes. Read full information on external site
Azerbaijan to create 'Government-cloud' national data center - menafn.com2020-12-23 Azerbaijan will create National Data Center 'Government Cloud' (G-cloud) on the basis of the Data Center operating under the Azintelecom LLC of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, Trend reports citing the ministry.Read full information on external site
Azerbaijan to create ‘Government-cloud’ national data center - dailyrepublic.com2020-12-22 Dec. 22—Azerbaijan will create National Data Center ‘Government Cloud’ (G-cloud) on the basis of the Data Center operating under the Azintelecom LLC of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, Trend reports citing the ministry. Read full information on external site
2021 Predictions - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-12-22 Industry experts share their thoughts on the future of data centers. Read full information on external site
Accountability – the “new” imperative - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-12-21 Outsourcing the requirement to own and operate data center capacity is the cornerstone of many digital transformation strategies, with almost every large. Read full information on external site
Delta display deployed at Yotta NM1 Data Center - inavateapac.com2020-12-20 Delta installed a high resolution and ultra-bright indoor LED display at Yotta NM1 Data Center located at Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Yotta NM1 is one of Asia’s largest Uptime Institute Certified Tier IV data centre. Read full information on external site
Delta's POD Data Center Solution Enables Vietnam's First Uptime TCCF TIER III-Certified Data Center for Hanoi Telecom's Subsidiary HTC-ITC - wboc.com2020-12-19 Delta, a global leader in power and thermal management solutions, today announced the successful implementation of its energy-saving POD (Point of Delivery) data center solution to enable Vietnam's first Uptime TCCF (Tier Certification of Constructed Facility) TIER III-certified data center for HTC-ITC, a subsidiary of Hanoi Telecom. Read full information on external site
Local blueprint, global footprint - theedgemarkets.com2020-12-19 Supporting Malaysia’s Smart City Framework and Moving Forward. Read full information on external site
The pandemic: new nightmares for the data center - datacenterdynamics.com2020-12-18 Covid-19 exposed many weaknesses in data center provision. How effectively have we really responded? Read full information on external site
Quality Uptime Services announce the winner of the DCD Data Center Architecture Award - datacenterdynamics.com2020-12-18 Our DCD team has scoured the internet for the top 12 data centers that don't just do the job, but look great too. Read full information on external site
GDH Expands Data Center Operations In Line With Dubai’s Smart City initiatives - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-12-18 The company was awarded Tier III Gold Operational Sustainability from Uptime Institute and is working to add more certifications. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric has launched a new TradeOff Tool, the Edge UPS Fleet Management Comparison Calculator - digitaljournal.com2020-12-18 Schneider Electric has launched a new TradeOff Tool, the Edge UPS Fleet Management Comparison Calculator, which aims to help users clarify costs associ ated with monitoring and maintaining an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) fleet. Read full information on external site
Local blueprint, global footprint - msn.com2020-12-18 Supporting Malaysia’s Smart City Framework and Moving Forward. Read full information on external site
SpaceDC infiltrates Jakarta’s data centre market - capacitymedia.com2020-12-18 With over 185 million internet users, Indonesia is one of the biggest online markets worldwide. As of July 2020, online penetration in the country stood at over 68%. Read full information on external site
Google Thinks Data Centers, Armed with Batteries, Should ‘Anchor’ a Carbon-Free Grid - datacenterknowledge.com2020-12-16 A large-scale battery plant at its Belgium data center will provide backup power and help balance the grid. Read full information on external site
Softline Confirmed 99.982 % Availability of Cloud Services - viv-media.com2020-12-16 The combined audit has confirmed the data centers availability at 99.982 %, thus the annual downtime will not exceed 1 hour 35 minutes. Read full information on external site
Climate change skepticism in the data center - datacenterdynamics.com 2020-12-15 Most data center managers accept the scientific consensus, but a significant minority — primarily in the US — do not. Read full information on external site
Google services outage: Gmail, YouTube and Docs temporarily down - computerweekly.com 2020-12-14 Google’s services suffered unexpected downtime on 14 December 2020. Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, the Android Play Store and its maps service all affected. Read full information on external site
Five Trends for 2021: accountability, automation, edge, sustainability, innovation - websitehostingreview.org2020-12-14 What we can expect for mission-critical digital infrastructure in 2021? Read full information on external site
Uganda Data Centre receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - ventureburn.com2020-12-14 Raxio Data Centre is officially the first Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda. Established in 2020, the Data Centre received the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification in October this year. Read full information on external site
Uganda Data Centre receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - startup365.fr 2020-12-14 Raxio Data Centre is officially the first Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda. Established in 2020, the Data Centre received the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification in October this year. Read full information on external site
Siemens Delivers AI-Based Cooling Solution for Tier IV Data Center - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-12-11 White space cooling optimization for greenfield data center in the Paris region. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute’s data center tier standards - searchdatacenter.techtarget.com2020-12-10 The Uptime Institute’s data center Tier Standards are a standardized methodology used to determine availability in a facility. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Launches New Tradeoff Tool To Evaluate The Cost Of Servicing Critical Power Systems In Edge Computing Environments - 4rfv.com 2020-12-09 Schneider Electric Launches New TradeOff Tool to Evaluate The Cost of Servicing Critical Power Systems in Edge Computing Environments 08/12/2020 Read full information on external site
ROSTELECOM PJSC: Rostelecom launches a new Tier III data center in Saint-Petersburg for 800 racks - finanznachrichten.de 2020-12-08 Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement that contains inside information according to REGULATION (EU) No 596/2014 (MAR), transmitted by EQS Group. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Read full information on external site
ROSTELECOM PJSC: Rostelecom launches a new Tier III data center in Saint-Petersburg for 800 racks - dgap.de2020-12-08 Rostelecom Group (MOEX: RTKM, RTKMP; OTCQX: ROSYY), the largest integrated digital service provider in Russia, today announces the launch of a new data center in Saint-Petersburg. Read full information on external site
ROSTELECOM PJSC: Rostelecom launches a new Tier III data center in Saint-Petersburg for 800 racks - stock-world.de2020-12-08 Rostelecom Group (MOEX: RTKM, RTKMP; OTCQX: ROSYY), the largest integrated digital service provider in Russia, today announces the launch of a new data center in Saint-Petersburg. Read full information on external site
ROSTELECOM PJSC: Rostelecom launches a new Tier III data center in Saint-Petersburg for 800 racks - ariva.de2020-12-08 Rostelecom Group (MOEX: RTKM, RTKMP; OTCQX: ROSYY), the largest integrated digital service provider in Russia, today announces the launch of a new data center in Saint-Petersburg. Read full information on external site
ROSTELECOM PJSC: Rostelecom launches a new Tier III data center in Saint-Petersburg for 800 racks - investegate.co.uk2020-12-08 Rostelecom Group (MOEX: RTKM, RTKMP; OTCQX: ROSYY), the largest integrated digital service provider in Russia, today announces the launch of a new data center in Saint-Petersburg. Read full information on external site
CoreSite Realty : Next-Gen Power Supply for This-Gen Businesses - marketscreener.com2020-12-07 Global data center power use has been generally flat, growing 6% between 2010 to 2018. While data storage and processing activity has increased at a significantly higher... Read full information on external site
MainOne's MDXI Appolonia Data Center Achieves Uptime's Institute's Tier III Certification - latestnigeriannews.com2020-12-07 MDXi, West Africa's leading commercial data centre provider has received Tier III Certification on the Design Documents of its new Appolonia Data Center from Uptime Institute, The Global Data Center Certifying Authority. Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXI Appolonia Data Center Achieves Uptime’s Institute’s Tier III Certification - technext.ng2020-12-07 MDXi, West Africa’s leading commercial data centre provider has received Tier III Certification on the Design Documents of its new Appolonia Data Center from Uptime Institute, The Global Data Center Certifying Authority. Read full information on external site
Next-Gen Power Supply For This-Gen Businesses - publicnow.com2020-12-07 Global data center power use has been generally flat, growing 6% between 2010 to 2018. Read full information on external site
Siemens Delivers Ai-based White Space Cooling Solution For Tier Iv Data Center - lulop.com2020-12-04 Siemens Smart Infrastructure is supplying the first Tier IV-certified data center in the region of Paris, France. Read full information on external site
Expert discusses keeping it green as a top priority for 2021 - intelligentcio.com2020-12-04 It is now widely understood that the UK is to reach its legally binding zero-carbon target in the UK by 2050 and in order to do so, we must make rapid changes to the way we run our data centres. Jon Healy, Operations Director at Keysource, discusses how sustainability is set to dominate business decisions over the coming year, and how to clean up our act. Read full information on external site
Expert discusses keeping it green as a top priority for 2021 - intelligentdatacentres.com2020-12-04 It is now widely understood that the UK is to reach its legally binding zero-carbon target in the UK by 2050 and in order to do so, we must make rapid changes to the way we run our data centres. Jon Healy, Operations Director at Keysource, discusses how sustainability is set to dominate business decisions over the coming year, and how to clean up our act. Read full information on external site
GCDCS20 at a glance - insightaas.com 2020-12-04 At last – it’s here! Canada’s foremost IT trade event launches in a new ‘better than live!’ virtual format on December 8th and 9th. Read full information on external site
How memory failure prediction keeps data centers and the digital economy up and running - datacenternews.us2020-12-03 It was approximately four years ago when I wrote in an industry publication, “Today’s data centers are the modern equivalent of railroad infrastructure and the world’s business rides upon its rails.” Read full information on external site
How memory failure prediction keeps data centers and the digital economy up and running - datacentrenews.eu2020-12-03 It was approximately four years ago when I wrote in an industry publication, “Today’s data centers are the modern equivalent of railroad infrastructure and the world’s business rides upon its rails.” Read full information on external site
How memory failure prediction keeps data centers and the digital economy up and running - datacenternews.asia2020-12-03 It was approximately four years ago when I wrote in an industry publication, “Today’s data centers are the modern equivalent of railroad infrastructure and the world’s business rides upon its rails.” Read full information on external site
How memory failure prediction keeps data centers and the digital economy up and running - securitybrief.eu2020-12-03 It was approximately four years ago when I wrote in an industry publication, “Today’s data centers are the modern equivalent of railroad infrastructure and the world’s business rides upon its rails.” Read full information on external site
Future-proofing data centres: designing Russia’s largest data hall - IXcellerate Moscow One - arup.com2020-12-02 Arup was appointed as general designer and partner to provide a range of services - from project feasibility and design phase all the way to the latest expansion - for the delivery of IXcellerate's Moscow One Data Centre, Russia's largest data hosting facilities. Read full information on external site
Data centres and technology - arup.com2020-12-02 Arup’s data centre and mission critical specialists are innovators in technological facilities, working with some of the most complex and data driven companies, to meet today’s data needs. Read full information on external site
Huawei achieves six Uptime Institute TIER-Ready Awards for prefabricated and modular data centres - intelligenttechchannels.com2020-12-02 Huawei Technologies has announced that the company has received six Uptime Institute TIER-Ready design review awards. Read full information on external site
Accelerating Digital Transformation Through the Corners Ahead: Channel Partner Challenges 2021 - arabianreseller.com 2020-12-02 This year’s EMEA Digital Channel Summit kicked off with experts Karsten Winther: VP Sales EMEA, Vertiv and Margarete McGrath: Chief Digital Officer EMEA, Dell. Read full information on external site
Accelerating Digital Transformation Through the Corners Ahead: Channel Partner Challenges 2021 - futuretechmag.com2020-12-02 This year’s EMEA Digital Channel Summit kicked off with experts Karsten Winther: VP Sales EMEA, Vertiv and Margarete McGrath: Chief Digital Officer EMEA, Dell. Read full information on external site
November 2020
Yotta Infrastructure Lays Foundation Stone for Rs 6,000 Crore Data Center Park in Greater Noida, UP - digitalcreed.in2020-11-30 Yotta will invest Rs 1 crore for the first data center building in Greater Noida, which will have a capacity of 42 MW. It will be ready in July 2022. The data center project includes six buildings with a total investment of Rs 6,000 crore. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Launches New TradeOff Tool to Evaluate The Cost of Servicing Critical Power Systems in Edge Computing Environments - techerati.com2020-11-28 Edge UPS Fleet Management Comparison Calculator examines options for maintaining distributed UPS systems using internal resources or external partners or vendors Quantitative TradeOff tool models various cost options depending on quantity, rating (VA), age and distribution of UPS systems Working with external service partners or vendors can offer cost savings of up to 59 percent. Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXi Appolonia Data Center achieves Uptime’s Institute’s Tier III Certification - ghheadlines.com 2020-11-27 MDXi, a leading commercial data center provider, has received Tier III Certification on the design documents of its new Appolonia Data Center from Uptime Institute, the global data center certifying authority. Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXi Appolonia Data Center achieves Uptime’s Institute’s Tier III Certification - thebftonline.com 2020-11-27 MDXi, a leading commercial data center provider, has received Tier III Certification on the design documents of its new Appolonia Data Center from Uptime Institute, the global data center certifying authority. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Launches New TradeOff Tool to Evaluate The Cost of Servicing Critical Power Systems in Edge Computing Environments - voltimum.co.uk2020-11-27 Quantitative TradeOff tool models various cost options depending on quantity, rating (VA), age and distribution of UPS systems. Working with external service partners or vendors can offer cost savings of up to 59 percent under a typical SLA, alongside a mechanism to increase IT resiliency. Read full information on external site
Using the Right Server Cabinet Slides can be Business Critical - engineering-update.co.uk2020-11-27 Business and government runs on data. In fact many organisations simply can’t function without data. According to a survey of server farm owners by the Uptime Institute and one in six had suffered an outage and estimated the total cost to them was more than $1 million. Even companies with a few servers in a single rack can suffer badly if there is a problem. Read full information on external site
Using the Right Server Cabinet Slides can be Business Critical - automation-update.co.uk2020-11-27 Business and government runs on data. In fact many organisations simply can’t function without data. According to a survey of server farm owners by the Uptime Institute and one in six had suffered an outage and estimated the total cost to them was more than $1 million. Even companies with a few servers in a single rack can suffer badly if there is a problem. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the 'Pearl' in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - iransview.com2020-11-26 "The sea on the left, the desert on the right" — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi's unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the 'Pearl' in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - newdelhitimes.com2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- "The sea on the left, the desert on the right" — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi's unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Chayora's China data center Chayora now Uptime Insitite certified - datacentrenews.eu2020-11-26 Chayora, the operator of several hyperscale data center campuses in China, has received Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents, and OCP Ready certification. Read full information on external site
Chayora's China data center Chayora now Uptime Insitite certified - datacenternews.us 2020-11-26 Chayora, the operator of several hyperscale data center campuses in China, has received Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents, and OCP Ready certification. Read full information on external site
Chayora's China data center Chayora now Uptime Insitite certified - datacenternews.asia 2020-11-26 Chayora, the operator of several hyperscale data center campuses in China, has received Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents, and OCP Ready certification. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the 'Pearl' in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - uaebusiness.com2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- "The sea on the left, the desert on the right" — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi's unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the ‘Pearl’ in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - qatarpress.qa2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “The sea on the left, the desert on the right” — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi’s unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the ‘Pearl’ in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - finanznachrichten.de 2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- "The sea on the left, the desert on the right" - a perfect description of Abu Dhabi's unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the 'Pearl' in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - tmcnet.com 2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- "The sea on the left, the desert on the right" — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi's unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the ‘Pearl’ in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - arabnewsexpress.com2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “The sea on the left, the desert on the right” — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi’s unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf.Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the ‘Pearl’ in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - qatarnewswire.qa2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “The sea on the left, the desert on the right” — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi’s unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building A Municipal Data Center For The ‘Pearl’ In The South Coast Of The Arabian Gulf - emiratesnewswire.com2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “The sea on the left, the desert on the right” — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi’s unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the ‘Pearl’ in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - libyanewsgazette.com2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “The sea on the left, the desert on the right” — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi’s unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the 'Pearl' in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - pctechmag.com2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- "The sea on the left, the desert on the right" — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi's unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the 'Pearl' in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - ians.in2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- "The sea on the left, the desert on the right" — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi's unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the 'Pearl' in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - wallstreet-online.de2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China , Nov. 26, 2020 / PRNewswire / - "The sea on the left, the desert on the right" - a perfect description of Abu Dhabi's unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the 'Pearl' in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - consultor-it.com2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- "The sea on the left, the desert on the right" — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi's unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
Building a Municipal Data Center for the ‘Pearl’ in the South Coast of the Arabian Gulf - arabpressreleases.com2020-11-26 SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “The sea on the left, the desert on the right” — a perfect description of Abu Dhabi’s unique natural environment. With millions of visitors every year, Abu Dhabi is often, somewhat poetically, described as the bright pearl, glimmering on the south coast of the Arabian Gulf. Read full information on external site
How a Swedish colocation provider built a climate-positive data center - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-25 The most sustainable data center yet in the Nordics. Read full information on external site
CoreTigo To Showcase IO-Link Wireless-based Solutions For Industrial Manufacturing - trendingng.com2020-11-24 IO-Link Wireless Sessions on: Transforming Factory Automation – 25 Nov, 2020 & Zimmer Group Grippers. Read full information on external site
RakworX Achieves Five TIER III Ready Awards From Uptime Institute - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-11-24 RakworX Inc. achieved five Uptime Institute TIER III Ready design review awards, which were created to enable manufacturers of prefabricated and modular data center solutions to confirm the resilient design of their prebuilt solutions and to ensure performance is maintained once installed. Read full information on external site
SpaceDC infiltrates Jakarta’s data centre market - capacitymedia.com2020-11-24 With over 185 million internet users, Indonesia is one of the biggest online markets worldwide. As of July 2020, online penetration in the country stood at over 68%. Read full information on external site
How to navigate the data centre staffing crisis - datacentrereview.com2020-11-24 Data centres may be becoming more sustainable with regards to their energy use, but rising demand is telling a very different story when it comes to finding the skilled professionals needed to run them. Read full information on external site
Africa Data Centres Tier III certification renewed - techtrendske.co.ke2020-11-24 Africa Data Centres has had its Tier III certification renewed by the Uptime Institute for its Nairobi-based data centre. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Launches New Tradeoff Tool To Evaluate The Cost Of Servicing Critical Power Systems In Edge Computing Environments - techinsideout.co 2020-11-24 Edge UPS Fleet Management Comparison Calculator examines options for maintaining distributed UPS systems using internal resources or external partners or vendors Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXI Appolonia Data Center achieves Uptime’s Institute’s Tier III Certification - myjoyonline.com 2020-11-24 MDXi, West Africa’s leading commercial data center provider has received Tier III Certification on the Design Documents of its new Appolonia Data Center from Uptime Institute, The Global Data Center Certifying Authority. Read full information on external site
Specifying for data center safety: A guide to fire protection for vital cabling - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-24 Commercial building contractors and data installers alike have a legal obligation to ensure that cables are suitably fire performance rated for the application and location. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt to build Egypt’s largest - communicationsafrica.com2020-11-23 Telecom Egypt, Egypt’s first integrated telecom operator and one of the largest subsea cable operators in the region, has announced the construction of Egypt’s largest international data centre facility. Read full information on external site
MainOne MDXI Appolonia Data Centre Gets Certification - thisdaylive.com2020-11-21 MDXi, West Africa’s leading commercial data centre provider has received Tier III Certification on the Design Documents of its new Appolonia Data Centre from Uptime Institute, The Global Data Centre Certifying Authority. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia Data Center Achieves Uptime’s Institute’s Tier III Certification - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com.ng 2020-11-21 MDXi, West Africa’s leading commercial data center provider has received Tier III Certification on the Design Documents of its new Appolonia Data Center from Uptime Institute, The Global Data Center Certifying Authority. Read full information on external site
MainOne MDXI data centre gets certification - today.ng2020-11-21 MDXi, West Africa’s leading commercial data centre provider has received Tier III Certification on the Design Documents of its new Appolonia Data Centre from Uptime Institute, The Global Data Centre Certifying Authority. Read full information on external site
MainOne’s MDXI Appolonia Data Center Achieves Uptime’s Institute’s Tier III Certification - techbuild.africa2020-11-20 MDXi, West Africa’s leading commercial data center provider has received Tier III Certification on the Design Documents of its new Appolonia Data Center from Uptime Institute, The Global Data Center Certifying Authority. Read full information on external site
Orange Jordan — a Global Brand Empowered by Its Local Spirit - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2020-11-20 As colocation demands evolve beyond housing servers and networking equipment in the data center, enterprises are beginning to work with colo providers to improve the reliability and performance of IT operations. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia data center achieves Uptime Institute’s Tier III certification - techeconomy.ng 2020-11-20 West Africa’s leading commercial data center provider, MDXi, has received Tier III Certification on the Design Documents of its new Appolonia Data Center from Uptime Institute, The Global Data Center Certifying Authority. Read full information on external site
Uganda’s Raxio Data Centre gets Uptime Institute certification - africanewshub.com2020-11-19 Facility will rent space for servers and computing hardware to businesses Kampala, Uganda | RONALD MUSOKE | Raxio Data Centre has become the first tier-3 certified data centre... Read full information on external site
Uganda’s Raxio Data Centre gets Uptime Institute certification - independent.co.ug2020-11-19 Kampala, Uganda | RONALD MUSOKE | Raxio Data Centre has become the first tier-3 certified data centre in Uganda upon completing a thorough assessment and evaluation by British and American experts last month. Read full information on external site
Uganda’s Raxio Data Centre gets Uptime Institute certification - theworldnews.net2020-11-19 Kampala, Uganda | RONALD MUSOKE | Raxio Data Centre has become the first tier-3 certified data centre in Uganda upon completing a thorough assessment and evaluation by British and American experts last month. Read full information on external site
How do you select the Right Data Center Operator? - blogarama.com2020-11-19 IData centers are more than just a facility or a building with power, space or network, but are becoming a valuable extension to today’s business in order to support the digital growth and expansion. Read full information on external site
Africa Data Centres Tier III certification renewed for Nairobi centre - telecompaper.com2020-11-19 Africa Data Centres, Africa's largest network of interconnected, carrier- and cloud-neutral data centre facilities, has had its Tier III certification renewed by the Uptime Institute for its Nairobi-based data centre. Read full information on external site
How do you select the Right Data Center Operator? - researchnewstoday.com2020-11-19 Data centers are more than just a facility or a building with power, space or network, but are becoming a valuable extension to today’s business in order to support the digital growth and expansion. Read full information on external site
How do you select the Right Data Center Operator? - openpr.com2020-11-19 ata centers are more than just a facility or a building with power, space or network, but are becoming a valuable extension to today’s business in order to support the digital growth and expansion. Read full information on external site
Africa Data Centres gets new Tier III certification - techmetroafrica.com2020-11-19 The Uptime Institute has announced the renewal of Africa Data Centres’ Tier III certification for its Nairobi-based data centre. Read full information on external site
Africa Data Centres Nairobi-based datacentre secures Tier III certification - itweb.africa2020-11-19 Africa Data Centres, the pan-African network of interconnected, carrier-and cloud-neutral datacentres, has had its Tier III certification renewed by the Uptime Institute for its Nairobi-based datacentre. Read full information on external site
Carbon reduction through IT energy optimisation - techerati.com2020-11-19 Dean Boyle, CEO, EkkoSense, discusses the importance of optimising the performance of power and cooling across networks. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC : AGM - Chairman's Address - marketscreener.com2020-11-18 2020 Annual General Meeting - Chairman's Address. Read full information on external site
Rolls-Royce supplies new SpaceDC Indonesia campus with three MTU power systems - techerati.com 2020-11-18 Engineering giant delivers three containerised gas and diesel systems to ID01 campus under MTU power brand. Read full information on external site
Africa Data Centres Tier III certification renewed - algeriatimes.info2020-11-18 Africa Data Centres, Africa’s largest network of interconnected, carrier- and cloud-neutral data centre facilities, has had its Tier III certification renewed by the Uptime Institute for its Nairobi-based data centre. Read full information on external site
Africa Data Centres Tier III certification renewed - techtrendske.co.ke2020-11-18 Africa Data Centres has had its Tier III certification renewed by the Uptime Institute for its Nairobi-based data centre. Read full information on external site
MDXi Appolonia Data Center achieves Uptime’s Institute’s Tier III Certification - naija247news.com2020-11-18 MDXi, West Africa’s leading commercial data center provider has received Tier III Certification on the Design Documents of its new Appolonia Data Center from Uptime Institute, The Global Data Center Certifying Authority. Read full information on external site
Rostelecom Data Centers launched a new 600-rack capacity Tier III data center in Moscow - pressreleasepoint.com2020-11-18 Rostelecom Data Centers launched a new 600-rack capacity Tier III data center in Moscow. Read full information on external site
Africa Data Centres Tier III Certification Has Been Extended - techweez.com2020-11-18 Africa Data Centres, which claims to the continent’s largest network of an interconnected, carrier – and cloud-neutral data centre facilities, has had its Tier III certification renewed by the Uptime Institute for its Nairobi-based data centre. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - intelligentdatacentres.com 2020-11-17 Raxio Data Centre is officially the First Tier III certified data centre in Uganda after it received the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification recently. Read full information on external site
SpaceDC's JAK2 data center brings 1.45 MW of pure power to Indonesia - datacenternews.us2020-11-17 SpaceDC recently celebrated the launch of its Indonesia data center, JAK2, which opens up a new connection gateway to the country and the wider Southeast Asia region. Read full information on external site
Africa Data Centres Tier III certification renewed - africabusinesscommunities.com2020-11-17 Africa Data Centres, Africa’s largest network of interconnected, carrier- and cloud-neutral data centre facilities, has had its Tier III certification renewed by the Uptime Institute for its Nairobi-based data centre. Read full information on external site
Keynote: We focused on the snake and missed the scorpion - five simple strategies to save billions of watt hours in data centers - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-17 Analysis of data center energy efficiency trends over the past decade, supported by detailed power usage data from over 300 data centers, shows that significant improvements have been made. But equally, Uptime Institute’s analysis shows that very substantial energy reduction opportunities remain untapped. Read full information on external site
How is the data center industry adapting to unpredictable change? - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-17 In July 2020, Uptime Institute conducted their tenth annual data center survey, the largest and most comprehensive research study of its kind. Read full information on external site
Preventing the blackout: what is the state of outages? - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-17 Hear Uptime Institute’s new findings on data center outages, including trends in causes and types, plus strategies for reducing the number and impact of outages. Read full information on external site
War stories: why data centers fail - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-17 Uptime Institute collects and regularly publishes reports on what causes data centers to suffer outages. The Uptime Institute 2020 Global Data Center Survey indicates that the most serious categories of outages... Read full information on external site
Africa Data Centres Tier III Certification Renewed - techfinancials.co.za2020-11-17 Africa Data Centres, Africa’s largest network of interconnected, carrier- and cloud-neutral data centre facilities, has had its Tier III certification renewed by the Uptime Institute for its Nairobi-based data centre. The certification was renewed in recognition of the facility’s design, which supports “any planned work on the site infrastructure without disrupting operations”. Read full information on external site
JAK2 Data Center - spacedc.com2020-11-17 JAK2, our Uptime Institute Tier III facility, is a carrier neutral data center with diverse fibre routes from multiple ISPs for our customers to build their optimal connectivity eco system. Read full information on external site
BCS Achieves Perfect Score on Uptime Institute M&O Stamp of Approval Assessment - digitaljournal.com2020-11-16 DALLAS--(Business Wire)--BCS, one of the nation’s fastest growing data center operations providers, announces success in achieving Uptime Institute’s M&O Stamp of Approval, the globally recognized standard for data center management and operations excellence. Read full information on external site
Wiit – Italian’s leading company in Private & Hybrid Cloud Services - blogarama.com2020-11-16 Digital transformation is fundamental to remain competitive. To be able to use new technologies – just like IoT and Artificial Intelligence, companies recognize the value of innovation. Read full information on external site
Cast your vote for the DCD data center architecture award - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-16 2With data center construction booming across the world, architects are raising the stakes and setting a new standard for beautiful data centers. Read full information on external site
Space DC eyes Indonesia datacentre market - computerweekly.com2020-11-16 Singapore-based datacentre service provider Space DC has opened its first datacentre in Jakarta to tap the growing potential of Indonesia’s booming digital economy. Read full information on external site
Wiit – Italian’s leading company in Private & Hybrid Cloud Services - insightssuccess.com2020-11-16 Digital transformation is fundamental to remain competitive. To be able to use new technologies – just like IoT and Artificial Intelligence, companies recognize the value of innovation. Read full information on external site
BCS Achieves Perfect Score on Uptime Institute M&O Stamp of Approval Assessment - morningstar.com2020-11-16 BCS Achieves Perfect Score on Uptime Institute M&O Stamp of Approval Assessment Read full information on external site
BIG MOVE! Raxio Data Centre Obtains Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - theworldnews.net2020-11-14 Kampala – Raxio Data Centre is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification in October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Data Centers: Cross-Connecting Communities - cpexecutive.com2020-11-13 DC BLOX's Jeff Uphues explains how the company's existing and upcoming southeastern facilities serve as a bridge between old and new digital infrastructures. Read full information on external site
PUE: The golden metric is looking rusty - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-13 PUE is a simple metric, but now we've reached levels of efficiency where it could become counter-productive. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) awarded LEED Gold Certification for “STT Bangkok 1”, Thailand’s first hyperscale data centre - seab.tradelinkmedia.biz2020-11-13 Bangkok, Thailand – ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) or "STT GDC Thailand", a leading data centre service provider, announced that it has been awarded the LEED® Gold v.4 certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for its STT Bangkok 1 data centre that will be ready for service in Q1 2021. With this, STT Bangkok 1 becomes the largest data centre building in Thailand to be LEED-certified. Read full information on external site
Do you know that data centres are classified into several tiers? - edgeprop.my2020-11-13 Based on Uptime Institute’s Tier Certifications system, which has become the default standard for the data centre industry, data centre classifications are divided into four tiers that match a particular business function and define criteria for maintenance, power, cooling and fault capabilities. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre all ready to boost Uganda’s digital economy - theworldnews.net2020-11-12 Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Raxio Data Centre in Uganda has received the second highest international level of certification as it continued to put in place infrastructure that will support the growth and digitalisation of the country’s economy. Read full information on external site
Raxio data centre in Uganda receives Tier III certification - telecompaper.com2020-11-12 Raxio Data Centre says it is officially running the first Tier III-certified data centre in Uganda, after receiving Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20 October. This makes it one of fewer than fifteen Tier III privately owned, carrier-neutral data centres in Africa and the second in East Africa. Raxio Data Centre hosts the Uganda Internet eXchange Point. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - itedgenews.ng2020-11-11 KAMPALA, Uganda, November 11, 2020/APO Group/ - Raxio Data Centre (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - myza.co.za2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre receives uptime institute tier III certification - pmldaily.com2020-11-11 KAMPALA — Raxio Data Centre is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on October 20, 2020. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Easy UPS Series Promises Resilient Power, Easy Installation And Fast Deployment For Electrical Contractors And Specifiers - econline.com2020-11-11 Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced the availability of its Easy UPS Series... Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - biztechafrica.com2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre says it is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Becomes First Certified Tier III Data Centre in Uganda - pctechmag.com2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre receives the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification becoming the first certified Tier III data centre in Uganda. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre receives Uptime Institute Tier III certification - businesstraffic.com.ng2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Microsoft consumer cloud outage blights Outlook.com and OneDrive users - computerweekly.com2020-11-11 Users of several of Microsoft's core consumer cloud services left struggling to log in, with software giant remaining tight-lipped for now over the cause of the issues Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - easybranches.com2020-11-11 With this certification, Raxio Data Centre becomes one of less than fifteen (15) Tier III, privately owned, carrier-neutral data centres in Africa and the second in East Africa. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Center Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - alwihdainfo.com2020-11-11 Raxio Data Center (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Center in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - menafn.com2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Obtains Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - techbuild.africa2020-11-11 With this certification, Raxio Data Centre becomes one of less than fifteen (15) Tier III, privately owned, carrier-neutral data centres in Africa and the second in East Africa. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - chiefit.me2020-11-11 With this certification, Raxio Data Centre becomes one of less than fifteen (15) Tier III, privately owned, carrier-neutral data centres in Africa and the second in East Africa. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - latestnigeriannews.com2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - venturesafrica.com2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre (http://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre receives Uptime Institute tier III certification - africabusinesscommunities.com2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - apnnews.com2020-11-11 KAMPALA, Uganda : Raxio Data Centre (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Uganda’s Raxio Data Centre receives Tier III certification from Uptime Institute - aptantech.com2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre has become the first Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on October 20, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - techeconomy.ng2020-11-11 With this certification, Raxio Data Centre becomes one of less than fifteen (15) Tier III, privately owned, carrier-neutral data centres in Africa and the second in East Africa. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - newz.ug2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Uganda’s Raxio Data Centre secures Tier III status - newz.ug2020-11-11 Raxio Data Centre said it has officially become the first Tier III certified datacentre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20 October, 2020. Read full information on external site
MainOne at the heart of Africa’s colossal data centre growth - capacitymedia.com2020-11-11 A critical underlying enabler of digital transformation is infrastructure and over the last few years in the West African region, there have been repetitive predictions of a future filled with explosive growth. Read full information on external site
DC Blox Achieves Tier III Certification - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-11-10 Uptime Institute updates protocols to accommodate virtual evaluation. Read full information on external site
Console Connect by PCCW Global and NEXTDC bring Australian businesses closer to the global cloud ecosystem - pcworld.idg.com.au2020-11-10 NEXTDC Limited (ASX: NXT) Australia’s leading data centre solutions provider, and Console Connect by PCCW Global today announced a new collaboration which expands access for Australian businesses to cloud infrastructure and data centres worldwide. Read full information on external site
Console Connect by PCCW Global and NEXTDC bring Australian businesses closer to the global cloud ecosystem - goodgearguide.com.au2020-11-10 NEXTDC Limited (ASX: NXT) Australia’s leading data centre solutions provider, and Console Connect by PCCW Global today announced a new collaboration which expands access for Australian businesses to cloud infrastructure and data centres worldwide. Read full information on external site
Perth managed cloud, colocation provider DC Two debuts on the ASX - crn.com.au2020-11-10 Data centre operator and managed cloud provider DC Two is set to debut on the Australian Securities Exchange following a $5.5 million initial public offering. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - it.einnews.com2020-11-10 Raxio Data Centre (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - topafricanews.com2020-11-10 Raxio Data Centre (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Cloud service provider DC Two to float on the ASX as DC2 - itmunch.com2020-11-10 Managed cloud service provider DC Two is all set to make its debut on the ASX after raising $5.5 million via its Initial Public Offering (IPO). DC Two said the proceeds of the IPO will be used to grow its cloud service offerings. Read full information on external site
Meeting surging demand for data centers in Indonesia - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-10 SpaceDC set to accelerate growth plan in Indonesia and elsewhere. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - africaglobalmedia.net2020-11-10 Raxio Data Centre (Raxio.co.ug) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - einpresswire.com2020-11-10 Raxio Data Centre (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - socialnews.xyz2020-11-10 Raxio Data Centre (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
Raxio Data Centre Receives Uptime Institute Tier III Certification - guardian.ng2020-11-10 Raxio Data Centre (https://www.Raxio.co.ug/) is officially the First Tier III Certified Data Centre in Uganda after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 20th October, 2020. Read full information on external site
IT Priorities 2020: Covid-19 Accelerates Cloud Investments By UK IT Leaders - wealthcreationinvesting.com2020-11-09 The extent to which Covid-19 is accelerating the cloud migration plans of enterprises is laid bare in new research into how the pandemic is changing the tech spending priorities of IT leaders across the UK. Read full information on external site
Data Centers - Free Air Cooling - environmental-expert.com2020-11-09 Artificial Intelligence (AI), gaming, high-performance computing, 3D graphics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) all require faster and more complex computing power. Read full information on external site
IT Priorities 2020: Covid-19 accelerates cloud investments by UK IT leaders - computerweekly.com2020-11-09 The updated 2020 IT Priorities Survey from Computer Weekly and TechTarget shines a light on how the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has reshaped IT leaders’ technology investment plans. Read full information on external site
Huawei launches new AI-powered modular data center - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-06 Huawei has launched the latest addition to its micro data center range, the Smart Modular Data Center 5.0. Read full information on external site
Energy-efficiency focus for new Indonesian data center - samenacouncil.org2020-11-06 Data centre specialist SpaceDC has announced the launch of JAK2, a new data centre in Indonesia sited in the ID01 campus, which will also be home to the company’s other flagship data centre JAK1. Read full information on external site
Singapore’s SpaceDC launches Jakarta data centre, readies a bigger one for 2021 - frontier-enterprise.com2020-11-06 SpaceDC has announced the launch of JAK2, a data centre offering for the SEA market, based in Jakarta. Read full information on external site
DataPro opens Tier-4 data centre in Moscow - telecompaper.com2020-11-06 Russian data centre service provider DataPro has opened its Tier-4 data centre DataPro Moscow II. The company claims that it is the first such data centre in the country and in Eastern Europe. Read full information on external site
Expert reveals how to solve the data centre staffing crisis - intelligentdatacentres.com2020-11-06 Navigating the staffing crisis can be a challenge within itself, without including the current issues data centre leaders have been faced with as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read full information on external site
Expert reveals how to solve the data centre staffing crisis - intelligentcio.com2020-11-06 Navigating the staffing crisis can be a challenge within itself, without including the current issues data centre leaders have been faced with as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read full information on external site
Why data center operators are investing in more redundancy - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-06 Even though the cloud offers resiliency, enterprise users are still shifting gradually from N+1 to N+2. Read full information on external site
The data centre staffing shortage: a solution - dcnnmagazine.com2020-11-06 There’s no escaping the fact that data centres are facing a worsening staffing crisis and a growing challenge to find skilled employees. Read full information on external site
Simultaneously resilient and sustainable Net Zero Data Centres - techerati.com2020-11-05 Over the last decade we have seen numerous individual technologies that improve energy efficiency. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric launches new Easy UPS series specifications - sparks-magazine.co.uk2020-11-05 From offices to commercial buildings, small-to-medium data centres and industrial environments, Schneider Electric’s Easy UPS offers backup power for a range of critical applications. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure appoints Savex as National Distributor for India - channeldrive.in2020-11-05 Yotta Infrastructure entered in an exclusive distribution partnership with Savex Technologies. Read full information on external site
Powering Digital Transformation During the COVID-19 Era - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-11-05 When the COVID-19 pandemic began, many businesses were well-prepared to weather this tumultuous environment for one simple reason: They had embraced digital transformation. Read full information on external site
GIC-backed SpaceDC launches data centre in Jakarta - businesstimes.com.sg2020-11-04 GIC-BACKED SpaceDC on Wednesday launched JAK2 - a 1.45 megawatt (MW) premium data centre catered for the South-east Asia market. Read full information on external site
SpaceDC’s JAK2 goes live in Indonesia - with onsite gas generation - datacenterdynamics.com2020-11-04 Singapore-based SpaceDC today announced the launch of its first data center located at Jakarta Barat, Indonesia. Read full information on external site
UPS series promises resilient power, easy installation and fast deployment - electricalcontractingnews.com2020-11-03 Schneider Electric has announced the availability of its Easy UPS Series for electrical professionals. The series includes Easy UPS SMVS a single-phase line-interactive UPS; Easy UPS SRVS, a single-phase online double conversion UPS available in tower and rack-mounted versions; and Easy UPS 3S, a three-phase, online double conversion UPS. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure appoints Savex Technologies as national distributor - tele.net.in2020-11-03 Yotta Infrastructure has entered in an exclusive distribution partnership with Savex Technologies. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure appoints Savex Technologies as National Distributor - technuter.com2020-11-03 Yotta Infrastructure entered in an exclusive distribution partnership with Savex Technologies. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure appoints Savex Technologies as National Distributor - crn.in2020-11-03 Yotta Infrastructure entered in an exclusive distribution partnership with Savex Technologies. Read full information on external site
Egypt’s largest international data center under construction in west Cairo - constructionreviewonline.com2020-11-02 Telecom Egypt, Egypt’s first integrated telecom operator and one of the largest subsea cables operators in the North African region has announced that it is currently building Egypt’s largest international data center facility. Read full information on external site
Software-defined power offers benefits, but lacks popular interest - searchservervirtualization.techtarget.com2020-11-02 Virtualized power systems promise to ease deployment and maintenance, but the market is still in its nascency. Read full information on external site
Future Trends in Data Centre Development - developingtelecoms.com2020-11-02 As CSP’s experience disruption to traffic patterns as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic, what are the key challenges facing their data centres? Read full information on external site
Win-Win Future: Power Digitalization 2025 - huawei.com2020-11-02 Huawei BETTER WORLD SUMMIT 2020 ("Win-Win Future" Global Online Summit) Huawei Digital Power Session was successfully held on October 30. The theme of this online summit is "Power Digitalization 2025”. Read full information on external site
MTS launches data centre in St Petesburg region - telecompaper.com2020-11-02 Russian operator MTS has built a new data centre in the village of Fyodorovskoye, in the St Petersburg region. The data centre is the only in the region, excluding the city of St Petersburg, which has Tier-3 certificates from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Learning to live with the Russian personal data law - realwire.com2020-11-02 Moscow, Russia: Linxdatacenter, an international provider of data storage, cloud and telecom solutions, released a guide for foreign companies operating in Russia on legislation regarding storage of personal data. Read full information on external site
Learning to live with the Russian personal data law - m2.com2020-11-02 Moscow, Russia: Linxdatacenter, an international provider of data storage, cloud and telecom solutions, released a guide for foreign companies operating in Russia on legislation regarding storage of personal data. Read full information on external site
Win-Win Future: Power Digitalization 2025 - apnnews.com2020-11-02 China, Shenzhen: Huawei BETTER WORLD SUMMIT 2020 (“Win-Win Future” Global Online Summit) Huawei Digital Power Session was successfully held on October 30. The theme of this online summit was “Power Digitalization 2025”. Read full information on external site
Win-Win Future: Power Digitalization 2025 - webwire.com2020-11-02 Huawei BETTER WORLD SUMMIT 2020 (“Win-Win Future” Global Online Summit) Huawei Digital Power Session was successfully held on October 30. Read full information on external site
October 2020
Telecom Egypt to build Egypt's largest international data center - egyptcmnews.com2020-10-31 Telecom Egypt, Egypt’s integrated telecom operator and subsea cables operators in the region is building Egypt's largest international data center facility. Expected to be commissioned in early 2021 with access to all the global submarine cable systems that land in Egypt... Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt to build Egypt's largest international data center - africabusinesscommunities.com2020-10-30 Telecom Egypt to build Egypt's largest international data center. Read full information on external site
Chayora started first hyperscale data centre in China - infotechlead.com 2020-10-29 Chayora, an investor, developer and operator of data centre campuses in China, has started its first hyperscale data centre. Read full information on external site
Land in Addis Ababa confirmed for new Raxio data centre - developingtelecoms.com 2020-10-29 African data centre developer and operator Raxio says it has officially secured land at the Ethio ICT Park in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for its newest data centre. Read full information on external site
"Morrow" launches the first "green" solar-powered data center in the region - tellerreport.com2020-10-29 The Data Center for Integrated Solutions "Moro", wholly owned by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), announced yesterday the launch of the first green data center in the Middle East region, during the activities of the virtual version of the Water, Energy and Environment Technology Exhibition. Read full information on external site
Dallas Data Center Market: Bright Future Driven by Diverse Demand - dmagazine.com2020-10-29 5 reasons why healthcare companies still have appetite for colocation data center space. Read full information on external site
How To Scope for Success - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-10-29 Baseball humorist Yogi Berra once said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” To his point, the same is true related to planning for colocation data center projects. The scoping process is crucial in selecting the optimal location, minimizing costs, accelerating the process, and virtually every other aspect that affects where you “end up”. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Easy UPS series promises resilient power, easy installation and fast deployment for Electrical Contractors and Specifiers - consultor-it.com2020-10-28 Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced the availability of its Easy UPS Series for electrical professionals. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Easy UPS series promises resilient power, easy installation and fast deployment for Electrical Contractors and Specifiers - lelezard.com2020-10-28 Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced the availability of its Easy UPS Series for electrical... Read full information on external site
Easy UPS series promises resilient power, easy installation and fast deployment - pbsionthenet.net2020-10-28 Schneider Electric has announced the availability of its Easy UPS Series for electrical professionals. Read full information on external site
Schneider Electric Easy UPS series promises resilient power, easy installation and fast deployment for Electrical Contractors and Specifiers - tmcnet.com 2020-10-28 Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced the availability of its Easy UPS Series for electrical professionals. Read full information on external site
CNet expert discusses human risk within data centres - intelligentdatacentres.com 2020-10-28 The Uptime Institute has stated that with more investment in management, process and training, outage frequency of data centres would almost certainly fall significantly. Read full information on external site
Optimising data centre performance - techerati.com2020-10-27 Want to optimise data centre performance? Start with resilient power, efficient cooling and real-time visibility, says Schneider Electric’s Marc Garner. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt to build largest data center in Egypt - channelpostmea.com2020-10-27 Telecom Egypt, Egypt’s first integrated telecom operator and one of the largest subsea cables operators in the region announced that it is building Egypt’s largest international data center facility. Read full information on external site
Data center continuity during a time of dual disasters - datacenterdynamics.com 2020-10-27 For those outside the world of disaster recovery and business continuity, the following passage from the recent Uptime Institute report, “Post Pandemic Data Centers,” may be a little unsettling... Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt builds new data centre in west Cairo's Smart Village - telecompaper.com 2020-10-26 Telecom Egypt has announced that it is building Egypt's largest international data centre. It is expected to be commissioned in early 2021 and will have access to all the submarine cable systems that land in Egypt. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt to build 'country's largest' colocation data center in 2021 - datacenterdynamics.com2020-10-26 Telecom Egypt is building a data center in the West Cairo Smart Village. The facility will open in early 2021 and link to submarine cables connecting 60 countries from the company's ten cable landing stations dotted along the Mediterranean and the Red Sea Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt constructing country’s largest data centre - commsupdate.com2020-10-26 Telecom Egypt has announced that is constructing what it claims will be the country’s largest international data centre. Read full information on external site
New Value Together: Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Transforms Data Centers - aithority.com2020-10-26 Data Center Infrastructure Management vastly changes how data centers are managed. Huawei’s renowned solutions help maximize the total value of ownership in these data facilities with the support of AI. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt is building Egypt's largest international data center - capacitymedia.com2020-10-26 Telecom Egypt, Egypt’s first integrated telecom operator and one of the largest subsea cables operators in the region, announces that it is building Egypt's largest international data center facility. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt establishes Egypt’s largest int’l data centre - en.amwalalghad.com2020-10-25 Telecom Egypt is building the largest international data centre facility in Egypt which will be certified by the beginning of 2021. Read full information on external site
Egypt Telecom builds Egypt's largest int'l data centre - egypttoday.com2020-10-25 The center is expected to be commissioned by the beginning of 2021, with access to all the global submarine cable systems that land in Egypt. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt establishes Egypt’s largest int’l data centre - english.mubasher.info2020-10-25 Cairo – Mubasher: Telecom Egypt is building the largest international data centre facility in Egypt, set to be commissioned by the beginning of 2021. Read full information on external site
Telecom Egypt establishes Egypt's largest international data center facility - arabfinance.com2020-10-25 ArabFinance: Telecom Egypt (ETEL) has established Egypt's largest international data center facility, according to the company's October 25th statement filed to the Egyptian Exchange. Read full information on external site
TE establishes Egypt’s first international data centre - zawya.com2020-10-25 It will be the first data centre in Egypt to obtain Uptime Institute Tier III certificates in the categories of design, facility building, and operational sustainability. Read full information on external site
Failing over without falling over - stackoverflow.blog2020-10-23 Adrian Cockcroft of AWS explains how you can use Choas Engineering to build systems that can withstand the unexpected. Read full information on external site
Data Center Site Selection: Know Your Local Stakeholders - datacenterfrontier.com2020-10-23 Stack Infrastructure and Data Center Frontier finish up a new special report series by exploring the importance of knowing your local stakeholders in successful data center site selection. Read full information on external site
HDR | Hurley Palmer Flatt, Macquarie Data Centres, showcase latest in data centre technology with new hyperscale-ready facility @MacquarieTelco - construction-update.co.uk2020-10-22 Macquarie Data Centres has cemented Sydney’s reputation as a strategic regional data centre hub with the topping out of Intellicentre 3 East (IC3E) – a hyperscale-ready data centre in the heart of the city’s technology precinct at Macquarie Park. Read full information on external site
Minimizing Human Errors to Improve Data Center Reliability - informationweek.com2020-10-22 A simple mistake made in a data center can have serious consequences. Here's how to detect and prevent common errors before they can damage schedules, budgets, revenue, and perhaps even lives. Read full information on external site
Why rightsizing your UPS should be part of your data centre modernisation plan - mcp.theenergyst.com2020-10-21 Neglecting to modernize the data center also means that organizations are failing to take advantage of technological advances that make data centers simpler. Read full information on external site
Recovery Point Provides Another Option for Full-Service DR - itjungle.com2020-10-21 When it comes to full-service disaster recovery firms, most IBM i shops are aware of IBM Business Continuity and Recovery Services (BCRS) and Sungard, the two giants of the space. But there’s a third, slightly smaller option that nevertheless should be on their list: Recovery Point Systems of Germantown, Maryland. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure and Pi enter into strategic partnership - crn.in 2020-10-21 Yotta Infrastructure and Pi have entered into a strategic partnership to offer data centre and cloud services to their customers. The collaboration between the two entities makes the Indian market broader for the customers who will get access to the two Uptime Institute’s Tier IV design certified data centres in India, operated by Yotta NM1 and Pi. Read full information on external site
Editor’s Question: How can data centre leaders combat the skills shortage as further outages disrupt the industry? - intelligentdatacentres.com 2020-10-20 Uptime Institute has announced the key findings of its 10th annual Global Data Center Survey, the largest and most comprehensive in the data centre industry. The results show a growing sector adapting to rapid change on multiple levels. Read full information on external site
Editor’s Question: How can data centre leaders combat the skills shortage as further outages disrupt the industry? - intelligentcio.com2020-10-20 Uptime Institute has announced the key findings of its 10th annual Global Data Center Survey, the largest and most comprehensive in the data centre industry. The results show a growing sector adapting to rapid change on multiple levels. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure and Pi enter into Strategic Partnership - mybrandbook.co.in2020-10-20 Yotta Infrastructure and Pi have entered into a strategic partnership to offer data center and cloud services to their customers. The collaboration between the two entities makes the Indian market broader for the customers who will get access to the two Uptime Institute’s Tier IV design certified data centers in India, operated by Yotta NM1 and Pi. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure, Pi Align to Offer Data Center, Cloud Services - channeldrive.in2020-10-20 Yotta Infrastructure and Pi have entered into a strategic partnership to offer data center and cloud services to their customers. Read full information on external site
How Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) transforms data centres - aptantech.com 2020-10-19 DCIM vastly changes how data centres are managed. Huawei’s renowned solutions help maximise the total value of ownership in these data facilities with the support of AI. Benefits include flexibility in managing the data centre and both energy and cost savings. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure and Pi enter into strategic partnership - expresscomputer.in2020-10-19 Yotta Infrastructure and Pi have entered into a strategic partnership to offer data centre and cloud services to their customers. The collaboration between the two entities makes the Indian market broader for the customers who will get access to the two Uptime Institute’s Tier IV design certified data centres in India, operated by Yotta NM1 and Pi. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure and Pi enter into Strategic Partnership - varindia.com2020-10-19 Yotta Infrastructure and Pi have entered into a strategic partnership to offer data center and cloud services to their customers. The collaboration between the two entities makes the Indian market broader for the customers who will get access to the two Uptime Institute’s Tier IV design certified data centers in India, operated by Yotta NM1 and Pi. Read full information on external site
A1 Croatia to build €11m data centre in response to Covid-19 - capacitymedia.com 2020-10-19 A1 Croatia has announced plans to build a new data centre in Zagreb, Croatia. Read full information on external site
What Recession? For Data Center Firms, It’s Full Steam Ahead - bisnow.com2020-10-16 As the recession unfolds, consolidation trends in the industry may particularly favor sizable, well-capitalized players. Read full information on external site
BCS Achieves SOC and PCI Compliance Milestones - jotup.co2020-10-15 BCS achieved the SOC 2 Type II compliance report and PCI DSS assessment with zero findings or exceptions. Read full information on external site
Maintaining uptime with environment monitoring - techerati.com2020-10-15 Richard Grundy discusses improving data centre performance and uptime with environment monitoring. Read full information on external site
BCS Achieves SOC And PCI Compliance Milestones - svdaily.com2020-10-15 BCS, one of the nation’s fastest growing data center operations providers announces receipt of a successful Service Operation Control (SOC) 2 Type II report and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) assessment recognizing the company’s operations and management of the Landmark Dividend LLC owned data center campus in Phoenix. Read full information on external site
Sparkle strikes environmental first in Greece - capacitymedia.com2020-10-15 International service provider Sparkle has been awarded a fifth certification for greening its operations in Greece. Read full information on external site
Uptime and risk management – the data centre prerogative - itweb.co.za2020-10-14 The data centre is the heart of the modern organisation. Irrespective of where it is located, on-premises, in a collocated environment or part of a hyper-scale cloud service, companies rely on it to ensure they have access... Read full information on external site
New Value Together: Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) transforms data centres - menafn.com2020-10-14 DCIM vastly changes how data centres are managed. Huawei's renowned solutions help maximise the total value of ownership in these data facilities with the support of AI. Read full information on external site
New Value Together: Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) transforms data centres - einnews.com2020-10-14 DCIM vastly changes how data centres are managed. Huawei’s (www.Huawei.com) renowned solutions help maximise the total value of ownership in these data facilities with the support of AI. Read full information on external site
Mumbai Power Failure: Data Centers Roll on, Powered by Diesel Gensets - digitalcreed.in2020-10-13 UPDATED: The Metropolitan Region of Mumbai (MMR), which includes Navi Mumbai, faced a massive power cut on 12 October at around 10:00 AM. All four power lines supplying power to MMR faced disruptions. Those in the suburbs experienced a two-hour outage. But several regions did not receive power throughout the day. Now many data center... Read full information on external site
Increasing Reliability with a Critical to Reliability Approach - nxtmag.tech2020-10-12 The growth of cloud computing and the corresponding increase in demand for data centres in recent years has been unprecedented. As digital technologies permeate into our societies and businesses, downtime has become unacceptable. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC : A$1.5 Billion Senior Debt - marketscreener.com2020-10-12 NEXTDC Limited is pleased to advise that the Company has entered into a new Syndicated Facility Agreement with Credit Suisse AG, Sydney Branch, HSBC, National Australia Bank and Natixis, Singapore Branch, together the Mandated Lead Arrangers, Underwriters and Bookrunners ("MLAUBs") to arrange and underwrite A$1.5 billion in senior debt facilities. Read full information on external site
Thinking Of Going Colo? Top 10 tips to consider - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-10-12 If you’re looking at your on-premises data center and thinking you should be pursuing alternatives to hosting all of your critical applications and data by yourself ... well, you’re not alone. Read full information on external site
Russia in the cloud: What drives the market? - menafn.com 2020-10-09 Moscow, Russia: Linxdatacenter, an international provider of data storage, cloud and telecom solutions, presented an overview of the Russian cloud services market, prepared by Olga Sokolova, General Manager Linxdatacenter Russia. Read full information on external site
Russia in the cloud: What drives the market? - realwire.com2020-10-09 Moscow, Russia: Linxdatacenter, an international provider of data storage, cloud and telecom solutions, presented an overview of the Russian cloud services market, prepared by Olga Sokolova, General Manager Linxdatacenter Russia... Read full information on external site
UPS Maintenance: Avoiding the Major Case of Data Centre Downtime - uktechnews.co.uk2020-10-08 The Uptime Institute’s annual global data centre survey for 2020 is the largest of its kind. Extensive market research has been carried out to deliver an accurate and detailed analysis of the industry. Read full information on external site
Kao Data perfectly placed to deliver on exascale computing demand - businessweekly.co.uk2020-10-08 Cambridge hasn’t been crowned the UK’s centre of Science, Tech and Innovation for nothing. And with exascale computing just around the corner, promising to drive ground-breaking work in every innovative sector from AI through to life sciences, the next decade could bring a golden age of scientific breakthroughs for our region. Indeed, exascale – with the capability of reaching. Read full information on external site
Clean, green and energy mean: Kao Data a sustainability exemplar - businessweekly.co.uk2020-10-08 Cambridge is committed to leading the way on sustainability and achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. So the conundrum remains: How does the UK’s Centre of Science, Technology and Innovation balance its green ideology and goals against the increasing amounts of compute required by its globally significant life sciences, pharmaceutical and AI clusters? Read full information on external site
Exclusive Interaction – Jeremy Deutsch, President, Equinix, Asia-Pacific - dqchannels.com2020-10-07 Equinix is expanding in India with its datacentre, Cloud and data management technologies. Jeremy Deutsch, President, Equinix, Asia-Pacific, talked to us about his organisation. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) Awarded LEED Gold Certification for "STT Bangkok 1", Thailand's First Hyperscale Data Centre - thechiefofficer.com 2020-10-07 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) or "STT GDC Thailand", a leading data centre service provider, today announced that it has been awarded the LEED® Gold v.4 certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for its STT Bangkok 1 data centre that will be ready for service in Q1 2021. Read full information on external site
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) Awarded LEED Gold Certification for "STT Bangkok 1", Thailand's First Hyperscale Data Centre - top10asia.org2020-10-07 ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (Thailand) or "STT GDC Thailand", a leading data centre service provider, today announced that it has been awarded the LEED® Gold v.4 certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for its STT Bangkok 1 data centre that will be ready for service in Q1 2021. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX: Connected data centers for edge markets - businesschief.com2020-10-05 Jeff Uphues, CEO of DC BLOX, discusses his organization’s expansion in underserved markets and introducing data centers locally while serving globally Read full information on external site
5 Keys to Success in Data Center Site Selection - datacenterfrontier.com2020-10-02 A new special report series, courtesy of Stack Infrastructure, kicks off with highlighting one of the keys to successful data center site selection: knowing your surroundings. A data center is a long-term investment, and choosing a location requires being sensitive both the needs of the business and the surrounding community. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Empowers Huntsville, AL, with Newly Available, High-Speed Metro Fiber Network - viv-media.com2020-10-01 DC BLOX, a provider of multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today’s digital business, announces that its new Metro Fiber Network in Huntsville, Alabama, is now available and ready for service. Read full information on external site
Increasing reliability with a Critical to Reliability approach - asiaone.com2020-10-01 Schneider Electric – The growth of cloud computing and the corresponding increase in demand for data centres in recent years has been unprecedented. As digital technologies permeate into our societies and businesses, downtime has become unacceptable. Read full information on external site
September 2020
DC BLOX Empowers Huntsville, AL, with Newly Available, High-Speed Metro Fiber Network - digitaljournal.com2020-09-30 DC BLOX, a provider of multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today’s digital business, announces that its new Metro Fiber Network in Huntsville, Alabama, is now available and ready for service. Read full information on external site
Why Rightsizing your UPS should be Part of your Data Center Modernization Plan - thegreengrid.org2020-09-29 Companies that overlook fundamental data center modernization practices of their physical IT infrastructure systems run the risk of unplanned downtime that can cause serious disruption to critical business processes. Uptime Institute... Read full information on external site
Moro Hub joins forces with smart Dubai to empower government entities with seamless network access - zawya.com2020-09-29 Dubai Government Information Network (GIN), is the internetworking infrastructure, providing the information backbone between Dubai Government entities and the Internet. Read full information on external site
Deploying Edge in challenging times - datacenterdynamics.com2020-09-29 The Edge is still in its early stages but faces challenges from deployment during Covid-19. Read full information on external site
Data Centre: New Investment To Cut Nigeria’s N60bn Loss - newtelegraphng.com2020-09-29 Data hosting in Nigeria is set to wear a new face, as one of the country’s leading data centre operators, Rack Centre, is set to pull $100 million into expansion. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre announces $100m expansion to create West Africa’s largest data centre - businessghana.com2020-09-28 Rack Centre, carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus, Nigeria. Read full information on external site
How Microgrids For Data Centres Increase Resilience, Optimise Costs, And Improve Sustainability - iaasiaonline.com2020-09-28 Resilient power infrastructure has been a top priority from the very early days of computing capabilities. Computer labs, data network closets, and mainframe computer rooms all evolved their power supply perspectives alongside the compute capability. Read full information on external site
Moving towards digitization - datacenterdynamics.com2020-09-28 Craig Scroggie, CEO of NEXTDC, sat down with DCD to discuss digital transformation and the major role NEXTDC is playing in the evolution of Australia’s digital infrastructure. Read full information on external site
West Africa’s largest data centre - startupafrica.co.za2020-09-26 Rack Centre, carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus, Nigeria. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre announces $100m expansion to create West Africa’s largest data centre - algeriabusinessinfo.com2020-09-26 Rack Centre, carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus, Nigeria. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre announces $100m expansion to create West Africa’s largest data centre - africabusinesscommunities.com2020-09-25 Rack Centre, carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus, Nigeria. Read full information on external site
Dell partners firms to launch Tech Experience Centre in Nigeria - Nairametrics - Business Telegraph - newscabal.co.uk2020-09-24 Leading carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, Rack Centre, has announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres, which will pave way for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus. Read full information on external site
FEC approves $1.96 billion for Kano-Niger Republic railway - newscabal.co.uk 2020-09-24 Leading carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, Rack Centre, has announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres, which will pave way for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus. Read full information on external site
China to hit US$63.7bn in cloud computing revenue by 2024, dominating APAC market - datacenternews.asia2020-09-22 China is set to dominate Asia Pacific (APAC) cloud computing market revenue in the lead up to 2024, with one-third revenue market share, according to GlobalData’s Market Opportunity Forecasts Model. Read full information on external site
Wiit S p A : myLoc acquisition - marketscreener.com2020-09-21 WIIT S.p.A., a leading Italian player in the Cloud Computing market of enterprises demanding uninterrupted Hybrid Cloud and Hosted Private Cloud services for critical applications and listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., announces the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of 100% share capital of myLoc managed IT AG, a German provider of cloud and colocation services for enterprises and individuals, part of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group. Read full information on external site
China forecast to dominate APAC cloud computing market revenue over next five years - asiapacificsecuritymagazine.com 2020-09-21 China will continue to dominate the Asia-Pacific (APAC) cloud computing market during the period 2019-2024 with one-third revenue market share, says GlobalData. Read full information on external site
Data Centers of the Future Require Microgrids - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-09-21 On-site power generation eliminates risk while increasing performance. Read full information on external site
DSI Ensures Data Center Uptime and Power Readiness During California Wildfires - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-09-18 Data Specialties Inc. (DSI) Power Readiness Service enables an understanding of data center electrical systems, electric loads, and backup power supplies, and offers implementation of updated systems to mitigate risks from natural disasters like wildfires and power outages. Read full information on external site
Minimize Human Error and Failed Networks - nojitter.com2020-09-18 A data network automation expert explains how intent-based networks can help prevent outages and avoid human errors Read full information on external site
Delta Completes Vietnam's First Uptime Certified TCCF Data Center for Hanoi Telecom subsidiary HTC-ITC - thebureauasia.com2020-09-17 Delta Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL., announced the completion and successful certification of Vietnam's first Uptime Institute Tier Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) green data center for HTC-ITC, a subsidiary of Hanoi Telecom. Read full information on external site
Delta Completes Vietnam's First Uptime Certified TCCF Data Center for Hanoi Telecom subsidiary HTC-ITC - b-i.biz2020-09-17 Delta Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL., announced the completion and successful certification of Vietnam's first Uptime Institute Tier Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) green data center for HTC-ITC, a subsidiary of Hanoi Telecom. Read full information on external site
Data Specialties Inc. Continues to Ensure Data Center Uptime and Power Readiness During Record California Wildfires and Heat Emergencies - globalbankingandfinance.com2020-09-17 Data Specialties Inc. (DSI), a leader in data center design-build, today announced its Power Readiness Service is available to help data center owners and operators. Read full information on external site
The Heart of the Plan - capacitymedia.com2020-09-16 Stephane Duproz, CEO of Africa Data Centres (ADC), has a statistic that shows the challenge faced by much of Africa and its data centre and telecoms operators. Read full information on external site
Cloud computing gives a dam(n) - mygreenpod.com2020-09-16 The world’s 8 million data centres are accountable for over 1% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Read full information on external site
DC Alliance acquires Tier III certified data centre Pier DC and plans expansion - reseller.co.nz2020-09-15 DC Alliance, a data centre owner-operator, has formally acquired 100% of Pier DC on 11th September 2020 after attaining approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) of Australia. Located at Canning Vale in Perth, the only Uptime Institute Tier III certified colocation facility south of the Perth CBD, Pier DC has a technical area of 2,200m2 with power capacity of up to 8MW. Read full information on external site
DC Alliance acquires Tier III certified data centre Pier DC and plans expansion - pcworld.co.nz2020-09-15 DC Alliance, a data centre owner-operator, has formally acquired 100% of Pier DC on 11th September 2020 after attaining approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) of Australia. Located at Canning Vale in Perth, the only Uptime Institute Tier III certified colocation facility south of the Perth CBD, Pier DC has a technical area of 2,200m2 with power capacity of up to 8MW. Read full information on external site
DC Alliance acquires Tier III certified data centre Pier DC and plans expansion - pcworld.idg.com.au2020-09-15 DC Alliance, a data centre owner-operator, has formally acquired 100% of Pier DC on 11th September 2020 after attaining approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) of Australia. Located at Canning Vale in Perth, the only Uptime Institute Tier III certified colocation facility south of the Perth CBD, Pier DC has a technical area of 2,200m2 with power capacity of up to 8MW. Read full information on external site
Pier DC sold to DC Alliance - itwire.com2020-09-15 Singapore-based data centre developer DC Alliance has acquired WA's Pier DC. Read full information on external site
DC Alliance acquires Tier III certified data centre Pier DC and plans expansion - chiefit.me2020-09-15 DC Alliance has officially acquired 100% of Pier DC Pty Ltd on 11th September 2020, its first investment into Australia. It is a strategic decision due to Perth’s new high speed, high capacity undersea data cables that link it to Asia, reducing data latency significantly and facilitating greater interconnectivity among countries in Asia Pacific. Read full information on external site
Perth-based colocation provider Pier DC acquired by Singapore's DC Alliance - crn.com.au 2020-09-15 The deal involves Pier’s 8 megawatt, 2,200 square metre facility, which is an Uptime Institute Tier III data centre. Pier is also a GovNext-ICT programme approved member. Read full information on external site
Singapore's DC Alliance makes first Australian acquisition in Pier DC - arnnet.com.au2020-09-15 Plans to modernise Perth facility and will retain full management and operational control. Read full information on external site
Singapore's DC Alliance makes first Australian acquisition in Pier DC - sg.channelasia.tech2020-09-15 Plans to modernise Perth facility and will retain full management and operational control. Read full information on external site
C Spire ready for Hurricane Sally on Mississippi Gulf Coast - virtual-strategy.com2020-09-14 With parts of Mississippi and Alabama in the cross hairs of Hurricane Sally, C Spire’s bolstered network and highly-trained staff is ready to respond to any emergencies or widespread natural disasters caused by the rapidly strengthening tropical cyclone. Read full information on external site
C Spire ready for Hurricane Sally on Mississippi Gulf Coast - tmcnet.com2020-09-14 With parts of Mississippi and Alabama in the cross hairs of Hurricane Sally, C Spire's bolstered network and highly-trained staff is ready to respond to any emergencies or widespread natural disasters caused by the rapidly strengthening tropical cyclone. Read full information on external site
TIER-Ready: A new way to deliver data centres - leadingedgedc.com2020-09-14 To date, one of the biggest technology challenges for regional Australian businesses is that ‘the edge’ has often stopped just outside a metropolitan city, making it expensive and inefficient for businesses located in rural or regional areas to stay connected. Historically, it has been too expensive and resource-intensive to design, build and deploy tiered data centres in regional communities. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre announces data centre expansion in West Africa - channelpostmea.com2020-09-13 Rack Centre, the leading carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, has announced an expansion programme that will increase capac. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute certifies STT Global Data Centres Bangkok facility - cfotech.asia2020-09-11 The Uptime Institute has awarded the Tier III Certification of Design Documents to ST Telemedia (STT) Global Data Centres Thailand’s first hyperscale data center in Thailand. Read full information on external site
New Value Together: DCIM transforms data centres - networkworld.com2020-09-11 DCIM vastly changes how data centres are managed. Huawei’s renowned solutions help maximise the total value of ownership in these data facilities with the support of AI. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Expands with Plan to Build Major Regional Datacenter in Greenville County - spartanburgceo.com2020-09-11 With the acceleration of digital transformation initiatives across industries,DC BLOX is developing essential infrastructure that strategically enables digital business across the Southeastern United States. Read full information on external site
Digital resilience starts with Rolls Royce infrastructure - businessnews.com2020-09-11 In the digital era, no business can afford to be offline. Not for a second. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute certifies STT Global Data Centres Bangkok facility - datacenternews.us2020-09-11 The Uptime Institute has awarded the Tier III Certification of Design Documents to ST Telemedia (STT) Global Data Centres Thailand’s first hyperscale data center in Thailand. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute certifies STT Global Data Centres Bangkok facility - datacentrenews.eu2020-09-11 The Uptime Institute has awarded the Tier III Certification of Design Documents to ST Telemedia (STT) Global Data Centres Thailand’s first hyperscale data center in Thailand. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute certifies STT Global Data Centres Bangkok facility - datacenternews.asia2020-09-11 The Uptime Institute has awarded the Tier III Certification of Design Documents to ST Telemedia (STT) Global Data Centres Thailand’s first hyperscale data center in Thailand. Read full information on external site
Will the pandemic accelerate the move to public cloud? - datacenterdynamics.com2020-09-11 As the Covid-19 pandemic has unfolded, many people have suggested that the business case for enterprises to move more workloads to the public cloud has been strengthened. Some have argued that the pandemic will accelerate the decline of the enterprise data center. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Expands with Plan to Build Major Regional Datacenter in Greenville County - greenvilleceo.com2020-09-11 With the acceleration of digital transformation initiatives across industries,DC BLOX is developing essential infrastructure that strategically enables digital business across the Southeastern United States. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Expands with Plan to Build Major Regional Datacenter in Greenville County - charlestonceo.com2020-09-11 With the acceleration of digital transformation initiatives across industries,DC BLOX is developing essential infrastructure that strategically enables digital business across the Southeastern United States. Read full information on external site
SC: DC BLOX to Build Major Regional Datacenter in Greenville County - tradeandindustrydev.com2020-09-11 DC BLOX is developing essential infrastructure that strategically enables digital business across the Southeastern United States. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX to build regional data centre in South Carolina - broad-group.com2020-09-11 DC BLOX is developing essential infrastructure that strategically enables digital business across the Southeastern United States. Read full information on external site
HostDime Brazil Achieves Tier III Certification From Uptime Institute - enterpriseworldnews.com2020-09-10 HostDime, a pioneer in global edge data center infrastructure, has earned the coveted Tier III Design Certification from the acclaimed Uptime Institute for their 20,000 square foot data center in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. Read full information on external site
Big Data Exchange Wins Uptime Institutes Tier 111 Certification - apacciooutlook.com2020-09-09 Big Data Exchange (BDx), a data center cluster across Asia, receives the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents for its latest data... Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Expands with Plan to Build Major Regional Datacenter in Greenville County, South Carolina - markets.chroniclejournal.com2020-09-09 With the acceleration of digital transformation initiatives across industries, DC BLOX is developing essential infrastructure that strategically enables digital business across the Southeastern United States. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Expands with Plan to Build Major Regional Datacenter in Greenville County, South Carolina - finance.yahoo.com2020-09-09 Six-acre site in Global Business Park will include 45,000 sf of data center space with expected investment by DC BLOX and tenant customers totaling over $200 million Read full information on external site
ChinData files for IPO: 81.6% of revenue comes from ByteDance - datacenterdynamics.com2020-09-09 Chinese data center company ChinData Group has filed for a US initial public offering. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Ranked As One Of The Leading Suppliers In Rapidly Growing Modular Data Centre Market - scoop.co.nz2020-09-09 Vertiv (NYSE: VRT), a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, has been ranked by technology analyst firm Omdia as one of the leading suppliers in the prefabricated modular (PFM) data centre market with the second highest ... Read full information on external site
HostDime Brazil Achieves Tier III Certification From Uptime Institute - groundreport.in 2020-09-08 HostDime, a pioneer in global edge data center infrastructure, has earned the coveted Tier III Design Certification from the acclaimed Uptime Institute for their 20,000 square foot data center in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. This comes at a time when high availability global data centers are so vital with the current pandemic. Read full information on external site
HostDime Brazil Achieves Tier III Certification From Uptime Institute - biznextindia.com 2020-09-08 HostDime, a pioneer in global edge data center infrastructure, has earned the coveted Tier III Design Certification from the acclaimed Uptime Institute for their 20,000 square foot data center in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. This comes at a time when high availability global data centers are so vital with the current pandemic. Read full information on external site
HostDime Brazil Achieves Tier III Certification From Uptime Institute - canadianinsider.com2020-09-08 The only place for free North American stock rankings incorporating insider commitment. Get stock quotes, news, fundamentals and easy to read SEC and SEDI insider filings. Home of the insider insights newsletter and the Canadian Insider Club which offers alerts and premium research. Read full information on external site
Vertiv ranked as a leader for modular data centre market - itbrief.co.nz2020-09-08 Omdia research reveals that the global market for prefabricated modular data centres, from the edge to the core, increased by more than 65%. Read full information on external site
Vertiv ranked as a leader for modular data centre market - channellife.com2020-09-08 Omdia research reveals that the global market for prefabricated modular data centres, from the edge to the core, increased by more than 65%. Read full information on external site
Vertiv ranked as a leader for modular data centre market - datacenternews.asia2020-09-08 Omdia research reveals that the global market for prefabricated modular data centres, from the edge to the core, increased by more than 65%. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute: Bringing Discipline to the Datacenter Industry via Unbiased Standards for Server Infrastructure - hostingadvice.com 2020-09-04 If there’s one thing that millions of business professionals could use during these uncertain times, it’s peace of mind: the assurance that they will be able to maintain operations while navigating the current pandemic — and those of the future. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre Earmarks $100m to Expand Operations - nipc.gov.ng2020-09-04 Rack Centre has announced plans to invest $100 million in an expansion programme that will increase capacity at its Lagos campus. Read full information on external site
Modular data center market grew 65% from edge to core, Vertiv touts positioning - edgeir.com2020-09-03 Vertiv announced it has been ranked by technology analyst firm Omdia as one of the leading suppliers in the prefabricated modular (PFM) data center market. Read full information on external site
Nigeria gets data centre boost - gadget.co.za2020-09-03 Nigeria is about to get a boost in its data centre capacity with the announcement by Rack Centre, a leading carrier-neutral data centre operator in West Africa, that it will increase capacity to 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus. Read full information on external site
Why you need to update your BCP for COVID-19 - expertIP2020-09-03 If your organization still has no business continuity plan (or an outdated one), now is the time to create one before COVID-19 forces another lockdown. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre expands Lagos capacity - it-online.co.za 2020-09-03 Rack Centre, the leading carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, has announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6 000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus. This will be in addition to the current expansion already. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre Earmarks $100m to Expand Lagos Operations, Capacity to Double by 1.5 Mega Watts - TechnologyMirror.com2020-09-03 Managing Director of Rack Centre,, Dr. Ayotunde Coker Rack Centre has announced plan to invest $100 million in an expansion programme that will increase capacity at its Lagos campus. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Ranked as One of the Leading Suppliers in Rapidly Growing Modular Data Centre Market - myza.co.za 2020-09-02 Vertiv, a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, has been ranked by technology analyst firm Omdia as one of the leading suppliers in the prefabricated modular (PFM) data centre market with the second highest market share worldwide. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre plans $100million expansion to create West Africa’s largest data centre - businessday.ng2020-09-02 Rack Centre, a leading carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, has announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW (Megawatts) of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus. This will be in addition to the current expansion already… Read full information on external site
Data Centers Lead in Sustainability with Net Zero Carbon Emissions For The Future - thegreengrid.org 2020-09-02 In my many decades of working in the data center industry, I have seen plenty of praise for data centers coming from all sectors of society. People who benefit from an increasingly digitally automated lifestyle embrace the fact that there are data centers... Read full information on external site
Vertiv ranked as one of the Leading Suppliers in Rapidly Growing Modular Data Centre Market - govandbusinessjournal.ng2020-09-02 Vertiv (NYSE: VRT), a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, has been ranked by technology analyst firm Omdia as one of the leading suppliers in the prefabricated modular (PFM) data centre market with the second highest market share worldwide. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Holdings Co. (via Public) / Vertiv Ranked as One of the Leading Suppliers in Rapidly Growing Modular Data Centre Market - publicnow.com 2020-09-02 Vertiv (NYSE: VRT), a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, has been ranked by technology analyst firm Omdia as one of the leading suppliers in the prefabricated modular (PFM) data center market with the second highest market share worldwide. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Leads the Ranks in Rapidly Growing Modular Data Centre Market Supplier - cfamedia.ng2020-09-02 The Omdia report, Prefabricated Modular Data Centres, published in early 2020 and based on 2018 and 2019 data, valued PFM shipments. Read full information on external site
MIL-OSI Africa: Vertiv Ranked as One of the Leading Suppliers in Rapidly Growing Modular Data Centre Market - ForeignAffairs.co.nz2020-09-02 Vertiv, a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, has been ranked by technology analyst firm Omdia as one of the leading suppliers in the prefabricated modular (PFM) data centre market with the second highest market share worldwide. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Ranked as One of the Leading Suppliers in Rapidly Growing Modular Data Centre Market - menafn.com2020-09-02 Vertiv a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, has been ranked by technology analyst firm Omdia as one of the leading suppliers in the prefabricated modular (PFM) data centre market with the second highest market share worldwide. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Ranked as One of the Leading Suppliers in Rapidly Growing Modular Data Centre Market - Global Security Mag Online - globalsecuritymag.com 2020-09-02 Vertiv has been ranked by technology analyst firm Omdia as one of the leading suppliers in the prefabricated modular (PFM) data centre market (...) Read full information on external site
[Nigeria] Rack Centre announces $100 million expansion to create West Africa’s largest data centre - africabusinesscommunities.com2020-09-02 Rack Centre, a carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, has announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus. Read full information on external site
Vertiv ranked by Omdia as leading suppliers in modular data centre market - devdiscourse.com2020-09-02 The Omdia report, Prefabricated Modular Data Centres, published in early 2020 and based on 2018 and 2019 data, valued PFM shipments at more than $1.2bn USD in 2018 with growth in deployments set to increase by more than 65% for 2019. Read full information on external site
Vertiv Ranked as One of the Leading Suppliers in Rapidly Growing Modular Data Centre Market - dailyhostnews.com2020-09-02 Vertiv, a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, has been ranked by technology analyst firm Omdia as... Read full information on external site
Submer: Highly Efficient, Sustainable Solutions for Datacenters that Make sense - top500.org2020-09-02 Datacenters can be considered as a sort of nervous system of the contemporary society. Just like the human nervous system, datacenters are not single structures, working on their own. Quite the contrary, “datacenters” are heterogeneous systems with multiple layers of complexity and integration and interaction, internally and externally. Read full information on external site
Data centres: the factors guiding their construction - technologymagazine.com2020-09-01 We take a closer look at the construction considerations behind the ever-more critical pieces of infrastructure known data centres. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre announces $100m expansion to create West Africa’s largest data centre - techeconomy.ng2020-09-01 Rack Centre, the leading carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, has announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre announces $100m expansion to create West Africa’s largest data centre - biztechafrica.com2020-09-01 Rack Centre, the leading carrier neutral data centre operator in West Africa, has announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus in Nigeria. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre Unveils $100m Expansion Plan - nigeriacommunicationsweek.com.ng2020-09-01 Rack Centre, West African carrier neutral data centre operator has unveiled an expansion programme that will increase its capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Gets TCCF Certification from Uptime Institute - financial-news.co.uk2020-09-01 DC BLOX, a provider of multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today´s digital business, has achieved a Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) for its Birmingham data center from Uptime Institute, the global authority for industry tier certification in data center design, build and operations, the company said. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Receives TCCF Certification from Uptime Institute - pipelinepub.com2020-09-01 Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) Demonstrates Commitment to Highly Reliable, State-of-the-Art Data Center Solutions in the Southeast Read full information on external site
May 2020
How green is your data centre? - datacentrereview.com2020-05-26 Not sure how sustainable a facility is? Cue DigiPlex, who has just published, ‘Will your IT withstand a sustainability review?’, a guide to help businesses assess and manage the sustainability profile of the data centres their data resides in. Read full information on external site
How Green is your Data Center? - DigiPlex Publishes Guide and Checklist to Help Businesses Survive Sustainability Audits - websitegear.com2020-05-26 To date, the environmental damage caused by IT has been largely overlooked, but this is changing. The DigiPlex guide highlights: Read full information on external site
Yotta’s first Datacenter NM1 Receives Rare Tier IV Certification by Uptime Institute (USA) - digitalcreed.in2020-05-24 Uptime Institute’s Tier IV Certification of Design Documents makes Yotta NM1 one of the largest Tier IV certified designed Datacenters in the world. Read full information on external site
Minimizing Critical Facility Risk During COVID-19 Pandemic, Part 2 - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-05-22 On March 31 Uptime Institute hosted the webinar COVID-19: Minimizing Critical Facility Risk. Much of the content was based on the Uptime Institute report COVID-19: Minimizing Critical Facility Risk. Read full information on external site
Yotta’s Indian hyperscale data center awarded Tier IV Design certification - datacenterdynamics.com2020-05-22 Set to soon be followed by a construction certificate Read full information on external site
We spend a lot of time online - so how do we make data centres greener? - theworldnews.net2020-05-22 Hello, Earthlings! This is our weekly newsletter on all things environmental, where we highlight trends and solutions that are moving us to a more sustaina. Read full information on external site
We spend a lot of time online - so how do we make data centres greener? - arabnews24.ca2020-05-22 In this week's issue of our environment newsletter, we look at how data centres are becoming more environmentally friendly and examine which countries are furthest along in the transition to sustainable energy... Read full information on external site
NPCI to set up Tier IV data centre in Chennai - medianama.com2020-05-21 The National Payments Corporation of India will set up a tier IV data centre in Chennai, the consortium of banks announced on May 20. Read full information on external site
Coronavirus: Hardening up datacentre equipment supply chains post-Covid-19 - computerweekly.com2020-05-15 Fears about hardware shortages, staff absenteeism and how to keep sites up and running with social distancing have dogged the datacentre sector since the start of the pandemic, so how is the sector faring? Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure. AppointmentsTechnology Appointed: Appleby to lead Yotta’s international expansion - fiinews.com2020-05-15 Yotta Infrastructure, a developer and operator of hyper-scale data center parks in India, has appointed global Internet & Data Center industry veteran Jarrett Appleby as the Strategic Advisor for International markets. Read full information on external site
UK Emergency Planners' Data Center Risk Info Gathering Is Slow Going - datacenterknowledge.com2020-05-15 The government's disaster mitigation team has found it difficult to get data center operators' pandemic-related outage risk assessments. Read full information on external site
Pandemic is causing some outages and slowdowns - datacenterdynamics.com2020-05-14 Although the system is resilient, there have been some alarming staff shortages. Read full information on external site
Meeting The Digital Demands Of 2020, And Beyond - publicnow.com2020-05-13 Immediacy wasn't necessarily a top priority for businesses 10 years ago with regards to the way their internal and external facing IT performed. Read full information on external site
Readdressing the data centre skills gap - datacentrereview.com 2020-05-13 Simon Blake, EMEA marketing director at Vertiv examines what is causing the data centre skills gap to escalate and how it can be addressed. Read full information on external site
A Future of Innovation and Strategic Transformation - viv-media.com2020-05-12 The world that we live in is advancing at an uncommon pace. Enterprises are attempting to adjust to new advancements like Artificial Intelligence, 5G, IoT, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, and that's just the beginning. Read full information on external site
A Future of Innovation and Strategic Transformation - whatech.com2020-05-12 The world that we live in is advancing at an uncommon pace. Enterprises are attempting to adjust to new advancements like Artificial Intelligence, 5G, IoT, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, and that's just the beginning. The center of such change is the computerized foundation that requires an association to remain flexible and coordinated. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure appoints Jarrett Appleby as Strategic Advisor to CEO - cxotoday.com2020-05-12 Senior Advisor to the Blackstone Group and Former Equinix and Digital Realty Executive will Support Strategy and International Business Development for Yotta. Read full information on external site
Air-Cooled Chillers Are Back in Data Centers, and They Mean Business - esmagazine.com2020-05-09 It’s no secret that data centers require a lot of energy. The main driver of data center design engineers’ work is to provide energy-efficient, reliable, and cost-competitive HVAC systems. Retail data centers challenge the design community to minimize capital and operational costs while optimizing efficiency. Read full information on external site
Where Are The Interesting New Data Centre Markets In Asia? - data-economy.com2020-05-08 The operations at existing data centres is often relatively weak, not helped by serving a mix of internal and external customers. Clearly, Vietnam is not without its challenge. Read full information on external site
IoT Data Centres Invests $120M In Darwin Facility - data-economy.com2020-05-07 Melbourne-based IoT Data Centres is to open a new US$77 million facility in Australia’s Northern Territory, due to be operational by early 2021. Read full information on external site
Covid-19: What worries data center management most? - datacenterdynamics.com2020-05-07 So far the industry has coped well - but there are some concerns for the future. Read full information on external site
The Benefits of Designing Data Centres for Efficiency - techerati.com2020-05-07 How does one deploy the most resilient, secure and operationally efficient data centre solution, in the most cost-effective way? Read full information on external site
Melbourne's IoT Data Centres to open Darwin facility - crn.com.au2020-05-06 Melbourne colocation provider IoT Data Centres has announced plans to open its first data centre in Darwin. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Introduces Remotely Enabled Services Across Its Entire Digital Infrastructure Portfolio - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-05-06 SEATTLE — Uptime Institute announced the availability of new remotely enabled versions of its globally recognized Tier Standard Certifications, Accredited Educational curriculum, Data Center Risk Assessment, Management & Operations Stamp of Approval, and Facilities Management and Operations services. Read full information on external site
When The Only Constant Is Change, Operational Sustainability Is Indispensable - publicnow.com2020-05-04 Australians are no strangers to the extremes of Mother Nature. Bushfires have a history of creating catastrophic loss, extended periods of drought are not unusual, and ferocious storms accompanied by cyclonic wind, torrential rains and flash flooding are simply part of life in many Australian cities. Read full information on external site
Google machine learning shifts data center operations to maximize efficiency, renewables use - utilitydive.com2020-05-04 Data centers consume about 1% of worldwide electricity, but while the computing power to run the internet has grown steadily over the last decade, its energy demand has remained relatively consistent. Read full information on external site
Manage what you measure with clarity - datacentrenews.eu2020-05-04 Data center management solutions enable facilities and IT professionals to intelligently reduce energy consumption. Read full information on external site
Manage what you measure with clarity - datacenternews.us2020-05-04 Data center management solutions enable facilities and IT professionals to intelligently reduce energy consumption. Read full information on external site
Data Centers And Global Electricity Use – Two Camps - publicnow.com2020-05-02 I was able to join several of the #DCDEnergySmart 2020 presentations earlier this week. There was a lot of tremendous content on the programme, besides which it was great to have a little normality back during the COVID-19 lockdown! Read full information on external site
Don't Overlook These Critical Data Spaces in Your Facilities - facilitiesnet.com2020-05-01 Even the smallest spaces that house critical data can't be treated like just another closet. Here's how to make sure critical data spaces stay operational and efficient. Read full information on external site
August 2020
Morocco’s Digitalization: OCP, UM6P Launch Benguerir Data Center - newsafricanow.com2020-08-31 OCP’s inauguration of Benguerir Data Center is likely to help Morocco flourish in its digitization efforts. Read full information on external site
Colocation Provider DC BLOX Achieves Tier III Certification from Uptime Institute - hostingjournalist.com 2020-08-31 DC BLOX, a provider of highly connected colocation data centers, has achieved a Tier III TCCF for its Birmingham data center from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
Rack Centre announces US$100m datacentre expansion plan - itweb.africa2020-08-31 West African carrier neutral datacentre operator Rack Centre, has announced an expansion programme that will increase capacity to a total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres and allow for 13MW of IT power capacity in its Lagos campus. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Becomes First Multi-Tenant Data Center Operator in Alabama to Receive a TCCF Certification from Uptime Institute - jotup.co2020-08-28 DC BLOX, a provider of multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today’s digital business, has achieved a Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) for its Birmingham data center from Uptime Institute, the global authority for industry tier certification in data center design, build and operations. Read full information on external site
Morocco’s Digitalization: OCP, UM6P Launch Benguerir Data Center - theworldnews.net2020-08-28 Rabat – Morocco’s phosphate giant OCP Group has created the Benguerir Data Center in collaboration with the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), with the aim to advance Morocco’s digital ecosystem. Read full information on external site
Morocco’s Digitalization: OCP, UM6P Launch Benguerir Data Center - newsafricanow.com2020-08-28 OCP’s inauguration of Benguerir Data Center is likely to help Morocco flourish in its digitization efforts. Read full information on external site
DC BLOX Becomes First Multi-Tenant Data Center Operator in Alabama to Receive a TCCF Certification from Uptime Institute - oaoa.com2020-08-27 DC BLOX, a provider of multi-tenant data centers that deliver the infrastructure and connectivity essential to power today’s digital business, has achieved a Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) for its Birmingham data center from Uptime Institute, the global authority for industry tier certification in data center design, build and operations. Read full information on external site
Generator in the Data Center Market Projected to Garner Significant Revenues by 2025 - prnewspulse.com2020-08-27 AMR (Ample Market Research) recently added The Generator in the Data Center Market report in their huge inventory,Generator in the Data Center Market research report consists important sections which re-present many aspects of the market along with provides more information about market status, Industry Matrix, Industry decisions, Industry positioning, Current trends, forecast and much more. Read full information on external site
Morocco’s Digitalization: OCP, UM6P Launch Benguerir Data Center - moroccoworldnews.com2020-08-27 The move comes in line with the nationwide digitalization campaign that Morocco has accelerated in light of the spread of COVID-19. Read full information on external site
The OCP Group launches a giant Data Center - en24.news2020-08-26 In order to activate the digital transformation of the Moroccan ecosystem, the OCP Group has launched the ” Benguerir Data Center ” (BDC), in partnership with the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P). Read full information on external site
Data center backup power systems, standards to address downtime - searchdatacenter.techtarget.com2020-08-26 The market is growing for data center backup power hardware as organizations require critical infrastructure support and constant uptime. Industry standards for selection and operation, along with a variety of hardware options, can help admins set up effective power systems. Read full information on external site
How to Prepare for Migration to Cloud: Checklist - dzone.com2020-08-26 Take a few comprehensive and simple steps before migrating your data to the cloud to avoid any outages. Read on to see the checklist. Read full information on external site
5-Point Plan for Eliminating Human Error in Data Center Operations - datacenterfrontier.com2020-08-26 John Hevey, Vice President, Corporate Technical Service at BCS Data Center Operations, offers a step-by-step plan to cut down on human error and data center outages in data center operations. Read full information on external site
Creating a Strong Business Continuity Plan - continuityinsights.com2020-08-21 By Pronto Recovery: Businesses rely on their computers to get work done. On occasion, downtime arises, so they need a backup plan. Read full information on external site
Google Cloud services outage hits Gmail users across Europe - computerweekly.com2020-08-20 Several key parts of Google’s cloud-based productivity suite of products are experiencing technical difficulties, with users across Europe reporting issues. Read full information on external site
Smart expands suite of digital channels - telecompaper.com2020-08-18 Smart Communications said it's expanding its suite of digital and non-contact distribution channels in order to address customer needs and requests more efficiently and safely amid the pandemic. Customers can simply go to the Smart Online Store to order phones and internet devices, apply or renew postpaid plans, buy Smart and TNT prepaid e-load and mobile data bundles as well as postpaid data boosters. Read full information on external site
Get over 400 hours of IT and cybersecurity training for just $69 - boingboing.net2020-08-18 We all know global data is growing exponentially. But when you sit back and really look at the numbers, you might still be surprised at exactly how fast all that data is piling up. Read full information on external site
COVID’s ‘Next Normal’ Fueling Cloud Migration - enterpriseai.news2020-08-18 The pandemic’s impact on how and where enterprise IT infrastructure is deployed remains an open question, with datacenter backers arguing security doubts. Read full information on external site
PCCW Solutions unveils new data center with strong momentum - dailyhostnews.com2020-08-18 PCCW Solutions, the IT services flagship of PCCW Limited, unveils its SLC Data Center in Fo Tan, Hong Kong, which is designed to cater for... Read full information on external site
10th Annual Global Data Center Survey Results - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-08-17 Andy Lawrence, managing director of research at Uptime Institute, discusses the 10th Annual Global Data Center Survey results. Read full information on external site
Big Data Exchange (BDx) Nanjing Data Center First to Receive Uptime Institute's Tier III Certification in Nanjing - tubinvesting.blogspot.com2020-08-12 Big Data Exchange (BDx), a pan-Asian data center cluster, announced it has received the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents for its new data center being constructed in Nanjing, China. Read full information on external site
Will Growth at the Edge Shrink the Core? - datacenterknowledge.com2020-08-12 When a human population spreads out, it tends to spread thinner. Will computing capacity follow the same pattern? Read full information on external site
Wednesday Bytes: Comcast, BDx, Avelacom, Green House Data, ShenTel - telecomramblings.com2020-08-12 Here are a few midweek quick takes to keep an eye on, two contracts, two international expansions, and some new managed services. Read full information on external site
Big Data Exchange (BDx) Nanjing Data Center First to Receive Uptime Institute's Tier III Certification in Nanjing - newdelhitimes.com2020-08-11 Big Data Exchange (BDx), a pan-Asian data center cluster, announced it has received the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents for its new data center being constructed in Nanjing, China. Read full information on external site
Big Data Exchange (BDx) Nanjing Data Center First to Receive Uptime Institute's Tier III Certification in Nanjing - varindia.com2020-08-11 Big Data Exchange (BDx), a pan-Asian data center cluster, announced it has received the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents for its new data center being constructed in Nanjing, China. Read full information on external site
Big Data Exchange (BDx) Nanjing Data Center First to Receive Uptime Institute's Tier III Certification in Nanjing - latinbusinesstoday.com2020-08-11 Big Data Exchange (BDx), a pan-Asian data center cluster, announced it has received the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents for its new data center being constructed in Nanjing, China. Read full information on external site
Big Data Exchange (BDx) Nanjing Data Center First to Receive Uptime Institute's Tier III Certification in Nanjing - webindia123.com2020-08-11 Big Data Exchange (BDx), a pan-Asian data center cluster, announced it has received the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents for its new data center being constructed in Nanjing, China. Read full information on external site
Big Data Exchange (BDx) Nanjing Data Center First to Receive Uptime Institute's Tier III Certification in Nanjing - smdailypress.com2020-08-11 Big Data Exchange (BDx), a pan-Asian data center cluster, announced it has received the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Design Documents for its new data center being constructed in Nanjing, China. Uptime Institute is the IT industry's most trusted and adopted global standard for the proper design, build and operation of data centers. The Nanjing facility is the first data center in Nanjing to earn the certification. Read full information on external site
Fleet Management Of Data Center Electronics - semiengineering.com2020-08-11 Turning from preventative to predictive maintenance to manage downtime and avoid service outages. Read full information on external site
Data Center Market in Western Europe - Industry Outlook and Forecasts to 2025 and the Impact of COVID-19 - markets.businessinsider.com2020-08-11 The "Data Center Market in Western Europe - Industry Outlook and Forecast 2020-2025" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. Read full information on external site
Equinix enters India by purchasing pair of Mumbai bit barns - theregister.com2020-08-11 Traffic among tenants in financial capital looks to be as tasty as renting racks Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute Reveals The Results Of Its 2020 Data Center Industry Survey - itone.lu2020-08-07 The tenth annual Uptime Institute Global Survey of IT and Data Center Managers, which was just released, provides an overview of the practices, experiences and underlying trends in the mission-critical digital infrastructure industry, today and in the future. This survey, the most comprehensive and longest-running of its kind, was conducted online during March and April 2020. Read full information on external site
White Paper | Uptime Institute global data center survey 2020 - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-08-06 The findings discussed in this report reveal what operators around the world are thinking, doing, and planning in the areas of efficiency, resiliency, workload placement, staffing, and new technology adoption. Read full information on external site
Many data-center workloads staying on premises, Uptime Institute finds - networkworld.com2020-08-06 Power efficiency has plateaued as data-center workloads expand and become more process-intensive. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute 10th Annual Global Data Center Survey Shows Increasing Complexities, Outages - news.websitegear.com2020-08-06 Findings show 44% had recent major outage that tangibly impacted their organization. Read full information on external site
A peek inside NextDC’s S2 data centre - zdnet.com2020-08-05 NextDC let ZDNet inside its second of three facilities in Sydney. Here’s a look at the 30MW facility located in Macquarie Park, 13 kilometres north-west of the Sydney CBD. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure delivering supreme quality Data Centre parks in three cities - varindia.com2020-08-05 “Our uptime tier-4 certification demonstrates our relentless pursuit for quality and innovation and it is a testimony of unparalleled commitments to our customers who are looking for the best.” Read full information on external site
3 Strategic Solutions Will Safeguard Next-Generation Data Center Operations - datacenterfrontier.com2020-08-05 Instituting critical facility monitoring, measurement and management will create a framework and a roadmap for data center owners and operators to follow that will lead to certain success in these uncertain times. Read full information on external site
Australia's NextDC opens Perth P2 hyperscale data center - datacenterdynamics.com2020-08-05 P2 is also connected to Perth's Indigo cables for links to Sydney and Asia. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC opens new Perth data centre - technologydecisions.com.au2020-08-04 NEXTDC has opened a new 20 MW P2 data centre in the Perth CBD to augment its existing P1 data centre in that city. Read full information on external site
Increasing Complexities, Outages Hampering Organizations' Data Center Operations: Survey - cioandleader.com2020-08-04 Data center outages are occurring with disturbing frequency, bigger outages are becoming more damaging and expensive, and what has been gained in improved processes and engineering has been partially offset by the challenges of maintaining ever more complex systems, according to Uptime Institute’s 10th annual Global Data Center Survey. Avoiding unplanned downtime remains a top technical and business challenge for all owners and operators. Read full information on external site
Increasing Complexities, Outages Hampering Organizations' Data Center Operations: Survey - itnext.in 2020-08-04 Data center outages are occurring with disturbing frequency, bigger outages are becoming more damaging and expensive, and what has been gained in improved processes and engineering has been partially offset by the challenges of maintaining ever more complex systems, according to Uptime Institute’s 10th annual Global Data Center Survey. Avoiding unplanned downtime remains a top technical and business challenge for all owners and operators. Read full information on external site
Which regions have the most energy efficient data centers? - datacenterdynamics.com2020-08-04 Uptime's global survey reveals some global trends. Read full information on external site
Survey Of Data Center Operators: Increasing Complexities, Outages - facilityexecutive.com 2020-08-04 In its 10th annual Global Data Center Survey, Uptime Institute finds this growing sector is adapting to rapid change on multiple levels. Read full information on external site
Uptime Institute survey shows growing complexities and downfalls - cioperu.pe 2020-08-03 The Uptime Institute announced the main results of its 10th Annual Global Survey of Data Centers . The results show a growing sector that adapts to rapid change on multiple levels. In almost every area under discussion - downtime, resilience, staffing, workload placement, or innovation - the variety of strategies employed is vast. Read full information on external site
Increasing Complexities and Outages for Data Centers, Says Uptime Institute - hostingjournalist.com2020-08-03 In Uptime Institute’s surveys from 2018 and 2019, and now supported by their 2020 survey, data center outages would occur with disturbing frequency. Also, bigger data center outages are becoming more damaging and expensive. Read full information on external site
NEXTDC launches 20MW data centre hub in Perth - broad-group.com2020-08-03 NEXTDC has opened its data centre in Perth, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony officiated by the Hon. Dave Kelly MLA, Western Australia’s Minister of Innovation and ICT. Read full information on external site
Data Bytes: Cloud CapEx, PUE Trends, HPC Spending, Servers on the Edge - datacenterfrontier.com2020-08-03 Data Bytes is our new weekly roundup of research and analysis on data centers and cloud computing. This week: New data on cloud investment by hyperscalers, latest trends in PUE, HPC spending pauses for COVID-19, and projections on edge server growth. Read full information on external site
July 2020
Meeting the digital demands of 2020, and beyond - linkedin.com 2020-07-20 Immediacy wasn’t necessarily a top priority for businesses 10 years ago with regards to the way their internal and external facing IT performed. Today however, the time taken to respond is judged by customers in near real-time. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure signs MoU with Govt of Tamil Nadu to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai - crn.in2020-07-20 Yotta Infrastructure, a Hiranandani Group subsidiary and a Managed Data Center service provider developing hyper-scale data center parks in India, today signed an MoU with the Government of Tamil Nadu to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai. Read full information on external site
Hiranandani Group's Yotta inks pact to set up 13-acre data center - park in Chennai - economictimes.indiatimes.com2020-07-20 Hiranandani Group and its subsidiaries, along with Yotta, will invest up to Rs 4,000 crore in this proposed project over 8-10 years. The proposed data center park will be built at Hiranandani Parks on the Singaperumal- Oragadam highway and will host a total of four data center buildings with a capacity of 20,000 racks. Read full information on external site
Yotta to invest Rs 4000 cr to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai, inks MoU with Government of Tamil Nadu - varindia.com 2020-07-20 Yotta Infrastructure signed an MoU with the Government of Tamil Nadu to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai. The Hiranandani Group and its group companies, along with Yotta, will invest INR 3000-4000 crores in this proposed project over eight to ten years. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure Signs MoU with Government of Tamil Nadu to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai, to invest INR 4000 Crore - eletimes.com2020-07-20 Yotta Infrastructure, a Hiranandani Group subsidiary and a Managed Data Center service provider developing hyper-scale data center parks in India, signed an MoU with the Government of Tamil Nadu to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure signs MoU with Government of Tamil Nadu to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai - technuter.com2020-07-20 Yotta Infrastructure signed an MoU with the Government of Tamil Nadu to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai. The Hiranandani Group and its group companies, along with Yotta, will invest INR 3000-4000 crores in this proposed project over 8-10 years. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure inks agreement for data center park in Chennai - projectstoday.com2020-07-20 Hiranandani Group’s data center company Yotta Infrastructure has inked an agreement with the government of Tamil Nadu to set up a data center park spread over 13 acre campus in Chennai. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure & Govt. Of Tamil Nadu To Set Up Data Center Park In Chennai - itmix.cz 2020-07-20 Yotta Infrastructure, a Hiranandani Group subsidiary and a Managed Data Center service provider signed an MoU with the government of Tamil Nadu to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai. The total investment in the project is estimated at ₹ 3000-4000 Crore across a duration of 8-10 years. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure to set up data centre park in Chennai - techcircle.in2020-07-20 Hiranandani Group-owned managed data centre service provider Yotta Infrastructure Solutions, today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the government of Tamil Nadu to set up a data centre park in Chennai. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure & Govt. Of Tamil Nadu To Set Up Data Center Park In Chennai - analyticsindiamag.com2020-07-20 Yotta Infrastructure, a Hiranandani Group subsidiary and a Managed Data Center service provider signed an MoU with the government of Tamil Nadu to set up a Data Center Park in Chennai. The total investment in the project is estimated at ₹ 3000-4000 Crore across a duration of 8-10 years. Read full information on external site
Hiranandani Group's Yotta inks pact to set up 13-acre data center park in Chennai - economictimes.indiatimes.com2020-07-20 Hiranandani Group and its subsidiaries, along with Yotta, will invest up to Rs 4,000 crore in this proposed project over 8-10 years. The proposed data center park will be built at Hiranandani Parks on the Singaperumal- Oragadam highway and will host a total of four data center buildings with a capacity of 20,000 racks. Read full information on external site
Challenges for hyperscale networks - expresscomputer.in2020-07-16 In their pursuit to connect the unconnected, create more storage for data, achieve higher bandwidth, and faster transmission speeds – hyperscale, colocation, and enterprise data centers are united, yet the challenges hyperscale networks face are entirely unique. Read full information on external site
Challenges for hyperscale networks - www.crn.in2020-07-16 In their pursuit to connect the unconnected, create more storage for data, achieve higher bandwidth, and faster transmission speeds – hyperscale, colocation, and enterprise data centers are united, yet the challenges hyperscale networks face are entirely unique. Read full information on external site
Navi Mumbai is now home to Asia's largest data centre- Yotta NM1 - knocksense.com2020-07-15 Navi Mumbai has got a brand new data centre called the Yotta NM1, which is India's largest. This data centre is certified by Uptime Institute in Asia and is the second-largest in the world. The Yotta NM1 is located in the 600 acres, Hiranandani Fortune City, Pavel. Read full information on external site
New Relic: How observability reduces downtime - theregister.com 2020-07-14 Efficient troubleshooting will cut your mean-time-to-resolution. Read full information on external site
India towards Self-Reliance in Digital Economy with launch of Yotta Data Centre by Hiranandani Group - thepropertytimes.in2020-07-11 Asia’s largest Data Centre YOTTA NM1 goes live at Hiranandani Fortune City, Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Read full information on external site
DCD>Building at Scale: Hyperscalers aim to build at $6m per MW - datacenterdynamics.com2020-07-09 Experienced data center builders can deliver hyperscale facilities for $6 million per MW of power, while some are achieving costs as low as $3.6 million per MW, DCD's Building at Scale conference heard today. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure inaugurates 820,000-sqf data centre hub in India - broad-group.com2020-07-08 With proximity to Mumbai and Pune, the data centre is located in the 600-acre Hiranandani Fortune City in Panvel. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure unveils India's largest Data Centre, Yotta NM1 at Navi Mumbai - uniindia.com 2020-07-07 Mumbai, Jul 7 (UNI)Yotta Infrastructure, a Hiranandani Group subsidiary, on Tuesday unveilled India''s largest data center building, Yotta NM1, in a virtual event in the presence of Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, Union Information and Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad and state industries minister Subhash Desai. It is the largest Tier IV Data Center certified by Uptime Institute in Asia and second largest in the world. Read full information on external site
AIMS DC plans new data centre in Malaysia - samenacouncil.org2020-07-07 Data centre activity continues to ramp up across Asia, as underlined by a recent report from Malaysia, where a major new facility is planned in Selangor. Read full information on external site
Asia’s Largest Data Centre With 210MW Overall Capacity Inaugurated Near Mumbai - primetimes.in2020-07-07 The Yotta data centre is slated to be India’s largest data centre of its kind, as well as the largest certified Tier IV data centre in Asia. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure opens Tier IV certified Data Center at Navi Mumbai - varindia.com2020-07-07 Yotta Infrastructure has inaugurated data center building, Yotta NM1, in a virtual event in the presence of Uddhav Thackeray - Chief Minister, Govt of Maharashtra, Ravi Shankar Prasad - Minister for Communications, Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Govt of India and Subhash Desai – Minister of Industries and Mining , Govt of Maharashtra. It is the largest Tier IV Data Center certified by Uptime Institute in Asia and second largest in the world. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure Inaugurates Asia’s Largest and World’s Second-Largest Certified Data Center - digitalcreed.in2020-07-07 The Uptime Institute Certified Tier IV data center was built in less than 12 months. It is the first of five buildings planned at a data center park in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra. Yotta will build more parks in Chennai and New Delhi. Read full information on external site
Hiranandani Group opens giant data centre in Mumbai to tap digital economy - business-standard.com2020-07-07 Read more about Hiranandani Group opens giant data centre in Mumbai to tap digital economy on Business Standard. The Rs 1,000-crore facility is the first of more to come. Read full information on external site
Yotta NM1 Launched at Navi Mumbai - enterpriseitworld.com2020-07-07 Yotta Infrastructure inaugurated its much awaited Yotta NM1 Data Center in a virtual presence of Shri Uddhav Thackeray– Hon. Chief Minister, Govt of Maharashtra, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad – Hon. Minister for Communications, Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Govt of India and Sh. Subhash Desai – Hon. Minister of Industries and Mining , Govt of Maharashtra. It is the largest Tier IV Data Center certified by Uptime Institute in Asia and second largest in the world. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure Unveiled Its Gigantic Data Center Virtually - expresscomputer.in2020-07-07 Yotta Infrastructure Solutions launched its first data center on Tuesday virtually, that was graced by Union IT Minister Ravi Shakar Prasad, Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray, Minister for Industries and Mining, Subhash Desai, Niranjan Hiranandani and Darshan Hiranandani, MD and Group CEO, Hiranandani Group. Read full information on external site
Data Centre Yotta NM1 launched at Hiranandani Fortune City - projectstoday.com2020-07-07 Asia's largest Data Centre, Yotta NM1, the largest Tier IV Data Centre, certified by the Uptime Institute in Asia, and the second largest in the world was inaugurated in Panvel, Maharashtra.Read full information on external site
Asia's Largest Data Centre With 210MW Overall Capacity Inaugurated Near Mumbai - indian24news.com2020-07-07 Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Tuesday e-inaugurated Asia's largest certified tier IV data centre near Mumbai. Located in Panvel, the Yotta NM1 data centre building, is the largest of its kind in India, as well as the second largest.. Read full information on external site
India's Largest Data Center Inaugurated In Navi Mumbai - cioandleader.com2020-07-07 The data center, Yotta NM1, is the largest Tier IV data center certified by Uptime Institute in Asia and second largest in the world. Read full information on external site
Asia's Largest Data Centre With 210MW Overall Capacity Inaugurated Near Mumbai - news18.com2020-07-07 Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Tuesday e-inaugurated Asia’s largest certified tier IV data centre near Mumbai. Located in Panvel, the Yotta NM1 data centre building, is the largest of its kind in India, as well as the second largest in the world. Read full information on external site
Best-in-class data center provisioning: Simplify, standardize, repeat - datacenterdynamics.com2020-07-07 Demand for IT capacity continues to grow rapidly across the globe, which has driven the need for more industrialized approaches to data center construction and component assembly. Large operators and their partners have scrambled to apply new processes and disciplines, expand and re-organize supply chains, deploy prefabricated components, and, where possible, reduce cost overheads, variation and complexity. Read full information on external site
Is there a future for data centers in northern Russia? - bizwireexpress.com2020-07-07 The Russian government recently started a project to build data centers in the Northern part of Russia. In this article it is questioned, whether this is a profitable project and if there is a future for data centers in Northern Russia. Read full information on external site
Is there a future for data centers in northern Russia? - realwire.com2020-07-07 Author: Taras Chirkov, Head of SPB DC Operations & CISO, Linxdatacenter The Russian government recently started a project to build data centers in the Northern part of Russia. In this article it ... Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure Inaugurates India’s Largest Data Center Facility - analyticsindiamag.com2020-07-07 Yotta Infrastructure, a Hiranandani Group subsidiary and a Managed Data Centre Service Provider developing hyper-scale data centre parks in India, today inaugurated India’s largest data center building, Yotta NM1, in a virtual event. It is the largest Tier IV Data Center certified by Uptime Institute in Asia and second largest in the world. With proximity… Read full information on external site
Telecom minister inaugurates Yotta Infrastructure’s 7,200 racks data centre at Navi Mumbai - tele.net.in2020-07-07 Yotta Infrastructure, a Hiranandani Group subsidiary and a managed data centre service provider developing hyper-scale data centre parks in India has inaugurated India’s largest data centre building, Yotta NM1, in a virtual event. It is the largest Tier IV Data Centre certified by Uptime Institute in Asia and second largest in the world. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure Inaugurates Asia’s Largest and World’s Second-Largest Uptime Institute Tier IV Certified Data Center – Yotta NM1 - technuter.com2020-07-07 Yotta Infrastructure Inaugurates Asia's Largest and World's Second-Largest Uptime Institute Tier IV Certified Data Center – Yotta NM1 Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure opens Asia’s Largest Tier IV Certified Data Center – Yotta NM1 at Navi Mumbai - www.crn.in2020-07-07 Yotta Infrastructure has inaugurated India’s largest data center building, Yotta NM1, in a virtual event in the presence of Uddhav Thackeray– Hon. Chief Minister, Govt of Maharashtra, Ravi Shankar Prasad – Hon. Minister for Communications, Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Govt of India and Subhash Desai – Hon. Minister of Industries and Mining , Govt of Maharashtra. Read full information on external site
AIMS DC starts building 50MW data center in Cyberjaya, Malaysia - datacenterdynamics.com2020-07-06 The facility should be up and running by the end of the year. Read full information on external site
AIMS starts construction of Tier III flagship data center in Cyberjaya - digitalnewsasia.com2020-07-06 AIMS Data Centre announced on 3 July that they have begun construction on a new Tier III purpose-built data center facility in Cyberjaya. Named AIMS @ Cyberjaya, the facility will serve as AIMS’ flagship data center facility, in addition to Menara AIMS that is located in Kuala Lumpur. Read full information on external site
AIMS announces construction of tier III flagship facility in Cyberjaya - businesstoday.com.my2020-07-06 AIMS Data Centre (AIMS), an interconnected data centre, has announced that it has started construction on a new Tier III purpose-built data centre facility in Cyberjaya. The facility, named AIMS @ Cyberjaya, will serve as AIMS’ flagship data centre facility, in addition to Menara AIMS located in Kuala Lumpur. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infra to invest ₹3,500 cr on data centres - .thehindubusinessline.com2020-07-05 Yotta Infrastructure, an arm of the Hiranandani Group, will spend ₹3,500 crore on three datacentres in Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai in the next two years. Read full information on external site
The U.S. data center cooling market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 3% during the period 2019–2025 - markets.businessinsider.com2020-07-03 New York, July 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reportlinker.com announces the release of the report 'Data Center Cooling Market in US- Industry Out... Read full information on external site
AIMS Announces Construction of Tier III Flagship Facility in Cyberjaya - malaysian-business.com2020-07-03 AIMS Data Centre (AIMS), Malaysia and Southeast Asia’s leading interconnected data centre, announced today that it has started construction on a new Tier III purpose-built data centre facility in Cyberjaya. The facility, named AIMS @ Cyberjaya, will serve as AIMS’ flagship data centre facility, in addition to Menara AIMS located in Kuala Lumpur. Read full information on external site
An introduction to DCIM software metrics and terms - searchdatacenter.techtarget.com2020-07-02 Infrastructure management is no easy task. The right software can help admins track how efficient their server racks and facilities are and pinpoint where to make improvements. Read full information on external site
WIIT S p A : Contract extension - marketscreener.com2020-07-02 Multi-year extension of contract signed for a total value of approx. Euro 4.8 million with a major listed company, a leading global player in the luxury sector and a long-standing. Read full information on external site
Telebras wins Tier IV certification for satellite operations centre - telecompaper.com2020-07-01 Telebras received the Tier IV certification for the Main Space Operations Center (COPE-P), which becomes the second data centre with this certification in Brazil and the first in the public sector. Read full information on external site
8 Steps to Reliability During the Pandemic - facilitiesnet.com2020-07-01 From remote monitoring and managing more remote workers, data center managers have new challenges during the coronavirus pandemic. Read full information on external site
Remote management comes into its own - datacenterdynamics.com2020-07-01 For years, remote management has been a good idea for data centers. Now it has become a necessity. Read full information on external site
How colocation providers can maintain business continuity with remote management digital tools - datacenterdynamics.com2020-07-01 Specialized building management and power monitoring digital tools are key assets for helping colocation facilities overcome the challenge of maintaining business continuity. Read full information on external site
Leading Edge DC pumps $13m into NSW data center campus - datacenterdynamics.com2020-07-01 Leading Edge Data Centres plans to invest AU$19.6m (US$13m) in a 1.5MW data center campus in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Read full information on external site
June 2020
Delta Introduces SmartNode All-in-one Modularized Data Centre Solution - bisinfotech.com2020-06-30 Delta has recently announced the launch of SmartNode, a new generation of modularized data centre infrastructure solution, which offers flexible power system and cooling designs, quick deployment and scalable capacity for versatile implementation in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). Read full information on external site
Solving the US Data Center Renewable Energy Puzzle - itprotoday.com2020-06-30 Renewable energy for data centers is harder in the US than in Europe. Here’s how one French ad tech firm solved the puzzle. Read full information on external site
DP Facilities Partners With Tintri To Deliver VDI Solutions, Addressing The New Urgency Around End-User Computing - svdaily.com2020-06-30 DP Facilities’ Highly Secure Tier III Facility and Tintri’s VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Platform Align to Deliver Simple and Seamless IT Infrastructure Procurement Read full information on external site
Five Reasons Data Center Owners Shouldn’t Be Sleeping at Night - datacenterfrontier.com2020-06-29 John Hevey asserts data center owners should be analyzing the motivation & mission of their critical facility management providers. Read full information on external site
India is poised for growth in data centres - broad-group.com2020-06-25 The global pandemic has brought multiple aspects of internet usage to the fore. Many took to the internet for solace as well as to use their time constructively. Read full information on external site
In search of eternal life for IT hardware- techerati.com2020-06-24 The dream of a circular economy for IT hardware is not a fantasy, says Astrid Wynne. Read full information on external site
IXcellerate Increases Moscow Data Centre Capacity To 26MW - data-economy.com2020-06-22 IXcellerate has commissioned a new energy centre and increased its data centre campus power capacity in Moscow to 26MW. Read full information on external site
Why Every Data Center In The Future Will Be “Lights Out” - thegreengrid.org2020-06-22 On a sunny day in March, Susan, a data center manager for a medium-sized company, received an alert. There was a “door open” alarm of rack #43 in the corporate data center. Read full information on external site
Creating data center ecosystems in India - datacenterdynamics.com2020-06-22 Hear from Sunil Gupta, CEO of Yotta Infrastructure in this exclusive DCD Interview. Read full information on external site
STT GDC (Thailand) has received Tier III Certification - thereporter.asia2020-06-22 STT GDC (Thailand), announced the company is the first in Thailand to achieve both the TIA-942 Certification Rated-3 and Uptime Institute Certification. Read full information on external site
How pervasive visibility reduces network downtime in the new tomorrow - itwire.com2020-06-22 By Rami Rammaha, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Gigamon GUEST OPINION: The only certainty about today’s work environment is uncertainty and change. One primary inhibitor for organisations embracing any kind of transformation is network complexity. Complex networks are too expensive to opera... Read full information on external site
Educating Data Centers about Microgrid Benefits: More than Backup Generation - microgridknowledge.com2020-06-22 Find out why microgrids are so much more than just backup generation. Learn about the benefits of microgrid architecture. Read full information on external site
Why Every Data Center In The Future Will Be “Lights Out” - publicnow.com2020-06-22 On a sunny day in March, Susan, a data center manager for a medium-sized company, received an alert. There was a 'door open' alarm of rack #43 in the corporate data center. Read full information on external site
Hurricane Electric And NEXTDC Launch PoP In Western Australia - data-economy.com2020-06-22 The new presence will provide local businesses with global high-speed connectivity that meets their growing technology needs. Read full information on external site
Hurricane Electric and NEXTDC partner to bring increased global network connectivity to Western Australia - cmo.com2020-06-22 Hurricane Electric’s New Point of Presence at P1 Perth data centre will provide local businesses with global high-speed connectivity that meet their accelerating technology needs. Read full information on external site
Stack Achieves And Renews Compliance Certifications, Underscoring Commitment To Data Security - datacenterpost.com2020-06-19 STACK INFRASTRUCTURE, the digital infrastructure partner to the world’s most innovative companies, recently announced that it has achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2013 compliance and renewed its SSAE18 Type 2 SOC 1, SSAE18 Type 2 SOC 2, Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard and HIPAA certifications. Read full information on external site
STACK INFRASTRUCTURE Announces Broad-Based Third-Party Compliance Certifications - digitaljournal.com2020-06-18 Compliance with these internationally recognized standards validates STACK’s robust security management program and provides clients across all verticals (including technology, finance, healthcare, insurance, and transportation) with the confidence of full security support. Read full information on external site
GIGA Secures Approval For New Data Centre With A Secret History - data-economy.com2020-06-17 GIGA Data Centers LLC has secured approval and tax incentives for a new facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, that will provide the closest proximity to the world’s fastest supercomputer. Read full information on external site
Yotta Infrastructure propels India as the next hyperscale data centre destination - capacitymedia.com2020-06-17 Yotta Infrastructure propels India as the next hyperscale data centre destination. Read full information on external site
C Spire ready for 2020 Atlantic hurricane season - newkerala.com2020-06-15 C Spire ready for 2020 Atlantic hurricane season - C Spires bolstered network and highly-trained staff is ready to respond to emergencies and widespread natural disasters if they occur this summer during the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season.... Read full information on external site
How Colocation Providers Can Maintain Business Continuity With Remote Management Digital Tools - publicnow.com2020-06-11 According to Market Research Future, the global colocation data center market is expected to grow to approximately $51 billion USD by 2022. Read full information on external site
How COVID-19 could reshape the data centre - blog.allstream.com2020-06-11 In mid-March, the gradual shift from enterprise data centre toward cloud-based environments morphed into a frenzied panic almost overnight. Read full information on external site
5 common server issues and their effects on operations - searchdatacenter.techtarget.com2020-06-10 Common server issues can require consistent troubleshooting or, worse, bring down an entire facility. With the right policies in place, your IT team can prevent poor cabling, exposed wires, faulty power units and overheating hardware. Read full information on external site
Enterprises’ need for control and visibility still slows cloud adoption - datacenterdynamics.com2020-06-09 When cloud applications suddenly become important, they don't magically get more reliable Read full information on external site
Design-Build Team Achieves Data Center Firsts for Michigan - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-06-09 Granger Construction, Integrated Design Solutions, IBI Group, Motor City Electric, and Conti Corp. made history, as their design-build data center project became the first in the state of Michigan to receive Uptime Institute’s Tier III Certification for both design and constructed facilities. Read full information on external site
Swiss Quaero Capital's fund set to buy Lithuania's Data Logistics Center - l24.lt2020-06-09 While continuing divestment of non-core businesses, an international energy company Ignitis Group together with Litgrid signed a share sale-purchase agreement with Quaero European Infrastructure Fund II (QEIF II), an infrastructure investment fund managed by Quaero Capital, regarding the sale of UAB Duomenų logistikos centras (DLC). Read full information on external site
Swiss Quaero Capital's fund set to buy Lithuania's Data Logistics Center - baltic-course.com2020-06-09 While continuing divestment of non-core businesses, an international energy company Ignitis Group together with Litgrid signed a share sale-purchase agreement with Quaero European Infrastructure Fund II (QEIF II), an infrastructure investment fund managed by Quaero Capital, regarding the sale of UAB Duomenų logistikos centras (DLC). Read full information on external site
How variable frequency drives and motors create energy-efficient cooling for data centres - datacentrenews.eu2020-06-08 Data centres use enormous amounts of energy, especially in cooling the IT equipment housed within their walls. However, investing in variable frequency drives (VFDs) and energy efficient motors in cooling systems can make a massive contribution to keeping energy consumption under control. We asked ABB Group's Global Product Marketing Manager, Maria Fedorovicheva, to explain how. Read full information on external site
Data Center Operators Can Share Knowledge on a Global Scale - missioncriticalmagazine.com2020-06-04 In the data center world of constant change, where does good, honest, and transparent data center operational knowledge come from? Read full information on external site
Bringing the Physical Fiber Layer into the 21st Century - datacenterfrontier.com2020-06-04 Bob Shine, VP of Marketing and Product Management at Telescent, highlights how data centers are working to respond to today's network and data traffic needs. Explore the potential of the physical fiber layer. Read full information on external site
MEEZA unveils Middle East’s first LEED Platinum and Tier III certified data centre - dayofdubai.com2020-06-01 MEEZA unveils Middle East’s first LEED Platinum and Tier III certified data centre Read full information on external site
Equinix: It Is Not Business As Usual - seekingalpha.com2020-06-01 Equinix is the largest data center REIT by market cap. The company's strategy to fuel growth using debt and equity capital continues unabated amid the pandemic. Read full information on external site