Client Story: Turkcell

Nuri Ozturk
Infrastructure Operations
Data Center Operation Manager of Turkcell, Turkey

Uptime Institute Asks:

Can you tell me about Turkcell?
Why did you decide to embark on the Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability? What was your goal in doing so?
What did you learn from the process?

How many years has the Gebze Data Center facility been in operation?
What activities are supported by the data center? Is this a dedicated facility for the mobile company?
What can you tell us about the design of the data center? Did the team have operations experience? If so, how did that help?
Was Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability difficult to achieve?
Did you find any weaknesses? If so, what were they and how did you address them?

Turkcell's Data Centers with Tier Certification
Gebze Data Center – Kocaeli Gebze, Turkey
• Tier III Certification of Design Documents
• Tier III Certifications of Constructed Facility
• Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability
İzmir Data Center – Izmir Menderes, Turkey
• Tier III Certification of Design Documents
• Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility
Ankara Data Center, Module 1 – Ankara, Turkey
• Tier III Certification of Design Documents
• Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility
• Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability
Avrupa Data Center, Module 1 – Tekirdag, Turkey
• Tier III Certification of Design Documents
• Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility