Efficient IT Assessment
Recognizing organizational commitment to IT efficiency
By establishing performance criteria across key components (Leadership, IT Infrastructure, and Data Center), Uptime Institute offers the only evaluation that will recognize—and advance—the enterprise in reducing resource consumption, driving out needless cost today and preventing waste in the future. The Assessment is score-based and focused on outcomes that may be satisfied in a number of ways—rather than functioning as prescriptive requirements.
The Uptime Institute Efficient IT Assessment uniquely evaluates the management processes and organizational behaviors to achieve lasting reductions in cost, utilities, staff time, and carbon emissions. Uptime Institute’s extensive research and field experience demonstrates that meaningful and sustained savings are only achieved through an organizational commitment that unifies the various stakeholders of Executive Management, IT, Data Center Facilities, Corporate Real Estate, and Network.
This Assessment measures, scores, and benchmarks the enterprise’s achievement in terms of the ongoing process of monitoring, reporting, planning, and decision making to improve asset utilization and extend lifecycle across compute, storage, and network systems, and the data center itself. The Assessment is score-based, focused on outcomes and demonstration of continuous improvement and agility to changing organizational circumstances or technology alternatives.
Wherever you are in your resource consumption and efficiency efforts, the Uptime Institute Efficient IT Assessment provides a consistent set of criteria that will help optimize your efforts and achieve maximum impact. An Efficient IT engagement includes a pre-visit analysis, an on-site assessment, and a formal report that provides a site overview, review in each key category, and detailed commentary and recommendations. Each Efficient IT review is site specific; if you have multiple sites, each can be assessed separately, with the Leadership portion applicable across all the facilities in your portfolio.
Uptime Institute Efficient IT Assessment includes two awards to recognize organizational efforts and achievements.
- For those organizations that are confident in their accomplishments and can evidence them during a comprehensive review by Uptime Institute professionals, an Uptime Institute Efficient IT Stamp of Approval is awarded. An Uptime Institute Efficient IT Stamp of Approval is an independent and unbiased recognition of notable success in IT and operations efficiency. Valid for 2 years, the Efficient IT Stamp of Approval also includes expert recommendations to drive continuous improvement.
- Organizations that show they are committed to the principles of Efficient IT, but require a year or less to effectively prepare to pass the comprehensive assessment, will be issued an Activated award. This award is valid for 1 year and intended to provide a common goal for the enterprise and vendor team to rally around as they progress towards the Uptime Institute Efficient IT Stamp of Approval.